Brendan FallsChapter 16 free porn video

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"Where's Lilah?" Mr. Reiser asked me as I appeared in the kitchen doorway. We were getting ready to have lunch, all of us together. The other slaves wouldn't eat dinner at our Master's table, but on weekends he took his lunch in the kitchen and enjoyed the casual company.

"He's coming." I giggled and my Master gave me a look. "Lilah, come on in now."

Tom Henry already sat at the table, as did Mr. Reiser, and Mercy was filling large bowls from a pot on the stove, some chicken soup with dumplings. I stood aside as Lilah slipped past me. She gave me a nervous look and I smiled in return, giving her a little nod.

"Delilah?" Our Master blinked at her.

"Good Lordy, child. What you done to yourself?" Mercy asked, the soup momentarily forgotten. "And why's you wearin' those clothes for?

Tom Henry was too new to feel comfortable saying anything, but he narrowed his dark eyes and rubbed his jaw.

"Isn't he great?" I asked, grinning at their reactions.

"Sir." Lilah dipped her head at Mr. Reiser, looking down and waiting to get his opinion. She hadn't been too sure of what I was doing, but the girl hadn't been able to refuse me neither.

I'd dressed her in a pair of corduroy pants, belted at the waist, with a red sweatshirt instead of the polo shirt. Lilah had socks and the new boots I'd bought for her, and a pair of boys briefs under the pants. No makeup at all, no jewelry or anything like that, just boy clothes and best of all, a boy's haircut. I'd gotten her hair cut short, very short with a part combed and cut into it on the left side. It was perfect, and rather expensive for just getting a lot of hair removed, I thought. There hadn't been a whole lot of styling to be done and Lilah looked like a boy. A very attractive boy to be sure. A pretty boy with effeminate mannerisms and a sweet, high pitched voice, but a boy nevertheless. The same way someone seeing me would think I was nothing but girl, Lilah was all boy as she stood there.

"Isn't he pretty, Master?" I asked, and he was looking Lilah up and down slowly. "Isn't he a pretty boy?"

"This was your idea?" Mr. Reiser asked me, and I nodded happily, recognizing the look on his face.

Mercy knew that look too; our Master liked what he saw, and she only shook her head.

"It's perfect, isn't it?" I felt so excited I could barely contain myself. "The best part is, when Lilah puts on a dress, some makeup ... God! She's so cute. A lot of girls have short hair nowadays. She can be whatever you want!"

"Ma'am..." Lilah blushed so hard she looked like one of those Indians from the Old West and I giggled.

"You gone take her upstairs," Mercy commanded, finally moving again. "That girl ain't gone sit down lookin' like that!"

"Oh!" Lilah blinked at the old woman's rebuke with Tom Henry looking back and forth between Mercy and me.

"You stay right here," I told the girl, making a face at Mercy. Maybe she didn't care of our Master was right there or not, but I felt confident enough to challenge her. He wanted me to be the mistress of the house and so I would be.

"No. It's okay, Mercy," Mr. Reiser decided. "Lilah looks very ... nice. Sit down here, next to me. It's alright." mistress of the house and so I would be.

"No. It's okay, Mercy," Mr. Reiser decided. "Lilah looks very ... nice. Sit down here, next to me. It's alright."

"Go on." I gave the girl a little push.

"Yes sir." Lilah nodded. She smiled shyly at her new Master as she sat down in the chair next to him.

"That soup smells wonderful, Mercy," I told her, and then giggled at the dirty look she gave me.

I was gonna catch some serious what-for later, but nothing could spoil the moment. I'd made my Master very happy. He spoke quietly with Lilah, just asking her if everything was okay, if she liked the house and got along with me. He was making small talk while we waited for our soup and I just watched them.

At first I'd wanted to spoil his plans. If Mr. Reiser planned to show the girl off as his new bedroom negra for people who wouldn't understand a girl like me, dressing Lilah up as a boy seemed like a real good joke. It was my petty revenge, so to speak, and a way to show both her and my Master exactly how I felt about being replaced, even if it was just for show. Somewhere along the way though, I'd come to like the girl, and I'd heard what Mr. Reiser said about it not being her fault she was there. It could be I'd just come to my senses too. After two days of playing the spoiled negra, maybe I'd finally decided to grow up a little, I don't know. All I knew was that when I saw Lilah dressed like a boy, I'd known it would work and the idea of making Mr. Reiser happy made me feel a whole lot better than the idea of making him unhappy.

I suppose that's what love is, huh?

"Hey there, Tom Henry," I said to the boy. We were sitting next to each other, with me between him and our Master.

"Ma'am." He nodded and dipped his head. He looked a little unsure of himself, like maybe I was gonna bite his head off again.

"Did you get comfortable in your room?" I asked him.

"Yes ma'am, that's a fine room. Thank you, ma'am." He was polite, that was for sure.

Mercy put a large bowl of soup down in the center of the table, serving Mr. Reiser first of course. She'd probably serve me last, or make me get my own.

"Maybe I oughta take you for some shopping, too. I didn't think about asking you if you needed anything," I admitted, frowning. "Do you think I should take Tom Henry to the store, Master?"

"I got what I need, ma'am," the boy said, but Mr. Reiser was nodding.

"Just don't put him in a dress." He grinned at me and Tom Henry's jaw dropped slightly. He looked at me like maybe that's exactly what I might be planning.

"Of course not!" I giggled and leaned over a bit, putting my hand in Tom Henry's lap, just to tease him and see what Mr. Reiser might say. ed at him and Mercy tapped my head with a spoon. "Ow!"

"Git your hands off'n that boy!" she told me. "You got somethin' wrong in the head, girl?"

"Be nice, Danielle," Mr. Reiser said, and I smiled back at him, rubbing my head and wondering if he was giving me permission to fool around with Tom Henry.

"I am being nice!" I said. "Mercy's the one being mean!"

"I's thinkin' I's the only one 'round here's got any decency." She ladled some soup into my bowl. "Can't even sit down the table and you's gone actin' like a cathouse villain on a jukebox!"

"A what?" I giggled.

"Shush now, we gone say some Grace 'fore we eat," Mercy said, and I rolled my eyes. I never was very religious, neither was our Master, but when we sat down at the table with Mercy, we always had to pray.

"Deah Lord, Thank you for this heah bounty and all your many blessins. Thank you for this good Earth an deliverin' us safely upon this glorious day you give us. We's beggin' you watch over us an guide us away from evil thoughts and the many temptations besettin' our path to your glory. And please Lord, ya'll watch over this heah negra and mind her fool tongue afore I take a switch an..."

"Amen," Mr. Reiser said at that point, and I giggled again. Lilah only blinked at me.

"You're praying for me?" I smiled sweetly. "Thank you, Mercy."

"Danielle..." Our Master gave me a look and I nodded.

"Sorry, sir." I tried to look contrite.

Lilah relaxed and smiled at me as I put my right hand back in Tom Henry's lap, deciding I liked feeling the boy's prick under my fingers while we ate our lunch. Lilah had the same idea, or maybe Mr. Reiser did, because she started rubbing him as well, and all Mercy could do was eat her soup and frown.

It was a lot of fun and all my fault, to be sure. I'd have to make up with Mercy, but she was just as quick to forgive as she was to get mad, so it would be okay. Poor Tom Henry was confused though, that's a fact. He didn't know why I played with him like I did, or why Mr. Reiser enjoyed the way Lilah dressed like a boy in her new haircut. Or most probably, the boy didn't know if he was gonna take a whipping from Mercy later for letting a bedroom negra flirt with him. He was an old fashioned house nigger and this wasn't much of an old fashioned household.

"What put you in such a good mood today?" Mr. Reiser asked me, meaning more than just that. He wondered about my whole attitude and I didn't really have an answer.

"I don't know," I replied, smiling and rolling my eyes. "Maybe it's a girl thing."

"A girl thing?" He chuckled softly. "How about you? Are you okay, Lilah?"

"Yes sir," she answered, glancing around looking a little nervous because we were inside Mr. Reiser's study. He was giving her a lot of attention in front of me, his bedroom negra, and she didn't look too comfortable with that.

"Do you know how pretty you are?" Mr. Reiser asked her. "What a pretty boy you make?"

"Do I really look like a boy, sir?" She looked down at herself and I laughed.

"How many times do we have to say it?" I teased her, and then grinned at our Master. "He's kinda like that."

"Is he?" Mr. Reiser nodded and didn't mind using the male pronouns for Lilah at all. "I want you to bend over my desk; right here ... I want to look at you."

"He's going to fuck you," I stage whispered, taking Lilah's hands in mine and pulling her to the desk. "Remember what I said and it'll feel good."

"Yes ma'am." She nodded, swallowing hard and looking over her shoulder at Mr. Reiser for a second.

"What did you tell him?" he wondered, rubbing his cock through his pants like a teenager.

"Ohhhh..." I gave a whimsical shrug. "Little of this, little of that ... Boy talk!"

"Boy talk, huh?" My Master licked his lips as Lilah leaned on the big mahogany desk, and pushed her ass out nicely.

Even through those corduroys it was obvious how fine that little girl's ass really was and I liked playing with it, standing close and rubbing her sweet round butt through her pants. My own girl cock ached hard in my panties, but I wasn't hot for the girl, not at all. I'd fingered her good too, just before lunch, greasing her virgin asshole with a lot of KY Jelly in the hopes that Mr. Reiser would want her. I hadn't wanted to fuck her, even though her little brown anus was tight and hot and pretty as any I could imagine. What I wanted was to see our Master take her there. That's what was getting me off and I didn't know why. I should have been jealous or something, and maybe I would be later, but not just then.

"Let me see him now," Mr. Reiser said, being about as patient as he could be.

"You ever had a man in your ass, boy?" I asked Lilah, just for our Master's benefit. I already knew the answer and she shook her head.

"No ma'am," she told us, wriggling her butt from side to side as I undid her belt, my hands working blindly beneath her.

"Tell your Master," I said softly. "Make it good for him now."

"I ain't never had a man in my hind parts, sir." Lilah looked over her shoulder and smiled, remembering at least some of what I'd told her. "Are you gonna be my first?"

"Yeah, boy." Mr. Reiser nodded. "I'll be your first ... and your only, for a long time, I think."

"There," I breathed, pulling Lilah's pant's down to just above her knees, exposing those boys briefs she wore.

"Hmmmm..." Our Master smiled at that and looked at me, "You thought of everything, huh?"

"I'm the only boy in panties around here," I told him seriously, letting him know I wanted it to stay that way.

"I thought she was a girl, sir." Lilah giggled and I slapped her round butt through her cotton underwear.

"I am a girl. You best remember that!" I laughed.

"Yes ma'am." She nodded quickly.

"And you're my new houseboy." Mr. Reiser moved closer and I pulled Lilah's underwear down, not too far, but enough to tease the man with the long deep cleft between the girl's caramel colored cheeks.

"Yes sir," she agreed, swallowing hard as Mr. Reiser freed his swollen cock, long and stiff and ruddy with desire just for her. "I'm your boy."

I pulled her briefs down a little more, exposing enough of Lilah's butt to give Mr. Reiser her asshole, but still hiding her pussy as much as possible, giving our Master the illusion he wanted. I spread Lilah's ass with my thumbs, standing beside her and turning my head, resting my right cheek at the top of her ass and looking at Mr. Reiser. He was staring at the girl's anus, tight and darker than the rest of her, puckered and freshly washed and lubricated. I'd taught her how to clean herself good, inside and out. I told her she wouldn't probably ever get sexed up in her pussy, but only in her mouth and in her butt from now on. She had to keep herself clean and fresh, and slippery so it would feel good anytime her Master wanted her.

"Take this off ... I want to see you too, Dani," Mr. Reiser said.

He unzipped my skirt, letting it fall around my feet as I bent over, his two slaves posed for fucking at right angles to each other. Lilah braced herself over the desk and I kept my cheek on her ass. He took my panties down too, slowly with his fingers until my girl cock sprang free, standing straight out. I knew he wanted to see it while he fucked Lilah. It would help him because the man was queer for cock and maybe that little disguise the girl wore wasn't going to be enough.

"Almost there..." I whispered, kissing the dimple at the top of Lilah's buttocks as she gave us a shiver.

Mr. Reiser stood behind her and he pressed his cock against her skin, against the soft crevice between her ass cheeks and she offered an apprehensive sigh. He slid his cock forward and up, across the girl and towards my lips and I opened for it, letting our Master fill my mouth as I lay on the girl beneath us. I had my right arm beneath her, under her sweatshirt so I could play with her tiny nipples, feeling her chest so smooth and warm and not a hint of girlishness there. That made it good for me, as if Mr. Reiser and I really were with a houseboy, and I pinched and played with those nipples until they hardened like small pebbles. Lilah gasped softly, her body trembling with some sweet mixture of pain, pleasure, and desire for the cock riding her ass into my hungry mouth.

"Ummm ... Suck it Dani, get me ready for that ass," our Master whispered, and I was being sloppy, not swallowing anything but letting all the fluids in my mouth run from my lips. Spit and precum pooled on Lilah's light brown skin and ran down the crack of her ass. Mr. Reiser's cock grew slick and dark as the muscle filled with blood, his erection swelling even larger as he held the girl's hips and thighs, feeling her boyish underwear beneath his fingers.

"Put it in now ... Fuck ... Put me inside him, Dani," Mr. Reiser finally told me. I took his penis in my left hand, guiding him to Lilah's virgin hole while I kissed and licked at her soft, brown skin.

I put the bulbous head of our Master's cock against Lilah's tiny anus and licked around it, pushing my face down between the firm round globes of her ass. Mr. Reiser pushed slowly, staring at us, watching as I licked their union. Lilah yelped with her high pitched voice, jerking slightly as if she might want to get away, but our Master held the girl tightly. I used both hands to keep her ass wide and I felt my girl cock spasm with excitement as the head of Mr. Reiser's penis just seemed to pop inside her all of a sudden, that tight ring of delicate flesh stretching wider than it ever had in her life and then closing tightly behind the well-defined ridge of the cock that was now inside her.

"Breathe ... Remember what I said, Lilah." I kissed my way up and brought my mouth close to Lilah's ear, whispering encouragement. "You gotta relax. Just let him inside now ... Let go of the pain."

"Jesus! This boy's tight as hell!" Mr. Reiser said, smiling and grunting as he pushed himself deeper.

Lilah let out the breath she was holding finally and I knew that would help. "It ... Hurts..." she whispered and there was some small wetness at the corners of her eyes.

"Just for a little bit," I promised, kissing her cheek and rubbing her back. Lilah was very small, much smaller than I'd been the first time Mr. Reiser had fucked me, but this girl wasn't a total virgin either. She knew how to fuck and that would help.

Mr. Reiser knew how to fuck too and he wasn't trying to hurt the girl at all. He took her virgin rectum as gently as he could, sliding his big cock inside just an inch and taking half of it back. I knew that feeling and once the first bit of pain went away, the sharpness, it would just leave a dull ache behind, and that wouldn't be so bad. The fire would go down a little and her body would start taking it easier, even wanting it maybe, as that in and out started feeling good.

I played with my penis, I couldn't help it. Watching my Master fuck Lilah's ass, being so close to her, to both of them, it got me hot all over. I moved my mouth back to her asshole, sticking out my tongue so I could lick around that thick white shaft as it penetrated Lilah's half-bred asshole. He was going at her a little faster now, almost all the way inside, and he'd pull back some, letting her feel a real butt fucking. Even though she was crying softly, the girl had started fucking him back. She'd move her hips and give a push off that desk, letting her Master know she could take more.

She'd grown up a real bedroom negra and the mulatto had been well-trained for it. What she felt was unimportant, so long as her Master could enjoy her willing body. That's what some people don't get, but girls like Lilah and me understood our roles completely. Nothing else mattered than making our owner happy, not pain or humiliation or anything else. Lilah was a good slave, a good little boy now for our Master to use whenever he needed her.

He'd remember that Lilah had my my gift to him, and that wasn't something I'd been planning, but it occurred to me as I watched them fuck and I knew it to be true. Mr. Reiser would know I'd arranged this experience and he'd love me for it, even more than he already did, and maybe that's why my attitude had changed so much. The world was turning and I had to turn with it, like Mercy said.

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Brendan FallsChapter 27

Mr. Davis was one of those men who are neither handsome nor ugly, but unremarkable physically. He was taller than my five foot nine by four or five inches at least, and of course thicker and stronger. He had a small belly starting, a thin spare tire around his waist, which had never bothered me one way or the other. His eyes were blue and nice above a friendly smile and a strong nose. His short brown hair was unremarkable and just starting to cover his ears and thinning a little on top. He...

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Brendan FallsChapter 28

I was wearing my pink short-shorts with my long brown legs stretched out, my bare feet crossed at the ankles on the dashboard in front of Mr. Davis while he drove. I was leaning against the passenger door mostly, with the seatback adjusted so I was comfortable. I had a tight white t-shirt, new like my shorts, and it hugged my body closely, showing off my flat little tummy and especially my braless breasts. My thick black nipples were obvious and I was teasing my old teacher as much as I...

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Brendan FallsChapter 29

" ... up, Dani. Wake up, baby." I blinked in the darkness and realized Mr. Davis was talking to me, stroking my shoulder to rouse me. We were parked at a motel and it was still night and I felt so tired. My mouth was dry and I let him pull me slowly from the car, putting his arm around my waist as he unlocked the door to our room, which I was slow to realize was actually a little cabin. "Mmmm..." I laughed weakly. "The love shack." "Here, get into bed," Mr. Davis told me. "It's...

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Brendan FallsChapter 30

The big deputy had removed my handcuffs as the sheriff had instructed and now Deputy Bluett was watching me take a shower. The water was hot anyway and it felt good as I soaped my body under the man's less than happy scrutiny. He wanted to like me as a woman, I thought, but the man just couldn't get past my smallish penis and balls and it frustrated him. So he stood there at the entrance of the small communal shower, watching my soapy hands work their way over my taut brown belly and firm...

3 years ago
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Brendan FallsChapter 31

"Oh man. That was Dad checking up on me before he goes to bed," Deputy Miller's voice was full of humor as he returned to the sheriff's office where I was waiting. "He probably thinks we're fuuhhhk ... Hey." "I'm sorry, sir. But I have to go," I said and I was pointing the young man's pistol at him, one of those big black semi-automatic kind. It seemed incredibly heavy and my heart was going a hundred miles an hour. "Just, um ... put that down, okay?" He licked his lips,...

2 years ago
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Brendan FallsChapter 32

"Welcome to Tucson," Drew said softly into my ear. "Hmmm?" I blinked around sleepily and sat up with a stretch. "Oh, I fell asleep." "Just a little while," he smiled and we were stopped in a parking lot it looked like. "I was falling asleep myself. Come on we'll get a little breakfast and then get a little bed." "A big bed," I grinned with a nice stretch. "A big breakfast too." We were at a place called the Cactus Ranch, which was hardly that. It was a two floor motel...

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Brendan FallsChapter 33

The Indian casino was than I'd first suspected, and oddly shaped, like someone had taken four or five big buildings and just mashed them together somehow. It looked strange from the outside, but inside I had no idea what was going on. I guess casinos are like that though. A person had to walk past all the slot machines and gaming tables before they could find the other stuff, like the restaurant and bars and yeah, a little dance club too. There were a lot of people in there, inside the...

2 years ago
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Teacher Training Pt4

Manly baritone voices from downstairs wafted up the stairs as they took their seats in readiness for the game of poker. Stealing a lungful of air and a glance in the mirror, the petite blonde was far from sure that the little black mask around the eyes would conceal her identity, especially from those that knew her intimately, like Jack Willis, the former lover with whom she'd shared six blissful months. And if not Jack, Bill Mason and Jeff Andrews, the headmaster and games teacher at...

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MonstersOfCock Michele James Fuck Her Longest Cock

Michele James gets home from college and she walks by the open bathroom where she sees Ricky Johnson in the shower. She’s in total shocked of the length of his cock as continued spying on him. After noticing her he surprises her by throwing down his cock on her book. She admits to have been spying because of she’s never seen a dick that long. She starts sucking on it and tit fucks him. She ends up taking his long cock from various positions. We get to see her big tits bounce and her face full...

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Free use hotel

You haul your luggage into the hotel lobby. It's only a weekend getaway for just your wife and yourself, so one wheelie suitcase should suffice. Your wife, Jane, booked this trip several months ago, and has been really excited that all the facilities of the hotel are available for you to use for no extra charge. During the journey there she read some of the literature to you. She listed some of the facilities - a swimming pool, extensive gardens for hotel guests only, hot tubs, a gym, a...

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Behan ke baad bhanji ki chudai

Mai fir a gaya apni adhuri kahani puri karne. Maine kaha apni behan ko chod ke meri buri najar meri bhanji ki or pari. 18 saal ki ho gayi thi mai jyadatar unke ghar rehta jab jiju ghar par nahi rehte. Maine didi ko to choda tha lekin uski beti neha par najar thi. Ek din jab unke ghar pe tha tab jiju a gaye aur kaha raj kal mujhe bahar jana hai kal se yahi a jana. Didi ne kaha ki kal se kyu aj se kyu nahi. Waise mai hamesha jiju ki gairhajiri me wahi rehta tha. Lekin aur din woh mujhe phone kar...

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3 cocks 1 wife

7 in morning, the alarm goes off. Jude and Kevin had some gardeners coming over that afternoon. Wonderful breakfast was made by the the lovely wife. The sweet smell of pancakes in the morning. Later on that afternoon, Kevin had to teach guitar for some students across town. "Bye baby, see ya when I get back.""I love you" she responded. It was 100 degrees and jude was working in the garage rearranging her books. She was completely covered in dirt, and of course sweat. Nice white bottoned shirt,...

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A Binding RelationshipChapter 47

I sat at my desk thinking about every thing that had happened in the last twenty-four hours. I couldn't believe what all we had been through. I was tied to the bed and being pleased by Nick while Shelly was being beaten by a son-of-a-bitch that thought that it was what she wanted. Who was beating her for his pleasure. The more I thought about it the more I figured that we must have been tied at the same time. I suddenly think about the guy that works at the adult bookstore. Oh my God, I...

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Older Sister Is A Tease

I wiped the sleep off my eyes as I slowly woke up from my afternoon nap. I decided that I needed a shower to fully wake up. Normally I wouldn’t give a care but my Mom was coming over to my apartment to drop off my 14 year old brother. My parents had decided that they badly needed a secluded vacation so they decided to leave my brother to the only free nanny in the world. Lucky me. I unclasped my bra; letting my D cup pear shaped breasts come free. I’m sure in a couple of decades...

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When Uncle was away

He reminds me of your Uncle Bob - Ben, that is, not Jay Leno, " she laughed. "i'll try to keep the volume down low. Call out if you need anything. "My Uncle Bob, who was a Captain in the Marine Corps, was on extended service in Afghanistan and Aunt Jessica was staying with us at our home in the Bronx until he returned. Although, it was unsaid, I knew she had been asked to look after me while my parents took a 6 week tour of Australia and New Zealand. Because I was just finishing my...

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Feminized by Hypnosis

The file said I could hypnotize myself into becoming a woman. I had to try it out and see for myself. My wife hated my dressing and maybe I could hypnotize her into helping me become a woman. Now that would be the ultimate, wouldn't it? Feminized by Hypnosis By: Rachael Free My life was getting pretty dull with work, chores at home and bed, usually without sex. We were in our late 30's and already bored with our marriage. It's not saying that were not bad looking or we let...

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James 3

Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky, how fate had brought us together like this, there was no way we just happened to be in the same spot at the same time. That out of everyone he chose to come into my chat. I smiled as I walked up his driveway, I wondered to myself about him often. My stomach began to tighten and turn as I reached his door, it got like this every time I knew I was about to see him. I rung the doorbell and exhaled trying to calm my heart from imploding. James opened the door,...

Straight Sex
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Jess Tells All1

Teachers also were a lot more lenient with claimed girls when it came to dress codes and class attendance – as long as they weren’t baring their goods for the whole world to see or missing entire lessons then they could get away with a lot. Which was lucky for Jess, Chloe thought, as she breezed into the room – perhaps walking a little stiffly on her heels, clearly sweaty, and with the top three buttons of her blouse undone. Seeing the space Chloe had saved, she smiled and sat down, with a...

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Caught In The Act

I had just been sitting down to play a board game with Jenny when her father walked in the front door. I looked up, surprised. I hadn't expected him home for another couple of hours. Not that I minded—he had aged very nicely. He had some gray in his hair, but it was just enough to give him that sexy, older man appeal. He still was fairly built, no doubt making trips to the gym every week to stay in peak shape for the court room ladies. "Daddy!" Jenny jumped up and ran over. Oh, to be young and...

Quickie Sex
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Wife Becomes Party Entertainment

January this year, I was being promoted to Executive Officer within our Unit. Having been in the military for 15 years I was so excited. I was flown across country to meet my new Commanding Officer who I would be supporting. Upon meeting him I was informed he was getting married for his 3rd time and that he was glad i was arriving because it is my job to host the Bachelor Party. There were going to be many of his old Academy buddies and one of grades for my Fit-Rep would be how well I...

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Cant Escape

Karen was surprised to see Rachel and Kim at the front door. "Hi girls, what's up?" - "We're going on a vacation for a week, come with us", replied Kim emphatically. Kim and Karen had known each other all through high school and Rachel had been Karen's best friend since the end of elementary school. They were both shorter than Karen who was 5'9". Rachel was the shorter of the two. - "Yes please come, we're going to this cabin, well more like a mansion out in the forest. My cousin invited me and...

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Accidental Hero Chapter 10 A Change in the Relationship

I made the news again. The TV people wanted to interview me, but I made myself unavailable until I'd talked to Bud Fosdick on Monday morning. I was hoping that my adventure would be old news and forgotten by then. The evening paper also wanted an interview, and once again I deflected them by saying that since a crime had been committed, they should talk to the police about my involvement. I didn't want to interfere with their investigation. Dad had come up with that line and it worked like...

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Gang Bang With Reena And Ektha Part I

By: Skyscoopers Hey every one this Akshay well, I am impressed with comments of everyone here for my experience with my first sexual encounter with my neighbour and my love maker reena and sorry guys I couldn’t disclose my Reena pic because it might create big issues . This is my second preety different experience with reena and my buddy’s infact we can say this way I had given my Reena as feast to their sex hunger. If you’re new to my second experience I will say in short about Reena, She is...

1 year ago
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Sex slave

I woke up and decided to take a shower. I walk into the bathroom and pull of my tight bra my size 32ddd breast plop down. I'm not afraid to show them off but I'm still a virgin it's not that boys haven't tried cause they sure have. I take a quick shower and get out. "Shit my clothes are in my bedroom" I quickly run to my bedroom naked. "Oh thank god I hope no one saw me". My mom is kind of a slut she looks nothing like me she looks old fat and has size 32b and has brown hair and dark cuban skin...

3 years ago
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Second Chance At LovePart 1 Prelude

"Aarrrgggg... Oooohhhhh... Will." I licked my lover's clitoris again. Then I looked up from my position between my 16 year old lover's legs. Her smooth slightly tanned legs were shaking. Her tummy quivered. I looked between her grapefruit sized white breasts at her face. Her eyes were closed as she shook and moaned. Her face was framed by flowing blonde locks of hair. More disheveled than usual. I loved to look at my lover when she had an orgasm. This was her second in the past ten...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 1 IntroductionsChapter 8

Francine had the dark hair, blue eyes, and the pale complexion which is typical of Ireland, rather than of Ulster. She was at least 5 years older than Rita—and me and Gino—and judging by her manner held a higher status job than Rita, who was a clerk in the local council. She sat on the edge of the bed and gave me an appraising look. "I've often heard Rita being shagged, but I've never heard her make as much noise as that. She said you got her to come at least twice?" I shrugged...

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TurbulenceChapter 17

It was the first time Abby had ridden in an underground conveyance. Both Arthur and Colette snickered inconspicuously at her sense of amazement. Arthur remembered how he continued looking out the car window his first time even though it was dark, and they were only a few feet from the tunnel wall. Colette had been riding underground since childhood and couldn’t ever remember feeling anything but natural about it. What interested her though were the stolen glances Abby would give Arthur which...

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Three Square MealsChapter 76 The truth behind the legend

Wake up sleepyhead, it’s time for lunch, Alyssa whispered, her soft telepathic voice meandering through John’s mind like a lover’s caress as she roused him from his slumber. John felt a warm curvy body next to him and when he opened his eyes, he found himself lying next to Irillith’s luscious azure figure. With a start, he suddenly remembered that this wasn’t his alluring cyber-security expert he had his arms around, but her twin sister instead! He allowed himself a broad smile of...

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My BrotherinLaw then the Pizza Guy

My older sister was heavily pregnant and due to drop. I had planned to be there for the birth, which was planned for the house, and because it was a July birth, I used up a few weeks of my summer break from college to be there for her.My brother in law played his part as the devoted husband, but there was something else creeping in, that both myself and Jack, were subconsciously aware off, I was becoming 'broody', and his forced celibacy, from my sister's fear of sex so close to birth, began...

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Chloes Sex Lessons Ch 17

When Chloe & Randy got to their wedding night room, Chloe sighed as she reflected on how far she had progressed in her life. She grew up on a farm, leading a very simple life. When she arrived at Minneapolis to attend the University of Minnesota, just a scant two years prior, not only was she a virgin, but she had never even been out on a date with a boy. She was so unsophisticated that she did not know how to flirt or interact appropriately with the opposite sex. All she really knew was that...

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Falling in love

That morning when I got up for high school I felt that something was different. But I didn’t know what. So I just went about my usual morning routine. I got out of bed, woke my roommate up and walked through the apartment naked and turned on the shower then I went and put the coffeepot on. I took a nice cold shower, dried off, brushed my hair and teeth, and got dressed. ‘Who knows maybe I’ll finally get laid tonight maybe that’s what is different today’ I thought to myself and laughed fat...

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A Touch of DeathChapter 9

I was warm, content. I seemed to be floating on my stomach in a cloud made of sweet smelling flowers. No, not flowers. Something better. More sensual. Cologne? I smiled to myself. I loved waking up like this. Languidly, I stretched and felt an answering motion from below me. My eyes popped open. Ty was sprawled beneath me. My face was nestled on his bare chest and my leg was arched across his thighs. He was the wonderful scent. Jesus, I was plastered all over him. His arm curled around my...

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Samantha David break down in the ghetto

It was becoming dusk when my car slowed to an inevitable standstill. The air around us was muggy and warm, the faint sound of Reggae music drifting down from some tower block party. We had, ourselves, been heading for a party of certainly more salubrious design than the one that we could currently hear, but a wrong turn somewhere in the city had brought us to this part of town and our current engine problems - whatever they were - seemed to ensure that we were to stay here for some time. I...

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Pool HouseChapter 6 Taking the Test

I was truly sorry to see Rachel and her daughters leave. I will have to admit that my sex life with my wife had gotten a lot better. Her rekindled relationship with Rachel had put a spark in her. It was very convenient to have a job where I worked out of my house so we could share a lunchtime "quickie". The rest of the summer passed uneventfully for the most part. The one exception was when Amy had a slumber party on her 12th birthday. I told my wife that I would be tied up at the office...

3 years ago
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Sex from bus to bed

Hi all iss sexy story readers .I m sharing you a story of my life which just happened on December 29 2008.this is regular n true story not fake like others as there r emotions attached to this story’s m 27 m from surat good looking average body guy n m sex o holic .do mail me your comments but only real people not fake. It was chill evening at Mumbai when I was traveling to Surat. I was trying for train ticket to Surat but did not get it due to heavy rush. So I decided to go by Bus. I also...

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