C6 - Serendipity Pass - Freshly Paved Streets / Final Edit free porn video

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Be forewarned, these writings, including this warning, may trigger some issue or issues that you have. Either by the language used or it’s content in general. If you are one to get bothered by every little thing, you have to make a decision now. You have two choices. One, you can decide, you can be a mature adult about things and continue. Or Two, you can't, in which case just close it now and step away from wherever the hell it is that you are reading this.


Serendipity Pass


Chapter 6: Freshly Paved Streets


I woke up to a deep, gentle, rolling growl. It thrummed in my ears, filling my head with a pleasant reverberation, pulling me from my slumber.

My eyes slowly opened, attempting to pinpoint the source, as I rose into consciousness. My brain started to put together the clues. First, a reverberation in my throat… and… in my chest.

And I realized, without the tiniest of doubts… that, that noise…

Was coming from me.

She, on the other hand, was quiet. Studiously quiet. With her head on my thigh, gazing intently at a very sensitive muscle. Gently running a finger up a vein.

She felt me rise and smiled. But she never let her attention waiver.

“Hey Old Man.”

*“Hey Little Miss.”

The vision, through the windows, revealed a fresh morning light. Time slipped by at a more normal pace, rather than the staggered ebb and flow it had the night before.

I was watching her trace the wanderings of her fingertip, up and down my flesh. And I could see the focus of her examination rising to meet her touch. She kept away, just far enough to barely brush against the skin.

I got lost in her play. *“Tease.”


Her smile grew, just snarky enough to let me know that she was playing with a purpose. "I think it's teasing me more than I'm teasing it though." She toyed a little more, in silence, then she cast her gaze to my face and broke the hush with an earnest question, “Where do you think we go from here?”

*”I don’t know. Do we have to go anywhere?”

“No. I suppose not.”

*”I mean, this is a pretty nice place I’m in. At the very least, I wouldn’t mind visiting again.”

She sat up, crossed her legs, and hunched down looking at me. Her elbows on her knees, her chin on her fists. I propped myself up to see her a little more comfortably.

She was intently deciphering the expression on my face. Then she just smiled, “Me too… It’s seven in the morning. Hungry? We could have some breakfast.”

Her head tilted down towards me a bit. I leaned up and kissed her.

*”Yeah we could do that, or you could come over here, slide me inside, and we could talk. Not move. Just talk. Then, we could have some breakfast.”

She leaned forward and pulled my arms out from my sides. I fell back to the bed with a very solid thump. She climbed over my stomach, took me in her hand and slid me right inside her.

She was slowly inching her way down.


*”Still sensitive?”

“Yeah, a little. It’s, WOW, woooo, forgot about that. Okay. It's okay now.” She sat back.

I put my arms on her waist and sat up. Then I held her steady, with my fingers on her shoulders and my palms on her shoulder blades.

She laughed when my nose brushed hers. “Hi.”

I took in her face, *“Good morning.”

“You know, this is a pretty nice way to wake up.”

*”I’ve had worse.”

“Me too.”

*”Life can be a tore up, bumfuck, backwater road sometimes. Can't it?"

"Potholes as deep as your knees."

"True that. But, you know? Some of the rest stops, on those hard packed trails, have the best, fucking, views around. If only you stop, take a breath and look.”

She just, lazily, twiddled a finger around my chest.

Her words came out, off the top of her head, “You know I meant what I said before?”


“Loving you.”

*”I know you did and I meant every word myself.”

Her eyes went quizzical, once again, “Hmmmm… Did I, miss something?”

*”?My other first, has that heart-string?”

I looked at her eyes and then, pointedly, looked at her hand with mine. Then I returned my gaze back up, to see if she had tracked my vision.

She had.

*“And she’s playing it, right now.”

She watched her fingers circling the flesh right over my heart.

It only took a couple of more twirls.


Her eyes shot up to mine and the corners of her mouth rose even higher. Deep, purple irises imprisoned my thoughts and dragged me in to mingle with hers. My blood pumped and I swelled inside her.


She brought her face closer, our noses brushed and teased. Our lips played no touch. Dancing into and away from each other, with that electric, ethereal feeling of somehow being connected.

Other than the obvious connection that is.

She rocked back and forth as I rolled side to side. She leaned back and shook.

I looked down at our meeting.

She was soft.

It was the first time I had seen her like that, mostly it had been half hard or more but now it gracefully curved, arcing gently between us. It peeked out like a luscious, full, clit, hooded under a oddly angled foreskin. It was the first cock I ever saw that kind of turned me on and I realized she wasn’t circumcised to boot. If I hadn't seen it hard I'd swear it could never get as big as it did. But then again, she could probably say the same about me.

The slow grinding movements and gentle whispers of scent stirred up the pleasures, increasing the level of desire. Her hands clamped strenuously into my back as she sucked my tongue and held it fast with her teeth. She trembled and rose up, kissing my forehead.

“Oh fuck, I’m…”

I was pushed over the line when she arched her back offering me her breast. I sucked in her nipple and started to cum within her tenuous trembling. She was stirring me on with rippling muscles and sighs.

The orgasm was slow and steady and strong and long.

We shook and rumbled then settled into each other, overheated and well fucked.

*”Fuck that was…”

“Different…. Wow. Dizzy.”

*”That’s putting it… yeah, different, that works, and definitely a little dizzy.”

Once again the laughter took hold. I rolled her over and stayed inside.

“I love, shit, those heart… beats.”

*”They’re like an exclamation point to it all, aren’t they?” I slyed, stroking her skin with angel breath touches. Adding fuel to the spasms and the giggles she already displayed.


*”Ready to eat?”

“In a minute.”

*”Take as long as you like, Little One. I’m in no rush to move.”

She sniffed and sighed and hugged me tight. She breathed in deep and exhaled a melancholy contentment.

“My mom used to call me that.”

*”Do you want me to stop?”

“No, it’s nice to hear again.” She watched her finger twirl my hair and kissed my neck tenderly. Her stomach grumbled. “Guess, it’s time to make some food.”

*”What do we have?”

“We have bacon, eggs, I’m pretty sure there’s some fruit and cheese left, and I think there’s some pancake mix.”

*”Well we could throw together an omelette and mix some fruit in with the pancakes. You have chocolate syrup?”


A spark of idea took flight in my brain. *”Hey, do you have a bathtub here?”

“Yeah, downstairs.”

*Big enough for two?”

“Big enough for you, me, and a Wookie.”

*”Good, how about you fix us a nice hot bath and I’ll go and get breakfast made.”

“Okay?” She looked puzzled but intrigued.

I got up, slid out of bed, and offered her a hand. She took it and stomped to the floor. She stretched her arms to the sky and swayed, slowly side to side. I grabbed her elbows, held them up, over her head, and kissed into the bush under her left arm.

"If I had known I was gonna get so much attention there I'd have shaved."

*"Don't, I like it. It has a celestial aura when the light shines through it. And it's definitely sexy on you."

"Goofball. Come on."

We walked down the hall, she stopped by the bathroom to grab a few things.

A few minutes later, from the kitchen, I watched her walk by and make her way to the steps. I walked out to the hallway to watch. Her butt looked cute even going down stairs. Not many people can pull that off.

Since I was there, I put some wood in the stove and fanned it back to life. Though the day was fully arrived, the chill of the night had reclaimed the air. And by the look of the sky, it wasn’t much better outside. The fire returned, with a little bit of prompting, and so did it’s purpose. I went back to the kitchen and finished preparing our meal.

I was putting the last of the pancakes on the plate when she snuck up behind me and kissed my neck. Her cock pressed into my cheek and nuzzled back to my thigh. I felt her hand slide down my stomach and stroke the hairs above mine.

“Ooh strawberry pancakes. With… maple?” she dipped her finger in the mix, and gave it a sniff, “Maple… and chocolate syrup?”

I forked a piece off, *”Mhmm. Here have a taste.”

“Oh, mmm, that’s nice.”

*’It’s better with a dark chocolate drizzle or chips, but this’ll do.”

“This, is… mmm, yeah it will.”

I took the plate, and walked to the stairs, she gave me that look again. I was used to it. Had been for a long time. Still funny to see though.

*”There’s a nice hot bath waiting for us, you don’t want it to get cold do you.”

“I was wondering where this was heading.”

*”What? You never sat in a tub with a glass of wine and some snacks and just relaxed?”

“No. But okay, one sec I'll grab the wine. Do you ummm want some weed?”

*”Just the wine will be fine.”

She led me down the stairs, through a door to another bedroom. Which was now a workspace, with all kinds of neat gadgets strewn across a table. There was a mannequin with bits and pieces of an unfinished design. She saw me eyeing it up and flicked a switch on the helmet.

Soft blue lights pulsed beneath an almost black glass visor.

*"That's fucking awesome.

She smiled, "It's missing, something, but I like it so far." She flipped off the light, caught my eye and lead me on to the bathroom.

It was small, but eclectic. The tub had feet, like eagle talons, holding a globe. And it really could fit two and a Wookie. A smaller than average, maybe teenage Wookie, but yeah, we could fit.

I went back upstairs, got the tobacco and the candle, then I appropriated the top from the coffee table and went back down.

She was already in and under the bubbles.

The scent of Lavender and Hibiscus hinted off the water.

I laid the table top across the sides of the tub, lit the candle and put it on the sink. I closed the window curtains, to the grey of the day, picked up the plate and the glasses, put them on the table top and stepped into the tub. Sliding in behind her.

We ate, not saying much. Just relaxing, refueling and reinforcing that comfortable bond. When the food was finished, and our energy returned, I took the settings and the table top and laid them on the sink. I took her hand, stood her up, pulled the plug, and turned the hot water on to reheat the tub. I stepped into it and sat back down pulling her with me.

“We’re gonna get old peopley.”

*”Probably, but it goes away. And, I’m already old people.”

She laughed.

She leaned forwards and ran her fingers between her toes. I traced a line, of a scar, from her left shoulder down to her ribs.

She tensed away a touch.


”That one? No. The one above my hip and the one on my side yes. I had an extra kidney, that failed, and some stuff that needed untwisting.”

*”That sucks?”

“I don’t remember them. I was a newborn for the untwisting and three I think, for the kidney.”

I kissed the one by her shoulders. She pulled away again then settled back in.

“That one still hurts.”


“Oh, you didn’t hurt me. it’s not a physical pain just a bad memory.”

I pulled her back and hugged her tight.

*”I’m guessing something got ugly.”

“Yeah. Friends… Well, not friends.”

*”Enough said.” I kissed it again and she breathed in deep and settled.

“Thanks.” She turned as much as she could and hugged me hard. A somberness returned but this time there were no tears. I just let her find what she needed to. “Will I see you again? After today?”

*“I’d like that very much.”

She pulled away to look at my face. “Me too.”

The last bit of sadness chased from her eyes, but even the little bit I saw bore a hole in my mind. I'd like to say I was a better man but at that moment I felt like punching something. Hard. Then she smiled. And everything, kinda made sense. Like an odd reunion, of two very, physically, different worlds. That, somehow, shared the same circumstance and misfortunes. The feeling faded with a kiss.

We got up, dried off and went back up the stairs, wrapped in a single oversized beach towel. She laid on the bed and I pulled her to the edge, by her feet, and knelt between her thighs. I kissed and nibbled from her knee to her abdomen. Her musk filled me with want once more. I tasted at the tender skin and worked my way to her rising. I got her hard and stiff and wanting.

“Mmmm, your mouth feels so good on my…” she shied.

*“You can say it, I’m sucking your dick..”

“Yes you are, unn, sucking my dick, my dick, oh shit, good.”

I reached across and grabbed the oil and teased myself with it. Then I rose up and straddled myself over her, kissed her, grabbed her and slicked my hands up and down her velvety cock. Slowly I ground myself onto her.

“Oh, you really did like it.”

I closed my eyes and remembered and relaxed. She popped through the taut ring and I felt the release, and with one slow, steady push I felt her fullness in me. The pain was vivid, like the dull ache of a tourniquet constantly being tightened.

She stayed still and held me, letting me set the pace.

“I really really do love you.”

*”I know and you know too.”

She rolled herself up and kissed my neck while I slowly started to move. She licked my chest with little fluttering flits of her tongue. I ground against her with a very circular intent. My eyes closed again and I drifted back, grinding deeper with longer motions. I felt a warmth around the head of my cock, and looked down to see her mouth moving just passed the head. I could sense the look on her face, it glowed with a devious delight.

There aren’t too many words to describe what I was feeling, okay there are, but we use them all too much and too often, so I’ll just let your imagination fill the gaps.

I watched as her head smoothed on my shaft as my ass rode on hers. Her hands scraped my ribs and back as she rose, taking my mouth and my breath, for her own.

“Fuck I’m, shit, oh Joe.”

I felt it, a pulse and a speed, and a slickness grew inside me.

“Shit… Joe… Cumming”

I pulled her in and pushed onto her stomach, I felt the pause and the break and the warmth on my abdomen. *”Oh, fuuuck, mee,” I moaned as my own orgasm rose out of me, pulsing with finality onto both our stomachs.

She giggled and I cracked up.

*”I do too you know.”


*”Love you.”

“I know.”


“Yeah! It is.”

*”So what do you say to once a week?”

“Elaborate, please.”

*”We get together, once a week, just for this, all night long, awake or asleep, just this, all this.”

“I can do Thursday nights after four,” She said, without even a pause.

*“I can make that work.”

“Schools out in a couple of months. Maybe we can get together more then?”

*”Oh no, we can get together more than once a week now. I mean we can work on some of your projects, go see a movie, dinner, just be, whatever. My schedule is pretty steady for the most part, I do get swamped now and then but I can find time. I’m just saying, once a week, we dedicate to this… serendipity thing.”

“Serendipity Thursdays, it is then, definitely. Hey, do you cosplay?”

*”I haven’t. I did some D&D, when it first came out, and a couple times over the years, but nothing in costume, unless you consider combat paintball or beer league hockey as cosplaying.”

“It’s fun, I don’t go out and do it anymore though. Mostly I just dress up to take pictures to sell my gear. But it would be so much fun to dress up and con. I haven’t been to one since my parents died.”

*”Well I have no problem with it, which is funny considering I hate work uniforms. If you need another coat rack for pics, I’m in. And if you needed a con date. I’ve been to a couple NYCCs, they’re good fun. Interesting toys, awesome costume work, fantastic replicas. That honestly fun group of geeks you’re happy to meet. And some hot chicks dressed as slave Leah, of course there’s the one or two that could pull off Jabba the Hutt easier, but what’s not to love?”


*”That’s Dirty Old Perv to you.”

“My, Dirty, Old, Perv,” she chided, while kissing up my neck. “You know, with a little work you could pull off Sirius. At least enough to be recognizable.”

*”And would you be escorting me as Luna Lovegood? You could pull off her essence, beautifully, without a stitch of cloth or creme.”

She grabbed my face and kissed me, more to hide her blush than thank me, but who the hell am I to judge.

“Mmmhmm, I could do that. You ever see Farscape?"

*"Yeah great show, weird, I liked it."

"You’d make a great Peacekeeper. I had...”

Nothing. Just a quirky smile and a touch more rouge.

*"You had?"

There was that shade again, brighter, followed by a sly little grin.

"One of those dreams, about Aeryn Sun, too."

*”I do not have the chest to pull Aeryn off. And that would mean shaving things. Except the pits and the bush, Aeryn wouldn’t shave them in my universe. You know," I looked at her and imagined different colors, *" you’d make a fantastic Nibari, a sexier Chiana. And that's saying something in my book. Wait a minute, I thought you liked boys.”

“I do. But there are a few handsome looking women too. And I did say I had some sex dreams that ended in a, mess. She was one of the others. Okay maybe Aeryn’s small chested, older sister. Those peacekeeper outfits were hot, you’d look good in one.”

*”So is that what I am to you, a handsome looking woman? A mannequin to be used for your own personal perversions?”

“Yes.” She laughed. "A very scruffy, rugged, handsome looking woman."

*”Fair enough. I could live with that. Ahh, The sacrifices we make.”

I grabbed at her waist with both hands.

She jumped and wriggled, "Ahh that tickles."

I stood up, slowly, and stepped out of bed. She started to rise.

I pulled the blanket over her legs. *“I’ll be right back, relax.”

She laid back down and I went downstairs to the bath, grabbed all the stuff from breakfast and brought it back up. I put the table top back, rolled a smoke, just tobacco, and got to washing the plates and glasses. I heard her footsteps as a rhythmic skipping down the hall. Her arms where soon around me, and her lips tickled my neck. “I’ll dry.”

When the dishes were done and stored away, she dragged me to the living room, threw the cushions, from the couch, onto the rug by the cast iron stove. Then she skipped back down the hall and returned with a comforter and a pillow. She took my hand, sat down on the cushions, pulling me to her. I scooted up behind her and pulled the comforter around us.

She wrapped my arms tighter around her.

“I was twelve-ish.”

I kissed her neck, right where it curves.

“Mmmm… I was at a party, I had just changed schools the semester before, but someone from my old school was there. He was birthday boy’s cousin or something. He was one of the reasons we moved. I guess it wasn’t far enough.” She pushed back into me a little more. “We moved because, one day at school, I was peeing in the girl’s room, some girls busted in and knocked into the door. I was pulling my panties up, but they saw ME. Then the word spread. The cousin was a friend of the boy that kissed me, on a dare.” Her neck stretched, her shoulders squared, and she looked to the ceiling.

*”You don’t have to tell me anymore.”

“It’s okay, I want to. I think I need to… Anyway, he started telling everyone at the party I was a homo, that I had a penis. That’s not a girl. Stupid shit. He and some of the other boys chased me, trying to undress me to see proof. I slipped under a fence and ran, they were too big to fit. Then, I was crashing to the floor and I felt a pain in my back. I found out later, he had ripped off a metal sign from a fence and threw it at me.”

*”So that’s how you ended up with that scar.”


*”What happened after that?”

“I guess I screamed loud enough for someone to hear. I don’t recall, it was hazey. The person whose house it was ran out. There were cops, paramedics, the hospital, things are really blurry. I spent three nights in the hospital. He got sent to Kids Kamp. And my new friends acted differently from then on. We ended up moving again.”

*”Because it was your fault, for being different.”

“Yeah, you know.”

*”Not to that extent, but I had my share as a kid. No more than most, roughly about the average amount of bullying most kids, who go through that, get.”

“Well if anyone here finds out and knows we’re together... I’m sorry, if that happens, and people, that you know, change.”

*”First off there's not many people I associate with anymore. And It wouldn’t be anything new, if that’s the case. I’ve seen that shit come and go, I’ve seen people come and go, Some stay, some do not. Look. I’m fifty-three years old. I don’t give a fuck what people think about me. Haven't in a long while. Some people like me or don’t for no reason. Others hate me for real ones, but that’s because, they’re, complete shit piles. And that’s on them. The people that love me, love me for what I love them for, they’re good people no matter our differences. And if I lose one or two, or all of them, because I’m with you, well then thanks for the memories and have a nice life. I know I will, with you, with or without them.”

“You were wrong, you know?”

*”About what? I’m wrong about tons of stuff.”

“It’s not a stranger’s ears, it’s a friend’s.”

*”Yeah, now, but then, they were a strangers. I was right for then.”

“No! You were a friend, right from the start.”


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Serendipity I

Perhaps it was serendipity, two people in the right place at the right time for everything to fall into place. On this warm summer day, John had a lot of time on his hands to kill, and nothing really essential to do with it. So he went into his local town without a plan. On a whim, he decided to buy some new jeans. Not that he actually needed them but fancied a change, and this would fill in the empty interval between lunch and the evening. He did a little window-shopping, and quickly...

Straight Sex
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The following is a happy little story; I guess it has to be considered 'R' since it has a TG aspect. A happily married couple have sex *blush*, but it isn't explicitly described, and body parts are mentioned *double blush*. My heartfelt thanks goes to the real Teddi Sue for translating my English into Standard English, and her friendship. Thanks to Brandy Dewinter for her story 'Reasonable' - this story is a twist on the best. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to...

3 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 6

Saturday, 17th April, At anchor off Lindisfarne Island. Normally, I'm easily woken. Especially when my bed-partner leaves it, but I woke to the smell of coffee and when I opened my eyes, saw the mug was held out to me by a naked and smiling Grace. "There's a sight for sore eyes. You keep thinking of different ways of making waking up worthwhile," I smiled. "I hope you're planning on coming back to bed while I drink this," as I hunched up the bed, leaned back on a pillow and took the...

3 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 15

We didn't get a flat calm in the Irish Sea, what we got was almost worse; light, cyclonic winds, fickle in direction and strength. So the last thirty miles or so, we stowed the sails and carried on under power. It was, however, late afternoon before we had topped off with diesel and drinking water, were berthed in one of the fifteen metre berths and had checked in with the marina office. We made a bee-line for the showers before sorting out our supper, over which we discussed our stay in...

3 years ago
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Serendipity Version CharlieChapter 2

When my niece caught me staring at her exposed vagina, she didn't say anything. Neither of us did. And that's not odd. How do you start that conversation? "Hmmm. Quite a nice little pussy you have there, Caitlin," I could open, suavely. "Why thank you, Uncle Bob," she might say, sweetly. "I notice you're as bald as a baby's butt down there," I'd continue. "Well, I do wear the tiniest of bikinis," she'd explain. "Looks really delicious. Do you suppose it might be possible...

1 year ago
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C3 Serendipity Pass Trails Blazed Roads Traversed Final Edit

Be forewarned, these writings may trigger some issue or issues that you have, either by the language used or it’s content in general. If you are one to get bothered by every little thing, just close it now and step away from wherever the hell it is that you are reading this. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 : Trails Blazed, Roads Traversed "Thanks, Joe." Two...

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C2 Serendipity Pass Paths That Merge In Odd Configurations Final Edit

Be forewarned, these writings may trigger some issue or issues that you have, either by the language used or it’s content in general. If you are one to get bothered by every little thing, just close it now and step away from wherever the hell it is that you are reading this. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Serendipity Pass Chapter 2 : Paths That Merge, In Odd...

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C4 Serendipity Pass One Road Leads To Another Final Edit

Be forewarned, these writings, including this warning, may trigger some issue or issues that you have. Either by the language used or it’s content in general. If you are one to get bothered by every little thing, you have to make the decision now. You have two choices. One, you can decide, if you can be a mature adult about things and continue. Or Two, just close it now and step away from wherever the hell it is that you are reading...

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C7 Serendipity Pass Paths of Sickle and Scythe The End Final Edit

Be forewarned, these writings, including this warning, may trigger some issue or issues that you have. Either by the language used or it’s content in general. If you are one to get bothered by every little thing, you have to make a decision now. You have two choices. One, you can decide, you can be a mature adult about things and continue. Or Two, you can't, in which case just close it now and step away from wherever the hell it is that you are reading this. ------------- Serendipity...

2 years ago
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C5 Serendipity Pass Familiar Highways Final Edit

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblances to actual events, characters, persons, alive or dead, or beings of Earth or the multiverse, past, present or future, is purely coincidental. Unless, of course, I'm psychic, in which case this a work of non-fiction. But I highly doubt that, I'm not that attuned. I mean if I was, I’d have won Powerball by now and been able to afford creative writing classes. And a proofreader. Be forewarned, these writings, including this warning, may trigger some...

4 years ago
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Girlfriend With Testing Device 8 The Path to Hell is Paved with Breast Intentions

Author's Note: I apologize about the wait everybody! I've got a new job and it doesn't give much time to work on this sort of stuff. Please enjoy party 8! If you'd like to see more, I have much more available, please come check me out at razmagurk.deviantart.com or patreon.com/razmagurk Warning: this chapter is rated a stripperific R and includes, amongst myriad other things, bouncing boobs, jiggling tits, heaving breasts, merry melons, stripping strippers, annoying best friends,...

3 years ago
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JP led a dull and boring life. Nothing exciting ever happened to him. At 26, he managed to scrap past college and worked a 9 – 5 in a cubicle at a non-descript building. Sometimes he felt his life was like Neo in the Matrix before Neo swallowed the pill. Fortunately the dress code was casual and JP could wear comfortable clothes. His boss left him alone as long as he got his work done. He didn’t see anybody and only interacted with his computer screen. JP enjoyed working out to keep...

2 years ago
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Serendipity Sex

Does fate exist? Can something really happen by coincidence? Well, my name is Emma and I don’t think I’d ever given much thought to the issue until one wintry night in Edinburgh, when a potentially problematical mistake led to something rather special. These days, as a result, I do believe in fate and that everything happens for a reason. Let me tell you what happened... ~~~~~It was snowing a little as my taxi drew up outside my hotel. I paid the driver and dragged my suitcase into reception,...

1 year ago
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One day, I was at Tunbridge station and due to very thickfog, all the trains were running really late and way off schedule and so my connecting train to Canterbury West was running at least an hour or so late, and as it was a real pea-souper (like in the old black and white films) I made my way into an already packed out canteen. In those days, one could smoke inside the station canteens and the cigarette smoke hung thickly in the air and all I wanted was a good old cup of tea and a British...

3 years ago
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Serendipity Part I

You know my friends used to say I was a real bad ass in high school. Probably cause of all the times I used to fight any one who crossed me or cause of the way I’d always smart off to the teachers. I tell you that so you can get a better understanding of the story I’m bout to tell you. It was my Senior Year. And I was flunkin’ only one class (surprisingly). It was English. Ms. Hannah was the teacher. And man, she was a blonde bomb shell. She musta stood at least 5 foot 9. She was 36 years...

2 years ago
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Serendipity Take Me Like Your Coffee 9

If you think the Megabus is bad, you should try taking the bus from Oaxaca into Chiapas, south-east Mexico. Twelve hours of trying not to vomit in the blistering oppressive heat. When the shaking and rolling finally stopped, I staggered away from the road and lay in the undergrowth for a while, enjoying the stillness.According to the map I still had to trek down into the valley where I would be met by my hosts, so I shouldered my rucksack and started off down the rocky path. The landscape was...

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It was his birthday, but not even the sunshine of a beautiful day could cheer Pete up. Thirty-three years old and still single, he was re-evaluating his life choices, and mourning opportunities that he had sadly let slip by. Of all his failures, he knew that nothing was worse than losing his high school sweetheart. She was tall and slim, a delicate beauty with blue eyes, brown hair and a smile that would melt even the coldest of hearts. Tara was his first love, and the pain and regret he...

Love Stories
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One day, I was at Tunbridge station and due to very thickfog, all the trains were running really late and way off schedule and so my connecting train to Canterbury West was running at least an hour or so late, and as it was a real pea-souper (like in the old black and white films) I made my way into an already packed out canteen. In those days, one could smoke inside the station canteens and the cigarette smoke hung thickly in the air and all I wanted was a good old cup of tea and a British...

1 year ago
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Serendipity on the Dance Floor

(This is a work of fiction, made up in my mind, any resemblance to actual events, or people, or another author are strictly coincidence. This is an original work. -JW)At some point or another everyone has a fantasy about having some amazing sex with some complete stranger in the heat of the moment. The following can be filed into that category.I have never considered myself to be one of the beautiful people. I am more along the lines of the guy who lands in that group below the top rung of...

1 year ago
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Serendipity the life of Riya

Preface: This is my first story. All kind of comments are welcome. This is an Indian story and has a few lines in the local language and a few regional words. Intro Riya looked at her reflection in the mirror and let out a deep breath. The makeup girl was giving the final touches. . Her face was adorned with jewels. A big nose ring which touched her red pouty lips. A maang-tika which sat perfectly between her brown silky hairs. Big dangling jhumkas decorated her ears. She looked...

4 years ago
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Serendipity 8211 Part II

Hello folks!! Wish you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. Well I’ve been reading the stories uploaded here for quite some time now and I’m glad that people are willing to admit their most intimate secrets via ISS. I’ve also something to contribute, hope you readers have nice time reading and enjoying the moments and all those hot and horny ladies out there, let me tell you I’m all yours you can mail me at , I promise you won’t regret it. To begin with, I’ve always been attracted to girls...

1 year ago
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Serendipity Part I

You know my friends used to say I was a real bad ass in high school. Probably cause of all the times I used to fight any one who crossed me or cause of the way I'd always smart off to the teachers. I tell you that so you can get a better understanding of the story I'm bout to tell you. It was my Senior Year. And I was flunkin' only one class (surprisingly). It was English. Ms. Hannah was the teacher. And man, she was a blonde bomb shell. She musta stood at least 5 foot 9. She was 36 years...

3 years ago
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I’m not a voyeur.  No, really, I’m not, but when fate drops something into your lap, as it were, I would be a cold fish to walk away, don’t you think?Quick backstory.  It was my final year at University, and I was in a house-share with another male and three females.  We all got along well with each other and lived separate existences as we studied different subjects.One weekend, both Alan and I had planned to be away visiting family and he duly disappeared on the Friday evening.  I left early...

College Sex
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It all started when my husband came home in a blue dress. My name is Kim. I'm a forty-something housewife living in suburban America; Sunday church, bible study. I have a daughter named Stacy... I think you've met her, everyone has. I'm easy to spot at PTA meetings as I'm the short red head with long skirts, peter pan collars and low heeled shoes. My husband Ron is a cowboy wanna be - he looks the part but he's never riden a horse and I seriously doubt has ever eaten a bowl of chili. I was on...

2 years ago
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John Offen Peter Finch. What a crazy name to give to a child. He hated the name and hated it even more as he got older. The other kids discovered that “Jack” was the nickname for John. Then the teasing never stopped. How would you like it if kids called you “Jack Off Peter” and you couldn’t argue back? It was his name. His last name wasn’t any fun, either. That is why he used his initials JP whenever he introduced himself. He could honestly say it was his name and preferred his friends to...

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I hate the Christmas season, or rather I hate the social side of things, or rather I do now when I discovered that after my partner left I had no friends and my family were elsewhere in the world. Seems the people I thought were my friends, were actually the friends of my ex and what social life I had revolved around her. So, all I really had left was work, a few acquaintances and a pretty boring life when I wasn’t actually working. Yes, there is the work’s social club and I often go on their...

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There's nothing worse than being a new person somewhere and for Caroline Bennett it was no different. She was working at a large company and staying in a tiny studio flat until she got settled, but what she missed more than anything was company; company that was made up of people from outside work. Working in the big city had its plus points, but in Caroline's case it was just a means to an end. Having broken up with her boyfriend, it was the perfect time to get away from him and everything...

4 years ago
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SerendipityIntroduction and Glossary

If you already know, or aren't interested, skip this bit. A sailing boat/ship cannot sail directly into the wind. Usually, the minimum effective angle is said to be forty-five degrees. Some racing yachts can get to thirty degrees 'off' the wind, others, like 'square-riggers', can only manage about sixty. If a boat is sailing as 'close' to the wind as it can, it is said to be 'close hauled', If it is sailing into the wind, but not as 'close' as it can, it is said to be...

2 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 12

The passing of the front brought a chill to the air, so I lit the heater for an hour or so as we ate supper. Vegetable curry, rice and toasted pita bread; (I supposed I would have to get used to much less meat than I was accustomed to) ... as the wind howled outside. Bridget wasn't smiling, but there was a glint in her eye as she looked at her friend. "So you finally stopped fighting it, then?" Grace frowned a little, but then smiled and met her gaze. "After what Maeve said last Sunday...

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SerendipityChapter 2

Late Saturday afternoon I was vacuuming the house when I felt the phone on my belt buzz. I killed the vacuum cleaner, causing the heads of two cats to peer out of the door of a room they deemed safe from the noisy monster I was shoving around. I thought the number looked like one I should remember. I put the phone to my ear. "This is Barry. Can I help you?" "You can come get me and do what we did yesterday, except I will forgo the restaurant meal for anything you can come up with,...

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SerendipityChapter 3

There we were, looking over the rail of the ferry, me and Jessica, and she'd just stepped closer and put her hand inside my arm. Okay, I'm a little bit shocked. Happy? Yes. But shocked, too. I look at her face, her short hair swept back from it by the brisk breeze from the nearby Gulf and the forward motion of the ferry's travel. Those green eyes seemed cool, she had a little smile on her lips, and she wanted to say something. "I trust that this is okay." I touched her hand with my...

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SerendipityChapter 4

"Jessica Spineti, what have you done to me?" "Physically? Two good orgasms. I've had three." "And that, wonderful as it is, only explains why I can't move. What are you doing to my head?" "I hope I'm doing it to your heart." "You WANT me to be a blithering idiot?" She smiled. "I want us to be happy. Come here." Let me say it again – she's a cute thing, naked. The dark hair, the eyes with a hint of almond shape, the smallish breasts. The pert nose above that smile ... Oh,...

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SerendipityChapter 6

Still Jessica's story: Now you need to know that Megan wasn't a really close friend. We ran in slightly different circles that occasionally had us in proximity. For a while, I guess, we were kind of close, maybe. She told me a lot about her life. That's just her way. Megan likes to run her mouth. She's one of those people who just dumps her dirty laundry onto the table for everybody to see. One of the things she went on about was her mom and dad's divorce, how her mom was like her,...

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SerendipityChapter 7

Barry's turn: Jess and I enjoying a beautiful day together. There was a small arts and crafts fair going on today. I normally pass these up but I'm with Jess and my priorities are skewed. I told her about it. "Interested?" I asked. We'd just chosen a scented candle and were walking through the place when I heard a voice that raised the hair on the back of my neck. "Well, hi, there! Look who it is!" spoken with the voice of the ex in one of her famous 'gotcha!' tones. I looked...

4 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 8

Jessica's turn: I have determined that I am going to do it. 'It' being getting married. And no, it's not one of those throwaway first marriages. I have a bunch of friends in my age range, from, say, eighteen (out of high school) to thirty, and I find it odd that almost half of them have been married already. And divorced. I've heard the talk. "It's no big deal" is a common refrain, and in so many cases I know BOTH parties to the divorce and usually the one who's all 'It's no big...

4 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 10

Jessica's turn: As the Chinese curse says – 'Interesting times'. What a week. Start off by being the victim of an attempted rape, end up sitting in the car beside this GUY with his wedding band on my finger, headed up the road for a quick honeymoon. Honeymoon? Yep. Jessica Spinetti is now Mrs. Jessica Harris, wife of Barry Harris, and all this happened while I was sober. From a life of quickies and parties and one-night stands and drunk and drugged to stone cold sober, clear-eyed, and...

3 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 23

Our consideration of the future, with the dramatic change in our circumstances was long and we were distracted by 'Uncle Reggie', the businessman I'd been talking to at the wedding. He asked me, very courteously, if I would be willing to travel to London to discuss IT systems with him and some colleagues – his company would, of course pay expenses and a consultancy fee. What did I have to lose? Over several hours, which included a rather good lunch, I ran through what they ought to be...

2 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 11

Jessica’s turn: “And Barry?” “Yes, little one?” he replied. “Don’t call me ‘Spinetti’ any more. I have a piece of paper and a ring and everything, you know.” “I did that?” “Yes you did. That’s two things you need to work on.” “Two?” “Yes. Two. First, you tell me EVERYTHING. You told me you were gonna start carrying, but you didn’t tell me you WERE carrying. Second, I am YOUR wife. You are MY husband. Get used to it. I am yours as long as you want me and if you stop loving me, I shall...

2 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 12

Barry’s turn: Sunday morning we got up and fixed ourselves a quick breakfast before running out to the nearest grocery story for a couple of ingredients for Megan’s requested meatball stew. I actually like the idea of walking through the parking lot with Jess holding onto my hand. The reality’s even better than the idea. I know we’re an odd couple. I’m very obviously older than her, but it doesn’t bother her and I’m just a bit proud of myself to have this cutie with me. The guy stocking...

1 year ago
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Serendipity Version BravoChapter 10

I was working when they stopped in my doorway. I looked up to see three living statues of the Venus De Milo. With arms. Their nudity was astonishing, because it was erotic and mundane at the same time. They were comfortable being naked in front of me, which made it mundane in the way nudists claim being naked is simply natural, without any necessary sexual component. At the same time, they were beautiful, and ripe, the very essence of female sexuality. “We’re going to the pool now,” said...

3 years ago
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Serendipity Version CharlieChapter 11

You hear about how makeup sex is really great. But you have to remember that all generalizations are bad ... including this one. The fact is that even after a minor argument, like the one we'd just had, becoming intimate again can be a little weird. Maybe complicated is a better word. Part of that is because the emotional level you're on after a disagreement has you in fight or flight mode. That doesn't lend itself to being all lovey dovey, for obvious reasons. Another component is that,...

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Serendipity Version BravoChapter 11

Things did not get out of control. Well, any more than they’d already gotten out of control. I don’t mean that I fucked Emma (or Ashley) that day. Ashley did have to get home, after all, and while Emma was quite happy sucking on my prong, I don’t think she was ready for the real deal. I probably could have talked her into it, but when she got me hard with her mouth, which took quite a long time, I knew I could not perform as well as she deserved. Plus I didn’t want to talk her into it. So...

3 years ago
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Serendipity Version CharlieChapter 12

Deciding to do something completely crazy is one thing. Making actual preparations is something else. More than once, as I put plan B into action, I thought I must be insane. Some things went very well. I talked to one of the local realtors, who hooked me up with one of her colleagues in Lubbock. Both of them worked their end of things. My house sold almost immediately. The buyer wanted to move in right away, but I put in the contract that I'd pay them rent until I found a new house....

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