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You were awake, groggy, but awake. You remembered your name Catherine, but you usually went by Cat. You were puzzled by the fact that you couldn’t see much. There was something over your head. You didn’t seem hurt, just very confused. You were a bit unclear about where you were and what had happened. You did remember being in a club. Just having two drinks, you went to the bathroom. That was it. You did know that you were probably not in that bathroom now. This place didn’t smell right for that.

You did know that you were blindfolded and naked. You knew that there was some kind of restraint on your hands behind you and around your ankles. The restraint on your legs didn’t seem to prevent movement but hobble it. You could take a step and keep your balance. The hands holding your arms persuaded you that moving a lot was not the thing to do at the moment. You could hear breathing close by.

It was that quiet in this place. Partly how you knew this was probably not the club restroom. That was loud even though the band was quite a distance from the facilities. Your head was clearing a bit more, leading you to surmise that someone had drugged you, and it was wearing off. Doing a mental inventory of how you felt, a slight headache, but no other discernible injuries or problems. You guessed at your eye covering.

It may have been a hood or headpiece. Not a mask as it covered more of your head, it did not muffle your ears, but your shoulder-length hair was not touching the shoulders. A slight movement of your head did not cause your hair to touch your neck or shoulders. Perhaps it was somehow up under the hood. You were barefoot but could not tell much about the floor other than it was not carpet. It didn’t have the cold feel of concrete or tile. Possibly wood, but if it was, it was very smooth.

You were not cold, just a bit chilly because of being naked at room temperature. Your nipples were hard but more from fear or excitement than from being cold. Then the hands started guiding you slowly, so you didn’t trip. The restraints on your legs didn’t clink or make much noise. You use your fingers to explore the restraints on your wrists and think they are probably leather. When your mind contemplated leather bindings on your wrists, one word seemed to pop forward.” kinky.”

You did not dwell on that, just something that flashed through your mind. They usher you through a door. There was a small noise from the hinges and a brief puff of air as the door opened. You moved forward, then stopped. Turned right, and moved two steps, turned left. Stop. No words or sounds from the people that were guiding you. They gently pushed backward, and something was behind you.

They wanted you to sit down. You felt a seat behind you with a back that seemed like a chair. The back was not upright, and it slanted back. The covering was some soft cloth. There was even a small headrest pillow at about the correct height for your head. The sitting portion seemed abbreviated in its length from the back. A cushion for your bottom, but it was like the front of it was missing. Your bottom was at the edge of the actual seat.

They had removed one of the hand restraints before you were seated. Then once in place, both arms were tethered to the chair. Then you felt your feet being positioned and secured to the legs of the seat. Those legs were quite far apart. You were spread-eagled while secured to the chair. Now you are naked and secured to a chair, for lack of a better definition.

Since you are not a spy or know any secrets worth torturing you for, you were at a loss to understand your present predicament. Just that one word was flashing through your mind every time you try to tick off a list of possible reasons for you being here. “kinky.” Well, you are naked and strapped to a chair. If all other explanations prove false, then whatever is left, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. Nothing yet has been proven, but it just didn’t seem like an interrogation.

No one had spoken a word. No rustle of clothing. Wait, no rustle of clothing. Someone, probably two someones were touching you and moving you and securing you to this chair, no rustle of clothing. Spandex perhaps, or nothing.” KINKY” No movement of air detected on your exposed skin, and all of your skin was exposed. There was something, warmth, not as intense as sunshine on a summer day, but warmth on the upper surfaces of your knees, perhaps on the upper slopes of your breasts. Light perhaps?

If so, it would have to be a powerful lamp. It didn’t seem to come from a particular direction, almost from all around you. Even your shoulders and upper back not in contact with the chair could faintly detect it. Yes, even the tops of your feet could feel it. You strain to hear anything and think that you might hear breathing.

Someone touched you. A finger touched your lower lip. There seemed to be a very faint odor, but it was not recognizable, then It was gone. Why would someone touch your lip? A touch on your neck on the right side below your ear. No sound, just the touch, light, and too soon, it was gone. This situation was getting scary. Bound to a chair naked with someone touching you. Your hair was up under something, the finger, and you think it is a finger, touched the hairline at the center of the back of your neck. It was quickly gone, but not before generating goosebumps on the back of your arms and around your nipples. Then nothing. Your skin was puckering up in goosebumps and then slowly dissipating.

The top of your left foot was the next target. Just up from the toes between the big toe and the next. Gone but strange little shivers running up your leg. Behind your right knee, to the outside. Almost like you were being tested for reflexes, your leg muscles seemed to flinch. The outside of your left breast, almost to the rib cage, almost stars with that touch. As if your nipple had been tweaked and sent impulses to your clit. Still no sound of clothing moving. Someone, probably two someones were touching you in places to cause you to squirm.

Not being able to see or hear or feel anything other than the chair, warmth, and touches, your mind is racing and trying to guess a rhyme or reason for the contacts, for having you bound to a chair naked. Then what was probably a woman’s fingernail drawing a line down the back of your right arm, from armpit almost to elbow, not fast but not all that slow either. Your body’s response was almost like nails on a chalkboard. They were leaving you with shivers and goosebumps, together. They were gone now.

An inch below your belly button, a gentle but prolonged touch, then gone. That one caused you to flex your abs. Well, flex isn’t precisely the correct description. Almost like a shiver or involuntary muscle contraction ahead of a moving touch. Left ear lobe. A soft touch, followed by a warm breath. Chills all over your body with that one: right nipple, the very tip. Like plugging in an extension cord, with impulses being carried directly to your clitoris. A hot breath on the left nipple. It hardens and puckers and once again sent the impulses south.

Suddenly you are receiving the same touches points, only now two at a time, there and gone. Just as you think you have a pattern figured out and can steel yourself against the stimulating touches. They triple up on you. Contacts and the resulting reactions are now hitting you faster and faster. Then just as quickly as they had multiplied, they stopped. You experience nothing, moments of nothing. Your body was reacting to that as a loss. Your mind tried to guess where the next touch would occur and tried to will it to happen.

Nothing. Only the slight warmth of probably some lamp or lamps. Wait! Lamps, heat. There would be a light, of course. A lamp generating that much warmth must be close or very powerful. Why? {Better to see you, my dear,} the words floated through your mind. Suddenly with no warning, your right nipple was being rolled between a soft finger and thumb combination. The sudden stimulation started your body’s cravings for stimulation all over again. The connection between your nipple and your clitoris was quite active.

You were half waiting for the tweaking to cease. It did not. Your sexual excitement was alive and well and building with the stimulation. Then the second hand started the same ministrations on the left nipple. The tweaks were alternating, like a railroad flasher signal. The warning alternated from one light to the other. It seemed that your body was supplying the bell as the flashing signal continued. The signals were getting louder and louder in your head and body. Alternating impulses from your nipples, each was arriving at your clit for an almost constant sexual stimulant. You become aware that your body is tensing and releasing with the growth of an impending orgasm.

The nipple tweaking was incessant, then suddenly, the touch just below the belly button was back. For some reason, you start hunching your hips, and your juices are making your sex quite wet, almost dripping. Then the touch below the belly button starts moving down. When it arrives at the edge of your pubic hair, it seems to nearly play, or comb the hair, or fluff it up. Your body was anticipating the movement down to continue, much like the tweaking crossing signal. When it didn’t keep moving in an anticipated manner, you mentally were willed it to continue, to move down.

A yearning was born within your mind. Just keep moving, just touch my clit. Just for a little bit. You wanted this, needed this. The mental crossing signal and clarion bell, a manifestation of your breast manipulation, started to get on your nerves. If only that finger would just move down just a little. Move, move down, {I command you to move down}. Then almost as if there were mind over matter, it did indeed move down. It traced the separating line of your vulva, top to bottom, before returning. That short trip primed your orgasm for detonation. When that finger touched your clit, amazing things happened. You began cumming.

Muscles were contracting and releasing to cramp up once again. Waves of pleasure washing over you, like the surf on a beach. You were cumming hard. Straining against your bonds and imagined all sorts of instances where you are being fucked.
As your orgasm began to loosen its grip on your mind and body, you could hear whispering. Now you paid close attention, you couldn’t make out words but heard whispering between two imagined females.

Then you felt the lips. Someone was kissing your lower lip. So soft and brief, but you could tell it was a kiss Distinctly two lips against yours. Then a kiss, hot and wet on your neck on the right side just below the ear. Chills and goosebumps were your body’s response. Then it was gone, and it left you with a yearning. Sensing a pattern, you racked your brain to try to remember what the fingers did next. The hot breath on the hairline at the back of your head helped with the recollection: just hot breath, no actual touch, this time. Your body's involuntary reaction was the same, goosebumps and nipples hard enough to cut glass chills up and down your spine. Then as before, nothing.

It left you to quiver as the sensations died away. First, a tongue, and then lips started licking and kissing the top of your foot. Just a tongue explores behind your right knee. Your juices began to flow from your pussy in excess. As if that touch turned on a faucet to let the built-up liquid flow. Your mind suddenly warned you not to pee. Just the contraction of your muscles around your bladder, to prevent such an occurrence, almost made you cum.

Then you felt a tongue, on the side of your breast, on your right. It was not licking; it was just pushing as if seeking a button. Warm and wet and squirmy, it found its mark. Both of your nipples puckered up, and if there had been any in them, you know they would have squirted milk. You experienced that kind of contraction within you. Your pussy squeezed out another two tablespoons of your juices.

Then nothing, you were left to quiver in excitement or expectation again. Probably only seconds, but it seemed like an eternity. You waited for more stimulation. Your mind yearned for and expected more. Your body primed and yearning. Your nerves on edge, and your senses on alert, you felt something. A movement of air, no doubt caused by the action of a body close to you moving quickly. That ever so slight whiff of air touched your crotch, spread open and bare.

The input that your brain received was that your juices were running down your ass cheeks, starting warm but cooling slightly in the open. Then when you concentrated on that thought and feeling, you envisioned that your juices were dripping from your body to the floor. Your mind was showing you stringy droplets of your cum dripping from you.

You were jerked back to reality as a tongue traced a line down the back of your arm. So gentle and soft as to almost not be felt. You felt it. Your mind and body reacted almost as if a long lost lover had returned to fuck your brains out. That was it, and your mind seized on the concept. A lover teased you and fucked you till you lost consciousness. {Yes, yes, touch me, feel me, arouse me till I need to have you in me rutting in me.}

There was not far to go in that regard. The next touch almost made you cum. A tongue an inch below your belly button, hot and wet, almost like the tip of a cock. Oh, why couldn’t it be the tip of a cock, oozing pre-cum, in search of your pussy. Then it was gone. {No! Wait! Come back. I need you in me.}

A soft mouth enclosed your left earlobe, warm and wet, the tongue teased between gentle teeth. When the lips released your earlobe, they exhaled hot breath. It was that assault on the wet appendage that started your body on the way to becoming one huge goosebump. Then a tongue, no two tongues, one on each of your nipples. You arched your back to thrust your nipples into a mouth. {Oh, please, harder, suck them, please.} Just touching the tips of each, maddening seconds stretching out to infinity and then swirling around the hard extended nipples.

Your orgasm was markedly more immense than the last. Amid your thrashing, the mouths sucked your nipples into them, No doubt in an effort not to lose contact with your flailing body. Wave after wave of release and pleasure flowed through you. As you began to return to the land of normalcy, you did have a flash of the drips from your ass cheeks becoming more steady.

The mouths on your nipples suckled, keeping you content and still semi-orgasmic. Your mind took a mini-vacation from your not so glamorous sex life to basking in the sun on a tropical beach where naked men brought you whatever you desired. Warm mouths were sucking on your breasts, so good, then that tongue, the one that reminded you of a hard cock, pushed once again just below your belly button. You moaned and hunched your hips, hoping to make it slide lower. It did slide a little farther down.

You hunched again with more resolve, and it moved down once again. If only you could make it move faster, you started undulating your hips. The substitute cock did reach your pubic hair. You moaned, expected it to get sidetracked once again. With almost savage thrusts of your hips, you tried to dislodge it from the obstacle that had slowed its progress. You felt it fighting off the entanglement of your pubes and moved toward your desired goal.

When it touched the shroud of skin covering your engorged clit, you realized that it is, after all, a tongue. No cock could ever tease and tantalize like that. So lightly circling and just moving the shroud of skin, it left you yearning for so much more. You were becoming a wanton she-devil. You were craving more and more stimulation. You almost shouted for a man to ravish you, fuck you till you passed out. Fill you with so much cum that If you could contain it all within you, it would run out of your ears.

Then the tongue found your clit proper. Pushing hard against the enlarged nubbin and almost vibrating, you started to cum. Your body started into a mini seizure. So powerful an orgasm that your whole body was convulsing, you screamed involuntary utterances. You were so focused on your orgasm; you didn’t realize a couple of things. They untied your bonds and placed you on a divan, with legs spread wide.

They pulled the hood off. In one swift movement, your head and hair were free. Free to touch your shoulders, even that small sensory input was causing your orgasm to build even higher. Your eyes were becoming accustomed to the light and beginning to re-focus. Many of your senses seemed to begin to make impressions on your mind all at once. You could see them. You could see people. You could see two women naked, still tweaking your nipples, and one teased your orgasm along with your clit. More important to you at that moment were the other thirty people standing within ten feet of you.

Directly in front of you, looking at your pussy as you are still cumming. Your orgasm, now not so overwhelming, would not expire. When you got a look at the spectators, they were all naked. The majority of them were male, and all of the males were hard. Through the fog of your orgasm, you start calculating.  You are also now aware that you are lying naked, cumming in front of all of them.

A man stepped forward and, with no ceremony at all, pushed his cock into your pussy. You were not going to object in your present state of mind, and you were going to get fucked. You were starting to feel like that was a good thing too. He pushed into your oh so wet pussy. His balls were hitting your bottom, and the head of his cock against your womb. Endorphins were being released and spread throughout your body. You were primed and cocked and fucking now. Raising to meet his thrusts, with your hips, the two of you are rutting and about to mingle your juices. Both of you start cumming together, and your mind is at ease. You are being fucked.

One after the next, the men pushed their cocks into you, fucking you to their content and cumming in you. About every third person was a female, and each of them seemed to take great pleasure in lapping up all previous deposited cum, yours and theirs. Your mind had adjusted to your situation and had readily accepted that fucking in this situation was a perfect way to end it. You were not just enjoying being fucked repeatedly. You were proud you were taking that particularly large cock, or you made the guy with the tiny cock cum just like the big boys.

You hadn’t started counting when they started fucking you, so you had only a guesstimate as to how many cocks had deposited their cum in you. You did have an appreciation of the tenderness of your sex. It didn’t detract from your enjoyment and pride in fucking all those people. Pride, yes, you felt pride that you had not gone crazy when all of those men had fucked you.

Perhaps it was all of the orgasms that had put you into a euphoric frame of mind. That may have skewed your moral compass, to be receptive to their rutting into you and inseminating you time and time again. Perhaps it was because there was not any violence involved. You were being restrained but not aggressively forced to submission. You were contemplating these things when they moved you, not to another room, just your position.

A man was lying on his back on a slightly less than a waist-high bench. His cock hardened and sticking straight up in the air. You sere moved over to him and put on top of him. His cock was placed in your pussy, and you lowered yourself till he was entirely in you.  Facing him, your tits hanging in front of his face. Then you felt lubricated fingers on your anus, then pulled out. Almost instantly, you felt a cock pushing on your anus. Pushing steadily as the cock in your pussy was plunging in and out of you.

Then you felt the penetration of your sphincter. Stretched open, he holds still for a moment. The cock in your pussy never stopping fucking you. Then the one in your ass starts sliding further into your bowels. You feel so full. Never in your life have you ever felt like this. Two men, both with their cocks in you, fucking you at the same time. You close your eyes for a moment, trying to feel what is happening to you. After what has transpired over the last hours, this is not all that strange. Different and something you would never have considered doing before. But two men pushing their hard cocks into you, and stirring another orgasm deep within you, was new and different.

That building orgasm was gaining momentum rapidly, being forced by the two cocks fucking you. Suddenly you smell something. Opening your eyes, you see the source of the odor. A cock pressed against your lips. Oh, another cock wanting to push into you and fuck you. You open your mouth and feel it sliding past your teeth and over your tongue. Suddenly he pushes fast and hard into your mouth. Passing your gag reflex, you swallow out of instinct. And suddenly, you feel his pubic hair against your nose. He is in your throat with his hard cock.

Every hole you have is now filled with a cock, fucking you. That creates a problem for you in that you can’t breathe with a cock in your throat. He is fucking your throat as the other two are fucking your pussy and ass. He pulls back till only the head of his cock is still in your mouth. You gulp for air and are aware of the cock head and a copious amount of spittle in your mouth. A few breaths, and suddenly he is back in your throat.

Your orgasm has built to a tremendous tempest within you and explodes just as the cock in your pussy starts shooting stream after stream of hot cum into your womb. The one in your ass starts jerking and throbbing as it floods your bowels at the same time. Then you feel the river of cum being pumped down your gullet as the third man starts cumming in you. You are overwhelmed. You have three men pumping their cum into you simultaneously, and you are cumming so hard. Your focus narrows down to those three cocks filling you with cum. Pulsing and throbbing all that hot sticky cum ejaculated into you. You are a cum bucket at that moment.

When you become untangled from the cocks, you were sore and stiff. You were in your car at the club, dressed, well clothed. Your bra and panties seemed to be missing. You were relatively clean and had the smell of some strange soap on you. Then it started to come back. You came so many times, got fucked by so many men. and then had three men at once fucking you. You took a mental inventory of your status.

Carefully, you started the car and drove home. Drew a hot bath and lay in it for an hour remembering all of the pleasure you experienced. You have no idea who those people were. They used you for sex. But they had made you cum so many times while blindfolded. The unknown and then the touches in such intimate places. The orgasms and then the fucking. You wanted it to go on and on. It did. You will have to visit that club more often in the future.



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Spells 'R Us - A Friend in Need By Bill Hart "I still can't believe that Susie really dumped me for that jock." moaned Lee. "After all the fun and good times we had together, then ,right out of no where for no reason at all, she just tells me she doesn't want to go out with me or even see me anymore, and poof she's outta my life." "Chill, Lee." said his best friend Randy. "Take it easy, you'll get over it. Trust me on this, bud, I know." "Yeah, sure." replied Lee. "I remember...

3 years ago
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Marching Band Part 12

I sigh as I walk into the band room after a long practice. Too long, might I add. I run a hand through my black hair and start to put my instrument away. I didn't even like marching band. My parents didn't want me to go out "partying all night," or "smoking all day," so they refused to pay for college if I didn't participate in - you guessed it - the college band. And it sucks. I knew it was bad in high school, but this was ridiculous. Four hour practice? Seriously? I have classes to...

4 years ago
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The House 8

The House 8. Mine In the dark I got to bed, took off my clothes and naked I lay down next to my sister-in-law, I am not lying if I tell you that I was afraid of her rejection, when she suddenly said to me: -I thought you were not coming. -And did you sleep at all? -No, not really, I couldn't close my eyes thinking that you were coming and now I'm more afraid than before. -Don't worry, let's talk a little bit? -Ok. -Tell me, do you know what we are going to do? -Of course silly,...

2 years ago
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Ghost Of Kareema An Erotic Sex Tale 8211 Part 10

Welcome back, my dear readers. 17 June 1985 Like in a dream, Kareema felt the bus is stopped. Her being taken away, and being undressed, as she laid back, unable to resist. Then, she stopped feeling anything. Kareema woke up, feeling a flow of way we hitting her face. “Wake up, bitch!” A man said as he put away the bucket. Kareema noticed the man. It was the bus driver. She then noticed that she was in a bed, somewhere that looked like a garage. She sat on her bed and looked around. Other...

2 years ago
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Getting Caught in the Act

Annie thought she could go over to her girlfriend's house and play around with her sexy father, Bud, but when she started showing Bud her stuff, Annie quickly found out that she'd taken on way more than she could handle. Annie had noticed Beth's sexy father, Bud, for quite some time, and she thought one afternoon she'd go over and enjoy flirting with Bud and turning him on, not thinking far enough ahead to know that giving the father of her close girlfriend a hardon was definitely not...

4 years ago
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My Summer Boss 5

How did I become the luckiest guy on earth? The series of events leading to this moment seemed so totally impossible to the boy I had been not two months ago. She kissed me again and I felt her hands go to the clasp of my shorts. I flinched at her touch, not because I was scared or something like that, but because it actually hurt. “Eve I can’t. Not today, it um…it kinda hurts.” I said apologetically. “You what?” she asked incredulously. Then an impish smile piqued her...

2 years ago
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When A 19 Year Old Boy Became My Master

I stay in suburbs in Mumbai, like most my age I still live with my parents. This incident happened few days back and I realized how powerful of a drug sex is. I’ve always enjoyed a normal sex life with my girl friend and that’s about it. Nothing wild, nothing kinky it was the routine. Till a 19 year old Akash (Name changed) from my building opened up my sexual life. So a few things about me, I’m 26 old Mallu guy, 5’9/32/ 70 kg mildly hairy. Akash on the other end is chubby little spoiled brat...

Gay Male
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BangBros18 Gianna Dior Pretty Girl Stretched by Neighbor

We are hanging out with the gorgeous Gianna Dior today. She immediately has our attention as she starts talking about how she loves to play with her self every night. She even goes so far as asking us if we would like a demonstration. Soon after she has taken off all her clothes and it’s on her stomach on the couch playing with her little pussy. We can tell how horny she is getting. Finally, she tells us she really needs to get fucked. We have Tyler our neighbors come over and do the honors....

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Apocalypse BluesChapter 15

“So, with the help of a black angel and a white Prophet, the Black Zone has captured Frederick Towne Mall. What else can we take? And why are you guys naked? Isn’t that dangerous?” the chairman of the Black Zone Liberation Council, who at least nominally served as the zone forces’ commander-in-chief, inquired of us now. “Well, Mr. Chairman, it might under some circumstances be dangerous, yes, but we have had divine favor and protection, as you can see. There was some kind of intuition or...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 18

Jeff picked the healer up from the table near the bed, and quietly made his way out of the room. In the sitting room, the light turned down low, he relaxed on the couch. Again, sleep or the trance-like state she helped him enter, engulfed him. {{{??}}} Little One, I need you to help two more of my friends. Like Helen, they're a little older, and I would like that to be corrected, if you would, and also for you to make them as healthy as you can. He tried to send the concepts over and over,...

3 years ago
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Being Awakened

Being Awakened by Daddy Jack“Damn my stubbornness,” you think to yourself, as you walk along in the cold rain, on the cobblestone street, lit by covered torches. You love life in the city, with all the modern conveniences of torch lit walkways, and stone streets and all. However, tonight, the rain is soaking you through and through making it difficult to appreciate the advances in modern living.As you walk, you reflect on the evening and riding in the carriage with Thomas. How his small...

3 years ago
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the slums are dirty dark and deep

Have you ever been to the slums? not the model government ones, the ones beside rail tracks and warehouses, where the mafia run their recruiting schools and crime are so common they don't interest the newspapers. I live near one auch slum, although my dad prefers lower middle class tag. he says we once had 5 bighas of land somewhere, but I've only seen oil grease and smoke all my life. we work in the petroleum industry you see. even my sister is oily, although she's usually at home...

3 years ago
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Dream 2 Out Of The Blue

Dream 2: Out Of The Blue By Paul G Jutras As John got up, he reached over and turned off his alarm clock. Lying with the covers covering him completely, he listened to the sound of his mother making breakfast downstairs. Knowing that his mom wouldn't be walking in on him anytime soon, he kicked off his sheets and ran his nylon-covered foot up his nylon-covered leg. "It snowed." John smiled as he swung his legs out of bed and walked over to the frosted window. A white...

3 years ago
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The TribeChapter 1 Taffys Initiation

Taffy had just turned thirteen, and her body showed it. She was always an athletic girl, with a thin wiry physique, long blonde hair and gray eyes that somehow seemed warm when she looked at you. As her cousin, I'd many opportunities to see her running and swimming as she was growing up. She showed every promise of growing into the same sensational beauty that her mother Alice was. She was also an affectionate, playful child, and would often hug me, kiss me on the lips, and give my ass a pat...

1 year ago
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Ek Bahen Ki 3 Bhai

Hi we are a family of 3 brothers and 1 sister. I am Sonu, my twin brother is Monu and elder bro is Rinku. Our sister is youngest -18 years -Pinky. We 3 bros share one room, Pinky being a young girl has a separate room. Ever since my child hood days we all have seen each other grow with changes in our bodies. We could see our sis grow into a real sexy girl and she would wear tight jeans, skirts and sleeveless tops, exposing many of her assets. I could see my brothers staring at her and trying to...

2 years ago
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One Rule Always wear a Condom OOPS

I have had the distinct pleasure to be married to one of the most beautiful and hottest women on the earth. Renee and I have been married for about four years now and ever since we first started dating three years before we have enjoyed an a very erotic love life. Renee has always been very sexually adventurous. Her 5' 6" 120lb frame has been blessed with a fantastic set of killer shapely and tone legs; heart shaped ass, nice 36D sized breasts, long curly brown hair and a face that should have...

1 year ago
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The night I was pleasured by my neighbour

I am Natalia, a shemale and I have enjoyed rough sex a lot. I like fucking both men and women as long as I am satisfied. This one night I was literally made to get pleasured by my neighbour and I enjoyed it a lot. He had just jumped me and entered my apartment forcefully. I got scared and resisted but the minute he kissed me I relaxed. “So, you want to have a dalliance with me?” I asked Jory. “I want to fuck you and suck on your cock. Will you let me?” he asked. I smiled and hugged him,...

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Mia Chapter 4 Boys Night

Chapter 4 – Boys’ Night Dear Frankie, I know, I know – I’ve been so busy. The work load is nothing like back home. Here, there’s a bloody class test every couple of weeks and few surprise ones thrown in there too for good measure. Also, if I hear the words finals and turn paper again I may have to kill someone. As for that I can’t actually complain. Not too many changes in the social scene. Patrice has been using some of that Quebecer charm on the ladies here in Boston. I’ve been joking...

2 years ago
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Steve Steps Out

Steve Steps Out By C.M. Ellis "Hey Steve, I've got to duck out early tonight." Steve looked up from his desk to see Ken leaning against the doorway to his tiny office. The younger man had his hands in his pockets and was looking at Steve with casual disinterest. "I'm going out to a club on Bridge street and I have to leave at four to pick up some friends." Steve closed his eyes and sighed. Ken leaving early would mean Steve staying late, and probably making some delivery runs...

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Fit18 Armani Black Initial Fitness Casting

Armani is an exotic name for the right kind of girl, and this Armani looked high class by the way she presented herself. She says she only does yoga to keep her attractive figure. Without the adornments of clothes, she became much more attractive. Her curvy figure is complimented by a pair of big, implanted breasts. I’ve never known a brunette with implants to be anything but fun and she was definitely fun. She invited me to grab her ass and touch those breasts. Before long, we were on...

4 years ago
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Shanvi My Hot Bhabhi

Hi, this is shan my stories will be erotic,romantic and sexy, you cant resist your self masturbating. Give your Feedback This is a story of me and my neighbor HOT BHABHI shanvi. Shanvi & Ramesh her husband stay next to my apartment. I go to college every day i study in BE 3rd year in Bangalore. I dint had any intentions on SHANVI before that incident. One day shanvi bhabhi & Ramesh bro called me while i was on the way to my house in the evening, i went to there house they offered me a coffee....

3 years ago
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Indian Wife Reshma Pays Off Husband8217s Debt With Sex

My hubby was a rickshaw driver. He use to work as a part-time driver for his best friend’s rickshaw. One night while fucking me, my husband said – “Reshma, I want to buy a new rickshaw. I am fed up of driving my friend’s rickshaw and I earn less money because of it. If we buy our own rickshaw, we can earn a lot of money”. Saying this, my husband started fucking me harder. It became our story every alternate night. One day afternoon, my husband phone called me and told me to come to a showroom....

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Lesbian LoveDoctors Wife Collars Me

I’m Marsha I work as a Nurse for Dr. John Everett, an Ophthalmologist who does a lot of Lasik eye surgery, which is a very lucrative business. The Doctor’s wife Ruth is also a Doctor, and we have been lovers for six months now. Last weekend was a very special weekend for Ruth and me. The “Doc” was at a golf outing all weekend and we spent two days going to social events, shopping and making love. I’m a thirty-seven-year-old divorcee with two k**s. I’m not a complete lesbian by any standards,...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Nadya Nabakova Giving Stepbro A Boner

Nadya Nabakova wanted to be a stripper, and her stepbro overheard this outlandish idea. There was no way she was fit to be a stripper, and stepbro was sure of it. Nadya begged to differ. She made a bet that she could give him a boner with just one dance, and sure enough as soon her top was off and stepbro was strattled he was hard as a rock. A few days later Nadya returned from her first day as a stripper and she did not make as much money as she expected. She could have made more, but was...

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Man Maid 2

Friday morning I awoke with less of a hangover than I deserved. Glancing at the clock I saw that I had awoken at my normal time without the aid of the alarm just like any other day. The beer can next to the clock told me that I should feel much worse than I did. My room mate Todd and I having no real social life, generally drink six or seven beers after work, but a can in the bedroom was proof that I had probably had more than usual. Spotting the bags from Frederick?s of Hollywood on...

4 years ago
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Blacks teen are my toys

I let two black boys fuck me in the woods behind my house. I was walking up the path that leads to our backyard and saw them standing there smoking pot.I had a rough week at work, and I needed a mental brakeMy husband was having problems getting hard. SoI had no way to get stress off of my chest or out of myNeedy pussy. I was washing dishes an smelled a faint scent Of weed coming from the woods behind the house.I don’t know what made me walked outside and check. I Had smoked pot in high school...

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A/N: Read, Review, Enjoy!   Harry woke in a panic, clutching at his stomach. He found only a small clean bandage, not the wooden dagger he’d been dreaming of. Trying in vain to look around at his dark and blurry surroundings he began a search for his glasses, reflecting as he moved that while he felt stiff and sore, the terrible gut-wrenching pain he remembered was gone. Where was he? What had happened? His fingers finally brushed against the lens of his glasses as he blindly searched...

4 years ago
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Charlies Wild Weekend

and Joe(14) penis size 6' And their gay weekend together. Charlie's parents were going away for the weekend so charlie asked if his best friend and secret crush Joe colud stay round. His mum allowed it. Joe arrived at 6pm 10minutes after charlies parents left. They were in for a dirty weekend. ............................................................................................................................................ Charlie and Joe were playing on the ps3 on charlie's...

3 years ago
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My Bad Bad Wife

As we drove towards town, the sun was shining blissfully. Despite the fact that it was only 10 am, it was already hot and the day promised to be a scorcher. My wife, Amy, had persuaded me to give up my Saturday off and take her shopping. I moaned, but knew that when Amy had set her mind on something, there was little that was going to stop her doing what she wanted. I had disappointed her last night, I knew. Another fourteen hour day at the office had left me exhausted and when I eventually...

2 years ago
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The Seashell

Author's note: This is a short introductory chapter/story that I wrote for fun one night. If you like my work, please tell me. If I get positive feedback, I have a lot of unfinished stories that I've written over the years that I'd like to clean up and finish. I'm also considering adding illustration. ======================================================================== It was just another day at the beach... or so I thought. My friends and I had already spent a good deal of the...

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My Husband Convinces Me To Show Off My Pregnant Body Part 1

My name is Julie. I'm generally a very shy, reserved young woman. I'm twenty-six years old and pregnant with our first child. Jeff and I have been married for three blissful years. Jeff tells me I'm the most beautiful woman on earth. I'm sure he's biased, but I have been told, over and over, by lots of people that I'm very cute with a killer body.  My large tits actually embarrass me a little.  I'm self-conscious when I wear a bikini since my large breasts are quite noticeable....

Wife Lovers
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Sexy Meet and Greet pt 1

Introduction: This is a hot fanfiction my girlfriend had written back in 2012, related to Alvin and the Chipmunks, where my girlfriend gets a chance to have a meet and greet with Alvin and the Chipmunks, but gets a little more than she bargained for, when Alvin decides to have his way with her, considering just how much of a teen heart-throb he is, knows just how easy it is to get any girl and get in their pants too. I hope you enjoy! The alarm clock hits the room as Kristie stretched her legs...

1 year ago
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Although there was no sign outside to advertise it, the place was called 'Intime.' It was tucked away in a quiet street. The street was tree lined with Georgian style lamposts which cast a yellow light on the damp pavement. There was no traffic and few footfalls. My taxi stopped outside. I paid the cabby and stepped out into the cool evening air and hesitated momentarily. I looked at the glossy black front door with the large brass number 6 placed high upon it and almost lost my nerve; almost,...

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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 63 A Helping Hand Part I

September, 1983, Chicago, Illinois When I arrived home, Stephie and Elyse greeted me with hugs, and then I went straight up to my room. I saw that my answering machine was blinking, but I had two important calls to make first. I called Tanya to let her know that I’d arrived home safely, then pressed the switch hook and dialed my second call. “Hi Anala!” I said when she answered the phone. “Hi Steve! When can I see you again?” she asked. “I should be free on Thursday afternoon. I have to...

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My dad at night

She layed in bed waiting for the door to her room to open and her dad would come in dressed only his robe and remove it and get into her bed naked. Her mom was very ill and could not have sex any more so dad had turned to her. He told her it was her duty to satisfy him. She did not know better and what he did felt good. Her tits were fully developed and he had taught her to shave her pussy. He loved fucking the daughter. He could get her to do sex favors the mom never would do. He taught her to...

2 years ago
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Kelly was jumping for joy on her bed, she was an almost 16 years old, long blond hair, petite body girl now measuring a b cup bra. 28, 18, 22, she was proud of her body standing some 163 cm tall. She found it funny that boys understood some imperial measurements and some metric. Her 17 years old brother was playing with his band in the garage and the music was very good. Dressed in just her new see thru pink panties and her new matching bra she walked into the bathroom. On the toilet was Keith,...

4 years ago
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I first met Sylvia in a coffee shop. She was part owner with her daughter in. law. . A good looker, but a few years older and wiser. We had a rip snorter of a session the first time we met, Hot, Torrid and Impulsive. I had left her my number just in case she wanted more. Although she is 15 years older than me..It didn’t mean that she had to live without sex, I had given her that missing part of life last time, and wanted more of it... the Fone rang almost a week later, she told me that what we...

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The magic book

You are Liam Nelson, a teenager that found a magical book in his high school library that completely changed his world. It’s up to you how he uses it and what he does with it. You may decide to rule the world or simply your school. You get to choose if the book gives you magical powers, or simply inspiration. (Note, all characters are 18, it’s a special high school) “Liam you creep NO! Of course I don’t wanna go out with a skinny nerd like you!” After asking your crush Grace out on a date, the...


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