Brendan FallsChapter 12 free porn video

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"What is you doin' in here, girl?" Mercy asked me in her lyrical voice, frowning as I picked up a peeler and started skinning potatoes.

"Cooking." I smiled at her. She was preparing some stuffing for the chicken sitting near a big roasting pan.

"No, you aint. Put them taters down and gone take a bath." She leaned close, wrinkling her nose at me. "You smell like finger puddin'."

"I do not!" I laughed at her. "I'll take a bath later. I've got time."

"Hmph." She shook her head. "You think cause I'm old I ain't got no sense? I forget what it smells like? You best put them clothes in the wash too."

"Just let me do something, okay? I'm bored," I said, and I wasn't putting the potato down.

"You's bored?" She chuckled at that. "I told Suh, he oughta put you to working way back when, but now he's gone and spoilt you good."

"Working?" I made a little face. "I do work. I clean. I dusted the upstairs the other day, or maybe you didn't notice that."

"Is that what you was doin' up there?" Mercy pushed stuffing into the chicken. "You doan know the first thing bout bein' a house negra."

"That's cause every time I want to learn something, you kick me out," I told her, and that was true. She wouldn't even teach me to cook.

"Now you ain't never gone be a kitchie coo, child!" Mercy laughed and shook her head. "You's just a bedroom negra and bedroom negras get bored if they ain't a hard man around, that's a fact."

"It's not my fault," I pouted.

"And that's why you's come round here smellin' like negra pie." She started suturing the chicken closed, quickly and without hardly even looking at her fingers. "You's gone and got yourself a girl, huh?"

"Negra pie?" I giggled.

"Bound to happen, I spose," Mercy shrugged. "Suh ain't gone like it none, but that be your business anyway."

"You think he'd be mad if he knew?" I bit my lip because I hadn't thought about it.

"Is you blind, or just stupid?" The old woman looked at me as she put the bird in a pan. "That man ain't never had no use for catnip 'cept it was like yours."

"Catnip?" I gasped and giggled, and I wondered just how many different ways Mercy could refer to sex and not say it.

She took the peeler away from me, shouldering me aside.

"And you's come home smellin' like you's livin' in it now." She peeled quickly, paying more attention to me than her hands. "Talkin' bout bein' bored and cryin' for somethin' to do like you's on holiday."

"What?" I had to listen carefully as Mercy's accent grew seriously thick when she got excited.

"All you's gone do is look pretty, smile pretty, an saddle up pretty." Mercy peeled three potatoes in the time it took me to do one. "And that done mean stickin' ya lil thingy in no field ginga neither. Oughta lick yer black behine with a strap fer comin' home stinkin' like that."

"Okay ... Okay." I rolled my eyes. "I'll take a bath. God!"

"And doan you blaspheme in this house!" She frowned at me, pointing that peeler at my nose.

So much for learning how to cook, I thought. I tried though, once in awhile, and had been trying for a year, but Mercy always kicked me out. The kitchen was definitely her place and she guarded it jealously. The master bedroom upstairs was mine and I was the same way, I suppose. Mercy didn't step a foot in it anymore, except to clean while I was at school. When I was home, she'd stand at the door, but never come inside. It was our bedroom, mine and Mr. Reiser's, and any pretense that I was anything but his mistress had long been over and done with.

It did get boring though, to tell the truth. I went to school, but there was never any homework, not like my previous school, the catholic one. That had been hard and I'd had to do a lot of studying to keep up, but the segregated school was easier, or maybe I was smarter, but I doubted it. After school, I came home and made myself pretty for my Master, and just waited for him. I read magazines, watched television, and even used the internet sometimes. Slaves weren't supposed to use the internet and even freeborn blacks didn't have unlimited access, but Mr. Reiser never bothered to turn the black filter on. When the weather was warm, I'd sit outside by the pool. I did some exercise everyday, some dance aerobics mostly, but diet and hormones were giving me a real body and the exercise was just for fun really.

I had changed a lot over the previous year. Besides having real breasts now, tits that were about as perfect as you can imagine, I had slightly wider hips and my ass was a little bigger, not a lot, but enough to be better. Round and firm and nice. My waist was still small, so I had a pleasing figure and nobody could tell I wasn't a real girl, not unless they saw my penis, and I'd gotten very good at hiding that. I could wear a two piece bikini and walk around the beach and men, straight men, would stare at my body happily. Mr. Reiser had taken me down to the Gulf Coast for a few weekends the previous summer and so I knew it for a fact -- I was beautiful.

And bored, like I say, waiting for my Master to come home from work. Most often we'd have sex right away, just quick fun sex, and then we'd have dinner. Mr. Reiser would do some work in his study then and later we might go to the Owner's Club, or maybe just go upstairs and make love until we fell asleep. Once in awhile he'd take me someplace else, someplace more public, since I was now completely passable, but being gay was illegal. Even though me being his slave gave Mr. Reiser a loophole, if he was found out publicly it could be very embarrassing for him. Privately, all of his friends knew, of course, but so long as it stayed an open secret nobody cared.

It was much like having a black mistress, which most white owners had. They were a public secret. The men would never admit it and nobody would bring the subject up socially, but privately, everyone knew and approved, or at least tolerated the practice. The whole affair seemed frustrating and hypocritical, I thought, but it had been that way forever and it wasn't going to change anytime soon. I just wished there was more for a bedroom negra like me to do than fuck all the time, or sit around waiting to be fucked, which was my real complaint. I liked the sex just fine, it was the in betweens I didn't like so much.

The only things I had to do were things that had to do with being Mr. Reiser's mistress. Like doing my vocal exercises, which I hated, but that's what I was doing after my bath. I'd had surgery to shorten my vocal cords, and that had been a little frightening because the doctors had told my Master that I could lose my voice completely, or come out of it sounding like a frog or something. It wasn't exactly the sort of thing that they did to a lot of girls and so it was experimental, you might say.

Mr. Reiser had it done though, and while my voice had been reasonably girlish before, especially if I tried to sound like a girl, now I didn't have to try at all. I had a soft, high-pitched voice, kind of breathless actually, but my Master thought that sounded sexy, so it was okay. I couldn't yell or anything, however, because if I did, I'd lose my voice for two or three days just that quick. I had to exercise my vocal cords, or so the doctor had said, and he'd given me a little CD with exercises on it, sounds to imitate and words and phrases and just musical notes to hum along with.

So I was humming and sort of dancing around naked because I'd gotten tired of sitting and then laying down, and I'd brushed my hair already and made up my face and painted my toes red and my fingernails, too. I was dark and pretty and feeling like a prisoner just because there was nothing else to do.

"Well now, this is different." Mr. Reiser startled me. I was jumping on the bed, pretty high too, and almost hitting my head on the ceiling.

"Oh!" I stopped, falling on my bare brown butt and giggling. "Hi!"

"Hi!" He grinned at me and started taking off his suit.

"I was, um, exercising." I stuck out my tongue a little and I was always happy when my Master came home.

"I see that." He nodded. "You break the bed and we'll have to sleep in your room."

"I won't break it," I promised. "Not by myself anyway."

"Is that right?" Mr. Reiser had loosened his tie and he reached for the little stereo we had in there, turning it off.

"Do you think I'm getting bigger?" I asked him, thinking about what Sarah had said.

"Bigger?" he asked. I got off the bed, standing there naked as I grabbed the head of my penis, the loose wrinkled foreskin covering the tip like a tiny elephant nose, and pulled my cock up for him.

"Or is it getting smaller?" I wondered.

"I think it's about the same, Dani." Mr. Reiser chuckled. "Still perfect."

"You think those shots are going to make it so I don't get hard anymore?" I sighed. "I hope not."

"No. Your cock is going to work just fine. The doctors know what they're doing," he assured me, undressing slowly while I played with myself.

"I hope so." I felt a little grumpy. "I feel like a guinea pig."

"Heh!" Mr. Reiser laughed. "You're the sexiest guinea pig I ever saw then. What's wrong?"

"I don't know." I shrugged. "Mercy wouldn't let me help her cook."

"You're not supposed to cook."

"I know." I played with my penis for him, pulling the dark foreskin back and forth. "I'm just ... Bored."

"Bored, huh?" He nodded. "It's kind of hard being the only teenager around here, isn't it?"

"Yeah." I shrugged. "Maybe."

"Maybe I should find a boy," Mr. Reiser said, kind of throwing it out there like it didn't mean anything, but I knew him too well.

"You want another slave?" I frowned at that. "Why?"

"Just a houseboy, someone to help take care of the place," he said, but my Master was lying.

"You don't like me anymore?" I blinked at him, being childish, I knew.

"What? Dani, you know better than that," he said. "You'd have a friend, someone your own age to keep you company."

"I have you," I said, and I was shaking a little, fighting with my feelings. "Mercy's here too. Why can't it be just us?"

"He isn't going to come between us." Mr. Reiser pulled off his pants, standing there in his black socks and white underwear now, loose boxers and a ribbed sleeveless t-shirt.

"You already got him," I said, hearing what he wasn't saying.

"He'll be here tomorrow."

"I hate you." I swallowed hard and started crying. I couldn't help it.

"Dani..." My Master frowned.

"I don't hate you. I love you!" I sobbed, moving to embrace him, wrapping my arms around the man and pressing a wet cheek to his chest. "Don't do it, please? Don't do it."

"I already did it," Mr. Reiser said softly. He hugged me as we stood there. "I had my lawyer file the papers today. He's slaveborn. He's just a house nigger, that's all. He isn't like you, Dani. Nobody is."

"You're going to love him." I shook my head, wiping my face on his t-shirt.

"I'm not going to love him," he said, chuckling. "Fuck him, yeah, but you're the one I love. Believe that."

"Sarah's master got a new slave and now she sleeps on the floor."

"What?" Mr. Reiser hardly knew Sarah, except as a girl I went to school with. "Stop crying. You know I don't like it."

"I'm sorry, Master." I sniffled and tried to stop, but it was hard.

"Look at me." He took me by the shoulders, pushing me back a step and I turned my eyes up, blinking rapidly. "I don't treat you like a slave, you know that. But that's what you are. It isn't up to you if I buy a new nigger or not."

"Yes sir." I nodded, wiping at my eyes.

"This boy's going to be here and he's going to stay. I won't have you misbehaving," he told me seriously. "I haven't whipped you yet, but I will. I swear to God. If you disobey me, I'll take you for a whipping."

"Yes sir." I swallowed hard and I believed him.

"If you keep acting up. I'll take you down to Orleans and put you on the market, understand me?"

"Y-You'll whore me out?" I almost sobbed, but held it in somehow.

"You'll spend the next nineteen years working a cat house on Bourbon Street, I promise." My Master stared into my eyes and I was afraid to turn away.

"I'm sorry." I took a ragged breath and nodded quickly. "Master, I'm sorry."

"After dinner you'll tell Mercy I want you strapped, a dozen licks," he said. "You get me before she does it."


"I want to watch," he told me, and I looked down at that.

He'd had me strapped before from time to time, if I'd been foolish, or most often Mercy would decide when I needed it. Mr. Reiser had never watched though, so far as I knew. It made me both frightened and excited because I did like the razor strop, odd as that may sound. I liked the way Mercy spanked me with it and I especially liked the way she eased my pain afterwards. It was both a punishment and a reward that filled me with confused and conflicting emotions and I wondered if my Master understood that.

"Yes sir," I agreed.

Mr. Reiser let me embrace him then, pressing my body once more to his, and I kissed him through his t-shirt, stained now with my tears and saliva. I kissed him anyway and moved my mouth towards his bare skin, the side of it where there were no sleeves but large ovals exposing the top of his ribs and armpits. I moved my mouth there, sniffing hard as my nose was a little runny from crying, but I could still smell him. Mr. Reiser's sweaty skin was all male and I licked at his salty flesh and dragged my tongue upward, finding the musky damp of his hairy pit. I buried my face there, breathing him in and kissing him, losing myself in his manliness. I wallowed in that rich presence, my heart beating faster and my body growing even warmer than I already was.

My nipples stiffened with arousal, like my small penis as I rubbed it against my Master's through his thin cotton boxers. He was hard as well, Mr. Reiser's large cock straining as I slid my body against his. I reached down, feeling playful after my silly outburst, and guided my penis through the opening of his underwear. Rather than pulling my Master's cock free, I pushed my penis inside and found his, rubbing my girl cock against his manhood. He liked that and murmured his approval while stroking my hair and back, holding my mouth to his armpit and savoring the pleasures I could bring him there.

After a minute or so of that, Mr. Reiser reached for my ass. I moved my mouth to his chest, kissing his nipple through his t-shirt and biting at it. He held my ass with both hands and finally he lifted me off my feet, making me giggle and gasp with surprise. My cock slipped free of his boxers and he carried me to his dresser, putting me on it and pushing me back, keeping my ass on the edge as I leaned against the large mirror mounted against the wall behind it.

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Brendan FallsChapter 33

The Indian casino was than I'd first suspected, and oddly shaped, like someone had taken four or five big buildings and just mashed them together somehow. It looked strange from the outside, but inside I had no idea what was going on. I guess casinos are like that though. A person had to walk past all the slot machines and gaming tables before they could find the other stuff, like the restaurant and bars and yeah, a little dance club too. There were a lot of people in there, inside the...

2 years ago
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A virgin boy no longer

I had been doing that for a few years but had never been caught before – I had done it with a couple of other guys when I was about 13 when we would all wack off at the local swimming hole. This day there were a few of us and a couple of girls. A couple of guys went a bit stupid and flashed themselves in front of the girls. They told them to grow up so the guys left. The girls had no swimmers and somehow we all skinny dipped together. Afterwards we all ended up sitting around in the nude to...

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Five White GirlsChapter 3

It was two days after my fourteenth birthday. We all arranged to stay over at Susie’s remember you called Susie’s father to confirm. Then the day before Susie told her dad that our plans were changed, but I never told you and neither did the other girls tell their parents. We packed our overnight bags with our disguises and went to Susie’s, but we left her house around eight thirty. Susie told her dad she was going to bed. She put pillows under her blankets and snuck out. Tony picked us up...

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LeoLulu 6800 242000

Sometimes I prefer to watch porn movies that include couples instead of singles. There’s just something addictive about watching real couples pleasure themselves, each other, or invite somebody else to the party. Now we all have our preferences, but at the end of the day, watching couples is a lot more realistic than watching pornstars shag it out.In case you are not looking for realism in your pornos, then you are free to check out content elsewhere honestly. There are a shit ton of porn sites...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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An afternoon at the gym

It was my birthday, I think, and it was a cold grey day outside, Kelley was going to the gym, to do some exercises as therapy for his back. I didn't want to stay at home because our neighbor was a pervert and I didn't want to be there, alone when he was there. So I thought it might be fun to go with him as I have never been to a gym before. It was pretty cool, all the mirrors and workout machines, and I might even get to see a few hot guys, all sweaty and, well you know, lol. Kelley stripped...

Group Sex
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The Friendly Mad Scientist

The Friendly Mad Scientist By Bill Hart Howard pulled to a stop in front of the gate of the old forbidding Tunsten Manor. Following his retirement party - he hadn't wanted to retire, but those youngsters had forced him into accepting it - this was possibly the very last place on earth he wanted to stop. He'd heard all those old stories about the Tunsten family and the old Tunsten Manor since the time he was a young boy. The stories were even old when he first heard them. He didn't...

2 years ago
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Dad and the Emo Girl

I asked my father to write the story about how he met Colly, the pretty girl who has been his loving consort for the past decade. The following is the recollection the two of them put together with a loving daughter’s editing. My husband helped me publish this about a year ago on another site too, so some of you may have read it there before this edited and cleaned up version here. The mall is a place to see people – mostly happy people. I put them into five categories. First were the speed...

4 years ago
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A Mutually Beneficial Situation

As usual, I was late for the meeting, or in this case, the likely to be long and boring yearly mandatory state-of-the-union address by our department’s VP. Held in a large function room, it was not just standing room only, I could see nowhere to stand. As I scanned the room for a space to wedge myself into, I saw my colleague, Tina, wave to me from the kitchen area at the back of the room. I joined her in a crowded galley kitchen, where there was just enough room for two, amidst storage boxes...

2 years ago
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Monster Slayer

Laura, cut off from her friends and sister, walked the sinister fields alone. There were monsters here. There had been reports of people being burned to ashes yet the fields were untouched. Magic was her first thought. Yet when they arrived there were no signs of a wizard, sorcerer, nor even a pyromancer. Could it be some kind of new monster not known as of yet? New ones sprouted everyday. However the only strong and dangerous ones came from the old world. A time before time. Could this be...

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Teenage interruption

My wife of twenty years Sonya and my 19 year old daughter Tania had left the house about thirty minutes ago for a whole day at the shops and the beauty parlour. I had planned to catch up on some of my latest porn downloads using my ultra big screen TV.I was sitting naked on the lounge chair watching a particularly great fuck movie. I’d lubed up my cock - it was long, hard, slippery and glistening as I wanked it slowly.My peace and quiet was suddenly interrupted by a frantic banging on the front...

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"Sveta, this is Mr. Avdushev," her father shouted after Sveta had cheered her final high school game. "He is from the university and he wants to talk with you about a cheer scholarship, honey."His daughter was a sweet-faced blonde with hair to the shoulders. She took worked hard to keep in good shape, working out 3 times a week. Even her current boyfriend whom she was going to marry disliked spending so little time together because of her cheerleading practice, but he adored the shape of her...

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This is a more common story than it might seem in principle, but it is real as life itself.They were two brothers and two sisters who had known each other since the four went to high school and friendship led them to share everything in their lives, even getting to participate in couples exchanges between them, and going to clubs that were already becoming fashionable , from before they got married and also after. They had the motto that they had learned from their parents: Life must be...

1 year ago
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Filling Her Holes in the Broom Closet

I’m not a terribly big reader, but I do enjoy a good book now and then. And so whenever I find the time, I’ll visit the local library after work, especially since I’ve found out that besides books they’ve actually got a decent CD and DVD collection. And so it was this one time recently when I was there, browsing through a few books, late as usual since I can never seem to get off early from work. I had found a few CDs and was now going curiously through a row of self-help books about love and...

4 years ago
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First Time With Sherry

I am generally a good judge of character and can tell who I can poke fun with and who to steer clear of. My house is in an area with very little traffic. On warm mornings I take walks down to a skimpy male bikini and like to tan on my fenced-in deck in next to nothing or completely naked. I also get to see ladies in well-fitting attire as I drive or walk to work, which is always a plus. Every now and then I come across a woman who is special in her own way and has a little devil inside of her....

3 years ago
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a masturbation session

i was anxious for her to leave for a few hours because even though we had just fucked that morning, I was ready to strip all my clothes off and masturbate on the sofa watching porn in the living room. She couldn’t have left sooner, my raging cock still moist from her wet pussy was starting to throb. As as soon as she left I locked the door behind her, checked the front door and three went into our room into her bedside table and brought out her dildos. Unbeknownst to her I had been using her...

2 years ago
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CindyChapter 21

Work in the morning. Cindy off to school. During pauses in my day, I imagined what HER day was like. I didn't have that many pauses. The project was getting to the part where we were actually closing switches and introducing electricity into my equipment for the first time. I labored over reports and procedures and meetings. The reports? I'd stayed on top of them, so that was no problem. The procedures? This wasn't the first time I ever did a project like this, so I dipped into my...

4 years ago
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And He Kissed Me

P.S. My girlfriend helped me edit kudos to her!! _________________________________________________________________________________ As the middle child of the house, it naturally came down that I was to be everyone’s servant. They all made me run around all day, doing their chores, getting their laundry done, helping them in their work and even as to do their homework for them The start of that day was during the early June time. In the dreary corner of the...

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284 Avis a whore and a hanging

284 Avis a whore and a hanging My name is Avis, I am the property of my master (Jerry) who at the moment has got himself into trouble with some white guys and it has landed him in jail for two years, so he won't be out until the end of next year. d**gs and his new whore were involved, that's all I really know. I still work for him, his friend collecting the fees and organising my work and adventures. I've been punished before and accept it as part of being Jerry's property. I've accepted...

2 years ago
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My Unholy Desire To Fuck My Wife8217s Sister 8211 Part 1

Of late I have started becoming obsessed with my sister-in-law. Not my bhabhi but my wife’s younger sister Sana. She is just 2 years younger to my wife, married mother to two. About me, I am Krish, touching fifty, having my own business and a father to two in a happy family. My wife Tania works in a bank. We are happy with almost everything that money can buy except a satisfactory sex life. Sana, Tania’s sister, my SIL, works in an MNC and her hubby works for a private company. They too make a...

3 years ago
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Games Neighbors PlayChapter 10

On hands and knees, Susie began paying back the kindnesses extended her in this strange house. She knew how to handle poster paint without splattering it all over. She need only take care in filling in the color blocks indicated by Nick's outlines. He worked more rapidly but she found a certain deftness returning to her fingers, and happily painted for an hour almost without speaking. "Sweaty goddam jockstrap," Nick swore. Without pausing in her work, chewing her tongue in...

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The Landlords Pet1

You see, this all started when my drunk of a dad took a job as a maintenance repairman for a luxurious apartment complex in New York a month ago. The job did come with perks. We got to live in the smallest available apartment. When I say small, I mean small. I’ve seen bedrooms bigger than our apartment. Of course, it’s better than nothing. Seeing how we got evicted from the last place, we really didn’t have a choice. Also before I really dig deep into the story, I should probably introduce...

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Amazing wife anal gangbang

The sun is shining and Linda is asking to go out for a walk around the city, get some air and enjoy the good weather while it lasts. I'm just owndering if we'll be ready in time to get the next train. Linda however has it all worked out. She tells me that she'll do her make up on the way in and to bring a couple of drinks and snacks in a rucksack. We arrive in the city centre and go for a walk around the usual spots, finding the green areas where there is a slight breeze even in the heat. Linda...

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The War of the CrystalsChapter 22 Captain John

Jack woke up the next morning spooned up behind Teresa, his morning wood nestled against her butt, and arm wrapped around her lightly holding a large and warm breast. It felt wonderful, and he wanted more. He let go of her tit and slid his hand down her side to her hip. “I liked it where it was, Lord,” she said. Jack leaned forward and whispered, “I bet you’ll like what comes next.” He shifted his hips forward slightly and nudged her legs apart. Teresa accommodated him by lifting a leg and...

1 year ago
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Tales of an Amateur Pornographer

This story is fiction: I was twenty, married to a beautiful woman, and trying to start my career as a film director. I’d finished film school, which left me high and dry, but at least I was on my way in following my life long dream. For five years I worked in the film industry, working with some of the best actors in the world today. Five years later I was twenty-five, I had successfully worked my way up the latter in becoming an accomplished Assistant Director. The money was decent, the job...

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Lustrous Labia

He always believed that had she known in advance that they would meet, she would have decided to forego the fresh pair of panties she would normally slip into following her luxurious bubbly soak. He knew that for even the briefest and most casual encounter she would be determined to feel, even if only faintly, some rippling sensation passing over her clit. Outdoors would be better. A gentle breeze most welcome. The risk of a trickle of pussy-juice reaching her ankle where he just might see it...

1 year ago
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Sex in the stairwell

Oh how the years have gone by and the things I have forgotten. One thing that had slipped my mind until recently was an old g/f had a fantasy of having sex with the strong possiblility of being caught. When we had met I only been with a couple of women and it was just plain old missionary style sex. When I met Terry I found myself in a whirlwind of sex. There was nothing that this woman wouldn't try or talk about trying. Her list of fantasies was quite long and impressive and we ticked them off...

Quickie Sex
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Deep Crotch Mother Chapter TWO

“So you see how the Lord constantly takes care of us?” Marcella said to her c***drenas she walked nearly naked across the guest room that they occupied in the Wilcoxfarmhouse. “We had no money, and no place to go, but the Lord directed this niceman to take us in.”Timmy and Beth were already snuggled into bed, and they gazed at their motherwho strutted before them in her stockings, garters, and pink pants. The lad’s smallcock was stiff as he stared at his mother’s bare titties. Perfect plump...

2 years ago
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He was mine for a while

By: AWC I have written couple of stories about Qasim Khan, a gay bottom, from South Africa, I happened to get him from the web. He was a bottom of course but he told me that he had fucked only a couple of guys, who compelled him for a fucking. He was a complete man with a hard cock of little over 6” and balls always full of man cream. He never fucked a pussy because he was born Gay, bottom; he said. After his mother got divorced from his father, she brought Qasim with her to USA. Qasim...

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