The Three Signs - Book 3 - JanelleChapter 11: Friends – With Benefits free porn video

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“Hello, Will, hello, Alli,” Jillian said. “I’ve wanted to see both of you for a while. I’m so sorry for what happened to Janelle, Will. I think you are coping with things though?”

In one sense I wasn’t that surprised to see Jillian; well, as unsurprised as one could be to see the ghost of a girlfriend who had died almost two years previously. She always seemed to turn up when I was going through a stressful situation. I would have expected her to have appeared a few weeks earlier.

“I would have come to see you sooner, right after the accident happened, but there was a lot of information I had to find out, things to check up. Now, have either of you heard of the Wakehurst Parkway ghost?”

I hadn’t heard of that, and I shook my head. Allison did as well.

“The story goes back to 1970; when this teenage girl, Kelly, was hitchhiking along the parkway one night. She got picked up by a guy driving a white panel van, he was a plumber, and all of his tools and supplies were in the back of the van. Anyway, he raped her, quite violently, her dead body was found at the end of an overgrown track leading to Middle Creek. Her throat had been cut, but before that, she had been raped repeatedly, both vaginally and anally. She had also been severely beaten, some bushwalkers found her body, it was pretty gruesome.”

“I think I remember that happening,” Allison said. “It was all over the news, and my mother told me never to hitch hike.”

“The police set up a special task force, reporting directly to the commissioner at the time, Norm Allen. This may or may not be a coincidence, but the detective heading that task force was until recently in charge of the ill-fated ‘Special Branch’, which you know all about, Will. Anyway, despite an extensive investigation, neither the white panel van, nor its owner were ever found. There were rumours that the investigation had been quashed at the direction of the state Premier, but that was just idle chatter around the place.

“The poor girl who was raped and killed though was never fully identified; probably just one of many teenage runaways, possibly from interstate. Remember, this was back before there were central computerised registries of missing persons, fingerprints, dental records, or anything to help the detectives identify some unknown person. But she hasn’t completely disappeared, her soul still haunts that stretch of road, and sometimes at night, when she sees a white panel van driven by a middle aged man, with tools and equipment inside and on the roof, she will appear inside it next to the driver and scare him shitless.

“If the driver doesn’t immediately tell her to get out of the vehicle, she will take control of the steering wheel and try to crash the car, either into trees at the side of the road or into an oncoming vehicle. Usually it results in a fatal crash, the driver being killed on the spot. There’s been at least a dozen accidents that she’s caused since her murder. If you remember, Will, you could easily have been in another of those. Not long after you got your car. Do you remember that time driving back from Mona Vale with Lori and Megan in the car?”

I did remember that situation quite well, and the similarities in the situation – if not the outcome – to Janelle’s death struck me as curious at the time. At least I was able to react in time, pull over to the side of the road onto the gravel. The other car was not so lucky, running off the road at the curve at the bottom of the hill, and hitting some trees.

“So, are you saying, that’s what happened to Janelle?” I asked. “She was the victim of some vengeful ghost, an unintended side effect? But I thought all of those spirits, like you, weren’t allowed to directly affect individuals still alive? How can this one do that?”

“We’re not sure what exactly happened, or the reasons why she would have done that,” she replied. “But she’s not one of us, so she’s not subject to the same restraints that the rest of us guardian spirits are subject to that limit what we can do. There’s still more that we have to look into, a lot about it I still don’t know. This is why I didn’t see you right after it happened, but there’s still more we are trying to find out. There’s the possibility that what she – her name is Kelly – didn’t cause that to get back at some random panel van driver, but did that to specifically target Janelle. So her death wasn’t just some stroke of bad luck, of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. We don’t know why, but until we find out more, I don’t want either of you driving along the Parkway, especially at night, and I would give it a miss during the daylight hours, too.”

“What?” Allison exclaimed. “That’s just crazy, why would anyone want to kill Janelle?”

“Like I said, there’s still more for us to find out, we may know in a few weeks. Anyway, that’s the ‘official’ part of my visit done, let’s go over there and sit down, talk and catch up.”

She led us towards one of the benches in the far corner of the beer garden, and we sat on the bench, Jillian between Allison and me.

“So, Will, how do you think life is going for you?” Jillian asked me.

“Me? Well, my personal life has been shit,” I said. “Apart from that, music is going well, I miss the regular performances at Crystal, but our last album was good. Work-wise, I really enjoy lecturing, and the thesis is interesting, challenging but rewarding. But the last two years of my personal life, ever since you died, it’s been completely fucked up. I mean, first you died, and then Megan and Lori left me to go overseas, Karen dumped me because I wasn’t a Catholic and now Janelle ... I haven’t been able to maintain any sort of relationship; it’s been one disaster after another. I wonder how I’ve managed to stay sane!”

“Do you really think so?” she asked. “There’s a lot of self-pitying bullshit in there, Will. Would you admit that you’ve grown a lot as a person, as a man, and learned a lot about life? You’re no longer the same self-absorbed, aimless guy you were two years ago. What about the great, close friendships that you’ve learned how to develop and maintain?”

“If that’s what it takes to make me grow as a person, then I don’t want to grow anymore; I think I’ve grown that way as much as I want to handle. I have to say, though, the counselling from Margaret Sleigh has helped me a lot. I couldn’t have made it through the last month since Janelle was killed if I was the same person that I had been before.”

“That’s why I suggested that both of you see her. But remember, she can only advise, guide you. You have to take the initiative and make changes to your behaviour. The way you’ve changed with your close friends, Allison, Garry, Mary Beth, Michelle; you are now being more open with them about your emotions and what you feel about things, what you want for your life. That’s why they were able to really support you when you needed them. Not like before, when Megan left, and Lori left; you almost had a complete breakdown then. At least you and Mary Beth sorted things out, and I think you and her both learnt a lot during the weekend you two spent together. At least you two know how incompatible you would be as a couple.

“That’s almost the same as what would happen if the two of you – you, Will and you, Allison – got together as a couple. You are great as good, intimate friends, and would be good as lovers, too. But as partners? A married couple? No, that wouldn’t work. But you have worked out how to have a great, close friendship where you can support each other. And it’s the same with your other close friends, Will. That’s probably the most important lesson that you’ve learned of late, and the best thing you could have done for yourself.”

“You know, Jillian, for a dead person you sure know a hell of a lot about how people should live,” I said. “And what is best for them. I don’t mean that in a bad, critical way, but you have lots of good advice for us.”

“One thing that I thought I mentioned about us spirits, we have the ability to combine our consciences and to tap into other people’s minds, so we understand their thoughts. It’s not like we can predict the future with a crystal ball or anything like that, but we just have a very good understanding of people, how they think and react, and what they are likely to do in any situation. You remember those books by Isaac Asimov, ‘Foundation’? The central premise was that the mathematician, Hari Seldon developed what he called ‘psychohistory’, where they could predict the future, but only on a large scale, at a societal level. Well, by combining our thoughts, and what we know of peoples’ behaviour, we can do that, but at the levels of individuals, based on how they react to events. That’s why I know that you two getting married, or living together, would be a disaster.”

“Whatever the reason, you’ve been a massive help to both Will and me,” Allison said. “I never would have got through these last two years without your support and advice. The best was making sure Will and I remained good, close friends.”

“Oh, now don’t go getting all soppy on me, Alli,” she said. “You’ll both be wanting big sloppy kisses next!”

“I always want big sloppy kisses,” Allison said. “From you, or Will ... I don’t mind!”

“Well ... since you asked so nicely,” Jillian said, and reached around to pull Allison to her.

They kissed passionately and deeply for a minute or two. I was getting aroused watching them, and then Jillian broke off her kiss with Allison, and turned to face me.

“This will be our last kiss like this, Will,” she said. “You and I need to move on.”

She pulled me close to her, and pressed my face to hers. Her lips parted, and our lips touched. I could feel little tingles of electricity flowing between us; her tongue pressed forward, between my lips, and I felt a sudden jolt as our tongues touched. I closed my eyes, and felt a warm feeling flow through my body, starting at my lips where Jillian was kissing me, and going all the way through me to my finger tips and toes. Eventually, she broke away from me, and sighed deeply.

“I always loved kissing you, Will,” she said, sounding wistful.

“So did I, we have that special connection, Jillian,” I said.

“We did, but we both know we can’t be together, for all sorts of reasons. I know you’re hurting at the moment, and still missing Janelle a lot. But there’s someone special out there for you, you haven’t met her yet, but she’s there for you. I can’t tell you who she is, all I can say is she is very close to you, and there are events happening now that will cause the two of you to meet. I’m not sure when, but by the end of this coming summer, you will have met that person. And it’s the same for you, Allison, you are about to meet someone special, too. But meanwhile, the two of you need to be great, close friends to each other. Okay, time for me to go ... when I know more about the accident that killed Janelle, I’ll let you both know.”

She stood up, and slowly faded from vision.

“Well ... that was ... strange, to say the least,” Allison said after a few seconds. “I never know what to take of what she tells us; it seems impossible to believe that she can actually still be around and with us ... but that kiss was so incredibly real.”

“Yeah ... I’m still all ... you know ... from it,” I said.

She took hold of my hand, and we walked back to my car. She didn’t want to go directly home, so we drove up to the park on Mona Vale Headland, at the end of Hillcrest Avenue. We walked across to a bench, and sat there, looking at the view south along Mona Vale Beach.

“That was a pretty wild story that Jillian told us,” I said. “Do you think it’s true, about some ghost of a murdered hitch hiker that takes control of cars, and crashed into Janelle?”

“It does seem pretty far-fetched,” Allison said. “But why would she tell a tall story? It could be true, so what are you going to do about the lawsuit?”

“What can I do? Imagine if I told John or Martin, that the accident was really caused when some ghost took over the other car, and crashed into Janelle’s, because, well, she’s taking revenge on the guy who raped and killed her. And I know that because the ghost of a dead girlfriend appeared to me, telling me the story. People would think I had snapped, that I was crazy or delusional. No, there’s nothing that we can say about it.”

“Yeah ... but it’s a pretty wild story, although it does sort of make sense,” Allison said. “And what about the other stuff she said? That we both will meet someone in the coming months?”

“Yeah, I don’t know her, but she’s close to me. Talk about speaking in riddles. I mean, everything she says goes against my rational thought processes. Fuck, even the fact that she appears at all, that’s right out there; if I told anyone else that we had seen her, spoken with her, they would say we are crazy. Want to know what stuff we are smoking.”

“Yes, I can’t understand it,” she replied. “But everything she says, her advice is right on the money. Don’t ask me to explain things!”

“I guess we will see, she said by the end of summer I would have found the girl for me; no idea how that’s going to happen. But things are already underway to bring us together. I feel like I’m just a pawn in some vast cosmic game.”

“That’s how I feel, too. At least I’m due to meet someone special, too. Well, if in a few months, we both have new partners, then we know she was right about that. A shame it’s not each other though.”

“But I think she’s right on us not really being suited to be partners, we would end up arguing all the time. But she did emphasise how we need to be great, close friends; well, we are already, and we have been for quite a while.”

“Unless she was pushing us to go that next step, to sleep together,” Allison said.

“Maybe. She was more obtuse in her comments this time that she has been in the past,” I said. “Before, she would have come out straight and said, ‘you two need to fuck’, or something like that!”

“You’re not wrong there!” Allison agreed. “I know, I would like that, for us to sleep together. Not now, not tonight, I know you’re not ready for anything like that, but I think our friendship is strong enough to survive us doing that. It’s something for us to think about, anyway.”

“Yeah, I’ll think about it. But not tonight, okay?”

“Of course, not tonight,” she said, taking my arm as we walked back to the car.

After I dropped Allison off at her place, I drove back home. I didn’t need Jillian’s warning not to take the Parkway, I still wasn’t ready to drive along there again. As I lay in bed, I thought about the story that Jillian had told us, the ghost who take over white panel vans, causing them to either run off the road, or crash into other vehicles. It seemed reasonable, after all, that stretch of road had been the site of many accidents over the years, it was so dangerous that a few years ago they had installed steel crash barriers along the sides, to stop cars running off the road and into the trees. All that managed to do was reduce the amount of space on the road shoulder, so if you needed to pull off the road, there wasn’t sufficient room. I wondered if Janelle had tried to do that, but wasn’t able to get completely out of the way of the other car, because of those crash barriers? But then again, if what Jillian said was true, then the ghost would just have aimed for her car anyway. None of it made any sense; not that anything to do with Jillian made sense. I was starting to seriously question my sanity.

Songs for Janelle

September - October, 1981

“Hey, Will, can I ask you a question?” Mary Beth said as I was having breakfast.

“You just did,” I replied, and received a flick from the tea towel on my shoulder.

“Smart arse! You know what I meant. Sometimes I wonder why I continue to be nice to you. I wanted to ask you something about the next album; I was talking with Fifa yesterday, and she suggested we dedicate the next album to Janelle, with part of the sales going to that children’s cancer charity in her name. She suggested we call the album ‘Songs for Janelle’, and have a bit of background on her in the album insert. What do you think?”

“Yeah, I think that would be a lovely idea, and the stuff we are working on for it, they are all in the style of music she liked hearing us play,” I said. “I heard from Martin that there have been lots of donations to that charity, the Good Weekend article generated stacks of interest. There was about ten thousand dollars donated at and after the funeral, the two biggest donations were from the Labor Caucus in state parliament – we can thank Paul Landa for that, about two and half grand, and just over a thousand from the computer science students and staff, too. I’m not sure exactly how much has been donated in total, but Martin told me it’s been well over a hundred and fifty thousand that was directly attributable to the article. Apparently they are setting up a special foundation, with Beth involved on the board, to manage the money, and make sure it goes to where it’s needed the most.”

“That’s really fantastic,” Mary Beth said. “I’m not trying to make light of Janelle’s death, but it looks like something good will come from it. She would be pleased with what you’ve done in her name and helping to carry on all the good work that she did.”

“I never really looked at it in that way,” I said. “It doesn’t make it easier to accept, but knowing that something can be done to continue the work she was doing is gratifying. I know Beth was talking about setting up scholarships for existing nurses to take advanced studies in paediatric nursing, training to get certifications in administering the various chemotherapy drugs, things of that nature. Ways to make sure there are more qualified staff working in that unit.”

“Anyway, as long as you are happy with the idea of having her name on the album, and telling about her connection to the group,” she said. “We didn’t want people thinking that we were trying to cash in on her name or the public sympathy for commercial reasons.”

At the rehearsal, Phil announced what the proposed title of the next album would be; everyone thought it was a great idea. Mary Beth had the latest sales reports from Fifa; the tracks that we had recorded in August were about to be released as an “EP” – two songs on each side. Sales of the album and previous singles were still going well; she expected the official sales figures for ‘Rockin’ the Antler’ to show we had achieved gold record status.

“George is suggesting we do the same for the next album as we did for those last singles,” Phil said. “They will bring their recording equipment here, and record the tracks over a few Saturdays. Apparently the sound they get in here is similar to if we were playing live, but without all the background noise. George reckons it makes us ‘genuine’ or whatever, something to do with the acoustics. But once we’ve got all the tracks sounding pretty good, polishing them up at live gigs, we can start recording here.”

Mary Beth had a proposed gig schedule; for the next few weeks we were playing every Thursday and Friday nights at various venues; the Antler, Lifesaver, Selinas, Chequers in the city. The regular places, at least. Some weeks we had three nights booked, with a few Saturday nights as well. Plenty of time to polish all of the new songs.

We spent the rest of the afternoon working on the new songs; the guys had written some really good stuff, songs with a good, powerful beat. They would certainly get the crowds going, I thought. The last one we worked on was an instrumental piece that George and Harry had written, it was vaguely reminiscent of some of the early 60s guitar instrumental pieces; stuff from the Shadows, or The Ventures, or some of the similar groups. After we had played it through a few times, everyone felt that it was a great piece; didn’t need any vocals as the music alone was sufficient.

“We do need a name for it,” Allison said. “At least something other than ‘That funky guitar one’.”

“Since the album is being called ‘Songs for Janelle’,” Paul said, “shouldn’t we name one of the tracks after her? What about if we name ‘that funky guitar one’, that we haven’t come up with a name for it yet, what you all think the name ‘Janelle’s Blues’? Will?”

I actually thought it was a great idea; even before Paul had suggested it, but I didn’t want to be seen as trying to dominate the album with memories of Janelle. But it was the sort of music that she really enjoyed; it was probably the best track of the ones we had for the album.

“Sounds like a great idea to me,” I said. “I think it’s a song she would have really enjoyed; I could have imagined her dancing in front of our stage as we were playing.”

With that agreed to, we then looked at what our set lists for the coming gigs should be. We wanted a mix of songs from the previous album, interspersed with the new songs so that we would work them up into something ready for recording. After a lot of discussion, and testing out how one song flowed into another, we had what we felt was a reasonable set list. We had a few days to work on the new songs before the first gig, so we felt we were in pretty good shape for those gigs and the upcoming album.

Over the next few weeks we refined the new songs at various gigs; the audiences seemed to like them. On the first Tuesday night after we had settled on the new album title, Phil, Paul and Allison were on Bob Hudson’s night time show on 2JJ, talking about the upcoming album and the gigs we would be doing leading up to it. They also mentioned how some money from the gigs and the album would be going to the children’s cancer charity, in honour of Janelle. Bob promised to promote all of our gigs on his show, doing what he could to make things a success.

It was great to be back into the swing of working songs up to the point of them being ready to record, doing regular gigs around town, and performing up on stage. I always got a huge buzz from doing that, being up there playing and singing, even some dancing on the stage with Allison and Fiona. I had noticed a subtle change in Allison’s behaviour towards me, I would sometime glance up and see her gazing at me. She would smile at me, and the tip of her tongue would just touch her lips, and then she would look away. Or when we were singing songs together, she would stand very close to me, so close that I could feel her breasts pressing into my shoulder or my back. She wasn’t too obvious about what she was doing, but every so often as we were talking, she would put her hand on my wrist, or touch my cheek. She was flirting with me, but being quite restrained about it; I actually liked what she was doing with me, not that I let on to her that I knew what she was up to.

Much like the previous album and the EP, the singing duties were shared between several of us; Allison, Fiona, Mandy and Rachel all had tracks where they were doing the lead vocals, it wasn’t just me all if the time. That helped during our live gigs, sharing the lead vocal duties help keep each of our voices fresh. I think the audiences liked seeing the different members singing lead; when we played at the Antler the usual group of local girls were at the front next to the stage, and didn’t try to hide any of their ‘assets’. Of course, the male members of the audiences enjoyed seeing the women in the group up the front; the stage costumes we had – their tight shorts and skimpy tops - were very popular.

After two weeks playing at various gigs George, Harry and some of the others turned up one Saturday afternoon at our rehearsal, and we went through every song. They made a few suggestions; minor changes in arrangements, or tempo, much like they did with everything we recorded. Their experience and knowledge was incredible, it was amazing just what a difference to our sound their suggestions made. Everyone felt that we would be ready to start recording next weekend; that would give us at least three whole Saturdays, and the weeknights between to get everything on tape.

The first weekend in October was the Labour Day long weekend; and it marked three weeks before the end of the second semester at uni. A number of us spent a few days reviewing the proposed exam questions, not just for Computing I, but other subjects as well. David, Claude and I felt that there would be a better pass rate in Computing I this time around, particularly with those retaking the subject after failing in the first semester. The evening class, with the part timers, were doing better, and I couldn’t anticipate any of them failing the subject.

David and I discussed ways to get feedback from the participants in the programming clinics, so we could determine if it was worth continuing them in future years. We put together a short questionnaire asking whether they felt that the time spent in the clinics was worthwhile, what topics they felt should have been covered in greater depth, what could be cut back on, and if they felt that attending the clinics had helped their overall knowledge. We would make the surveys anonymous so no one would feel intimidated, and we would get hopefully more honest responses.

On the Tuesday of the last week of semester, we had the questionnaires ready to hand out.

“Well, we have today, and next Thursday as our last two meetings for this semester,” I said. “Let me say, running these clinics were an experiment; I proposed it at a Computer Science departmental meeting during the mid-year break, and Professor Allen asked David and me to run with the idea. I hope you have found attending these sessions worthwhile, and all we ask is that you take one of these questionnaires at the end of today’s session, put your comments on it and return it on Thursday. You will notice there’s no space for your name or student number, you can be completely anonymous, and say exactly what you think. Your comments will help us improve what we do in subsequent years.”

Today’s session was talking about how to manage multiple users all wanting to update the same file, and how to prevent one person’s update from obliterating changes others may have made. I was incorporating a similar feature into the router administration software; since the administration facility was accessible both ‘out of band’ via the serial console port, and ‘in band’ though the IP address for the device. The solution Doctor Dunworth and I had arrived at was to get the file ‘last update’ time stamp when a configuration file was read, and just before any updates were written the time stamp would be checked again, and if it wasn’t the same, we could assume the file had been altered in the time between the program read the configuration data and when it was about to update it.

“So, what happens if you find the file has been subsequently updated?” one of the students asked. “Do you try to update other parts of the file?”

“Well, this is where understanding the business requirements is critical, and how you design the application will determine what should be done in this situation,” I said.

I described how the router software configuration settings would be stored in several files; each file for a particular aspect of the configuration, or a specific hardware interface. That way, the chances of two people needing to update the same file at the same time would be minimized. And while it might be possible to determine what changes were made to the later version of the file, and continue those through the new update, it was a rather risky process.

“It’s safer to reject the update based on the older file, and have the person make the changes to the newer configuration,” I said. “By fragmenting the configuration files, and encouraging people to make a series of small updates, the problems are minimised.”

“What about making the file ‘read only’ when the first person goes to update it, and only allowing that person to turn it back to write enabled, when they go to update it?” another person suggested.

“That might work, but then you would have to allow for situations where someone looks at a configuration, and never intends to update it at all” I replied. “But what you are talking about is common in database software, they talk about ‘locking’ data, which could be done either at a table level or a row level – where just one data record is locked. What you have to be careful of is what we call a ‘deadly embrace’, there are two processes updating the database, one locks one record, and needs another resource, but that is locked by another process, that is waiting on the one the first process to unlock it’s resource. When you get into a study of operating systems, you will see how detecting and avoiding that is critical to operating system design. But that is well beyond the scope of what we are looking at here.”

“So how do you avoid that?”

“In an operating system sense, when you go into a wait state on a resource, you have a timer; and if you don’t get what you want in that time, an exception will occur,” I said. “When that happens, normally the process will terminate – at least to the point where it will release all the resources it is holding, and after a short time, start up again. That allows for other processes to get what they want, and finish, releasing resources they held. And that’s probably all I can cover on deadlocks without earning the ire of Doctor Lions; I need to keep something back for you to look forward to next year!”

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Chapter 11: Friends – With Benefits Videos

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 11 Friends and Lovers

I was dreaming, I must have been, lying in my bed, when I felt a person slide under the sheets next to me. A hand slid over my mouth, and I heard a voice whisper in my ear. “Quiet, don’t make a noise,” she said. “I just want to lie next to you for a while, and feel our bodies together.” Lori? It couldn’t be her, but it certainly felt real; her body was pressed against my back, and I could feel her warm breath on my cheek. My buttocks were hard against her lower stomach. “Lori?” I started...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 31 Presents

I picked Cathy up from her house just after 8:30; as she slid into seat she gave me a big, passionate kiss. “Where to first?” she asked. “I was thinking about Warriewood,” I replied, as we headed up Mona Vale road. “There are lots of places there, provided we don’t trespass on one of the market gardens.” We headed up a side street from McPherson Street, towards the Catholic girl’s school, “Mater Maria”. Being school holidays, the place was deserted, of course. We parked under a tree,...

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From Friends To Friends With Benefits

This is my first story in ISS but a real one, My name is Rahul and I’m from Tamil Nadu. The heroine of this story is Sindhu(name changed). Sindhu and I were close friends from college and in this story I will tell about how our 5 years of friendship suddenly turned into friends with benefits kind of relationship. I never had any sexual intention on sindhu throughout my college days. I completed my UG in a college from my hometown. I became friends with her since day 1 that’s because we use to...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 27 Back at University

On Saturday, we had all gathered in the studio for a planning session and rehearsal for the new album. Phil had invited several others, DonWalker and Ian Moss (ex-Cold Chisel), I had invited Mike Franz, and Mary Beth had invited Chrissy Amphlette. Don had brought his Yamaha DX7 synthesizer and a Yamaha Clavinova electronic piano, Ian had a Fender amp and two of his guitars and Mike had a Yamaha stage organ. After a bit of shuffling equipment around, we had room for everyone; although we were...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 32 Another Year Ends

There was only another five weeks of classes before the end of the semester; well, before the study break that led into the exams that would be the end of the semester. We all found that time had a habit of shrinking; at the start of each semester, the end of the semester and the exams seemed so distant ... but before we realized it, there was only a matter of weeks left; and a pile of assignments and projects to complete. Having David, Claire and even Garry living next door made the study...

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Love At First And Friends With Benefits

Hi friends, I am rahul I am 27 years old and this story is about my first sex experience which happened with my best friend ruchika(name changed) she was one of the best bombshells in our college, guys would used to die to talk to her, I was quite lucky to sit next to her because I was her best friend, I always had feelings for her but never shared it with her because I did not wanted to ruin my relationship with her. I was also dating a girl that time so I didn’t feel that it is appropriate to...

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Best Friends With Benefits

Hi, I am Vijay, 23 male from Kerala. My email id is This is a true sexperience with my best friend Revathi. I write this with her permission. For our privacy Names are changed. About me, I am an average mallu boy. I don’t have a big dick (it is 15cms, i measured with a ruler). I am good looking and fair. Revathi is a little dark complexioned, but beautiful with big round eyes and have perfect shapes. This story happened four years before. I joined college after one week the classes started....

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 42 University Ends

I had already planned my work schedule for my thesis; the date that the completed documents had to be submitted to the Faculty’s review committee were fixed, so I worked back from that date. I would have to work out the best way to produce the master copy of the thesis; I could always use Lori’s electric typewriter; but I thought it might be worthwhile playing around with the troff / nroff document processing software we had on the Unix system here. One of the PhD students was writing a...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 6 Getting an AllOver Tan

Thursday dawned clear and sunny, and promised to be another hot summer’s day. I decided to start with some laps of the pool before breakfast, and swam about forty laps – maybe half a kilometre – and went inside to eat. After breakfast, I grabbed the things that I would need for the day; towel, sun cream, some cold drinks, and lunch, and put them in my backpack. Around ten minutes before eight, I got on my bike, and headed towards Cathy’s place. I was full of apprehension; while the thought...

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Starting Of Friends With Benefits

Hi, Guys and Girls, I have been a big fan of ISS for at least 3 years and this is my first sex story I’m publishing which is my real life incident which happened to me a few months back with my friend Archana at the escape cinemas in the express avenue at Chennai. So about me, I’m 21 years old guy from Chennai and I stay at Nungambakkam. I love to travel, watch movies and TV series and the best thing about me is I’m a professional state level swimmer, so I have a very good body which I’m really...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 47 Service NSW

When I woke up, I gathered some documents to show to John about how we would tackle the project. My main aim with today’s meeting was ‘project qualification’, that is, to get more details about John’s requirements, what were the key deliverables and results that he wanted to see, plus some feeling on what was he felt was a reasonable budget and timeframe for the project. I was also wanting to get some idea about how the project would run; what accommodation would be provided, would there be...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 4 Moving on Out

We woke up with the alarm; made love, had a shower together, then ate breakfast before we drove into Surry Hills and the recording studio. When we reached the studio; I parked at the side in the loading area, and went inside looking for George. We found him in the administration office, speaking with a brunette. “Hey, Will, good to see ya, Mate,” he said. “And this is...” he asked, looking at Lori. “You remember my girlfriend, Lori?” I said to him. “Of course, I remember now. Will, here’s...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 25 WTM Consulting

The lead up to the end of the semester was busy – really busy. Not only did we have to get ready for the contract with Alexa’s company, preparing the ‘Banksia Room’ as our computer staging area, tweaking the training notes from the university to suit the contract, but there were examinations to prepare for – not that I had any, the last two ‘Science and Society’ subjects had their assessments based on the assignments and class work. But I still had to vet the papers, make sure the questions...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 36 I Got You Babe

It was late on Saturday morning when I woke up, still feeling down in the dumps. I looked at the clock next to me bed; 9:30 am. I guessed Cathy would already be on the road; they wanted an early start, getting to Goulburn for lunch, and then on to Canberra by early afternoon. She hoped to get everything up in her dorm room before dinner time. I deliberately averted my eyes from the photo of her on my desk; the fact that it was Valentine’s Day didn’t make me feel any better. After a quick...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 22 Off to the Race

It took a while for us to wake up on Christmas morning, by the time we had all cast off our sleep it was close to eight; leaving little time before the others arrived for some yule-tide fucking. Just enough time to have a shower, and start to prepare things for breakfast. Lori had suggested we make pancakes; scrambled eggs, toast, coffee and her ‘home fries’. After we had finished our showers, I started to prepare the potatoes for the home fries; peeling them, dicing them, and chopping up...

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Bikini Beach Friends with Benefits

Bikini Beach: Friends with Benefits By: Light Clark Synopsis: Andy seems like the kind of guy that has it all, rich parents, good looks, and smarts. However, in spite of all that, he leads a double life while hoping to find a special friend who might be willing to share in it. A heavy sigh slid out of my lips as I plunked down at one of the round, common area tables with my lunch tray in hand. It wasn't because of the low-quality, lukewarm meal. I wasn't picky. Nor was it...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 33 Performances Part 2

After our early morning love-making, shower and breakfast, I dropped Cathy off at the bus stop. She wasn’t sure just how late she would be working, and I suggested that she let me know maybe 45 minutes before she was due to finish, and I could drive in and pick her up, to save dealing with the night time buses. At Mike’s, we started talking about the actual sets we would play. “We want to start off with something to really get them going,” Mike said. “Something to kick them in the balls, so...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 10 Party Party Party

Thursday night we were having a Thanksgiving dinner at Mary Beth’s suggestion; instead of a complete turkey, which would have been far too much food even for the seven of us, she had baked two large turkey breasts in the oven. Patrick had helped, making some traditional side dishes, a green bean casserole, and somehow he had found a source of candied yams. As we sat around the dinner table, Mary Beth spoke to us all. “Well, I know Thanksgiving isn’t really an Australian tradition, but it is...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 29 ChCh Changes

With the New Year’s Eve only a few days away, we spent the Saturday afternoon reviewing the set lists for that gig. We had been asked to play for a total of four hours – well, four fifty minute sets, with a ten minute break between them. Then at midnight, we would lead everyone in singing ‘Auld Lang Syne’, then play a final thirty minute set before calling it a night. It was going to be a pretty intense, tiring evening, and right after that we would have to travel to Gosford for the first...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 44 Unexpected Results

We pulled up in the car park for Lilianfels, it was more in Katoomba itself than Leura, close to Echo Point lookout and the Three Sisters. It wasn’t all that far from some of the other scenic lookouts over the Jamison Valley, or some fairly energetic walks, including the ‘Giant Stairway’, some 800 or so steps descending into the valley. There were some more leisurely walks, including one around the cliff top to the ‘scenic railway’, and Katoomba falls, or the other way to the Leura Cascades....

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 23 Welcome to Gresham Terrace

“Mr. Morris, glad to see you’re awake and back with us. I am Doctor David Pickett, and I’m one of the cardiologists here at the Prince of Wales hospital. I guess you’re wondering what it was that happened to you? First, I need to make sure you understand just how the human heart works; it’s basically a pump whose purpose is to circulate blood around the body.” I nodded; that was pretty basic human anatomy. “The blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the rest of the body, and also carries...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 34 Murder and Music

Lori was overjoyed to have us back home; as was Tracy. Even though we tried to be quiet, we woke them as we got into bed. Despite being tired, we made love, and then I slept soundly until nine in the morning. I would have preferred to have gone back to sleep, but I had to get across to the university to enrol. I grabbed a quick breakfast, got my organizer folder from the study, and drove across to the University. I parked behind the Electrical Engineering building, and went up to Professor...

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The Three Signs Book 3 JanelleChapter 9 Engagement and

After a busy few weeks filled with gigs most nights of the week, it was back at University. The fibre optic installation was proceeding; there had been a few minor issues, but the company supplying and installing the cable had worked around them. The University – mainly through the School of Physics – had a long term relationship with Crown Corning; they had worked together on a number of projects, particularly in developing reliable connectors for their single mode fibre. The first set of...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 1 Joining the Australia Dream

“Hey, Will. Paul Ramos here,” the voice on the phone said. “I guess you’re at home at the moment, I called your office at the University, but that cute short girl in your office said you weren’t in over the summer break.” “Paul, comrade. Great to hear from you,” I replied. “No, I’m taking a couple of weeks off; we’ve got a bunch of gigs heading up to Christmas, and into January too. So, to what do I owe the pleasure?” “I’ve got a proposal I’d like to discuss with you; are you going to be...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 54 Reboot

The words that Mary Beth was saying to me somehow didn’t register, everything after the ‘she’s dead, Will ... she was drowned in the floodwaters’ was just noise. I understood what she told me, the troubling dreams I had experienced the night before made sense. There was a loud rushing in my head, and I was wracked with loud sobs. I was aware of Traci standing next to me, her arms around my shoulders, and Mary Beth was on the phone, talking to someone. “Let’s get you down to bed, Will,” Mary...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 10 Sweet Sixteen

I was half awake, and remembering that I was in Dianne’s old bedroom at Cathy’s place, I rolled over to look at the clock next to the bed. 5:30! Far too early to get up; but I needed to have a pee, so I quietly crept out of bed and into the hall, not wanting to disturb anyone. I tiptoed down the hallway, and tried to open the bathroom door quietly. Not being completely familiar with the house yet, I had already started to open the door when I remembered about the squeaky hinges. Oh well, too...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 39 Songs of Injustice

With the wedding out of the way, we got back into the work on the songs for the new album, as well as various gigs around the place. They were starting to take shape, but the real challenge was to ensure that the songs were musically as good as our previous work, and could stand alone as rock songs. We didn’t want the lyrics to be too ‘preachy’ and turn people off. There’s no point in making a protest song, if people don’t like it and refuse to listen to it. After my talk with Alonzo’s...

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BestFriends With Benefits

Hello my horny indian sex stories dot net readers, I’m Karan here, back with another recent experience of mine. The previous stories of mine have got great response especially from the ladies and I’ve had horny dripping sex chats with plenty of ladies since then. I’m Karan, 21 years old and I provide professional massage service also to ladies/girls in Ahmedabad. Interested Ladies can contact me at this mail id. Now coming back to the story,((((Have some patience readers, this a real story...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 16 Babies and Bullets

“It’s on,” Mary Beth said. “Their baby is on the way!” “Oh, I had better get up to the hospital then,” Mrs. White said. “Where should I put my case?” I showed Mrs. White where her bedroom would be; told her that this afternoon we would get the bed made with fresh sheets, and put some towels out for her. Mary Beth was ready to take her up to the hospital; I would clean the bedroom and make her bed with some fresh sheets. At least the room was ready for her when she returned from the...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 33 Summertime Tours

We spent the morning going over the ‘Sister Angela’ scenario with Lori; she wrote down all of the lines that we could recall, our descriptions of what happened overnight, even my rather sacrilegious thoughts on nun-fucking. While Megan and I would be out of town on the tour, Tracy and Lori would flesh out the story, even starting to write it. Around lunchtime some of the others returned home; Mary Beth was pleased to see us. She showed us the final schedule for the first country tour, we...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 7 Four in a Boat

The next day, Sunday, I spent time playing the piano and swimming in the pool. After dinner, I walked down to church; hoping Cathy would be there. I wasn’t disappointed; both she and David were there; David, of course, sitting with Gina. “How was your lunch?” I asked. “Not too bad,” Cathy replied. “But I kept thinking about what we may do tomorrow. Are you sure you are comfortable with being with the other two as well?” “Yes, but can we talk about it afterwards?” I said. “You don’t have to...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 38 Bicentennial Year ndash Part 2

For our visit to Brisbane for our week-long gig at Expo, most of the people were flying, leaving Sydney early on Saturday morning for the hour and a half flight to Brisbane. Lisa and I were taking the train, the XPT left Central at 2:40 pm on Friday, getting into the main station in Brisbane just before 5:00 am on Saturday. We had booked a sleeper cabin for the trip, and the return journey would leave Brisbane just before 6:00 am in the following Sunday, arriving at Central just after 8:00...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 7 Itrsquos Just a Casual Encounter

Don’t ask me what my name is I know what your game is It’s just a casual encounter It’s just a casual encounter It’s just a casual encounter Christina Amphlett & Mack McEntee Free Falling Late September, 1982 I landed with a hard thump on the ground, knocking all the air out of my lungs. I felt a stabbing pain in my shoulder, and then more pain as my foot slammed against the back wall of the house. I heard Lisa scream, and come running towards me. “Everyone! Help, please! Will’s...

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Friends With Benefits

Friends With BenefitsBy: Londebaaz Chohan“But then why did you ask me to join you for a ride to Harrisburg all the way from Camden”. Dev asked his Egyptian friend, Mahmood. Mahmood only smiled and repeated that he never had a girlfriend in the State of Pennsylvania or particularly in Harrisburg. By now they had hit a rest stop on the highway and Mahmood pulled into it, got out of the car and left for the bathroom, asking Dev to wait there. It was unusually a long wait for anyone to hit the...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 31 Second Semester

On the last day of July, we took Alonzo, Paul and Patrick to the airport. At least for Patrick and Wendy, it was only a temporary separation, he would be back in two weeks’ time; but for Ros it was a very tearful farewell. The five months before Alonzo was back for his sabbatical job teaching at the University would really drag out for her. Patrick said that one of his first projects would be to get a remote data link set up in our study going back to the office at St. Leonards, ostensibly so...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 2 Lori Finally

“Hi Lori, Will here,” I said when she answered. “Will Morris, where have you been these last four days?” she yelled down the phone line. “I’ve been worried sick about you; every time I called it was just that stupid machine, I even drove around to see if you were at home; your car was in the garage, but there was no answer. What have you been doing?” I told her briefly that on Monday morning, I had been hit by a car as I was crossing the street. I quickly told her that I hadn’t been badly...

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Friends with benefits

Friends with benefitsChapter oneThis really sucked. I just spent three hours in that stupid bar, trying to find someone for a nice one-night-stand. And nothing – not one person I would even remotely consider. In three hours! How could that be? This wouldn’t do. It was four weeks almost to the day that I broke it off with Mira. And since then my love- and even worse my sex life had been non-existing. This had to end right now or I would die of blue balls within the day. So I drove the car down...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 52 Developments in Canberra

Late December 1996 – January 1997 We had the big Christmas Day party at Banksia Lodge, much as we had done in previous years. My father again played ‘Santa Claus’, handing out presents to all the children present. On Boxing Day, we watched the televised start of the Sydney to Hobart yacht race, there were some impressive boats; a huge Reichel/Pugh maxi, owned by the head of the software company SAP. ‘Morning Glory’ was first out of the harbour, followed by ‘Condor of Currabubula’,...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 13 Lazy Days of Summer

Cathy and I had a late breakfast on Sunday morning; it was still overcast outside, and looked like there could be more rain later in the day. Actually, despite having slept together the whole night – just sleeping, too – our mood was a sombre as the weather. “I miss her already, you know,” Cathy said out of the blue. I didn’t have to ask Cathy who ‘her’ was; I was also feeling sad at not being able to be with Lori for the next few weeks. “Me too,” I said. “How come Janelle gets to go with...

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The Three Signs Book 3 JanelleChapter 7 The New Album Takes Shape

After the New Year’s Eve gig, we had a very lazy New Year’s Day. I think I slept in until close to noon; and did nothing that afternoon until Janelle came around just before dinner time. Or breakfast time for her ... stupid shift hours. We had time for a quickie, before she had to eat, and get ready for work. She promised that she would spend more time with me over the weekend. With the New Year’s gig out of the way, it was time to concentrate on the extensive schedule that Fifa had for us...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 17 Interviews

We pressed the intercom button, a voice answered and we said who we were and that we were there to see Bob Hudson to appear on his show. A minute later a man came to the door, unlocked it, and let us in. “G’day, I’m Marius, Bob’s producer. Come on in, you’re all a bit early, but we can go up to the studio,” he said. He led us up two flights of stairs, down a dimly lit corridor, and into the control room or the studio. The place looked like it was a dump, there were boxes piled in the...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 23 Senior High School

My lips were so close to Cathy’s; I could feel her breath on me. Her eyes looked directly into mine, and I felt a huge yearning. I was about to pull her to me, letting my lips lock on hers, wanting to feel her tongue against mine, when I stopped myself, realising what was happening. “Think, William Morris, use your head, don’t blindly rush in!” I heard a voice in my head. “Don’t you remember what you told yourself, what you told Lori? You know what will happen if you give in to your desires,...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 27 Back at University

Just as everyone had warned me; second year electrical engineering was full on, right from the first day. In each of the subjects, the lecturers didn’t waste time reviewing what we might have studied in the previous year; it was head first into the deep end. I had some doubts about one of the subjects; Solid State Physics. To me, this looked like the sort of subject material that graduate students at Oxford University or MIT would cover; quantum mechanics, atomic particles, and similar...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 28 Towards the Final Exams

The August school holidays were only three weeks away; these were going to be the last break before the HSC exams at the end of October. At lunchtime one day, we were all discussing the plans we had for the two weeks off school. “Well, I’ll be going over all of the previous exam papers,” Cathy said. Some of the others groaned, called her ‘swot’. David wasn’t being anywhere near as studious as his sister; he had arranged to take a train up to the Gold Coast to renew his acquaintance with his...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 10 My Baby Just Cares For Me

We managed to get all of our stuff into the back of the car; but it meant all four of us had to squeeze into the front seat. We worked it out; Megan sat in the centre next to me, then Lori was on the outside, with Jillian on her lap. At least it didn’t take all that long to drive back to Mona Vale, where we dropped Megan and Jillian off with their bags, before heading to Lori’s place. On the drive back to Mona Vale Megan told us about her experiences with the publicity photo shoot yesterday...

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The Three Signs Book 3 JanelleChapter 6 Rockin The Antler

“I have no idea what’s got into my sister,” Mary Beth said as she sat across the table from me. Since this Monday would be the last time for over a month that Mary Beth and I would be able to have our regular lunch date, I had made a point of catching a bus into the city to meet her. Rather than eat at our usual location at the Quay, we had gone to a nice steakhouse in Phillip Street; just a short distance up from her office in Macquarie Street. It was going to be an expensive meal, but I...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 34 Farewells

I pulled up in the driveway of Jenny’s place, and knocked on the front door. Jenny answered; pulled me inside, wrapped her arms around me, and kissed me deeply, even before I had a chance to put my stuff down. When she finally released me, I asked her where I could hang up my clothes for the evening, and she led me down the hallway to her room. Hannah was waiting there; she was just wearing a long white tee shirt, sitting on the double bed with her legs curled up underneath her. “So, how...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 32 Party Games

After our overnight cruise to Castle Lagoon, we discussed where we might take our next cruise. One option was to go up to Lake Macquarie, we could go up for a few days at the start of the mid-semester break; I would have to be back in time to take the midday train to Canberra for my Labor Party policy steering committee meeting. But with some planning, we could sail up on the Friday afternoon, reach the Swansea bridge at high tide, spend the next three days exploring the lake, and return to...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 35 Hello CSE Goodbye Tommy

“Good morning, I am Doctor Will Morris,” I said to the assembled class. “I assume you are all here for subject 6.710, Introduction to Computer Engineering. If anyone is in the wrong place, I suggest now you leave quietly, and get to wherever it is you should be.” I looked around the lecture theatre, there were maybe two hundred and fifty people, none of whom looked like leaving. Most of them had been in the previous lecture, the introductory lecture for Computing 1A. The challenge we had...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 12 Changes in Foursomes

After the great Election Day results, Lisa and I had a fun day sailing; it was a Quartet Bowl race, our favourite. Lisa steered us to another win across the line; we were looking good for a first place in the series. On the way home, Lisa asked me what my thoughts were about Georgina. “You know she wants to sleep with us,” she said. “And both Fiona and I would like to sleep with her, too.” “I guess that’s two votes out of three in favour for it already,” I said. “No, that’s not how it...

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Friends For Benefits

It was a hot Saturday as usual here in Visakhapatnam. I just returned from college in the evening tired and exhausted from all the hectic work in college. Went for a shower, did all that I usually do there, wrapped a towel and came out. My boobs were only half covered. Looking at myself the mirror, removed my towel exposing my curvy assets which were 34-28-32 . I ran my fingers over my boobs and gently brushed over my nipples sending a jolt inside me. I got dressed up and my mom came into the...

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