- 3 years ago
- 28
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by ariel emms
Her still bright eyes looked around the room, meeting the vacant stares of the others. How long, she thought, till that is me.
Ariel had been captivated by Callista from the very start. Tall, blonde, striking, Callista carried herself with a confidence and vivaciousness it would have been hard for anyone not to find engaging. Certainly Ariel saw in her the kind of person who just swept up other people and carried them away in her wake. Being more naturally timid, it was easy to see why Ariel gravitated toward Callista: why Callista was so seemingly keen on Ariel’s company was, to Ariel, less obvious. Still, they had had a wonderful time together the first few times they had met, and had agreed to meet again. ?You choose?, Callista had said ?surprise me, indulge your wild side, i know you have one!?
And so here they were, wandering, pointing to and laughing at the various pieces of bondage equipment arranged around the large room, as though an exhibition or some other event might be taking place. Callista had raised an eyebrow at Ariel when they had arrived, teasing her ?I had no idea your wild side would be THIS wild!? Ariel blushed, but brushed aside all Callista’s efforts - and there were many - to make her admit how she knew of the location.
?This one, then?, Callista said once again as they wandered, ?go on, sit in this one - or, not sit exactly, I suppose?. Callista leaned over, her head bent, trying to get a clear sense of exactly how the apparatus was meant to work. Ariel just laughed and shook her head.
Callista leaped a few steps ahead of Ariel, bounding into a chair that lay ahead of them in the row. ?Hmm, what’s this one?, she said, looking around ?It doesn’t seem particularly unusual - except i don’t know what this handle does?, she said, looking curiously behind her shoulder.
?Oh, I know what that does? replied Ariel, catching up and quickly reaching to pull the handle backwards. Callista’s eyes shot open in surprise and she leaped up, staring down at the dildo now poking upward through a hole in the seat.
?Oh you little imp!? Callista cried out laughingly ?You are SO going to get it!? She grabbed in Ariel’s direction, who squealed and ran off between bits of machinery, dodging to avoid Callista’s clutching hands. A few moments later she had placed herself on one side of a large standing rack, a huge smile on her face, bobbing and bouncing to keep the security of the frame between herself and Callista.
Callista grinned back at her, dodging first left, then right, trying to grab Ariel. After a moment, she paused and looked up, inspecting the rack more closely.
?This one looks fun, Ariel, hang on a moment?, she said, reaching up to place her hands through the silk loops above her. ?OHH!...oh my! oh yes, this is quite - interesting!? Callista said, arching her back as she stretched her arms high overhead, her breasts thrust upward.
Ariel looked back at her skeptically. ?Oh c’mon, Cally, I’m not falling for that!? she said ?If you want to catch me you have to chase me, you won’t trick me that easily!?
?Suit yourself? said Callista, her eyes shut as she smiled blissfully ?more for me, then.? She sagged forward, letting the weight of her body put strain on her arms, pulling them tauter, moaning softly as she did so.
Ariel looked on, a faint look of uncertainty creeping faintly into her face. ?Well, but..even if - even if I did -’s too tall for me, Cally?.
?Mmmhmm?? replied Callista, her eyes still shut. ?Yes, I can quite see you wouldn’t want to get on if you might feel at all - restrained?. Callista opened her eyes, smiling mockingly at Ariel.
Ariel licked her lips doubtfully. ?Um - may...maybe just...maybe just for, for a moment, then - but you have to promise to let me off!?
Callista laughed teasingly, sticking her tongue out for a moment as she straightened, her arms no longer held taut. ?I’ll do what I like!? she said jokingly, freeing her own wrists from the straps and stepping off to one side. Ariel blushed, giggling, and stepped with only a momentary hesitation onto the base of the rack.
?Hey look? Callista said ?there’s a lever here to lower the straps?. She pushed the lever upwards, the straps dropping down several inches, enough that Ariel could easily slip her own hands through them, feeling the shivery embrace of the silk around her wrists. Ariel shut her eyes, surrendering momentarily to the delicious vulnerability, the helpless feeling of her arms immobilized overhead. She tossed her head back, eyes shut, as she shuddered with those familiar goosebumps rolling over her. She breathed in deeply, her legs feeling that tiny twitchiness.
Ariel was exulting in the feeling, when she suddenly gasped as she felt the straps tighten and lift an inch or two, pulling just tightly enough that she could no longer slide her wrists free. ?Oh!!?, she cried out, her eyes shooting open to see Callista standing beside her, grinning merrily.
?Isn’t that even better, Ariel?, she said ?Isn’t it luscious, that certain knowledge that now it isn’t just pretence, it’s not just feigned helplessness, you really cannot get down till I let you??. Callista tugged just a little more on the lever, pulling Ariel’s arms higher, lifting her heels just off the ground. Callista lifted her eyebrows mockingly, her eyes twinkling.
Ariel’s mind roiled. ?Oh god?, she thought to herself ?I’m so - so - oh god, but, really she will - she’s not - it’s just a joke, i think it’s just a joke, it is, i’m sure?. But despite herself, Ariel felt that doubt grow in the back of her mind. And even more despite herself, Ariel felt her excitement grow along with the doubt.
Callista stepped in closer to Ariel, her hand still on the lever. She leaned in to Ariel’s cheek, her warm breath forthcoming with her words ?Exciting, isn’t it? she said ?knowing you are here as long as I want you, knowing you can’t leave, knowing...? she leaned in closer to Ariel’s ear, her voice dropping to a whisper ?...that I could do whatever I want to you?. Ariel felt a shudder run the length of her body.
?Now then?, Callista said, smiling ambiguously and stepping back slightly, ?let’s see what fun we can have, shall we?? Kneeling for a moment, Callista slipped two straps around Ariel’s ankles, snapping them into place. She stood again, leaning to kiss Ariel gently on the cheek, and saying with a smile ?We don’t want you swaying, now do we??
Ariel looked doubtfully at Callista, swallowing nervously before saying ?I’m..I’m already on - well, not, not on tip-toe, exactly, but, but this is pulling hard already, Cally!?
Callista’s smile deepened. ?It is, isn’t it? But you look lovely, Ariel, you really do - helplessness brings out that haunted look in your eyes?. Suddenly, in a brisk motion, Callista jerked the lever, tugging Ariel’s arms quickly upward. ?Oh, and look, it brought more out in you, too?. Ariel looked down and blushed to see that her small breasts had been pulled upward with her arms, her firm nipples just barely poking out of her dress.
?Cally, someone will see! Fix it, please fix it!!?. Callista smiled indulgently, and theatrically looked around in every direction.
?Who will see, Ariel? There’s no-one else here, no-one in sight, no-one in earshot - scream if you like, there’s no-one here you need worry about.? She placed a finger on Ariel’s lips. ?Well, almost no-one? she said, the corner of her mouth crinkling upward, as her fingernail began to slide down Ariel’s chin, in a delicate line straight down her throat. ?Besides? she said, the line of goosebumps trailing in the wake of her fingernail reaching the space between Ariel’s breasts ?you’re very cute, you have nice breasts, you shouldn’t be embarrassed to show them?.
Ariel swallowed nervously, frozen in place as she felt Callista’s finger drag down further, tugging at her top, slipping it lower till her breasts were completely exposed. ?P-please...please don’t Cally - seriously, please?? she said, as her hips wriggled involuntarily. Callista smiled mysteriously as she leaned in closer, replying in a breathy voice ?why not, Ariel? You look lovely like this. And there’s no one around to see - no one to notice...or to help?. Ariel shuddered.
Please let it be a joke, Ariel thought to herself, a joke, please, let it be that. She swallowed and said ?You’re just - just teasing me, right, Cally? Just - scaring me??
Callista stepped back, her face suddenly breaking into a smile. ?Of course I must just be teasing you, muffin!? She reached up, placing her hand on the lever. ?Anything else would be unthinkable! If I wasn’t just teasing, you would be in serious trouble, wouldn’t you? Think of what might happen.? Ariel felt a slight tugging on her wrists. ?I could do anything, absolutely ANYthing to you?. Ariel felt the tugging grow stronger, felt her arms stretch in their sockets. ?Or I could call others here, bring men to see you, show you to them...? Ariel’s heels were pulled higher as she swallowed in apprehension ?...let them touch you....? heels higher still, chills down the spine, voice lower ?...use you however they want....? tiptoes now, straining, struggling to stay balanced ?....your body open to them for sex....? dangling now, toes barely in contact with the floor, struggling to hear ?...or worse?.
Ariel stared wide-eyed at Callista, unable to bring herself to speak, hoping, still hoping against all the evidence that she was wrong. ?But I won’t do that? Callista said in even tones, walking slowly behind Ariel. ?Don’t worry, little cupcake, I’m not going to bring any men here to you.? Ariel felt a hand grasp her dress as Callista leaned in close, felt Callista’s warm breath right in her ear as, almost inaudibly, she whispered ?I’m... going to... take... you... to them?. Ariel gasped in shock as she moments later heard a tearing sound, felt her dress tug against her body, felt it rip asunder as Callista tore it from her, leaving her naked but for her panties.
Ariel thrashed against her bonds, her body shaking as much as she could make it, futilely struggling to free herself. ?NO!? she cried out, flailing about, ?NO!! It’s not true!!!?.
?Tsk tsk!? Callista replied, her voice suddenly cold. ?Not a good attitude for a soon-to-be slave.? She reached around to grab Ariel’s chin firmly in her hand, turning her face sharply to the left. ?I think you will find it is true, minnow, it is if I want it to be. And I do want, minnow, I do.? Letting go of Ariel’s face, Callista lifted a cell phone to her ear, pressing numbers as she did so. ?I have her? she said ?Yes, from the same place as last time, the little one. Say hello, minnow.? Callista mockingly held the phone closer to Ariel, who simply stared wide-eyed at her, voice frozen. Callista spoke again, asking ?Shall I bring her now?? and Ariel heard a deep voice on the other end reply ?I’ll need a half hour to get the buyer here?. In hopeful doubt no longer, Ariel dropped her head to her chest. Callista looked dispassionately at her as she flipped the phone closed.
?So? said Callista with chilling nonchalance ?thirty minutes. How ever shall we entertain ourselves?? Callista tapped her fingers rhythmically against one another, as she looked around the room. She pronounced after a moment ?Oh, what luck - I have an idea. Do you like art, chicklet? There’s so much we didn’t get the chance to find out about each other, so much we never will now - but I like art, I’m something of an artist.? Callista took a few steps to the wall beside the rack, looking casually at the set of whips hanging from it. ?You can be my canvas, won’t that be nice, duckling, your lovely white back striped with red.? Callista selected a bullwhip from the wall, hefting it in her hand like a connoisseur. ?Well made, this one, flexible but real weight behind it.? Callista uncoiled the whip in measured movements as Ariel, transfixed, was unable to take her eyes away. ?In the hands of someone who knows what they are doing, pumpkin, this whip can cut through flesh to the bone.? Callista paused, looking up at Ariel. She smiled like ice. ?Do you think I know what I am doing, pumpkin?? Ariel swallowed hard, trying to speak, managing only the smallest of nods instead. Callista nodded encouragingly in return. ?Quite right, cupcake, I’m something of an expert, I have had practise - lots of practise. See that chair?? Ariel forced her eyes across the aisle to a leather chair, then jumped in surprise as the leather strip flashed past her, the crack of the whip screaming in her ears. She was surprised to find her eyes shut - and when she opened them, to see the six inch long slice in the leather seat across from her. She swallowed in dismay.
Ariel jerked in her bonds as she was surprised by a sudden pressure on her back, feeling the faintest relief as she realised it was only Callista’s fingernail. She felt it trace a six inch line across one shoulder blade. ?Here, I think...? Callista’s voice said, as Ariel’s heart dropped and her skin grew chilled. ?...And here...? Callista dragged her nail in a line just above Ariel’s hip. ?...And here. That will do to start? she said, her nail shivering along Ariel’s upper leg.
?Now then?, Callista said ?Nothing too debilitating or disfiguring, I think, don’t want to reduce your price.? Callista’s voice grew faintly dimmer as she took several steps back, gauging the distance. ?But still, something to remember me by, don’t you think, min...............? Callisto’s voice suddenly vanished, cut short mid-sentence.
?Well done, Little One, one more captured and locked away where she won’t present any danger in future? a serene voice said. A majestic figure walked calmly from the shadows, pausing for a moment to stare down into the pit where Callista now lay.
Ariel smiled shyly, looking round. ?Thank you, Mistress. I am sorry, though, Mistress, I really really had hoped you were wrong this time, I mean, you never are, Mistress, but still, she seemed so nice at first, I really wished there was some mistake.?
Lady Alt smiled understandingly. ?I know, Little One, you always like to see the best in people. You left it an awfully long time before signalling, I was beginning to think you might never drop your head.? She reached up to Ariel’s cheek, smiling at her.
?How did you know where to position the rack, Mistress? She might have taken the cat-o- ninetails, then she wouldn’t have stepped so far back, Mistress, she would actually have struck me.?
Lady Alt smiled reassuringly. ?I would never have let that happen, Darling, you know that.? She stroked Ariel’s cheek gently with the backs of her fingers. ?But it was her eyes, if you must know, Little One, the cruelty in them. The cat is best if one wants to cause real pain, cause it quickly, really hurt the subject - people have died from the cat, you know. But that was not her style. She was the type who wants to measure the pain out slowly and watch it. I knew she would take the bullwhip.?
?Mistress, someday we have to try to find the people further up the chain, don’t we, the ones who Callista and the others like her take their victims to??
?Perhaps, Darling, yes. But we’re doing a service now, and I’m not willing to risk my property too much?. Lady Alt looked fondly at Ariel.
?Oh, and Mistress??
Lady Alt raised an eyebrow, her lips barely managing to contain the teasing smile trying to escape. ?We are full of questions today, aren’t we, Little One? Very well, you have done a good job, one more question, as a reward.? Her hand brushed softly along Ariel’s jaw.
Ariel blushed, biting back her own smile. ?Well, Mistress, I, I..I only wondered, um - were...were you planning to let me down soon, Mistress??
Lady Alt laughed merrily. ?Soon enough, Darling, soon enough. She was right about one thing, after all - you ARE quite lovely like this.? Ariel looked with fond devotion at her Mistress, giggling along with her.
In the pit, Callista regained consciousness. Her still bright eyes looked around the room, meeting the vacant stares of the others. How long, she thought, till that is me.
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The sound was barely audible. A second knock followed. Waite got out of bed and crossed the distance to the door and opened it a crack. His eyes were assaulted with a vision of loveliness. Standing on the other side of the door was Millie. She had on a sheer robe that hid none of the treasures under it. For a woman of sixty-one years, she was remarkably well put together. Her breasts were of medium size but still mounted high on her chest. He thought of the illusion that her dress produced....
The summer heat suffocated us as my girlfriend and I sat stuck in traffic after spending a few luxurious hours in the local mall. Inch by inch we moved forward, it would be at least 45 minutes until we made it home. The air conditioning had not yet kicked in and any bare skin stuck to the leather interior. Every few seconds one of us would pull forward to remove ourselves. ‘Jesus Christ,’ said Jess, who was driving. ‘We didn’t plan this very well.’ ‘I know right, but we had to do something on...
Cinderella AJ Applegate lucked out when her evil stepmother Jelena Jensen agreed to raise her after her father died. Jelena became wickedly famous for her movie roles, but her two other step daughters Georgia Jones and Katrina Jade are just plain wicked. Besides playing video games and spending their dead fathers’ money, the only thing those mean girls care about is making AJ’s life miserable. They love to slash AJ’s dreams of being an actress like their step mother. They also...
xmoviesforyou"Look, this is a terrible mistake, mister," said Crissa, cringing back from the knife thrust out at her chest from the small man. "You really don't want to do this." The man, both short and skinny leered at her. "Only mistake was coming down this alley, missy," he said, taking another step toward her, "dressing like an elven whore in that short skirt, there." He chuckled without humor. "Well, now, if you're gonna dress like one, you're gonna get fucked like one." Crissa shook her...
The Spanking Couples Weekend GetawayChapter OneTwo weeks after the Femdom Spanking Poker Party, Marion and Debbie had been invited to a luncheon at the home of one of the ladies who was on vacation the night of the party, Sara. Attending the luncheon was all those in attendance that night (Jacki, Jenny, Beth, Marion, and Debbie, plus the two missing women, Sara and Gloria. Debbie and Marion were unsure about what the topic of the meeting would be ? just that Jacki called and said the group...
"Come with me," Penny said, as she led us down a side street, entering through another entrance, to a set of elevators next to the loading docks. "What's going on?" I thought as we quickly walked. "The press are all over the lobby and that gossip columnist is in Catherine's office. She sent me to head you off," she thought back. "The press? Why?" Adriana asked. "Michael's sort of hot news right now. Especially after the party Saturday night!" Penny supplied. "Later," I...
i was a bit young and for legal reasons im not telling you my age when i lost my virginaty but i will tell you this, NEVER FUCK A GIRL THAT HAS A STUPID sister. it was a wednesday and i was walking to my girlfriends house to do.. you know, we enter the house to find only her cat and some beer bottes by her stairs, we disposed the beer bottles and went to her bed room, i startid to kiss her and she pulled my top of, i started to toach her breasts and get more and more sexual towards her, she...
The day of the gangbang arrived finally. Karl had arranged to meet Marie at his hotel and she assumed that they would meet the other men there. However, when she arrived at the hotel and met Karl, he told her that the arrangement was to use a private villa which belonged to a friend of his. This friend was experienced in organizing gangbangs and he was delighted to know that Marie was going to participate as the sex toy for the enjoyment of a group of men. The drive to the villa was a little...
The Dark Lady – Ch 11 – Terror in the Night Turns to Joy in the Morning Back in my office after lunch, I still had a glow from the incredible organ recital. Clemmie arrived and said, ‘I got Greg to give me the FBI guy’s number and invited him to come to the dinner incognito. Told him he would be more useful inside than lurking around outside. He accepted.’ I bent her fingers back and forth. ‘Kim’s going to tell the three of us she can’t afford to let us go to college.’ ‘We’ll gang up....
In the Spring of 2004, I had the unbelievable gift of going to Mazatlan , Mexico with my stepdaughter. As most, if not all stories on Lush are fantasies or at best, some one’s dreams, this is a true story in every detail. Hope you enjoy it. We had parked my car on the Arizona side of the border. My stepdaughter and I were on our way to Mazaltan. She had won a bikini-contest the spring break before, and having no current boyfriend, asked me to go with her. I was somewhat...
IncestAlexandra was horny as a skunk. Of course she was always eager to get back to David at this time of day, but for the last hour it had gotten bad. A warm glow welled up from her crotch that made her mind dreamy and unfocused. Regardless of the raised eyebrows among the women on her staff, she would have rushed back to David if Claire hadn't asked her to see Charlie Roemer, for what she didn't even know. She didn't realize just how horny she was, though, until Charlie turned up. She...
The following Sunday, the last day of the month, they were again out on the river. It turned out that the last-minute couple signed up after all, so the trip was twenty-one people. The first few days of the trip were crisp; it got chilly at night, but the days warmed up comfortably, although Polartec fleece was welcome on cool mornings. They generally tried to keep from talking about their winter plans in front of the customers, but when they could the couple hours in Al's office on Friday...
It was late the next morning when we awoke. Shannon and Clare quickly went to change their tampons and take care of their morning business, leaving Gretchen and me in bed alone for a few minutes, but it wasn't time for a romantic interlude. "I really need to pee," Gretchen told me, as she tried to get up by herself. "These two in my belly really fill me up," she added, as I helped her out of bed. The girls were washing their faces and hands when we got to the bathing room, and I...
“Now,” the short woman said with a smile. “Are you both aware of what a doula does?” The couple glanced at each other. “Yes,” the man said. “You help with the birth.” “Sort of, yes. But not in the way you might think. Where the midwife and the doctors will be there to help with the medical side of things, I’m more here for emotional support. And not just for your wife; I’m here to support both of you, as a couple.” “Oh,” the man said. “That sounds a little vague, I know, but the process of...
Introduction: second part the wife has now found a young man to fuck her husband is too busy to have sex THE WIVES SWITCH CLUB 2 PART 2 As tom and I drove home we didnt say too much to each other it was strange as if we both felt guilty about what we had just done, As we arrived home Tom said do you want to talk about it No not yet lets go to bed I needed Toms cock in me I could still feel James cum and I wanted to imagine Tom was James as he fucked me, After sex I asked him how it had gone...
Hi friends, first of all I would like to thank ISS for submitting my story.. And thanq for all of you for reading my story.. I am vamsi, age 21 and completed my bachelor degree.. Living in vizag I am a tall boy with 183 cms(6feet) height with average body and I am having 6inches cock.. These are my true measurements. So I am requesting the girls, aunties and women can contact me for any relationship and for sex also.. I Can be ur male escort also. I will try my level best to satisfy you...
So there I was, standing naked in a long line of women, naked and vulnerable, awaiting my fate as determined by the two men before me. I suppose I should tell you about myself before I get into how this whole situation began. My name is Elizabeth, but I have a feeling it'll be a long time before I'm called that again, if ever. I'm a brunette with hair down to my neck, 5' 6", and breasts that aren't that huge but look firm on my petite body. I turned 19 a week ago. My small size has always made...
BDSMCatherine woke with me freshly showered and mostly dressed, buttoning the remaining button. I hadn’t planned on a jacket today since we were leaving for home in a few hours. What she hadn’t realized was where she was or what direction she was curled up in. “What time is it?” inquired the over tired, teen. “Eight, local. Do you want breakfast in the room after your swim or in the restaurant?” “Can we eat here? I haven’t done any studying in the last couple days.” “That was the point and...
AUTHORS NOTE: I'd like to send a special thank you to both "Licorice" and "Elle Dauber" for their encoragement for a sequal story. I hope you two like it. And a special achnologement to: "Greengiant". I gotta admit that the first Gentleman's Bar story was pretty much a "beat fest" and after reading through it later I had to admit the story focused to much on the affects of the transformation rather than how it affects the people in the story. I hope this story flows better. THE...
Olaf was well prepared for his part of the reward, ripping off his belt and pushing down his pants and underwear, letting his viking cock jut out, already bulked out with girth. His anxiousness, however found himself with his pants around his ankles several yards still away from the married woman he would be committing adultery with, leaving him to waddle his way towards the bed as Sejuani and Tryndamere watched on in a slapstick shock.“Like a ripped cartoon idiotic penguin.”“I think the...
Roger started to follow but the large Italian man Vincent grabbed hold of his arm, I wouldn't do that if I were you. Holly's eyes opened wide when she was guided through the unmarked door and Viktor locked it behind them it had a vanity with a sink basin, a toilet and a glass enclosed shower. He sat her on the toilet and turned the water in the shower on. She definitely needed to pee but it was embarrassing doing so with him in the restroom. He kept his body and face pointed at the...
Katie Gilhu grew up in a small-town outside of Los Angelos, leading a quiet life. Through-out her life she was fondled and cat-called by the majority of boys from her town. Her 5'9" stature with her brownish-blond hair, hazel eyes, and her well defined, curvaceous body ensured she was the eye-candy and nighttime fantasy of every boy who had ever lain eyes on her. Despite the opportunities her beauty presented her, Katie never found any interest or emotional connection in any of the boys she...
BDSM"Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction." — Bob Marley "Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect -and I don't live to be- but before you start pointing fingers... make sure you hands are clean!" — Bob Marley "You may not be her first, her last, or her only. She loved before she may love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters? She's not perfect - you aren't either, and the two of you may never be perfect together but if she can make you laugh,...
I was naked sitting at my computer looking at porn, and of course giving myself a lovely wank in the process, the woman turned me on so much I didn’t realise till it was too late that my mum had come to the door and was watching me, I quickly tied to hide my erection but I knew it was too late, she had seen all of me in that instance, “Playing with yourself again” she remarked coming into my room, “Mum, you should knock, I could have been doing anything” I said trying to hide my cock, “I don’t...
16,269 We'd been sitting at the table furthest from the bar having, what any interested spectator would have judged, a spirited conversation. April Mulrooney, my intended had just laid it on me that she had indeed been seeing other men, read screwing them, and that as recently as the night before. Oh, she had assured me that none of them were a threat to our plans, but I was not having any! We'd had a date that she'd stood me up for. When I'd fortuitously caught her at the Red Light with...
OK, so that didn't go so well. Shirley left, and it was pretty clear she wasn't coming back anytime soon. And I knew she wouldn't call me, either. Well, she had never called me. Probably didn't even know my telephone number, which is unlisted. But if she did know the number, I was pretty certain she wouldn't be calling it, anyway. The question was, the next time I called her number, would she talk to me? I mean, had I really done anything so reprehensible? Or was Shirley simply...