Brendan FallsChapter 18 free porn video

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Possible Worlds

"What, I'm sposed to turn here? Or the next one?" I frowned, glancing at Venus, who sat on Sarah's lap, holding my school notebook. My little Mercedes wasn't made for three people.

"I think ... This one?" Venus said, frowning as well because that map that Purdy had made for me sucked.

"He shoulda just wrote the street address down." I took a left and we were driving slowly, looking around like there might be a neon sign saying 'Party Here!' or something.

"He did ... Lexington Apartments number 202," Sarah told me. "You shoulda told him to like wait outside or something."

"Yeah, in a clown suit!" I giggled.

"Holding balloons!" Venus grinned. "I think it's the next street."

"Great," I sighed, having heard that three times already.

"You gotta ... Ugh..." Sarah grunted as she shifted beneath Venus. "There ... Better."

"You feeling my ass?" The other girl giggled, tugging at her short blue skirt. We were all dressed casual nice, meaning casual sexy. Sarah wore a pair of shorts and a halter top. I decided on a white summer dress, modest, but very thin.

"I am not!" Sarah protested. "You're pretty fuckin' heavy though."

"Fuck you." Venus wriggled her butt some and I rolled my eyes. They'd been sitting like that a long time, since Hemmford was like the other side of town from where we lived. The wrong side of town.

"Bout time, baby. I was getting worried bout you," Purdy said. He had been waiting outside for us, although not in a clown suit with balloons, unfortunately.

"Thinking we were gonna stand you up?" I grinned at him. "Is my car safe here?"

"This is like the 'hood or something," Venus said, looking around. "Are you sure there's white people here?"

"Shit!" Purdy laughed at her. "Come on, we'll go in and meet some."

"Where's Tricia?" Sarah wondered, and he just shrugged.

"My car better be safe," I said to Sarah. She just gave me a shrug of her own.

"Stuck up bitches. Ya'll been living in those big white houses too long," Purdy snorted. "This ain't no 'hood."

"How would you know anyway?" Sarah asked. "You live in a big white house too."

"Yeah, but I don't stay in it all the time neither." He gave her a wink.

Hemmford was all lower middle class, mostly white people, with a few freeborn families here and there. It wasn't awfully run down or dirty or anything, but my parents lived pretty well and Mr. Reiser was very wealthy, so this was just about as far across the tracks as I ever wanted to get. My two friends as well, and Venus especially looked like she was ready to turn around and go back home. When she thought of white people. she thought of people like she was used to, her Master-father and his rich friends, not the white folks who made the city work. The plumbers and electricians and Shoney's managers or whatever.

"Welcome! Come on in," a man said, a white man, and Purdy hadn't been lying about that.

We didn't say anything, walking into the apartment which was in the middle of a U-shaped complex built around a swimming pool. The place looked clean enough, but a lot of stuff cluttered it up too. Books mostly, some computers and a television. A stereo played some trip hop, and there was a lot of smoke in the air. Cigarettes and marijuana and something else, cloves probably. I didn't know. All the furniture had been covered up with blankets and there weren't a lot of people, but enough to make the apartment feel crowded. The shades were drawn and curtains closed, and all the lights had weak bulbs colored red or yellow, some of them blue. It was all weird.

"You're safe here," some white girl told us. She looked about my age, eighteen or maybe a little older. All blonde hair and blue eyes and she smiled at each of us and then gave Purdy a kiss on the lips.

"I didn't know we were in danger," I said to Sarah. The white guy overheard me and laughed. He was tall with round glasses and long brown hair. Not bad looking and young, in his early twenties.

"We're all in danger," he said seriously. "But not in here."

I had no idea what that meant and I figured he was just high or something. I saw another white guy too, shorter and blonde haired, looking like the girl's brother maybe. He was cute, I thought, and so did Venus apparently. She started talking to him about two minutes after we got there, being the bedroom negra she was and flirting shamelessly. Everyone else was black, mostly guys from school, Purdy's friends and I knew them well enough. They were sitting around drinking beer and passing a joint, acting like they didn't have a care in the world. All I could think of was if my Master ever found out about this I would be in real trouble. This wasn't any birthday party.

"I'm Sarah, this is Danielle," my friend said. She waved at some of the guys as they called to us to come over.

"Cool," the white guy nodded. "I'm Brent, uh ... That's Mickey..." He gestured towards the blonde girl. "And that's Lance over there."

"Where are you from, sir?" I asked Brent.

"Sir?" He looked around. "Oh, me? I thought my dad was here. Don't say that word, okay?"

"Why not?" I looked at him, almost smiling at his theatrics.

"It's against the rules," he said with a toothy smile.

"You have a funny accent," I changed the subject slightly, without changing it at all.

"Do I?" He smiled at me as Sarah left to sit with the guys from school. "Your accent is nice."

"I sound like everybody else," I shrugged.

"You want something to drink?" Brent asked, making it clear that he was interested in me.

"Sure," I agreed, but only because I had no idea what I was doing.

"I'm from Boston, we all are. You know where that is?" he asked, walking us into the kitchen and I rolled my eyes.

"Is it close to Paris?" I giggled and accepted a small bottle of peach wine cooler from the refrigerator.

"Yeah, just to the west of there." Brent grinned. "We go to Harvard."

"The college?" I asked, and he nodded. "Don't you have school tomorrow?"

"We're on a field trip," he told me playfully.

"I guess so." I took a sip of that wine and it was like drinking soda pop, sorta. I'd never had a wine cooler before and I decided I liked champagne better. "Kind of a long way to come for a field trip though."

"Not that far," Brent shrugged. "It's your fault anyway."

"My fault?" I laughed. "Why?"

"Cause this is where you're at," he said. "You should live closer to Boston."

"Oh, you came all the way to Memphis to meet me?" I shook my head.

"You and your friends," he said. "Do you want to see my fish?"

"What?" I sipped some more wine.

"My fish. Come on. He's from Boston too." Brent put a hand in the small of my back, touching me through the thin white dress I wore, trimmed with blue and very comfortable.

"You brought a fish with you?" I wondered, knowing it was just an excuse to get me to his bedroom.

This white man wasn't so different from anyone else. I'd been a little nervous at first, being so casual with him, but once Brent told me where he was from, and especially after I figured out he just wanted sex, it was okay. Most white people couldn't afford a slave, so if a man wanted to fuck a black girl he had to play games. Fucking another man's negra without permission was illegal, obviously, and even a tourist would know that. I wasn't sure if I'd let him seduce me out of my panties or not.

"I couldn't leave him," Brent said. "He'd get hungry."

"You have a lot of friends, huh?" I giggled.

"Well, I hope I have one more now, Danielle," he said softly. We were in his bedroom, probably the only bedroom, as there were three mattresses on the floor, kind of made up with sheets, but looking well used.

"We'll see," I said, drinking a little more wine and setting the bottle down next to the aquarium. "Just don't ask me to feed your fish."

"The story of my life." Brent's hand moved up and down my back. "That's why I had to bring him."

His fish sat in a small aquarium, lit blue with a bubbling treasure chest and some gravel. It was a fat goldfish and I looked at it while the man stood behind me and put both hands on my hips.

"You move pretty fast," I told him, looking over my shoulder. "You sure you don't want me calling you sir?"

"Is this too fast?" he asked, leaning forward to kiss my lips. I didn't reject it or encourage the man, I just let him do it.

It felt strange knowing I could say no to him if I wanted to. I was a slave and negra in the New South and if a white man wanted me, I didn't have a choice really. Sure, white men had to respect another's property and all that. I wasn't going to be raped or anything just walking down the street, but I couldn't refuse my teachers, for example. They had permission in writing. I couldn't refuse a policeman if he wanted to fuck me, that would be a bad idea. I couldn't refuse a friend of my Master's, if I was offered to him.

This was different. This man, and his two friends, they were from the North and tourists or students or whatever, not citizens. I didn't have to call Brent sir, or let him touch me, or do anything. He wasn't black or white, he was a foreigner, an alien. For the first time in my life I had my own decision about what I wanted. My parents had always decided what was best for me, until Mr. Reiser had taken me into his custody and made me his slave. But right there, right then, I felt like a person somehow, a free one, I mean. It confused me a little, even excited me maybe. But mostly it scared me. I didn't want that responsibility and if we got caught, we'd both be in trouble.

"You're so beautiful," Brent told me. He looked into my eyes, moving his hands slightly, like he wanted to reach around me for my tits, but he was waiting for a sign.

"Did Purdy tell you about me?" I asked, licking my lips.

"He told us about all of you," he replied, shrugging. "You're slaves, sex slaves for your white owners, going to that segregated school..."

"Sex slaves?" I smiled at that.

"Isn't that what you are?" He smiled back.

"I'm a bedroom negra."

"Sounds the same to me."

"My Master loves me," I told him, and I didn't know why sex slave bothered me so much, but it did. "I'm his mistress."

"But you still had to sneak out to come here, didn't you?" he said, looking smug, like he thought he knew everything there was to know about me.

"No," I answered. "I asked my Master if I could come and he said yes."

"Oh yeah?" Brent looked surprised then, like I knew he would be.

"You think a Master can't love a slave?" I turned around, being a little tired of looking over my shoulder.

"No. I don't," he told me seriously, keeping his hands on me as faced him.

"Then you don't know anything."

"Hey ... Whoa, sup girl?" Purdy said, entering the room with his arm around the blonde girl, Mickey. They were both giggling and pawing each other.

"Hey." I shrugged. "We were looking at the fish."

"Yeah, huh. The fish." He grinned at me. "This here's Mickey and that's Dani."

"Hi Dani," the girl said, smiling. "Is Brent being a bad boy?"

"No, we're just talking," I replied, watching as Purdy held Mickey close, his arm around her narrow waist and fingers digging lightly against her tummy. She wore old jeans, ripped in the knees, and a t-shirt hugging her thin body. She had smallish tits and hard nipples poking through the cotton.

"Maybe you're being the bad boy?" Purdy stuck the tip of his tongue out at me.

"Maybe," I teased. "I ain't decided yet."

"Bad boy, huh?" Brent chuckled and I realized he didn't know my little secret. Purdy hadn't told these people everything after all.

"Come on, down here..." Mickey sighed, half-falling onto one of the mattresses and pulling Purdy down with her. "I want some bad boy too."

"I got you're bad boy," he promised, putting his arm around Mickey's shoulders and pulling the white girl close for a kiss.

"Let's sit down," Brent suggested, and I guessed these people weren't shy at all, which didn't bother me. They thought we were just sex slaves anyway and that's probably all these white people were looking for, some interracial sex to tell their college friends back home about.

We watched Purdy and Mickey make out for awhile. I knew Brent wanted me the same way and so I let him. He kissed me gently at first and he tasted like cigarettes and beer, and his tongue was eager as he pushed it into my mouth. It did feel good though, just kissing like that and watching Purdy out of the corner of my eye, getting loose with a white girl. I'd never seen that before and even though I knew Purdy was a bedroom buck for his mistress, I'd never really thought about it much. It was sexy watching the two of them make out and I was getting warmed up, slowly but surely.

Brent soon had his fingers working at the buttons of my dress and then his hand was inside, feeling my breasts and squeezing me while we kissed. I'd found his cock through the man's khaki trousers, not an overly large one, from what I could tell, but he was very hard and I squeezed it through the cotton. He moaned softly and kissed my ear, licking me lightly, but I felt a bit wistful when Mickey pulled Purdy's erection free. It was one reason he was a buck, not just for his natural good looks, but the boy had about a nine inch cock. Not too thick really, but very long and dark, and Mickey plainly liked it a lot as she tried to inhale it.

"Yeah. Suck my dick, baby," Purdy said, speaking to her but looking at me with a grin. "All you white bitch's love my black motherfucker, don't you?"

"Mmmphhh..." Mickey tried to agree, but her little white mouth was full of big black cock.

"Do that for me..." I breathed, because my penis ached and Brent was going to find it any second. His mouth had gone down to my tits and his hand drifted downward across my tummy.

"Hmmm..." he sighed, looking at our friends for a second before smiling. "You want to suck me?"

"Noooo..." I giggled and put my left hand on the back of his head, pushing him down as I pulled my skirt up with the other.

"Okay," Brent said softly, thinking I wanted him to lick my pussy, probably. "What's ... That?"

"Suck it for me," I whispered. My girl cock stood straight up from the side of my lace panties, pointing like Cupid's arrow at Brent's open mouth. He resisted me for a second, long enough so I thought he might get mad or something.

"You're a ... boy?" he voiced his surprise as I pushed his head down.

"No, I'm not," I promised, and then sighed at the first tentative touch of the man's lips on the tip of my penis.

"Shit ... Look at you, girl!" Purdy grinned at me. "I told they wasn't gonna care."

"Take more of it," I told him, and Brent moved slowly, not too sure about what he was doing. I kept my fingers in his hair, pushing his lips down the dark shaft of my penis until I felt my cock surrounded by his warm wet mouth.

"Let me have some of that pussy too," Purdy said as he pushed and pulled at Mickey, getting her jeans undone and pulling them off her hips and ass and down her pale thighs.

She knelt like that, with her pants around her knees and her ass towards me. She wasn't even wearing panties, which almost made me giggle. I watched Purdy finger her pink cunt, slipping his black fingers between the girl's greasy labia. Mickey wriggled her ass happily and made muffled moaning sounds around the cock in her mouth.

"Ummmm..." I sighed as Brent had taken all of my penis finally. He wriggled his tongue slowly around it, exploring this new experience.

"That's it. Uh-huh ... Wash it all over. Suck it ... Mmmm ... Careful with your teeth, Brent," I said, talking to him softly, coaxing him to love my girl cock. I got off knowing this guy wasn't queer at all. A straight man sucking my sissy cock for the first time was real sweet for me. I was going to cum soon, but maybe not too soon as Brent wasn't very good at it.

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Brendan FallsChapter 31

"Oh man. That was Dad checking up on me before he goes to bed," Deputy Miller's voice was full of humor as he returned to the sheriff's office where I was waiting. "He probably thinks we're fuuhhhk ... Hey." "I'm sorry, sir. But I have to go," I said and I was pointing the young man's pistol at him, one of those big black semi-automatic kind. It seemed incredibly heavy and my heart was going a hundred miles an hour. "Just, um ... put that down, okay?" He licked his lips,...

2 years ago
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Brendan FallsChapter 32

"Welcome to Tucson," Drew said softly into my ear. "Hmmm?" I blinked around sleepily and sat up with a stretch. "Oh, I fell asleep." "Just a little while," he smiled and we were stopped in a parking lot it looked like. "I was falling asleep myself. Come on we'll get a little breakfast and then get a little bed." "A big bed," I grinned with a nice stretch. "A big breakfast too." We were at a place called the Cactus Ranch, which was hardly that. It was a two floor motel...

4 years ago
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Brendan FallsChapter 33

The Indian casino was than I'd first suspected, and oddly shaped, like someone had taken four or five big buildings and just mashed them together somehow. It looked strange from the outside, but inside I had no idea what was going on. I guess casinos are like that though. A person had to walk past all the slot machines and gaming tables before they could find the other stuff, like the restaurant and bars and yeah, a little dance club too. There were a lot of people in there, inside the...

3 years ago
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Vegas Heat Part 1

VEGAS HEAT (Part I) (I'm Baaack! - Another Twisted Tale of Poetic Justice) By Jennifer Miller SPECIAL THANKS: It's hard to believe that it's been nearly 20 years since I last published a story, yet despite my apparent disappearance, I was never truly gone and enjoyed coming back home to Fictionmania frequently to see what the many talented authors of today had been up to. Like all of you, I of course love a good story, but over the years I've watched as our genre has branched...

1 year ago
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My very first gay experience

This is a story about my first sexual experience with another male who I met on an online dating service. I'm an 27 years old male who lives in the Nordics, quite handsome/cute and fit. For few months I have been fantasizing about having sex with another man, that is, fuck and being fucked by another man. During these past months, I have often touched my ass, both stroking my hole and finger fucking it while jerking off. One Friday night I decided to act upon my fantasy, try it out! I...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 147

King Arthur was in Merlin’s laboratory where the great wizard was showing him his latest creation. It was a chastity belt, except it had a rather large hole in the most obvious place which made it basically useless. “This is no good, Merlin!” the King exclaimed, “Look at this opening. How is this supposed to protect my lady, the Queen, when I’m on a long quest?” “Ah, sire, just observe,” said Merlin. He then selected his most worn out wand, one that he was going to discard anyway. He...

1 year ago
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And MotherinLaw Makes Three Part 1

Sue and I have been married for five years. With an age gap of ten years she is now twenty-seven, I'm thirty-seven and her mum, 'D', is forty-seven.Both women are quite beautiful. Nice shapely figures, long shoulder-length hair, very pretty, smiley faces and loads of fun.I have to admit I fancied D from the word go. Although I kept it to myself and behaved accordingly Sue was aware and often k**ded me on about it saying her mum was very fond of me too.A year ago Sue's dad passed away. He was...

1 year ago
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A New Way To Get Off

Jewel Morgan was the kind of woman that had that special something about her. She was well dressed and her outfits were always very well coordinated. She was very friendly and everybody she met wanted to be around her. She had no trouble meeting people ever. People just flocked in her direction. She could be buying coffee at the corner deli or getting her car washed and she'd meet people wherever she went. She was just that kind of a person. She was very outgoing and happy. Most men found her...

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A Ray of Sunshine

My older brother Liam was currently scowling at the many cars in front of us. It was 8:30 in the evening, and we'd been sitting in London traffic for nearly an hour. The storm was still raging on outside, and car horns were blaring left, right and centre. I'd called Liam after my shift at work. Public transport was all but down, and I didn't want to walk the streets of London at night. Liam had been less than enthused about coming to get me. “I'm sorry, I didn't know there'd be congestion.” ...

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Deal with a Demon pt 1

Windows down. Wind through my hair. What a great day! Heading down the freeway, I’m on my way through Texas. I’m finally heading home from a long “business” trip. Too long. And when I say business trip, I mean something that’s nobody’s business. The Foo Fighters are playing, Best of You. The best part is I have the road to myself. Not another car in sight. Just me, this joint and good music. And some boy walking down the road. I take a good puff and blow smoke rings out the window....

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Latin Linda Alex Strap it On

It was a very hot August morning on a sunny Saturday. My husband was going "fishing" so I called Alex & he was going to chill (smoke drink & eat all day) at his apartment & lounge by the pool. Sounded like a plan & I grabbed my bikini & headed over. Alex had already secured a couple of lounge chairs & an umbrella. Now Alex is my gay coworker, confidant, bestie & occasional lover. He is a very well endowed feminine bottom. I had rolled some Backwood spiked blunts...

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I needed to see her, I wasn't sure, but I think she needed to see me, life for both of us had been stressful, turned upside down, now as life was calming I decided to take control again, take charge, it wouldn't be easy, it had been far too long, things had changed, but I had to take the chance, go with my gut, assume I was right and this was what we both needed. Reaching for my phone I stared at the screen, my mind a blank, how to word this, how to throw caution to the wind without ruining our...

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just US 3

As I am walking through campus I know you are watching me from your office. I see a friend of mine so I walk up to her and star talking about nonsense. All I want is to be in your view but act as if I don’t know you see me. there we stand you in your office and I with my friends. When you least expect it I look up and smile. At first you feel ashamed because I caught you looking at me but with the warm smile I just gave you, you know you can keep looking.   For I moment I turn away and when I...

2 years ago
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Kelly was a creature of habit. Everyday at six AM she would don her jogging sweats and make the trek down the path behind her apartment. But little did she know that this day... this fine summer morning... was to be her last. This Sunday morning the 23 year old blue-eyed blond executive secretary was to begin her run no different than any other day. Slipping on her bra over her shapely, firm, breasts... and snugging up the straps to avoid the dreaded "jogger's nipples"... she couldn't...

3 years ago
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Stuck in an elevator with a black man

Stuck in an elevator with a black manI was attending a conference at Baltimore those days. Victor had stayed at home this time and I had to fly away from New York. That afternoon I walked through the hotel lobby toward the elevator. I had had had a long day and really needed to get some rest before the next day conference. My four inches heels were killing me: I wanted to get rid of them and take a long hot tub bath. The elevator finally arrived. I stepped inside, noticing the mirrors all...

2 years ago
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Secret Lives Pt 1

Starting the program the screen comes to life and I get a view of the whole area outside the apartment, Zak tells me ‘Use the controls on the screen to move the camera and zoom in or out, I know it’s not great but hopefully it will relieve some of your boredom’. So saying he goes back to work. After what seems like days but in fact is only a few hours, I decide to try out the camera, running the program again I pan it round and zoom in and out of views, at one time I spend a little while...

4 years ago
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My Innocent Mother Changed As A Hot And Horny By Our Relative Part 6

Sorry for the delay friends. Thanks a lot for your feedbacks. Part 7 will be the last part. Are you all enjoying my story? Please comment below. Me :- Mom, really sorry for what happened. Please don’t think this is wrong. Mom:- how son? I am not a loyal wife to your dad. Me:- Mom, how do you know dad is loyal to you? (Aiyoo…, mom slapped me in the face. She is so angry) Me:- sorry mom… really sorry. Mom:- don’t say like that. He is the one feed us 3 times, he is the one look after us, he is...

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Amber in BetweenChapter 4

By now I'd been partying with my friends for more than three years. We were all of roughly the same age, but when I turned seventeen the law considered me an adult capable of making my own decisions. I was rapidly approaching my nineteenth birthday and I received an invitation to a party with people older than me. Back at my grandmother's, the one who lived in Mississippi, not the one in Shreveport, the adults would party upstairs while we kids had the rec room, the patio and the lawn. Now...

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Dost Ki Sexy Ma Ko Buri Tarah Chod

Ye bat tabki hai jab me 11 th science me padhata tha hamare hi appartment me hamare flat ke upar mera dost rehta tha jiska nam rohit tha ham sath sath ek hi class me padhte the aur exam time me uske ghar hi puri rat rehta tha uski mom ka nam bhavna hai joki dikhne me ekdum sexy thi uske boobs ki to kya bat kru tarbuch jese bade the vo rat ko hamesha nighty me rehti thi aur vo bra phenti nahi to uske boobs saf dikhai dete the. Ae bar ki bat hai jab me aur rohit uske ghar pe study kar rahe the...

1 year ago
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Strange Encounter

My name is Tony Marsh I am a fit healthy 26 year old red blooded male sitting in a café at Euston railway station London on a dark November evening, in a wet raincoat feeling sorry for myself. It had been a pig of a week. My girlfriend Monica of three years had left me without a good reason for another man, and I also had major staffing problems at the office. I was using the excuse that I was waiting for the evening rush to die down, in reality I was not looking forward to going back to a cold e...

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Stockholm Part 5

The next morning, Madame X woke up Katie as she entered the room. “Good morning, honey,” the woman whispered in her ear before kissing her on the cheek. The captive smiled. “Good morning, Mistress.” The dominatrix knew this would be their last day together, and she wanted it to be special. She pulled off the covers and climbed on top of her, slipping her soft, wet tongue between the girl’s lips and feeling the submissive gently massaging the woman’s tongue with hers. Madame X...

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Moms Happy Endings Massage

One Saturday morning after looking at porn in his church office, he started rubbing his cock through his pants and I couldn't look away. He said "why don't you rub it for me" and I immediately put my hand on it and felt it throb. He said "go lock the door" and I was more than willing to take this further. When I came back, I noticed that he was still sitting in his desk chair but his pants and underwear were around his ankles and his big hard cock was sticking straight up with the...

3 years ago
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Sticky Stick

When the universe first had the spark of existence, the first inkling of anything more than total, unending nothingness, a rod was formed from the ashes of a lost world. Barely a few hundred billion atoms long, this rod held a power from the universe before; a power from a universe whose laws of physics were entirely different from the universe following. The rod was powerful. The atoms gluing it together were virtually indestructible. More than that, they held the power of creation, devised by...

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Train mein kaise maja li

Hi readers I am Smita I know u have already read my first real story ‘maine bhai se chudwaya now I am come here with my next story but I am not happy with your response of last story. Please mail me if u like my stories. Train mein kaise maine chudai ka maja liya ye main ab aap ko sunati hun. Main apne bhai se khush thi wo bhi mujhse khush tha wo mujhse kahta tha ki tum kabhi kisi aur se mat chudwana bas mujhse aur apne pati se. Per ek dain hum dono ko mausi ke ghar jaana tha to papa ne ticket...

4 years ago
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ProfNigma Stories 1 iCarly One Night Part 2

iCarly: One Night Part 2 – Next DayBy ProfNigma - Carly woke up hours later, in a complete haze, and looked over at her bedside clock. 6:00AM... she was due to wake up for school in 45 minutes. To be honest, she was still unsure if last night had actually happened, and that that if she turned over to look, it might actually be real, or worse, a dream.It wasn't courage or even curiosity that made Carly turn over, but a freak out over a sound she was hearing. She slowly turned to see her best...

1 year ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 69

Sandra was lying in Frederik's arms in the back of the car. While she lay there, she was looking through the windows and trying to figure out where they were going. Jimmy and Martha were talking to each other, but nothing they said revealed anything about their destination. The farther away they got from Martha's home, the more obvious it became to Sandra that they were driving towards the city. "We can't be going there," Sandra thought. "On a Friday evening, it will be way too busy...

2 years ago
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My Dark Side

My Dark Side This all started on one of my birthdays. My present was a laptop from my folks. Like a lot of people my age, I eventually discovered the internet and began chatting with people. I met this guy, Lucas. He lives nearby me and we shared a lot of things in common. I assumed he was my age, but I eventually learned he was a few years older. I didn't really care because he said all the right things and I really liked him. We had a lot of long conversations and we even did the cyber thing....

Group Sex
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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 5 Tuesday August 3 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010 “Kate, this is going to be hard for your mother,” Jan said. “Why don’t you let me handle the introductions?” “Is that her?” Kate asked, nodding in the direction of the waitress. “Yes,” Jake said. “She looks so much older.” “These three years have been hard on her,” Jan said. It took a couple of minutes for Marie to find her way over. She wearily pushed herself away from the bar and walked over, frowning. “You are too young to drink,” she said to Jake. She looked...

2 years ago
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Sians CousinsChapter 11

With our mugs of tea in our hands, I turned to Julie. "So, how was that for you, darling?" "Weird, but great fun?" "A teeny-weeny little bit more detail, please?" "Okay, it felt very strange being upside down on my shoulders with my bits in the air, and even more strange looking up at Adrian as he was looking down, and it was an awful lot of effort keeping my balance and not moving too much on the cushion. But it felt amazing, because he could get all the way in, and the angle was...

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FamilyStrokes Savannah Sixx Never Enough Stepsister Muff

Caramel beauty Savannah Sixx is a little down on her luck recently, but her family has her back. She heads over to her stepbrothers house to shack up for a while as she looks for a new job to pay the bills with. He is more than happy to have her, but their parents are a little concerned about Savannahs independence. They do not want her staying with him for too long, and Savannah totally understands. All she needs is a place to crash for a little, and she will be on her feet and running! But...

3 years ago
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Getting Home Late from Work p1

I knew as soon as I saw the taillights in front of me; I was screwed. I had a very short window of time during which I could get home from work, or else I would be in a lot of trouble. And when I hit any traffic at all it became a nearly impossible task to accomplish.Today the traffic got really bad and I was particularly late. Once I arrived, I sat in my car outside the house for a few minutes before gathering the courage to unbuckle and go inside. I knew it wouldn’t help my predicament at...


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