Stepford Meat Swap
- 3 years ago
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You have to understand two things. First: I trust my husband, Bob, more than I trust any other human being in the whole wide world. Second: That is about two inches. We are, as they say, working on that.
His parents are helping put him through school, but money is still very tight. Birthday presents aren't in the budget. For my birthday, when we were both working, he had done my share of the chores -- except dinner -- for a week. He'd also served me breakfast in bed and cooked dinner on my birthday. (Bob can cook any of five main dishes. Three of these are on the expensive side of our budget, and the other two are well beyond our means. There is something wrong with meatloaf being a luxury dish.)
Anyway, that was my birthday, in August. Then came his birthday, in October. We still hadn't had any money to spend on presents. Besides, it's almost all joint money. So I'd asked him, "What do you want for your birthday that would cost less than $2.75?"
"You really want to know?"
"No. I asked the question so you would answer with a question, and I would never find out."
"What I really would like," he'd said, "is a sex slave for a day."
"You want an extra day of games?" That is our word for the sexual variations he introduces into our life every other week.
"No. I want a day of your attention. Not baking me a birthday cake, and when it's done we have time for a quickie. I want all Jeanette's attention for the full time we both are home on my birthday. And I want that attention centered around sex."
However, I had still wanted to give him a private birthday party. I am a wife, and we are a family. The calendar had decided the question. Bob's birthday was on a Tuesday. The Saturday before, I would start my period.
By that Sunday, the idea of being a sex slave had seemed utterly degrading, but the rest of my life hadn't seemed that much better. Anyway, I'd figured that I would give him more than he asked for. His birthday gift from me would be a certificate offering "One sex slave from 11:00 p.m. Friday until 1 a.m. Sunday." That way he would get all of his "games" out of his system on one day. I would get to throw a family party on Tuesday, he would get more time on Saturday than Tuesday would have afforded. Win-win? Maybe.
On Tuesday, I'd made a special dinner and had served the cake that I had baked the day before. (The food budget was shot for the month.) The cake was chocolate with chocolate icing, and we both gorged. His parents had sent a $100 check which Bob had immediately apportioned into $80 for food and household for the next ten weeks and $10 pocket money for each of us. (Did I mention that he is a good sport?) I really think that he liked my certificate more. We had gone to bed and made love, with lots of chocolaty kisses if no rolling around on the bed.
Although I had hated the idea on Sunday, by Thursday I was both intrigued and turned on. I prefer to be in control of my life, but a one-shot of total non-control was perversely attractive.
Then it was Friday. I got up from dinner and said: "The name of the game is: 'Bob studies real hard tonight because he won't Saturday.'" (Nine-to-five sucks; but it is nine-to-five, they don't send you home with papers to sort into files by Monday.)
Bob really dug into the books, though he took a break in the bedroom in the middle. I washed the dishes, officially his job. In the bathroom, I took a shower, inserted my diaphragm, and made other preparations. I took a broad red ribbon and taped one end to the small of my back and the other just below my navel. It ran between my legs with a bow at a very strategic location. I own two robes. One is utilitarian and keeps me warm. I put on the other, which had been part of my trousseau. I came out a few minutes after eleven.
I walked quite stiffly. One sudden move would have freed the ribbon. Bob was in bed reading a textbook. I got a wide grin.
"Well," I said, "Aren't you going to unwrap your birthday gift?"
"First," he said, "I'm going to kiss my loving wife a 'Thank you for the lovely gift.'"
He did, quite thoroughly. I was worried, but he kept his hands on my shoulders. He removed my robe, quite slowly, revealing each breast separately and kissing it before going on. Finally, he drew the robe off and stepped back.
He broke up.
I find Bob's laughs infectious. I had to grab the ends of the ribbon before I joined him this time.
Still laughing, he removed the ribbon. "I love you," he said. He kissed where the tape had stuck below my navel, and then where the bow had been centered. While I climbed into bed, he lit a candle and turned off the light.
For a while, being a sex slave was a lot like being a wife. We kissed for a good long time while he petted me all over. He moved his kisses to my breasts and his hand between my legs. The kisses turned into suckling on my left breast, as the caresses between my legs turned into light strokes across my clitoris. I was ready for him, then eager for him. He must have been able to tell that I was eager. I was pushing up with my hips, for God's sake. Usually, he comes to me before this stage. Now I needed him. I reached out for him.
"Lie still, bed slave," he said.
We don't do this any more. In the first week of our marriage, my only climaxes had been from his hand. For a month longer, he had given me a climax before intercourse as a sort of insurance policy. Now, the only time I finish to his hand is during the first few days of my period. The rules seemed different for sex slaves.
After speaking, he switched breasts. The words, the surprise, the pause, the change, all pulled me back from the height of my readiness. Bob persisted until I was moving again. As the waves hit me, he released the nipple for a moment.
"I love you," he said quickly. Then he sucked again. And the waves took me away.
When I came back, he was tucking the sheet around my shoulders. He lay beside me and whispered my name, and love, and nonsense.
I lay flat. He pulled my hips into his legs in a gentle hug. His other hand cuddled my head, while he occasionally kissed my shoulder through the sheet. We both waited for my breath and energy to return. When they did, I turned my face toward his.
He shifted so we could kiss. Tongues danced with tongues, then lips touched sweetly and quietly. His head and shoulders rose up, I lay back flat, and he resumed the kiss with his lips angled across mine. The kiss was ardent but had only half his attention. His hand caressed my breast for a while before parting my thighs. He stayed on the thighs, stroking up and down on the insides in a light tickle. I shivered.
Bob rose and pulled the blanket over my top half. The apartment was beginning its nighttime switch from too-hot to too-cold. That was not why I shivered, but the blanket was welcome.
Getting between my legs, Bob began kissing my thighs. One kiss on my right leg, one on my left, he moved slowly higher. About the time he got to delicate ground, he stopped to maneuver the cushion under my butt. I lifted up for it knowing that my center was now totally accessible to his mouth. Still he took his time, kissing my thighs and my delta.
I was fairly hot before he kissed the center of my labia majora and parted them with his hand. Then he was licking the labia minora. About that time, I lost track of the particulars. I had this wonderful sensation. Then he did something else, and I had another sensation which was even lovelier. I remember particularly, though, that he moved his hands up to cup my breasts. After that, there was nothing but sensation. I felt tighter and tighter, but also that I was floating a little above my body. Meanwhile, there were pulses of pleasure.
Then, the tightness pulled me back. It almost hurt; I felt close to panic, as though I were about to break. Then I did break. Fire burnt through me. Then I was that fire, flaring with it. Then it was warmth rather than heat; I was swelling, pulsing, warmth.
Then I was Jeanette again, held in Bob's arms and shielded by his body, wrapped in the covers with him all around them. If he surrounded me, I surrounded a very important part of him. He kissed my forehead and crooned love words and love sounds and my name.
It was lovely, but I wanted to feel his skin. My top half was cocooned in the blanket, and my legs were out in the air. He stayed in me, but raised his torso on that pivot. He lifted one hand at a time as I pulled the covers out from under them. After I tossed the covers over most of him, he arranged them to cover us both. I was still on the cushion.
"Comfy?" he asked.
I tightened his very favorite muscle. "How did you get here?"
"I snuck up on you while you were distracted."
"Do love slaves get kisses?"
He moved so that our mouths could meet. We kissed with closed lips, then really kissed. It took him a long time to answer. "Only if they are really sexy love slaves."
He adjusted his position so that he could rest his weight on his elbows while reaching my breasts.
"Look to your left," he said.
"Because you are a sex slave, and you have received a direct order."
I turned my head to the left, and he licked my right ear. It tickled, the soft breath after it tickled more, the fingers just touching my nipples tickled as well. I writhed. He was almost still as I provided the motion at our juncture.
But that got to him. He straightened so that he could move in me with deep, slow strokes. I matched him, then had to speed up. On every stroke, he filled me completely, pressing inward until our pubic bones bumped. He drove into me, but somewhere within me a force drove me against him even harder. The flame was flickering again, then flickering around me where I was around him. I reached down to pull him more tightly against me.
He went first. I could feel him pulsing within me and feel his seed hit me. I got one look at his grim, tortured face. Then the fire flared again. He pulsed, the fire pulsed, I pulsed.
When I looked at his face again, the grimness was all gone. He looked like a baby who had fallen asleep full. Some of his weight was on his arm bones but most was on me. I wanted that weight. I wanted to hug him but my arms were a little weak.
I recovered my breath and the strength in my arms. I did hug him. This position is great during sex, but not afterwards. As my legs had lowered, they had carried him out of me. Most of the mess was presumably on the cushion which could be chucked out of bed.
(The cushion is a pad for lifting my hips. Pillows hadn't given the right amount of support. The cushion started as a short board, was wrapped by some trousers that Bob had ruined with acid, was padded by an old mouse pad that someone else had ruined with SnoPake, and was covered with a quarter of a torn bed sheet from his parents' house. It serves its purpose without announcing it, demonstrating what my non-handy husband can construct when it affects his vital interest.)
Finally he roused himself. He gave me a hug back, before we parted to clean up. I dabbed myself; he dabbed himself. Then he dabbed the cushion, and tossed it out on the floor. I moved over to the far side of the bed. He got up to blow out the candle. He slipped under the covers and almost to me. I nestled back into him.
"Bob loves Jeanette," he crooned, "Bob loves Jeanette, Bob loves Jeanette, and I love you."
"Do sex slaves get sung to sleep?"
"I was singing about my wife. It's supposed to make you jealous."
Never happen. Well, it will never happen from singing that song.
He got nearly through two more verses before he fell asleep.
I followed.
Bob is no sadist. He wouldn't beat me with a whip or wake me early on a Saturday morning.
However, he knows my patterns. As I came awake, he began kissing my back and my neck. He moved back to avoid my stretch, and afterwards I turned toward him. We kissed. He tasted of toothpaste and smelled of soap. Figuring I didn't, I broke the kiss.
He ducked under the covers to begin kissing my breasts. I wasn't really awake yet, but there are worse ways to ease into the world than near-dozing with a husband expressing his love and avoiding the ticklish parts. Bob carefully did. By the time he got down to my belly, my bladder -- if nothing else -- was awake. I could also smell coffee.
I got up, grabbed my old robe, and headed for the bathroom, pouring a cup of coffee on the way. By the time I had drunk my third cup, I remembered that this was a special day. I doubt that real slave-masters made coffee for their slaves, but, on the other hand, maybe they did want them awake. I brushed my teeth while wondering whether Bob wanted me in the kitchen or in bed. I didn't wonder very hard.
He was wearing a robe himself. While we kissed, he clutched my butt through the robe. Soon he had his hands under the robe and all over me.
"Get in bed," he said. When I did, he slid the cushion under the covers. I lifted up for it, but deja vu struck.
"Didn't we just do this?"
"You had breakfast in bed for your birthday." This was a non sequitur even for Bob.
"You want breakfast?" I started to get up.
"You got to choose the menu on your birthday." It took me a second to get it, and then I cracked up. I'm helpless when that happens.
Bob pounced. In a moment, he was under the covers and between my legs. He hauled the top of the doubled-up covers back over his head and stuck his tongue in my belly button. That didn't help one bit. I started to push his head away, but he tickled my side. In a moment, I was holding his hands away from my sides and giggling like a madwoman. He kissed all over my stomach as the giggles made it bounce. By this time, the bouncing was hilarious. By this time, Hee Haw reruns would have been hilarious. When I finally came down, he was kissing on and around my delta.
"Good morning," he said.
"You promised not to take advantage when I go off on a laughing fit."
"And I explained that I meant that I wouldn't do anything which you would normally resist. You're a sex slave who can't resist anything at all. Anyway, my wife gets kissed here pretty often."
The argument is years old. He promised a week before the explanation. I pouted at him to show that I was not convinced. He pouted back, and we competed for a minute. The game brought me back to laughter, if not to helplessness.
When he kissed my labia, I shivered. He parted the outer and licked the inner ones. Suddenly, I was nearly afloat down there. I blushed, though he never complains about that. Indeed, he parted those labia to lick up some of the wetness. Then he moved to the top so he could touch my most sensitive point. I stretched my legs wide to give him access.
The licking and the kissing and the sucking were light at first. They teased until I reached down to hold his head against me. Then the sensations were stronger, and I just held him there and moved with those sensations. He slipped his hands under my legs and up to my breasts. I let go of his head with one hand to pat one of his hands, then clutched his hair again.
Then I forgot all that, being too busy just feeling. The sensations were slow, undulating, waves of desire. Then they were tightening throbs of pleasure. Then they were jolts of joy.
And then they were gone. Only ghostly tremors and memories of the sensations ruffled the sensuous lassitude of fulfillment. The next thing that I noticed was Bob lying next to me and cuddling me. When I turned my head toward him, he gave me a quiet kiss, and then a kiss on the forehead.
"What are you thinking of?" I asked.
"FRC," he answered. That was not what I had expected.
After he had conceded that both of us couldn't be students, he came up with a scheme in which I would read one of the books that he was studying and discuss it with him. That way my education isn't totally on hold. We'd selected a book known to cognoscenti (or at least cognoscenti in his class) as FRC, after the authors. Our discussions have come to take place in the bed, with him petting or hugging me. I'm not allowed to use my hands until we cover the section to his satisfaction. Incredibly, the system works for both of us. I have some idea of what the modern West meant to China and Japan, and he goes into class discussions on top of the data and occasionally informed by my naive questions.
"Do sex slaves read books?" I asked.
"They do if they are told to. And they had better know their lessons. Roll over on your left side."
He removed the cushion before fetching the book. If my memory doesn't match his, we look in the book. After sliding in behind me, he urged me to move my torso forward until I was bent almost to a sitting position. Then he moved his thigh up between my hips.
With us in that position, he started asking questions about the Meiji restoration. The position was more than ordinarily distracting. Soon, I was -- aside from the direction of gravity -- sitting on his lap. His erection lay between us, pressed against the crack in my butt and getting harder by the minute.
He asked "Which han led in support of the restoration and what leaders did each supply to the central government? Open book." Damn straight that's an open book question.
As I paged through the book looking for what men came from Satsuma, he moved back from my bottom. When he returned forward, his fingers parted my labia. I stuttered something just before his penis touched my threshold.
"Keep talking," he said while easing himself inward. I moved to accommodate him while reading every name. He didn't challenge any of them, although some are identified in the same sentence as from other han. The entry was slow, and the further in he got the less problem he had with the angle. I was in a quandary, were we talking or making love?
We were talking. Once all the way in, he returned his attention to my answers.
"That's nonsense, you know. Iwakura was a court noble. Begin again."
For more than an hour he drilled me in two ways. I answered questions about the chapter while he either rested quietly within my vagina or firmed himself up by moving smoothly in and out. Sex slaves get a lot less discussion and a lot more fact questions in their history lessons than wives do. Either that or the paper he had in his hand was a prepared list of questions.
"Okay," he finally said, "you know your stuff." I pressed back against him while tightening within.
"Now what?" I asked, rhetorically.
"Now breakfast," he said, And he pulled out and got up.
"I didn't think sex slaves were expected to cook." But my stomach said that this one should.
"You obviously haven't read much John Norman. Maybe we'd better call it brunch. You can wear the apron. Period. I'll come watch."
We called it lunch.
The ultimate in obscenity is cooking lunch in nothing but an apron while your husband ogles you lewdly. He was wearing his glasses and a robe which had a tent in front most of the time. Ten more minutes could have taken care of that.
We ate and made the necessary pit stops. Sex slaves get assigned the wife's cooking, but not the husband's dishwashing. On the other hand, Bob just soaked them.
Back in the bedroom, Bob had another surprise. The previous night, he had tied a rope to the legs at the head of the bed and found two bandanas that we wear when hiking. He now tied one bandana around each of my wrists, with all the extra cloth on one end. He pulled all the covers to the foot of the bed, had me lie down, and passed each bandana through a separate loop in the rope. He pressed the long ends of the bandanas into my hands while saying "Hold them tight."
The room was getting warmer, but he covered me with the sheet. He talked about my being tied up. I raise my hand the way I did in fifth grade. (Well not quite. In fifth grade I did not expose a breast with that motion.)
"The proper appellation is 'master.'"
"The proper Appalachian is 'plateau.' Master, these bonds aren't all that escape-proof."
"Injun giver."
"Jeanette, if you were to escape into another state, is that state required to return you to me?"
"Mr. Calhoun says 'yes.' Mr. Lincoln says 'no.'"
"Lincoln never attacked the fugitive slave laws. He specifically endorsed them in Congress and after being elected President."
"I bet that your John Normandy didn't give lectures when he had a slave girl tied up."
"That's a bet. How about continuing this game into tomorr..." Poor boy, reality struck. Tomorrow he would be studying like mad. "How about another day like today in two weeks?"
"And what do I get?"
"If you win I'll be your sex slave then."
"No bet! Maybe, if you are a very good boy, study hard, and learn to pick up after yourself, maybe I'll make you my sex slave at quarter break."
"Deal." Trust the Brennans in any contract, but never bet with them.
"I said 'maybe.'"
"If I really tied you up you'd freak, so this is tying you up. Any letting go is breaking out of the game and taking back your gift." He was exaggerating; I wouldn't freak, but then I wouldn't let him tie me up either.
He put the end back through the rope loop and back in my hand. He wrapped the very end around my little finger. "Now keep it that way."
I've seen pictures of people tied spread-eagle. This wasn't like that. My head was near the top of the bed, and my hands were at about the same level closer together than my elbows were. My legs were together (for the moment) and not tied at all.
The first thing that Bob did was to grab the bottom sheet at the foot of the bed and give it a sharp yank downward. The wrinkles under me disappeared.
Then we had a nice kiss. I understood why my arms were tied when Bob started from there on a path of kisses. He spent lots of time in all the ticklish places like the insides of my ears and the corner where my neck meets my shoulders. When I wiggled, he put his hand between my legs. That being a hell of a place to hold me down, I think he had other motives. He spent only a few minutes on my left breast and none on my right one. Soon he licked my belly button. Then he traveled to my side to kiss there. He had kissed my back, he had even kissed my butt, but he had never before kissed my side under the ribs.
"Cheat!" I say, wiggling mightily. "Vicious, cruel, nasty. You're just doing that because I'm tied up." He gave me his best nasty grin.
He kissed up my side to my armpit. This tickled so much that I kicked my legs, but it stopped very soon. Bob didn't look happy. Now it was time for my nasty grin.
"It is called deodorant," I said in my most saccharine voice. When he headed for my mouth, I ducked.
Veering towards my left breast, he kissed his very fanciest pattern on it. That means kissing a full circle around the base followed by a slow spiral toward the tip. He actually had to move on the bed to do the whole circle. At the tip, he played and sucked and licked and lipped. I was getting quite turned on. His lips and tongue played with my nipple and areola. His hand between my legs was not really attacking any critical parts, but neither was it ever still. Finally he gave a peck goodbye to the tip of my left nipple on the way to the right breast.
"I love you," he said while between them.
He kissed the same pattern on my right breast, but when he got to the top he spent only a minute licking all over and around the nipple before slipping out of the side of the sheet and slipping in the bottom. He lifted my legs to slide the cushion under my butt. (You can't fool me, we were repeating.)
Hello ISS readers …. I would like to introduce myself as harry. I live in Chennai. I am very much interested in sex since college days. I would always love to have relationship. I am ardent follower of ISS. I am reading ISS for many years. I would like to thank all the writers for sharing your experiences with others. And also the content managers of ISS for selecting and publishing good stories. This incident happened six years ago… The heroine of the story is fathima (name changed for...
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Welcome to CHLOROFORM MAN! Now chloroform man is personally BI to me but this is an anthology! In the dark prison cells of Joey Buscher Penitentiary, in the maximum containment are there is a mysterious entity known only as Chloroform Man. "Sooo.... Since we *are* alone here" flirted Michaels her fingers tiptoeing against Sanchez's back in a feline way "what do you say... We have fun?" She asked slowly raising up packs of condoms. Sanchez smirkes at the offer, woah was Michael's beautiful, with...
BDSMThey were not even onto the freeway yet when Andy pulled out his phone and called Julia. He spent several minutes explaining how he knew Andi and how they had picked her up. Julia asked if she had any pills with her, and when asked, Andi said 'no' and started to cry. Julia then asked if she knew what the pills were, getting a tearful shake of the head. Julia told Andy that there was not much she could do to help the girl. It was going to be a very, very rough night. She warned him that...
In the shadowed depths of a dense jungle, a lone ray of yellow light shines down on the face of a man. With neatly combed back grey hair, and piercing eyes of matching color, the stern-faced man gives off an aura of severity. His dull white robes flutter in a light wind, revealing the layers of cloth covering his form underneath, all one shade of grey or another. Standing just ten feet in front of him, partially obscured by the dense foliage, is a massive wolf. Its dark, ashen fur blends into...
Sleep came only in frustratingly short bursts for Barbara that Friday night before she checked in to Transformations. Remembering the one big erotic adventure of her life had not made sleep any easier. Oh, it was a wonderful memory, but it was another time, and she wore another body then. Her ex, whom she had been so in love with, had taken the last vestiges of pride in her body with him when he abandoned her. After several short, unrefreshing snoozes, she went to the bathroom, then rummaged...
[Dale] Early May Dale had always run for conditioning, but in the last miserable week, since finding out about the cancellation of his scholarship, he had stretched out the distance because it was the closest thing to a drug that he would ever indulge in. He needed it now more than at any time since the plane crash. It was a week and a half until finals, and then, his world would undergo another wrenching change. Even though he had known since the first few weeks that he really did not...
When we left off this story two years ago, Jesse Brown was an old for her years fifteen and now she was an almost adult reform school girl of seventeen with all innocence rubbed off the hard way by just trying to survive the day to day existence of an incarcerated white girl in a definite minority incarcerated for telling the truth until she turned the magic age of eighteen and was released into society as a full grown adult ready to meet the world on her own terms. Jesse had learned how to...
After fainting on her date with the doctor, which was definitely going to be her last date with him, Chelly had a day off and called in sick the following day. With what was going on in her head, she was not safe around patients. The emotional drain from finally admitting that her whole sexual life had been spent seeking the wrong kind of man was devastating. She could not get the restaurant manager's words out of her mind when she came to in his office. He had assumed she was a hooker....
[Missy] March Missy should have felt frightened, or miserable, or something. Instead, she felt mostly numb. Truthfully, she felt a little bit of satisfaction, too. Melanie Farnsworth, her mother, actually looked like she had tears in her eyes! Of course, those could not be tears of sorrow for her daughter. They would be tears of frustration that her efforts to make something of the girl had taken a major setback. Missy's father, James Farnsworth, just looked grim. James Farnsworth looked...
[Rachel & Naomi] Early September The late evening was not at all the usual time for new residents to enter the Tee. Norma was waiting, naked, to meet Rachel and Naomi, as she usually did for new entrants. She had also recruited Mary Hall to join her. It had been decided that the two newcomers would just be taken to their rooms, leaving all of the introductions and the tour until the next day. With a little shuffling of room assignments, mother and daughter were able to be housed next to...
Look at a map of the West Coast, and if you observe closely, you will see a narrow peninsular running out. It is about four kilometres in length and one kilometre wide. In fact, this peninsular is all but an island. At high tide, it is cut off from the mainland huddle of houses with their combined shop and post office and the rather shabby pub. A strip of sand called locally ‘The Strand’ connects the island to the mainland at low tide, and it is this semi-isolation that perhaps inspired its...
Hi, guys, I’m Ravi from Chennai.24 years of age currently working in a software company.This is a real life story which happened three months ago and it’s real just want to share this after going through this site.Just wanted to let you al know that this stuff happens to us. This started three months ago. I have no idea what to do. I live in Chennai with my mom who is 48 years old. My dad works abroad in the Gulf. Recently, a guy Named Bill a Foreigner, came for work purposes. He is training...
Forgetful Maid by Sally Tranz 1 - Dressing for Sunday chores My silent alarm buzzed and my arm jerked slightly as the watch brought me out of my light sleep. Although it had been a late night, I rarely slept past 7am, but Sunday was a special day. Sometimes, the alarm was set as late as 9am, which meant that I lay in bed even when awake. Sunday was the day my lady was treated very special. Today it was 7.30. As I eased out of our bed, the gentle breathing of my lady reassured...
[Jessica] Early July In an unrecognized form of self-punishment, Jessica resisted the urge to call Julia after she moved out. In fact, she resisted for almost a week, until the day the case documents arrived at the lawyer's office. During that week, Jessica hardly left her room. Her landlady was a kindly woman with strong mothering instincts. Like almost everyone, she felt the urge to help Jessica, and after a few days, she had the whole story. Jessica found it surprisingly therapeutic to...
[Missy] Mid July The Farnsworths arrived at the main entrance of the Tee on Saturday morning. After considerable discussion, Andy and Andi had been chosen to be their greeters and escorts. They were clad in standard staff shorts and shirt. "Mr. and Mrs. Farnsworth," Andi said as Andy opened the door. "Welcome to Transformations. I'm sure Missy will be happy to see you." That, of course, was a blatant lie, and both parents' expressions showed that they realized the falsehood....
Sunday proved to be very interesting at Fran's house. Melanie (Mel), Fran's doctor, was a former dorm mate and casual sex partner. When Carson talked her through the plan, she was enthusiastic, but had a great many questions. When she ran out of questions, she insisted it be tried out on someone besides Fran first. To no ones surprise, Carson volunteered. They decide just to do his elbow as a test, in case they ran into a problem. They also did not want to use up too much of the supply of...
Forfeits By Peg Thebois I was anxious as I arrived at Gwen's house, she had asked me to come by early to help her set up, I guess that was part of my forfeit from losing a wrestling match to her at our party last month. Gwen was one heck of a sexy lady, I had enjoyed grappling with her, grinding our bodies together, it was when I pushed her down into the mount position and I sat on top of her trying to pin her arms down that I got distracted. It would be very easy to have sex in...
Chapter 4 "Well that was odd," Stephen commented as he carried the last of the bags into the house. "Did you notice the way those women were dressed?" He asked his wife. "I did," Emily replied. "But who are we to judge? It's a small community and they could think the same way about us." Stephen looked a his wife before shrugging his shoulders. She did have a point. "And what about those 3 women?" he continued. "They hardly said a word through dinner and they all seemed to ignore me....
Chapter 13 Emily sighed as she got into her car at the end of the day. It had been a weird day. First she learned about the truth of Stepford and what was going on here, then she was given a choice. A choice to which Emily felt that she had no reason other than to accept. At least until she could figure a way out of this place. Emily spent the rest of they pretending to play along while she came up with an escape plan. When she got home she would grab Stephen and then under the cover...
Chapter 23 "This wasn't what you were expecting was it?" she asked Emily as she reached for some nuts. Emily slowly shook her head slowly. Trying to come to grips with it all. "Don't worry," Natalie said with a smile. "You'll get used to it." Stephen returned a few minutes later with Emily's drink. While he had been in the kitchen he had donned an apron similar to Richard's. Emily watched with a mixture of fascination and shock as Richard handed her her drink. He gave Emily a...
Du warst schon immer ein Loser wie aus dem Bilderbuch. Du hast es im Leben zu nichts gebracht. 35 Jahre lang hast du nichts gerissen und es soll, laut deiner Mutter, auch schon wahrlich früh so manchem klar gewesen sein: aus diesem Jungen würde nichts werden. Zumindest Mutti war es klar und sie machte seit Kindheitstagen keinen Hell daraus. Andere Ansprechpartner hattest du nicht, keine Geschwister keinen Vater, ihn hatte ein Besoffener Lastwagen Fahrer von der Elenden Existenz als dem Alkohol...
He hated moving. It was never a bad thing; he was a good-looking guy, standing six foot even with black hair and green eyes. He was fairly built from all the jobs he’d had around the states. He was an athlete, though not publicly. He made friends easily. All in all, he was pretty average. But when it came down to it, he was the subject of whispers and bad luck more than anything else. After all, there weren’t many kids with his situation. Ed trudged into the office and stood in front of...
Introduction: i apologize just in case this is fucked up aesthetically. Edward Lichen walked through the gates of his new school and sighed, doing a slow spin and looking up at the gray, seamless, cloudy sky. The gates of the school were two brick columns with iron gates attached, students flowing through like cattle in a pen. The school building was old weathered red brick that looked more brown that anything else in the light of the day. A warm wind caught the tassels of Eds jacket and the...
Hello everyone ! I m a great follower of ISS from 6-7 years and following most of its sex story daily. They are so entertaining that lust of sex in me is increasing day by day. It’s my first sex story so please forgive mistakes if any. I m from Chandigarh, age 23 yrs and its a sex story about my ex-GF who got married this year but the love between us will never end. We had a great sex life earlier more than 100-200 times in last 4 years. It’s a story, which was our best session in life – let’s...
Hey everyone my name is Rahul. I am from Gurgaon.please give me feedback at This incident happened with me in the beggining of 2017. While i am typing each and every moment of that incident is scrolling infront of my eyes. I started my year with a short vacation to shimla with my friends but i didn’t knew that it will turn out in this way. So coming directly to the story(in hindi) Jaisa ki aap sabne suna hoga himachal m heavy snowfall hua h to hum log vha fas gye . Hum hotel k jis room m...
It has often been said that Christmas amplifies emotions like no other event in the year. It was hard to imagine how the emotional level for the Halls could get any higher. Mary had been a complete basket case since the kidnapping, and the supposed joy of the season had hardly dented her anguish and depression. Officially losing her daughter through manumission was a far more cruel blow than Lindsey realized. Despite all her hangups, motherhood was still the cornerstone of Mary's existence....
Saturday morning was not a happy time for Mary and Floyd Hall because it marked the end of their five days together and the beginning of two or more months of separation. Mary had checked in to the Tee in a hurry and there had been no time for lengthy goodbyes. Of course, they had known it was coming, but had refused to face up to it. Back then, the loss of physical contact did not seem like major deprivation, either. In the last five days, under Barbara's tutelage and insistence, they had...
Sarah had quit her job and moved back to room with Sonja. They would be getting a place together as soon as she found a new job. She arrived in town at the time Judy's piece on Transformations was getting wide exposure. As soon as she arrived at Sonja's, Sarah called Lindsey and Mark and asked them to come over Sunday afternoon. She told them that she and Sonja had worked out the perfect way to deal with their brother Frank Schermer. The plan required a great deal of work, but Sarah...
[Caz] Late August It was through his close surveillance of the Reverend William Matthews that Caz became aware of Transformations. When Matthews began his harangues from the pulpit against Transformations, Caz was notified by his 'inside' contact and immediately sought to find out more. If Matthews was so vehemently against the organization, it might be something that Caz should support. Or perhaps, it could somehow aid Caz in his long-sought revenge - 'the enemy of my enemy is my...
[Caz & Cy] Early October "Counsel for Reverend Matthews called and they want to negotiate," Caz's lawyer told him over the phone the morning after Marty dropped her bombshell. "I will give the Reverend the same opportunity to negotiate that he gave me," Caz said sharply. "Absolutely none." "I was hoping you would say that." Caz could hear his lawyer grinning over the phone. "I still have someone on the inside," Caz replied. "Is it all right to refer to absolute turmoil...
[Erica & Julia] Late February "Is it OK if I start wearing clothes again?" Erica asked Julia after dinner one night. "Of course it's all right, Erica. As a matter of professional interest, can you tell me why you don't want to be naked any more?" "I guess it's because I don't need it any more," Erica answered. "In fact, it's starting to make me feel different from the other kids. No, wait - that's not right. I felt different from everyone from the first. I thought I could...
There were still several weeks of school left when Lindsey moved back home, but the girl who showed up in school seemed like a different person than the one who threw up in the girls' bathroom because of a false rumor. Her friends watched in wonder as she set out to instantly learn and do everything she'd missed the last four years. Trish, Janie, and Caitlin were more than happy to introduce her to the 'in' stores and to educate her on the clothes that were right for a teen. Still...
Lindsey spent a very fitful Friday night. She again slept on the hideabed in Sonja's apartment, and Sonja could here her tossing several times during the night. Sonja felt sorry for her, but there was not much she could do but be a friend. The hardest part for Sonja was that she knew exactly what Lindsey was feeling. At Dex's holiday party, Amy had pulled Sonja into the singing, and she had been 'discovered.' Her parents were there, and their anger at her performance had taken a lot of...
It was late April and the weather was getting warmer on the campus of Sanford E. Xavier Institute of Education. I had decided to return to college after burning out doing home remodeling and rehabbing. In just a few years nomading for different building contractors in the sunbelt, I had a hefty bankroll and a pretty nice tan.While there was quite a bit of opportunity to succumb to the sexy diversion of the house MILF while performing some suddenly necessary light bulb changing, I was needing a...
College SexThe sunset on her left was gorgeous as Jeanette Brennan hiked along the trail with Bob, but she looked to her right more often. The little radio had forecast rain before morning. Now, although the radio was not packed where she could reach it, she could make her own forecast. The rain would start sooner than morning. They wanted a campsite upslope from the trail. They reached one that had been used before but was empty now. They didn't change their pace as they turned off the trail, but they...
Fort Whore ************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan December 2010The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************Fort Vauxrein was the worst Foreign Legion posting in Algeria. It was originally...
Hi guys this continuation of d story to enjoy full experience please read the previous parts Introduction Hi, guys and girls. My name is Shahid. I basically from Bangalore recently completed my graduation in health and wellness with specialized in massages which is a science and art. I have learned the art to relax any girl/women and to give her ultimate pleasure. Any girl/women who want to get satisfaction along with massage can contact me. I also have special massages for brides and...
Peter Faulk had an ordinary life so far except for one or two things. A nerd thru out high school he was ignored. Average in every way. Except for one. He had superpowers. Unique superpowers that he had hidden away for a long time. He could transform things giving them superpowers of his own choosing. He had mind and emotion control abilities and super hypnosis. He had magical skills that he practised with out people knowing. All of this was going along with his plan. To control a group of...
Mind ControlCalifornian SlutEv is my slave in real life. She is a beautiful Asian slut. This is the story, written by both of us, telling of what happened following our first explosive weekend together (described in Just a visit to the beach/Enslaving Ev already on Bdsmlibrary) ?PART 1Slut (1) ?I had my hand on the door handle, a tear ran down my cheek and I turned to watch his car ? Master’s car ? until it disappeared around the corner. I slowly twisted until I faced the apartment. There was a light on,...
A long and winding path The mountain grew ever more unkind. Its many bare faces looked down upon a lonely figure, slowly but surely making its way through the rocks, gravel, low grass and loose dirt. His hood was down, revealing a stern but humble face. Care lines dotted his forehead, and one could easily spot he was not a man prone to laughing easily. His face was adorned by a beard grown out of necessity, not choice, and his thin long hair was unkempt; a few wild strands jutted in strange...
The Pilgrim aroused Molo from his fretful sleep with a nudge. Molo woke up with a gasp, his body tense, his face and palms sweaty. The Pilgrim thought his brother was troubled, as he had been for the last two nights. It was as if the spirits of the land and sky were not in his dreams; as if they did not safekeep him from the malevolence of the archenemy. He would pray for his brother at dawn; he hoped something lesser was troubling him. Some lover, or a wife. His children, perhaps. He...