Brendan FallsChapter 5 free porn video

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"This is nice," Mr. Reiser decided and I sighed in agreement.

He knelt by a large bathtub, just off his bedroom in the master bath, and I was soaking in it, naked and enjoying the steaming water that surrounded me up to my budding breasts. It was a generous tub, the entire bath and the house around it was splendid and altogether too much for one man living alone, I thought.

Mr. Reiser was washing me slowly, cupping water and letting it dribble onto my shoulders. He enjoyed looking at me, seeing my black body contrasted upon that white porcelain. I looked even darker than I really was probably, and Mr. Reiser was naked as well, his firm white body damp and pink now in the humid air. His cock was hard, but he ignored it, just as we ignored mine, distorted but visible through the water.

The hour was late by then, very late and I should have been tired, but I wasn't. I was home, in my new home, and my Master was bathing me, getting me ready for his bed. It was a luxury and I savored every moment of it. His hands caressed me, using a thin bar of white soap over my black skin. We moved slowly and I felt his hands on my nipples, which were aching and long, but the surrounding flesh altogether too flat.

"I'm going to get you perfect breasts, Dani." Mr. Reiser repeated what he'd said earlier, "Beautiful black tits to go with your pretty black cock. Not too big, but enough, will you like that?"

"Yes sir." I smiled and watched his fingers rubbing my nipples, making small circles over those burning nubs so that I arched my back, wanting more.

"Maybe pierce those nipples of yours too," he chuckled softly, "Make it easier to give them a little tug now and then."

"Ohhh ... Mmmm..." I nodded as Mr. Reiser pinched them hard, pulling my nipples out and it hurt, but it felt good too and I didn't mind it at all.

"Tell me why you're a sissy little girl now. I'm curious," Mr. Reiser said. "Your father doesn't strike me as the kind of man who would let his son grow up to be a faggot."

"A faggot?" I giggled.

"Isn't that what you are?"

"I think I'm a girl," I said. "But I guess I am, yeah ... A faggot. It sounds funny."

"Nobody ever called you that?" he wondered.

"No, not to my face," I shrugged. "I went to a girl's school, so ... I don't know, they called me other names."

"White girls?"

"Yeah." I bit my lip.

"So why are you a girl then?" Mr. Reiser was moving his hands under the water, feeling my tummy, my waist and hips, down to my thighs.

"My mom wanted a girl," I said and then laughed. "More than my dad wanted a boy, I guess. I was always a girl, ever since I can remember."

"Growing up in dresses? Playing with dolls?" He stroked the insides of my thighs, pushing my legs apart under the hot water.

"Yeah ... Like that," I nodded, leaning back and closing my eyes because it felt so good being touched that way.

"Did they tell you that you weren't really a girl?"

"Um..." I smiled, " ... I sorta figured it out by myself, it wasn't like they could keep it a secret."

"I suppose not," Mr. Reiser chuckled and he found my small balls, cupping them gently, rolling them so that I squirmed with pleasure.

"It was confusing and I cried for awhile. I was mad, a little."

"For being a girl?" he asked me. "Or being a boy?"

"Being a boy," I said. "I wanted to be a girl. I was happy like that."

"And your dad, he never tried to talk you out of it?"

"Daddy?" I giggled and sighed. "No, he loves me. He calls me Princess and teases me about getting a boyfriend."

"Hmph," Mr. Reiser nodded.

"Did you mean what you said, that my dad was going to get the promotion no matter what we did?"

"Yeah, of course," Mr. Reiser said. "Fucking you won't make the company more profitable."

"Huh?" I laughed.

"I need the best man for the job, not the man with the prettiest son," Mr. Reiser shrugged. "It was just a good excuse to meet you."

"You could have just taken me though."

"I could have, but it wouldn't have made any of us happy," he told me. "This way you're happy and your father knows I didn't force you to come with me."

"What if I didn't like you?" I asked, teasing him a little as he found my small penis and he was playing with it, pulling the foreskin back and playing his thumb over the tip.

"I'd have come back for you," he said. "In a month or two, I'd have taken you then."

"Even if it didn't make us happy?" I wondered.

"Yeah, even if it didn't," he agreed. "I wouldn't be able to help myself."

"Do you want to fuck me now?" I whispered, because I wanted him to.

"I want to take you to bed." He smiled and he let me go, reaching for a towel. "Stand up."

Mr. Reiser stayed on his knees as I stood in front of him, and he dried me gently with a warm soft towel, moving up and down my legs, over my body and down my arms. He dried me everywhere while I watched him and he was enjoying this a lot, taking care of me. I liked it too and my girly cock was standing out straight and hard from my body as he let the towel go and moved his bare hands up my legs and around my thighs to my ass.

"You're so beautiful, Dani," he breathed and I drew a sharp breath as Mr. Reiser leaned forward, taking my penis into his hot wet mouth.

"Ohhh ... Ummm..." I shivered with unexpected pleasure as my cock seemed to swell even more.

He was sucking on it lightly, gently and the man's mouth was incredibly soft. I could feel his tongue on me, moving around and exploring my penis everywhere. I wasn't very large, maybe five inches long at the most and probably no bigger around than a man's thumb, and Mr. Reiser took all of me into his mouth easily, keeping me there while he breathed through his nose. His hands were all over my small black ass, kneading my flesh and pulling my cheeks apart so his fingertips could play at my tight anus. It felt good, all of it and I was moaning softly, my fingers in his hair as I moved my hips. I had to move, it was the best feeling in the world and I felt like I might lose my balance any moment.

I'd never gotten a blowjob in my life and this first time was intense. My cockhead was fully out of the foreskin and it felt so sensitive like that, it made me jerk and stand on my tip-toes from time to time as it felt almost painful if Mr. Reiser's tongue found the right places to lick and tickle me. He was sucking me wonderfully, delightfully and I wondered if he hadn't had a sissy slave before me. He must have owned some slaves before, otherwise he wouldn't have been a member of that club, I thought. It made me feel just a little jealous for some childish reason, knowing I wasn't his first, but he was mine now and that drove all my unreasonable doubts away completely.

Mr. Reiser pushed a finger into my wet asshole slowly. I was still moist from my bath and still a little loose and very tender from our earlier fuck, but I didn't complain. It felt good more than it hurt and I gasped as he held his long middle finger inside me deep, touching something soft and hidden inside me and I blinked rapidly, my heart pounding with excitement. The man hadn't been sucking me very long, but I was going to cum. He was making me feel special and all of my senses were reeling with the stimulation of his mouth working my girl cock eagerly, and his finger was fucking my asshole like a dream as I squeezed those delicate muscles around it.

"Oh ... P-Please..." I gasped and I went tense all over, digging my fingers into his scalp and pushing against his face with my pelvis.

I was already as far into his mouth as I could get, but I wanted him to suck all of me, my whole body it seemed. I could feel the faint roughness of his five o'clock shadow, the stubble of a long day's growth, like sandpaper on my smooth skin and I loved that feeling. I loved the way his sandy hair felt under my hands, so different than my African hair. His was soft and silky, mine coarse and wiry. And his skin so light and pink as he was flushed with desire for me. My Master was on his knees, sucking my cock, making me feel good and I was cumming hard into his mouth.

I sagged, literally, and only Mr. Reiser's strong arms kept me from falling on my butt. My cock spasmed and the experience was intense, better than any orgasm I'd ever had, I thought. I was cumming for him and the man was swallowing my semen easily, not spilling any of it as he continued to treat my penis with his tongue, swallowing thickly with the tip of my penis very nearly at the entrance to Mr. Reiser's throat, but not quite. I wasn't that big and maybe that made it really good for him, I didn't know, but it was nice for me. Incredibly nice and I hoped we'd be doing that a lot.

Mr. Reiser kept my cock in his mouth until it softened and he let it go with a soft wet plop, licking his lips and kissing my thighs and tummy, working his way up slowly until he could kiss my lips. He pushed his tongue in my mouth and I groaned, taking it happily and sucking it, playing against it with my own. I loved kissing him and he picked me up while we did it, carrying me to his bed finally.

I wondered if he wanted me to suck him too then. I hoped so and I wanted to try it. I wanted to make him feel good and learn how to do the things Mr. Reiser liked, but he wanted to make love to me. He reached for his nightstand, finding some lubricant, telling me this would make it feel a lot better for me.

He had me on my back and told me to lift my knees, to pull my legs up and expose my asshole for him. He was putting the KY Jelly on my anus and working it inside me gently with his fingers, a lot of it, I thought, and it was cool and slippery, but not unpleasant. Mr. Reiser was able to work two fingers into my ass and pump them in and out slowly while I held myself open, my knees up near my flat chest with my arms beneath them. I just watched and smiled and waited patiently and after several moments of that, my Master decided I was ready and he spilled some of the lubricant onto his cock, which was very large by then. It looked huge, even bigger than I remembered from the first time we'd made love, and I couldn't believe that long thick cock had really fit inside me.

"Give me your legs now, up high over my shoulders..." Mr. Reiser told me, getting me the way he wanted. "This is how I love to fuck you the most, just like this."

"Yeah ... Me too, I think..." I nodded, trying to breathe and relax and knowing my sore little ass was wide open and vulnerable and ready for his cock.

He had me pinned to his bed, with my legs over his shoulders, my hands behind his neck. Mr. Reiser rolled my ass up and his cock was right there, the smooth head of it pressing against my asshole naturally as he pushed forward. He didn't even have to guide himself inside, I was loose and slick with the KY and his cock was a hot slippery shaft ready to impale me. He pushed into me slowly and I opened right up for him, my boy pussy taking the man like the cunt I wished I had right then. I felt hardly any pain at all, nothing of the sharp burning I'd felt the first time he made love to me, just a dull cramp sort of sensation and that was nothing compared to how good it felt being filled with my Master's penis.

"Mmmm ... Nice and tight, Danielle," Mr. Reiser smiled, looking down at me as he fucked his cock in and out slowly, working it a little deeper each time and I was nodding, liking that name a lot.

"Fuck me ... Please, God ... Fuck me hard, okay?" I was making love for only the second time in my life, but I knew I was born for it. I loved sex. I loved fucking, and most of all I loved fucking him.

"I will ... Let me get you ready first..." he told me, leaning down and kissing me as I lifted my head off the bed to meet him.

My cock was trapped beneath Mr. Reiser's softly furred stomach as he sank completely inside me, his cock finding the bottom of my ass, stretching me in places I hadn't felt him before and that made me wince, but I liked it too. I loved feeling his big white body covering mine, his strength and weight and the way I couldn't move. I couldn't refuse him or get away. I was powerless. I was his slave and he was fucking me the way Mr. Reiser wanted to. The way I wanted him to.

"Ready ... I'm going to fuck you now ... Fuck that sweet little ass of yours ... Fuck..." Mr. Reiser was smiling and doing exactly as he promised, driving his cock inside me hard.

The bed bounced and creaked, the headboard banging against the wall as he'd pull almost completely out of my ass and then drive his cock all the way inside, over and over, stretching my ass and making me groan as it felt delicious. His cock riding my clasping anus, my tight hot rectum struggling to hold the man inside me, or push him out, or do both. I was smiling and panting and clutching at the man's skin as he grew sticky with sweat. It was hot in that room suddenly and my body was burning up. My tummy fluttered and my head burned with a fever. I didn't know what any of that was, it was kind of like an orgasm but different. My penis wasn't hard anyway, but I still felt so good all over. I wanted him to fuck me forever.

"I'm cumming ... Take it ... Fuck, negra bitch ... Take my cum in your cunt, boy ... Fuck!" Mr. Reiser groaned loudly, pushing hard into me one last time and then dropping his mouth onto mine, kissing me almost desperately as his cock ejaculated hot thick sperm into my ass.

I was trembling, feeling my body being split by that penis inside me, Mr. Reiser's hot cum soaking my rectum, filling me with his warmth. He was kissing me all the while and I held him tight, feeling almost like I'd had an orgasm as well, that same sense of euphoria making me swoon and giggle when the man lifted his lips from mine, both of us breathing hard and he wasn't pulling his cock out of me, not at all. We just moved slowly, keeping him there until I was on my side and Mr. Reiser was behind me, spooning me in the warmth of his damp bed.

He fucked me again, but slowly, hardly moving at all at times, and just holding my back to his chest, kissing my hair and neck and cheeks while his fingers played with my nipples or sometimes my penis. He had me hard, while he made love to me, Mr. Reiser stroked my girl cock until I was hard and aching and he brought me off that way, letting me cum in his gentle hand while we kissed. I was so tired after that and the man didn't keep me awake, but let me sleep finally, happy and content to feel him still inside me.

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My Neighbour Paid For Her Sons Damage

Four days afterwards i could see there son sniggering as i walked up my path and into my house, i was filled with rage and anger. At times the younger children next door use to shout and scream, i could never get any peace and quiet, i felt i was being hounded and tormented by my neighbours children. It was no use having words with there mother, she would'nt have a word said wrong about them, she see's them as angels, unknown to her i seen what her eldest son did to my car that night. ...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Hime Marie Kyler Quinn Fourth Of July With My Step Sister And Her Slutty Friend

Kyler Quinn has invited her friend Hime Marie to join her family for a Fourth of July barbeque. As Kyler and Hime are hanging out outdoors and watching Kyler’s dad, Chris Valiant, grill, Kyler cautions Hime to be on her best behavior. Kyler is very worried that Hime is so slutty she’ll try to seduce her dad or her stepbrother, Kyle Mason. Eventually, Kyler goes inside to see what Kyle is up to. She finds him at the table getting ready to eat. She confesses to Kyle that she’s...

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NFBusty Sofi Ryan Show And Tease

Sofi Ryan has been really into the idea of getting with Sam Shock for a while. She finally gets her chance when she has a study session with Sam. Decked out in a lacy lingerie bra that really helps her incredible jugs to stand out, Sofi makes it clear to Sam that he can have anything he wants. When Sam doesn’t get the hint quite well enough from her bigtit cleavage, Sofi starts unbuttoning her shirt. Her next attempt is to drop a pencil and spread her legs wide open when Sam bends down to...

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School Teacher Ne Sex Karna Sikaya

Hi friends, my name is RAJ (NAME CHANGE) MAI NAGPUR Me Rahta hu. mai kariban 1 saal se es site par stories pad raha hu. to socha mai bhi apni ek sachi ghatna ap ke sath shear karu. ye meri pahali story hai koi bhul ho jaye to maf karna. agar koi aunty ya girl NAGPUR me muzse sex karna chahe to muze mail kare my email id is yakin mane aap ki pahchan raj rhegi. to ap ko jada boare na karte huye story par aata hu Bat aj se 1 saal purani hai jab mai 22 saal ka tha uas samay mai ek school me pdhane...

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I watched a TmwVRnet movie this morning, the first-person action delivered directly to my eyeballs via my Oculus Quest 2. The virtual reality sex was so realistic that I found myself aggressively humping the air, as if I could really touch that beautiful Euro chick in front of me in her virtual bedroom. The load I blew was satisfying as all hell, but once I took the headgear off, I realized everybody else on the bus was staring at me. Oops!The TMW in the name stands for TeenMegaWorld, a nice...

VR Porn Sites
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Family LettersChapter 104

Dear Willow and Family, I've been told I must keep this note short so I shall endeavor to do so. I would say that my job has given me a proctologist's view of the exercise of concubinage as practiced in the diaspora. I know that we, Marissa and I, have worked hard at becoming a family. I know that whenever a sponsor is willing to approach me on the issue of failed compatibility I always tell them that the concubine is their family member now, and that while the idea of marriage may have...

1 year ago
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My Sister

~ Incest / romance Sex Story ~ The events started when I was just out of High School. My sister, Sam, was younger than I was and cute as a button. Even at 18 she looked so petite she often got into the movies at child’s prices. I was on holidays before going off to Uni to do a nursing degree. Our Mom was a nurse and worked the night shift, this way she could get the late shift allowance and be home in time to take us to school. She had been doing this for years now and we were well in to...

3 years ago
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Confusing thoughts and emotions ran through Paulette’s fifteen year old mind as she waited in line to pay for the pizza that her dad had sent her to get for supper. She felt her face flush when Steve a classmate of hers left the cash register and Wally moved to take his place. This is what she had hoped for, but now that it had happened she was conflicted. She moved closer to the head of the line and she felt a weakness in her knees and a churning in her stomach. She wanted to say something...

4 years ago
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I had known Harriet for a few months, every since I took early retirement and moved to this beautiful, remote, rural spot in North Florida. She had a trailer too, but it was much larger and nicer than mine and situated on a piece of property that must have been at least double my five acres. She had been a casual acquaintance, as neighbors often are, until she had a problem with her car and I offered to take her somewhere if she needed. She took me up on it one Thursday and had me drop her at...

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Ek virgin ko choda gacchi pe

Hi,all ISS readers my name is Rambo(name change),i am from nagpur and doing my engineering degree,living in nagpur since three years.i am 21 year old,height 5’7″ fair and meri pehli sex ki stori jo ki mai aapke saath shear kar raha hu.maine iss site pe ki maximum stories padhi aur experience kiya ki jo writer batata hai ki mera lund 9’lamba aur 4′ mota hai to unse kahena ki kabhi tape lagakar gine aur phir bataye ki land kitna bada hai kyonki aadmi ka land 9′ lamba to ho sakta per...

1 year ago
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Beth Part 1 of 5

CHAPTER 1 - Kathy Shows Me Something "What do you mean, touch myself?"My friend Kathy had asked me if I touch myself, and I didn't know what she meant. She was sleeping over for the night, and we had been talking in my room after dinner.I'm Beth, and I'm a bit sheltered about things. When my mum was alive, she never really talked about things, especially my body. I was terrified when I got my first period at ten. I thought I was bleeding to death!Mum was all flustered and made a pretty bad...

3 years ago
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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 18

I woke up on my side, squooshed up against Jack with my head on his chest. His arm was wrapped around my back, the hand resting on my waist. I could feel the light sprinkling of hair against my cheek. I lay there, eyes closed, enjoying the feeling of his chest slowly rising in concert with the warm breath on the back of my head. My leg was laying on top of him, and I could tell he was as naked as I was. His morning wood was pressing into my thigh. No, I'm not naïve enough to believe my...

2 years ago
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When in Rome A Soldiers Greeting

"Are we home?" a groggy Marcus asks. "Not yet Master. The night has arrived faster than planned so we are going to spend the night in this village." Decor replies. "That is fine..." Marcus says before practically drifting back asleep. "Master you should stay awake. I understand that you must be tired and possibly sore from your first sexual experience, but we are almost in town." "If I must..." a small smile forms off to the side of his angelic face. "May I ask you a question...

3 years ago
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Chachi Ki Chudai With Passion

Me sameer from bhubaneswar,age 27 height 5.7″ lund 6.5inch width 2″ honestly no joking.I m a average builded guy love to massage and fuck bhabis,aunties,mallus,maikina. Those ladies interested mail me to – Privacy will be deeply maintained. Mera pasand armpits,bade bade navee,naval aur chaatna. Abhi story pe aata hoon meri chachi puri gori si ek dum safed umar hoga 33 aur size to maa kasam hill jaao gey 36-34-42 ab socho itna bada doodh aur gand ko dekh ke mera kya haal hua hoga. Mein roj...

3 years ago
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Strict rules of engagement

Introduction: Family ties restored in an unorthodox way This story is split into 3 parts, each getting more heated than the last. It had been an unusually hot afternoon considering summer hadnt yet started. Brody stared out the window as he sat in history class, the monotonous sound of Mr. Filk droning on had been washed out in Brodys mind by the sound of the birds chirping outside. If he didnt know any better, he couldve sworn they were in the middle of summer. Brodys day dreaming had been...

2 years ago
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BethChapter 19

July 4, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written on July 5, 2017] [Whew! My life is obviously getting hectic. Yesterday’s entry was another long entry and I’ve still got to catch up on today; actually, tomorrow in diary time.] At the 6:05 alarm, we got up and dressed in knockabout t-shirts and shorts for breakfast; no sense spilling something on the uniforms. When we got to the kitchen, Mom was busy finishing up making breakfast (eggs and waffles), so hadn’t hugged us. Dad had no such constraints....

3 years ago
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My Lust Helped Me To Have Sex 8211 Part 2

Hello friends mera nam Rohan aur email ID Mere story ks part 1 intro tha. Part 2 me mane kaise usse chooda iske bareme he. Meri story ka part 1 please page. Ab story continue karta Hu. Vo apni security me bohot mahir thi. Fir jaise hi vo darvaja band karke vo palati, seriously me usko dekhte hi s rah gaya. Usne silk material ka gaon pink colour ka sleevless gaon pahna tha. Pink colour ka gaon uski gori skin pe bohot jach raha tha. Vo ek pari ki tarah dikh rahi this. Us gaon ka gala thoda deep...

3 years ago
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getting used by many

I had been talking with Kevin now for about a month online. We kept talking about getting together, and he wanted to know how far I would go. I had told him that I was a total slut and loved to be used, abused and humiliated. He said that I would be perfect pig for him, and if I was real and not just someone online looking to tease he would take care of all my desires. Kevin said that he would set the ground rules that I must follow for our upcoming encounter, and I said I would.Kevin told...

4 years ago
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The Harpy

I stood on the doorstep, staring at the shrieking redhead. The torrential rain had her hair plastered to her face in long strings. Despite that frigid, pounding rain, she just plowed on with her furious tirade. To be perfectly honest, I couldn’t really hear all her words through that heavy rain and the hollow roaring in my own ears Still though, I understood the essence of it. My wife, Beth, was having an affair with the redhead’s husband, Justin. The furious redhead – Nicole, Nikki for short...

2 years ago
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Threesome Birthday surprise for my sons best friend

I was standing at the reception counter of the boy’s hostel. I was waiting for the woman at the counter to tell me the room number of my eighteen year-old son, Sean, so that I could go and meet him. The boys who were passing through the reception area couldn’t stop looking at me. I guessed they found me very hot in my dark green colored dress. Though my dress was revealing a lot of cleavage, but as I was bending over the counter sticking out my big ass, all the guys were starring at my ass. I...

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The TeacherChapter 26 Trial

The next day, Sunday, Beth and Joe brought some kiddy furniture and some organizers and some tables and chairs. Cathy and her boyfriend brought up an old carpet remnant and a white board from an old office. Another family brought up an old bunk bed. Venera volunteered to stock the refrigerator. (She had also discovered that oven worked). After about 4 or 5 days of work, the classroom was set. Over the next two months the old clubhouse had completely grown into its new role as a day-care, a...

3 years ago
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Turning to Darkness P21

TURNING TO DARKNESS PART 21( by popular demand, one last chapter in this story )Rachel spent three more nights at the hillside hotel undergoing the transformation ritual. Glorious sex with the shadow prince, that pushed her to her limits and more tender passions with the small princess. Unlike some common fiction, a person does not simply become a vampire if bitten once. If that was the case the world would soon be converted and the human race would cease to exist. The vampires would then...

3 years ago
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I walk swiftly into the airport and am greeted with a blast of warmth from the central heating. My dress swirls around my thighs, brushing softly against the tops of thigh high stockings, thick black cotton to protect against the cold. My dress is a soft blue, made of heavy material, with a sweetheart neckline and long sleeves. Underneath I am wearing a white corset, that holds my DD’s high, just hiding my nipples in the crisp white lace, stretching down my stomach to connect to my thigh highs....

1 year ago
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Dog LoversChapter 8

Sultan watched with keen interest as his golden-haired mistress flitted about the shabby apartment, continuously humming a pleasant little tune as she busied herself. Her pretty face seemed bright, more so than he had seen it in a long time. It pleased him when she was this way, and he lay down in his favorite corner where he could observe her every move. Carol could never remember being happier in her life! She felt as if she were floating about in a dream world too beautiful and impossible...

4 years ago
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Way off Broadway

My name is Pete. I've worked for the last fifteen years at a large financial institution based in Silicon Valley and have managed to work my way up to a good position as an assistant manager. I'm not terribly interested in moving higher than that simply because of the headaches I've seen my boss get from climbing higher in the corporation. My boss's name is Nicole.When I started with the company, she was one position lower than I am now. Back then, there were only five people in the whole...

2 years ago
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How I Acquired My Taste For Fucking Other Mens Wives

I was lucky, I know that. Back in the late 80’s when I went up to university, things were easier, financially speaking, and on top of that I lodged with a couple my parents knew well. I wouldn’t say they were close friends of the family, but they were happy enough to accept a weekly cheque for rent which was more or less nominal. As a consequence, I lived very cheaply indeed, with more than enough money for my needs, which meant I could put some by for a rainy day. I wasn’t a party animal,...


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