Different Dads, Different Daughters - Chapter 2 free porn video

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Different Dads, Different Daughters - Chapter 2

The next morning was hectic for both Ryan and Patty. Between him trying to get ready for work and her in a hurry to leave for school, the two of them continually tripped over one another. About the only place where there wasn’t interference was in the shower. Mind you, when one was attempting to wash the other of the results of the previous evening, their co-operation severely compromised their schedules.

“Dad, move your head out of the way! I can’t see what I’m doing if you keep staring at your cock!”, Patty kept telling her Dad as she tried to wash the thin film of blood off him. She had insisted that she be allowed to do that chore based on the logic that it was her hymen that had caused the stain in the first place, and it was therefore her responsibility to clean it up. Ryan’s version had something to do with being the person that had actually broken her maidenhead, and as a result it was his job to wash both of them.

Having finally gotten each other washed, the two dried each other off, laughing and giggling like a couple of teenagers, although technically, only Patty could claim that excuse. When they were both dressed, they made their way down to the kitchen, ate breakfast, and stared into each other’s eyes like the love-struck puppy dogs they were.

“Are you gonna be okay all alone here after school?”, Ryan quizzed his daughter.”I mean, I wouldn’t want you to get lonely all by yourself.”

“Umm, I’ve been looking after myself after school for the last four years. Why would that change now?”, Patty reprimanded him, but with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

Arriving at school, Patty met up with some of her friends before their first class. They all seemed to note that Patty somehow seemed undefinably different this morning, and she had a far-away look in her eyes
“Patty, are you okay?” asked her friend Michelle. “You look like you’re about a zillion miles from here! What the hell’s going on with you?” Patty caught herself before sharing this new part of her life with her best friend. The two girls had known each other since before they started elementary school, and had been inseparable all that time.

“Oh nothing. I’m fine, just a little preoccupied though. Dad and I got talking last night, and he gave me a lot to think about. I’m just trying to sort it out in my mind” was her excuse.

“Like, what were you two talking about? It must have been pretty complex to get you so . . . I don’t know. You’re almost dreamy-eyed. Hey! Have you got a new boyfriend you’re not telling me about? Come on, fess up! Who is he? And don’t spare any of the juicy parts either!” Michelle grilled her.

“No, silly! Nothing like that. Dad met an old family friend that we’ve known for as long as I can remember and brought him over last night. Shit, I haven’t seen . . . Paul . . . like forever! Anyway, we all got to remembering old times, but Paul’s version is way different than what I remember. Funnier, too. We must have talked and laughed until after midnight, and I’ve never had so much fun in my whole life. I have a sneaking suspicion, though, that some of the things that Paul came up with are total bullshit. Guess that’s just his way of keeping us entertained, but what a laugh he can be!” She hadn’t meant to use her Dad’s middle name, but it was the only one she could come up with that would fill the gap.

“Really?” injected Michelle. “So when are you gonna let me meet this B.S.ing Dude? Or are you hogging him all to yourself?” Oops, this was getting a little too intense for Patty to try and remember what fibs she told. Her Dad had always said that if she told nothing but the truth, she wouldn’t have to keep track of her lies. Now she knew exactly what he meant.

“Good question. He took off late last night -- well, this morning, actually, as it was after midnight -- and I have no idea when we’ll see him again. Sure hope it’s not long though. He’s great to be around.” Silently she thought to herself, “Great for me, at least, but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna share him with anyone else!”

The rest of her school day was a blur. Her concentration was minimal at best, and two of her teachers had threatened her with detention if she didn’t smarten up and “get with the program”. After school, she and Michelle walked home together, just like every other school day, but Patty’s mind seemed to be miles away, and that fact wasn’t lost on Michelle. She just wasn’t sure if she should pry into Patty’s little world, or just give her friend some space. It wasn’t that Michelle was worried as such, but she did have some concerns.

“Patty, what the fuck is going on in that head of yours? You’ve been staring into space all damned day, walking around like a bloody zombie, and I doubt you’ve heard more than ten words anyone’s said to you since this morning! If I didn’t know better, I’d almost think you finally got laid! So, who’s the lucky guy?”

“I got what? You think I got laid? Shit, I wish! Maybe some guy’s cock in me might get this fucking fog outta my head, but I doubt it. No, it’s nothing like that. Just that some of the things that . . . Paul said last night have got me thinking, and I’m just trying to get my head around all of it. It’s no biggie. Really”, but in her mind she could hear her brain screaming at her that she had to tell someone -- anyone -- all about what she had experienced. But then there was that part about her lover also being her Dad. That would be a major complication. No, she’d just have to give herself some time to let it all sink in, and keep her big mouth shut in the meantime.

Patty looked at her friend intently, thinking, “Damn Michelle! You’re my best friend, and I can’t even tell you how wonderful I feel, or why! It’s just not fair! I hate keeping a secret from you, but what else can I do?” The questions just kept going around and around in her head, but nothing helped her clear her thoughts.

“Listen, why don’t you come over to my house for a while?” Michelle offered. She was really starting to worry about her friend now, but had no idea how to help her. “Maybe we can talk, and you can tell me all about this Paul guy, okay? He seems to have really gotten into your head, because your brain is totally fucked up! And ya know what? It’s starting to really scare the shit outta me!”

“Yeah, maybe that might be a plan. Get my mind off this shit, and get back to somewhere sane?” Patty agreed.

“Umm, you want to stay over for dinner tonight? Then we can maybe do something afterwards?” Michelle suggested.

“No . . . well . . . maybe. I’ll have to check with Dad first. Actually, the more I think about it, if I was gonna talk to anyone, it’d be him. I know, I know, most fathers can be real assholes, but mine’s pretty cool. I mean, he actually listens to me, and helps me figure things out. I guess in that regard, I’m a pretty lucky girl.”

“Wow! I knew you and your Dad got a long okay, but he actually listens? Does he try to make you think the same as him, or are you allowed to have your own ideas? You know Kelly Johansen, right? Well, her Dad figures that Kelly should think and feel exactly the same as him. God, she hates her Dad!”

“Nah, my Dad’s pretty good that way. We sometimes don’t agree, but he’s cool with that. He says that I should have my own values; ones that work for me. If they don’t work for someone else, that’s their problem. I guess it’s because of stuff like that, that I really love him so much. He’s actually my best friend. Well, after you, of course. But you know what I mean, right?” Patty had caught herself at the last moment there. Shit, but keeping their secret was going to be more difficult than she thought.

“Yeah, I know what you mean. Sometimes my Dad can be a real asshole too, but most of the time he’s a good guy. Matter of fact, I’ll let you in on a little secret. Most of the time, my Dad and I are really good buddies. Hell, if it weren’t for my Mom, I’d consider marrying him!”

“Ewww! Marry your own Dad? That’s gross!” squealed both girls at the same time, and then they broke into gales of laughter. But Michelle’s remark had Patty wondering just what it would be like if she actually was married to her Dad. The idea left a warm glow in her heart, but she knew that it wasn’t even remotely possible. And besides, they were family already.

The merriment left both girls in a better humour, and they walked to Michelle’s house in happy silence, glad of the chance to just hang out with each other. As they walked into the house, Michelle’s father, Ben Moscrop, was already home, and greeted them with a cheerful smile on his face. Michelle ran to him, wrapped her arms around his midriff, and kissed him briefly on the lips.

“Hi Daddy! You remember Patty McDermiad, don’t you? If it’s okay, can she stays for dinner tonight?”

“You’ll have to check with your mother, but I don’t have any problems with that.” Turning to Patty, he asked, “Do your parents know about this yet, or are you planning on surprising them after the fact?” Patty could see the twinkle in his eye that said he was almost teasing her.

“I’ll have to phone my Dad after he gets home, but it’ll be okay with him, probably.”

“What about phoning your mother then? I’d feel a whole lot better if one of them knew where you were.”

Patty suddenly became very quiet and still, and looked down at her feet. It wasn’t common knowledge that her mother had deserted them, and Patty didn’t feel comfortable explaining that to everyone that asked. In fact, there were only two or three people that did know the facts. Fortunately. Michelle was one of them, and Patty had sworn her to secrecy right after her mother had left.

“What?”, asked Ben. “Did I say something wrong?”

“Umm, Dad? Patty’s Mom’s gone” Michelle told her Dad softly. “It’s a long story, and Patty isn’t comfortable going through it. We’d . . . I’d appreciate it if you’d drop it, okay?”

“Sure Princess. I didn’t mean to pry. I just assumed, but if I overstepped my bounds there, I apologize to both of you. Especially to you Patty. Sometimes us ‘Old Farts’ can be pretty stupid, but we don’t mean to hurt anyone.”

“No problem, Mr. Moscrop. I guess that if it weren’t for my Dad, I’d have no one, and that scares the sh . . . I mean, the crap out of me sometimes” Patty explained. Michelle kissed her Dad’s lips, then both girls quickly ran up to Michelle’s bedroom, slamming the door on their way in, then jumping onto Michelle’s big double bed.

They talked about everything that teenage girls always talk about. Boys. What shows they watched on TV. Boys. Who was going with who. More boys. The range of subjects seemed endless. Michelle finally got around to mentioning sex, and Patty clammed up instantly. Michelle sensed her discomfort, and thought it really weird, as she and Patty had spent countless hours discussing the subject in the past. Patty had always been open and forthright about sex before, but her silence was almost deafening to Michelle’s ears.

“What? Are you gonna become a nun on me all of a sudden? Patricia Dianne, what the fuck is going on in there, in that head of yours?” Michelle demanded.

Patty felt like she was between a rock and a hard place. Keeping a secret was one thing. Keeping one from her best friend was something else again, and it was tearing her apart. How the hell could something so beautiful be so difficult? Making love with her Dad had been the most magical experience she had ever had, and if she could do it again, she’d do it twice!

“Michelle, can I ask you a really stupid question?”

“Sure! You know that. We don’t keep secrets, remember? And we’ve both promised that whatever one tells the other never, ever, goes beyond the two of us.”

Patty sat quietly, trying to compose her thoughts. She just had to share her secret with someone, and there wasn’t anyone in the world that she trusted as much as Michelle. Well, with the exception of her Dad, of course, but he already knew. Hell, he should. He’d been there at the time!

“Michelle, have you ever thought about making love with your Dad?” Patty almost whispered to this girl that was her closest confidante. Looking up, Patty realized suddenly that Michelle seemed to be struggling just as much as she was. “I know it sounds like a weird question, but have you?”

After what seemed like ten years, Michelle replied in a voice that was even softer than Patty’s, “Truth? Yeah, I have. I mean, I know it’s supposed to be wrong and everything, and I know I’m not supposed to have those kinds of thoughts, but I have them anyway. And I don’t care what anyone else thinks, I’ve thought it before, and I’m gonna keep on having them. I love him so damned much. Mind you, I’d never let my Mom know about it. She’d pull my boobs off and tie them behind my back if she found out. But you’d better not tell anyone. Ever! Not even your Dad. And if you do, I’ll pull your boobs and tie ‘em behind your back, too!”

Patty let Michelle’s answer sink in for a moment. Shit, she wasn’t the only girl in the world that wanted to have sex with her own father. Maybe there was hope after all.

“Umm, if the chance ever presented itself, would you?” Patty whispered. Her voice was almost too quiet for Michelle to hear the question, but she had just caught it.

“Patty, if I answer that, you have to promise never to repeat it to a single soul. Understand? Do you promise?”

Without a second’s hesitation Patty whispered back, “I promise. Cross my heart and hope to die if I lie, but I promise.” She could feel Michelle’s eyes boring into her, trying to look inside her head, desperately wanting to know Patty’s secret, yet afraid of the answer.

Giving herself time to formulate the truth in a way that might not shock her best friend, wondering whether she should tell Patty everything or just hedge around the edges of that truth, Michelle swallowed to relieve her parched throat, took a deep breath, and went with that gut feeling that said she could trust Patty 110%.

“Umm, I already did.”

Patty’s eyes flew wide open as she stared at Michelle, and a glimmer of hope and serenity slowly emerged in her mind. She had to know, to compare, to discover if her circumstances, and the love they’d made, were just a fluke. To find that she wasn’t the only female in the universe that truly loved their father. Wow!

“When, Michelle? Where? How? I mean, I know maybe I’m prying, but I just have to know. Tell me everything? Please? Then I’ll tell you why it’s so important, ‘kay?”

Michelle was scared. A part of her wanted to share the warmth, compassion, and love that she had found with her Dad. Another part of her, though, knew that by telling Patty, she was endangering her own father, and that felt like a betrayal that she’d fought within herself for months. But if she couldn’t trust Patty now, after all the years they’d been friends, then who could she trust?

“Okay, remember that camping trip Dad and I went on last Summer? Well, Mom hates camping, so it was just the two of us. The first day we had a great time, swimming, hiking, and just hanging out with each other. It felt like the very best day of my whole life! Anyway, I went down to the lake after supper, just to sit by the water and remember all the great times we’d had that day. I wanted those memories to stay with me forever. I guess I lost track of where I was going, because I got lost, and scared, and I didn’t know what to do. I tried calling my Dad, but I guess I was too far away for him to hear me. I must have stumbled around for quite a while. Somehow I fell into the lake and smacked my head on something, because that’s the last thing I remember, until I came to in Dad’s arms. He carried me back to our campsite, took me into our tent, ripped off my clothes, then stuffed me into a sleeping bag. Shit, I was so cold I couldn’t even shiver! Dad was so scared. He said that if he had tried to get me to the hospital I probably would have died on the way. Anyway, I guess he stripped off his clothes and crawled into the sleeping bag to warm me up. I don’t remember any of that part, but I woke up with his body against me, and him holding me tightly in his arms. God, his warmth felt so damned good! But I guess that I started to shiver, because he woke up, kissed me a couple of times, and then fussed over me until the sun came up a couple of hours later. All I wanted to do was sleep and press against his warmth, and I guess I must have rolled over and cuddled him spoon-style. Anyway, when I finally did wake up, I could feel his cock pressing against my ass, and he was hard! I know, that should have felt gross, but it didn’t. Matter of fact, it felt damned good, and it made me horny as hell. He had his arms wrapped around me, so I moved his hand up to cover my boob. Hell, my tits felt like they were gonna freeze and fall off. I think he was still asleep, but his hand kept moving on my boob, and my nipples got real excited. Then my pussy got wet, and I pulled his cock out of my ass and under my pussy so that it rested against my slit, and you know what? He felt so good, and so hard, I just had to play with him! The more I touched him, the more I wanted to stroke him until he shot his wad all over my pussy. I couldn’t stop for nothing! God, I was so horny!”

“I don’t know how long Dad was awake before I heard him moan. He kissed my earlobe and whispered ‘I love you’ to me. I thought maybe he believed it was Mom he was spooning with. I told him that I loved him too. Shit, the man had saved my life! But when he said my name, I knew he was aware that it was me jacking him off, not Mom. He said, ‘Michelle you’re gonna make me cum, Princess’! I’ll never forget those words. And I wanted him to cum on me! I wanted to feel him spurt his sticky white goo all over my pussy, to keep playing with my tits, even to hump his cockhead against my clit. And I wanted him to make me cum, too.”

“I started to hump against his hard-on, smearing my pussy juice all over his cock, feeling it rub my clitty. The next thing I knew he was humping me back, then his cock slid up my cunt, and it felt like nothing I’ve ever felt before! I never even gave him a chance to pull out of me. I just rammed myself down on his cock until it was all the way up my cunt. Holy Shit! The pain? I’d forgotten about my hymen, and it hurt like a son-of-a-bitch when his cock broke it. He just held me tight until the pain started to ease up, and then I began to rock up and down on his cock again. He kept whispering, ‘I love you, Princess’ and his hot breath in my ear got me so turned on! I pulled one of his hands off my tits and stuffed it between my legs, and Dad started to tickle my clitty as he slowly fucked me. Patty, you have no idea how good his cock felt. And the more we fucked, the better it felt, until he made me cum. God, what a cum! It felt like all my muscles had turned to Jell-O, and there were, like, fireworks going off in my head! Just when I thought I was gonna pass out with the sheer pleasure of it all, Dad spurted his cum up my cunt, and I had another orgasm right then and there!”

“Anyway, that was the first time we had sex. We made love again that night, the next morning, and just before we broke camp to come home. I’m surprised Mom never clued in, because I was in a daze for almost a week. Dad kept asking me if I was alright, hugging me and holding me whenever we could get away with it. I knew he loved me -- hell, I’ve always known that my Dad loved me, but I didn’t know that he loved me that way. “

Patty could feel that glow spread throughout her body like she and Ryan had just made love again, and she could see that Michelle had the same glow about her. She just had to tell Michelle about her and her Dad!

“Okay, Michelle, I promised you, and now you have to promise me that what I’m about to tell you goes no further than between us, okay? Promise?”

“Oh Patty, you even have to ask?” Michelle chided. “By the way, why did you absolutely have to know all that?”.

“Because my Dad and I had sex last night. No, that’s not quite true. We made love last night, and I gave him my virginity. God, he was so good, too! But I’ve been bursting all day wanting to tell someone. I’m glad you trusted me enough with your secret, and I know I can trust you with mine.”

A tear trickled from Michelle’s eye as she finally figured out why her best friend had been in the clouds all day. Ryan and her had found the same magic as she’d found with Ben.

“Oh Patty! That’s fantastic! So tell me, how do you feel about it in the light of day? Are you happy? He didn’t rape you, did he?”

“Shit no! I’ve wanted my Dad for over a year, but last night was my chance, and I took it! At first I was a little scared, but by the time he’d taken my cherry, I knew it was right. He didn’t fuck me, he made love to me. And he gave me the best cums I could ever imagine. Like you said, it was like fireworks going off in my head. When he came inside me? Well, you know how it feels, but I bet you can’t describe it, can you? Me neither! But tell me, have you and your Dad ever made love since that camping trip?”

“Yeah, every time we’re alone together, like when Mom has to work late and Dad’s home early. I’ll bet we could have made love this afternoon if I hadn’t brought you home. Damn, I would have loved that! But I’m glad you came over. Talking about loving our fathers like this makes me realize that I’m not just a horny teenager that can’t get laid anywhere else but in my Dad’s bed. I know I can, but I really don’t want to. It’s just so . . . special when we make love. I’ll bet there isn’t a boy in the whole school that’s half the lover my Dad is.”

“Crap, Michelle, I’m sorry. If I had known that I was going to get in the way, I’d have never have come over, at least not today.”

“Oh, that’s okay. Like I said, I might have missed making love to Dad this afternoon, but there’ll be other chances, and I think this chat has done both of us more good than we know. It has me, anyway.”

“Yeah, me too! Oh, thank you, Michelle! I just had to tell someone, and you’re the best friend I have to share secrets with”, and Patty hugged her friend with genuine warmth and caring.

“So. You going to share all the details, too, or do I have to just guess?”

Both girls giggled, then Patty related the whole story to her friend. When she was finished, Michelle wiped the tears from her eyes and hugged Patty with the warmth that came from the bond and camaraderie of their common understanding of each other’s true love to their respective fathers.

Michelle glanced at the clock on her bedside table and groaned.

“What’s the matter?” Patty inquired.

“Oh nothing. Mom will be home in a few minutes, so I haven’t got time for what I had in mind anyway.”

“And just what did you have in mind, Miss Moscrop?”

“Well, if I had half an hour, I was gonna ask you to stay up her, then go downstairs and give Dad a blowjob, but there isn’t enough time before Mom gets back. By the way, have you sucked your Dad off yet?”

“No, not yet, but I think I’d like to. Maybe tonight when I get home. Unlike you, I don’t have to worry about my mother walking in. I can pleasure him any time I want.”

“When you do, try to swallow his cum. It takes a bit of getting used to the flavour at first, but then it starts to taste pretty good. The first time I sucked Dad off, I damned near choked on his spunk, but now I can swallow his entire load, and I’m beginning to really love it. I’m even learning how to deep-throat his cock right down to the base. When I can do that, he’ll be able to spurt his jism right down my throat and into my belly. God, I’m looking forward to that!”.

“Oh Michelle! When you finally learn how, you’ve just got to teach me! I’d love to taste my Dad’s cum! I know he’d love to see me swallow it all. Besides, I owe him, big time, for eating me out last night. Shit, you have no idea how awesome that feels.”

“Wanna bet? Dad’s even getting me to do 69 with him, and I love it. God, that man can lick and suck my slit so good! I just wish I could squirt my girl-cum for him. He says he just loves the taste of cunt juice.”

“My Dad too! He sais that when I came, I ‘drizzled’ my cum into his mouth, but I’m probably too young to be a squirter yet. Oh God, I sure hope I do become one though. Shit, I’d love to feel his tongue up my pussy as I fill his mouth with my juices! I wonder if there are exercises a girl can do to get her cunt to squirt?”

“About all I can think of is lots of finger-fucking and clit diddling. And even if it didn’t work, think of all the great orgasms you could give yourself. Oh Wow, I wouldn’t be able to walk straight for a month!”

“Yeah, but I’d rather come on my Dad’s cock than my own fingers. Unless I can get my fingers to fill me with jism, that is. Still wouldn’t be as good as having a hard cock in me, but guess that’s just the way it goes.”

Just then, Ben Moscrop knocked on the door and waited for Michelle to invite him in. After all, he didn’t want to interrupt her “girl time” with her best friend. God only knew what they were giggling and chattering about anyway.

“Come on in, Dad, the door’s open!” Michelle called to her father.

“Am I interrupting anything important?” he asked. The look of joy on his daughter’s face piqued his curiosity.

“What time is it, Dad? And when’s supper?”

“It’s just after five, and supper is as soon as you Mom gets home, which will be about six she said. Why?”

“Oh good!” his daughter bubbled. “That means I’ve got just enough time!”

“Umm, enough time for what?”

“Enough time to suck you off, silly! You have any idea how bad I want to taste your cock?”

“Michelle! What the f-f-f . . . the heck are you talking about?” Ben’s expression was one of complete horror. Not about his daughter wanting to give him a blowjob, but that she would say anything like that in front of someone else, especially one of her school chums, even if it was Patty McDermiad.

“Relax, Mr. Moscrop” Patty tried to assure him. “I know about you and Michelle, and I’m cool with it.” Turning to Michelle she queried, “Can I tell him about it? Is he cool too?”

“Sure, my dad’s about the easiest-going person on the planet” Michelle assured her.

“Well, to be honest, Mr. Moscrop, I pried your secret out of Michelle because I had to tell someone and she is my best friend, after all. So here goes. Just like you two, my Dad and I are lovers too. So when Michelle told me, it made me realize that I’m not the world’s most perverted teenager after all. And after listening to her . . . I mean your story, I’m beginning to feel a lot better about my Dad and me. I really needed to talk to someone outside our home, and Michelle was the only person I know, besides my Dad, that I could talk to. So if you and Michelle want some time alone, I’ll just go downstairs and watch TV. Is that okay? Are you alright with me knowing, because I promised Michelle that I’d never tell a soul, and I never will. That promise goes to you, too.”

Ben was speechless. The thought of being discovered had scared the shit out of him, but this shed a whole new light on things. Maybe he wasn’t the world’s worst pervert either. When he and his daughter made love, it was the most beautiful experience in the world in his eyes. If only he could open up to his wife and share his feelings towards Michelle with her . . . but that had about as much chance as successfully spitting upwind in a hurricane.

Michelle grabbed her Dad by his belt and pulled him closer. He didn’t know what to do, and just went along with his daughter’s orchestrations. When he was close enough for her to get her fingers on his zipper, she slid it down and fumbled with the button. Ben was still wavering between the prospect of a blowjob and denying their involvement, but his denial was losing badly.

“I’ll just slip downstairs and leave you two alone for a bit, okay?” Patty volunteered.

“Stick around. If Dad has no real objections, you might learn something here, like how to pleasure your man as much as he pleasured you. That okay by you, Dad?”

Ben just stood there in total shock as his daughter pulled his growing hard-on out of his pants and fondled it softly and gently. It was a little late to object now. She was licking his cockhead and sending the most amazing sensations up and down his shaft.

“Hmm, looks like one of those audio-visual things like they have at school, only more . . . intimate, don’t ya think?” Patty squeaked.

“Um-hmm” Michelle hummed as she engulfed her Dad’s cock with her lips.


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Dads and Daughters

100% fiction! My name is Dave and I'm a 50 year old, divorced father with a 26 year old daughter. My exwife and daughter live in another state. I have a 3 bedroom house and rent one of the rooms to a 55 year old man named Ed. Ed has rented from me for over 3 years and we are good friends. One night shortly after he moved in we were drinking a few beers and trying to find something interesting on TV. He asked me if I liked porn and I told him it had to be better than what we were watching. He...

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Dads and Daughters on VacationChapter 2

When Amber and Stephanie were alone in their bedroom in the hotel suite, they looked at each other, made goofy faces and laughed out loud. "Ooohhhh!" Stephanie exclaimed. "What did we just do?" "I know!" Amber replied. "That was insane! Can you believe we actually did it?" "No ... way!" "They were like, totally freaked out!" "THEY were freaked out?" Stephanie said. "What about ME?" "You did great, Steph. I didn't think you could pull it off!" "I think we both ......

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Dads and Daughters on VacationEpilogue

In some ways life for Mark and his daughter Stephanie, and Ted and his daughter Amber remained the same after they returned from their vacation. When school started again, the girls got right back in the swing. Amber continued with softball and Stephanie with gymnastics. Mark went back to work at his dental practice, and Ted returned to the community clinic where he served as Medical Director. ​ An immediate shift in behaviors happened at each of their homes. From the very first night they...

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dads daughters

add me on msn at [email protected] I watched as my daughter took my fathers cock into her mouth. She was enjoying herself so much that the entire time she spent getting it down her throat she smiled. My father looked at me as Charlotte took him, he too had a smile on his face. His hand had gone down into her hair, and he gently helped her get his cock down her throat. I sat back and watched, this was the first time Daddy had done anything to Charlotte, though, he had spoken many times about...

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I watched as my daughter took my father's cock into her mouth. She was enjoying herself so much that the entire time she spent getting it down her throat she smiled. My father looked at me as Charlotte took him, he too had a smile on his face. His hand had gone down into her hair, and he gently helped her get his cock down her throat.I sat back and watched, this was the first time Daddy had done anything to Charlotte, though, he had spoken many times about taking her. He talked about waiting...

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Dads Drawers

Introduction: A son discovers that there is another dimension to his Dad. A son discovers that there is another dimension to his Dad. Dad was a big man. 6, built like a wardrobe, hairy. Whenever you hear the term bear mentioned – his image probably pops into your head. He was also cold, and overbearing. Never abusive – simply the sort of father, it was best not to get noticed by. And I had become very good at flying under his radar – which made things rather difficult, when I finally did...

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Step dads follows daughter boyfriend to an a

The sounds of a buzzing alarm fill the air in the Jones bedroom, a large masculine had slowly reaches out from under a blanket and slaps blindly at it. As the alarm continues to buzz another figure hidden under the blankets begins to stir as well.Slowly Eva Jones rises up from the bed tossing her blanket off her as she stares at the alarm with such disdain. "Oh for fucks sake Frank, turn the damned thing off already!" She yells at her husband in annoyance of him still slapping at the...

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Dueling Deputy Dads

Robert grumbled quietly to himself, anxiously scribbling notes, readingtextbooks and tapping his feet, anything to distract him from constantlychecking the dingy clock mounted on the classroom wall. If he were alittle more dramatic, he'd complain that 8th period study hall was killinghim. Instead, he just whined to his neighboring students that it was puretorture. They all sympathized, of course, because they'd all arranged theirschedules so they could end the school day on a relaxing note,...

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Solomons Daughters Minas Chapter

First off let me thank all of the readers who read and comment on my stories. Now at the bottom you notice the comment section has been turned off. That is because a bunch of retarded losers think the comment section is for them to advertise phone numbers and how truly pathetic they are. To the losers out there doing this, and I don't need to name you, you know who you are I hope you catch the plague you are to stupid to continue living. For Everyone...

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Dads sex slave Jan

Introduction: First Time Writer [i]I was 5 when my mom died and a year later my dad remarried to Jan.She was 17 then and was concidered the hottest girl in town.When I turned 13 my dick swelled up and dark curly hair began growing around my crotch including on my balls whick had doubled in size.I began jacking off all the time and one night I became really excited when I heard my parents bedsprings squeeking. My cock grew rock hard so i jacked off while listening to my dad putting the dick to...

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Indian Mom gangbanged by Dads bosses

I am jabir. This is the fourth story im writing u can read the others in my profile.My Dad works at an it office. He is very soft spoken, decent and a quite man. My family is comprised of me, my mom and my dad. My mom is 40. She is a housewife. My mom is a very conservative and traditional person. At the time of the incident I was 12 and my mom was 36 years old. Let me describe you my mom as she was 8 years ago. She was a normal Indian woman with good figure.It all started when the problem of...

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Dads Ex part 2

Introduction: Read Dads Ex before reading this story To fully understand the sexual and emotional rollercoaster I went through during this story, I recommend you read Dads Ex before reading this one. Same event, same date as last year and my Dad was having the same party as he always does and all the same people were coming, including my Dads ex. (Kathy) I didnt know if Kathy was going to be there, nor did I really even think about it. Maybe I didnt want to. I was inside the house, putting...

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My dads new black girlfriend

Introduction: Dad has a young black girl move in with us. I had just turned eighteen when Mom was killed in a car wreck. Things were really sad around the house. More for me than Dad, I think. I was pretty sure that he had had several girlfriends at various times even while Mom was still with us. We were a fairly well off middle class family but Mom and Dad each had each had big insurance policies on each other and they paid double if the death was from an accident. Dads bank account grew by...

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Camping trip with Dads FriendCoworker Real story

This is a story of when i was younger. i just started highschool at the time. and it was summer vacation. We took a camping trip for a couple nights with my Dads Coworker/ friend. he was a little older than my dad. and he brought his wife and two daughters who were about the same age as me. we had fun doing activities and spending time outdoors. on the second night the adults were drinking alot and most of them were passed out sleeping and we all went to bed. i woke around 3am to go to the...

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Waterbury Hills High School Dads and Dudes Fashion Show and Auction

“Mom, is daddy really going to be naked in front of all these ladies?  In front of my teachers and friends and their mothers?  Oh God, in front of me?” Annie demanded to know!“And in front of me, too?” Shelly wanted to know.  Shelly and Annie have been best friends since kindergarten.  While Shelly had stayed overnight at Annie’s house many times, she never got to see Annie’s father naked!  At best she saw him in his boxers in the morning, and sometimes she thought she could detect some morning...

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my dads friend

It was a long time ago i was 17 and used to help my dad with his work so i got to know a few of his friends they were all around my dads age in there 40's.There was Kevin who my dad trusted really well they kinda grew up togeather so they were pretty close friends. My dads work took him all over the country so alot of long journys and nights in hotels etc.Dad had a job to do in london and one in wales id never been to wales before so i asked dad if he minded me going for a ride with kevin to...

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Solomons Daughters Cassies and Cindys Chapter

This is the eight Chapter of this series I suggest you read the preceding chapters first! Also this is put under fantasy because it is not real don't pm me saying this story was fake I never claimed it was reality. Solomon's Daughters: Cassie's and Cindy's Chapter The door closed behind them and Megan rushed up the stairs and Liz followed after her. Galina looked around examining his basement and the wolf stayed close to his leg...

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Solomons Daughters Lindas Chapter

Solomon's Daughters: Linda's Chapter After breakfast Liz and Sar-Rah got ready for school and Galina leaned into to kiss Anthony before heading down into the basement with Mina and Megan following. When Eliza stood she walked over to the sink and cleaned her dishes herself and then turned to face him and opened her mouth to speak but Liz and Sar-Rah returned already ready for school. Anthony looked over at the clock and saw...

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Caught by Dads new Girlfriend

Everything about my life was normal until I reached 12. I had a normal family and I thought everything was great. Then the unthinkable happened and my parents split up. As a young boy I didn't understand it all so I just stayed in my room as it all happened. After a few weeks my dad had moved out and I was then brought up by my mum with my brother and older sister. Several months later both my parents were dating again. Most weekends my mum was out and occasional she would bring a man back and...

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My dads new wife had a daughter named shelly

In the summer of my Sophmore year of High School my dad got remarried for the 4th time. He was living in LA county and I didnt see him very much. During the summer I went up to spend a week with him and meet his new wife. I really could care less. I was a surf k** who loved the beach and spending one week in Riverside was a version of hell to me back then. Anyway, He and I pulled up to the house and went in. He showed me a room where I would be staying. I asked about a room closer to the...

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Incestuous Tales of the QuarantineStory 8 Dadrsquos Incestuous Daughters

“Daddy!” Linda moaned as she worked her pussy up and down my cock. “Yes, yes, Daddy!” The week since we’d started our incestuous relationship had been wild. I couldn’t believe the things we’d done in my office while the rest of the family was busy in other parts of our large house. Quarantine was still on, and here I was savoring my fourteen-year-old daughter’s cunt sliding up and down my cock. Her black hair swayed about her face. Her blue eyes shone. I gripped her ass, my computer chair...

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Solomons Daughters Elizas Chapter

Solomon's Daughters: Eliza's Chapter Anthony slowly rose to consciousness and stretched his sore muscles. Realizing the bed beside him was empty he looked around for Sar-Rah or Liz. They were absent but on one of the pillows beside him was a sheet of paper. Picking it up he read that they had gotten up to go to school and had been unable to wake him so they had left a note. They had both signed it with a kiss at the bottom. They were both wearing the same shade of lipstick....

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Solomons Daughters Risas and Kylies Chapter

This is the ninth chapter in the Solomon's Daughters series. These are not stand alone stories so if you are starting anywhere but at the first chapter then you may not understand some of the references and won't have descriptions for most of the character. Risa's and Kylie's Chapter Anthony took the bus to the corner near his house and disembarked. He went inside and showered and then went to the kitchen and...

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Dads helper0

I must have watched for 5 min, I noticed Dad grab his cellphone on his desk and I wondered who the fuck is he gonna call at this hour, a few seconds later my phone went off loud as hell it was a text message alert, I ran into the bathroom and looked at my cell, it was my Dad, Oh shit I'm so embarrassed how do I get out of this, Dad texted: I seen you watchin through the crack in the door, I texted back : Just for a second, I wanted to see what you were into. Dad texted back: bull shit I seen...

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Solomons Daughters Lizs Chapter

WARNING: This chapter contains incest and lesbianism (if that is a word ???) so if you were too stupid to read the tags and got here by accident and don’t enjoy reading about such things leave now! Also sorry for the long wait for this chapter but i have a really short attention span and this ended up being longer then i had originally planned for it to be. Solomon’s Daughters: Liz’s Chapter Liz walked from the bus stop towards her and her brother’s house happy about how her...

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I was horny for my Dads Friend

I heard his laugh as I walked out of my bedroom, not thinking about my dress sense as I continued into the kitchen. ‘Who is that with Dad’, I asked my younger brother, as he sat munching his breakfast cereal, ‘Don’t know s*s’, was all he said, and I heard him laugh again.I walked to the fridge and opened the large door, the blast of cold air awakening me out of my dreamy state, as it hit me full frontal.I stooped and looked inside, reaching to the back and moving things around to find...

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Daddys MindControlled Daughters 4 Twins Strip for Daddy

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Four: Twins Strip for Daddy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “They're on the move,” Deidre Icke, president of the Institute of Apotheosis, said, staring at the screen, a drone watching the God and his naked family piling into their car. “What's the status on the church?” “They're sending drones there now,” Deidre's daughter, Alexis, said. The eighteen-year-old sat naked on her...

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Dads MindControlled Daughters Chapter Two Daughters Cherry Birthday Gift

Chapter Two: Daughter's Cherry Birthday Gift A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! My forty-fourth birthday had not gone at all like I expected. How could I have anticipated that my youngest daughter Tonya would become so flirty, that she would end up impaling her virgin pussy on my cock and ride me until we both had come? The idea of having sex with Tonya, let alone any of my daughters, had been a foreign idea...

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Daddy cums home from work dads point of view

Introduction: This one is gonna be from dads perspective. I sat down to write a part two of this story and was gonna start off with a recap of what happened last time from dads perspective, but it kinda took over and well, this is what came out… Hope you enjoy, I still plan on writing more chapters soon so stay tuned. So I had just gotten out of work and planned on heading home after yet another long day of working two jobs. I probably didnt need to keep the second job after all this time, but...

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An Open Letter to the Moms and Dads of College Girls

Dear Moms and Dads: Spring Break season has come to an end here in Florida, and I wanted to send you this little note. On behalf of the Governor of The Great State of Florida, Charlie Crist, and myself, thank you ... I mean, really THANK YOU! ... for sending your high school seniors and college age daughters to the beaches of sunny Florida for Spring Break. You know that for the last 6 to 8 months we've been putting up with your parents. Your whiny, lard-assed, always complaining parents...

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Dads MindControlled Daughters Chapter 9 Daddy Unwraps His Virgin Gifts

Chapter Nine: Daddy Unwraps His Virgin Gifts A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “Happy birthday to you!” sang my six daughters. They were clustered around the kitchen table that had my birthday cake on it, all six of them smiling and clapping. “Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear daddy! Happy birthday to you!” The cake, covered in white frosting, had two candles on it, a Six and a Two. I was sixty-two...

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Dads MindControlled Daughters Chapter 3 Popping the Daughters Cherry

Chapter Three: Popping the Daughter's Cherry A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! After an hour of searching the internet, I could not find any match on the belt buckle my daughters had bought me. There were plenty that said “Best Dad,” but none were in quite the same style. Had quite the same shape to the panel. “We bought it at Target, Daddy,” Janelle had texted me along with a picture of her breasts in the...

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Brothers Incestous Bet Chapter 9 Daughters Ready to Breed

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Nine: Daughters Ready to Breed By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Maria Reenburg I trembled on the exam table in Dr. Wilson's clinic. The busty OB/GYN smiled at me as she lifted up my hospital gown. She arched an eyebrow at me as she stared down at the hairless flesh of my pudenda, my thighs pressed tight, only the top of my slit peeking out. “Someone forgot her panties,” Dr. Wilson said, an amused smile on her lips. “She didn't forget them,” said my...

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Solomons Daughters SarRahs Chapter

Read the prologue chapter first for back story. Enjoy! Solomon’s Daughters: Sar-Rah’s Chapter United States: Present Day Anthony woke to the screech of his alarm just as his hand came instinctively slamming down on it to stopped the horrible sound. His friend Sam had bought it for him as a joke gift but it was the only alarm clock that would wake him due to that god awful screech like nails on a chalkboard. His sister started pounding on his door. ...

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Three DaughtersThree Rules part 2

By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2018 CHAPTER 1 Let me recap where I am currently, I’m a Dad of three beautiful ladies: Jane now 32, Jill now 30, and my baby Jesse now 28. All three are pregnant……by me. 10 years ago, they chose to surprise me by coming to me during the night. I’m not making any excuses for what I’ve done but I also have no regrets. My wife, who passed away several years ago, was the Mother to the three girls. She was a free-spirit and way out of my league. After she passed,...

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Me And My Daughters Became Sluts 8211 Part I

Hi readers, I’m Urmilla 42 years old and my husband is a rich Nri based in Dubai he only comes to country once in two or three years and that too for a few days. we had two girls Nisha 24 and navya 22 even though I was a mom of two I’m still looking young and many of my friends commends that three of us are like sisters. My daughters were also sex bombs like me and was having huge tits and big ass like me as I was living away from my husband many of my neighbors and family members were having...

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My daughters turn me on Part III

The next morning Amber rolled over to find her mother nestled in bed beneath the cold morning sheets with her. They were both still naked from the night before. ‘OMG’ she thought. ‘I really did eat my own mother last night; and she ate me out’. Amber rose out of bed and snuck off to her room to lie down in her own bed for the rest of the morning. First though, she had to stop in the bathroom. She had to piss so bad, it being first thing in the morning. Her thighs were still sticky with the...

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Futa MILFs and Their Hot Daughters Chapter 6 FutaMommies Love Their Daughters

Chapter Six: Futa-Mommies Love Their Daughters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Jolene Harland had a great time with her new futa-dick, but she was eager to see what her sexy mother had gotten up to. She wanted to compare notes with mommy dearest. Humming to herself, she left eighteen-year-old Ingrid Morales to scamper upstairs with a tummy full of cum. That girl was eager to see what her futa-mother was up to. Dressing quickly, Jolene Harland...

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Daddys MindControlled Daughters 3 Daughters Pleasing Daddy

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Three: Daughters Pleasing Daddy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I groaned, my orgasm shivering through me, my dick lodged in Crystal's pussy. She was the second daughter I'd fucked today. My fantasies of taking my daughters, using their barely legal cunts, had come to life today thanks to an impossible device. The Halo. A ring of gold housing nanites. They'd changed my mind,...

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My daughters turn me on Part II

Sam pulled her daughter Amber down the hallway, leaving Amy in her bed, still shoving the black rubber cock in her pussy. Once they entered Sam’s bedroom, Sam spun around, grabbed her eldest daughter Amber by the waist and threw her on the bed. “Give me that pussy baby!” said Sam. Sam grabbed Amber by the ankles, lifted both her feet into the air, and reached down, pulling her daughters panties off and throwing them on the floor. Sam had already shed off her own clothes. Sam then spread her...

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Helenes daughters part two

as are ideas for the chapters to come.You may contact me at [email protected] Helenes Daughters Chapter Two Helene woke and stretched, she had hardly slept the night before. Excited by the previous nights sexual fun With her friend Faye and her daughter. She had also been thinking about her own two daughters who she had found having their own intimate fun the day before. After meeting up with Faye and Anna, Helene had decided that she too would become much much...

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Helenes daughters part two

Introduction: second part This is a work of fiction and nothing more. Feed back is more than welcome as are ideas for the chapters to come.You may contact me at [email protected] Helenes Daughters Chapter Two Helene woke and stretched, she had hardly slept the night before. Excited by the previous nights sexual fun With her friend Faye and her daughter. She had also been thinking about her own two daughters who she had found having their own intimate fun the day before. After meeting up with...

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A story in part related to Busted By the Lawnman After finishing my story of "Busted by the Lawnman" of her daughters "discovery" a ultimate pleasure from their own pet. The entirety of the story is all together so read it please: Anyway after having written the story about how her daughter got actually "busted" by me having pleasure with their pet at their home. And having written chapter 7 on the end of that finally and finishing with how her "Mom" nearly "busted her"...

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Gloria and Her 2 Daughters The Ultimate Gift

Introduction: This is as close to reality as you would get – if you meet a young mother who has a fetish for kiddie porn.. Ever get the chance to help a mother educate her 2 young daughters in the art of love making? I did. I was 20, going on 17. A baby. And though I didnt know it at the time, I had all 3 girl age groups at my fingertips – 1. Girls under 12 (at summer camp for example) would get a crush so big they would swarm around me in groups, trying to impress. 2. Older teenage girls...

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Lisa Bruce and I in her dads office

it was on a cold Friday evening in October 2015, there was a special dinner at the Jersey Field Squadron. An evening where any married middle aged man's fantasies would've come true that night. It was a very formal dinner at the Mess (Drinking quarters at the barracks) and being a 40 year old man I wasn't expecting any luck that night. But my wish came true when This brunette 21 year old who attended with her parents and grandparents turned up. As soon as i set eyes on her i knew she wanted my...

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The Mind Control DeviceChapter 24 MindControlled Pregnant Daughters

Vivian Bailey My freshman concubine, Michelle, was happily munching at my pussy. Under the mind-control device, she was thrilled to be my lover. I had a harem of sexy girls. They were all around my loft. My girlfriend, Britney, was having fun on the bed getting fucked by both our mothers. Those two sexy women loved coming by to visit. They got to have so much fun eating out underage pussy, including their daughters. Other girls in the harem were busy doing programming. They had all been...

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Things Mothers Do for their Daughters

   THINGS MOTHERS DO FOR THEIR                           DAUGHTERS         Olivia Miller is a single mother raising twolovely daughters the best way she knew how. She has struggled working two differentjobs to make ends meet and give the two girls a good home life since her husbanwalked out on them over twelve years ago, althouugh  she tried datingonce and during the few weeks of courtship she did have one occation to havesexual relations with the man but just like the many years with her...

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African seduction of three white daughters

Note : This story is completely fictional! African culture regards the seduction of sexually active women totally different that that of the western hemisphere. Sadly, there are few laws enforced to protect women in some countries and this appalling practice of sexual humiliation has torn families apart. A lot of kidnapped teen women, wives and daughters, have been forced into prostitution and sex slavery.... especially the young white ones. Many rich black African men lust for white women and...

Erotic Fiction
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Swapping Daughters Pounding Daughters

Ever had that nagging promise in the back of your mind you never kept. Well I had one. For years I had promised my daughter Sophie an outback camping trip. I mean I had looked back fondly to my own freedom days in my youth with my best mate Tom, our Harley’s, our sleeping bags under the stars and the great outback, all ours for adventures. Then there was everyday life: the corporate ladder, marriage, family and a stinging divorce a few years ago.Here now, however, was my gorgeous blonde Sophie...

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Two loving daughters

Two loving daughters I was single again. After twenty years in what can only be described as a disastrous marriage, I had separated from my wife. For the time being I was staying with my two daughters who had just rented a big new apartment together. An apartment which, luckily for me, just happened to have an extra bedroom. One night, I was up late with my daughters, just fooling around in the living-room, reminiscing. We were sitting on the couch, talking about the good old times. I...

5 years ago
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Brothers Incestuous BetChapter 9 Daughters Ready to Breed

Maria Reenburg I trembled on the exam table in Dr. Wilson’s clinic. The busty OB/GYN smiled at me as she lifted up my hospital gown. She arched an eyebrow at me as she stared down at the hairless flesh of my pudenda, my thighs pressed tight, only the top of my slit peeking out. “Someone forgot her panties,” Dr. Wilson said, an amused smile on her lips. “She didn’t forget them,” said my brother. He sat in a chair next to the bed. Mom was sitting in the corner, shaking her head at me. I...

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Daddys MindControlled Daughters 2 Two Daughters Double the Fun

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Two: Two Daughters Double the Fun By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! James Maxwell, head of the Department of Scrying at the Institute of Apotheosis Research, groaned as he pumped his cock in and out of his nineteen-year-old daughter's newly deflowered cunt. Mindy gasped and moaned into her twin sister Cindy's pussy, lapping through incestuous folds to clean out James's jizz. Thank...

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Trading Daughters Fictional

From: QlickIntroduction: My friend Robert and I are raising daughters alone. At 16 they present us with a birthday request My daughter Casey and I have been on our own for 5 years. Her mom left when she was 9, telling us she didn't want to be tied down any longer. It took Casey several months to accept her mom wasn't coming home, but when she did she began to grow close to me. As she grew and hit puberty I noticed her starting to fill out. It fell to me to give her the facts of life talk....

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