Dessert Is On Me. free porn video

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Just another day at the gym. Today is my chest and back day and I have worked my chest pretty hard, I am very tired and sweaty. I should have left the gym about 20 minutes ago, I will probably be late for work. I am just hoping to see her again. We have been flirting with our eyes for the past month. I am not sure if she wants me to make the move or if she is just checking me out while she waits to use the next machine. All I know is that she is breathtaking, she is perfect. She comes in and runs for about 20-30 minuets and I cannot help but position myself to watch her body move and bounce in ways that drive me crazy but I have to get a hold of my self. I am in the gym to work out my muscles in thin shorts and if I am not careful I tend to flex the wrong muscles if you know what I mean. She usually does a full body work out and I can tell that she puts a lot of time into her body. I have only given a nod hello a few times while we were working machines close to each other, it seems that we have been doing a sort of waltz around the gym, I am not sure if she is running or playing hard to get. Her legs are things that women dream of, perfectly toned. Her butt is not to big and not to small but just the right size. She sometimes wears a tight fitting tank top and I can see the outlines of her stomach and how smooth and flat it is, what I would not give just to stroke my fingers around her belly button. One of the times we were doing our waltz I was doing the chest fly machine (which was pointed right at her) and she caught me looking. I was so embarrassed I think my entire face was lit up brighter then a Christmas tree. I turned away out of shock but looked back to see her give me a nice little smirk and she bent over to put her towel back in her work out bag. I was not sure what I should look at, her well toned butt that was pointed right at me or her lower back tattoo in the shape of an infinity symbol. She picked up her bag an walked away, just before she was out of view she turned and gave me a little smile. Now I was sure that little show was not an accident but more of a gift, a gift that I was more then happy to receive. Oh how I wanted to tell her that if her beauty could ask the moon to stop setting it would, that the tenderness in he eyes could calm a raging sea. But how? Who picks people up at the gym? She would never, that's not why she is here. I see her take her normal place on the treadmill and begin a slow jog. I pause for a brief moment but I have to leave, I have a huge project at work and I cannot be late. So against all my better judgments I leave, but not before taking a quick COLD shower in the men's locker room. I get dressed and gather my things, on the way out I walk close enough to see her badge hanging from her workout bag, Beth Honeycutt. Before this date I just called her my muse, she is my rose in a world of thorn bushes. She is the only woman I have ever seen that just the sight of her would make me break the law for her. But although she is my muse, my reason for working my body so hard, it's nice to have a name.

I have figured out her work out plan, 2 days a week. Tuesday and Thursday, I have adjusted my workouts so that I would always be there on a day she was there. Today is Tuesday, and I have just let her go again. Beth is my muse, my siren, the woman that calls be back to work out my body for her every week. I know that I cannot keep letting her go, I have to act before it's too late. But how, when is the right timing. My mind is racing and I am sitting at my desk tying to work. Questions keep coming into my mind. How do you tell the most beautiful woman around that she is beautiful? How could my “come on” line beat everyone else's? What is so special about me that she would dare take notice? I have to focus on work, because if I cannot finish this project then I will be out of a job and then I would not be able to go to the gym anymore. It will have to wait until Thursday.

The morning alarm chirps and I am no closer to discovering the right words to tell her then I was on Tuesday. I get dressed and put my gym bag into the car. On the way I eat my quick breakfast of a pop tart, still trying to discern the best most non-stalker way of telling Beth my feelings. I have been showing up later then normal to the gym to try and get there just before Beth does so I can see her walk in. I am not sure if it's the weight that I am trying to lift or the fact that my muse has arrived but time seems to have slowed down, not all the way but enough to make every millisecond seem like a full second. I can see her long brown hair with streaks of blond flowing with every step. I can see every little ray of light bounce off her lip balm that must have sparkles in it. I try to hold my gaze as long as I can with out being caught. I have to take my eyes off of her but I don't want to. I get a bursts of energy when she walks near, it might be the primitive way of showing male dominance or just the fact that diverting the blood flow away from my second brain can help keep it in check.

This time we seem to be waltzing around the gym together instead of a sort of teasing chase. I have been close to her for about 20 minuets and I can smell her perfume, oh how sweet it is. Beth is a very athletic woman, a woman that on any court would set physical dominance against any other woman. But I see that she has laid down on the flat bench press and put 45lbs on each side. I stare at this woman probably about 70% of the time she is at this gym and I know that she cannot handle this weight. Something does not seem right, why would she try this? It's crazy! It's a total of 110lbs with the bar. I can see that she is very fit but I am not sure about this, it's a lot of weight, I would be surprised if she could even get it off the rack. Just in case I stop my exercise and watch to see if she can do this, if she could I would be flabbergasted. Beth grunts and lifts the bar and all that weight of the rack. I am impressed, I guess she does know what she is doing. I know she is focusing on the bar she is trying to lift and thus cannot see me intently focusing on her so I keep my stare. Beth slowly starts to lower the bar to her wonderful chest and her arms start to shake. I am starting to get worried, she really looks like she is struggling. I stand up and get ready to run to her aid if she cannot return the bar back to the rack. I hear a little whimper of “help” and the bar falls on her chest putting 110lbs flat on her chest. No sooner then the bar hits her chest I grab the bar and lift it off of her and return it to the rack. Beth grabs her chest and has a look of pain on her face. I am mad at myself, how could I let anything bad happen to my muse! How could I have been so naive as to think she could lift the bar that's as heavy as she is! I rush to Beth's side, bend down on one knee next to her and I help her sit up. I don't realize that I am still holding her hand as we are staring into each others eyes, both our eyes are filled with pain, hers for the weight that dropped on her chest and mine for letting it happen. Beth is the first to respond and all she says is “Do you know how hard it is to get you're attention?” without even pausing or thinking I respond with “You have always had it Beth”. What did I just say? I was thinking it but I did not actually mean to say it! Beth just smiles at me and thanked me for being so quick. I ask her if she would like to take a break and join me at the juice stand to recover and I offer it as “My treat”. Beth just looks at me with one of her room lighting smiles and stands up. As we walk over to the juice bar I realize that we are still holding hands, I don't dare let go because she is holding mine as well.

We sat drinking some banana smoothies for about 45 minuets which is all the time I think either of us had to spare. As we start to part ways I ask her if I could treat her to dinner. Beth looks at me for a second and tells me “no”, “You saved me today, and gave me a smoothie, dinner is on me and if you're a good boy dessert will be on me too”. I am so excited, she gives me her address and tells me to arrive at 8pm. We exchange a hug and as we are pulling away Beth kisses me on the cheek and turns to walk away. I know I need to get to work but I cannot turn, I cannot take my eyes off of her! As Beth turns the corner into the ladies locker room, she pauses and turns her head to see me still standing their staring at her, she smiles and enters the locker room. I take my routine cold shower and get dressed thinking that I can have my date with my muse. Work was anything but productive and it did not end soon enough.

I arrive at Beth's apartment at 8pm sharp, I knock on the door and Beth opens the door with one of her signature slow motion actions. Beth's hair is straight as opposed to her normal workout pony tail and it's shimming in the light coming from inside the house. Her silky knee length red dress is shining and her eyes seem to see deep into mine and I cannot break my stair. After what seems like 10 minuets Beth invites me in and I hand her a single yellow rose, Beth lowers her head and smells the rose. When she lifts her head I can see her perfect eyes, hazel with a little hint of green, and if I were God I could not make them better myself. Beth walks to the kitchen and get a small bud vase to place the flower into on the table. I walk into the front room and I can smell the wonderful aroma of Alfredo coming from the kitchen. Beth offers me a beer and she takes her glass of wine over to the entertainment center to choose a few tracks from her Ipod. Beth puts on some mellow jazz and starts to light a few candles around the room. We sit down on the couch and start to divulge the secrets to how long we have been dancing in the gym. We make our way to the table when the egg timer go's off. Beth offers me a seat and puts a plate of mushroom chicken Alfredo in front of me. Beth starts to tell me how she has been impressed with my body and has changed her workout times to see me more. I was shocked I told her I did the same. We laughed at how hard we were trying to see each other.

I looked onto the counter and I see a bowl of fresh cherries and whip cream. I am thinking we might be having a nice ice cream snack after dinner, I was full but not to full to indulge in a little dessert. Beth and I had finished our dinners a while ago so I asked if her if I have been a good boy? Beth just gave me a frisky little smile and said “yes, it's time for dessert if you are ready?”. Beth got up and left the table.

With my beer in hand I was studying the DVD collection on the wall, a few DVD cases had no cover and only a small piece of paper tucked into the binding with it's title. I thought to my self, I have never heard of this movie? Just as my curiosity was about to get the best of me and maybe find a woman's “special” movie collection Beth came back into the room. I just about dropped my beer on the floor, though I think my chin would have landed first. There Beth was in high heels, white stockings and a small school girl plaid skirt and a tight tank top. I was shocked, on any given day Beth was the most beautiful woman in any room but now she seemed to have taped into the very definition of sultry. I stood there like a moron just staring not knowing what to do. Beth walked over to me, lifted my chin back to it's rightful place and then moved within inches of me, I could feel the warmth coming off her perfect perky breasts. She grabbed my tie and started to pull me like an animal to my chair back at the table. Beth cleared the plates and said “I told you dessert would be on me didn't I”. Beth walked to the whip cream and motioned with her finger that I join her. I walk over and slowly slide my hand behind her neck with a delicate touch I pull her head close to mine, our eyes are locked as I start to kiss her neck. Beth's hands begin to search my back, I start kissing Beth's shoulders and pull back to make sure this is not a dream. This is my muse and I finally have her. Our passionate kiss continues for minuets while our tongues are exploring every inch our mouths. Beth's tongue is driving me crazy and I am thankful that this time I will not have to take a cold shower. We are holding each other in a tight embrace and I am sure that she can feel me getting hard in my pants. I start to kiss down her neck again, as she starts to unbutton her shirt I kiss just above her buttons following her down her stomach. I get down on my knees and let my hands search her legs while I am kissing her beautiful belly button. Beth takes off her shirt and tells me to take my seat. I step back not sure what's going on but I obey. Beth then strips her skirt off in a slow motion and I can see that she is not wearing panties, next comes the bra and I can see her perfect breasts just staring at me. I have never seen a woman whose body was so perfect. I stand up and take off my shirt and Beth walks up to me and kisses me then pushes me back down in the chair. I am not sure what's going on but all I know is that she wants me to sit down.

So there I am shirtless, rock hard and Beth is just in her stockings which are so sexy on her. Beth switches the music to a softer genre I think the only thing tonight that is going to get softer. She walks into the kitchen and motions with her head that I follow, of course I obey. She places the whip cream on her body in the shape of a bikini and places 1 cherry on top of each hard nipple. Beth's nipples are inverted but I swear I will get them to poke out like oven turkey timers. Beth then hands me a napkin and lays down on the table. I feel like I have died and gone to heaven. I stand up and tell Beth to close her eyes, the only light in the room is a soft candle flickering on the counter and smooth jazz is being played over the speakers. My mouth hovers over her, she can feel my hot breath on her, I look up at her and I notice that she is biting her lip, I know that she will enjoy this. I move my face down to her whip cream bikini bottoms and kiss her inner thigh, she moans and I know that I have her wrapped around my little finger right now, later I will have her wrapped around my not so little finger as well. I move my face up to her whip cream top and while my hands are exploring her neck and legs I slowly pluck 1 cherry off of her nipple with my mouth and eat it, “1 down” I say. Beth's back is slowly moving in anticipation of the excitement that she will experience. I begin on her side where the bikini strap would be and with 1 long lick I clean off everything up to her breast. Another moan, as I Lick slowly around her perfect breast, I keep licking slowly in smaller and smaller circles until I am almost at the peak of her wonderful bosom. I am thinking I hope she got “Light” whip cream but even if this whip cream was 3000 calories I would still lick her clean. I make it to one of her nipples and I make a few extra circles around just to heighten the anticipation of cleaning off the first breast. My left hand is still exploring Beth's inner thigh, coming dangerously close to the whip cream, my right hand is bracing me and Beth has grabbed my wrist and is squeezing hard, I guess she likes what I am doing. I start a slow trail of kisses down from the newly uncovered breast to Beth's lower half. I kiss every single inch and I pause around the belly button and make a circle around it and return slowly to the other breast. Beth's grip on my right wrist is getting tighter. My left hand makes it way up Beth's side and make contact with the uncovered nipple and slowly starts to circle. I proceed to lick off the whip cream to get to the cherry as my hand is making the same motions on the other side. With the bikini top almost clean Beth moans loudly and arcs her back as if to push her breasts into my face. The last cherry makes it way into my mouth and I moan while eating it, It seams that even food eaten off Beth's body is better. I swallow the last cherry and I say “no more cherries”. Beth just smiles and with out lifting her head or opening her eyes she says “you forgot one, have at it tiger”. I look around and I don't see another one, then it hits me. Damn she is frisky I think to myself as I move around the table to get a better view. I slowly spread her legs and I sit down in the head chair, I put her legs on my shoulders and pull her hips to the edge of the table, from here I can take my time and my hands are still free to wander up and down her body. Beth moans and arcs her back wildly because I am mere centimeters away from exploring her pussy with my tongue, at this point I am not sure who is wetter, My mouth or her pussy? I start licking away from the inner thigh, from the bottom to the top. While my hands tease and twist Beth's nipples I clean off her waist and leave only a small strip of whip cream over her. I start kissing her inner thighs again as I debate whether I start from the top and work my way down or the other way. I choose neither. I started to shave a small sliver of whip cream off the left side just missing her clit and then the right side. One of Beth's hands shoots down to my head and grabs my hair, I am not sure how much longer she can take this. I start to dig into her pussy with my tongue, exploring every little corner or crease. Although Beth's pussy is sweet my tongue hits something sweeter, it's the final cherry. I start to work my tongue around the cherry slowly extracting it from this sacred vessel. As I finally remove the cherry and swallow it, I ask Beth if there is another one hidden. Beth just shoves my head back between her legs and says with a moan “Look again!”. I can tell that Beth is on the verge of orgasm so I focus on the clit making sure there is no more whip cream left anywhere on her. Beth's legs wrap around my head, I can barely breath but she is almost there. I start flicking my tongue up and down her clit just how she likes it and then she climaxes. Beth orgasmed so hard she knocked the bowl of cherries on the floor and nearly crushed my head. It would be a lie if I said that I did not enjoy it.

After a few moments when the muscle spasms settled down a little, I leaned back in awe of the view. I leaned forward and asked Beth “Did I missed the other cherry, Should I go back in or does it require a more deep penetrating probe?”. Beth just laughed and asked me to take off her stockings. I was actually really liking them but I took them off anyway. Beth got off the table and said “Now lets get you cleaned up”. We walked to the shower and Beth told me to get in and she shut the door behind me. I was a little let down and was not sure if I was supposed to take a cold shower or not. The shower is a nice large open shower with a nozzle in the front and a nozzle over the top of the shower so that 1 person cannot hog the water. I was caught thinking about what had just happened, this night if it had stopped here would still be amazing but then I feel a pair of hands working their way around my body. I was so caught up thinking about Beth on a table with hidden cherries I did not notice that Beth found a small stool and joined me in the shower. Beth was sitting right in front of me, I was a little shocked that she sneaked up on me like that but I was glad I opted out of the cold shower. Beth was moving her hands all over me, from my chest to my butt. She just looked up at me and said “I promise I will not bite... hard.”. Beth started to stroke my penis and while she was doing that she was using her mouth to suck on my balls, delicately using her tongue on them. With all the excitement I was really to pop and Beth knew it, she put my penis in her mouth and began to suck it. This felt to good I never wanted it to end but the end was near I could feel it. I am moaning loudly as Beth is sucking on my cock with her hands grabbing both my cheeks, she is moving faster and faster. I am almost going limp in the knees, with all this pleasure. I let her know that I am almost there and she takes my cock out of her mouth and starts stroking it very fast, It feels so good. She is using one hand on my cock and another on my balls just massaging them as she is stroking. I can feel it getting closer, the climax... My whole body tenses up getting ready for the release. As I orgasm I spray ropes of cum all over Beth's beautiful perfect chest. I just about fall to the ground but I manage to stay standing up. I put my hand under Beth's chin and bring her up to eye level, I just stare at her and begin kissing her passionately, I have never been with a woman this exciting.

I shut the water off and we get out of the shower, Beth gives me a flirting look and walks away from me, I can see her perfect toned butt and I can see how it shimmers with the water falling off of it. I chase Beth and pick her up and lay her on the bed, Neither of us seem to care that we are still soaking wet. We are laying next to each other completely naked and I started to trace my fingers up and down Beth's body. I was starting to get hard again and Beth looked down to see I was hard and pulled me on top of her. I started to grind myself on top of her clit just to tease her a little. We were locked in a steamy kiss when I put myself inside her. Beth released from our kiss and moaned loudly pulling my face down to her chest. I can not believe how tight and warm she is. I let my hands explore her entire side of her body from her caves to her under arms. We are locked in an intimate embrace as I am thrusting myself inside her, my muse is bringing out the best sex of my life. I am trusting myself deep inside of her. Beth arcs her back in ecstasy and digs her nails into my back, the pain just fuels my lust for her. We are both moaning loudly, moving back and fourth with our bodies closely entwined. Beth pushes me up and puts a pillow underneath her lower back. As I push even deeper into her now we are both moaning louder then ever. I thrust myself into her faster and faster, I almost think I am going to break her but I can tell by her loud moans are that she is enjoying it as much as I am. I bend down and start licking her nipples, they are rock hard now. I know Beth is at the height of climax about ready to explode. She is waiting for me, I know she will orgasm with me. It's getting closer and Beth wraps her legs around me and tries to force me into her even faster. I am thrusting into her as fast as I can and I can feel the orgasm about to explode. As I climax and orgasm Beth digs her nails into my back harder then ever and I can feel her muscles contract around me. I stay inside as we finish cuming together. I roll off of her and we grab the sheet to cover our selfs. We cannot stop staring at each other, we have both had a night that we will never forget. I can't help but to think that I love this woman, she truly is my muse, I did not know I could feel like that. After a few minuets I broke the silence and asked if breakfast could be on her as well. Beth just smiled and rolled onto my chest.  As we fell asleep together all I could do was to hope this was not all some perfect dream.

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Prologue Following the development of the Flettner Ion Drive in the late 22nd Century, United Mankind's interstellar explorations began. Initially, exploration vessels crewed by pilots, scientists, soldiers, technicians and medical personnel were sent to star systems that were determined to have planets capable of human colonization. Many were never heard from again. Such was the case of the exploration vessel 'Copernicus' which discovered an Earth style planet the size of Jupiter in the...

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Deep throat queen

Deep throat queen of the pornos Im 42 years old and have been the deep throat queen of the porno field for over fifteen years. I often reflect back as to how I got to this position. I am 57 tall and weigh 130lbs. My breasts are not overly big but are a nice size just between a C and a D cup. I exercise regularly and even at 42 they are firm and my own. This is my story. My mother died at my birth. She was only thirteen at the time I was told. I dont know who my dad was but I know he did not...

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35 minutes

I looked at my watch it said 10.18 pm and 43 seconds. I’ve been meeting a girl for a while and we seemed to be getting on quite well, one night we ended back at my flat having sex. Ashley was on top of me gently rocking and swaying, breathing deeply and sighing as she ran her hands over my chest. I on the other hand was lying there watching her, although I was erect and merely participating but not enjoying her make love with me. Don’t get me wrong she has a great body, maybe a little skinny...

Straight Sex
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a wet dream dat was actually real

Me and a few mates decide to go out to a night club just having areal boys night so I had no intenion trying to chat up women and just to see if I've still got it.But since I don't drink alcohol I'm always the designated driver. The night started of early around 7pm we just hoped from club to club and in between someone slipped in a sleeping pill into my around 3 am we decided to head back to my friends place his wife was suppose to be out visiting her mum and staying over so we all...

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andrew my brother in law

At 24 years old I became a widower. Karen, my wife of three years waskilled in an auto accident on the eve of our third anniversary. She waskilled by some idiot running from the police. I had been depressed andunder a doctors care since the accident. I simply could not get past herbeing gone. Karen's parents and her younger brother were the only family Ihad now. My parents having passed away when I was 13. The aunt who hadraised me after their death died just before our wedding three...

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A in Humiliation

I was exhausted. It was leg day and the gym had never seemed so unpleasant. I was in the locker room now wrestling myself out of my sweaty clothes. I had been wearing a shirt bearing the logo of our college and a pair of bicycle shorts which clung to my rather (oversized) ass. It was laundry day so I was wearing a real bra instead of a sports bra, my DD’s threatening to spill over the tops of the cups. My underwear was from several years ago. Pink and girly, it could pass for a five year olds....

4 years ago
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I stood in front of the Greyhound bus station and watched herwalk away. In the three years since I turned 18 I have tried fourtimes to get sexually involved with a woman I was dating. Sylvia wasthe fourth to spend a week with me making love. She was also thefourth one to tell me I was a lousy fuck. I tried to accommodate them and do what they wanted, butwhenever I tried to 'eat pussy', I just gagged and choked on thesmell. As far as fucking was concerned, well just the idea...

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The Coffeehouse Quintet Book 30 Mother Knows Best

Lilly sat in her seat and ignored everything around her. She ignored her cold, untouched cup of coffee. She ignored background chatter as well as the arguing couple by the windows. She ignored the fake titted slut masturbating in her seat. She even ignored it when some guy with a giant penis started fucking the slut on the table. The text that she received from her daughter dominated Lilly's world. You're too old. You don't understand. You couldn't even face the decisions I have to make...

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The Ostler and the Lady Chapter Four Thoroughbred

Seeing the twin horse-driven polished box-like carriage heading up the main drive, Jack Wetherly knew exactly what it contained. His heart gave a heave, knowing that this was his new challenge, arriving with two long-coated men sitting upfront. Excitedly, he called to Alf, his boss and mentor.Alf came hobbling out of the stable. Jack couldn’t help thinking how much slower on his feet the older man had become. He was due to retire soon and that was why Jack had been appointed. But this new...

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Crossing the Divide Part 6

Suzy writes:"It must be fully charged by now!""Not until the red light goes out," Amanda replies.Amanda is reading from the instruction leaflet and sitting cross-legged on the bed. I am lying beside her, biting my bottom lip in anticipation."It says here that it combines sweet suction with soft pressure waves." Amanda continues her perusal of the leaflet. "Six intensity settings.... " My body is quivering with its own intensity settings. With my back against a mound of pillows and my legs...

1 year ago
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Rainbow Connection

This is the third song I'll submit as poetry to FM. Those who saw these songs first on the message board know I have more songs, but I think I'll wait a bit before submitting them. If these songs do fairly well, then I'll go ahead and submit some of the others. "Rainbow Connection" is one of those songs that transcends time. It is about fantasy, magic, and the power to dream. What better song to parody with a TG twist I say. "Transgender Connection" Why are there so...

3 years ago
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Life In A Metro 8211 1

Hello guys & girls. My name is mohit (obiviously not a real name). I have been reading iss since last 3 years. I am 28 years old living in mumbai. I am an average looking guy typical mumbaikar. Since long I was planning to write one of my fantasy and now I think I am ready. This is a story in hinglish (hindi & english) and I am damm sure you all would like it. I live in mumbai and many of you might be aware of mumbai local trains, iss seher ki lifeline. Yaha ki local trains mein itna rush rehta...

2 years ago
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"Oh, my GOSH!" Gene Bynum exclaimed from behind the steering wheel of the white Dodge van. "That is just wrong on so many levels!" "Man, how old do you thinks she is?" his coworker, John Prudhomme, asked from the passenger seat of their work vehicle. "Ten, eleven?" "Somewhere in there," the driver responded. He made a slight veer as he maneuvered the van through the condominium complex's parking lot. "She's way too young to have a set of tits that big!" In a line of empty...

2 years ago
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BunnygirlChapter 3

Harley could feel herself shiver, the hair raise on the back of her neck. The cold bars were containing her in her tiny metal prison, and despite its diminutive size, she was only taking up about a quarter of it. She had her slim frame squeezed into a little ball in one corner, just waiting. Then eventually some people appeared, though Harley was too busy covering her eyes to notice them, until one of them spoke. "What is she?" a young boy asked. "Can't you tell? She's half bunny half...

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I'm so glad that we decided to walk to the local park to see some 4th of July fireworks. the local TV station said that it should be a fantastic show - they even have live music! Now it is dusk, and the large crowd is filled with anticipation. we are sitting together on a soft blanket in the middle of the crowd and I have brought a second blanket to cover up our laps. As the first fireworks whistle skyward, every person there is looking up. boom! BOOM!! sparkle! crackle! BOOM!! the big show is...

2 years ago
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I Seduced Her As She Was Seducing Me 8211 Part II

[Continued ] I kissed her collar bone.. and slowly went down towards her boobs with t-shirt on… “don’t tease me. Please fuck me now…. Please make love to me” she begged.. and then she lowered herself backwards on the table, pulling me along with her as my face was buried over her boobs. We got off the table and started moving towards her bedroom and were groping and kissing passionately on our way. As soon as we reached her bed she responded quickly by taking off my tshirt and shorts. She had...

3 years ago
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Gun Culture Chapter 6

"The bastard stands there, across the field," A voice said from behind. My horse twitched a little, but she was well trained. She was painted with the same blue paint as my own face had been adorned with, a symbol that she was as blessed as me by the gods. The blue does not rub from our faces and the solace does not erase easily from our hearts. It's the true meaning of blessed. I risk a glance backwards at my father, the leader of our army. He is watching me, arrayed spotlessly in all...

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Little Sisters Sculpture Project

Lori scraped one last sliver of clay away from her art project. It was finished. She looked at it critically. It was a recreation of the statue "The Thinker" that she had done from a photograph of the famous piece. It had taken her six months. But it looked good. She was sure anyone would recognize it. The muscles in the naked man's body had been much harder to form than she had thought they would be. But now it was done. She'd turn it in tomorrow. Ms Haskins would fire it in the big kiln...

3 years ago
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Parcel Leads To Sex 8211 Part II

I did not bother to call her and wanted her to do so as it was her need to do so, right enough the next day she was calling and kept calling for at least 6 time, and I kept ignoring her calls, up on which she send me a sms message requesting me to call her, in reply the next day morning, I sms her to call me in the afternoon, so I know she can speak freely being a week day the MIL will be at the other house and the kid at school for the full afternoon being the 4th of Jan, the schools had...

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Interrogated and Broken

The room was a torture chamber. Bare light bulbs hanging from the ceiling. Large white metal cabinets with glass doors lined the walls. I could see instruments used to torture and punish men and women inside these cabinets. I looked in fear as I saw electrodes, large straps, electro-type anal plugs, and numerous clamps probably used on the nipples, cock, testicles and other body parts. There were bottles of pills, catheters, long thin rubber like tubes and wires that are obviously used to...

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Daughters AmnesiaChapter 2

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. It involves elements of incest, memory loss, and questionable consent. All characters are at the legal age of 18 or older. College came with unexpected challenges for Sophia. When she was no longer able to keep her apartment, she was forced to find a new place to stay. Months prior, her parents went through an ugly divorce, and her father was the only one still living at their old home in a remote location. Without any other option, Sophia...

2 years ago
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How Lieke Became Mistress Ginger 2

Su Lin's eyes blinked open with a start, but she froze, fearing to move. Against her small behind she felt the soft warm pressure of larger buttocks. Hearing Mistress Ginger's slow breathing, she felt protected, but was disappointed that after Mistress had come to her room and asked her to share her bed, they had just gone to sleep in each others arms. Then she remembered that she had been told to release Mike at dawn. Wondering if she had overslept, she slipped slowly from under the duvet,...

4 years ago
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He Fixed More Than my Car

48DD breasts and an ass I knew other girls would kill for. Flat stomach to go with it. I finally decided it would be best if I put clothes on for when Ray came over. After all, he was just fixing the air conditioning in my car. *** My name is Melinda. I’m 24. Ray and his wife live next door. I’d never really gotten to know her but I wanted to get to know Ray if you catch my drift. He’s an “older guy” but barely looks it if you ask me. When I first met him and his wife, I thought he...

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The Emperors New Clothes Takes A Turn

You've most likely heard the story, a pair of tailors come up with a plan to defraud a gullible and vain Emperor by offering him clothes made of cloth so fine that the stupid and gullible cannot see or feel it. The emperor: being both stupid and gullible, feels he cannot admit that he cannot see or feel this amazing cloth because then everyone would KNOW he was stupid and gullible. He, therefore, commissions the tailors to make him four suits of royal regalia from their finest bolts and...

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Our Cabin in the Woods Book 1Chapter 43

At first I didn’t know what to expect. I stood hugging Jenny and sharing tender kisses. During the day, we acted as a couple and so did Rob and Kelly. None of us talked about the arrangement or where it was headed. Jenny pulled her head back, looked into my eyes, and smiled. I smiled back and moved my hands to her ass. Pulling her against my body I kissed her again. She wiggled in my arms and stabbed her tongue into my mouth. As we stood kissing, I worked the back of Jenny’s dress up. I...

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First time at a gloryhole a completely true stor

Last night I went into a local porn shop to pick up a cock ring and a ball stretcher. I’ve had this fetish about how I love low hanging balls on men and decided I’d like to try to stretch mine. The clerk was a very nice middle-aged woman who took me around the store to find those items and she described everything as we walked around. We went to the back of the store and could see an area with video booths and I could hear lots of moaning from one of the movies. I had heard of some store booths...

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My Dear SisChapter 6

I sat down with her uncle and we chatted for bit, I wanted to get rid of him. My sister I know she is one tough lady for her to be pleading like her life depended upon her uncle going home is odd, I mean she went to jail and survived. “You have to send her to the church” her uncle said “What do you mean” I asked “She is possessed, Every night she gets bruises and screams.She used to have some of these back when she was 17 but this ... This is a whole another level ... she has to be sent to...

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Prologue Stealthy Times at the Cafe

The vibe wasn’t uncomfortable, but Daisy couldn’t ignore its presence. Shaped roughly like a U, there were two halves molded to the contours of her body. The internal end was bulbous and about four inches deep. It was designed to stimulate her g-spot. The external half was slender with a flat, round end roughly the size of a quarter, which fit snugly against her clit.La Petite sat near the corner of Post and 3rd. It was one of Daisy's favorite places to study. The storefront overlooked 3rd...

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GirlsWay Chloe Cherry Judy Jolie Squirting Lap Dance

Judy Jolie, wearing a cute party hat, waits patiently with her eyes closed for her birthday surprise. Chloe Cherry comes in, kissing Judy on the neck and wishing her a happy birthday. Is she ready for her surprise?, Chloe asks Judy seductively. Chloe tells Judy to open her eyes, and when she does, she’s greeted by the sight of her girlfriend Chloe, dressed as a sexy school girl, straddling her lap, Chloe’s beautiful naked ass poking out of her skirt. Judy tells Chloe that she looks...

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Blind Faith Ch 07

Chapter 7: Anne’s Promise Fulfilled. Anne looked very sad, on the verge of tears. We sat in the quietest corner of a Pub’s restaurant. I asked her what was wrong. ‘Bill has run off with Jane!’ Anne really did sob then. ‘Silly Bastards both of them, it will never last. I am shutting up for a while and going on a cruise but before then I need your body for a day perhaps two this Saturday and Sunday. After your last performance you may need to take Monday off as well.’ ‘Not another football...

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SamChapter 5A

Sunday morning came and almost went while we slept. It was very late when I pried my eyes open to see Neeka's face lying on the same pillow, her nose almost touching mine. I watched her as she slept and was again overcome with feelings of love for her. Our bodies were still intertwined, so I could not move without waking her, not that I wished to do so. I was content to lie there and watch her sleep, feeling her soft breath on me and enjoying the sight of her lovely face. As I watched her,...

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Fulfilled My Desire Of Having Sex With Aunty After 15 Years

Hi stories readers! I am follower of this site from last 2 years and now I am narrating my story which was fulfilled after my 15 years. I am 27 with 5.8 height; fit personality and from Hyderabad. Heroine of this story is my aunty who is my mom’s 4th sister. This is my first story so please bear with me for slow narration, sorry for any mistakes and correct me if I am wrong. Any women and friends can reach me on my mail lovingdynu(at) for improvements or for any physical help. I like...

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BTVS Dawns Wish Part 3

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Dawn's Wish Part 3 Once their mother was out of sight the two Summers s*sters turned and stared at each other for a brief moment, then Dawn said, "You wanted to talk, so talk.""Not out here." Buffy said firmly, "Can, can we go inside.""Sure." Dawn shrugged, turning and heading to the front door. When she opened it and realised Buffy wasn't following her Dawn turned and grinned, "What, you need permission now? Like a vampire."Buffy gritted her teeth and said flatly,...

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Wife Sarah had been a bit prudish before she married me. She was pretty passionate when it came to foreplay and even went as far as sucking guys cocks as a means to keep boy friends happy and keep their minds off wanting to fuck her even though she was one hot babe pretty five feet seven tall with a stylish blonde beehive hairdo which was the rage in 1967 when I first met her, deep baby blue eyes, bit titties and long shapely legs shown off to full extent by very short minidresses and white...

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Alien InvasionChapter 18

After some long talks with Jake, Jeff and Chuck came to me with an outline of a plan. Basically, they wanted to visit Norfolk or another naval base and literally pick up a submarine. Jake claimed to be able to build a tractor beam that would fit on a flying boxcar and be strong enough to lift a submarine from the water. Given that, they wanted to bring it to Worcester and put it in the water of the lake next to our home. They would convert the submarine to a spaceship complete with ray guns...

1 year ago
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A new encounter with Jamal

Jamal was now my last and brand new black stud; but he had become also my new Black Master…He was young, very well hung and he was always ready to own me.He had arranged a meeting at a filthy motel in the middle of the highway. He told me he was on his way to the airport that same night, since he would catch a flight to a far city from us.Jamal talked also with my loving husband, saying that Victor could be present in the motel room as he fucked me.Victor drove me to the motel and we arrived a...

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CuttyChapter 20 The reward

Donna walked up to Ms. Brendan’s house after she parked her car. It was a misty morning and very cold, and a small breeze made it feel so much colder. She tucked herself deeper in the short fur coat. it kept at least her upper body warm, but she hurried fast to the door, her legs were freezing already. In her mind she was exited and anxious. Not so much because of meeting Ms. Brendan, or what she would make her do. It would be the usual nakedness, and probably some humiliation too. No, that...

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A Summers Heat

Introduction: Teen Female and Teen Male fall in love while exploring their bodies. Please Leave comments. Thanks. It was a beautiful spring day, in a small town in texas on May 4th 1846. It was a sunday and all the families were making their way to the local church. Samuel trudged along next to his parents, while absent mindedly playing with his susspender strap,then he looked up when he heard the familier voice of his childhood friend Beth, who was rushing over to greet him. She stopped short...

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First Time Fucking My Hot Mom

I am Praveen from southern part of Kerala. I am 22 year old guy with 6.2 inches ht and 73 kg weight. I would like to tell you a story of mine with my mother. Her name is Shooba. She is 48 year old housewife. She had a sexy fig of 38c-32-42. She has deep oval shaped navels which make her sexier in sari. She wears her sari below her navel. She wears nighty at home. My father is working abroad and comes home once in a week. It was 2 years ago first I had sex with her.One day I came home from...

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Just like I need

Brad: Anish how's your laptop working? Anish: all fine.. what happen? Brad: just wanted to see an update! Can I borrow your laptop? Anish: sure We were living in an apartment together in the lockdown. Basically we techies in Bangalore live a normal consolidated lifestyle!Me and my friend Anish were locked together, not sure if it was meant to happen!I'm Bradeen nick named Brad! an athlete and alpha type! And I'm working as a marketing director at a very well established organisation. 28 and...


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