Brendan FallsChapter 27 free porn video

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Mr. Davis was one of those men who are neither handsome nor ugly, but unremarkable physically. He was taller than my five foot nine by four or five inches at least, and of course thicker and stronger. He had a small belly starting, a thin spare tire around his waist, which had never bothered me one way or the other. His eyes were blue and nice above a friendly smile and a strong nose. His short brown hair was unremarkable and just starting to cover his ears and thinning a little on top. He was an average man and if he hadn't been my teacher, I suppose I never would have given him a second look, simply because I was owned and loved by someone else.

I'm different, being a boy who is completely passable as a beautiful girl, or young woman I should say. I was going to be eighteen soon and I'd grown up to meet my Master's expectations. Mr. Reiser had spent a lot of money turning me into his trophy negra, enhancing the gifts nature had already given me. I have a woman's shape, with large breasts and a narrow waist, round hips and a firm, very round ass. Long legs and smooth, soft brown skin to go with my hair, which was straight and black and loose to my shoulders at that time.

My face is naturally pretty, even beautiful to a lot of men, without the stereotypical African features one might expect from a negra. A smallish nose, almost pert beneath my wide caramel eyes. I have high cheeks and full, sensual lips. My voice is soft and pitched perfectly for a woman after having some small surgery to shorten my vocal cords. I'd taken hormones and maintained my diet and exercise, working hard to keep my weight around one twenty five or so, which suits my feminine form just fine. I'd been spoiled with a closet full of designer clothing, jewelry enough to make any woman a feel like a princess, and my own Mercedes sports coup.

I was a slave, but arrogant and proud of myself nonetheless. I had every right to be. I was young and beautiful and I had a pretty penis, a girl cock tucked inside my panties, smallish sperm filled balls in my soft hairless scrotum, and a tight hot ass, my sweet little boy pussy that my Master loved to fuck. There weren't a lot of slaves like me and it made me valuable, enough so that I was insured, like anything else my Master might own. He'd had me assessed at fifteen thousand dollars, I knew, and in the Confederacy of the South, where a good middle class salary was perhaps twenty thousand a year, that was about as much as any slave could ever be worth. He had to pay a luxery tax on me every year, and spend God only knew how much on my female maintenance, but Mr. Reiser didn't complain. He enjoyed me immensely.

So I had a right to be proud of myself and happy as well. I wasn't only my Master's bedroom negra, I was his lover and mistress, and that was the biggest reason I was happy to be a slave. It was the only way we could be together, Mr. Reiser and I, and being possessed by the man was the great joy in my life. But now I was stolen, possessed by another, and Mr. Davis was a man I couldn't love. Not because he couldn't buy me the clothes I liked or the jewelry I enjoyed, but more because he wasn't my Master and I was a slave in my heart as much as my flesh.

We were four hours and about two hundred miles from Memphis, near as I could figure, in a cheap love motel just on the other side of Little Rock, Arkansas. It was a long ways to California and Mr. Davis was a careful driver, keeping us below the speed limit and not taking the chance of getting pulled over with a stolen negra in his possession.

" ... I don't even have any clean clothes," I frowned, coming out of the shower and at least I felt a little better.

"We can buy some in the morning. Come here now." Mr. Davis was already undressed, laying naked on the one large bed that came with the small room, like there wasn't anything else a guest might want but that. He was playing with his cock, not an overly large one, but nice enough and I'd been intimate with it for nearly two years already.

"I'm not in the mood," I told him and that took just about all the bravery I had, considering my upbringing and who and where we were. A slave didn't talk to a white man like that. Never.

"What?" He stared at me then, his blue eyes looking all hurt and angry and confused. "You better get in the mood, Dani," he said softly. "I'm doing all this for you."

"You're not my Master." I licked my lips. "And if you've got a plan to see me free up North, well..."

"I've got a plan to see you married," he smiled, trying to be patient. "I'm not your Master, no, but you best start thinking of me as your husband and come to bed now."

"Like it's the same thing?" I shook my head. "I want to go home, Mr. Davis. I don't love you."

"You will, I promise..."

"You can't promise that."

" ... I'll treat you so good, Danielle." He was getting up, moving towards me as I stood near the foot of the bed. "I'll do anything for you."

"Then let me go, please?" I begged him gently. "Take me home."

"No." He shook his head, putting his hands on my waist, squeezing me through the damp towel I wore. "I can't do that."

"Don't," I said, crossing my arms as he was trying to tug the towel away. "I don't want to have sex with you."

"Yes, you do," he chuckled softly, "Come here now ... Don't be like that."

"No!" I slapped at his hands. "Stop it. I'm gonna sleep on the floor or something."

"No, you aren't," he shook his head and he was really grabbing me, pulling me while I twisted and tried to get away.

I didn't really believe he'd actually force me, but Mr. Davis wasn't letting me go. He was coming off the bed awkwardly, fighting to hold me while I slapped at his shoulders and twisted my hips. The towel came loose in his hands and I stepped back, naked now and breathing hard. I looked around, like there might be something to defend myself with, but there wasn't anything, not even a desk lamp or a heavy ashtray I might hit him upside the head with.

"Just ... Stay away from me..." I warned him, " ... I mean it. I don't love you. I was fucking you cause I had to, that's all."

"I guess you're gonna have to again," he said and Mr. Davis had a crazy look on his face and probably I shouldn't have been saying that stuff, but it was too late.

"Nooooo..." I screamed and he was grabbing me around the waist, picking me up while I kicked and scratched at him, gouging his shoulder and drawing a little blood, but he didn't seem to notice.

"Get down ... Fuck ... Bitch!" He threw me on the bed, on my tummy with him falling right behind me and the man was hard, his cock excited and swollen with the effort to overcome my weak resistance.

"No! No ... Please ... Don't do this!" I was twisting and trying to reach behind me, wanting to scratch him up some more, but he had me pinned down easily.

Mr. Davis wasn't a big man, but he was bigger than me and a lot stronger, plus he had the urgency to take me filling his blood. I kicked and flailed, but there wasn't anything I could do as I felt him forcing his turgid prick between the cheeks of my tight brown ass. I screamed again and someone in the next room was pounding on the wall, telling us to be quiet and that seemed pretty insane as it should have been plain that I was being raped. Mr. Davis pressed his weight down upon me, grabbing my wrists in his hands and pushing with hips hard, forcing his cock inside my anus painfully as I squeezed my muscles and tried to keep him out.

"Stop fighting me!" he growled and suddenly slapped me on the side of my head. Not a punch really, but it felt like one and everything went dim for a second, with little lights flashing behind my eyes.

The shock of being hit by the man took the fight out of me as much as it did anything else. I'd never been struck before, not like that, and it hurt me everywhere, but mostly inside. I went limp and my eyes filled with tears. Mr. Davis pushed his cock inside me as far as it would go, stretching my still tender anus painfully, and I shivered, sobbing beneath the man as he began fucking me in earnest. He slid his penis in and out of my boy pussy rapidly, groaning with pleasure while he kissed my neck and shoulders.

"I'm sorry, Dani ... God, I'm sorry..." he was whispering breathlessly, fucking me with his knees straddling my thighs, his firm hands gripping my shoulders, " ... I shouldn't have done that ... You shouldn't have made me do that ... I love you..."

I shuddered, pressing my face against the mattress so he wouldn't try and kiss me there, crying like I was a little boy again while he raped my ass. There was nothing good in it for me. I felt cold all over, or not even that, just numb and I wanted him to hurry up and finish so I could take another shower and wash him away.

"Oh, you fuck so good ... All I ever wanted was you, Dani, just you..." He was sliding his hands beneath me, wanting to feel my tits and I didn't resist.

Mr. Davis took my breasts in his hands, massaging me and probably imagining that I was enjoying it, but I didn't. My nipples weren't hard, no matter how much he rubbed them. My skin itched where he kissed me, where his body touched mine, it didn't burn with desire the way his did. My asshole was warm for him though, nice and tight and accepting his cock as he fucked me, but I wasn't doing anything to help. I just lay there and when Mr. Davis finally had his orgasm, driving his cock balls deep into my bowels and moaning with his rapt ecstasy, I closed my eyes tightly against it. The sensation of his seed filling me was unwelcome and ignore it.

I felt humiliated by what Mr. Davis had done, stained by the knowledge that I'd been unable to stop the man from taking me. It was one thing to be a slave, to be a negra and have to fuck someone I didn't care for. That was reasonable and I could see nothing wrong with it, but this was something else and I hated him then. I'd never hated anyone before, but I hated Mr. Davis for raping me and I hoped we did get caught. I hoped he went to jail for a long time and got fucked like I did, just cause I'd heard it happened like that to some men. I really wanted him to know what it felt like.

"Oh, God ... You're so beautiful. I love you so much, Dani." He was kissing me again, urging me to turn my face towards him so he could kiss my lips. "We're going to be so happy together."

"Let me up," I said quietly, ignoring his lips as they touched mine and not pushing him or anything, but just saying the words without emotion.

"Sure, yeah ... Here..." He was still inside me, his cock still hard, but he pulled himself free and then knelt, giving me room to move.

I went into the bathroom and locked the door.

I waited for a long time, lying in bed next to him and making sure Mr. Davis was asleep. I was tired too and it must have been really late, after three in the morning probably. He was quiet beside me though, not moving at all, and I'd waited about as long as I could and then I waited a little longer.

There was a telephone on the nightstand next to him and all I had to do was call oh-five-five and get the police. I'd report myself stolen and then they'd come. They'd arrest Mr. Davis and take me back to my Master. He'd know I hadn't run away. They'd find my car with the flat tire sitting at the school. All my clothes would be at home. My jewelry too, the frightfully valuable jewelry Mr. Reiser had spoiled me with, as well as the personal jewelry my mother had given me. I wouldn't have left without my charm bracelet or my locket or my ring. I would have taken the rest too, just to sell or trade if I was really running away. I would have brought clothes with me, some personal stuff that I'd need on the run. Nobody leaves with nothing but a purse and a little makeup.

Yeah, they'd know I hadn't run away. I'd been stolen. My Master would know it in his heart because we were in love and he knew that too. That was the biggest reason.

So I'd waited and when I was sure Mr. Davis was sleeping I slipped out of the bed slowly, carefully. I was being so quiet and my heart was pounding so hard I thought maybe it would wake the man up. I walked silently to the bathroom first, just in case he might wake up and catch me out of bed. I looked over my shoulder, watching his form in the dim light, but Mr. Davis didn't move at all.

I crept to the nightstand, holding my breath and then I reached for the phone. It was quiet, very quiet and I was almost afraid to touch the thing, stretching my hand out and frowning because he was turned that way. If Mr. Davis opened his eyes he'd see me and so I was doing it so slowly it was almost painful. I felt the plastic receiver beneath my finger tips and I made sure I had a good grip on it before I picked it up. I couldn't afford to drop it or rattle it around and my hand was shaking so I furrowed my brow, concentrating and then I picked it up.

I leaned forward, pressing it to my ear as my fingers sought the buttons on the base of the thing, big dark numbers, square ones, and I was already pushing them when I realized there wasn't any sound in my ear. The numbers weren't lighted up as they ought to be and then Mr. Davis was looking at me.

"Who are you calling, Dani?" He grabbed my wrist and he didn't sound too happy.

"Ummm ... My parents," I lied. "I want to talk to my daddy ... Owwww..."

"Lying bitch!" He jerked me off balance, pulling me down to the bed, on top of him and then rolling over, trapping me suddenly beneath his body.

The phone had come off the nightstand with a loud clatter and I realized I was still holding the handset and I swung it at him, trying to hit Mr. Davis in the head with it, but he was pinning me down and my arm wasn't free to move as much as I needed it to. All I did was hit him on the shoulder with it and that didn't do me any good. He took the phone away from me and I struggled, fighting the man the way I had earlier and with even less success, and I was just crying again anyway. I'd invested so much energy and hope in getting to that telephone only to find out that Mr. Davis had unplugged it from the wall. I felt exhausted and all the man had to do was hold me for a few minutes and then I was quiet.

Mr. Davis tied me up then, using the thin phone cord he'd unplugged from the wall to tie my wrists together behind my back. I told him he didn't have to do that. I wasn't going to try and get away, not anymore, but he didn't believe me. He was angry and half crazy, I thought, and for whatever reason fighting me, tying me up like that, it had somehow gotten him excited again. His cock was swollen and he was stroking it as he caught his breath, grinning at me like he really was crazy and I'd never been so frightened in my life of anything before.

"You're a bad girl, Dani!" he grunted, stabbing his cock inside my ass and I was on my back, with my arms uncomfortably caught beneath me.

He had my legs over his shoulders, my body rolled up the way my Master liked to do it sometimes, and Mr. Davis was looking into my face while he raped me for the second time that night. I was truly helpless that way, tied and pinned to the bed by his body with his erect penis buried inside me. All I could do was look up at him, watching his dark face in the shadows while he thrust in and out of my boy pussy. He thought we were making love.

"If you keep fighting me like this ... Ugh!" He pushed his cock deep and held it there for a moment, enjoying the warm confines of my rectum. " ... You're only hurting ... Yourself," he breathed. "I don't want to hurt you. I never ... Ummm ... Want to hurt you, Dani..."

"I'm not gonna fight you," I promised softly, blinking away my tears but that didn't do any good. I had a lot of them inside.

"Ohhh ... Dani..." He kissed me and this time I did return it, as eagerly as I was able, accepting his tongue and tickling it with mine. I'd stopped crying somehow, realizing it wasn't doing me any good. I could cry later, I told myself, I had to do something else.

"You don't have to tie me up," I breathed a moment later, telling the man what he wanted to hear, " ... I'm sorry. I do love you ... I do."

"Yeah ... I know you do," he nodded. "Fuck me. Show me how much you love me, Dani."

Mr. Davis moved us so that I was on top of him, straddling his stiff cock with my hands still tied behind my back. I was riding him the best I could, lifting my ass and bringing it down slowly, letting his penis sink into the hot depths of my asshole. When I had him completely, I'd roll my hips and grind my ass around while Mr. Davis reached up to play with my heavy tits, caressing my flesh and playing with my nipples. I tried to put all the bad thoughts out of my head. I wanted him to believe me and I was squeezing my ass muscles, working his prick like the bedroom negra I was, fucking the man good.

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Brendan FallsChapter 31

"Oh man. That was Dad checking up on me before he goes to bed," Deputy Miller's voice was full of humor as he returned to the sheriff's office where I was waiting. "He probably thinks we're fuuhhhk ... Hey." "I'm sorry, sir. But I have to go," I said and I was pointing the young man's pistol at him, one of those big black semi-automatic kind. It seemed incredibly heavy and my heart was going a hundred miles an hour. "Just, um ... put that down, okay?" He licked his lips,...

2 years ago
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Brendan FallsChapter 32

"Welcome to Tucson," Drew said softly into my ear. "Hmmm?" I blinked around sleepily and sat up with a stretch. "Oh, I fell asleep." "Just a little while," he smiled and we were stopped in a parking lot it looked like. "I was falling asleep myself. Come on we'll get a little breakfast and then get a little bed." "A big bed," I grinned with a nice stretch. "A big breakfast too." We were at a place called the Cactus Ranch, which was hardly that. It was a two floor motel...

4 years ago
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Brendan FallsChapter 33

The Indian casino was than I'd first suspected, and oddly shaped, like someone had taken four or five big buildings and just mashed them together somehow. It looked strange from the outside, but inside I had no idea what was going on. I guess casinos are like that though. A person had to walk past all the slot machines and gaming tables before they could find the other stuff, like the restaurant and bars and yeah, a little dance club too. There were a lot of people in there, inside the...

4 years ago
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The Birthday Gift

The Birthday Gift By Heather St. Claire A lot of guys say they have the most wonderful wife in the world, but in my case it's actually true....although I suppose I need to stop thinking of myself as a "guy," at least for the moment. My birthday was coming up. Beth has always gone out of her way to make it special during the five years we've been married, but she really outdid herself this time. She told me she had booked us into a cute bed and breakfast in a little town in...

3 years ago
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Graduation and Ch 24

Paula was out on the beach and Bobby was getting ready to join her. Before he went outside, he stopped and looked out the beach house’s huge windows. His heart sank. Paula was lying on a blanket on the sand. Standing over her was a muscular, good-looking blonde young man. Jealousy flared in Bobby. He and Paula were supposed to have this time alone. ‘What the hell is that damn beach bum doing here?’ he thought. His jaw tightened, he turned, went downstairs, grabbed a beach chair out of the...

1 year ago
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Leaving home

100% fiction! I am 26, my name is Marianne. I lived at my dad's and he has been divorced for 2 years now. I just graduated from college and got a job in the city, 100 miles away. I celebrated with friends on grad night. A friend had dropped me off, he thought that me being drunk that he would take advantage of me. He started to paw me, he was not nice, he smelled of garlic. So I ended up gagging, he said that if I wanted to get sick to get out of his car, which I gladly did. My hair was messy,...

1 year ago
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Just Passing ThroughChapter 2

So Errol's stay in the little town of Polk was starting off very nicely indeed. Less than twenty-four hours after crossing the city limits, he had a place to live, a decent job, and he'd met some nice people. Sometimes things just went your way. And even working both jobs, he was still going to have plenty of time to himself to explore the town and the surrounding territory. He had no agenda; he just planned to poke around here and there to get the lay of the land. There was probably a...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 300

Arlene sat in the left seat of the scout with Ann in the right. A five light year jump wouldn't take the scout long. Stopping to check the pickets, spaced only a light minute apart across the solar system, slowed their progress, but it took only a couple of seconds for each stop as the picket downloaded its data to the scout. Arlene laughingly likened their many micro jumps to hiccupping their way across the system. Unfortunately, none of the pickets would have any chance of detecting the...

1 year ago
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Kelly Chapter 12

I had "hired" Kelly to help catalog some of my online purchases. Most are inexpensive collectibles that I planned to sell on eBay to raise revenue for my main online business. With all of the eBay and PayPal fees and lack of communication, I could barely break even financially with them.I still needed help cataloging the myriad of items. Kelly was a housewife so she had time. She's also wanted to get some items from my main business and we figured we'd trade her work for them.I keep my...

2 years ago
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Lady in Black

I woke up early so I could get ready to get down to the conference room to set up for the last day of meetings. I was still tired, I had been up most of the night with Leslie. She loved to fuck all night and in the mornings she still looked fresh as a daisy. Me on the other hand I looked like 40 shades of hell with no sleep. I jumped into the shower, brushed out my long hair, applied some light make-up and slipped into my suit. I grabbed my computer and my bag and headed out my hotel room door....

1 year ago
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A Night Out

A Night Out This is my first attempt at writing a story of any kind, erotic or otherwise. It is a bit long in the beginning and I apologize ahead of time. Any and all feedback shall be accepted and well received. The night was filled with copious amounts liquor and laughter that led to the events of this evening. Ed was playing the third wheel this evening while out with his close friend Larry and his longtime girlfriend Robin. The three friends were all out having a little fun before going...

4 years ago
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On My OwnChapter 9

I awoke at six, as usual, but not in a bed or room I recognized. It took a second to get my head straight remembering I was at Steve's house. It was only about six in the morning but I heard some activity outside the room. It sounded like someone was in the kitchen. After washing my face, brushing my teeth, and dressing, I walked out and found Glenda messing around in the kitchen. She said, "Have a cup of coffee in here. The big pot on the patio isn't done yet. We forgot to set the timer...

4 years ago
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Where do we start The truth as it was Part 1

Sherri was a lovely lady, with a nice tight figure, a lovely face and my favourite, legs to die for. Sherri was five years younger me and not had many sexual encounters when we first met. That is not to say there were not many who did not try to slide between her legs. Many a man had tried and failed. I think the number of so-called blue balls cases she was responsible for were many that I personally knew about. How many I did not know about, the sky is the limit.Sherri was a natural tease and...

First Time
2 years ago
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Spending Time With Aunt Darla Pt 1

Sumner of 1996... As I still laid in my bed. I couldn't help but  wonder how my Friday was gonna go.  For starters, I was supposed to go to my aunt's house to babysit my two cousins while she went to work.  I happened to be home from college for the summer.  Money wasn't really an issue, since I work four days a week up at my high school- assisting a couple of teachers.  It was only eight in the morning, but I could see it was gonna be another scorcher of a day. You see, I'm...

3 years ago
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The Beast Within You

Look into my eyes. Does what you see there scare you? It should, because I’m going to turn you into something you never dared to dream about, I’m going to make you say things you’ve never heard yourself or anyone say aloud and I’m going to make an animal of you. You’re going to be scared for me because I’m allowing you to lose control, all the things that you know to be right and wrong, don’t exist now. Your primal animalistic urge is going to take over your being and abuse your moral decency...

3 years ago
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As Ann bit into the strong shoulders that had engulfed her while her nails dug into muscled back that her arms had wrapped around, she suddenly felt a tremendous release accompanied by a sudden jolt of pain and she cried...because she now really was a woman.Ann is your typical Midwestern next-door 18-year-old girl. Pretty, petite, athletic, and very blonde. She is on the dance squad at her HS and will go to college in the fall, which has her all excited and dreamy eyed. At last she will leave...

1 year ago
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What have we done

Note : This story is completely fictional! What have we done, !? Ofer was happy with the new video camera that he inserted in the peeping hole to the bathroom. Yes ,he can see his sis, Vered, much better now. Ofer has been peeping to his older ,gorgeous sister some months now ,but all this time he was using the keyhole to the bathroom. They both shared the bathroom, which was located between their rooms and equipped with double bolts on both doors-remains of the former lodgers. Now , with the...

2 years ago
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Mom early Christmas present

This happen a few years ago. And opend up things I would had never imagen possible. I lived with my mom alone. I never knew my real dad. During the years a few man lived with me and mom but they came and left. Mom is a real dificult person,she not easy to deal with. Shes always been kinda immature.Mom was 44 at that time she had a very beutiful body for her age. I never looked at her in a sexual way back then. I even was kinda use too watching her tapless around the house or hearing her having...

3 years ago
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Wild sex with my orkut buddy

My name is Soumya. I am 28-year-old, 5’11” tall, well built, slim, decent looking Bengali bachelor guy. I work in a multinational software company in Kolkata. This is a true story of my illicit encounter with a married Bengali woman. Her name is Sreemoyee. I happened to meet this woman in the orkut community over a year ago. She told me that she is basically from Kolkata but staying in USA with her husband. She is 31 year old and mother of a child. She also shared couple of photographs...

4 years ago
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Latin Girl gets her First Black Cock

"Fuck, fuck, FUCK!" I screamed as he rammed his cock into me. His thick, dark meat filled me with each hard thrust. My wet pussy engulfed him each time he drove it in.Jeremy is a tall, well muscled black guy with his head shaved. We had met earlier that night at the party. We had been dancing close all night. He loved my nice round bubble butt. He said that he had always wanted to fuck a Latina, and I was glad to make that wish come true. He ripped my cloths off as soon as we were in the room....

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Breeder Group

Breeder GroupBreeder Group was a secret. It was begun years ago by a group of five professional men with a vision. Their philosophy was to spread their superior seed among as many females as possible. They were 21st century Adams, traveling the world impregnating Eves. They hoped to create male offspring to dominate the world. The group tracked their male offspring. Those that showed early promise were nurtured. Those who did not were rendered ineffective.Females spawned from these unions were...

3 years ago
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Haunted Necklace

A woman is walking out of an antique store holding a black box in a bag. Inside the box was a beautiful diamond necklace. Honestly, it’s no wonder she bought it, it was dirt-cheap compared to other diamonds of its size. What she doesn’t know is that you, a powerful spirit named Ethane, were silently slumbering within. You were killed by a witch in a bygone era, your soul used to curse a necklace that could control someone. She planned to use it to make a slave or a test subject of some kind but...

Mind Control
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Jamal wants to fuck me in the ass

My Black Master came at our home that night. He said that his sexy black wife did not want anal sex; so Jamal warned me he was too horny and needed some sexual relief…But he wanted to feel my tight asshole…He added my loving husband could stay and watch as his huge black dick enjoyed my poor tight ass…After dinner, I got ready for my Master. I put on a sexy black dress, with black seamed stockings, no panties and a pair of sexy stilettos. I looked at myself in the mirror and knew my black stud...

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The bar was small and intimate, the low vaulted ceiling and exposed brickwork amplifying the near Gothic look. Its discreet location hidden under the railway arches, well off the beaten track for those not in the know. Drawing only the most of discerning of clientele, a reputation only further fuelled by a guest list that didn't even guarantee entrance by itself. Only those glamorous and alluring enough passing the vigorous dress code and given the pass to descend into decadence within. As a...

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Hung and Entitled

After breaking up with my last girlfriend, I started having sex with guys. I started using apps like Grindr and Scruff and found that men are far more capable and willing to worship my cock. I still have a soft spot for pussy, but my thick ten incher needs to be praised. I had no interest in a relationship, just sex. My job gave me the freedom to go to the gym and the pool quite regularly, so I had a fit body. I loved watching guys check me out in the changing room and even had a few...

Gay Male
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The Guy Next Door

I would see you come home from work only to strip down to your shorts and grab a beer and head outside to sit by the pool. I was watching you one hot summer night with your broad chest and gorgeous set of arms sitting back relaxing. I would fantasize what it would be like to walk over and without any conversation, kneel down and touch you, feeling you and all you have to offer. The thought of this was almost too much. I closed my eyes and continued to touch you. I could feel you relax. I knew...

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Ann and Ethan shower sex

this is the sequel almost or the second part of "how i lost my viginity to my best friend (MUST RE go read that one it will explain some stuff. btw this is a true story"c'mon babe the waters ready" i said to my hot best friend ethan. We had just had sex and we both were still wildly horny. he sauntered over to me and sucked my neck. he looked into my eyes and said, "that was the best sex i probably will ever have. i cant believe i lost my virginity at 13 with my best friend. but im glad i...

1 year ago
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Gay games at the gym

This story actually began a while ago, about a year. I work swing-shift, and hit the all night gym on the way home three nights a week. I shower then head home clean and ready for bed. My wife works mornings so she is asleep when I arrive, and I am asleep when she leaves. The gym is usually mostly empty, except for a few die-hard body-builders. These are mostly big black men, and when I say big I mean TERMINATOR big. I try to keep trim at best. I had been at this for a few months. The others...

1 year ago
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Is it Really That BIG Fucked

Scott had to travel and work out of State for a few weeks and told me to "have a good time" while he was away. At 40 years of age and raising two teenagers, I was bored with my usual fuck-buddies and wondered if I still 'had the looks' to attract a younger hunk. I had been day-dreaming at work about a recent hire, Tim, who was single and handsome. Girl-talk around the employee lounge revealed that he had hit on several of the young women, and a few that had dated him said he had the "biggest...

3 years ago
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Three Valleys SammiChapter 24

Jeannette didn't show up for lunch on Tuesday. Sammi didn't think anything of it until later that afternoon when she saw the girl. Jeannette was standing by a window, one arm under her breasts, the other with her hand on her neck. She was watching the trees rustle and stir in the rain, and the flip and flutter of the small birds that were darting around the school. "Where've you been?" Sammi asked, stopping beside her friend. Sammi glanced at her, a vague smile on her face. "We did it...

3 years ago
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A Day With Ann pt2

I had taken my clothes and went downstairs and had gotten dressed and waited for Ann to come down. When she did I saw she had just put on her robe and when she sat down at the kitchen table and she gave me a small list of things she wanted me to do. "I hope you don't mind" she said to me. looking at her, "I'm glad I came help" I replied. She noticed me looking at her partially open robe and looking down she could she a good deal of her cleavage. She looked back up at me, "I guess that was one...

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