Brendan and Tim
- 3 years ago
- 25
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"Well?" Sarah asked me as soon as I picked her up on the way to school.
"Yeah. I can go." I'd thought about teasing her, but I was kind of tired.
Mr. Reiser had kept me up late, but I wasn't going to complain about that. Plus, I knew that new houseboy would be there when I got home and I'd have that thought nagging at me all day long.
"Really?" Sarah widened her eyes and I nodded. "That's so cool. You have the best master ever, I bet. What did he say?"
So I relived that whole conversation on the drive to school, smiling by the end of it. Mr. Reiser was a good owner, far better than most of them, from what I gathered from the slaves I went to school with. The other kids always had stories about how they were worked too hard, or punished too often, or whatever. Mostly I figured they just liked to complain.
I was in my third period economics class with Ms. Kellerman, listening to her explain how the reinstitution of slavery had saved the South from the Great Depression when I was summoned to the school office. A black girl, one of the office negras, came knocking on the classroom door and she had a note for me. I didn't know what that was about and neither did the girl.
"Ma'am?" I spoke up quietly as I stood in the office. The school secretary, an older black woman named Perth, gave me a look.
"Dani, you go to the nurse's office. There's some people in there who want to talk to you," she told me, and I swallowed hard. "You're not in trouble. They just want to ask some questions. Go on now."
I felt very nervous by then, not knowing what was going on or why, but I didn't have any choice. I walked down the short hallway to the nurse's office to find the door already open. The nurse wasn't inside, but two other people were, a man and a woman, both of them older and dressed nicely, I suppose. They were white people and for just a brief second I wondered if my Master had sold me.
"Come in," the man said. "You're ... Daniel?" He read my name off some papers he held and frowned slightly.
"Yes sir." I blinked at him because he had a funny accent. He wasn't from the South, or the Union, I didn't think.
"Is that your name? What do people call you?" the woman asked and she wasn't American either, near as I could tell. She closed the door behind me.
"Dani ... Danielle," I replied. I didn't know what to do with my hands, so I tried putting them behind my back, but I didn't like that. So I put them in front of me.
"You're a boy, yes?" the man asked.
"I'm a boy." I nodded slowly.
"Alright. Well, sit down." The man pointed at a chair and waited for me. "I'm Dr. Ramirez. This is Dr. Hermosa. We're with the United Nations, have you heard of that?"
"Yes sir." I licked my lips. "Am I in trouble?"
"No. Good heavens." The woman smiled, taking an empty chair near mine, but the man remained standing and I had to look up at him.
"We're just getting information," he told me. "This school and many others like it in your country are supported by the U.N. and other organizations. We just want to make sure that the money is being well spent."
"Okay." I shrugged, looking between the two of them. Dr. Hermose held a clipboard and she tapped it with her pen.
"Are you a slave, Dani?" Dr. Ramirez asked, and I'd heard about this before, these people who would come asking questions.
"No." I shook my head. "I'm in the custody of my benefactor, Mr. Reiser."
"Yes, of course." The man nodded as if he'd expected that. "You're freeborn, yes?"
"Yes." I agreed with a shrug.
"And when were you taken into custody by Mr..."
"Mr. Reiser," I said. "Um, about a year ago. I was sixteen."
"Mr. Reiser makes you, ah ... dress like that, Dani?" the woman wondered. "Did he make you, uh..."
"Did he make me a girl?" I looked at her and she nodded, smiling apologetically as if I'd be embarrassed. "I was already a girl. My parents wanted me to be a girl since I was a baby."
"Oh." That confused her maybe.
"Mr. Reiser bought me clothes and my breasts," I told her, pushing my tits out for the man's approval. "They're nice, right?"
"Uh, very nice," he cleared his throat. I'd worn a simple outfit that day, just a cotton blouse in red and a pleated skirt in black, kind of a short one, but not like a mini-skirt or anything. I knew I looked good.
"Does Mr. Reiser have sex with you, Dani?" the woman asked. I wondered if I'd been a real boy, would the man have been asking me that?
"No. I'm a house negra," I answered. "What does this have to do with school?"
"I see." She licked her lips and ignored my question. "And what exactly is a house negra, Danielle?"
"I'm a domestic servant." I looked at her like that should have been obvious.
"Well, how about Mrs. Reiser, does she..." Dr. Hermosa started asking, and I smiled.
"There is no Mrs. Reiser," I told her kind of smugly, making it plain that my Master didn't need a wife with me there.
"Does he hurt you, Dani?" Dr. Ramirez asked, and I stared at him.
"Of course not," I said. "Why are you asking me this stuff?"
"It's just background," he said, but he was lying. "Do you think we could examine your body? Your back, um ... shoulders, stomach. You don't have to get naked or anything..."
"No." I crossed my arms over my tummy.
"No?" He blinked, not expecting that...
"No sir, I don't believe I want you to look at my body," I decided, not that I had anything to hide. The strop hadn't left anything but a lot of red behind the night before and that was gone now. I just wasn't liking the idea that they thought Mr. Reiser would hurt me.
"Dani, you have to let us look," the woman said patiently. "We won't hurt you."
I closed my eyes with a sigh and pulled my blouse over my head, taking it off so I sat there in my bra and skirt. There weren't any marks on me of course, but those two United Nations people were looking anyway.
"Thank you, Danielle," Dr. Ramirez finally said. "You look fine, um ... Why didn't you want us to look if you have nothing to hide?"
"Cause you thought there might be." I frowned at him and put my blouse back on.
"Okay," the woman sighed. "Let's talk about your school then. How long have you been attending school here?"
"A year," I told her.
"Have you ever been exploited sexually or physically abused by a teacher?" she asked, and I shook my head.
"Has a teacher ever offered you anything for sex, Dani?" she asked. "Better grades maybe?"
"No." I shook my head again.
"Have you ever been disciplined by a teacher?" the man asked me, and I nodded. "What happened?"
"I was talking in class when I should have been listening," I told him, trying my best to sound bored. "Mr. Davis made me stay after school and clean the classroom."
"I see," he nodded. "Your teacher didn't spank you or ... touch you in some way while you did that?"
"Nope." I smiled and shrugged. "I just ... cleaned."
There were a bunch more questions, but I didn't admit to anything. I didn't like those people, snooping around and asking questions, like they were angels sent from God himself to pass judgment on my Master and my school. My whole country in fact. I knew a lot of other countries didn't like us just because we had slaves, but that wasn't any of their business anyway, so far as I could tell. It wasn't like the South was buying people in Africa or something, all the slaves were already here. Those United Nations people were insulting and they could kiss my little black butt for all the help I was going to give them. I loved my country.
"Okay, one last question, Dani." The man smiled and sort of dropped down so he could look level into my eyes. "Have you told us the truth today?"
"Yes sir," I said, staring right back and not even flinching.
"So, what you think, baby?" Purdy was all over me during lunch. "Gonna hook up with me on Sunday or what?"
"Yeah." I shrugged and we were sitting in our usual places, except Purdy wasn't usually there. "I can go, but if it sucks, I'm going to see my parents."
"You're going?" Venus looked at me, brushing some blonde hair out of her eyes. "Can I get a ride?"
"She's giving me a ride," Sarah said.
"You gotta sit on Sarah's lap." I giggled.
"Yeah, whatever." Venus shrugged, but Sarah looked unhappy, probably because she figured we'd stop smeplace and fuck before we went to the party.
"So all ya'll are coming?" Purdy grinned. "Shit. We'll have a good time."
"Where's this place at?" I asked him.
"Over in Hemmford. Give me some paper, I'll draw it for you," Purdy said. I pushed one of my notebooks towards him, since he was right next to me.
"So how's that Cuban girl?" Tricia asked Sarah, getting a dirty look in return.
"Leave her alone," I said. "Like everyday you gotta bring that up?"
"What? She ain't sold yet anyway, is she?" Tricia giggled and I really didn't like her sometimes.
"My Master's getting a new slave today," I said, and probably I should have kept it to myself, but I didn't.
"Hey look..." Purdy tried grabbing my attention as he drew his map.
"A new girl?" Sarah asked me, so I sorta looked back and forth.
"No. A boy," I said, and pointed at an octopus or something on the paper. "What's that thing?"
"Never mind that." Purdy scratched it out.
"You're lucky then," Sarah decided.
"A boy?" Venus smiled at me. "So that ain't so lucky, huh?"
"Yeah." I shrugged.
" ... And go like three stoplights, kay? Go left and it's there, Lexington Apartments. Number 202," Purdy explained, writing it all down.
"Oh, shit a boy?" Sarah was catching on. "Like you?"
"Like her! God!" Tricia giggled. "What a trip!"
"They got a phone or something, like if I get lost I can call?" I asked Purdy, and then looked at Tricia. "I don't think he's gonna be like me."
"But your Master's kind of a fag anyway, huh?" Venus asked.
"He's queer, yeah." I shrugged. "But not like all the time."
"He can't be all the time," Sara said. "He'd get arrested."
"Just with me," I agreed.
"Shit! That ain't being queer." Purdy grinned at me. "You got all this? You gonna find it okay?"
"Yeah, as long as I can read your handwriting." I frowned at my notebook.
"I got good handwriting. What are you talking about?" He grabbed at my hip and I jerked away.
"You flirt with me and I'll make you pay," I told him half seriously.
"I wanna do more than flirt with you, negra!" He grinned back.
"God! You're such a slut." Venus rolled her eyes, talking about Purdy. "First Tricia, now Dani ... Who else have you fucked?"
"Why? You interested?" The boy stuck the tip of his tongue out at her.
"You wish!" Venus shook her head. "You're all kinds of wrong color for me, nigger."
"And you ain't all that anyway." Purdy shrugged.
"So what's that new nigger like?" Sarah asked me.
"I dunno, I haven't seen him," I replied with a shrug. "He's slaveborn, I know that."
"How old is he?" she wondered.
"You looking for a boyfriend?" Venus giggled at her.
"What new nigger?" Purdy asked. He'd missed the beginning of that whole conversation while he drew his map.
"New slave at Dani's house," Tricia told him. "Keep your eyes off her tits and maybe you can keep up."
"Shit!" He grinned. "Have you even seen those tits?"
"Leave my tits alone," I said, but I had the best ones in school and I knew it.
"Let's go in the bathroom like we used to," Purdy whispered, and he wasn't leaving my tits alone at all.
"Yeah, sure." I smiled.
"Really?" He grinned.
"You want to go down on me?" I shrugged. "I'll go with you."
"Go down on you?" Purdy rolled his head on his shoulders.
"Heh!" Venus grinned at me. "I'll do it."
"Yeah right!" Tricia stared at Venus. "What happened to white only?"
"I ain't never sucked a girl before." Venus giggled.
"She fucks me," Sarah said, and I looked at her sharply. "I mean..."
"Oh fuck! Really?" Tricia looked back and forth between us.
"You fuckin' her?" Purdy grinned at me and I wasn't exactly embarrassed, but I guess I was a little.
"Sometimes." I shrugged, since there wasn't any sense lying about it now.
"So you're like some lesbian fag sissy slut negra, huh?" He laughed and I elbowed him.
"Fuck off!" I put my notebook away. "We're just friends."
"Fuck friends, that's cool." Venus giggled and it was her fault anyway, hers and the way Sarah always wanted to one up Venus for some reason.
"So who gets on top?" Tricia wanted to know.
"You wanna find out?" I wiggled my eyebrows at her and she jerked back like I'd slapped her.
"Figures!" Sarah laughed. She was one of those people who only felt bad about something for like thirty seconds at the most.
"All talk," Venus agreed, and Tricia made a face. "You can show me, Dani. Anytime." The mulatto wiggled her tongue at me and I giggled.
"See?" I smiled at Purdy. "I can get fucked anytime I want. So what do I need you for?"
"Shit." He didn't know what to say and that was a first.
"All you gotta do is suck my little dick," I whispered, pushing my hand down against his big cock, feeling it through his trousers. "And then I'll give you whatever you want." I licked his ear. "I'll even give you my ass."
"Ah, here she is now," my daddy said as I walked carefully down the stairs and I'd been pacing for fifteen minutes, so I'd at least grown accustomed to the three inch heels on those ankle boots. "Good," a white man I assumed to be Mr. Reiser answered, but he didn't look anything like I expected. He wasn't especially old, or fat or bald, or anything like that. He seemed about the same age as my father, I supposed, like forty maybe, but tall and handsome, actually, with sandy hair and...
"Do I still have to go to school?" I wondered. "Of course," Mr. Reiser laughed and he was driving us to a restaurant, even though my mom had prepared a dinner for him, for all of us. We hadn't stayed very long after Mr. Reiser had fucked me. Just long enough for me to take a shower and double check the bag my mom had packed for me. Enough time for my mom to wash the semen stains out of Mr. Reiser's trousers. He'd borrowed a clean shirt from my dad, it was a salmon colored Izod polo...
"This is nice," Mr. Reiser decided and I sighed in agreement. He knelt by a large bathtub, just off his bedroom in the master bath, and I was soaking in it, naked and enjoying the steaming water that surrounded me up to my budding breasts. It was a generous tub, the entire bath and the house around it was splendid and altogether too much for one man living alone, I thought. Mr. Reiser was washing me slowly, cupping water and letting it dribble onto my shoulders. He enjoyed looking at me,...
Joshua C. Hathaway had been a general in the War of Southern Independence and for the second time in that city's history, Chicago had burned to the ground. He'd called it payback for what Sherman had done to his beloved Atlanta during the War of Northern Aggression and so there were a lot of schools named after the man, including the one I was now attending. Hathaway High, which was a segregated school for black students only, for freeborn kids mostly, or those few slaves who wanted to go...
"Thank you, Mercy," I said, smiling and fidgeting in my seat as the woman served our dinner. She'd prepared a chicken breast, broiled I think, but I have to confess I've never been much good in the kitchen. Mercy was an excellent, however, and she was Mr. Reiser's housekeeper and cook, although only for dinner. He didn't require her to make breakfast and usually had lunch at the office, and on the weekends he liked to fend for himself. Of course, Mr. Reiser had me now and I wouldn't...
My second visit to the Owner's Club was much different from my first, mostly because I felt much more relaxed, much more confident in myself. I'd repaired my makeup in the car and it hadn't been so bad, just my lipstick had been terribly smeared from sucking Mr. Reiser's cock and then kissing him hard. I fixed it and brushed my hair. My only complaint was the semen trickling from my asshole as I walked into the plantation house, but I have to say I enjoyed the sensation of my rectum...
"Dani?" My mother blinked at me and then smiled happily, taking me into her arms. I hadn't told my parents that Mr. Reiser was allowing me to visit them every Sunday afternoon. I'd driven to their house shortly after lunch and I could stay until six or so before I returned to have supper with my Master. "Hi Mom." I smiled back as we embraced. She wanted to feel me all over, as if I might be injured, or just a mirage possibly. "Are you okay? How are you? Oh ... Come in! Ben! Dani's...
"Count backwards slowly," the man said from behind his green surgical mask. The cool air smelled funny. "... 100... 99... 98..." "... 98... 97... 90 ... Mmmm..." I awoke sometime later, wrapped up in warm sheets and feeling fuzzy all over. It seemed so quiet in that room, a yellow room, sunshine yellow and pleasant and I didn't want to move. I couldn't move and I had to find my way through a soft fog to remember where I was and what I was doing. I wondered where my Master was,...
"What's wrong with you?" I asked my best friend, Sarah, taking a seat next to her in the cafeteria. "Oh. Hey, Dani." She was a pretty girl and black, like all my classmates. Sarah might have been slaveborn, but she was smart as well, which explained why her master sent her to Hathaway High School, and college after that, I was sure. She had a head for numbers and besides fucking her, Sarah's owner was going to make the girl one of his accountants at some business he owned. Or maybe...
"What is you doin' in here, girl?" Mercy asked me in her lyrical voice, frowning as I picked up a peeler and started skinning potatoes. "Cooking." I smiled at her. She was preparing some stuffing for the chicken sitting near a big roasting pan. "No, you aint. Put them taters down and gone take a bath." She leaned close, wrinkling her nose at me. "You smell like finger puddin'." "I do not!" I laughed at her. "I'll take a bath later. I've got time." "Hmph." She shook her...
I was still in the tub when Mr. Reiser arrived home, the water tepid at best and hardly soothing, but I didn't want to move. I half expected my Master to be angry with me, but Mercy hadn't told him about my behavior yet and so I suspected that she never would. It was an affair between slaves, as some things inevitably are, and there was no need to involve Mr. Reiser. Mercy probably thought he would notice my unfriendly attitude towards Tom Henry soon enough anyway, without any help from...
"He's going to sell me," I said. "Mayhaps he will, mayhaps he won't." Mercy shrugged. "Eat your breakfast now." "What are they doing in there anyway?" I frowned, looking at the door. Beyond it, around the corner, Mr. Reiser sat in his study with his new slaves, Tom Henry and Lilah. "Suh's introducing hisself, I spose, like a genuine person oughtta," Mercy clucked her tongue and I nibbled some toast. Mercy was getting on me of course, first for the way I'd treated Tom Henry...
"Where's Lilah?" Mr. Reiser asked me as I appeared in the kitchen doorway. We were getting ready to have lunch, all of us together. The other slaves wouldn't eat dinner at our Master's table, but on weekends he took his lunch in the kitchen and enjoyed the casual company. "He's coming." I giggled and my Master gave me a look. "Lilah, come on in now." Tom Henry already sat at the table, as did Mr. Reiser, and Mercy was filling large bowls from a pot on the stove, some chicken soup...
My Master was going out for the evening without me, which he did occasionally. He had his friends and social gatherings where a slave wouldn't be welcome or appropriate, and I understood that. I didn't resent it at all, but now I did have the small and not totally unreasonable fear that Mr. Reiser would be spending some of that time looking for a wife. I'll admit I didn't completely appreciate the way having a proper family would elevate him socially and professionally, but I was just a...
Possible Worlds "What, I'm sposed to turn here? Or the next one?" I frowned, glancing at Venus, who sat on Sarah's lap, holding my school notebook. My little Mercedes wasn't made for three people. "I think ... This one?" Venus said, frowning as well because that map that Purdy had made for me sucked. "He shoulda just wrote the street address down." I took a left and we were driving slowly, looking around like there might be a neon sign saying 'Party Here!' or something. "He...
I found my Master relaxing poolside, on the large patio between the house proper and the manicured lawn behind it. That would have made me happy any other time as I often thought the man worked himself too hard. Any other time I'd have put on a sexy bikini and tempted him into the water with me, but not on this day. Not after I'd left Purdy and his white abolitionist freinds. "What's the matter, Dani?" "Master, I'm sorry," I cried, running across the stones to kneel at his feet. I...
I couldn't say for sure what it was that finally broke me. Maybe it was the tension I felt between my Master's wishes and his obligation, his unhappiness at promising me something when he wasn't of a mind to make the best choice possible. Or it could be the way Tom Henry sat so still behind me, stoic and peaceful, knowing he was going to take a real whipping shortly, for no good reason except I wanted him to. Maybe too it was just the quiet in the car, the sun still up but falling fast and...
Tom Henry and Miss Ingersoll's nigger were in the evening's second match, being the amateur cockfighters they were. That was a good thing too, because I looked forward to seeing my Master's slave grapple, now that I knew what to expect. The first match had gotten me terribly excited. I wasn't sure I'd survive watching a whole lot more before it was Tom Henry's turn. But there he was, being led out by one of those pretty negras in panties, all oiled up and handsome. Tom Henry was a good...
"How come you didn't get caught?" Tricia stared at me. "God, you're lucky!" Merry was nodding, she was a plump girl and a little naïve. She was freeborn and not a slave at all, like a number of the kids at Hathaway High whose parents couldn't afford a private school. "What do you guys mean?" I asked sitting down for lunch and I'd noticed unhappily that Sarah and Venus hadn't come to school. Neither had Purdy or any of the other guys who'd been at that party. "They're all...
We were waiting for our Master, turned out in our finest clothes in the best tradition of the Old South. It was autumn, but after an especially long hot summer the slight chill was a welcome relief and we bore it comfortably. I was one month from my eighteenth birthday, or a little more perhaps. Slaves didn't observe birthdays generally and I felt little anticipation for the event, my interest was firmly on the here and now and I was playing my happy role as lady of the manor one last...
I had thoughts of telling Mr. Reiser about my teacher, but I didn't. I hid the ring Mr. Davis had given me away in my vanity, in the wide drawer where there were a number of similar boxes as I did have a lot of jewelry by that time. I was terribly spoiled. I pushed the engagement ring out of sight, towards the back of the drawer, and I hoped I could forget it, that Mr. Davis would come to his senses and remember what I'd told him. I was somewhat embarrassed by his affections, to tell the...
"Are you really going to castrate Wren, Mistress?" I asked her over dinner. "Why yes," Miss Corinne replied in her Mississippi accent, sweet and sing-song. "I most certainly am, Danielle." "Oh," I nodded. We were sitting on the roof, fifty stories up in the middle of Memphis, which seemed awfully high to me. Much of it was covered by a large canopy, almost like a circus tent, but open and airy, and the pastel canvas snapped high above our heads in the late evening breeze. It was...
I could feel the warm sperm literally dripping out of my stretched asshole. I was bound and gagged, my eyes covered by a leather mask and I'd just been fucked. I didn't know if I was frightened or excited, if I wanted to scream for help, or just feel another person's touch on my throbbing girl cock. I was confused and helpless and I gave a low muffled moan as I felt someone else behind me, taking advantage of my vulnerability with my left leg pulled high in the air, a rope bound at my...
Mr. Davis was one of those men who are neither handsome nor ugly, but unremarkable physically. He was taller than my five foot nine by four or five inches at least, and of course thicker and stronger. He had a small belly starting, a thin spare tire around his waist, which had never bothered me one way or the other. His eyes were blue and nice above a friendly smile and a strong nose. His short brown hair was unremarkable and just starting to cover his ears and thinning a little on top. He...
I was wearing my pink short-shorts with my long brown legs stretched out, my bare feet crossed at the ankles on the dashboard in front of Mr. Davis while he drove. I was leaning against the passenger door mostly, with the seatback adjusted so I was comfortable. I had a tight white t-shirt, new like my shorts, and it hugged my body closely, showing off my flat little tummy and especially my braless breasts. My thick black nipples were obvious and I was teasing my old teacher as much as I...
" ... up, Dani. Wake up, baby." I blinked in the darkness and realized Mr. Davis was talking to me, stroking my shoulder to rouse me. We were parked at a motel and it was still night and I felt so tired. My mouth was dry and I let him pull me slowly from the car, putting his arm around my waist as he unlocked the door to our room, which I was slow to realize was actually a little cabin. "Mmmm..." I laughed weakly. "The love shack." "Here, get into bed," Mr. Davis told me. "It's...
The big deputy had removed my handcuffs as the sheriff had instructed and now Deputy Bluett was watching me take a shower. The water was hot anyway and it felt good as I soaped my body under the man's less than happy scrutiny. He wanted to like me as a woman, I thought, but the man just couldn't get past my smallish penis and balls and it frustrated him. So he stood there at the entrance of the small communal shower, watching my soapy hands work their way over my taut brown belly and firm...
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(Quick Disclaimer: This story will contain a lot of triggering fetishes. Things such as cuckoldry, raceplay, light BDSM, bisexuality, sexual domination, bimbos, racial superiority, and other things of the like. If any of those offend you, this may not be the story for you. Also, I'm not that good of a writer. I just want to get the outline out there for the community to expand upon.) (Announcement: I can't believe that this story hit 300 likes! It seems insane to me that so many people have...
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Introduction: How I learned what a naughty boy I really am:) Bye, Mom, I yelled as I ran out our back door. I knew that Christy would be waiting for me, and I was in a hurry&hellip, she had promised the night before that she would meet me in the woods, at our secret spot, and continue what we had talked about then. I was six years old, and the woods was actually nothing more than an empty lot behind my familys home, with a stand of trees and a lot of brush. In the center of it, trampled down...
Invasion of Privacy (Revised) By Kara Denise Wilson I was sitting in my bedroom one afternoon, playing a football game on my Playstation. Arsenal was administering a brutal beating on Crystal Palace, thanks to my skillful playing, and I was contentedly whiling away the hours of a midsummer day. I was 16 and on summer vacation from school. Just as the referee blew the whistle for full time of the game, I heard something odd. I flipped the TV off so I could get a better idea of what...
It all started when I was a 27-year-old newly divorced man hanging outside in my car with my best friend Jeff. We were waiting for more cars to show up before entering a party. Chatting about nothing in particular, he started telling me about a dream he had a month before.He said we were at his house watching football on the couch; his wife Sylvia was sitting between us. Let me describe her in one word HOT, shoulder length wavy black hear, petite, hand sized titties, tight abs, super ass, long...
Siobhan ran up to the nearest elevator, only to find out that it was ‘out of order’. She sighed heavily and took off her yellow stilettos. She flung them into her bag and took off up the stairs. She was only on the second floor when she became out of breath. As she was about to approach another flight of stairs, she heard a different elevator open its door. She quickly shouted to the old man in the elevator to keep the door open. Siobhan picked up her bags and legged it into the elevator. She...
Hi Everyone…I am Joe from Hyderabd….This is dedicated to all who wanted to have sex with me….andto the one who are not happy with there sex life with BF, Husbands..etc…About myself I am 6 Feet,well built and my lund is as my height off course in inches…This all started one day when i returned home and no one was at my usual our tradition of leaving the keys to our known person….and it was my sweet aunty. I went to her place to collect the key as i was about to knock the door i could...
I cursed the Gods of good fortune under my breath when my Jessica delivered the morning paper to me along with excellently brewed coffee. She was wearing only her boy-shorts and a tank top and I knew I would have to give her a vigorous correction before I left for my pre-operation final rehearsal. I was certain she exposed her body to the neighbors in that manner just to provoke my wrath. Right there on the front page was a photo of “Hyacinth” being led down a driveway with her hands in...
When they entered the room it was obvious Brian would have to be the first to get into bed. He pulled his wheelchair beside the bed and removed his armrest. Just before he scooted into bed he took a quick look at the others. His mother stood directly in front of him. She was topless and the light pink panties were so sheer. Therefore, he was able to clearly see the two things he had remembered so vividly from when they were together six years ago. Her very small and petite breasts were...
Incest-ONE- Larry and Dan watched as their friend frantically struggled against the ropes.Greg, his hands tied above his head, kicked out and spat in an attempt to keepNatalie, his young sister, from approaching. All three of the boys were atthe age where the thought of being at a girl's mercy was unthinkable... particularlya younger sister. Throughout their lives, girls had always been bothersomecreatures, tolerated and ignored. Watching the struggles of his friend and the smirk on Natalie's face,...
Tuesday This morning I woke up with my cock in Jennifer’s mouth. True story. As the fog of sleepiness began to clear, I felt an amazing sensation going on down below. I barely moved my head enough to look down and take stock of the situation. There was Jennifer, moving her lips up and down on my cock, fucking me with her mouth. Her other hand was between my legs, cradling and caressing my balls. Her eyes were closed in concentration. I dared not move too much for fear that she would get...
Christmas day was finally here, I’m at my families Christmas celebration and all I can think about is getting home to find out what ‘special gift’ Bob has planned for the evening. We did what we always do, open presents first, it seems like everyone got twice as much as the years before. This day is going to take forever to get over! Mom forget to turn the oven back up after the pie got done, so the ham wasn’t done cooking yet. What else was going to happen to make it even longer before I can...
I was so horny, lying naked on my bed, alone,I placed my fingers between my legs and felt the hot stickiness of my love juice."God, I need a good fuck" I reached into the bedside drawer and took out my rabbit, old faithful, never lets me down.I opened my legs and began to push it in slowly, my wet lips parted to take it all, slipping in deep till the ears were touching my clit, I reached for the button and pressed it, buuuuuuuzzzzzzzzzzzz, the ears began to vibrate slowly, knocking against my...
I won’t celebrate 1sy Jan as new year and I celebrate our Ugadi festival as new year….but my neighbor wanted to celebrate and they wanted me to join them and from December 15th they started asking me….every day for new year fun. I told them its completely depends on hubby schedule and i knew that hubby is going to take leave for house construction in native but did not gave them any hint…..just keep on dragging…..they told me i am going to get good time with themI said completely depend on...
Thanks to sexy_beast for her friendship, love and editing. Roger could not believe his eyes. His lovely wife of only three months was already cheating on him. Roger had gotten all the way to work when he realized he had forgotten something back at home. When he returned to their home, he was surprised to see his wife's car, a new VW Beetle, in the driveway. If she was home sick, why didn't she call him? And why did she park in the middle of the two car driveway? Roger parked his car on...
The twenty-third of June, the day before Saint John's Day: Midsummer's Eve. I was in Cornwall for an old friend's housewarming. It was only midday and the party wasn't due to begin until eight that evening. I had time to kill. I decided to go to the beach and take a look at the ocean.Just by the way they walked together, man and woman hand in hand, I knew fate had dealt them the best possible of hands. I'd always considered such people as living on borrowed time, their youth and beauty like a...
Group SexI had just begun to explore my new sexual attraction and prowess when I happened to attend a football game with my friend Ron from work. It was the local university playing an in-state rival in a game under the lights. We had no trouble finding seats because, in spite of the rivalry, the teams weren't very good and didn't attract much of a crowd. We were able to sit in the third row at about the 45 yard line. We had a great look at the game from there and were also very close to the home...
Then some stranger asked me dance And I revealed to her my two left feet. Said, Don't get me wrong I'm glad you asked But tonight's about me and an old memory. Ten Rounds with Jose Cuervo (Tracy Byrd) I had quite enough of it, of course. Jane had done her number on me one time too many. I was fucking finished with that girl now. It wasn't that she cheated on me so much as her attitude when I caught her. I told her that I was willing to forgive her and I admitted my own infidelity at that...
The rest of the trip was uneventful that is till we got to Lumberton around 2 in the morning. I had fell asleep until being roughly shaken by the old nasty dick bus driver saying last stop boy get up and come with me you got something to do. I had a sinking feeling that I knew what he wanted. I picked up my suitcase and followed him out. this time to a restroom that had colored over the door. When we got inside a huge black man was standing at the urinal with the first and biggest biggest...
I’m a 21-year-old software engineer from the UK. I’m addicted to watching some reality shows ( I cannot think of anything else I could possibly get off to ), and owning all my favorite videogames. I live in a small apartment with just my little sister. Our parents have given us all the material possessions and have supported me in my goals.I work hard and am just trying to make it through a really rough winter. I am trying to keep up with the monthly food cost, gas, and other living...
My name is Carolyncumlover, and I'm an orally obsessed, exhibitionist housewife in Toronto, Canada. This story is about a fantastic experience I had about 25 years ago.There's something about the taste and the gooey texture of cum that I absolutely love, and that's why my favourite activity is sucking guys’ cocks and swallowing all their creamy cum while my husband Mark watches. I just can't get enough cum, and the closest I ever came to satisfying my thirst for it was at a stag party for...
Last Saturday I was home alone and very, very horny…My loving girlfriends were busy; so I decided to go out, alone by myself.I took a warm relaxing shower and put some cream in my long legs.My black stockings matched with a tiny black thong string, high stilettos and a very tight black lace mini dress. Then I put on my makeup and brushed my curly blonde hair.I opened a bottle of red wine and started chatting with men on the internet. After I had a couple of filled glasses; I became really very...
I know it has been a while since I have written you. I have to admit, I have missed you. all the secrets you and I share. You know so much, and yet I feel it is because I can confide in you that I push the limits of morality. To what end does this stop? Are you destined to find your way into the hands of those who would ruin me? Or perhaps I am to go on in this fashion forever, going deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole. It really doesn't matter, does it? No matter the outcome, it is clear...
What's in a Name It's a funny world, isn't it? Everything has a name or a title or a description. What's more, whenever some "thing" runs outside the "norm", it is discussed and labeled and explained. That's where I come in. I'm not "normal". I was born a male, but want to be a woman. So I am a transsexual. But, I don't feel the all-consuming need to have my penis turned inside out into a vagina, so maybe I'm a transvestite. Or a crossdresser. I love having breasts and live full-time...