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Chapter 1. Goodbye St. John.

Snow fell on Mount St. John last night. It has made a tiny white cone on top of the mountain, the first intimation of winter. Here at Windabri, in the valley, it is still autumn but up there in that little cone of white it is already winter.

St. John is about thirty kilometres from Windabri, and serves as is a sort of seasonal clock for the town. Today the townspeople will look up at it and say, ‘Snow on St. John, winter will soon be here.’

As winter approaches and during the winter itself, the snow cap will gradually creep down the mountain, and the skiing enthusiasts will be there until the season turns again and the snow creeps back up until it vanishes in the warmth of spring and summer.

For one whole cycle of St. John’s seasonal clock I have stayed on in the house, but whether it has been summer or winter on the mountain it has been perpetual winter in my heart.

It was last year when the snow first appeared on St. John as it has today, when Glen came to me with his news. Not that it was really news because I had suspected for some time.

He tried to put it delicately, but no matter how he put it, it came to the same thing, he was leaving me.

‘I don’t want to hurt you Laura, it’s just that…well…I want you to understand. These things happen, we…we don’t want them to happen…they just do.’

Of course they happen, especially when the other woman is tall, blonde, with big blue eyes and a figure out of a fashion magazine. They happen when she’s working as the group practice nurse and somehow she and Glen have to work late.

He’d even brought her to the house – to dinner.

‘Cynthia is new to the town, darling, and I thought it would be nice if I invited her here for a meal, just to make her feel welcome.’

It was ironical because she had taken my place in the practice when it was found I was pregnant. I lost the child at three months.

Glen was very kind and considerate, telling me there would be other times and there was no reason medically why I shouldn’t go the full term. ‘It’s just one of those things, darling.’

Funny, he used those same words when he came to tell me he was leaving me to live with Cynthia, ‘It’s just one of those things,’ but he didn’t say ‘darling’ this time.

Now I am sitting here looking out through the window at St. John, waiting for the taxi to arrive that will take me to the station. Waiting and remembering.

I recall when I first joined the practice. I had not long finished my training as a nurse. I had completed a number of post graduate studies and had done well, but perhaps I was still too young for the job in the group practice.

I had been thrilled to even get an interview, but at the end of it I had little hope I would be chosen from among the other applicants. He has never said so, but I suspect it was Glen who swung it for me. Did he have in mind even then what happened later?

I’ve no doubt it went the same way with Cynthia, ‘Could you work late this evening, Laura? He had said to me.’

For him I’d have worked every hour God made, the handsome doctor with his dark hair and eyes. When he said he loved me and took my virginity on the recovery room bed I couldn’t believe it.

Why should such an attractive man want me? I suppose I’m not ugly, but I’m not beautiful either. ‘My little brown mouse,’ my father always called me. I suppose it described me well. Small, with brown hair and eyes, certainly not a beauty, not like Cynthia, and to match the ‘Little mouse’ imagery, I’ve always been shy, ready to scurry away if I thought I was being noticed.

Odd isn’t that I chose a people oriented profession like nursing? But somehow that was different, I could be professional, keeping that slight barrier between me and the patients. It was in social and intimate situations that my shyness took over. I suppose that was how I had come through high school and my years of training with my virginity still intact, a pity in a way because otherwise I might not have fallen for Glen so easily.

But I did fall for him, I adored him but could scarcely believe that he could love me.

After he asked me to marry him and I took him to meet my parents, they, all unknowingly, reinforced the doubts I had about myself.

My mother, like just about every woman from nine to ninety years old, fell for him.

‘Darling, how did you manage to capture him?’ was my mother’s comment.

My father, less frivolously, asked, ‘Sweetheart, are you sure? I don’t want my little mouse hurt.’

How was it they didn’t know that they hurt me with this implication that I wasn’t attractive enough to have someone like Glen want to marry me?

Attractive or not he did marry me, and for five wonderful years we were passionate lovers. It was at that point that I got pregnant and left the practice and Cynthia replaced me.

I don’t blame Cynthia for the loss of the child because at that time I had no suspicions about her and Glen. But for all that Glen reassured me that there would be other times, his sexual interest in me gradually diminished as his apparent need to work late in the practice increased.

When he told me he was going to leave me and live with Cynthia he was all consideration and selflessness.

‘You keep the house, Laura, and the furniture. Cynthia and I are going to get a place of our own eventually so…’

His ‘generosity’ was all too clearly his conscience salve, but didn’t he know how that wounded, telling me of their plans after he’d dumped me?

I didn’t protest, I didn’t scream and abuse, I sat there and took it like the little mouse I was – a mouse cornered with nowhere to run. I didn’t even cry until after Glen had moved out.

So here I am now, doing what I should have done after Glen left. I have sold the house and the furniture, and I’m sitting on the window seat waiting for the taxi with only my suitcases left, and looking up at St. John.

‘I don’t suppose I shall ever see you again, St. John – you and your foreshadowing of the coming seasons.’

The taxi is here. It is shiny black like a funeral car. How very apt since so much has died inside me.

‘Goodbye, St. John.’

Chapter 2. An Aggressive Mouse.

I left Windabri for a city far from the town. Having been a group practice nurse it hadn’t been difficult to get a job since I came with experience and glowing references, no doubt the references were yet another salve for Glen’s guilt feelings.

The bitterness I still felt about Glen’s betrayal had led me to the decision that I would re-invent myself. No more the little brown mouse grateful for the crumbs of love and affection that fell from life’s table, I would be assertive and independent.

There’s a problem with re-inventing yourself. I’ve noticed over the years since those days how people who make the decision to change do not in fact really change, not deep down.

What I mean is that they find in themselves traits that have always been there, and these become exaggerated. In my case the shy little brown mouse retreated into ‘Fort Mouse,’ a stronghold bristling with defensive armaments to repel any who tried to enter the space I created around me. But inside the fort I was still the shy mouse.

What I had determined was that no male, however handsome and charming, would ever get to me again. Not only that, no one, male of female would get close enough to hurt me.

I did my work efficiently but made it obvious that beyond that I wanted no socialising. If any male hinted at an interest in me, and there were a couple, I fired off a missile from my fortress, making it clear that there was no entry into it.

Outside work it was the same. If I went to a theatre, concert or to see a film, I went alone.

The group practice was located in one of those dull concrete and glass monstrosities that have come
into fashion over the last century. The building was occupied by many businesses, most of them connected in some way with medicine. Located in the building was a cafeteria used by many of the people who worked there. The tendency was for the people who worked together to occupy adjacent tables where they laughed, joked, chatted and complained.

Right from the beginning of my joining ‘The Centre Health Practice,’ I had cut myself off from the lunchtime conviviality and regularly occupied a small corner table. Often the cafeteria was full at lunchtime, but however crowded hardly anyone ventured to sit in the chair opposite me, and if they did, they never repeated the experience.

The more polite of my colleagues called me, ‘A loner,’ the less polite, like two of the younger receptionists, Margaret and Pam, were less polite. I knew they called me ‘a stuck up bitch.’

Had I been less efficient at my work I might well have been ‘let go’ from the practice, but I maintained just sufficient communication with those with whom I had to work, to not give any reason for them to dismiss me.

Yes, I was a loner. I sheltered inside my defences and any attempt to touch on the personal was immediately repelled. I was still nursing the wound that Glen had inflicted on me, a wound that would not heal. In all this, and as I looked out from my bastion with suspicion, trusting no one, I was not only a loner, but also lonely.

There is a difference between being a loner and being lonely. Some people seem to be made to be loners, just as people like nuns and priests seem to be made for celibacy. They have become what they essentially are, but others have become what they are by force of external circumstances.

I was lonely, and yet I feared intimate contact, and my fear had made me aggressive. I am not sure that a real mouse is inclined to turn on those who might hurt it, but the mouse that was me had.

We often decide that the pattern of our life is set and nothing is likely to happen that will change its course. When something does happen it comes as a surprise, my meeting and marriage to Glen had been like that. The truth is, none of us really knows what is lurking round the next corner. Using my own imagery, I didn’t know what sort of weaponry might allow someone to break through into my citadel.

Chapter 3. A Meeting.

I was sitting in the cafeteria one lunchtime. As usual the place was crowded and noisy with the buzz of conversation and the clatter of knives and forks. Even an isolate like me gets to know people in those circumstances, even if it is only to recognise them physically.

On the day in question I was looking out from my corner table redoubt at the noisy throng when I spotted a young man holding a tray of food. He was looking around, a slightly bewildered frown putting a crease between his eyebrows. All the seats in the place seemed to be taken, except the one opposite me.

He saw the vacant place and headed in my direction. Seeing this I buried my head in my book. I had found that this was a useful ploy when trying to deter someone from sitting with me, all except the most brash are discouraged by a book reader. A newspaper or magazine does not seem to have the same effectiveness as a four or five hundred page novel. On this day the ploy did not work since it was obvious that there was no other seat apart from the one opposite me.

The young man stood beside the table and asked hesitantly, ‘Is this s-s-seat t-t-taken m-m-miss?’

I glanced up at him from my book, ‘Obviously not,’ I replied, trying to make the words sound as if I’d added, ‘you idiot.’

He looked a trifle abashed but went on, ‘D-d-do you m-mind if I s-s-sit here?’

In my mousy days I would have replied, ‘Of course not,’ but having found how easy it is to discomfort people, especially males, by an unexpected and aggressive reply I said, ‘I don’t own the damned place so I can’t stop you sitting here if that’s what you want to do.’

No doubt many young men would have thought, if not said, ‘Up your’s lady,’ but not this guy. He didn’t even look as if he thought it.

‘If you’d r-r-rather I d-d-didn’t I …’

‘For God’s sake sit down and stop interrupting me,’ I snapped.


He sat and commenced eating. I returned to my book reading – or pretending to. Even for a misanthropist like me the advent of a new face has its interest. I side spied at him for a while. A pleasant if slightly harassed looking guy, perhaps about twenty three or four years of age, not exactly handsome, but clean and healthy looking. I suppose the nurse in me approved.

He glanced up from his food and caught me looking at him. He smiled a trifle wanly and said, ‘My f-first d-d-day here, I d-don’t know the ropes yet.’

Having been caught looking at him I softened sufficiently to say, ‘Haven’t seen you here before, who are you with?’

‘Whibly and Associates.’

‘Ah, the pathology people.’

‘Y-y-yes, I’m a lab t-t-technician. My f-first j-job. A-a-and you?’

‘The Centre Health Practice.’

‘I-I think I s-saw some w-w-work from your p-people this m-m-morning.’

‘Yes, we always use Whibly’s.’

‘Poor devil,’ I thought, ‘his first job and his first day in it.’ I could recall my own first day in a job. You don’t know anybody and you don’t know where anything is, not even the toilet, and you know everybody is weighing you up. If you’re as shy as I used to be it was hell, and this guy looked and behaved as if shy.

We seemed to have come to the end of the conversation so I hastily finished my meal, rose, and saying, ‘Good luck in the job,’ I left before he could respond.

He lingered on in my thoughts for a while. I suppose I could identify with him, or at least my pre-fortress self could. He floated away during the afternoon as I gave injections to, and took blood from, cringing patients, or tested urine specimens or sent them on to Whibly’s for more precise tests.

Chapter 4. Home and the Way Ahead.

At five o’clock my working day was finished and after handing over to the evening nurse I went down in the lift and hurried out into Victoria Square. The rush hour and everybody hurrying to get home. Above a sky that in the morning had been blue was now grey and weeping rain, the cars splashing walkers who ventured too near the kerb or stood waiting to cross at traffic lights.

‘Why the hell does it always rain when I haven’t got my umbrella,’ I grumbled. Standing in the queue waiting for my first bus on the homeward trip, as it always does when it rains, it seemed to take ages to arrive. When it did I piled aboard with the other soggy passengers and stood swaying in the aisle as the bus lurched and weaved it’s way along King William Street.

I had to change buses when we got to North Terrace. In fine weather I would have walked there from the Square and I might just as well have done so anyway since I couldn’t have got any wetter.

As I waited for my connection the rain was coming down even harder and again the bus took an age to arrive.

When it did arrive, spraying the waiting passengers with water from the gutter, it was standing room only again. Since the days of the feminist uprising men don’t give up their seats to women anymore, unless they are heavily pregnant or frail aged, and sometimes not even then.

When I got off the bus it was raining even harder, but wet through already it made no difference now.

With the money from the sale of the Windabri house and furniture I’d managed to buy a small place in the suburb of Klemzig. In selling the furniture I had hoped that I would be making a clean break, not carrying memories of the past with me. I suppose it had achieved that to some extent, but of course, the real memories are in your head, and are not so easily disposed of.

As it turned out the sale of the Windabri furniture had to some extent proved counterproductive. When soa
ked to the skin I let myself in through the front door of the house, it had no welcoming sensation that comes with the familiar.

I had chosen its furnishings carefully, having only myself to please. Some of it I bought new, some of it was good quality second-hand. Pleasant thought it was it had nothing of my past clinging to it, no depth, and no personality. The second hand pieces may have had other people’s memories buried in them but not mine. It had been a mistake to get rid of everything at Windabri, for even when something gives rise to painful memories at first, in time the memories mellow and give solidity and comfort.

I went to the bathroom and peeled off my dripping clothes. Instead of my usual shower I opted for a bath, and relaxed and soaked myself. Afterwards I went to my bedroom to dress. I caught sight of myself in the long mirror.

I’ve never been the type to examine myself minutely in a mirror – or at least, not since I was a teenager, now I was looking at myself more intently than usual.

‘Nearly thirty,’ I murmured to myself, ‘and what have you become, Laura?’

My father used to say that I have a pixie face. If that means a slightly triangular shape, then he was right. The brown hair was the same, although still wet and stringy from my bath. My eyes, naturally, were still brown but they had a strained look about them, and my mouth, not fashionably wide, but with what I once thought were nice lips had a touch of grimness about it.

I’m only five feet three inches tall, but I’ve always had a reasonable good figure – well, apart from my breasts which I had always considered to be too small.

In my teenage years I’d been seduced into secretly buying some cream that ‘guarantees to enlarge your breasts.’ I’m sure that the stuff didn’t really work, but I’ve often wondered, if I hadn’t used the cream would my breasts have ended up as they are now, or would I have had only little pimples?

As it was my breasts had become quite firm with nice pink nipples, and Glen had always enjoyed them until Cynthia came along with her overblown bust. In that respect I wished Cynthia well, hoping she would have the offspring that I had been unable to give Glen, and in the process her mighty boobs would succumb to breast feeding and gravity and collapse into deflated balloons.

My physical self-contemplation led on to thoughts about the future. I had sought to escape from the pain of the past, locking myself away behind my defences. To some extent this had succeeded since I had kept people at bay, but what of the future?

The nurse committed to her profession going on year after year in self-sufficient physical and emotional isolation? Was that for me? One day waking up to see the first grey hairs, then the wrinkles, the creak of arthritic joints, and the retirement farewell when people say how devoted and skilful you have been in your work, whether they mean it or not, was this to be it?

The years seemed to stretch out before me, thirty, forty, and fifty, even sixty was not impossible. Would work be sufficient to make those years fulfilling? For some, yes, but for me…?

I gave up my self-contemplation, dressed and went to prepare my evening meal.

As I sat eating thoughts about my lunchtime meeting with the shy and stammering young man came to mind. I had been irritated at having my solitude invaded, at having to relate to someone outside the immediate demands of work. Yet one small corner of me said, ‘It wasn’t altogether unpleasant, having someone sitting opposite you and in a sense sharing the meal.’

I suddenly felt the solitariness of my present meal, and wished I’d gone out to a restaurant to eat. There would be people and talk, not of course with me, but they would be there, just as in the cafeteria.

I became horribly aware of the silence in the house and to cover it I got up and turned the radio on, tuning to FM and its music. Later I would watch television and after that go to bed – the bed I shared with no one.

Chapter 5. More Lunches.

I fully expected that I would not be bothered again by the young man. That first occasion had been unusual in that normally there would be some other seats empty. In any case the Whiblyites had their own group of tables that they habitually occupied at lunch. I calculated that the young man would have become sufficiently comfortable on his second day to join with the others.

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At The Stables

The mist is rising off of the fields as we arrive at the stables, and the sun is just beginning to peek through the clouds. The air is humid and it's already getting sticky. Soon those extra layers you put on this morning may seem like a bad idea, but for now, you get on with you morning rounds, putting on the head collars and lead ropes and bringing the horses out of their stables.  You pass me a lead rope and I follow you down to the field. We are moving like a weird elephant troupe, one...

Straight Sex
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Noon, Friday July 23rd 2004. Christina leaning back in a chair, her legs crossed at the ankles on top of her desk. She sat in her office going over files from the Lamure case. She was to testify on Monday about how Charliman Lamure was cheating on her husband Ronald. The evidence her firm had gathered seemed that it wouldn’t be a problem. She brushed a few strands of crimson hair out off her brow as she looked down at the files. Her boyfriend Bill was leaving for the weekend. She thought that...

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Changing Channels Second Generation Tablet

The package arrived on Friday, and Chris found it inside his screen door. He was surprised when he opened it, for inside the nondescript box was a brand-new tablet PC. There was no instruction manual, nothing more than a power cord. Odd way to send one of these, he thought. The box had no manufacturer's name and there was no return address. He wondered if his new girlfriend Elena had ordered it. Elena had just gotten out of a messy relationship with another woman, and Chris...

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Corner Time

Corner Time By Throne I was practically in tears. My wife Tyra and her lover Luke were both mad at me but I hadn't done anything wrong. Well, hardly anything. I was behind on cleaning the kitchen but that was only because they always left it such a mess. And after I hand washed his boxer shorts and hung them on the clothesline in the backyard, one pair fell on the ground. So there I was, in just my maid's cap and the tiny, lace-bordered apron that went with it, waiting for their...

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Mom Accidentally Took Girlfriend8217s Sex Tablets

Let me get straight in the sex story. I am Raj studying in college. I am 5 feet 11 inches with nice athletic body build, fair and handsome with an 8-inch cock. My mom is 40, although she doesn’t look like 40, with a very curvaceous body. Her figure is 36-26-36. She is a working woman at a very high post in a corporate office. She is quite modern and earns well. She is a widow as my dad died a long time ago. Since then, she has taken good care of me by fulfilling all my wishes. I never had any...

2 years ago
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Corner Time

Corner Time "But Cassie! Today was supposed to be our time alone together. We got the sitter and I made all our plans. This ruins everything!" Tom couldn't help but express his disappointment. He had had three dates with this beautiful woman, but they had all been in the presence of her child and other friends or family members. He wanted to get her alone, not only to get to know her better, but to have a chance to see a little more of her. He wanted to see, and to feel, those...

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Corner time for Katie

Corner time for KatieWarning- contains anal and other explicit sex.My name is Clyde and I am a dominant with a dungeon in my basement. Recently, a young woman contacted me via email and wanted to know if I would discipline her. She said she enjoyed being humiliated and scolded, corner time and anal sex. She also liked to be tied up and spanked hard, even with a cane.Her name was Katie and she lived near me. I first we sent emails back and forth, and I found out her likes and dislikes. Katie...

2 years ago
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Tales from Taboo Stables

Taboo Stables was located in Connecticut. The vast majority of the horses boarded there belonged to barons of industry, the nouveaux riches big spenders, a few movie stars, the odd Kennedy, real estate magnates, hedge fund managers, and even Middle Eastern royalty. The place was owned by Marguerite Percy-Sandoval. The 83 year-old, five-foot-three, white-haired lady was the only c***d of the third son of an English earl and an American socialite. Her father had bred and trained horses his entire...

3 years ago
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The Tablet

“Don’t brush it so hard,” warned Carla, as if she was the expert. “You can damage the tablet.” She stood behind me, ready to step in. I saw her tucking her long blond hair behind her ears.Slowly and very carefully, I brushed millennia old dust away from cuneiform inscriptions that might reveal the secret I was searching for my whole academic career. Sweat rolled down my forehead, blinding me for a moment. My white t-shirt was already soaked, and I had to find a dry spot to wipe away the salty...

4 years ago
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The Mundane Constable

The Mundane Constable By Lyta Somabre "The most recent victim of the Switchback Coalition is a forty-year-old banker from South Gate. He has said that the attack on his person has..." I turned the television off. I couldn't stand any more reminders of my failure in this case. I have been working to apprehend these ruthless women for a month now. When I got this case the absurdity of women going around physically altering men into big-breasted imbeciles astounded me....

4 years ago
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Mom Knows Antidote To Viagra Tablet

Hi guys, I’m back with another and a viagra tablet. Hope you like it and give your valuable feedback to my email. Let’s get into the story. Before going into the story, let me introduce myself and my mom. I’m Abhi. 21 years old. I just completed my graduation. I live with my mom and dad. My mom is Roslin. She is 42 years old. But she looks like 35 years old modern women. She doesn’t have any aging factors. She looks very beautiful and gorgeous. She is a modern woman. She works as a fashion...

2 years ago
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Corner Humping Sister

Author: Nici1973I have an older sister, we are not particularly close but we are very similar in lots of ways. Over the years I have often thought about her wondering if she has similar thoughts and ways to me, and obviously if she is a climber. If I had to guess I would say no but few people would guess about my fetish.Recently I was reminded of an incident that happened when we were growing up together at home. Not sure when or why but I came home via our back entrance and remember walking up...

4 years ago
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Corner Shop Suck

Just a story of my 1st Indian daddy cock.For those of you who aren't familiar with the term 'corner shop',in the UK this defines a small shop,usually on the corner of a residential street,hence the title,which are invariably run by the Indian(Asian),community & very welcome they are too.You can mainly rely on them at holiday times,like xmas,when you can be sure to get a carton of milk rather than schlepping out to a supermarket.Well that's how it was back in the day.Now it seems...

3 years ago
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My Surprise Birthday Treat at the Stables

My Surprise Birthday Treat at the StablesI’m Jack and on my 40th birthday my wife Sam went to the stables as usual. Not even a Birthday ‘playing with’ or even a kiss. So I plan to ravish her upon her return regardless of her wishes. I reframe from watching Xhamster vids and pleasuring myself so I can deposit a full load into my wife’s welcoming pussy. After a leisurely shower and a birthday fry up, I am set for the day ahead. 9.30 I receive a text that says ‘burst pipe please come immediately...

4 years ago
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It had gone perfectly; exactly as i had planned it. But then, i had spent so long on the detail that i did not think there was anything i had forgotten. So here She is, standing in front of me — although She has no idea who She is with. i had put on a blindfold over Her eyes, inserted a gag in Her mouth, and had secured Her wrists to the top of my frame, and Her ankles to the bottom. She is fully clothed — shortish skirt, nice blouse, heeled shoes — but She is stretched, bound, gagged and...

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The Tablet

It is said years ago, the creator of the world, used a tablet to shape the world, everything from the weather, what people looked like, dressed, acted, the way things worked, how people age etc.....then he vanished...but left the tablet behind....for someone to find! Before you start, are you (MALE or FEMALE) (Note: there will be more options added later, like for example a video game, not everything is unlocked with you first start to play) QD

4 years ago
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The Irresistable

The next morning Wes jolted awake, the alarm clock read in big box red numbers 8:30. He climbed out of bed and shuffled his way to his bedroom door. He made his way to the bathroom and shut the door behind him. He turned on the light and the shower water in one long movement. After he got out of the shower and back into his sweat pants he wobbled out of the steamy bathroom into the kitchen where he smelled something delicious. He was still running a towel that was hanging on his shoulders...

3 years ago
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One warm summer weekend morning, I managed to get myself out of bed in my old 3 room apartment and went about my normal routines. Shower, breakfast and coffee, then mail. Last night, I drank myself silly from the loneliness so the pounding hangover was making a big scene in my head. It was something I'm used to though. Drinking myself away when I couldn't find a date on a Friday night, not even a quick suck and fuck with the local bar flies despite the fact that it was my 20th birthday today,...

Mind Control
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Why am I irresistable

First off let me introduce myself. I’m Dave Smith. A normal name for a very normal kid, there is literally nothing special about me. I’m an average student, average looking, average at sports, average. Because of this ‘averageness’ I’ve not exactly had a lot of luck in life, when I was 10 my Dad walked out citing the cause as his complete disappointment at being able to show high level of proficiency in anything; I’ve never had a girlfriend as there is nothing about me that stands out from...

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You are driving your old car along a country road, contemplating the many failures of your life. You pull to a stop at a train crossing behind a school bus and absent-mindedly watch the cars pass, reminding you of time wasted and gone forever. Then you look up at the bus and through the rear window you can see a pretty blonde in a school uniform laughing. As you watch, she rises from her seat and leans over the seat in front, in all likelihood unaware of your presence at a vantage point to see...

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Simply Irresistable

It all began the day you found an old brass ring, half buried in the sand while down at the beach. You picked it up, turned it over a couple of times, then put it into your pocket. Looking back now, you can't remember what made you keep it. Perhaps you hoped to reunite it with its owner, perhaps you wanted to keep it for yourself. All you know now is that your life would have been very different had you left it behind on that fateful day. With the ring at the bottom of your pocket, you...

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Socially Unacceptable

Being a nerd is kind of like a double edged sword. On one side you are awkward, weak and socially inept but on the other side most nerds are smarter than average and some are way smarter. Being smart is the best. My name is William Odessa Wadsworth III. I know! 'WOW.' Don't think I haven't had more than one raised eyebrow after initialing documents. It gets worse if I add the 'III.' What I look like; white skin, six foot tall, I'm 'lanky' only 155 pounds, brown hair and blue eyes....

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Turning Tables

30 January 2012I was definitely not the brightest student in the level, but it really doesn’t matter today. It was the first day of orientation and there I was standing at the front of the parade square – with a pretty hot girl next to me.She was dressed in her white PE tee and black FBT shorts, showing off her slightly tanned skin. Her sleeves were rolled up in the morning heat as she held up the plastic placard telling everyone in OG3 to come our way. Her long legs were simply irresistible...

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Sex stimulating tablets

I have been reading stories for the past 5 years but never shared any of my personnel experience with you peoples. So this is my 1st experience which I am going to share with you and I would love to receive your comments mail me , About me 19 Single average built from Hyderabad I got true 8 inches dick straight and bit thick I am going to tell you how I made love with my Aunt. If any aunt or girl from Hyderabad (I love aunties from 30 to 45 the most) want to have sex with me can mail me on ,...

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The Restaurants Glass Tables

The Restaurant’s Glass Tables My mother fixed me up with a weekend job. It was to keep me off the streets as much as it was to provide me with spending money. That way I wasn’t bumming money off my mother constantly. I only worked on Saturday and Sunday but that was more than enough. The best part about that restaurant was that the tabletops were made of very thick clear glass and highly transparent. I often overheard guys asking their dates to spread their legs so that the guy...

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Moms no longer profitable

This is the final part of the Moms Profitable story; it take a couple of turns so to understand please read 1 & 2. Luther and Gary sat in Luther’s bedroom discussing their mutual problem, they really wanted to keep fucking Jill but the financial drain Evan (her son) was demanding was now undoable. “Look Gary she’s the best piece of ass we’ve ever had but Evan’s financial demands are totally unreasonable, we need an alternative. Well I like the idea of getting those two gay basketball players...

3 years ago
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Mom is no longer profitable

This is the final part of the Moms Profitable story; it take a couple of turns so to understand please read 1 & 2. Luther and Gary sat in Luther’s bedroom discussing their mutual problem, they really wanted to keep fucking Jill but the financial drain Evan (her son) was demanding was now undoable. “Look Gary she’s the best piece of ass we’ve ever had but Evan’s financial demands are totally unreasonable, we need an alternative. Well I like the idea of getting those two gay basketball players...

2 years ago
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My First Sex Very Romantic And Unforgettable

My name is Naani and I am 19 yrs of age, and she is Swetha an year younger than me doing college with a good built up personality innocent good looking and good natured lady with 32-28-34 I guess I am not sure. We stayed adjacent for more than 4 years and our families became good friends, then we all were playing together with a group of 4 more kids in which her younger brother and sister was also there. After staying that long we moved to some other rented house which was in adjacent lane and...

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Under the Table

Under The Table By Linda Laving [email protected] I might as well tell you a little bit about myself before you read the story. I'm Linda, a 38 year old transvestite, 5'7 and 130 pounds with blue eyes. As a guy, I'm fairly average, a single professional with an attraction to sexy females. But as a girl my desires have a narrow focus. Blowing guys and swallowing cum. I know, lots of TV's like to do that. But after spending many years of my life just dreaming about it,...

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My Wet Dream 2 the Stable

This is a recollection of one of my recurring wet dreams I’ve had throughout my life. As per the advice of my Storyteller friend – Amigo – I’m spicing it up a bit. Maybe I’ll even elaborate a little, making my story more sexual and interesting. Please enjoy at your leisure, and let me know what you think. It was late and everyone in the main house has gone to bed. I had just finished cleaning the kitchen and washing the dishes. My heart started beating faster, thinking about what’s about to...

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Under the Table

Sitting all alone on the expensive sofa in the lavish dining room, Jess Hall hugged herself as nervous butterflies flittered around her belly. She still wasn’t sure that she could go through with what was expected of her. She glanced up at the ornate grandfather clock to see that she only had fifteen more minutes before the guests were going to arrive. Looking over to the huge dining table that took up the better part of the room, she tried to picture what it was going to be like. She wanted to...

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Turning the Tables

Turning the Tables by Richard-to-Rachel This story contains forced unconsenting sex so please do not read it if you are offended by such material. It's every woman's worst nightmare. You're out late, walking back from a club down dark, deserted alleyways. Suddenly your sexy, revealing clubwear makes you feel horribly naked and exposed. And then you hear it, footsteps in the road behind you. You turn a corner and they're still there, still following your every move. You...

2 years ago
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The Table

Torrie is one freaky bitch and I love her, but she can sometimes get pissed off and then watch out. Anything goes!!! The other night is a prime example of it.Seems she found the card/receipt from the Brass Ass in my pants pocket the other day while I was at work. When we were texting that afternoon she asked if I had ever heard of the place and I denied it. Stupid move. But somehow I had it in my mind that maybe she was asking because she wanted to go with me and check it out. She isn't...

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My Mother Got Fucked On Dinning Table

Hai my name is Charulatha. I am the only daughter to my parents. We live in a small town of Karnataka 100km away from Bangalore. My father works in Dubai, so me and my mother lives in a 1BHK. It all happened after completion of my +2. Few years back, It was my cousin sister’s (small relationship) marriage who used to live in same colony, moreover my best friend, but later moved to Bangalore. My father was in Dubai, so I along with my mother had to attend the marriage. My mom was 39 or 40 then....

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Jessies Fantasy Chapter 6 Turning the Tables

I was floored by what Tracy had said to me. “Because, the male Jesse is no more for the time being, it is womanly Jessie that needs to go.” It seemed that my love just told me that I had to meet up with my male friends tonight. My mind was going a mile a minute. I already fooled my friends once. But can I do it again? If I do, what is going to happen? What will I let happen? My stomach felt like butterflies. I was getting a little nervous. “Are you saying that you want me to dress up and meet...


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