Britney Spears Parental Dis consentPart Nine
- 2 years ago
- 38
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Britney Spears lay shaking on the damp ground as the shock began to wear off her. By the time she had the nerve to move again the sun had fallen into dusk, barely lighting the forest floor around her.
She begrudgingly pulled herself up to her shaky legs, almost drunkenly, and slowly made her way through the brush. In slow measured steps, she trudged on, hoping beyond hope to find some kind of help.
She was so dazed and confused that she wasn't even noticing what little clothing she had remaining was being torn and ripped by the branches snagging them. Soon, the remnants of her panties and even her T-shirt got pulled off her, leaving her only in her socks and sneakers, and still she forced herself to move on.
It had been hours since her abduction by James Alexander, and now freedom was nearing for Britney. For what seemed like miles of stumbling through the thick forest, she stumbled along her way, hoping beyond hope that she would come across a pathway, a road, any kind of sign of civilization.
Officer Cecile Noble was patrolling this isolated back road. The beautiful black woman was in her third year with the Sheriff's department and had demonstrated a good leadership quality that quickly let her climb through the ranks. As usual she had her long brown hair tied back tightly into a bun as per regulations. Her enthusiasm in her job also gave her opportunities for specialized training.
During their daily briefing this day, the Police had been notified of a celebrity gone missing in their area, one Britney Spears. It was feared that she had been abducted, or injured herself and was unable to return home after her daily jogging regimen.
Officer Noble volunteered for this back road assignment because of the special Search and Rescue training she had received over the years. Her and her partner Clint had received multiple commendations in this field. The Sheriff felt that if anybody had a good chance of finding this missing person, it would be this team.
Britney finally came stumbling out of the woods right in the middle of what felt like a logging road. She just stood there in disbelief that she had made it out of the forest. With her knees shaking uncontrollably she stared blankly down one direction of the road, then the other, unable to decide which direction she should take.
She begrudgingly started to walk in one direction, hoping that she was making the right choice. One step after another, she moved along. Now that there seemed to be a glimmer of hope that she would get home, the shock was beginning to wear off her and she started shivering in the cold night air. She tried to rub her arms to warm them up, but that didn't help much considering her nudity.
Then a glaring beam of light illuminated her naked dirty, naked body. Bringing her arms up to shield her eyes, she squinted as she tried to see who was there.
That's when she made out the shape of the car, a Police car. It was officer Cecile Noble in her K9 unit, along with her partner Clint, a large black Labrador dog.
"Miss! Are you all right?" A strong authoritive voice called out from behind the glaring lights. "This is the Police, are you all right?"
"UH!?! What?!" Was all that Britney could utter.
An arm came up and wrapped a blanket around her bare skin.
"I asked if you were okay?" Officer Noble asked again. "Are you hurt?"
"N... no," Britney stammered, relief finally flooding over her. "I... I was raped. He... he raped me."
"Who? Who raped you honey?" Cecile asked the shivering diva.
"A... a man," Britney told her. "I... I think he's dead... back there."
Officer Noble shined her flashlight into the thick bushes to make sure no one was there. But her priority right now was to get this girl out of the area. She escorted the freezing singer back to her car and opened the back door for her and settled the scared young woman there.
"IN Clint!" Cecile commanded.
The large dog leapt into the Police cruiser as trained, settling himself next to the vulnerable young blonde woman in the back seat.
This was a common practice towards victims. The friendly nature of the animal usually comforted them, making it easier to interview them back at the station.
After her distressful experience of today, Britney backed away from the large animal, wrapping herself tightly in the blanket that now covered her.
"Don't you worry about Clint Miss Spears," Cecile reassured her. "He's the friendliest dog you'll ever meet.
That didn't seem to reassure the young diva in the least. But then officer Noble still had no idea of the kind of assault she had endured this day.
"K9-13 to base," officer Noble called on her radio.
"Go K9-13," the dispatcher called back.
"This is K9-13, code four on the missing person," Cecile informed the base unit. "Notify commander of a sexual assault. Will be taking victim to Hodgekins Hospital."
"10-4 K9-13," the dispatcher confirmed. "Detectives will meet you there."
"K9-13 out," Cecile ended her report. "Don't you worry dear. I'm taking you to the hospital and we'll get the details from you after the doctors have you checked out."
But Britney wasn't listening at this point. She had passed out from exhaustion next to Clint in the back seat.
"Poor girl," Cecile said to herself softly.
The Police unit was driving along the curvy back road, snaking its way back to the main highway. This would take a good forty, fifty minutes at least, especially in the darkness that now enveloped them. There was no avoiding this and officer Noble knew full well she couldn't risk high speed driving under these conditions. At a leisurely pace the car weaved its way through the forest.
Fifteen minutes into the trip, Britney stirred herself awake and bolted back in fear at the nearness of the large Police dog next to her. Then she remembered that she was now in a Police car. She was now safe. She instantly relaxed and dropped her protective hands from her chest.
"Wher... where are we?" She asked from the back seat.
"Still in the woods miss," Cecile told her. "It'll take a while before we can get to the highway."
"Who... who are you?" The young diva asked, not recalling anything of her rescue.
"Officer Noble. Cecile Noble," the officer introduced herself. "And that's Clint. He's my partner."
"Thank you so much," Britney blubbered, her relief finally breaking out.
"Do you know who did this to you miss?" The officer tried to get details of her rape.
"N... no, but... but I think he might be dead now," Britney stammered.
"What makes you think that?" Cecile asked.
"A... a pack of... a pack of Wolves attacked him," Britney explained nervously, not wanting to go into any great detail. "Tha... that's how I got away."
"You were really lucky then." Cecile said. "I'll notify the Ranger Service to do a search just to make sure once I get you out of here."
Britney was now feeling much more secure in her surroundings. She didn't even mind the presence of the large dog next to her anymore. In fact, its presence was reassuring to her. So much so that she no longer held the blanket tightly around her, even allowing it to slip off her shoulders, exposing her breasts.
Despite all of his training and discipline, Clint had picked up an unmistakable scent off this female sitting next to him. A scent that was affecting him in a most peculiar way. His cock was stiffening.
It didn't take long for Britney Spears to notice the dog's aroused condition. But rather than be shocked about it, she darted her eyes to the front to see if the officer could see her. She figured that in the darkness of the woods, she wouldn't have any idea of what her thoughts were telling her to do.
Deftly, Britney lowered herself low on the back seat and began rubbing Clint's rapidly growing shaft. She watched in amazement as the canine penis grew and grew and grew some more. It already surpassed the length and girth of any of the animals that had raped her today, but this time it was different. This time it wasn't the animal raping her, it was her raping an animal.
Moving her head closer to the cocktip Britney stuck out her tongue and licked the head lightly. She couldn't believe that she was doing this all over again, and yet she couldn't stop herself. She deftly ran her tongue up and down the length of Clint's hard cock, savoring the weird metallic taste it had, but loving it at the same time.
"YIP! YIP!" Clint barked excitedly as he stood in aroused excitement.
Britney froze in terror at the dog's unexpected barking. Never taking her mouth away from Clint's cock she turned her eyes towards the front seat and half expected to see the Police officer's face staring down at her.
"CLINT! QUIET!" Cecile commanded, unaware of the reason for her partner's excitement.
Cecile knew better than to take her eyes off such a traitorous road. A simple command to the dog would suffice to keep him quiet.
Realizing that she was safe, Britney returned her aroused attention to the hard dog-cock before her. Parting her lips she sucked in Clint's cock down her gullet towards the back of her throat, all the while keeping her eyes to the front of the car on the officer driving her.
Over the next four weeks, James Alexander kept a watchful eye on Britney Spears, stalking her until the opportunity would present itself for him to exact his revenge on behalf of his daughter. Then on a cool morning, the chance presented itself to him. It was Saturday morning of a long weekend, so it seemed that many people went out of town as the woodland seemed very empty. But Britney didn't mind that as James watched her jog out of her house and down the wooded paths for her daily...
As James continued mouth-fucking Britney Spears, the dog came closer to the active couple. Within a few steps his sensitive nose picked up a distinctive scent. The scent of sex. This encouraged him to lurch forward even more. All the while James kept a watchful eye on the animal. He remained at the ready to fight off the dog if it decided to rescue the captive diva. Meanwhile, Britney was having a hard time breathing past the cock stuffing down her throat. She was totally unaware of the...
The next day Cecile Noble reported for her regular shift at the station and walked into the female personnel locker room. Clint followed her into the room as he always did and laid down next to her locker as she prepared to get change her clothes for duty. No one else was in the room when she walked in, so Cecile began by unbuttoning her shirt and pulling it free from the waistband of her tight jeans. Her well-endowed breast pushed suggestively in the tight confines of her black bra. She...
James Alexander tried to get to his car as fast as he could, hoping that he could get back in time to capture Britney Spears dog fuck with his camera. Unfortunately, because of his stiff cock, he was almost limping his way through the thick brush. 'Damn it! This is going to take me too long, ' he swore in his mind. 'I sure hope the mutt is as horny as he looks.' Meanwhile, back in the clearing where he had left the young diva, the large Shepherd had managed to shove his knot deep past...
As the Wolves emerged, they encircled the startled man and paced around them in curiosity. "Oh Crap!" He gulped. The Wolf Pack gingerly circled the man, ignoring the presence of the sprawled woman nearby, though their sense of smell had picked up on the scent of an aroused bitch nearby. Already their penises were showing and growing at a phenomenal rate. James noticed this and decided to add the wild canines arousal to his video clip. He slowly aimed his camera and tried to catch their...
Britney's skin was being marked by black and blue as James continued his vicious rape of the popstar. And all she could do was cry silently behind the gag, and submit to this man's attack. "How do you like being a sex symbol now, cunt," he grunted as he slammed his 200-plus pounds into her. "This is how my Jenny got treated because of you." Britney could only weep in pain as the father kept fucking her tight pussy as viciously as he could. She could hear his balls slapping at her ass...
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Turning 50 has also made me take a bit of stock in my life…..look back at all the things I’ve accomplished……or haven’t acccomplished! I’ve had a pile of different jobs, went through two wives, have two k**s, got a bit of money saved up for retirement. I’m not rich by any means, but I live comfortably. I’ve never invented a cure for cancer and my name will likely never be on any statues, but I think I’ve lived a decent life. I have a few regrets here and there…..but hey, who doesn’t?But one...
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Britney Spears had her hands tucked under the table as she listenedextremely bored to what her manager was telling her.“And with the current research, I think we’ve found the perfectperson for you to go on tour with…” This immediately caught Britney’s attention. She was nervous for weeks trying to figure out who her touring partner would be. “….and I know you’ll be extremely pleased. Mandy Moore.”Britney’s jaw dropped to the floor. “Mandy Moore?!?” She yelled out annoyed. “You can’t be...
As a photographer, over the years, I have pictured many beautiful and sexy women but never as beautiful or sexy as Britney Spears, although I had met her on several press shows and award evenings. Finally I got my chance last week to picture her some of the most provocative outfits and positions that anyone has ever done. Working freelance for FHM, I was to picture Britney and another model together in several sets of photo’s in a lush hotel suite and by the pool at the Four Seasons at the...
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this is a stand alone continuation of my previous 2 stories, Britney and the Old Man & Britney and the Blackmail k**.Almost a year had passed since Britney's wild weekend with her neighbor and his blackmailing grandson. she hadnt seen either of them since then and just assumed her neighbor used the house for vacations or something. she had finally gotten over the memory of having a young boy violate her and make her do things she never even thought of doing. she was just getting ready to go...
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A few weeks ago my little sister Kate, won first prize in a radio station's phone in competition. She was delighted as the prize was two tickets to meet her idol Britney Spears and she had to interview the pop princess for the radio station. My Mum wasn't going to let Kate go as neither Mum or Dad could get time off work to take Kate to the gig, and they would not let their 12 year old daughter to go on her own with out some one to take care of her. I said that I would take her and Mum agreed...
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Britney was in her hotel room getting ready to go out with her dancers and band. It was her 17th birthday and she looking forward to be going out and have a fun night with her friends. She got dressed wearing a tight pink crop top that show of her tanned yummy tummy and a pair of tight fitting denim shorts. She got in her car and drove down to the club where her friends where. She got to the party and had a nice time but thought that she would have to get back to the hotel and get a good...
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Almost a year had passed since Britney's wild weekend with her neighbor and his blackmailing grandson. she hadnt seen either of them since then and just assumed her neighbor used the house for vacations or something. she had finally gotten over the memory of having a young boy violate her and make her do things she never even thought of doing. she was just getting ready to go out for a bit, wearing very tight jeans and a low cut blouse, when her door bell rang. she wasnt expecting anyone, so...
I had worked with Britney for nearly 3 years. We would exchanged the usual pleasantries but we never really talked all that much. We would ask each other about one another's schedule but that was about it. There was no intent to ever hang out together or do anything outside of work. We always had the possibilities to go do something but neither of us acted on it because we did not want the other one to get the wrong idea. We both had our own lives. I really did not want to date someone I...
I'm probably the biggest fan of milf porn you'll ever fucking meet. Over the past few years, I've spent too much time jerking off to milf porn; it's all I've watched today. I started with some of my favorites, like Sara Jay and Jodi West. I follow this newer milf on Twitter, and I'm sure you heard of her, but she interrupted my fap of Jodi West. She's a newer milf that I'm sure we've all fapped to once or a million times; her name is Britney Amber.She's probably my favorite milf right now, and...
Twitter Porn AccountsThis is continued from Britney & The Old Man Britney just stood there stunned. she couldnt believe it. this young k** filmed her fucking his grandfather. she didnt even know anyone else was there. and now he was blackmailing her. and there was nothing she could do about it. she thought about it and figured it couldnt be too bad, the k** probaly just wanted a handjob and an autograph. the boy stepped into her house and told Britney she made the smart decision. he told her to strip and she...
Britney sat outside on her front steps and watched her new neighbor move in. the moving men were hot and were getting her alittle turned on. she watched as they finished and left and she was thinking of going inside and calling someone. she then saw who her neighbor actually was.He was an older man, he looked to be in his late 60s. he saw her and waved and she smiled and waved back. she watched as he struggled with a few boxes and she went over and asked if he needed a hand. he gladly accepted...
Britney sat outside on her front steps and watched her new neighbor move in. the moving men were hot and were getting her alittle turned on. she watched as they finished and left and she was thinking of going inside and calling someone. she then saw who her neighbor actually was. he was an older man, he looked to be in his late 60s. he saw her and waved and she smiled and waved back. she watched as he struggled with a few boxes and she went over and asked if he needed a hand. he gladly accepted...
Britney just stood there stunned. she couldnt believe it. this young k** filmed her fucking his grandfather. she didnt even know anyone else was there. and now he was blackmailing her. and there was nothing she could do about it. she thought about it and figured it couldnt be too bad, the k** probaly just wanted a handjob and an autograph. the boy stepped into her house and told Britney she made the smart decision. he told her to strip and she did. the boy couldnt believe it, Britney Spears was...
Kentwood Louisiana USA 1999Britney was in a good spirits as although it was a schooldays it was her 16th birthday and her step dad Denny had promised her a present to remember she was halfway to school when her stepdad pulled up alongside her in his car. Come on Jen get in you can skip school today your present won’t wait but not a word to your mum, ok Denny she agreed and got in her small skirt rising up to an almost indecent height as she sat and put on the safety belt and the car drove...
I couldn't believe it. I was actually backstage at a Britney Spears concert. I could see her on stage from where I stood. She was performing "Boys" with Pharrell Williams. Talk about breath taking. Her body moved with the music as if she were the music. I knew she was going to be a star. I knew from the first time I watched "Hit Me Baby One More Time." And here she was now, exceeding what I felt her potential was. Here she comes off stage for a costume change. "Come on." She said to me grabbing...
You had just finished jerking off to the new Britney Spears video. You were getting your clothing on when a commercial appears on the screen. Britney’s hot sixteen year old body was dancing around on a stage. "Win a chance to meet Britney Spears in person." The announcer said enthusiastically, "Just call 1-800-988-7654 within the next fifteen minutes and you might be selected to win a date with this fabulous dream girl. Without even thinking you run to the phone and dial the number. A computer...
Britney Spears was naked in my bed. She smiled up at me and invited my eyes to feast on her naked body. 'Oh my God! Britney Spears nude - in my bed!' My mind was doing back-flips at how incredible this all was. I mean, of course I had fantasized this moment. I had seen Britney Spears nude in my bed a thousand times before. I had jerked-off to the thought of Britney naked, her tits thrusting up at me, her legs parting and offering me a taste of that sweet virgin pussy. But how did that thought,...
As most sweet little sissysluts Britney has had her panties pulled down for a nice hard spanking a zillion times. Guys luv spanking a sissies ass before they mouth them and a true sissy luvs the punishment. Some sissies get to soo luv their spankings that they crave taking it to another level, such is the case with me. I am not putting down any of the guys who have taken me roughly and put me in my place, but there is somethign truly appealing about a true Dom MASTER... A true Dom doesnt ask a...
Do you have any idea how much I hate that girl? I mean really, I can't stand her. Pop icons in general really piss me off, but her in particular. It isn't just that she's put up on some kind of pedestal by corporate America and worshipped from afar by all breathing males between the ages of 9 and 90. Not only because she's got more money than me and all my friends and relatives will ever have in our entire pathetic little lives put together. Not because she looks like some catholic...
My name is Tim. I just turned 50 years old. I had a great time on my birthday. Had lots of birthday wishes from old friends and relatives. Had a great party too! I really can’t believe I’m that old now!Fifty years…! A half century! When I was young, I made fun of my dad when he turned 50! Called him an old coot. Now……I’m an old coot! I mean…..when my dad turned 50…he really did look old. I look in a mirror now….I don’t look old… least I don’t think I do!Turning 50 has also made me take...
"So tonight at the metro arena, britney spears will be playing her one night only show so we can announce the winner of the competition to win backstage hour meet and greet with britney herself. And the winner is *drum rolls*Yes as you can expect, I won the competition, I have always had a crush on britney spears, girlfriend seemed eh about me going alone but at the end of the day it's just a concert and knows I genuinely listen to her music, she doesnt know I won the competition but I wasnt...
Eventually Jack’s father came out of the kitchen and turned the television off then looked at his son and said, “Well, come on, Jack. Don’t keep us in suspense. Read that thing aloud so we can all appreciate what it is you two idiots have gotten yourself into.” With those words Jack began to read aloud the PDF document from... THE COUNCIL OF LIFESTYLE NUDISM Thankyou for showing your interest in the NUDIST Lifestyle. People have been practicing NUDISM for centuries (often called...
"Do you want the slut to clean you, baby?" Britney asks lifting her lips from his cock.Jason nods his head. Deb eagerly attacks his cock licking it clean. She pushes his shaft down and licks cum from his matted pubes. Then she moves to his balls and sucks them into her mouth. Jason pulls his legs into the air. Deb buries her mouth between his ass cheeks and flicks her tongue across his cum-coated sphincter. His cock twitches."Oh fuck baby... she's licking my asshole.""I told you she was a dirty...
I was standing in the doorway between the kitchen and the garage; I’d just got home from a date that didn’t go as I’d expected… I sighed and leaned against the door frame for a few moments. Finally I returned dad’s keys to the hook next to the door so he wouldn’t know I had used the car while he and mom were away [and I added gas to the tank, too]. My little sister, Jamie Lynn, was at a sleepover so she couldn’t rat me out. I closed the door to...
Britney loses her Sissy VirginityWe had chatted online and I agreed to meet him at his place, I was ready to take the step to live action and he was very hot and hung. I arrived and he led me to the bathroom to get dressed and made up, "See you in a few,Sweety" he said, I was already feeling gurly just by the sweety remark. I put on my cutest pnk plaid school gurl skirt, white stockings and pink satin panties, made up my face with some very hot red cocksucker lipstick, eyeliner and blush. I was...
Britney Kandey, The Incomplete Years! This is a collection of incomplete stories written from 2000 - 2002. I originally wrote these in a story book on paper and have just transferred them over to the PC with a few minor changes such as punctuation. They may one day end up being complete stand alone stories, but I doubt this will ever happen. Hope you find them enjoyable. BOOK: 1 BITCH ON HEAT [STORY#1] Some decisions that you make in life can be life altering. When I made...
"Get up and get dressed baby. Hector's waiting."From a deep sleep Deb hears the voice. She is confused and has no idea where she is. When she opens her eyes she sees Manny standing by the side of the bed holding her bikini and wrap. It all slowly comes back. Deb was just gang-banged by twenty strangers in a strip joint. She can still feel it in her pussy and ass. Even her jaw is a little sore."Put these on," Manny orders.Deb sits up on the side of the bed and stuffs her oversized tits into the...