Brendan FallsChapter 9 free porn video

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"Dani?" My mother blinked at me and then smiled happily, taking me into her arms.

I hadn't told my parents that Mr. Reiser was allowing me to visit them every Sunday afternoon. I'd driven to their house shortly after lunch and I could stay until six or so before I returned to have supper with my Master.

"Hi Mom." I smiled back as we embraced. She wanted to feel me all over, as if I might be injured, or just a mirage possibly.

"Are you okay? How are you? Oh ... Come in! Ben! Dani's here ... Ben!" Mom pulled me into the house and I'd only rang the doorbell to see her face when she opened it.

"I'm fine," I assured her, hoping she wouldn't cry because maybe I would too.

"Look at you!" Mom looked me up and down, taking in my new pink dress and matching pink shoes. I even had a new pink purse, and I'd made myself very pretty for her.

"Mr. Reiser took me shopping yesterday," I told her. "I got my hair done too. Do you like it?"

I'd gotten the ends cut and had my hair straightened and then colored with just a hint of red, barely enough to really notice, but it was there and the eyes saw it even if the mind didn't recognize it, or so the hairdressing told me. I believed him and it looked nice. My dress was modest and attractive and the shoes had low heels with open toes. None of it was overly special, but just nice and feminine and it made me a real girl, unmistakably so, and no one would know otherwise without a close and intimate examination of my body.

"You're beautiful," Mom said, sounding almost awed, and her reaction was all I'd hoped it would be. She'd always wanted a daughter. "My goodness!"

"Dani?" My dad walked in through the kitchen, stopped in his tracks, and then smiled. "Well, aren't you something special? Wow!"

"Wow?" I teased him with a giggle just before he swept me into his strong arms. Daddy hugged me and kissed my cheeks, and it felt good to be home again.

"No. He's very nice, Mom," I told my parents while we sat in the kitchen. She'd been asking a lot of questions about my Master.

She insisted on feeding me too, although I could eat very little. The doctor had already put me on a strict diet.

"I was so worried about you," she told me. "The way he just ... took you."

"I know." I reached for hand. "He's been kind and generous. Oh jeeze..." I giggled and rolled my eyes. "I think I love him, I swear."

"Just don't expect him to love you back, Dani," my father said, and I nodded at that. But really, I suspected Mr. Reiser already loved me quite a bit more than my parents would ever believe.

"He hasn't ... hurt you or anything?" Mom asked carefully, and I shook my head.

"No, of course not," I told her truthfully. "I'm being good, you know that."

"Oh, I know," she agreed. "But some of them, well ... Just be careful and do what he tells you."

"How's that new school?" Dad asked.

"You know about that?" I looked at him.

"Mr. Reiser mentioned it to me the other day," he said with a shrug.

"It's ... Okay." I made a little face. "It's different."

"Are they giving you a hard time?" Mom asked. She'd always been concerned about people teasing me or whatever, it's why they'd spent so much money to send me to a private school all those years.

"The other kids?" I asked, and she nodded. "Some of them, you know, but not too bad."

It was a small lie, but a necessary one. I was having a harder time than I'd admit, even to my Master; the girls wouldn't accept me and the boys, some of them, just wanted sex or they'd beat me up. They were a bunch of dumb niggers so far as I was concerned and the teachers knew about it, but didn't try and stop it or anything. I was a sissy fag in the eyes of the principal and his faculty, and they figured I deserved whatever I got. There wasn't anything I could do about it and I didn't complain, not even to Mr. Reiser when he'd occasionally ask me about school.

"You just study hard, dear," Mom decided. "Don't pay any attention to those slaveborn fools."

"They shouldn't be in school anyway," Dad grumped, and the truth was that freeborn blacks were rather prejudiced, but we had good reason to be.

"Does Mr. Reiser have any other slaves, Dani?"

"Just one. Mercy, she's pretty nice," I replied. "She's old and been with him since Mr. Reiser was born, I think."

"Oh. Well, that's good then," Mom said, smiling because she didn't want me all by myself, I'm sure.

"No other girls though?" Dad asked. "No, uh ... boys?"

"No!" I laughed lightly. "Just me."

"Huh." He smiled back. "I guess that makes you special then, Princess."

"Yeah!" I agreed. "He gave me that car. Did you see it? And Wednesday we're going to the hospital."

"The hospital?" Mom's eyes grew large at that news. "Why? Are you sick?"

"No. I'm fine," I said with a big smile. "I'm going to get breasts."

"You are?" She blinked with surprise.

"Breasts?" Dad gave me a look. "Uh, what about the rest of you?"

"The rest of me? Oh!" I laughed and looked down with a little shrug. "He, uh, Mr. Reiser likes that part of me, so..."

"So you're not going to ... Okay." He licked his lips and nodded. I'm not sure if he was relieved by the news that I was going to keep my penis and balls, or not. Sometimes I thought he'd be more comfortable if I was as much a real girl as possible.

"That'll be nice," Mom smiled uncertainly at her husband. "Right?"

"Yeah, well, um ... She's a girl." Dad shrugged. "Mostly, so..."

"It's weird, I know." I made a face. "I'm pretty excited though. I hope they're nice."

"I'm sure they'll be perfect." My mom accepted the news quickly, as she should have. I mean, my parents had really gone out of their way to turn me into a girl in the first place.

I honestly don't know if I would have been a sissy fag if my parents had raised me like a real son instead of a daughter. Probably I would have still been a girl, since I'm so pretty anyway, but maybe not. Are people born that way? Who knows for sure because you can't try it both ways, right? I'd grown up in dresses and playing with dolls and being called by a girlish nickname. Did any of that influence my appearance? Maybe, but I still would have been pretty. Even as a heterosexual boy, I'd have grown up beautiful, not handsome, and so I'd gotten lucky, in my opinion. I was a girl inside and very nearly one on the outside, except for that small biological contradiction between my legs, and that was hardly important.

"Here, um ... I have something for you." Mom had gone upstairs for a few minutes and when she came back she carried some jewelry.

"What's that?" I wondered, glancing at Daddy, but he only shrugged.

"I was saving this until you were older, but this is a good time," she said with a smile. "This was my mother's engagement ring."

"Grammy's? Really?" I blinked rapidly and took the small gold ring from her; it had a real diamond, maybe half a carat, no more than that. So it wasn't really fancy, but it had been my grandmother's.

"Yeah, and she wanted you to have it."

"Actually, she wanted you to give it to your fiancé, if you ever had one," Daddy said with a chuckle.

"Well, she never really understood." Mom shrugged. "And this was hers too. It's got your grandfather's picture in it."

She handed me a small gold locket and I opened it carefully, seeing a small heart shaped photo of a man I only barely remembered.

"You can put a different picture in it," she said, but of course I promised I wouldn't and that pleased her.

"And, this is ... Was mine..." She smiled at me. "My mom gave it to me when I was about your age and so I'm giving it to you."

"Oh! Mom!" I smiled as she gave me a small bracelet, gold with some little charms dangling from it. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, dear." She leaned over so I could hug her and then helped me put the bracelet on.

It wasn't an expensive one or anything, just a 14 karat gold bracelet and a light one at that, but it was something to be passed down and that made it special. It couldn't compare to the jewelry Mr. Reiser allowed me to wear when we went out, but this was better. It was mine and my mother had worn it, my grandmother, and I smiled so much it hurt.

"It looks nice," Dad decided, and I gave him a hug too, just because I loved them both.

Later, we had to say goodbye and that was hard, but made easier when I told them I could come over every Sunday afternoon. My mom seemed especially pleased by that, and impressed by Mr. Reiser's generosity, I thought. Most masters went the other way, deliberately breaking family ties where they could, just to assure the dependence of their slaves maybe, or to assert their own authority, I don't know. Allowing me to spend time with my parents was better and didn't undermine my respect for the man at all, it only increased it and I was again reminded by how fortunate I really was.

"Shoooooot..." I bit my lip as I saw flashing blue lights in my rearview mirror.

I wasn't speeding or anything, I knew that, and I hadn't gone through any red lights. I was frightened, of course, nobody wants to be pulled over by the police, but especially not a young slave driving alone. How many horror stories had I heard that started out with a young black girl being stopped by the police. They were all just stories, I was sure, but still, there's an instinctive fear in all black people for authority, for policemen and uniforms, and I had no rights under the law. There could be no such as thing as an illegal search or police brutality or unlawful arrest. Those were for white people and to a certain extent, freeborn blacks, and I was neither of those. Not any more.

"I need your registration and proof of insurance. Do you have a license?" the policeman asked me without any preamble or niceties. He was big and white and dressed impeccably in black with a big gun at his hip.

"Yes sir," I answered promptly.

"I need that too," he told me. "What's your civil status?"

"I'm owned." I swallowed hard, opening the glove compartment and finding the paperwork the policeman wanted and my hands were shaking.

"Let me have your left arm," he said, ignoring the papers I held out for him.

He had a small scanner and it illuminated my tattoo, reading the data. Now that the paperwork had been filed, all my information would show up on his computer, or whatever he had in his police car. After scanning me, he took the papers and left me to sit there while he returned to his car and did whatever it is policemen do. He'd check to make sure the car wasn't stolen, I guess, and registered and insured properly, and then look to see if I was a runaway or whatever. So many things to check and I was terrified that some bit of information would be wrong somewhere. I'd be arrested and detained and interrogated and...

"Here's your paperwork." He was back five minutes later. "Step out of the car now."

It wasn't a request and my heart tried to stop as I stared at him for a second and then nodded quickly.

"Yes sir." I opened the door and I wasn't going to ask a single question. I wouldn't give him any excuse to hurt or arrest me.

I followed him to the back of my car, standing on the shoulder of the road and traffic was light anyway.

"Are you Daniel Richardson, black, age sixteen, male, and in the proper custody of Mr. H.L. Reiser of Memphis, Tennessee?" The policeman spoke slowly and clearly, looking between me and his notepad, and I nodded.

"Yes sir," I said softly.

"I'm going to search your person, Daniel," he told me, and I knew immediately the only reason was because I looked like a girl.

"Yes sir," I answered, since no other response was remotely possible.

He put me against the trunk of the Mercedes, my hands against the cool metal and my legs spread in my pink dress. He jerked my hips backward too, so that I had to lean forward, and if I lifted my hands I had no place to go but flat on my face. I bit my lip as he stood close behind me, close enough that I felt the man's pelvis against my ass as he ran his fingers very slowly through my hair, down my neck and over my shoulders. He kept grinding himself against me all the while, his penis hardening noticably beneath his uniform, and I felt my face warming with humiliation.

The policeman moved his hands to my chest, pressing against my blouse and bra, and my nipples beneath. He held me like that much longer than he needed to, squeezing me with his hands, rubbing me while he moved his hips. The whole time, he said nothing and I only tried to breathe slowly and stay calm. He could take me back to his police station and do a strip search, hold me there as long as he wanted before calling my Master to come get me.

His hands finally moved down to my flat tummy and he felt my waist and hips, and then down again, feeling my crotch. I shut my eyes tightly as his strong hand found my cock and balls through my skirt and panties. He squeezed my testicles hard, making me gasp, and my knees sagged and then he let me go, moving his hands to the front of my bare thighs and down as far as my knees.

That was far enough to get beneath the hem of my skirt and his hands traveled back up slowly, this time against my naked skin. He lifted the pink material in the front and I shook uncontrollably with fear as he felt my thighs, and then his hands went back to my panties, just as I'd known they had to. That's what he wanted, to touch me and humiliate and frighten me. To rape me.

"You like this, Daniel," the policeman didn't ask, massaging my penis through the soft satin of my white bikini underwear. I wasn't sexually excited, not really, but fear and humiliation and his strong hands ... I became hard for him and that made it worse.

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__ WARNING! This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are u******e, PLEASE DELETE THIS FILE NOW!!!! _________________________________________ Scroll down to view textKaren's Bitch Training***An attractive but frigid young woman kicks her husband out of the house. She is soon a victim of the same young black man that is abusing her teenage daughter. This is a very rough story, not for the feint of heart....

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Dentist Dan

CHAPTER 1 Just on closing time a guy stood in front of the door Louise Lee was about to lock from the inside. She almost smiled politely and walked away. But his smile turned her brain into a roller coaster. The prudent part of her brain cried ‘Danger’. Her groin thought otherwise and Louise found her hands pulling open the door. ‘We’re closed.’ ‘You could have fooled me. I would have thought almost closed would be more accurate.’ ‘Okay, come in.’ ‘Your assistants appear to have gone. Do...

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Lustful ViceChapter 24

They lay together, kissing and cuddling, while she recovers. Ray retrieves their wine and a treat. He feeds her while they share kisses laced with the sweet drink, chocolate and strawberry. As she empties her glass, he pours her some more. Soon, Zaria begins to feel giddy—laughing, smiling and just being all around playful—but she soon realizes that she is lightheaded. Fuck. She kisses her father. No way I’m going to pass out before he fucks me. She puts the glass aside and concentrates on...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 14 Beckys gift to Ben a fashion show trip to Paris and New York City Part One

Characters Introduced: Sarah, 37, Mother of Becca, 5'9 White, Blonde Green Eyes 36D breasts Soyeon Kim, 32, Dry Cleaners wife, 5'2, Asian, Black hair and eyes, 34C breasts Chin Ho Kim, 40, Dry Cleaner owner with Soyeon, 5'7, Asian with 5” cock Caillum, 46, Jet Airplane Pilot, 6'2 ,white, 8” cock Randee, 36, wife of Caillum, 5'8, white, Red Hair Blue Eyes, 38C breasts Reba, 16. daughter of Randee, 5'4, white, Red Hair Green Eyes, 36D breasts From Chapter 13 They go to...

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The Forbidden Fruit A Tale Of Discovery Part 4

Chapter 10:  A Family Reunion Sarah and I were not afraid of spooky cemeteries. We dared each other, when we were younger, to walk into abandoned mausoleums all alone. We even went to a cemetery for Halloween to search for the undead. Sarah looked at me and smirked.“You know, he’s the second one to warn us about this cemetery. Are you afraid?” she teased.“No, never.” I saw my Dad pull up in his GMC Yukon. “Come on. Let’s go say hello to everyone.”We had arrived about thirty minutes early, but...

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The Case Chapter Two

Chapter Two - Proof of Life "Honey... that's great coffee." Jake smiled at Sharon and pointed to the cup he was holding. She got the Joke. Harrison Ford had made the same joke in a scene from his newly released move 'Witness'. It was a parody on the old sixties ads for Folgers coffee but she felt uncomfortable with Jake referring to her as 'honey'. "You get the joke right?" Jake said, suddenly apologetic. "I get it." Sharon smiled wanly. They were sitting on the couch in...

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Blackboy Gang Bang for Gina and Marcia

Blackboy Gang Bang for Gina and Marcia By Gina-Rose and Marcia St. Denis What I like best about my roommate Marcia St. Denis is her taste in clothes. And I am doubly lucky since we are the same size and she doesn't care in the slightest if I wear her clothes. She has lots of very "girly" things whereas my taste runs to the more exotic. Perhaps that is reflective of our backgrounds. I am a light skinned Indian from exotic, tropical, scented Bombay and Marcia is as white and Anglo...

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My wife came back part two

We made our way through the darken corridors...ive been there before... i had one particular booth in in the back that had a hole in the where i would go alone and curiosity once forced me to get on my knees and peep through the hole, only to find an eye peeping back at me... i took my wife there. she was still drunk, as was i...but, i was used to being drunk on a saturday nite. as for her? i couldnt answer. why are we here? she asked...i told her to watch the movie, she...

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Love of my life

I hadn't seen Zuzanna for 25 years. I met her when she was 16 and we spent a few years on and off in a platonic style relationship. A few times I managed to eat her out on my parents couch. That was fun, but soon after, I accepted a job far away and we just broke contact.I never forgot her and when I was desperate, she always came into my mind and fantasies. You know what I mean.....Anyway, about 3 years ago I came back. I met her again. Her sister called me (I repaired computers) and asked me...

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My Second Encounter

Wassup xhamster's I'm back with another great experience.Well here goes, One night I went to a friends house for a house party!! Sorry it was a pretty nice party. When I got there had to find parking bc there were cars everywhere in the yard. Once I did I headed up to the house to go holler at my boy who was having dis bash. After the meet and greet it was game on having a good time I really wasn't looking for anyone at the time just enjoying the night. But there were a lot of woman to...

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The Trilogy Pt 1

The Trilogy, Part IShort, Sweet, RomanticThe silent song of true love and dedication is playing swiftly as we are locked arm to arm, eye to eye; heart to heart. We begin dancing wistfully as if the sound was the aria of our lives. Can you just imagine us dancing together in such a sound of solitude? Just you and me in a silent room, all alone. Slowly I begin to undress you, my arms making gentle moves as they caress the skin below your shirt until it lies on the floor. I gently push you...

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Fairy Godmother

My girlfriend Lilly and I have been living together for almost a year and in my opinion things are great. Due to this pandemic I have been laid off from work while Lilly has only gotten busier at work. If i'm honest I may have taken advantage of the situation and taken a little vaction from all types of work including all the house work. Normally Lilly would take care of all the cooking and cleaning, and I guess I still expected this. So one day just like any other I was home alone just playing...

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P I and Magic Book II The Gods ReturnChapter 16

I was having trouble accepting that a demon wanted our help. Vostich, however, verified it. So that was that. I went back to my apartment, and sat there thinking. Ok, something was scaring the demons enough that they were going out of their way to get our attention. Wait a minute! How come Vostich read the demon's mind now, but not before? What had changed? The armband and ring! That was it. Before, the demon probably had enough power to stop Vostich. I shook my head. It was all very...

2 years ago
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Bi Thai sex with tourist MILF dirtier than me

Following my first story “First Bi experience” ( and my second story “2nd Bi-curous Series” ( quite a few xhamsters have requested the story of the German older tourist woman I met on the plane who I said was dirtier than me into the Thai bar girls and boys.From the outset let me explain my bi-curiousity. I am only into to it with a hot eager young, smooth skinned, firm Asian boys (18+) who...

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Blacked Kendra Lust Cheated On My Husband And Loved It

Kendra’s husband is a weak man, and can’t give her what she is craving. But he is rich and she loves her lavish lifestyle. She has started to get together with a hot guy she met at the gym, and when her husband leaves for a golf day, her new man comes over to relieve her boredom. On this particular occasion, they are taking their affair to a whole new level, when he brings a friend along to join in the fun. She is so excited, and when they arrive, she doesn’t waste any time in seducing them...

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CAW 10 The Best Decision I Made

I scoured the Internet looking for something, yearning for something, someone, when I found the sex story section of xnxx and then located the forum. I had found what I had been yearning for; a connection with those who were just as sexually oriented and perverse as me. I began chatting with people but was very skeptical and wary of giving out any personal details. I found some very interesting people, some of whom became close friends. It was when I decided to throw my hat into the ring with...

3 years ago
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Afternoon with the Sisters

Copyright© 1996-2003 "Said a lesbian lady, 'It's sad; Of All the girls that I've had, None gave me the thrill Of real rapture until I learned how to be a tribade.'" -author unknown "And she liked to lick my clit while pushing a small four inch vibrator up my ass!" "No!" Both ladies took a sip of wine, and the elder brunette again crossed her long silk covered legs again. The blonde continued, "You haven't had oral sex if you haven't felt this girls tongue between...

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Amy I Love You

The events of this story all started about 8 months ago. My name is Tom. I am 45 years old, married and have 2 kids. My wife is a successful Dentist and so based on our busy work schedules we hardly get time for each other except for when we get vacations. I am a project manager at a construction firm and so the work load is heavy. My two kids, Jim (16) and Lucy (12) are adorable and I am quite ok with things in my life. My story begins at my work place when I was handed a building...

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Jizzed face in a public restroom

I’ve always been a Nice Guy. You know, the kind women trust to tell about their boyfriend problems, but doesn’t get to be the boyfriend to those same women ‘cause I’m “too sweet” for them. I’ve had my fair share of girls, but the kind that drive me nuts would be just out of my reach for not being their “type” — which to me seemed to mean assholes, judging from the guys who got to fuck them. A prime example was this girl Kristin. She was a Punker/Rockabilly type chick who used to work at a local...

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Going Down Ch 06

Author’s Note: Thank you all so much for your feedback, and most of all your patience! I know I always say this, but it means so very much to me. I couldn’t keep doing this without the support you have shown. That being said, here is the usual disclaimer. This is a romantic story with erotic themes, story being the key word. If you are looking for a quick fix, then I suggest you read elsewhere. If you like a little romance and a little suspense, then read on! If you like the story, please...

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GreeniesChapter 19A

Eden MPG base September 3, 2146 The smell in the outside deployment male locker room was horrid, perhaps the worst olfactory sensation Jeff had ever experienced. The thought that he was contributing to it did nothing to ease his disgust. It was the smell of over a thousand combat soldiers who had been outside for eight days, sweating inside of their biosuits, unable to shower or even evaporate the sweat properly. The moment they began to remove the biosuits in the confined space all those...

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To Sir With Love Part II

CHAPTER FIVE Mathew was beside himself. He had no problem with Jamie being out with Amy, but she was very late and didn’t answer her cell phone. Mathew knew he had a terrible tendency to worry too much about everyone and everything. He can’t help but picture car accidents, muggings, airline crashes, earthquakes and just about anything else of a catastrophic nature. All he asked was for a phone call or even a text assuring him of her safety. As much as he knew he is really overboard about...

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The Things in the ClosetChapter 2

Lynette glanced at the small clock on the corner of her desk, its glowing numerals reading 1:37 am. She smiled as she almost always did, amused at herself for becoming so engrossed in her writing that she lost all track of time. She had, at last, started chapter one of the book. Always the most difficult part for her, Lynette had written and rewritten it several times since she had gotten Cherie off to bed and started on the text. She wrote both during the day and late at night, but the early...

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Aislinns Dream

Dalton took her nipple into his mouth, sucking and licking until Aislinn could barely take it any more. Her back arched, and he continued to ravish her breasts, until she could feel the pressure building up. He moved from her breasts to her neck, gently biting and licking, while his hands went lower to her sweet spot. Aislinn moaned loudly, and Dalton whispered in her ear, “Come for me baby, come on.” She was so close, his fingers moving in and out, her pussy dripping…Aislinn woke from her...

Love Stories
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PureTaboo Alexia Anders Freely Given

FREELY GIVEN SCENE OPENS to Karina (Alexia Anders), heading home after class. One of her teachers, Mr. Davis (Ryan Mclane), stops her on her way out, saying she did a good job in class today. He says that hard work is one of the most important ways to honor God, so he’s pleased that she’s so devoted to her studies. Karina seems happy with the compliment, clearly having a lot of respect for Mr. Davis. She thanks him for helping her to understand God’s will. Mr. Davis quickly...

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MyDirtyMaid Indica Monroe Shy maid gets fucked

This week we got the beautiful Indica Monroe. She is coming in to clean the house. She is so voluptuous I can’t help but notice it all day. Especially when she bends over her pants are sheer. She does a good job cleaning I ask her to take off all her clothes. She was hesitant but a few more hundreds convince her to get naked. I get rock hard watching her ass bounce around as she cleans. I whip out my big fat dense cock. She loves it. She walks over to clean my pole. I fuck her until I...


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