D?terminisme Naturel-4 free porn video

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Marc eut une nuit agit?e, pleine de r?ves. Il se trouvait allong? sur une plage, accompagn? de toutes les filles du bureau, y compris Amandine, qui bronzaient ? ses c?t?s. Elles portaient toutes de jolis bikinis qui mettaient en valeur les avantages de chacune. Le superbe bikini noir d'Amandine lui correspondait totalement. Une pi?ce ? la fois ?l?gante et sexy, qui sublimait son magnifique corps et soulignait son statut de femme de go?t appartenant ? un milieu privil?gi?. M?lanie, pas de surprise, avait un mini deux-pi?ces d'un rose fluo particuli?rement girly qui seyait ? son corps de jeune femme ? peine sortie de l'adolescence. La belle italienne Cl?lia portait un magnifique maillot rouge vif qui contrastait avec sa peau blanche et ses cheveux d'un noir de jais. Hanane portait un bikini d'un blanc ?clatant qui lui contrastait ? merveille avec la peau couleur miel de la marocaine au caract?re bien ferme. Les formes g?n?reuses d'Aur?lie s'?panouissaient dans un joli deux pi?ces bleu turquoise tandis que la sportive et ?nergique ?milie portait un bikini d'un vert et jaunes vifs qui faisait penser aux couleurs du Br?sil. Marc ?tait aux anges d'?tre en si bonne compagnie, et il percevait nettement son excitation sexuelle faire palpiter son sexe d'envie. Son p?nis battait douloureusement comme un c?ur, et quand il regarda son bas- ventre il prit alors conscience que lui aussi portait un maillot de bain de femme, mais d'une seule pi?ce, et d'un p?le et monotone gris. Enferm? dans sa prison de tissu, son gland ?tait au supplice, humide et chaud, compl?tement plaqu? contre sa peau par le tissu, ce qui le rendait totalement invisible. C'?tait comme si lui aussi avait un bas ventre de femme, d?nu? de toute virilit?. Mais ce qui le troubla le plus, c'est cette poitrine qui lui remplissait le haut du maillot de bain. Il avait la sensation de deux seins ferme, gros comme des poires, qui se tendaient de d?sir sexuel. Paniqu?, Marc ne comprenait pas quel ?tait son genre sexuel dans ce r?ve. Il avait le sentiment d'?tre une cr?ature androgyne et ind?finissable, marginale et honteuse de son corps. M?lanie rompit l'angoissante interrogation du jeune homme. -"Les filles, la seule chose qui nous manque, c'est des mecs! Excusez-moi pour ma vulgarit?, mais c'est le d?sert complet niveau bites! Je suis frustr?e, o? sont les mecs!" Les rires des filles r?sonn?rent, et Amandine commenta la sortie de la jeune secr?taire. -"Ne t'excuses pas M?lanie, moi aussi je suis sur ma faim. ?a me rend folle cette frustration, j'ai du mal ? tenir en place tellement ?a me chatouille. Il va falloir appeler les pompiers j'ai bien peur." Nouvel ?clat de rire, alors que Marc paniquait encore plus. Il voulait dire que lui ?tait l?, que son sexe le mettait au supplice, qu'il en perdait la t?te tellement il ?tait tortur? par son d?sir. Son r?ve faisait ?cho ? sa torture quotidienne d'?tre en compagnie de jolies jeunes femmes s?duisantes, d'?tre en permanence stimul? sexuellement sans jamais pouvoir satisfaire sa libido. Son r?ve sublimait la souffrance qui se r?p?tait jour apr?s jour, et il aurait voulu crier pour ?vacuer sa tension et faire comprendre ? Amandine et aux autres qu'elles avaient un homme ? leur disposition, l? ? leurs c?t?s, qui n'attendait que ?a, de satisfaire leurs envies. Mais Marc restait paralys? dans son r?ve, incapable de se manifester, de se comporter un tant soi peu comme le "m?le" r?clam?. Finalement, ne tenant plus, il se leva et, interpellant ses coll?gues d'une voie aigu? et presque hyst?rique, cria presque: -"Mais faut arr?ter de se plaindre et allez se les chercher ces mecs, moi aussi j'ai envie de bites!" La consternation fut telle que Marc se r?veilla aussit?t, traumatis? par ses propres mots dans son r?ve. Il sentit les larmes couler sur ses joues. Il ne parvenait ? aucun contr?le de soi et, comme lors de son enfance, se retrouva ? pleurnicher sur son sort, impuissant et vuln?rable. Il se lamentait, et se r?p?tait que non, il n'aimait pas les hommes, ne voulait pas d'affreux sexes masculins, et que tout son corps n'aspirait qu'? une seule chose, faire l'amour ? une jolie femme. Ces derni?res semaines avaient profond?ment ?rod? la masculinit? de Marc, et sans en avoir conscience, il sentait croitre en lui le d?sir de plaire ? Amandine, mais d'une mani?re f?minine. Il se souvenait des mots de sa patronne, qui lui avait avou? craquer pour lui, pour la "petite secr?taire" qu'il repr?sentait. En son for int?rieur sa position ?tait bien enracin?, et c'est tout naturellement qu'il commen?a ? concevoir ce qu'une vraie secr?taire aurait pu concevoir: tout faire pour s?duire son sup?rieur, user de ses charmes pour capter totalement son attention et le faire succomber. Marc pensait comme une vraie secr?taire ?namour?e de son patron l'aurait fait. Il avait plus que tout besoin de plaire et d'obtenir les faveurs d'Amandine, et son cerveau imaginait mille sc?narios pour profiter du b?guin d'Amandine pour sa "petite employ?e" comme elle l'avait appel?... La premi?re chose que dit ? Solange le matin c'?tait de lui demander si celle-ci avait bien pens? ? pr?voir un rendez-vous avec son amie coiffeuse pour lui. Solange, tr?s sensible, per?ut le changement imperceptible chez Marc. La retrait?e eut une moue moqueuse. -"Un peu de patience ma puce. Je prends rendez-vous pour ce soir, elle viendra ici. Je sais que c'est compliqu? pour une bimbo mais tu vas devoir attendre pour te faire belle..." Marc releva ? peine la f?minisation de sa personne, et ignora le moqueur ?bimbo?. Il s'en moquait, ce n'?tait pas son souci. Sa priorit? ?tait de charmer Amandine et de lui faire l'amour. Il ?tait pr?t ? tout, m?me ? sacrifier le semblant de virilit? qui lui restait, pour enfin parvenir ? concr?tiser ses r?ves les plus fous. C'?tait peut-?tre paradoxal, mais s'il devait jouer ? la femme pour devenir un homme il ?tait pr?t ? payer ce prix-l? Ce matin-l? Marc fit encore plus attention que les autres jours ? sa tenue. Il avait d?cid? d'assumer sa f?minit? avec un certain courage. D'abord, il devait absolument tout faire pour plaire ? Amandine et ainsi pouvoir la conqu?rir. Ensuite, le plus il paraitrait fille et le moins il serait susceptible d'?tre moqu?, que ce soit au-dehors, dans la rue et le m?tro, qu'au bureau si jamais des clients venaient ? pointer le bout de leur nez. Il choisit un seyant pull ? motif jacquard rose et bleu sur une petite camisole blanche, un slim bleu marine, bien entendu sans poche, et une veste tailleur bleu nuit. Un joli foulard turquoise compl?tait sa tenue. Pour les chaussures il osa les seules paires avec talons que M?lanie avait r?ussi ? lui faire acheter: des bottines avec un minuscule talon pointu d'un seul centim?tre, mais qui claquait tr?s f?mininement quand il marchait. Il n'avait malheureusement pas de maquillage ad?quat, et se refusa ? demander ? Solange de lui pr?ter des choses. Par contre, il prit son temps pour se faire une queue de cheval bien en hauteur, d?voilant sa mince nuque blanche. D?s qu'il franchit la porte du bureau les filles remarqu?rent le subtil changement. Aur?lie, qui n'avait plus aucun complexe ? traiter Marc comme sa secr?taire personnelle, lui r?clama tr?s vite du travail. -?Allez hop Cindy, une fois que tu auras fait le caf? tu as pas mal de choses ? taper. Et tu vas aussi devoir me composer des dossiers, je n'ai pas de temps ? perdre avec ces corv?es.? Marc s'activa rapidement, ne voulant pas d?cevoir Aur?lie qui avait tendance ? se montrer agac? par sa lenteur. M?lanie l'accompagna ? la kitchenette, et ne faisant aucun geste pour aider Marc avec le caf?, se mit ? le complimenter. -?Chaque matin qui passe je te trouve de plus en plus appr?t?e Cindy. Si j'?tais un homme je crois que je te draguerais!? Marc ne put se retenir de rougir, pourtant contrari? par les mots de la petite rousse. Il ?tait content que ses efforts soient remarqu?s, mais c'est aux filles qu'il voulait plaire, pas aux hommes! Une fois le caf? pr?t Marc se d?p?cha de le servir aux diff?rentes filles puis enfin, el c?ur battant, il se dirigea vers le bureau d'Amandine. Apr?s avoir frapp? et attendu l'autorisation pour rentrer il se dirigea vers le bureau de sa patronne en essayant de paraitre le plus s?duisant possible. Il roulait des fesses en marchant f?mininement et posa le caf? sur le bureau d'Amandine en lui faisant un grand sourire charmeur. Amandine lui rendit un sourire r?v?lant sa satisfaction. -?Et bien Cindy, c'est un plaisir de se faire apporter son caf? par une aussi jolie demoiselle que toi. Il y a encore beaucoup ? faire je pense, niveau maquillage et coiffure surtout, mais je ne vais pas me plaindre. J'esp?re que tu seras encore plus charmante que ?a pour servir le caf? ? nos visiteurs.? -?Mademoiselle Lacour, vous pouvez compter sur moi. Je suis l? pour r?pondre aux besoins de l'entreprise, et aux v?tres bien s?r.? Amandine sourit de surprise. Elle semblait rayonner comme si elle avait obtenu une pr?cieuse victoire personnelle. Elle se leva, ne dit pas un mot, se dirigea vers la porte qu'elle ferma discr?tement ? clef. Puis elle s'approcha dans le dos de Mac et l'enla?a de ses bras doux et fermes, en lui chuchotant ? l'oreille. -?Ma petite Cindy, ta patronne travaille trop et est vraiment trop tendue en ce moment. Je n'ai pas le temps de m'occuper de moi correctement avec tout ce travail. Tu sais ce qu'une petite secr?taire fait pour soulager sa patronne?? Le c?ur de Marc battait la chamade. Il ne pensait pas que son changement de comportement porterait aussi vite ses fruits. -?Non mademoiselle Lacour, mais je suis pr?te ? tout pour me rendre utile.? Dans un souffle qui fit frissonner Marc Amadine lui mordillait l?g?rement l'oreille pour lui parler. -?Je vais aller m'asseoir ? mon bureau. Puis tu viendras te placer ? quatre pattes sous mon bureau comme le fait une secr?taire bien consciences. Et apr?s cela Cindy, j'attends que tu me montres ? quel point tu es d?vou?e ? ta patronne.? Amandine alla s'asseoir ? son fauteuil, en laissant un espace entre elle et le bureau. Compl?tement fou de d?sir Marc ne se fit pas prier et sans attendre se glissa sous la table. Rapidement Amandine rapprocha le fauteuil du bureau, et Marc se retrouva ? l'?troit dans le petit espace, admirant les magnifiques jambes d'Amadine. Celle-ci ne tarda pas ? ?carter les cuisses pour r?v?ler une petite culotte blanche en dentelle. Marc rapprocha lentement sa t?te de l'intimit? tant r?v?e. Impatiente, Amadine lui saisit la t?te ? deux mains pour la coller contre son sexe chaud et aux parfums enivrant. Marc comprit qu'Amandine ne voulait pas attendre, et il fit glisser la culotte pour commencer ? lui donner de petits coups de langues sur les l?vres d?j? mouill?es. Amandine l'encouragea en lui caressant les cheveux puis elle se mit en place pour travailler. Marc l'entendait nettement taper sur son clavier pendant qu'il continuait ? l?cher. C'?tait la premi?re fois qu'il goutait ? un sexe de femme, et il trouvait ?a encore meilleur que dans tous ses fantasmes. Amandine mouillait de plus en plus et il la lapait et la buvait. Marc, inexp?riment?, faisait de son mieux pour donner du plaisir ? sa patronne. Il se laissait guider par les petits g?missements d'Amandine, et quand il trouva son clito il sut y concentrer sa langue pour augmenter le plaisir. Amandine r?ussit ? passer un coup de fil, et Marc ?tait terriblement excit? par la situation, lui sous le bureau de sa patronne en train de la l?cher, et elle qui essayait de poursuivre son travail. Marc acc?l?ra ses coups de langue au fur et ? mesure que les g?missements d'Amandine s'intensifiaient. Il la devina proche de l'orgasme et la l?cha comme si sa vie en d?pendait. Subitement, Marc sentit le corps d'Amandine ?tait secou? par une puissante onde de plaisir. Elle recommen?a ? lui caresser la t?te pendant les quelques minutes o? elle savourait et r?cup?rait. Puis elle le fit enfin sortir de sous son bureau. -?Et bien, je pourrais m'habituer ? une petite g?terie tous les matins pour bien commencer la journ?e! Je comprends mieux maintenant pourquoi certains patrons ne veulent pas se s?parer de certaines secr?taires pas tr?s d?gourdies. Elles sont quand m?me dou?es pour quelque chose!? Amandine pin?a alors les fesses de Marc. -?C'est pas tout ?a Cindy, mais j'ai beaucoup de travail qui m'attend. Alors tu remues cet adorable popotin qui est le tient, tu me rapportes un caf? chaud parce que celui-ci a refroidi, et tu vas faire tes photocopies ou je ne sais quoi.? Encore aux anges Marc ne sut pas r?pondre autrement que par un ?Tout de suite mademoiselle Lacour?, et se pr?cipita vers la kitchenette. La cafeti?re l'attendait.

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Looks like whoever decided we were getting a pool really put some serious money into it. Who else in school has a pool they can use all year that doesn’t live in a mansion? For that matter, with all the money being spent on our house, why didn’t they just build us a bigger house with the things they were giving me? Wouldn’t that have been way cheaper than the major renovations done to our house? I fixed myself some lunch and went to nudge Trudy awake, again. She is usually horny when she has...

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Chapter 1 Dick Savage, full name Richard Fabian Savage, was orphaned at the age of twelve when his parents and sister drowned in a boating accident. Both lots of grandparents lived far away and didn’t hold out an adoptive hand to him because all four were aware of his unruly behavior already had resulted in his four appearances in the Juvenile Court. So much for the saying blood is thicker than water. With his grandparents shedding no tears over his bleak future, skinny fair-headed Richard...

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New BeginningChapter 6 Adventures in Dating

Roger stood at the head of the table with the carving knife and fork in his hand. He looked down the table and considered how truly thankful he was. His wife sat to his left, her sister to his right. She sat at the opposite head of the table. Some of their children sat at the table with them. Some of the younger children sat at a separate table, since they couldn’t all fit at one table. Yes, they were a large and happy family, but the journey here had not been easy. And The Plan had not...

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My two beautiful teenage cousins come to visit me in California

Hi, I’m Mike and I’m 29 years old living in San Diego, I’m average looking and recently received a letter from my mom that 2 of my cousins would like to come here for the summer, of course I said OK, Vicky and Susie were 6 and 7 last time I saw them 10 years ago. My girlfriend, Vera thought it was a good idea too. I set off for the airport to meet them and see 2 gorgeous women come through picking up their bags; I’m so engrossed by them I forgot about my cousins. I...

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A Fistful of Sand Book 1Chapter 20 The Brave New World

The morning sun streamed through the bedroom window and the chirping of birds heralded another beautiful mid-September morning. There was a slight chill in the air as summer gave way grudgingly to fall. But it was not the sun, the birds, nor the temperature that caused Gregg to wake with a start. No, the nightmares had begun again. Through his morning mental fog, he remembered vaguely from the previous night that his dream journal was missing off Heather's nightstand. Turning to his right,...

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Earths CoreChapter 11 Sailair

“So they banded together on their first day ... Vermin!” Lying naked on the bed, Guard Chou Ferk smoked a violet cigar and puffed purple smoke that he then inhaled back from his nostrils. On the floor lay, quivering, the gorgeous slave woman, also naked, bruised and bleeding. Soon, Guard Chou Ferk will leave and the tavern’s Elite Ranked prisoner manager will give her something to recover before a new patron will seek “entertainment”. “No rush”. Guard Chou Ferk continued to talk to himself,...

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My Dream Night Out

I often have this fantasy when I’m alone or bored about building the courage to actually go outside while in ‘girl mode’. My greatest fear is that someone might spot me, but if I wear a lot of make-up and my wig sufficiently covers my hair and shoulders I should get away with it. But what I think I really need are some girlfriends.I’d probably head to one of their flats. I’d get changed there too. I’d put on my panties, bra and tights; something sexy but also easy to wear. I’d put on my cutest...

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Tom Ch 01

Stetson pulled low, eyes wide in terror, young Tom Briscoe rode into town in a Yellow Cab. He would have preferred a horse but couldn’t find the hitching rail outside his terminal at JFK. After taking a look at all the traffic and the tall buildings holding up the clouds, he was pleased as a well-fed Texas Rat Snake that the cabbie agreed to take him on the journey to Madison for one hundred bucks. The kind cabbie turned into Madison and said, ‘This is it pal, your hundred has run out of...

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First Time Married Slut

"Am I really going to do this?" She thought to herself as she got closer to his place. Ceras was a 36 yo married woman who stood 5'7 and had beautiful brown hair. She turned the corner in her car and saw the building of her lover. "I will be waiting downstairs to meet you." He had texted her earlier. Ceras could see the front door to the building, she looked close and there he was standing there watching for her. Her heart raced and she was very aware of the wetness that was in her panties from...

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Enslaving His MotherChapter 2

The next 14 years saw Jack breed his mother 3 more times and they were all girls now aged 14, 12, and 11. It was now time for round two of the breeding cycle. Jack led Nancy on her leash into his son, John, bedroom. He hadn’t knocked and so caught the horny 14-year-old beating his meat. John yelled “Dad!” as he scrambled to cover up. “Don’t be embarrassed, all teenage boys beat off. But you won’t have to any more. I’m going to give you our mother for your full-time use. All three holes...

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Holiday with Mum Chapter seven

"Oh for God's sake," I laughed, "She's at it again."Paige had a hand inside her panties again as she sat between the twins, watching the puzzled expressions on their faces.Their squeals of laughter could have been heard all over the island when, with a flourish, she produced a little silver wrap and showed them the contents.Mum (or Sarah) got the main prize and delighted Paige by sucking lasciviously at the foil, glistening with her juices and then both of them listened while I told them that...

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The Balance Ch 2224

Hello All: This story is now complete. The last chapters will be submitted over the last few weeks. I welcome your comments and votes. ***** Chapter 22 A short time earlier… Ariana and Pathia sat in companionable silence in Pathia’s quarters in the temple of the Deity. Ariana held a goblet of Pathia’s best mulled wine cradled in her palms. Sighing, she took a long sip, savoring the warmth. They had spent some time reminiscing about the past and old friends, long gone to other temples....

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The Boss

So my boss is from back East in DC, and she comes out to our location only once or twice a year. It had been almost a year since her last visit, and she planned a couple of extra days, because, she said, she wanted to make sure she got a chance to see and talk with everyone.We had flirted a lot on her previous trips, and on the phone and over Instant Messaging as well. But, she is married and so am I, so I didn't think anything would ever come of it. We had an after-work beer-call at a local...

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Blondie at the Club

My story begins this past summer when my friend and I took a visit to South Carolina. We spent most of our time in Myrtle Beach, and lodged in the neighboring city of Conway. Besides playing golf, and spending time on the beach, we came to SC so my friend can have his first experience at a strip club. This visit was my 3rd, so I had sophomore skills at these clubs. Anyway, we went on our first night to take a whack at it. My friend danced with a blue haired chick he thought was sexy as well...

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Fateful First Time

We have all had encounters that we remember and those we want to forget, but this particular one I had has stuck in my mind, even though I have for so long tried to put it out of my mind. I periodically I find myself remembering this eventful time in my life and I slip back to when it all happened. Maybe I wish it would somehow materialize again or that I could somehow go back and relive the experience. I have mixed feeling about it, but when it creeps back into my thoughts and I end up...

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Mixing Tennis with Sex Part 2

Sandy lies quietly recalling what happened after the lesson. ‘I wanted Rex to kiss me, but I kissed him first. His soft lips and tongue stirred my hormones more than I thought they would. When he unfastened my bra I didn’t stop him or complain. I took off my shorts and panties willingly when he asked. I could have struggled when he lifted me over his cock, but I didn’t. Then it was too late. His hands, his mouth, his tongue, and his cock overwhelmed me. I can’t believe how incredible my...

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Kristina Neuwert

Kristina Neuwert ist 18 Jahre alt, 1,68 Meter groß und wiegt 54 Kilogramm. Sie hat eine super Figur , bei der ihr großer Busen heraussticht. Seit Jahren singt sie gerne und hat sich nun bei der Castingshow "Popstars" beworben. Durch ihre Stimme, ihr Aussehen und ihre Ausstrahlung zählt sie schnell zu den Favoritinnen und zieht ins Bandhaus ein. Bis zur nächsten Show sind es noch einige Tage und so beschliessen die fünf Mädchen und fünf Jungen des Bandhauses das schöne Wetter auszunutzen und im...

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out of town true story

we decided to get away finally on a much needed vacation. between our conflicting schedules we dont get alot of time to spend with eachother so it was nice to get away and have some time to ourselves.one night we decided to meet up with some friends and hit a club. not really my thing but i know shes been wanting to go so i took her out. after waaay too much to drink and good times we decided it was time to get back. we got back to the hotel and got ready for bed and she showed me a suprise....

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 233 Maxines Navy

I went to bed early that second night in the white house tourist court. The small cabins were actually duplex, so next door to me were Vlad and Anya. Eve and I got to hear them screwing. If it amused Eve, I didn't know about it, but I got a small laugh before I fell asleep. I slept ten hours that night, noise or no noise. Since I felt rested the next morning, I called around to the other two cabins and set a 10AM meeting. What good was being the boss, if you couldn't set the meetings at...

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The AcademyChapter 35

Jack: Gonzalo wasn't the only surprise package -- although perhaps he should have been. Late in the day, I got a call from Frieda out on the front walk -- we'd fitted her with a headset, "Master, there's a pickup wandering up and down the street out here ... Hang on ... Yeah, it's Tony." I had my hands full. "AI, pass to Maureen." "Oh, shit..." came across the link -- Maureen's voice. Well, I wasn't THAT busy -- he was just her problem. Deciding it might be fun...

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Oh No Not Dorothy 11

Chapter # 11 Loretta was handing Lynn, what looked like a short frilly pink dress, with a built in, not to puffy crinoline slip, attached. Meanwhile Lynn had told Jennifer to hold up her arms so she could put the next item on her. After her arms were up, Lynn slid the dress over Jenny's head and down into place. She then started to straighten out the cute babyish dress, as she did the 5 little peal buttons up the back, and then tied the high waist sash in a big bow behind Jennifer's...

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CANED BY MISS BROWN part 2 Major Webley

Scotland 1953As the months past. and the summer holidays drew near, Stella and Dawn often talked about what sort of thing happened at WEBLEY HALLTrust me Stella, you are going to be the biggest hit there.Dawn would tell her.Well what sort of things go on there then,Stella asked a few times.Each time Dawn would say.Well all sorts of things really,Mike and the Major.Discussed throughly, what people wanted to do when they could go to a place with no sexual boundaries.And you would be surprised at...

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First Time For Everything

It was known around school that I was the only senior dating an older girl but I didn’t mind the attention, I actually accepted it as a compliment. Although I was confident in dating Amy from my part time job at a grocery store, I was embarrassed telling her I was still a virgin. Amy always joked around and picked on me, saying she robbed the cradle and all that nonsense, but I didn’t pay any attention to it really because, even though we hadn’t had sex yet, I knew it was coming. Amy was a...

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Containment Class: Ticonderoga Disruption Class: Vlam Risk Class: Caution Danger Special Containment Procedures: Agents are to observe any and all active incidents of SCP-XXX. Agents are not to interfere with SCP-XXX except as part of well controlled testing. In the event SCP-XXX undergoes a hostile event, all assets are to pull back to maximum observable distance and cease any and all interaction with the anomaly. Any Agents who are unable to pull back are to be considered lost unless they...

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TouchdownChapter 17 Acute Psychosis

Coventry and Warwick. Tuesday, 13 days after Jennifer reappears The Official The next morning, Cathy gives me a lift to the University so Joe can go into the office for 'half an hour.' I am trying to pick up the threads of the life I used to have. Just now, I am sitting in an office in the University administration building. "Hello", says the woman in front of me, "My name is Sandra Thornton. I don't think I met you before? I work for Human Resources. I have heard a bit about your...

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Max Dolcett Saved by the Bell

Obligatory Explanation The first two stories in this series “The Facts of Life” and “The Brady Bunch” explain the reasons for the world being as it is and the classification system. I would like to invite you to read those first but if not suffice to say that in this world, slavery and snuff/Dolcett has been normalized. That worked for me as the only explanation I needed when I first discovered Dolcett’s art. This story begins in the later seasons of the TV Show Saved by the Bell as if it...

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Daughter Takes Over pt 4

Carolyn and her daughter Sharon were at the arrival gate at the airport tomeet Sharon's father, who was arriving back after one of his everlastingbusiness trips. He liked to be picked up in order to save paying forlong-term parking. Sharon could see her father coming out of the little passageway into theterminal, his bald head shining under the bright lights. He was carryinghis briefcase and wearing a grey business suit. "Hello, dear," he said, giving Carolyn a quick peck on the mouth....

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My Sons Wife

I have since the day I met her, wanted her. I can imagine her lovely shaped lips sliding up and down my erect cock. Amanda is so sexy but I don't think she knows it. When we go to their house, she strolls around with no bra on and her stiff nipples are easy to see through her clothing.We went on holiday last year and I managed to spy on her in the shower. Her shaved cunt and pert tits had my cum flowing instantly. I love sharing her face pics and watch guys on cam wanking over her beautiful...

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The water is cold

It’s rare to read exhibitionist stories about a dude. Regardless, I love getting naked out in nature. Somehow running around town as a dude with no clothes on is not as acceptable as a girl doing it. Don’t get me wrong, the ladies get in trouble too. Just not as much, or I’ve never read a story about the ladies getting locked up. Here’s one story of a problem us guys have when exercising our nudist ways. What a perfect day it is. Seven AM., eighty degrees and not a cloud in the sky. I hate the...

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Wendy Cracks

Wendy is 28 years old married with a 7 year old boy and 5 year old girl her husband was a big shot in an office till he got himself fired for stealing money the boss was a good friend so no charges were filed but it went on the record, this didn't matter much cause he did not try to find another job so Wendy had to go back to work. The work didn't bother her as much as him not trying at all to help not with money not with the k**s not with the housework nothing. So here she was up at six...

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