Something Sweet For Dessert Part IIII free porn video

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At last, I eased my weight from Jenna’s body, although still holding her jaw in my hand. I took half a step back. I reached out for her breasts, squeezing and massaging them in my hands. I tweaked her nipples teasingly, to the tune of tiny whimpers. Her body gravitated towards me again, her hips thrusting and rolling with urgent need. I stepped forward and kissed her plump, delicious lips once more, entwining our tongues until Jenna’s eyes were forced to close. I took my chance, releasing her and stepping back twice.

“Turn around,” I told her, once she opened her eyes.

Her eyes threatened to close, rolling back a little at the command, as she delicately turned on her heel. With her back to me, she looked back over her shoulder to see me taking my shaft in my hand once more. I was tracing the line of her arched back with my other hand. I easily heard the quiet, shuddering whimper Jenna was desperate to cover up. I laughed.

“Push your arse out,” I ordered.

The material of her dress strained as her body filled it tightly, the bottom crease of her cheeks showing beneath the dark fabric.

“Show me.”

I watched, knowing she was watching me too, as her fingers followed the hem of her dress right around to the back. She took a hold of the material and inched it higher up her firm, round cheeks; she moved her hips seductively, putting on a show as I caught a glimpse of her pink knickers. I was sure to show my appreciation, moaning as I stroked myself to the sight.

At last the dress quickly slid up her body, free of the tension, and bunched up around her waist to show her gorgeous rear. I stepped forward, unable to resist, and kicked Jenna’s legs apart, reaching between them. I cupped her mound, gently rubbing over her knickers while her hips reciprocated. I took both hands to her firm cheeks, rolling my palms over her and squeezing tightly.

I couldn’t stop there. So, sliding my hands around her hips and up her body, I took her breasts in my hands, delighting in the feel of her body, quivering and goose bumped. I followed the contours and kneaded the palpable flesh of her body to my heart’s content, knowing the frustration I would cause.

I stepped away again, stroking my shaft with both hands, just for Jenna, as she looked back over her shoulder. Yet again her lip was between her teeth and her hands groped at her own body.

“The thong,” I said, simply.

The wicked look fired behind her eyes again for a moment. She bent at the waist, almost touching her toes, and looked back at me as she did so, grinning. She snapped her waistband with a twang against her skin, giggling, before hooking it with just two fingers. Her hips and arse squirmed again as she teased her knickers lower and lower. The material gripped her sex for a second, unwilling to leave, before it fell away and was allowed to drop to her feet. She kicked it off, sending it across the floor as she spread her legs wide for me, looking back. Her labia were swollen, red and visibly wet. She reached back with one hand, spreading her lips and slowly rubbing herself.

My tongue itched inside my mouth and my hand gripped my shaft tightly, squeezing out a drop of pre-cum which slid down my shaft and over the back of my hand. I saw her wide eyes watching me, her tongue on her lips and I made up my mind.

I walked forward, close behind her, and made sure my shaft pressed along the length of her swollen lips, slipping between them teasingly. I reached around, offering my hand to her. She was quick to lap up the stray drop of pre-cum. Her throat was in my hand in a second and her head tipped back as I pushed her chest into the wall again, holding her there as I slid my cock across her aching sex.

Jenna looked back at me with wide, desperate eyes and I kissed her cheek, releasing her throat and taking a handful of her long, wavy hair – something I’d have otherwise considered a crime. She murmured, a quiet approval at the gentle tug she received before I pulled her closer, bending her over. The tension on her hair increased and Jenna whimpered beneath me. I was going to enjoy myself here.

I strummed the head of my cock over her lips like guitar strings, each stroke giving it's own tone and vibration between us. Her clit was next, causing Jenna’s hips to jerk with every contact, every gentle brushing touch and every heavy smack with my manhood. My shaft was pressed between her lips, sliding effortlessly between them, my hips thrusting and forcing her into the wall. She whimpered, frustrated, and squirmed.

“Please…” she whined, and then gasped at the tug on her hair.

“Please what?” I asked, feigning innocence and leaning down to her ear. “Tell me what you need.”

I kissed her earlobe, toying with it between my lips and kissing down her neck. She didn’t speak, only continued the quiet sounds of frustrated pleasure. I pressed my tip against her opening, feeling her folds desperately trying to take my shaft while she struggled for control. I pulled away again, smacking the top of my shaft across her lips. She jumped and bleated.

“Okay, don’t tell me,” I left a pause before continuing. “Beg me.”

I wound Jenna’s hair tighter in my fist as I spoke, teasing around her clit with a single fingertip. She whined again, her body fighting a little as she struggled to mount herself on my shaft. I held her there and forced her harder against the wall. My teeth sunk into her shoulder hard and two fingers slapped her clit, simultaneously.

“Fuck…” Jenna stumbled, a desperate, pleading tone to her voice. “Oh God, please!" "Please put your hard cock inside me!”

I circled her entrance with my head, spiralling inwards, and Jenna held completely rigid in anticipation. A small noise, as if to protest, began to form on her lips before I eased my tip inside her; our relief-filled moans echoed off the walls. The game was too much fun, though, and I forced myself to resist the hot, soft and beckoning walls of Jenna’s aching pussy. As my head slipped inside her, I held still. I took my hand from her clit to stroke her stomach and tease her upper thighs.

Jenna’s body slumped with impatience and her leg began to kick.

“All of it! Please!” she pleaded. “Give it to me!”

I was as relieved as her to slide the rest of my shaft slowly inside her wet, fiery tunnel. She moaned, low and long, for as long as I pushed into her. I thrust forward, hard, for the last inch and took great care to crush Jenna’s capacious chest into the wall. My balls slammed against her delicate clit and at last the final gasp left her lungs, leaving her panting for a relieving breath. I held deep inside her, working my hips and grinding against her back. Jenna’s hand reached back to grip my arse, her fingernails piling into my skin and squeezing.

“Fuck me!” she cried, grinding her arse on me. “Please fuck me with that gorgeous cock! I need it!”

“I thought you’d never fucking ask,” I growled, kissing her neck one last time before I clamped down on her shoulder.

Jenna hissed, but it was cut short to feel me sliding quickly out of her slit, halting her breath until she felt the deep, heavy impact of the return stroke. We groaned in unison and pressed our heads together, my mouth nuzzled in her neck and nibbling her ear.

We fucked slowly at first, with long slow strokes and her constant grinding, but we were impatient. Jenna reached back for my free hand and guided it back to her clit. I teased her for a minute, stroking the crease of her leg and tracing around her swollen button. I slapped it with my fingertips, in time with a harder, faster thrust inside her. I picked up the pace. I tugged on her hair for good measure and the combination sent a flurry of pleasured sounds and choice swears tumbling from her lips.

I seized my opportunity, and her throat. I held her hair firmly and wrapped my fingers around her neck, forcing her body into the wall with my weight and whispering in her ear.

“Rub your clit while I fuck your hot, wet hole,” I told her, turning her to kiss her lips deeply.

I felt the brush of her fingers furiously rubbing her sensitive spot, tickling my balls as I slipped my length inside her. I rewarded her with a faster pace, pistoning into her harder and faster, ramping up the intensity. Our breath was laboured, our bodies were slick and aching, but I was giving her all I had and she was fucking me back as much as she possibly could. The sounds of our rough, heavy and ragged sex must’ve been audible for all and sundry, but we were beyond caring. We only wanted, and needed, each other.

Jenna’s breaths became longer, ragged and desperate. She was getting close, her climax was building and I honestly wasn’t sure how much longer I could last, although I was desperate to try.

“Don’t you dare cum until I tell you,” I breathed in her ear.

I knew she’d hear me perfectly. The long, whimpered moan that rolled out of her told me I was right, although our pace never slowed. Her breathing became more desperate by the second and her body shook and trembled with the effort of holding in her climax. I let go of her throat and pulled her hair back like reins, straightening her up. I reached down to maul her breasts, squeezing them in my hands and turning her nipples over in my fingers.


The plea was irresistible to me.

I pushed against her wall once more, the breath again left Jenna’s body. She’d barely breathed in before gasping again to feel my teeth raking her neck and my hands seize her hair and her hip, pulling her back into my thrusts. I closed my eyes, struggling with every second as I gave Jenna every inch of my manhood, feeling the heave of her torso pushing back against me as she struggled for merciful breath.


That was the only word. It was all she needed. There was a scream of joy as the pressure inside Jenna’s body broke and surged forth. I stopped thrusting, burying myself inside her and holding on as her body bucked and shook against me. All of her breath soared forward in a deep, gravelly moan that shook the partition walls around us. I clamped a hand around her mouth, gagging her as I held her body close to me, feeling her fall limp and weak at the knees. Her whole body trembled, shook and shuddered in my arms. The walls of Jenna’s sex closed down on my cock, her muscles desperately trying to milk me and I pulled out at the last possible second, the cold air stinging my throbbing dick, slick with cum.

I held her body to mine, her own muscles having failed her, and reached down with the hand that gagged her. A deep, desperate gasp of air and shuddering moan filled the room. I forced her trembling legs apart and pressed against her clit, stroking through her climax. Another surge swept through her body.

She jumped, in my arms, as she moaned aloud and mumbled unintelligibly. Her hands were all over our bodies, squeezing, gripping and scratching anything she could reach, desperate to take a hold of something. She clung to my legs, holding herself up while I took her weight. Her body still shuddered uncontrollably and we simply held each other until it passed.

Jenna’s breathing at last began to even out and her spasms slowed to the occasional twitch as she panted desperately. I kissed her neck and turned her head to face me; we kissed, soft and tender. I eased her to the floor, where she rested on her knees, recovering.

Once she gained her composure a little, she turned to face me and found my cock – hard, twitching, dripping and coated in her juices – inches from her face. She looked up at me with wide, dazed eyes and a small smile, holding a shadow of the wickedness it possessed not too long before.

Her gaze rested on my manhood and her hands reached out, unable to resist. She was recovering quickly, I noticed with a smile. She squeezed my shaft in one hand and a large drop of pre-cum dripped from the tip of my cock. Jenna lapped it up immediately, her lips sealing around my head as she pumped my shaft in her hand.

I rested my hands on the back of her head. I gave no pressure, stroking the hair that I had reined her in by only minutes before. Jenna began to suck, working her mouth along my shaft and moaning at the flavours she found there. I shuddered to feel the vibrations throughout my body and felt a surge of blood rush to my dick as Jenna’s mouth took me even deeper.

A pop sounded around the room as my cock slipped from her lips. Both hands now worked my shaft while Jenna lapped, teasingly, at my balls and sucked them into her mouth. She smacked her lips with a giggle, licking the length of my shaft.

“Are you ready to cum for me?” she asked.

She trailed her finger along the underside of my shaft and swirled her tongue around my head. I groaned loudly and took a slight grip on her hair, watching her wide eyes gleaming up at me.

“Take it,” I told her.

She wrapped both hands around my shaft, pumping them while her mouth sealed around my head. She sucked in deeply, working her lips over my tip and her tongue around me. I took a step back to steady myself, closing my eyes and letting my head fall back to appreciate the treatment I was receiving.

My cock ached, throbbed and was desperate to cum, but it was so torturously sweet I barely wanted it to end. I felt my climax building, my breathing grew heavy as I held on for as long as possible and Jenna sucked me harder and deeper, desperate to earn her prize.

“I’m… I’m gonna… Oh God, I’m…” I couldn’t finish my sentence.

Whether Jenna giggled, moaned or tried to speak I wasn’t sure, but the vibrations she sent through me tipped me over the edge. My breath fell out of me, sucked loudly back in through gritted teeth. My balls tightened and my cock swelled, I felt the build up of pressure and the sudden, gratifying release as my climax broke.

I forced my gaze downwards, watching Jenna all the way. Her eyes met mine but rolled back in her head a little as she bobbed her head deeper on my shaft. My hips bucked with each pulse of my cock, each streak of cum coating Jenna’s tongue and throat, but still she held on. She sucked me, massaging my balls in her hand as I shot rope after rope inside her mouth.

A trickle of cum leaked from the corner of Jenna’s mouth, her seal on my shaft failing, before she pulled off me with her mouth wide open. She tried to catch the rest of my load as it splashed across her face, over her cheeks and her lips. As my cock twitched out its last trickle of cum onto Jenna’s tongue, she licked her lips and swallowed deeply. She sighed, smacked her lips and winked to me. Her lips took to my cock once more, sucking the last of her prize from my tip and licking me clean. She moaned at the taste and we stared into each other’s glazed, satisfied eyes for a moment.

A cheer filled the room and together we turned to face the door. Jenna’s friends stood huddled in the doorframe, cheering and clapping their hands. One girl was holding her phone up to us, giggling hysterically; I guessed she’d been recording us, but who knew how long for. A beaming smile spread across Jenna’s face and a drop of cum rolled down her cheek to her chin. She wiped it up, still holding me in her other hand, and licked her finger dramatically clean for the camera. She looked back to me, licking her lips and winking.

“That was so hot, Jenna! Another one for your collection!” the camera girl squealed.

‘Collection?’ I wondered.

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I am out for dinner at a Caribbean restaurant in London, with my family. As I take a look at my surroundings. I notice you are in the restaurant and seated 5 tables away from me, with your wife and children. We are given our menus, and as I look up to thank the waiter, we notice each other. We keep a little eye contact over the other tables from across the room, as we sit with our families. An order of drinks to our tables, gives us the opportunity to look directly into each others eyes, and...

Quickie Sex
1 year ago
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Meg Makes Dessert

With the kids in school, my wife, Meg, has had more time on her hands during the day. I've started coming home for lunch when I can, and she always greets me with some new culinary delight - yesterday was no exception. I arrived home and and found Meg busy on the deck. She had a large, ripe strawberry in her hand and I watched with intense interest as she brought it to her red lips. After so many years together, I easily recognized the desire in her eyes, and my body responded to the tease...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Dessert is on me

Just another day at the gym. Today is my chest and back day and I have worked my chest pretty hard, I am very tired and sweaty. I should have left the gym about 20 minutes ago, I will probably be late for work. I am just hoping to see her again. We have been flirting with our eyes for the past month. I am not sure if she wants me to make the move or if she is just checking me out while she waits to use the next machine. All I know is that she is breathtaking, she is perfect. She comes...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Mick and KeriChapter 7 Mick and Keri and Sarah Have Dessert

With Keri asleep in the passenger seat, I spun through the mental rolodex to remember the landmarks and directions and much to my own amazement I remembered the way to Keri’s house. Our house; and as I pulled up the drive, I looked up to see a naked Sarah waving at me. I turned off the car, which woke up Keri. She yawned and stretched and finally removed her hand from my crotch. Reaching into her purse she pulled out a garage door opener and pressed the button. The garage door slid up...

1 year ago
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Dessert for Nadine and Jackie

At the television news and weather station I work at, there are two girls who seem to have insatiable appetites for cock and cum. Nadine is a VERY cute blonde with a gorgeous face and body. Rumor has it she has blown every guy in our very large building… a rumor she makes absolutely no attempt to deny. One time she was asked what she felt the most important thing was in choosing a boyfriend. She just smiled and said: “Taste”. Jackie perhaps has blown fewer men, but not by much. A few months...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Dessert for Two

“A glass of red wine please” answered Taryn as she settled into seat 2A. It was nice being upgraded to First. It had been 9 months since she last traveled professionally, and that last flight was hell. Coming home quickly after she had gotten the call that her husband and young daughter were killed by a drunk driver. “Thank you,” she said as she took the glass of wine offered to her. She looked around a bit and noticed the gentleman in the seat across the aisle checking her out. At least on...

3 years ago
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ANYONE FOR DESSERT name is Cat and I am always on the go...rushing here and there and loving the buzz...I live in an apartment block..surrounded by trees and the fresh smell of newly cut grass from the field behind the apartments..There are six apartments ..all single, 50 year old and over 'young' professionals...all with a zing in their step..and a lust for life...but lurking.. each one of us...has a past...It was a beautiful day out..and I decided to go and sit in the park and read my Ernest Hemingway...

1 year ago
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Nina For Dessert After Dinner

She was sleeping softly next to me on the sofa, this sweet nineteen-year-old little nymph named Nina, curled up in a cute fetal position, her head on a pillow, that pillow on me, her lovely face inches away from my cock. She wore only an oversized T-shirt, a bare shoulder coquettishly exposed, and silly colorful socks. It was intriguing me whether she had shorts or even underwear underneath the shirt. It was a mystery I was eager to solve.Alas, I couldn’t now.When she was awake, we had been...

2 years ago
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Me for Dessert

Tonight I prepared for what I thought would be just a normal evening on a double date with me boyfriend, his best friend and his date.   Little did I know I was walking right into a yummy situation.   I dressed in black stockings, garter belt and panties black bra and a slinky black dress.   My boyfriend really liked this outfit and I liked wearing it knowing it turned him on.             I showed up at the appointed time at my boyfriend’s best friend’s house.   They answered the...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Something Sweet for Dessert Part III

She was still struggling a little, but my phrasing caught her attention and I knew she was watching me in the mirror. I placed my left hand on top of hers, clutching the sink, and reached around her body with my right. I found her lips and she sucked my fingers into her mouth, rolling her tongue over each one with her eyes clamped shut. Jenna knew my plan the instant my fingers left her mouth and began to descend her body. The sight of her large, heaving chest was a tempting one, but my goal...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Something Sweet for Dessert Part II

I watched her and saw the twinkle in her big eyes as she kissed her way down my body. I saw the silky skin of her thighs exposed to me, inch by inch. The tight fabric of her dress hitched higher up her legs as she crouched. The hem rolled high enough to bring a peek of her pink knickers into view. The sight of her panties and flawless skin set my heart racing and my mouth watering. I felt the brush of her lips across my covered manhood. I jumped and she giggled. Wiggling her hips and settling...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Delicious Dessert

Delicious DessertHis mates from work were coming round; they did occasionally, just their way of winding down after a hard week; a meal, a few beers and inevitably, a lot of flirting. I liked them all, well all three of them – Nick, Si and Andy; all very different but a great laugh when they were out together.Tonight was no different; I was cooking them a meal and they would arrive around 7:30, probably having already been down the pub for a couple of swift ones! No doubt they would be a little...

2 years ago
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I stop by your secretary’s desk and let her know that I’ve brought you some lunch and ask her to hold your calls for the next 2 hours so that I can make sure that you stop and eat a decent lunch for a change. She smiles and says that it’s no problem. I let myself into your office quietly locking it behind me. You haven’t noticed that I’m there yet because you’re on the phone. I take this time to watch you as you take notes knowing that you have no idea what I have planned for you. When you...

2 years ago
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Dinner-Dessert, No Reservationsby2addickted©It's those unexpected moments that bring the memories that last a lifetime. My wife, Julie and I (Mike) had been married for nine years. Julie had two c***dren by a previous marriage. The c***dren, Jason (21) and Mandy (19), although they were my step-c***dren, accepted me like their own dad. Jason and Mandy lived with us. Their "father" a military man, lived across the state. They loved their father, which I'm glad to say. We went through all the...

4 years ago
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After Dinner Dessert I walk in the door after a day of fishing with my buddies. Looking around to see if you are here, when I hear the water running in the kitchen. I walk in and you are standing there in a cute flowery summer dress, as it was a hot day, fixing dinner. You look around and said, “I honey how was fishing,” I said, “It was ok but didn’t catch anything.” Walking up to you I wrap my arms around you and gives you a loving kiss, then asks, “baby when will dinner be ready” you reply...

3 years ago
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Dessert Anyone

Again like my other stories, there are no physical descriptions so you can imagine your perfect person. Feel free to comment and leave suggestions.Lucy had enjoyed the threesome she had before with her husband, Dave, and their friend, Carla so much she wanted to figure a way to have another. This time though she wanted another man along with Dave. Dave had been talking with Ray online and found out they had alot in common. Dave would tell Lucy about how much that Ray had in common with them....

4 years ago
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Friendly Dinner and Dessert

© Copyright I sat at my desk at home, and was having difficulty with getting this particular web page to set up right. It was for a very demanding and fussy customer. Suddenly remembering that you'd offered to help, should I ever have need of it, I pick up the phone and dial your number that I have taped to the front of my monitor. Soon I hear your husky, yet pleasantly deep voice on the other end. "Hugh? Vicki here. I'm having a dickens of a time with this page for my new, but rather...

1 year ago
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Little Red Riding Hood in the Dessert

Once upon a time a cute little 17-year-old girl called Little Red Riding Hood lived in the dessert town of Las Vegas. As she grew older everyone came to call her simply Red. Her skin was alabaster white, her eyes a shade of violet and her hair was flaming red. Red lived with her mother and 6th stepfather in a small house with a pool in the suburbs of the city. Her mother Sassy, who was a manufactured blond, used the pool everyday to keep her completely tanned body in perfect shape and tan. Each...

First Time
3 years ago
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Something Sweet for Dessert Part III

She was still struggling a little, but my phrasing caught her attention and I knew she was watching me in the mirror. I placed my left hand on top of hers, clutching the sink, and reached around her body with my right. I found her lips and she sucked my fingers into her mouth, rolling her tongue over each one with her eyes clamped shut. Jenna knew my plan the instant my fingers left her mouth and began to descend her body. The sight of her large, heaving chest was a tempting one, but my goal...

3 years ago
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Something Sweet for Dessert Part I

I was growing impatient, quickly. Sitting around our table of six were five of the most uninteresting people I had ever met. I had nothing against any of them, personally. In fact, I barely knew any of them. I struggled to focus on the conversation, struggled to care what was going on. They talked happily amongst themselves, asking my opinion every so often. They were trying to include me a little, I could tell, but I wasn’t interested. Nothing they did or said meant anything to me. I wanted...

1 year ago
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Something Sweet for Dessert Part II

I watched her and saw the twinkle in her big eyes as she kissed her way down my body. I saw the silky skin of her thighs exposed to me, inch by inch. The tight fabric of her dress hitched higher up her legs as she crouched. The hem rolled high enough to bring a peek of her pink knickers into view. The sight of her panties and flawless skin set my heart racing and my mouth watering. I felt the brush of her lips across my covered manhood. I jumped and she giggled. Wiggling her hips and...

3 years ago
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Girlfriend on Loan Part Four The Dessert

Girlfriend on LoanPart FourThe DessertCumming inside someone else’s girlfriend has that extra little sense of naughtiness that makes it feel that little more dirty so it’s even better than normal and she certainly isn’t complaining, her hot body sprawled out on the bed, I can see her ribcage rise and fall like a pair of bellows as I gently pull by shaft from her hot wet embrace. “Oh no! Stay!" Such a tight fit that I feel it twang as my head pops out from her wet lips like her vagina doesn’t...

3 years ago
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Dessert the morning after your dinner party

I wake up to find myself on your couch. I remember the dinner party you threw last night. I remember enjoying the party and the company, perhaps a little too much wine, but enjoyed that too.I look around and you are not up yet. I use the bathroom, then clean up a little and head towards your bedroom to see if you are awake.I quietly open your door and peak in. You lie in bed, I can tell you are naked under the single sheet, lying on your side, looking so beautiful. Without a thought, I enter...

1 year ago
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Fruit Cream Dessert 8211 Part 2

PART TWO: So Sunder went to get the door and I made my way towards the bathroom . His hot sticky cum was dripping down my back and thighs. It felt odd to have his hot cum all over my body . I needed a shower Standing in the shower , I looked down at my rock solid erection. My hand gently stroking my cock. “ Well seems Sunder had a good time… about time he returned the favour” I said to myself. I was now determined that Sunder’s ass will be fucked by me that night no matter what . Maybe he will...

Gay Male
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Histoire dun fan de transformation partie 1

Cette histoire a ?t? faite avec l'aide de Xavier (dit Chlo?) Cyrille et Aur?lie (vous pouvez trouver ces histoire sur fictionmania). Vous voulez m'envoyer vos critiques, m'envoyer des captions, vous avez les m?mes go?ts que moi ou tout simplement vous voulez me transformer, envoyez moi un mail ? Chapitre 1 Par quoi commencer? Tellement de choses se sont d?j? pass?es. Assis nu sur cette chaise, mes pieds pendouillent. Tout est devenu si grand, si mena?ant. Tout semble m'?chapper maintenant. Si j'essa...

3 years ago
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Dessert comes first

Her large, milky white cheeks wobbled as her ass bucked back onto the oversized rubber dildo. Her luscious tits quivered as the toy rammed deeper into her stretched anus. His fist tightly gripped her long blonde hair, pulling back her head. Her back arched as he pumped the toy harder into her taut hole. “That’s it you little slut, fucking take it all for me. I want to see you take every fucking inch of it!” “Ohhh fuck me… I want to fucking squirt for yooooou…” she groaned. His left palm...

2 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 58 M Noirtier de Villefort

We will now relate what was passing in the house of the king's attorney after the departure of Madame Danglars and her daughter, and during the time of the conversation between Maximilian and Valentine, which we have just detailed. M. de Villefort entered his father's room, followed by Madame de Villefort. Both of the visitors, after saluting the old man and speaking to Barrois, a faithful servant, who had been twenty-five years in his service, took their places on either side of the...

3 years ago
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A friend for dessert second course

The following Saturday, I really knew that the women had something in store for us because that morning, Tracey asked me to go shopping for shoes with her. “Shopping for shoes – you’ve got to be kidding!” I complained. “Oh, come on love” she wheedled, “It will help get me in the mood for tonight.” I had no idea what she meant until we were getting dressed and I realized she was not putting any panties on under her short skirt – hmmm, Tracey never went without underwear!. Now I was...

2 years ago
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A friend for dessert second course

Introduction: My wifes friend again comes to dinner and this time she brings toys This is the continuation of what truly is a true story. It is self contained but I suggest you read the first part if you have not already done so……… The following Saturday, I really knew that the women had something in store for us because that morning, Tracey asked me to go shopping for shoes with her. Shopping for shoes youve got to be kidding! I complained. Oh, come on love she wheedled, It will help get me...

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