C5 - Serendipity Pass - Familiar Highways / Final Edit free porn video

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This is a work of fiction. Any resemblances to actual events, characters, persons, alive or dead, or beings of Earth or the multiverse, past, present or future, is purely coincidental. Unless, of course, I'm psychic, in which case this a work of non-fiction. But I highly doubt that, I'm not that attuned. I mean if I was, I’d have won Powerball by now and been able to afford creative writing classes. And a proofreader.

Be forewarned, these writings, including this warning, may trigger some issue or issues that you have. Either by the language used or it’s content in general. If you are one to get bothered by every little thing, you have to make a decision now. You have two choices. One, you can decide, you can be a mature adult about things and continue. Or Two, you can't, in which case just close it now and step away from wherever the hell it is that you are reading this.


Serendipity Pass


Chapter 5: Familiar Highways


The flesh inside me slowly lost its rigid candor. It retreated towards the opening, with one long, intense, almost unbearably delicious firing of every nerve along its way. Then popped out of me with an unceremonious rush. My body rocked as the ring of muscles, it had just stretched out and fucked so well, found their original memory, grasped at the air and longed after their retreating prize. They puckered and pulsed gasping at emptiness, for the stiffness that had filled them with so much pleasure, just minutes ago. They wanted more of that feeling. And so did I.

The time passed effortlessly, amongst the subtle rustle of the trees, as we embraced the elemental bliss and regained our wills to speak.


*Yes, Little One.”

“Can I be in love with you?”

*”What do you mean? Is it, alright, for you to love me, do I give my permission, or is it possible, that you could be in love with me?”

“Is it possible?”

“Sure. I Guess. I think lots of people fall in love, in some way, with their first, If they at least liked them before. Probably more if they were really attracted to them. It’s the intensity of it, I guess, that first rush of an erotic experience shared with someone. I’m pretty sure there’s many that still do, even if they aren’t with them anymore.”

“Do you?”


“Love your first?”

*“I do, sorta, I guess. But it was quick, a one night stand. I only met her 2 hours before and she had an airplane to catch, I think of her though, from time to time and smile. I mean, If I saw her now I’d like to think I’d be happy to see her but it’s not like we’re gonna go all Auld Lang Syne. Maybe, if she were… No. Not anymore. I'm pretty sure my other first has that heart string now.”

“So I can love you?”

*“If you want. Like I said, it’s happened, and, you don’t need my permission. Do I need yours?”

“No. Not at all.”

*“Well, that’s a good thing.”

“Can I ask you something strange?”

*“Weird, is about all I've got any answers for, strange isn’t exactly in my jurisdiction. But fire away, ask anything?”

“Why do you call it sharing?”

*”What? Virginity?”

“Yeah. Everybody else says took or lost… or gave.”

*“Easy enough. My first, didn’t take anything from me and I didn’t ‘Lose” it, it wasn’t stolen or misplaced. I know, exactly, what box I put it in," I paused but she just gave me a look and a little chuckle, *" I’d rather share, than take or have taken, or let it get lost. I’m just glad I had something I could share, back, with you.” That she laughed at.

“Is that what we did tonight?”

*”It’s what I did tonight. And that’s all that matters to my accounts of my sense of self and how I want to be, morally.”

She propped herself up on one arm, shifted and placed her chin in her hand and followed the lines on my face with forethought and purpose. Then she casually uttered, just four little words, “I think I might.”

*“I know.”

She perked up and squinted at me. “You Know?”

*”I’ve known since you wrapped your arms around me and salt watered my tee shirt. I didn’t know, if it was desperation, or want, or need, or just having someone there at first, but you put love into me with that hug and, I guess, I put it back into you by letting you. But somewhere before that first kiss, I knew, I suspected. I couldn't tell if it was just a comfortable friendliness or something more but I kind of got that vibe. I did not expect this when I woke up this morning though. And I definitely, did not expect you. Serendipity you called it.”

“Mmmhmm. When shit happens…”

*”and then it pours. Ending up in the bunk of a Firefly class transport ship.”

“That’s Serenity.”

*”Isn’t that what this is, right now? Besides, it’s our ship, we can name it what we want.”

She settled her head back to my chest, one arm curled over and above my head, with her fingers to my scalp, the other across my chest, her hand palm down, under her chin. “Mmmm." Her stomach rumbled. "Are you hungry? I’m hungry.”


I rolled over on top of her. She looked up at me. Our lips met, half the distance between. A quick peck was all I let us have, before I got up and off the bed and held out my hand. She took it and held it while I escorted her to the kitchen.

I pulled out her chair, she tilted, then flowed over the seat as I slid it under her. I grabbed the food and some wine and sat myself behind her. She scooted up, from between my legs and angled herself onto my lap. We fed each other not saying a word.

After a glass of wine and some assorted fruits and cheeses, we got up and showered, quietly and quick. There was a pace, to the routine, that had an undertone of anxiousness, without losing the core of it’s sensuality. It was hurried yet smooth.

We dried each other off then waddled our way slowly back to her bedroom. In a very odd, slightly awkward, ballet. She had her feet on mine, with her back to my chest, and her arms stretched around the back of my head, her hands locked together. Leaving my hands to roam anywhere they pleased. We got to the doorway and she turned around, our cocks wrestled together and slowly ground into each others muscles and flesh. My hand found her pussy wet and her cock swollen as we closed in on her mattress with an uncoordinated stride. She bit firmly into the side of my shoulder blade and fell, inelegantly, into the mess of scattered sheets, pulling me down and on top of her, as her arms and legs enveloped me in their warmth.

I kissed my way around the curve of her neck, pausing at her breasts to nibble and tease. Her hands asked me lower. I took hold of her shaft and angled it up and gave it some gentler strokes. I put my lips to it and swiped my tongue over the ridge, then opened my mouth and slid her inside. She was rising to meet me, wriggling slowly into my throat. Her headiness tasted on my tongue, once more. I felt her fondle at my hair, asking me up and off, then she steered and persuaded me a little further down. I could smell that, fucking smell.

That I’m awake now, thank you, fucking smell.

The one that gets into your blood and grabs a hold of your shoulder blades, and ooomf, your whole body tenses with life, fucking smell.

I breathed her in and found the desire to taste her, right there, on the tip of my tongue. I flicked it down and got lost. My fingers played tenderly in her folds. She opened herself around them and pulled them in. My teeth found her thigh and bit on the tendon just inside. She pulled me up and tasted herself off my face, wrapped her fingers around my stiffness, overseeing me to exactly where she wanted me to be.

I felt her hands grab my ass and pull. I held her back, staying just close enough to feel the moist warmth and slick flesh taunt on the edge of my skin. I teased my way in and out. Over and over. Tediously, holding back the desire to plunge.

She just looked up at me. Locked into a gaze. Her eyes would widen and her back would arch if all she felt was pleasure. Her teeth would grind if I pushed a bit too hard. And still, she just stared up to me, unchanging in her decision and commitment.

*”Almost at the point of no return you know.”

“I’m already there.”


She didn't ponder, "Yes," she just smiled.

I gave her my mouth and pushed through her threshold, driving steady into that barrier of skin, that separated the unknown from the biblical known. It tore with a gasp, a dig of nails, a tensing and a whimper. I sunk deeper and pushed to the hilt with one slow, steady drive. She went stone and stalwart and bit my lip, breaking the skin. Her fingernails dug hard into my back, the expanse of her eyes moistened. And still, she just stared into me.

Her smile returned, bigger, brighter.

She kissed me with tears glistening. They were soft kisses, with outstretched fingers. I reached down and stroked her face with mine and slowly slid out and steadily went back in. The strokes were long and full, ardent and tempered. Tenderly I formed a rhythm, slow in tempo with long notes, building to a crescendo that loomed rather quickly. Her eyes went big and her breathing went faster.




*“I know Little One, Me too.”

Our lips met and I could swear we both stopped breathing for ourselves. I felt a warm slickness spread up my abdomen and trickle down my stomach, spreading in between us. Her back was tight and high off the bed. Ripples flowed down her torso and trembled through my body. There was no voice, just gasps. Her neck arched back and her fingers gripped my back in uncontrolled tenses. It was too much. I came inside her hard and long, driving her through as far as I could fight. When she reached her limit she kissed me hard and grabbed my ass, pulling me inside her. Forcing me still and rooting me there. I had nothing left to argue.

Once she caught her wind, she chuckled, and we both burst out laughing.

”You know, I thought that was gonna hurt like hell.”


“It did. But it also, didn’t suck.”

*“No, it certainly did not, not in the least, for me, anyway.”

“Sorry bought your lip.”

*“It’s all good," I licked at the iron taste, that was gonna be tender for a while, "blood for blood, you more than made up for it. Sorry bought the whole hymen breaking thing, that looked a lot worse than I wanted it to be.”

“Hah, do you do that on purpose or is it a reflex born of practice.”


“The puns.”

I thought back at what I had just said. *“Oh. No, I don’t do them on purpose. But, sadly, I do see them coming. I just let em the hell out there anyway, and try to ignore em, and hope people just miss em.”

“I like puns, especially really bad ones.”

*”Well that’s one of my best so far. So you can see were that’s going. But I am sorry for the pain. If there was anything I co…”

“Stop, no sorries, remember. Besides, the pain was replaced quickly. Something, came over me, and swept it away."

I gave her a grin and a chuckle, *"And you say I'm bad with puns?"

"I couldn't let that one go. It was right there."

"How's it feeling, down there now?"

"It burns a little. More than my ass. But I’ll live. Although, I might not be able to walk to the lecture tonight.”

*“Nah, you’ll be walking and I’ll be walking. Maybe not straight for a couple of days, but we’ll be walking."

"I don't know if I can walk straight now."

*"You might need to carry me to pee, my legs are rubber right now."

"Think we should crawl? Might be safer."

*”Maybe we should drag the mattress into the hall, get closer.”

“Oh shit.”


“The heartbeats. Oh fuck.”

I watched her twitch, and settle, and arc, and roll. She stared at me with wide, shocked but happy eyes. Every now and then her knee would twitch or her arm would shake.

She breathed in hard, exhaled, then stilled and dreamily smiled, “hmmmmmmmmm.”

*”You good?”

“Mmmh hmm. That was a lot more intense than when you were in my butt. Different too. I like it.”

She pulled me to her slowly and nestled me into her cheek. We laid there for a little while just, well just doing nothing but relaxing. I was released from her pussy with a wide eyed gasp and a grip on my arm. She stirred a little, with a bounce and a wiggle.

The quiet soon gave rise to thought.

“So Joe. Why do you like science fiction?”

*”Because it’s weird. Why do you? How did you get started on the road to cosplay pieces creator?”

“I… hmm, because, well it started with Star Wars, I guess, because my dad and mom loved it, I just…, I mean, even though some people say it’s made for boys, I always felt like I could have been a Jedi, and not because I had a penis, that didn’t matter. The story was like a fairy tale in space, only the Princess could also kick butt, and she more than made up for any lack of female Jedi.”

*”Yeah Leah was a bad ass, she didn’t need any protecting and lord help whoever threatened anyone who she felt protective over. My favorite scene is when she has enough and grabs Luke’s blaster, shoots the grate, then stands up, nonchalantly shoots a couple troopers, tells them to get into the chute and, jumps.”

“’Into the garbage chute, Flyboy.’ Great scene. Hold on, did you say science fiction was weird?”

*”It is. I mean, Okay, there’s these ideas in physics about multi-verses and infinite space and the concept that anything is possible, with the right clicks of the code. So the possibility that scifi, what I read or I see on the screen, is just someone tapping an actual occurrence and writing it down, like they're just reporting news from… well, a galaxy far far, or thousands of years, or two million multi verses, away, or all three at once, is plausible. If that’s not weird I don’t know what is… And I do love me some weird.”

“Is that why you like me, because you like weird stuff?”



*”Hey,” I hushed, lifting up to look at her face, brushing the hair from her eyes, “that’s not a bad thing, at all.”

“Isn’t it though?”

*”No. There’s weird out there, and strange, mostly it's strange that's bad, yeah. But you are far from that. You are weird, you, are, a freak of nature, but that only makes you, unique, a pegasus, a unicorn. A being worthy of mythological tomes. You are wonderfully weird. Interesting. Delightful. Warm. Sensual. Smart. And there’s nothing wrong with any of those attributes by themselves. In you, they are alluring, provocative. And anybody that can’t see that, well that’s their loss, cause, I’m not the brightest bulb in the lamp and even I saw that. After knowing you for maybe fifteen minutes. Even if we didn't have this, I'd still wanna know you in my life.”

I was met, once again with blushed cheeks and a brisk assault of lips on mine. Eventually she stretched and yawned, and I did too. So we cuddled and talked some more, about this and that. Her, with her back to my chest, me, with my arms around, over and under her. I knew my bad arm was going to kill me before long, but I truly didn’t care.

The words came quieter and farther apart.

I heard her breathing change it’s inflection. For a short time I listened.

Then, I guess I drifted off myself.


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Serendipity Sex

Does fate exist? Can something really happen by coincidence? Well, my name is Emma and I don’t think I’d ever given much thought to the issue until one wintry night in Edinburgh, when a potentially problematical mistake led to something rather special. These days, as a result, I do believe in fate and that everything happens for a reason. Let me tell you what happened... ~~~~~It was snowing a little as my taxi drew up outside my hotel. I paid the driver and dragged my suitcase into reception,...

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One day, I was at Tunbridge station and due to very thickfog, all the trains were running really late and way off schedule and so my connecting train to Canterbury West was running at least an hour or so late, and as it was a real pea-souper (like in the old black and white films) I made my way into an already packed out canteen. In those days, one could smoke inside the station canteens and the cigarette smoke hung thickly in the air and all I wanted was a good old cup of tea and a British...

3 years ago
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Serendipity Part I

You know my friends used to say I was a real bad ass in high school. Probably cause of all the times I used to fight any one who crossed me or cause of the way I’d always smart off to the teachers. I tell you that so you can get a better understanding of the story I’m bout to tell you. It was my Senior Year. And I was flunkin’ only one class (surprisingly). It was English. Ms. Hannah was the teacher. And man, she was a blonde bomb shell. She musta stood at least 5 foot 9. She was 36 years...

2 years ago
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Serendipity Take Me Like Your Coffee 9

If you think the Megabus is bad, you should try taking the bus from Oaxaca into Chiapas, south-east Mexico. Twelve hours of trying not to vomit in the blistering oppressive heat. When the shaking and rolling finally stopped, I staggered away from the road and lay in the undergrowth for a while, enjoying the stillness.According to the map I still had to trek down into the valley where I would be met by my hosts, so I shouldered my rucksack and started off down the rocky path. The landscape was...

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It was his birthday, but not even the sunshine of a beautiful day could cheer Pete up. Thirty-three years old and still single, he was re-evaluating his life choices, and mourning opportunities that he had sadly let slip by. Of all his failures, he knew that nothing was worse than losing his high school sweetheart. She was tall and slim, a delicate beauty with blue eyes, brown hair and a smile that would melt even the coldest of hearts. Tara was his first love, and the pain and regret he...

Love Stories
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One day, I was at Tunbridge station and due to very thickfog, all the trains were running really late and way off schedule and so my connecting train to Canterbury West was running at least an hour or so late, and as it was a real pea-souper (like in the old black and white films) I made my way into an already packed out canteen. In those days, one could smoke inside the station canteens and the cigarette smoke hung thickly in the air and all I wanted was a good old cup of tea and a British...

1 year ago
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Serendipity on the Dance Floor

(This is a work of fiction, made up in my mind, any resemblance to actual events, or people, or another author are strictly coincidence. This is an original work. -JW)At some point or another everyone has a fantasy about having some amazing sex with some complete stranger in the heat of the moment. The following can be filed into that category.I have never considered myself to be one of the beautiful people. I am more along the lines of the guy who lands in that group below the top rung of...

1 year ago
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Serendipity the life of Riya

Preface: This is my first story. All kind of comments are welcome. This is an Indian story and has a few lines in the local language and a few regional words. Intro Riya looked at her reflection in the mirror and let out a deep breath. The makeup girl was giving the final touches. . Her face was adorned with jewels. A big nose ring which touched her red pouty lips. A maang-tika which sat perfectly between her brown silky hairs. Big dangling jhumkas decorated her ears. She looked...

4 years ago
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Serendipity 8211 Part II

Hello folks!! Wish you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. Well I’ve been reading the stories uploaded here for quite some time now and I’m glad that people are willing to admit their most intimate secrets via ISS. I’ve also something to contribute, hope you readers have nice time reading and enjoying the moments and all those hot and horny ladies out there, let me tell you I’m all yours you can mail me at , I promise you won’t regret it. To begin with, I’ve always been attracted to girls...

1 year ago
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Serendipity Part I

You know my friends used to say I was a real bad ass in high school. Probably cause of all the times I used to fight any one who crossed me or cause of the way I'd always smart off to the teachers. I tell you that so you can get a better understanding of the story I'm bout to tell you. It was my Senior Year. And I was flunkin' only one class (surprisingly). It was English. Ms. Hannah was the teacher. And man, she was a blonde bomb shell. She musta stood at least 5 foot 9. She was 36 years...

3 years ago
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I’m not a voyeur.  No, really, I’m not, but when fate drops something into your lap, as it were, I would be a cold fish to walk away, don’t you think?Quick backstory.  It was my final year at University, and I was in a house-share with another male and three females.  We all got along well with each other and lived separate existences as we studied different subjects.One weekend, both Alan and I had planned to be away visiting family and he duly disappeared on the Friday evening.  I left early...

College Sex
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It all started when my husband came home in a blue dress. My name is Kim. I'm a forty-something housewife living in suburban America; Sunday church, bible study. I have a daughter named Stacy... I think you've met her, everyone has. I'm easy to spot at PTA meetings as I'm the short red head with long skirts, peter pan collars and low heeled shoes. My husband Ron is a cowboy wanna be - he looks the part but he's never riden a horse and I seriously doubt has ever eaten a bowl of chili. I was on...

2 years ago
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John Offen Peter Finch. What a crazy name to give to a child. He hated the name and hated it even more as he got older. The other kids discovered that “Jack” was the nickname for John. Then the teasing never stopped. How would you like it if kids called you “Jack Off Peter” and you couldn’t argue back? It was his name. His last name wasn’t any fun, either. That is why he used his initials JP whenever he introduced himself. He could honestly say it was his name and preferred his friends to...

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I hate the Christmas season, or rather I hate the social side of things, or rather I do now when I discovered that after my partner left I had no friends and my family were elsewhere in the world. Seems the people I thought were my friends, were actually the friends of my ex and what social life I had revolved around her. So, all I really had left was work, a few acquaintances and a pretty boring life when I wasn’t actually working. Yes, there is the work’s social club and I often go on their...

1 year ago
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There's nothing worse than being a new person somewhere and for Caroline Bennett it was no different. She was working at a large company and staying in a tiny studio flat until she got settled, but what she missed more than anything was company; company that was made up of people from outside work. Working in the big city had its plus points, but in Caroline's case it was just a means to an end. Having broken up with her boyfriend, it was the perfect time to get away from him and everything...

4 years ago
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SerendipityIntroduction and Glossary

If you already know, or aren't interested, skip this bit. A sailing boat/ship cannot sail directly into the wind. Usually, the minimum effective angle is said to be forty-five degrees. Some racing yachts can get to thirty degrees 'off' the wind, others, like 'square-riggers', can only manage about sixty. If a boat is sailing as 'close' to the wind as it can, it is said to be 'close hauled', If it is sailing into the wind, but not as 'close' as it can, it is said to be...

2 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 12

The passing of the front brought a chill to the air, so I lit the heater for an hour or so as we ate supper. Vegetable curry, rice and toasted pita bread; (I supposed I would have to get used to much less meat than I was accustomed to) ... as the wind howled outside. Bridget wasn't smiling, but there was a glint in her eye as she looked at her friend. "So you finally stopped fighting it, then?" Grace frowned a little, but then smiled and met her gaze. "After what Maeve said last Sunday...

1 year ago
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SerendipityChapter 2

Late Saturday afternoon I was vacuuming the house when I felt the phone on my belt buzz. I killed the vacuum cleaner, causing the heads of two cats to peer out of the door of a room they deemed safe from the noisy monster I was shoving around. I thought the number looked like one I should remember. I put the phone to my ear. "This is Barry. Can I help you?" "You can come get me and do what we did yesterday, except I will forgo the restaurant meal for anything you can come up with,...

3 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 3

There we were, looking over the rail of the ferry, me and Jessica, and she'd just stepped closer and put her hand inside my arm. Okay, I'm a little bit shocked. Happy? Yes. But shocked, too. I look at her face, her short hair swept back from it by the brisk breeze from the nearby Gulf and the forward motion of the ferry's travel. Those green eyes seemed cool, she had a little smile on her lips, and she wanted to say something. "I trust that this is okay." I touched her hand with my...

4 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 4

"Jessica Spineti, what have you done to me?" "Physically? Two good orgasms. I've had three." "And that, wonderful as it is, only explains why I can't move. What are you doing to my head?" "I hope I'm doing it to your heart." "You WANT me to be a blithering idiot?" She smiled. "I want us to be happy. Come here." Let me say it again – she's a cute thing, naked. The dark hair, the eyes with a hint of almond shape, the smallish breasts. The pert nose above that smile ... Oh,...

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SerendipityChapter 6

Still Jessica's story: Now you need to know that Megan wasn't a really close friend. We ran in slightly different circles that occasionally had us in proximity. For a while, I guess, we were kind of close, maybe. She told me a lot about her life. That's just her way. Megan likes to run her mouth. She's one of those people who just dumps her dirty laundry onto the table for everybody to see. One of the things she went on about was her mom and dad's divorce, how her mom was like her,...

3 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 7

Barry's turn: Jess and I enjoying a beautiful day together. There was a small arts and crafts fair going on today. I normally pass these up but I'm with Jess and my priorities are skewed. I told her about it. "Interested?" I asked. We'd just chosen a scented candle and were walking through the place when I heard a voice that raised the hair on the back of my neck. "Well, hi, there! Look who it is!" spoken with the voice of the ex in one of her famous 'gotcha!' tones. I looked...

4 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 8

Jessica's turn: I have determined that I am going to do it. 'It' being getting married. And no, it's not one of those throwaway first marriages. I have a bunch of friends in my age range, from, say, eighteen (out of high school) to thirty, and I find it odd that almost half of them have been married already. And divorced. I've heard the talk. "It's no big deal" is a common refrain, and in so many cases I know BOTH parties to the divorce and usually the one who's all 'It's no big...

4 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 10

Jessica's turn: As the Chinese curse says – 'Interesting times'. What a week. Start off by being the victim of an attempted rape, end up sitting in the car beside this GUY with his wedding band on my finger, headed up the road for a quick honeymoon. Honeymoon? Yep. Jessica Spinetti is now Mrs. Jessica Harris, wife of Barry Harris, and all this happened while I was sober. From a life of quickies and parties and one-night stands and drunk and drugged to stone cold sober, clear-eyed, and...

3 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 23

Our consideration of the future, with the dramatic change in our circumstances was long and we were distracted by 'Uncle Reggie', the businessman I'd been talking to at the wedding. He asked me, very courteously, if I would be willing to travel to London to discuss IT systems with him and some colleagues – his company would, of course pay expenses and a consultancy fee. What did I have to lose? Over several hours, which included a rather good lunch, I ran through what they ought to be...

2 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 11

Jessica’s turn: “And Barry?” “Yes, little one?” he replied. “Don’t call me ‘Spinetti’ any more. I have a piece of paper and a ring and everything, you know.” “I did that?” “Yes you did. That’s two things you need to work on.” “Two?” “Yes. Two. First, you tell me EVERYTHING. You told me you were gonna start carrying, but you didn’t tell me you WERE carrying. Second, I am YOUR wife. You are MY husband. Get used to it. I am yours as long as you want me and if you stop loving me, I shall...

2 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 12

Barry’s turn: Sunday morning we got up and fixed ourselves a quick breakfast before running out to the nearest grocery story for a couple of ingredients for Megan’s requested meatball stew. I actually like the idea of walking through the parking lot with Jess holding onto my hand. The reality’s even better than the idea. I know we’re an odd couple. I’m very obviously older than her, but it doesn’t bother her and I’m just a bit proud of myself to have this cutie with me. The guy stocking...

1 year ago
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Serendipity Version BravoChapter 10

I was working when they stopped in my doorway. I looked up to see three living statues of the Venus De Milo. With arms. Their nudity was astonishing, because it was erotic and mundane at the same time. They were comfortable being naked in front of me, which made it mundane in the way nudists claim being naked is simply natural, without any necessary sexual component. At the same time, they were beautiful, and ripe, the very essence of female sexuality. “We’re going to the pool now,” said...

3 years ago
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Serendipity Version CharlieChapter 11

You hear about how makeup sex is really great. But you have to remember that all generalizations are bad ... including this one. The fact is that even after a minor argument, like the one we'd just had, becoming intimate again can be a little weird. Maybe complicated is a better word. Part of that is because the emotional level you're on after a disagreement has you in fight or flight mode. That doesn't lend itself to being all lovey dovey, for obvious reasons. Another component is that,...

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