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Changed By Margaret Jeanette Martin Huxley was a happy man. He had just sold his third computer game to a company and sold all rights to it. He got over ninety thousand dollars for it, as they thought it was an excellent addition to their line of games. When his wife Judy got home he couldn?t contain his excitement. She shared his excitement, so they went out for supper to celebrate. Judy was proud of her husband. He developed games for a living and she had never thought he would be this successful, but this was the second game he had sold this year. Theirs was a good marriage, with her working at the bank as a loan officer while he stayed home and did his games. He also kept the house clean and did most of the cooking. Everything was going great for them. Two weeks later they received a call that Judy?s Aunt Agnes had died. She was a spinster who lived alone out in the country. They attended her funeral, and Agnes?s attorney told them he wanted to talk to them afterward. They found out Judy had inherited all of Agnes?s assets. The attorney said that after probate and his fee they would probably get forty thousand dollars cash, and they also got her house and all of it?s belongings. He gave them a key to the house. After leaving the attorney they drove out to the house. It was located four miles out of town on eight acres of land. They found it, and when they went in they were amazed at how large the rooms were. Downstairs there was a very large living room and a large kitchen. The dining area was huge. There was a full bath and three bedrooms. They went upstairs and found five more bedrooms and another full bath. All the bedrooms were good sized. They knew she had bought an old farmhouse but never knew it was this large. When they had completed their tour Judy said that the house would make a beautiful place for rest and relaxation. They stood on the wraparound front porch and listened to the birds singing. They looked across the road and saw the entrance to a hiking trail. "I would love to convert this into a place where people can come to rest and relax for a few days. I don't think it would take a lot to convert it. What do you think?" Martin said, "It does have possibilities. But you could lose a lot if it doesn't work out. We live forty miles away and that is the closest big city. Where are you going to get the people? Without customers you go down the tubes." "I can see it now! Judy's Rest and Relaxation Hotel. See nature and beauty first hand! Let me give it a try! I'll make a success out of it!" He never won an argument with her when she set her mind to something. He finally agreed they could give it a try. Judy went to do another walk through as he walked around the yard. When she came out she was enthused that the place was perfect. She could envision how it would look and operate. Five weeks later they were back and starting to convert the house into a temporary boarding house. Judy had hired four local girls to help out. Martin hung some pictures Judy had picked up. She had pictures for every bedroom. Two of the girls were helping with cleaning and two were arranging the kitchen. They were expecting their first guest in four days. Martin noticed that Judy was getting bossier and bossier. He was going to say something to her but didn't want to start an argument. He had been busy for the last week and a half getting pictures hung just so and putting beds together. He'd put the frames together and two girls would do the rest. He was trying to help Therese move an old heavy desk for Judy's office, but found it was so heavy he couldn't lift it. Judy called the girl called Chris from the kitchen to help. Chris lifted it with ease. She told them she had helped her dad with hay bales, and that was why she was so strong. Judy told her to stay and help move furniture and sent Martin to help in the kitchen. She told Martin to make a good lunch for all of them. Martin wasn't happy about it but did as she said. At lunchtime the girls all complimented him on the delicious lunch. He thanked them. After lunch Judy told him to continue in the kitchen helping Elise get things organized. That afternoon Judy hired Mary to help in the kitchen. Martin thought he was done in the kitchen but Judy told him to stay and keep helping out. That night Judy said to him, "I have decided you can stay in the kitchen and help out. You are better suited there than anywhere else. You'll get chances to cook and also learn some new dishes from the others. Elise is a good cook and Mary said she worked in the kitchen at the supper club on the edge of town so she is experienced in a kitchen. The three of you will be the kitchen help. Chris is going to take care of the yard and help clean when not working in the yard. She is one talented girl. She told me she would get some birdfeeders up tomorrow" "Why do I have to be kitchen help? I could have done the yard work or small maintenance jobs in the house. Surely one of the other girls would be better in the kitchen than I would." "I have everyone where they can use their talents. You have a talent in the kitchen so that is where you are going to work. I don't want to hear anymore about it." Martin knew by her voice that she had her mind made up He didn't like it but if that was where he was going to be best for the place to operate efficiently then he would do it. The next morning she was gone all morning. When she got back she called all the staff together. They all sat around the big dining room table. Judy sat at the end. When everyone was comfortable she started. "I have gotten some uniforms for everyone. You girls who are doing the yard work and cleaning, I got black slacks and white blouses for you. Everyone will get four sets of clothes. That is why I asked each of you your sizes, so I could get the right size for everyone. For the kitchen help I have straight long black skirts and fancier white blouses with matching aprons. You will start wearing them tomorrow sort of a dress rehearsal." Martin asked, "I supposed you want me to wear black dress pants and a white shirt." "You will all will wear the outfits I got for you, to match your team. I expect each team to look the same." "Are you saying you want me to wear a skirt and blouse?" Martin asked. "I'll talk to you after the meeting. The first guest will arrive day after tomorrow. We have to get all of the last minute things done as soon as possible. Now let's get back to work. Everyone got up and headed back to work except Martin. He glared at Judy. She returned his glare and he knew she was angry about something. "I think I made myself very clear in the meeting didn't I?" "Well, It sounded like you were saying I was going to be wearing a skirt, blouse and matching apron. Is that what you expect me to wear?" "I am doing everything to keep costs down. I got an extra discount for buying a dozen of each of the skirts, blouses and aprons. You will be in the kitchen most of the time anyway. I want the staff to look presentable to every one of our guests. Our guests will know by the uniform where a person fits into the staff. They won't be asking you to clean something when they see you are in kitchen help uniform. Doesn't that make sense to you? Tell me why you can't be dressed like the rest of the kitchen help?" "I am a man not a woman. Men don't wear skirts and blouses!" "Try this, think of it as an uniform for your job. If you were a soldier you would wear a uniform. You are kitchen help so you will wear the uniform of the kitchen help. I'll help you in any way I can think of. I love you and just want this place to be a success. You want this place to be successful don't you?" "Yes, but what you are asking of me is a lot. I'll try to think of it as a uniform but I don't like it. What possessed you to get me skirts and blouses?" "The discount was too good to pass up. I don't think it will be too big a problem. Elise and Mary already think of you as a woman. Besides, I have already gotten you everything you need for your uniform. I got you stockings and shoes to wear that match it. I think you are going to look adorable. Give it a try for me." "I'll try it but the first remark I hear about me being a man in a dress it comes off. Do you agree?" Judy agreed and he felt better winning at least on that point. He dreaded tomorrow, having to wear a skirt and blouse but decided he would do it for her. What he didn't know is that Judy talked to all of the rest of the staff and told them she didn't want to hear any of them making a disparaging remarks to him. The next morning Judy was up when he got dressed. When she handed him a pair of black lacy panties she told him it was part of the uniform. He slid the black slip over his head and then put the blouse on. She gave him a pair of black knee-high nylons to wear. Then the skirt was on. He felt foolish in it but didn't tell Judy that. She gave him a pair of black heels with a two-inch heel. He could walk in them very well. Judy told him to walk putting one foot in front of the other. He did and she smiled as she saw his rear sway. When he walked into the kitchen both Elise and Mary told him he looked great. He tied the white lacy apron on and went to work preparing breakfast. The other three girls told him he looked good in his new uniform. He felt better that no one had laughed at him or made any bad remarks. The three of them had just finished the breakfast dishes when Judy came in and told him he could go to town with her. He said he was going to change, but she told him to just take his apron off and come along. He followed her to the car. She drove. "I looked at you and I think we have to make a little change in your appearance. I called Toni's Beauty parlor and they will help you look better. When they get done you will fit in better with Elise and Mary. While they are working on you I have to do some shopping so I'll stop back and pick you up." She pulled up in front of Toni's and went in with him. She told Toni what she wanted done to him and told him to cooperate with them, that they knew what to do and how to do it. Toni took him to a chair and put a nylon cape on him. She took him to a sink and shampooed his hair. When he was back in the chair she started on his hair. Soon she was putting rollers in it and then putting some foul-smelling lotion on the rollers. She put a plastic cap over his hair. Then she stared on his face. She started plucking his eyebrows. He yelped at first, then was silent in pain. Finally she was done with that. When she started working on his eyes she said, "At least you won't have to worry about having to do this every morning." It didn't register what she was talking about right away. She finished his eyes and started on his lips. She used a fine brush to apply color to his lips. She told him his lips would be shiny and red from now on. When he asked how that is possible she said, "Well, I am using he best permanent make up that is out. The colors are the brightest but it only really lasts about two months. Then it's best to get it renewed. I have two customers that swear by this stuff. Isn't that what you wanted?" "Judy didn't say anything to me about that. She just said she was going to get me to look better." "Well, you got the best there is. You'll never have to worry about your make up and you can use other colors if you want, but these colors will stay right the way they are now." Martin was dejected. He wondered what Judy was doing to him. It bothered him that she hadn't told him what she was having done to him. Toni was now working on his hair. She asked him if he wanted glitter in his hair. He told her to use her best judgment. She told him she always liked her customers to look their best when they left her salon. She was finishing up with his fingernails when Judy walked in. Judy took one look at him and approved of everything. They left the beauty parlor and when they were in the car he asked her why the permanent make up. "Do you know how to apply make up? Could you do your eyes as well as she did them? Do you want to get up earlier to do your make up?" "You know the answer to all those questions is no. Why do I have to wear make up anyway?" "You'll fit in better and look more the part of a kitchen help. I am only trying to help and you are trying to pick it all apart. Is that all you want to do, argue with what I think is best for you?" "No, I don't want to argue but I want to dress as a man and help where I'm needed. I didn't ask to work in the kitchen>" "You are in the kitchen because that is where you can do the most good. Don't you think you are contributing anything there?" "I know I'm doing things there but I would rather do a man's job and dress as a man." "You are where I think you can do the most good. Where else do you think you should be?" "I think I want to go back home. I'll come up on the week ends or something." "You can't go back. The house is sold and everything in it is gone. We got what we asked for it and it is a lot more than what we paid for it." "What do you mean it is sold? Why didn't you talk to me about that?" "I didn't think it was necessary to bother you with it because you always go along with what I want anyway. Tell me one time you didn't do what I wanted!" He didn't have an answer to that. He sat in shock that she had sold the house without as much as a word to him. He asked about his computer that he used to form the games he sold. She told him it was sold also because he now had a full time job in the kitchen. He was totally out of it by then. He had lost his computer. He didn't respond when she asked him if he was hungry, saying that she would stop at the restaurant for a sandwich if he wanted one. When she didn't hear anything from him she headed for another store. It was the only drug store in town. There she had him go in with her. He didn't listen as she talked to the woman about breast forms. The woman showed her three forms. When she said she had gotten him C-cup bras the woman selected the right one. The two women took him to the back of the store for privacy and had him strip to his waist. He had to strip down to his panties and then the woman attached the breast forms to his chest. He was in a daze as Judy fastened a bra on him. Then he got dressed again. When they got out in the car Judy turned to him and said, "You have to get over it. You have a job to do and I expect you to do the best job possible. What has happened, happened. You can't change it so try to go along with the flow and you'll see that things will look much better. Can't you say anything?" "What can I say? You are taking charge of everything. Anything I say is wrong it seems. I don't know anymore what is going on. I thought I was helping you achieve your dreams and you got rid of anything I had that meant anything to me." "Are you saying I don't mean anything to you anymore?" He said, "You know I love you but I don't know about how you have changed. You know I will do anything for you but I would like to know what is going on." Judy said, "Right now, I am doing my best to make it so you look your best. I know you need some jewelry. We'll stop there." She parked I front of the jewelry store and when they left he had a necklace, bracelet combination and a ladies wrist watch. Judy had bought him two pair of dangly earrings for when his ears healed. Judy didn't notice but he noted there were two attorneys' offices in town. When they arrived back Mary gushed over how nice he looked. She loved his pierced earrings, which were little crosses with a jewel in the middle. She asked him about his nails. "Toni said they were silk wrap, I believe or something like that. She says they won't crack or chip. She talks steady and I can't remember everything she said." Mary told him she was going to get nails like his with her next paycheck. Elise said it was time to get to work and he put on his apron and started in. Shortly after that Elise came back and told him she was sorry for being short with him. She said she was just jealous over how nice he looked and she looked so plain. He told her she had pretty eyes and she asked if he really meant it. He said he did and she was all smiles after that. She told him he really looked pretty. He blushed and thanked her. The next morning everyone was abuzz. The first guests would arrive that afternoon. Judy had a meeting with everyone and told Elise she could have every Monday and Tuesday off and that Mary could have every Wednesday and Thursday off. Then Judy said, "We can't have you calling Martin by his first name. Does anyone have any suggestions what we can call him?" Elise said, "The closest to Martin is to drop the T-I-N and call him Mary." Judy said, "No that would make two Mary's in the kitchen and would lead to problems who we were actually calling." Chris said, "I went to school with a Marissa and she was a very pretty girl just like he is. Why don't we call him Marissa?" Judy said, "That is a wonderful name." She looked directly at Martin and said, "You are now Marissa. Welcome to our staff, Marissa." He blushed then glared at Judy. She looked him straight in the eye until he looked away to avert her stare. The meeting over they all got to work. All the girls called him Marissa. He helped prepare a light lunch for everyone. Everyone complimented the kitchen staff on how delicious the lunches were. All three gave a slight bow in thanks. That afternoon he baked three cakes to make a three-layer cake for dessert. He made pudding cakes so they would be nice and moist. That afternoon the first guests started to arrive. They all seemed very friendly. That evening at supper his cake was the hit of the meal. Everyone loved it and gave him compliments on it. He felt pride in how his cake was attracting so much attention. The weekend went great with everyone saying they would be back, three of them already making reservations for future dates. Judy was ecstatic over how well everything had gone. Monday morning at the staff meeting she praised everyone, making a special note of Marissa and his cake. She told everyone that they did a bang up job and thanked them. She announced that an addition was going to be built and a whirlpool would be added to the house. It would be done in about a month, as the contractor wasn't real busy right now. After the meeting Marissa asked if he could go into town to do some shopping. Judy said he could. He asked her for some money and she gave him forty dollars. He said he didn't have anywhere to carry his wallet and she gave him one of her old black purses to carry. Three hours later he returned from town. Judy was in her office and he went to see her. She saw he had his troubled face on and knew he was bothered with something. She knew he never liked to give her bad news and this was his bad news face. He started by showing her a pair of black flats he had picked up. She told him they looked very nice. He saw she was in a pretty good mood and so he continued. "I also stopped at Myron Cunningham's office. He is an attorney. We talked about a divorce and he told me I would most likely get half of this place in a divorce settlement. He said I would have to file a second complaint to get half of what you sold the house for, and everything in it. He also told me that your selling my computer effectively put me out of business as I was considered a small business. He said the permanent make up could also bring me more money, as you did not get my permission to have it done. He figures I would probably end up three quarters owner of this place or the equivalent." Judy asked surprised, "Are you saying you are going to get a divorce?" "No, I told him I had to think about it. I still love you but I don't see you looking at me as a husband anymore. We sleep together, that's all. We haven't done the husband and wife thing since we got up here. You are so tied up in this place you are in effect married to it instead of me. I don't want to take your dream away from you so as I see it some changes will have to be made. If you can agree to them I will stay. If not I am afraid I'll have to do what I have to do." "What changes are you talking about?" "Well, first I want to get paid like the rest of the staff. I don't like asking you for money every time I want to go shopping. Second, I want my own room to go to so I can think things out. Third, I want two days a week off like everyone else gets. Fourth, I want you to get me a computer and Internet hook up so I can work on some game ideas I have. Lastly, I want to be able to wear the flats while working." Judy thought for a minute then said, "I think we can come to an agreement on all of that. You are wrong about one thing though. I still see you as my husband. I still love you. Looking back at things I am sorry about the make up. I thought I was helping you adjust to your new job here making you fit in better. You are right about the husband and wife thing. I have been so immersed in this place I haven't given it a thought." "I would like the room next to our bedroom. There is room enough for a desk in there with all the furniture that's already in there. There's a closet for my clothes and I think I can keep it neat enough so the cleaners don't have to worry about it." "No, the bed comes out. You don't need the closet for your clothes as they can stay in our closet. I am surprised you aren't demanding you be let out of wearing dresses. Why not?" "Well, I guess I am getting used to them. They aren't so bad. Everyone is treating me nice and I kind of like the feel of them. At first I hated having to wear a dress, then it wasn't so bad, then I got to where they feel comfortable." "I think this might come as a surprise to you," Judy said. "Toni told me the make up only lasts a couple of months. When it starts to fade I'll leave it up to you if you want it redone. If you don't I can see no reason you can't wear black slacks and a white shirt for work. I think that will remind me every time I see you that you are really my husband. If you want to continue wearing skirts that's all right with me too. I'll leave it up to you." "Thank you. I appreciate that. I am going to tell you something. When the lawyer told me all about the divorce settlement I was going to go through with it, but I knew that would shatter your dreams and the love I have for you. I just couldn't do it." At this revelation Judy felt more love for her husband than she had ever felt before. She wished she had done some things differently and told him so. He said he knew she always loved him, just that she got so engrossed in everything about the place she lost sight of what they had. She got up from her seat and came around the desk and gave him a kiss so deep he felt her love. She told him it was break time and told him to come to their bedroom. Once there she started kissing him and soon they were making love. Afterwards she said that was the greatest lovemaking she had ever had. He noted that they had never made love during the day except on their honeymoon. On Wednesday morning a computer center was delivered for him, and a new computer. He was given the day off to set it up. He was very happy and the rest of the staff was happy for him. He had the computer set up by lunchtime. At lunch Judy told him she wanted to talk to him after lunch. After lunch they went into her office. He wondered what she wanted. He was apprehensive that something was wrong. Judy stared by saying, "I want you to know I appreciate everything you have done for me. I know you love me and I love you. I have something for you but I don't know how you are going to take it. I hope you will like it but I am not sure you will. I want you to know it is the only thing I could find in town that I think shows how much I love you." She got up and came next to him. She carefully removed his studs from his ears and placed some different earrings in his ears. She handed him a hand mirror so he could see how they looked. They had six tiny gold chains hanging down and at the end there was a crystal ball that reflected the light in a shiny star-like pattern. He stood up and gave her a kiss. She knew he liked them and felt good about them. He left her office and went to the kitchen to show Elise his new earrings. She told him they were beautiful. He returned to his computer and soon had a new game started. He was happy that he hadn't lost his touch creating games. Three months later he wore a gold dress with ruffles on his day off. He had lipstick on. Toni had covered his fading make up with natural colors and showed him how to apply normal make up. He had a unisex haircut. He wore black slacks and a white shirt for work, and he and Judy were much in love. The place was a rousing success and things looked wonderful for the future. (c) 2004 by Margaret Jeanette 

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Hi. Welcome. This is Stacy. I’ll be your host for this story. The following serial novel is surprisingly true for the most part, and the inaccurate parts are mostly for narrative structure. All of the characters exist, and most of the events have occurred. This is an important story. It’s about sex and slavery, but it’s also about your life, and my life, and how we get through it all. It’s an experiment, but it’s also a manifesto. This has all happened for a reason. I want to change people for...

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It was the night of our third anniversary. Carla and I came out of the theater, walking slowly to the car. I took her to a movie she had wanted to see. It was a sexy film about six college ‘kids’ in their senior year. There were four guys and two girls. In celebration of their upcoming graduation, the parents of one of the guys had given him permission to invite his friends to a weekend at their house, set on a private island. Sex, drugs and booze were had by all. During the course of the...

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Dave was my first real boyfriend, we had been together since high school, and I loved him from the day we met. I knew that he felt the same about me. We had been seeing each other for 6 years when we decided to get married. We didn't have a big wedding but it was in a church and I did wear white. I don't think I could have had it any other way. We lived in a two-bedroom apartment until I fell pregnant with our first baby, which was a boy we called Chad, after Dave's dad Chad win Greaves....

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He shifted nervously as he stood in line. He had chosen this lane because the checker was a woman. He didn’t know why that made him feel better, but it did. Just a little. He glanced down at the basket in his hand. The contents were carefully selected: a sandwich from the deli, a drink, a box of protein bars, a box of tissues, all there to make it look like he wasn’t there just to buy that package of panties. There was nothing special about the panties, there were three of them, cotton,...

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All his life he had dedicated his existence to science. Until the military became interested in his work. He could never understand why everything always came down to money or war. Sure he had made numerous millions himself, but that was to help further scientific research. But now he realised he wanted to make a difference in a different way. On this gloomy morning he was making his third exuberant decision. He would help another person who was in need. The hard part was who. Then when he...

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Introduction: A story of two people finding each other and finding themselves. Opening the car door the 6,7 foot man stepped out into the dewy misty morning. Locking the vintage jaguar door, he stood back admiring his prize possession. Now in his sixtys and semi retired, the car was his first extravagant and impulsive decision. Buying the remote house with 5 acres of pasture and woodland was his second. All his life he had dedicated his existence to science. Until the military became...

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Here you are...another night spent here in front of your PC.Reading another erotic fiction about gender bend,your already 21 years have no job.your not good at studies,your a useless NEET living day by day on your parents fortunes.You don't go out of your house,you stay in your all day while everyone looks down on you and keeps giving you lectures to get your life together.You're tired of think "man,women have it easy..all they need to do is use their body get whatever they...

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So I was sitting there between Phil and Bob , when Lisa told them me to help them get undressed . One by one they rose, first Bob, and I pulled his shirt offer his head, then I undid his belt, un snapped his jeans, and pulled them down. I saw his hard cock pushed his undershirts out, and as I pulled them down, releasing him I looked towards Lisa who nodded to me. I took that as encouragement and cupped his sack in one hand, then kissed the head and slowly took it in my mouth. I alternately...

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It was a lot of little things that first made me suspicious that my beautiful, sexy wife of just three years had found other avenues of expression in her life. Things continued to be great at home. We enjoyed everything together, especially sex. Both of us had been in our late twenties when we decided to get married. Neither of us were strangers to robust sex when we met. Then we had lived together for a year prior to taking the step. We shared so many common interests together that we never...

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My First Sex With My Neighbor Married Sexy Lady 8211 Part I

Hi friends, this is Arvind 23 yrs old guy from Bangalore. This is my real story of first time sex with my neighbor flat married 27yrs old sexy and busty lady at her home when she is alone. I am staying in an apartment in Bangalore with my 2 friends, all of us are working in a pvt company. Mine is shifting type of work like one week day shift and next week night shift like that, and my 2 friends work in day times only. And in my neighbor flat couples are staying they are from Andhra and husband...

2 years ago
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Naked Day part 28 Go West

She was my wife. I shushed her apologies. Told her what I wanted to do. No more separation. Live life to the fullest, together. We spent Tuesday getting reunited. Oh she felt good. It took me a long time to catch up on every inch of her body. It sure beat photos. I noticed the mark on her breast. "It was there Saturday morning. I think Ryan had to claim his conquest or some stupid shit." I kissed her on the spot. Then everywhere else on her breast. Then the other breast. I...

2 years ago
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Force X Mass Penetration

Arriving at his off-campus home I was immediately confused and baffled about my decision or either my poor sense of direction in reaching the proper location. In his driveway were a Lexus Sc430 and the growing “Boom” of bass resounding from his rather untidy but large, by college standards, house. Ignoring the warning signs and pushed by my academic woes, I knocked on the door. I was greeted by Kevin who was closer to my expectation, being average height and medium framed; he spoke as man...

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RECEPT.TXT by Cindy V. TV, Fem dom, humiliation When someone describes a girl as having a nice personality, that usually means that she's not much to look at. But our receptionist Kathy is quite the exception. First of all, she truly does have a nice personality. She always has a smile and a cheery word for everyone, and it's sincere. Guys just seem to congregate around her desk in the receptionist area, partly because she has such a sweet disposition. Well, maybe that's not...

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Wank in the Woods

I had a really fucked up week, both at work and at home. By the time the weekend approached I was ready to get my running gear on and just run, run and run until I would somehow manage to run off this stupid planet or into some kind of alternative dimension with a more stable climate and less shit-storms.Sunday morning, when the kids were away on daddy-day, I was determined to do just that and run my long overdue 10k. I was getting into my tank top when P signed on to Whatssup and said a...

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DeepLush Vina Sky Can8217t Get Enough

This scene features petite babe Vina Sky and I hooking up for the first time. We have really fun and intense chemistry. We fuck aggressively all over the couch in a bunch of positions with my hand around her throat and spanking her at times. She cums multiple times while using a hitachi on her clit while having sex. There’s POV shot during the blowjob and when she’s riding my cock with her butt facing the camera. We then move to the bed and have sex in a few more positions before I...

3 years ago
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GayChapter 22

Despite my excuse to Maria, I actually got home in plenty of time for dinner so I wasn’t expecting any trouble. But Mum was lying in ambush. “Just when were you going to tell me about these?” she asked, brandishing my race certificates, the insistent tapping of her right foot on the floor a clear signal that I was in deep doo-doo. “I found them in your bag when I was getting your running kit to wash.” “I’m sorry,” I said. “I wasn’t feeling well last night and this morning was a rush. I...

4 years ago
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Sweet Memories

I am Ahsan again with a new experience. I am at the age of 30, This was happened one month back. Her name is sadia. V r collage mates also. We studied together. We are close friends and nothing else in between us. One year back she got married a software engineer. She is also working women and working in the same field. She is residing with his husband in islamabad. We used to talk over phone regularly and we used to discuss everything. Sadia, at the age of 24 and looks average, but her figure...

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The Following Week

Sally Lawrence, aged in her mid fifties, had had a wonderful Friday night and most of Saturday. Since the Friday evening, she had rekindled and possibly ignited her lesbian affair with old school friend Gina Meadows, been fucked by Gina's seventeen-year-old son Ryan, and received six strokes of the cane across her large arse.She was now back at home on Saturday evening and looking at her cane marked backside in a mirror as she fingered her cunt and thought back over the previous twenty-four...

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CHAPTER 1 Eva Everett was dropping out of college because she thought the systems sucked and she’d stupidly chosen to study biology instead of drama only to find her interest waning faster than her staccato sexual interest in any guy. Now her interest in drama was returning. What a fucking mess, she’d fumed, coming to the ‘I’m quitting’ decision. Her counselor had summed it up neatly. ‘Eva dear, consider pulling the plug before you become dead in the water’. Clichés for sure but in Eva’s...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 8 Learning the Truth from Jack

I borrowed Janet’s car to drive into town to get Jack. Susan had told me on the phone that he had been there since early afternoon. She explained to me that he just sits there drinking from a bottle of Jack Daniels. Susan also explained when she went to talk to him she did not understand his reply as it was not in English. “Ann, he keeps looking toward the door as if he is expecting someone and from the look in his eyes I think it is trouble he is expecting,” Susan said to me on the...

2 years ago
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The Hotel

[If you like this story check out my blog for more of the same ]I get off the plane in the Netherlands and head through the airport. It’s been a long few days, just three days ago I was standing in the church waiting to get married to the woman that I thought loved me and she didn’t show up.It was horrible to be standing there in front of my entire family, friends and the minister. I kept checking my watch and she was late I figure she was stuck in traffic.I was...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 52 Various Completions

There was a knock on Mary Nally's bedroom door. Mary levered herself up on the couch, "Come in!" "Hi, Punkin." "Hi, Pop." "Your mother's all proud of herself for her meddling." "Yeah, I know." Mary had stayed upstairs when she detected the roaring fight her parents were having at dinnertime. "How bad is it?" "Bad. I let it all hang out, since she was. Let her know that things weren't peachy and that I wasn't a monk." Arthur settled in the recliner and started polishing...

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The Hawk and The ChipmunkChapter 69

A rather startled Jason looked across the table at the former Speaker. Trying not to reveal anything in his face other than puzzlement, Jason asked, “I’m not sure what you’re referring to, Mister Speaker.” “Relax, Jason, and please call me Newt. As for my comment, I’m pretty sure that behind your actions is a missing document that’s been like a guillotine casting an ominous shadow over the head of every President since Lincoln. What’s more, I’ve known of its potential existence since I was...

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Bill Sutherland 6 in STOPWATCHChapter 36

Due to the 'altercation' Bill got two reputations: 1. Don't mess with Bill. (Sing it with me.) 2. Don't mess with Bill's ladies. But, number one was the important one. Oh, there were repercussions. There was a drive by at the house in the country ... that pissed Mina off beyond belief. Pyewacket wasn't happy about it either. Her kittens were sunning on the 'veranda' (a porch that big isn't a porch. It's a veranda.) and one of the multitude of bullets just missed. Pyewacket,...

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Met a wonderful stranger on phone sex Line and I made her orgasm

I had been lonely for a while and I missed having someone to talk to or even have sex with. I was bored and my work kept me busy 6 days of the week. Italy is a beautiful place to live but if you are single, nothing that a place can do for you. I wanted some company one night and decided that I would try a phone sex service. I was open to talking to a stranger on phone sex and get something to manage my boredom and loneliness. I tried that phone sex operator line after researching for a few...

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wifes gangbang

GangBanging the WifeWell, the wife has really come a long way since we got her hormones straightened out as well as her back. I guess she’s trying to make up for lost time. Once she found out that I really meant it when I told her she could fuck other men, she’s had a different one just about every day. It’s nothing for me to walk in from work and she be on her back with some big dicked stud between her legs pounding away. There are days when I either have something going on or am just wore out...

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JulesJordan Sara Jay The Landlord Gets A Large Cock

Sara Jay visits a tenant to collect the rent. She immediately loses interest in collecting cash, she wants the renter’s dick for her ass. She hurries him into the bedroom and marvels at the intercontinental ballistic cock. She starts spitting and slobbering all over it then says “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a dick this big”. Miss Jay has a huge rack and a wide, plump ass. She will not let this dick go to waste. She suffocates the cock between her two melons then strips down naked. She backs...

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Twins Share Everything

1 On a school bus headed home, a fifteen-year-old girl sat slumped against the window. Her brunette hair curled around a pretty, girl-next-door face which sat in an uncharacteristically glum pout. Brown eyes stared out the window, but didn’t pay attention to what she saw outside, not with how her brooding thoughts occupied her. Her slim, fit body sat slouched in on itself, the stance seeming to leech the colour from her cheer uniform. Her friend, a Goldilocks-calibre blue-eyed blonde, put a...

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Pets New Life Part 2

Pets New Life ~ Part 2 (Knock Knock ~ a sleepy 'Come in' was the drowsy reply) Oh good morning Janice, and hello dear. Is that tray of tea for me, how kind of you. You know you are a naughty girl and not allowed into Mummy's bedroom when she is not dressed. Oh, it was Janice's idea of you bringing me early morning tea for mummy. That was a sweet thought, so I will let you off this time. Put the tray by the bed and let mummy give you a kiss for being a good girl. You look so sweet...

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First Time Bareback

I had been chatting with the guy on one of the male only social networking sites when he invited me over to his place that afternoon. From his profile, he said he was of mixed race, around my height, older, and a little on the chunky side and that we were in the same town. Well, being that he lived close by, someone I considered attractive, and me being real horny I said yes. So he gave me directions and we agreed on a time. I got to his place and when I saw him he looked more black than mixed...

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Moms BikiniChapter 2

I was up early and waiting for mom so that we could head down to the complimentary hotel breakfast. Pancakes, eggs, and omelets cooked to order, bacon, ham, rolls, bagels, toast, watermelon, pineapple, coffee, and juice. I knew where I was going to be the first thing every morning. I knew what these two weeks meant to my mother. I could tell she missed dad even though she tried to remain strong and not show it. When I left for college, she was left all alone, except for the few holidays when...

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Fucking My Girlfriend Uzma

Hi guys and this is Navdeep a 22 years old young and energetic handsome guy. I used to fantasise every beauty I saw but only some of them have come true. Till now I had made love with three girls who are damn sexy. I am narrating my first experience which has happened with my first love 2 years back. I would like to enjoy more with many girls and aunties too who are starving of sex and lust of having a strong dick in their pussies. For your info I have a 7 inch with 2.5 inch width dick which...

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The Architect Meeting My Master Part1

The unease I had been feeling was familiar, almost comforting. It was the last opportunity to back out. To back out and forget this folly. Anxiety, nervousness, excitement--a cocktail of conflicting emotions seemingly bubbling around my chest. Meeting someone for the first time and knowing that we’ll be fucking soon after. Then never seeing each other again. My back felt cool leaning upon a nearby lamp post. I was wondering if I should just walk up the door, ring the doorbell, and get this...

Gay Male
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A dream cum true II

My wife Ella is a very determined lady, our daughter is a little over a year old now and Ella wants her to have a baby brother soon, a little sooner than I am ready for. I have been trying to get her to wait another year but I think she is trying to get me to impregnate her now. Ella has very regular cycles and knows her body very well. After the birth of our daughter we used condoms all the time until her cycle became regular and then we would go bareback during her safe time and condoms on...

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Jack No More

It was hopeless. Utterly, utterly hopeless. Jack was stuck tight, and there wasnothing he could do about it. Traffic had him pinned in, and he was going tobe late for his conference call. Five minutes from his apartment, he glaredat the light, willing it to turn green. Finally it did, and he sped quicklydown the street to his home. Barreling up the stairs, he began undoing his tie, and fiddling with his keys.As he made it to his door, he could hear the phone start ringing. Shit!I hope that's...

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Court seats

Bill Warwel is a 55 year old man that has some business on his name and is wealthy. He is fat He is married to 32 year old vixen, Tammy Walker. She is a slim woman with 32F-boobs and firm booty. She asked for her Christmas some court seats for a basketbal-game. So on Christmas-day, she received her gift and it were 2 tickets for the Christmas gae Lakers vs Clippers. "Fuzzy bear, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS GIFT" shouts Tammy and hugs her husband."You are welcome sweetie, but you know that we...

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Neighbour sunbathing

This is a true story from when I was 16, We had a married couple in their 30's that lived next door. I had always thought that the woman was quite nice but I did'nt know how nice until one hot summer day. I was in the garden and it was really hot, in our garden we had waneylap fencing, so it had holes and gaps here and there.Anyway I caught a glimpse through the fence and saw her sunbathing in a black and white spotted bikini. I could see her breasts nearly popping out of it and could'nt...

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Swapping Couples In Our Resort 8211 Part 2

The story of swapping couples directly continues from part 1. So if you haven’t read that, then please read part 1 first. Also, both the parts are meant to be read together to enjoy this story the best. Now the story continues. It is possible that two stranger couples can meet and connect immediately. But this, for some reason, felt weird. This mystery intrigued me as I went into full Sherlock Holmes investigative mode. Later that night, after my shift ended, I decided to sleep in the...

4 years ago
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The Skeleton Key

It was the happiest day of Misty life to be married to Bob. He was a good man, loving, kind, gentle and considerate. Aside from that, he also is a good provider and could provide her with the simple creature comfort she needed in her life. Misty was so happy that she finally found her beau and is now married to him. After the honeymoon, Misty and Bob finally settled into a comfortable routine at home. He and her took turns taking care of the house, the pets and the garden. Bob's house was...

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Author's Notes: This story is inspired by the story Irresistable by Robopoop. I realized that this was a good concept that no one has touch for over 4 years and I wanted to expand upon it. Know that there will be use of pics in my chapters and hope any other authors do the same. Feel free to write your own threads and create a new path. On we go! I pulled myself out of bed on a warm summer weekend in the three room apartment I borrowed from an aunt. After I was awake enough not to trip over my...

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