Losers Bluff (formerly "Insurance") free porn video

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I come slowly into consciousness and realize I am hanging by my arms in asmall room, facing cinder block walls. The pain in my ankles is immediate andI realize that my toes are just barely touching the floor. When I look up,I notice the ropes that suspend me are a light Brown rubber similar to thatfound in hospitals. With little effort, I can swing my fatigued body from sideto side, but I can't turn around.

After what seems like hours, but is probably only minutes, I hear a dooropen slowly behind me.

"Hello…" I say tentatively, after there is only silence for severalawkward moments. Slowly, deliberately, footsteps begin to approach on the finegravel floor. I can tell from the dense crunching noise, that they are comingfrom a pair of leather boots.

"Guten Morgan, Fraulien," the husky, masculine, voice intones, in a thick,theatrical German accent. "You appear to be relatively rested as opposed towhen I last saw you." R's rolling like a freight train.

"When you last…" I blurt, instantly confused. "I don't…. whoare you?"

"Ah ha ha," he laughs, actually saying "ha ha." "Alittle joke. We are not amused." It isn't a stretch to believe this guy hadno sense of humor.

"I have no idea who you are" I spit out, with just a touch of anger spillinginto my tone.

"Let us again take up the matter of where your daughter is located."

I freeze. Janice… what do they want with my Janice?

A few more footsteps, and he stands by my side. I think I smelled him beforeI saw him, an overpowering musk of old tunic, stale cigarette smoke, and expensivewhiskey. He was older than I'd imagined; a corpulent, full-faced man of diminutivestature; large, flabby jowls; thin lips, and a generally unhealthy pallor.His bald scalp shines in the light of the room, polished to an unearthly gleam,wisps of white hair circling the perimeter of his skull. An immaculate BlackSS officer's uniform has been tailored around his enormous belly and bulbous,bulging ass; matching flared breeches making his already large hips appearlarger than any part of his ungainly physique.

His hideous face twists into an unpleasant smile as he leans slightly againsta wall, inspecting me. He casually produces a gold cigarette case, a gold lighter,and matching black and gold cigarette holder, easily a foot long in length,from his breast pocket. Patiently, slowly, he inserts a cigarette in the gold-tippedrod and lights it, inhaling deeply, blowing the smoke directly towards me.

"I don't have a clue," I say, turning away from the obnoxious smoke and hisfierce stare, which is burning a hole in me through an elegant, gold-framedmonocle.

He jabs me in the shoulder with a short, menacing, Black riding crop, gainingmy attention immediately.

"Oh, I think you do Froil-lein" he mispronounces theatrically, sighing heavily. "Youhave just not been properly motivated." He abruptly stands, clicks his heelsand snaps the riding crop to the side of his thick, glossy, knee-high boots.A uniformed henchman appears quickly, and exchanges the crop for a monstrous,coiled bullwhip, placing it reverentially in the Commandant's Black, gauntlet-gloved,hands.

He pauses for a moment, slowly stroking my cheek. The smell of fine leatherintoxicates and chills me at the same time. He lets loose an evil, deeply melodiclaugh, then stares past me, absently pulling on the cigarette holder.

"Major Enrique!" he thunders, jowls inflating like hot air balloons. "Prepareher!"

The gloved thug tears what's left of my clothes off as I hang, shivering.

"I…. I'll never let you hurt my daughter…" is all I can manage.

He stares, obviously unimpressed, and says in a business-like, almost apathetic,tone "We shall see."

He takes several paces back from me, and an almost inhuman force followsa heavy rush of air. It feels like 100 stones are being thrown at me, all atonce. And after the stones, come the knives, a searing arc of agony that cutsinto my back. Again, and again, it comes. I find myself counting the blows,almost as a distraction, but nothing can block out the torment. When he haslaid an even ten, he walks over to me.

His breath is short, and it is obvious that this out-of-shape, self-importantprick is not used to performing his own dirty work. He lights a fresh cigaretteand walks behind me to inspect his handiwork.

The pain in my back is quickly becoming even more intense, and I feel hisleathered hands trace each welt, which are becoming raised and inflamed. Smokedrifts past my head.

"Such a simple question," he gloats, obviously happy with the results ofhis efforts, "seeking an equally simple answer." He returns to face me, holderjauntily set into the corner of his mouth. "You have far more control thanyou realize, Fraulein. Tell me what we wish to know, and you will be freed.Refuse… and we will continue."

"Fuck you, you filthy Nazi pig!" I scream instinctively, instantly regrettingmy response.

He chuckles, seeming almost pleased with my answer, and returns to his positionto deal another ten cuts. When he is finished, he again faces me.

"Far worse than before, wasn't it?" he asks superciliously, tittering lewdly.He's right, I think grimly, wincing at the discomfort. He continues, obviouslysavoring his position of authority over me. "As my finely oiled kangaroo-hidewhip slashes into your previously pristine flesh, the pain increases, doesn'tit?"

I don't say anything, but tiny tears begin to sting my eyes. I refuse togive him the satisfaction of eye contact or an answer.

He takes a deep drag on his cigarette and returns again to the gruesome specterof my wounds, like a depraved connoisseur admiring a piece of fine art.

"You're bleeding," he continues. "We can't have that."

I gasp slightly, shuddering at my growing ability to read his sadistic thoughts.A large cloud of cigarette smoke wafts from behind, and then an interminableperiod of silence follows. His cigarette holder is so long, it juts over myshoulder. When it disappears, I almost shit myself.

Again, unnerving silence follows. Then, I can feel the heat at my back. Almostinstantly it is withdrawn.

"Oh… not yet" he purrs, almost effeminately. More smoke. "I wouldn'twant to waste one of these fine cigarettes, and besides, the pain is far moresubstantial when the ash is close to the filter." He starts to laugh again,a demented cacophony that rings throughout the room.

Then the real pain begins.


Jenny never made it home for Thanksgiving that year.

It was the night before the holiday and she had left to go grocery shoppingat a Super Target in a large mall about ten miles from home. When it was threehours past when she said she'd be back, and after no answer on her cell, mymind began to race.

I had a sick feeling. It was him. He's done something. I just knew it.

"I was thinking…. If you'd pay 25 grand to save your whore, you'dsurely pay at least twice that to keep your wife and daughter safe" the chubbybald man who called himself Mr G. had said, smugly clucking to himself andpuffing lazily on a $30 Cuban cigar.

I had to control myself from throttling the little tyrant. We were in a publicplace, after all.

"What's the point, you slimeball?" I said, drawing the ire of the gangster'stwo big goons, who sat on either side of him in the plush leather Red banquetteof the G Spot, his wittily named downtown gentlemen's club. "Like last time,I'll pay you, and you're going to keep wanting more. No…fuck this. Thisstops now."

Mr. G merely stared with his dull eyes, ignoring the thugs who were chompingat the bit for a piece of my hide and fingering the lapel of his expensivethree-piece suit. He puffed steadily, contemplatively, on the fat cigar andabsently began to toy with one of his two diamond pinky rings.

"Oh, it will stop…for now" he smirked. "But insurance is like that….You never seem to have it when you need it the most." He removed the cigarfrom his mouth and put it out with a bit more force than he seemed to wantto display.

The gangster wheezed as he stood up abruptly and the goon named Tony placeda Camel colored cashmere topcoat over his shoulders like a cape and handedhim a chestnut Brown fedora.

"Have a safe holiday season," the fat man sang with sarcastic benevolence,the faint remnants of a twisted smile playing on his lips.

That had been 6 weeks ago. Things seemed to have turned a corner. The harassingphone calls --- the dead lines that woke us at 3 AM --- stopped. The LincolnNavigator that sometimes lurked around our block was nowhere in sight. Shit,I had even been able to sleep for up to 6-7 hours at night without waking upin cold sweats, imagining the smell of smoke or a cry in the dark.

I sat down and tried to think calmly. Options…think! The cops werenot on the list, at least not at this point. The biggest sword that G heldover my head was my involvement with his "girls." It had been some misbegottensense of "honor" that had lured me into his web. Natasha. I had loved her.But now she was gone, as quickly as a couple hundred thousand in home equitythat had taken me over 20 years to accumulate. I had nothing, and was tensof thousands more in debt. How seriously would the cops take a guy who hadbeen formally charged with solicitation? Not too seriously. Anyhow, they aren'tgoing to do anything for 48 hours on a Missing Persons…. And by thattime, god only knows what G and his thugs will do.

But if I did nothing it might be worse.

I picked up the phone and dialed 91, then paused, and quickly hung up.

I headed over to the Super Target, but found no trace of Jenny's car. I wentto the G Spot.


I see old Phil, that pathetic middle-aged fuck, walk in about quarter totwelve. He walks over to Tommy, who's tending the bar tonight and, after talkin'with him for a few seconds, heads over in my direction.

Even though I've been expecting to see him following the execution of thebig boss' latest scheme, it still pisses me off. I'm wrapping biz up with afew of the regular girls and a couple horny johns, and frankly, I'm too busyfor this shit. It's Michelob time, motherfucker.

I know the boss is waiting for Phil fuck-face to come around to grovel… heflew in special from New York just for the occasion. But I also know it's wayfuckin' late, and the big man is probably just beginning to get nasty withthis new girl I fixed him up with, or passed out from snarfing half a bottleof Louis.

Two things I've learned from working for Mr. G in the past four years: hedon't like to be disturbed, and he don't like surprises.

"Is your boss in town?" Fuck-face asks, interrupting me rudely as I'm countingout $3500 in small bills (not a bad night's pay for the boss).

"He might be. What can I do ya for, fuck-face? Need to borrow some money?Broke again? Too bad… the boss is having a good run lately. I have thisfeeling it's gonna get even better." I can't hide a shit-eating grin, thoughI know I'm pushin' it. Phil's not looking too good.

"Cut the shit, Tony. My wife's been gone for over four hours tonight, andit's got your boss' name all over it."

"Ho! Hold up, ass-wipe! You can't just come into my place of business, accusingme of somethin' like kidnapping. It's not my fuckin' problem if you can't keepa leash on your coos. Is her car gone?"

"You know fucking well it's gone" the asshole shoots back.

"Well then, ya can't prove nuthin', can ya?" I say. "She coulda just runout on ya. Got tired of eatin' all those boloney sandwiches." I know I'm stickin'the knife in at this point, but I can't resist. He's such an easy mark.

"Just let me talk to him" he says, looking so pathetic I almost feel sorryfor the turd.

"All right. Wait outside. I'll see what I can do. No promises!"

Fuck face. I'm gonna wind up missing MY goddam turkey dinner tomorrow overthis shit, just you wait and see.

I finish tallying the receipts as quick as I can, then dial Steve, who'sover playing valet to his Highness in the Presidential Suite at the Brown.


I wasn't the least bit suspicious when it happened, but why would I be? You'dthink if you were in danger, your own husband would do something to warn you,right? Especially if the danger involved your child?

I was loading my groceries when a large Black SUV pulled up behind my car,with one of those mobile flasher bubbles fixed to one side of the top. In retrospect,it looked a bit too plush to be a security car.

A guy in a plain gray guard outfit leaned his head out the window and saidsomething like "Excuse me, ma'am, we need your help. We're trying to find aman who's wandering about lost in the parking lot."

I told him I hadn't seen anyone around like that.

"If you could look at a few pictures, it would really help us out," he says,briefly holding up a large black binder. He tries to fit it through the windowto give me a look but it's too long or too wide or something. "Could you come'round to the passenger side?" he asks.

I hesitate, but I'm late getting home as it is…. The turkey requiresa good 4-5 hours to prep and bake, and I'm running out of time.

I walk around to the other side of the vehicle and open the door. He holdsthe book out to me, and then drops it squarely in the foot well of the passengerseat. Instinctively, I step into the car to retrieve it, and that's when thearm from behind me clamps down on my right breast, fixing me to the seat.

The locks drop down and instantly we're speeding off. I grab for the doorhandle, but a rag with something horribly strong is clamped over my face. Chloroform.I can still smell it.

When I wake up, I'm on the stone floor of an 8 X 8 foot cage.


I am a businessman, first and foremost. Let's clear that up right away.

I am sure there are those who call me a monster; an inhuman sadistic megalomaniacbent on using any method to achieve my goals of endless power and wealth. Iwould respond by saying that I do only what is needed to achieve my goals.And if in that process, I happen to extract a bit of unholy delight in thesuffering of a few innocent bystanders, in the lording of my power over theirweakness, then that is an added perk. Who's to say one cannot or should notbe afforded a few side benefits from a path of personal destiny that I deemto have been mine from birth?

But I digress.

At 1 AM on Thanksgiving Day, I was about to retire to my four-poster splendorin the Presidential Suite of the Brown Palace hotel in Denver when my faithfulvalet Esteven alerted me to the arrival of Mr. Palmer at the door of my suite.Ordinarily, I would have sent him away, but his appearance afforded me a chanceto accomplish what I had intended much sooner than I had planned. I instructedmy henchmen to make a quick sweep of both the hotel and the surrounding streetsfor any trace of the authorities, while my bodyguards, Tony and Vito, performedtheir usual frisk of Palmer for any wires or weapons. When satisfied, I grantedhim entry and directed Esteven to escort him to my private office to awaitmy arrival.

While I ideally should have been suited up for the occasion, I chose insteadto retain my current state of dress: a luxurious set of Brioni Royal Blue silkpajamas, Blue cashmere socks, Black velvet slippers by Polo, embroidered withmy monogram, a Navy and Silver checked silk smoking jacket by Sulka and double-plySilver silk ascot from Carrott and Gibbs. Matching Pocket Square, of course.

I seated myself grandiloquently in the large, high-backed, Presidential ExecutiveLa-Z-Boy leather desk chair with Mahogany trim that I had custom ordered forthe suite. One must be comfortable while working, especially when those youare addressing are so very uncomfortable!

I watched poor Phillip squirm in the hard, low-backed, armless vinyl chairover the considerable expanse of my hand-rubbed Cherry desk, glowering withobvious satisfaction.

"You look happy," he spits out, giving me a look one would usually reservefor the devil himself.

I say nothing, smile slightly, and take out a 10-inch Cobalt Blue Bakelitecigarette holder and a silver cigarette case from my inner breast pocket.


The minute he took out that goddamn cigarette holder I knew I was screwed.

"You evil little bastard. You obviously want to gloat, so go ahead and getit over with," I said. I really didn't give a shit at this point if I was beatento a pulp.

G paused as he allowed his liveried assistant to light his cigarette, andthen rocked back in the ridiculously ornate chair while inhaling.

"Ah, yes. The moment when an opponent is truly beaten is always an eventto be savored," he stated as if he were orating on some profound philosophicaltruth.

"So you admit you have her?"

" Have her?" he queried, mockingly quizzical. "I wouldn'tsay I've had her… yet" he slyly finished, raisinghis bushy eyebrows mischievously and huffing out a couple of leisurely smokerings.

It took every ounce of restraint to keep my hands to my sides. It was onething to be intimidated and condescended to by this rich goon, but to actuallywitness his obvious pleasure at my family's peril was intolerable.

"Look here, Palmer, I was going to feign innocence but who are we fooling?You know I have your wife. And I have you." He made a slight reach across thedesk to delicately tap the ash from his cigarette into a mammoth crystal ashtray. "Youhave, quite simply, no one to ask for help. The police are securely in my silk-linedpocket along with half the money that keeps this little cow town floating,in one manner or another. You know what I want from you, and can probably ascertainyour fate if you do not cooperate. For your lovely wife, I have other plans." Hesteepled his fingers together and a look of malevolent anticipation crept intohis eyes, causing them to gleam inhumanly in the dim light of the wood-paneledoffice.

"Well, Mr. Big Shot, can I ask a question?"

The canyon-like crevice in his brow grew deeper in response to my smart-assremark, and ape-man Tony cracked his knuckles. I know it was supposed to makeme quake with fear, but it sounded so contrived I almost laughed. I enjoyedcatching this midget off-guard, since he prided himself on his supposed god-likeomniscience.

"If you've got all this money and power," I ventured, "why go to all thistrouble for fifty grand?"

"A fair question," he stated flatly, removing the spent butt from his holderand crushing it out. He tried to heighten himself as much as he possibly couldin that Barcalounger of an office chair, but failed miserably. "You do knowthat you robbed me of one of my best girls?" he said, trying to sound threateningbut only managing to sound annoyed.

"Natasha? Yeah… I'm aware of it." My turn to smile.

"And if you knew me at all you'd know that no one takes what is mine withoutpaying dearly for it."

"You may own 'half this town' but you don't own the people in it" I replied,surprising myself with my courage (or stupidity). "Natasha is a very intelligentwoman who knew when she was getting the short end of the deal. She walked awayfrom your organization without any help from me."

"Well…" he continued, fingering his cigarette case idly (the thinghad MR. G inscribed on the face in Roman script. Please.). "Since she was seeingyou, I guess you could say she was getting the short end of it." He began tosnicker, and his hateful smugness returned full force as his henchmen randilyjoined in with him. "At any rate, you're wrong as usual. As long as there arepoor saps like you, with no assets and over-extended credit, there will alwaysbe ownership." He fixed another cigarette slowly into the holder. "And I own you ." Hepuffed his cigarette alight, showily.

"You don't think I'd get fifty grand together for you, if I could?" I said,my desperation finally showing through. He had hit a raw nerve with his commentabout my solvency. This bloodsucker had put me in this position, and now hewas criticizing me for it!

"You'll find it," he stated simply "or your wife will be the one who pays.In blood, tears, and confessions."

"Confessions?" I choked out, incredulously. "To what?"

"To where you've stashed your daughter, dick-wipe!" he thundered, suddenlylosing his world-weary sophisticate act and revealing his crass upbringing. "She'snot at that fucking college anymore, and I want to know where she is. I needa backup in case you're stubborn."

"You fucker…." I spat out, feeling the tears coming to my eyes alongwith the requisite shame. "You were watching her. I knew it."

"Oh yes" he smiled. "And your wife, too. She's far, far away. Somewhere youwill never find her. And every day that my payment is not received, your belovedJenny's discomfort will escalate. Now if she tells me where dear Janice islocated, her sentence will be dramatically reduced…" He puffed thoughtfullyon his holder, obscuring his fat face with smoke for a brief instant.

"I'll go to the police with this. You'll never get away…" I trailedoff weakly.

"Oh, I will. I am." He sneered, caressing his silken lapels confidently withone manicured hand and waving the other dismissively. "You're pathetic. Throwhim out."

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The Double Bluff

I ran my fingers through my hair. I felt panicked. I didn’t know what to say to her. I turned on my lamp, jumping back in pain and surprise as the light burned into my eyes. I covered them with my arm and lay back in bed. There was another knock, a little louder. I didn’t know what was going to happen, but I couldn’t let her leave. I waited a few seconds, before saying; ‘Yeah?’ Jessica entered almost shyly, closing the door behind her. She was wearing a grey...

4 years ago
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Blindmans Bluff

It is a cold moonlit night. The wind blows with such a chill that you feel it deep within your bones. As you climb the stairs to the apartment, they ache and seem to protest with every step you take. You reach my door and enter. You immediately feel the warmth rush at your face. Gratefully, you soak it in and as you inhale to prepare for a sigh of relief, you smell incense. At first, it seems dark in the hall way, but as your eyes adjust, you can see a faint, flickering light on the far wall,...

3 years ago
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Calling My Bluff

On the way out of the building a letter taped to my mailbox caught my eye. My name was written across the front of the envelope in a feminine hand. What was this? I tore it down and carried it with me out to my Jeep. I got in and opened it up. It contained a piece of paper that read: “I hope you’re going to remember me. My name is Nia and I met you at my family picnic this weekend. I don’t know how to start so I’m just going to lay it out and be honest–I’ve got to have you. The moment I...

2 years ago
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Calling his Bluff

If your not gay then stop reading now. I lived in a small town when I was in my early thirties I drank and partied there and worked thereIt was quite a close community which meant I knew a lot of people and I was easy recognisable, so hiding a massive secret like my love of sucking cock and getting fucked up the arse was extremely difficult to the extent I just wouldn't search for any gay activities in my town which at times became very difficult, you see there was a lovely set of public...

4 years ago
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Dianas Double Bluff

I was tragically orphaned at the age of eighteen, yet despite this I managed to finish my examinations, which I hoped would get me entry to a University hospital to study medicine I was very fortunate that I was given temporary accommodation following my bereavement by my Godparents and their two highly attractive daughters. Sarah was a contemporary of mine and we had been good friends for a long time, both before and after leaving school, but her sister Rita was two years older and at twenty...

2 years ago
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Sarah Calls a Bluff

The Internet has caused major changes in the lives of many people, making it easier to find things, making it easier to communicate with others, and making it easier to gather information. It can do a host of other things that I haven't found out how to use yet, chat rooms and bulletin boards on almost every subject under the sun, and sex - oh yes, the sex! I admit it. The only reason I have an Internet provider is so I can cruise the porno sites, and God knows there are plenty of them....

4 years ago
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Ingrams Assoc 1 Double BluffChapter 2

Despite working late the night before, reading the operation doc and doing web research, April came in early the next day. She felt she had a handle on what needed to happen to fulfill the operation goals and had printed out various documents to distribute at the morning briefing. As she went to the conference room, she stopped before opening the door, psyching her self up, doing mental relaxation exercises. As she did so, she became aware of someone behind her. She turned and looked up at...

3 years ago
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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 14 Dead Mans Bluff

When Lara saw the group of Leathernecks waiting she knew that the game was up. She didn't know how they had been discovered. Maybe some one had recognised a jacket belonging to the wrong person or perhaps someone had spotted the two motorcycles where they were not meant to be. It didn't really matter, for the end result was the same either way. Urging every ounce of strength from her muscles, Lara sprinted and dove behind a nexus of pipes, bullets chasing her footsteps like a cloud of...

3 years ago
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Song of ThanksChapter 17 Blind Mans Bluff

Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result. Winston Churchill The Lake House Tues., June, 26 12:10 PM (Local), Tues., June 26 16:10:00 (Zulu) Courtney had tried to continue the luncheon with her friends, but the darkness seemed so near that she found it very difficult to follow the conversation. She picked at the food and made single syllable comments now and then, just to show that, as much as possible, she was still with them. A black fog kept trying to invade her...

2 years ago
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ConvergenceChapter 31 The Bluff

Caleb turned his attention to the aliens, determination cloaking him like a shroud. There was nothing more he could do for his family, friends, or Earth. His task boiled down to preparing the stage for the arrival of the reinforcements. He needed to eject this ship from the solar system without loss of more life, while buying humanity a couple hundred years of breathing space. They could kill the ship and crew, but more aliens would come. Earth was not prepared to thwart the military might...

3 years ago
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FirebrandChapter 12 Call My Bluff

Moralez was woken by a ringing sound, fumbling in the dark as he reached for his bedside table, picking up his tablet computer. Kaisha shifted beside him, her weight making the mattress sink, the Chief struggling to save from rolling into her as he tapped at the touch screen. “Yes? What is it?” he asked groggily. He squinted, trying to make out the clock on the bright screen. It was five in the morning, this has better be good. “Security Chief?” the caller asked. It was a male voice that he...

3 years ago
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Lost With Nothing to Lose04 Alrsquos Bluff Pans Out

“Someone’s coming,” Kaci cautioned, carefully peering down the hall without daring to touch the virtual barrier locking them in the cell. They’d tested their restraints earlier, using a spare coin someone had in their pocket. All that remained was a blob of blackened melted nickel. “This might be it,” Gary warned. “At the very least, they’ll send us home again, with or without our ship. At the worst, Quichoq is likely to do us in. I certainly wouldn’t put it past him. He definitely doesn’t...

1 year ago
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Diannas Double Bluff

I was tragically orphaned at the age of eighteen, yet despite this I managed to finish my examinations, which I hoped would get me entry to a University hospital to study medicine I was very fortunate that I was given temporary accommodation following my bereavement by my Godparents and their two highly attractive daughters. Sarah was a contemporary of mine and we had been good friends for a long time, both before and after leaving school, but her sister Rita was two years older and at twenty...

Adult Humor
4 years ago
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A rookies follyformerly called the huntress

She unsheathed her blade, the slender enchated short sword a present from her dragonslayer father given when she entered the academy. Crouching low she slipped through the vegetation, coming upon a semi open area in the forest, the trees having been ripped out of the gorund to make room for the large black bulk laying in the middle, it's stomach rising slowly as it slept. "This is even better" she whispered, blessing her luck at finding the beast asleep, gripping her blade tight as she...

3 years ago
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A rookies follyformerly called the huntress

Introduction: So, this is a story I wrote last year, a young huntress decides to try and prove herself and it goes awry, though she may liek the new results better. anyways this story contains bestiality, size difference etc. so normal warnings you must be of age to read this on and on such and such, anyways enjoy(also pardon and grammar issues, I have a nerve issue which causes me to transpose my words a lot, I do my best to catch the mistakes and ammend them but some can slip through) The...

2 years ago
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Formerly Prom Night

The Oldsmobile sedan hurdled down the dark county road. The girls were late for their own prom, and were driving by themselves to the high school. Nina's boyfriend Chuck had never shown to pick her up, and since he was driving his dad's Caddy. He was supposed to pick up Allison (who was going stag) and Nina, and then on to the prom. Both of the 18-year-old girls were dressed to kill, Nina in a short, electric blue dress with black stockings and heels. And Allison in a low cut, strapless...

4 years ago
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Lisa experiences 1 formerly knowm as Town Experie

It was now about 4 months that Lisa and I had been going out together, I was spending more time with her when I could. On this particular Thursday I had just finished my shift at the hotel when I received a call on my new mobile/cell phone from Lisa to say that her Mum was away with her sisters for a girly day and to head down as soon as. When I arrived she gave me the most passionate kiss ever and was sucking my tongue for all it was worth. I discovered that Lisa and her cousin had been on the...

2 years ago
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Cruise Adventure Formerly Teluctant Lesbians 1 to

Chapter 1 Despite our differences, Louise and I liked to take vacations together. She is a tall, redhead with a great figure. She dresses in such a feminine manner that you wouldn't guess that she was gay. I on the other hand am a petite gym rat who likes to wear jeans or sweats. Not only am I straight, but I never harboured any attraction to other women. I guess that Louise and I got along so well because neither of us posed any threat to each other. While on a Caribbean cruise, we spent some...

1 year ago
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Perverse Justice formerly cgrevenge

Author's Note: You are of course extremely welcome to read this work, but you should know that I am actively rewriting it in a different tense and point of view. To this end, you might notice some inconsistencies for now. If you want to read something more polished, I may have other stories that will interest you. I can't say that I picked this job for myself, but I can say that I love it. Plus, I get to work from home (sort of -- we'll get to that, I'm sure). I get to dance behind the...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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There and BackChapter 109 Insurance

The next morning, I found a very subdued Aedan sitting by the fire, dark bags under his eyes testifying that he hadn’t slept well. No one else was around, though it wasn’t that early by our normal standards, and I wondered if the sour expression on his face had scared everyone off. I sat down beside my brother and took his hand, resting my head on his shoulder as I picked at cold jerky I had fished out of my pack. We didn’t speak; I handed Aedan and Alistair some of the jerky, and we ate...

1 year ago
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I had thought about this lots of times, trying to figure out how to get it done. Most of my ideas, after further thought, wouldn't really work. But with this one, I had looked at all the angles and decided it was very likely that it would achieve what I wanted. Still, it took a full three months for me to try to implement it. I waited until Deborah had left on one of her mini-business trips, four days of traveling looking for antiques, unique knick-knacks, and sightseeing. She had...

4 years ago
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Loser Has to Suck Winners Cock Gay

I had just turned 21 and my neighbor, Tony was 3 years older than me but we were both living at home and going to college. He was in great shape with long hair and rugged, handsome features.One hot summer day there didn't seem to be anyone around the neighborhood, so I went to see what Tony was up to. His house was quiet and dark with no cars in the driveway. I knocked twice and was about to turn and go when he answered the door. He was dressed like me in shorts and a T-shirt. He explained no...

3 years ago
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Loser With Women Finds Love With A Man

At the age of ten, I had my first crush. I fell hard for Gertrude Strauss, a dirty-blonde beauty my age. The love I felt for her, alas, was not reciprocated.My second crush was on my fourth-grade teacher, Miss Sager. But she passed away before my fifth grade.Thus began a long string of lost loves for me.In high school, I thought I had finally found true love. At seventeen, I was madly in love with Nancy Jo and scored my first pussy. I was in heaven.But things came crashing down when I...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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My sister Natalie sold insurance. Her plan was to work another three or four years, then start a family with her husband Matt. My wife Emily was a legal secretary, me, I’m an architectural technician. Nat persuaded us to take out double indemnity insurance policies, so that if one of us died early, the family home and any childcare would be more than paid for. Although Em and I were also waiting a few years before having kids, it made sense to get the policies started at the lower age-related...

3 years ago
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MIL insure

I knocked the door and was waiting. I decided not to repeat, as i know it will take a few minutes for my mil to open the door. She would either washing the clothes or bathing or busy in the kitchen. It is time her husband i.e. my fil left for his office. No one else in the house to open the door. She is an insurance agent and called me to take an insurance policy. So, i thought of standing under the shadow of a tree until the door is opened. I moved to my right. I noticed from the gap on the...

1 year ago
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It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE ONE Nashiko Giancona had graduated from the high school five years ago, and...

3 years ago
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Former Teacher PT3

For her, it was a dream come true. A former student had become a teacher. It wasn’t his first day teaching for the guy was 30 years old however to her academically speaking an intelligent former student had pursued education, and now had come back to his alma mater to teach. Hannah smiled once she saw the resume. Hannah happened to review it at least four times that afternoon. She remembered Robert Palms well. Robert was almost a 4.0 student she recalled. In addition to all the football honors...

1 year ago
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Former Teacher PT3

For her, it was a dream come true. A former student had become a teacher. It wasn’t his first day teaching for the guy was 30 years old however to her academically speaking an intelligent former student had pursued education, and now had come back to his alma mater to teach. Hannah smiled once she saw the resume. Hannah happened to review it at least four times that afternoon. She remembered Robert Palms well. Robert was almost a 4.0 student she recalled. In addition to all the football honors...

3 years ago
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His Former Teacher

“Whoa, did you see her?” asked a guy who graduated five years ago from his high school. “She’s lost a lot of weight. And I mean a hell of a lot of weight too.” They looked in her direction. Lilly Chappell, who’d always been pretty, but quite chubby as well, had taken off a serious amount of weight over the last few years. Shapely as ever now, her hair was much shorter. Her body was a killer so to speak. She took off that stomach she once had. And in addition to her boobs, she had hips which did...

3 years ago
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Loser Sucks off the Winner Gay

In high school I used to fantasize about juicy fat cocks all the time. I would imagine sucking a nice fat one as I jerked off but never thought I'd actually go through with it. Man, was I wrong. I had four years of cock sucking fun all through college.During freshman orientation I was introduced to all the guys on my dorm floor. One guy named Dan was very cool. We quickly became friends and started hanging out. Apparently, he was heavily recruited because of his hockey skills and was basically...

1 year ago
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This story follows the path of one girl or woman through a world in which humiliation is a core part of life. While many things are "normal", many things are not, as societies are so intrinsically focused on humiliation, it shapes their way of life. Politicians campaigning for office are not unfamiliar with being pantsed in front of massive crowds and television broadcasts. Mothers are often caught red-faced at the store as their own daughters pull them over their knees for spankings - as soon...

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Reunion With Her Former Headmistress

Beverley Hudson-Phillips was a very striking fifty-two-year-old woman standing at more than six feet tall but very curvy in all the right places. She was married to William who was twenty years her senior but their marriage was loveless although he liked to display Beverley at social functions.During the almost thirty-year marriage Beverley had had a number of lovers but certainly more of them female rather than male.At the moment her thoughts were turning to her schooldays some thirty-five...

3 years ago
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My wife and her former superior

My wife of s*******n years was receiving doggy style for the first time in our lifes in front of my eyes.. She was complete naked and on all fours, her former superior was kneeling behind her. He looked in my direction and our sight crossed. My wife had her eyes closed and was moaning. He was looking constantly at me and started to pound her harder. My wife began to moan louder, I felt ashamed, because the whole situation was starting to be humiliating. He looked away and I was thankful for it,...

3 years ago
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The Documentary InterviewChapter 2 Susan interviews a busty former stripper

The phone rang in Susan's office, she was reading one of her student's papers and hadn't thought about the lusty documentary she'd been working on since last weekend. The woman at the other end was GIllian, who worked as one of the executive producers for the production company that hired her to do the interviews. "Susan, its Gillian, we looked at your first interviews and were really taken with your lustful approach to the subject, we want you to embellish that concept and even go...

1 year ago
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Former Playboy Playmates Part 10 Alyssas Family

Things are winding down. Certain womanizing black men that I've used in many of my stories are seeing their supply of women decreasing. Mothers prefer the dicks of someone else – their sons. Former Playboy Playmates Part 10: Alyssa’s Family Introduction Rodney was sitting alone on his couch in his Miami apartment. He looked around, shaking his head, confused and angry. His stable of women was dwindling. No more groups of ladies accompanying him to a club, no more...

3 years ago
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Former Playboy Playmates Part 7 Alyssas Journey

Introduction: Escaping an abusive husband, making friends, sending letters to her son, and loving black cock. Authors note: Fictional former Playboy Playmates. Each have two stories. First story is Interracial. The second will be Incest. I experimented with first person POV story telling. I separated the jump from 3rd person to 1st person with a series of seven asterisks. I think it turned out fine. Former Playmates Pt. 07: Alyssas Journey Chapter 1 Ulysses ran his fingers through Alyssas...

3 years ago
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Former Teacher PT2

He was almost jubilant as he drove away. As he drove away all he saw was her boobs… her gloriously bigger then life round boobs. They were gorgeous and he screamed that word out as if to tell the world but no one heard him. His windows were closed and the car stereo was blasting away. He pictured her thighs and pussy. “Oh yeah your pussy was great” he said about Hannah Harbor, his former teacher and also his former tutor. “God you were great” she shouted again as he drove through the stop...

3 years ago
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A former stundet

Introduction: She was a former student, sexy, alluring, and it was a night I would never forget She was a very attractive young girl, and as a student of mine, she was one that I always remembered. Mariah was one of those students you would fantasize about being with. She had nice firm boobs, wore low cut tops and had a personality that was alluring. She had been gone for several years now, however, all of a sudden, Mariah started to visit me from time to time. The first time she visited, she...

2 years ago
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Ana and her former Boss

Our good friends Janine and Bob had rented a nice cottage in the woods and they had invited us to spend a weekend with them.My sweet wife was delighted to go there. Bob had been Ana’s former Boss and his wife Janine had been a close friend during so many time. I barely had met them in the past; but they were a nice couple. The first night after dinner, we sat down close to the bonfire in the chimney and had a few drinks; chatting about all sorts of things.After midnight everybody was a little...

1 year ago
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First time with former mother in law

This happened a couple years ago when I was 30 or 31 and Gail, my former mother in law, was 55 or 56. Gail and I got along great. I would hang out with her and Ron (former father in law) pretty frequently, even after my ex split about 2 years before this night. Gail was Ron's 2nd wife and my ex's step-mom, so that was probably why she was easy to still be around after my ex & I split. But about a year after our split, Gail & Ron separated. Getting together became less frequent because...

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