Brendan and Tim
- 3 years ago
- 25
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My second visit to the Owner's Club was much different from my first, mostly because I felt much more relaxed, much more confident in myself. I'd repaired my makeup in the car and it hadn't been so bad, just my lipstick had been terribly smeared from sucking Mr. Reiser's cock and then kissing him hard. I fixed it and brushed my hair. My only complaint was the semen trickling from my asshole as I walked into the plantation house, but I have to say I enjoyed the sensation of my rectum filled with my owner's seed. I think it gave him pleasure as well, to know that I was well-fucked and soiled beneath my gorgeous evening gown.
I kept my head up as we took the grand staircase to the second floor, unafraid to meet the gaze of other black women who in the company of their white masters. I was the most beautiful girl there, or so Mr. Reiser told me and I believed him. I felt confident for the first time in my life and enjoyed the feeling immensely. I didn't even flinch beneath the eyes of the white men who looked at me, some of them quite openly and others with a more subtle and polite regard, but all of them with obvious interest. I'd return their gaze, only for a second or two, and then drop my eyes as a negra should, but not my head or shoulders. Unless you've been a beautiful woman in the company of men, you can't know what a powerful thrill such a thing really is.
Mr. Reiser took me dancing first and I wasn't very good at it, but that hardly seemed to matter. The music was live, coming from a dozen black musicians, and they were playing classical music, like waltzes and old ballroom music arranged for strings. The tempo was slow and deliberate and romantic. The women there were older, most of them, and dressed nicely, many of them evidently as spoiled as I was. This was Southern society at its best so far as I was concerned, the wealthy white men who ran the city and half the state, enjoying their black mistresses. We deserved to be spoiled and I couldn't stop smiling as Mr. Reiser held me close, patiently teaching me how to dance while other couples swept around us gracefully.
"I wonder if this isn't the real reason for slavery." Mr. Connelly, who had recently been the state Solicitor General, drawled lazily. "This, right here. A bunch of rich old men who love young and pretty black girls."
Mr. Connelly smiled at the boy who was sitting very close and rubbing the old man's cock. The black buck was several years younger than me and certainly no girl, but no one was going to say anything. There were half a dozen men seated loosely in a comfortable drawing room, the Marigold Room as it was called, and they all had boys close by. I was the only slave who truly looked like a girl, but many of them were pretty and the room was dedicated to owners with a penchant for such toys. This was that part of the Owner's Club where the married men brought their male lovers and these owners shared a certain intimacy with each other, a secret that seemed wholly unlike the larger and more socially acceptable reason the club existed at all.
"It's a good enough reason for me." A man named Taylor laughed and he owned a bank. He sat on a loveseat with a very attractive young black man and they would whisper back and forth.
"If apartheid is going to exist beyond the twenty-first century, we've got to support our friends in Africa," a man started saying.
"Boo ... Who invited the lawyer? ... More brandy!" The other men waved at him and held up their glasses and cigars so that the waiters would come quickly with crystal decanters and long wooden matches.
"The Germans are making a fine mess of it, aren't they?" another man seemed to agree, and I had a difficult time following the discussion anyway. Politics bored me terribly.
"More champagne." Mr. Reiser told a waiter, and my glass was refilled as we sat together on a sofa near a large fireplace.
"They make a mess of everything," the first man agreed, nodding. "The world's policemen, eh?"
There was some laughter at that, but everyone was hard on Germany for whatever reason, and I suppose it's because they'd been the world's only real super power since the end of World War II. Even though they were our ally and biggest trading partner, there would have to be a certain amount of jealousy.
"First Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq, now the Sudan." An older man with a neat beard and long sideburns shook his head. "They took care of the Jews, but those Muslim bastards are a different breed altogether."
"You think they'd learn, eh?" General Steed, who was a large, swollen man with a scarred face, spoke up. "They can put a swastika on the moon, but they can't put one in Mecca."
"Ahhh ... It's good for business anyway, let them fight." Connelly shrugged and there was general agreement. "So long as they keep the oil flowing, that's all that counts."
"Got yourself a new negra, I see." A younger man, whom everyone called Nathan took a seat close to us and spoke with Mr. Reiser. "Very nice. They catch that runaway yet?"
"Not yet," he replied, and I looked up at my master as I sat beneath his arm arm. "I'm sure he'll turn up though."
"You've had a few runaways now," Connelly chuckled. "You must be one of those cruel owners I hear so much about."
"Heh!" Mr. Reiser laughed. "I must be."
Such comments made me very curious as I hadn't known my owner had any other slaves. Not recently, at least, but it wasn't a topic I could involve myself in. I had to sit quietly, sipping my champagne and looking beautiful. So far as these men were concerned, the other slaves and I were little more than furniture in that respect.
"You don't whip 'em enough," Taylor decided. "I strap this boy every day, rain or shine. Don't I, boy?"
"Yes sir." His companion smiled at us. "Master Taylor straps me good every morning come sunrise."
"This nigger was born for the strap." He smiled and pressed a hand against his slave's cock, squeezing him through the loose pants he wore. "Gets him hard just thinking about it."
"Gets you hard too, eh?" someone joked, and Taylor laughed.
"Goddamn right it does," he said. "In fact, if ya'll will excuse us for a short while, I believe I'll sodomize this nigger on the balcony. Some fresh air might do him some good."
"Fresh air is overrated." Connelly laughed. "Get on the floor, boy."
The old man was speaking to his own slave, who couldn't have been more than fourteen and so I thought the boy must have been slaveborn. He was an angelic half-breed, with light brown skin and kinky blonde hair, but he had dark eyes and African features. A small, broad nose and thick lips that the boy soon wrapped around his Master's hard, white cock while we watched. I watched anyway, but most of the others had the good grace to ignore it, or at least pretend to. It seemed obvious to me that all the men there were aroused, including my own Master who played his fingers lightly across the awkward tent spoiling my dress.
"What are you going to do when they catch that nigger of yours?" a distinguished looking gentleman with a long, sharp nose and soft blue eyes asked Mr. Reiser.
"After rehabilitation?" My Master shrugged. "Take him downstairs, sell him off. I don't have much use for a runaway."
"He was a pretty one, as I recall. Creole, wasn't he?" Connelly wondered. "Like my boy here."
"Creole, yeah," Mr. Reiser said. "His mother was whore down in Orleans, a white woman who liked the dark meat."
"French?" Nathan asked, and there were some chuckles.
"All the whores in Orleans are French, aren't they?" Mr. Reiser laughed. "She sold that boy for food stamps."
"Ought to be a law against that." Connelly grinned.
"There is," the long nosed man replied. "Against prostitution anyway."
"But not in Orleans!" General Steed laughed. "Thank God for that."
"Prostitution and gambling." Connelly shook his head. "That city is the very garden spot of Hell."
"Orleans? A man needs a place like that. I took my wife there for our anniversary." A man I didn't know entered the conversation, leading a boy my age by the hand. "I didn't see her for three days. We had a great time."
"Heh." The men laughed at that and most of them had their cocks out, letting their slaves jerk them off, or suckle them while they talked.
Mr. Reiser didn't stop me when I opened his trousers, shifting my body so I could bring my mouth to his cock. He stroked my hair and hardened quickly for the third time that evening. It would be a long while before I could make him cum probably, but I gathered that orgasm wasn't the point of this at all. It was slave owners relaxing and enjoying the luxury of being fondled and sucked off in public, in front of their peers as if it meant nothing at all to them. Such a thing existed beyond reason anywhere else in our culture, and most of them would have been shocked and outraged at such behavior in another place and time. But right then and there it was perfectly normal and engaged a wholly separate cultural identity for those men.
To us slaves, it meant very little. I'd suck and fuck my Master wherever and whenever he wanted me. The paradox of slavery is that it grants a level of freedom from responsibility no citizen could possibly hope to enjoy, or so I'd been taught in school and I believed it. Why wouldn't I? To accuse me of such a crime would be like blaming an automobile for speeding.
"Oh ho, gentlemen!" A man's loud voice interrupted the conversation, and the sex. "Does anyone want a piece of this negra cunt?"
I looked to see a large, forty-something man dragging a naked black girl behind him on a leash and collar, weeping as she crawled on her hands and knees. She was black, obviously, and had recently been whipped. Her back, ass, and thighs were criss-crossed with angry welts, red and white and raised upon her dark skin. She had semen leaking from her raw pussy and anus, and her once pretty face was sticky with cum, her thick black hair matted and soaked with it as well.
"Runaway?" General Steed asked.
"Just returned from rehabilitation," the master agreed. We could see the branding on her left breast when he had her kneel upright for closer inspection.
"Where did they catch her?" Mr. Reiser asked.
"In the back of a van, going through the border up in Louisville," he answered. "This negra and half a dozen more. Some abolitionist from New York or some such place was driving."
"They got him locked up?" Connelly wondered, and the man nodded.
"He'll be on the block."
"Black boy?" someone asked.
"Yeah. Northern nigger wanted to free his oppressed sisters." The man chuckled and jerked the leash hard, forcing his slave back onto her hands as she lost her balance. "Are you feeling oppressed, bitch?"
"N-No Master." She shook her head, answering in a weak and watery voice.
"I'm breeding the slut now, so if any of you fine gentlemen want a shot at her nigger eggs..." He shrugged. "Or any other part of her, be my guest."
"I'll take a run at the whore," the long nosed man agreed. Without much ceremony he pulled his cock free of his boy's sucking mouth and moved to mount the girl from behind.
"I have a dozen slaves, she's the first one that ever run off." The man stood there watching his slave get fucked hard. "Ungrateful bitch. Had her since she was just a baby too. It just goes to show, you can't trust a negra to be anything else but."
"It's a hard lesson," Mr. Reiser agreed, pushing my mouth back down on his cock and lowering his voice. "You've seen enough."
This brought on another round of discussion about slaves and runaways and how none of us could be trusted. I didn't listen too much as I tried to close my ears to the sound of the girl crying while she was fucked. The man doing it was large and trying to hurt her, I thought, slamming his prick inside her hard and then pulling nearly all of the way out so he could do it again. I concentrated on making my Master feel good, sucking his penis the best I knew how in the hope that it would prove beyond a doubt my loyalty to him. I wasn't like that bitch and she was getting what she deserved anyway. I just didn't want to have to listen to her complain about it.
"Ughhh ... There's another half-breed bastard for the army!" The man fucking the girl laughed and pulled his cock out a moment later, wiping it off on her ass and then in her hair as if it was a towel. "Next!"
Three of the men there fucked her, all of them cumming inside her pussy, and happily for me, Mr. Reiser hadn't wanted her. She would have stained his cock and I already felt jealous enough, silly as that sounds. I didn't want to share my Master with anyone and I felt very glad he had no other slaves besides myself and Mercy. That would have been bad enough, but I found the idea of him fucking a runaway negra like that one especially repulsive. I had my arms tight around him the whole time, nursing on my owner's cock without pause until the other master finally led his rehabilitated bitch away.
"That's enough for a little bit," he told me. I'd been sucking him a long while, over half an hour, I was sure, and he wasn't going to cum, but my jaw ached.
"Mmmm ... Yes sir." I licked my lips, feeling them swollen and my tongue was strangely weary, overworked and thick. Conversation went on around us, but I paid it no mind and neither did my Master.
"Drink more champagne," Mr. Reiser said, smiling and stroking my face with his fingertips.
I nodded, reaching for my glass and finding it didn't taste as good now that it had grown warm. I was thirsty, however, and I drank it anyway so that a waiter could refill my glass with cold champagne, and that was much better. I drank a lot of it, and quickly too, which made my Master chuckle. He warned me to slow down, with a kiss on the cheek and small hug as I snuggled closer in his arms.
"Where do you find a boy like that?" a man wondered, leaning towards us in his chair.
His name was Mr. Simpson and he was another lawyer. His slave was a young boy of about fourteen years, I thought, and dressed as a girl in a black skirt and white blouse. He was cute and doubtlessly very sweet, but not entirely passable, even at that tender age. He had a boyish face and the slave would never look like anything but a nigger in drag and his master knew it.
"I got lucky and..." Mr. Reiser said, pausing as a waiter lit his cigar. "Thank you. And one of my managers had her picture on his desk. I made a comment about how pretty she looked and the man told me she was his son."
"Is that right?" Simpson smiled and his eyes were all over me. "That's one in a million right there."
"You can't make one." My Master nodded sagely. "Sissy negras are born, that's a fact."
"Want to sell her?" the man asked, apparently serious, and I swallowed hard.
"Ah, here she is now," my daddy said as I walked carefully down the stairs and I'd been pacing for fifteen minutes, so I'd at least grown accustomed to the three inch heels on those ankle boots. "Good," a white man I assumed to be Mr. Reiser answered, but he didn't look anything like I expected. He wasn't especially old, or fat or bald, or anything like that. He seemed about the same age as my father, I supposed, like forty maybe, but tall and handsome, actually, with sandy hair and...
"Do I still have to go to school?" I wondered. "Of course," Mr. Reiser laughed and he was driving us to a restaurant, even though my mom had prepared a dinner for him, for all of us. We hadn't stayed very long after Mr. Reiser had fucked me. Just long enough for me to take a shower and double check the bag my mom had packed for me. Enough time for my mom to wash the semen stains out of Mr. Reiser's trousers. He'd borrowed a clean shirt from my dad, it was a salmon colored Izod polo...
"This is nice," Mr. Reiser decided and I sighed in agreement. He knelt by a large bathtub, just off his bedroom in the master bath, and I was soaking in it, naked and enjoying the steaming water that surrounded me up to my budding breasts. It was a generous tub, the entire bath and the house around it was splendid and altogether too much for one man living alone, I thought. Mr. Reiser was washing me slowly, cupping water and letting it dribble onto my shoulders. He enjoyed looking at me,...
Joshua C. Hathaway had been a general in the War of Southern Independence and for the second time in that city's history, Chicago had burned to the ground. He'd called it payback for what Sherman had done to his beloved Atlanta during the War of Northern Aggression and so there were a lot of schools named after the man, including the one I was now attending. Hathaway High, which was a segregated school for black students only, for freeborn kids mostly, or those few slaves who wanted to go...
"Thank you, Mercy," I said, smiling and fidgeting in my seat as the woman served our dinner. She'd prepared a chicken breast, broiled I think, but I have to confess I've never been much good in the kitchen. Mercy was an excellent, however, and she was Mr. Reiser's housekeeper and cook, although only for dinner. He didn't require her to make breakfast and usually had lunch at the office, and on the weekends he liked to fend for himself. Of course, Mr. Reiser had me now and I wouldn't...
"Dani?" My mother blinked at me and then smiled happily, taking me into her arms. I hadn't told my parents that Mr. Reiser was allowing me to visit them every Sunday afternoon. I'd driven to their house shortly after lunch and I could stay until six or so before I returned to have supper with my Master. "Hi Mom." I smiled back as we embraced. She wanted to feel me all over, as if I might be injured, or just a mirage possibly. "Are you okay? How are you? Oh ... Come in! Ben! Dani's...
"Count backwards slowly," the man said from behind his green surgical mask. The cool air smelled funny. "... 100... 99... 98..." "... 98... 97... 90 ... Mmmm..." I awoke sometime later, wrapped up in warm sheets and feeling fuzzy all over. It seemed so quiet in that room, a yellow room, sunshine yellow and pleasant and I didn't want to move. I couldn't move and I had to find my way through a soft fog to remember where I was and what I was doing. I wondered where my Master was,...
"What's wrong with you?" I asked my best friend, Sarah, taking a seat next to her in the cafeteria. "Oh. Hey, Dani." She was a pretty girl and black, like all my classmates. Sarah might have been slaveborn, but she was smart as well, which explained why her master sent her to Hathaway High School, and college after that, I was sure. She had a head for numbers and besides fucking her, Sarah's owner was going to make the girl one of his accountants at some business he owned. Or maybe...
"What is you doin' in here, girl?" Mercy asked me in her lyrical voice, frowning as I picked up a peeler and started skinning potatoes. "Cooking." I smiled at her. She was preparing some stuffing for the chicken sitting near a big roasting pan. "No, you aint. Put them taters down and gone take a bath." She leaned close, wrinkling her nose at me. "You smell like finger puddin'." "I do not!" I laughed at her. "I'll take a bath later. I've got time." "Hmph." She shook her...
"Well?" Sarah asked me as soon as I picked her up on the way to school. "Yeah. I can go." I'd thought about teasing her, but I was kind of tired. Mr. Reiser had kept me up late, but I wasn't going to complain about that. Plus, I knew that new houseboy would be there when I got home and I'd have that thought nagging at me all day long. "Really?" Sarah widened her eyes and I nodded. "That's so cool. You have the best master ever, I bet. What did he say?" So I relived that whole...
I was still in the tub when Mr. Reiser arrived home, the water tepid at best and hardly soothing, but I didn't want to move. I half expected my Master to be angry with me, but Mercy hadn't told him about my behavior yet and so I suspected that she never would. It was an affair between slaves, as some things inevitably are, and there was no need to involve Mr. Reiser. Mercy probably thought he would notice my unfriendly attitude towards Tom Henry soon enough anyway, without any help from...
"He's going to sell me," I said. "Mayhaps he will, mayhaps he won't." Mercy shrugged. "Eat your breakfast now." "What are they doing in there anyway?" I frowned, looking at the door. Beyond it, around the corner, Mr. Reiser sat in his study with his new slaves, Tom Henry and Lilah. "Suh's introducing hisself, I spose, like a genuine person oughtta," Mercy clucked her tongue and I nibbled some toast. Mercy was getting on me of course, first for the way I'd treated Tom Henry...
"Where's Lilah?" Mr. Reiser asked me as I appeared in the kitchen doorway. We were getting ready to have lunch, all of us together. The other slaves wouldn't eat dinner at our Master's table, but on weekends he took his lunch in the kitchen and enjoyed the casual company. "He's coming." I giggled and my Master gave me a look. "Lilah, come on in now." Tom Henry already sat at the table, as did Mr. Reiser, and Mercy was filling large bowls from a pot on the stove, some chicken soup...
My Master was going out for the evening without me, which he did occasionally. He had his friends and social gatherings where a slave wouldn't be welcome or appropriate, and I understood that. I didn't resent it at all, but now I did have the small and not totally unreasonable fear that Mr. Reiser would be spending some of that time looking for a wife. I'll admit I didn't completely appreciate the way having a proper family would elevate him socially and professionally, but I was just a...
Possible Worlds "What, I'm sposed to turn here? Or the next one?" I frowned, glancing at Venus, who sat on Sarah's lap, holding my school notebook. My little Mercedes wasn't made for three people. "I think ... This one?" Venus said, frowning as well because that map that Purdy had made for me sucked. "He shoulda just wrote the street address down." I took a left and we were driving slowly, looking around like there might be a neon sign saying 'Party Here!' or something. "He...
I found my Master relaxing poolside, on the large patio between the house proper and the manicured lawn behind it. That would have made me happy any other time as I often thought the man worked himself too hard. Any other time I'd have put on a sexy bikini and tempted him into the water with me, but not on this day. Not after I'd left Purdy and his white abolitionist freinds. "What's the matter, Dani?" "Master, I'm sorry," I cried, running across the stones to kneel at his feet. I...
I couldn't say for sure what it was that finally broke me. Maybe it was the tension I felt between my Master's wishes and his obligation, his unhappiness at promising me something when he wasn't of a mind to make the best choice possible. Or it could be the way Tom Henry sat so still behind me, stoic and peaceful, knowing he was going to take a real whipping shortly, for no good reason except I wanted him to. Maybe too it was just the quiet in the car, the sun still up but falling fast and...
Tom Henry and Miss Ingersoll's nigger were in the evening's second match, being the amateur cockfighters they were. That was a good thing too, because I looked forward to seeing my Master's slave grapple, now that I knew what to expect. The first match had gotten me terribly excited. I wasn't sure I'd survive watching a whole lot more before it was Tom Henry's turn. But there he was, being led out by one of those pretty negras in panties, all oiled up and handsome. Tom Henry was a good...
"How come you didn't get caught?" Tricia stared at me. "God, you're lucky!" Merry was nodding, she was a plump girl and a little naïve. She was freeborn and not a slave at all, like a number of the kids at Hathaway High whose parents couldn't afford a private school. "What do you guys mean?" I asked sitting down for lunch and I'd noticed unhappily that Sarah and Venus hadn't come to school. Neither had Purdy or any of the other guys who'd been at that party. "They're all...
We were waiting for our Master, turned out in our finest clothes in the best tradition of the Old South. It was autumn, but after an especially long hot summer the slight chill was a welcome relief and we bore it comfortably. I was one month from my eighteenth birthday, or a little more perhaps. Slaves didn't observe birthdays generally and I felt little anticipation for the event, my interest was firmly on the here and now and I was playing my happy role as lady of the manor one last...
I had thoughts of telling Mr. Reiser about my teacher, but I didn't. I hid the ring Mr. Davis had given me away in my vanity, in the wide drawer where there were a number of similar boxes as I did have a lot of jewelry by that time. I was terribly spoiled. I pushed the engagement ring out of sight, towards the back of the drawer, and I hoped I could forget it, that Mr. Davis would come to his senses and remember what I'd told him. I was somewhat embarrassed by his affections, to tell the...
"Are you really going to castrate Wren, Mistress?" I asked her over dinner. "Why yes," Miss Corinne replied in her Mississippi accent, sweet and sing-song. "I most certainly am, Danielle." "Oh," I nodded. We were sitting on the roof, fifty stories up in the middle of Memphis, which seemed awfully high to me. Much of it was covered by a large canopy, almost like a circus tent, but open and airy, and the pastel canvas snapped high above our heads in the late evening breeze. It was...
I could feel the warm sperm literally dripping out of my stretched asshole. I was bound and gagged, my eyes covered by a leather mask and I'd just been fucked. I didn't know if I was frightened or excited, if I wanted to scream for help, or just feel another person's touch on my throbbing girl cock. I was confused and helpless and I gave a low muffled moan as I felt someone else behind me, taking advantage of my vulnerability with my left leg pulled high in the air, a rope bound at my...
Mr. Davis was one of those men who are neither handsome nor ugly, but unremarkable physically. He was taller than my five foot nine by four or five inches at least, and of course thicker and stronger. He had a small belly starting, a thin spare tire around his waist, which had never bothered me one way or the other. His eyes were blue and nice above a friendly smile and a strong nose. His short brown hair was unremarkable and just starting to cover his ears and thinning a little on top. He...
I was wearing my pink short-shorts with my long brown legs stretched out, my bare feet crossed at the ankles on the dashboard in front of Mr. Davis while he drove. I was leaning against the passenger door mostly, with the seatback adjusted so I was comfortable. I had a tight white t-shirt, new like my shorts, and it hugged my body closely, showing off my flat little tummy and especially my braless breasts. My thick black nipples were obvious and I was teasing my old teacher as much as I...
" ... up, Dani. Wake up, baby." I blinked in the darkness and realized Mr. Davis was talking to me, stroking my shoulder to rouse me. We were parked at a motel and it was still night and I felt so tired. My mouth was dry and I let him pull me slowly from the car, putting his arm around my waist as he unlocked the door to our room, which I was slow to realize was actually a little cabin. "Mmmm..." I laughed weakly. "The love shack." "Here, get into bed," Mr. Davis told me. "It's...
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"Welcome to Tucson," Drew said softly into my ear. "Hmmm?" I blinked around sleepily and sat up with a stretch. "Oh, I fell asleep." "Just a little while," he smiled and we were stopped in a parking lot it looked like. "I was falling asleep myself. Come on we'll get a little breakfast and then get a little bed." "A big bed," I grinned with a nice stretch. "A big breakfast too." We were at a place called the Cactus Ranch, which was hardly that. It was a two floor motel...
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Disclaimer: I have tried to make sure my historical information is correct and I’d like to think I haven’t offended any Native Americans peoples with the telling of this tale. I am 1/8th Cherokee and am proud of that heritage. I’m not trying to show any Native Americans in a bad light… that is not my intention. Author’s Note: The English-Cheyenne word translations come from the Cheyenne Language Web Site, one that I’ve found extremely helpful for the telling of this tale. Translations: ...
Ron sat at the kitchen table with Mattie and stacks of pennies and dimes. “What is thirteen?” he asked. Mattie puzzled over the coins and slid a dime and a penny toward her. “Think about it -- try to visualize it.” Mattie slid two more pennies toward her. “This.” “Right! Thirteen is ten and three. What if you add eight to thirteen?” Mattie bit her lip and, one at a time, slid eight pennies toward her. “There.” “How many pennies?” She counted. “Eleven.” “If we have more than ten pennies,...
“Leave it to me, I am going shopping, be back soon.” Nina is taller than most women with a very good and sexy athletic body. Long legs, well-formed thighs, 34B tits with long nipples when aroused and stunning good looks. She is the complete, beautifully spoken lady in public, though very articulate and verbose while having sex. Two hours later Nina came back looking very self-satisfied. “I found a lady for us, she is coming by at seven-thirty tonight.” “How did you organise that?” “I...
Liz awoke with her pussy wet and on fire for some cock. Her dreams had stirred a passion she needed to take care of today. She decided to go down to the bar where the men in uniform hung out. She always had good luck meeting a hung man there. She remembered last week when she did a three some with the two black marines. They went back to the storage room and sandwiched her naked body between them as they ravaged her body first with their hands then their huge dicks. Jim had a nice thick twelve...
Angad looked down at Swati lying on his bed with her eyes closed. Her naked flesh was sweaty. Her wet hairs were all over her face, and her vagina was still dripping her creamy juices. So far, Angad was more than impressed by his new secretary’s conduct. Swati, as usual, had performed much better than his expectations. Not only did she agree to serve him, but she also did the same with equal vigor. Swati was enjoying along with Angad. She was also contributing well with her slutty moans. This...
When I was single and using aol to meet women I chatted with a self-proclaimed 'curvy' 24-year-old gal named Lisa. I didn't see any photo of her ahead of time (and this was before the days of built-in cameras/skyping) but she did tell me that she had red hair on top and on the bottom. I followed up by asking if she shaved or trimmed any of her pubic hair. Her response was music to my ears(or eyes since we were chatting): "No, but it's like in between strawberry blonde and red, so I always...
I always make it to work on time. I have a routine. Normally I hit the elevator by 7:15, but this day I was early as I stepped into the cab, the door began to close when suddenly a left hand slid into the crevice of the closing door and the doors sprang open. Her hair was a bit out of place, pulled back, blonde highlights but her graying roots were becoming. She apologized and stated something about having a bad day. The doors closed and began its trek up. First floor, second third fourth they...
While Gerald was at work, Alice decided to use the time available to get online and shop for shelving and such to turn the basement into their wine-tasting room. They had been discussing it over breakfast, and Alice had said, “Wouldn’t it be fun if we could create a vaulted ceiling, and kind of a faux rough plaster finish?” “We could do that by using chicken wire as a form, and laying plaster over it, then painting the whole with one of those sand paints, that is meant to leave a stippled...
NovelsI looked over my shoulder at my new Mistress with adoring eyes; I knew I would do anything for her. She caught my adoring look and pointed between my legs. I looked down to see a very large puddle of sissy juice on the bed between my legs. My mouth watered at the thought of licking it up and I shivered in anticipation of the order, Mistress chuckled. "Well bimbo it seems you have some cleaning up to do...I know it's inferior Bimbo juice but I'm sure you will lap it up eagerly"...
I've always wanted to fuck on a Harley... It was the Fourth of July. I had gone with a friend to a barbecue. It's awkward when you don't know nobody and I'm a shy girl so making friends is tough sometimes. My friend introduced me to her boyfriends brother and man he was hott! He was about 10 years older than me but I've always been drawn to older men. They don't bring bull to the table like the young ones. We hit it off great. We talked about camping and fishing, his time in the service but...
Sex With StrangerWe talked about everything on the way to and from class. During that third week of classes, I often felt Ginny's arm rub against mine as we walked. She seemed relaxed and comfortable to be with me, and I know I was with her. I was not inclined to crack a book on Friday night, but when she suggested that we study for an upcoming quiz for our American History class, I jumped at the chance to sit across the dining room table from her, and review dates of events from the seventeen hundreds. At...
Introduction: Scarlett was a stunningly attractive girl and amazingly successful, owning her own restraint/bar at only nineteen. Victim of the bad girls club Scarlett was a stunningly attractive girl and amazingly successful, owning her own restraint/bar at only nineteen. She had called it Downworld after designing the place gothicly it was one of a kind attracting a lot of young adults. Though Scarletts success and beauty, she hadnt been with a guy since her heart had been broken at the young...
No matter how hard she tries, Yesenia cannot seem to convince Zaria to let her father fuck the girl. Over the past year, Yesenia has found her way into Ray’s bed more than a few times. Moreover, she has kept it secret from her lifelong friend. Ray was resistant at first but now seems more comfortable when Yesenia shows up, unannounced, but with impeccable timing. And she seduces him into fucking her each and every time. Zaria is none the wiser. Not even Yesenia’s own father is aware. Unlike...
Nina Elle is taking photos today to promote her Nuru Massage business. She has a beautiful blonde masseuse lined up for the gig, but the male talent has backed out, and Nina’s wild idea to have her son (stepson) do the shoot with Cristi Ann has Cristi questioning her motives. It’s clear that Nina is an open book, ready to see just about anything so when Romeo shows up she has the two just go with the flow. She instructs Romeo to just lie there and let Cristi give him a massage. Nina...
xmoviesforyouKelly and Becky got back home about 5:30 and when they walked in Kelly said “Sorry we were gone so long. We were having fun. By the way babe… Becky said thanks for all the things you bought her! And thanks for buying mine too!” Seeing all of the bags they were both walking in with, I said “So how much did I spend?” Kelly told me I didn’t want to know. I said “Wait a minute? How come Marcus didn’t pay for yours?” Kelly said it was because her and I were married and she was worth it. Okay, so I...
Vickie Arbuthnot woke to find herself in the middle of a tangle of feminine arms and legs, having slept in the brothel's massive second-floor bedroom, or playroom, or whatever you'd call it, along with an indecent number of unclad and currently unconscious 13-year-olds, all classmates of her promised future sponsor, Samantha Redburn. Quite a few of her fellow Filles du Roi were also snoozing next to the just-slightly-underage girls. Over in a bed in the corner her two charges, Mickey and...
Dear viewer’s main bahot dino se koi story nahin bhej raha tha, magar viewers ki ichha ke anusaar apna ake experience aapko bhej raha hoon agar pasand aye to mujhe par mail karna. Main pahele hi aapko bata dya hoon ke main 50 yrs ka achhi health wala pure Bottom matured male hoon Hyderabad A.P. mein raheta hoon. Yeh aaj se paanch saal pahele ki baat hai. Mujhe ID card banana ke lye Municipal office jana tha. Naya ID banana aor old ID mein correction ke lye 15 days ka time dya gaya tha. Main...
It was a nagging ache in my bladder that woke me over an hour before I had set the hotel waking service was to call. I carefully disentangled myself from the arms and legs that held me mometarily trapped beneath the bed sheets. There was a slight stirring from my companion but she just went back to sleep. I stumbled over several articles of clothing s**ttered across the floor and nearly twice threatened to send me crashing down onto the floor, but I managed this obstace couurse and made it...
Work bluesChapter 1STAFF TRAINING – Part 2Another Melody Mitchell storyMelody spent the whole day in a confused state of both denial and anticipation, wondering if it had all been a dream and whether Tracy would continue with what she had started the night before.It was late in the afternoon when, at last, Tracy phoned and asked her, rather curtly to hand the phone to Steve.Melody watched anxiously as Steve, a grin growing on his face, listened to Tracy. After a couple of minutes, he said,...
On a trip to Serbia for the Summer Solstice, tasty blonde Cherry Kiss and slim hottie Alexis Crystal share nasty lesbian shenanigans! Cherry wears a strap-on dildo to fuck Alexis in the ass while a photographer shoots pictures. The girls soon dress and play some ping-pong, but they can’t resist more sweltering girl-girl fun. Alexis dons a dress, which she pulls to the side to expose her winking butthole. Cherry naturally rims her. Next, the girls hop on the bed to get even better...
xmoviesforyouIt had all the makings of a good night out, the beer was going down like water, the jokes were flowing, the bullshit was being kept at a minimum and the women were nice to look at. I was in a local pub back in my home town. I was on leave and I was making the best of my short spell of freedom. I noticed a couple walking into the pub, she was rather short and a little rough looking around the edges, and he looked hard as nails, he was dressed all in black, with a top coat on,he walked in with...
I have been racking my brain for weeks trying to think of the perfect Valentines Day gift for my husband Rich. He already has just about every toy for just about every hobby you can think of. It’s been a tough year and our relationship has suffered a little. I often think about the closeness we once shared and want so much to feel that once again with him. Rich is a wonderful man and I want to give him the perfect gift, if any man deserved it, it is Rich. Last night was girls...