"A Mother's Seduction" free porn video

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I was home for the summer from college, and thought I would take advantage of the empty house. A buddy of mine had given me a porn DVD that I couldn't wait to watch. No one was due home for a few hours so I flipped the movie into the DVD player took my shirt off and loosened my pants then got comfortable on the sofa.

The movie was hot. It showed this really hot looking older woman doing all kinds of stuff to this young stud. It wasn't long before I had my pants off and my dick in my hand when all of a sudden I heard

"What the hell do you think you're doing young man?"

I jerked my head around and saw my mom standing off to the side of the sofa with her hands on her hips glaring down at me as my mouth dropped open is shear horror at being caught.

"Is this what you do on MY sofa when nobody's home?"

I was in shock. I let go of my dick and reached wildly for my pants. But my mom took a quick step towards me putting her foot down on my crumpled pants pinning them to the floor. She slipped her glasses down her nose and pressed me for an answer.


My forty-five year old mom can be moody, somewhat unpredictable and a little uppity at the best of times. At forty five years old she is still very beautiful. Looming over me now in the living room she looked a little more than just bitter. I didn't know what to say. I mean wasn't it obvious what I was doing? I sat there looking at her with my hands in my lap trying to hide my cock the best I could. In hind-site I guess I should have been reaching for the remote. My mom glanced in my lap then shot a quick look at the TV where the movie was still playing.

"Do you want me to suck your cock?" The woman was asking the young boy on the TV.

My mom whipped her head back around to me with a nasty look.

"Nice movie." She said sarcastically.

To my horror she spotted the DVD case lying beside me on the sofa. She reached over picked it up and looked at it disapprovingly.

"Well isn't this sweet" She said with more sarcasm.

She studied the cover and read the title out loud.

"A Mother's Seduction".

I felt the last of my boner disappear. If my cock had had legs, I'm sure he would have taken off and left me on the sofa alone to deal with this.

"A Moth er's Se duc tion" She repeated emphasizing each syllable.

She turned back to the television screen in time to see this woman, who was about her age, swallowing the boy's cock. And I do mean SWALLOWING!

She looked back at me again harshly and I wanted to die right there and then. I reached for the remote to turn the TV off, but my mother stopped me.

"What do you think you're doing?" She growled at me as I sat there a little confused by the question.

"I'm, I'm turning it off." I answered.

"Did I tell you to turn it off?" She barked back at me.

"Well no, but I thought"

"You thought, you thought WHAT?" she barked again.

"You thought you'd sit in MY living room naked and jerk off on My sofa, right?" She asked with even more sarcasm.

I didn't know what to say to that. I mean...Yeah that's exactly what I thought but I figured this was no time to be a smartass.

"I don't think you 'thought' at all", She went on.

"Suppose I had walked into this living room with a friend or god forbid someone I worked with?"

She stood silent waiting for an answer but before I could say anything the boy's voice on TV filled the living room,

"Let me fuck you now, Mom."

My mom turned her attention to the TV screen.

"Mom?" She questioned the TV.

The older woman was bending over the arm of the couch and the boy was stepping up behind her. We both watched as she reached back and guided his hard cock into her wet pussy. My mother stood wide eyed for a few seconds then glared back at me.

"What kind of perverted movies do you watch?" She asked coldly.

She took another look at the DVD cover in her hand then turned it over and began to read the back out loud.

"'A Mother's Seduction' The steamy story of a lonely frustrated Mother and her hidden desire, and the son who is determined to break down her defenses and take advantage of her weaknesses."

I sat there waiting for the hammer to drop. I was thoroughly embarrassed and terrified at the same time. She looked down at me from the DVD case coldly then let her eyes drift to the TV.

The son was working his hard dick in and out of his mother from behind and the mother was begging him to do it harder. Had he done it any harder he would have driven his mother into the next room.

"This is the kind of stuff you like to watch?" She asks with a kind of loathing dripping off each word with her eyes never leaving the TV screen. I didn't dare answer.

"This is the kind of shit that excites you, a mother that lets her son do that to her?" She went on.

"That's sick you dirty little bastard. I suppose I'll need to make you an appointment with Dr. Washburn" {Her Psychiatrist} She says disappointedly.

Her eyes never left the television once as she belittled me. I was speechless and felt like a pervert. I felt like I'd been caught peeking into one of the neighbor’s bedroom windows late at night. I could just picture her telling my Dad and all three of us sitting in therapy for the next ten years. I just sat there naked with my hands in my lap. I didn't think I'd ever be able to get another hard-on again. She turned to me and gave me a long hard look.

"Well" She scrutinized.

"You must be in pervert heaven huh?" She says totally catching me off guard reading my face before she continued,

"I mean, after all, here you are jerking off to an i****t movie and your MOM walks in and catches you. No doubt that scenario has been played out somewhere in the beginning of this dreadful movie?" She asks waiting on my reply.

She glanced back at the TV screen. The son was sitting on the sofa his with his mom now kneeling in front of him between his legs.

"Jerk off for me sweetie." She says.

"I want to watch you cum." She adds as she licks her lips.

"Oh look at that, he's jerking off for his mommy" She spoke with such contempt as she watched.

"How appropriate, don't you think. I suppose you would like to do that with me as well?" She mocked.

Mom stood there with the DVD case still in her hand and her foot still planted firmly on my pants pinning them to the floor, watching, until the son shot his load. I heard the mom let out an "Oh!" as the k** shot a huge load into the air in front of his mother. Before the boy was finished the mom lunged forward with her mouth open and caught some of the boy's cum in her mouth and on her lips.

"I can't believe people do stuff like that." My mom said softly.

I'm not sure why but I thought about my dad. I pictured my mom in curlers and face cream lying on her back in her bed with her robe open and her legs reluctantly spread a stopwatch in one hand and a club in the other.

"You have three minutes." I wasn't sure if she was talking to me or herself.

She stood there and watched as the mother licked the boy's cock clean. I watched my Mom as she stood there watching and I didn't think I could feel any more uncomfortable that is until my mom turned and looked at me.

"Well go ahead" She says as she glances into my lap.

I thought that was my cue to grab my pants and run to my room. {Perhaps hang myself or at the very least cut my balls off} But as I reached down towards my pants my Mom tells me "No"

"You're not getting off that easy." She says as she grabs the remote and fast forwards the movie to the next sex seen.

When she stops the movie the mom is giving her son a hand job behind some boxes in the garage.

"We have to make this fast before your dad comes out here and catches us." She whispers to her son

"There ya go." My Mom says and stands there looking at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Well, go ahead." She repeats.

"Go ahead and what?" I ask again.

"Go ahead and jerk off" She says with a stern look on her face.

I felt my mouth drop open and I'd stopped breathing.

"I thought that's what you wanted to do." She said again.

"That's what it looked like when I came in here." She says to me and then just stands there looking at me.

I sat there dumbfounded. I just stared up at her covering my shriveled dick with my hands as best I could {Which was kind of pointless considering my dick and balls had high-tailed it up into my stomach someplace} and waiting for all this to end hoping for something as simple as an earthquake or praying a meteor would slam into the earth; with any luck. Maybe I would just die right there on the sofa from a heart attack leaving my mother to explain the circumstances to the authorities. The heart attack would be my choice out of the three. Much less mess and carnage to clean up.

"What's the problem?" She asks still a hint of bitch in her voice.

I thought this was the kind of stuff you liked." She says as she nods her head towards the TV.

"God Mom!" The boy says filling the living room with his trembling voice. The mom looks back over her shoulder at the kitchen door to make sure they're still alone. Then she turns and gives her sons cock her full attention.

I couldn't respond.

"I just figured since you liked jerking off to this kind of stuff that you'd like it even more with your MOM watching. So, go head." She barked at me again.

I'm confused I can't tell if she really wants me to or if she's just trying to make me as uncomfortable as she can. I'm thinking the latter although she couldn't have made me feel any more uncomfortable if she inviting grandma, my school football team or the Pastor to come watch.

"What? Not dark enough for you?" She says in a loud voice.

"Not wrong enough?" She asks me.

There's something in her voice that makes me think she's really enjoying this whole thing way too much. I'm not sure if it's the power she's wheedling or the heavy dose of humiliation she's dishing out.
So I'm sitting there, staring up at her like an idiot, like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Well go ahead I'm waiting!" She nods her head towards my lap.

I'm frozen. I'm afraid to move and I'm afraid to say anything. I'm thinking this must be a trick, some kind of 'Test' or something. You know to find out just how much therapy I'll really need. She turns her attention back to the TV briefly. The 'Mom' is stroking her son's dick faster now.

"Tell me when you're going to cum honey" She says to her son.

"You can cum in my mouth so there's no mess." She smiles up at her son.

"Wow! Look at that" Mom says still with no shortage of sarcasm.

I still feel like I'm sitting in the display window at Macy's trying to pick lint out of my asshole with my elbow. She looks down into my lap again.

"We don't have all night here." She tells me as she looks at her watch and I'm starting to think she's serious.

"Your Father will be home pretty soon." She booms at me.

"Mom?" I ask looking up at her face.

"What?" She says nonchalantly almost joyfully.

I'm still not sure what to say and I'm wishing this will all just go away.
"What's the matter? Are you having a problem? Don't tell me you can't get it up with your MOM standing here?" She says laughing at me.

My eyes almost popped out of my head. Did she just say that? I've never heard my mother talk like this and I never expected to. Truth be known, I DO like these kinds of movies. Forbidden sex and all that and I HAVE jerked off thinking about my Mom who is a very good looking woman, hot with a kick-ass body that all my friends give me shit about.

"Can you fix me up with your Mom?" They ask me.

"Do you have any pictures of your Mom naked?" They ask.

"Do you have any of your Mom's underwear we can have?" Shit like that.

I've dreamed about situations that have led to just such a thing, but they never went quite like this. And when I didn't think it could get any worse.

"Move your hands I can't see." She says with a tiny smirk on the corner of her full lips with more humiliation and she was having fun too.

"Mom, I" Was all I got to say.

"I said MOVE YOUR HANDS!" The stern authority was heavy in her voice.

"NOW!" She demanded

I slowly and reluctantly did what I was told to do. I slid my hands away to reveal my sorry lifeless dick. I remember thinking this would be a pretty good time for a 747 to fall on the house. My mother's eyes were now focused between my legs.

"Huh, I don't understand" She teased.

"I thought you liked this, you certainly looked like you were enjoying it when I walked in" She says.

"Do we need to go in the garage or something? Get down behind some boxes? Or maybe out on the front porch so everyone can watch? I suppose you're into that too." She belittled me again.

I figured she was baiting the trap. And she was doing it with great glee.

"Mom" I asked.

"What?" She asked me.

"Can I go upstairs?" I replied.

"Why? So you can jerk off in the privacy of your room. That seems a little too 'Normal' don't you think?" She smirked.

"I get it MOM." Her brow narrowed making her look more sinister.

"I don't think you do." She stated her tone even and sharp.

I closed my eyes and sighed.

"But I'm not" I began but she cut me off.

"You're not WHAT? I thought this was the kind of shit that turned you on. What are you waiting for?" She snapped at me.

"But I can't" I started to sob.

"Well I hope you're not waiting for me to do it for you." She smirked again.

"No!" I shouted.

She stared at me for a few seconds. I couldn't read her at all. She looked at her watch again.

"It's getting late." She says.

"I don't think you're trying hard enough." She says with my protests ignored.

"I guess I'm not as hot as the Mom in the movie, huh? Maybe you should watch the movie a little more. I'm sure that will help." She said as she moved out the way of the television.


Her eyes narrowed again, "What?"

There was a long awkward silence.

"You're going to sit there and do it or you'll be sitting here like this when your father comes walking through that front door. And if I were you I would pray he doesn't bring anybody home with him, your choice. Maybe you'll think twice before you do something like this again in my living room." She said folding her arms in front of her.

She sounded callous and uncaring down-right heartless. My Dad would be home in less than an hour and a half, assuming god forbid he didn't come home early. I don't know what she was expecting from me but I tried to do as I was told.

I watched the movie, to keep from looking at my Mom. She looked at me then looked down at my shriveled dick.

"Well" She waited.

I half-heartedly began to rub my lifeless dick. It would seem my dick had blacked out gone to its happy place leaving me to deal with all this.

The 'Mom' was kneeling down on the concrete floor of the garage now with one hand on the boy's thigh and the other stroking his dick hoping to make him cum quickly.

"Come on Honey before someone comes in." She said.

The boy groaned and leaned into his mother's hand.

"That's it Baby give it to Mommy." She cooed.

The living room was filled with the mothers voice. My mom and I listened as she whispered to her son.

"Does it feel good Baby? Do you like me doing this to you?" She purred.

"I wish we had enough time to fuck again sweetie but we can't get caught doing this." She tells him with great disappointment as she looks at his cock and chews lightly on her bottom lip while she obviously rethinks the situation.

"Maybe you can put it in me for just a minute..." She moans.

Out of the corner of my eye I can see my Mom watching the television intently. She seems to have momentarily forgotten all about me. Instead of getting up and running to my room like I should have I turn my head and focus on her. My eyes scan over her body. She looks good in her work clothes. Her long brunette hair lays sprawled over her shoulders. A dark tight skirt that hangs past her knees hides much of her beautiful legs and a silky white blouse that lays loose over her frame the first two buttons undone exposing a hint of the thin white under blouse that hid the roundness of her breast and of course the black high heels. She looks professional yet soft and sexy. 'The hot Librarian look'.

As I stare at her and rubbed my dick I notice to my surprise and horror that my dick was starting to react. It wasn't in a c*** after all I could feel the blood rushing back to my loins and I'm not sure how to handle this unexpected turn of events. Before I have time to give it much thought she turns towards me and catches me staring at her and she shifts her eyes to my lap and her eyebrows go up,

"Well, well." She says. "

"What do ya know about that?" She smirks.

I froze with my dick in hand.

"Isn't that interesting?" She says.

"Oh don't stop now." She tells me.

She shoots another glance at her watch, "You're running out of time."

I'm embarrassed and afraid that I've failed the test and I brace myself for the wrath.

"Go ahead get your hand around it." She tells me.

I find her words and her tone strangely engaging and I comply. I close my fingers around my dick and I am amazed at just how hard I'm really getting.

"You better hurry before your father gets home." She says her tone and manner seeming to have changed a little bit as she seems more a little more pleasant now.

"That's it come on and fuck me!" The mom in the movie says. Her words echo off the walls and we both turn to watch.

The Mom now lying back on the hood of the car as the boy starts to fuck her. Now I'm watching my mom watch the movie. She doesn't seem so tense. She seems truly interested in what she's watching. She looks a bit dare I say Subdued? She turns her attentions back to me and once again finds me staring at her. My dick is hard and swollen now and the tip is getting red and slippery. I continue to stroke myself as my eyes glide up and down her body.

"Why are you looking at me?" She asks me with a little less attitude.

She seems like she really wants to know. More interested in the way my dick feels than the trouble I might get into I tell her the truth,

"Because of the way you look." I tell her.

She raises her eyebrows and draws her head back a little. I think I caught her off guard. Her body language changes slightly taking on less of an aggressive stance and more of a passive almost in a little girl posture her tone now more mild the tome of someone that modestly accepting a complement with just a hint of surprise.

"And how do I look?" She asks as she straightens her blouse inadvertently gliding her hand over the ample cleavage the blouse barely covers.

"You look really hot." I blurt out.

She has no reply. She seems a bit embarrassed by my honesty and again her eyes move down to my lap.

"It looks like you've managed to get it hard after all." She says trying to regain some of the callousness in her voice.
"Really hard." She adds with a tiny measure of either surprise or acceptance I'm not really sure which maybe both.

"I'm going to cum Mom!" The boy says on the TV.

My Mom turns quickly to the television and I keep looking at her. My Mom watches as the boy steps back and the mother quickly scrambles between her son's legs. She takes hold of the boy's wet prick, opens her mouth, closes her lips over the head of her son's cock, and jerks him off into her mouth. She lets his cum pour out over her bottom lip for the camera and it's quite a load.

"My god!" I hear my Mom whisper.

"I bet that's the kind of stuff you'd like ME to do, Isn't it?" She says as she turns to me.

She's trying to sound stern again appalled but seems to be falling shy of the mark. We stare at each other for what seems like a long time. My hand is steady moving up and down in my lap. I'd love her too but I don't have the nerve to say it out loud.

"Are you going to cum looking at me?" She asks in a low soft voice now almost like she's thinking out loud.

Hearing her say that makes me shiver and I shake my head 'yes' with tiny quick shakes. That's the best I can do and I find her tone oddly soothing and exciting at the same time now.

"You're gunna get cum all over my sofa." She asks.

I have no intention of stopping even if I could. I'm finding the experience pretty intense to say the least as mom looks at her watch again.

"We're running out of time." She tells me as she stares at my hard dick.

I notice that this time she said "We're" running out of time. My minds is running wild as she stands there watching me. She takes a quick look at the TV.

"I don't want my sofa ruined" She says softly.

She pushes back her sleeves throws her glasses on the coffee table and drops to her knees in front me. She pushes my hand away and takes hold of my hard dick in her soft hand. I feel her fingers close around my cock and I think I'm dreaming as I watch her. I find myself now praying a 747 doesn't fall on the house after all.

"You can't tell your father" She whispers staring at my erection as she opens her mouth and lowers her beautiful face. I can feel her moan a quiet surrender as she nuzzles between my legs and fills her mouth. She sucks softly at first and then with more enthusiasm. The sight of my mother's beautiful lips wrapped around my dick is too much and I can't hold back.

"I'm cumming!" I shriek out.

She acknowledges my words but seems surprised when my dick explodes in her mouth. She jerks her head back, and a thick rope of cum hits her forehead and splashes into her hair.

"Oh God there's a lot!" She whispers as closes her mouth over my dick again and swallows as she jerks me off.

Some cum dribbles from the corner of her mouth and she catches it with her free hand as it drips off her chin.

"Ump...um." She keeps stroking me making me cum and swallowing what she can until she's gotten it all.

She moves her head up and down over my dick a few more times as she looks up at me. I'm in shock just staring down at her and I just can't believe it.

"That was a lot." She says quietly.

She turns her attention back to my dick as she slowly moves her hand up and down squeezing it gently. She looks like she's in her own little world nothing like the bitch that hovered over me a few minutes ago. She milks the last few drops of thick cum from my dick. She smears it around the head of my dick with her thumb then slowly lowers her head and sucks the tip of my dick back in her mouth. The sensation makes me tremble. She gracefully lets my prick fall from her hand and slowly stands. She looks at my cum in her hand and her whole attitude changes again.

"I can't believe you did this!" She says to me as she licks the cum off her lips.

"What?" I ask.

"I said I can't believe you did this." She said again.

"You can't believe I did what?" I ask now wondering if I am in the shit again.

"This." She shifts her eyes from mine to my wet dick and then to her hands.

She looks almost disgusted now as she shows me her messy hands. Once again I was confused. I took offence to her attitude and I was instantly pissed. She couldn't just send me to my room when she caught me. But Nooooo... She had to embarrass me and intimidate me and scare the shit out of me. Cum on the sofa?!? She should be glad there's not a pile of shit between the cushions.

If she wanted to blow me or just watch me jerk off all she had to do was just come right out and say that. I'd dreamt about that very thing a thousand times. I have to admit it was great but there was no need to humiliate me and make me think she was going to keep me there 'til my father got home. What's up with that shit?

"I won't say anything to your father" She tells me like she's doing me a big favor.

"As long as you have learned your lesson." She adds.

For the life of me I can't figure out any "Lesson" here. If blowing me was supposed to be some kind of deterrent to keep me from jerking off in the living-room...Well...I thought she was going to have to rethink that plan a bit. My mouth drops open. I'm pissed off to no end.

"You go right ahead and tell Dad." I burst out.

She was stunned. Not only by my defiance but by what I might be implying.

"Listen here" She started.

"No you listen!" I went off.

"I' can't believe you'd blame all this on me. I'm sorry you caught me jerking off I really am but you're the one that wouldn't let me have my pants. You're the one that told me to watch the movie and rub my dick! And you're the one who dropped down on her knees and"

We both heard the garage door opening. My Dad was home.

"O M G!" she blurted out.

"Shit!" I said.

I grabbed for my pants and mom looks at my cum on her hands and then quickly wipes off her forehead with the back of her hand.

"Hurry up!" She tells me standing there like she doesn't know what to do with her hands.

I picked up my pants but have no time to put them on. Mom grabs them from me and wipes her hands. I grabbed the DVD out of the DVD player and snatched up the case. Mom took off for the steps with me right behind.

"We have to talk!" She tells me from the bathroom threshold.

I gave her a dirty look as I ran past her heading for my room. I stopped and turned towards her we stare at each other for a long second.

"You better not say anything." She tries to sound threatening but there's too much going through my head right now to care.

I heard the kitchen door open just before I closed my bedroom door.

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Hi this is Mr. Akash from Patna, my age is 25 and am doing my engineering from Bangalore and friends this is real story which i am going to narrate to the readers…… Ab mai apko apne bare me bata du meri height 6ft hai rang gora hai mere penis ki size 7inch hai ar 3inch goal hai ye story mere ar mere pyar ki hai jiska naam Lovely hai uski age 21 years hai ar uska size 32-28-32 hai wo bahut kubsurat hai ar uski badan ki kasawat dekh kar koi bhi insan ka lund khada ho jayega ab mai apko sidhe...

4 years ago
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The Queen of Country Music

The Queen of Country Music By Tyrone Slothrop Chapter One: Reporter "Why there's Bobbi Jo now! That's the new minivan. Now, mind you, Bobbi Jo's a bit sensitive about the weight gain. And those boobs and butt are pretty big. Well, big's bein' generous, monumental would be better. We had to get all new chairs to handle that rear end. "Now, mind you, I kid Bobbi a bit myself but we're like family and that's my right. You, bein' from LA and all, please don't say the word fat. Bobbi...

4 years ago
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Appraising the Cheerleader

A step daddy really knows how to fully appraise a slutty petite cheer-leading daughterMy new cheer squad routine wasn’t shaping well from my mind to the physical performance. Between the ideal and the reality, yeah TS Eliot, English and cheering crossing paths in my mind; lies... I mean I looked good in the full length mirror in my room, practicing alone; getting ready to present to my squad tomorrow; dressed in my cute cheer uniform, but it wasn’t gelling. It didn’t feel right.Mmm, I thought,...

4 years ago
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Jenny punished for thieving

It had taken a couple of weeks to work out, but I had finally narrowed down when my losses were occurring, and tied it down to just one member of staff, a young checkout assistant named Jenny.Jenny was s*******n, and had been with my small Builders Merchants for about two months, but since she had started, small items of stock were going missing, as were small amounts of cash from the till.I had deliberately avoided calling in the Police, or my own in house Security Officer, and had opted for...

2 years ago
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Ladkiyon Ka Kutta 8211 Part 4

Woh sab mujhe mall ke toilet ke niche bandh kar ke chali gayi thi. Mujhe toilet ke gadde se sab saaf saaf dikh raha tha. Maine dekha ki ek ladki yehi aa rahi hai maine apna muh andar kar liya ki kahin woh dekh na le.  Woh baithi aur usne mutna shuru kiya. Uska sara mut mere muh pe aake gira. Yeh sab 2-3 ghante tak chala bohut ladkiyon ki ki mut pi tatti khai aur yahan tak paad bhi sungi.  Aakhirkar woh sab aayi aur mujhe wahan se nikaal ke ghar le aayi. Main bohut thak chuka tha aur ghar aate...

4 years ago
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Moments in a LifeChapter 3 Ginny

Normally Bob Lacy didn't like to delay doing things that needed to be done, but this time he had and time was running out on him. In one and a half weeks it would be New Years Eve and if he wanted to go to Jim McMahon's party, he was going to need to come up with a date. All of the girls he knew were already committed so he had to find someone who wasn't. He had noticed some good looking girls in school, but he really didn't know them so he would be comfortable in asking any of them to go...

2 years ago
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Church Camp Part One

There's a certain innocence about them that lends itself to certain fantasies. Ok, so maybe it's a bit creepy. But, I would never do anything to hurt those girls. They mean too much to me. Especially Katey.. I worry about her a lot. Katey is a beautiful young vixen. Her 'boyfriend', one of the youth at our church, lives just a couple of blocks away from her. She and he have posted pictures of themselves kissing in bed... Shes a beauty but she needs to be careful or she'll end up...

2 years ago
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Roberts StoryChapter 6

My carefully crafted schedule took a hit during my second class on Monday. Professor Hampden broke the class up into groups of four and assigned each group a project. That meant meetings which meant my work schedule would be impacted unless the meetings could be scheduled for in the evenings. The other three in my group were not local so I didn’t know them. I’d seen them around campus and we had nodded to each other in passing. The four of us – Tod Weber, Tina Hask and Jolene French (no...

2 years ago
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3 Short Sex Stories that make me Wet

1. There was a cardboard box to the left of the entrance, and my mother nodded at its existence. I pulled the top flap open and saw immediately that there were many pairs of schoolgirl's panties, all had writing on them, mostly their names with dates, Elisabeth, Victoria, Veronica, and so on, some showed signs of soiling on the gusset, like mine felt, as it was hard to hide your emotions, especially as your body could not hide the fact you were sexually aroused.He stood beside my mother and...

2 years ago
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It came as a bit of a shock, but I can't say a completely terrible one. Andrea and I had just made love, and were lying in one another's arms afterwards. She had made some small talk about how it must be terrible not to have experienced an orgasm, or even to have sex for years and years. I wondered where she was going with it, when suddenly she sat up and looked at me, and asked me if I could consider having sex with her mother.Apparently they had been having a bit of a heart to heart, and her...

3 years ago
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Becoming one with Clarissa

As I looked around the site to figure out how I would remove myself, I noticed I had a new email in my inbox. Judging by her picture alone, she looked promising, but I wasn't going to get my hopes up. Truthfully, most of the women online seemed to be there because they liked attention and never actually intended to meet you, or because they couldn't get a date anywhere else. I had been on three dates with women who seemed normal while emailing but turned out to be nothing like their...

4 years ago
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Frustration Miles High

My eyes were drawn to her like a magnet. Her dark hair was pulled back and make up perfectly applied. She wore a navy blue skirt and stockings with heels and a white top. Her body was slim with a very smart chest and matching ass. I couldn't figure out what nationality she was but her exotic look made me rise in my slacks. She shot me a glance but nothing major. I was hoping for a little bit more however I am married and felt guilty. As I lay my head back and closed my eyes, her image presents...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Amusement Park Adventure 2

Chapter Nine: "The Bathroom"The cool air in the hotel was a refreshing change from the heat of the late afternoon sun in the park. Sarah shivered slightly with the change in temperature, causing her nipples to harden into stiff points that poked through her still damp shirt from the water rides they had ventured onto prior to leaving the park. Nick noted the hard nipples of his daughter through her t-shirt and couldn't help but feel a tingle of excitement course through his body. He quickly...

1 year ago
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Fourth of July Texas Style

Shay adjusted her red, white and blue sun visor to filter the glare from the bright Texas July sun from her eyes. She enjoyed watching him in her world. Her family and friends were so impressed with Rick. She smiled to herself remembering what her eighty year old Uncle Gip had to say about him. ‘He is all right by me Shay, and one lucky dayum Canadian at that to have you on his arm!’ he scarfed as he swatted at her rose bush with his walking cane. Followed by, ‘ see if he can do something...

3 years ago
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A Halloween Trick Gone Awry

Halloween 2013 Steve, Dave and Mark were brothers. They were shooting baskets with their friend Tony. "We need a spectacular trick for Halloween. Does anyone have any ideas?" They all had ideas. Tony suggested, "We could fill bags with shit. If anyone refuses to open their door, we throw a bag of shit at their house. The shit on their front door will tell everyone who the cheapskates are." "Let's steal pumpkins and pile them in old lady's Snider's yard. We could pour gasoline on...

1 year ago
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The Top Girl Returns

Nora Smith was probably one of the most popular chicks at BradFord University, and it was all because she was known to have a bubble butt. Her ass wasn't even big but it was jiggly and bubble, a lot of the guys really admired. "Hey, Nick can you buy me some chick fil-a?" Nora asked in a sweet way as lunchtime was right around the corner. "Aw Nora, I can't today." "I'll let you grope my ass. And smack it." After hearing that Nick gave her his $20 bill and smacked and groped her ass, feeling it...

1 year ago
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Rachels Shopping Trip Chapter 2

Here is the follow-up to my story on Rachel's Shopping Trip. Her fun with Kris continues.After a few moments of basking in Kris’ orgasm, Kris stands up and directs Rachael to follow her downstairs and into a beautifully decorated finished basement. Kris starts, “This is my recreation room and it’s no man cave.”Rachel quickly figures out that this is no ordinary room. It is a LOVE Cave. There are erotic pictures on the wall, tantalizing statues on the tables. But what totally caught her eye...

4 years ago
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Nurse Ki Madad Ke Badle Chut Mili

Hello everyone, I am Garry from panipat haryana me iss ka bohat purana reader hu aur ye meri iss pe first story hai is story mei me aapko apne aur ek private hospital ki nurse ke bich hue incident ke baare me bataunga so jyada bore na krtey hue story pe aatey hai Ye baat aaj se 1 year pehle ki hai jab maine 12 class ke exam diye the aur result ki wait kar raha tha us waqt mere uncle jo rajisthan me rehte hai aur apna ek private hospital chalate hai unhone mujhe apne paas bulva liya taaki unka...

3 years ago
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Classy ConversionsChapter 9

Monday-Monday David awoke with Margaret wrapped around him like a snuggly blanket. It was early, even before the alarm went off, but David went from sound asleep to wide-awake. He had been dreaming of scaffolds, ropes and a host of other projects, in addition to running the business. And dealing with the competitors and the MAB was going to take up a lot of his morning. Kissing Margaret on top of the head, he extracted himself from her and wandered to the bathroom, checking the mail on the...

4 years ago
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My sexy sister seduces me

I had always wondered why elder women look very attractive to me. May be they looked sex starved or they were big breasted or may be I could enjoy them without worrying about them getting pregnant. Whatever the reason was, the bottom line was that I was always attracted to them and used to look starving at them at every opportunity. I never had an opportunity or the courage to go after them. But the one woman who attracted me most was my dad brother’s daughter (i.e. My cousin). She looks very...

1 year ago
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I knew how the gals piss

Note : This story is completely fictional! Once in a summer holiday i (Raja)and my cousin Divas were in our aunt"s home.one fine morningi went to upstairs todo some warmups, there Divas peeped something.i get near to him and watch.he signaled me don't make noise. There my aunt was ready to bath, it was the 1st time i saw a gal bath. she didnot know thatwe were watch her!she make her undress, agood shapeof breasts with browny round nipples, big fleshy bottoms,hairy trianglepubic area.Diva got...

3 years ago
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Allies Birthday Present the Conclusion

Wednesday Evening (your birthday) The day passes achingly slowly. You work retail and your sex-addled brain considers the masturbation potential of every item. You’re very creative and your need makes you fantasize about being spanked, penetrated, clamped, bound, and made to suck on a surprising array of objects. In the quieter moments, you try to imagine what’s in the gold box. You know it’ll be sexy, and can picture a lot of things that you hope and fear are in there, ruling some out due to...

Straight Sex
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Friends with benefits part ONE Edith

This is a fictional story.My cell rang with a familiar melody, I picked it up and looked at the screen. It was my friend Edith. I answer it and her voice on the other end said, "do yo want pizza and a fuck?"I just giggle, "damn woman...." Then she interrupted me... "what don't you like pizza???" She cracked up... "Hey I am in the neighborhood, mind if I stop by?" Edith said."No worries, bring some beer, real beer, no Coronas." "Ok, will be there in a few."This woman has been my friend...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Office Colleague

Hi Every body this is karan from chennai. This is my first posting in ISS and i have read many stories in ISS forum so even i decided to post my true sex experience which happend in my life here. i am working in the one of the big IT company in india as a software engg and the lady whom i fucked is my colleague who is also working along with me there. Let me describe about my self i am 24, 6.1″ height wheatish atheletic body type and good looking. This event happend only a few months before...

1 year ago
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Mockumentary Epilogue Rough Cuts

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Okay, fair warning before you read this, since it's a LOT darker in tone than what's come so far. I wrote this while I was still writing the main story. Although the heart of the tale was about Tristan dealing with his bad decisions stemming from his desperate desire to be famous, Felicity provided the dark undercurrent running throughout the story that often drove the action. But unfortunately, the documentary format made her actions more detached, softening the hard...

3 years ago
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Helping Joel M2M

When i was a Junior in college, i was rooming with a friend named Joel. Joel was 5-9, blonde, blue-eyed guy that had a reputation with the girls as being a player. Besides his good looks, he was rumored to be hung like a horse, which I heard from more than one reliable source. For some reason, i had a curiosity to see his dick, not only soft, but hard as a rock. However, he seemed shy around guys and I never saw him without baggy shorts in our dorm room. To this day, i still do not...

4 years ago
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Raichur Main Medical Student K Saath Sex

Hi, my name is Qhaize age 28 year from Raichur, Karnataka. I never thought women are so eager for sex in Raichur. After my first story i got very good response from many of you and lot of women and one girl Neha from Bangalore lives at girl’s hostel; soon we became chat buddy. She was in 3rd year of MBBS, studying in Raichur around 20years of age and 5.5 feet tall with perfect ass and breast 34-26-30. She read my story and mailed me. After few days we met near her college and things started to...

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Sophie Part 2

The following week was a busy one for me as two of my weekday ladies were off so I had to be at the shop all day, everyday, as well as re-stocking the shelves in the evening. I was quiet exhausted by the end of the day and didn’t have the energy to sneak off into the spare room to pleasure myself. On Saturday I was a little less hassled as my two helpers were both eager for work and I could sit back and run the till for the day instead of running backwards and forwards from the stock room. At...

2 years ago
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Monster Girl Sponsor

You sit, looking at the application form on the screen, wondering how you came to this point. Large text spells out your options in stark terms. “Welcome to Alternate World Integration! Please select your desired status.” Recently, for a reason that scientists have yet to figure out, a portal opened linking the world you know to a world straight out of fantasy novels. Interestingly enough, once someone went through the portal, they were unable to return. Most interesting of all, most of the...

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My name is Luis, for the last three years my mom and I have been having sex. I decide for my 17th birthday I would host a gang bang using her and making a couple of bucks besides a nut sack draining event. Six weeks ago I sold her ass to the neighbor for $1000; people might be wondering why I would do it. It was an easy decision, I’m not happy with my mother, I hold her responsible for breaking up our family and ruining the life. Once her and I had crossed the line into an i****t relationship,...

2 years ago
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Cop Tales

My partner is a veteran female police officer. She is married. I am not. Why we got assigned together, I don’t know. At first, I thought it was some type of cruel joke, to test us. Sandy was a good cop and had been on the force for thirteen years. Her husband was also a police officer, but in another city.Sandy was like one of the guys. She was athletic and tough. She was also very business-like and she rarely, if ever, let her emotions show, even when we were alone. She’d tap the steering...

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My husband Charles and I have been married ten years. Both are in our mid-thirties and stay in great shape by watching what we eat and exercising three or four per week. Even though we have a very honest, loving marriage and one night he asked, “What can we do to ‘step it up a notch’ in the sex department?” I answered, “Hum, I’m not sure.” To which he replied, “I want to watch you with another man who's got a big cock.” Charles is only barely six inches and not very thick. He knew I’ve never...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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A Hard Nights Work Part 2

It’s fifteen minutes past midnight when I finally knock on the front door of a smart dockside apartment; a part of a warehouse conversion. I’ve hurried here as quickly as I can but we were late closing the bar after the cash register was out by £50. After what seems like an eternity the door opens and there she is, my mysterious red head. “You’re late.” Her voice flat and cold sent shivers down my spine. “I’m sorry, there was a problem with…” “I don’t care. I said midnight or else,” she...

1 year ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 86 Heading into the Fire

Six hours later I was sitting in the command chair watching the displays as the four Castle class ships struggled to get into position for the mass jump. Corsica was slotted in below and to the left of Zulu. The destroyer was fighting to hold position as an errant attitude thruster intermittently turned on. Captain Prescott was holding position above the destroyer. His ship was bobbing a little as the helmsman kept over-reacting to the Zulu’s motions, but it was still in better position than...

4 years ago
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I was born with a gift or curse, some say it is evil and others that it is divine. I guess to me it is a matter of how it is used. You see I can create fire or control it, burn stone or the very air you breath. I am a Pyromancer but the few people I grew up with called me Mancer. I did have a second ability that emerged when I was ten and going through early puberty. I could see hints of the future. They called it clairvoyance and I did not tell my ... keepers I had it. Ten was when I rebelled...

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Katie gets what she wants

Katie put her key in the lock.  Her heart thumping from her earlier brief encounter.Mark had still been in bed when she’d left the flat.Katie had woken up before him and woken up horny. Rather than wake Mark up, she’d already decided to go out of the house and flaunt herself.  After all he was sleeping through prime fucking time; so she should be allowed to spoil herself a little. She had used the last of the milk making her morning coffee. Replacing the milk was the small excuse she needed to...

3 years ago
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Peeper continued

Now I went to the bathroom. Quickly shed pants and underwear and then jumped into the shower and started to wash whole body.Suddenly my attention shadow sliding under the door to the bathroom, and yet translucent light from the room keyhole, suddenly darkened.Had she decided to do the same thing as before, and I watch you through the keyhole? Of course I did not give anything by themselves recognize that I met her sweet secrets ... well, almost did not know because I gave my dick immediately...

2 years ago
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Apni Bhabhi Ke Devar Se Chudi

Hello sexstory friends, mera naam pinky h aur main ap sabe liye apni ek aur sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu. Mer figure bahut sexy h mera figure dekh kar bahut sare ladko ka lund unki pent me khada ho jata h mera figure 36 30 38 h mera rang gora h aur main bahut sexy hu. Main ap sabko apni sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise main apni bhabhi ke devar se chudi ye meri sacchi kahani h mere bhabhi ka devar hamesha mujhse baaten karta h. Main ap sabko bata du meri bhabhi mere padosh me rahti...

2 years ago
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My sexy dominating teacherchapter 1

"Don't worry you're not in trouble," she said. I sighed with relief. She put her papers to one side and crossed her legs. I tried to stop myself from looking at her perfect, tanned legs. Everything about her oozed sexiness. Her dark brown eyes, that seemed to draw me in. Her blonde hair falling down her back. And her breasts and ass. Woah, those bad boys were itching to get out of the uniform.  "Now Ma I have a proposition for you," she said. "Sit down," she pointed to the chair by...

1 year ago
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Games Strip poker story

My name is Tony and I used to work for a large European textiles company with branches in France, Holland, Germany and England. Each year a representative from each branch was sent to the other branches for the annual company conferences. This was my first time representing the company and was sent to Holland. When I arrived that afternoon I was greeted by a company limousine and bussed to a large company owned house that I was to share with the representatives from France and Germany. I was...

3 years ago
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My life pt 7

I woke up. Then went in to the shower. I Just stood there, letting the water run over me. I cleaned myself. as i was finishing. Kelly walked in. she got into the shower. But as she tried to touch me i got out and dried myself. "whats wrong" she said "i don't want to" i said I did but i was not going to let her decied when i did it like last night. I went into the living room. Sara was sitting on the couch. "what you watching" i said "just some tv nothing special"...

4 years ago
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Firefighters Convention

This year was special and Rachel was extremely excited!  She was FINALLY going to meet David, in person!  David was a firemen, from several states away, and had been Rachel’s friend for almost a year.  They had met online and started a friendship, over their mutual love, of the fire and rescue service.  He had come into her life, when she was feeling lonely and ignored, by her husband, and swept her off her feet.  David knew exactly what Rachel needed, sometimes before she did.  He was older...

3 years ago
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Broken PromisesChapter 3

Dante Rodriguez stared at the woman across from him. “Ready to come back for some of the good stuff?” he said. “No, Dante, I told you at the end of October that that was it, there was gonna be no more, stuff, and I meant it. I’m engaged now, and I am not gonna be going back down that road,” said Ava. “I gotta tell yuh, I did think you’d be coming back for some more of you know what if not the stuff,” he said, grabbing his crotch. Ava Gardner, she was still that, grimaced. “Did you not hear...

3 years ago
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jailbait sluts

I finally got to the phone as the answering machine began to play my message. I shut off the answering machine in time and said, “Hello.” “Danny? Danny is that you?” The question came with a lot of sobbing and tears after she asked the question. I was silent for a few seconds as I yawned and I was attempting to get my wits about me while trying to figure out whom the hell it was. “Yeah – who’s this?” “Danny!!! It’s me – FAITH!!!! – Please don’t hang up – I’m in a lot of...

3 years ago
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The perfect revenge

It all started a few months ago when a friend lost a stupid bet involving football. Stupid because if he loses, he would have to let him tie naked and take a lot of kick in the sack (want crazy bet?). It turns out he didn't even realize he was going to lose ... and lost! The most revolting thing is that I did not want to comply, forgetting that bet is bet, lost, have to pay! And it was no use me talking that word of man does not go back, because he did not care, kept teasing. Everything would...

1 year ago
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Returning Back to The Family

Ezra watched through the windows of the sleek black car as it made its way up to his childhood home. He watched the tall, thick trees rolled pass on either side. He watched the rain dance across the glass as the sky continued to spit more down at the earth. Perched atop a small hill overlooking the rather wholesome and simple town below, was his old home. A grand, opulent and grossly excessive thing. A product of the nineteen-hundreds and built to mimic that of the regal homes of Europe. The...

3 years ago
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The Return Of My Wife8217s Pleasure My Priority

Hi Friends, This is Rohit. I am back with my 2nd story. I m glad that my first story : My Wife’s Pleasure My Priority, got a good feedback. As explained in my last story, me and my wife became more open after that incident (her sexual encounter with my BIL). We started to talk more openly about our fantasies and past sexual experiences. I wanted to explore more. I encouraged my wife to explain her past sexual stories. After a lot of persuasions, she explained her sexy past when she had sex a...

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