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Kayley Jeffers was, for all intents and purposes, just your average American girl from a nice suburban town trying to make it through those rough young adult years in much the same way as any number of her peers. Namely she experimented with sex, drugs and alcohol while trying to hold down a job that at least paid the rent and her phone bill, kept her in decent clothes and allowed her car to remain legal and running well enough to get by. That way she wouldn't have to rely on her Mom and Dad anymore than necessary.

She was what she, and several more forward people, liked to call "cute." She was fairly short, and fairly skinny, but not quite skin and bones. She had a little bit of tummy and enough fat on her bottom that she constantly caught guys (and a fair share of girls) casting an approving glance her way. Her breasts were hardly spectacular, but they were more than adequate. Nice and perky, as a former boyfriend used to say.

She generally kept her black hair close to shoulder length, but generally tied it up in a short ponytail or whatever suited her mood. Her attire would generally be considered something like casual punk in the sense that she preferred her pink chucks to high heels and well-worn, nice-fitting jeans and a band t-shirt to a skirt or some sorority girl type outfit., but she was hardly a hipster. Cute and relaxed was good enough for her.

At the tender young age of 20 (almost 21) she was doing well so far, though not necessarily in the way she'd always imagined. She wasn't going to college trying to earn a degree in education like she'd always dreamed, but she was enrolled in the local community college, and she was slowly but surely earning a degree in accounting. She hoped that at the very least this would mean steady pay whenever she managed to finish her studies. She was taking some programming classes as back up, just in case.

She had a decent (if not wholly respectable) job working a solid 40 hours or so a week for a whopping 8 bucks an hour at the Short Stop, a local gas station/convenience/liquor store. Her job was slow enough that she could bring her homework and work on it between watching the pumps, stocking the cooler and talking with customers and Sara, her roommate and usual co-conspirator at slacking off at work and so much more.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Kayley was pretty damned happy with the direction of her life. It was hardly perfect, but, really, what is?

A few months ago, however, Kayley Jeffers was hardly what you'd call happy. In fact, she was miserable and it just seemed to get worse and worse.

She lived in a dump with an asshole boyfriend who drank, smoked weed, snorted coke and was more often than not gone "working" or "staying at a friend's house" or whatever new excuse he could manufacture to cover up the fact that he was fucking around on Kayley, and spending as much of her hard earned money as possible in the process. When he was doing any of that, he was generally thinking up new ways to belittle her in front of friends and family, all while expecting her to still fuck him, feed him and keep him in clean clothes and all the other "girl shit" as he liked to call anything that actually required effort

In short, he was the very epitome of a bad boyfriend. Why she stayed with him was honestly beyond even her. Every day she woke up next to his smell and promised herself she'd move out, get her own place and be an independent person, strong and powerful, but of course, she never did for various reasons some sound in their own way, but mostly the sad excuses of someone too scared to realize how shitty her situation really was.

About the only thing left that was any good in any way was the sex, but, honestly, that was so rare at this point that it was almost a non-issue. It also wasn't really all that good anymore, either. Just long and rough. No softness, no concentration, no feeling. She rarely came anymore unless she fingered herself while he fucked her.

Early on in their relationship it had been very different. Back then, a whole six months ago, Andy had actually cared. Now, though Kayley hated to admit it, he quite simply did not.

The what and the why behind the change were beyond her. All she knew was that it hurt to even think about it, so she didn't. At least she tried not to anyway. The weed and what other drugs she could keep and hide from Andy helped a little.

Not much, but a little.

Luckily she at least had a decent job. Lot's of tips and hours long enough to keep her out of the house and away from her broken, dying relationship made up for the fact that her boss was a complete ass who staffed the place with cute, young girls like her for two reasons: first, he could push them around and second, if they ever bitched about him taking their tips for imaginary offenses, changing their shifts on a whim and rarely saying anything until the very last possible minute or just being a general ass, they could be easily replaced by the next piece of moderately intelligent eye candy that walked through the door asking for an application. Also, in a small college town like Leslie moderately intelligent eye candy was a dime a dozen.

That was actually how Kayley got the job in the first place. In fact, she didn't have to fill out an application. Paul, the asshole in question, just looked her up in down, asked if she was legal to serve alcohol, (she was), if she had any experience (she did, kind of: she'd bussed tables for a couple of months the previous summer) and if she wouldn't mind starting tomorrow (she didn't).

He had then told her to wait a second while he went into the kitchen. About a minute later she heard what sounded like a plate hitting something metal and shattering quickly followed by the sounds of a man and a girl screaming at each other for a minute before a girl maybe a little older, maybe a little younger than Kayley's 20 years, but not by much either way walked quickly from the kitchen muttering curses and wiping tears and mascara from her face before screaming "Fuck you, Paul! You fucking faggot asshole piece of shit" then slamming the door shut behind her so hard she actually cracked the glass.

After all that a smiling Paul calmly walked out of the kitchen told her to bring her identification and whatnot in the next day at noon and they'd start her training. A month of being broke and living off money she'd borrowed from her father and hid from Andy had ended. That was more than enough to make her forget all about the bizarre, almost surreal scene she'd just witnessed and just happy to finally have a job.

It didn't last long. In fact it took less than a week for Kayley to realize that what she had witnessed really should've been a sign that this wasn't the job for her. A night after that, however, she worked her first weekend shift and made more money in tips then she'd ever made in a week at any other job in her life and she endeavored to endure as best she could.

It wasn't easy, but she managed to last a solid five months in hell before the Sunday night that helped send her down a path she never imagined. After five months of near perfect work (a dropped plate here, a drink ordering mix-up there¾nothing big at all, really), she managed to mess up one entree for a three-top of a bad tippers who just happened to be made up of Paul's best friends from college.

It was so minor she barely allowed it to register in her brain as she quickly apologized and tried to make it right by comping the meal and even getting them a free round of drinks which she knew would be taken out of her tip for the night, but whatever it was a good night, no big deal and all three of them seemed more than happy to accept as an apology and even left her a pretty decent tip before they paid up and left.

She was so sure everything was cool that she even smiled as she watched them stop and have a word with Paul as he helped out at the bar while Linda took a smoke break. She didn't see the frown cross his face a second later because she was busy taking the order and politely listening to the jokes and weak attempts at flirting of a five-top of single guys who simply reeked of nerd.

She noticed that frown five minutes later when Paul caught her and another girl, Kinsey or something, in the kitchen and told a very pissed off Kinsey to take over Kayley's section for a minute so they could talk in the office. Kayley barely got "What the fuck, Paul," out of her mouth before she was stunned silent by Paul telling her simply to clock out and go home, because she was fired. Her services would no longer be required.

There was 15 good minutes of yelling and cursing followed by Kayley throwing someone's Cobb salad at Paul's head while he ducked back into the office before the fry cook and one of the waiters managed to get in between them and shuffled Kayley out the door before Paul called the cops. There was a little more yelling after that before they finally got Kayley into her car and on her way home.

When she reached home she sat in the car crying for a couple more minutes before gaining enough control to realize she was being ridiculous. She made a half-assed attempt to clean her face of teary mascara streaks with a tissue before getting out of her car hoping to God her boyfriend was home alone so she could just smoke a joint, cry on his shoulder, go to bed maybe after some angry sex and put the night behind her.

She didn't have much luck with that. As usual Andy was gone. No note, no anything. She tried calling him, but as usual she only got his voicemail. She refrained from leaving a voice mail knowing that would result in nothing. She'd learned a long time ago that if he didn't answer his phone there was a reason and it was never good.

Instead she just through her phone on the couch and went to get the smoke tray from the bedroom closet, grab the bottle of Ambien from the bathroom cupboard and the bottle of tequila from the freezer and drugged herself into a coma on the couch hoping to forget the last few hours and wake up to a better day 12 hours later.

She woke up the next morning around 11:58 still alone and incredibly groggy. She made an educated guess that Andy never came home, but the unmade bed and the reappearance of the smoke tray (minus half the weed) in the closet told her differently. Again no note, no message on her phone, no anything to inform her of his whereabouts. She would've been pissed if she cared, but frankly she just couldn't be bothered at the that particular moment in time.

She knew his schedule. Monday was not one of his days to work. Ever. He was either out using her drugs to make friends with some other jackass loser or using her drugs to score himself some pussy on the side. Whatever. Fuck him.

Kayley just rolled herself another joint, smoked it and spent the rest of the day moping about the house ignoring her phone while she felt sorry for herself until Andy wandered in around seven and asked her bluntly "What the fuck are you doing here? Aren't supposed to be at work?"

That comment led to a half hour fight about how she could stupid enough to get fired and where the fuck Andy had been all day that ended when Andy called her a paranoid fucking cunt and stormed out the door only to reappear two hours later once he realized he had nowhere else to go.

Not that he said that, of course. No, he was all false apologies and lovey dovey horse shit. And of course Kayley let him back in and they had sub-par session of emotionless make-up sex and they pretended that everything was okay for a couple more days.

Well, not quite that long, really. The cycle kept getting shorter and shorter. By the next morning he was already back to his old ways of not coming home until he felt like it and not answering his phone until the same.

Sometimes she wondered why she didn't just go back home, swallow her pride and tell her mom she was right and it was a mistake, Andy was no good, she should've stayed in school, et cetera. The thought of her mother gloating and treating her like a twelve-year-old for the rest of her natural born life was usually more than enough to quiet those thoughts.

Not that she had any allusions that this was anything close to a permanent situation. Far from it. That was actually what disappointed her the most about losing her job. She had just reached the point where she could seriously consider kicking Andy out without going broke and starving just trying to make rent. She'd even been out looking at apartments for herself lately thinking maybe she could just pack her stuff while Andy was working and disappear into the night.

Whatever worked. She really didn't care. She just wanted it to be over at some point one way or another. The repetitive nature of the fight, fuck, ignore each other ending phase of the relationship was wearing her thin. It simply had to end one way or another and soon or she'd simply snap.

Over the next few days the feelings were strongly reinforced by Andy's complete lack of sympathy for her plight. His only concern was for the sudden lack of money for smoke and coke. Everything else meant nothing to him. She eventually had to hide her bank card from him and think of some new places to stash her drugs so he wouldn't rob her blind while she looked for work.

Luckily that didn't take long. Sadly, it wasn't exactly what she was hoping for. At least not at the time.

She'd actually only put in an application at the Short Stop on a whim, kind of as a safety in case she couldn't get another job as a waitress. As it turned out it was the only application she that got even a nibble on a job.

Of the 10 restaurants she'd applied to absolutely none of them were hiring for anything but cook or dishwasher, and while she was hardly vain she couldn't imagine herself doing either. One was just way to stressful, and dishwashing? That simply was not going to happen as long as she had a single shred of her self respect still intact. Even being a clerk at crappy convenience store was better than coming home wet and disgusting smelling like grease and old food while getting paid minimum wage and being treated like shit by everyone else who worked there.

Still, working at convenience store was not exactly what she was hoping for either, but the owner seemed nice enough. Her interview was more a friendly meeting to get to know her than a job interview. Mr. Reyes was a nice, goofy old dude with a bright and calming demeanor who seemed more concerned with why Kayley wasn't smiling than by her lack of references and experience in the party store biz. He even managed to make her laugh with his casual, non-flirtatious charm. She hadn't laughed sober in months.

In less than 15 minutes found herself going home with a smile and a job. Simple as that. She started next week on Monday, 3:30pm. She didn't even have to take a piss test. At worst it would be a decent source of rent and smoke money until she could get something better.

She was actually quite happy about the whole thing and was all set to share her joy with Andy when she pulled in the driveway of their place and saw his car very much not there and the smile left her mind. The bastard had ditched her. Again.

The night before, in a pretty uncharacteristic act of kindness, Andy had actually apologized for his overall lack of sympathy and selfish attitude since Kayley had lost her job and had promised, again contrary to his recent attitude towards her and their shaky relationship, that after her interview he was going to take her out to dinner and then have a quiet evening at home getting fucked up and fucking like rabbits in heat.

Something inside her at the time had told her it was all bullshit. After all, it came right after a long argument about his decision to "spend the night at a friends house" the night before, but frankly she had been tired and at that point they'd been yelling at each other for nearly two hours, so she gave in.

Then they had fucked and for the first time in a couple months the bastard had actually done more than just use her as a wet hole to blow his load in. It was amazing. It had actually reminded her of why they first got together. It was almost enough to make her forget why she often wished he'd just go away.

She tried not to freak out right away and instead grabbed her cell and called him. When it kicked right to his voicemail she quickly slammed her phone shut, cursed under her breath and then slowly made her way out of her car and into their apartment. Over the next two hours she called him three times and never got even a single ring from his phone. Just three straight kicks to voice mail. After that she gave up.

An hour later she was adrift in a deep, narcotic sleep. It was only seven at night, but frankly it didn't matter. Asleep and unaware was better than awake, angry and depressed.

Andy showed the next day, as usual, and immediately picked a fight with her. Kayley took the bait somewhat begrudgingly if only to help the cycle along its way. These shouting matches were pretty much the only way they communicated anymore aside from the hate fucking that generally followed after he pushed her a couple times and she threw some things at his head.

It was boring game, but frankly it was all they had. Fight, apologize, fuck, betray, repeat. Over and over and over again, et cetera, et cetera, ad nauseum, ad infinitum. Mindless repetition at its worst.

And, of course, that's how it went. Kayley gave in eventually after what seemed liked hours of tiring arguing. Andy left only to come back a few hours later to apologize and once again she let him have his way, but this time she didn't care if she came. She just waited it out and went through the motions until the bastard came inside her and rolled off of her to fall asleep while she got up to wash away his stink. She didn't even bother getting herself off. Frankly, she just wasn't in the mood.

When Andy woke up he made his usual promises to make it all up to her before making up some excuse to get out the door and go do whatever (or whoever) he did when he was out. He "promised" to be back soon and Kayley did her best to pretend to believe him, then went back to watching the L-word and wishing she could be like that. No men and all the baggage that went with them

Actually, she was, in a way. Before Andy, and immediately after her high school boyfriend Carlos had left for college with the promise of maintaining their relationship even though they'd be three states apart (only to renege his commitment less a month later), she did have a brief relationship of sorts with her then best friend Maddie.

It all started one night after a party after Carlos had called to blow her off. By what turned out to be a happy coincidence, Maddie's boyfriend had done pretty much the same thing by fucking Maddie's step-sister at another party a few days before. Both girls had dates with some local frat boys who turned out to be walking dicks with entitlement complexes and they both decided pretty much at the same time to dump the guys and split.

Somehow Maddie had managed to drive back to the apartment they shared at the time even though they'd both had had more than their share to drink that night. So much in fact, that Kayley still had a hard time remembering exactly how everything went down after that. All she really remembered was rolling a blunt while Maddie grabbed a bottle of tequila she'd previously talked her step-dad into buying for her, and while they smoked and drank they bitched semi-incoherently about guys and then one of them( she thought it was Maddie, but Maddie always swore up and down it was her) mentioned that wouldn't it be great if they could be dykes or muff divers or some other unflattering term, and somehow one thing led to another. The next day they found themselves hung-over and naked in the same bed, heads still between each other's legs.

At first the whole incident had been understandably awkward. Maddie even briefly considered moving out until they had a talk and mutually decided that their friendship was just too important to throw away for such a silly thing. Besides, it wasn't like it was going to happen again or anything.

And then, of course, it happened again.

And then again

And again.

For about three months Kayley and Maddie fucked damn near every time they got drunk or high or had a couple hours of free time together late at night until Maddie met Jeff and Kayley met Andy. The whole time they consoled themselves with the idea that it was just an experiment and nothing more, but, honestly, they both knew the truth. It was some of the best sex they'd ever had.

But that was then. It had never happened again. Kayley was straight, after all. At least she was pretty sure she was. At worst, just a teensy bit bisexual.

She did still think about it occasionally when she masturbated, but generally only when she was pissed at Andy for being Andy. It was no big deal really.

Even as she felt her nipples harden and her pussy start to moisten as two characters from the show started to kiss and a short, but steamy love scene played out before, and even though that same image and the memories of Maddie were all she thought of as she used her clit stimulator (to give her the orgasm Andy had completely failed to give her), she still believed in her heart of hearts that it was nothing but a thing.

Still, sometimes she wished she could be a dyke, but that was never going to happen so whatever.

It was just a thing. Nothing more.

When Andy came home the next morning to get ready for work, Kayley pretended to still be asleep until he took his shower, changed his clothes and headed off to work. She just didn't have anything to say to him anymore. Somehow she didn't think she ever really would again.

For some reason she briefly thought about calling Maddie, but instead she called her friend Gwen and spent the day with her smoking weed, hiking, bitching about men and catching up until she felt better and went home with a promise to hang out again later that week.

Andy, of course, wasn't home when she got there even though she knew he'd been out of work for over an hour, but somehow she didn't care. In fact, she was kind of glad. Then she took a shower, watched a movie and eventually went to bed.

And that was her weekend. It was hardly amazing that she really looking forward to Monday and the prospect of working again and getting away from home. It was just an extra bonus that she'd be working second shift and Andy would be working first.

Still, she did have some trepidation when she pulled in behind the Short Stop and knocked on the office door. Even Mr. Reyes' big, smiling face was hardly enough to take it all away, but his kind, calming demeanor certainly was a help as he introduced her to his wife, Amelia, who ran register during the day as well doing most of the ordering and whatnot and Clarice, a sour looking, but nonetheless friendly housewife type who was smoking in the backroom when Mr. Reyes, who now insisted on being called "Miguel or Mike, whichever works better," and who apparently also ran the register when she wasn't stocking the cooler and shelves.

Then he introduced her to Sarah and her big, glowing smile. Kayley was instantly put at ease, though she wasn't exactly sure why. Sarah looked to about the same age as Kayley and about the same build, though a tad bit skinnier and athletic judging from her toned arms and the hint of flat belly that showed when she reached up to put her ipod on a shelf in the backroom. Her breasts also looked to be slightly bigger, but her ass was a little flatter in her loose cargo pants that nearly covered a pair of green converse high tops, which went well with her short plum colored hair for some reason.

Kayley's eyes went back to that tight tummy and then those breasts before she realized she was staring. She was quick enough that Mike, the easiest option for her Anglo tongue, didn't notice, but not quite quick enough to avoid a knowing smirk from Sarah that almost caused her to blush. Luckily Sarah seemed fully aware of this possibility and broke her concentration by offering Kayley her hand in greeting.

"So this is the newb, huh?" Sarah said with a sly wink to Kayley as if to let her know she was just playing, and for reasons as yet unknown to Kayley she almost blushed again. Luckily Mike unknowingly saved the day by bringing up the fact that Sarah would be the one training her for the next few days and the person she would likely work with most of the time before continuing her tour of the store.

Not that there was all that much to see. Just the beer cooler, the other cooler, the grocery back stockroom, the liquor back stockroom, the cigarette back stockroom, the "adult room" (which he actually seemed a tad bit embarrassed to show her for some reason), the office with the computer and the closed circuit television system and mess of paperwork and filing cabinets and, finally, the area behind the counter where she ran into Sarah and her knowing smirk again. Kayley met that smirk with a shy smile of her own while Mike prattled on about things she barely heard.

"And that's about it," Mike said finally, "Any questions?"

"Don't worry, Mike," Sarah said while still smirking before Kayley could even managed to answer him. "I'll show her everything she needs to know."

"Well, good," Mike replied, "I'll be in the office finishing up your paperwork and getting you in the system and stuff until 4:30 if you do need to ask me anything. Oh, and just so you know, just keep coming in at three until I figure out exactly how I want to schedule you, okay?"

And that was it. Kayley was now a clerk for all intents and purposes. The first hour or so after that was spent taking turns watching Sarah ring up customer and ring them up herself with Sarah's helpful guidance while Amelia counted cigarettes in the back and Clarice ran the other register and made small talk with Sarah and Amelia about people Kayley didn't know. At 4:15 Clarice vanished into the back room to smoke another cigarette while still talking shit about strangers. Sarah and Amelia humored her while rolling their eyes at some of her more catty comments.

Then 4:30 came and Clarice left. A few minutes later and after one final word of support, Mike and Amelia shuffled out the door leaving Kayley and Sarah essentially alone. Kayley didn't really understand why, but for some reason that made her more than a little nervous.

Of course, there were customers that kept them somewhat busy, but Kayley was quickly learning that the Short Stop was a fairly relaxing place to work. Relative to waiting tables, time might as well have been standing still. There was plenty of time for small talk and Sarah seemed intent on using it to become friends with Kayley and, somewhat despite herself, Kayley was more than eager to oblige.

She quickly learned that she and Sarah had quite a bit in common besides taste in shoes. They shared extremely similar taste in music and movies though Sarah did manage to stump Kayley with some bands and films she mentioned. Kayley had never heard of Television or Richard Hell and the Voidoids. Apparently this was an absolute travesty that Sarah promised to remedy the very next day.

"That old shit is the best," she said with enthusiasm as she preached on about what was apparently a very important topic to her. Kayley couldn't help but feel that enthusiasm herself.

She seemed to feel that way about nearly everything Sarah talked about that night. Even the most mundane work-related nonsense seemed almost musical coming from Sarah's raspy little voice. Kayley even found herself hanging out by the backroom door while Sarah smoked just to keep the conversation going. She almost would've been embarrassed if Sarah didn't do exactly the same thing when Kayley smoked.

It was weird to realize later, but when the night was over Kayley was almost disappointed. Not just because the prospects of doing anything more fun than smoke a joint or pop some pills and diddle herself once she got home were virtually nil or because the odds of getting in a fight with Andy were only equaled by the odds of him being mysteriously absent and unreachable, but because of something deeper she simply refused to label. Even Sarah seemed to feel the same way. She and Kayley actually stood out by their cars for a full half hour just chatting before Sarah's cell phone rang bringing them both back to reality.

Kayley was actually happy for the first time in awhile as she drove home, but as she pulled into the drive and saw that once again Andy was oddly absent, she sank a little bit inside. Oddly, though, it wasn't much as usual. As pissed as she was that the asshole was once again gone without a note or a call or anything, she actually felt something like relief. At least there would be no fight, no meaningless make-up sex, no feeling of self-loathing brought on by some hopeless act of contrition on her part, even though she was never the one in the wrong.

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Confessions of a Slut

Hi, my name is Julie and this is a true story about how I came to be a slut. I always was a quiet and compliant child, even though as the youngest child my older siblings considered me a brat. On my sixteenth birthday, I had gone over to my boyfriend's house and after some heavy petting, my hormones kicked in and we had sex. It was his first time too, so he finished pretty quick and I was still hormonal. Neither of us had realized his older brother had been watching and when he came into the...

4 years ago
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Whos for dinner

I straighten the table cloth for the fifth time and catch myself. I laugh nervously. I have been waiting for this night for weeks. The night we will finally meet. We have been texting and emailing each other for a while now and finally we decide its time to meet in person. We talked about dinner out, but decided that what we really wanted was a night in, just us two. So I have cooked dinner, friend chicken, macaroni and mashed potatoes, a real southern delight. The oven timer goes off so I make...

3 years ago
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The Night Slayer

The vampires smashed their way into the school gymnasium, one of them moving towards Terrance Donald. He shouted to the three students that had been helping him with the research, ‘Get the fuck out of here.’ Taking the lead in the retreat, Jimmy Holton was smashed to the floor by another group of vampires entering from the changing rooms. Both Holly Sharp and Emma Pelham screamed. Dressed in a long black leather coat, a lone vampire woman came in behind the others. ‘Get the lesbian bitches....

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Newlywed Suzy

I was not happy at the current situation but at least she had big tits. My mate Steve had persuaded me to make up a four with his wife to be, Suzi, and this big girl Carol. We were out for a drink and a laugh and I knew that I would be expected to fuck Carol when we got back to Steve’s place. Anyway, the night went better than expected as she looked better the more I drank and she was very accommodating in bed and eager to please, those tits were magnificent and looked even better with my big...

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The Sorority Christmas party

The fraternity guys and I had trudged out into the snow on a brisk December afternoon to cut down a Christmas tree for the Alpha Kappa sorority house. By the time we got the tree back to campus and unloaded it off the truck, a cold wind was blowing and snow was falling steadily. We carried the tree into the sorority house common room and stood it up on a stand. A roaring fire had been lit and its warmth was welcome after being outside in the cold. As a reward for our efforts the sorority girls...

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Spy GamesChapter 4

“Pleeeeease Mistress ... please whip my tits some more! Please, I need to feel your cane some more!” Beverly cried. With a nod from Mistress Payne, Becky began raining down a barrage of good solid whacks with the cane, entirely covering her tits, with no pause in between blows. The strokes came hard, fast, and continuously and Beverly squealed then screamed as the assault kept on. “OHHHHGAAWD!” Beverly cried out as the cane came down across her bound, hyper-sensed tits over and over again....

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TeensLoveBlackCocks Sailor Luna Touched By A Six Foot Tall Hard Dicked Black Angel8230

Sailor Luna is a big breasted sunbathing babe looking for a little color in her life. Who knew she would be getting it in terms of hard dick and not sun rays? As Sailor tried to relax all she could hear was her neighbors loud rap music. She decided to call the cops on him in order to turn the music down. This was a HUGE mistake. A little later there was a six foot tall black man at her door who was super pissed about his hour long interaction with the police. They began to argue and her...

4 years ago
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12.00am - I was in the bathroom and I placed the weapons in the holdall of our backpacks. "We have got to get this right!" commanded one girlfriend. Another one of my girlfriends sat in the reclining chair, pondering. "Having second thoughts?" "Me? no way" said another one of my girlfriends. "Its pay back". I stepped out of the bathroom and ushered the girls to the door. There were four of us.12.30am - It was night and the air was cool. We pulled up outside John Rosh Avenue, near the...

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To Hell and Back Chapters 12

DANIEL The crisp November air tickled my face, filling my nostrils with the pungent tang of decay only autumn could bring. The dried maple leaves crunched beneath my feet with each footfall, most of them browned past their red majesty. Indeed, almost all the trees were bare, with only a few stubborn elms clinging to the remnants of their yellowing canopies. It was that period after Halloween and before thanksgiving where Iowans were trying to decide if it was too early to set up Christmas...

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Deputy PorterChapter 175

The car was an old American sedan. "Why is it these guys in special ops can never afford a fancy car? They are always running around in a ten year old ford." I asked. "You are kidding they have all the money in the world. They run around in these old egg beaters because someone told them they draw less attention. We are all cramped so the boss can slip around town. You know they have a deal. They buy a whole fleet of these as 'after lease cars' and transport them all over the world,"...

2 years ago
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Made Her Pregnant

Dear friends ye meri real story hai aaj se 1 saal pahale ki hai, mein Mumbai ka rehne wala hu . Raat raat bhar main internet par chatting karta rahata tha. Net par meri dosti ek couple se hui. Hum log ghanton baaten kiya karte the. Ek din unhone mujhe ek ajeeb sa praposal diya. Couple ne kaha ki kya tum kisi ke serogate father banna pasand karoge . Maine serogate mother to suna tha par serogate father ke bare main nahi suna tha. Unhone bataya ki unke friend ki wife ko koi issue nahi hai doctor...

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At the Top Pt 1 Caught Clare

Incongruous in his open-plan designer appointed penthouse, Mark's morning coffee mug rested on the dark oak dining table, FMI staring at him, blatant royal blue letters on his white china mug. He doubted many employees remembered the full company name. He'd been CEO of Fisher Malate Investments since he was twenty-five, earning tens of millions in salary, bonuses, and stock options. Reinvested by FMI, his massive investment portfolio attracted the wrong women.FMI's high-tech trading platform...

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You've seen it and I know you have wondered about it just as I have. How the best-looking and supposedly smartest girls always seem to go for the assholes and the dickheads. They ignore the guys who want to date them and who would treat them right and go for the guys who treat them like shit. Then after being treated like shit do they learn a lesson? Hell no, they go back for more and hang onto the jerk for dear life. My daughter was one of those girls. For the day she started middle school...

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MomsTeachSex Lauren Phillips Lilly Hall Golden Ticket

Lauren Phillips has a sinking feeling as she rushes to the washing machine in just her bra and panties. As she confirms that she washed her World Series tickets, she is confronted by her adopted daughter Lilly Hall, who is rightfully pissed! She swears at Lauren, then runs off to beg her stepbrother Chad Alva for his ticket. Chad tells Lilly that he’ll consider giving her his ticket if she strokes his cock. Pulling his pants down, he whips out his dick so Lilly can make good on her end of...

3 years ago
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Setting the TrapPart One of the Myra Series

To start with, she was my waitress at a Sushi restaurant. I had taken a date there, naturally, and not paid her--my waitress--that much attention. But for whatever reason, she kept popping into my mind, time after time. So I took a different girl there, trying to impress her with the hot chicks I dated. She wasn’t my waitress this time, but I made a point of saying hello to her, on the way to the restroom. I don’t think she remembered me. Or at least acted like she didn’t. I noticed her name...

4 years ago
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The Saga Of Younger Sister 8211 Part I

Hey friends I have been a reader of this website from past 2 years and I decided to share my real life story about my sexual experience and incest feeling I had for my cousin sister as the story title suggests it’s Saga so I would start from my childhood experiences and the deatils will be true and a complete informative session for real incest lovers. I Charan (name changed ) 23 years and my cousin sister Shruthi ( name changed ) 22 years stayed together for almost our teenage life since my...

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My adventures with a TV

I recently had a fantastic time with a beautiful crossdressing friend of mine. Before our date, I had no idea that he was. I did know that he was gay and that him and I were going to get together for some fun... Wow! I didn't know how much fun I was going to have with "her."It had been a number of years since I was last with a man, close to 30 years to be exact, and I have been getting to the point where I really wanted to experiment and find someone to play with. I was introduced to a guy;...

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The Handy Man No job too Big

I tucked in my tight black wife beater shirt. It molded over my athletic 6ft 4inch frame. I put my tape measure inside my front pocket on my knee length tan cargo shorts. I had a new pair of tan work boots on. I fixed my short hair as I opened the driver side door. I walked up to the front door. I knocked twice before I saw the door knob turn. "Good morning sir. You must be Mr. Kelly?" said a male voice. I tilted my head down. There was a young man standing in the door way. He was...

4 years ago
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My Attentive Angel

Slamming me against the wall, his lips ravished mine as our hands worked to remove the barriers between us. As flesh slapped flesh, gasps of anticipation swirled with our dueling tongues. My desire for what would come brought liquid heat to my soft tangle of curls, wetting my inner thighs. His stiff loins rubbed against my navel, trailing a sticky, wet path along my skin, chilling as the air hit it. Each new touch and sensation was slowly driving me crazy. Urgency rose up as our frantic hands...

Straight Sex
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Coworker and I have gay sex outdoors

I was horny and in need of fucking some gay ass so I ended up blowing off my gf's plans one weekend, telling her i had to work and instead I met up with my coworker who I had been fucking. We met at his place, and I thought we were going to fuck like usual. We would just take off our clothes and lose control all over his house, fucking like crazy, but his time however, he said we things would be different. Either we do a quickie, roughly 5 minutes or less or not do anything at all since his gf...

3 years ago
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Resolution With a RedheadChapter 11

Mom was waiting for us. We were close and she rushed up to us. She hugged me first. After kissing my cheek, she moved to Agnes saying, “You’re even more beautiful in person. You’re tall, too.” “It’s good to meet you, Missus Daniels. I appreciate your son. He’s a great guy.” Mom was surprised a bit. Dad came up from a room. He and I exchanged man hugs before he went to Agnes. “Agnes, you’re gorgeous. My son is showing good taste.” “He’s my personal Viking. I like it that way.” She smiled...

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A black stranger during a party

Bored but horny…That was my condition on a summer Saturday evening, while my beloved hubby was flying abroad for about four days.I sat down in front of my laptop and started to touch myself through my wet thong while watching some porno. I finally came, screaming out in a wild climax.I had a shower and rested again on the sofa just naked, touching my swollen wet pussy lips very softly, as I watched now a romantic movie.My cell phone rang. My good girlfriend Gina was also home alone, since her...

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For Him

You have to understand two things. First: I trust my husband, Bob, more than I trust any other human being in the whole wide world. Second: That is about two inches. We are, as they say, working on that. His parents are helping put him through school, but money is still very tight. Birthday presents aren't in the budget. For my birthday, when we were both working, he had done my share of the chores -- except dinner -- for a week. He'd also served me breakfast in bed and cooked dinner on my...

2 years ago
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Job Chapter 2

The evening shift at the Ferryboat was ... interesting. My conversation with Fi at her house had developed, for a while, exploring some of her needs and - at least on my part - my limits. Which went about as far as it could, given that we were due back at work in an hour or so, which is hardly an ideal opportunity to begin exploring the wilder aspects of human sexuality. So we chatted, really quite matter of factly, about some of her enduring fantasies - which were, I felt, helpfully...

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Her Need to Serve

Sarah logged in and smiled seeing James online, they’d exchanged the occasional message but had never managed to be online at the same time and really talk. She was excited to speak to him, they’d established a few days earlier that she had a submissive side she wanted to explore and he was a Master. The messages had become suggestive and she was eager to see how a chat would go. They exchanged pleasantries and the conversation flowed easily. Quickly taking on the same flirtatious undertone...

3 years ago
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Tanya Teases A Disabled Young Man

Hey guys this is shubham back with a story submitted by one of my followers. It might be a bit slow but i bet its worth it. Enjoy. All these years, my abode was my dad’s apartment. Being the only child, the apartment belonged to me by default. But life changed a lot in the last five years. I’m thirty five and still single. Since my mother died eight years ago, dad was a lonely ape needing a life partner who could stimulate him intellectually and physically. This restless ape’s mentee turned out...

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Saras First Trip to a Sex Toy Shop

Sara’s First Trip to a Sex Toy Shop Sara sat down and sighed with relief after finally saying goodbye to her roommate.  This weekend would be one of the rare occasions when she found herself alone in the apartment she shared.  And this time she would have the whole weekend to herself.  She really had intended to use the time to study.  However, once she sat down in front of the computer, she found herself surfing the internet instead of studying.  The truth is, now that she was alone, she was...

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The Hidden Eros Part 1

Everyone has some fantasy that seems too risky or impossible to make into a reality. You know, one of those naughty sexual thoughts that always seems to pop up into your head when making love, but rarely sees the light of day. This is the story of my wife’s dark desire finally coming into the light. Fortunately, I found it to be my own secret fantasy as well. My wife Vicki and I have had a healthy relationship for the last 4 years of our marriage, plus the 3 years prior to that when we dated....

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James Pt 1 Two Years Younger

Introduction: This is a new series of stories. This, being the first, took place two years after my last experience with Derek. I am now 16. This story and the stories to come in this series contain themes of homosexuality. The boys involved are all quite young, some under 16. If this doesnt interest you then stop reading now. Things had went well with Derek for a few months. Wed meet eachother before school and walk together, share a quick kiss at the gates and then separate to go be with our...

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Rosetta Chapter 8

Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 8 David did not like what he was seeing. He was able to use the pin he had given Rose as a homing beacon, making it easier to shift his awareness to her vicinity whenever he wanted to and wherever she was. Unless she was in a suppression field. And she was about to be in a suppression field for a long time. While she was meeting with the other negotiators, and speaking to them in a language he didn't understand, David gave them...

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Lodger Becomes Her Lover

Bazza had been kicked out of his girlfriends home after shagging another woman in her bed and she found out about it, He was now homeless and had no were to go until he bumped into a friend down the town, her name was Helen, a sexy hot wife well in her 40’s but still a cougar. He told Helen about him becoming homeless and Helen was shocked and didn’t want this to happen so she suggested Bazza come to her home for a while and she would speak to her husband about Bazza staying, he was over the...

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The New Bosss New Punch and Judy

Best to read the first two "The New Boss's New Punch" stories with this one.  He was taking his pleasure in her, slowly, from behind, when somebody walked onto the balcony.“James, is this the pretty young thing who works for you?” came a woman’s voice. James, startled, paused.“Well, yes, Judy, this is Kelly,” he managed to get out in a fairly normal tone of voice. Stark naked, bent over an oak table with her hands locked behind her back, she was startled too, to say the least. She made to try...

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Two Hole Night

As the weekend came we finally met up, we kept bouncing around town doing random stuff and had some dinner. Went for a couple drinks. I couldn’t stop looking at her that night. She looked hot. More than usual. I guess cause I actually haven’t seen her in a while. Her cleavage was sticking out of her some what tight shirt. Her skin tight leggings that showed her camel toe off, whenever she opened her legs or her shirt lifted up past it. It was so tight around her pussy that it was starting to...

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Private Misha Maver Anal Adventure

Today on Private, the sexy Misha Maver brings her amazing big tits and delicious curves to Private Specials, Sexy Hitch-Hikers as she takes to the road and embarks on an interracial anal adventure that she’ll never forget! That’s right, the BBC of Jesús Reyes awaits this busty beauty today, and after a trip to the beach, it’s time to take things home for a gagging blowjob and some pussy and ass eating action. Then watch the rest of the adventure unfold on as Misha lets loose and...

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My Super Hot Mami

Hi everyone…. I am Rajveer from Patna… This my first story on ISS.. I m 23 years now… And my dick size 7 inch….. Ya story 2011 ki hai jab mai matric exam k baad chutiyo me apne gaao gaya tha.. Mere gaao me.. Mere nana ji (grand father) naani (grand mom) or mere maama maami rahti hai. Wo bohot hi hot hai… Unki figure maashallah kya jabrdast hai.. Kisi bhi aadmi ka lund khada kar da. 36-28-38. Meri maami hamesha ghar me sharee hi pahenti hai… Meri kabhi bhi galat najar unpar nahi gai.. Meri...

4 years ago
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Losing FaithChapter 2

I don’t know why it is, but it seems that whenever things are going too well, something has to come along and spoil them. Our spoiler came in the form of a man named Quentin Marconi. He was a representative from a large distiller and brewer in Japan, that was buying up craft breweries all over America. We didn’t know that then. At the time, he just was interested in distributing Larry’s beers regionally, then maybe nationally. It was a great honor for Larry. I was happy for him, but at the...

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Diary of a Personal Assistant Happy New Year

I hadn’t planned on ushering in the new year like this. To be fair, I rarely ever plan anything. Events just seem to happen. Like falling for someone. It’s such a heady moment when you connect and sparks fly and you find yourself suddenly besotted and bewitched and, occasionally, bewildered. But that’s a different story, for another day. This one is about a toy that has become almost mythical in proportion in the world of smut. The sybian.My couple had decided to purchase one. A Christmas...

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Confession Of A Tomboy

She was hot, the girl of my dreams, and all she was thinking about was using her talented oral skills to please me, to drive me crazy and make me cum. She knows taking me deep into her throat while squeezing my balls will bring me to the edge, to that point of no return.  I'm lost in sensations threatening to overwhelm me.  Beep, Beep, Beep!I stretch and hit the alarm off button as I awaken with a morning hard-on. I remember dreaming, something erotic, but I can't remember much about it....

Love Stories
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a night out bar hoping

it all started on a friday night. i had cashed my check and decided to do a little bar hoping. i just moved into the neighberhood thought i would get to know the local watering holes.after about 3 or 4 bars i was getting a little hungry so i noticed a little bar and grill. i figured i would stop in there and get a bite to eat.i walked in and they had a bar on one side and restraunt on the other side. it looked pretty classy. so i sat down orderd some food. as usual when i was done eating i...

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Cynthia 2

I was due several weeks of vacation time this year and after hearing that Sis had a special gift for me, I decided to accept her offer and spend my vacation with her. My two girls, Kerriann and Carlene were on Christmas vacation for two weeks and it would be nice for them to see Auntie Rhoda and their cousin; after all it’s been a few years since they were last up in the historical city of Quincy, Massachusetts. There are many famous places to visit there. It may help them to enjoy American...

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Complex Family Ch 13

As the title suggests this is the end for this series. Thank you all for your support and feedback. I hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it. Also a final thank you to Alexandra and luvtaread for their assistance in editing it was most appreciated. Epilogue Ten years later Brandon had a lot to celebrate about. All his children were off to great starts, all successful in their chosen careers. Leah, Kara, and Anna had all found wonderful husbands, and Ethan and Jake,...

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Pt 4 Opening Up

As he gets onto his hands and knees, the slave opens his legs and pushes his arse up for his Master to see. ‘Good boi, now don’t move as I get that tight arse of yours ready’. Preparing himself, the slave can feel his master’s hands probing his hole and the cool lube being applied. The Master picks up the tapered probe and begins to slip it in slowly, all the while cupping his boi’s cock and balls. The slave begins to relax as he becomes accustomed to the toy, taking it deeper and deeper...

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Daddys business

Sitting on your bed, you unbox the new phone Mommy and Daddy got you for your 18th birthday. Reveling in the feeling of peeling the plastic off the screen you press the top button and drop it into the bed as it starts to boot up. Looking through the other boxes strewn on the bed, you pull out the new laptop Daddy had bought you. Daddy is always trying to get you to be more serious about life and this seems to be his latest attempt. Boring and white, the laptop looks completely out of place in...

4 years ago
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White Collar Crime II

White Collar Crime II By Teri Franken [email protected] Sorry for the extended delay in the new installment. I have been working on a couple of other stories, based on popular response, I decided to move ahead with this one first...Enjoy..... Teri Part 1 I was just getting back from the infirmary and this was the first time I was seeing Mack and he seemed genuinely happy to see me. He came forward, reached out and gently took me into his arms for a quick hug. "I have been...

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New Lover Hotel Part 2

I stand before you as you sit on the bed, you undo my belt and trousers, as you pull down my briefs my erect cock springs out you grasp it firmly in one hand, with the most softest of touches you rub my precum all around my glans with a finger, you then suck it and simulate with your finger want I am wanting you to do with my erection. You lean forward and kiss the very end, then you lips envelop my shaft deeper and deeper far into your throat, the sensation is wonderful, I pull your head hard...

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The Halloween Party

As I have wrote about before in college I had a fuck buddy named Carla. By our senior year we had moved into a house in town. We had progressed and actually shared a king sized bed. No longer secret fuck buddies, but we were more of a typical couple. There were 4 other people in the house with us, Laney who I wrote about in my last story and there were two other girls Teresa and Jen. There was also a guy who's name was Bill, he was flagrantly gay, but a decent guy. The house was not typically...

2 years ago
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Different Kind Of Riding

It was the 17th February, the day was surprisingly mild after the terrible weather we had been having. Looking out my bedroom window I could see the rolling fields of green, speckled with sheep or cows. I loved living in the country, on snowy days it was magical to just look out the window and see nothing but white. Walking downstairs and into the kitchen, the scent of eggs and bacon met me before I opened the door, as usual mum always made us a good hearty breakfast, eggs and bacon was...

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