Brendan FallsChapter 15 free porn video

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"He's going to sell me," I said.

"Mayhaps he will, mayhaps he won't." Mercy shrugged. "Eat your breakfast now."

"What are they doing in there anyway?" I frowned, looking at the door. Beyond it, around the corner, Mr. Reiser sat in his study with his new slaves, Tom Henry and Lilah.

"Suh's introducing hisself, I spose, like a genuine person oughtta," Mercy clucked her tongue and I nibbled some toast.

Mercy was getting on me of course, first for the way I'd treated Tom Henry upon meeting him, and secondly for this morning when I'd just ignored the girl completely. A van had brought Lilah by just past seven and she had one little bag and that was all. Now they were talking with their new Master, Delilah and Tom Henry, and I wondered what Mr. Reiser was saying to them.

"I want to know what he's saying," I said, maybe expecting Mercy to agree with me, but I should have known better than that.

"You want, that's all you's evah done is want. Girl, you doan know the first thing bout bein' a slave, does ya?" Mercy laughed at me and I burned at the truth of her words.

"What's the first thing?" I wondered sarcastically.

"The first thing is, you doan get to want nothin'. You get what you get and when it's gone you doan be complainin' bout it."

"Huh." I rolled my eyes.

"You been gettin' for a long time now, but you's gone get over that." The old woman loved to lecture me about how bad a slave I was. "The world's turnin' ever minute and you's turnin' right along with it."

"I never know what you're talking about, Mercy." I laughed at her. "The world's turning, what's that mean?"

She didn't get a chance to explain as our Master entered the kitchen with his two slaves following close behind.

"Got you some coffee and one o' them bagels you like, right here, suh," Mercy said, pouring a cup for Mr. Reiser. I just looked up at him from my seat at the table.

"In a little bit. I'm going take a walk around the house with Tom, show him some work I want done," he said, but Mercy wasn't going to take that.

"No, suh. You eat somethin' now. This house ain't goin' nowheres." She pointed at a chair and Mr. Reiser sighed and then smiled.

"You're setting a bad example, Mercy," our Master said.

"Not if I's feedin' you proper, I ain't." She put a small plate with a warm bagel on it down in front of him, and then his coffee before turning to the other slaves. "Doan you two be standin' there. Get that suitcase, Tom Henry, we gone show the girl where she's sleepin' tonight."

There were slave quarters over the large garage, which had been a carriage house a hundred years before. Now it housed Mr. Reiser's two cars and the Mercedes he'd given me with room left over for storage and a workshop. Upstairs there were a half-dozen small bedrooms, a common sitting room for slaves to use, and a modest bathroom with a shower and sink. Tom Henry had a room there and now Lilah would have one as well.

I wondered if I'd be moving out there soon, perhaps even Mercy too, although I doubted that. Even a wife couldn't come between Mr. Reiser and Mercy. He'd keep her close and comfortable, although keeping a slave in the house proper was definitely outside normal social custom for an owner with a family. Being single and private as he was, Mr. Reiser enjoyed a lot of freedom from convention and I wondered if he was really willing to give that up. Not for a woman, I was sure, but for a child? Probably, I thought, and that was saddening.

They left us alone in the kitchen, my Master and me, and I ate my toast slowly while Mr. Reiser chewed his bagel and sipped his coffee. Weekends were very relaxed around the house, but supper would be formal as always. We'd shared mornings like this many times before, but today I was sullen and unhappy and my Master was aware of it.

"I'm going to put the boy to work this morning," he finally said. "I want you to take the girl upstairs, show her how to clean herself up. I want to see her dressed and pretty before lunch, understand me?"

"Yes sir," I said, unwilling to argue.

"I don't want you to beat her up either," Mr. Reiser said, looking at me hard. "She doesn't belong to you, she belongs to me. Both of you do, Dani, and you're going to have to start acting like it."

"What? But I always..." I started protesting, and then dropped my eyes. "Yes sir."

"The girl didn't ask to be sold or bought, neither did the boy for that matter. No more than you did," he reminded me. "I want you to remember that. If you have to be angry, be angry with me."

"I am angry with you," I pouted, just begging for the strap, but I didn't care.

"I know you are." Mr. Reiser chuckled. "I let you get away with it too, don't I?"

"Master ... Please, I just..." I looked at him, pleading with my eyes for something, but even I wasn't sure what exactly.

"What?" he asked, and I shook my head.

"I just want to know you still love me." I looked down again, knowing it was more than just that.

"I do love you," Mr. Reiser said softly. "More than I should. More than I can, Dani ... I want the same things you do."

"Yes sir," I sighed softly.

"Next weekend we'll go someplace, alright? Orleans, how about that?" He reached for my hand. "Just the two of us. We'll drive down Friday afternoon and come back Monday morning."

"Just us?" I squeezed his fingers and looked at him, into his blue eyes. "You promise?"

"Just us, all weekend long," he assured me. "We'll have fun, okay?"

"Okay." I nodded and returned his smile, wanting to be cheered up.

"In the meantime, I want you to behave yourself. I told the others that you're my mistress. Tom and Lilah, they know you're the lady of the house."

"Did you tell that to Mercy?" I wondered, and my Master laughed.

"No," he said gently. "I don't have to, she knows."

"She doesn't like me," I sighed.

"Heh." Mr. Reiser shook his head. "You have a lot to learn, Dani."

"Lilah, right?" I looked at her as she stood in the kitchen and we were alone.

Mr. Reiser had gone outside to walk Tom Henry around, show him what the boy needed to work on. It would just be small jobs, cleaning the pool, sweeping the gutters, maybe some painting and hedge trimming, stuff like that. Outside was going to be Tom Henry's job, the girl ... I wasn't sure exactly. I figured the kitchen and keeping house, but maybe something else besides.

Lilah stood tall and thin for just being fourteen, but very pretty nonetheless, especially with her blue eyes and light brown skin. She was fair, like hot cocoa with a lot of cream in it. Long kinky black hair though, coarse and thick, a broad forehead and flat little nose. Smallish lips around a smallish mouth, giving her a natural pout above a tiny cleft in her pointed chin. Lilah was a pretty one alright, with an interesting face, that's what you would say about her. She was fun to look at and very animated. That girl couldn't hide her feelings to save her life.

"Or am I gonna call you Miss Delilah?" I prompted, because she didn't answer me right away.

"Just Lilah, Mistress," she said softly, and that negra wouldn't look in my eyes for all the beans in 'Bama.

"Mistress?" I laughed at her. "You just call me Dani. Mercy hears you calling me that and I'll get a whippin' for sure."

"I'm sorry." She nodded quickly.

"Kay, come on. We're going to go upstairs and have some fun," I said, making it sound like I was already bored out of my skull with her.

"F-Fun?" she asked, following me as I walked towards the door and the stairs beyond it.

"Didn't Mr. Reiser tell you what we were gonna do?"

"No, Miss ... uh..." Lilah shook her head.

"We're going to clean you up, take a bath, and find you some nice clothes," I said, waving my arms around. "Gonna make you look six kinds of beautiful, understand?"

"Ummm ... We are?" Lilah frowned and I glanced at her, wondering what was wrong with the girl. Maybe she was retarded or something, I thought.

"Why are you so scared?" I asked her, deciding to just ask and avoid any misunderstanding. Besides, I didn't especially care if I hurt her feelings or not.

"W-What?" she asked as we went up the stairs, and I just sighed.

"Is this the first time you were ever sold?"

"No," she replied. "Um, I've been sold a lot."

"Really? How many times is a lot?"

"Three times, ma'am," Lilah said. I didn't bother getting her worked up about that; the girl was determined to call me by something other than my name.

"That's not so many." I shrugged.

"H-How many times have you been sold?" Lilah asked hesitantly, and I wondered if she was teasing me, but one look at her face told me she wouldn't dare.

"I was freeborn," I said. "Just the one time. In here..."

We were using the hallway bathroom, the one Mercy used, because I didn't want that negra using my bathroom, or even setting foot in my bedroom if I could help it. I mean, our Master's bedroom of course, but I'd taken to thinking of it as ours, his and mine. I sat on the closed toilet and hadn't bothered closing the bathroom door. A slave like her didn't need any privacy anyway.

"Take your clothes off. Let me see what you look like."

"Yes ma'am," the girl agreed. She wore only a simple dress anyway, like a yellow sundress. It looked cheap and threadbare around the seams, at the hem and buttonholes.

"Is that the best dress you have?" I wondered, and she nodded, confirming my suspicions. "We're gonna have to go do some shopping then. I've got some clothes, but I don't know how they're gonna fit you."

"Oh." She widened her eyes at that and almost looked me in the face, but not quite.

"And they're my clothes anyway." I laughed. "You need your own, right?"

"Yes ma'am," she said, pushing her dress off her thin shoulders. Lilah brought her arms free and let it slip down her body.

"Take off those panties too." I pointed at her ugly white underwear and it looked too big for her anyway. "Where'd you get those?"

"My panty?" She looked down at herself. "I borrowed it from one of the other negras before I left Texas."

"That's where you're from?" I asked, and she nodded. "You look like a boy."

"Oh." She swallowed so loudly, I could hear it.

I looked her up and down while she held her folded up her dress and now her underwear. Lilah was skinny, not like malnourished or anything, just naturally thin the way some girls are at her age. I imagined she'd fill out in a year or too, probably grow taller as well. As pretty as she was, the girl might even grow up to be beautiful, but that wasn't a thought meant to comfort my ego.

"Set your clothes over there. You don't gotta be told everything, just do it," I said. "And you can look at me too."

"I just ... I don't want to make you mad." She cleared her throat and I blinked at her. "That nigger Tom Henry, he said you got real mad at him for no reason. He figured you were gonna whip him."

"He thought I was going to whip him?" I stared at her. "He said that?"

"Yes ma'am." Lilah nodded seriously.

"Fuck!" I giggled.

"And the Master, he, uh, he said you're the lady of the house, so ... I don't want to be no bother, ma'am." Lilah was talking a little faster and I just nodded at her.

"Yeah, whatever," I said. "I'm not gonna whip anybody, okay? Only one that does the whippin' around here is Mercy, so you watch out for her. She uses a razor strop, you know what that is?"

"No ma'am." The girl shook her head.

"It's like a belt, sorta, and it hurts!" I grinned and nodded. "Believe me, she whipped me plenty of times with it."

"She whips you?" Lilah blinked at me.

"Yeah, she does." I shrugged. "Turn around some for me."

The girl turned, letting me see all of her and she was a little shy maybe, but mostly nervous. Lilah had nice skin too, without any scars or anything that I could see right off. She was smooth and the same light brown all over. She didn't have any tits, not even puffy nipples really, just small dark ones. Her waist and hips were thin and about the same width, so she didn't have a whole lot of shape to her, except her butt which was nice and round, lifted high too. A pert little butt, I guess, and her pussy had a few wisps of brown hair on it, dark brown, but definitely not black.

"You haven't had any menstruation yet, huh?" I asked. "How come? You got lice? Get over here and sit on the floor. I wanna look at your head."

"No ma'am, I ain't got any lice," Lilah said. "My blood..."

"What about your blood?" I prompted, leaning over as she sat down on the bathroom floor, letting me look through her hair and check her scalp.

"I got sexed the first time and I was too little for it."

"What's that mean?"

"I mean, I was small and the man, he was big and I had a lot of blood down there. The doctor told me later I might never get any seasoning at all."

"You had sex and you don't have any periods cause of that?" I sat back and looked at her.

"Yes ma'am," Lilah nodded.

"Well..." I narrowed my eyes at her. "How small were you?"

"I was round seven or eight years maybe." She shrugged. "I don't recollect exactly."

"You were eight years old and a man had sex with you?"

"Yes ma'am."

"What? Some nigger did that?" I felt sick at the idea and looking at the girl sitting right in front of me made it worse.

"Oh no, ma'am." Lilah shook her head. "He was a white man. He was my owner then."

"Your Master did that? He raped you?"

I had a hard time believing any white man would ever rape a child, and a master doing it? That sounded crazy to me, like some of those lies you hear sometimes, the ones the abolitionist people spread in their little pamphlets and such. I didn't ever believe that stuff. Some crazy nigger, sure. Everybody knows some of those boys can't control themselves. Mercy said they had a devil inside, the runaways and such, and I figured she would know.

"Rape?" Lilah shrugged. "He was my Master. He'd do whatever he wanted to. My momma told me go with him, so I did."

"So he didn't rape you." I nodded and I was glad that much made sense anyway.

"No. He just wanted to sex me up some, but I was too little," Lilah agreed. "After that though, after I got all healed up inside, we did it a lot. I was his bedroom negra for awhile, til I got too old for it."

"Did he treat you nice?" I asked her, pushing her back and satisfied that she didn't have lice or anything.

"Oh, yes ma'am!" Lilah said. "He was always nice anyway and he'd give me candy sometimes, those chocolate kisses. I like those."

"Well..." I said, going to the tub and running the water so I could give the girl a bath. "Mr. Reiser is real nice, so you got lucky he bought you."

"You think he's gonna sex me up some?" The girl asked, and she didn't mean anything by it, except genuine curiousity.

"I seriously doubt it." I giggled looking at her little sex nestled between her thin thighs.

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Brendan FallsChapter 32

"Welcome to Tucson," Drew said softly into my ear. "Hmmm?" I blinked around sleepily and sat up with a stretch. "Oh, I fell asleep." "Just a little while," he smiled and we were stopped in a parking lot it looked like. "I was falling asleep myself. Come on we'll get a little breakfast and then get a little bed." "A big bed," I grinned with a nice stretch. "A big breakfast too." We were at a place called the Cactus Ranch, which was hardly that. It was a two floor motel...

4 years ago
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Brendan FallsChapter 33

The Indian casino was than I'd first suspected, and oddly shaped, like someone had taken four or five big buildings and just mashed them together somehow. It looked strange from the outside, but inside I had no idea what was going on. I guess casinos are like that though. A person had to walk past all the slot machines and gaming tables before they could find the other stuff, like the restaurant and bars and yeah, a little dance club too. There were a lot of people in there, inside the...

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The Girl With No NameChapter 29 The Scribe

After delivering the sedative that would allow Oana to separate her soul from her body, Danka returned to the safe-house, changed into a workers’ outfit, and left Novo Sokukt Tok. She returned to the farmhouse, packed her bucket, and went to sleep. She’d have to wait for Ernockt to return from work before departing. He had promised to help her leave the area, but he had to stay at his desk in the city councilmen’s building until sunset. When Ernockt returned, he handed the stolen trial...

2 years ago
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Wet Work 2

My target was to be a woman, possibly two women if I could arrange it. I cannot explain why but somehow I was more comfortable with that than had it been a man. There is a vast trade in substandard drugs, even substances like chalk sold as real drugs, packaged as if they were the genuine article. Millions suffer or die as a consequence of this vile trade. Katherine Eleanor Porter-Haynes had been the product of a woman of high English birth and an American philanthropist whose vast wealth had...

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Complete At Last

Copyright 2007 by madengineer3 Although very happy now, my love life has been a bit on the complicated side. I’m not a ‘party animal’ and don’t have any severe ‘kinks’ to speak of. But……. My name is Thomas Moore. Things were pretty normal for me up until I was in grad school. I worked hard to get my master’s in electrical engineering. (My parents had wanted me to go into medicine since both of them were doctors. However, like my older brother, who is an attorney, I didn’t carry on the family...

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The Forest Nymphs

According to folklore, every full moon a pair of nymphs with voracious sexual appetites came out to play, looking for an unsuspecting man they can sexually devour. Many men went into the Wakefield Forest on a full moon, but they said they were not accosted by nymphs, so it remained just that; folklore. Wyatt grew up on a farm not too far from the forest. He knew all about the legend and how the townsfolk like to pretend it was true. This was especially true when visitors who visited the town...

1 year ago
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My 18th Birthday

Hi everyone.. I’m Deepika Malhotra of Class 11. I’m here to narrate a true story about my 18th birthday. 7th November 2010 – I woke up to the sound of the alarm. I had set it too early (it was 4:00am) out of excitement for my birthday. My parents were away for two days so I decided to host an early morning party for the day. Within few hours the place was filled with boys and girls. I was hanging out with all my close friends Neha, Ananya, Rahul and Deepak. Slowly the crowd trickled out. Only...

First Time
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Jodie At The Beachhouse Part 2

Jodie and I were getting ready to go into the downtown area for dinner and a little fun when I called her to come in the living area of the beachhouse. Holding up a fairly large buttplug I said I have a little something extra I want you to wear this evening. Jodie pushed her shorts down and bent over the padded arm of the sofa. Running a lubed finger in her cute wrinkled hole she loosened some and I started pushing the plug in she is tight and it took a little bit of slowly fucking her with it...

1 year ago
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GirlsOnlyPorn Tory Sweety Zazie Skymm Ambrosia

Tory Sweety and Zazie Skymm are sharing a picnic. The girls share more than just food and drinks. They also share a passion for one another that can only be indulged by making love right here in the great outdoors. Zazie leans in to unveil Tory’s tits, proving that Tori isn’t wearing a bra. That just leads to a delectable titty feast. Zazie keeps it up until it’s too much for the girls to keep their clothes on and their legs closed. They relocate to an outdoor bed where they...

2 years ago
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The Cable Repair

I awoke to the sound of the alarm clock screaming, I looked around the hotel room one last time, finally I was going back home. It was a great visit with friends but it was time to get home, I missed my wife and my own bed and frankly I was horny as fuck. I packed up my things and headed to the airport. My wife on my mind the entire time, her long black hair flowing over her ample 38 C tits, her long muscular legs, her ass round and firm, her shaved pussy just waiting to be fucked. After all it...

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Whorestone Heroes of Whorecraft

"Oh!" chuckles the Innkeeper as you push open the door. "I can tell you have some new stories tonight!" What started as a joke by Blizzard's Team 5 turned out to be a punchline nobody saw coming. The world of Hearthstone spawned an entire universe unto itself, uniting players who enjoyed the lore and history behind its MMO predecessor, and those who became hopelessly addicted to a free-to-play card game that didn't take itself too seriously. It was really only a matter of time before Rule 34...

2 years ago
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A Surprise For My Husband

It was a quiet warm night in the middle of the summer as my husband sat shirtless on the couch focusing on his game with his headphones and virtual reality headset on. His dark curls twisting up around his gaming headset and his breathing slowed as he focused on a mythical world I couldn't see. Something about the energy in the air and how gorgeous he looked as he relaxed after a long hard day had me feeling horny and my panties were so subtly getting wet. Quietly I slipped off my jeans and...

4 years ago
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BSC01 The True Meaning of BSCChapter 5 Welcome to Siberia

Danny was forty five minutes out of Los Angeles and once again he was humming the tune ‘Que Sera, Sera’. It had just played through on his car radio and it had immediately brought to mind everything that had been going on in his life over the last few months. Daniel Brown was going to visit Peter in Siberia, their nickname for Blanke Schande College where Peter’s parents had insisted he study. The College was having an Open Day and Peter had insisted that Danny come down and have a look....

3 years ago
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Going Down on the FarmChapter 7

The next morning dawned bright and clear. The boys followed their usual routine, wash, piss, jerk each other off, lick the cum off their hands, wash again, do the chores, then breakfast. They didn't see the girls until they were at the breakfast table. A few glances without a spoken word, and everyone knew there would be swimming that afternoon. Ted intercepted the messages but didn't know what they meant. He was sure some that sort of communication had taken place and wondered what it...

4 years ago
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The Kinch Chapter 1

The kinch walked into the giant mansion of her new master. It was a giant stone house almost like a castle. The inside was adorned with fine art and tapestries, the rugs were the finest asian rugs with elegant thread. In the background she heard classical music playing and the faint sound of ice falling into glass. To her left she saw a giant library, two stories all covered in books. As she continued forward she entered a room with stone walls and wooden braces finely placed. Lamps on...

4 years ago
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Sea Girls Part Four

He said that he had hated taking those female things off as we got dressed into our male clothes after breakfast and was eager for us to go out and buy him a set. This we did and didn’t care what the shop assistant thought as I made sure that the bra we bought would fit him. So with his lingerie bought, we also went into a beauty parlour where I bought a cosmetic case with all the creams, powder and make-up inside before we returned home. It was good that we hadn’t been called by the agency...

First Time
2 years ago
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Going Commando

I've always been a bit of an exhibitionist. The majority of the porn I watch or the stories I read involve variations of women flashing or getting fucked in public. Whether it's in the bathroom of a bar or nightclub or in the backseat of a car in a crowded parking lot, it didn't matter. It was all the same to me and it was unbelievably sexy. I always pictured my wife as the woman in these scenarios. Even if the fictional man was a stranger and not me, it got me going but that's a whole...

2 years ago
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Young WolvesChapter 5

Sarah was heartbroken. All her fears of Cameron finding someone prettier than her had come true. She thought he loved her, but obviously, he had only wanted to take her cherry. Like a fool, she had fallen for his lies completely. She sat through first period in a daze. She couldn't remember a thing Mr. Harper said about the Peloponnesian wars. The students were all buzzing about Cameron and those cheerleader whores, and something about a fight on the commons. She blocked their inane chatter...

3 years ago
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Laura and the old Guy

"Now don't forget, Laura" Yelled Dad, "Your mother and me can only drop you at the ball, we are staying in Melbourne overnight after the races so you will have to get yourself home". No problems there, I thought, sure to be some country hick sober enough to get me close to home anyway. The Bullarto Ball is the big yearly event in our district and all the local yobbos and piss heads just don't miss it. At eighteen I was now old enough to enjoy myself especially without parental...

3 years ago
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Office Hours Slut

A couple of days ago I was really bored and horny at work; a dangerous combination. Luckily my new friend Jim was bored and horny too. Jim has a really nice cock and loves getting sucked. I called him on the phone and asked him if he would enjoy a blowjob break and he was totally up for it.I work in a downtown office and can usually slip away for awhile so I excused myself for an extended afternoon coffee break. First I went to the bathroom to slut up a bit. I changed into a low cut light blue...

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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 03

If you haven’t read Chapters 1 and 2 yet, I suggest you read them first to pick up details not included in this chapter. *** We woke up finally around 11:00AM and while I cleaned up I noticed some cum around my pussy lips. I thought I’d cleaned everything up last night, but either I failed to or else some cum oozed out of my pussy during the night and onto my lips. I was beginning to get worried-Tom had not pulled out in time and it was my fertile time of the month! We checked out of the...

2 years ago
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The Photo ShootChapter 3

I decided to go upstairs, and take a shower, and get ready for Sarah’s birthday party. I looked in the mirror, and Jim’s spit is still on my right cheek. Any other time, if a guy had done that to me, I would have kicked him hard, in his balls. But for some reason, with Jim it turn me on. I started the water for the tub. I got in, and I shaved my legs, I looked at my bald pussy, wishing my hair would grow. All the girls in my gym class has hair down there, I just look like a 12 year old girl....

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I dont know how this happened

Well I am a gay female and I was over at my girls house that I was madly in love with Heather oh she was a blond and very sexy girl with a nice body to boot. Well we had had sex a couple of time but she was bi sexual and still in love with her ex boyfriend Richy but I had to hide from him. He hate me because I was gay and I had no choice but hide because Heather was so sexy well one nite I was drinkin and hanging with Heather and her sister and Heathers ex Richy called and said he was coming...

1 year ago
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The Nurse Part II

If you haven't read Part I, or haven't read it recently, I recommend you do so here: you have, please enjoy Part II'The Nurse = Part II'by DizzyDFor Connie, thanks for your inspiration - Love, DDNow it was 1998. I was thirty-eight years old, and twenty-four years had passed since my best friend Becky had her first sexual encounter with her cousin Timmy. If you’re not sure how old we were when it happened, do the math. I had long...

3 years ago
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Hi Tish 3

© Copyright 2013, by Leslie P. Lowe. All rights reserved. [email protected] Synopsis: A gal named Tish succinctly answers a cry for help from a sister t-girl in extremis. Hi Tish FM 3 by Leslie Lowe Hi Tish, I have a female friend named Sherri who asked me to go with her to get her manicure and pedicure. I was sitting there in Radical Nails as if I were her boyfriend, and the nail shop owner asked me if I wanted a manicure and pedicure. I'm not Sherri's boyfriend, by...

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Becoming a Pretty girl

I was out in the mall shopping with mum walking and talking when she asked what would I like for my birthday ,as it was we were passing a lingerie shop and I stopped and looked in the window. The main mannequin weas wearing a very sexy ensemble of baby doll , thong, suspenders and stockings and I loved it .SO i replied to mum "I'd like that" She looked at me and said "you're serious aren't you" I nodded . "well " mum said " I know the lady who runs that store lets go in and see what she has'We...

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The crew had a layover scheduled, so as we started walking toward the pick-up spot for the hotel shuttle, I hung back and waited for the pilot, Alan, to leave the cockpit. As he joined me, we changed course and headed to the taxi stand together. Since I started working with Alan about three years ago, we’ve always paired up during our layovers, unless one of us had other arrangements, or unless Alan’s wife was flying with us. On that particular day we were both flying solo, so we grabbed a...

1 year ago
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En el transporte publico sin luces

Esto que les voy a relatar me ocurrio hace algunos años me dirigia a casa despues del trabajo como siempre el metro super lleno para mi suerte una chica como de 30 o 35 años con buenas nalgas y mucho busto, lo malo viajaba acompañana, aproveche que el metro estaba lento y me fui acercando a la pareja, la chica con un mayon muy apretadito, me acerque por un costado de la dama, y al momento de sentir su calor mi verga cobro vida propia, se puso firmes para lo que fuera, la mujer al sentirme me...

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Revenge On Krishnaveni Threesome

Hai everyone ela unnaru nenu ramanjali nee entho mandi mails pettaru entho mandi dengichukundam annaru alanti vallaku ee story lo oka offer naaku money sampadinche avakasham ani meeru andaru aa offer ni viniyoginchukuntaru ani aashitu rastunna ee story Naa gurinchi telvani vaaru naa profile lo click chesi naa two storiea chadivi ee story loki randi meeku enjoyment avutundi and ee story kuda ardamaitundi ee madya naa shape lo tedha vachindi anukunta ippudu naa figure 32 – 28- 34 adi andi telvani...

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University ma admission k lya se

Hello. I am mani from Rawalpindi mare hight 5.4 ha r body slim ha mare lun 7 inch ka ha r motaie ma 2.5 inch .ya story kuch ursa pehlay ke ha ma isamabad ke 1 university ma parta hun aur summer ma internship kr raha tha university k admission office ma. Har roz bohat sare larkianate the form submit kwanay.1 din kuch youn hua k 1 larke jis ka name maiam color white boobs ka size shai 36 tha wo admission ka lya aye… us na apna form mjy submit krwaya wo bohat he sexy the r us na kameez kafi patle...

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