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Changes Meet James Richardson he works as a laborer in a factory of the Straton corperation. He is well built and very good looking. Little does he know this is the last day he will be an adult or even a man. He is going to work like always. He is seldom if ever late to work. But today it is all going to change, perminatly. His day starts as every day does getting up eating a big breakfast ans then kissing his wife good bye. He then gets in his car and leaves for work. His day is uneventful they set a company record today but other than that nothing. It's December and it is dark and he parked in the back part of the lot. As James is heading to his car to go home. He is clubbed in the back of the head as he blacks out he sees a person dressed in black. ******** When he wakes. It morning and he is strapped to a table and a metal helmate is fastened to his head. "What's going on here, he asks out loud?" "I'm taking over your body a voice says in the darkness," says a girls voice. Then a very cute little girl steps out from the darkness." James begins laughing uncontrolably. "What makes you think you are taking over my body," James laughs. "The machine you are hooked up to says I am," She says climbing up on a table. "Gentlemen please hook me to the machine right now," She orders Two men step from the darkness and strapped her down and fastened a helmate to her head. Then one of them walkes over to him and makes sure that his were tight. Then they dissapear in the darkness. Then they walk back in to the darkness and dissapear. James hears some talking and then everything blacks out. when he/she regains conscienceness he sees his body standing over him. "What in the HE.......!!!" He starts then he hears her voice coming from his mouth. Get used to it Lexy, James says. You're going be sent to a foster home. You're a 9 year old minor. I was trapped in that body when your MOM used a magic spell on me. She said I would get my body back then she sold the spell book in a grage sale and said I was staying a girl permentaly because I was teasing girls all the time at school. Then I read a story in the news paper that my dad's competors invented this machine I arranged for a demonstration of it. That is where you come in. It was a success." Modeling his former body. Your mom and dad believe you were kidnapped. it will cost them a million dollars to get you back. That's a lie and I faked your dissapearance. They would've found you near your house. But the are Dead killed by a bugler. their names were Bill and Martha Straton You are now an orphan now your parents are dead. Why I do not know this, She/he says with an evil grin I am so sorry this had to happen to you. You are now a ward of the state. I arranged it. Oh by the way you are now deathly afraid of water. To afraid of water to even learn to swim. Get used to your new life Lexy I am getting out of here. Yes your name is now Alexis Maire Straton. Chow you little brat have a wonderful life. That's your body from now on. I got to get home my wife is waiting for me. Yes she knows this has happened I talked it over with her already. Bye, It was her idea to use you in the first place." Then James walks off leaving Lexy on the table crying and screaming "Get back here with my F--king body." and other filthy words a little girl her age should not even know. She is reandered unconscience by the lab assistant with a seditative. *** When he/she wakes she quickly finds out that James has made good on his threat. She's now suspened from a limb, gaged, hancuffed, and feet shackled together suspened over water off a cliff. Just for a little drama. She is on a island in the middle of the ocean. Extreme fear and panic starts passing over his/her body. She starts struggling and struggling to get free but to no avail. She then starts trying to scream but with the gag in his/her mouth he/she can not scream loud enough. She fights for a long time but eventually she falls asleep from exaustion. *** When she wakes up again, she finds herself laying in a bed in a night gown three sizes to big for her. She realizes she is on a boat. It's moving away from the island. Her fears do not go away they just get worse. She starts screaming in fear. A man and women enter the cabin. The women grabs her and hugs her tightly. The woman says, "there, there sweatheart you're safe nothing will hurt you." "Whwhwho aaare yayayou," Lexy studders. "I'm Christine Rogers," the women says. "This is my husband Mike. What is your name sweatheart?" "Ja---- My name is Alexis Marie Straton, " She finally replies. "Where are your Mommy and Daddy sweatheart," Christine replies. Lexy starts crying, "DDDDeeeeaaaadddd," she trys to say between the tears. "DEAD!!! Mrs. Rogers stats with a shock of horror on her face. What were you doing tied up the way you were on that island?" Lexy nods, Then she begins crying harder than ever. She tells them that her parents were murdered and she was the only witness. She says, "the that the murders decided to just bring her here thinking that she would starve to death and no one would be the wiser. Leaving her like she was. Mrs. Rogers grabs Lexy and holds her very tightly squeezing in her arms saying, "Don't worry sweatheart you're safe with me we will take good care of you sweetheart. Don't worry we will keep you safe." After a good hour of only crying Lexy finally drifts back off to sleep. "Fred," Christine says? "Ya Babe," Fred replies. "We need to try an adopt her as our own daughter," Christine says. "We need to help her find the ones who did this to her." "Ok we will," Fred replies. "But first we need to find out if she has any living family at all. Then we will try and adopt her." Christine nods in agreement and lays Lexy down on the sofa to sleep then they go to the upper deck of the yachat to sun bath. *** Later that day six o'clock pm to be precice. James now Lexy wakes finding that the dream is real he is actually a little girl named Lexy. This is no dream it has to be a nightmare. He pinches his/herself ouch that hurt she replies. She is trapped and on a boat on water the fear of water passes over her like a wave imeediatly she screams and for help and crawls under a chair for safty. Christine appears and finally coxes Lexy out from an under the chair. Lexy is so scared she is physically shaking all over. She is in tears saying "I want my old life back this is not fair." She finally calms down. Christine's cuddling her in her arms seems to be a real comfort. She finally calms enough think a while. She thinks to herself, "Should I send the person who stole my body to jail for endangering the well fair of a child? Or tell the Rogers' they are the people my parents left custody of me to? I think I will stay with the Rogers they seem to like me. I am going to blame them for leaving me their!" Mike then brings in a bar-b-Qed beef steak, Baked patatoe, and soda. For Lexy to eat. She eats it all she was starving. "Lexy honey," Christine says in a calm and gentle voice.. "Do you know who did this to you." "Ma'am, I never saw their faces ma'am. I am sorry," Lexy says. "Did they say anything," Christine asks? "One had a deep baritone voice that is all I know," Lexy says. Wait Ma'am I remember every thing that happened. She describes her former body and his wife to them. They are the ones who tied me up and left me there. They are not the ones who murdered my parents my parents were killed by a burgler. Bill and Martha Straton were there names. "Bill and Martha Straton," They exclaim in unision! "Do you have any family living" "I do not know sir don't remember sir," Lexy says. Remembering who was the president of the company he worked for was. "Mr Rogers, sir I believe that the guy who kidnapped me either works for or used to work for my father." She gives him the address of the company he worked for. For the remainder of the trip home Christine stays below decks with Lexy. Lexy is let change back in to her dress she was wearing when she was found. For some weird reason James now Lexy feels more comfortable in that dress. *** The Rogers immedatly take Lexy to the police station. She tells tells them the same thing she told the Rogers. She is let see the burgler who was apprehanded burglerizing the house and murdering Bill and Martha Straton. She describes the people in prefect detail who tied her up and left her out in the middle of the ocean. The police dispatcher sends out the APB for them. They find out that Lexy has no living family. Lexy now being an orphan she is forced to go with the child services official. She is then forced to leave the Rogers family. Lexy realizies quickly that she is now stuck in a life of foster homes and orphanages. As she is being put in the car the police captain says to the child services official, "Wait a minute. Who was it the ones who rescued you from the island?" "Them they rescued me," Lexy says pointing at a distraught Mr. and Mrs Rogers exiting the police station. "They saved me. I want to go with them and become their daughter. If I have a choice sir." "Miss Stranton that is the weired thing you do have a choice we found your parents will. They left everything to you," The captain says. "You're now the richest nine year old girl around here. If you want them as your parents they can be. The will says, "If they're ever killed you get complete onwership in the family bussiness you can devide the shares any way you see fit. You have a choice in who becomes your legal gardians and they will also get twenty five percent ownership in your company and control of the company untill you turn eighteen Miss Stranton." Lexy smiles. She realizies that she is going to be fine. All though she is trapped in a girls body. Which right now she doesn't care anymore. Lexy finall says, "Then I want Mr. and Mrs. Rogers as my legal gardains," Lexy says pointing at Mike and Christine Rogers. "Them ok," He says turning to the Rogers. "Mr. and Mrs. Rogers wait I have something to say. Please come back." They stop and turn around. "Miss Stranton here wants you to become her leagel gardians. Her parents gave her one choice in who gets custody of her. She picked you to become her parents," Says the police captain escorting them over to the welfare offical. Christine nearly faints. Mike is extactic. He runs over and sweeps Lexy up off her feet hugging her tightly. "Now you realize we'll need to do a back ground search on you," The child services official says. "Yes we understand," Mike says as Christine hurries up and grabs Lexy and squeeses her tightly. "What happens now," Mike asks? "Well after the back ground check come back," The officer says. "Mr and Mrs Roger's you will get 25% intrest in the Stranton coperation and control of Lexy's 75% untill she turns eighteen in which she gets controling intrest." He squeeses Lexy tighter and says, "That is fine." He smiles at his wife who is in tears. the rewards for finding Lexy on that island are to incredable to believe. Lexy smiles. She is thinking wait till James finds out what he's given up by swiching bodies with her. She is the richest one of the richest kids around. All she had to do is switch bodies to get it. She does regreat what she did to James. She thinks a minute. Officer that James Walker guy who tied me up and left me on that island in the ocean. I want him to have to be my families buttler and his wife our maid. If they refuse you can send them to prison then. If they take the job I'll drop all charges. If not I want them sent away for the rest of there lives," Lexy says matter of factly. She then kisses her new daddy and mommy. The police captain tells the officers who are bringing in the Walkers to come here. They take one look at Lexy. She tells them the deal but if they refuse the offer or ever quit working for her family. They can and will be sent to prision for the rest of their lives. "Mrs. Richardson will be my personal maid, Lexy says. "She will be wearing a french maids uniform at all times. Mr. Richardson will be the Buttler and Lexy's personal shofer at all times peroid. Lexy whispers into James's ear, "You could have had all this but no you wanted to be a boy again. So I am making you pay for what you did. You will be serving me and the Rogers' her for the rest of your lives. In the house you were born in and the house you gave up by switching bodies with me." He's furrious. But he accepts knowing the only alternitive is spending the rest of his life in prison. Makes the job as their personal buttler a better choice. Mrs. Walker makes the same choice. But she's furrious at her only other choice. "Mommy Daddy," Lexy says turning to them, "I want them to start right NOW." The captain releases them to the Roger's custody. The Rogers makes James drive them to Lexy's house. Lexy is taken to her room by Mike. She Mrs. Walker turns down Lexy's bed and Lexy is put in bed. She loves her room she can get used to all this. She drifts off to sleep. *** The next morning the coperation's board of directors is informed of Mr. and Mrs. Stranton's death and who has been appointed by Miss Stranton the leagel heir as the new director. Untill she can take over on her Eighteenth bithday. *** The Rogers back ground check comes back clean and their alloud to adopt Alexis Marie Straton leagally. she changes her last name to Alexis Marie Rogers. James and Michelle regrets everyday what they did. Knowing they are trapped as the servants of Lexy from now on. At eighteen Lexy does inheret the Stranton corperation. She marries her boy friend in school she lets him have day to day control of the company she stays home to watch over the house and their children. James and Michelle spend the rest of their lives serving Lexy and her family. Lexy does let them retire after they turn fifty. She does have a heart.

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Day 23 Antia was on one shoulder and Tacita the other when I awoke. I was surprised to find that my morning fellatrix was Marilla and not Fausta. She sucked me off and swallowed my cum before crawling on top of me. “Thank you,” she whispered emotionally, “I will behave and be a good slave.” “Ask Tacita what it’s like to be my slave,” I suggested. “You will find that your life is almost the same as the free women.” Since her naked, nubile body was giving little Quintus ideas, I climbed out...

4 years ago
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Black List V AscensionChapter 10

The flight is taken on a private jet that Spencer assumes belongs to the Black List. He had initially wondered how they were going to transport their weapons. Julie had given no explanation and it wasn’t until the place came into view that he would know. The trip is short and after a night of rest, the two agents leave their hotel early to grab a bite to eat. According to Julie and her information, an attack is scheduled to take place midmorning at Wolff Industries. They sit at a street-side...

2 years ago
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The Mark of a Warrior

Glint was a pretty blue green world with twelve other planets in the system and three far asteroid belts on the rim. Like all Kaire we were hunters and warriors but we were also space miners. We had six huge refining stations and two major mining platforms as well as a very large ship construction station. There were twelve large major clans in the system not counting the few visiting or looking for a new clan site as well as Noss and Sizz. The Noss were mostly on two southern continents and...

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The fiery Doctor part 1

Here she was yet again, walking through a village in Afghanistan with the Marine unit that she was attached to. She was a navy corpsman and damn proud of it. She also filled the role of the unit’s FET member and also was sort of the unit’s good luck charm. On this morning, they were on a routine patrol when out of nowhere a single shot rang out. Just ahead of her the unit’s commander had just been hit through the neck and she was there in a second. For not only was this the very...

2 years ago
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Cheap Thrills With Shriya 8211 Part 1

Hey guys, What’s up! Hope you all are doing good ;) I’m Shayan and I’d really like to share with you guys an incident which really changed my life *sexually*. This would seem a long story but the built up is necessary. So boys grab your cocks and girls keep your fingers ready. This started when I was still in college. Being the head boy I was involved in a number of activities and was quite popular in the institution. This in turn also increased my popularity among the girls as I was decently...

1 year ago
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What do Asian girls in bikinis have to do with dudes getting their dicks grabbed by river crabs? How about nice thick asses on teenagers, sluts showing their O-faces, and memes about jacking off in the river? I know this is a goddamn mystery, so I’ll give you one more example before the big reveal. Where can you find sexy professional models posing on rooftops, comics about accidentally groping some girl’s giant boobies, voyeur shots of the lady downstairs sunbathing nude on her balcony? Or...

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4 years ago
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The Incident Took Place While Commencing A Green Field Project

Hello readers, hope everyone is enjoying reading the stories here like me. I am Rahul again, sharing another real incident happened to me a few years back with all the readers of ISS. I am working in an internationally reputed engineering firm for last few years. By the way, I am 25 now. I joined this company as a management trainee and thereafter getting a couple of promotion, I became a project head which has been a decent rise in career. Before coming to the story, I would like to mention...

3 years ago
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Best RegardsChapter 3

Now the tears flow uncontrollably and her body shakes in time with the racking sobs. And the thoughts aren't helpful, "Well fool, what did you think? You thought that you could do as you please and it wouldn't bite you, someday ... long and hard!" That harsh observation makes her defensive and the outburst pours angrily through her mind, "Damn you! That was a sickness! I did not hurt anyone ... the only person that it hurt ... was me!" However, the sneer is just as intense,...

4 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 15 Agatha RobertsChapter 2

It had been easy, to Agatha’s astonishment. He had showed her how to grip the ladder above and pull herself up, stepping up one rung at a time. The trunk actually leaned so that she was tilted toward the tree. She blushed, thinking of what it would look like underneath her, but, of course, he was beside her. She pulled her own basket up, kneeling on the edge of the platform. It seemed much higher from up here. “Blankets!” he grunted. “Be right back.” She hadn’t seen the thick rope that hung...

1 year ago
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The universe wants me naked

Looking towards the nothing she thought about how she ended like this, a few months ago Vanessa Ilyna was a normal half Russian, 19 year old girl who lived a really happy and chaste life, she was very popular, modest and extrovert, she had a lot of friends and a huge number of guys who wanted to date her and simped for her but she never payed attention to them, actually she was still a virgin and never had a boyfriend, eveb with all her beauty and charm at the end of the she was just a normal...

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Amandas Journey Day 2 Part 2

Chapter 5 Jennifer shows Nicole to the door as Mistress orders me to shower before joining her in the hot tub. I'm careful not to get my wig wet, can't have frizzy hair now, can we? I ran track at the various schools I attended, and though I didn't compete in college, I still ran as often as my curriculum allowed. In other words, I thought I was in good shape. Pilates proved me wrong. Jennifer returns, snatches a quick shower and joins us in the tub. "Jennifer, make sure you...

1 year ago
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Lazy Day or My boring day turns to porn filled orgy heaven

There wasn’t really anything on TV. Steve had taken the children camping for the weekend, but I had to work so I had stayed behind on my own. It was Saturday afternoon and I had spent the morning inspecting some new homes that Al and I were listing for sale. I got home just after one, and felt like having a lazy day. I ran a long bath and then poured myself a glass of wine and relaxed in the deep water, enjoying the peace and quiet. I sipped my wine, then put it on the edge of the tub and...

2 years ago
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Christmas morning with my daughter

I come down the stairs to the sight of my daughters ass, on her knees , on the floor , leaning down reading names on gifts under our Christmas tree . The entire living room flooded with gifts, most for Emily. My wife Sarah sitting in the lounge chair in her short robe and slippers. Sarah and I make eye contact. Sarah smiles at me letting me know that she saw the first thing that I stared at for a long time as I came down was our daughters pantie covered ass and little cunt from behind. It had...

1 year ago
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Long Awaited Pleasure Part 2

He went on in, and sat on the bed. I stood in the hallway, looking at him from afar for a second, when he motioned his hand for me to come in, with this devious little smirk on his faced. I smiled and walked in. He got up and stood in front of me, then taking his hands and placing them on my ass. He pulled me towards him. I felt the bulge in his pants as he rubbed his pelvis ever so slightly against mine. He was so hard already, it fascinated me... I then caressed my face with his...

2 years ago
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My Visit with an Xhamster Friend

I started talking to a beautiful woman here on xhamster. She found my ability to suck my own cock fascinating and the conversations developed from there. We exchanged numbers and started texting a lot getting to know each other. In the conversations we talked about visiting each other. She had a long term relationship but had been separated for quite a long time and hadn't had sex since. We would sext for hours sometimes, both of us getting off as we send pictures and videos back and forth. She...

4 years ago
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A String of PearlsChapter 3

About a week after the incident I just described, Amy had to go out of town to a realtor’s convention of some kind. It was assumed Chas would stay with me. It wasn’t even discussed. My relationship with Chastity had been completely normal that week. She hadn’t gotten weird on me. She’d come to the range three days, and done whatever on the other days. It was summer and I assumed she got together with friends. The day her mother left was a day she worked at the range. It was a hot day and we...

1 year ago
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My wife begs to suck my dick

Last week, my wife told me that she would be my cock sucking slave for 5 days straight if I take her on a trip to the beach. She rarely gives me blowjobs so I was ecstatic to hear this. She said I can make up any rules I want and she will follow. The only request she made is that if I am satisfied with her performance, she gets to have a ride on my dick afterwards. Of course, I can also boss her around during that.These are the rules I came up with and she has already agreed to follow:- She has...

2 years ago
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Ex GF I said I just found Someone

For the past 2 years me and my ex-girlfriend, Liz, have met up for casual sex. There has been no commitments but the sex has been outstanding. Because we know there isn't any chance of us getting back together it has enhanced what we have done let us go just wild on each other.Ass slapping, face fucking, tying each other up, anal sex, creampie, cum swapping...pretty much anything you could do with two people.As we laid in bed after sex one afternoon the conversation about sexual fantasies came...

3 years ago
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Back in the 1970s Sarah decided finally to go to her local doctor to see why she Wasn,t pregnant. I mean we actually fucked every chance or when Sarah was supposed to be more fertile yet she was Not getting pregnant! I mean I had literally pumped gallons of what I took to be potent semen in her womb, but nothing happened. Eventually I was asked to go to a local hospital for a sperm count. I was handed a boring soft porn magazine and a sample bottle. “Please return the magazine and sample when...

3 years ago
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Daddy And My Brothers Gangbanged Me For My Birthday

Melody sat cross-legged, watching television as she folded clothes. There was always a mountain’s worth of clothes. Not surprising, considering that it’s a house with one girl, her two brothers, and her father.She could hear the constant thud of a ball outside the drive. Her brothers were playing basketball outside in the driveway. She glanced at the clock, then put down the T-shirt she had been folding- it was time to get them in for dinner. Daddy would be home soon and she wanted everything...

1 year ago
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A hard days night

"Who's the dickhead that knocked me sign over?" Bruce, my boss, asked. "Just some babes mate." I said "Go get up ‘em" "Nah fuck it," he said "I'll fix it later." I watched as the girls hopped out of the car and stood on the footpath looking into the store. One of them picked the sign up and after she put it back into position she grabbed a friend by the arm and walked into the shop. "Hi." she said, "Sorry about the sign." "Thanks for putting it back." I...

3 years ago
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Skinny 23 year old sucks off old chub

So yesterday (8/4/18) I had a long work day and was just about worn out but still horny as hell since I hadn't jacked off a couple of days because I had set up with a guy to come by my shop and suck me off. Well, as often happens he didn't text when he said he would and he didn't reply to my text. DAMN! I saved him a super huge wad and he doesn't show up to take it! Isn't that just how it goes for me so much. All these guys want to suck cock but then when I put my cock out ready for a willing...

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Graceful Submission

Graceful Submission by Kittynor Chapter 1 My name is Grace. It used to be Graham but I will come back to that a little later. My parents, Luke & Jennifer, are in what one would call an FLR. It's short for Female led relationship. Before you jump to any conclusions, this is what both of my parents desired. They have had time to sort of perfect their roles over the past twenty plus years. You can see that in the...

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