Brendan FallsChapter 32 free porn video

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"Welcome to Tucson," Drew said softly into my ear.

"Hmmm?" I blinked around sleepily and sat up with a stretch. "Oh, I fell asleep."

"Just a little while," he smiled and we were stopped in a parking lot it looked like. "I was falling asleep myself. Come on we'll get a little breakfast and then get a little bed."

"A big bed," I grinned with a nice stretch. "A big breakfast too."

We were at a place called the Cactus Ranch, which was hardly that. It was a two floor motel painted cactus green and a neon lit diner dressed in pink. The sun was just coming up to the east and we'd been driving at least five hours or so since leaving Winslow. It felt good just walking around.

There was a sign in the window of the diner I'd never seen before.

"Niggers Welcome," I read it aloud and looked at Drew as he reached for the handle. "What's that mean?"

"Means they don't segregate," Drew said with a little smile, like I should have known that. "There aren't enough slaves around to justify the expense for small places like this."

"Oh," I smiled. "So it's a little warning for the white folks."

"Yeah, I guess. Or the blacks maybe," Drew laughed, holding the door open for me and bell tinkled above my head. "In a nice way though."

"Mornin'. Seat yourselves," A red haired woman called out and she was taking someone's order at the counter. "I'll be right with you."

We did just that, taking a booth away from the windows. It wasn't an overly large place, but they had some dozen customers and I was the only black face in there. Some men gave me some looks, but otherwise nobody seemed to care one way or the other. There was an old fashioned jukebox against the far wall, silent this morning, and every booth had a little music selector in it, a half round box with a knob on top and buttons like the jukebox. I hadn't seen one of those before and I giggled, flipping through the CD covers, but I didn't want to hear any music at five thirty in the morning.

"Where's all the Indians?" I whispered. "This place looks just like the South."

"Heh!" Drew smiled at me. "These are all people who lived here before. The Indians didn't kick anybody out. I told you it wasn't going to be a problem."

"I guess not," I said with a look around. "So are these people gonna care if we're together or..."

"Some of them maybe," Drew shrugged. "But not many and even if they do, they can't do anything about it."

"Ok," I nodded at that and then the waitress was coming.

"You know something I was thinking about?" Drew asked after the waitress had brought us some water, poured some coffee first thing, and left some menus in our hungry hands.

"Hotcakes?" I grinned at him, pulling some black hair out of my eyes.

"Uh, no." He smiled back at me. "I was thinking if, uh, you don't have a tattoo anymore..."

"What?" I looked up from the menu.

" ... You're about as free as a black girl can be," Drew said softly, leaning across the table a little. "I mean it's just something to think about."

"I like being a slave. I'm not ashamed of it at all," I told him. "Not like some of those niggers you see on TV sometimes, you know, going to rehabilitation and such?"

"I know," he nodded quickly. "I think it's good you being a slave and I admire your devotion, I really do."

"Then what are you trying to say?" I giggled.

"I don't know," Drew shrugged. "I guess what I'm trying to say is, I wish you were my slave."

"Mmmm..." I smiled and rocked on the fake red leather bench seat, nodding with my whole body. "Didn't we have this conversation already?"

"Sorta," he chuckled. "But that was in the dark."

"Oh," I giggled, not really understanding what that meant, but willing to ask him a serious question. "Would you whip me?"

"If you were a bad, I would," he said without hesitation. "I wouldn't like doing it, but that's part of who we are."

"My Master wouldn't ever whip me, I don't think," I sighed.

"No matter what?" Drew narrowed his eyes and they were a lot softer, warmer now that we were someplace else, it seemed to me.

"Well, I don't know," I admitted. "I think he'd sell me before he whipped me, to tell the truth."

"That ain't right," Drew shook his head.

"He loves me," I said. "He'd marry me if he could. I'm his mistress more than his slave, not even really a bedroom negra. It's like we really are married mostly."

"Marrying a slave is foolish, if you want my honest opinion." Drew looked up as the red headed woman was back and we ordered our food.

"Well, he can't marry me," I said after she was gone, taking the laminated menus with her.

"Right, but even talking about it, like pretending you could?" Drew shook his head. "It's okay to love a slave. I mean, it really is. Like loving anything else, you know? But it's not the same as loving someone your own color."

"You don't think people can fall in love?" I asked him. "I mean, forget color and whatever, just people. They can't fall in love?"

"They can, yeah," Drew shrugged. "And they do, but that don't make it right. People do all sorts of foolish stuff."

"Maybe they don't have any choice in it," I said. "Like me being mostly a girl, it's in my genes. Maybe love's like that too."

"Maybe." Drew allowed. "But everybody's got a choice too. You got a choice and your owner too. Love's the same way."

"Yeah. I know," I smiled, not feeling like I had much choice at all really. "So you wouldn't spoil me at all then?"

"Shoot, I dunno," Drew grinned. "Define spoil for me."

"Ohhhh ... Like buy me fancy clothes, nice jewelry..."

"That ain't spoiling you. He still owns that stuff, come on ... What do you really mean?"

"Well." I took a sip of water. "What about like sharing the same bedroom, you know, like permanently? Even after you marry a white woman."

"You share his bedroom?" Drew looked at me.

"Yeah!" I giggled. "His big bathroom too. It's like, our room."

"Yeah, that's too much," the man nodded. "Where's his wife sleep?"

"In another room," I shrugged. "She's a little different anyway though."

"Heh!" Drew snorted with a grin. "I guess so. Shoot, that is spoiled."

"Yeah," I nodded. "It made me bad at first, like really bad. I almost had one of the house niggers whipped cause he wouldn't fuck me."

"What?" Drew stared at me, probably because he'd suggested such a thing just a few hours before and I'd tried to deny it then. I remember wondering how the boy had known me so well.

"Yeah, I swear. I was mad and my Master was gonna do it too," I was giggling and we both knew it hadn't been funny at the time, but that had been a long time before so it was okay.

"I'd have whipped you just for thinking you could get away with something like that."

"Mmmm..." I sighed, " ... Yeah, he shoulda whipped me for that."

"Anyway, slavery wasn't meant for the bedroom anyways," Drew said. "Not even for households, really. A slave's gotta pay for himself somehow and, well, like you..."


"Yeah, you're a bedroom negra. How much money do you make for your master?" He looked at me and we knew the answer. "None at all. If every white man in the South had a bedroom negra, shit, the whole country would collapse."

"It would not!" I laughed at him.

"Hell yeah it would," he nodded. "Think about it. It'd be like feeding a couple million people who didn't grow anything. Didn't make anything or build anything. All they do is consume and..."

"Fuck?" I stuck my tongue out at him.

" ... look pretty," Drew chuckled. "Can't run a country on looking pretty."

"Hollywood does!" I giggled.

"Yeah, but there aren't a lot of slaves in Hollywood," Drew said. "Not a lot of black people at all. How many black actors do you know in Hollywood? They're the racist ones, but they're always pointing a finger at us."

"Yeah," I agreed with that. "They are a bunch of hypocrites. I heard it's because black folks don't go to movies as much as white folks. They just want to make money."

"Yeah, well, maybe if they had some good black actors more black people would go," Drew shrugged.

"Nashville has a lot of black actors, good ones too," I nodded. "Yeah, see, nobody gets that do they?"

"What's that?"

"Like other countries, even the North, they figure all the white people hate the black people here," I said. "And the other way around too."

"It's not like that," Drew frowned.

"I know," I said hastily. "I'm just saying other places think it has to be cause of slavery and segregation and all that stuff. Like it's bad or something."

"Yeah," Drew was nodding. "They don't know anything."

"Every white person I every met liked black people just fine, I mean on the whole." I looked at Drew. "Don't you think so?"

"Yeah, I agree with you," the man shrugged. "We need black people, everybody knows that. We wouldn't have anything if it wasn't for slaves, they're as much a part of the country as anybody."

"I know it," I smiled. "So that's why it's okay spoiling a few bedroom negras, right?"

"Ohhhh..." Drew laughed at me, " ... That's your whole argument there? And you got me agreeing with you too, huh?"

"No! I don't know," I shrugged. "I'm just saying slaves are like anybody else, you got some in the lower class, and some in the middle class, and you have a few in the upper class."

"Like you, huh?" It was Drew's turn to stick his tongue out at me and the waitress was right there to give him a funny look.

"Yeah!" I nodded happily. "Like me."

"Well, it isn't the biggest bed," Drew smiled at me. "But it'll do."

He'd gotten us a motel room after breakfast and now we were in it. It was small and cheap, but clean at least and smelling of pine oil. It made my nose itch.

"Yeah, it'll do," I grinned, just about jumping onto the soft mattress. "We need to get you some clothes."

"Yeah. I shoulda gone home and got some stuff before leaving."

He was just wearing his brown uniform trousers and a white t-shirt. He'd left all his deputy stuff back at the station, including his gun, although Drew had considered bringing it. I'd said no to that though, there was too much badness waiting to happen there and we needed all the goodness we could get.

"Come on over here now, see if you can get these buttons undone for me," I smiled, biting my bottom lip as I lay there.

"Oh? You having a hard time reaching those?" Drew laughed because all the buttons were on the front of my sundress.

"Uh-Huh," I nodded slowly.

Not so long later we were naked on that bed and that was nice. Drew's body was firm, muscular and hard, and I enjoyed feeling him under my hands and against my breasts. He lay on top of me, with my long brown legs spread around his hips, kissing my mouth while I caressed his neck and back. The man's cock was wonderfully thick, hot and strong with his desire, and he worked it against my own smaller penis. He enjoyed that as much as anything else, I suspected. Just that new experience of his nice stiff cock riding along mine was making him hot and the man had been dreaming of this since he hit puberty, most likely.

"Jesus, you're so sexy," he breathed, our bodies moving against each other as if we were making love. "I never thought I'd find a girl I liked."

I giggled at that and kissed him lightly, stroking his short brown hair with my fingertips.

"I want to make love to you," Drew said softly. "Okay?"

"Yeah, it's okay." He really was like a little boy right then and I found it seriously sweet. "Put it in me ... It's okay."

He'd never had sex before, which seemed almost unreasonable to me. Drew was twenty-one years old and a virgin. I had to remind myself that the world, the real world, wasn't very much like mine at all in a lot of ways. I was a slave and a bedroom negra and I did things that a lot of people couldn't even imagine, and probably they didn't want to. People who lived normal lives, working and going to school and looking for a person to love. I missed that sometimes, but mostly I found it pretty amusing how I'd been so innocent before I'd met Mr. Reiser and become his slave.

"Is it going to hurt?" Drew asked me and I was reaching under my right leg as I lifted it high, finding his turgid penis with my hand and guiding him to my boy pussy.

"No, it's going to feel really good," I promised.

"I don't want to hurt you, Danielle," he said seriously and his brown eyes searched mine.

"Shhh ... Trust me, okay?" I giggled. "I want to feel you inside me."

I thought he was probably the first virgin who'd ever fucked me and it was cute, but almost teasing in a way as well. I really just wanted the boy to push his cock inside me, to hold me tight and fuck me hard, but I had to be patient. Drew wanted me to like him, and so he wanted me to like our sex, as if there was any way I wouldn't. That was okay though, it was making my heart skip a beat every now and again just because nobody had ever showed this much concern over fucking me, not even my Master the first time we'd done it, when he'd taken my virginity.

"I feel it." He smiled and blinked his eyes rapidly, licking his lips and I nodded.

"Push now, slowly ... Just push your cock inside..." I whispered and his cockhead was already stretching my sphincter and then I felt myself being forced slowly open as the man sought entry into my body.

"Ohhhh..." He swallowed hard and I wrapped my legs around Drew's waist as his cockhead slipped easily past the tight ring of my asshole.

"Yeah ... That's nice..." I sighed, " ... Keep going, fill me up with your big cock. Put it all the way inside me now, fuck me with it ... Fuck me..."

I dug my heels into the small of his back and pulled at the man's shoulder's with my hands. I kept my eyes on his, staring into him as I felt his swollen member making a home inside my tight rectum. It was a good fit as Drew wasn't overly long, but thick enough so it felt really nice for me. I liked having my asshole stretched by a strong man and he was moving slowly, sawing his cock in and out of me as his instincts finally overcame his inexperience. Everybody knows how to fuck.

"Danielle ... God, you're so hot inside..." Drew groaned and he was balls deep by then, as far inside me as he could get, and holding himself there so he could kiss me.

I sucked his tongue lazily, making sure it was a deep, romantic kiss. The best kiss Drew had ever had in his life to go along with the new pleasure of having his cock buried inside my ass. I held his mouth to mine, refusing to let him go, like I wanted to kiss him forever, and he finally just started moving for me. We made out while we fucked, which really is the best way to do it the first time you make love. Joined with our lips and with our bodies, being overwhelmed with not just the physical pleasure, but the emotional joy as well, it was awesome.

We were making love right then and we knew it.

"Yeah ... uh ... Harder, like that..." I nodded and we were both hot and breathless, panting for air and smiling after our long kiss.

"Like this? Is that good?" Drew asked and I giggled happily, moving my ass beneath him, rolling my hips as best I could and enjoying his not unpleasant weight upon my body.

"Yeah," I agreed. "Like that ... Make me cum with your big hard cock in my ass."

"Ummm..." he laughed lightly and widened his eyes, " ... You're going to cum?"

"Oh yeah, it feels good," I told him and my girl cock was trapped between us, just the way I liked it.

The erotic intimacy of our bodies moving together felt very good for me and my penis throbbed with the pleasure of it, leaking precum to stain our stomachs, and I used my legs and arms to keep the pressure on me. I liked the feel of Drew's smooth chest against my aching tits, his hot flesh rubbing my swollen nipples and adding fuel to the fire in my belly. I could feel his heavy balls, soft and lightly furred in his sack. When he'd go deep inside me, they'd press against my ass for a brief second and then he'd pull back so he could do it again.

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Brendan FallsChapter 30

The big deputy had removed my handcuffs as the sheriff had instructed and now Deputy Bluett was watching me take a shower. The water was hot anyway and it felt good as I soaped my body under the man's less than happy scrutiny. He wanted to like me as a woman, I thought, but the man just couldn't get past my smallish penis and balls and it frustrated him. So he stood there at the entrance of the small communal shower, watching my soapy hands work their way over my taut brown belly and firm...

3 years ago
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Brendan FallsChapter 31

"Oh man. That was Dad checking up on me before he goes to bed," Deputy Miller's voice was full of humor as he returned to the sheriff's office where I was waiting. "He probably thinks we're fuuhhhk ... Hey." "I'm sorry, sir. But I have to go," I said and I was pointing the young man's pistol at him, one of those big black semi-automatic kind. It seemed incredibly heavy and my heart was going a hundred miles an hour. "Just, um ... put that down, okay?" He licked his lips,...

4 years ago
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Brendan FallsChapter 33

The Indian casino was than I'd first suspected, and oddly shaped, like someone had taken four or five big buildings and just mashed them together somehow. It looked strange from the outside, but inside I had no idea what was going on. I guess casinos are like that though. A person had to walk past all the slot machines and gaming tables before they could find the other stuff, like the restaurant and bars and yeah, a little dance club too. There were a lot of people in there, inside the...

3 years ago
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Like a Whore

Friday 10:16 PM The first thing I noticed when I walked into the club was that the coat check girl was dressed in lingerie. After a quick double take, I noticed the poster on the wall. “Dare to wear, night?” I muttered, reading the words as I realized what exactly they meant. I then had to pay twice the normal cover charge since my clothing was apparently not “provocative” enough as per the night’s theme. Had I known previously, I would have opted not to take on the unenviable position of...

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kissed and felt up her girlfriends as a curious child but never thought much about sex. It was mostly just a natural curiosity to inspect other girl's bodies to see if they were like her or not. Her family lived in Birmingham, England. Her parents bought a semi-detached home in a nice residential neighborhood. The homes were the latest thing in their day. She was an only child. In every way she was an average sandy haired blonde child. She was proud of her hair and kept it...

3 years ago
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Sex With Ghost 8211 Part I

Hello my ISS readers pehle to me aap sab logo ko thanks ki aap logo ne meri story like ki aur muje a66e responses bhi mile. Aur ku6 ku6 bure bhi mile bt its don’t mind but yaar me yaha pe bahot ku6 padha he jo muje sahi nahi lag raha he lagta he ki fake hi fake likhte he. Koi bhi sach nahi likhta ku6 logo ko 6odkar baki sab to jhoothe hi lagte he. I have proof, log yah ape story me likhte he ki me raat ko 10 baje uske ghar gaya aur takriban 1 ghanta ya aadha ghanta sex Karte he ya uss se bhi...

4 years ago
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Daycare Charge

Little Accidents: "Oh no, oh no no no!" This was the third time in as many days that Christy had found herself in this situation: rushing to the bathroom with an intense urge to pee, fearing she may not make it in time. The first time she'd been lucky and managed to get to the toilet just in time to go, the second time she wasn't as lucky but had at least managed to get her pants off and only wet her panties. This time, however, as she rounded the corner towards the bathroom she was dismayed to...

2 years ago
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harem stories

First cholce : do you wish to prohibit a particular type of character i.e. furries , anime , real people or any other thing you can think up if you dont specify they wont nesscarrily be there but if the do it isnt our fault your story and world will be shaped by your choices also an idea I had you could eliminate everything but a particular type or series like everything but naruto and then you could pose yourself as a character in the naruto universe but I do ask that you create your own...

1 year ago
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Plays Well With Others

So, after we'd discussed it a VERY long time...I mean, the whole "scenario" and just how we wanted it to go and all that....I put on this incredibly sensual outfit and presented myself for (for lack of a better term?) "inspection." Now, please understand that from the beginning I had really wondered if he would be able to stay in "character" or...really, for all my boasts and cockiness, whether I would! And yet, as I emerged from the hotel bathroom, wearing this amazing little ensemble that I'd...

Group Sex
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Freeing Kirsty Ch 03

SO FAR: Divorcee Merrick Jamieson (35) visiting New York comes into contact with the moll of the mysterious Spiro whom the spirited Kirsty Fallon has reason to fear if she so much looks at another man. But after a brief association with Merrick Kirsty (25) finds she has become attracted and follows him to his homeland and begins working with the photo-journalist. Spiro contacts Kirsty warning her to return otherwise a ‘retriever’ will be dispatched to bring her back. * Kirsty was afraid for...

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Oral pleassure with master

It feels good to be out of the close and I find myself humming happily along to the tune of an unknown music. I hear Master walk up behind me and smile happily to myself. How could this be any better. Using a gin sue knife I sliced open the stake packageing and seasoned them on both sides before sliding them into the buttered cast-iron skillet. The smell was heavenly mouthwatering. As the stakes sizzled and browne in the pan I start to move away from the stove and grab the green beans. Hands...

3 years ago
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Natalies Family AdventureChapter 7

Natalie wakes up to find her pussy wet. She slides two fingers into it and luxuriates in the feeling of her lips parting and the warmth inside. She lies there for a moment or two, gently thrusting her fingers in and out of herself, before an idea occurs to her. She takes the tablet off the charger, the time on it reads 6:20 AM, and turns on the flashlight app. Walking around the room she collects the mirror, lube, and the horse-shaped dildo that The Controller gave her. She places the mirror...

2 years ago
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The Sex Wife Section 4 Conclusion

The Sex Wife: Section 4 (Conclusion) By Diana Heche Part 6: Charles I was feeling a touch hung over and down. I stayed out too late with Mike and Patricia and now I was paying the price emotionally and physically. But there was going to be no physical and especially no emotional rest for me today. Charles had been visiting my mother's grave yesterday, and there was no question in my mind that when I saw him, he was going to ask me to "be her." We...

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Delta OriginalChapter 7 Relationships

Syd was in the love nest with Tahoora. He had organised a room change earlier in the week with some other couples. They too had wished to shack-up together, and his roommate wasn’t hard to convince to move. Now he was able to keep better tabs on Tahoora. He had suspected at one time that she might have said something to her old roommate, but nothing was repeated to his knowledge, so he let it go. He now had her trained to strip as soon as they entered the storeroom. He still enjoyed using...

2 years ago
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DreamweaverChapter 73 Lights Camera

"You must heal yourself, James," she said. "And you must do it quickly, for time is shorter than you know." Beside me Walter had sunk to one knee with his head bowed, "My Lady." "Rise and do as you have been commanded." To say I was shocked to see her would have been an understatement but apparently this wasn't the time to go into it. "How?" "As your Walter has pointed out to you, and you have discovered yourself, you walk in both worlds. You must take your sister into the...

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guitar man

I wondered the street ,strowling down the alleyways of this dark city,not knowing where to go.It was all new to me having left my master at the hotel asleep i though it would be good to cool down and find the magic of this unknown city.I heard distant laughing,distant footsteps along the cobbles,i should have worn a better shoe,heals werent made for wet cobbles,It wasnt raining but the dark moonless night just made the damp cling to the stones,I had considered turning back,step quietly back...

2 years ago
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My First Blowjob

My First BlowjobIt was afternoon in early June. I told my Mom that I was going out to play in the field behind our house. She told me okay and be back in about an hour. I had on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt. I went through the gate in our fence and out in the field. The field is surrounded by woods and the boys in the neighborhood often go in there to play. There is also a little creak that runs through it.I was down by the edge of the woods and I was picking some violets that were growing...

2 years ago
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The Summer Visit 1

I wasn’t too surprised the first time I saw Jimmy with his head between his sister Jane’s legs. In the three days they had been here it had become obvious that he was completely besotted by her. From what I had worked out, she used him as her personal slave, making him not only fetch and carry for her, but using him to satisfy her sexual needs. Which did not include fucking her ‘as she wished to keep her virginity for Mr Right’. In return she would occasionally suck his cock or allow him to...

1 year ago
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Gold Birmingham Escorts

Are you tired of spending all kinds of time alone without anyone to hold you? Are you growing tired of having your mother hold your hand and let you suck on her titties for a little milky-milk? Then you need to fucking get laid!But if you are still breastfeeding from your mother, you have no kind of fucking game, or you want to skip those games and dive headfirst into pussy, then you need a fucking shortcut. That is where Gold Birmingham Escorts fit into the picture. You will find a whole host...

Escort Sites
4 years ago
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Uncle Me Banged

Hi I am new to ISS my name is Akash and my mom name is Malathi . She is a perfect figure for sex her height is medium and a little busty . she had a big boob with dark nipple about 3CM OF radius. her age 32 and mine 17 she got married in early age itself. she usually wears saree and churidhar her armpit is full of hair and she doesn’t shave them her belly is quiet little big but not too big . she has large navel. which attract all men. she wears her saree below her navel, I have seen many men...

1 year ago
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Frequent Flyer Miles

I travel a great deal and, luckily for me, I get to upgrade to First Class nearly every flight. There is a lot to be said about First Class. The flight attendants act as if they know you and address you by name; the seats are wider and slightly better cushioned, there is only two people in a row, the drinks, and any food items are usually free. The main bennie for me is the seat. If you've ever been stuck in a middle seat between two large, smelly guys, you know what I mean. You know the type,...

Oral Sex
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Will And Tess Excellent AdventureChapter 11

We rented a car at the airport in Honolulu and enjoyed the lengthy drive across Oahu to Turtle Bay Resort, the home of the SBS Open and the first stop on the year's LPGA Tour. Our suite in this expensive hotel was going to run close to $450 a day, and that kind of money could make even Tess swallow a little hard. But the tournament golf course was right there, walking distance from our rooms. And the Pacific Ocean was right outside the bedroom window. Well, it was on the other side of the...

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What have you done for me lately redux

Please read part one “What have you done for me lately?” for a background in the events leading up to this. The miserable cold wind blowing outside made a wailing sound as it pushed before it an icy rain. Florida was experiencing one of the coldest winters, definitely not a nice start to 2010, thankfully I didn't have to go in to work. It was Monday the 3rd, there was inventory at the plant and production wouldn't begin till after 12 p.m at best and with everyone working second shift, coverage...

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Lessons learned

Jerome’s mind often toyed with him like a cat with its prey/food. He was powerless to stop it, so he just let it happen. He’d become a passenger in his own head; someone else was at the wheel. In a way, it was less exhausting this way, even if he wasn’t in control of the journey. Sometimes they were speeding down a bumpy road on the way to places they shouldn’t be, and his stomach began to summersault like when on a rollercoaster with lots of loops. Other times the ride was smoother and the...

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My latest man session in our ladys undies

My latest man session in our lady`s undies.Another meet with G.. this time we wore undies which was a nice sensual experience sadly his were bought for himself, I thought he'd borrow his lady's undies which makes it more sexy knowing her pussy has been intimate with the undies, they were a funny choice of colour yellow they were lacy see through matched with black opaque hold ups, I wore my lady`s sheer black hold ups with the red velvet detail (that I laddered in proceedings, oh! dear)and sexy...

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Chocolate Tropical Loving Part 2

Weeks had passed since Isabella and Markus had been shipwrecked onto the deserted island of Santorini, Greece. They’d built a house made out of large palm tree leaves and branches, and ate berries, coconuts, and bananas. They swam in the sea naked, as there was no civilization for miles around and made love twenty four seven, teasing and pleasuring one another’s bodies with their tongues, hands, and caresses. One warm evening when the humidity was warm in the air, Isabella and Markus sat on the...

4 years ago
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The Best Friendship Day 8211 Part I

Hello sexy girls, ladies and aunties. This is Sidd back again with another really horny story of mine. First of all I am very thankful for loads of appreciating mail and responses I got for my last post ‘Loving time with my Anu’. It really felt great by such great response so decided to pen down another real incident. So also this time I will narrate the story in Hindi and English as well to make dick hard and pussies leaking to shattering orgasms. Also request all of you to give feedback as u...

4 years ago
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Greek Lessons

I had been living in London, a newly-qualified teacher, working in a very tough school, and it was as bad as that makes it sound. I really wasn’t coping, I was being given support, but by Easter I had just about had enough and told the school that I would be leaving at the end of the summer term. They weren’t surprised; the place had the same attrition rate on young people as a war zone. My girlfriend, who was also a teacher, but in a much nicer school, announced that she no longer wanted our...

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Arthur vs Ch 01

Author’s note: Arthur Liggett, the occasionally heroic star of The Not so Secret Agent is back, starring in a newly declassified adventure that takes place early in his second year as a Danubian criminal. Experience the excitement as Arthur performs manual labor in a national park! See his struggles with disgruntled rangers, needy campers, drunken Frenchmen and angry horses! Awkward conversations, embarrassing failures and devious plots unfold as epic mysteries are revealed! Arthur vs. is...

3 years ago
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My wifes first time part 2

As you should recall from part 1, I was trying to put my wife into a situation with another man where she (hopefully) would get a little carried away...---------Part 2----------As I arrived home after my third attempt at getting my friend and my wife together the excitement was boiling up inside me. My mouth was dry and my dick was hard. I was pretty excited to discover if what I had hoped would happen had actually happened!You can’t imagine how disappointed I was when I arrived home and his...

1 year ago
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My First Ever Romantic Sex

By : Mesoanu Hi guys! This is Anu from Mumbai. I am an avid reader of ISS, but till date din have d courage to write my own story. Well, I have responded to many writers till now in ISS. So to start with me, let me give u a brief intro abt me. I’m a south Indian Brahmin girl, well settled in Mumbai. Since I m a Brahmin I had a well n good structure of 34 26 34 when I was 18 yrs. Currently I am 23 years and have 36 28 36.. I m committed to my boy friend past 7 years. He is d best boyfriend and...

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