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At seventeen I graduated and decided to hike around the country before going to college in the fall. I had a trust I received after my father died so I had money to eat. I had actually decided to start in the northwest and had flown out to Seattle. I had been walking for a few days and entered a thick pine forest with a lot of ferns. I stopped early and moved away from the road before putting up the small one man tent.

It was the first night of the new moon. I had eaten and sat on a nearby fallen log to watch the moon rise over the pines. I didn't even see the wolf until it attacked. I jerked my left arm up as it lunged and felt the tearing pain as its teeth ripped through my jacket, shirt and into my arm.

I had been holding a stick in my right hand and jabbed it into the wolf's belly. The howl of pain as it jerked back was almost deafening. It dropped to the ground and backed away growling. I had my left arm against my chest and shoved the stick out at the wolf. It jumped back and slipped into the night whimpering.

The pain in my arm was intense and blood covered my front. I moved quickly to the road while trying to watch for the wolf. I didn't even realize how much blood I lost as I began to feel light headed. A semi was headed towards me and I staggered into the road and waved my good arm. I don't remembered passing out or the truck barely stopping before hitting my body.

I woke in a hospital bed. There was this old woman sitting by the window. She turned to look at me when I shifted and I had the strangest feeling I knew her. She smiled slightly, "You're awake, good."

She stood and walked to the side of the bed and looked down at me. "What I am going to tell you will sound strange. Between now and the next full moon you will begin feeling your body change. Your sense of smell, taste and even the feel of your skin will become ... different. The most dramatic change will be your hearing. Your body will be preparing for the change at the next full moon."

I looked at her wondering what she was talking about. She looked towards the window, "No one was supposed to be near that part of the forest. I was the wolf that bit you and at the next full moon you will become just like me. The only two things a werewolf cares about is killing its prey and mating."

I thought she was a crazy woman that had wandered into my room. She turned to look at me, "You will have doubts. The first night of the full moon, find a strong cage or a room with no windows. That one night will be enough to convince you."

She turned and walked out leaving me shaking my head. Her words were prophetic. I left the hospital after having gotten a dozen shots in my stomach. I flew home and over the next few weeks did feel strange. Food seemed to taste better especially since I ate everything rare. My hearing was what surprised me though. I could hear someone whispering across the room as if they were speaking into my ear. The smells are what hit me the most. Not just the average smells but the smell of a young woman as she walked by me.

I had been thinking about the old woman and the night of the next full moon I made a few preparations. I set up several cameras in my basement that could be seen upstairs. On the single door out I put in four dead bolts, two on each side. I set the key on the basement counter and turned on a TV I had brought down. I can't even begin to describe the pain of what happened to me as the moon rose in the sky.

I had told my mother that no matter what she heard she was not to open the door. In all the movies the werewolf doesn't remember or remembers only vaguely. The truth is you remember everything. After I changed back in the early morning, I slowly unlocked the door. Mom was sitting at the kitchen table looking tired. She looked up as the door opened, "Ryan?"

I was naked since my clothes had been ripped off after I changed last night. I felt exhausted but also more alive as I crossed to sit across from mom, "Did you watch the cameras?"

Mom bit her lip, "we can see a doctor."

I shuddered at that, "and let them dissect me?"

Mom looked down and I sighed, "She said I would only care about killing and mating."

I stood and headed back to shower. I dressed and headed out for a walk while mom sat in the living room sipping coffee. When I came home, mom was sleeping and I made lunch before relaxing and taking a nap. I woke to mom's hand on my shoulder and followed her to the kitchen where she had dinner.

I cleaned up after and glanced at the clock before heading down to the basement and stripping. I knew I had locked the door but as soon as the change started I could smell my mother. I was fighting it but knew the animal would win.

I finally rose panting and turned glowing eyes on the human female. She was naked and I could smell both her fear and her arousal. As I started stalking towards her, she turned and went to her hands and knees with her butt towards me. I stopped moving as I smelled her and then slowly moved closer as my own arousal began.

I pushed my nose into her pussy and then licked from her clit to her ass. I heard the bitch as she moaned and shivered before her upper body dropped to the floor. I shoved my tongue deep into her leaking hole and felt her pussy squeeze my tongue as I pulled it out. I growled and shifted before suddenly mounting her. I put my paws around her hips and held her as I humped and shoved my cock into her.

She jerked as I began pumping my growing cock deeper and I felt her shudder as her pussy rippled around my cock. I shivered as I began jabbing into her and my knot began to grow. I was shoving my cock into the bitch's womb each time and my knot finally tied us. I held her tight as I began pumping huge torrents of sperm, more then I had ever produced when human.

The bitch jerked and convulsed as she felt her womb expand as it filled with hot cum. She whimpered and her pussy gripped my cock tight. I stopped cumming and jerked my cock back. The bitch spasmed and screamed as she collapsed, "RYAN!"

She kept shaking as she hung impaled on my jerking cock while I stood over her. I shook myself and pulled back slowly and her body started to follow and then my knot came out. She dropped to the floor as a river of cum ran out of her used pussy, "Yes!"

She kept shaking and shuddering as I turned to walk to the rug and lay down. I cleaned myself and watched the bitch. It was an hour before the growing need returned. When I stood her eyes widened and she slowly rolled onto her stomach and lifted her butt. I growled as I licked her leaking pussy and then just walked over her and dropped my hunches and thrust into her.

I heard her grunt as I began fucking my bitch again with hard, deep strokes that was soon shoving my cock back into her womb. She was moaning and thrusting her butt back as I started jabbing my growing knot into her. When I tied, I stopped moving for a moment and felt the bitch shudder as her pussy squeezed my cock. I growled and pressed into her hard as I once more spewed and pumped cum into her womb. She gasped, "Fuck!"

She jerked and spasmed as my cum filled her womb and made it start expanding again. I shuddered as I finished with the bitch and pulled back. This time my knot pulled out and as I turned away she sat up. She gasped as I went to lay down again, "Shit that is a lot of cum."

I watched her rubbing her pussy as she watched me. Her whole groin was slimy with cum. When I stood and turned towards her, she grinned and rolled to her hands and knees. I didn't bother licking the messy bitch as I mounted her and shoved my cock back into her hot pussy. I fucked her slow and deep, I had her pussy broken in now and it was time to enjoy breeding her.

She was shuddering and her pussy kept squeezing my cock as she moaned and fucked back. It was a long time before my knot began to form and I started jabbing it into the panting bitch under me. When I tied with her again she howled and screamed, YES!"

My cum pumped into her expanding womb as she jerked and shuddered around my cock. I stopped cumming and pulled back and watched the river of cum run out and fall into the puddle between her legs. I turned to go lay down as she slowly turned to sit in the puddle of sperm panting. She smiled and rubbed her used pussy, "I love this baby."

I growled and she looked down, "I'll be a good bitch."

I finished cleaning myself as I heard the bitch murmur, "how does he keep cumming so much?"

I looked at her and she looked up from her pussy. I grinned and she looked down quickly. I had remembered the old woman and the stick I had stabbed her with. If I could have spoken I would have told her that my balls regenerated the sperm just like my flesh could regenerate from a wound. It was a couple of hours before I stood again and she scrambled hastily to her hands and knees.

I walked to her and licked her thigh before mounting her slowly, almost lazily. I shoved my cock into her sloppy pussy and started fucking her slowly again. It wasn't long before she was shaking and jerking while her messy hole tightened around my cock. I growled and bent to lick the back of her neck but never stopped pumping my cock into her used pussy.

I liked her sloppy pussy as it kept trying to milk my cock and it took almost twenty minutes before I started jabbing my knot into her. We both howled when I spewed in her womb again and she began panting and thrashing again and fucking the knot swollen in her belly. The cum gushed out when I pulled the knot out of her abused pussy and turned away as she slumped to the floor with a moan, "Damn you need another bitch in here."

I was cleaning myself when the change came again. I writhed around in agony as my body rippled and slowly changed back into a mans. I finally sat up and looked at my naked mother sitting in her puddle of sperm. "Are you crazy mom?"

She grinned, "It isn't like I haven't fucked a dog before honey."

It surprised me, "That wasn't what I meant. I could have killed you. I was going to when you turned around on your hands and knees."

Mom went a little pale but smiled, "And what happens if you don't hunt and kill or mate?"

I blinked as I stood and walked to my mother, "What about you catching whatever this is?"

Mom looked at the sperm and stood up holding her hand against her pussy, "Let me get something to ... leak into."

She grinned at me and I put my arm around her to help her walk. I grabbed the key on the way up but mom had left it unlocked. I helped her to her bathroom and left before she noticed my cock was still hard. I heard her shower a few minutes later and waited until she was done before taking one myself. When I got out and dressed, mom was just leaving. She smiled, "I'll be home later. I need to see a friend."

I spent most of the day walking and returned home to fix a huge dinner. If mom planned to ... be in the room, I wanted to make sure the wolf wouldn't be hungry. Mom came home around five with a stunning Brunette. She smiled as she hugged me in the kitchen, "It was human sperm with nothing abnormal in it."

I nodded and turned back to fixing dinner. Mom never introduced me to her friend. We ate and I cleaned up before going downstairs. I cleaned the mess from last night and moved to sit by the TV when mom and the other woman came down.

They were both naked and I took a breath before pointing to the other side of the room, "Don't stand. If I start to stand, you go to your knees and present your butt to me like a bitch. That goes for both of you. I don't know which I will ... take, so just expect it to be you."

The change was as sudden and painful as the first time. When it was over I looked across the room at my bitch and another wide eyed bitch. I lunged to my feet and they both scramble to their knees and dropped their heads to the floor. I walked across the room and licked my bitch's pussy before turning to the other bitch. She was shaking as I growled and moved behind her. I licked her puffy pussy and she gasped.

When I shoved my tongue inside the bitch she pushed back at me. I licked her pussy for about five minutes before mounting her. She grunted at my weight as I held her hips and lunged into her pussy. She screamed and shuddered as I growled and started fucking her hard. My cock grew quickly and I was fucking into this new bitch's womb when my knot started.

I started jabbing into her and she was grunting and shaking as her pussy squeezed my cock. My knot finally stuck and I howled as I held her and peed cum. I felt her womb become full and start expanding as she bucked and thrust back, "OH MY GOD!"

I shuddered when I stopped cumming and yanked back. The bitch screamed and her tight pussy spasmed around my cock, "FFFFUUUUCCCCCKKKKKKKK!"

I growled and held still, my cock throbbed inside my new bitch. A few minutes later I pulled back and my knot came out. The floor beneath her was flooded with cum as it poured out and she slumped down. I turned to my bitch and she quickly presented for me. I licked her leaking pussy and mounted her. I shoved my fully erect cock into her and she grunted as I started to fuck her with hard thrusts that quickly shoved my cock into her womb.

I shifted closer to her butt and slowly fucked my bitch with slow, deep thrusts. My cock began to swell again and she grunted as I jabbed into her. She shuddered and jerked as her tight pussy contracted to hold my knot inside her. I kept fucking my bitch and she started jerking and shaking hard, "OH GOD!"

I growled and held her tight as I pumped sperm into her womb. Slowly her womb expanded as she spasmed and jerked under me. "RYAN!"

I licked her shoulder as I shuddered and pulled back making her convulse and drop to hang from my cock. It took ten minutes for my knot to go down enough to pull out. My bitch dropped to the floor whimpering. I turned to cross to my rug and lay down to clean my cock. I half watched my two bitches as they whispered together. After I had regenerated the sperm in my balls I stood.

My bitches quickly went to their knees and wiggled their butts. I went to my bitch and licked through her cummy slit before mounting her and starting to hump slowly. My growing cock pushed into her as I continued to hump her. Fucking through her slimy pussy felt very good so I kept fucking slowly. Gradually my knot began to swell and I jabbed into her harder.

I used short thrusts into her womb and listened to her whimpers and moans. I growled as I started fucking her hard and deep, my knot pushed into her and I tied a moment before I held her hips tight and started pumping huge streams of sperm. My bitch jerked and screamed as her womb filled with warm cum again, "YES!"

I jerked and jabbed and she continued to shudder as her pussy held my cock and spasmed. A few minutes later I jerked back and my cock came out followed by a stream of cum. I hopped down and headed towards my new bitch, I licked her ass and pussy as she moaned. I finally mounted her and shifted forward before humping. She jerked and screamed as my cock slammed into her and drove deep to open her womb. I ignored her and growled as I fucked her deep and hard.

It wasn't long before my new bitch was howling and thrusting back to get my knot into her tight pussy. I continued to hammer her slippery hole and she kept jerking and spasming as my knot was finally forced into her. I kept going, jabbing and humping and my new bitch began convulsing and spasming. I finally held her hips and began howling as I pumped huge torrents of hot cum into her slimy womb. She jerked and screamed, "YYYEEESSSSSSS!"

I pumped and spewed and squirted before finally stopping. I growled and lifted a leg before turning around. My bitch jerked and spasmed again as I pulled, "CCCUUUMMMMMMIIIIINNNNGGGGG!"

I finally growled and jerked my cock out of her and she dropped to the floor as a flood of cum poured onto the floor between her legs. I walked to my rug and laid down before starting to clean myself. I watched as the two bitches huddled together and whispered some more. It was almost dawn when I stood again and they scrambled up. I walked towards them and sniffed my new bitch before licking her nasty pussy.

I mounted her and shifted closer as I growled and then humped. She grunted and then her pussy squeezed my cock as I started fucking her. I was thrusting nice and deep and she was shaking. I felt the change and buried my cock and howled as the agony began. I was spewing huge torrents of cum as I finally fell forward and took the woman to the floor with me as I changed back into myself.

I slowly pulled out and moved off her before she rolled onto her back with her legs splayed obscenely. She shuddered and looked at mom as I stood and headed towards the door. I ignored both of them as I washed and crawled into bed; I set my alarm and fell asleep. It was late afternoon when I woke to a quiet house. I got up and dressed before going into the kitchen. The slim, stunningly gorgeous woman sitting at the table made me stop. She smiled, "You haven't learned to control the change."

I looked at her before looking around, "Where's my mother?"

She gestured towards the door, "She left with another woman to go shopping."

She smiled as she looked into my face, "Their both a little sore."

I blushed and she laughed as she stood, "At least you haven't killed anyone."

I nodded, "I wish my mom..."

She smiled as she came closer, "There is a way to control the change but it takes time."

She caressed my chest before walking around me slowly, "I could teach you."

I looked at her, "Who are you?"

She rubbed against my back, "A horny bitch. My name is Susan Ann Grey."

I turned to face her, "What do you want?"

Susan smiled up into my face before moving up onto her toes to kiss me softly. She turned and walked to the table and sat down, "I need a mate Ryan."

I looked at the door and back at her, "How did you know about me?"

Susan laughed, "The first night you changed I was in my cage and heard you howling. The second night I was across town feeding on a freshly killed lamb. Last night I was several blocks away following your scent. I know all I need to right now."

I smiled slightly, "So you want to be locked in with me like my mother."

She smiled, "I don't think your mother should be there. I can control my change normally but have never tried intercourse during a full moon."

I walked to the table and sat across from her, "What do you mean mate?"

Susan looked away, "The older the creator, the stronger the wolf, my mother was the one to bite me. It was an accident and my own fault. Mom's mate was killed by a car and no, silver isn't the only thing that can kill us. You are the first male like me that I have found. Wolves mate for life Ryan. Sex is sex but if you and I..."

I nodded and turned to look at the door as I heard mom's car. When mom walked in with her friend she stopped and looked from the woman to me, "Ryan?"

I smiled and stood to help her with the bags, "She's like me and came to find me."

Mom smiled, "Then she can talk to you about..."

I nodded and carried the bags to the kitchen counter. Mom sat with Susan and they started talking. When mom blushed at Susan's remark about waiting a week and testing herself for pregnancy I turned to look at Susan, "She uses birth control."

Susan laughed, "That won't work for you."

I looked at her and she shrugged, "At least it won't work for us. That was what mom said."

I looked at mom and her friend who looked white faced. Mom finally laughed, "Bred like a true bitch."

Susan grinned, "I haven't been that lucky yet."

Mom and her friend looked at each other and mom smiled, "You're a virgin?"

Susan blushed but nodded, "I wasn't sure I wouldn't change."

Mom looked at me, "But if it isn't a full moon..."

Susan snorted, "That isn't the only time we can change. Mom said sometimes when we mate and become so lost in lust it can happen."

I looked at mom and she smiled at the brunette who sighed and looked at me, "I'm Dianne. If we are going to continue to let you use us then you should know my name."

Susan stood and walked to me to caress my chest, "Tonight it will just be us. I need you very bad Ryan. I am in season and tonight will put me in heat. With both of us they would be in danger."

I looked at mom as Dianne grinned, "I could use a night to recover."

Dianne smiled and rubbed her pussy, "Your knot was a little big."

I looked at Susan, "You're sure?"

She grinned, "Yes."

I sighed as I started helping mom with dinner. Both Dianne and Susan sat at the table to talk. Dinner was a large roast and I made sure to eat as did Susan. After dinner we sat in the front room to talk and Susan called her mother, Pam. When the older version of Susan arrived, mom was expecting her. She kissed Susan and looked at me closely before nodding. Susan turned to take my hand, "Come with me."

I glanced at the window, "The moon won't be up..."

Susan laughed, "I would like our first time to be as humans."

I couldn't say anything as I followed her stunning body. I locked the door behind us and followed her down the stairs. I looked back, "Are you sure your mother won't change?"

Susan laughed as she began undressing, "She won't change."

I undressed and Susan came to caress my chest before I held her and felt her firm breasts against my body. I could feel my arousal was different and knew I was in control. I felt her furry pussy and she shuddered, "Sorry but shaving never works."

I grinned and kissed her as my finger slipped into her. There wasn't a hymen and it slid all the way in as I rubbed my palm against her clit. Susan shuddered and her pussy squeezed my finger. She was tight and wet as I pulled my finger out to lick it. The scent was amazing and seemed to fill my head making me want her. I shuddered as we both growled. Susan laughed and kissed me, "I think I better turn around and let you do me that way just in case."

I let her turn and reached around to cup her breasts as I pressed against her. She spread her legs and reached between them for my hard cock as she bent forward. I growled as her breast moved out of reach and Susan chuckled, "You'll get them back."

I groaned as my cock pushed into her warm almost hot pussy. Susan shuddered and thrust back as she stood up a little. I fucked her slowly instead of like the animal I become. Susan was growling and shaking as her pussy spasmed around my cock. I loved burying my cock inside her and pressing against her womb. It was only four or five minutes before Susan stiffen and her pussy tightened.

She shuddered as she howled and shook violently before she began to change. I thrust into her pussy hard as her change pulled me into my own. I held her hips as we dropped to the floor and howled as my cock grew longer and the knot expanded inside my mate. The explosion of cum was expected, at least to me. I held her tight to keep her in place as I bred her.

Susan howled as her body shuddered and shook and her pussy seemed to ripple around even my knot. I poured cum into her expanding womb and she whimpered and held still. It was a long time before I was done and I nipped her neck. Susan yelped and looked back as I licked her face. It was about five minutes before I pulled back steadily and my cock came out.

I panted and moved to lie down. Susan followed me and growled as I went to clean myself. I looked at her as she lay down and began to lick my cummy cock. I whimpered as she cleaned me and when she finished she licked my face before beginning to change. I growled at her human form but didn't move. She smiled and caressed my haunches, "That was amazing."

I barked yes and she grinned, "Wait until next time. I'm slimy from your cum."

I came to my feet and she laughed, "Already?"

She turned and went to her knees, "Go ahead."

I moved behind her and started licking through her pussy. Susan groaned and shuddered as I pushed my long tongue inside her. She looked back and growled, "Mount me!"

I didn't hesitate and mounted her before shifting closer and humping. Susan gasped, "Shit!"

My cock slid into her slimy pussy and I thrust forward again to sink it deeper. Susan howled as I hit her cervix and started fucking her hard and fast. She was jerking and spasming as my big cock pushed into her womb. I felt her warm pussy squeezing me as she screamed and her shape blurred.

My knot was still forming as I fucked in and out. The bitch beneath me thrust back and my knot popped into her. She howled and turned to growl at me as I tightened my grip and jabbed into her again and again.

The flood of cum was sudden and her howl of pleasure blended with mine. I felt her belly expanding with more cum then it could hold and pulled back. Cum began leaking around my knot and my mate whimpered at the loss. I pulled back harder and my knot came out with a flood of cum. I dropped to the floor and moved away before lying down.

My mate followed me and lay beside me panting. She didn't change this time and I shifted closer to lick her face. When we changed back in the morning the basement was a mess. Susan laughed and stretched before turning to embrace me. I held her naked body, "Are you sure we can't do it during the day without changing?"

She grinned, "After the moon passes."

I rubbed and caressed her bare butt before sighing and letting her go. We dressed and went upstairs to find her mother smiling on the couch. Mom and Dianne were curled up on the floor by her feet. Susan grinned, "Shouldn't that be the other way around?"

Pam smiled, "They watched you most of the night and only went to sleep a few hours ago."

Pam's eyes seemed to gleam, "Next time I will join you honey."

Susan grinned as she looked at me, "He's a good breeder."

Pam laughed, "So I saw."

I smiled and looked at mom, "I didn't..."

Pam grinned, "You may have impregnated them or not, only time will tell. For us our body will expel chemicals just as it regenerates it."

I knelt to caress my mother, "I never wanted to ... do what she did."

Susan came to sit beside her mother as Pam sighed, "She is a mother Ryan. You could have spent the night in the basement with no problem but she needed to make sure."

I nodded and smiled as I rubbed mom's butt under her skirt. Susan laughed softly, "go ahead and fuck her but don't try to make it last."

I looked at her, "I won't change?"

Pam smiled, "Not if you don't hold back."

I looked down, "I ... I do want to feel..."

Susan slid off the couch and reached for my pants, "She has already made herself your bitch, just fuck her."

I waited as she opened my pants and pulled them down before slowly rolling mom onto her back. I carefully pulled her panties down and off before lifting her skirt. I spread her legs before moving over her and positioning my cock against her pussy. I pushed into her and shuddered at the warmth of her pussy as it squeezed my cock. Mom shuddered as her arms came up to hold me, "Ryan?"

I started fucking her with deep strokes and only groaned at the feeling around my cock. Mom's hips lifted and she moaned softly, "Baby?"

I kissed her as I continued to fuck her and mom shuddered as her pussy suddenly spasmed and tightened, "Baby!"

I growled and felt the edge of change as I fucked her harder and buried my cock as I stiffened. I could feel the change in my body as I began spewing cum. Mom was howling as cum exploded into her and I was growling as I tried to hold the change back and still finish cumming. I felt my mate approach and hold me as I spewed and pumped my bitch full.

I shook as I realized my thoughts were changing and jerked myself back. I pulled out of mom as she panted and shuddered and turned to my mate to growl as I clutched at her and held on. It was a minute before mom giggled and then laughed, "Damn I love getting fucked first thing in the morning."

I shuddered and Susan held and caressed me and finally I turned to mom and smiled, "I loved it to mom."

She was sitting up rubbing the leaking cum all over her body and Dianne laughed, "You keep doing that and I'll hold you down and lick you to death."

Mom grinned and then laughed as she stood up, "Showers for everyone and then Ryan and Susan should rest."

I stretched, "I don't feel as tired today."

Susan grinned as she took my hand, "Come shower with us mom."

I glanced at Pam as she smiled and came to take my other hand, "Yes, he needs to know his other bitch."

Mom laughed as she pulled Dianne after her and I led Susan and Pam to the other shower. Pam had an amazing body and I grinned as I fingered her pussy. Susan held my hand, "That isn't safe."

I remembered what had happened with my mother and nodded. Pam laughed and cupped my face, "You can play here. Susan and I can control it."

I shook my head but she pulled me out and sat me on the toilet. She turned to face away and spread her legs before sitting on my cock with an animal growl. Susan knelt beside us, "Mom is in heat Ryan. Just let her fuck you and cum inside her."

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Changes Tiffany Scott 97' I don't mind telling you that while I'm relaxing on my sofa, sipping my cup of coffee, my husband of five years is down in the laundry room doing the wash. After it's done he will do the ironing then clean the apartment and he'll also cook my dinner, serve it to me then clean up the dishes. Today is wash day, a day I love. He hates Tuesday's though because I make him wear his lacy panties, nylons, corselete, ruffled...

4 years ago
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Changes "Kyle, you haven't forgotten that we're invited for dinner at the Watsons tonight?" asked Simone, Kyle's wife. "No, I hadn't forgotten," Kyle replied. "I'll try to get out of the office early, so that I have plenty of time to get home, have a shower and get ready." "Do you remember what happened when the Watsons came here for dinner two weeks ago?" "Remember? How could I forget? That was when Hannah Watson, her tongue loosened by several glasses of Sauvignon Blanc, told...

4 years ago
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The sunlight practically burned my eyes as I slowly woke up. I blinked several times and closed them again for a moment. I felt like crap, way worse than I should have. Last night the guys and I had gone to the bar drinking but I thought I had kept it under control since I still had to drive home. Apparently not though, otherwise I wouldn’t have felt like this. I felt foggy and numb, yet I could still feel the ache throughout my entire body. I also had one of the worst cases of cotton mouth I...

3 years ago
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It was the night of our third anniversary. Carla and I came out of the theater, walking slowly to the car. I took her to a movie she had wanted to see. It was a sexy film about six college ‘kids’ in their senior year. There were four guys and two girls. In celebration of their upcoming graduation, the parents of one of the guys had given him permission to invite his friends to a weekend at their house, set on a private island. Sex, drugs and booze were had by all. During the course of the...

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All his life he had dedicated his existence to science. Until the military became interested in his work. He could never understand why everything always came down to money or war. Sure he had made numerous millions himself, but that was to help further scientific research. But now he realised he wanted to make a difference in a different way. On this gloomy morning he was making his third exuberant decision. He would help another person who was in need. The hard part was who. Then when he...

2 years ago
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Introduction: A story of two people finding each other and finding themselves. Opening the car door the 6,7 foot man stepped out into the dewy misty morning. Locking the vintage jaguar door, he stood back admiring his prize possession. Now in his sixtys and semi retired, the car was his first extravagant and impulsive decision. Buying the remote house with 5 acres of pasture and woodland was his second. All his life he had dedicated his existence to science. Until the military became...

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So I was sitting there between Phil and Bob , when Lisa told them me to help them get undressed . One by one they rose, first Bob, and I pulled his shirt offer his head, then I undid his belt, un snapped his jeans, and pulled them down. I saw his hard cock pushed his undershirts out, and as I pulled them down, releasing him I looked towards Lisa who nodded to me. I took that as encouragement and cupped his sack in one hand, then kissed the head and slowly took it in my mouth. I alternately...

1 year ago
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Change by parker Anxious, I checked my watch for the fifth time in as many minutes. How long could it possibly take her to change? Women! The dinner started in half an hour, and the election was tight enough without me being late for my own fundraising events. I looked around the clothing store, hoping to find a female attendant to check the changing rooms, but the store seemed empty. I walked over to where a hung curtain separated the changing area from the rest of the store....

1 year ago
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The Change By Margaret Jeanette Toni Weber was very happy. She was just promoted to vice-president of human resources. She moved into her large well-appointed office and sat there thinking about how lucky she was. She was a strong motivator and was known for a no-nonsense approach. She used whatever tools were available. Now she reported directly to the president of the corporation. That night at supper she told Fred her husband of seven years about her promotion. She was...

1 year ago
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Changed "How can you be such a baby," Daniel teased mercilessly. It always pleased Daniel to no end when he was in a position in which he could show superiority over someone else and it was even better when it was his sister. They were both having their breakfast that morning and for Daniels's sister Jessica this wasn't a good situation. Recently Jessica had lapsed into wetting herself every now and then and now wore diapers until she a time where she was consistently dry. "Why do...

3 years ago
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WARNING ... this story is of a adult nature and has a scene of RAPE in it. This scene is not to glorify this disgusting act and in no way condones such a deed, which by its very nature makes the perpetrator a very sick individual indeed, and if anyone it thinking of committing it I recommend they get immediate help from a qualified medical person. Having said that, it is included in this story because it was just something I had to get out of my system, the character in the story...

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Changed By Margaret Jeanette Martin Huxley was a happy man. He had just sold his third computer game to a company and sold all rights to it. He got over ninety thousand dollars for it, as they thought it was an excellent addition to their line of games. When his wife Judy got home he couldn?t contain his excitement. She shared his excitement, so they went out for supper to celebrate. Judy was proud of her husband. He developed games for a living and she had never thought he...

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Thomas Grove left the corner store bumping into Denise. She stood about a foot taller than the boy making her breasts the first thing he hit, knocking him onto his butt staring up at the beauty. Her blonde hair partially covered her face as she bent over to help him up from the sidewalk. He could smell the perfume coming from her neck and the chicken she had for lunch on her breath. "Oh, sorry for running into you. I wasn't looking where I was going," Thomas blushed. "That's Okay...

1 year ago
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My name is Kenta Ishimara. I am 21 years old, 5'7 with neat black hair and glasses. My life was, putting it very lightly, boring. Noting ever happened to me. I had a pervy lesbian sister, my dad I swore was secretly gay and us kids were the product of my mother sleeping around, like she did from time to time. They hardly ever even talked to each other, let alone made love. Of course, I also had some typical friends. Most of which I swear were only using me to get to my sister. As revenge, I've...

2 years ago
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Hi. Welcome. This is Stacy. I’ll be your host for this story. The following serial novel is surprisingly true for the most part, and the inaccurate parts are mostly for narrative structure. All of the characters exist, and most of the events have occurred. This is an important story. It’s about sex and slavery, but it’s also about your life, and my life, and how we get through it all. It’s an experiment, but it’s also a manifesto. This has all happened for a reason. I want to change people for...

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Dave was my first real boyfriend, we had been together since high school, and I loved him from the day we met. I knew that he felt the same about me. We had been seeing each other for 6 years when we decided to get married. We didn't have a big wedding but it was in a church and I did wear white. I don't think I could have had it any other way. We lived in a two-bedroom apartment until I fell pregnant with our first baby, which was a boy we called Chad, after Dave's dad Chad win Greaves....

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He shifted nervously as he stood in line. He had chosen this lane because the checker was a woman. He didn’t know why that made him feel better, but it did. Just a little. He glanced down at the basket in his hand. The contents were carefully selected: a sandwich from the deli, a drink, a box of protein bars, a box of tissues, all there to make it look like he wasn’t there just to buy that package of panties. There was nothing special about the panties, there were three of them, cotton,...

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Here you are...another night spent here in front of your PC.Reading another erotic fiction about gender bend,your already 21 years have no job.your not good at studies,your a useless NEET living day by day on your parents fortunes.You don't go out of your house,you stay in your all day while everyone looks down on you and keeps giving you lectures to get your life together.You're tired of think "man,women have it easy..all they need to do is use their body get whatever they...

3 years ago
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It was a lot of little things that first made me suspicious that my beautiful, sexy wife of just three years had found other avenues of expression in her life. Things continued to be great at home. We enjoyed everything together, especially sex. Both of us had been in our late twenties when we decided to get married. Neither of us were strangers to robust sex when we met. Then we had lived together for a year prior to taking the step. We shared so many common interests together that we never...

4 years ago
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Me and Maria Part 2

Maria watched me and I saw her eyes drop to my underwear before she quickly looked back up to my eyes. "Are you serious?" she asked a little harshly, and I was afraid I had made a huge mistake. I had all the confidence in the world at that point, though. She and I had been friends for a long time. There had always been a weird attraction that was unspoken. We were closer than sisters and would do everything together. At parties, we tended to dance with each other. Grinding ourselves together...

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War Torn Ch 02

I was roused by movement on the seat next to me. He was awake and trying to re-position his wounded leg. Each time he stirred there was a sharp intake of breath. He was clearly in pain, but I was not his nurse, and tried to resist interfering. He tried to stand, putting weight on the leg, but blanched and swayed while emitting a low, primal groan. I sprang from my seat to catch him under the shoulder and help him to the bench once again. I encouraged him to lie down for a moment to regain his...

2 years ago
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Outdoor Encounter

I am in bed thinking of you, thinking of pleasuring you with my tongue and my mouth, thinking of how much I will enjoy it. It is making me want you, my body all a tingle for you. You are sexual, sensual, beautiful and I desire you.I slide a hand slowly down my body; you make me feel like touching myself, and I know I'd be very ready for you. Slippery and warm, wanting your hands on me so much, I begin to imagine a scene...I am with you, on a soft blanket, under a tree, with no one around for...

Oral Sex
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The Arrangement Ch 07

Jill stood in the door way of their bedroom. Her breath caught in her lungs as it always did when she looked at him. He sat on the side of the bed wearing nothing but his boxers. She smiled as she thought of that first morning that she had seen him in the white cotton. His shoulders were slumped as he spoke on the phone. His voice was low and his brow was furrowed, the soft lines more pronounced. ‘Yeah, Mom. I understand. I might be away for a while in a couple of weeks, but Jill will be here...

3 years ago
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Part of Keri’s excitement was that she had no idea what the new man would look like. She expects and enjoys a second man in her sex life at least once a month. Her girlfriend had assured her that he was very gifted ‘both ways’, would not be possessive or too curious about her or her man and absolute discretion was the key note. “We don’t send ugly men, but their looks are only secondary. The point is they can get it up and keep it up, they can really perform,” her girlfriend had told her. ‘We...

4 years ago
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Dreaming by Vickie Tern Oh, God, it felt so good! "Push that thing in deeper!" I seemed to cry out. "Deeper! All the way into me!" Again the same dream, sort of. The fourth or fifth night in a row. Again I'm in bed with a gorgeous hunk of man who's pressing his groin against me from behind, his firm stomach slapping repeatedly against my soft, round buttocks as his thick meat slides into me and bottoms out deep inside, stretching my hole...

1 year ago
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BFFS Kenzie Reeves Alexis Tae Vina Sky Master Debaters

Hot blondie Kenzie Reeves is here to deliver the first topic of todays Master Debate. Should they or should they not teach safe sex in public schools? Black babe Alexis Tate and Asian sweetheart Venus Sky are excited to join in on the argument too. The only problem is that Vina is a little scared of public speaking. To help her out, the girls call their professor to teach her a lesson. He pulls out his ruler dick and all three debaters get on their knees to share it, popping it in their mouths...

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Bla Book 3 Wrinkles in TimeChapter 1

Sheila Belloq lay in blackness on the dusty stone shelf carved into the catacomb wall. She had barely managed to hide and turn off her light in time as her nemesis, Zachary Jones, entered the burial chamber. She rolled back against the mummified corpse sharing her narrow shelf space as Jones’ light beam swept past her hiding place, then leaned forward again as he passed her. His light beam was illuminating the altar at the end of the chamber as he approached it. She sat up partially so she...

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Double TwistChapter 153

“Life is funny that way. Sometimes the dumbest thing you do turns out to be the smartest.” —Robyn Mundell, Brainwalker 18 JULY 2021 Should I tell Cindy the audition has already begun? I’ve been trying to figure out how that information affected me. It didn’t seem to affect me when it came to making love with Donna last night. Cindy chose to sleep in the other bed, next to Em and Sophie. I don’t know if that helped preserve her chastity, but I was thankful for it. I respect her stage...

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mature aunt teaches desperate nephew

Am a 19 yr old boy staying in chennai,i wanted sex badly..if any one of them is interested in having sex..Do mail me.. One day a distant aunt came to our house. She had some problem with her children and wanted to stay with us for some time. She had lost her husband at a young age and was alone with her youngest daughter. This was during the Christmas vacation. Naturally I was asked to vacate my room for her, which at first irritated me. At this she said, “Kutta, you share the room with me and...

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More than we bargained for

So me and a few of my friends have all got a part time job at a function club in our town. We're all sixth form college student so are all young 18 year old lads. Anyway, so a couple of times we've been asked to go shirtless for Ladies nights at work as we serve drinks. We're all quite toned and muscle and enjoy going to the gym a lot, so we don't mind showing off what we've got, especially seeing as it gets us plenty tips. A short while ago when a few us were working one of these ladies...

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BangBrosClips Kira Perez Kiras Sexy Vacation Day 2

Kira’s Key West adventure continues. This time, they head over to the beach for a bunch of fun activities. First, they go paddle boarding. Kira twerks as she paddle boards. From there, they head over for some parasailing fun. Kira wilds out in the air, flashing her tits and even attempting to twerk in the air. After all the fun activities, they head over to their hotel room to begin the real fun. Kira’s pussy gets penetrated in several different positions before before receiving a huge nut all...

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The Water Isnt All Thats Wet

I was on a solo backpacking trip, I'd spent a few days in this small town and booked the overnight bus for that evening on to the next place. I wanted to spend the day by the pool, it was the rainy season, but the sun was out today and I planned to make the most of it. The cheap backpacker hostel I was staying in didn't have a pool, so I went to the fanciest hotel in town and managed to sneak into theirs... naughty, naughty! As it was the off-season, the place was dead. There was only one other...

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Big Game Hunting in AlabamaChapter 10

It really didn’t take much effort to reach an agreement with the mayor. I agreed to add four more hunting teams as soon as I could get them organized. Mary and Billy were sent on recruiting missions for four more drivers and hunters. I shook up the local dealer where I had previously bought the electric powered trucks by ordering four more and saying that I hoped to need more of them in the near future, but that was not a promise. The dealer immediately alerted the main office for the...

4 years ago
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Vivacious Vixens

I open the door and you are there, wearing a smile and a very short dress. I see your friend with you, and I welcome you both inside. We all know why the two of you are here, and I get an instantaneous erection."Come on in, my vivacious vixens! Have a seat!" I request to both of you as I give each of you a good looking over. I see you have been developing quite a tan from the looks of your legs, and then my attention turns momentarily to your friend, Wendy. She's taller than you, almost taller...

Group Sex
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Not What I Expected

Note from Author: (The is a revised version of my story, I hopefully fixed some errors I made.) This is my second story and much different then my first story. I hope you enjoy this story in addition, please feel free to leave comments. "Not What I Expected!" By Miranda C. Rose Hmmm, where do I start with my story? For the 18 years that we have been married, I was always able to satisfy my wife with no complaints, until last year. It all started on our 18th anniversary we were out...

2 years ago
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Sex on Gwens mind

Carl ad just turned seventy. Gwen was six years younger than her husband.Gwen had a slim body. Thirty-four B breasts, slightly sagging and an ass that was still firm for her age. Carl's problem was Gwen never wore clothes that showed her body off. He didn't expect Gwen to flaunt herself, but he got tired of sweatshirts and track pants, full cup bras and granny panties.Sixty-four she may be, but Gwen carried her age more than well.It wasn't always the case. Gwen used to take pride in how she...

Mind Control
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The couple I told what to do

I remember the excitment and hesitation as time ticked by ever so slowly. I am addicted to going on webcam and meeting new people. I joined yahoo and out of the blue I started talking with a woman. She asked me if I could help her out with something. She was heavy set and married. Her request was for me to go on webcam and tell her what to do to her husband for it was his birthday. I thought about it and was excited. The next day I logged on wearing my blue camisole and booty shorts. Her window...

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AudryChapter 8 Business

We had just fallen asleep-finally-when the call came. Little Julie had a cold and had been coughing and fussing all night. Being closest, I picked up the handset and mumbled into it. "Hello? Hello? Is this Mr. Rob Steele?" "Yeah," I muttered. "Who the hell is this?" "This is Sergeant Thomas, of the Los Angeles Police Department. Is Martin Steele your father?" "Yeah. What about him?" "He's been in a serious accident. He and the woman with him are in really bad...

4 years ago
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Sultrifier 13

Sultrifier 1.3 is a work of fiction. Any similarity to anyone, living or dead, is a coincidence. The names are fictitious. Every effort was made to use fictitious call signs as well. If the FCC has assigned some of them since this was written, their act was out of my control. This is a copyrighted work of Caitlin Rose. It may be archived at any site that does not charge a fee, as long as the author's permission is obtained. If you are not of legal age, or if strong language, sex,...

2 years ago
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Larrys Trial

Larry's Trial. Larry is falsely accused of a rape, and Nicole with the help of Billy Bonnie aides Larry. Peace. Belle. Hello every body. This is Nicole again with a very painful tale. My brother Larry was accused of a rape that he did not do. It almost killed him. It started when a local female claimed that she was raped at the Salem Brewery. The only trace of the attacker was a brewery ID card that had Larry's name on it. There was nothing that I could do about that. My...

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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 22

Ruth nervously tugged her gown over her breasts and looked at herself in the full-length mirror as she struggled to lift the zipper upward. "That looks amazing!" Regan said as she took over the task for her new friend. "The color is perfect." Ruth shifted her eyes from her form in the mirror to the young woman standing behind her. Regan didn't appear to be mocking her but Ruth still wasn't certain. "It's still a little tight," she noted as she ran her hand over her...

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Summer Dress

She was wearing a light blue checkered summer dress that stopped right at her thighs and looked very sexy on her. I was standing at the door looking at her walk to the car. ”Hey baby, we need some juice also, I said to her as she walked down the path. “Ok, boo,” she said back to me, her sunglasses now on, looking sexy as hell as always. Then she did something I was expecting. She looked over her shoulder, lowered her glasses slightly gave me a kiss turned away and then lifted up her skirt and...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Bailey Brooke Blow Job Naughty Teen Is Going To Dredd This Big Black Cock

Tasty teen Bailey Brooke services Dredd’s massive member! Bailey Brooke is looking super fine in her white lace lingerie with matching stockings and heels. She shows off her body as she teases us and runs her hands across her supple skin. Bailey heads inside where Jules has a surprise waiting for her…. DREDD! Dredd has his cock out and is ready for Bailey as she makes her way over and wraps her lips around it. She can barely fit it in her mouth but that doesn’t stop this slut...

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Breeding Time in Silverton

The first day of spring was upon the land. Birds have returned from the south, tweeting happily in the trees. A cool breeze floated through the valley, making the weather absolutely perfect. And to top it all off, the first flowers of the season have begun to blossom. Everyone in the village knew what that meant. In three days' time the yearly breeding festival would begin. During the three sacred days, the men of the village were tasked with spreading their seed, ensuring that the children...

3 years ago
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Fucking My 11th grade English teacher pt 1

It had been a few years since I had been back in my home town. I was there on vacation seeing some old friends. It was my last day in town and I was staying in a hotel near the airport. All my friends were at work and I didn't have much to do so I decided to go to the store and walk around. I was browsing some magazines when I heard my name called out. I looked up and there was one of my teachers from the 11th grade we will just call her Ms. Smith. I was kind of taken by surprise that is...

2 years ago
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Ginyu the body changer

Like ... How was it possible that the previous one led a personal elite squad of the most powerful and dangerous dictator in the entire universe, Lord Freeza, an end being a simple river frog on the worst possible planet, Earth, home of earthlings? . And worst of all, still remembering how we got to this miserable planet. (1 year ago) Captain Ginyu, leader of the Ginyu special forces, had ordered him to find Vegeta, the former Prince Sayayin who had stolen the dragon balls along with a couple...

3 years ago
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The Labyrinth Ch 01

Air stirred in the small cell. Small strands of hay danced, twirling and spinning around each other as warm wind found its way through the cracks and hallways of the palace. Young Theseus closed his eyes with a sigh, welcoming the fresh air. The man sat stiffly against the cool wall of his cell, strong arms crossed over his stomach. Despite his calm demeanor, the youth hummed with energy, purpose and confidence. Suddenly, the door to the cells groaned open. Theseus squared...

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Sexual Shenanigans of the Trump Family Eric Trump featuring Ivanka

My sister, Ivanka, is so sexy and nice, I must have her. Every guy wants her. Her body is perfect, her tits are a little larger than a handful, her body nice and thin at 5 foot and 11 inches, framed by her long, trim legs. Her face was angelic with hazel eyes and her face was beautiful, her hair golden blonde, long, wavy and soft. I get a boner every time I look at her. She knows she's sexy, because all the guys do that around her, even me. She seems to like looking at me, sometimes she...

4 years ago
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My gay Roommate

Hi all, my name is Zohan. I am a mechanical engineer and working as a production engineer in a company in Delhi. This story is about me and my roommate when i was in college. His name is Gaurav. I have done my graduation from Jaipur. I am a normal guy with average features. I have the same keenness and knowledge as anybody would have at my age. My age is 23 and i had taken admission 6 years back. At that time i was not that much open-minded but now i have so many experiences in my...

Gay Male
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Fucking My Friend8217s Gf On Her B8217day

Hi this is Pushkar from Bangalore and I am persuading my B.E. from one of the reported college in Bangalore and stay with one of my friend bibin in a flat near my college. Any girl, bhabhi or aunty want to enjoy some spare time with me can contact me at pu Now coming to story; five days before Bibin told her that he planning for a surprise party for her gf on her b’day and he spent some alone time with her so we planned just invite my gf on that occasion. I called my gf on b’day date but she...

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