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Chapter 1

In the last month my life has undergone some big changes. The way I think about relationships and sex has been flipped upside down. Since going through this change has been such an exhilarating experience, I thought I might share it with some of the anonymous strangers out on the net.

I'll start with some background so that you can better understand what has happened. I am a married 25 year old aerobics instructor and personal trainer at a gym in suburban Austin, Texas. My husband is working on a PHD in chemical engineering at the University of Texas here in town. We got married when we were undergraduate students and have scrimped and slaved ever since to make ends meet. Next year, once he finishes his degree, we will be much better off. He already has some offers for great jobs.

I have a degree in physical education. It turned out that teaching gym classes in the public school system wasn't going to bring in enough money to keep us alive, so I started teaching aerobics and got myself certified as a personal trainer. The work is pretty mindless, but it is fun and it lets me stay in shape. I make pretty good money. The women want to hire me to work with them because they think that I can help them look like me, in spite of genetics and years of bad eating and no exercise. The guys hire me because I'm cute and they like to look at me.

I am 5'6" tall and weigh 110 pounds. I keep my blonde hair cut short so that it is easy to manage at work. I am very slim, with small breasts, but I attract plenty of looks at the gym and on those rare occasions when my husband, Matt, and I go out to party.

We don't actually get out much. Between his teaching load, his research work, and the time he has to spend writing, Matt just about lives on campus from morning 'til night. The last year has been a real crusher. His schedule and my work have cut into our social life greatly. We used to hit Sixth Street for music and dancing just about every weekend. Any more it is once every other month or so, and even then we have to quit early.

Our sex life has also become more tepid. When we were first going together we explored the realm of sexual possibilities together. We both had been with previous lovers, but they were of the nature of high school fumbling. We had never had the time or confidence to really explore sex before we started going out with each other. We tried all kinds of "normal" positions and practices, then we graduated on to some role play, exhibitionism, semi-public sex (one of my favorites, I love the thrill from being able to be caught), we even tried a little rope and dominance. We had a blast trying new things and being naughty together. Then things started to slow back as our schedules filled.

I guess what happened over the next four years is pretty common. We gradually stopped playing games and settled into routine lovemaking. Over the last year or so the frequency of even the routine sex has diminished. The pressures of school really take it out of Matt. I stay horny all the time lately. I don't want to pressure him any more than he is already pressured, so I don't try to force the issue. I just get real friendly with the shower massage to take the edge off.

In our relationship, I tend to be the one to make decisions. I have always had a pretty strong personality. Matt has always been pretty laid back and quiet. I wouldn't say that he is submissive to my dominance, but in general, I am the more forceful outgoing person with the dominant personality.

That is where our lives were when this whole thing started. The actual starting point was the afternoon when I was put up flyers for a new exercise class for athletes. I was tired of working with couch potatoes most of the time and had come up with the idea for a workout group aimed at supplemental training for some of the athletes at the gym. I thought it would be nice to help some people who were serious about working out.

In addition to dates and times and my cell phone number, I put my E-mail address on the flyer. I still remember thinking that it was neat to be part of the e-age when I made the flyer. Cell phones and e-mail were necessary even for a lowly fitness trainer. I had a cute e-mail address and looked forward to starting to receive messages.

The very next day I had a few notes from a couple of interested people. It looked like my idea would work out. When I got to the last message, I was in for a surprise. It was from [email protected]: FROM: [email protected] TO: Get_ [email protected] SUBJECT: You

Kim, I was so happy to find an e-mail address for you. I have seen you at the gym over the past months and cannot get you out of my mind. You are obviously a very bright and talented person who puts a lot of herself into your work.

I understand you are married. He is a lucky fellow to be able to see and touch your naked body.

You are a beautiful person with much potential. You obviously haven't learned to let go of yourself enough to realize that potential. You obviously need a firm hand to guide you into fulfilling your latent promise. I know that deep inside you is a person who needs to give complete control to someone else. I also know that is the last thing you want to admit to yourself.

My name is not really James. You won't know who is sending this note to you. Does that excite you at all? Just think, I am just an anonymous fan who can see through your facade. Every contact you have with a man will be tainted by the question "Is he the one?".

The possibilities will excite you, I'm sure. I bet that for the next week or so your pretty body will respond to every man you meet in a sexual fashion.


I was flabbergasted. It was certainly flattering to know I could have that kind of impact on someone. I like to show off and see guys react. It makes me feel sexy. At the same time, this was a little creepy. Was this guy some kind of stalker? I deleted the note and decided to be careful in parking lots for a while.

I looked for "James" for the next couple of weeks. At one point or another, every guy at the gym became either my secretly lusting lover or a deranged pervert out to get me. It just depended on how I felt about the guy. If he was attractive or cute he fell into the first category. I put everyone else into the other category.

I found myself excited and turned on constantly. The specter of my admirer tainted just about every contact I had with men. I was dripping wet with excitement by the time I made it home every day. The old standby shower massage worked overtime. Even Matt got some extra sex and loving. The next message from James came two weeks after the first. FROM: [email protected] TO: Get_ [email protected] SUBJECT: You

Kim, Thanks for wearing the white leotard again this week. It pleases me that you responded to my interests. You seem a bit more alive the last couple of weeks. There is a glow about you. Could it be that I have piqued your interest? Are you just a little excited wondering who I might really be? We have spoken since I sent you my last note. It was very titillating for me to talk with you.

I have been watching you for a while. I have seen you interact with any number of people. I managed to ask a couple of people about you. In doing all of this, I have been coloring in a picture of just who you are. One common thread I have noticed is that you are a real "take charge" type of person. You can be very controlling. My guess is that you like to be the one to initiate sex with your husband. You probably control the pace and activities as well. I think you do it very subtly, mind you. I don't see the extra swagger that would tell me you are overtly domineering in bed. However, you do have the mannerisms of someone who prefers to set the pace of activities.

I can't help but wonder if you have ever given up control, surrendered yourself to someone else. You know, you can't really exert true control without having experienced true submission.

I don't want to harass you, and I can understand your reticence to reply to me. If you want me to stop corresponding with you, just don't wear your sexy white outfit for me next week. It is like a safe word for you. I'll go away.


I couldn't believe the things James had said to me. At first I was indignant and angry. The effrontery of discussing something so intimate and personal as my sexual preferences was highly disturbing. Even more disturbing was that he wasn't far off the mark. The accuracy of his comments frightened and angered me. The embarrassment of someone seeing what I thought were well hidden little fantasies was all but painful. There was no way I would encourage this person to think anything would ever go further.

I needed to respond and try to get control of the situation. I ripped out a nasty little note: FROM: Get_ [email protected] TO: [email protected] SUBJECT: Re: You

Please stop sending me your sordid little fantasies. I am not interested in them or you. You obviously need help in dealing with severe psychological problems. If you persist in sending these notes, I will contact your ISP and the authorities. Then you can try your amateur psychobabble out on fellow inmates.


If I could scare this person away, I might be able to put this whole little disturbing thing behind me and go on with my life, keeping my happy little fantasies boxed away where they belong.

Friday morning of the next week I was getting my gym clothes together. When I opened my drawer, I saw my white outfit. The one that guy had been talking about. I had deliberately not worn it all week. I thought about it for a minute and decided to wear the outfit. I wouldn't let some stranger decide what I could and couldn't wear. Besides, I made my thoughts very clear in my E-mail to him. FROM: [email protected] TO: [email protected] SUBJECT: White Tights!


I saw you in the tights again. You looked lovely.

I understand the conflicts within you. You need control of what is happening, yet you are attracted to the things I have hinted at. It is understandable. Rest assured. I can read you very well.

By giving up the control, you free yourself to experience the fullness of the moment. There is no need to wonder about what to do next, your partners satisfaction, or anything other than the feelings you are experiencing at any given moment. You can fully experience the "now", and in doing so become a creature of the senses.

I know that somewhere inside you is a sensual wanton creature. You have maintained the mask of a proper lady so long that you actually fear what you most need and desire - the freedom to be that sensual wanton creature. The conflict between the lady and that creature must be difficult.

If you really want me to go away, just don't wear the white tights next week. In the mean time, think about the things I have said. You'll know I'm right.

Until next week,


As I sat at my desk in my bedroom and read this note, I felt my stomach tighten. The effect this stranger had on me was frightening. It was like he could see into the dark corners of my mind. I caught myself squeezing my crossed legs together rhythmically. I was on the verge of an orgasm just sitting there reading this guys note.

I didn't know what to do. I was all but paralyzed with indecision. Over the course of a couple of little E-mail notes, this stranger managed to kick out the props holding up a false self image. I couldn't share this with Matt. He was so involved in his dissertation. Besides, I was always the one to take initiative.

I spent the weekend thinking about what to do. I finally decided to ride this a little farther. I could always just stop. Maybe I could get control of my world with a little interaction with "James". On Monday morning I sat in front of my computer and tried to compose a note. FROM: Get_ [email protected] TO: [email protected] SUBJECT: Re: White Tights!

Some of what you have said to me may have a grain of truth to it. I would be interested in talking with you about what you have said. Can we meet and talk?


The response from James surprised me. FROM: [email protected] TO: Get_ [email protected] SUBJECT: White Tights!


Your note was amusing. You cannot regain what you have lost by meeting with me under your conditions. You should not try. Limiting your desires only weakens them.

If you are truly interested in exploring this side of you, you know what to do.


That son-of-a-bitch! He managed to see right through my plan. He knew me so well. I was scared. How could I let go? How could I meet his terms? Did I want to meet those terms? I was back in a quandary.

It was with a shaky hand that I drew my white tights from their place in my bureau drawer the next day. I knew that by wearing them I was overtly admitting to something I had long denied. Admitting to myself that there was a hidden side of me was not easy. The admission gave it reality.

The admission also had other effects, as well. I spent the day in a state of hyper self-awareness. I was in touch with my body as I ran the aerobics classes. It was as if is was personally familiar with each individual muscle as I moved. I felt every follicle move and tug as I turned my head and shook my hair. Each breath like liquid oxygen filling my lungs. Knowing that at some point in the day he would see the white tights and know they were a sign of me passing control to James had supercharged my senses.

At the same time that this increased self awareness was coursing through me, I was pretty disassociated with the world around me. I could barely maintain a conversation with co-workers at the gym. After my aerobics class there are usually a handful of people who come up and chat with me. It was all I could do to smile and respond. I knew that someone would see me in those white tights today and know what they meant. Every time I saw a new face I wondered if it were James.

Three long days went by before he sent another note. It was just as the edge from my self admission was starting to wear off. The normalcy of life was replacing the hunger. Then I got this note: FROM: [email protected] TO: Get_ [email protected] SUBJECT: Monday


I was pleased to see you in your white tights. I knew you would wear them.

I could see what you were going through the last few days. Exciting, isn't it? If you are ready for the next step, just go to tanning booth # 4 after you have showered and dressed to leave tomorrow.


This would be another step, a big one. I didn't know if I could do it. What would I find in the booth. Certainly there wasn't much he could do there. It was fairly public. There was a little hallway upstairs at the gym. One side of it looked out over the racquetball courts, the other had five or six tanning booths. The booths were basically little closets with tanning beds and a locking door. Gym members paid to get a token to run the beds. As an employee, I could get them for free.

The next morning I resolved to go to the booth and see what I found. I knew that any loud noise would bring someone to my rescue. I knew that I would be relatively safe there. At the same time, the ease with which James had seen through me led me to quietly believe that I would find exactly what was afraid of and wanted.

The day seemed to drag. When the last class was over I rushed to the locker room, ignoring the chatty Kathy social butterflies that stayed to talk. I showered quickly, but took the time to put on make up, fix my hair, and use scented baby powder on my skin before dressing. I had chosen a light summer dress that buttoned from neck to hem. By leaving a couple of buttons open at the bottom, I could show a little leg when I walked. As I packed my things in my bag I realized that my hands were shaking and that I was almost hyperventilating.

I stood in front of the mirror and caught my breath. I looked myself over. I wondered how many people that saw what I was looking at and recognized the lady or the tramp. James had seen the tramp, even when I couldn't let myself see her. Now I did, though. I hoped the difference was not so visible to everyone.

I took my bag and went to the front desk where Sherry gave me a token for the tanning bed. As I started up the stairs I felt totally buzzed. My ears were singing. I was panting like I had been working out hard. I paused at the door to booth four. It was open, the lights were out. There was no sign of anyone being around.

I entered the room and closed the door without turning on the light. I paused and composed myself before switching it on. Slowly, I turned and found... an empty room. I was alone. I looked around and found a small manila envelope on the tanning bed. With trembling hands, I opened it to find a black blindfold mask and a folded note. The note's had written instructions pointed the way to the next step. Kim,

Welcome. I am pleased you are joining me.

I noticed you were a bit distracted today. I will make sure that there are no distractions for you for the next half hour or so. You will find yourself totally focused on the here and now.

Follow these instructions carefully.

1. Remember that throughout this little exercise your consent is

necessary. You can stop it at any time by simply saying "halt".

There is no penalty. I will immediately stop and leave.

You will never hear from me again.

2. Strip and place your clothes neatly in the corner.

3. Turn the chair so that the front of it is against the wall

opposite the door.

4. Turn the light off and open the door a crack.

5. Put the mask over your eyes and place your hands on the back

of the chair. Walk your feet back until you are bent over.

Wait for me.

6. You are not to speak or move your hands from the chair at any

point during our encounter.

7. Failure to comply with my instructions will result in me leaving.


I was trembling all over as I removed my clothes. I debated with myself as to which corner to place them. Finally, recognizing stalling for what it is, I stacked the clothes and put the chair into position. With the mask in one hand I turned out the light. I was in a state of high arousal. My nipples were hard and standing out. My pussy was wet to the point of wetting my upper thighs. James had seen this in me.

I opened the door a crack. Light crept into the room. I pulled the mask down and reached for the chair. Nothing happened. I waited. I could smell the disinfectants used to clean the equipment. I could hear the squeak and bang of a racquetball game from the other side of the hallway. After a long wait, at least what seemed like a long wait, I felt the air move across my body and heard the rustle of someone moving into the room.

For just a moment I felt shear terror. What if it was Sherry coming to check on me? How would I explain what I was doing? What if it was just some member looking for a tan? I was on the verge of standing up and turning when I heard the door shut. There was a click as the light switch was turned on. Then there was silence. I knew it had to be him. Anyone else would have said something by now. I waited.

"Very nice, Kim," said a pleasant voice. I didn't recognize it. "You see, you have been ready for this for some time. You are lovely this way."

I felt a surge of pleasure. I had impressed Him.

"What next? That is what is going through your mind, I know," the voice continued. Will I hit you? Will I drip hot wax on you? Will I fix clamps to your nipples?"

His voice paused. I pondered what he had just said. I had never even thought about those things. I didn't expect anything quite so... B/D. What would I do if he struck me? Would he really stop? If he stopped, how would I reconcile the new side of myself I was discovering.

He chuckled, "I know what you are thinking. I can see it in your posture. I can feel it emanating from you. I can read you like a book, Kim. I will do all of those things to you, but not today. Today you get to take the first step. A baby step, really. Even if it feels Brobdingnagian."

I shifted my weight slightly. The crouch I was in was starting to be a little uncomfortable. As I finished moving, I felt a hand on my ankle. He moved my feet into a more comfortable position.

"Yes, I even know when you aren't comfortable. Any discomfort you feel is to be from me, not because you don't know how to position yourself. Now, I want you to concentrate on simply feeling. Feel your skin, feel your body. Feel as I touch you."

I felt something touch the back of my calf. It was a hard object, like a pen or unsharpened pencil. It slowly moved up the back of my leg to the crease below my butt. Then it was pulled away and moved up the other leg. Goose bumps ran up my back. Then the object touched the inside of my left ankle and slowly moved up my leg. As it moved up the curve of the inside of my thigh I felt my knees pull a part - welcoming the intruder to my most private anatomy. As it neared my pussy I realized I could smell my own arousal. Just as it came close to my pussy, he pulled it away and started on the other ankle.

"You are dripping down your legs, Kim. Did you realize that? Can you feel your juices on your thighs?"

Slowly, the object ran over my entire body, avoiding my pussy and breasts. He touched my arms, belly, back, and legs. The more he touched me, the more aware of his touch I became. I ceased to exist except for his touch.

"I can see that you are becoming more and more aroused, little one. You have given yourself to me. I am making you aroused. You have let me take control. You have done what I asked. For that, I think I will reward you. You have earned the right to feel me touching you."

The hard object was pulled away. There was a moment of anticipation. Then I felt his hand on my calf. It slowly moved up the back of my leg. I trembled with excitement at the touch of his flesh on mine. It didn't matter that I had no idea who was touching me. It didn't matter that I had never seen or spoken to this person. He knew me like no other could. He brought me to a peak of excitement that is hard to begin to describe, simply by gently moving his hand up my leg.

He followed the same pattern with his hand as he had with the little hard object earlier. I reveled in his touch. I was raising on my toes and arching my back, pressing my pussy back against the air behind me. I was gasping for breath.

As he moved his hand down my back he said, "Kim, I want you to cum when I tell you to. You are right on the edge. All you have to do is let yourself go. Feel my hand as it cups your beautiful butt."

I moaned and pushed into his hand on my ass. It was heaven to feel him touch me there.

"I have been watching your little breasts move as you stand there. They are lovely. I love your nipples. They look so tight and hard right now. I bet they have never been slapped with a crop. You will enjoy that when the time comes."

I shivered. Anything he said at this point was erotic and exciting to me. I was an instrument for him to play.

"Feel my hand as it slides between your legs. Feel my other hand as it grasps your nipple. It is time, Kim. Come for me NOW!"

As he said that he pinched both my nipple and clit with enormous force. The pain/pleasure overwhelmed me. I had a shuddering orgasm. I felt tears in my eyes as I gasped at the feelings I was experiencing. It was all I could do to keep my hands on the back of the chair.

"There you go, Kim. My gift to you. An understanding of what you are capable of in the right hands," he said as I gasped and sobbed. "You have great potential. Not many people can give of themselves so completely to a new master. Your mind is a wonderfully sensitive erogenous zone. We will have a great deal of fun together."

I was still rocking from the reverberation of my orgasm. I had never felt anything so good before.

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Changed By Margaret Jeanette Martin Huxley was a happy man. He had just sold his third computer game to a company and sold all rights to it. He got over ninety thousand dollars for it, as they thought it was an excellent addition to their line of games. When his wife Judy got home he couldn?t contain his excitement. She shared his excitement, so they went out for supper to celebrate. Judy was proud of her husband. He developed games for a living and she had never thought he...

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Thomas Grove left the corner store bumping into Denise. She stood about a foot taller than the boy making her breasts the first thing he hit, knocking him onto his butt staring up at the beauty. Her blonde hair partially covered her face as she bent over to help him up from the sidewalk. He could smell the perfume coming from her neck and the chicken she had for lunch on her breath. "Oh, sorry for running into you. I wasn't looking where I was going," Thomas blushed. "That's Okay...

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My name is Kenta Ishimara. I am 21 years old, 5'7 with neat black hair and glasses. My life was, putting it very lightly, boring. Noting ever happened to me. I had a pervy lesbian sister, my dad I swore was secretly gay and us kids were the product of my mother sleeping around, like she did from time to time. They hardly ever even talked to each other, let alone made love. Of course, I also had some typical friends. Most of which I swear were only using me to get to my sister. As revenge, I've...

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Hi. Welcome. This is Stacy. I’ll be your host for this story. The following serial novel is surprisingly true for the most part, and the inaccurate parts are mostly for narrative structure. All of the characters exist, and most of the events have occurred. This is an important story. It’s about sex and slavery, but it’s also about your life, and my life, and how we get through it all. It’s an experiment, but it’s also a manifesto. This has all happened for a reason. I want to change people for...

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Dave was my first real boyfriend, we had been together since high school, and I loved him from the day we met. I knew that he felt the same about me. We had been seeing each other for 6 years when we decided to get married. We didn't have a big wedding but it was in a church and I did wear white. I don't think I could have had it any other way. We lived in a two-bedroom apartment until I fell pregnant with our first baby, which was a boy we called Chad, after Dave's dad Chad win Greaves....

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He shifted nervously as he stood in line. He had chosen this lane because the checker was a woman. He didn’t know why that made him feel better, but it did. Just a little. He glanced down at the basket in his hand. The contents were carefully selected: a sandwich from the deli, a drink, a box of protein bars, a box of tissues, all there to make it look like he wasn’t there just to buy that package of panties. There was nothing special about the panties, there were three of them, cotton,...

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Here you are...another night spent here in front of your PC.Reading another erotic fiction about gender bend,your already 21 years have no job.your not good at studies,your a useless NEET living day by day on your parents fortunes.You don't go out of your house,you stay in your all day while everyone looks down on you and keeps giving you lectures to get your life together.You're tired of think "man,women have it easy..all they need to do is use their body get whatever they...

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It was a lot of little things that first made me suspicious that my beautiful, sexy wife of just three years had found other avenues of expression in her life. Things continued to be great at home. We enjoyed everything together, especially sex. Both of us had been in our late twenties when we decided to get married. Neither of us were strangers to robust sex when we met. Then we had lived together for a year prior to taking the step. We shared so many common interests together that we never...

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Carrying On Ch 02

Well folks, it’s been a while and I deeply apologize for the delay. Life gets in the way and soon the wife and I will welcome a new baby boy. This should be an interesting chapter and it took quite a while to get it the way I kinda wanted it to go. Before we get to the good parts, I have a request to you, my readers. Which direction should this story take? Should Andrew be given more free reign with sexual partners or should things stay fairly the way they are now? I have plans for Lauren and...

2 years ago
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The Fountain of Youth Book IIChapter 13

Saturday, October 6, 1979 We spent Thursday and Friday taking care of Tim and trying to find out anything that might give us a clue to where we might find Jason. Missy, Jude and I were cuddled up Saturday morning, drinking our coffee, when Jude said, {Cindi and I were exploring a little last night and we may have a lead on Jason.} {Tell me about it, } I said as I gently stroked her butt. {If you keep that up, I won't be able to tell you anything, } she said, then kissed me on the end of...

3 years ago
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Weekend at GrandmasChapter 5

I felt marvelous when the sun came up and lit the room. I was naked and in bed with a boy. I'd had sex with him, and in the last 24 hours I'd had sex with at least six more. Quite an accomplishment for the nervous little virgin of Saturday morning. There were others stirring around us. In my fantasizing of my first sexual experience I hadn't considered waking up in a room with three other couples, all of them naked. But that was the case, though nobody seemed to pay it much of any mind as...

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The Blind Girl in the Rain part 2

The room quietly echoed to the sounds of city life as I lay there staring up into the fading dark as the world turned and night slipped into the beginnings of the new day. Sleep had been fitful. The constant turning of my mind as random thoughts flared, flickered and faded keeping me awake until the early hours. Night visions dancing in the darkness always bringing me back to the way she looked at me and the dawning realization that nothing would be the same again. I got up and sat on...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Kourtney Rae G302

Kourtney begins her FIRST GANGBANG EVER with a smile on her face and an equally cheerful Randy standing next to her naked. The rest of her FIVE COCKSMEN soon crowd around her to start undressing and fondling her 24-year-old body, especially her firm, natural 32C boobs. Chris proclaims himself the boob inspector as he grabs the right one and Randy takes the left before going down on her tight, shaved pussy. He licks it thoroughly to get it wet for more dick than Kourtney has ever had at once...

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FamilyHookups Avery Black Catches her stepson sniffing her panties while jerking off

Avery is walking through the house when she finds her stepson sniffing her panties & masturbating. She is appalled at first but after talking to him she gets a little turned on, he confesses he thinks about her when he jerks off. Avery isn’t getting any from her husband, so she figures why not get it from her stepson. She pulls out his cock and sucks him off then brings him to her room where she rides him hard & dirty. She shows him how a real woman can make you feel getting him blow...

3 years ago
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Friendly Swapping

Hey everyone! Here’s another story for you. I met Ravi at the gym a few times who was in his late 30’s and over a period of time we became friends. I would help him in his work out; tell him a few things about exercise and diet. One day after workout we were talking and he said that he is getting bored with his sex life so he joined the gym to get in shape and try to attract a young girl. I did not know what to say so I just said good luck. A few days later he was showing me pictures on his...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Kristen Scott The Chase

Kristen Scott sneaks up on Preston Parker and steals his remote control in a playful gesture that gets them both hot and bothered. By the time Preston catches up with Kristen, they are in the bedroom. Their mouths fuse together for passionate kisses as Preston leads Kristen to the bed and starts helping her out of her bra and sheer panties. Pulling Kristen’s underwear aside, Preston dives face first into her landing strip twat. His tongue works overtime as he fondles her clit to the tune...

3 years ago
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Carree Loves Billy Summer Internship IIChapter 6

I have to admit that with living together, having intercourse was becoming harder and harder to stay away from. There were many nights that we thought we would finally do it, but common sense won out each time. After waiting this long, it seemed foolish to not wait for our wedding night. Bill had promised me to have full ready bottom sex one time before we left. We had bought all the little extras we would need. I looked forward to the night it might happen. This was the almost painless and...

1 year ago
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Rigor MortisChapter 20

My nightmare had me underwater and I could barely breathe. I struggled to get back up to the surface but got all confused between up and down. I reached up and felt what I thought was a huge rope around my neck and opened my eyes to Julie’s arm resting comfortably across my nose and mouth. I carefully pushed it away from my face and turned over and immediately fell back into a deep sleep that was only broken by the sound of screeching brakes down on the street outside. I saw that Julie was...

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Dad Doesnt Stand A Chance Part 5

__________________________________________________________________________________ I woke up the next morning to incessant knocking on my bedroom door. It was barely 8 in the morning and as you can remember, my night wasn’t filled with too much sleep. Finally irritated enough, I wrapped my covers around me and answered the door. It was Tom and he was in a fantastic mood. Ugh. I hate morning people. “Come on Sivart. You’re pissing the day away.” “Shut up Tommy. It’s not even 8 yet....

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Black And Male In Ottawa

What is bigotry to you? I’ve experienced so much of it, and I think it’s part of life if you’re Black and male, but I am not a believer in self-pity. I believe in fighting back, but I do it the smart way. One thing which never ceases to amaze me, and that’s white male insecurity. You’d think a group that gets handed so much power and privilege would show a little more fortitude in the face of adversity. Seriously. The day I started my criminal justice studies at Carleton University in the City...

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Twas A Few Nights Before Christmas

Brenda stared with furrowed brow at Lexi’s reflection in the restroom mirror.“Don't give me that look,” Lexi said with a wicked grin. “He’s hot as all fuck.”Brenda tried to convince her friend to reconsider her choice. “He just made senior partner. He’ll fire our asses in half a heartbeat. Pick someone else. How about the sexy DJ we hired? She's hotter than fuck, too, and, has the cutest, heart shaped ass.”Lexi turned to Brenda, and calmly, but adamantly, replied, “It’s my turn to pick, and I...

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The Unexpected View Continues

As I was closing in on the last hundred miles of my ten-day five thousand mile cycle, I was becoming excited about looking at the videos from my two “spy cameras” when I finally got home.  What started out as a probe to find out who was messing with my computer and television turned out to be one hell of an unexpected view that has left me wanting to see more.  Yet, all the while, I still wondered if Karen knew she was performing or was using the big-screen television and computer to fuel her...

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Hum aur mum 2

Hello friends. At river point farm afternoon. Phir me mom aur papa ne pakaya hoowa chicken khaya aur sath me mango aur angur bhi khaye.dooper ko 1 baja tha.phir farm worker dhaniram apane jopade se do lakadi ki khat aur teen pillow le aaya phir papa ne apani khat mango tree ke niche dalke let gaye. Mene bhi doosri khat mango tree ke niche bicha de aur apani aakhe bandh karke let gaya. Phir mom mango tree ke niche aayee. Mom ne dekha papa so chuke they aur mom ka pillow meri khat me tha.mene mom...

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The Big Party Night chapters 1517

15 Love is in the airThe rest of the week was fairly uneventful and we even had a quiet weekend for a change. Ally & Dan were due back sometime on Monday and I wasn’t at all surprised to get a phone call from Dan that evening “You & Lisa busy this evening?” he asked “Not as far as I know” I replied “OK – see you over the pub about eight – got some news for you” he continued and with that rang off. Seemed a bit odd I thought but I told Lisa and we wandered down to the pub, arriving just...

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Ashok Fucks Mom Again

I was 18 years old then, shy and not so naughty kind of kid. I was usually bullied at college by my fellow mates though I was good enough in studies. My first encounter with uncle Ashok was when my auto rickshawala didn’t turn up and a stranger asked my class teacher my name and claimed that he came to pick me up. He was heavily built, around 5′ 9” height, a bit of pot belly and dark skinned. He looked handsome, a chiseled face and sharp features and thick mustache. He had worn a red shirt with...

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Neighborly love True Story

Ok guys so it's been quite a while since I've posted my last real life experience story. The wife and I have had a few get togethers with others since then but nothing like the story. Pretty basic experiences with mostly shy guys. This true experience happened to me not too long ago and Only 2 other people know about and I just feel like I need to tell someone. So here it goes...Where I live is considered a duplex apartment, side by side units. We share a back patio that has a view off into the...

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Hypersex Symbiosis

It started on a cold, cloudy, winter afternoon. Snow was falling in a thick flurry that day, and the clouds formed a solid dark curtain against the sun. If it hadn't been for those clouds and snow, someone might have noticed a small meteorite streak through the sky and crash into the earth. But it was not noticed. It was small enough that when it had entered the atmosphere it was assumed it would burn up, and was ignored. But it did not burn up, and it was not noticed by governments. Perhaps if...

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It Was Just A Little Weed pt II

Kayla wanted to take me to this club she likes. On the way, we stopped at a dispensary. We walked into what could only be described as a supermarket for bush—pot, weed, grass, skunk-a-mola, or whatever you’d prefer to call it. My eyes got glossy and red just looking at their selection. I used to buy whatever my guy had. Now! Cripes! Now I can pick from my choice of fifty different blends and mixes. Not to mention there was this pretty cute young lady behind the counter.Her name was Kat and...

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The games

My name is Emily, I am 21 years old and finished the free education that is available to the public. Being born in the slums I got the education fit for the slums. My dad has been stuck here his whole life and I’ve decided I’m getting out of here for good. Only problem is I’m broke, and it costs money to move between districts. The only kind of work for girls like me around here was manual labor such as house work which payed nearly nothing. It’s designed that way to keep the district...

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Shirley JeanChapter 10

We had the rest of the week off, so I hadn't bothered to set an alarm. I slowly came awake to tingling nipples; someone was gently nursing my left breast. I threaded my fingers through her curls and sighed. "Mmmm. That feels good." She stopped sucking and raised her head. I whined. "Why'd you stop?" She gave a throaty laugh. "Can't talk with my mouth full." I closed my eyes. "Hummph. So you say." "What do you want for breakfast?" "I was having it until some meanie stopped...

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New england summer pt 2

I found the address she’d given me easy enough. It was very literally just off the beach, in property that must have cost a small fortune. The loft was on the second floor of a trendy modern apartment building. I arrived just a few minutes after 9pm and I was a bit concerned that I’d gotten there to early. When I approached the door however I could hear music pumping inside of the loft. As I knocked I could hear the throbbing beat of techno music emanating from within and I wondered if...

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Retraining Husband Pegging

Tim and Nancy had been married for over ten years. Tim was a construction worker and Nancy was a nurse. For the first few years of marriage everything was great, but as time went on Tim became more and more unhappy in their relationship, and started becoming aggressive towards Nancy. On a few occasions Tim, in a fit of rage hit Nancy! Tim was a "mans man" kind of guy who believed that males were superior to women and that a woman's place was to serve a man! Tim's behavior seemed to come out of...

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Love at First Sight

Their eyes met across the bar. She was having a glass of wine after a long day of work at the bank, sitting alone sipping slowly, her long fingers playing with the glass stem. He was there having a beer with his mates — a cheerful company of working guys, all loud and good spirited. After a few drinks all she wanted was some peace and quiet but that wasn't going to happen. Each time a different guy approached, trying to chat her up. She wasn't surprised; she knew her curvaceous body and tight...

Love Stories
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Candis Erotoic Adventures chapters 5 and 6

Chapter 5 Show and Tell = = = = = = == = = = = = I was on my back, my legs spread in invitation, wearing only a faint sheen of sweat, waiting for Susan’s mouth. My husband’s thigh was beside my head, his freshly discharged cock draped over his leg. His big dick was soft now but still turgid, elongated, and glistening with saliva where Susan and I had licked him clean—I could still taste his semen. We’d made Bobby cum harder than he ever had before. And we were just getting started....

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DirtyWivesClub Lena Paul 23653

What do you get for the wife who has everything? Simple: a big dick. Not everyone may think of this at first, but once she receives such large package, her eyes will light up like you’ve never seen before. Witness Lena Paul: she’s alone at her home while her husband is out of town, but on the phone, he tells her he’s got a speedy and large, hotwifing delivery on the way, just for her. The moment she discovers it’s a fat, large cock that’s going to be stuffed in her mouth and squeezed inside her...

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Millennium Products II the corruption of LindaChapter 2 Moms weird idea

Sunday. Linda was very curious. She wanted to know what her mother had to show her on Sunday. Also she was very worried about Saturday. She had to get more of Dennis's secret stuff, but she didn't even know what it was! Worst of all was the constant thirst she had been feeling since yesterday. The young girl thought she was sick since even drinking large amounts of water didn't help. About nine o'clock a strange man dressed in a formal suit entered her home. He and her mother seemed to...

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A Series of TabooChapter 28 Paying Their Dues

Suddenly, all smiles in the limo disappeared, except for one. Tom Millerd felt the color rush from his face as he stared at the man who had all but promised a contract that would put his company on the map, “But if you back out now, I’ll be ruined. I put everything...” Mr. Cox’s smile suddenly grew even more sinister as he held up his hand, “Then you need to make sure I don’t.” At the restaurant just minutes earlier, the Millerd family was consumed with the excitement of new opportunities....

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Best craigslist Ad i responded to

Let me first start with that this story is true. It took place yesterday in Rolling meadows IL (which is about 30 min away from Chicago IL) It happen to start when i responded on Sunday night to a CL ad for a stove and microwave which was priced ridiculously cheap so cheap that i figured one of two things that anyone who has responded to ads on CL would know that it may be a internet scam or to good to be true and its been picked up already as most deals fly fast. Moving i get a phone call in...

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