Tempus FrangitChapter 4: Capitulus IV free porn video

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Sylvia and Rose bounced into the bungalow – or whatever you like to call it – just after five o'clock, as if they had not a care in the world. The two grinning Neanderthals they called 'Win' and 'Mol' followed them.

Two guys Douglas and I took to referring to -- between ourselves -- as 'arsehole' and 'asshole'. Hey, I never would have imagined that the difference between American English and the real thing, would come in so handy.

Anyway Douglas's temper got the better of him and ... well, I -- and a couple of those yellow shirted security guards -- had to separate the two of them. Me holding Douglas back as best I could, and the two yellow shirts restraining the guy the girls called Win, before bundling him outside.

The other guy, Mol or whatever his name was, bravely inserted himself between the two women and the altercation and then did ... well, he did sod-all actually, but stand there with a nonplussed expression on his face, mouth agape.

I have to say that for all his size -- and apparent fitness -- the Win bloke didn't put up a very good show against Doug, even though Win did have the upper hand. Whether Win was going easy on Doug, or he just wasn't used to fisticuffs, I have no idea. Whatever Mol, followed his mate outside rather sharpish once a little decorum had been re-established.

But Douglas hadn't got his emotions completely under control and once the four of us were alone, he tore into Rose – verbally. Who matched him word for word and gave him back as good as she got. Don't ask me exactly what they said to each other because with both of them shouting at the top of their voices, I couldn't exactly hear.

No, I didn't instantly lose my own cool with Sylvia. Even though I was not enamoured with the idea, I suppose I had accepted the inevitability of was about to happen. Because I knew that -- in Simul's peoples' history at least -- it already had happened, and by that time in my life I was way past the point where I could be bothered to cry over spilt milk.

I just stood there, without speaking, glowering at Sylvia. Who at first looked a little nervous until Rose took a holier than thou stance in her argument with Doug, then Sylvia began to look a little more belligerent.

But then when the Sugget's eventually ran out of steam, Sylvia went on the attack and complained that I'd embarrassed her in front of everyone. That inevitably led to my retaliating.

"How have I embarrassed you, Sylvia? I didn't go gallivanting off with a youngster half my age without word, and leaving my spouse behind."

Okay a complete exaggeration, those guys had to have been in their mid to late twenties and Sylvia was only thirty-two; but really, I was trying to make a point.

"George, it meant nothing. Things are different here; men and women don't get married like we do back home."

"No, they don't, Sylvia! But that's no reason to forget that you are married to me. At the moment anyway, the way you're going I can't see us being married long after we get back to our own time again."

"Oh, that's silly, George. You boys are taking this all too seriously. In a few days Adona's people will transport us back home and we'll be laughing about this together."

"If you think that, Sylvia; you've got another thought coming. Now if you don't mind I'm going to take a shower, then we'd better eat. We're going to a concert tonight."

"Concert, no. The boys told us they have an ice-skating rink in one of the domes. They are taking us..."

"Sylvia. I am going to a concert, and if you have any sense left in your head, you will come with me."

"No, George, their music is rubbish, I don't like it anyway. Why don't you come ice skating with us?"

"You have to be kidding, me go along with you, with that freak sniffing round like a dog on heat? How long do you think it would be before I wiped that smirk off his face permanently? Sylvia, you might not realise how angry I am about the way you've been behaving around those wankers, but I'm damned sure he does. I'm going to the concert, either you come with me, or you don't come. Honestly, I just don't give a damn anymore."

Our evening meal with just the four of us – our two minders trying to keep out of the way, I should imagine -- was a somewhat sombre affair. You know, I don't believe any of us said more than two words during the whole meal.

But Sylvia must have been doing some thinking though, because very suddenly after the meal she started to change her position to a more conciliatory stance. I'll admit that she could only do this because I had -- I suppose some folks would say childishly -- switched into dumb mode. I refused to reply or react in any way when she spoke to me. Come-on fella's, we've nearly all had the missus play that card at least once in our lives; I wanted to see how Sylvia would react to the treatment.

Very oddly, I thought, Sylvia seemed to be under the impression that ... well, when push came to shove, I'd cave and go ice-skating with her, Rose and their new friends. I can only assume that she and Rose believed Douglas would do the same. A very strange conclusion for them to come to, after Douglas's violent outburst earlier, I thought.

But then, I've never claimed to be able to understand how the female mind works. I know to have gone to the ice rink, would have effectively meant total surrender of our principles. And I was also aware that -- short of actually physically stopping her -- there was nothing I could do to prevent Sylvia from going skating with those idiots, if she chose too.

I think the fact that Doug and I chose to wear togas told the girls where we were going, the same as their choice of those leggings and short dresses informed Doug and I of their decision.

However the shock on both Sylvia and Rose's faces was plain to see when Chaise and Myra arrived in the golf trolley again to pick us up.

"Did you have the front to lecture me about going ice-skating with Mol and Win, when you were intending to cavort around with those little tarts this evening?" Sylvia demanded.

"Sylvia, I invited Chaise and Myra to come with us, you and me, to the concert tonight. It's you who decided to go gallivanting elsewhere without consulting me. Now you have a choice, the concert ... or off with lover-boy. Frankly after your behaviour today, I don't give a monkey's where you go!"

There were a few moments when I'm sure that Sylvia was in two minds. But then her facial expression changed. I'd say a look of sad understanding more than anything else, came over her face. I really do believe that was the instant that Sylvia realised that she'd probably already pushed my patience too far.

"George, I'm sorry. I think I should go ice-skating with Rose, don't you?" She suddenly said.

"Sylvia, I told you, I don't give a damn what you do, from now on!"

"I'm sorry, George." she said. Then she burst into tears and ran back into the building.

"Do you wish to cancel this evening?" Chaise asked, as I climbed into the seat alongside Douglas and behind her and Myra.

"No, Chaise, it's a little too late to cancel anything. A good couple of thousand years, too late actually!"

I'm sure Douglas and Rose had had words, but to this day I do know not what transpired between them just before we left for the concert that evening. To be honest, I believe that Rose and Douglas's marriage had gone up in smoke at the same instant in time as mine really had; when our wives had chosen to do their vanishing act that morning. All that had happened afterwards, had really just been the aftermath, or dying embers.

The concert was ... well horrendous. I really did wish that I could have gone ice-skating with Sylvia. Look, their musical instruments were crude, nothing like we are used to. And the screeching noise that came out of them has to be heard to be believed. And I'm not going to even mention the vocalist.

However, Douglas and I made our mark, and -- so I'm told -- started a new trend. When the torture was finally over, out of respect and good manners, Douglas and I stood-up while we joined in the applause. It was with some embarrassment that we realised that, doing so, was unusual behaviour in their society.

But because Chaise – dressed in purple as she was -- had followed our example, the people near us also stood; out of respect I believe. Well, by the time the applause faded away, everyone in the concert hall was standing. I've since been informed that is now called a 'Visitor Ovation' and has become standard procedure.

After the concert, Chaise suggested that we went to one of the many eating-places in the large dome. I won't call them restaurants because they weren't, not as we know them anyway. At no time at all did I ever see any money exchanged or even signing of chits, and no prices were ever displayed for anything. Yes, there were waiters and waitresses, but often they appeared to sit down and join the customers. And it was Myra who took our order and went of to get our food and drink. She returned with another woman carrying some of it though. I'll add that Doug and I didn't actually choose anything because we still had little understanding what anything was.

We did ask if there was any wine though, and that arrived in copious quantities. I fear, because the two girls were aware of how much of the stuff Douglas and I could put away when we chose to.

"Shall we walk for a while?" I said to Chaise once we'd left the eating-house.

"As you wish," she replied. Tucking her arm in mine when I proffered it.

Douglas and Myra followed suit, but soon dropped back behind us. We were followed I might add, at a discrete distance, by the golf trolley with its two yellow shirts sitting in the rear. However, I was ignoring those guys by then. I had other things on my mind.

"Chaise, this morning you said something that confused me, I wonder if you might clarify it in my mind?"

"If I can, I'd be delighted to, George. What did I say?"

"Well you said that you were acting as Ciera's chaperone at dinner last evening."

"Yes that's right, I always chaperone for Ciera; we are close friends."

"But why would she need a chaperone, I thought free ... Well, I thought you people had a lax attitude towards ... fraternisation between the sexes."

"Oh we do, but some of our females ... well they can't become too emotionally involved, if you understand me. Or maybe I should say, that if they do, it's important that Simul gets to hear about it."

"Why is that; is it a class thing?"

"Oh my no; there are no social classes here."

"Oh, come on, Chaise, don't try to feed me that line. What's all the different colours you people dress in all about, if it's not class distinction?"

"Service to the community, George. In your time, as I understand it; you valued wealth. Your personal wealth dictated your social standing. Here, we value service to the community. I'm a nurse, and Ciera is a schoolteacher. She's a very good and dedicated schoolteacher, and I'm a highly trained nurse. For the dedication we put into our everyday work, we are rewarded with status within the community. Possessions mean nothing here, George."

"So why then, does Simul have any interest in Ciera's ... social life?"

"Well, that's a little difficult to explain. But some females are chosen to ... well they are selected as possible Simuls of the future. To fulfil that position, they have to be a little different from everyone else. We do still fall in love in our time, George. And it is possible for someone to be ... oh dear, what do you call it? I wish I was a schoolteacher, I'd probably know then. Beguiled, is that the word I'm looking for? Simul has a very difficult job. She must be strong and not easily influenced in her decisions, by anyone."

"Oh blimey, I see, your job as a nurse, is to psychoanalyse Ciera, on the quiet."

"She's my friend George, I couldn't psychoanalyse her ... although, I suppose I do really, unintentionally; we are very close friends. Actually Ciera would prefer it, if she was not a candidate. No one looks forward to being picked as Simul, George. It's the loneliest job in the world. So much responsibility, and so demanding."

"And Adona, and all these people dressed in yellow, what are you allowed to tell me about them."

"Anything you want to know. Yellow attire denotes that you are doing whatever ... at Simul's direct request, or in their name, if that makes sense. Simul doesn't give individuals orders directly. And of course they are charged with keeping the peace. There are some disagreements in our society. Some members of our society ... well they play with other people's emotions. From what I witnessed earlier, that doesn't appear to be a trait exclusive to our time."

"Ah well, as I told you yesterday, we have a society based on monogamy, and in theory we mate for life, an institution we loosely term marriage. Regretfully, all too often that turns out not to be the case."

"Why loosely?"

"Well the ties that bind folks together, don't appear to be as tight as they were at one time."

"I must admit that idea sounds enchanting. One person you can become emotionally attached to and stay with ... forever?"

"That's the theory, Chaise. Doesn't always workout like that though, as you saw earlier. The only way it can work, is if you are willing to forsake all others."


"Not become attached emotionally ... or otherwise, to anyone else, Chaise."


"Sex, Chaise, you mustn't..."

"Oh yes. Sexual involvement often leads to emotional involvement, and that would ... Of course it has, hasn't it? With you and Sylvia.

"But tell me, George, what happens if you become emotionally involved with someone who's already ... well emotionally involved with someone else?"

"Oh boy, a gentleman stays well clear of another man's wife. Mind you, not every male is a gentleman even in my time."

"No, not someone else's wife, supposing that you ... what did you call it, fell in love with a female who is emotionally involved with another female."


"No, not sexually; just very close, emotionally."

"Ah, like sisters you mean, no trouble there! Well usually there isn't. Most wives have the dreaded female best friend they can chew the cud with and moan about their spouse to. Like Sylvia and Rose are best buddies, they go shopping together and everything. Providing that things stop at the emotional level and don't become ... Look really it's a kind of pride thing, when a couple get married, they are supposed to give their mind, soul, and bodies to each other, and theoretically no other person must come between them physically or mentally ... well I'm sure you get the idea."

"Oh," Chaise said with a disappointed tone to her voice. Then she went very quiet, for a very long time.

God only knows what time Doug and I got back to our digs that night, but there was no sign of either of our wives. There was still no sign of them when Myra turned up again, after Doug and I had eaten breakfast the following morning. She and Douglas were all over each other. Embarrassingly so, actually. But then the two of them promptly vanished off somewhere together.

I didn't see either of them again for the next few days. But that was because I didn't return to our digs during that time myself.

Doug and Myra hadn't been gone very long when Adona showed up, and tried his best to ... well look, the poor bugger had obviously been sent by someone to keep me company; I suspected Simul's hand, but I wasn't sure. But Adona really didn't have the people skills for that kind of thing.

Adona did look happy when he received a message on his communicator. Then – with a smile, invited me to take the same cruise on the Thames that Sylvia and Rose had taken the day before. Well, at the time I thought it was going to be the same cruise.

I could not think of a reason to refuse and immediately agreed to go. I had some fun after that, watching Adona as he jumped to it, as some unknown puppeteer's hand -- most probably Simul -- pulled his strings. He'd turn his head away from me when he spoke into his communicator trying to ensure that I didn't overhear what he was saying. No I didn't hear anyway, but basically because I wasn't bothering to try to listen.

Shortly a compact two-seater version of one of those golf trolleys arrived, and very quickly whisked the two of us out of the dome into the forest. There was no road and the craft dodged amongst the trees at breakneck speed. I'm sure one would get used to it, but I found myself trying to locate a seat belt of some sort. Adona assured me that the craft never collided with the trees or any other such similar craft.

"Oh yeah, and they said the Titanic couldn't sink, didn't they?" were the sort of thoughts passing through my mind. But I didn't voice them to Adona; he weren't the type to have understood.

Shortly the thing slowed as we came up behind a group of similar craft -- but of various sizes, some containing upwards of thirty or forty people I figured, more like golf trolley-busses – waiting in line to discharge their human cargo onto a large pleasure barge.

However our craft didn't join the rear of the queue, it picked its way amongst the trees off to one side and when it reached the riverbank, shot straight out over the water. Very disconcerting, when you weren't expecting it.

But I soon saw that there was a smaller barge lying just off the bank behind the larger. Our craft came to a standstill alongside the smaller barge so that Adona and I could literally step aboard.

The smaller vessel was without doubt a kind-of private yacht of some sort. Whereas there was no mistaking that the larger was a tourist type pleasure boat. Probably the same one that Sylvia and Rose had been on the previous day because they had said there were other people on-board. No, I don't believe that Sylvia would have lied about that. Sylvia had her faults, but she hadn't lied about anything.

I looked Adona in the eye and raised my eyebrows. He seemed to know what I was asking instinctively.

"I don't have to tell you who they are, they are waiting on the upper deck for you," he said, then promptly stepped back onto the golf trolley, which whisked him away.

Seems so silly referring to it as a golf trolley, when it had been hovering about five feet above the waters of the Thames, but what else can I call it?

I located a companionway and made my way up to the upper deck, where I found Ciera and Chaise lying on sun-loungers, dressed in very little. For some reason, my instinctive reaction was to turn away, not so that I couldn't see their almost naked bodies, more to check who was staring down at them from the much larger barge. To my surprise, the upper decks of the large barge -- that was receding quite quickly by that time -- were devoid of people.

When I turned back to the girls, they were both sitting up and looking at me with confused expressions on their faces.

"You look surprised to see me," I said.

"We, er ... we had no idea you'd be on Simul's barge today as well," Chaise replied.

"I didn't know I was going to be here myself, until about ten minutes ago. Is Simul onboard?"

"Yes I am, George. May I have a moment with you alone please?" Simul's voice said from behind me, almost making me jump out of my skin,

I noted that Ciera and Chaise tried to hide the fact that they found my reaction to Simul's voice funny.

Simul pre-empted my next question. "I stay out of sight when another boat is near," she went on when I'd turned to face her, "otherwise all the partygoers feel they have to formally acknowledge my presence. Now, this way please, George?"

I followed Simul into an enclosed saloon at the rear of the boat that had darkened windows, obviously where she had been hiding away from her subjects gaze.

"From what Chaise tells me, you and Sylvia are ... well."

"You are correct, Simul. History as you know it, does appear to be going as you would wish it too."

"George, I really am sorry. But, Chaise tells me that she fears there's going to be a problem. Oh, no she doesn't know what is predicted, she was just spilling out her troubles to her mentor this morning."


"Chaise is besotted with you, George. She says that you're like no one she's ever met before."

"Oh, so quickly?"

"Yes, and Chaise understands your anger and disappointment with Sylvia's behaviour, more than you think."

"That surprises me."

"I thought it might. But the reason she does understand is because ... well she feels great affection for Ciera, as Ciera does for Chaise. The two women have more than an emotional bond to each other. However Chaise seems to think that that bond might be an obstacle to you forming a relationship with either of them. Mind you, she hasn't voiced those concerns to me specifically."

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How we want a BBC Ch 2

Now knowing my wife’s inner desire I started my search for the perfect BBC! I checked the regular sites and met a few guys. I explained in detail what my wife and I were looking for in a partner. That we wanted this to be a night of exploration, a night of wild kinky sex between 3 adults that want to explore each others body. That our motto (my motto) ‘if it feels good – I am going to do it’ was where we wanted our fantasy night to lead. A couple of the guys were not into what feels good – we...

1 year ago
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MILF Chapter 3

Her body was still coming down from the intense fucking she had just received. It was cooler in the club than it was outside, and although her nipples were standing out hard and proud the rest of her naked body was still warm and lightly shone with sweat. The leather dog collar snugly accentuated her neck and its leash bound her wrists tightly in front of her, irrefutably leading her wherever the boss wanted her to go. Nick turned on the lights and led them all into the dining room. It was...

2 years ago
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Kammerdiener Garobald blickte heimlich durch den Spalt der Tür ins Gemach der Prinzessin. Da stand sie, fast nackt und blinzelte in den Schein der warmen Morgensonne. Ihr blond lockiges Haar fiel auf ihre nackten Schultern. Nur einen Rock hatte sie bisher angelegt. Garobald bewunderte den weissen Schein ihrer wohlgeformten Brüste. Edel wie Porzellan! Von hinten wurde ihr jetzt das Mieder umgelgt und sanft zugeschnürt. Das war die Zofe Burhilde. Garobald wartete noch etwas ab, atmete tief durch...

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Kittens Theater Kitten

Kittens _ Theater Kitten By Sarah Owens Based on the Stories of Malissa Madison Chapter 2 - The Kitten Ballet Theater Troupe "Violet, kitten, bring up the stage lights, and let's see what we have to work with." "Yes, momma." Violet adjusted the controls, and brought up the lights on the stage. In the week since Sarah had found her, she had begun to learn just as Sarah had, the intricate details of running a theater. And she also...

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With My MotherInLaw

My name is arshu from bangaluru (mailid:).I will tell this story in kannada language.Nan mother-in-law(atte) name shantha, avala vayassu 45 yrs size 36-32-38 nan attege(mother-in-law) ge 3 jana maklu adaralli 2 hudgi(daughters),1 huduga(son) and both daughters are very sexy adaralli 2nd magalu(daughter) avala hesaru priya anta avalu andre nange tumbane ista love madta idini.. Nan atte body thumba sexy ide avalige nanu andre tumba ista mattu preethi.Chikka vayassindalu nange avalu andre tumba...

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I Found My Sugar Daddy At Last

The story happened two years ago. I am Varun 23 now, I was 21 then. Slim, very fair, I was having some hair, albeit less on my chest and also pubes which I trimmed. My parents had died when I was young, so I was bought up till I was 18 by an uncle. After 18 I worked part time in a restaurant and managed studies completing a Commerce Degree. My cousin who left for abroad gave me his laptop when he was going abroad. Ever since I was young I adored men, I knew that women weren’t for me. I lost my...

Gay Male
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Ted WhoChapter 10

Sandy came to the game that night and, as promised, she paid me no notice at all -- no waves, no thrown kisses, nothing. But I saw her up there, sitting in the Family section. But this time she was very close to the dugout, alongside Amy Parkison, the young woman who served as translator for our Japanese left-hander, Shiggie Nomura. Shiggie had just joined the club recently, and it looked like he would really improve our pitching staff. Shiggie's translator, Amy, was a fine-looking young...

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The Dancers Wedding

" Come on you! Quick shower and then we are out!" said Ashleigh, one of the maids of honour. " Stay right there Jacob and keep your eyes closed!" Narla said, another maid of honour. " Its bad luck to see your bride before the wedding." " We have 30 minutes Chris. Shower now!" Jessie commanded, the third maid of honour. Ashleigh pushed Chris out of the room and into the bathroom. Narla went to the kitchen and Jacob grabbed hold of Jessie. " Take care of him." Jacob said....

2 years ago
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End of the Game

The sunlight pushed through a crack where the drapes met, painting a bright slit across her body. She lay inertly on her bed, arms flung out, legs curled under her. The sheet beneath her was stained with blood. On the floor in disarray were her shoes, skirt, top, bra, panties, and an assortment of stuffed animals. She stirred, tried to sit up, fell back on the bed. She was a mass of aches, with particular sites of pain in her nipples, vagina, and especially her rectum. There was a...

4 years ago
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Look how I have turned out Sir

Look how I have turned out Sir ! Even though I am now 32, I still keep myself in very good shape.  I do a lot of running and spend the time in the gym, keeping myself looking good.  That – along with training my teams for football and rugby at school – keeps me looking good and I can still turn heads whilst out with the guys on a Saturday night.  Yes, things are pretty good now.  I have advanced well in the teaching profession, and am now deputy headteacher at my school.  I get a good salary,...

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Virgin to cum slut

As we were talking and going over each problem her would point to things circle questions, all moving the paper closer to him, making my sit up more and more. I did not think anything of it at the time. I was slowly standing. Soon I was right next to him, bent over leaning on my elbows. While looking at a problem explaining how I got my answer I felt a hand grab my butt from under my skirt. I spun around expecting to see a classmate, but no one. Just the teacher, hand still under my skirt. I...

2 years ago
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First time taking the Belt

The knock at the hotel room door startles me out of my daydream, and I stand up quickly. I am unsure of how events are going to pan out, but am relieved that you have arrived, I had been fearful that you would back out, let your nerves overwhelm you. I open the door, seeing what you look like for the first time, and you blush deeply as I take my time appraising you. As the seconds tick by you lower your head to avoid my gaze, and I smile to myself, gone already is the confident woman I have...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Anna De Ville Lydia Black Goth Lesbian Gaping

Pale Goth girls Anna de Ville and Lydia Black look sexy in retro dresses, teasing and stripping. After a hot intro, the dark-haired women team up for a nasty anal show. Dirty-talking Anna rims Lydia’s asshole, lewdly prying open her sphincter. They smack and spit on each other through a decadent lesbian fuck, fingering and toying buttholes to extreme gaping! Hard girl-girl action includes wet cunt munching, kinky backdoor props and crude, ass-to-mouth flavor. The vulgar, spit-swapping...

3 years ago
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Extramarital sex

I am 43 today, and married to a beautiful woman. I am a father of a son. But, last month I realized that I am still living in somebody’s heart. It was late in the evening and suddenly there was a call on my cell. I couldn’t recognize the number and was in a hurry to leave the office. I picked the call nevertheless, curiously thinking about the caller. A sweet “Hello” and my brain went into a rewind looking for matches. The moment my brain flashed the matching face near my eyes, I slumped with...

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Derek and Amy Dereks Turn

As I walked into the hotel room hours in advance, my cock was rock hard with anticipation. The last time me, my lover Amy, and her husband Matt were all together, it was my dear love Amy's turn to be in charge. Amy had Matt and I dress like two Fifties sluts. The kind of girls uptight parents used to believe would cause the downfall of society. It was both Matt and I's first times with other males though not my first time dressed up. He is still fairly new to this as his wife just discovered...

1 year ago
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Adam and Mike Part 1

Adam was alone, living in the of London. He walked the streets with eyes constantly searching the crowds, picking on guys with handsome faces, fantasising about what it could be if he could just have them.At the age of 30 Adam, failed to get any relationship. He was handsome himself. With a mediterranean look, black hair, brown eyes and sun kissed skin, he had a body fairly well shaped with his work, his long walks roaming the city and his frequent incursions to the gym.But Adam didnt feel...

3 years ago
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DeAnns Submissive Weekend Part Nine

DeAnn's Submissive WeekendPart Nine=================================================================Mark shook me awake and said, "Time to get ready for dinner."I got up and took another shower then dried off and asked Mark, "What am Iwearing tonight?"Mark locked my collar back in place and said, "Suzy will be up with yourclothes in a few minutes. I believe Robert has a nice outfit picked out foryou."No sooner said and there was a knock on our door. Mark let Suzy in andsaid, "Lay DeAnn's...

4 years ago
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The Cave of Solitude

The Cave of Solitude By Kachakali See a picture of this story at my site: http://fantasyspiroscaptions.blogspot.mx/ Am I alive or am I dead? Is this purgatory? I cant see anything. I cant tell if I'm blind or not. Darkness is the same if my eyes are open or not. I've been wandering in this darkness forever it seems. How do I even know I exist? Do I still have a body? or am I just a wandering thought? When the bandits came, I ran into this secret cave. I found it myself....

3 years ago
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Chamber Meeting

Rendezvous. I must confess, I didn’t think I could spell the word without some help, but for the first time I seem to have managed it (if my spell checker is to be trusted). From the French rendez vous, present yourselves. Used as a noun or a verb. The act of meeting or the meeting place itself. The French have some of the greatest phrases. I love that we can use one word or phrase from another language to capture something more completely than we can in our own. While I’m confessing, I will...

1 year ago
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Chacha ne mummy ko choda

Mere papa city me ek private company me kaam karte the aur me apni mummy kavita ke saath gaon me rahte the kyonki papa ki pay itni nahi thi ki vo city me ghar rent par lekar hume apne saath rakh le aur mera chacha ramesh abi bachelor tha aur gaon me kheti ka kaam karta thaaur mummy ghar ka kaam karti thi .papa har Saturday evening ghar aate aur Sunday evening vapis chale jate the.ye incident us samay ki jab papa ko company ne ek saal ke liye Dubai beja tha. Us samay mummy ki age 32saal thi aur...

2 years ago
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AnathemaChapter 8

The door to Narcisa’s office opens and her secretary steps through. “Ms. Quinn?” Narcisa looks up from her computer to the door with a smile. “Yes? What is it Maria?” “There is an Inspector Farai Soria here to speak to you,” Maria says, returning the smile. The police? What the fuck could they want from me? “Send her in please.” Maria nods and slips out. Moments later Farai Soria is stepping through the door, taking the place where Maria was just at. “I’m sorry to take up your time, Ms....

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My Visit with an Xhamster Friend

I started talking to a beautiful woman here on xhamster. She found my ability to suck my own cock fascinating and the conversations developed from there. We exchanged numbers and started texting a lot getting to know each other. In the conversations we talked about visiting each other. She had a long term relationship but had been separated for quite a long time and hadn't had sex since. We would sext for hours sometimes, both of us getting off as we send pictures and videos back and forth. She...

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Joyce Dickinson

Joyce woke with a start from an alcoholic induced sleep. She opened her eyes not knowing where she was or what had disturbed her. The curtains were drawn and it was pitch black. She heard a man belching followed by the unmistakeable sound of a toilet seat banging and a full bladder being emptied into the bowl. A door closed and then it went quiet. Joyce Dickinson's marriage had disintegrated when her husband, Garry, of 18 years decided that he wanted c***dren, and couldn't stay with Joyce...

1 year ago
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This is my story Part 2 God send me an angel

How do you explain what happened. We had the perfect relationship, love and trust friendship, no sex but we didn't need it what we had was better than sex. I can explain what happened it was my fault. I did it I admit there?s nothing I can blame it on. I loved that girl more than I loved myself and I fucked it up. It all started after graduation, the ceremony was over we both had family waiting for us the usual grad night requirements, dinner with the family, stories about our child hoods from...

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Blizzard Of Ahhhs by loyalsock

Sarah walked into the locker room. She had just finished working outwith the nautilus machines. She noticed no other women were in theroom, which was normal for this time of night. "Well, at least I'llhave the shower to myself, maybe I'll even do what I was planning forthe apartment in here," she thought. She pulled off her white sportsbra and lightly massaged her sweaty nipples. Her hands then slid downher body until they reached the waistband of her spandex shorts. Sheslipped her right hand...

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The Baron of Lugonia

The Baron of Lugonia Chapter 1 Baron Montfort Grackle had perhaps the finest estate in all of the island nation of Lugonia. His mansion stood well-secluded from? the main? road between the port of? St. Lucia and the capital city of? Arnaz. If one approached the house by the long winding driveway, nothing out of the ordinary was apparent at first, but upon? knocking on the heavy oaken doors at the front of the main house, a visitor would immediately be struck by the nature of the Baron'd...

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Holiday Fun

Holiday Fun By SONIA email [email protected] - Please send comments!!!) If this is not the type of story you like then please don't just slag it off - it may not be your scene but I enjoy writing them and some others enjoy reading them!!!! Chapter 1 - A Bad Start to a Holiday The PA announced, "Last call for flight BA430 to Paris." "Come on, Sue, hurry up!" I said to my wife as we rushed towards the check in desk. We were going to a Gite in France for a...

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How I transition

It was June of 2001 I was 21 years old, skinny and horny. But not like most guys my age. I wanted girl cock . The internet was still in its early stages. AOL dial up, remember that shit! I did well in the chat rooms with the ladies. Fucked , black, white and even Asian. A lot of fat black chicks. But I always craved the infamous transgender woman. One day I met Paul, we were chatting about transgender women and how we loved them. Paul came to the conclusion that I didn’t love them I wanted to...

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The Perfect Slave1

=== 9h58 === Dear diary, After all the nights I spent online waiting for my mistress… I will finally meet her! I am so excited! I would never have expected that 4 years ago, when I met her on this popular site named XnXX. Now here I am on the steps of a humongous house. I don’t know what she will do to me… or if she will even like me. What if she doesn’t? I think that would kill me… I lift my hand, should I knock? My hand froze on the spot… What if she wasn’t being serious about our...

3 years ago
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The Freiburg ProjectChapter 4

Promptly at 20:00 in the old town of Cap d'Agde, the doorbell rang. Sandy Duvin went to the door, let the small, intense woman into the dim entry and closed the door behind her. She stepped into his arms and they embraced. Their kisses were tentative, but sincere and promising. "Got your phone call," he said finally, "what's up?" He led the way into the living room, where the evening light came through the bare windows, scarcely lighting the bare floor. She looked around the empty...

1 year ago
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BangBus Katia Katia Enjoys Spring Break 17 With The Bus

We are once again on the hunt for some fresh girls on spring break, this time we almost got lucky and got two. Well only the blonde chick by the name of Katia decided to come with us. She was really cool and down for the fun from the start. Needless to say the cash was a big help on that. Her friend didn’t want to let her come with us but Katia decided to leave behind in promise of money and a great time. After more cash offerings we get her to show off her great body and wonderful ass. I mean...

4 years ago
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It Started with a Coach RideChapter 3 A new start

It was ringing the doorbell that woke me up and I rose and opened the door. Standing there was Granette, I looked at my watch and it showed 9-30. "My, you start early," I managed to say and opened the door so she could come in. She did but didn't sit down, but started walking through my apartment. I could tell she wasn't impressed by my collection of effects, but I left her and went into the bathroom to shave and shower while she completed her inspection. I had a shit and shaved and was...

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First Time Bareback

I have written an earlier story about the first time my boyfriend Mike and I fucked. After our first encounter, I couldn't get enough of Mike and his cock. We went from meeting every other week to him spending some weekends at my house with me dressed the entire time. As we got to know each other better, we started to discuss our sexual histories and some of our fantasies. I could tell Mike was a little jealous of a former lover of mine, Steve, and his seven and a half inch cock. I assured Mike...

1 year ago
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Indian Mom gangbanged by Dads bosses

I am jabir. This is the fourth story im writing u can read the others in my profile.My Dad works at an it office. He is very soft spoken, decent and a quite man. My family is comprised of me, my mom and my dad. My mom is 40. She is a housewife. My mom is a very conservative and traditional person. At the time of the incident I was 12 and my mom was 36 years old. Let me describe you my mom as she was 8 years ago. She was a normal Indian woman with good figure.It all started when the problem of...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 20

Chapter Twenty YAVARA I blasted through the roof the chieftain’s hut. I didn’t stop for their exclamations, nor to see their faces of wonder before I scorched through the sky. Prestira’s dying thoughts were echoing in my mind. They took her, she said, they took Elena! Stay with me! It’s too late. It’s all my fault; I did this. No! I thought, This was Leveria, not you! I killed Patricia, Prestira’s telepathic voice sobbed, I burned her alive. She screamed ‘why’ the whole...

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First time with Judy

My wife and I had been out drinking and dancing and went back to Tony and Judy's house for a nightcap. Tony had a lot to drink and after another shot and a beer he was passed out. My wife Susan who hardly ever drinks also was passed out on the couch after another drink. Tony and Judy are both several years older than Susan and I. We have gone on vacations together and gone out numerous times. Judy and I went into the kitchen and were talking as Tony and Susan slept it off. She complained that...

4 years ago
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Loris and MorgChapter 7 Windshift Pole Hunting

Wikipedia says: Pinus contorta subsp. latifolia (Lodgepole Pine; syn. P. contorta var. latifolia) – Rocky Mountains, Yukon to Colorado, Saskatchewan and the Black Hills. found in Aspen parkland and boreal forest. They didn't have Pinus contorta subsp. latifolia (Lodgepole Pine; syn. P. contorta var. latifolia) but they did have Aspen like parkland and boreal forest in the mountains. There, they found the tall thin trees they used as the foundation framework for their homes. It wasn't...

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