- 4 years ago
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Chapter 3: Schooled
A female’s lyrical voice penetrated the thick hazy fog of his slumbering brain. He winced and groaned, becoming aware of a silky slender arm around his shoulder and neck. It stirred briefly but didn’t remove its weight.
‘Hello-o-o-o-! Anyone awake aboard?! Wakee, wakee, all hands off snakies!’
His dark head shot up from his pillow when he heard that pleasant feminine voice say the strangest thing. Had he heard her right? He wasn’t sure. He squinted sleepy eyes as he fought to clear his groggy brain. Then he looked down at his bare chest and noticed that the slender arm around his neck had shifted and was now lying across it. He shook his head like a dog as he frowned.
‘All hands off…snakies?’ he mumbled in groggy disbelief.
Sharon mumbled something in her sleep beside him, but he had already removed her arm and was in the process of getting out of bed. She didn’t even wake up as she nestled under the shimmering black satin sheets while he pulled on a pair of boxers. As he walked out the air-conditioned cabin, he pulled on his short black satin robe and entered the short passageway, yawning widely. He was running a hand back through his tousled black hair just when the door to another cabin opened and Ryan stepped out, barely awake himself.
‘You heard it, too, Royce?’
‘What the hell is this at this godforsaken early hour? Who could that be?’ Ryan mumbled with a grouchy face as he tied his robe and followed his older brother down the carpeted passageway and into the round and luxurious galley before they headed through another short passageway and into the luxurious main cabin.
‘I have an idea who it can be,’ Royce said with a deep frown.
Moments later they climbed the short ladder to the deck. When his older brother opened the hatch, letting in the sharp early morning sun, Ryan’s hand flew up to shield his eyes from the stinging light just as the chilly sea breeze gave him goose bumps.
Sauntering over to the railing, Royce pulled out a box of Davidoffs from his robe pocket. He shook one up before he took it with his lips before slipping the box back into his pocket and took out his gold Zippo. He snapped it open, but then he seemed to freeze as his squinting eyes narrowed when he saw someone on the dock. It was a slender woman in a pair of loose-fitting denims and a navy-blue hoodie smiling up at him as she stood on sturdy black rubber sole boots on the pier.
He recognized her immediately.
‘Mornin’!’ Charly greeted, clearly taking both brothers aback when they realized she was the owner of the voice who woke them, and that she most definitely had been calling for them.
Ryan looked at his brother who snapped on his lighter and cupped his hand around it against the breeze before he tilted his head and lit his cigarette. He didn’t appear to be in any hurry to return a greeting to Miss Charly Meeren below.
As the more charming between the two brothers, Ryan smiled and put up a hand. ‘Good morning to you too, Miss Meeren!’
‘You can just call me Charly. Everyone does,’ she offered kindly, showing a completely different Charly Meeren that morning. She let her admiring gaze run along the eighty-five foot white length of the yacht. ‘Nice boat. Big.’
‘Thank you.’
She smiled up at him. ‘I need to ask you both something if it’s okay with ya?’ she said with the kindest smile as she shielded her eyes with a hand.
‘Sure. Come aboard.’
‘Don’t mind if I do! Thanks!’
Ryan popped eyebrows with a surprised look as he looked at his brother. ‘Well isn’t she chipper this morning,’ he mumbled beneath his breath.
Royce was silent as he watched Charly as she headed for the ladder, and with athletic ease, climbed it. Her heavy rubber-soled boots didn’t hamper her movements one bit, and within a few moments, she landed on the polished wooden deck before she clapped imaginary dust off her hands and walked over to them.
‘So, how do you two like our modest little island so far?’ she asked amiably.
Ryan still couldn’t believe this was the same Charly Meeren from the day before. It was as if there were two of them: one aloof and unfriendly, one very friendly.
‘Well,’ he said, ‘we’ve only been here a couple of days, but it’s really nice.’
‘Eight days, to be precise. More than just a couple.’
‘Keeping count?’ Royce said.
She didn’t answer. She only smiled as she stopped in front of them before she set slender hands on her hips. ‘Just off the top of my head,’ she finally answered as she nodded with truly sparkling turquoise eyes. ‘And during these eight days, haven’t you noticed just how pristine and litter-free it is around here? I mean, have a good look around you. You can’t find so much as a candy wrapper anywhere in the water or on the pier.’ She narrowed eyes and smiled. ‘Didn’t notice?’
‘Yes, of course!’ Ryan said, although he hadn’t really noticed before since he rarely bothered checking for litter anywhere. It just wasn’t a priority of his.
‘Yep. Yep. Clean as a whistle.’ She nodded, pulling her upper lip between teeth for a moment as she ran her gaze around. Then, with a smile, she looked at him. ‘And we islanders would really like to keep it that way, if you know what I mean?’
Ryan frowned with a curious smile. Then he looked at his brother who was clearly listening although he was acting cool and collected as he calmly smoked his cigarette.
‘Yes, I do believe we understand what you’re saying.’ Ryan nodded. ‘And we promise to do our part,’ he assured her.
‘Good!’ She reached into her hoodie pocket and pulled out a ziploc baggie that contained six waterlogged cigarette butts.
Ryan eyed them for a few moments before he realized the real reason she was there. His hand shot to his mouth as he suppressed a burst of laughter while he noticed how Royce had paused in the middle of bringing his cigarette to his lips.
‘I assume these are yours?’ she asked as she held up the baggie.
Royce arched an eyebrow but he was looking at her, not the bag. ‘What makes you say that? I kind of feel discriminated against.’
She smiled politely. ‘You’re not being discriminated against, Mr. Masterson.’
Royce arched an eyebrow. ‘How did you know our last names?’
She smiled but that smile didn’t reach her eyes. ‘We don’t have Davidoff cigarettes anywhere on the island, sir. These are luxury Swiss cigarettes not widely available around these parts. And until you docked your boat here, they were nonexistent.’ Then she tossed the baggie over to him and he caught it to his chest. ‘You smoke Davidoffs,’ she said with a nod at the lit cigarette between his fingers. ‘So those butts are yours.’
He watched as she fished out a stack of pink index cards from her pocket.
‘Don’t tell me,’ he drawled, ‘you’re anti-smoking.’
As she focused on rearranging the index cards, she shrugged. ‘If by anti-smoking you mean I don’t want the end result littering up our oceans, then yes.’ She looked up as she shook the stack between her fingers. ‘Otherwise, I have no opinion on the matter. My sole purpose here this morning is to help our guests understand that we would appreciate it if they helped to keep our little island and the ocean litter-free.’
She turned her attention to the younger brother and handed him a pink card.
‘What’s that?’ he asked curiously.
‘Island rules on waste management. We’re very environmentally conscious around here.’
‘I can see that.’
‘Every day, at about six in the evening, a group of deputized volunteers will be by to pick up any garbage you might have. Bulky items have to be called in for special pickup.’ She craned her neck and pointed the tip of her finger at a phone number typed in bold at the bottom of the card. ‘This the number you call for special pickup. But mind
you, they only come by once a week.’ She dropped to her feet and she smiled at him. ‘Only on Wednesdays which means you’ve missed this week’s special pickup, so I’ll have to ask you to keep any garbage on your boat until next week, or you can deliver it to the Island Waste Management facility at the address on the card if you can’t wait until then.’
‘Island Waste Management…rules?’
‘We’re a tiny island surrounded by the Atlantic, and we islanders don’t soil where we live. We’d appreciate it if you and your guests stick to these simple rules and guidelines during your stay so we can keep a happy and healthy island,’ she said kindly. Then she smiled and nodded. ‘Have a wonderful stay on Mount Desert,’ she said before she moved to return to the ladder to disembark.
‘Aren’t you going to ask her, Ry?’ Royce spoke up and watched her pause as she turned and looked curiously from him to his younger brother.
‘Ask me what?’ she asked.
Ryan frowned as he looked at his older brother, but Royce had his attention on Charly. ‘Ask you about that sea stone that fellow brought in the other day at the coffee shop. What was his name again? You referred to him as ‘Gems’.’
Ryan briefly frowned before he got what his big brother was telling him, but before he could speak, Royce continued, ‘This Gems fella seemed to be convinced that you were an expert on sea treasures like that. I wonder why he’d think that.’
She stared at him for a few seconds, and for those few seconds they saw the Charly Meeren from the other day briefly appear. Then she smiled and that Charly vanished again. ‘Don’t mind Gems,’ she said with a soft chuckle. ‘He’s always treasure hunting, and for some strange reason, he thinks I’m some expert on whatever he finds.’
‘Why would he think that?’
She shrugged. ‘I don’t know. Maybe you should ask him?’
‘I’m asking you,’ he said and watched her smile briefly falter. ‘But I was hoping you might save my brother the time and trouble of having to look him up.’
‘That’s easy to do.’ She looked at the younger brother. ‘Just don’t.’
‘Just don’t look him up, you mean?’
She returned her attention on the older brother. ‘Yea. That’s what I mean.’
He suddenly smiled the most charming smile in the world. ‘There’s something you need to know about a Masterson, Charly.’
She arched eyebrows. ‘Yes?’
‘Once we make up our mind we want something, we don’t stop until we get it.’
She felt her smile fade as she studied the twinkling in his eyes, but behind that twinkle there was an unmistakable determination that made her uneasy. She quickly hid that uneasiness behind a polite smile and a nod.
Then he flashed a smile. ‘Or so I’ve heard,’ he added with a lighter tone.
‘Hm.’ She nodded. ‘Well,’ she said with a light sigh, ‘I have things to do so I need to be going. But I wish you a pleasant stay.’ Then she turned to leave.
‘So you won’t confess your little secret?’
She stopped but didn’t immediately turn. Then she looked over her shoulder at the older Masterson brother. ‘Secret?’
‘Why this Gems is convinced that you’re an expert on sea treasures.’
They were like a dog with a bone! She knew she had to do something to satisfy what appeared to be an insatiable curiosity that could cause her problems. Maybe if she defused the situation with some story, they’d finally let up?
So she turned and smiled as she looked at both of them. ‘Gems and I grew up together,’ she began. ‘As you’ve seen for yourself, he’s not as…worldly as either of you.’
‘Or you.’
She smiled with a curious frown as she looked at the older brother. ‘I’m not that worldly, Mister Masterson. I’ve lived on this island all my life.’
‘And yet my intuition tells me that you’re more traveled than most people around here.’
She stared at him for a few moments before she smiled. ‘At any rate,’ she continued with the story, ‘Gems and I used to do a little treasure hunting as kids. I was a good storyteller back then and maybe it was wrong of me, but I used to tell tall tales about items we found that seemed to fascinate him. That’s probably the reason why he believes I’m an expert on sea treasures.’
‘Specifically, sea stones.’
‘Sea stones?’ She popped eyebrows as her eyes twinkled with mirth. ‘That rock he found, you mean?’ She laughed charmingly, drawing an indulgent smile from him. ‘It’s probably something he’s bought off of ebay from some person who polishes stones and sells them with the same fantastic story I used to tell him. People do that to make their product interesting.’
‘Maybe that happens, but that’s not what happened in this case,’ Royce said as he closely monitored the young woman’s reaction, but she was good at putting up a charming front.
‘No, Mister Masterson, I’m pretty sure that’s probably the case.’
She watched as Royce lowered his eyes with a smile, and she couldn’t help but admire how thick his black eyelashes were on his tanned skin. ‘My brother, Ryan,’ he began before he raised his eyes and looked at her, ‘is somewhat of a treasure hunter himself.’
‘Hm-mm,’ he said with a slow nod. ‘He once found a similar sea stone like the one your friend, Gems, was showing off to you in the coffee shop, only, he found his at the bottom of Cape Cod Bay.’
‘That doesn’t rule out the possibility that it might’ve been dropped into that bay, does it? I mean, that person could’ve bought the manufactured rock from some unscrupulous merchant on ebay, had buyer’s remorse, and tossed it, right?’ She arched an eyebrow.
‘Problem is, it wasn’t manufactured and it wasn’t a rock, and although my brother continues to refer to it as a ‘stone’, it wasn’t a stone, either.’
She looked at him with an almost emotionless face. ‘You sound pretty confident.’
‘It’s because I am—’
‘—Yes, I’ve noticed.’
He paused as he studied the look in her eye and she arched an eyebrow and folded arms.
‘I’m confident because the sea stone had been professionally appraised,’ he finished.
‘And the appraiser didn’t know what to make of it,’ Ryan injected. ‘But he told me that it was extremely precious and valuable because it was so rare. In terms of monetary value, it was easily worth one hundred million dollars.’
‘That’s a lot of money.’
‘Impossibly so,’ Ryan said with and. ‘It was probably worth more than that to the right collector. Probably half a million more.’
She didn’t seem impressed with the quoted value but seemed more interested in something else. ‘Was?’ she asked.
‘Unfortunately, it was lost years ago.’
‘I can see why you’d be upset about that.’ Then she cleared her throat and rubbed a finger along the bridge of her nose. ‘So…were you planning on selling it? If what you say is true, that sea stone was pretty priceless.’
‘It was, but not for its monetary value,’ Ryan said as he lowered his eyes.
She slowly folded her arm in the fold and tilted her head, her gaze seemed to zoom in on the tic his smooth cheek. She could see that he was upset with having lost what he considered to be a very priceless possession.
‘That sea stone my brother lost,’ Royce continued, drawing her attention back on him, ‘was actually a naturally cultured pearl.’
Her eyebrows shot up. ‘Pearl?’
‘The biggest ever found, at least three inches larger than the Pearl of Lao Tzu that officially holds the record for being the largest naturally cultured pearl in history. But unlike the Lao Tzu pearl, which has no shine to speak of, this one was smooth, luminous, and iridescent much like the common pearl, yet it had color—something he’s never seen before, and he’s seen them all.’
‘The appraiser.’
‘It was beautiful,’ Ryan said with melancholy in his tone. ‘Breathtaking.’ Then he looked at his brother with brief a
ccusatory look. ‘I wish I still had it.’ He looked back at Charly and saw something he couldn’t place flash in her eyes. He was certain he’d seen it…and it looked a lot like…regret? ‘I would’ve loved to see what you’d think of it. It was a beautiful sea stone…a sea-foam green with dark blue veins. It was so smooth that it felt like marble.’
Royce smiled with a confused frown. ‘But you’re not an expert on things like that, right?’
Charly arched an eyebrow at him. ‘Right.’ Then she looked at Ryan. ‘I’m sorry to hear you lost it. I can see that it’s upset you.’
‘Actually, I didn’t lose it.’
‘But I thought you said—’
‘—It was taken,’ Royce said, and saw her gaze sweep to him.
‘How tragic,’ she said, briefly cocking her head…her gaze leveled and unreadable. Then she produced a friendly smile. ‘Well, even if you had it in your hands now, I wouldn’t know what to tell you.’ She shook her head. ‘I’m no expert, so I wouldn’t be of any help to you at all.’ Then she thumbed over her shoulder. ‘Anyway, I really need to be going.’
‘Your children must be awake about now.’
She looked at the older brother. ‘What?’
‘Don’t tell me you left them alone,’ he said, drawing a curious look from his brother.
She looked at him for a moment. ‘No. I would never do that.’
‘Oh, I didn’t know you had kids,’ Ryan said with a smile. ‘So, what are their names? And where are they?’
Her eyelashes flickered only once, but whatever bothered her was quickly masked as she looked at Ryan and gave him a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. ‘Away.’
‘With your husband? Boyfriend?’ Ryan asked.
‘My father.’ She looked at him for a few moments, hiding her thoughts.
‘Charles J. Meeren.’
She looked at the older brother. ‘Yes. But you knew that, didn’t you?’
‘We’d like to meet him,’ he said instead of answering her.
She studied him for a few moments before she smiled. ‘I’ll pass that news on to him when I see him.’ Then she smiled politely once again—politely and aloof. ‘Before I leave, I’d like to give you a bit of advice, if I may.’
‘Feel free,’ Ryan said with a polite smile.
‘Pay Gems no mind. These days, he lives with one foot in this world and one foot someplace else.’
‘A mythical world?’ Ryan said with an understanding chuckle.
She smiled. ‘Yea. You can say that.’
‘A mythical world where mermaids are real creatures,’ Royce said.
Her long eyelashes flickered again as she looked at him. ‘You can say that,’ she merely repeated. Then she perked up. ‘Anyway,’ she said with a deep breath, ‘just don’t take what he says too seriously. He’s pretty fond of tall tales and he embellishes them when he believes he has a captive audience.’
Then she turned and walked across the deck to the ladder, smiling as she swept a leg over the side. But before she could make another move, she suddenly froze as she watched as the older brother casually flicked his cigarette butt over the railing, tossing the baggie right after it!
Her jaw dropped and, to him, the look of shock on her pretty face was priceless. It was worth his uncommon antagonistic attitude that even had his younger brother’s jaw drop in shock before he looked from him to the reaction on her face.
‘Did I mention we levy heavy fines on polluters, Mister Masterson?’ she said with barely contained anger.
Royce slowly smiled. ‘Feel free to send me the bill.’
Her polite façade dropped and was replaced with an enraged look. Then her eyes narrowed as her jaw went rigid. ‘I’ll be doing more than that. You can count on it.’
‘Good. I’ll be looking forward to it,’ he said before he turned and walked toward the ladder that led below deck. ‘Have a nice day, Miss Meeren!’ he tossed over his shoulder.
Ryan looked apologetically at her. ‘Please excuse my big brother, Charly. He’s never like that. I guess it’s too early in the morning for him to remember his manners.’
‘You don’t need to apologize for him, Mr. Masterson,’ she said as she directed her attention on him. ‘All I ask is that you and your guests abide by the island’s waste management rules. I hope I can count on you to relay that message?’
‘Yes, of course.’
‘Thank you.’ With that, she climbed down the ladder and hopped onto the dock.
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It was a cold winter night. I had been walking outside for about two hours dodging police cars and traveling in the shadows. My buddy Rick said that the house was on 27 Kinley St. , I looked on my map, Kinley st. was a block away. A scary, deep masculine voice sounded in the quiet. "Finally, almost there." It was my voice, the sound of somebody who had been unjustly imprisoned for a crime he did not commit, the sound of somebody who was about to commit a real crime, and this time he would...
The camera then panned left and focused on a closed door, that was obviously the bedroom of the suite. The door opened and a black man dressed in a tailored, navy blue suit, wearing a starched white dress shirt and a carefully knotted gold tie entered the room. "Brooke, say hi to Karem," said Ray. "Hello," she said shyly. "The pleasure is all mine, all mine," said the black man as he took her in his arms. In room 315, five floors below, Scott Fuller caught his breath as he saw the...
Read part 1 first....I was shocked, how. the hell could mom know I was swimming naked?Barbro must have told her,, I didn't know what to say when mom dropped her bra and panties on the ground, standing fully naked in front of me...I stepped back, and askedif she has been spying on me? No no, the lady in the shop told me she met you, and that you was naked and a bit embarrassed when she arrived. She is a nudist my mom said, and she had no problems with your nudity at all. What is a nudist I...
It is time, many summoners and guardians are preparing for the fight against sin himself. Sin has ravaged many people, and left thier lives ruined, now it is up to the summoners and their counterparts to stop him... One question remains...
As the warm Caribbean lapped gently over her toes, Susan drifted in and out of sleep. Her white skin was protected by a high enough protection factor sun lotion to allow her to lie on the private members’ beach for as long as she desired, without fear of burning her delicate skin. As she drifted in and out of her lazy daydream state she felt so relaxed and comfortable on the warm, soft sand. She felt a thirst edging into her consciousness and wished that David, her husband of many years...
InterracialWe are a nuclear family of me and my elder sister and my parents. We live in a two bed room flat. My parents both are government employees and we are left alone since our childhood. Me and my Sister are very close to each other and we share everything since our childhood. The only difference between us is me having a dick and she have a samosa (pun intended). When she reached her puberty I mean started menstruating, there was a small gap of separation mentally and physically, she slept in our...
IncestThe Prison Planet ... As they neared the grasslands, Morales left the rolling case in order to proceed more quietly for the last hundred yards or so. When he reached an area where he could clearly see the valley, he stopped and grabbed Lobo. “Easy, Boy,” he whispered. Then his eyes focused on something totally unexpected. “What the fuck is that?” Then his reading from the scientists’ notes kicked in. “Aurochs,” he told his friend. “They’re fucking aurochs, or this world’s version of them,...
_Mera naam Samita .Main Punjab ki rehne wali punjabi ladki hoon.Main 23 saal ki hoon. Mere fig 36 28 34 hai. Main aaj apko apni kahani pehli baar likh rahi hoon.waise main ISS par pichle ek saal se stories padh rahi hoon. Aur Main hairan hoti thi ke kaise koi ladki apne kisi rishtedar k saath sex kar sakti hai. Lekin aaj main samjh chuki hoon ke ye kisi ke saath bhi ho sakta hai.yahi meri kahani aaj se 6 month pehle mere aur mere Mama ke ladke k beech hui thi. Pehle main thoda apne aur...
I Don’t Want To Know I had just finished my work at the store and was walking out to the parking lot where my car was parked. The first cigarette in four hours tasted damned good; these twelve hour days were pretty rough. A female voice came to my ears from out of the darkness. “You got one of those you could spare?” I pulled out my pack and my lighter and held them out. A hand reached out and took them from my hand. She lit up, handed the smokes and Bic back to me and said, “Thanks. You’re...
Straight SexI had been servicing The Duke sexually every day for about three or four weeks when I, by accident, added another guy to my sex calendar. Teddy N. My father was the superintendent of the building we lived in so I picked up a few bucks here and there by cleaning people's bathrooms. I charged $2 a pop. I didn't have too many customers, maybe four at any one time, so it was easy to squeeze them in with my going to New York City to service The Duke's gay guys. Teddy N. had moved into the...
Hi,” I yelled into the receiver as someone picked up the phone. “Hello,” replied a rather feminine voice, as I rechecked the number I had dialed. “Oh, is Jack there?” I said uncertainly. “Hey John, it’s me Jack. I’m planning something special for the party tonight. I was practicing my feminine voice. But don’t ask me why, OK?” he said. “See you at the party for a special surprise…” Jack cooed into the phone, leaving me puzzled. I hung up the phone wondering what the special surprise was....
LesbianI was in a rut. I had lost my mojo. Anytime I talked with a woman that I was attracted to, I fumbled and stuttered and looked like a totally non functional human being. I finally made a deal with myself. I figured I had nothing to lose. I had been alone for so long, I needed to kick myself out of my funk somehow or other. I vowed to approach any attractive woman that I saw and let her know that I found her attractive. I expected to receive my share of rejection but I was bound and determined...
Hi everyone, This whole story started out as a dirty comment I left for an xhamster user, teenolivia on one of her photos. I decided to make it an entire story based on that one photo in her profile which is this one: story is told to Olivia, from me. I meet you and Amanda at the park near the lake in this photo. I can’t take my eyes off of your hot little bodies and both of you girls keep looking down at my hardening cock in my shorts and...
From the bedroom, Carly thought the person at the door could be either her husband Paul, or Stephen's wife Paige. Neither would be anyone they would want showing up at this time, but Carly thought she would rather it be Paul. No such luck. "What are you doing here?" Stephen asked. "I called Sharon," Paige said, referring to Stephen's secretary. "But what exactly are YOU doing here?" "I told you on the phone, Paige. I needed some time alone." "Sharon booked the room for you. She...
‘Can we please stop? My feet are fucking killing me’ James glanced over his shoulder, catching Kate leaning against a tree rubbing her ankle. ‘Jesus, how many times are we gonna have to fricken stop?’ James moaned, turning back to help her. ‘Oh I’m sorry, but um, who’s dumb-ass idea was it to go on a hike on the hottest day of the year?’ Kate snarled sarcastically. ‘I mean really James, who the fuck hikes in the middle of July? I’m sweating like hell, being eaten alive by mosquitoes and my...
The rest of the day included a lot of walking around the room to work on my balance and coordination but mostly it was relaxation as my new body continued to fine-tune itself. Beginning the next morning, my days were filled with activities. I began the day with another large nutrient drink. After that it was exercise and classes, classes and exercise. We took the elevator – I suppose it would be more accurately called a shuttle since it seemed to move in any and all directions - to a large...
A servant opened the door and ushered us in. A short rotund man with a florid face greeted us. It was not Julian's place to introduce us but I found that the servant already had our names. Crescentius Popillius was our host. He said, "I have heard a great deal about all of you. Julian has shown us your book and I found your descriptions vivid. If it were not for all the things I have heard that you have actually made then I would had to have dismissed the book as a pleasant...
Chapter 2: TommyFinally! Tommy called me today and asked me out. He had his own car too and drove me to a beach party a few miles out of town on the shore of lake Michigan. There was beer and pot and we danced barefoot in the sand to loud rock music on somebody’s portable stereo. I got very loaded: stoned on pot and drunk on beer. When one of the other girls took her top and bra off, not to be outdone, I took mine off too, even though she had much bigger tits than mine. Probably C cups, I...
First TimeYelling as loud as I could didn't help nor cause Jerome to stop his assault. Jerome took hold of his stiff cock and guided it between my clinching buttocks to my anal opening. With a quick lunge Jerome sunk his enormously huge cock head into my dry butt hole. I screamed like a banshee as Jerome pushed more of his rigid cock shaft into my anus. I almost passed out from the pain of having my butt hole ripped open, I cried out 'YEEEAAAAAGGGHHHH'. Jerome hunched frantically sinking more of his...
i had about 15 mins before SCD was supposed to arrive , and i had to organise myself , the room and my story before he arrived... i wasnt sure how he'd react if he were to know i'd already used his hotel room and in effect , his little bitch's ass to please another man before he even got the chance i decided to keep it quiet , unless he asked me , to which i'd answer honestly ..'well i did have one stranger walk in on me'.. so i straightened the room up , reset the door closer , freshened...
Nikki's car rushed down the interstate towards Trent. She knew he was waiting for her. They only had 24 hours stolen away together. A few short hours stolen from their everyday lives. For a day they belonged to each other. No question. No phone calls. No explanations. Solely to each other. Nikki and Trent had spent quite a bit of time together but not uninterrupted and not overnight. She looked forward to laying in his arms all night and feeling his body pressed against hers, feeling his breath...
Straight SexOne thing hard to get used to in the Rookie Leagues is the late start on the season. June! I was eager -- overeager to get started when the season finally got underway. I'd already been in Bluefield for almost six weeks. It was a nice little town. I hoped the fans would show up when we opened the season at last. We opened against the Danville Braves and although my young starting pitcher got rattled early and didn't throw like I knew he could, we ended up winning, 8-7 in ten innings. The...
There Jessica was on the ground with her face and body filled with disgusting cum. With that Mr Johnson said "let the real fun begin" one of his associates went to the trunk of the limo and pulled out a "liberator" sex mat. It was blue and had a curved bottom so that the females ass and cunt were in perfect fucking position. It also had straps all around it and an attached piece of wood on the other end with a hole cut out the middle. Jack then picked Jessica up threw her onto the mat. As...
I didn't want to look. I knew what I would see and I knew that this was going to be the last time in my life that I would be able to look Dennis in the eye. I tried not to look but I heard him step inside and the gasp of horror was so loud that it forced me to look up. He was staring at my naked body and my obviously well fucked pussy. I don't think he had even noticed Nathan yet! His mouth was open wide and so were his eyes. He managed to stutter, "What ... Amanda ... what is this?!...
Kylie Rocket may look young and innocent, but she’s an absolute freak…and we love it. The 18 year old beauty loves watching porn and loves starring in it even more. She’s here today to fix her craving of dick. She shows off her body before getting down and begging for a dick in her mouth like the cute little slut she loves to be. Max Cartel comes to her rescue, giving her the amazing dick she needs. They fuck in multiple positions before he lets out a huge load all over her...
xmoviesforyouAway... From us... To say these words affected me would be a vast understatement. The massive upwelling that I’d seen a moment earlier in Heather’s eyes, that flood which would destroy everything around ... It suddenly burst out of the sea. Nothing prepared me for its impact. My throat constricted and suffocation beckoned, caressing me gently into blackening edges. “Why?” I tried to ask, but the sound was grotesque, a pitiful gurgle at best. “Shh, shhhh,” she consoled through tears,...
Hello friends again mai ronit sharma indore se bahut maine pahali story mai bataya tha aapko kaise chandigarh k eek cpl ke sath threesome ki. Usne mera pura lund chat chat kar saaf kar diya aur mughe chum kar boli tks ronit aaj bahut maja aaya tumari chudai mai aur ham thodi der ese hi pade rahe wo pade pade mere lund se khel rahi thi tab hi thodi der mai mera lund fir khada ho gaya to uska husband bola wow ronit fir tyar ho gaya tumara to aab kya karne ka irada hai to maine kaha irada to ab ek...
At fifteen young Ernie Marsh was wise to the ways of the world thanks to his dear old mum and his older sister. Neither of them was a prize when it came to looks, but both of them had rather healthy appetites when it came to things sexual. When he was twelve his mum decided that he should sleep with her a few times a week so she could teach him about how to pleasure a woman. He was trained in the art of eating pussy, spending hours between his mum's flabby thighs licking her hairy cunt as she...
Brent had just shot a huge load of cum all over my wife’s ass. He pulled my wife’s panties to the side exposing her asshole and pussy. He kept massaging her ass and was rubbing his cum over her pussy lips and asshole and then started fingering both of her holes. That had both of the other guys in the hottub stroking their cocks. One of them came over and sat on the ledge right by my wife’s face. I turned my wife over so that she was facing up and my cock was sliding between her ass cheeks. The...
Didn't I Used To Be ... By ABC de F Chapter One It was still afternoon, bright and cloudless, when he pulled into the apartment complex parking lot. His reserved spot was directly in front of his door, not that it mattered much to him; he was never in a hurry. The drive home had only taken five hours but he felt mentally groggy and physically numb, as if he'd been sitting behind the wheel for twice as long. There was some nice scenery between Pittsburgh and home, but it...
Hi, This is me Bhasrak from capital city of Nepal (Kathmandu), currently I am working in one of the reputed multinational company here in Nepal. Talking about myself, I am 25 years old and very much sexually Active. You all can email me at for any feedback Coming to the story, Saakshi (name changed) is the heroin of the story. She is 21 year old lady and is in final year of her Nursing. The most amazing thing about of her body part is her boobs. Anyone would die for her boobs. And I myself...
He walked into the office and saw her sitting at the Reception Desk. She looked so lovely and so sophisticated. “My God, what are you doing here Celia?” “I work here Dave.” . Her smile lit up her face when she spoke to him. It must be 15 years since they had seen each other and he never expected to see her in this situation. He was working as agent with ASIO and it seemed that she was in the front line as Secretary to the Director. He wouldn’t have come up on her radar because he was...
Love Stories