Few Changes free porn video

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Ralph Starke smiled to himself as he pulled into his driveway. He could feel it in his bones that it was his day and nothing could go wrong. He had spent months going over his plan, modifying and refining it, until he was sure it couldn't be improved upon. Today, he would complete Phase One of his self-styled "Operation Exchange," as he had named it.

As soon as he opened the door, Max, the three year old family dog, bounded across the hallway with a loud woof and jumped up. Ralph was a strong man; a weaker man would have fallen down under the dog's weight. The excited animal licked his master's face lovingly, and Ralph laughed pleasantly, pushing his face away.

From the kitchen, he heard his wife call out. "Ralph, is that you?"

"Yeah," he answered, removing his coat and unbuttoning his shirt. He walked into the kitchen barefoot, wanting to surprise his wife. She had her back turned to him, baking something. His hands circled her waist and pulled her towards him. She yelped, and then tried to twist around in his arms. He was too strong for her, though, and she ended up pinned against the cabinets.

"Hmmm," he said, nuzzling her neck, "Where's our daughter?"

For a second, Stacy froze, her hackles raised. Her husband seemed to be obsessed with their daughter, although as far as she herself knew, he had never laid a hand on Maya. Stacy knew a lot of her insecurity stemmed from her own jealousy about her daughter's good looks and the fact that she had her father wrapped around her thumbs.

"Cheerleading practice," she shot back curtly. "She'll be spending the night at her friend's place."

She supposed he would be disappointed; she was surprised when he said, "Good. That means we have the house to ourselves tonight, don't we?" A shiver coursed her body when he nibbled her earlobe. "All to ourselves," he repeated as he pinched her nipple with one hand and fondled her pussy with his other.

"What's with the kinky act, darling?" she asked him, feeling his hardness against her ass.

"Not an act," he replied, pinching a nipple so hard that she gave a small whimper. "We've got a lot of catching up to do."

Truer words had never been spoken, Stacy thought to herself. It had been over a month since they had had a big fight over something which neither of them even remembered, and he had spent every night on the couch in the living room. At first, Stacy had even thought that it was all a ploy to seduce their daughter Maya, but all her fears had proved unfounded. She felt ashamed that she had even suspected her husband of trying to get into his daughter's pants. He seemed to know the difference between fantasy and reality even better than she did.

"Yeah," she agreed, "It's been too long."

The next thing she knew, she was thrown over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. As he carried her, she protested weakly, just as a formality, that she had to make dinner. He pretended not to hear her as he carried her all the way upstairs to their bedroom.

She was drawing shallow breaths when he flung her on the bed, and then he jumped on top of her, and they were rolling around, kissing, arms locked around each other. Even as their lips were still locked together, Ralph managed to clamp his hands on the neck of her blouse and tore it off. His wife obliged by removing her hands from around him just long enough for him to get her blouse completely off.

Her thin excuse of a bra followed the blouse.

She moaned loudly when he moved his face down to her breasts and started suckling them, not bothering to lower her voice. Ralph did not mind that - in fact, he wanted her to let go of all her inhibitions. So far, his plan was realizing well, the fast seduction and Stacy's horniness as he had wanted.

He felt no guilt that while it was love and sex for his wife, it was purely objective for him. Fucking her was a part of his plan, and nothing more.

He spent a little time on her breasts before uncovering her pussy. She was already wet, ready to receive him, and before his wife realized what was happening, he was shoving his cock into her cunt. For a second, as her eyes widened, he thought she would stop him; his fears proved unnecessary when she bucked her hips forward, meeting him midway into his push.

It took him just a few seconds to start spraying, especially as he had no intention of waiting for his wife's orgasm. He pounded her ferociously. Stacy was surprised by the single-mindedness he showed towards his own release, and rather than blow it out of proportion, she willed herself to cum.

In less than five minutes since they had started, they had finished. Stacy was disappointed, and it showed on her face as she studied her husband's face. What was it about him that seemed to be so different today, she wondered. There was an intensity that was usually absent...

Ralph continued fondling her breasts for a few minutes, and her mind was distracted from bringing anything else up as her body responded to his overtures. Ralph's next target was her pussy. With his practiced hands, he had his wife thrashing about in little time, and as she came on his fingers, he pulled out of the drawer the large vibrator that she had bought a fortnight ago.

He had planned everything to the smallest of details, and it seemed more and more as if Fate was on his side. His wife was proving to be a pushover beyond his wildest optimism.

He inserted the vibrator into her pussy silently, jamming it in all the way until only the plastic balls were visible. Satisfied with his work, he jumped up and ran into the living room, returning before his wife had even realized that he had left her briefly. In his hand, he held two strips of nylon rope and a pair of handcuffs.

Even as her movements subsided, even as his wife felt the orgasm fading, he pushed her over on her side and clamped the handcuffs on her wrists. The locking mechanism sounded its success with two metallic clicks, and when he tested them by pulling her hands, he found them perfectly incapacitating.

Using the two strips of nylon, he looped her ankles and tied her spread-eagled on the bed, her wet pussy bared, to the posts at the two corners. Then he pulled the vibrator out and threw it into the bedroom, where it crashed to the floor and broke, spilling its batteries out. And then, nonchalantly, as he waited for her to wake up - she seemed to have passed out - he pulled on an old robe of his over a thin t-shirt and shorts and lit a cigar.

He didn't mind waiting. He wasn't going to spoil his success by rushing things. And it pleased him that it didn't take too much to push his wife over the edge.

Presently, she woke up. It was quite a disorienting experience for Stacy to wake up with her hands and legs immobilized, and for a few seconds, she wriggled her limbs to escape. Ralph's knots were too good for her.

"Don't bother, honey," Ralph said, still seated. "They won't come off that easily."

"Ooh," Stacy cooed, misunderstanding his intentions, "The Big Guy wants to play tough, eh?"

"Kind of," her husband replied off-handedly. "How do you like it?"

"Like what?" Stacy retorted saucily, putting on a bad-girl pout. "Being tied to our bed? Helpless and naked? Alone?"

"Oh, don't worry about being alone." He gave a sharp whistle. "Not for long, in any case." With a patronizing smile on his handsome face, he stood up and walked over to the bed. Stacy tensed in anticipation; Ralph felt her tension. He leaned over and nibbled one of her nipples, causing her to moan softly.

Stacy felt a hand on her ass, lifting her; with his other hand, Ralph reached over her head and grabbed a pillow. He slid it underneath her before covering it with a towel he had retrieved from the bathroom. The pillow caused her crotch to stick out, the vaginal lips glistening with leftover fluids, and a very strong odor of her sex permeated his nostrils.

Stacy had never experienced any sort of bondage, but the terror of the unknown was not within her at that moment. With her own crotch blocking her vision, she could see only the top of the doorframe.

Ralph turned around as he heard the sound of pattering feet, grinning when he saw the dog looking at him, it seemed, with a grin on its face as well. He signaled the dog to sit; one-hundred and thirty pounds of muscle and flesh obeyed him respectfully. Max sniffed the air once, and then, even as Ralph watched, stared at the exposed sex on the bed. His cock started to emerge from its sheath.

Ralph turned towards his wife with a naughty smile. "Close your eyes, hon, I've got a surprise for you."

Stacy closed her eyes, wondering as she did what her husband was up to. Although she hadn't seen him, she knew Max was also in the room, but they had never allowed the dog into their room when they were having sex. Ralph had been adamant about that.

Until now. And that puzzled Stacy.

Puzzled her until her befuddled brain somehow managed to put everything into context, and then she realized with horror the fate that awaited her.

The bastard...

She opened her eyes to see a long tongue touch down on her wet pussy, and the words that were about to be shouted died in her throat. Instead, even as she shook with revulsion, her pussy tingled strangely. In spite of herself, she started to laugh uncontrollably as she felt her lips being tickled by his rough tongue.

A loud moan escaped from her lips, and she could not stop herself from crying out immediately afterwards, "Oh, Max... oh, shit, that's it, baby!" As if he had needed to hear those words, Max started to relish her cunt with even rougher, slower strokes of his tongue.

Stacy was as ashamed of herself as she was aroused by her dog. For one brief moment, she wanted to push her dog away and lunge at her husband, but that thought was quickly removed from her mind when Max stuck his nose - Oh my God, she thought, his goddamned fucking nose - into her pussy and rubbed it around her clit.

There seemed to be nothing else for her to do but give in, and she realized at that moment that her fate was inevitable. Her life would never be the same ever again, and she was surprised that she wasn't worried about her future. Perhaps it was the taboo of a dog mating with her, but all she knew for sure was that it wouldn't be the only instance of intimacy between herself and her dog.

With her barriers broken, Stacy no longer had to fight herself from enjoying the situation. What could she do, after all, with her hands cuffed behind her back and her legs tied spread-eagled, and with two powerful males in the room, one her husband, the other their dog, both of them intent on the same thing?

She no longer cared if she appeared sluttish or sick, and bucked her hips upward to meet the dog's mouth. "That's it, Maxie, oh baby, that's it! Lick me, you son of a bitch -" Ralph found that funny, "- shove that tongue of yours into my pussy. You like Momma's pussy, don't you?"

Max continued slurping away at his mistress's pussy, finding himself turned on by the heat of the female. She was menstruating, he sensed, or was very close to her periods. Of course, he didn't understand why he was just licking her pussy when he could have been just fucking it as hard as he wanted, but for some reason his master had placed a restraining hand on his collar and that was reason enough for the pet.

Ralph couldn't believe his wife - he had expected her to give in, yes, but at the end, after a long battle of wills. He had never expected her to be so free with the dog, but he wasn't complaining. He had known this was his day, and he was starting to find out really how well it was turning out to be. He looked at the thrashing form of his wife, wondering whether he should prolong the tease or just go for the kill.

He removed his hand from his dog's collar and patted him once on the head. "Get her, boy," he commanded.

Max did not need telling twice - in a flash, with a single fluid movement, he jumped up on the bed, his paws landing on either side of his mistress. Stacy felt the bed shudder under the impact of the dog's weight, and opened her eyes to the sight of his underbelly hovering above her. A drop of his saliva fell on her forehead, and she giggled when he started to lick her face madly, finding the smell of her own juices a tremendous turn on.

Then she saw it, and her reaction was written across her face. Max, she saw now, had a huge cock. Pink and fleshy, ugly yet attractive, it protruded from its sheath, dangling heavily over her stomach, a thick drop of pre-cum on its head. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw her husband reclining in his favorite chair, his cigar dangling from his mouth, watching the scene as nonchalantly as if it were a video of the Vatican.

She didn't know for certain any more whether she hated him or not. He was responsible for the situation she found herself in, but she didn't know if it was really as bad as she had initially thought. Already her dog had made her cum once, and she knew that they would have pushed the boundaries further apart by the end of night. There was a killer instinct somewhere within her, though, and she didn't want to give her husband the satisfaction of being entirely predictable.

At that moment, as her dog shuffled a step ahead, she saw its dick hanging over her mouth, and made her decision.

As she tried to lift her upper body off the bed, Ralph thought she was trying to get into a sitting position. Anticipation turned to amazement as he watched her crane her neck forward midway and licked their dog's cock. Stacy met her husband's eyes. You didn't expect that, did you? she mocked him silently.

And in her second attempt, she managed to swallow the tip of her dog's penis and locked her lips over it. The dog stood shock-still, allowing her to slide more of his cock into her mouth. She pulled her face backwards slowly, not wanting to harm her dog. As if guided by an invisible hand, the dog took another step forward so that his mistress could lie back and take him in her mouth.

Stacy felt the dog respond to her and was thrilled at the way they seemed to know what each other wanted. There seemed to a connection between them, a connection that she and her husband seemed to have lacked over the last few months, and Stacy felt, in a perverse way, a sense of belonging. Her dog's cock was slimy and ugly, and his cum tasted warm and salty, but she started to suck him off with a passion that even she herself found surprising. She had never been much of an oral lover, but she found herself trying to swallow as much of his dick as possible.

Stacy knew that her job would be twice as difficult as she couldn't use her hands, that if he slipped out, there was nothing she could do about it, and so started deep-throating her dog. On his part, although he seemed passive, Max started to sway his hips back and forth, as if fucking her mouth. Stacy found that terribly sweet of him.

Ralph retrieved his digital camera from his briefcase and started taking pictures, glad that he had recently doubled the capacity of his memory chip. Stacy saw him but was too preoccupied with Max to stop. Besides, it gave her an extra thrill that her husband was saving the moment for eternity. It reminded her of Kodak moments, and she decided she actually liked being caught on film.

There were times when she took him in so deep that she almost gagged, but so determined was she to let her husband know how much she was enjoying herself that she suppressed the feeling and continued to work her mouth up and down his shaft. It was harder as she couldn't use her hands on his balls, and it took her twice as long as it had taken him to make him cum in her mouth. She tried to swallow all of it, but Max was in full form by then and spewed more than she could manage. She ended up with his cum all over her face, on her hair, cheeks, eyes and nostrils, but she was satisfied with her efforts. Practice, she promised herself naughtily, was all she needed.

Her dog looked at her, and she looked back. "What next, darling?" she asked her dog playfully. As if answering her, Max took a couple of steps backwards until his dripping penis brushed her naked skin. Absently, she tried to push her ass higher into the air, towards his crotch, reveling in the delightful sensations of touch and feel.

Abruptly, Max locked his front legs at her side. Stacy had just enough time to say, "OH God," before he started to hump her wildly, trying to get his cock into her pussy. It wasn't easy for either of them, being the first time, and all that Max managed to do for close to a minute was bang his balls against her lips. The slapping sound was, however, drowned out as Stacy shouted instructions to her dog, frustrated that she could do nothing else.

"Ralph, you pervert," she gasped, throwing pride to the wind, "Help us out, won't - oh, sweet ungghhhh!" It had happened : Max had managed to stick the tip of his cock into her. She gave a whoop of joy as she felt his cock slide into her.

It was a giddy feeling for Stacy. She had heard about bestiality in high school, when a girl in their group had proudly admitted that she and her dog regularly had sex, but at that time, she had found it dirty and repulsive, never imagining in her wildest dreams that one day, she would be humped by her own dog.

She started to thrust her hips upwards, but discovered soon that her dog was too fast for her to match. It didn't matter that she couldn't match him stroke for stroke - for Max seemed to hit her cervix every time. Her head started to spin at the plethora of emotions that she felt - lust, humiliation and pain all at the same time - and she closed her eyes. She was moaning quite loudly now, and although Ralph had blunted his dog's nails only a couple of days before, he was concerned enough to move over to her and see if Max was hurting her.

He was relieved to see that other than a few red scratches, she was quite all right. In fact, he even saw tears run down her cheeks, which he knew happened when she was imminently close to an orgasm. Sure enough, Stacy started to scream even louder as she experienced an orgasm so intense that the blood rushed to her ears, causing her to feel even more light-headed.

Tremendous staying power, Ralph thought with a small pang of jealousy as he watched his dog and his wife consummate their union. Max continued to fuck his mistress with the same tempo even as she thrashed about wildly, as if presenting, it seemed to Ralph, the perfect contrast between discipline and wild abandon.

Stacy was still recovering from her orgasm when she felt his knot press against the entrance to her pussy. Until today, she had known only vaguely about the mechanism of canine sex, and she remembered something about the knot keeping the dog and and his bitch together for quite some time before they could pull apart.

She wondered if it would happen to her and Max. She wanted it to.

Max slapped his knot against her pussy a couple of times more, as if asking her one last time if she wanted to proceed. Then, with one tremendous shove of his body, he mounted her completely, his knot sliding into her. Stacy was quite wet, but that couldn't mask the pain of her dog's entry, and she gave out her loudest moan until then. She could feel nothing else in her pussy but the burning sensation of her lips and the stuffed feeling from within.

And then he was banging it inside her. He was actually rubbing his knot all over inside her pussy, and she let out a blood-curdling scream at the top of her lungs. It resounded through the house but Stacy never heard it over the buzzing in her ears. Max didn't slow down for a few minutes more.

She knew it was coming, she could feel his balls retract and expand, and knew that this was the final act of passion. It was hardly a romantic setting, but she couldn't remember a time when she had loved Max more. She was suddenly in a world that was belonged only to her and Max, a world that had only the two of them in it. And she wished, although she knew it would never happen, that he would knock her up.

There was silence all around her except for the whirring of the camera's lens, but she heard the roar of his nuts popping as loudly as if it were a volcano. He flooded her with his sperm, and she came, and even as she came, she felt the incredible heat of his cum coursing towards her womb. She felt as if her pussy was being scalded, but all she cared about was his cock in her.

She felt his knot spasm a few more times, each time sending forth a fresh wave of dog-sperm towards her human womb. Somewhere in the midst of swirling thoughts, she prayed that his knot would not shrivel, and breathed a silent sigh of relief when she felt him still within her, his knot still as big, tying the dog and his bitch together.

"Yes," she mumbled as the thought struck her, "I am your bitch, Max."

And then she passed out, exhausted, locked together as one with her dog.

Stacy had no idea how long she had been unconscious, and her first reaction on feeling the soreness of her pussy was one of bewilderment. She tried to move, and discovered that she was still tied up; that reminded her of everything. Of being tied to the bed, of having sex with her dog, of being manipulated into the whole situation by her scheming husband.

Hearing the sound of someone tapping the keyboard, Stacy twisted her head around to see her husband sitting at their computer. She took in the digital camera beside the screen, saw the wire connecting the camera to the computer, and understood what her husband was up to.

"You bastard," she called out, although she did not feel as bitter towards him as she had initially. "You set this up, didn't you?"

Ralph turned around, grinning like a school boy. "Sure did, my wife. I set you up as Max's bitch." He gave a chuckle. "Although I have to admit I never thought the two of you would go at each other the way you did. Priceless."

"I suppose that's why you are uploading shots of us into the net."

"Not all of it," Ralph said, protesting. "Just a few sample shots. If anybody wants to see the entire thing, they've to pay for it. After all, it's not everyday that you come across an attractive woman doing the nasty with a dog, is it?"

In spite of herself, Stacy smiled. "Flattery will get you anywhere, my husband."

"He's downstairs."


"Your husband. Max."

"Oh," she said, understanding. "Max is my husband now, is he? What about us, Ralph?"

"I don't think Max would like it if I made a move on his bi- woman now, would he?"

"You can call me bitch, Ralph, it's not so derogatory any more." She paused. "This is about Maya, isn't it?" she asked softly.

Ralph took his time answering, not because he was flustered, but because he didn't think he would ever be able to explain himself satisfactorily. "Yes. I am -"

She interrupted him. "I understand, but was this all necessary? Getting Max to screw me? What did you think you could do then, blackmail me into helping you seduce her?"

Ralph shook his head when she finished her question. "Not to seduce her. Just to keep you in check, you know, to make sure that you wouldn't run interference."

Stacy believed him. "Whatever gave you the idea, though?"

Ralph shrugged. "Animal Planet."

She laughed, and it made him smile. He could no longer claim to love this woman, for his feelings for Maya were too powerful, but he hadn't wanted to lose her either.

"They don't show bestiality now, do they?" she asked, pretending to be serious.

"Unfortunately no," replied Ralph, "Though I suppose at this rate of extinction, that'd be the only way to save some rare species. Actually, it was a colleague of mine who had told me a long time ago of a client of his who managed to screw his wife out of her alimony by threatening to go public with pictures he had taken of her."

Stacy wanted to get rid of her bondage, but for some reason - perhaps it was because Ralph had turned her over to the family dog as if she were but another dog - her wounded pride would not let her. She tried to struggle out of the cuffs, but her effort was to no avail.

It did, however, draw Ralph's attention to her. "Want some help with that? I thought you'd want to be taken again."

"I do," Stacy answered with a straight face, "But I'd like the use of my limbs when it happens, you know."

"You probably want to throw your legs around him as he fucks you."

Stacy blushed. That was exactly what she had wanted.

As he walked over towards her, Stacy asked him, "So how do you propose to carry out the second part of the plan?"

He stopped inches from her. "Seducing Maya? I have no idea how I am going to do that. Guess my plan wasn't as complete as I thought."

"I can help," offered Stacy. "After all, you did help me with Max, even though I have never asked for it."

"Thanks," Ralph said gratefully.

"As long as you promise," his wife added with a twinkle in her eyes, "That you won't pull the same stunt on her. I don't want to share Max with anyone else, understand?"

"Don't worry." Ralph cut the ropes that he had used to tie her legs. "I don't want to share Maya with Max either."

Once she was completely freed, Stacy stretched her limbs, finding herself sore all over. She felt the abrasions on her hands and shoulders, scratches made by Max when he had mounted her, and was relieved to find that although they stung, she wasn't bleeding. Her legs still felt weak from the pounding and she had a little difficulty steadying herself at first. She could feel her dog's cum seep down the inside of her thighs.

Ralph watched her wobble towards their bathroom, leaving a trail of cum behind her, before returning to the computer. He resumed designing their site, whistling happily to himself.

Stacy took a long shower, feeling quite strongly that she deserved it. The hot water relaxed her body and she felt her muscles loosen up. Her pussy still throbbed dully, and she idly rubbed her lips, feeling their raw texture. Her dog had literally fucked her to the skin, and she discovered that she did not mind the pain one bit. Suddenly, she felt incredibly horny once again, and wondered if she should just finger herself.

Oh no, she thought, closing her eyes and imagining her dog claiming her again, not when she had the services of a stud like Max at her beck and call. She wondered if she could call him into the bathroom but decided against it, fearing it would set a precedent for Max to fuck her every time she entered the bathroom. Then she hesitated - she knew she wouldn't mind it if Max wanted to hump her any time anywhere in the house.

Sighing, she drew her hands away from her pussy and turned on the cold water, yelping softly as the jets pounded her body. Just a few more minutes, she promised herself.

Wrapping a towel around herself, she stepped out of the bathroom and pirouetted before her husband, who grinned at the sudden youthfulness of his wife. "Ready for round 2?" he asked, gesturing towards his camera. "I've promised to update at least twice a week."

"That reminds me," Stacy quipped, glancing at the image on the screen. It was a close-up shot of her swallowing the dog's cock while a thin trail of cum leaked from her mouth. There was incredible detail in the picture, right down to the small birthmark just in front of her ear, and she watched Ralph place an ad over her mouth, asking prospective customers to pay five dollars to watch the entire series.

"How much do you expect to get?" she asked him.

"A few thousand," he admitted. "With limited content. Of course, if we offered videos as well, we could earn a few more."

"What's my share? After all, you can't have this site without me, can you?"

"Fifty-fifty," offered Ralph, "That should be fair enough."

Stacy giggled. "You can keep it all," she replied, "Use it to woo our daughter. What use would Max and I have for money? We don't even have to use protection." Absently, she rubbed her pussy, finding it wet and sticky already. "Come on," she told him, turning around even as she was speaking, "It's getting late."

She bounded down the stairs, calling out for Max. Max answered with a deep "Woof" as he ran to her from across the room. He jumped on top of her, his hands on her shoulders, and although Stacy managed to keep her balance, her towel slid to the floor, rendering her completely naked. Stacy laughed as she felt his tongue on her face, and shouted, without meaning it really, for him to stop.

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Family Changes

Family Changes By Karen Elizabeth L. Copyright 1999 May be archived to free sites "You're out of your mind!" I told Sue, my sister, older by two years. "I could never do anything like that and neither would any normal guy!" "It happens all the time," She replied with an indifferent shrug of her shoulders. "You might be surprised to find out just how many guys do it." "Queers and pansies sure," I sneered. "But no normal guy would ever consider dressing up like a...

4 years ago
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The Job Chp 2 The Changes

They held each other for a long time, their bodies subtly swaying with the constant low rumble of the machines flying overhead. He felt her body's heat against his, her familiar form felt strange against his chest. Finally, Stan broke their embrace as he tried to lighten the mood.“Could use a towel, though,” Stan chuckled as he gestured to his elongated soapy face. His own laughter sounded and felt oddly nasal with his pushed-out face. He wanted to stop as soon as he started, it felt too...

Monster Sex
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Phone App Changes

Rules for the phone app: 1 The phone can only change one aspect at a time. 2 Anyone can use the app if they have access to the protagonist's phone. 3 Both mental and physical changes can be applied. 4 Changes can be undone. 5 People may or may not notice the changes, but this is not reality warping. It cannot change the history of the individual that the changes are applied to. 6 Have fun, no change is too off the wall.

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CHANGES The gentle rain spattered on the pavement and gathered in rivulets that expanded as they approached the catch basins. The low hanging clouds and mist dimmed the street lights of the quiet cul-de-sac. Most of the houses were dark shadows in the night. The usual flickering of a TV in the living room window of the old army veteran who had insomnia was the sole hint of human consciousness at this late hour. At the end of the street the two storey Cape Cod was also darkened,...

2 years ago
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A Year of Changes

Pedro slowly awoke, the drugs finally fading from his system. The room quickly stopped spinning which provided a great deal of relief. As he attempted to stand from the chair he was sitting in he realized that it was impossible to move. Opening his eyes slowly Pedro noticed the thick steel bands wrapped around his wrists and ankles, preventing him from moving around. Looking up he saw a large television screen above him with smaller ones lined up next to it. A computer on the other side...

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Alex to Alina Chapter 7 Changes

Chapter 7: Changes For the next three weeks, I wore the new slip set to bed every night, and that seemed to satiate my lust for wearing sexy lingerie. I started to fall back into my normal routine, wearing regular male clothes all the time, and only slipping into something sexy at night. I thought work would be embarrassing, but found Eric to be very cool with the situation, never saying anything more, and just treating me as he normally did, although he did stop using the phrases ...

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I watched Sarah. Amazed at the size cock that she was sucking. Naturally the other guy was larger but he was a grown man. The kid, I could see him better now, had a very large cock for his age, It was at least as large as mine of about eight inches. The man she had been sucking was the one from earlier in the week that I had sucked off with her. His thick eleven inch cock was large as he stroked it and watched Sarah suck the young boy, The man, John, got in between the legs of the young lad...

3 years ago
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Sarah should not have had a gleefuf look on her face as she licked the cock head. Sarah was doing this because the rent was due and I had just been laid off at the wrong time. As if there is a right time to be laid off, especially after we had returned from an expensive vacation. Two weeks of carefree days in the sun at the resort. It was a way to cope with the grind at work. It was Sarah's way to unwind after being coped up in the apartment while i worked. Sarah didn't work. She had been...

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Introduction: Sarah and Jim fuck again It was only a couple of days later that I came to the house and there was a strange SUV in the driveway. I thought that my wife was busy with a customer so I looked in a window, at the side of the house, before I went bumbling in.Isaw Sarah in between a guys naked legs. She was naked also. Then I saw her move over and start sucking another cock, The other man was not a man at all but a young boy of about ten or twelve. His body was hidden by the man Sarah...

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Introduction: Husband and wifeservice her Johns I sat in the guest bedroom, looking through a eye hole. The hole was between the connecting door leading into the main bedroom. I had a good view of the room. I had a good view of my naked wife, Sarah, I had a good view of my neighbor from down the hall as he sat on the edge of my bed. I had a good view of Sarah holding his oversized cock and licking the tip. I looked at Sam as he sat, also naked, with his great belly. What made me shudder was...

2 years ago
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The Worm TurnsI thought that I would let you, the reader, know how my life has changed, some would say for the better! It all started as a normal day at work, where I am sales manager for a team of guys who sell fitness equipment. As a totally non P.C. team, we have chosen our office staff for their, shall we say, flexibility to work procedures, which they are quite happy with as it is reflected in their bonus payments. This afternoon I had just closed a big deal, and as I reflected on the...

1 year ago
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When Wife Wants to Play, what do you say? It’s a question I like to pose to strangers, especially if they’ve got a good-looking ball and chain, and it’s a question you may be asking yourself right now. Maybe it’s your own cuckold fetish you’re looking to feed, or perhaps your wife has developed a sudden new interest in BBC, but whatever the case, this next site may answer some of your questions, give you some ideas, and maybe even help you find a well-endowed stud to give your hotwife the...

Porn Forums
2 years ago
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Andys Changes

Andy's Changes By sub_nancy_cd We had a rough couple of months. My friend Glen and I had been working part time while going to college. We had been saving enough money to travel the country. We were good friends. I knew Glen since grade school. We were close, we both liked the same things, cars, music and of course women. I was more of the ladies man, I was confident and cocky. Glen on the other hand was quieter, and I seemed to do all the talking. He was about 6 ft, 180 lbs,...

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Changes: "And these children that you spit on as they try to change their world, they're immune to your consultations, they're quite aware what they are going through..," - David Bowie RIP "Nothing has really changed," I try to tell myself as I look down at my candy pink nail extensions typing these words out on my keyboard as part of a therapy exercise my wife has given me. She told me I needed to write down my story down both to help myself to understand who I am and to help...

3 years ago
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Life Changes

Life changes are never easy. They always take time. There is always an adjustment period. And it doesn't make it any easier if you are dealing with kids, changing school systems, moving all of your worldly possessions into a new house, trying to change your address and get used to living somewhere new for the first time in almost fifteen years. That's just the beginning of life changes. I'd been married for almost fifteen years to the same woman. I'd dealt with the boredom, the prude attitude,...

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Life Changes

Life Changes By: Rachael Free A family slowly changes their entire family life without even knowing why. In this day and age of electronics, sound and micro waves, odd things can happen if you don't know how to control your environment. Sit back and enjoy how this family adapts to their new lives thanks to some new home programming. ................................................. Today was just like any other day, I woke up at 6AM, did my...

2 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 29 ChCh Changes

With the New Year’s Eve only a few days away, we spent the Saturday afternoon reviewing the set lists for that gig. We had been asked to play for a total of four hours – well, four fifty minute sets, with a ten minute break between them. Then at midnight, we would lead everyone in singing ‘Auld Lang Syne’, then play a final thirty minute set before calling it a night. It was going to be a pretty intense, tiring evening, and right after that we would have to travel to Gosford for the first...

4 years ago
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 I shook my head, struggling to rid myself of the song I'd just heard on the car radio. It wasn't as if David Bowie was one of my favourite artists, but Changes definitely applied to my frame of mind, and I couldn't get the words out of my mind. A nervous, secretive smile appeared in the rearview mirror as I checked the highway behind me.Damn those words; they seemed to be taunting me — and my undertaking.~o0o~ Thirty-six years of age, wed to a bastard, and blessed — if that's the correct...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 5 Earth Changes

Prediction and Concern turns to Reality: It was a comfortable sunny fall day near the beginning of September 2018 around 10:00 AM when the entire west coast of the United States dropped two feet. It was estimated that nearly ten million electrical transformers were no longer attached to power poles. Power west of the Cascades in Washington and Oregon and the Sierra Mountain Range in California was almost non-existent. The phone service was spotty at best. The one thing it did trigger was the...

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Curfew violator

With the formation of the Women's International Party in the mid 2000's, political power has been gradually shifting away from the men and into the hands of a group of radical feminists. These women claim that patriarchy is the root cause of most of society's problems, and that a world dominated by females would be free of war, poverty, class divisions, and corporate greed. While the party is essentially still a fringe group, it has managed to seize power in a few communities on the west coast...

3 years ago
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A Few Changes

A Few Changes By allie elle Part One Steve sat in his favourite tree looking out over the fields; he swung his legs idly as he watched the dusk sun. He was happy with himself; he had managed to avoid the fallout from his latest escapade. He had managed to lock most of the doors to the Martin's farm house and make it so only one door opened. He sat there laughing to himself as he tossed stones from his pocket into the stream that flowed under the tree. He was not a bad boy just...

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Unexpected Changes

Unexpected Changes By Farleven I always hated waking up. I suppose it was because I was a night owl forced to live in a world full of people that thought getting up at the crack of dawn was the best way to live. Eight o'clock classes always felt like some form of torture. First, the alarm clock would blast in my ear and I'd reluctantly pull off the covers and fumble through the next couple of hours until I finally managed to really feel like a human about lunch time. At least that...

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Changes By Margaret Jeanette Tracy Morrison was all smiles as she went over the latest order from Clark Industries. It was the biggest order she had ever gotten. She was in sales at a machine manufacturing plant. They made specialty-packaging equipment. Clark Industries was ordering three machines. Her commission over her salary would be huge to her. Her happiness was cut short when Sue Dunlop came in and told her she just heard that Tornow was shutting down and moving to...

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Changes "Wow, what a night" I said to my wife while driving home from a small gathering of friends. Four couples from our old neighborhood, including Susan and I, still get together once a month for light socializing. "Did you see the way Darcy spoke to and treated her husband tonight! I could not believe he puts up with her attitude. I know what I would have done." "Yes dear, I am sure you would have handled Darcy better," my wife said as she patted my knee. That was quite...

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Patchwork People XXX Book of Changes

XXX. Book of changes. One morning Marcia came into the Blue Cat and found Grace packing up the snow-globe collection. She carefully wrapped each plastic globe in newspaper before nesting it inside a box beside the others. "What happened? Did Mrs. Pritchard have second-thoughts about selling?" Marcia's eyes widened in disbelief. "Don't tell me you got a taker for the entire collection?" "Neither, I'm afraid," Grace said. Marcia began setting out that morning's baked selections....

1 year ago
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Cat Fight 22 Changes

  tinton  - 2 1/2 seconds specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton -   2 1/2 hours minton -  2 1/2 days daycon -  2 1/2 weeks Malant -  2 1/2 months quant  -  2 1/2 years galant -  2 1/2 centuries Metson  - 2 1/2 inches maclon  - 2 1/2 feet heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson -  2 1/2 acres unit -    2 1/2 ccs     Characters   Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan, Cit-Chac-Coh  King Tomco Traxor - Bill's dead father, Lion clan King Tobias Traxor - Bill's dead brother, Lion...

2 years ago
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New Changes

I spend another quiet weekend alone in my apartment. This was almost a normal thing for me which I really didn't mind because it gave the time to dress in my stash of lingerie and other woman's clothes. I mean I loved my wife and all but she was often out of town on business. For as long as I can remember I had a hidden stash of women's clothes. I was a closet crossdresser. I had never really went out while dressed with the exception of Halloween, but those nights were the exception...

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Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 23 Changes

When Kathy was eighteen, I was able to present her with a medallion and a ring. Kathy is an Earth mage like me. One night about a week before her birthday, I’d been playing around with my jewellery as we were coming back from a mission. I’d been trying a new mixture and had smelted some simple looking medallions that looked like a 3cm by 4cm rectangle with the tips of the corners cut off. Kathy had been learning how to engrave, so I was planning on giving her a heap of medallions to play...

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The Book of Changes

Note: The author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagarism of this work. THE BOOK OF CHANGES By Wyrdey As the team went off to prepare for the game, Mark Haradon suddenly remembered that he had left his boots in his locker. Shouting for his best friend Sam to wait for him, he turned and hurried back. Coach would be annoyed that they were late, but he could keep - being the star players had its advantages. Mark ran through the corridors towards his...

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John Trent took a quick look at the clock as he loaded a bucket with ice. He frowned with worry when he saw that it was already a little past ten thirty. John's shift ended at ten, but two other workers had called in sick. Friday nights were always busy, and being short two workers had just made keeping up harder. The ice, cup lids, napkins and condiments in the dining room needed to be filled up. It was John's responsibility, to take care of that when he wasn't waiting on customers. Maybe...

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Milking Time B3 Chapter 7 Ebony Changes

Chapter 7: Ebony ChangesEbony made her way through the West sector of the Island, running an inventory and a check on all the wall jacks and the extension numbers, as Dee Dee had suggested. This was something that hadn't been done in a long time, and the activity helped take Ebony's mind off her thoughts of Barocca. It was the middle of the morning, and just about all the quarters were deserted, as the girls were off at their various duties or assignments. As head of security, Ebony had a...

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Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes I was doing it. I was finally making out with Brittany. I had a crush on her for years, a roller coaster of bad flirting and getting pretty close to closing the deal a couple of times. But here we were. On my bed. Making out. We had been at it for a while, her 5' 4" frame underneath my 6' 2" body, softly moaning as our tongues quietly fought each other. My dick was rock hard, 5 inches of pulsating flesh, excited to be finally holding this little brunette girl....

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Changes Meet James Richardson he works as a laborer in a factory of the Straton corperation. He is well built and very good looking. Little does he know this is the last day he will be an adult or even a man. He is going to work like always. He is seldom if ever late to work. But today it is all going to change, perminatly. His day starts as every day does getting up eating a big breakfast ans then kissing his wife good bye. He then gets in his car and leaves for work. His...

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Family Changes

Family Changes - Part 1 There was a knock at the door that startle Dan from his semi day dream in front of the tv, he got up to see who it was, opening the door there was a tall well built man standing there. The man said, "Hi there I've just moved in and I'm going around saying hi. Can I come in?" Dan didn't remember there being anyone moving recently and was about to tell the guy to beat it, when he felt a sudden calm over take him as the man spoke to him so he said, "Sure come...

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The War of the CrystalsChapter 2 Changes

Jack woke up later than he wanted, at almost eight, but all his aches and pains were gone. He felt like he was back to normal; no, better than that. He lit the stove and put coffee on, then went to the out-house to take care of business. That’s when he noticed his cock had changed. When he pulled his shorts down, he discovered that his penis, which had been circumcised when he was an infant, was now whole, and it seemed longer and fatter too. Examining his new foreskin, as he touched himself...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 42 Changes Changes Changes

“Hey, Will, have you got a few minutes to talk? We’ve got a proposal we’d like to talk with you about,” Paul Christie said to me, when we had finished our first sound check for the New Year’s Eve concert in Victoria Park. Paul had established The Party Boys back around 1983 along with Kevin Boritch, and since then it had served as a place for anyone between groups to join and play with. Even some big international names – Joe Walsh, Eric Burden – had played with them. “We hear you guys are...

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Habitual Changes

From the makers of the World Processor, Master PC, and BlueBerry Soothsayer comes the newest advancement in changing your life: the Task Master App! Having issues being the person you want to be? Well, that’s no longer an issue! Just install the app from whatever reputable app store your device uses, and you’ll be given a unique experience tailored to who you are! During installation, the user is scanned for who they are versus the deepest, darkest wishes of who they could be! Those...

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The New StartChapter 34 Changes

The honeymoon for Sonya and her new family was wonderful and when it came to an end, they were all physically exhausted but very happy. On the second evening of their stay Sonya had activated the controls in the bedroom. The bed had started its slow rotation. The walls had come to life with a verity of holographic scenes from soothing scenes of breath taking natural beauty to wall to wall scenes of the sex act being performed in almost every conceivable position, soft soothing and then...

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Curfew K Maje

Hi all mera naam Aryan hai aur main bareilly UP se hu age 22, ht 5’7, wt 60 in all aap mujhe smart keh sakte hain and this is my 1st story on ISS baat kuch din pehle ki hai jab bareilly me curfew laga tha main delhi aya hua tha Apne kisi interview k liye dopahar me ghar se phone aya k hindu-muslim riots ki wajah se kuch areas me curfew lag gaya hai hamara koi bhi relative delhi mein nahi tha isliye mujhe shaam ki train se hi bareilly wapas aana tha Ab dikkat ye thi ke main station se ghar kaise...

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The Book of Changes

BOOK OF CHANGE BY [email protected] I'd never felt lower in my life. My marriage was officially over. I'd been gone for almost a week on business, and when I returned, the place was clean of everything that could in anyway be construed as "hers". Standing in the empty bedroom, reflecting on our marred union, I thought of Katie, my little girl, and wondered when I'd see her again. Marilyn had warned me, of course, had begged me to attend counseling, but pride was my master...

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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 24 Everything Changes

April, 1984, Chicago, Illinois On Saturday morning, after a night of passion which had lasted until after 3:00am, Anala and I slept in. I’d called Sensei Jim earlier in the week to let him know that I was going to stop attending for a time. He’d pressed me hard not to stop, but I simply didn’t have the time, at least until the end of the semester. I’d promised to reevaluate the situation at the end of the summer, but I knew what the conclusion would most likely be. Because we slept late, I...

4 years ago
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Private School or School of Changes

Private School or School of Changes by Lysa Myers I had been working part-time at the Lydia Whitson School for about 5 months. During that time I saw approximately 87 children ranging in age from 13 to 18. Most were girls. Some of those evidently weren't. I didn't know. I'm a psychologist, not a detective. My curiosity was aroused after talking to a 15 year old boy late one Friday afternoon. He was having trouble relating to the other boys -- acted slightly effeminate but...

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Test Subject Unusual Changes

Disclaimer: This story is intended for mature adults who appreciate certain aspects of life that some might from offensive or simple not entertaining. If you do not enjoy transgender fiction then it's not for you. As the author I give you permission to reprint my story freely, so long as you give me credit for my work. If you are a writer, and feel inspired by certain plot details of this story, then feel free to borrow from it as much as you'd like. I'd love to read what you came...

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Life Changes

Life Changes: First, I need to explain a few things. I have a very beautiful and loving wife. We have had our difficulties over our twelve years of marriage but we both love each other very much. How it begin: For many years, I have had a fascination with diapers, I can recall as early as five or six, I was caught trying to ware my younger sister's diapers and plastic pants. Over the years, the lure came and went in varying intensities. It wasn't until the tail end of my first...

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Mistress Makes Some Changes

MISTRESS MAKES SOME CHANGES by Throne I guess we had both noticed it. My Mistress, Claire, and I had been seeing each other for several months. Our time together was a mixture of dating and domination sessions. In the beginning she had been a bit rough on me but it was gradually taking on a softer tone. After she spanked me, we snuggled and talked sweetly in bed. Or she would make me get naked, so she could admire my hairless body, but instead of punishing me she would just tease...

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ChangesBy NinjaIt was my senior year (High School) and I started dating Tiffany who was a 10th grader with a killer body. At first it was your standard relationship but then it started to evolve.The first step was when I fucked her 4 times one day at my house (my parents were out of town) and got her to put her panties on right away afterwards.We went back to her house for dinner. Her parents of course figured we had maybe kissed and here she is sitting at the table with 4 loads of cum pooling...

4 years ago
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Crystal ClearChapter 3 A New Album a Centerfold an Island and Career Changes

I slept between Crystal and Ellen the night we got back from Minnesota. I think we were sexed out because uncharacteristically no one made any overt gestures to any of the others regarding sex. We were cuddly and happy, and even went to bed early making up for the sleep deprivation we'd suffered when we opted to keep messing around until the wee hours while at Brite's home. I remember wondering what each of the women was thinking or dreaming as I drifted off. Were these moments a calm...

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A Fresh StartChapter 54 Plans and Changes

Lieutenants don’t run batteries, just like lieutenants don’t run companies. Captains do those things. Or at least in peacetime, they do. Things change rapidly when the bullets start flying. If you survive, you can get promoted quickly. During the Napoleonic Wars, the British officer corps had a ghastly toast when drinking, ‘Here’s to bloody wars and sickly seasons!’, since combat and disease were the two guaranteed methods for openings in the chain of command above you! During World War II...

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Changes. By Lady Claire Stafford Mumbai: Awakening. The room had heavy drapes over the windows but the glow from the floor level night-lights enabled me to see the dressing table, some chairs and the very impressive chandelier hanging from the centre of the ceiling. Above the bed head there were lamps on articulated arms. This was a seriously up-market hospital room. My right arm was draped across my tummy, it had the plastic hospital ID around the wrist. The other, with...

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