Curfew free porn video

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John Trent took a quick look at the clock as he loaded a bucket with ice. He frowned with worry when he saw that it was already a little past ten thirty. John's shift ended at ten, but two other workers had called in sick. Friday nights were always busy, and being short two workers had just made keeping up harder.

The ice, cup lids, napkins and condiments in the dining room needed to be filled up. It was John's responsibility, to take care of that when he wasn't waiting on customers. Maybe Todd will cut me some slack tonight, John hoped. He had worked really hard all night, and he had already worked more than a half hour over. I can ask him to let me go after I finish filling the ice, John thought.

The teen finished filling the ice machine as quick as he could. Then, he went to find his manager. John found Todd in the office. The manager was talking to his girlfriend on the phone.

"Excuse me, Todd," John said. Todd's smile turned into an annoyed frown.

"Yeah, John," Todd said. "What do you want?"

"Can I clock out?"

"Is everything full in the dining room?" the manager asked.

"No, sir," John answered. "I was 'sposed to go home at ten and-"

"What's the hurry, John?" Todd asked. "You got a hot date with another emo boy? You emo boys kiss and make out, right?"

"No," John answered sharply. As if I could be that lucky, he didn't add. John wasn't even sure that he was even really emo. He dyed his hair black, but he didn't wear the classic emo cut. He wore his hair kind of long and parted so that some just naturally fell over one eye. John believed in being truthful about his emotions, which was emo. His life wasn't a lot of fun sometimes, but he didn't feel his life was as painful as it seemed to be for most real emo kids. "I need to get home before the curfew." Minors weren't allowed to be out alone after 11 PM.

"Forget the curfew," Todd said. "They don't really enforce it. Get your work done. Then you can go."

"It's pretty easy to tell somebody to forget the law when you're not the guy who ends up breaking it," John said.

"If you don't finish your work before you clock out, you can start looking for another job, John," the manager threatened. John didn't like Todd, and he didn't like his job. The teen had almost quit a few times, but John knew his parents would throw a fit if he lost his job.

Bill Trent didn't approve of his son dyeing his hair black, the music he listened to, his friends, or just about anything else John did. The fact that the boy was such a hard worker was the only thing that John knew made his dad happy. He didn't want to disappoint his dad again. John went back to work, and Todd went back to his phone call.

"You wouldn't believe the spoiled brats I have to babysit," John heard Todd saying as he left the office.

It was 11:13 when Todd finally let John clock out. John said some rushed goodbyes as he hurried out to his 1985 Diesel Escort. The Ford was old, ugly and built for somebody shorter than John, but it was the only car he had found that he could afford. The little Escort ran most of the time, and it was 100% his.

John would usually drive through town to get home, but he knew that the police really did enforce the curfew. There was a back road through the county and over Yellow Mountain that he could take. It was a longer trip, but John guessed that he wouldn't see as many police going that way.

The trip through farmland and growing suburbs went well. John didn't see a single patrol car, and traffic was really light. But things went wrong on the trip across the foothills of Yellow Mountain.

The old Ford crested one of the many hills and started down a steep slope. John pressed down lightly on the brakes, but this time there was no feeling of resistance. The pedal went all the way to the floor with a thud. The Escort rolled faster and faster down the hill. John shouted with wordless fear and his tires squealed as he took a sharp turn. There was another turn before the bottom of the hollow, and John knew he wasn't going to make it.

John desperately grabbed the emergency brake and yanked it. The car shuddered and skidded across the road. The rear end began to swing around, and John thought the car would start a roll. But luck was on John's side. Instead going into a deadly roll, the car swung all the way around. The passenger side slammed into the guard rail with a crunch, and John's car ended up facing the way he had come on the other side of the road.

John sat still for a minute, getting over the shock and fear. He didn't know how tight he had been gripping the wheel until he let go and his fingers started to ache. He took off his seatbelt and started to open his door, but stopped. John checked to make sure there was no car coming before he finished getting out of his car. It would be kinda stupid to get hit by a car after making it through that wreck, the teen thought.

The teen checked out the damage. The passenger side was badly dented by slamming into the guard rail, and the rear wheel on that side was knocked crooked. Aw man! John thought. Fixing that will probably cost more than I paid for the whole car! John went back to the driver's door. He turned on his hazard lights and grabbed his cell phone. John couldn't think of a way to pay for fixing his car, but he thought that he could at least call home for a ride and some help.

"Home," John said when he opened his cell phone. The phone tired to connect and dial John's home. It didn't work, and "No Signal" appeared on the phone's screen. John looked at the hills all around him and guessed that they were blocking the signal. He was about to start up the hill to see if he could get a signal when he saw light coming from the other side of the hill.

A large black car crested the hill and started down. John went to stand behind his car until the other had passed. But instead of going on, the big car slowed way down. It was barely idling as it crossed the road and pulled onto the shoulder in front of John's car. The word "MARAUDER" was made of silver letters across the front of the big car above its grille. The only sound was the rumbling purr of the black car's powerful engine.

John tried to get a look at the driver, but the windshield was dark even with the Escort's headlights shining on the front of the other car. Maybe it's somebody stopping to help, John told himself. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was something sinister about the old fashioned car. John remembered the kids who had gone missing the year before.

Steve Adler's car had been found on the access road that led to the old quarry during the past spring. Steve and his girlfriend, Teresa Plumber were never found. Then, Charlie Fletcher and Jerry Clinton had disappeared. They found Charlie's car parked under a bridge trestle 100 yards from the road. There was no sign of the missing boys. It was spring again and John worried that he was about to become missing kid number 5.

The driver side door swung open. John took an involuntary step back as the driver got out of the other car. His imagination painted pictures of ax murderers, blood soaked slashers and fiends of all kinds. One thing he didn't expect was the teenager who stepped into the light.

"Hey, man. You ok?" the blond boy asked. The driver looked to be about John's age. He wore jeans, boots and a plain white t-shirt. His hair was short and shined like it was wet. The driver looked fit but not beefy. His clothes fit him well but weren't tight, giving a hint of his attractive body without being obvious about it. John thought he was really cute. He's probably a jock, John thought. And he's probably straight. "Are you ok, man?" the handsome blond asked again.

"Uh, yeah," John answered. "I'm not hurt, just kinda shook up." The other boy came closer. He looked at the damage to John's car and shook his head. He bent to get a closer look, and John took the chance to get a closer look at the other guy's butt.

"The crash really did a number on your ride, man," the blond said as he turned back to John. The other boy was close enough now that John could see he had some kind of oil or gel in his hair, holding every strand in place. His eyes had looked blue at first, but now John could see that they were violet. "Your car's not goin' anywhere without a wrecker. I can give you a ride if you want."

The blond stranger smelled like apples and he was being really nice. John felt silly and ashamed for thinking he might be a killer. John thought about asking the stranger for a ride to a pay phone. He guessed he could probably get a signal if he walked up the hill, but the hottie had offered to help. John thought about getting to spend more time with the stranger and that made up his mind.

"Sure, that would be great," John answered. He held up his cell phone as he closed it. "I can't get a signal. Maybe you could take me to a pay phone?"

"Be happy to," the other boy answered. He held out his hand. "I'm Cian Doran, by the way." John shook Cian's hand. It was warm and strong, and John felt a pleasant shiver thinking about how the rest of Cian's body would feel.

"I'm John Trent," John answered.

"Cool," Cian said with a smile. John didn't let go of Cian's hand right away. There were times when it was only safe to be honest about his feelings with himself. John thought now was definitely one of those times. But his feelings didn't care what his mind thought.

"Dude, you have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen." Cian looked surprised for a second. Then, he started to laugh.

"Y'don't need to turn my head with flattery, man," the blond boy said. "I already said I'd help."

"It's not flattery! It's the truth!" John said as he pulled away from the other teenager. Cian stopped laughing and his smile disappeared. Here it comes, John thought. I'm gonna get my ass kicked.

"I didn't mean to insult you, John," Cian said gravely. "I really am flattered. It's just not my style to act serious all the time, Y'dig?" Cian stepped closer to John. "I see this little car wrecked and I stop to help, thinkin' it's somebody's granny. Instead, there's this tall dark sexy guy in distress. Cian stepped closer, until their bodies were almost touching. He was a little above average height, but he still had to look up slightly to meet John's eyes. "There I am, diggin' you from the start, but thinkin' you gotta be straight 'cause there's no way I'm that lucky. Then, you hit me with that line 'bout my peepers and I was so happy I thought I'd bust."

He's not making fun of me! John thought in wonder. He thinks I'm sexy! The black haired teen thought about the wisecrack his boss had made about him going to make out with another boy. Maybe... John bent forward and Cian didn't back away. The blond teen raised his mouth to meet the taller boy's cautious kiss.

The teens hugged each other close when their lips joined. It was John's first real kiss, and he felt like he was in apple scented heaven wrapped in Cian's strong arms. Cian's tongue brushed John's lips, and he eagerly opened his mouth to welcome it. Their tongues wrestled and sparred erotically. John moaned into Cian's mouth moved his hands down to the blond teen's butt. John felt like he could live forever in that one wonderful moment, but eventually the two amorous teens had to stop for air.

"Oh man," Cian said huskily. "I better get you to that pay phone before I decide to take you home and have my way with you."

"You don't think your parents would mind?" John asked with a giggle.

"No, they wouldn't," Cian answered. His voice and violet eyes promised a steamy night. Then the blond boy shook his head and chuckled. "But I bet your parents would. You go to my head like strong wine, Johnny Boy." John had never had alcohol, but being held by Cian made him feel lightheaded, giddy and warm. The shorter boy stepped away. "Get in the car before I tear you clothes off, foxy."

"Oh? Are you gonna tear my clothes off when we get in the car?" John asked. The black haired teen was normally shy. But he wasn't tonight. First I told him about his eyes, and now I'm flirting with him, John thought. It really is like I'm drunk or somethin'. Cian stopped and looked at John with a hungry expression that was thrilling and frightening at the same time.

"If that's what you want," Cian said. He wasn't laughing or even smiling. Silence hung between the two teenagers for several seconds. "Is it?" Cian finally asked. John knew that all he had to do was say yes or even just nod and Cian would go all the way. John was sure that Cian's huge old car had a big old fashioned back seat. There would be plenty of room for them to have sex, and the dark windows would make the car as private as a bedroom.

John wanted Cian. He wanted to see and touch and taste Cian's body. He wanted to have sex until they both passed out from exhaustion. But John was also a little afraid. He had just met Cian, and he had only just had his first kiss. John was scared by the strength and speed his feelings had developed for the handsome stranger. John was frightened that Cian seemed to be just as drunk on lust as he was. But his fear was no match for his desire.

"Yes," John said with a shaky voice. Cian opened the driver's side door. The two teens hurried into the back seat and into each others arms like swimmers who had stayed under too long and were rushing to the surface. They stripped each other's shirts off in a heartbeat and started to desperately kiss and caress each other.

John kissed Cian with feverish need. Then he kissed and sucked the blond hottie's ear while Cian nibbled on John's neck and shoulder. John kissed along Cian's jaw and down onto his neck. His mouth moved on to Cian's firm chest. John kissed, licked and sucked Cian's nipples while one of his hands ran down the apple scented boy's stomach to stroke the front of his jeans.

"Oh yeah," Cian moaned when John started to rub his groin and suck his nipple. Cian pushed his hands inside pants and boxers to squeeze John's butt. John started to kiss his way down the front of Cian's body while he unbuckled Cian's belt and opened his jeans.

When John opened the zipper he was thrilled to see that Cian wasn't wearing any underwear. The growing vee of lower abdomen showcased Cian's golden treasure trail and the top of his thick blond bush. Cian lifted his hips, inviting John to pull the jeans down. John's hands were shaking with excitement as he pulled Cian's jeans down and the root of the blond stud's dick was revealed.

A sudden, loud tapping on the window caused both teens to jump in surprise. John looked over his shoulder to see a shadowy form on the other side of the tinted window.

"Okay, kids," a deep bored sounding voice called. "This is the police. Come on out. The party's over."

"Oh, no," John gasped. The fire of his passion was squelched by cold fear of how his parents would react when they found out what he had been doing in the backseat of a stranger's car. A warm hand touched John's chin and gently guided his head back around. Cian was smiling sweetly at the emo boy.

"Don't sweat it, fox," Cian said calmly. "I won't let anyone hurt you." The violet eyed teen's attitude seemed contagious. Warmth flowed in from Cian's words and touch, and anxiety flowed out. John watched unhappily as Cian pulled his jeans back up. But then Cian pulled him down for a quick kiss. The touch of Cian's lips was wonderful, but over too soon. John looked into the other boy's beautiful eyes. "Just a little taste to hold you 'til later," Cian said with wink and a grin that promised scorching passion.

The policeman tapped on the window again. This time he tapped harder, and John thought he might break the glass if he used any more strength.

"Come on, kids. I don't feel like waiting all night." he said. John and Cian didn't take anymore time than they needed to get their pants fastened. Then, they got out of the passenger side.

The policeman was about average height and muscular like a weightlifter. The officer had a dark buzz cut and an unfriendly frown. His name tag read 'Rivers'.

"You'd think you two could find girlfriends if you tried," Officer Rivers said while he shook his head in disapproval. "Ok, lovebirds, let's see some ID." John and Cian took their driver's licenses out of their billfolds and gave them to the police officer. He looked at the IDs for a few seconds. "Cian?" the officer said, pronouncing it sigh-ANN. "Is this your sister's license?"

"No, it's mine, sir," Cian answered in a friendly voice. "And my name's pronounced KEE-an, sir."

"But it's not spelled Keean," Officer Rivers answered. "Your name is sigh-ANN. I'll just call you Annie for short." The policeman pointed at Cian's car. "You're parked on the wrong side of the road, Annie. You and your butt buddy are out past curfew. "I'm going to have to take you both in."

"My friend didn't park my car, officer," Cian said in a less friendly voice. He's out past curfew because his car wrecked, so it's not his fault."

"So, instead of gettin' home as fast as he could, he decided to smoke your pole?" Rivers asked. "Put your hands on the trunk and spread 'em, Annie. I know you know how to spread 'em." The officer glanced at John. "You do the same on the hood, Beanpole." John became angry and worried by the way Officer Rivers was treating Cian and him, but Cian gave him another calm smile over the roof of the car even while the police officer roughly patted him down.

"When we get to the station, I'll let everyone know that this was all my fault," Cian said. "My friend shouldn't be punished for somethin' I did."

"What's this?" Rivers asked as he showed Cian a box he had taken from the blond's hip pocket.

"That's a deck of cards," Cian said when he saw the box.

"A deck of cards in a wooden box?" Officer Rivers asked. "This where you keep your drugs, Annie?" He slammed the box down on the trunk so hard that John felt the car shake a little. Cian kept giving John a reassuring smile even though John thought Officer Rivers had probably put a dent in the trunk of the carefully maintained car.

"No, officer. Just a deck I use for card tricks." The policeman emptied Cian's pockets and handcuffed him. Rivers made Cian sit on the ground in front of his patrol car.

Then, he went to search John. The officer was just as rough with John as he had been with Cian. Rivers patted John's crotch hard enough to cause a sharp pain. The black-haired boy grunted and almost fell.

"Stand up, Beanpole," Rivers said angrily. "Don't try to fall into my arms. I'm not your little boyfriend."

"You take it easy with him," Cian said. His voice wasn't at all friendly.

"Ooh, are you gonna hit me with your purse?" Officer Rivers said contemptuously as he cuffed John. He ordered the taller teen to sit down. Then, the policeman picked up Cian's box of cards. "I forgot you're a magic fairy!" the officer said sarcastically. "Are you gonna use your magic on me fairy? Are you gonna sprinkle me with your magic fairy dust?"

Rivers hurled the box at Cian, hitting him above the right eye. The box broke with a crack, and cards spilled and fluttered out.

"Stop!" John shouted. "Don't hurt him!" The powerfully built policeman yanked John up by his arm. He shoved the emo boy into the back of his patrol car. Then, he jerked Cian up and stuffed him into the car from the other side.

"Your tint looks too dark to be legal, Annie," Rivers said. "I need to get inside your car to check it. I can look for your drugs too." The policeman left the two boys and went to search Cian's car.

"Dude, are you alright?" John asked the other teen. Cian turned to face John. The emo boy could see a bruise forming over one violet eye.

"I'm fine," Cian assured him. "He just messed my hair up a little. Thanks for trying to stop him, Johnny, but please don't do it again. You just call his attention to you and I don't want superfuzz to hurt you."

"But he keeps hurting you!" John whispered back. His eyes began to tear up.

"Don't cry for me, Johnny," Cian said. He leaned forward and kissed the first tear away. "He'd love to see you cry. I can handle him, Johnny Fox. I promise you I won't let him hurt you, but you hafta stay cool, y'dig?" Cian's soothing words managed to calm John down again.

"I don't want him to hurt you anymore, Cian," John said.

"Don't worry. We'll be at the police station soon. He can't get away with stuff like this when we get there."

"My dad is gonna be soooo mad when he finds out," John said.

"Your parents don't know?" Cian asked. He seemed surprised. You sure don't come from around here, John thought.

"They know 'bout me bein' gay," John answered. "They're not happy 'bout it, but they're gonna throw a fit when they find out... what we were doin'." Cian frowned.

"I'm sorry, John," he said sadly. "I didn't think about gettin' you in dutch with your folks. I wasn't thinkin'. I let my feelin's and desires make too many of my choices." Cian looked crestfallen and penitent as he faced John. "I wanted us to have a groovy night together. Instead, I got you in trouble."

"You didn't force me," John objected gently. "You gave me a choice, and I said yes, Cian. I wanted it as much as you did... maybe more. You said I went to your head, and you went to mine. Neither of us was thinkin' very clear. It's not fair for you to take all the blame." Cian gave John a warm, grateful smile, but he shook his head.

"My folks are cool with me likin' boys and with me havin' lovers," the blond teen said. "They won't read me the riot act 'bout this." A mischievous twinkle appeared in Cian's violet eyes. "Besides, I'm more t'blame than you think. When the time comes, I'll take the heat, y'dig, Johnny?" John felt like he should disagree, but it was so hard to think in the warm, apple-sweet closeness. It was easier to just smell and feel and to trust that Cian knew what he was talking about. "He's coming back," Cian said. John jolted up. He felt like he might have been dozing. John saw the cop coming back from Cian's car, but he felt strangely calm and safe.

"I didn't find any drugs, Annie, but do you think you can explain all the knives, chains and shackles in your tunk?"

"I was with a circus for a while," Cian answered matter of factly. "I worked in the magic and knife throwing acts. I still have some of the props." John had started to feel nervous as he remembered the missing teens from the previous summer, but Cian's answer made sense.

"Uh-huh," Rivers said with a doubtful tone. "That's just one more thing to check out when we get to the station." The police officer sniffed. "Why does the inside of my cruiser smell like a bowl of fruit?" he asked angrily.

"It's my pomade, sir" the blond answered.

"Your what?" Rivers asked.

"My hairdressing. My hair is hard to manage, so I use pomade to keep it combed, sir." John had wondered why his new friend smelled like apples, but he was a little confused. When he and Cian had been making out, the wonderful smell had seemed to come from all of Cian, not just his hair. The police officer just got angrier.

"You put perfume in your hair, Annie? You better not get any of that fruity fagot crap on my seats." Officer Rivers climbed into the driver's seat and started the engine. He switched his flashers off and pulled onto the road. "The boys in the holding cells are gonna love your hair, Annie. Maybe you and Beanpole can do their hair and give them some fashion tips?" John almost responded to the cop's taunting, but he remembered Cian's advice.


The trip was mostly quiet, with only Officer River's occasional jibes to break the silence. John had let his mind wander so that he could ignore the policeman more easily, so it took a while for him to notice that they weren't heading back to the city. Instead, Officer Rivers was driving them further into the farmland of the county.

"Aren't we going the wrong way?" John asked.

"Ooh, Count Dragqueen, knows how to speak," the officer said sarcastically. "Don't get your panties in a bunch, Beanpole. You'll get where you need to go."

The patrol car turned onto a private dirt road a short time later. It rumbled across a cattle barrier and bounced down the rutted, partly overgrown road. There were rusty barbed wire fences on both sides. Past the fences were weed-clogged, fallow fields.

Then, an old farmhouse and barn came into sight. The farmhouse was boarded up and the porch roof was sagging. The barn's silver-gray planking was worn and weathered. There was no sign of whatever color it might have been painted. It was covered with many years worth of brown, dead vines that seemed to be trying to drag the old edifice down into the earth. Fresh, spring growth had only just begun to add to the accumulation. Only a small door on one side of the barn was free of the web of vines. In front of the barn were an old fashioned hand pump and a hitching post made of metal pipes anchored in cement.

Rivers brought the car to a stop in front of the pump. He got out and opened the door on John's side.

"Ok, Beanpole, you wanted out. Now, get your sorry, goth ass out."

"Where are we?" John asked fearfully. They were alone. There didn't seem to be any neighbors around. No witnesses, John thought. Rivers grabbed John's handcuffs and hauled him out with a mighty tug. John cried out from the pain. The cop dragged John to the hitching post, and the boy saw the chains hanging from it.

"No!" John shouted. He tried to pull away, but Rivers was too strong. He kicked John in the knee and twisted the cuffs. The black-haired kid went to the ground screaming. John was helpless to resist as the police officer chained him to the post.

Suddenly, a shadow passed over John where he lay in the dirt. There was a smell of apples and a grunt of surprise as Cian slammed his shoulder into Officer Rivers. The cop's hips slammed into the hitching post. Then, he and Cian were knocked over it by the fury of the blond teen's attack.

John could see that Cian was still handcuffed, but he didn't let that stop him from kicking and biting the rogue police officer. John tried to go to help the other kid, but the chain that held him to the hitching post was too short. Cian rose up and swung his head toward John. John heard something hit the ground close by. Rivers used the blond boy's moment of distraction to punch him in the face. Cian fell off of the downed man, giving him a chance to draw his baton.

"No!" John shouted with anguish, as Officer Rivers began to beat Cian with his baton.

"My ear!" Rivers shouted with rage as he felt one side of his head. "You fucking little prick!" The officer kicked Cian in the stomach and continued to beat him with his baton. "You bit off my ear!" The blond stopped moving after a few more savage blows, but Rivers continued to attack him.

"Stop it!" John cried, almost blind with tears. "Stop it! You're gonna kill him!" The enraged man did stop. He looked at John, breathing hard. His face was covered with sweat and blood and there was a mad gleam in his eyes.

"No, Beanpole," he said between gasps for air. "Your sweetheart isn't gonna get off that easy. You punk kids always get off easy. You ignore the law. You drive around in fancy cars you didn't earn, drinking and doing drugs and fucking like a bunch of rabbits. You think life is some kind of Roman orgy with somebody else paying the bill. Then, when you screw up, you get a slap on the wrist because you're minors and somebody else pays for your mistakes. Well, not with me, buster. You and this sack of shit are gonna pay your own bill this time. Sooner or later the rest of you stupid selfish brats will get it through your self-absorbed skulls that there's no free party out on the road. I killed four of you last year, and I will keep killing you worthless little shits until it soaks in." Rivers picked up Cian's limp body and tossed him over his shoulder in a fireman's carry. Then, he carried the unmoving boy into the barn.

John's knees turned to jelly. He partially fell down, the chain cruelly jerking his hands up. John managed to get onto his knees, which took the pressure off of his abused wrists. He's gonna kill us, the emo boy thought. We're gonna die.

The glint of moonlight on something metallic caught John's attention before he could fall into despair. The metal something was right where John had heard something land during the fight. He had thought it was Officer Rivers' ear, but now John saw it was a keychain. The key to the lock on this chain! John thought. Suddenly, the reason for Cian's seemingly futile attack became clear. He was after the keys! But John knew it was more than that. Cian was drawing his attention away from me. John remembered Cian's words before Rivers came back from his car. When the time comes, I'll take the heat.

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Hey, guys, this is Nikhil from Kolkata and I am back with my recent encounter. This is a bit different and was completely unexpected. I’d recommend reading my other stories.  So this happened in April this year when I went to a hair specialist. I was suffering from hair fall and this was something I was really worried about. So after consulting many doctors online, I visited this clinic in Kolkata. I had heard a lot about the doctor and her competency so was really hopeful. When I entered her...

3 years ago
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Broken Strings 8211 Part 6 The Intimacy Known

Following is a creative work of fiction. It involves intimate moments of both physical and psychological nature between mother and son, intended for fun. All the names, characters, and incidents are works of pure imagination. They do not resemble any real-life names, characters, and incidents. It was around 11 am when I woke up. I could see my mom walking into my room with a smile. She came and sat beside me as we locked our eyes romantically. There was a moment of silence. I placed my hand...

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Best Friends Forever

Alexa always knew from an early age that she seemed a little different. Boys were never her thing, and she never had an interest in anyone who passed her by and offered a wink and a smile to try and sweep her off her feet. Her best friend Amanda, a beautiful blonde and very fit, grew up with Alexa and were best friends since early childhood. The two were pretty much virtually inseparable all the time. Even when at their own homes, they would chat for hours on the phone or skype with each other....

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Draining His Balls

She had plans for him tonight, and she would have no problem getting him to go along. Any time her naked body was involved, he was willing even if he didn't know where it was going. After teasing him a little with some rubbing and some accidental bumping all evening, and promising him a special blow job, she would easily get him on the bed and tie his hands and feet to the bed spread eagle. That's when the real teasing would begin. Jed knew she would never hurt him, so she could make it...

2 years ago
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7th Heaven Annies Sexual Awakening

It was early Sunday morning when Annie Camden awoke to the sun shining in her bedroom window. She rolled over reaching for her husband Eric but of course he was already awake. Probably downstairs in the office practicing his sermon she thought to herself as she stepped out of bed. She walked to the bathroom and turned on the tub faucet. She would have liked to sleep in a bit longer but it was Sunday and that meant another day at church. Eric was the reverend so attendance for herself and their...

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Dad and me

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi every one, My name is Richa, I am 19 and doing first year of my graduation. Story of my life is very short, simple and spicy. I live with my dad, mom died long back. I have very few memories of her, she was a very beautiful women and I am also equally beautiful (people say so). I am the only child, so, my grandmother and my dad have brought me up. My grand mother was a very graceful lady who also left us some five years back since then its just dad...

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Deal Chapter 3

She hadn’t had two men at the same time in about a week and she was lying in the middle of the bed, lazily fingering herself to try to massage a pussyache that she knew only several big hard cocks could relieve. The door opened and she sat up, coyly presenting herself to whomever entered. It was the first man from before, and when he sat on the bed she leaned into him and laid her head on his shoulder. She had always liked him best, maybe because he was her first, and ever since he had...

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Persuading Shy Mom to Pose fantacy story

It was a normal birthday for me. The weather was wet and horrible, and I came home to an empty house. It was Friday, 5pm, and I knew my Mother would be home in a few minutes. Hopefully with the present I had asked for. A new digital camera. I had gotten interested in photography and cinematography a few months earlier, fascinated with capturing images of beauty in anything and everything.Unfortunately, my Father was away on business for the whole week, so was going to miss my birthday. So, just...

2 years ago
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Continuing with Naughty Bettypt2

“When do you think you will be ready for round two?” Betty said with a dirty smile on her face. “Aren’t you a naughty one” I said as I pulled her up close for a kiss. “Let’s go downstairs and get something to drink and see what we can do.” then I kissed her again. We got up and she started to put on her underwear, “Now I don’t think we need these do we?” I asked smiling. “Oh, are you telling me that you are a nudist?” she said while she stopped and stepped out of her pretty panties. “That’s...

1 year ago
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Second ChanceChapter 14

It didn't take long for Holly to let me know they were very grateful for my help and for us to get on the road. I wanted them far away from the place where they were dumped, in case the aunt had a change of heart and decided to torment them some more. Something nagged at me about their situation, and I wondered if they were in danger and didn't know it. When they were less wound up, I would try to discover more about their parent's death and the facts surrounding their estate. Maybe that...

2 years ago
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Lesbian RapistPart 2 Police Woman Betrayed

The room was completely silent as John Pressman finished speaking. He had just confessed to the brutal rape of over 15 young, attractive lesbian women on national television. He had laughed at the police, the DA's office and the judicial system. He bragged about how it felt to shove his 8 inch dick down an unwilling lesbian's throat, to look her in the eye while he fucked her face and she choked on his cock. The soft heavy feel as he fondled her jiggling tits. He loved the mixed smell of...

4 years ago
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No Rings She Donned

It was a rainy dreary day in the Pacific Northwest and I was in my favorite coffeehouse working on one of my poetical prose, a lost art of the 15th and 16th century. When this young woman came in that I guessed to be a university student, yet she dressed with class. A tight white sweater, short skirt that showed off her long tanned shapely legs (my weakness.) I looked her over as she stood in line and she looked me over where I sat with a mischievous smile on her full lips. Then I looked at the...

3 years ago
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Back for ass

There she was, back in my life again. She had put on some pounds, but still sexy as hell, just as i had remembered. She knew when she came over what would happen…and she didnt care. She knew she would do as i said, just as she always had. She could never resist seeing me in pleasure, no matter what i was doing or how i was doing it. i opened the door and when it closed, we embraced, but only for a second. I whispered in her ear, ‘down on your kness’. As she always had, she dropped to her kness...

1 year ago
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Secrets of the Force Incest Planet

A/N: This story has been directly commissioned by a reader of mine that prefers to remain nameless. I have never found something like this on Chyoa, at least in the Star Wars category, so I hope you find it enjoyable. By the way, this story is also partially inspired by an incest tale on this site known as Stranded! by goodson. I am giving it a lot more plot and a Star Wars setting though. But if you have read that story, it could give you an idea of what to expect. Anyway, read, enjoy, and...

1 year ago
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The Second Circle Book 2

The Second Circle Book 2 By Paradox York, Nebraska, Wild Life RV Park It was around six in the evening by the time the girls had reached York and all three were more than happy to stop for the night. While Kitty and Ashley had shared in the driving responsibilities, Aiden was clearly feeling cooped up and anxious as evidenced by the way she was constantly moving about the living area trying, and failing, to find something to occupy her time. To anyone who didn't know her, they...

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Eat Pray Lust

She rides, she shudders. She sucks air into her throat, says Ooh as it cools her. She squeezes your knees with fingers so tense the knuckles have turned white. She swishes her head down and you wrap your fingers around black and yellow hair. Regrowth is coming through, fresh, happy hair pushing the sad hair away. She’s facing away, twisting and shimmying on your lap. You count the vertebrae of her spine. She’s short and plump. They’re all misshapen in some way, these women, but they all have...

2 years ago
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His story about the court house

As we were walking out of the court house, you reach in and grab my swollen cock; I love your dress shirt and dress pants, and heels. Your tits are popping out of your happened to park your car in the shade where nobody can see us. The back seats are folded already and you put a blanket down just in case this asked to suck my dick so I sit up in the back as you straddle my face as we 69 in the back on your car...I’m using my fingers to pull your outer lips to the open...

3 years ago
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Last Dance

One final look-over in the mirror and I’m ready to go. Tight jeans…check, Nice top…check, Stack heeled boots…check. Subdued makeup, hair up and out of the way…check. With one last spritz of body spray, I look at my reflection and smile. She smiles back, the picture of a fun-loving country girl ready to dance the night away. Normally I don’t go all out like this, but you see, its Karl’s last night here. And I want it to be memorable… ‘Excuse me…would you like to dance?’ A voice interrupts...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Pleasure In Train

Hi my name is Raj from Chennai. I am doing my engineering here. I am a regular reader of this site. I used to think the stories posted in this site are fake until I encountered one of my own. Now let me explain myself to you. I am 5 ft 10 inches with a normal 6*2. 5 inch dick. As a boy of my age (19 years) I used to masturbate a lot thinking of weird fantasies and sex in the open whoever wants a contact with secrecy feel free to contact at  Now coming to the story it was my semester leave and I...

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The Strange Cabinet

We were a rather odd band of people. Two men eager to get back on the corporate ladder, two men eager for jobs. One man just curious. And a drifting academic like me, having found that mental ability means zilch in the long run. All drawn by this strange story. Whittings organisation, a Talent company that appeared out of nowhere and has just grown, everyone, EVERYONE wants his discoveries. Almost a year on, and it's still going up and up. So here we were. Sandor Lassall and John Thames,...

1 year ago
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SolaraChapter 5

Lt. Cmdr. Jenkins started getting everyone up as we past 200AU and transitioned to near space of the star. Deceleration was in progress and relative speed was already down to 200,000kps as we needed to keep a close watch on the systems Oort cloud and any wayward asteroids. At this distance we were able to confirm the findings of the late twentieth century in the possible existence of one or more planets inside the inner asteroid belt; we found two. Epsilon Eridani: a K2V star, U-B color...

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The Great Shift Summers End Part 5

The Great Shift - Summer's End (Part 5) by Limbo's Mistress It took me a few moments to get over my initial surprise. Then I turned around and went back to the bed while Kara stepped into the room, closing the door behind her. I sat down on the edge, pulling the comforter over my lower body. The urge to retreat back under the blankets was still present, thought I knew I wouldn't, couldn't, do that to Kara. Not when it was so obvious that she intended to talk to me. Even though we...

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Slutty Fun at the YMCA Pool

Hi Y’allI’ve recently started swimming again as I enjoy it as a way to stay in shape and get some exercise. My neighbor here in Spanaway works at the nearby Mel Korum YMCA and was able to get me a family membership for the cost of a single membership. I like it much more than the JLBM pools and facilities as the k**s can enjoy the slides and such without the hassles and regiment of the military.I’ve been coming here two or three times a week for over a year now and I just love it. I try to come...

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Older Lady From The Resturant

My family and I were eating at a buffet on Easter Sunday this year. I was in town from school and was headed back after we finished eating dinner. As I am talking, I look up and spot this older 40 something year old white lady checking me out from across the restaurant. She quickly turned away and acted as if she wasn’t. It was her and I’m guessing husband or boyfriend sitting at the table. I act like I didn’t see and kept eating my food. Slowly but surely I see her out the corner of my eye...

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Protection and Preservation Book 06Chapter 4

[Janice writes from Lavaca] George stood up slowly and said, "Folks, we have talked about this before. The threat is real and it forecloses our use of Houston's resources. That presence is a problem for anyone coming to Houston. That means we don't grow. I told you when I was elected as leader earlier this year that I wanted us to act on this threat. We now have guests who might not have made it to us had they not been very able and had the plane to avoid any other parts of that Houston...

1 year ago
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My first time dressed with a man xx

Carrying on from my story regarding sex in the park I can relate another revelation from my youth. One of the times, with my friend Trevor, we'd been watching the sexual goings on in the toilets and bushes,near to our homes it all went a bit further than we'd intended. We were watching a couple of older men having sex in the bushes and, as it usually did, it had got both Trevor and myself quite aroused. What had got us hard was that the two guys were having quite a heavy sex session and had...

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Gullivers Planet 3 Little Girl Blew Part 2

Tales from Gulliver's Planet: Little Girl Blew Part II By [email protected] # # # Engral had his hand on Alex's lower back and was both escorting him and giving him little pushes as they walked. He would've complained about the manhandling, but he didn't want to insult the man, especially when he might Alex's only help. Still, the quick stepping caused extra bounces in his breasts which made him cross his arms over them to reign them in, which had him sashaying his...

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For Old Times Sake Part 3or TGIF

It was Thursday night and Ashley’s nerves were on edge. She’d spent the last 3 days anticipating tomorrow, yet now that it was almost time, the guilt had begun to creep in. Although she had been able to sleep soundly the night of her bath, the next two nights brought dreams, hot dreams. Dreams about what Shaun would do to her soon, and what she would do to him. Both mornings she awoke; fearing she’d called out his name in her sleep, but Adam gave no indications that her lusts had been...

Wife Lovers
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MCTV Saved by the bell

Perils of Kelly Zack was deep in thought. He and Slater were sitting in their usual booth in The Max and Slater was saying something, but Zack was miles away. Kelly was no longer his girlfriend, he had accepted that fact. Seeing her every day in school and remaining friends with her hadn't helped, but he had accepted it none the less. Hell, he saw her every day after school too, as she was a waitress at The Max. There were other restaurants in town, some with better food, but for some reason...

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MyFamilyPies Lily Glee Savannah Sixx I Want My Brothers Dick

Lily Glee and her friend Savannah Sixx are both into Lily’s stepbrother, Damon Dice. They chat about it as they sunbathe by the pool, but then Lily falls asleep. While her friend is sleeping, Savannah calls Damon over so she can flirt with him. Finding Damon willing, Savannah encourages him by flashing her hugewa breasts and rubbing his chub. Soon she has her hot little mouth wrapped around his cock. That’s when Lily wakes up. Savannah and Damon put themselves back together and...

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Oscar MeyersChapter 19

The Reverend Leroy Jones sat on a heavy duty camp chair drinking a cup of Arabian coffee. The thick sweet liquid was strong, but the cup was tiny. The bottom of the cup was filled with finely ground particles of coffee bean. In all, there were about four sips of coffee in the cup. Shaking his head, he wished that he had a cup of American coffee. Sighing, he said, “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this coffee.” “I have never gotten used to the weak swill that you Americans call coffee,”...

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Mary Grant First BBC

Mary Grant had just finished her morning Body Pump class, and wanted to introduce herself to the new instructor.She had not seen him before, so she walked up and said hello to the dark skinned man, who introduced himself as Terrance. Mary told him she really enjoyed the class, and asked if he was new. He said he had just started teaching in his free time, as he normally works as a massage ther****t.She said what a coincidence that was, as her regular ther****t had recently moved, and wanted to...

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PrincessCum Vanna Bardot Step Sisters Honeymoon

While they’ve been quarantining together, Vanna Bardot knows that her stepbrother Codey Steele has been coming into her room at night to spy on her. She decides to take advantage of his obvious interest. After getting all made up, she puts on a sleek white dress while playing wedding music in the background. Codey comes home just as Vanna is toying with the ring. Vanna freaks out and tells Codey the groom isn’t supposed to see the bride before they get married. That’s when...

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Ryan Falls In Love Ch1

This is my first story, and it's quite late so I might make a few errors. I'll try make spelling as accurate as possible but If it isn't, please don't flame me for that as I wrote this on NotePad. Lol. :). (FYI: I'm from England, We start Highschool at 11 and college at 16 in England.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am Ryan, I live in England with my mother and have one...

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Family Fun pt 1

Before I can tell the story I have to give tell about my family. My Mom (Alexis) is 38 but looks like shes 20. She 5"7' and has hazel black hair that comes down a little past her neck. Shes skinny and has a lot of curves and sports a 38DD bust. My twin older sisters (Jade and Crystal) are both 17 and sexy as hell. They both are 5"6' have light brown eyes and black hair that comes down to the center of there backs. Both are just as curvy as mom and have 36D breasts. The only way they are...

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LeefsticChapter 24

Tommy and his group had made millions of square metres of hull plate to keep his wives on the moon and under the dome. He claimed that Simna had not like weightless conditions before being born. At five and a half months though she seemed to thrive in this environment. She developed her PK early and used it to propel her everywhere she wanted to go. Domma, Amanda, Elizabeth and Lauren were always close. The little Gossna boy felt right at home with the girls. His parents though thought he was...

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Gave Sensual Massage To My Virgin School Mate

Hey guys and girls call me RKC age 22. Today I am going to narrate a incident from my life. This story is about meeting my old school classmate after a long time and how made love to each other. This story is a bit long so have patience. About me I am from Chennai. Currently pursuing in 3rd year and about her shes Bhanu (fake) and currently doing CA in Mumbai age 21. This incident took place before 2 years. We met in a mall. She was with her friends for some and I was there with my...

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A Trip To Remember

                     My wife and i love camping. Every spring we load up our tent and head upstate, to a beautiful and serene spot me have choosen, right in the mountain country. During this time of year it is lovely up there, as the flowers and trees are just coming into full bloom, and the cool maintain breezes feel refreshing and invigoring, making hiking or walking through nature trails most enjoyable. We usually set up out tent close to the lake, so i can get in some fishing and hunting....

Group Sex
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My Big Boobed Hot Shoba Aunty

Hi friends, this sunny who studying college now .This thing happed went I was between 10 to still but only thing she is married now with an baby boy ,the main thing is baby is belong to me no one knows about relationship with us. Let us go to story About my aunty she is an fitness freak, she us to at size of 37-23-38 she quiet glamour’s lady at the time but she is now at little big hip.At age of 28 she is 4 sister to my dad .Sad thing is I never taste other sisters . I am an normal guy from...

1 year ago
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Health 101 More Games

In the lounge area outside the cubicles I picked a clean lab coat off a hook and slipped it on over my smooth naked body. Nudity is fine, but clothing has its purposes, not the least of which is to provide pockets for notebooks, pencils, and so on. I scribbled a brief note about Andy’s progress, he had honestly admitted his desire to see my body and had made an effort to masturbate while I watched. He still had some hope of success in my class, although he was a hair’s-breadth from expulsion. ...

4 years ago
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"Is that what we are?" Jill looked at me. She was 24 and she looked like a Jill, with her long brown hair in pigtails, hanging just behind her ears. She had soft brown eyes and a pretty face, with dimples when she smiled. A real tomboy body too, thin and sort of slouching because she was self-conscious about being so tall. Jill was like 5'11 and she hated it. Small breasts, like just nipples really and her sex was so far down between her thighs you couldn't even tell she had one unless she...

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BrotherInLawChapter 2

"Please, Mr. Bondman, please! You can't... you just can't!" Ginny wriggled helplessly as he held her pinned tightly to the cushions, squatting victoriously over her writhing young body, his immense balls brushing her flat, smooth belly, his thick knob of a cock beginning to swell and harden as it dangled from beneath the roll of obscene fat that circled his hairy abdomen. "C'mon, honey, stop playing hard to get," leered Marty, gripping his hardening prick in his right hand. "You and...

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EvilAngel Gabbie Carter Gabbie8217s Pussy Eaten And Fucked

Busty, beautiful blonde Gabbie Carter’s plump lips pout. When she peels off strappy black lingerie, Ramon Nomar runs his tongue over her cunt, eating her out as she moans loudly. He gives her a rim job, and she gobbles his big cock in an enthusiastic blowjob. Ramon shoves his prick inside her young cunt, massaging her clit as he strokes. He takes a titty fuck, and she reciprocates fetish-style, sucking his foot. Gabbie’s gash bounces on his boner; she cums over and over as he rams...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of ArchieChapter 3 Archie Buys a Mattress

The fabulous foursome of Archie, Jerry, Bettina and Veronica had their eighteen year old sunscreen protected bodies stretched out on Bettina's huge towel right next to the swimming dock donated by Mr. Hornsby, a local manufacturer who made his fortune in mattresses. Veronica got most of the stares because her twin buttocks were rising like Swiss Alps into the lazy summer air. Jerry was reading a dirty comic book with pictures of almost-naked girls running away from horny guys with lust in...

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Airport To Salon To Perfect Sex

Rhea was on a three months event project in Bangalore. It was winter’s time and she was working for Sunburn in Bangalore. I was working in an Advertising Agency as a Creative Director. Finally, the event was a big hit and she arrived in Mumbai after three months. Me: Rhea baby, what time is your flight landing in Mumbai. (WhatsApp) Rhea: Honey, I am landing at 7 in the morning. Rhea wanted to have a vacation in Goa, but I was busy with my office. Rhea was upset. It had been long we haven’t...

3 years ago
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Ladki Pahadin Mera Khilona Ban Gayi Part 2

Bra aur pantie wali bag ko bed par uske side mein rakha aur usko dekhne laga. Nashe mein behosh padi thi hath paon ek dum dheeli padi thi. Maine sabse pehle to ek ek karke uske badan se saare kapde utarne. Ab wo poori nangi padi thi bistar par. Man to kiya ki apne bhi kapde utar kar usko chod doon. Par behosh ladki ko chodne mein maza nahin, aur abhi to raat baki hai maze karne ke liye. Bag kholkar usme se sabse pehle panty nikali. Yes panty khas rubber ki bani thi, sakht rubber ki car tyre ke...

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My Neighbour Jess

Jess was a girl that lived next to us, she moved in about 4 years after I moved there and we first met when I was 15 and she was 14. The first time we met was at a party that the neighbourhood was throwing for the new family, you know because the neighbourhood I moved to was pretentious and snobby and thats the kinda thing they did. I ran into her in the hallway standing on her own, looking a little upset so I made sure she was alright “are you okay?” I asked “yes” she said looking...

1 year ago
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Mature German Red Head In Singapore

Hi, my name is Ruso. I am 23 years old and 6 feet tall. Am from Bangalore and went to study my Bachelor’s in Singapore. I currently reside in Singapore but I do often visit Bangalore. I used to be a professional athlete and used to represent India. Am quite fit and athletic. I am told that am quite blessed with a tool size of 8.4 inches long and 3 fingers thick. I take 2-3 hours to cum and hence usually prefer Older women who can handle my size and long hours of sex. So, this story happened in...

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Autobiography of John RossChapter 10

I must admit that our agreement caused me more than a few qualms. I had had sex with quite a few women at this point, several of them married. I didn't see that there was much harm in it, if it didn't make trouble between them and their husbands, and I had made sure it wouldn't. This was my own mother, though. How did I feel about that? On the one hand, the idea of her having sex with anyone was somewhat disturbing. But I couldn't deny, it was also very exciting -- forbidden fruit, a...

2 years ago
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The Crystal RainbowChapter 21 Yearning

"This feels so delightfully wicked, Erik! Are you quite certain that this is a method of teaching voice? Or, are you trying to seduce me, Monsieur?" While the words slipped haughtily from her lips, the mischievous light in her glistening eyes belied her tone of mock horror. She arched an eyebrow at him as she awaited his response. The man, who hovered above her body with his hands controlling her movements, froze. For a brief instant, he lost his cocky certainty as he raised his serious...

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