Indestructable free porn video

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Indestructible "Steve Austin, astronaut, a man barely alive...." You can blame my grandfather for the fact I know that line. Its from a TV show from the dark ages called "The Six Million Dollar Man," He likes to tell me he worked on the show. Over and over again. Somehow, he ended up with a lot of memorabilia from it too. A whole pile of props, mostly examples of the "bionic" parts. He also has copies of all the scripts, and worst of all, copies of film he er... liberated from the set. The result is I'm probably the only person under forty who can recite the opening scene from that show from memory. Really. I make fun of him and his strange obsession with that show, but honestly, he is ... an amazing guy. My parents died when I was eight years old, and he took me in, and raised me. It couldn't have been easy for him, especially since I was a girl. I'm even named after him, sorta. See, he is Henry Hollis, Sr., my dad was Henry Hollis Jr., and me? I was born Henrietta. Honestly. Regardless, with no female help, he had to assist me through crying over being flat chested, and then having a growth spurt in the chest area that hurt like anything, not to mention, me learning about makeup, dresses, heels, and of course, boys. And of course, having to deal with me developing a monthly cycle, a subject that made him shudder. But he saw me through it all, right up until the day I died. I was eighteen years old when the world changed forever. A man calling himself Commander Aries revealed himself to the world, and it started a whole new era, one in which some people on earth had the ability to have powers far beyond the norm. Soon after, others arrived, and soon, it was like we were all living in a comic-book world. Girls and guys who could control the earth, who could fly, all the things we used to consider fantasy had come to life. I pretty much ignored the whole thing. I was busy, having my last summer as a kid before attending UCLA, where I planed to take film classes. Yeh, somehow Gramps had finally rubbed off on me, and I was following in his footsteps. And the fact that my boyfriend was also a student was just a coincidence, really. I really loved the guy. He was movie-star handsome, strong, smart, funny, and had a cute butt. He could've had any girl in our school, but chose me, and made me feel like the girl lead in a super romantic movie, every time we were together. We even died together. Only I came back, sort of. It happened my third year at college. He was driving me back to Gramp's place, as I was going to stay there for the Christmas break,, and like a lot of kids our age, we were not exactly being safe. My crazy boyfriend was speeding, and I was standing up with my head out the sun roof. I had taken my top off , leaving me just in pants and a bra, giving him a good look at my assets. I must have been a bit too good at getting his attention. He took the last turn far too fast .... What happened next seemed like some really odd dream. I knew I was badly hurt, even dying, but I seemed to be beyond pain. I seemed to be floating above my body, only an observer as Gramps limped up to the car as fast as his cane could move him. He must have been waiting for me, seen the crash. He pulled me out of the wreck, and took me home. Why he didn't take me to a hospital, I don't know, but instead, he took me into his workshop. I think somehow, he knew a hospital would be no help to me. That's when the changes started. My breasts that I was so proud of deflated like a couple of sad balloons. What was left of my face became angular, and I even got a five o'clock shadow. Worst of all a male organ spouted between my legs like a bizarre weed. Then things really got weird. Whatever powered my transformation, it wasn't enough. I was still dying. "We can rebuild him..." Gramps started grabbing the props from the show, and putting them on me and in me. And even though they were props, not real "bionic" parts, somehow, when they were put on me, they worked like they were the real thing. By daybreak, I was .... a real-life cyborg. He'd just finished when he started feeling woozy, managed to call 911, and then fell over. I was blissfully unaware of much of this at the time. My spirit had watched for a while, but then I was drifting, headed for the Light. You know, THE the Light. I was just about there when I got intercepted - by a girl. The girl was wearing some kind of toga, and had a veil thing that obscured her face. She told me I wasn't done on Earth, that I had a destiny as a hero to fulfill. Honestly, it sounded pretty corny to me too. She led me back to my body, which by that time had been moved, and was laying in a hospital bed, with my best friend Katy sitting beside me. She was holding my hand, and crying. I looked down at that strange body, so changed since I last was in it, and said to my angelic companion, "No way. Let me go into the Light, please." "Not yet. You are needed here, for her, for the world. And as tough as it it will be, you'll never be alone. You are watched over, and loved, in ways you cannot yet understand." With that, she faded, and I fell into darkness, a sleep without dreams. When at last I awoke, I was looking up at soft lights on the ceiling. The sounds of the occasional beep filled the air, almost drowning out soft snoring coming from the corner. I looked over, and saw Katy sleeping, She had put a couple of chairs together, and was wedged into the corner. I looked at her, and after a minute, realized something I had not really thought of before. I'd always known she was cute-looking, but now I was seeing her through different eyes. My friend was sexy as hell. I felt blood rush to my cheeks, and .... other areas. There isnt an easy way to describe what that felt like. It was weird, and uncomfortable, and ... Okay, okay, it felt kinda good too. I must have made a noise, because she stirred, and opened up her eyes. "Hi," I croaked. "H...hi, Retta.". You woke up!," She smiled, and rushed over and hugged me. The press of her breasts against my body created a feeling I could only wish to continue. I tried to speak, and failed. "You must need some water. I'll be right back," she said, and after giving me a quick squeeze, she left. I found myself admiring the wiggle in her walk as she walked away. I thought, "What in God's name had happened to me?" She came back with a nurse in tow. The nurse cranked the bed so I was sitting up, and handed me a glass of water with a straw. I took a long sip, and got rid of the cotton feeling in my mouth. "Thanks," I managed, and realized how low my voice sounded. "How are you feeling?" Katy asked. "Not ... sure just yet," I said. I was squinting, so I added "Can we turn down the lights?" "I'll close the curtains," the nurse said, and went over to the window. When she moved to the window, I realized I could clearly see her bra strap showing through her uniform. It was all I could do to prevent myself from trying to get a better look. Trying to distract myself, I asked Katy, "What happened? Where's Gramps? Is he okay?" "He's okay. He was exhausted and dehydrated when they got to you two, but otherwise okay. As to what happened ... you were in an accident, and .... you changed." "I had a strange dream ... Am I a guy now?" She nodded. "How did you guys know I'm... me?" "He managed to stay conscious long enough to tell the EMTs, before he passed out." "Can I see him?" I asked. "Soon, I promise," Katy said. "I'd better tell the doctor you're awake" The nurse said, and left. As soon as she was out the door, I told Katy, "Okay. I want to get up and look at myself." I pulled the blanked back and dropped my legs off the bed. I wobbled when me feet hit the floor, and Katy rushed to me, put my arm over her shoulder and hers around my waist, helping me stay upright. "Whoa," I said, and swayed for a few seconds. "Take it easy, would you?" Katy said. I just stood still for a moment, and then realized the position we were in. She was holding on to me tight, and she smelled nice, and her body felt warm and soft and ... I forced myself to think of other things, like getting my legs working. Finally, I staggered to the bathroom, and with some reluctance, told Katy, "I'm okay." She let go a bit, but stayed very close, close enough to send little shivers across my spine. I focused on the image in the mirror. The perspective was different than my dream, and I was paying closer attention, so I noticed a few things for the first time. The first was the family resemblance. The nose, the ears, I could easily pass for a cousin or even my own brother. The second thing was the fact I looked like I had lost a couple of years. I'd get carded at any bar in town, and suddenly the thought of using my old ID made me almost giggle. That led to the last thing I noticed, the thing I had tried so hard to avoid thinking about since I woke up. I was a guy now. I had hair in places I'd never had before, my chest was all wrong, and my hips and ... "I ... .I " I said, and lapsed into silence. Katy took my hand, and squeezed gently. That felt good enough to hold back the "ick" feeling I was getting looking at myself in the mirror. "I'm a guy, Katy. I...." "I can only imagine, Retta," Katy said, "but if you have to be a guy, at least you're a handsome one." That last comment made me look again. She was right, I was ... a hunk. I'd be beating girls off with a stick. Heck, I'd been beating the old me off with a stick. My head began to spin and I said, "I'm going to lay back down now." "Okay," Katy said, and steered me back to my bed. "Thanks, Katy," I said as I eased back in. "Anytime," she said and squeezed my hand. Finally, she let go, and said, "I ... I should go see if I can find out how your grandfather is doing." "That'd be good. But come back soon," I said and I could swear I saw her blush before she turned, and left the room. I laid my head back on the pillow, and tried to think. So okay, I was a guy, and based on my reactions, I was into girls now, could I cope with that? I was assuming I had no choice. But the whole "superior" thing was also there to deal with. I hadn't shot lightning bolts out of my fingers or anything yet, so I had no idea what I could do, or how even to figure it out And then there was my dream, that Gramps had somehow Incorporated the props from that show into my body. By the cold light of day, that sounded just ridiculous, but we lived in an age of wonders, now, so could I completely dismiss it? I could only hope so. I turned the TV to a music channel to distract myself. Again, my change in orientation was obvious to me almost as soon as the first video started playing. Before, I would have been either annoyed at the females in the videos for how they behaved and dressed, or maybe envious at their beautiful bodies, but now.... All I could think was "Oh boy, this was going to take some getting used to." Just then a doctor entered the room and said, "Ah, Mr. Hollis. Awake and feeling better?" "Awake, yes. As for feeling better? That's still up for debate." "Ah, well, it will come in time. As far as your physical health goes, you are in good condition and getting better quickly, especially considering the trauma you just went through, and I see no reason why that wont continue. Baring some sudden downturn, we could clear you to leave from a medical standpoint by tonight," he said. "I fear there's a 'but' coming," I said. "Its your mental state we must now concern ourselves with. How are you coping with your .... transition?" "As well as I have to," I said. "Well, I'd like you to talk to our psychiatrist in any case." ""Is there an 'or else' attached to that request?" "Only that I would be negligent in my duty if I released you without knowing you were recovering mentally as well as physically." "So I talk to him, or I don't go home." "You understand my position perfectly." "Fine" I said. "But I want to see my grandfather. My friend just left to see how's he doing." "I will do what I can to arrange it. Try not to over-exert yourself in the meantime," he said, calmly. "I'm okay," I said, getting slightly angry at him. "If you say so. Do remember however I have the authority to have you restrained, if it becomes necessary." I glared at him, and then forced myself to calm down. "I'll be a good .... boy." "Excellent," he said, and swept out of the room. Suddenly, I felt very tired, and even though I fought it, trying to stay awake until Katy came back, I found it harder and harder. "What have you gotten me into?" I muttered to the mystery girl from my dream, and then fell back to sleep. ******* When I woke, I saw my grandfather standing by my bedside. "Gramps?" "Yes dear. They tell me you are recovering nicely." "I guess. so, gramps.. Except for ...." "Turning into a guy?" He finished for me. "I can't imagine how you're feeling right now. But we'll get through it, together." "Thanks, Gramps. Oh God...." "What is it, hon?" Gramps asked.. "What happened to Robert?" "We'll .... talk about that later, okay?" Gramps said. "He didn't make it. Did he." "I'm sorry, hon. He didn't" I cried, not caring if it wasn't "manly" or not. Just then my doctor came into the room, and said, "I see I can't leave you alone for even a few minutes before something happens." "Sorry Doc," Gramps said. "She .. he just found out about Robert." "My boyfriend's dead," I said numbly. "I heard. I was going to try and wait until you were feeling a bit better before we discussed that." "Sorry Doc," Granps said. "Sorries can wait. I brought the psychologist, so I want everyone to leave, so they can talk." Everyone left, and an older woman came in. "Hello. I'm Dr. Morrow. And please don't make the obvious joke." "Wow. It must suck having a name like that." "It can, on occasion. Now, let's begin our little session, shall we?" "I guess." "Look. I wont claim to understand what you're going through. But I will listen, and I might just be able to help you deal with this." "Okay. I want out of here, so I'll cooperate." "Please don't think of it like that. Having you go out without dealing with these things would do you no favours." "I know, I know. It's just so much to process right now." "Which is why we need to take it slow and steady. You've experienced a tremendous loss, and I'm not just talking about your boyfriend. Changing your sex has to be at least as traumatic experience for you." "I ... I don't know how I feel about it. One moment I feel like I'm okay, the next I just want to go back to being me." "Probably perfectly natural. But let's take it one step at a time. I ... was actually able to find someone who might understand better than I do what you feel like." He went to the door, and waved. A young woman came into the room, and I recognised her right away. It was E-Girl. She looked like a regular pretty high school cheerleader, and despite myself I felt a rush of blood to ... certain places. "Hi. They call me E-Girl," she said softly. "I... I was Henrietta, but I guess I'm closer to a Hank, now." "I understand, a bit of what you feel like. I started off as a guy, and now I'm a girl." "Yes, but from what I've read, you always had a feminine side. I'm not like that at all." "Okay, lets start with that. Can you describe how felt about being a girl in the first place?" "I don't know. I mean, its not like I woke every morning and sang that song 'I enjoy being a girl', but ... now that I think about it, I really did enjoy it. My friends always teased me about how much of a girly-girl I was. They said once the easiest way to pick me out of our group was to look for the one in a skirt. I just laughed and said I liked making it easy for the boys to pick me out." I took a deep breath and added. "I don't know if I appreciated what I had, until it was gone." "You couldn't have enjoyed periods, could you ?" "No, I guess I didn't And I didnt always like the way sometimes guys treated me like I couldn't have a brain, just cause I was good looking." "Well, no problem there anymore, but you might need to worry about getting attention from girls now. You're a ... pretty good looking guy." "I kinda noticed. Trouble is, I may not mind that attention much, and that frightens me." "Frightens you?" "Yeh. I've... started to look at girls, the way I used to look at guys. And its scary." "I would think there would be worse things than finding out you're heterosexual." "I guess I am, when I think about it that way. Its still a little strange and frightening." "I can only imagine." "I dont suppose you have any good advice for me?" "I wish I did. Changing gender the way you and I did is an unbelievable traumatic experience, and that's even if you kinda wanted it, like I did. Its got to be a lot harder for you because you were comfortable as a girl. But what I can tell you is that you wont be alone going through it." "Th.... thank you." "And you have another source of grief at the moment as well. Can you talk about it?" "I ... I killed my boyfriend," I wept. She held me for a while, and then said, "I've been there too. I failed to save my best friend, and that's how I got my powers." "I remember reading about that. But it wasn't your fault, if I remember." "And maybe you're not to blame for what happened either." "I distracted him while he was driving! Of course it was my fault!" And maybe my presence distracted my friend long enough to make her fall." I had no answer to that, and instead started crying again. We talked for a long time, and finally, she said, "Look, I've got to go. Here is a contact number for me at the Compound. At some point, you'll need to check in there anyway, so it might help you to have an old hand around." "Thanks, uh... What do I call you? Calling you E-Girl seems kinda silly after all we shared." "You can call me Debra. I took that name in honor of my friend, Debbie." "Okay. Thanks for everything, Debra." "You're welcome." She went to the window, and flew off. I lay there thinking about what she talked to me about, until I started to drift off to sleep. I dreamt again of Gramps using the parts from the TV show to fix me up, and even as a dream, it didn't make any sense to me. How could that possibly happen? How could he take a bunch of movie props and fix me with them? And what about that mysterious girl who said I had a destiny? I resolved to figure it out, and there was only one place to start. Gramps. When I woke, I asked the nurse to see if he could come see me. I waited through breakfast, and then Gramps came in, but he wasnt alone. With him was a older man in a crisp white suit, and I guessed based on how he stood that this man was military. "Hi sweetie," Gramps said. "Don;t sweetie me. I'm not a girl anymore, gramps. What did you do to me, and whose your friend?" "Okay. Let me introduce you to Oscar Goldman." "You have GOT to be kidding me," I said. ***** "What is she talking about?" the man said. "The Six Million Dollar Man. I know you're obsessed with that show, Gramps but still," I said. "Oh yes. Obviously, I'm not that Oscar Goldman." "Obviously, since that was fiction." "Some of it was. Some of it was based on real events. For example, Steve Austin was a real person." Gramps looked pained at hearing that name. "Gramps? Did you ... know him?" My grandfather, who was one of the strongest people I met, looked like he was going to break down and cry. "Sorry," he managed. His friend looked uncomfortable, and said, "I.. let you talk to your grandchild alone." He left, and my grandfather came close, and sat on my bed. "Okay Gramps. Who was Steve Austin?" "Steve was... an amazing, special man. I... I...." "You were in love with him?" Gramps hung his head down. 'Its okay, Gramps. I mean, I know some gay people at school, so its not like I've never heard of such a thing. But what about Grandma? Did she know?" He laughed through his tears, and said, "No way she couldn't. Since they were the same person." "Say what now?" "Your grandmother's true name was Steve Austin." ******* "Please tell my you're kidding." "No. Your grandmother was a man in the core of his being. But sadly, that was long before the word "transsexual" was heard of, much less surgery for female to male trans people, so she never got acknowledged as such." Looking down at my now male body, I could sympathize. "I'm sorry, Gramps. Why didnt she, he come out of the closet? Why am I only hearing this now?" "Well, after he had your father, he had all but shut down because of being forced to play the female role. He decided the only way to survive was to totally go into the closet, to never even mention "Steve". So I honored that choice, and it was the biggest mistake of my life. He just... wasted away, and died young. I When the show started, and they were looking for a name for the hero, I suggested the name 'Steve Austin.' as the only way I could honor him. And that's how it happened." "No wonder you loved that show. But you never said anything to me, or to Dad?"" "I honestly didn't know how to broach the subject. Your dad had lost his mother, and I was going to take away the memories he had of her by saying she was really a he?" "I'm sorry Gramps." "No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didnt say something sooner. He deserved better." I just sat there, silent, and held his hand. After a while, I said, "Look, gramps. As much as I want to know more about this, I have other issues at the moment. Like the fact I'm a guy, and I think you did something to me to keep me alive." He looked down in shame. "I ... I did what I had to do to save your life." "Gramps, I'm glad I'm alive. But what exactly did you do?" "Not here. When you get home, I promise I'll tell you everything." I was a little grumpy about this idea, but I agreed. A couple of days later, I was sent home, and as soon as I was inside I turned to Gramps and said, "Okay. I've been patient. Now, if you please, tell me what happened to me?" Okay. Come to my little workshop." We went in, and I noticed that Gramps had added a couple of new items. One was a treadmill, another was a large concrete block with some gauges somehow stuck in it. "Cute. Now, what's this about?" "Hon, I .. I want you to understand. I did what I had to do to save your life." "I'd be more grateful if I knew what you did." "Its... easier to show you. Step on the treadmill, and go all out, would you?" I was totally confused, but I got on the treadmill, and started jogging. "Faster." I picked up speed, and something amazing happened. I went faster, and faster, and yet I didnt seem to even feel the effects of it. "Faster!" Gramps shouted. I went all out, and finally, Gramps told me to stop. "Okay. What was that about?" I said as I got off. "How fast do you think you were going?" "I dont know. How fast?" "About Seventy-five miles an hour. And you aren't even out of breath, are you?" "You're joking, right?" He showed me the speedometer, which read "74.8 MPH" "Whoa." "And that's not all. try and lift that block." "You're kidding, right? It's got to weigh a ton." "Just try." I shrugged, and got a grip on it. The next thing I knew, I had lifted it up above my head. "I can't believe this! I dont even feel like I'm straining!" "Interesting. You might be even stronger than I planned on." I put it down, and then said, "Okay. So I'm definitely a Superior. So give me the details, please." "Well, to start with, I have to come clean with you. I'm .. not the person you thought I was." "What do you mean?" "My original name was not Henry Hollis." "Gramps, I dont care what your name was. To me, you were the man who raised me after my parents died, and that's enough." "Thank you dear, but my original name is important. I'm just not sure you'll believe me." "Gramps, I'm some kind of super-dude, and I wasnt even a dude a couple of days ago. I think I'm ready to believe anything." "Well we'll see. My original name was ... Hephaestus." I tried to remember where I had heard that name before. "Okay?" "Perhaps I should have spent more time teaching you Greek myths. I was the Keeper of the Forge of the Gods. The Romans called me Vulcan." "You're ... a god?" "A former one. Retired, until your accident." Somehow, I didnt doubt him. There was something about him, something I hadn't seen before probably because he hadn't wanted me to. "How? How is it possible?" "We ... retired when Christianity became the dominant religion. Most of us left Earth, but I was working on something, and so decided I wanted to keep at it. When human society seemed advanced enough, I found a mortal to be my front, and then we tried to make my experiments work." "Let me take a wild guess, and say it had something to do with the show?" "Yes. We attempted to rescue an accident victim, and make them a cyborg. But it failed. Then it appeared that the story would come out, so they made the whole show to cover up the situation." "You said it failed. But I'm standing here." "It failed then, and even I didn't understand why. But when I saw you start to transform, and realized you were something special, I believed it could work this time. And it has." I sat down heavily, and he put a hand on my shoulder. "I cant even pretend how hard this is for you to take in. But I believe you survived for a reason." "Can a god believe?" "Maybe we can believe easier than humans. Because we KNOW there are some amazing things out there." "You ... weren't really gods, were you?" "I guess that depends on what you mean. We live forever, and have abilities humans never had, at least until the Superiors arrived." "Commander Ares? Is he really .. you know, the god?" "No. He's the first human to approach our abilities. But I wouldn't put it past my old friend to have had a hand in things." "So what happens now? E-Girl wants me to go to the Compound, and be a super hero. I... I dont know if that's the life I want." "Why not take some time to figure things out? There's no rush. By the way, I've been meaning to ask you, are you going to want to change your name? Henrietta doesn't really suit a boy." "I jokingly called myself Hank in the hospital. Maybe that's exactly what I should use. In honor of dad." "Okay, Hank. I'm proud of how you're taking this." "I think I'm in shock. I'll probably have a breakdown later." "Well, if you start having trouble, maybe you could invite that friend of yours. Katy?" I blushed. Had my attraction been that obvious? "If it helps you, She's... interested too." "But she is my best friend!" "Which is not the worst place to start a deeper relationship." "I'll think about it." "Okay. I'll butt out," he said. "I... I'm gonna lay down. I've got a lot to think about." "Good idea." I went to my room, and realized how much had changed for me since I was last here. The room looked like a typical teenage girl's, and that was one thing I wasn't anymore. I figured that when I woke up, I'd have to start the redecorating process. Trying to imagine what a boy's room should look like, I fell asleep. As I slept, I dreamt. I dreamt of using my new abilities to help the people in my town after a earthquake. I dreamt of wearing a costume, and fighting bank robbers and other criminals. I dreamt of being alongside Ares, E-Girl, and others fighting against the mad scientist Dr. Destructo and his strange magical partner Nightmare, as well as others. But mostly, I dreamt of Katy. Of us forming a partnership, using the friendship and trust we had always had for each other as a foundation, to which we added the new level of physical attraction. Of us becoming closer and closer, until the two of us becoming one, stronger together than either of us had ever been alone. I smiled in my sleep, and thought to myself. "Sounds like fun."

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Bobby was in the lounge chatting to some infantry officers when Shaun returned to the hotel. He beckoned Shaun over to join them and quickly introduced them all. They both had dressings on their arms or legs. It seems they had been wounded and shipped back to the hospital but due to the numbers arriving for treatment they had been assigned to stay here at the hotel and report to the hospital to have their dressings changed. “These chaps were saying we have pushed the enemy back all along...

3 years ago
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The Anomaly Volume Two the Schemes of the Unknown UnknownChapter 20 Earth 3753 CE

"I'd almost forgotten why we were here," admitted Paul when the holographic message arrived for him at the hotel in the heart of the Amazon Jungle where he'd been staying with Beatrice. "It's been such a long time since we heard anything about the mission." Professor Wasilewski's image flickered against the window through which could be seen a torrential downpour and lofty trees from which monkeys were howling at each other. The professor wasn't especially amused by Paul's...

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An unforgettable night of lust

It was 9 p.m., in the suburban area of the small town. When the four convicts entered the unguarded property and then, from the rear door, the luxurious house, they met the entire family, Mr. and Mrs. Blum and their son, in the living room. Fifteen minutes later, pieces of female garments were scattered in all the room. Someone had placed a pair of red stiletto heels on a chair and had laid a pair of stockings on the back of the couch; shreds of nice blouse and skirt were on the floor, a pair...

4 years ago
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My Zahida Aunty

Aunty Fuck I Am A 28 Years Old Guy From Karachi , Pakistan , At First It Happens 6 Months Back. If You Anybody Like Then Acknowledge Me. I Also Want To Exchange With You Many Happenings After That. My Aunt (Mother's Sister) Zahida Is A 45 Year Old Widow. Her Husband Died Last Year & Her Only Daughter Just Married. She Is Living Alone In Her House. She Is A Beautiful Woman With A Full Body. She Has A Curvaceous Breasts And I Have Had A Chance To See Her Nipples Which...

2 years ago
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Project Gaia Chapter 6

It turns out Eden used a kind of high-tech cafeteria system. The girls would go in whenever they felt like it and input some login data. Each girl had a specific diet program, based on their personal body and pregnancy. Their meals would be brought out to them by food staff while they relaxed on whatever they wanted. There were no limits on the girls meals or calories, the dieticians figuring there was little chance of the girls being so pregnant and gaining too much weight. Some of the girls...

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Nashville Bound

Ashley was a small town girl but had big dreams of being a star in Nashville. She was cute but didn't think she was the type that would stop traffic. Her parents supported her dreams but thought it was crazy that she wanted to leave her hometown since all of her siblings had come home to work in the family business. She didn't want to be stuck in an office all day long with her married sister. She packed up her things into the bed of her pickup truck and said her goodbyes. She climbed up in the...

First Time
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Welcome to the Neighborhood Part I

About six or seven years into our marriage, my wife Sydney and I hit a rough patch in our relationship. With both of us trying to build careers, we let our personal relationship deteriorate, to the point of looking elsewhere for what we should have been looking for at home. But before either of us pulled the trigger on an extra-marital affair, we moved into a corner house in a new neighborhood. After the moving truck had departed and the furniture placed where we wanted it, we took to...

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Week 1 Class 1

Week 1, Class 1 (Introductory Topics: Course Intro) Jill thought it would be a hoot. She needed a free elective for three more credits to satisfy her graduation requirements, and figured sitting around talking about sex for a semester would be a great way to do it. Besides, she had heard there were no exams, little homework or reading, and just a couple of presentations that had to be done during the semester. A cakewalk! Plus she convinced her friends Kelly and Jen to sign up too, so the...

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Annabelle in Transition

Chapter 1Life has a funny way of being really predictable, and we have a funny way of refusing to believe that; thinking that we can change the course of reality by being ourselves. We either believe that we won’t fall under the stereotypical way of life because we are somewhat different than the rest of the humanity, or we just want to create the same mistakes as others to feel the consequences for ourselves instead of learning from example. I think that I fell under both categories when I ran...

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The Cuckolds Reward Kens Story Part 3

There were tears two weeks later when Sandra received the letter from Ken’s solicitors informing her about the divorce petition. She knew that it was coming but getting the letter that Friday morning caught her emotionally off guard. It put a dampener on her weekend with Samuel. She was so upset that she told Ken that she did not want him to divorce her and also told Samuel that she was having second thoughts about their relationship. Samuel handled it all well. He did not storm off like Ken...

2 years ago
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Glamping 2 later in te week

In my previous story, I wrote about our experience "Glamping", the story of a good friend of mine and I "helping each other out". This is what happened the next night.So, after having my balls drained by Summer, and after eating her hot, sweet pussy, I went back out to the dining tent and began to go over the events of the morning. My cock hardened thinking of Summer and Jan going wild over my cock and then licking each other as I watched. But reality set in when Jan got up hurriedly walked out...

2 years ago
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Indoctrination Part 2

Please...please...please may I cum Master? My fingers dig into her clit harder and faster as my thumb pushes deeper inside her. I see her ass cheeks clench around the anal plug and her legs begin to tremble. Yes my pet, you may cum. Her moan is long and low from deep within as she reaches her climax. Her head jerks back as the spasms over take her. I reach around and pinch her clit between my thumb and fore finger as I thus two fingers into her juicy pussy. She moans and bucks as my finger...

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Ascent of VulvadorChapter 6

Veen’s latent but newly discovered urge to escape, was bolstered by the arrival and announcement by two shapely guards some hours later, announcing that the pod with the second battery had been recovered, and the guards had obligingly restored it to its position within the Wasp. Though he craved the dominant attentions of Varnella, and her crushing power held him to that pleasure like an addiction to an opiate, his rational mind, or what was left of it, still fought back during those...

4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 35

I went home and worried. I had no way to tell who knew what, so all I could do was act like everything was normal. If I were a Los Vegas Odds maker, I would make it about 3 to 1 in my favor. I wasn't trying to be optimistic there were just so many thing that had to go wrong to get me busted. I had the Boyle brother's phone number and I could call, but I swore I would never contact them again. So I would have to wait till tomorrow at work, when I could pin those in the raid down. My chance...

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Teenage geek lucks into frontrow seat at catfight between his hot sister and cute cousin

Last night had been maybe the hottest and muggiest of a hot muggy summer. I could’ve slept indoors, but the air conditioner keeps me awake and makes my sinuses hurt. So instead of tossing in a sweaty bed, I’d slept out on the second floor deck. It wasn’t much cooler than inside, but at least there was a little natural air moving. That’s how I happened to be around when it started. My folks had gone back east for a funeral, and Aunt Sally had gone with them. That left me...

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Moth Ch 011

Written by Nanna Marker, a citizen of Denmark, born in 1976. * Lei was fast asleep long before Kokata was satisfied that her wings would be safe. No longer having an excuse to be near her, he withdrew to his nearest hiding-place. He had never before told anyone about the beetles. It was a strange feeling: having talked about himself. He couldn’t remember ever before having talked as much in one night. He was glad he hadn’t gone into more detail, though. She didn’t need to know exactly what...

3 years ago
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Testimony Of Hameeda 8211 Part 14

I was woken up by some soft touch on my lips. I opened my eyes, to see him kissing my lips. When he saw that I opened eyes, he broke the kiss. I figured out that he had not undressed me. I smiled at him. He smiled back and said, -it is 6am now. What do you say? Shall we have some fun? How are your legs?- I sat on the bed, stretched and bent my legs and they felt perfectly okay, and stronger as well. I happily looked at his face. He was looking hopeful. -hameeda, shall we?- He was offering me...

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Better than work

She sits in her office, the sun streaming through an open window.her phone vibrates under a pile of paperwork. She ignores it for a while as she continues to concentrate on the work in hand.She looks at the computer screen in front of her as she feels for her phone, glancing at the phone screen, her concentration moves to from her work and a smile covers her face. her whole body tingles as she reads the message, slightly twisting in her chair, her pussy pumps slightly and juices run into every...

4 years ago
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As long as I can remember I always had a hunger for a big hard cock. I'm not really sure when this all took place inside my body. I often wondered if I should have been born a female because I have female tendencies. It started when I was in the military that I had my first encounter with a big dick. I was staying in a hotel in San mataya with a friend and we were invited to a party. I was surprised when we got there that there was only men there. There was an...

2 years ago
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Sondra woke up startled her breasts heaving, her red lace Teddy sticking to her body from her sweat. She was incredibly arouse, having made the mistake of reading a lot of literaporn before going to bed and despite her best efforts she had not gotten off. Now after a fitful sleep filled with odd dreams of sex, fueled by her readings, she found herself fingering herself as she awoke. She was already in a wet spot as big as her ass. Her finger worked furiously inside her. She noticed that while...

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Lanas Fantasy

As I lie in my bed, fantasising about Aaron’s tall muscular body, a knock at the door brings me out of my reverie. I make my way to the door, in my skimpy negligee. I open the front door. Standing there, in all his masculine glory, was the man I have been fantasising about – Aaron. He says nothing but takes in the sight of me and his eyes wake up with desire. “Hi,” I murmur, slightly breathless to have this fine specimen of a man in my flat. “Come in” I gesture him inside and he glides...

1 year ago
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The last morning Chapter 6

When we wake on Sunday morning, we both know that in about 4 hours we will have to get ready and go our separate ways. But, before we leave the hotel room we both want to experience each other one last time. After ordering room services for breakfast, we talk about when we'll see each other and where we'll meet again. It will be at least 3 months before I can get back to her home town but I WILL get back ASAP!! We also talk about our sex experiences and what we like, really like, and what we...

3 years ago
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DNA Snapshots

DNA: Snapshots, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Virus By Stephanie "Martha, willya look at this crap!" "What is it, Wilbur? I'm busy in the kitchen." "You gotta see this. Some quack has found a way to change people with some drug." "Oh, that. Sounds too good to be true if you ask me." "Just think of what you could do with it. You could get a new body which wasn't so saggy!" "Yeah? Well you could get one that wasn't hung like a chipmunk!" *** "Do you...

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 78

It was noisy in the locker room. Everybody was up, in high spirits. Josh peeled out of the muddy uniform and threw it in the laundry bin, then sat down on the bench in front of his locker and slowly took off the pads, savoring the moment. There was a crush of activity in the locker room, as guys got out of football gear, headed for the shower, and got dressed. Many of the guys had dates waiting outside the locker room, and the pizza joint would be full. Josh knew that nobody was waiting for...

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Helen And Son

"Come in," Ricky said, answering the gentle tapping on his bedroom door.He knew it was his mother, Helen. The door opened, and Helen came in. She sat on the side of his bed, spilling a little wine from the glass she was holding.Ricky asked what the problem was, and Helen replied, "The usual.""Dad still not home?""No. Your father just rang and said he would be late. Something important came up at work, and he as to sort it out before morning. Then he is going away for a few days."Ricky rubbed...

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Tumblr SisterChapter 7

You wouldn't think that a teenaged boy who was facing five naked teenaged girls would consider himself to have problems. But I did. In fact, I had several problems. First, I was having palpitations of the heart, which was pounding and dancing in my chest, making me worry that I might set some kind of record for being the youngest person in the world to have a heart attack. Second, they had stipulated that, if they were going to be naked, I had to be naked too. They had also demanded that I...

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The Purple Panty Changed My Life

Hello friends…This is my first Indian sex stories story. My name is Rishinesh and I reside in Mumbai. I am 24 year old man with height 6’1″ and wheatish colour skin. Talking about my penis its 5 inches when erect. I know its small but still the truth stays I did bang hot milfs in my locality and well that’s a secret. So this is a story where in a purple panty helps me to bang my childhood crush on aunty living on the first floor. Lets make it in hindi. Ye real story hai sanjana aunty ki jo...

4 years ago
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My Tranny Teacher 3

After her amazing sneak peek Ms. Bennett had given me in class of her pink bra I was so ready for for a tutoring session after school. As I entered the classroom she was sitting at the desk and turned towards me popping a few buttons on her plain white blouse. She opened the two halves and asked me what i thought. "I think your are beautiful and your bra is making me very horny". "Good. Get in the office and strip to those pretty undies I know you are wanting to show me." I was down to panty,...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 30

The surprise trip to the Canucks' hockey game was the highlight of the fall for Tim. An even bigger surprise was Brent asking Mr. and Mrs. Jannik if Shannon could join them for the weekend. Brent and Bonnie would act as chaperones. It was another big step up for Tim in his relationship with his new father. The adoption papers hadn't been acknowledged yet, but Brent and Bonnie had been assured that it was just a formality once the interview had been conducted. They expected that to happen...

2 years ago
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First Time Lesbian

I thought it was going to be a normal day! Go to work, go to the grocery store, go home, eat, and go to bed. Well when I got to work my boss was being such an ass. I just wanted to kick him rights in the nuts. I really, really did. I mean I come in on my days off, I'm practically a slave. I think he is just made because his Husband is losing his sugar and hits on me. I can't help it if I'm cute!Anyways, when I got out of the hell hole I call work, I went to the store to get some umm, oh...

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IT troubleshoot or sexual

Hi my sweet unsatisfied females i am sam crasto, 25 years with a good muscular figure. I belong to mumbai. Females like my shoulders and chest very much. However my first attractions are my eyes. I too feel proud when i sense the feelings from them. I m writing my most beautiful experience which i had some times ago. I am engineer and working in a very reputed bank in it operations. Being an it person in any non it company gives you lot of attentions and i used to enjoy this a lot. This...

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Blacked Raw

BlackedRaw! According to Urban Dictionary, getting blacked is “when a white-bread female raised in a middle- or upper- class home gets tricked by a smooth-talking brotha into being a black dude’s girlfriend and sex partner.” Okay, now that we’ve got that cleared up, what’s it mean to get Blacked Raw?To unravel the mystery, I aimed my browser at, one of the most popular interracial racial porn sites in the world. They get three million visits a month, making them even more popular...

Premium Interracial Porn Sites
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The Sudden Sex With My Wonderful Sexy Aunt

To begin with i must say about myself. I m a carefree person without caring for a thing. Even i dont care about my future and stuff. I m 18 but still I havens developed too much of crush towards women. To remind you i m not sex hungry or what the Indians literally call “hawas ke pujari”. No i m not like that. But still i had sex with my own aunt and to be honest i kinda liked it, and to be more honest my aunt liked it more than i did. Guys this is my first story, and i know i m an amateur yet....

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Stein Um SteinChapter 7

Martins funeral was quiet, with only a handful of mourners, Angies was destitute, not even her friend Charlotte bothered to attend. Eric wanted to, but was advised against it. Eric Williams took up residence in Gloucester the Saturday after the funerals, he began working as a data entry clerk, just over a week later. Francois Grimard was sentenced to fifteen years each for the crimes of human trafficking, living from immoral earnings, exploitation, rape, making threats to facilitate...

4 years ago
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My hot cunt ruined during vacation

Victor and I had gone to a nice week end out from town.We ended at the coast, hiring a very comfortable hotel by the sea.After we checked in, both Victor and I went to the pool, because the afternoon was too windy to go to the beach.I was there lying in the sun, when I noticed an old black man was staring at me… or at my toned curvy body…A while later I pay no more attention to him; as I lay there on a chair, closing my eyes. My loving Victor said he was tired and he went directly to bed in our...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 44 A Procession of Fools

The castle began to fill up a week before Court was set to officially open. Joseph was forced to shake the hands and accept the curtseys of dozens of lords and ladies, their children and grandchildren, several brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews, the staff they brought with them and a host of other people that arrived in Tyrell – and expected the hospitality of the castle. The first, of course, had arrived weeks earlier. Those that had stayed in local inns or in tents outside the...

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oops caught en toto

CHAPTER ONE She had taken the girls to school and herself to teach there. I was supposed to be looking for work online, and I was, but not the way she expected. As soon as they were gone, I took out the stash of special things from my car's hidden pouch. A quick, tight face shave, some clumsy make-up (more for the feel than the look) and then I dress out in some lacy thigh-highs, a thong-like panty, some tight strappy heels, a borrowed bra (from wife, no she doesn't know) stuffed with...

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Your Zee

Tina had a guest for dinner. Although she was two-and-a-half years younger, she had guests. Guys who visited me were just Dave’s friends even when Mom fed them. Anyway, Zee was not entirely awful. She didn’t giggle, she didn’t simper, and her hair was long and clean and black. I was polite to her, having had that fight with Mom before. After dinner, it was raining. Dad drove Zee home. “Zee, dear?” Mom asked when they were out the door. “Please, Mom, don’t call her Zenobia. She hates that. Her...

4 years ago
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Anyone could do it

Anyone Could Do It Janet L. Stickney [email protected] "God! You're going to be just as cute as can be!" "But I don't want to wear a dress!" "Yes dear, I know that, but we both know that you don't have a choice, right? Not after you foolishly said that anyone could do it; it's too late for that now, so just stand still and let me help you get ready. We don't want anyone to know that you're a boy do we?" "Not hardly!" "Well, lets get started then." When mom was...

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Catching EmilyEileen

This is the joining of two of my series. Eileen and Catching Emily are a prologue to this story. If you haven't already, I suggest you read them both to understand what is happening here. And please leave a comment. It lets me know you were here. Emily and I got to our Aunt and Uncles house early on Saturday morning. Eileen was there to greet us as was her cousin Frankie. Frankie was not related to us because his mom and Eileen's mom are sisters. Eileen's dad was our mom's brother....

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The love of a Pokemon anthro

This was his first day to pick his own poke girl. Touya was so happy to get his own pokemon. He ran out of the house with out his backpack or running shoes so he could get to the pokemon lab. Arthur Maple smiled as Touya came in to the lab. "Hello Touya. Your 18th birthday is a big day, isn't it?" He said smiling. "Yes, Professor. I'm finally old enough to get my own pokemon girl" Touya said happily. "You have a choice of 15 pokemon here" The professor said. Touya walked up to the table. The...

2 years ago
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Farm Boy Wants To Procreate

John stood in the sperm bank thinking of making babies, as that got him hot. Soon it came, the burst of sperm into the cup. As he walked past the newborn nursery window in the lesbian midwifery clinic, he was envious of the medical students who were procreating. When he had gone off to the university, the first thing he did was apply at their sperm bank. The doctor who interviewed him said, "So you want to be immortal." Bingo, that was exactly what John had wanted. As a gangly teen, he could...

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My Descent Into Subliminals ndash Chapter 13

My Descent Into Subliminals – Chapter 13 – The New Dawn - Part 1I awoke early the next morning, Beth was beside me in bed still wearing her lucid dreaming mask and headphones. I got up and put on my robe and went to the bathroom. I then went to the kitchen to get some orange juice and swallow a Viagra. The only person up was Laurie, she was dressed in sweats and getting a bottle of water out of the refrigerator.“Good morning Master! I thought I would go for a power walk, it’s so nice with the...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 3

Two days later, and Cheryl and Joe sat around in Joanne’s living room, the house otherwise deserted. Both Ella and Charlie were in school. Joanne was at work, still supporting local artists. The couple were doing what they had done ten years before. Both working on their writing. Cheryl somehow responding to Joe’s questions while finishing a memorial article honoring Nigella for Rolling Stone. Still staff, but with an ideal contract and better pay. Complete rights of refusal. When an editor...

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My Son brings me another Part 2

Our Lovely Son'sAnd so it ended, our first of many nights to remember, Toby, with his cock still buried in my puss, Jorden, with a silly smile, buried cock deep in Susey. Susey and I holding hands, knowing there was still a cunt sucking seasion in front of us. We did have a cook-out........, but. Two young, ever hard cocks to play with, suck. I thought about Debby, a sweet young girl in one of my classes, her mom was having a hard time. We could help, all of us. Life is good....... Oh suck a...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 28

Beep ... Beep ... Beep... When I awoke I was in another hospital bed dreaming about committing murder against the inventor of the beeping machine - again. There was no pain, however. I liked waking up in a hospital without serious pain. It was novel. As was my custom, I took inventory. Arms, legs, hands, feet, head, eyes, ears ... All present and accounted for. There were three IV poles, a computer monitor keeping track of everything from my breathing, to my blood pressure, and a monitor on...

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Fun With Driver 8211 Part 2

I saw at him at school and he said he wants to marry me and forcefully took me inside an car. There were three other guys in the car and he said they are going to help us getting married. I wasnt prepared to elope with him but I had no choice but to go. Next thing I know I was in Salem he arranged a room for me. He told me to tell everyone we were married. He got job as a auto driver and rented a small house to say. After his friends left. He asked me to take off all my clothes. I am naked and...

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Sister Brother Lover 5

Chapter Five The next afternoon I didn’t see very much of my sister. Pat and mom were in her room going through her clothes seeing which ones still fit and talking about what they needed to buy. I was glad to see mom treating her like a daughter again. At dinner they were still talking planning a shopping trip for the weekend. I kind of tuned out the list of stores and outfits. Dad seemed a little more relaxed as well. I’m sure he was glad to see mom acting happier. The rest of...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 1

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The summer of 1890 was to be the start of my new life. At fifteen years of age, I was to be presented to society and I had expected that I would then be considered an adult. That, at long last, I would have a say in my own life, my own destiny. That was not to be, though. I was still just a doll to be dressed and used as decoration in the home of my powerful parents. I was made up and dressed and used to impress the visitors who came...

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Ah sapk kocam beni orospu yapt

[/image][/image] Adım Gül, kocam Murat 28, ben 27 yaşındayım. Ben ne kadar mazbut bir aile kızıysam kocam da tam tersine o kadar sapık ruhlu biri… Yine de güzel, huzurlu ve mutlu bir evliliğimiz var. Tam 5 yıldır evliyiz. Henüz bir çocuk yapmadık. Eşimle liseyi dışarıdan bitirme sınavları esnasında tanıştık. O zamanlar 18 yaşlarındaydık. 1. 70 boylarında 55-60 kilo arası, belime kadar...

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