Captivated Ch. 03 free porn video

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Chapter 3: Schooled

A female’s lyrical voice penetrated the thick hazy fog of his slumbering brain. He winced and groaned, becoming aware of a silky slender arm around his shoulder and neck. It stirred briefly but didn’t remove its weight.

‘Hello-o-o-o-! Anyone awake aboard?! Wakee, wakee, all hands off snakies!’

His dark head shot up from his pillow when he heard that pleasant feminine voice say the strangest thing. Had he heard her right? He wasn’t sure. He squinted sleepy eyes as he fought to clear his groggy brain. Then he looked down at his bare chest and noticed that the slender arm around his neck had shifted and was now lying across it. He shook his head like a dog as he frowned.

‘All hands off…snakies?’ he mumbled in groggy disbelief.

Sharon mumbled something in her sleep beside him, but he had already removed her arm and was in the process of getting out of bed. She didn’t even wake up as she nestled under the shimmering black satin sheets while he pulled on a pair of boxers. As he walked out the air-conditioned cabin, he pulled on his short black satin robe and entered the short passageway, yawning widely. He was running a hand back through his tousled black hair just when the door to another cabin opened and Ryan stepped out, barely awake himself.

‘You heard it, too, Royce?’


‘What the hell is this at this godforsaken early hour? Who could that be?’ Ryan mumbled with a grouchy face as he tied his robe and followed his older brother down the carpeted passageway and into the round and luxurious galley before they headed through another short passageway and into the luxurious main cabin.

‘I have an idea who it can be,’ Royce said with a deep frown.

Moments later they climbed the short ladder to the deck. When his older brother opened the hatch, letting in the sharp early morning sun, Ryan’s hand flew up to shield his eyes from the stinging light just as the chilly sea breeze gave him goose bumps.

Sauntering over to the railing, Royce pulled out a box of Davidoffs from his robe pocket. He shook one up before he took it with his lips before slipping the box back into his pocket and took out his gold Zippo. He snapped it open, but then he seemed to freeze as his squinting eyes narrowed when he saw someone on the dock. It was a slender woman in a pair of loose-fitting denims and a navy-blue hoodie smiling up at him as she stood on sturdy black rubber sole boots on the pier.

He recognized her immediately.

‘Mornin’!’ Charly greeted, clearly taking both brothers aback when they realized she was the owner of the voice who woke them, and that she most definitely had been calling for them.

Ryan looked at his brother who snapped on his lighter and cupped his hand around it against the breeze before he tilted his head and lit his cigarette. He didn’t appear to be in any hurry to return a greeting to Miss Charly Meeren below.

As the more charming between the two brothers, Ryan smiled and put up a hand. ‘Good morning to you too, Miss Meeren!’

‘You can just call me Charly. Everyone does,’ she offered kindly, showing a completely different Charly Meeren that morning. She let her admiring gaze run along the eighty-five foot white length of the yacht. ‘Nice boat. Big.’

‘Thank you.’

She smiled up at him. ‘I need to ask you both something if it’s okay with ya?’ she said with the kindest smile as she shielded her eyes with a hand.

‘Sure. Come aboard.’

‘Don’t mind if I do! Thanks!’

Ryan popped eyebrows with a surprised look as he looked at his brother. ‘Well isn’t she chipper this morning,’ he mumbled beneath his breath.

Royce was silent as he watched Charly as she headed for the ladder, and with athletic ease, climbed it. Her heavy rubber-soled boots didn’t hamper her movements one bit, and within a few moments, she landed on the polished wooden deck before she clapped imaginary dust off her hands and walked over to them.

‘So, how do you two like our modest little island so far?’ she asked amiably.

Ryan still couldn’t believe this was the same Charly Meeren from the day before. It was as if there were two of them: one aloof and unfriendly, one very friendly.

‘Well,’ he said, ‘we’ve only been here a couple of days, but it’s really nice.’

‘Eight days, to be precise. More than just a couple.’

‘Keeping count?’ Royce said.

She didn’t answer. She only smiled as she stopped in front of them before she set slender hands on her hips. ‘Just off the top of my head,’ she finally answered as she nodded with truly sparkling turquoise eyes. ‘And during these eight days, haven’t you noticed just how pristine and litter-free it is around here? I mean, have a good look around you. You can’t find so much as a candy wrapper anywhere in the water or on the pier.’ She narrowed eyes and smiled. ‘Didn’t notice?’

‘Yes, of course!’ Ryan said, although he hadn’t really noticed before since he rarely bothered checking for litter anywhere. It just wasn’t a priority of his.

‘Yep. Yep. Clean as a whistle.’ She nodded, pulling her upper lip between teeth for a moment as she ran her gaze around. Then, with a smile, she looked at him. ‘And we islanders would really like to keep it that way, if you know what I mean?’

Ryan frowned with a curious smile. Then he looked at his brother who was clearly listening although he was acting cool and collected as he calmly smoked his cigarette.

‘Yes, I do believe we understand what you’re saying.’ Ryan nodded. ‘And we promise to do our part,’ he assured her.

‘Good!’ She reached into her hoodie pocket and pulled out a ziploc baggie that contained six waterlogged cigarette butts.

Ryan eyed them for a few moments before he realized the real reason she was there. His hand shot to his mouth as he suppressed a burst of laughter while he noticed how Royce had paused in the middle of bringing his cigarette to his lips.

‘I assume these are yours?’ she asked as she held up the baggie.

Royce arched an eyebrow but he was looking at her, not the bag. ‘What makes you say that? I kind of feel discriminated against.’

She smiled politely. ‘You’re not being discriminated against, Mr. Masterson.’

Royce arched an eyebrow. ‘How did you know our last names?’

She smiled but that smile didn’t reach her eyes. ‘We don’t have Davidoff cigarettes anywhere on the island, sir. These are luxury Swiss cigarettes not widely available around these parts. And until you docked your boat here, they were nonexistent.’ Then she tossed the baggie over to him and he caught it to his chest. ‘You smoke Davidoffs,’ she said with a nod at the lit cigarette between his fingers. ‘So those butts are yours.’

He watched as she fished out a stack of pink index cards from her pocket.

‘Don’t tell me,’ he drawled, ‘you’re anti-smoking.’

As she focused on rearranging the index cards, she shrugged. ‘If by anti-smoking you mean I don’t want the end result littering up our oceans, then yes.’ She looked up as she shook the stack between her fingers. ‘Otherwise, I have no opinion on the matter. My sole purpose here this morning is to help our guests understand that we would appreciate it if they helped to keep our little island and the ocean litter-free.’

She turned her attention to the younger brother and handed him a pink card.

‘What’s that?’ he asked curiously.

‘Island rules on waste management. We’re very environmentally conscious around here.’

‘I can see that.’

‘Every day, at about six in the evening, a group of deputized volunteers will be by to pick up any garbage you might have. Bulky items have to be called in for special pickup.’ She craned her neck and pointed the tip of her finger at a phone number typed in bold at the bottom of the card. ‘This the number you call for special pickup. But mind
you, they only come by once a week.’ She dropped to her feet and she smiled at him. ‘Only on Wednesdays which means you’ve missed this week’s special pickup, so I’ll have to ask you to keep any garbage on your boat until next week, or you can deliver it to the Island Waste Management facility at the address on the card if you can’t wait until then.’

‘Island Waste Management…rules?’

‘We’re a tiny island surrounded by the Atlantic, and we islanders don’t soil where we live. We’d appreciate it if you and your guests stick to these simple rules and guidelines during your stay so we can keep a happy and healthy island,’ she said kindly. Then she smiled and nodded. ‘Have a wonderful stay on Mount Desert,’ she said before she moved to return to the ladder to disembark.

‘Aren’t you going to ask her, Ry?’ Royce spoke up and watched her pause as she turned and looked curiously from him to his younger brother.

‘Ask me what?’ she asked.

Ryan frowned as he looked at his older brother, but Royce had his attention on Charly. ‘Ask you about that sea stone that fellow brought in the other day at the coffee shop. What was his name again? You referred to him as ‘Gems’.’

Ryan briefly frowned before he got what his big brother was telling him, but before he could speak, Royce continued, ‘This Gems fella seemed to be convinced that you were an expert on sea treasures like that. I wonder why he’d think that.’

She stared at him for a few seconds, and for those few seconds they saw the Charly Meeren from the other day briefly appear. Then she smiled and that Charly vanished again. ‘Don’t mind Gems,’ she said with a soft chuckle. ‘He’s always treasure hunting, and for some strange reason, he thinks I’m some expert on whatever he finds.’

‘Why would he think that?’

She shrugged. ‘I don’t know. Maybe you should ask him?’

‘I’m asking you,’ he said and watched her smile briefly falter. ‘But I was hoping you might save my brother the time and trouble of having to look him up.’

‘That’s easy to do.’ She looked at the younger brother. ‘Just don’t.’

‘Just don’t look him up, you mean?’

She returned her attention on the older brother. ‘Yea. That’s what I mean.’

He suddenly smiled the most charming smile in the world. ‘There’s something you need to know about a Masterson, Charly.’

She arched eyebrows. ‘Yes?’

‘Once we make up our mind we want something, we don’t stop until we get it.’

She felt her smile fade as she studied the twinkling in his eyes, but behind that twinkle there was an unmistakable determination that made her uneasy. She quickly hid that uneasiness behind a polite smile and a nod.

Then he flashed a smile. ‘Or so I’ve heard,’ he added with a lighter tone.

‘Hm.’ She nodded. ‘Well,’ she said with a light sigh, ‘I have things to do so I need to be going. But I wish you a pleasant stay.’ Then she turned to leave.

‘So you won’t confess your little secret?’

She stopped but didn’t immediately turn. Then she looked over her shoulder at the older Masterson brother. ‘Secret?’

‘Why this Gems is convinced that you’re an expert on sea treasures.’

They were like a dog with a bone! She knew she had to do something to satisfy what appeared to be an insatiable curiosity that could cause her problems. Maybe if she defused the situation with some story, they’d finally let up?

So she turned and smiled as she looked at both of them. ‘Gems and I grew up together,’ she began. ‘As you’ve seen for yourself, he’s not as…worldly as either of you.’

‘Or you.’

She smiled with a curious frown as she looked at the older brother. ‘I’m not that worldly, Mister Masterson. I’ve lived on this island all my life.’

‘And yet my intuition tells me that you’re more traveled than most people around here.’

She stared at him for a few moments before she smiled. ‘At any rate,’ she continued with the story, ‘Gems and I used to do a little treasure hunting as kids. I was a good storyteller back then and maybe it was wrong of me, but I used to tell tall tales about items we found that seemed to fascinate him. That’s probably the reason why he believes I’m an expert on sea treasures.’

‘Specifically, sea stones.’

‘Sea stones?’ She popped eyebrows as her eyes twinkled with mirth. ‘That rock he found, you mean?’ She laughed charmingly, drawing an indulgent smile from him. ‘It’s probably something he’s bought off of ebay from some person who polishes stones and sells them with the same fantastic story I used to tell him. People do that to make their product interesting.’

‘Maybe that happens, but that’s not what happened in this case,’ Royce said as he closely monitored the young woman’s reaction, but she was good at putting up a charming front.

‘No, Mister Masterson, I’m pretty sure that’s probably the case.’

She watched as Royce lowered his eyes with a smile, and she couldn’t help but admire how thick his black eyelashes were on his tanned skin. ‘My brother, Ryan,’ he began before he raised his eyes and looked at her, ‘is somewhat of a treasure hunter himself.’


‘Hm-mm,’ he said with a slow nod. ‘He once found a similar sea stone like the one your friend, Gems, was showing off to you in the coffee shop, only, he found his at the bottom of Cape Cod Bay.’

‘That doesn’t rule out the possibility that it might’ve been dropped into that bay, does it? I mean, that person could’ve bought the manufactured rock from some unscrupulous merchant on ebay, had buyer’s remorse, and tossed it, right?’ She arched an eyebrow.

‘Problem is, it wasn’t manufactured and it wasn’t a rock, and although my brother continues to refer to it as a ‘stone’, it wasn’t a stone, either.’

She looked at him with an almost emotionless face. ‘You sound pretty confident.’

‘It’s because I am—’

‘—Yes, I’ve noticed.’

He paused as he studied the look in her eye and she arched an eyebrow and folded arms.

‘I’m confident because the sea stone had been professionally appraised,’ he finished.

‘And the appraiser didn’t know what to make of it,’ Ryan injected. ‘But he told me that it was extremely precious and valuable because it was so rare. In terms of monetary value, it was easily worth one hundred million dollars.’

‘That’s a lot of money.’

‘Impossibly so,’ Ryan said with and. ‘It was probably worth more than that to the right collector. Probably half a million more.’

She didn’t seem impressed with the quoted value but seemed more interested in something else. ‘Was?’ she asked.

‘Unfortunately, it was lost years ago.’

‘I can see why you’d be upset about that.’ Then she cleared her throat and rubbed a finger along the bridge of her nose. ‘So…were you planning on selling it? If what you say is true, that sea stone was pretty priceless.’

‘It was, but not for its monetary value,’ Ryan said as he lowered his eyes.

She slowly folded her arm in the fold and tilted her head, her gaze seemed to zoom in on the tic his smooth cheek. She could see that he was upset with having lost what he considered to be a very priceless possession.

‘That sea stone my brother lost,’ Royce continued, drawing her attention back on him, ‘was actually a naturally cultured pearl.’

Her eyebrows shot up. ‘Pearl?’

‘The biggest ever found, at least three inches larger than the Pearl of Lao Tzu that officially holds the record for being the largest naturally cultured pearl in history. But unlike the Lao Tzu pearl, which has no shine to speak of, this one was smooth, luminous, and iridescent much like the common pearl, yet it had color—something he’s never seen before, and he’s seen them all.’


‘The appraiser.’

‘It was beautiful,’ Ryan said with melancholy in his tone. ‘Breathtaking.’ Then he looked at his brother with brief a
ccusatory look. ‘I wish I still had it.’ He looked back at Charly and saw something he couldn’t place flash in her eyes. He was certain he’d seen it…and it looked a lot like…regret? ‘I would’ve loved to see what you’d think of it. It was a beautiful sea stone…a sea-foam green with dark blue veins. It was so smooth that it felt like marble.’

Royce smiled with a confused frown. ‘But you’re not an expert on things like that, right?’

Charly arched an eyebrow at him. ‘Right.’ Then she looked at Ryan. ‘I’m sorry to hear you lost it. I can see that it’s upset you.’

‘Actually, I didn’t lose it.’

‘But I thought you said—’

‘—It was taken,’ Royce said, and saw her gaze sweep to him.

‘How tragic,’ she said, briefly cocking her head…her gaze leveled and unreadable. Then she produced a friendly smile. ‘Well, even if you had it in your hands now, I wouldn’t know what to tell you.’ She shook her head. ‘I’m no expert, so I wouldn’t be of any help to you at all.’ Then she thumbed over her shoulder. ‘Anyway, I really need to be going.’

‘Your children must be awake about now.’

She looked at the older brother. ‘What?’

‘Don’t tell me you left them alone,’ he said, drawing a curious look from his brother.

She looked at him for a moment. ‘No. I would never do that.’

‘Oh, I didn’t know you had kids,’ Ryan said with a smile. ‘So, what are their names? And where are they?’

Her eyelashes flickered only once, but whatever bothered her was quickly masked as she looked at Ryan and gave him a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. ‘Away.’

‘With your husband? Boyfriend?’ Ryan asked.

‘My father.’ She looked at him for a few moments, hiding her thoughts.

‘Charles J. Meeren.’

She looked at the older brother. ‘Yes. But you knew that, didn’t you?’

‘We’d like to meet him,’ he said instead of answering her.

She studied him for a few moments before she smiled. ‘I’ll pass that news on to him when I see him.’ Then she smiled politely once again—politely and aloof. ‘Before I leave, I’d like to give you a bit of advice, if I may.’

‘Feel free,’ Ryan said with a polite smile.

‘Pay Gems no mind. These days, he lives with one foot in this world and one foot someplace else.’

‘A mythical world?’ Ryan said with an understanding chuckle.

She smiled. ‘Yea. You can say that.’

‘A mythical world where mermaids are real creatures,’ Royce said.

Her long eyelashes flickered again as she looked at him. ‘You can say that,’ she merely repeated. Then she perked up. ‘Anyway,’ she said with a deep breath, ‘just don’t take what he says too seriously. He’s pretty fond of tall tales and he embellishes them when he believes he has a captive audience.’

Then she turned and walked across the deck to the ladder, smiling as she swept a leg over the side. But before she could make another move, she suddenly froze as she watched as the older brother casually flicked his cigarette butt over the railing, tossing the baggie right after it!

Her jaw dropped and, to him, the look of shock on her pretty face was priceless. It was worth his uncommon antagonistic attitude that even had his younger brother’s jaw drop in shock before he looked from him to the reaction on her face.

‘Did I mention we levy heavy fines on polluters, Mister Masterson?’ she said with barely contained anger.

Royce slowly smiled. ‘Feel free to send me the bill.’

Her polite façade dropped and was replaced with an enraged look. Then her eyes narrowed as her jaw went rigid. ‘I’ll be doing more than that. You can count on it.’

‘Good. I’ll be looking forward to it,’ he said before he turned and walked toward the ladder that led below deck. ‘Have a nice day, Miss Meeren!’ he tossed over his shoulder.

Ryan looked apologetically at her. ‘Please excuse my big brother, Charly. He’s never like that. I guess it’s too early in the morning for him to remember his manners.’

‘You don’t need to apologize for him, Mr. Masterson,’ she said as she directed her attention on him. ‘All I ask is that you and your guests abide by the island’s waste management rules. I hope I can count on you to relay that message?’

‘Yes, of course.’

‘Thank you.’ With that, she climbed down the ladder and hopped onto the dock.

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That definitely wasn’t the case. By the time I got out of boarding school, I had just turned 16. Three fucking years! Mom elected for me to stay there for summers as well, so I never got to go home. Mom’s driver came to get me from the airport, and I had to get his attention because he didn’t know how different I looked. I was now proudly nine inches taller at 6’2’’, 180 pounds of pure muscle. 250 push-ups and sit-ups a day will do that to a person. Plus my blonde hair was jet black...

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Alyssia Kent 150 101000

Alyssia Kent was born in Bucharest, Romania, on June 7th, 1991. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find much about her youth, but suffice it to say that the past crafted her into a sexy porn performer.Money, Makeup, and Making WhoopieAfter graduating high school, Alyssia attended the University of Bucharest for economics. Why economics? Because that's what every college student from a Soviet bloc country does. While she was focused on her economic studies, she also worked on becoming a...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Bla Book 2 PhoenixChapter 13

2076 a.d. Journey Béla lay in the boxcar watching the scenery rumble past. Her body tingled as though it didn't know what to do with all this available restorative energy from all the exciting sexual activity a few hours earlier. The lazy swaying and bumping of the boxcar as it traveled down the tracks didn't do anything to help her relax. She had already raped Jeff twice since they left New Hope, and was wondering if he was up for it again. The Great Bard Geoffrey was having...

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Getting ready for another Saturday night out

On Saturday, both sexy women had a late awakening.Laura finally got up before noon and she left for the mall to do some shopping. I stayed at bed, embracing my sweet wife.Ana had got really exhausted after our night fuck session; so she got up in the early afternoon.Anita sipped a late coffee in silence. She hardly looked at me when I sat down opposite her with my own cup of coffee.Smiling, I asked her if they had a good time on Wives night out…One minute later, Ana looked at my eyes and told...

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A Womans Wife

A Womans Wife! I had been advertising in contact magazines for a few years, had some fun with other t-girls couples and men, nothing to serious just a lot of fun, out of the blue one day a letter arrived from a woman called mrs Johnson, she was interested in me and wanted some photo`s and a list of what I was into and what I liked to wear, this peaked my interest so I duly complied. The reply came back with a phone no and a time to call with strict instructions to answer...

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Road RashChapter 4

So kayaking was fun. Finding out that Jen looked good in shorts was good. Finding out that she can laugh and look good when SOMEBODY deliberately (I'm certain it was deliberate) flips a kayak and dumps both occupants into a cool river with a sandy bottom and she emerges with her cotton shirt soaked and revealing tantalizing bits that aren't covered by that sport flotation vest, that's good, too. "What was that?" I asked, gathering the little ice chest floating next to the overturned...

1 year ago
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SweetSinner Lena Anderson Sibling Seductions Part 3

Lena had a crush on her new step brother Robby every since he taught her how to French kiss. As adults she is the one giving him advice. He comes into her room defeated after a failed online date. He keeps getting rejected because of his height. The problem is that none of these other women know how amazing he is. She tells him that he needs to stop looking for love online, and instead look somewhere closer, like in his own house, and between her legs. Lena takes the lead and starts rubbing...

1 year ago
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Adventures of Me and Martha JaneChapter 11F

Saturday. By six A.M. I was awake. My first thought was that a date was only a few hours away. I gave sleeping Martha a kiss, got out of bed, and took my vitamins. I needed to move. To run. I dressed in my gym clothes and went downstairs and jogged toward Central Park. The early sun was already hot and beaming. Halfway to Central Park I stopped, waiting at Park Avenue for the traffic light. Cars swished by and I found myself watching everything, taking it in, wondering what it would be like...

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Hew Dawggie

L.Randall Charpentier, III and his wife, the former Marianne deLamade Matraille, were traveling unwontedly by car. Their personal Lear Jet had developed severe engine trouble while on the ground at a small Tennessee airport well to the southwest of Columbia and L. Randall was urgently wanted back at his New York Office. No plane was available for rent or lease - not even for sale - nor would L. Randall trust any pilot but his own James Louis, who just happened to be a native of...

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Her eyes were like stars

I twisted the the key and was greeted by my mother, father, and brother. "Alan!!" They all yelled as I opened the door. I was swarmed with hugs and questions. "How was it bro?" My now 14 year old brother asked. "Pretty nice. Girls, girls, and..." "More girls!" He finished for me. My mom had cooked a big meal for my return home. It was nice to sit and eat with the family again. You never realize how much you miss it until you finally leave. Or it might be because Im a...

2 years ago
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Souvenir PaddlesV

Souvenir Paddles - VAnd, so I found myself kneeling on the floor, beaten into what I felt was total submission. My face was covered with tears, which still streamed out of my eyes, seemingly unaware of the cessation of my discipline. My buttocks and thighs burned and throbbed in pain. Pain like I’d never ever experienced before.My sobbing seemed to be subsiding along with a slowing of my breathing. I wondered if I would be made to wait before being given the privilege of serving Tiffany, who...

3 years ago
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Before the EnergistsChapter 4 If You Could Read My Mind

Fitness for Boomers Club, Tuscaloosa, AL Early afternoon, January, 8, 2003 I finished with that little wisecrack to try to put a smile back on her face. It did as ... Kaleigh quickly reached up with the hand she had over mine, and pinched my nose to show she was back in her playful mode. I swatted her hand away from my face and made a small nasally, “Don’t do that” comment. I then decided I would counter-attack my blonde ‘Star’. I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to taste the delicate...

4 years ago
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I know that in larger cities, kids from different socioeconomic groups usually attend different high schools because of the area of the city they live in. It’s not that way in small towns. We all attend the same classes in the same high school. The boys all play on the same football, basketball, and baseball teams, and the girls all play on the same basketball and softball teams. As a single parent, my dad struggled to raise me and my brother, Alex on the salary he earned from working at the...

1 year ago
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Fucking her ex in the other room

I did not even need porn that night, i just started to masturbate very rough and hard. Ofcourse she was alseep and saw everything and she also knew i was awake during he fuck, i know this because of thier texts the next day. I suspected my wife for some time now, we would always fight about her ex chatting with her and flirting with her online. She would always deny it but i saw her chats, i saw him sending her photos of his hard cock and his dirty comments, she would reply with the same dirty...

Cheating Wife
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An American Incest Story Chapter 7

November 15th, 1985I was excited. To be more accurate, I was really excited. I was going to my first real party. Before this moment, the only parties I attended were birthday parties when I was a kid, Bar Mitzvahs, and dinner parties at my grandmother’s. Tonight, I was going to the kind of party that I usually wasn’t invited to.I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “Robert, why should you care about getting invited to parties? You have something better; you get to fuck your mom on a...

1 year ago
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WebYoung Sabina Rouge Morgan Rain Hazel Grace Ashlee Juliet Her First Pride

It’s Hazel Grace’s first Pride as an out and proud lesbian! Although she’s been to Pride before, it was never as her true self, but now she’s going with her good friends Sabina Rouge, Morgan Rain, and Ashlee Juliet. As they deck themselves out with rainbow attire for the parade, Hazel admits that she’s feeling a bit nervous. Although she’s sure of her sexuality, she’s never actually BEEN with another girl before. What if girls flirt with her at the...

2 years ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 59 Catch 22

“So, you didn’t see anyone when you got out of the restroom?” Raymond asked his son while the two were in the front yard doing a final rinse of all the paint splashed on the family car. “No, sir. I opened the door and looked both ways, but no one was there, and a few minutes later, when I left the locker room, I also didn’t see anyone,” Tim answered but paused before continuing. “Now that I think about it, Dad. I didn’t even see the guys leave the restroom. I didn’t hear any rumors about...

1 year ago
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Moms friend Vanessa

My mom had a best friend named Vanessa. She was more like an auntand always was around. She had big tits, a thin waist, a fat ass, and nice big legs. She would always wear short skirts or short summer dresses that showed her wonderful legs. One time my mother was at work and Vanessa was watching me until she got home. I was about 8 at the time watching tv in my spiderman underwear laying on the floor.Vanessa was sitting on the sofa reading a magazine. She crossed her legs just as I had looked...

3 years ago
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Duty calls

This is a 100% true story from my days as a rural cop. I have now taken early retirement. I had been the officer allocated to deal with a nasty domestic dispute in one of the villages on my patch. The lady in question who I shall call Julie had been given a nasty beating by her husband. I was sent to investigate and completed the required forms. I then went out and found the Husband and arrested him. The man was put before the court and the legal process commenced. The man was given bail and...

1 year ago
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DogStyle WivesChapter 9

Jack Cartwright and Coral McNally were on their way back from their shopping trip. They had the station wagon filled with supplies, items on the four lists they had taken with them. The next shopping trip would fall to another swapped couple. "I've often wondered, Jack," Coral said as they neared the Harp Lake area. "Where does Diamond Creek go after it leaves our property?" "Well, after it flows through the lake, so to speak, it snakes out to the west -- that was it flowing under the...

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Bucket List Milking

Sex Bucket List Rules. A list of sexual fantasies to complete before we kick the bucket! We each have our own list. We take turns to choose from our lists Fantasies can be as simple or as complicated as you like. If a fantasy needs props then it’s the owner of the fantasies job to provide them. If you have a fantasy you’re not allowed to introduce it in bed before bucket night! If you’re not comfortable with the fantasy you can say No. No involvement of other people without mutual agreement....

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My Wife Was Fucked By My Friend In My Front Of Me

Hi friends, here is our real story how I started to enjoy sharing my wife with other guys Once my wife and I took few drinks and she was a little over. I took her to our bed room and laid her on the bed. I was watching a porn movie the in the drawing room. A few minutes later one of my business friends came and rang the doorbell. He was coming from a far area and wanted to stay with me. I served him drinks and food. Because of tiredness of traveling, he took three four pegs and got inebriated....

2 years ago
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A Hard Lesson Chapter 1

It was 2.50pm on a Friday afternoon. I had spent the last fifty minutes bored out of my mind, listening to my maths teacher Mr Carlo drone on about something I knew I would never understand. Yet, I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. Whilst he had to be at least in his forties, it was clear that under his tight shirt Sir was big and strong. At over 6ft, you could see his shirt tighten as muscles flexed when he walked around the room. Just listening to his powerful voice made my nipples stir...

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Friday night commute

I was in a foulmood. My week had been full of deadlines and meetings and my asshole boss had dumped a huge workload on me. To top it off, the air conditioning in the office was broken, so I'd spent long days sweating in the office, longing to feel cool air on my skin. It was Friday evening and, having decided that I no longer cared what my boss thought of me, I'd left the office on time, at 6pm. The commute home was doing nothing to improve my mood. Living out of down might make sense...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Three kisses

A wee dram is poured, tablet is shared and the fire crackles like percussion to the lilt of my voice against the deep tones of the guitar being picked and strummed by your careful fingers. The song fades into the quiet that we both know is filled by the sounds of our heartbeats filling our ears as our eyes meet. I manage to hold your gaze for a moment before concentrating on the fire. I hear you place the guitar at your side but daren’t turn to face you again. I can barely control my breathing...

Straight Sex
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White Brides Horny Moon of Hell

my name is Jenny, and I am nineteen years old. I come from a good family and was one of those girls that was raised right. I guess it is a little ironic that I kept myself pure all while I grew up only to have it taken so filthy from me on the very night of my wedding which was suppose to be the start of my lifetime of respectability.It was still worth it to me that I stayed pure until my weeding night and earned the right to wear white for my walk down the aisle though. It pleased me how...

1 year ago
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Adventures of Mikhail Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - A Knight to RememberA week passed since Mikhail graduated from the academy and lost his virginity. Today, Gudbrand was going to graduate from Knight Academy. Mikhail arrived at the training hall, a bit late, and quickly found a spare seat. He felt out of place among all the muscle bound people. The beefy woman he was sitting next to was confused why such a small and skinny boy was among them. Gudbrand's name was called as he strutted proudly onto the stage in his shining ceremonial...

8 months ago
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Sis Sits for Coma Bro part 1

Note : This is story is completely fictional! Never try to do it in real live! My brother Donny broke his legs 4 months ago in a car accident. He also sprained his back bad enough so he was left bed ridden for six months. He is 17 and was very proud to get his license, seeing it took him 5 tries to get it. Obviously he still didn’t know how to drive very well. It was him who caused the accident. He ran into a station wagon killing an entire family. Don was trapped in his car with his injuries...

1 year ago
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Have You Met My Friend Cassie

This is my first story, this happened to me at the age of 18. I hope you enjoy it I have always been sheltered growing up. My parents made sure me and my siblings went in the right track considering we lived in a terrible neighborhood in San Diego Ca. When people imagine California they think of nice beaches and beautiful multimillionaire houses which is true, just they never think about other aspects of it like the ghetto. Well I don’t want to drag you guys on into a boring backstory of...

4 years ago
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A Really Good Day

Ryan Folsom was happy in his new car. It was a present from his father for his eighteenth birthday, and he had just collected it. Ryan had the feeling that this could be a good day. That morning he had learned that he had obtained the high grades he required to follow the journalism course he wanted at university.He wasn’t surprised at the new sense of freedom that filled his mind. Just three weeks earlier, his girlfriend, Sandra, had declared that she thought their relationship should end."We...

First Time
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Strangers on a Train

Riding the trains through Europe can be a very rewarding and educational experience. At any given time, it is difficult to guess the nationality of the person facing you in the small six-seat compartments. Many of the newer trains have bus-type seating, but the older ones are broken up into compartments, with doors that close and curtains that can be pulled together to give a certain amount of privacy. Europeans have so many national languages, as well as a wealth of dialects, that it is very...

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Incest Fun In South India 8211 Part 2

It was my sequel to the previous sex story, “Incest fun in south India”. Please feedback at Then she wore her petticoat and saree, I moved back and went outside the room. When I hear the bathroom door slam sound, I entered the room and called her for calculation. She sat down and we are done. In the meantime, she rubs her pussy over saree periodically. Then we both parted. I was thinking about my mom behavioral and wants to make it as chance. So I triggered my mind into planning mode. And...

3 years ago
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Brandon clinched Mila to himself with barbarity. She pursued means to break free from his malice. He steeled his hands on her back, sweeping his unruly lips on hers, and then breathing out pensively. She was his bondservant; his wife; the truth was he looked upon her as his wretched slave instead of an attractive, decent woman. "Brandon, let go off me!" she shrieked out through clenched teeth. Tears impotently slid out of her eyes, drenching her smooth-shaven cheeks. Pale as ash and velvety...

4 years ago
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Fulfilling a fetish fantasy in the throes of a dyi

We were on holiday in the Malaga area of Spain, with her parents, staying at their villa which was situated in the hills there. We'd had a nice day to be honest; a bit of a walk, some dinner, a couple of drinks etc. We then headed down to the sea, where we ventured out a few metres from the beach. Floating around in the warm water, I couldn't help myself, and started to grope Joanne's pussy through her two-tone blue Speedo-style swimsuit. Suspended in the water, she was pushing herself onto my...

2 years ago
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The GodgranddaughterChapter 8 My Role Evolves

“You wanted to talk, Mom?” “Yes. While you’re among the youngest of our group, your ancestry means that you are the heiress apparent. That doesn’t mean anything is happening right away, but I want you, in addition to your regular growth and education, to be getting more practice as a sex worker and a lower boss. “I’d also like you to develop some partners of your own, ideally in your age range. There must be others with talents like yours. Vivian is one possibility. Maybe you two might...

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