Loser's WifeChapter 2 free porn video

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It was almost six in the morning when the door opened and Johnny stood framed in the hall light behind him. He came into the bedroom with the exaggerated care of a man who had had too much to drink. He tried to undress in the darkness, hopping clumsily from one foot to the other as he removed his trousers, until Laura spoke, her voice filled with shame and humiliation.

"Turn on the light, Darling, it's alright. I'm awake."

She had been awake since the exit of Mr. Rogers, and had cried until there were no more tears to come. She had just lain there helplessly and struggled with her confused thoughts trying to decide what to tell her husband. During those tortured hours she'd been unable to make any decision and now that Johnny faced her she knew there was no way to tell him what had actually happened.

"Laura, what are you doing awake? You have to work this morning, don't you?" His voice was fuzzy and slurred from liquor.

"I was just waiting up for you, Darling. I don't know, I just couldn't sleep." She held out her arms to him and he burrowed up against her like a small child.

When he spoke his voice was muffled by her shoulder and she strained to hear him.

"Oh Laura, honey, all of a sudden everything went bad. I couldn't win. I just couldn't win! I was so far ahead, and then I kept losing..."

He seemed so hurt and helpless that her own troubles seemed to disappear and she held him as tightly as she could and tried to soothe him.

"Johnny, Johnny, don't worry about anything. Come on, get into bed with me and we'll talk about it in the morning. You'll see, everything's going to be fine."

Her husband finished undressing and crawled in bed beside her. At first she thought he was relieved that she hadn't wanted to tank to him about the gambling losses, but all night long she could feel him tossing in his sleep. His breathing was very erratic and once she was startled to find a cold film of perspiration covering his forehead.

He awoke about ten and called to her in the kitchen while she was making coffee.

She came in with an extra cup for him and sat on the edge of the bed. As he slid up to rest against a pushed-up pillow, he took her hand.

"Laura, I have to talk to you." The words seemed choked with emotion and she could sense the seriousness and tension in his voice.

"Honey, I have to tell you about last night... I'm so ashamed of myself. I don't know what happened to me, whether it was the booze or just all the excitement."

He was trying to be calm but his hand was gripping her so tightly that it was painful. She started to say something to calm him but she could tell he had to get it out of his system, and that there was nothing she could say that could help.

"Alright, Johnny, I'm listening. And don't worry."

"Remember when you left... I was at the crap table. Well, everything I did seemed to be right. I kept winning and winning. I'd won almost three thousand dollars, and then the dice, everything, seemed to change..." He paused, as if he was trying to relive the whole night, to bring everything back into focus.

"I started to lose... on every toss I lost. I tried anything-- changing my bets, I moved to different tables. Nothing worked. Everybody kept patting me on the back, telling me my luck had to change, and Deke kept handing me more chips to play..."

His voice trailed off and he was silent for several seconds. He wasn't even looking at her, just staring off into the distance, and Laura could see the pain etched into his face.

"It kept going on and on. I couldn't win! I couldn't win!"

She began to get frightened. She'd seen him when he started to gamble and she knew there was no stopping him until his money ran out. It was his remark about Deke Vito that worried her.

"Johnny, what do you mean Deke kept giving you money. Whose money was it? Wasn't it yours, wasn't it the money you'd won earlier?"

"No!" he shouted bitterly. "I'd already lost that, I told you! It was his money. Deke's!"

"Oh no, Johnny. Why? How could you have borrowed money from him. You know we don't have any money to pay him back. How much was it? For God's sake, how much was it!"

The worry in her voice hit him and he grabbed her, burying his head against her breasts. He mumbled something but she couldn't hear him.

"what, Johnny? Johnny, I can't hear you. How much of Vito's money did you lose? Please, Johnny, talk to me..."

He raised his head and she could see the wetness lining his eyes.

"Over five thousand dollars. Over five goddamned thousand dollars!"

"Oh my God, Johnny! How could you? Where are we ever going to get that much money. We can't even buy groceries!"

She could feel him trembling against her and shaking his head from side to side, but her mind kept reeling with the thought of all that money. How? Where were they going to get the money? She tried frantically to think of someone who would lend them that much. Johnny had no family and they couldn't go to hers because they had been against the marriage in the first place. Their daughter, a society debutante from one of the oldest families on Cape Cod, marrying an entertainer. A singer that no one had ever even heard of!

"Honey..." his voice interrupted her thoughts, "we were celebrating, me and Deke. He had a brand new contract for me. A big one! At the Fairmount Hotel in San Francisco! I was so happy, so goddamned happy. It was what we'd been waiting for, you and me. We'd made it. Big Time!... and I blew it, shot it all to hell..."

His voice trailed off and she sat up trying to understand what he'd said.

"Johnny, what do you mean, you blew it? That's it! It's wonderful, that's the way we can pay him back. If the new contract means more money we can..."

"Laura," he interrupted, "Laura, it's no good. I know Deke and he'll never let me have that much time to pay him back. When I left him he got kinda nasty and asked me if I was going to bring the money to him today."

He looked up at her, the hurt and confusion showing plainly in his eyes. "Laura, I didn't know what to say... I told him sure I'd give it to him today. I couldn't tell him anything else, he had Black Jack with him--Mr. Mornay's bodyguard."

Johnny Dutton held his head in his hands. There was no sound except the convulsive shaking of his shoulders. "Honey, he'll ruin us if I don't pay. He'll blackball me in every club on the West Coast."

"Johnny, I don't understand. Surely he knows you can't pay him back right away. Why did he give you the money?"

"I don't know... I don't know, he just kept handing me more chips. It was almost as if he wanted me to lose."

They sat quietly for several moments, the room darkened except for the brilliant shaft of sunlight that had broken through a half-opened window.

Laura's mind spun in a tortured turmoil. First it had been the old man the night before and now it was this. She didn't know what to do!

Johnny put his hand on her shoulder and turned her to him. "We've got to get out of here. It's our only chance. We'll go back East, New York or someplace... I'll just start over." His hand gripped her tighter. 'Hell, I can still sing; he can't take that away from me."

Their eyes met, as if they'd both remembered a story they'd heard in the same instant. Just after they'd arrived fox Johnny's engagement at the casino a story had been going around about a saxophone player who had crossed Deke Vito. He had been found several days later in a ditch outside of town with his lip cut horribly and all of his fingers broken. Naturally, there had been no witnesses and the musician had been too frightened to speak, but the old timers in the club had mentioned Deke Vito's name more than once, and some of them even had similar stories of incidents in the past.

Whether the story of the sax player or any of the others was actually true, it frightened the two of them. Laura tried to stop the tears that were building up in her, but it was no use and she broke into great heaving sobs as Johnny held her tightly in his arms.

"My God, Johnny... what are we going to do..." There was no answer. No answer until...

"Laura, baby, there's only one way out." He paused and she could hear the falseness in his emotion.

"Laura, if you talked to Vito, maybe if you went to see him you might be able to convince him..." As he stuttered out the words she knew by the way he spoke they were rehearsed. Johnny was a tremendous talent as a singer, but he was no actor and she could almost see the words forming themselves in the air before he uttered them. She waited, not because she didn't know what was coming, but only to see how he was going to phrase it. She wondered if he was going to be able to squeeze out an actual tear or if he'd have to fake it.

"Honey, you wouldn't have to do anything with him, I promise. If it ever came to that I'd kill myself." His voice came haltingly, steeped with emotion.

"Laura, you could just talk to him; he likes you--you know that. If you could just get him to wait for the money, to give me that contract--we could make it."

She watched him carefully. She saw the tears forming in his eyes. He really is crying, she thought. He must know that Deke Vito would never be satisfied with just a spoken plea from me. He'll want more, much more. Oh, Johnny, don't you know what you're doing to us?

Her husband seemed to sense that he hadn't succeeded with his guise of naive innocence. His voice changed and he tried a different approach. Laura, I know what you're thinking, about Vito I mean. We both know he'll want more from you. But, if you can just stall him until he gives me the contract to sign, until I get a copy of it, then it won't matter what he wants."

Laura looked at him. His voice was stronger and she was sure he was being honest with her.

"Don't you see, honey? We'll have the contract, and if he tries to break it in San Francisco I'll make such a stink about it, about him wanting you, that the publicity alone will take us where we want to go."

It seemed to make sense. Deke Vito wasn't that big, and if Johnny had a contract to headline at the biggest hotel in San Francisco and Vito tried to break it, her husband would easily be able to find another agent or manager to handle him.

She was fairly sure of herself. She thought she'd be able to hold Vito off long enough to get that signed contract. I ought to be able to, she thought, as much as that pig slobbers over me all the time. It might even be fun to turn him on and off like water faucet.

She took her husband's hand. "Don't worry, Darling, I'll get that contract for you." She leaned over and kissed him.

"I've got to get to work. I'll see you when I get home." It was Johnny's one night off at the cabaret.

She grabbed her coat and as she closed the door behind her she was already thinking of ways to ensnare the gambler who held the key to their future.

It was almost five in the afternoon before she saw Vito. She'd been going over and over different plans since she'd come to work and had finally decided to play it fairly straight, hoping that the man's desire for her was great enough to keep him satisfied with promises of the future.

It was the slowest time of the day in the casino; the night players hadn't come in yet and even most of the die-hards from the night before had gone back to their motels.

Vito had looked her way only once and she had been able to sense the curiosity in him, but there had been no chance to talk to him privately.

Now, as she stood in a far corner of the almost deserted cocktail lounge she saw him coming toward her.

He smiled in his inimitable way and called out to her. "Hi Baby, whattya doin' hidden way back here?"

"Hi Deke. It's so slow that I thought I'd take a short breather." She tried to keep her voice as steady as possible.

"I understand you and Johnny had quite a time last night."

"Yeah, quite a time. Johnny was a little unlucky--one of those nights." He stared at her. "Did he tell you about it?"

"Yes, he told me."

"Yeah, but did he tell you everything, baby?"

"Oh, you mean all the money he lost?"

"That too. Did he tell you about borrowing any money?"

He took the stool next to her and as always somehow managed to get his leg pressed too tightly against hers. But this time she didn't pull away from him. She just let his thigh rest where it was.

"He said he'd gotten quite a bit of money from you, Deke."

"It all depends how you look at it, kid. To me five grand ain't nothing to Johnny, who knows." He lit a cigarette and tried to make it look natural as he dropped his hand to her thigh.

"Yeah, to Johnny five G's might be a lot of money."

"It is an awful lot of money, Deke..."

"Has he got it for me today, baby?" he interrupted. But Deke Vito had been in the money racket long enough to know the singer had been bluffing the night before when he'd said he'd have it today, and when the kid's wife hadn't jerked her leg away from his hand like she always did, he had a pretty good idea how Johnny Dutton planned to pay it back.

Laura started to give him some story about her family sending the money in a few days but, looking at Vito, she knew he'd never fall for it.

"No, he doesn't." She dropped her hand to his, lowering her eyelashes. "Deke, isn't there some way you can give Johnny a little more time until the contract comes through!"

"The contract? So, your boy told you about that too, huh?"

He ran his hand beneath her short skirt, toying with the edge of her stocking. "Yeah, that sure is a sweet contract. Big Time for your boy. Yeah, real big time." He lightly traced his fingers down the inside of her thigh. Already, the nattily dressed gambler had her confused. She knew he was going too far and too fast, but she didn't know what to do.

"I told you, baby, I'd take good care of ol' Johnny if you were nice to me." He accentuated his words with a sudden pinch right at the edge of her panties.

"Ow! Deke, you're hurting me." She tried to move away a little. It really had hurt. But his hand closed over her thigh right against the rise of her pubic mound and held her still.

"Sorry, Laura, I'd never want to hurt you. You know that, baby. I'd like to make you feel real good all over. Real good!"

He looked at her shrewdly and decided that maybe he was going a little too fast. He was completely confident that she'd be his to play with before long, but he didn't want to scare her. He moved his hand farther down her leg and cupped her knee in his palm.

"You know, baby, that's one hell of a contract I got for Johnny. If he handles it right it'll make him real big overnight."

"Oh Deke, that's wonderful. I don't know how I'll ever be able..." she stopped. She didn't want to say that.

"I think I know, baby. And I also know a way you can get that contract for your boy. Why don't you just meet me up in Mr. Mornay's suite at eight when you get off. Then we'll talk over a few ways you can make things a little easier for Johnny Dutton."

He ran his hand quickly back up between her legs to touch the soft silk crotch band of her panties before he got up and walked jauntily away.

Laura sat there for several minutes more trying to erase the stain of Deke Vito from her mind, then she was called away to deliver some drinks to some blackjack players.

For the next couple of hours she was too busy to have any time to think of what novas awaiting her in the casino owner's suite on the top floor. It wasn't until the girl who relieved her tapped her on the shoulder and told her she was off that she had a chance to contemplate some course of action.

She knew Deke Vito wasn't the type to waste any time but she couldn't bear the thought of going completely through with what he had in mind.

She was still trying to think of some way to stall him when she felt a huge hand on her shoulder.

It was Black Jack. No one knew his last name, or even if he had one. The giant Negro was Mr. Mornay's bodyguard and the biggest man Laura had ever seen.

He was at least seven feet tall, always dressed in shining black mohair suits with a white tie, and he never seemed to say a word. It was rumored that he couldn't even speak because no one had ever heard him. He just nodded deferentially to Vito's or Mornay's commands and lumbered off to obey.

Laura had been in the lobby once when a drunk and irate customer had taken a swing at the casino owner. Black Jack had appeared out of seemingly nowhere, grabbed the man's fist in mid-air and crushed it with his own hand until the man screamed and fainted. Then the huge black man had picked him up like a toy and carried him outside to stuff him upside down in the sports car the valet had brought around.

She turned to look up at him and then followed as he silently led her to the elevator.

He pushed a button on a side wall separated from the buttons that indicated the various floors of the casino and the elevator was completely quiet as it rose to the penthouse.

There was only one set of great double doors and the Negro waited patiently for Deke Vito to answer the buzzer. It didn't take him long.

"Hello, baby. I'm glad you decided to come up," the gambler said as he motioned her into the spacious living room.

"How about a little drink, kid, before we get down to business?"

Without waiting for her to answer, he motioned to Black Jack who immediately went to a concealed bar that opened with the flick of a small switch.

In seconds that seemed like a silent eternity, the man returned with two tall drinks and handed one to Vito before he bowed and offered the other to Laura.

My God, she thought, it's like a James Bond movie. The raucous noises of the casino below had disappeared with the closing door and the penthouse seemed to be suspended high above the earth. The curtains across the glassed front wall of the living room were wide open and all that could be seen were the tops of the snow-capped mountains that glowed eerily in the twilight.

There was no sound in the room except the clinking of ice cubes and the soft music of a hidden sound system.

Black Jack had retired to the opened bar where he stood at semi- attention.

"Laura baby, don't be nervous," Vito said as he patted her salaciously on the knee. "Drink your drink and relax, we're just going to have a nice little chat."

Vito stood up and removed the deep purple dinner jacket he was wearing. He looked down from his jewel-studded shirtfront.

"I'm goin' to go freshen up, baby. I'll be right back."

She felt a little better with him out of the room and drank thirstily from the tall frosted glass--and she had no objections when Black Jack appeared to make her another. The drink had calmed her a little and she settled back into the velvet softness of the curved couch. She felt considerably more confident and didn't notice the care the huge man took in making her drink. She didn't see the exactness with which he poured the clear liquid from a special bottle in the far corner of the bar.

Black Jack handed it to Deke Vito who had just come back into the room and the sleek looking gambler brought it over to her with a smile.

As he settled onto the couch next to her she was almost sickened by the heavy, sweet smell of the cologne he'd just sprayed himself with.

My God, he must have taken a bath with it. He smells like a French whorehouse. The last thought sobered her momentarily. Whorehouse... I've got to be careful. But the rich warmth that was gradually spreading through her washed away her tension and she felt very sure of herself.

He can't do anything I don't want him to. I may let him touch me a little with his greasy hands, but only enough to get what I want from him. Johnny's contract! The words kept tumbling through her mind to remind her she had to maintain a friendliness toward him in spite of her revulsion.

"Johnny's contract." The words startled her. "Baby, let's talk about Johnny's contract... and the money he owes me."

She looked at the gambler's olive-skinned face through the pearling gray cigar smoke. She was a little surprised to see that everything looked a little hazy to her.

"Baby, that contract's worth an awful lot of money to you and the kid; but the five grand he owes me ain't nothin' to sneeze at."

Her lips seemed a little numb and it was getting difficult to focus her eyes clearly. She tried to concentrate on his words but her mind kept wanting to wander away.

She fastened her eyes on one of the sapphire shirt studs on the pleated front before her and waited til her eyes cleared and she was able to see it distinctly. Then his words became a little easier to understand.

"Yeah, Laura baby, that's a lotta dough. More'n your boy Johnny's got. So if I ain't going to get it from him, where's it gonna come from?"

She looked up at him, the fright showing clearly in her smoky eyes. "Johnn... I mean Deke, I... I don't..."

"Take it easy, Laura baby, I know you ain't got it. But I got a little proposition for you."

"A proposition?"

"What am I." He leaned forward. "What does everybody call Deke Vito?"

Oh wow, she thought, the many ways I could answer that! What did he want her to say.

"I don't know. A gambler, I guess," she replied, shrugging her shoulders.

"That's right, Laura baby, the last of the high rollers." He chuckled softly. "And I'm gonna show you just how much of a high roller I am."

"I don't understand what you mean," Laura questioned, sensing a foreboding tone in his laugh. "W--What are we going to do?"

"Black Jack, make the little lady another drink." He stood and took her hand, pulling her to her feet. "Come with me and I'll show you."

She followed, a little frightened, and he took her into the next room. It was a large and beautifully decorated room. One wall was glass like the living room, but in a semi-circle around a huge bed were several odd-shaped forms with velvet covers over them. The bed was tremendous and completely round and above it were suspended several TV sets, a stereo system, and a row of telephones.

The bodyguard came in with her drink and after handing it to her, began to pull the velvet covers from what turned out to be crap and blackjack tables and a giant ivory-inlaid roulette wheel.

"This is Mr. Mornay's private little casino for his very close friends." He seemed to put extra emphasis on the "very" and Laura had a sudden obscene vision of lovely girls sitting nude at the tables while Mr. Mornay directed the play at their expense.

"I-It's a lovely place," she sad hesitantly, "but what does this have to do with me?"

"Simple, Laura baby. I said we were going to gamble. Take your pick. Blackjack, dice or roulette?"

"I-I don't understand. What are we going to gamble for?"

"Money, baby. The money Johnny Dutton owes me." He looked at her through his heavy-lidded eyes. "For the money and for his new contract!"

He chuckled again. "You win, and they're yours... I erase his debt and you get his contract. I couldn't get any fairer than that, could I?"

She stood there in amazement at his words and his offer. The whole idea was fantastic! She could erase all their problems with just one bet! But, the sudden shock hit her, what does he want in return!

"B-But what do I have to gamble with? What am I betting with? What do you get if I lose?" She had trouble getting the words out. The drinks had her feeling strange and slightly dizzy and yet somehow, through the haze, she knew what his horrible price was going to be.

The gambler walked over to her and cupped her chin in his hand. He looked down hypnotically at her, the light reflecting from the black pinpricks of his eyes.

"You, Laura baby, you. You're betting with the only thing you have... that soft little pussy down between your legs."

She tried to back away from him, the shock of his blunt answer frightening her, but he held her tightly. She almost fainted in that heavy cloud of sweet cologne, feeling a sudden tremor of sensation run through her as he slid a manicured fingernail down the side of her neck.

His touch seemed to send a vibration of high voltage electricity dancing through her body. God! What was happening to her?

"I can't... I... I don't even know how to gamble..." she managed to stammer, fighting the strange sensation in her that seemed to be gnawing deep down in her belly.

Her words trailed away as she tried to think of some other way, some excuse to get out of this. She felt so strange, so hot, and everything seemed so far away--as if it were happening to someone else.

"Baby, you know how I've always wanted you...

"Yes, but, Deke, I just can't. I just can't do it with anyone else but Johnny," she said pleadingly, not wanting to anger him before she had gotten what she wanted.

"Listen to me, baby. There isn't any other way. It's so simple like this and you get just as good a chance at winning as I have. You can't ask any better than a fifty-fifty split on five grand." He still held her, looking straight down into her eyes as she cowered before him, the immensity of what he was saying sinking slowly into her alcohol confused brain. "And..." he continued, not releasing his grip on her shoulders, "even if you lose, we might still knock a little off that five grand."

Laura swayed in the strength of his hands holding her. She knew it was she and Johnny's only chance to ever get even again and the whole of their future lay in her decision. She tried to think, to clear the confusion from her mind but she couldn't. The pressure was too great and she could only stand there with a glazed expression in her eyes, not moving or showing any emotion whatsoever.

"Well, come on, baby. You do love Johnny, don'cha?" He chided her at her weakest point. "You wouldn't be the cause of him losin' his big chance, now would you?"

Laura closed her eyes momentarily as she felt the big man's hands slip down from her shoulders and fondle her full, protruding breasts with a familiarity that repulsed her. She winced, her lips contorting slightly from the combination of the drink and another man's hands touching her as only Johnny, her husband, should be allowed to do. God, she had been shamed and humiliated enough last night by that horrible landlord of theirs and she didn't think she would be able to go through it again, no matter what. But... at the same time... she knew she had absolutely no choice and her delaying tactics were only to postpone the final moment as long as possible.

"Look, baby, we'll make it easy. One turn of the roulette wheel and you get to choose the color. If the little ball lands in your color, you win. If it lands in mine, then ole Deke gets to play a little 'hide the weeney' with you."

She suddenly jerked back from him, her eyes narrowing. "You don't have to be so crude about it. It's horrible enough as it is."

"That's my girl," he smiled slyly, sensing by the tone of her voice that she had already resigned herself to accept his proposition. "After all, you got a fifty-fifty chance and that's better than you've got downstairs when you're throwing money into it."

Laura's mind whirled. In spite of her dislike for the fat, insipid little man, these were the best odds they would ever have. Certainly better than Johnny had had last night when he had been playing against the house. And... she could put them even again in just a matter of minutes. But... Oh God, if she lost! Her eyes flickered involuntarily over the short, fat man's body in front of her and she shivered in revulsion at the thought of his touching her naked, defenseless flesh. But... NO... NO... she couldn't think about that now. It was her and Johnny's whole life she would be betting against just a few short minutes with this pig of a man. She couldn't let Johnny down now... when it really mattered. She just couldn't! And besides, she might even win! The chances were good and the right was on her side and that should count for something!

"Just one spin of the wheel, Laura, and it's all yours. The contract, the five thousand, and you and Johnny home free." He goaded her on, aware of the emotional battle that was raging in her mind.

"A-And if you win," she ventured falteringly. "you s-said you would forget some of the debt."

"You drive a hard bargain, kid." He grinned and stroked her chin. "Yeah, we'll forget the whole thing. You'd be worth five grand in the rack any day. So that means all we're spinning for is whether or not you're gonna put out to old Deke here. That's pretty fair."

Laura's hopes rose slightly when she heard this and as Black Jack pressed another drink in her hand and she took a long, hard swallow, a feeling of almost invincible confidence suddenly arose within her. She knew she was going to win! She just had to! After all, she was doing it for Johnny and his love and that made it so right! So right that it just couldn't go wrong!

She looked up at him, squarely in the eyes for the first time that evening and then brushed her long silken hair out of her eyes. It all seemed so easy now--perhaps reckless, but easy. In a matter of minutes all her and Johnny's problems would be over and she could fly home to him and tell him all about it.

Same as Loser's Wife
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Its all in the mind case files Emily

Author’s note:  This is a ‘spin off’ of my original story – ?It’s all in the mind.? – also available on this site.The story lines I have developed for ?Mind? have had the capacity to take me off in all sorts of new directions.  I find that this can become annoying for the reader, and so I have decided to write some ‘case studies’ as separate stories.As always, this is pure fiction.  Not a word of truth here!!I’m always pleased when any of my readers e-mail me with comments and story ideas.  If...

1 year ago
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Alex and Jenna

*Note* This story is totally fictional and a complete work of my imagination. It is also my first submission to this website and I would love some feedback. I apologize for it being so long, but I tend to be particular about details. Hope you enjoy! Jenna bounded down the stairs and paused for a moment to examine her reflection in the hallway mirror. She was wearing a very short jean mini skirt and a new white halter top that showed off her tan perfectly. Satisfied with her hair, makeup, and...

3 years ago
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Growing TogetherChapter 13

"That's easy," Tanisha said. "I'm getting pretty tired of worrying about what's behind that door. I mean, I know it's not likely to be very good whatever it is, but the knowledge that it could be opened at any time by my brother when I'm least ready just makes things so uncertain. We've built up some pretty good defenses in case something should happen, but who knows what will happen if it does?" "Let me ask this," Joy replied thoughtfully. "It's been, what, going on five...

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Jenny, my little sister, had a rough year the year my k**s went off to college. She'd lost her job about a week before her husband, Eric, had first been laid-off. Eight months later the bank announced foreclosure on their home almost the exact same day her husband received notice that he was being called to service from out of the reserves and he would be spending at least the next year overseas.My sister called my wife crying and there wasn't even a discussion before my wife told her to come...

2 years ago
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BlackCocksMatter Jade Nile Working Out On That Big Black Cock

Jade Nile does more than just workout when she goes to the gym. Her wandering eye always finds its way to those bulges in guys gym shorts. She watches as they grow and wants so badly to feel that girth deep in her pussy. She gets just that one day with Nat. He walks in and all she can do is stare as he lets his pants drop letting that massive black cock catch her attention fully. Jade gets it in her grip and soon is doing some stretches of her own with that pussy while he fills her up fucking...

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A nightly encounter

This story is all true, except for one sentence (I will point it out in the end).I contacted a friend of mine I met recently.She had a birthday party for her husband's father, but agreed to meet up at eleven that nightShe told her husband she was going to comfort a friend that had recently broke up and feels alone.I picked her up from her house, and drove to a nearby night motelWe Started with a little talk, I poured her a glass of red wineIt was a cold night, but the room was small, and the...

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Strangers on a Train

The train was crowded and hot, packed with tourists and people travelling to London for the Olympics and she'd been unable to get a seat, forced to join the masses clinging for dear life onto the handles thoughtfully attached to the ceiling like toys in a childrens playground. Feeling mildly claustrophobic, she took deep breaths, trying to ignore the jostling of sweaty unknown flesh behind her and the occasional opportunistic male hand, as each station saw a few departures and the press of...

3 years ago
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Home Alone 11

Home Alone 11 By Susan Brown. I looked at Nicola's mum in horror. I'm sure that the blood must have drained out of my face, as I felt faint and giddy all at the same time. Don't worry Katie, I'm not annoyed with you. We all want to help'. Just then, there was a knock at the door and Nicola put her head around it. 'Are you OK? She said rather hesitantly, obviously not sure whether I was annoyed with her or not. 'Come in Nic.' Said Mrs. Bright. Nicola came in and ran over to...

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My Hidden Fantasy

(To the xhamster reviewers: I take credit and ownership for this as I am the original writer when I had a now defunct and useless xhamster account.)I was playing a video game on my Xbox 360, and i was having fun. For the record, it was Forza 3. But as I was playing, my apartment door got knocked on. I open the door, and in walks two hot looking girls. One was named Carrie and the other one was named Racheal. Well, it was nice to see them again. Racheal was a BBW with blonde hair, and huge tits...

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PornWorld Verona Sky CockCraving Socialite Verona Sky DPd by Two Black Brothers

Its the weekend and Verona Sky, a cock-craving socialite, is hanging out at a pair of rap music producers mansion in Spain. The brothers allow her to hang around the house, drink cocktails, chill out, and swim in the pool as long as she fucks them whenever they want. Both parties love the arrangement. After waking up with one of the brothers and sucking his cock, Verona who absolutely never gets tired of sucking cock takes a short break and enjoys some time outside under the sun, before she...

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The Lake

It wasn't until I went on a vacation that it finely came true. I had gone up north to stay at a cabin on Lake Tahoe. Everything was beautiful and clean. I had just finished unpacking, and need a shower. The lake looked so cool and inviting. Realizing that no one was around, I stripped all my clothes off and ran down to the crystal blue waters of the lake diving into the blissfully cool water without a moments hesitation. Pure bliss! Somewhat shocked by the sudden cold of the water, for a...

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A teenage ldquoBetrdquo

I think it started out as a joke, at least on my part. My friend Tim and I were playing a game of tennis. Neither one of us were very good or serious about the game, but we were both competitive. Tim suggested a “Bet.” The loser would have to suck the winners cock. We laughed and I said, “Yeah right.” Have joking, I then said, Ok. Time joked that he would lose on purpose now. We both laughed, but there was now a tension in the air. The match went on for about an hour, both of us playing hard...

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My Dark Awakening IV

In my new position, I was sent back to college, in my class the professor had the chairs arranged around the perimeter rather than in rows like normal. Directly across from me was this pretty black girl. Latisha. She was very short, far from fat, but I call her round. Her booty was held high. She had brown eyes, and lips a man could die for. Her lips were just a little thicker than normal, and seemed to shine with a smile all the time. She had breasts so beautiful and large, they would jiggle...

2 years ago
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Striptease By Donna Dee Martina effortlessly steered the powder blue Bentley convertible into the car park of the Travel lodge motel and stopped outside the chalet she knew would be hers for the night. The car with it's personalised number plate, M4RTI was her pride and joy, and not so much as a speck of dirt sullied the gleaming paintwork. The top was down, it was a beautiful day, the hot sun shone brightly and she considered it was wonderful to be so rich that even her...

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Energetic Preeti Who Made Me Local Boyfriend

Hi guys and girls, I am Vivek from Nashik city. I am 5″10 long, average fairness and body. My story is real and starts with a Bus journey. I was once travelling to Mumbai by Bus as my Car was pending oil change and so I boarded the bus at early morning 6 AM which was almost completely reserved with only the long back seat empty. I saw 2 girls got the seat and 8 were empty. I somehow managed to get a seat there and this resulted in me in between these 2 girls. One was in corner of the bus, then...

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Plan B Pill PT 2

Hello you lot, I've done it again. I've had another amazing fuck with Terry. I will say this for him he doesn't mess about.We have a little table in the kitchen where we often eat our meals and that's where he fucked me something rotten right across the table-top. He came in and we kissed really passionately. I went into the kitchen to make him a nice cup of coffee and he followed me and came at me from behind wrapping his arms around my waist and snuggling kisses into my neck, he's so sweet....

3 years ago
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Anita in a changing room

Saturday afternoon we were on the way to the mall when my sweet Ana mentioned to me that she wanted to look for a new swimsuit at a certain department store that was having a sale there. As usual the mall was quite crowded but eventually she found some stuff to try on. The dressing rooms were in the back of the store and had just curtains that stopped about two feet above the floor over the doorways. It was interesting to watch the women change clothes, since one could see their legs and feet...

4 years ago
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The Guy Next Door

James had always fascinated Lola, she’d spent many a night dreaming of him and many days lost in a world of him. He had a power over Lola that he never saw, with his tall muscular body, strong arms, broad shoulders and thick thighs; he was everything that was masculine. But it wasn’t just his body that Lola looked at appreciatively; it was his strong jaw and dark sapphire eyes, his thick jet black hair, deep blood red lips and his utterly flawless smooth creamy pale skin. Lola couldn’t think of...

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Sexy Soothu Vaithu Irukum Aunty Teacher

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil sexy soothu vaithu irukum auntyai eppadi usar seithu othen enbathai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar ramakrishnan surukamaaga ramkrish endru ennai neengal azhaikalam. En nanban veetirku oru naal nadanthu sendrukondu irunthen. Appozhuthu en mune oru sexiyaaga aunty nadanthu sendrukondu irunthaal, aval soothu sema sexiyaaga pazhuthu irunthathu. Neengal yar antha penin soothai paarthaalum kandipaaga neengal avalai ooka...

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Albion Elizabeths StoryChapter 20

The AI reported that dinner was ready to be served. After washing up, they made their way to the kitchen. The powerful aromas assaulted their senses as they entered the room. The women were bustling about doing myriad final chores. One sliced an apparently fresh-baked baguette. Another was carving a ham. A third extracted some type of dessert from the oven and placed it on a wire rack to cool. "Sit down, everyone," Tracy called. "There are no special places. Please choose a place near...

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HungerParts 1 and 2

Hunger— Part 1 I am straddled across his body, my legs bent and gripping his hips, my hands on his chest and my head bent forward as the last wave of my orgasm ripples up from my groin. I feel the final contraction dissipate and the warm flow of my juice begin to seep from my body. Collapsing on him I take my fist from my mouth, gasp for breath and inhale the musky scent of his unwashed body. I feel the scratch of his unshaven growth rub against my cheek like a rasp as I recover from my...

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Servant of Rome

"I hate this course," Jesse said. She closed her textbook with a snap. "Roman history is a confusing mess." "You mean it is not like current political history?" Kalliste Periakes said. She was standing at the stove in the back of the Women's Co-op, a graduate student in archaeology of indeterminate age. She had lustrous black hair, a pert, up-turned nose and a generous mouth. Today she was cooking a dish from her native Crete. "Current politics seems simple," Jesse replied. "I have...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 62 Time to Be Completely Insensitive

The moment Glenda Harper, Jessie Harper, Kate Terrence and Carrie Pearson entered the church for Glenda Harper’s and Bryce Unsworth’s wedding things took on a wonderfully surreal dimension. From beginning to end the whole day was just a magical experience for everyone involved. The rows of protesters leading up to the church had given Glenda Harper grave concerns that her wedding day was going to go all wrong. It just felt like a really bad portent of things to come. But she couldn’t have...

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La Petite Fille

I thought at first they were going to break me, three enormous men, with bodies that were unimaginable. They looked fierce and were ready to hunt their prey. I was simply walking along some lonesome fields, it was mid-winter and the cold had stopped many from going outside but I was covered in a thick fur coat. I had almost arrived at the village and looked at the bright sun to find the correct direction. Suddenly, those three men blocked my view, laughing maniacally in a way that would make...

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Mami ki kahani

Main ek rishtedar ki yah kisi kam se gaya tha. Mere rishetedar jo ki humare mausere mama hai 55 saal ki umer ke hain aur unki biwi 42 saal ki hai unhe koi bachha nahi hai. Dikhne me o aurat thik thak hai aur thodi figure bhi thik thak 38-29-37. Main unke ghar 6 baje pahuncha jab ki main kisi official kam se aa raha tha aur mama ke father ki death par main unhe nahi milata isliye 2 mahine baad muje unhe milne ka mauka mila tha. Jab main late aaya meri khud ki gadi se hi main aaya tha mera driver...

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Nanbanin Ammavai Rasithu Oothen 8211 Part 1

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en nanbanin amma udan nadantha kama kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En peyar Pratheep, vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Naan college final year padithu varugiren, naan athigamaaga kama kathai padipen. Niraiya neram kama padangalum paarpen, athilum enaku tamil kama video migavum pidikum. Tamil kathaiyil thaan thagatha uravu vaithu oopargal, enaku thagatha uravu vaithu ooka thaan pidikum. Ithu naal varai naan entha pen idamum pesiyathu ilai en endraal naan...

4 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 143 Rehab

"I am so bored," Warren moaned. "The computer not interesting enough, Snugglebear?" Sophie joked. "After a while, it kind of pales, you know? I'm caught up on my studies, especially considering I haven't been to class in over a week." "We've got the wheelchair coming for next Monday, so you'll be there then come hell or high water." "Which is good, I'm far behind enough as it is. Of course, we'd been missing a few days this week anyway because of Skate America." "It...

2 years ago
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BadDaddyPOV Chelsea Waves Bathroom Quickie With Step Daddy

Busty teen, Chelsea Waves, is all sweaty after doing some chores in the backyard. The stunning blonde looks astonishing in a pink tank top and light blue shorts. Her blonde pigtails highlight her innocent charm as she talks with her stepfather. Chelsea is about to take a dip in the bathtub, but her stepdaddy has other plans for her. He enters the bathroom without any hesitation and watches his step daughter strip off her clothes. Her stepfather’s naughty antics made the blonde teen all...

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Faith Hope and Charity 1 Beeder

As you may or may not recall, my name is Charity Jones; not my last name of course but one does have to keep their secrets. I am writing these memoirs as I reflect on the last 24 years of my life and how it has led me to my current lifestyle; church-going PTA mom by day, slut by night. It wasn’t an overnight transition to where I am now, happily married with kids and a sex life that would make porn stars blush; but a gradual transition. For those of you who have read my earlier...

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Family of 4 Family Together

Note : This story is completely fictional! My wife Pari, her younger sister (by one year), Ara, and their Mother, Mae. 3 Ladies – and me, man of the house so-to-speak, our Family. Quite an exhausting role it has become. Where we live in Asia, I am a foreigner, being born way down-under. But I have lived in Asia a long time now, and understand how important Family is. In the case of my wife’s family, her Father died (of smoking and drinking-related illnesses) over 18 years ago; since then, the 3...

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GloryHole Anissa Kate 03112019

Anissa Kate is one hot piece of French ass. Just look: struttin’ her stuff in a creepy, adult bookstore, checking out everything from sex toys, sexy lingerie, and, of course, all the dirty movies. Anissa loves interracial sex films the best, so it makes perfect sense she gravitated over to the Dogfart end cap in the DVD section! Soon, our friendly clerk has guided the Parisian native to the video arcade — and booth number 5. You know what happens in booth 5. And soon, Anissa will,...

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Me my wife and a Amish man 3way fantasy

This idea came to me the night before as the wife and I laid in bed, I asked her if she would like to invite our Amish neighbor over for supper tomorrow night since his wife was out of town. She said of course why not. I then said I wanted her to seduce him, she kind of chuckled and then said "Are you serious?" Absolutely, I told her. "How?" she asked and this is how my fantasy starts.................The next afternoon I called....(lets call him Vernon, age 53,5'7" and his hair is completely...

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Meeting an old flame

An encounter I had with a guy I went out with before I got married at a friends wedding last year “Oh come on, Anne, just a quick fuck, for old times’ sake.” “You have got to be k**ding.” “Ok,maybe not a fuck, but how about a blow-job? One last time.” “Oh, fuck it, ok, a blow-job. But it’ll haveto be a quick one.” He was already undoing his belt. I pushed him back against the wallhitched up my dress, and knelt down, hoping the floor wasn’t too dirty. I unzipped his fly, and tuggeddown the front...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 198

The following are compliments of a Friend of J & G. During our computer class, the teacher chastised one boy for talking to the girl sitting next to him. “I was just asking her a question” the boy said. “If you have a question, ask me” the teacher tersely replied. “Okay,” he answered “Do you want to go out with me Friday night?” “You know, it’s at times like these when I’m trapped in an airlock with an alien and about to die of asphyxiation in deep space that I really wish I’d...

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Seduced by the Shy Neighbor Lady

 The next time I went over to the neighbors, it was not to meet my sweet girlfriend Lisa. Actually, I waited until seeing her leaving the house, before I casually strolled over the lawn to run into her aunt, Mrs. Wilder, who was again harvesting berries in the garden.When I sheepishly asked for Lisa, Mrs. Wilder smiled deviously and said in her chesty voice, “Tough luck, boy, she is gone, but you are welcome to help me again.”I was proud of my diplomatic skills, picked up a basket and started...

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Shayla and Jade

Introduction: Two young sisters My wife and I had moved to our new chalet bungalow six months ago. We had downsized, having never being blessed with kids, my wife had taken a job at a local hospital which specialised in child care, to compensate. The move involved me giving up my job, to keep her happy, so I managed to get a job, from home, which mainly involved spending a lot of time on the computer, boring but it brought in an income. After sixteen years of marriage our sex life had dwindled...

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Fantasy life

It is about 10:30 on a summer Saturday night. Earlier in the evening you had said you wanted to hang out with your friends and you will be back. I kissed you good bye and took a hot bubble bath. I decided to pamper myself a bit and dressed in a sexy black lace lingerie with open crotch and put on black stockings to match. I settled in on the sofa with a good book. I must have fallen asleep, it felt like I was dreaming but I could feel you beard tickle my face and lips kissing me beckoning me to...

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Weapons of Math Instruction 3

Professor Peter erotically entertains juicy Jenny, young mom of his pupil and new love sweet SarahProfessor Peter and jolly Jenny are interrupted by the early arrival of sexy Sarah, who gets furiousProfessor Peter has to solve a problem ... as he loves both of his closest nicely naughty neighboursProfessor Peter gets a great guess as a man of math: why not use my ruler to restore some discipline?Professor Peter proposes sexy Sara "Sit at my left leg love! Let us three talk to solve the...

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Santas Special DeliveryChapter 5

We took my car, which had three seatbelts in the front. Eva scooted next to me and got her son strapped in before she dug out the belt for herself. When I pulled away she laid her hand on my thigh. I turned my head to look at her. "Do you have any idea what you're doing?" "I hope so," she said, looking straight ahead. "I'm not so sure you have a clue," I suggested. Her hand slid between my legs and she squeezed my inner thigh gently. "You mean this?" she asked...

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My Wife Needs Big Cock

Hello readers! I am Raghava from Hyderabad.i am aged about 25 years and got married forcefully by my elders. I am not interested to get marriage since I got my own doubt I may not be suitable marriage life. I got job as asst engineer in private company with good salary. My relatives brought match to me and my parents accept it without my knowledge. Finally, with great difficulty I was made to accept it. After my marriage, my elders celebrated my first night and I slept separetely. My wife...

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Junior High Soccer Moms

Marianne Smith huffed up the stairs, a basket balanced on her hip as she trudged along on her chore to pick up the clothes her two kids left strewn about the house. Blowing the strand of dishwater blond hair from her face she moved into her daughter Bethany's room and found the usual litter of panties, skirts and shirts lying on the floor and the bed. As she began to pick up the clothes she heard a muted cry of surprise coming from further down the hall. Normally Marianne would have ignored...

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Lust to the max

Every step to her house seemed slower and slower with every one. I almost came on spot thinking of lathering up her big floppy breasts and slapping her tits with my large, 8-inch cock. Ooh how I'd love to- and then I tripped, "God dammit!", I screamed, realizing I was on her doorstep. And also realizing that saw me trip. "You coming in or not...?", she questions, "Apparently we have the house to ourselves." As soon as those words left that mouth, I was up and inside her house within...

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Different Dads Different Daughters Chapter 2

__________________________________________________________________________________________ Different Dads, Different Daughters - Chapter 2 The next morning was hectic for both Ryan and Patty. Between him trying to get ready for work and her in a hurry to leave for school, the two of them continually tripped over one another. About the only place where there wasn’t interference was in the shower. Mind you, when one was attempting to wash the other of the results of the previous evening,...

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Jock TalesSweet 16 PT 1

Jock Tales----Sweet 16 PT 1It was the most anticipated day of my life. More than anything football. More than Christmas. More than the day I finally popped out numbers 7 and 8 abs. More than the day I discovered hair up in the crack of my ass. Even more than the day just a few weeks ago when I finally measured up 9”. Lotta of fuck meat for a 15 YO. Today, was my 16th birthday.I met it with a bit of melancholy though. The original plan was to be at the car lot, and grab that jeep I had my eye on...

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spa boi prt 20

...It took a while before the need to cum forced me to get off the cot and roam the halls searching out more cock. The exhibition with the bears raised my profile and soon the number of suitors that followed me had my mind swimming with an idea. In the club there was an open area that showed videos, it was a dimly lit but rather comfortable place with futons and overstuffed chairs. I made my way to that area and claimed a futon, which I unfolded from couch to bed. I got down on all fours...

2 years ago
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Sabrina Tabitha Teen WitchesPart 3

I. Tabitha fumed as she paced her mansion. Despite having spent the entire night trying to track them, she failed. Now, she feared she might be dealing with forces even greater than her own. Tabitha walked down the hallway to where she had left Salem and glared at him. Salem stood there - stark naked - a stone statue. "Damn you," she shouted at him, blaming him for this mess. Then she snapped her fingers and brought him back to life. "Tabitha, please, this isn't my fault ... let me...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 14 Erica BradfordChapter 15

The reason Bobby was absent from musical practice while all this was going on was quite simple. First off, the sets were done. But he had received another request from Misty Compton too. She had invited Jasper to come to Nashville, to sell some of his songs. She had also asked Bobby to come with him, and offered to pay his way again. “I feel bad about you spending all this money,” he had told her on the phone. “It’s my money,” she said. “I want to see you.” He had agreed, which was a good...

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No Good DeedChapter 24

We got back to the house and I paced, while Jonathan made his calls. It took some time, since his contact was actually involved in the raid, and couldn’t respond right away. Eventually, Jonathan’s phone rang, and it took every ounce of my willpower to keep from hovering over his shoulder while he talked. When he finally finished and turned around, I could immediately tell the news wasn’t good. “They missed Richards.” “What happened?” “As best they can tell, he took off, late this morning....

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Premier Classe Premier Fuck

I opened my eyes, stretched, and looked at my phone. I’d only dozed off in my compartment for half an hour or so, but even during that short time, the landscape had changed completely. I’d closed my eyes on endless rows of ramshackle, corrugated-iron-roofed, single-story shanties on the outskirts of Johannesburg, and opened them to equally wide vistas of flat uncultivated scrubland. There were now no signs of human habitation; just short, twisted trees dotting the landscape, along with random...

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NonFiction Train

I should be ashamed. But I’m not. It’s been six months since it happened; and up until now, I’ve kept my mouth shut. Now, I’ve chosen to be bold. Why? Well, it’s my resolution for 2015: to hell with what people think. I resolved to chase my worries with an imaginary lick of salt and a virtual shot of Patron, throwing all inhibitions over my shoulder. (Yes, I’m still trying to convince myself; it’s a work in progress.) By the way, this is a true story – hence the declarations. Some may condemn...

2 years ago
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02 My mother and me The beginning

... I was so in myself , masturbating that i didn't noticed that she exited bathroom and that she was standing two meters from me . When i noticed her , it was to late and i couldn't help myself ... i could not stop. I looked at her , standing in that almost see through dress , and she was watching me with a smile on her face. In a matter of moments i cummed all over my naked body , she didn't say o word , just exited the room with the same smile .... After i cummed i felt a big shame ,...

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Chapter 5 Running Out The Clock

Finally, the clock hit 4:30 and as luck should have it Stan was too busy to meet with me again.  It was probably for the best since I doubt I could have held back the burning lust and desire inside of me that the creature had both created and spread the flames of.  I popped the top off of my travel mug to ensure that the slime was still there.  The residual slime from this morning was still safely stored in the mug. I began to pack up my things at my desk.  When I reached to unplug my laptop...

Monster Sex

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