D?terminisme Naturel-4 free porn video

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Marc eut une nuit agit?e, pleine de r?ves. Il se trouvait allong? sur une plage, accompagn? de toutes les filles du bureau, y compris Amandine, qui bronzaient ? ses c?t?s. Elles portaient toutes de jolis bikinis qui mettaient en valeur les avantages de chacune. Le superbe bikini noir d'Amandine lui correspondait totalement. Une pi?ce ? la fois ?l?gante et sexy, qui sublimait son magnifique corps et soulignait son statut de femme de go?t appartenant ? un milieu privil?gi?. M?lanie, pas de surprise, avait un mini deux-pi?ces d'un rose fluo particuli?rement girly qui seyait ? son corps de jeune femme ? peine sortie de l'adolescence. La belle italienne Cl?lia portait un magnifique maillot rouge vif qui contrastait avec sa peau blanche et ses cheveux d'un noir de jais. Hanane portait un bikini d'un blanc ?clatant qui lui contrastait ? merveille avec la peau couleur miel de la marocaine au caract?re bien ferme. Les formes g?n?reuses d'Aur?lie s'?panouissaient dans un joli deux pi?ces bleu turquoise tandis que la sportive et ?nergique ?milie portait un bikini d'un vert et jaunes vifs qui faisait penser aux couleurs du Br?sil. Marc ?tait aux anges d'?tre en si bonne compagnie, et il percevait nettement son excitation sexuelle faire palpiter son sexe d'envie. Son p?nis battait douloureusement comme un c?ur, et quand il regarda son bas- ventre il prit alors conscience que lui aussi portait un maillot de bain de femme, mais d'une seule pi?ce, et d'un p?le et monotone gris. Enferm? dans sa prison de tissu, son gland ?tait au supplice, humide et chaud, compl?tement plaqu? contre sa peau par le tissu, ce qui le rendait totalement invisible. C'?tait comme si lui aussi avait un bas ventre de femme, d?nu? de toute virilit?. Mais ce qui le troubla le plus, c'est cette poitrine qui lui remplissait le haut du maillot de bain. Il avait la sensation de deux seins ferme, gros comme des poires, qui se tendaient de d?sir sexuel. Paniqu?, Marc ne comprenait pas quel ?tait son genre sexuel dans ce r?ve. Il avait le sentiment d'?tre une cr?ature androgyne et ind?finissable, marginale et honteuse de son corps. M?lanie rompit l'angoissante interrogation du jeune homme. -"Les filles, la seule chose qui nous manque, c'est des mecs! Excusez-moi pour ma vulgarit?, mais c'est le d?sert complet niveau bites! Je suis frustr?e, o? sont les mecs!" Les rires des filles r?sonn?rent, et Amandine commenta la sortie de la jeune secr?taire. -"Ne t'excuses pas M?lanie, moi aussi je suis sur ma faim. ?a me rend folle cette frustration, j'ai du mal ? tenir en place tellement ?a me chatouille. Il va falloir appeler les pompiers j'ai bien peur." Nouvel ?clat de rire, alors que Marc paniquait encore plus. Il voulait dire que lui ?tait l?, que son sexe le mettait au supplice, qu'il en perdait la t?te tellement il ?tait tortur? par son d?sir. Son r?ve faisait ?cho ? sa torture quotidienne d'?tre en compagnie de jolies jeunes femmes s?duisantes, d'?tre en permanence stimul? sexuellement sans jamais pouvoir satisfaire sa libido. Son r?ve sublimait la souffrance qui se r?p?tait jour apr?s jour, et il aurait voulu crier pour ?vacuer sa tension et faire comprendre ? Amandine et aux autres qu'elles avaient un homme ? leur disposition, l? ? leurs c?t?s, qui n'attendait que ?a, de satisfaire leurs envies. Mais Marc restait paralys? dans son r?ve, incapable de se manifester, de se comporter un tant soi peu comme le "m?le" r?clam?. Finalement, ne tenant plus, il se leva et, interpellant ses coll?gues d'une voie aigu? et presque hyst?rique, cria presque: -"Mais faut arr?ter de se plaindre et allez se les chercher ces mecs, moi aussi j'ai envie de bites!" La consternation fut telle que Marc se r?veilla aussit?t, traumatis? par ses propres mots dans son r?ve. Il sentit les larmes couler sur ses joues. Il ne parvenait ? aucun contr?le de soi et, comme lors de son enfance, se retrouva ? pleurnicher sur son sort, impuissant et vuln?rable. Il se lamentait, et se r?p?tait que non, il n'aimait pas les hommes, ne voulait pas d'affreux sexes masculins, et que tout son corps n'aspirait qu'? une seule chose, faire l'amour ? une jolie femme. Ces derni?res semaines avaient profond?ment ?rod? la masculinit? de Marc, et sans en avoir conscience, il sentait croitre en lui le d?sir de plaire ? Amandine, mais d'une mani?re f?minine. Il se souvenait des mots de sa patronne, qui lui avait avou? craquer pour lui, pour la "petite secr?taire" qu'il repr?sentait. En son for int?rieur sa position ?tait bien enracin?, et c'est tout naturellement qu'il commen?a ? concevoir ce qu'une vraie secr?taire aurait pu concevoir: tout faire pour s?duire son sup?rieur, user de ses charmes pour capter totalement son attention et le faire succomber. Marc pensait comme une vraie secr?taire ?namour?e de son patron l'aurait fait. Il avait plus que tout besoin de plaire et d'obtenir les faveurs d'Amandine, et son cerveau imaginait mille sc?narios pour profiter du b?guin d'Amandine pour sa "petite employ?e" comme elle l'avait appel?... La premi?re chose que dit ? Solange le matin c'?tait de lui demander si celle-ci avait bien pens? ? pr?voir un rendez-vous avec son amie coiffeuse pour lui. Solange, tr?s sensible, per?ut le changement imperceptible chez Marc. La retrait?e eut une moue moqueuse. -"Un peu de patience ma puce. Je prends rendez-vous pour ce soir, elle viendra ici. Je sais que c'est compliqu? pour une bimbo mais tu vas devoir attendre pour te faire belle..." Marc releva ? peine la f?minisation de sa personne, et ignora le moqueur ?bimbo?. Il s'en moquait, ce n'?tait pas son souci. Sa priorit? ?tait de charmer Amandine et de lui faire l'amour. Il ?tait pr?t ? tout, m?me ? sacrifier le semblant de virilit? qui lui restait, pour enfin parvenir ? concr?tiser ses r?ves les plus fous. C'?tait peut-?tre paradoxal, mais s'il devait jouer ? la femme pour devenir un homme il ?tait pr?t ? payer ce prix-l? Ce matin-l? Marc fit encore plus attention que les autres jours ? sa tenue. Il avait d?cid? d'assumer sa f?minit? avec un certain courage. D'abord, il devait absolument tout faire pour plaire ? Amandine et ainsi pouvoir la conqu?rir. Ensuite, le plus il paraitrait fille et le moins il serait susceptible d'?tre moqu?, que ce soit au-dehors, dans la rue et le m?tro, qu'au bureau si jamais des clients venaient ? pointer le bout de leur nez. Il choisit un seyant pull ? motif jacquard rose et bleu sur une petite camisole blanche, un slim bleu marine, bien entendu sans poche, et une veste tailleur bleu nuit. Un joli foulard turquoise compl?tait sa tenue. Pour les chaussures il osa les seules paires avec talons que M?lanie avait r?ussi ? lui faire acheter: des bottines avec un minuscule talon pointu d'un seul centim?tre, mais qui claquait tr?s f?mininement quand il marchait. Il n'avait malheureusement pas de maquillage ad?quat, et se refusa ? demander ? Solange de lui pr?ter des choses. Par contre, il prit son temps pour se faire une queue de cheval bien en hauteur, d?voilant sa mince nuque blanche. D?s qu'il franchit la porte du bureau les filles remarqu?rent le subtil changement. Aur?lie, qui n'avait plus aucun complexe ? traiter Marc comme sa secr?taire personnelle, lui r?clama tr?s vite du travail. -?Allez hop Cindy, une fois que tu auras fait le caf? tu as pas mal de choses ? taper. Et tu vas aussi devoir me composer des dossiers, je n'ai pas de temps ? perdre avec ces corv?es.? Marc s'activa rapidement, ne voulant pas d?cevoir Aur?lie qui avait tendance ? se montrer agac? par sa lenteur. M?lanie l'accompagna ? la kitchenette, et ne faisant aucun geste pour aider Marc avec le caf?, se mit ? le complimenter. -?Chaque matin qui passe je te trouve de plus en plus appr?t?e Cindy. Si j'?tais un homme je crois que je te draguerais!? Marc ne put se retenir de rougir, pourtant contrari? par les mots de la petite rousse. Il ?tait content que ses efforts soient remarqu?s, mais c'est aux filles qu'il voulait plaire, pas aux hommes! Une fois le caf? pr?t Marc se d?p?cha de le servir aux diff?rentes filles puis enfin, el c?ur battant, il se dirigea vers le bureau d'Amandine. Apr?s avoir frapp? et attendu l'autorisation pour rentrer il se dirigea vers le bureau de sa patronne en essayant de paraitre le plus s?duisant possible. Il roulait des fesses en marchant f?mininement et posa le caf? sur le bureau d'Amandine en lui faisant un grand sourire charmeur. Amandine lui rendit un sourire r?v?lant sa satisfaction. -?Et bien Cindy, c'est un plaisir de se faire apporter son caf? par une aussi jolie demoiselle que toi. Il y a encore beaucoup ? faire je pense, niveau maquillage et coiffure surtout, mais je ne vais pas me plaindre. J'esp?re que tu seras encore plus charmante que ?a pour servir le caf? ? nos visiteurs.? -?Mademoiselle Lacour, vous pouvez compter sur moi. Je suis l? pour r?pondre aux besoins de l'entreprise, et aux v?tres bien s?r.? Amandine sourit de surprise. Elle semblait rayonner comme si elle avait obtenu une pr?cieuse victoire personnelle. Elle se leva, ne dit pas un mot, se dirigea vers la porte qu'elle ferma discr?tement ? clef. Puis elle s'approcha dans le dos de Mac et l'enla?a de ses bras doux et fermes, en lui chuchotant ? l'oreille. -?Ma petite Cindy, ta patronne travaille trop et est vraiment trop tendue en ce moment. Je n'ai pas le temps de m'occuper de moi correctement avec tout ce travail. Tu sais ce qu'une petite secr?taire fait pour soulager sa patronne?? Le c?ur de Marc battait la chamade. Il ne pensait pas que son changement de comportement porterait aussi vite ses fruits. -?Non mademoiselle Lacour, mais je suis pr?te ? tout pour me rendre utile.? Dans un souffle qui fit frissonner Marc Amadine lui mordillait l?g?rement l'oreille pour lui parler. -?Je vais aller m'asseoir ? mon bureau. Puis tu viendras te placer ? quatre pattes sous mon bureau comme le fait une secr?taire bien consciences. Et apr?s cela Cindy, j'attends que tu me montres ? quel point tu es d?vou?e ? ta patronne.? Amandine alla s'asseoir ? son fauteuil, en laissant un espace entre elle et le bureau. Compl?tement fou de d?sir Marc ne se fit pas prier et sans attendre se glissa sous la table. Rapidement Amandine rapprocha le fauteuil du bureau, et Marc se retrouva ? l'?troit dans le petit espace, admirant les magnifiques jambes d'Amadine. Celle-ci ne tarda pas ? ?carter les cuisses pour r?v?ler une petite culotte blanche en dentelle. Marc rapprocha lentement sa t?te de l'intimit? tant r?v?e. Impatiente, Amadine lui saisit la t?te ? deux mains pour la coller contre son sexe chaud et aux parfums enivrant. Marc comprit qu'Amandine ne voulait pas attendre, et il fit glisser la culotte pour commencer ? lui donner de petits coups de langues sur les l?vres d?j? mouill?es. Amandine l'encouragea en lui caressant les cheveux puis elle se mit en place pour travailler. Marc l'entendait nettement taper sur son clavier pendant qu'il continuait ? l?cher. C'?tait la premi?re fois qu'il goutait ? un sexe de femme, et il trouvait ?a encore meilleur que dans tous ses fantasmes. Amandine mouillait de plus en plus et il la lapait et la buvait. Marc, inexp?riment?, faisait de son mieux pour donner du plaisir ? sa patronne. Il se laissait guider par les petits g?missements d'Amandine, et quand il trouva son clito il sut y concentrer sa langue pour augmenter le plaisir. Amandine r?ussit ? passer un coup de fil, et Marc ?tait terriblement excit? par la situation, lui sous le bureau de sa patronne en train de la l?cher, et elle qui essayait de poursuivre son travail. Marc acc?l?ra ses coups de langue au fur et ? mesure que les g?missements d'Amandine s'intensifiaient. Il la devina proche de l'orgasme et la l?cha comme si sa vie en d?pendait. Subitement, Marc sentit le corps d'Amandine ?tait secou? par une puissante onde de plaisir. Elle recommen?a ? lui caresser la t?te pendant les quelques minutes o? elle savourait et r?cup?rait. Puis elle le fit enfin sortir de sous son bureau. -?Et bien, je pourrais m'habituer ? une petite g?terie tous les matins pour bien commencer la journ?e! Je comprends mieux maintenant pourquoi certains patrons ne veulent pas se s?parer de certaines secr?taires pas tr?s d?gourdies. Elles sont quand m?me dou?es pour quelque chose!? Amandine pin?a alors les fesses de Marc. -?C'est pas tout ?a Cindy, mais j'ai beaucoup de travail qui m'attend. Alors tu remues cet adorable popotin qui est le tient, tu me rapportes un caf? chaud parce que celui-ci a refroidi, et tu vas faire tes photocopies ou je ne sais quoi.? Encore aux anges Marc ne sut pas r?pondre autrement que par un ?Tout de suite mademoiselle Lacour?, et se pr?cipita vers la kitchenette. La cafeti?re l'attendait.

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Nick continues his Tale of ancient Spain: The day following the triumphant return of warriors after the defeat of the evil chief and his followers proves to be, as promised, a day of joyous and even raucous celebration as befits the ceremonial joining of actual joining, of cock in cunt, of sperm in egg. The bawdiest of themes. The fleshiest. The spiritual may be significant in the choosing of mates, i.e. love, but drunkenness simplifies such emotions. Not just the union of mates, but the...

4 years ago
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Midnight Shift

A couple of months have passed since the storm, and Carrie acted as if nothing ever happened. Although she felt weak when she was near Rick, her juices starting to flow as he paid her small compliments. Rick knowingly made small advances on her during work, nothing too obvious, giving just enough attention to distract her. Walking through the store, making notes on changes needed, she bumped into the store manager Shelly. Carrie and Shelly were close friends, which hasn’t hurt her position at...

4 years ago
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Lessons From My Cousin Part 1

I’m in my late twenties, an educated professional living in a loving, tolerant community on the east coast with my lover and, if the political climate remains as it is, soon to be my spouse. She is the most wonderful person that I have ever met and we fell in love immediately when we first saw each other and have since committed our lives to one another. She was attracted to me during a presentation that I gave in The City a few months ago so she came up to me afterwards and introduced...

2 years ago
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Had Sex With My Widowed Cousin Sister Many Times

Hi.. this is reddy.. i had sex with my widowed cousin sister 5 years back. i have a cousin sister whose husband was dead 8 years back and she has good daughter,where they both stay alone. Her daughter is studying her +2 now. i never had any kind of feelings on my sister before. wen my jijaji was expired, i had feelings on her. my engineering college was very near to her house. one day i thought of having sex with sister. i’v gone wild on that day because i’ve seen a BLUE FILM while going to...

2 years ago
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Halloween Story Mallory

“I can’t believe you’re going to wear that costume, Mallory.” It was time for our annual Halloween party and I couldn’t wait. We took turns buying the costumes and that year it was up to Mallory to decide what we were going to wear. She wouldn’t tell me a thing and part of the game is for me to beg and plead for just one little clue. All week long I’d promised her interesting sexual favors and anything else I could think of, but of course she never said a word. Well almost nothing. There was...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Ivy Wolfe Goth Teen Nymphos

Goth teen nympho Ivy Wolfe went crazy for cock and balls and landed herself in the sexy insane asylum! Her straitjacket could barely restrain her attempts to play with her pussy seeking orgasms any way she could. Orderly Owen Gray tried to give her medicine, but the uncooperative patient spat it back at him, requesting his dick instead. In here, sex really is the best treatment if it would get her to calm down and be a good girl! She ravenously slurped up his manmeat and he released her...

3 years ago
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Replacement TherapyChapter 2 Full Speed Ahead

I'd spent the good part of Friday evening organizing my thoughts about how to finish the basement room at the Michaels' home in the most efficient way. Yolanda agreed to paint the baseboards and casings if I did all the other stuff. I had half-gallon of semi-gloss white latex in my storage unit which I retrieved before leaving for the Michaels' house. That would look after the trim. I picked up my rubber hammer, cushioned knee pads, gloves, and safety glasses, and I was set for the day. I...

1 year ago
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Tale of two mothers ch4

"Mom! I don't have any clothes on!" "That's all right, Henry. Mommy wants to have a little talk with you." It was late that night. Margaret had deliberately entered her son's room without knocking, hoping to catch him in the nude. She'd almost succeeded. Henry had just come out of the shower, but he was still holding the towel, and he automatically covered his crotch with it when the door opened. He now sat bashfully on the edge of the bed,...

3 years ago
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Hottie Diane Ch 03 Moving Day

 Our move-in day came early with all the usual complications. A 6 AM rise, shower, check out, and breakfast. We bought breakfast for our movers too and we arrived at the appointed time of 7 AM. Fortunately, it was a beautiful early summer morning, sixty degrees heading to the upper 7seventies just as we hoped. We planned to work today so we were dressed accordingly in shorts and comfortable sport fishing shirts. Diane hates bras but is southern conservative by upbringing. Her comfort level...

3 years ago
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Lady of the Woods

The Western Woods near Alverone had long been known locally as the Blighted Wood. The reason was obvious as one drew near the forest. Most of the trees were grey and leafless. On the few trees that retained a semblance of life, the bark was grey and brittle, the leaves strange hues that did not appear at all healthy. Even in the wet, fertile spring, the trees remained grey and the soil was parched and devoid of undergrowth.No one would cut wood or hunt in that forest, nor would they even enter...

Monster Sex
2 years ago
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Best Birthday Ever

Hi, guys, my name is Aashish and I’m from Mumbai. I’m 6’3 with a 6-inch tool and well-built body. Coming to the story. It was on 1 July and my friends have planned a surprise birthday party for me. But instead, I told them to just come over my house as my parents were out of the town for the week. All of my friends came to my house and one of my friends brought her sister as well. Her name was Diya (name changed). She was a bombshell. She was pretty with the best boobs and ass I have ever seen....

4 years ago
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Becoming Julie Part 3 mast smoking fetish

Becoming Julie, part 3 – The Later Teen YearsSo now instead of living with Mom as a latchkey k**, I was living with Dad as a latchkey k**. Mom had not started dating after the divorce since I was living with her, but Dad had.Dad had moved into an apartment complex where most of the tenants were younger then he was, and many were single. He had made many platonic friends, being a nice and affable guy. There was a playground area with a big hill on one side. Many of the 20-somethings and...

2 years ago
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Teachers NightmareChapter 7

All through my shower, I wondered what Jennifer and Heather had in mind. What more did they want from me? They made me use my mouth on them knowing I wasn't a lesbian. Heather fucked me with her dildo. Damn-it, wasn't that enough? Didn't they humiliate me enough? Why did they have to do more? And where were they taking me? When I returned to my bedroom I immediately went for my robe. Jennifer told me not to put it on. So I sat on the side of my bed naked. I crossed my legs and hunched...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Sunny 11262018

I love Thai food. Been to a lot of Thai restaurants. You know what I’ve never seen in any of them? A blonde EDM bopper with tats and a voice so squeaky she could make the rice bowls explode. So we’re not sure we should believe her claim to be a waiter at a Thai restaurant. But then again, might be a small town thing. That Uber ride from that little shit hole she lives in way up North cost a fortune, no wonder she’s so desperate to get out and make money. And what better way to...

1 year ago
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JapanHDV Mao Miyabi Mao Miyabi is at a party with many men who fuck her mouth and pussy

Mao Miyabi is very sexy and hot and she finds herself at a party with several men who think she is very hot and want a piece of her lovely ass. She happens to have stripped down to her sexy lingerie so she looks so lovely that it is going to be hard for these men not to put their hands on her and try to fuck her lovely mouth and sexy pussy. We start off slow as the night is young and while one of the men is licking her mouth and kissing her mouth the other has gotten out his dildo and spread...

4 years ago
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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 8

"All characters participating in sexual activity are age 16 or older."[Opening Theme: "Violet Skies" by In This Moment]"And now for the latest developments in Bensonville, Debbie Woods.""Thanks, Richard. I'm here just outside Bensonville, where the Army is setting up a Forward Operating Base they are calling Artemis. Here with me is the base commanding officer, General Alvarez, to tell us about it. General, what is the purpose of this base, and why now?"Debbie, the U.S. Military has been...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Its Practically What Uncles Are ForChapter 15

The Old Rectory was everything they had hoped it would be. The grounds were charming even though the garden was obviously dormant for the winter. The house itself was spacious and everything was in very good condition - it could essentially be lived in at once. While George and the real estate agent went through the ground floor, Colin and Hannah checked the many rooms upstairs. "I could live here!" Hannah exclaimed. "I wish you would," Colin said wistfully. "Would you?" Hannah asked...

1 year ago
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Outta the closet into my ass

Hey I'm back for another story hope you enjoy this one. I was out at the gym that's close to my house I like to try and keep fit so I can have a little more stamina for those long nights. I was doing some curls and I saw a nice looking guy jogging on the treadmill. He was working nice and hard at a good pace. I was starting to lift faster because I was getting excited. I could see it would be hard to get his attention cause he was working hard. So I decided to get on the treadmill next to him....

1 year ago
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iStartLife chapter 6

[/b][/b]When Carly woke up in her bed the next morning, she had one new voicemail. She listened to it, it was from Spencer."Yo ki*do, Socko and I just sooooo happen to catch the Sports Recap a few hours ago. Guess who was on it? Me. No, it was you! It looks like you had the game of your life. My little s*ster, a basketball star. Who would have thunk it, huh? Hey if that writing thing don't work out, it's good to know that you can probably make it in the WNBA. I'm just thrilled that you don't...

2 years ago
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Space Succubi

Both despised and feared, they were banished from their world to drift endlessly on the cosmic wind. The small, self-sustaining craft provided just enough nutrients to sustain their lives as they drifted in the vacuum of cosmic isolation. Despite their apparently hopelessly bleak future, they waited patiently and silently knowing their accusers had failed to comprehend their longevity. After an eternity of endless star sprinkled cycles, a wandering nomad planet streaked past close enough...

2 years ago
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It was the last weekend of January and the recent heatwave hadn’t let up.  Even by mid-summer standards it was hot!  Gav made the most of the early mornings to run along the beach and work out in the outdoor gym.  It was a significant weekend because his latest batch of students were celebrating their results.  He had put six guys and three girls through his course on "Databases and Systems Analytics".  All had passed and he had organized a bit of a get together to celebrate their success....

1 year ago
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BlackMeatWhiteFeet Anna Claire Clouds 06192021

Anna spends alot of time on her feet. Being a realtor she shows alot of houses and is always walking around. Today on a listing appointment her new client notices her foot is sore and offers to massage her feet. It feels so good for the young lady and soon she is moaning in pleasure. Dwayne turns up the heat on the footwork and starts sucking her toes as well and soon starts giving her some nice soft tissue rubbing with the head of his hard cock. Anna is enthralled with the fact his cock is so...

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Hubby loves a good pegging

I came out of the bathroom with this huge dildo strap on dangling between my thighs. I saw my beloved hubby onto our marital bed, naked and lying on his back, showing me his huge erection.I hissed I loved his dick, as I approached him. Victor smiled at me.I propped his ass up on some pillows. Now I had him at an angle that allowed me to easily plow my fake rubber cock into his ass making direct contact with his prostate on every plunge. It also allowed me to grab his cock and jack it towards...

3 years ago
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Curse of the Bitch

Author's note. The circumstances surround the main character's entry into the erotic writing world are autobiographical. I am scrunching my body as far back into the crevice as humanly possible. The cold concrete helps me to feel every bump and bruise on my aching body. I know if I can survive until first light I should be able to make it out of town alive. I also know if they manage to catch me under this bridge, I'm fucked. My shoulder stings from a near miss earlier this evening. I...

2 years ago
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How I Was Made A Slave By A Couple

Hello, readers, this is my second story here at ISS. Thank you all for your feedback on my previous story. Those who are interested in contacting me mail me at – I’m open to free chat and naughty cam chats too. Now let’s get into the story. It was a rainy evening and it was a festival day. That morning I noted that my neighbor uncle was out of the city for few days. Only the aunty was staying at her house. I was respectful to her every time I met her. But my eyes now and then saw her big boobs...

3 years ago
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Driver Instructor

You might say I'm a bit older than average to learn to drive, I've just never got around to it... turns out I was damn lucky to leave it this long cos I met the most incredible sexy man I've ever seen on the day of my first lesson!He pulled up outside my house on a fairly bleak Thursday afternoon, I was so nervous as you can imagine (cast your mind back to your learner days!) but immediately he put me at ease. He had the most incredible sexy voice, which coupled with the position of authority...

1 year ago
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Two Hundred Stories

Two Hundred Stories An Essay By Maryanne Peters I think that you have to exclude last month's thank you note, so it seems to me that yesterday's "Marrying the Cop" was my two hundredth story. In my thank you note I told everybody how much I enjoy the release of writing TG fiction, and how much more joy there is in getting feedback and encouragement. I decided that I should write a short essay on my approach to TG fiction. The last time I did this (at 100 stories) I was accused...

2 years ago
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Sex With Neha My First Sex

Hey friend’s My name is Akash, if any girl or aunty want to meet or have chat or sex with me can contact me at and I’m a great fan of ISS and this is my first incident with happen with me. This is a true incidence which was happened with me and my girlfriend Neha. Let Introduce me I’m Akash pursuing B tech in final year and height is 5’11 and penis size is 71/2″ its real and I lives in jodhpur and lets come to the point and I have a girlfriend whose name is Neha. She has beautiful boobs, a...

1 year ago
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Oh boy, have you ever heard about XNXX.com? You are missing out, my dudes. This website might look like a prototype or whatever, but man, oh man, it has great content. Plus, it is free, so that is a big plus for a lot of you cheapskates. In case you are interested in the website overall, you should check out my review, where I talk about XNXX.com. I am here to tell you more about the category called BBW.The first thing that I noticed on XNXX.com, other than their crappy design, which I shall...

BBW Porn Sites
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Dog day afternoon

Brian and Beth’s sex life had slowly diminished over the years. Brian seemed more interested in work and more so now he was the council’s CEO. Beth was initially satisfied with sex maybe once or twice a week but Brian no longer spent time working her up. A frantic 10 minutes and then head for the shower. Beth would wait until she heard the water running and masturbate to get herself off. More recently she had online ordered a toy and when Brian was at council meetings or committee meetings she...

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