Brendan and Tim
- 3 years ago
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"Dani?" My mother blinked at me and then smiled happily, taking me into her arms.
I hadn't told my parents that Mr. Reiser was allowing me to visit them every Sunday afternoon. I'd driven to their house shortly after lunch and I could stay until six or so before I returned to have supper with my Master.
"Hi Mom." I smiled back as we embraced. She wanted to feel me all over, as if I might be injured, or just a mirage possibly.
"Are you okay? How are you? Oh ... Come in! Ben! Dani's here ... Ben!" Mom pulled me into the house and I'd only rang the doorbell to see her face when she opened it.
"I'm fine," I assured her, hoping she wouldn't cry because maybe I would too.
"Look at you!" Mom looked me up and down, taking in my new pink dress and matching pink shoes. I even had a new pink purse, and I'd made myself very pretty for her.
"Mr. Reiser took me shopping yesterday," I told her. "I got my hair done too. Do you like it?"
I'd gotten the ends cut and had my hair straightened and then colored with just a hint of red, barely enough to really notice, but it was there and the eyes saw it even if the mind didn't recognize it, or so the hairdressing told me. I believed him and it looked nice. My dress was modest and attractive and the shoes had low heels with open toes. None of it was overly special, but just nice and feminine and it made me a real girl, unmistakably so, and no one would know otherwise without a close and intimate examination of my body.
"You're beautiful," Mom said, sounding almost awed, and her reaction was all I'd hoped it would be. She'd always wanted a daughter. "My goodness!"
"Dani?" My dad walked in through the kitchen, stopped in his tracks, and then smiled. "Well, aren't you something special? Wow!"
"Wow?" I teased him with a giggle just before he swept me into his strong arms. Daddy hugged me and kissed my cheeks, and it felt good to be home again.
"No. He's very nice, Mom," I told my parents while we sat in the kitchen. She'd been asking a lot of questions about my Master.
She insisted on feeding me too, although I could eat very little. The doctor had already put me on a strict diet.
"I was so worried about you," she told me. "The way he just ... took you."
"I know." I reached for hand. "He's been kind and generous. Oh jeeze..." I giggled and rolled my eyes. "I think I love him, I swear."
"Just don't expect him to love you back, Dani," my father said, and I nodded at that. But really, I suspected Mr. Reiser already loved me quite a bit more than my parents would ever believe.
"He hasn't ... hurt you or anything?" Mom asked carefully, and I shook my head.
"No, of course not," I told her truthfully. "I'm being good, you know that."
"Oh, I know," she agreed. "But some of them, well ... Just be careful and do what he tells you."
"How's that new school?" Dad asked.
"You know about that?" I looked at him.
"Mr. Reiser mentioned it to me the other day," he said with a shrug.
"It's ... Okay." I made a little face. "It's different."
"Are they giving you a hard time?" Mom asked. She'd always been concerned about people teasing me or whatever, it's why they'd spent so much money to send me to a private school all those years.
"The other kids?" I asked, and she nodded. "Some of them, you know, but not too bad."
It was a small lie, but a necessary one. I was having a harder time than I'd admit, even to my Master; the girls wouldn't accept me and the boys, some of them, just wanted sex or they'd beat me up. They were a bunch of dumb niggers so far as I was concerned and the teachers knew about it, but didn't try and stop it or anything. I was a sissy fag in the eyes of the principal and his faculty, and they figured I deserved whatever I got. There wasn't anything I could do about it and I didn't complain, not even to Mr. Reiser when he'd occasionally ask me about school.
"You just study hard, dear," Mom decided. "Don't pay any attention to those slaveborn fools."
"They shouldn't be in school anyway," Dad grumped, and the truth was that freeborn blacks were rather prejudiced, but we had good reason to be.
"Does Mr. Reiser have any other slaves, Dani?"
"Just one. Mercy, she's pretty nice," I replied. "She's old and been with him since Mr. Reiser was born, I think."
"Oh. Well, that's good then," Mom said, smiling because she didn't want me all by myself, I'm sure.
"No other girls though?" Dad asked. "No, uh ... boys?"
"No!" I laughed lightly. "Just me."
"Huh." He smiled back. "I guess that makes you special then, Princess."
"Yeah!" I agreed. "He gave me that car. Did you see it? And Wednesday we're going to the hospital."
"The hospital?" Mom's eyes grew large at that news. "Why? Are you sick?"
"No. I'm fine," I said with a big smile. "I'm going to get breasts."
"You are?" She blinked with surprise.
"Breasts?" Dad gave me a look. "Uh, what about the rest of you?"
"The rest of me? Oh!" I laughed and looked down with a little shrug. "He, uh, Mr. Reiser likes that part of me, so..."
"So you're not going to ... Okay." He licked his lips and nodded. I'm not sure if he was relieved by the news that I was going to keep my penis and balls, or not. Sometimes I thought he'd be more comfortable if I was as much a real girl as possible.
"That'll be nice," Mom smiled uncertainly at her husband. "Right?"
"Yeah, well, um ... She's a girl." Dad shrugged. "Mostly, so..."
"It's weird, I know." I made a face. "I'm pretty excited though. I hope they're nice."
"I'm sure they'll be perfect." My mom accepted the news quickly, as she should have. I mean, my parents had really gone out of their way to turn me into a girl in the first place.
I honestly don't know if I would have been a sissy fag if my parents had raised me like a real son instead of a daughter. Probably I would have still been a girl, since I'm so pretty anyway, but maybe not. Are people born that way? Who knows for sure because you can't try it both ways, right? I'd grown up in dresses and playing with dolls and being called by a girlish nickname. Did any of that influence my appearance? Maybe, but I still would have been pretty. Even as a heterosexual boy, I'd have grown up beautiful, not handsome, and so I'd gotten lucky, in my opinion. I was a girl inside and very nearly one on the outside, except for that small biological contradiction between my legs, and that was hardly important.
"Here, um ... I have something for you." Mom had gone upstairs for a few minutes and when she came back she carried some jewelry.
"What's that?" I wondered, glancing at Daddy, but he only shrugged.
"I was saving this until you were older, but this is a good time," she said with a smile. "This was my mother's engagement ring."
"Grammy's? Really?" I blinked rapidly and took the small gold ring from her; it had a real diamond, maybe half a carat, no more than that. So it wasn't really fancy, but it had been my grandmother's.
"Yeah, and she wanted you to have it."
"Actually, she wanted you to give it to your fiancé, if you ever had one," Daddy said with a chuckle.
"Well, she never really understood." Mom shrugged. "And this was hers too. It's got your grandfather's picture in it."
She handed me a small gold locket and I opened it carefully, seeing a small heart shaped photo of a man I only barely remembered.
"You can put a different picture in it," she said, but of course I promised I wouldn't and that pleased her.
"And, this is ... Was mine..." She smiled at me. "My mom gave it to me when I was about your age and so I'm giving it to you."
"Oh! Mom!" I smiled as she gave me a small bracelet, gold with some little charms dangling from it. "Thank you."
"You're welcome, dear." She leaned over so I could hug her and then helped me put the bracelet on.
It wasn't an expensive one or anything, just a 14 karat gold bracelet and a light one at that, but it was something to be passed down and that made it special. It couldn't compare to the jewelry Mr. Reiser allowed me to wear when we went out, but this was better. It was mine and my mother had worn it, my grandmother, and I smiled so much it hurt.
"It looks nice," Dad decided, and I gave him a hug too, just because I loved them both.
Later, we had to say goodbye and that was hard, but made easier when I told them I could come over every Sunday afternoon. My mom seemed especially pleased by that, and impressed by Mr. Reiser's generosity, I thought. Most masters went the other way, deliberately breaking family ties where they could, just to assure the dependence of their slaves maybe, or to assert their own authority, I don't know. Allowing me to spend time with my parents was better and didn't undermine my respect for the man at all, it only increased it and I was again reminded by how fortunate I really was.
"Shoooooot..." I bit my lip as I saw flashing blue lights in my rearview mirror.
I wasn't speeding or anything, I knew that, and I hadn't gone through any red lights. I was frightened, of course, nobody wants to be pulled over by the police, but especially not a young slave driving alone. How many horror stories had I heard that started out with a young black girl being stopped by the police. They were all just stories, I was sure, but still, there's an instinctive fear in all black people for authority, for policemen and uniforms, and I had no rights under the law. There could be no such as thing as an illegal search or police brutality or unlawful arrest. Those were for white people and to a certain extent, freeborn blacks, and I was neither of those. Not any more.
"I need your registration and proof of insurance. Do you have a license?" the policeman asked me without any preamble or niceties. He was big and white and dressed impeccably in black with a big gun at his hip.
"Yes sir," I answered promptly.
"I need that too," he told me. "What's your civil status?"
"I'm owned." I swallowed hard, opening the glove compartment and finding the paperwork the policeman wanted and my hands were shaking.
"Let me have your left arm," he said, ignoring the papers I held out for him.
He had a small scanner and it illuminated my tattoo, reading the data. Now that the paperwork had been filed, all my information would show up on his computer, or whatever he had in his police car. After scanning me, he took the papers and left me to sit there while he returned to his car and did whatever it is policemen do. He'd check to make sure the car wasn't stolen, I guess, and registered and insured properly, and then look to see if I was a runaway or whatever. So many things to check and I was terrified that some bit of information would be wrong somewhere. I'd be arrested and detained and interrogated and...
"Here's your paperwork." He was back five minutes later. "Step out of the car now."
It wasn't a request and my heart tried to stop as I stared at him for a second and then nodded quickly.
"Yes sir." I opened the door and I wasn't going to ask a single question. I wouldn't give him any excuse to hurt or arrest me.
I followed him to the back of my car, standing on the shoulder of the road and traffic was light anyway.
"Are you Daniel Richardson, black, age sixteen, male, and in the proper custody of Mr. H.L. Reiser of Memphis, Tennessee?" The policeman spoke slowly and clearly, looking between me and his notepad, and I nodded.
"Yes sir," I said softly.
"I'm going to search your person, Daniel," he told me, and I knew immediately the only reason was because I looked like a girl.
"Yes sir," I answered, since no other response was remotely possible.
He put me against the trunk of the Mercedes, my hands against the cool metal and my legs spread in my pink dress. He jerked my hips backward too, so that I had to lean forward, and if I lifted my hands I had no place to go but flat on my face. I bit my lip as he stood close behind me, close enough that I felt the man's pelvis against my ass as he ran his fingers very slowly through my hair, down my neck and over my shoulders. He kept grinding himself against me all the while, his penis hardening noticably beneath his uniform, and I felt my face warming with humiliation.
The policeman moved his hands to my chest, pressing against my blouse and bra, and my nipples beneath. He held me like that much longer than he needed to, squeezing me with his hands, rubbing me while he moved his hips. The whole time, he said nothing and I only tried to breathe slowly and stay calm. He could take me back to his police station and do a strip search, hold me there as long as he wanted before calling my Master to come get me.
His hands finally moved down to my flat tummy and he felt my waist and hips, and then down again, feeling my crotch. I shut my eyes tightly as his strong hand found my cock and balls through my skirt and panties. He squeezed my testicles hard, making me gasp, and my knees sagged and then he let me go, moving his hands to the front of my bare thighs and down as far as my knees.
That was far enough to get beneath the hem of my skirt and his hands traveled back up slowly, this time against my naked skin. He lifted the pink material in the front and I shook uncontrollably with fear as he felt my thighs, and then his hands went back to my panties, just as I'd known they had to. That's what he wanted, to touch me and humiliate and frighten me. To rape me.
"You like this, Daniel," the policeman didn't ask, massaging my penis through the soft satin of my white bikini underwear. I wasn't sexually excited, not really, but fear and humiliation and his strong hands ... I became hard for him and that made it worse.
"Ah, here she is now," my daddy said as I walked carefully down the stairs and I'd been pacing for fifteen minutes, so I'd at least grown accustomed to the three inch heels on those ankle boots. "Good," a white man I assumed to be Mr. Reiser answered, but he didn't look anything like I expected. He wasn't especially old, or fat or bald, or anything like that. He seemed about the same age as my father, I supposed, like forty maybe, but tall and handsome, actually, with sandy hair and...
"Do I still have to go to school?" I wondered. "Of course," Mr. Reiser laughed and he was driving us to a restaurant, even though my mom had prepared a dinner for him, for all of us. We hadn't stayed very long after Mr. Reiser had fucked me. Just long enough for me to take a shower and double check the bag my mom had packed for me. Enough time for my mom to wash the semen stains out of Mr. Reiser's trousers. He'd borrowed a clean shirt from my dad, it was a salmon colored Izod polo...
"This is nice," Mr. Reiser decided and I sighed in agreement. He knelt by a large bathtub, just off his bedroom in the master bath, and I was soaking in it, naked and enjoying the steaming water that surrounded me up to my budding breasts. It was a generous tub, the entire bath and the house around it was splendid and altogether too much for one man living alone, I thought. Mr. Reiser was washing me slowly, cupping water and letting it dribble onto my shoulders. He enjoyed looking at me,...
Joshua C. Hathaway had been a general in the War of Southern Independence and for the second time in that city's history, Chicago had burned to the ground. He'd called it payback for what Sherman had done to his beloved Atlanta during the War of Northern Aggression and so there were a lot of schools named after the man, including the one I was now attending. Hathaway High, which was a segregated school for black students only, for freeborn kids mostly, or those few slaves who wanted to go...
"Thank you, Mercy," I said, smiling and fidgeting in my seat as the woman served our dinner. She'd prepared a chicken breast, broiled I think, but I have to confess I've never been much good in the kitchen. Mercy was an excellent, however, and she was Mr. Reiser's housekeeper and cook, although only for dinner. He didn't require her to make breakfast and usually had lunch at the office, and on the weekends he liked to fend for himself. Of course, Mr. Reiser had me now and I wouldn't...
My second visit to the Owner's Club was much different from my first, mostly because I felt much more relaxed, much more confident in myself. I'd repaired my makeup in the car and it hadn't been so bad, just my lipstick had been terribly smeared from sucking Mr. Reiser's cock and then kissing him hard. I fixed it and brushed my hair. My only complaint was the semen trickling from my asshole as I walked into the plantation house, but I have to say I enjoyed the sensation of my rectum...
"Count backwards slowly," the man said from behind his green surgical mask. The cool air smelled funny. "... 100... 99... 98..." "... 98... 97... 90 ... Mmmm..." I awoke sometime later, wrapped up in warm sheets and feeling fuzzy all over. It seemed so quiet in that room, a yellow room, sunshine yellow and pleasant and I didn't want to move. I couldn't move and I had to find my way through a soft fog to remember where I was and what I was doing. I wondered where my Master was,...
"What's wrong with you?" I asked my best friend, Sarah, taking a seat next to her in the cafeteria. "Oh. Hey, Dani." She was a pretty girl and black, like all my classmates. Sarah might have been slaveborn, but she was smart as well, which explained why her master sent her to Hathaway High School, and college after that, I was sure. She had a head for numbers and besides fucking her, Sarah's owner was going to make the girl one of his accountants at some business he owned. Or maybe...
"What is you doin' in here, girl?" Mercy asked me in her lyrical voice, frowning as I picked up a peeler and started skinning potatoes. "Cooking." I smiled at her. She was preparing some stuffing for the chicken sitting near a big roasting pan. "No, you aint. Put them taters down and gone take a bath." She leaned close, wrinkling her nose at me. "You smell like finger puddin'." "I do not!" I laughed at her. "I'll take a bath later. I've got time." "Hmph." She shook her...
"Well?" Sarah asked me as soon as I picked her up on the way to school. "Yeah. I can go." I'd thought about teasing her, but I was kind of tired. Mr. Reiser had kept me up late, but I wasn't going to complain about that. Plus, I knew that new houseboy would be there when I got home and I'd have that thought nagging at me all day long. "Really?" Sarah widened her eyes and I nodded. "That's so cool. You have the best master ever, I bet. What did he say?" So I relived that whole...
I was still in the tub when Mr. Reiser arrived home, the water tepid at best and hardly soothing, but I didn't want to move. I half expected my Master to be angry with me, but Mercy hadn't told him about my behavior yet and so I suspected that she never would. It was an affair between slaves, as some things inevitably are, and there was no need to involve Mr. Reiser. Mercy probably thought he would notice my unfriendly attitude towards Tom Henry soon enough anyway, without any help from...
"He's going to sell me," I said. "Mayhaps he will, mayhaps he won't." Mercy shrugged. "Eat your breakfast now." "What are they doing in there anyway?" I frowned, looking at the door. Beyond it, around the corner, Mr. Reiser sat in his study with his new slaves, Tom Henry and Lilah. "Suh's introducing hisself, I spose, like a genuine person oughtta," Mercy clucked her tongue and I nibbled some toast. Mercy was getting on me of course, first for the way I'd treated Tom Henry...
"Where's Lilah?" Mr. Reiser asked me as I appeared in the kitchen doorway. We were getting ready to have lunch, all of us together. The other slaves wouldn't eat dinner at our Master's table, but on weekends he took his lunch in the kitchen and enjoyed the casual company. "He's coming." I giggled and my Master gave me a look. "Lilah, come on in now." Tom Henry already sat at the table, as did Mr. Reiser, and Mercy was filling large bowls from a pot on the stove, some chicken soup...
My Master was going out for the evening without me, which he did occasionally. He had his friends and social gatherings where a slave wouldn't be welcome or appropriate, and I understood that. I didn't resent it at all, but now I did have the small and not totally unreasonable fear that Mr. Reiser would be spending some of that time looking for a wife. I'll admit I didn't completely appreciate the way having a proper family would elevate him socially and professionally, but I was just a...
Possible Worlds "What, I'm sposed to turn here? Or the next one?" I frowned, glancing at Venus, who sat on Sarah's lap, holding my school notebook. My little Mercedes wasn't made for three people. "I think ... This one?" Venus said, frowning as well because that map that Purdy had made for me sucked. "He shoulda just wrote the street address down." I took a left and we were driving slowly, looking around like there might be a neon sign saying 'Party Here!' or something. "He...
I found my Master relaxing poolside, on the large patio between the house proper and the manicured lawn behind it. That would have made me happy any other time as I often thought the man worked himself too hard. Any other time I'd have put on a sexy bikini and tempted him into the water with me, but not on this day. Not after I'd left Purdy and his white abolitionist freinds. "What's the matter, Dani?" "Master, I'm sorry," I cried, running across the stones to kneel at his feet. I...
I couldn't say for sure what it was that finally broke me. Maybe it was the tension I felt between my Master's wishes and his obligation, his unhappiness at promising me something when he wasn't of a mind to make the best choice possible. Or it could be the way Tom Henry sat so still behind me, stoic and peaceful, knowing he was going to take a real whipping shortly, for no good reason except I wanted him to. Maybe too it was just the quiet in the car, the sun still up but falling fast and...
Tom Henry and Miss Ingersoll's nigger were in the evening's second match, being the amateur cockfighters they were. That was a good thing too, because I looked forward to seeing my Master's slave grapple, now that I knew what to expect. The first match had gotten me terribly excited. I wasn't sure I'd survive watching a whole lot more before it was Tom Henry's turn. But there he was, being led out by one of those pretty negras in panties, all oiled up and handsome. Tom Henry was a good...
"How come you didn't get caught?" Tricia stared at me. "God, you're lucky!" Merry was nodding, she was a plump girl and a little naïve. She was freeborn and not a slave at all, like a number of the kids at Hathaway High whose parents couldn't afford a private school. "What do you guys mean?" I asked sitting down for lunch and I'd noticed unhappily that Sarah and Venus hadn't come to school. Neither had Purdy or any of the other guys who'd been at that party. "They're all...
We were waiting for our Master, turned out in our finest clothes in the best tradition of the Old South. It was autumn, but after an especially long hot summer the slight chill was a welcome relief and we bore it comfortably. I was one month from my eighteenth birthday, or a little more perhaps. Slaves didn't observe birthdays generally and I felt little anticipation for the event, my interest was firmly on the here and now and I was playing my happy role as lady of the manor one last...
I had thoughts of telling Mr. Reiser about my teacher, but I didn't. I hid the ring Mr. Davis had given me away in my vanity, in the wide drawer where there were a number of similar boxes as I did have a lot of jewelry by that time. I was terribly spoiled. I pushed the engagement ring out of sight, towards the back of the drawer, and I hoped I could forget it, that Mr. Davis would come to his senses and remember what I'd told him. I was somewhat embarrassed by his affections, to tell the...
"Are you really going to castrate Wren, Mistress?" I asked her over dinner. "Why yes," Miss Corinne replied in her Mississippi accent, sweet and sing-song. "I most certainly am, Danielle." "Oh," I nodded. We were sitting on the roof, fifty stories up in the middle of Memphis, which seemed awfully high to me. Much of it was covered by a large canopy, almost like a circus tent, but open and airy, and the pastel canvas snapped high above our heads in the late evening breeze. It was...
I could feel the warm sperm literally dripping out of my stretched asshole. I was bound and gagged, my eyes covered by a leather mask and I'd just been fucked. I didn't know if I was frightened or excited, if I wanted to scream for help, or just feel another person's touch on my throbbing girl cock. I was confused and helpless and I gave a low muffled moan as I felt someone else behind me, taking advantage of my vulnerability with my left leg pulled high in the air, a rope bound at my...
Mr. Davis was one of those men who are neither handsome nor ugly, but unremarkable physically. He was taller than my five foot nine by four or five inches at least, and of course thicker and stronger. He had a small belly starting, a thin spare tire around his waist, which had never bothered me one way or the other. His eyes were blue and nice above a friendly smile and a strong nose. His short brown hair was unremarkable and just starting to cover his ears and thinning a little on top. He...
I was wearing my pink short-shorts with my long brown legs stretched out, my bare feet crossed at the ankles on the dashboard in front of Mr. Davis while he drove. I was leaning against the passenger door mostly, with the seatback adjusted so I was comfortable. I had a tight white t-shirt, new like my shorts, and it hugged my body closely, showing off my flat little tummy and especially my braless breasts. My thick black nipples were obvious and I was teasing my old teacher as much as I...
" ... up, Dani. Wake up, baby." I blinked in the darkness and realized Mr. Davis was talking to me, stroking my shoulder to rouse me. We were parked at a motel and it was still night and I felt so tired. My mouth was dry and I let him pull me slowly from the car, putting his arm around my waist as he unlocked the door to our room, which I was slow to realize was actually a little cabin. "Mmmm..." I laughed weakly. "The love shack." "Here, get into bed," Mr. Davis told me. "It's...
The big deputy had removed my handcuffs as the sheriff had instructed and now Deputy Bluett was watching me take a shower. The water was hot anyway and it felt good as I soaped my body under the man's less than happy scrutiny. He wanted to like me as a woman, I thought, but the man just couldn't get past my smallish penis and balls and it frustrated him. So he stood there at the entrance of the small communal shower, watching my soapy hands work their way over my taut brown belly and firm...
"Oh man. That was Dad checking up on me before he goes to bed," Deputy Miller's voice was full of humor as he returned to the sheriff's office where I was waiting. "He probably thinks we're fuuhhhk ... Hey." "I'm sorry, sir. But I have to go," I said and I was pointing the young man's pistol at him, one of those big black semi-automatic kind. It seemed incredibly heavy and my heart was going a hundred miles an hour. "Just, um ... put that down, okay?" He licked his lips,...
"Welcome to Tucson," Drew said softly into my ear. "Hmmm?" I blinked around sleepily and sat up with a stretch. "Oh, I fell asleep." "Just a little while," he smiled and we were stopped in a parking lot it looked like. "I was falling asleep myself. Come on we'll get a little breakfast and then get a little bed." "A big bed," I grinned with a nice stretch. "A big breakfast too." We were at a place called the Cactus Ranch, which was hardly that. It was a two floor motel...
The Indian casino was than I'd first suspected, and oddly shaped, like someone had taken four or five big buildings and just mashed them together somehow. It looked strange from the outside, but inside I had no idea what was going on. I guess casinos are like that though. A person had to walk past all the slot machines and gaming tables before they could find the other stuff, like the restaurant and bars and yeah, a little dance club too. There were a lot of people in there, inside the...
Tom's mind was reeling. She couldn't actually be going to do this to him, could she? She had been just using it as a threat to get what she wanted, wasn't she? This was unimaginable shame! He had just spent the last 20 minutes humiliating himself in front of her and three teenage girls in his own house, begging until Linda agreed to spank him while they all laughed. Now, was Beverly really going to follow through with the rest of her plans for him? Oh God, please don't let it happen......
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Introduction: Continuatoin of the series. you might want to read the other four chapters first. All For Mr. Redman Chapter 5 *To understand where we are I strongly suggest you read the previous Chapters first. Thanks to everyone who has read them and taken the time to comment, PM, and rate the stories. I really appreciate it and hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed the experiences that compelled me to write about them.* I crawled over to Peter and said Ready for more Tiger? He...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I am a 19 year old male, and I have a younger sister, Ana, who’s just turned 18, and I have to tell you about what happened one summer day. My father is from a Chinese background and my mum is from Australia, so both Ana and I have a mid dark complexion. And a bit more about Ana, she’s about 5” 7’, curly black hair, very smooth skin, athletic body, and has very recently grown 32 C tits, which have so quickly come to my attention. Ana and I were very...
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Sorkana's Rise, Nacona's Arrival By; Malissa Madison Sorkana was watching as the wings appeared ready to meet the leading edge of the fall. Both Western and Ice Mountain were working this one together, and Southern and Fort were providing two wings each to fill out the flights of both Weyrs. Right on time, Dellith and Lilith arrived leading the Queens wings of both supporting Weyrs. grinning now she heard the silent questions between gold dragons and their riders. 'Why does it...
Meanwhile, Linda had an eye on Cathy and her son. By the way Cathy behaved, Linda knew she was having an orgasm. Then Cathy knelt in front of the boy and started to unzip his pants and take out his cock. Obviously, she was going to suck him. Linda didn't want to allow this. She wanted her son's cock juice for herself. So she whispered to her mother for help. While Bob and Linda talked, Julie quietly went and stopped Cathy from taking the boy's cock into her mouth. She told Bill, "Your...
Story 3 Lately I was feeling sick and bored of my relation with Chris, my little slave guy. I was exhausted and in a big lack of new ideas with him anyway. Also, I knew he was feeling quite the same, so I really didn’t mind when, one day I walked in our room and found him fucking Marry like an a****l. Actually it was a very funny scene for me: no chains, no cuffs or whips, no nothing, than him and Marry and her crazy lame hippie love. Sure I couldn’t help a smile and a big laugh on the inside,...
Once, years ago, my wife, a devout exhibitionist, and I used to go to pubs where we weren't known, something we did quite often. Sometimes she would wear clothing showing off a particular part of her body, e.g low cut neckline, split skirt, see-through blouse, very short skirt with stockings, clothes so tight it was obvious her lack of underwear and the like.This type of evening started with her showing herself to me only, first her breasts, then normally her shaved pussy also. This would...
ExhibitionismNote: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Aingeal My wings fluttered fast as I hovered at the brothel window, a big grin on my lips. While my family searched through the library, which was utterly booooring, I had to find my own ways to amuse myself. Lucky for me, we were in the City of Az, the largest city in the world. Or, at least, the largest city in Zeutch. It was full of mortals to play pranks on. I was having so much fun. I made frogs rain on frolicking maidens during a...
As it turned out, my wife’s conditional agreement was more difficult than I had imagined: A guy that we didn’t already know, socially, yet one that we knew well enough to know his background and health record. I tried to make a list but it virtually had no names on it. The idea of travelling on a short vacation, away from our home, would meet the first requirement, but picking up a total stranger would fail on the second condition.I then decided to, on my own and without my wife’s knowledge OR...
Ashly Anderson has been dying to ask her friend’s brother Ryan to go with her to a sorority dance, and now that she finally has time alone with him, she musters up the courage! But the dickhead says no. His sister left to see her boyfriend, and all he can do to little Ashly Anderson, standing by the staircase, is deny her something she so dreamily desires. Well, fuck him. Those are the thoughts, both figuratively and literally, of Ashly. She follows him upstairs to his bedroom and tells him she...
xmoviesforyouYou've heard about that Suicide show? No, not that other one--I was at every show they ever did up until 1978, and I never saw Alan fuck a girl on stage. (And the girl wasn't me, either, despite everything you've been told.) I'm talking about the other one. The one where they fucked each other. There's been a lot of lies and half-truths told about that show. Let me tell you what really happened. It was April or May, 1977. (Or it might have been 1978. I don't know. I don't keep a...
Introduction: Beginning of family adventures Family Beach Party Turns X Rated Re-Isssued by gregorthegrant True Story, Cheating Authors infos Gender: male Age: N/A Location: N/A Posted Fri 3rd of February 2012 Message: I have listened to all the remarks. I now have an editorial adviser. He is gently editing my stories for gross spelling and sentence structure. I hope that this adds to your reading pleasure. All persons in this story are at least 18 years old. Family Beach Party Turns X...
My mother-in-law, Margaret, officially, but Marge or Margie to most people, and I always got along fairly well. I treated her decent and liked her cooking and her daughter was happy with me and I guess that was what she cared most about. She had a small apartment on the first floor of the same building occupied by the family business. There were two bedrooms and a smaller apartment on the second floor and a quite large loft area on the third floor. When my wife, Glynda, and I were there we...
About an hour after Mr. Harper left and her husband was asleep, Beth went to the guest room. She wanted to read some diary entries from her high school days but didn’t want Jack asking what she was reading.Beth flipped through the pages until she found the note of when she first met Mr. Harper. It was her sophomore year and it was also her sixteenth birthday when the first day of school started.Dear Diary: We got a new economics teacher this year. His name is Mr. Harper. He is my last class of...
CheatingWe got off the plane in Nassau, collected our baggage, such as it was, and found a cab to take us to the marina. Chuck and my dad had figured out it was easier, safer, and quicker to rent a slip for Matt's Helm there than it would be to hire a boat to take us to the island whenever we went down there. We couldn't expect Bob and Sue to give us a lift every time we wanted to spend some time in the sun! I had emailed Bob to let them know we'd be coming down. He replied they would be in town...
Tara saw what I was doing and she had her own ideas of fun with the redhead. She had been kneeling over the girl just high enough that Verarea could lick her pussy. But seeing the way I was playing with my slut, she wanted in. Tara suddenly sat down on Verarea's face, smothering her with her pussy! Verarea reacted violently, as anyone would, but Tara kept on her, making it nearly impossible for her to breath. I continued my work on her pussy, clit, and tits while I watched Tara deal with her...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThe water streamed over their bodies, washing away the sweat and the grime from a long day. She loved the delicious feeling of his hands on her breasts. His hand sliding and coping as the flesh was made slick by the soap. His hand slipped up and over her breasts and he groped vainly at her nipples, which were spared his touch by the soaps embrace. She slipped her hands behind her back, she could already feel his erect cock pressing against her back and she grasped at his rigid member. Her pussy...
Straight SexThe ocean trip to the city of Tellismere was somewhat delayed by contrary winds, which at this winter season came near head on, from the northwest. The fleet was running close-hauled, tacking back and forth beating their way upwind. In better weather, the trip could have been made in less than a week, but instead they felt lucky that the trip had only taken two full weeks. From off-shore, the situation with tracking the progress of the Eorfleode horde remained simple. With their slow...
You don't fuck with Harry's money and you don't fuck Harry's girls. Those are the rules. Not too difficult you'd think. You'd be wrong on both counts. "You are one dumb shit, Bumfelt," snarled Davey Duggan- Harry's go to guy whenever somebody needed tuning up or disposing of. "What were you thinking?" I shrugged my shoulders. Not easy to do sandwiched between another two of Harry's goons in the back of the Escalade. "This a tuning up?" I asked, all smiles, trying to keep it light. Duggan...
Friday Steve We decided to make a big production for our last day in the Program. We both dressed fully, underwear and all, and went to school. Again, we asked for volunteers to undress us; Carrie Jamison and Ken Haskett knocked everyone else down to be first in line. "How about us, again?" Carrie asked, panting. Ken walked over to Susan and asked, "May I have the privilege again?" Susan said, "You certainly may". I looked at Carrie, and said, "Well, I guess that sets the...
Teaching college is sort of a weird business. The faculty gets older over a 30+ year career, but the students are always 18-22. The faces change, but their age does not. So like many of my male colleagues, as I got to middle age, I began being attracted not only to the gorgeous students, but also their moms. Many of the moms returned the attention, if only to relive a little of their flirtatious selves from their past college days. I met Brooke and her mom Jody during freshman...
It’s Friday night, the girls and I decide to meet straight after work and head down to the local bar. As it’s been a long week we don't bother to go home and change, we just go as we are. We’re all dressed smartly but I like to feel a little sexy at the end of the week so my short black skirt and black heels go well with my bright pink shirt. Hidden underneath is my pink lace bra, matching pink bikini panties and black seamed stockings.We stand at the bar laughing and chatting and drinking the...
Hardcore“Ambrose?” said Em, shifting in her comfy lounge seat on the terrace and deliberately letting her sarong slip open. This manoeuvre revealed not only one very long and very sexy bare leg but also her naked pussy. “Yes Em?” said Ambrose. He turned his head so he could gaze directly at her waxed slit with the sexy mini triangle of hair above it, on her desirable mound. He wanted to feast on it soon. His cock stirred beneath his own sarong. “When was the last time you were naughty?” she asked....
Quickie SexShe woke up and he was gone. This wasn’t so unusual in itself; he got up for work relatively early. What WAS unusual was that he hadn’t woken her up for a quick kiss goodbye. Besides, she mused, it was Sunday… he should be still in bed. She was about to get up and put on her bathrobe to investigate when the object of her curiosity walked through the bedroom door. He was carrying a tray laden with food and she settled back onto the bed with a sigh of contentment. Breakfast in...