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- 2 years ago
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You wouldn't think that a teenaged boy who was facing five naked teenaged girls would consider himself to have problems. But I did. In fact, I had several problems.
First, I was having palpitations of the heart, which was pounding and dancing in my chest, making me worry that I might set some kind of record for being the youngest person in the world to have a heart attack.
Second, they had stipulated that, if they were going to be naked, I had to be naked too. They had also demanded that I not touch myself in any way.
Third, they had added the requirement that, as well as describing them, I had to also describe what I wanted to do with them.
I had to clear my throat three or four times before I could speak.
"This could get a little graphic," I said weakly.
"That's okay," said Denise.
Phee was holding a can of Diet Coke, and I went to her and took it. I took a swig and handed it back. I looked at her breasts, and then back at her face. She had a little half smile on her face and I was amazed that we were able to pull off acting semi normal.
"I'm going to start with you, Denise," I said.
She looked back at me, wide eyed. The girls moved away from her, so she was alone in the middle of the crowd. I gazed at her body. Don't ask me where this came from, but somehow it was easier to just stare into her eyes while I talked. Oh, I looked at the rest of her too, my eyes roaming all over her naked skin, but my eyes always went back to hers, like they were the eyes of the "guy" I was talking to about her.
"They had a late practice for the cheerleaders the other night and I managed to sneak into the locker room after it was over," I said, my voice soft and conspiratorial. "I saw Denise Brandon in there, taking a shower. You know the one. She's the freshman, with the blond hair. She's one of the ones they put on the top of the pyramid. Well guess what? She's a natural blond. Her pussy hair is so light..."
I swallowed. This was unbelievable. She was staring at me with this look of rapt attention on her face.
"Is this too graphic?" I whispered.
She only shook her head.
"Her pussy hair is so light that you can see right through it. You know how some women just have a camel toe, with a split and two rounded outer pussy lips? Not Denise. Her inner pussy lips stick out. They're not floppy, though. It's more like her pussy is some kind of sexual fruit that got ripe and split open and the pink insides are bulging out."
Denise's hand went to cover the part of her body I was describing.
"It looks delicious," I said, staring right into her eyes. "They're the kind of pussy lips you just know you could suck into your mouth and almost chew on."
"Oh damn," I heard one of the girls sigh. I ignored that.
"Her titties are small, but they look perfect on that body. They're perfectly round, and they ride high on her chest. Her nipples are pink, like somebody put lipstick on them or something. I wanted to suck those nipples. Even with those smallish breasts, her shape is perfect. She's strong, but you can't see the muscles. I had to stop myself from running in there and doing her right there, man."
I stopped. I could feel my face getting hot. I swallowed and looked around.
"Was that okay?" I asked.
"Are guys really that crass?" That was Danni.
"It was a reasonable facsimile of how guys commonly talk." I waited to see if she had more to say. She just frowned.
"I don't suppose anybody wants to be next," I said.
I was astonished when Beth raised her hand. She only raised it as high as her shoulder, but she raised it. Frankie, who was sitting hip to hip with her, moved over and sat hip to hip with Denise. They put an arm around each other. There was nobody on the other side of Denise, so that left her alone. I moved up to her and bent over to touch each of her knees with the fingertips of opposite hands. I exerted just a little pressure to move her knees apart.
"I need to see," I said softly.
She swallowed, and let her knees drift apart.
I've described Beth to you, but I hadn't to her, so bear with me if I repeat myself. The same thing will happen with Frankie.
I looked into Beth's eyes.
"I went on vacation and snuck onto a nude beach, where I met this girl named Beth. She was hot. Everything about her was hot. She had long, black hair that she wore in a pony tail, but there was nothing girlish about that. She was all woman. Of course the first thing I looked at were her jugs, because they were amazing. She's top heavy, but it looks fantastic on her, and she's got these dark brown nipples the size of my little finger. The first thing I thought of was that she had twins somewhere that were sucking on those nipples four times a day. I found out she was sixteen, and couldn't believe it. She looked twenty. She had wide hips and thick, black hair on her pussy that covered up the good parts. Except then as she was lying there on her towel, she spread her legs. Her pussy lips were red, man, like she'd been rubbing them (I found out later they had all masturbated before the let me come into the room. They were trying to regulate their own feelings.) She's short, and muscular, but it looks good on her, like a gymnast. But lying there on that towel, with her legs spread, I just wanted to lie down on her like she was a bed. You could use breasts like those for a pillow. What's that? No, she didn't have any babies. Just seeing her like that made me want to give her one, though."
I blinked. I hadn't meant to say that. My eyes jittered to the sides and then back, just in time to see her swallow and close her legs.
"She has a boyfriend, though, and he's a bruiser, so I had to leave her alone."
I had no idea why I had just said that.
"I don't have a boyfriend," she whispered.
"Right," I said.
"What a bunch of hokum," muttered Danni.
"Shut up, Danni," said Phee.
I looked at the remaining three girls. Frankie had to be next. I faced her, and Denise kind of hopped over her, to embrace Beth instead. The ease and familiarity with which these two naked girls clasped each other said volumes about how close they were ... or had been in the past. While naked, I mean. Frankie looked at me with huge eyes.
"My sister has these sleepovers," I said. "And she always invites this girl named Frankie. She's a freshman, but she's one of those chicks that's too cute to be real, you know? Like she was the tomboy you used to play baseball with, but then suddenly she grew up and you wanted to see her naked. Anyway, one night I snuck around the outside of the house and peeked in the window of my sister's room, and I did see Frankie nude. She looks young, with freckles that cross over her chest, and those kind of puffy nipples on smallish breasts that look like the perfect mouthful. You know how sometimes you can't tell the nipple from the areola? Hers are like that, but they puff out perfect for sucking on. I know I could make her squeal if I could get my mouth on those nipples. Anyway, she's strong, but a little bony. But that's okay, because she looks light enough you could pick her up and let her sink down on your bone ... you know? Like she could just hang there on your dick while you danced or something, until you lost it and pumped her full."
Frankie gasped at this point, but she kept staring at me.
"If you'd been around her, you'd know she dyes her hair these wild, crazy colors, and she changes it like every month or so. That night she had purple hair. But her pussy hair didn't match. It was brown. If she was my girlfriend, I'd talk her into dying her pussy hair too. Or maybe shaving it off. She'd look hot that way. What's that? No, I wouldn't call her a beauty queen. But like I said, she's cute, and I bet she'd be loyal, and passionate, and as crazy in bed as her hair color is. Who wants one of those supermodel wannabes when you can have a girl who'll wear you out in bed? Besides, I have a feeling she just hasn't hit her stride physically yet. Give her a few years and she'll fill out and knock your socks off."
I stopped. Somehow Frankie was different than the others.
"How was that?" I asked her, up front.
"Not what I expected," she said. "But okay."
"Good. I'm glad. I'm not too good at this," I said.
"Yes you are," said Beth.
I turned my head to Danni.
"Do Phee next," she said, her voice tense.
"I can't do Phee," I said. "She's my sister. That would be incest."
Don't ask me. I have no idea why I said that.
"I can't do this," Danni said, tersely.
"Sure you can," I said, easily. "You're the tough guy in the group. You know that, and I know that. You eat guys like me for breakfast."
"Shut up, Danni," said my sister, and shoved Danni to the edge of the bed. The other girls got up to let her get off the bed.
"Just stand right here," I said, pulling her away from the bed. I walked around her. I could tell she wanted to cover her breasts, because her hands jerked where they were hanging at her sides.
"You know how there are these beautiful girls?" I asked, walking around her. "The ones that you dream of going out with, or making out with, but you know there's no way in hell it will ever happen, because she's too good looking? I met one of those girls the other day."
I kept walking around her.
"She's a model. She was doing a photo shoot for a magazine called Young Naked Teens."
"Give me a break," said Danni.
"Shut up, Danni," intoned Phee.
"She said she was eighteen, and she looked eighteen, but I found out she's really only sixteen. I wanted to shoot myself when I found out she was jail bait, because it ruined a perfectly good fantasy. What's that? Did I see her naked? Yeah, I did. They thought she was legal, and they took hundreds of pictures of her. They couldn't stop. She was that good looking. What? Sure, I'll describe her. She's tall, like a volleyball player, with brown hair, the kind with natural gold highlights in it. She's slim too. Her breasts aren't really all that big, maybe thirty-sixes, but because she's so tall and slim, they look big. She has those pale nipples, set on pale areolas, the kind it's hard to see, which just makes you want to get closer. What? No hair down there. None at all. It made me hard just looking at those bare pussy lips. Hell yes I wanted to fuck her. But she's way out of my class. She's going to end up with some millionaire, living in a penthouse with everything she could ever want. That's how good looking she is. I'd be happy if those long legs were wrapped around just my head. I know that shaved pussy tastes like honey, and if that was all I could ever get a taste of, I'd be a happy man into my old age."
I stopped. I was behind her. I looked at her ass.
"She's got an ass to kill for too," I said.
She turned, then, and pushed me hard with both hands. She stood there, leaning slightly forward, her feet spread shoulder's width apart, like she was about to either attack, or take off running. Her eyes were wild.
"Come here, baby," said Phee softly.
Danni turned her head, and then sort of leapt and fell toward my sister. Phee gathered her into her arms and kissed her neck. They looked like lovers, and one was comforting the other. But Danni wasn't crying. She was just breathing hard.
"Now Phee," said Beth. I looked at her and her eyes glittered back at me.
I swallowed. My cock suddenly called to me and I gripped it automatically.
"Don't touch that!" barked Denise.
I jerked my hand away. Phee was ignoring me, and still murmuring things into Danni's hair. Danni had gotten curled up, and was kind of half on, half off Phee's lap. Again, the familiar closeness was inescapable. These two girls had hugged each other naked before ... many times.
"Hey!" It was Frankie, who had adopted a false, deep voice. It would have been funny, except there was nothing funny about what was happening. "Hey, Tut," she said again, obviously trying to pretend to be a boy.
"You ever see your sister naked?"
I saw what she was trying to do. It was crazy, but then so was the whole situation.
"What kind of question is that?" I responded.
"I think she's hot," said Frankie's deep voice. "So ... have you ever seen her naked?"
"I'm not telling you that," I said.
"Come on, man," said Frankie. "I just want to know what she looks like. I won't tell anybody. You've seen her naked. I know you have."
"Sure I have, but I shouldn't tell you about it."
"Come on, man!" This time it was Beth, speaking as deeply as she could. "I bet she's hot, naked. Is she hot, naked?"
They weren't going to let up.
"Yeah," I said softly. "She is."
"I knew it!" growled Beth. She coughed from trying to speak so low.
I tried to figure out what that meant. Either she had gotten into her role playing a little deeply, or she had suspected that I actually thought my sister was hot ... and had just admitted as much.
I do not know why it is this way, but it’s pretty universal in America for people to look askance when an older man is with a younger woman. There are lots of terms for it. Cradle-robber. Chester the molester. Dirty old man. Sugar daddy. Those are for a heterosexual relationship where the man is older, but there are dozens of other names for other kinds of relationships. We won’t go into those. My point is that American society looks down on May-December relationships and I don’t know why. If...
When I got to Ronnie's house, I thought she wasn't there at first, because I knocked and nothing happened. I was about to leave when the curtains moved, so I waited. Finally she opened the door about a foot. She had on a thick robe, but it wasn't closed tightly, and there was a lot of cleavage. I knew it wouldn't be anywhere near acceptable to stare at that, as delicious as it looked, so I got my eyes off of that and put them on her face. She was just staringt at me and I thought she was...
What do you do when you find out your daughter and the young man you think of as your son, are lovers? I'm really asking that question, because I had no idea what to do. It had been going on literally for years, and there was no way in the world I could pretend my kids weren't just as normal as pie in every other way a person could evaluate them on. Their grades were fine. Their social relationships were good, allowing for the fact that they had orgies in my daughter's bedroom. And let's...
The girls had snuck into the bathroom and peeked, of course. I found out from Frankie, later. And that's because Frankie demanded that Phee invite her over for a "private sleepover" the next week. I had forgotten all about what Denise had said about how eager Frankie was. Frankie was so un-eager verbally, that that's all that had ever sunk in. To be honest, when Phee told me "Frankie wants to come over, so be ready," I still didn't believe we'd have sex. And I was sure I was right...
Now I know the majority of readers would think that I’d hop right on that bandwagon and let a beautiful young woman ‘experiment’ with my raging boner, especially since such boners developed, occasionally, because of the girl in question. But let’s be reasonable, here. Thinking about committing even a minor form of incest is a big step and while my sister had had a month to get “normalized” to the idea of playing with her brother’s prick just to get a little experience, all I’d done was...
I saw my daughter lying there, freshly and well fucked. But there was something unreal about it too. "Wow," panted Amber, her eyes clear and untroubled by guilt. "I didn't believe her. I was wrong. She was right. You're incredible." "What the fuck?!" I gasped. "Don't be mad, Daddy," she said, panting between each word. "I couldn't help it." "What are you talking about?" I asked, also having trouble talking because I was so out of breath. She put a finger on my lips ......
All movement stopped again. Voices died down. Phoenix said, "Really?" sounding surprised, and a smidgeon happier, so I thought I had eked out at least a partial victory. "Absolutely," I said. "All your friends are ... um ... inspiring." Don't ask me why I chose that word. Then things got weird again. "But not me," said Phoenix. "What?" "I'm not ... inspiring," she said. Her voice was flat. In case any of you readers out there are males in your early teens ... this is the...
You couldn't lock the bathroom doors from the outside. I fully expected Danni to come storming in with murder in mind ... but she didn't. In fact, they left me alone the rest of the night. This is not to say I couldn't hear them, but it was strange, because they honestly didn't sound any different than they had on other nights. I mean I could hear voices, but not what was being said, and those voices kept speaking until I finally fell into an exhausted sleep. They obviously hadn't been...
It was spooky. When Beth asked what came next, all four of them turned to look at Phee. I was not to find out for another month why that was, but it was weird, that's for sure. She looked past them at me, and said "If you guys want to go on like planned, that's fine with me." The girls turned back to look at me. Danni said, "What do you want from us?" I blinked. "I thought it was the other way around. I thought you had questions, and I was supposed to try to answer them." "You...
Danni's eyes were red when they came out of the bathroom, but she was calm again. She didn't look at me. "I think that's probably enough for tonight," Phee said. "No fair!" chimed Beth. "I agree," said Denise. "Hasn't he caused enough trouble?" suggested Phee. "Only for you and Danni," said Frankie. "What's that supposed to mean?" asked Phee, darkly. "Nothing," said Frankie breezily. "But he's ready, and Denise and Beth want to try it." "Why are you so sunny...
I lay in bed. I had used my shorts to clean myself up a little. I could hear the shower running, so I knew Phee was in there. My mind was going a hundred miles an hour and I was actually a little scared about what would happen next. That's because I had no idea what would happen next, and the complete unknown is kind of scary. I kept lying there after the shower stopped, and I heard her moving around in her room. I tried to figure out what to say to her the next time I saw her. Then,...
I waited for something to happen until I finally fell asleep, lying on my bed. I had even put on "the shorts" in anticipation. What woke me up was someone turning my reading light off. But my eyes had been closed, so when I opened them, they were adjusted to the dark, and I could see two forms hovering over me in the dark. They were female forms, because they both had long hair. "Shhhh," came off of Phee's tongue and lips. Hands found my shorts in the dark. I lifted my hips to...
There are good reasons why they don't let you have a driver's license until you're sixteen. Your judgment is flawed before that. Actually, they hope your judgment isn't still flawed, when you turn sixteen. There's more and more science that suggests young people should not be allowed to make serious decisions until they're in their early twenties. But of course that would never do. There would be an uprising of all those young people if they were required to wait until they had a whole...
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There was a lot of talk when I walked in. Sometimes two or three were talking at the same time. It was pretty obvious they were upset, so I just let them all vent. They were angry. I was going off, halfway around the world if the Marines did what they told me they'd do. I would be gone for years. I would be sent to Afghanistan and be blown up. My plane would crash. Marines crawled through swamps, and I'd get bitten by a poisonous snake and die. You get the idea. Danni and Frankie had been...
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Frankie only stayed three days. She said she had a job that she'd taken on contract before she knew I was back, and she had to go do it. I suggested I needed the rest, and she smiled happily, patting her tummy. I actually got hard in my pants. That's what she did to me. "Call your sister!" she yelled as she got in her rental to go back to the airport. "I will," I said. "She's the only one that will talk to you right now," she yelled. "Why?" "Because you didn't call any of us...
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When Danni and Denise got back, there was general horseplay going on in the stock tank. No soft parts had been stroked yet. Not in the sense Frankie had been talking about. Or maybe they had. All three girls had tackled both of us men, trying to dunk us and such. And in situations like that, a man's hands might accidentally touch something soft. Same for the ladies, for that matter. But it was all still just play, though Beth did sneak a pretty good kiss while Phee and Frankie double teamed...
It was a lazy day. The work was done, and they'd already seen the sights. It was too cold to go swimming without working up a sweat first, which nobody was interested in doing. At the same time, it was a beautiful SoCal day. College girls are full of energy anyway, and used to there being a full schedule of things to do. So it wasn't odd that they were a little restive. Denise asked Jake for a blanket, and a direction to walk in that might yield "something pretty to look at." Beth said...
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We had breakfast, during which time I tried to explain how I felt about all this. It was like talking to a brick wall. Lori’s response was, “We’re just having a little fun, Bobby. Don’t take things so seriously.” I insisted on going out and drove them around town, showing them this and that. It was silly because I knew they weren’t interested in where the Sonic drive in was, or the ATM I used. For most of it they just nattered on like girls do. Cassie did tell me to stop at Walgreens, saying...
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When you're a teenager, and a beautiful older woman says she's had some sexual fantasies about you, it's sort of a big deal. I realized I had stopped breathing when I kind of leaned, and almost fell off the couch. I was lightheaded, but I could focus enough to keep from falling on my face. Her hands were suddenly on my shoulders, stabilizing me. "I told you it was complicated," she said softly. "That's not complicated," I said. "That's just crazy." I was thinking about how...
Ronnie had taught me how complicated life can be. That was good, because my life got more complicated. It wasn't that birthday kiss. Not really. At least I don't think it was the kiss. I had been looking forward to going off to college. I had an acceptance letter from K-State. I had been accepted into the engineering program. It was a five year program, so maybe that's part of what complicated things. And I had been looking forward to the girls at college. Except I was pretty sure that...
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Not to put too fine a point on it, let’s say that when it came to having sex with Lori, we didn’t just jump right in. Things can be incomprehensible sometimes. Such as, say, when your sister confesses that, when she was fourteen, she had this fantasy about her big brother coming into her room in the middle of the night, and crawling into bed with her. I was naked in this fantasy, as was she, and I kept asking if she was awake. She was, but didn’t want to admit it for some reason. And when my...
One reason I’ve told this story is because it’s instructive in articulating the point that we often make life harder than it needs to be. Case in point: When Cassie finally did confront her parents and confess that she’d fallen in love with her cousin, her mother’s response was, “Well, you always did have a terrible crush on him. I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised.” “I did not!” said Cassie, who made life harder on herself than it needed to be by saying what she thought she should...
Did you ever snoop around in your parent's room or in your brother or sister's room when you were growing up? I did and I'll bet you did, too. I lived with my mom growing up and I did nose around in her room, especially in the recesses of her closet and, one afternoon, I found a videotape up on a high shelf under a stack of old clothes. It had a label on it that read, "The Art Of Sensual Massage: Women," and the label showed a man massaging a woman on a table, she was naked, and it...
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It was a beautiful warm sunny day in late August, perfect for a trip to the beach. So I grabbed a towel and a six pack, hopped into the jeep and headed to my favorite spot. I love the surf and dunes, but like to get away from the crowds. I park at the very end of the lot and follow the sand path toward the lighthouse. A few minutes down the path there is a perfect spot secluded by dunes on either side, but still close to the water. As I turn the corner, I almost step right on a beautiful...
Straight SexI used the tractor to spread the rotted peat over the proposed garden patch. The soil conditioner dug down over fourteen inches to distribute the peat and aerate the soil. We planted the garden including transplanting the tomato seedlings and setting the potato hills. Then I set the fence around the garden. The next time I went into town I bought a bolt-action .22LR rifle with a low-light scope and a brick of ammunition. I thought about what might be coming to dinner and bought a .22 WMR...
This will be a series of different overlapping stories. Pick a person and have some fun.
IncestHello everyone. It’s my time to contribute to ISS users and givers. My name is Krunal (of course fake name) my email id is I am from Gujarat. I had studied in very reputed college. I am 27 years old with average height, body and reasonably good looks. The incident which I am going to narrate is 3 years back when I was in college. During my graduation days I had an affair with a girl Tina (name changed). She had average looks but great figure, nice height and sweet nature. For me she was the...
Ye story meri ek story indian sex stories dot net reader ki he. Last story published hone k baad muje kai sare mail aaye. Un sabhi logo ka bahot bahot aabhari hu jin logo ne muje apana kimati time nikal k reply kiaa. Bahot sare ladko ne b mail kiya. And 4-5 ladies ne b mail kiya. Is story ka b muje feed back dijia ga. You can send ur feed back on Usmese ek lady k sath meri casual baat ho rahi thi. Bato bato me muje pata chala ki wo b mere city se hi belong karti he. Unka name tha aarti age 35....
My flat-mate and I don't like to smoke in our apartment so we always go out onto the balcony to smoke. We live on the third floor and overlook a courtyard, at the other end is the office and kitchen to a small conferencing centre, and we often see the lady who manages it sat in her office working late at night as we smoke. Her office is a floor down from us and she always has the light on so we get a pretty good view of what she's doing. One night a few months ago, my flat-mate and I were sat...
Kenzie Taylor was excited to let her stepdaughter Lacey Channing know that her second cousin finally made it to the house! Kenzie volunteered Lacey’s room for him to sleep in. She did not seem to mind too much, and he even offered to sleep on the floor. Halfway through the night Lacey heard her cousin shivering on the ground. It was really cold in her room. She felt bad so she invited him into her warm bed. They kept it pretty much platonic for most of the night, until Lacey needed to...
xmoviesforyouDuring the good old 1960’s, in my college days as staff photographer for the school paper, I had the fortune of having many opportunities to cover beauty contests. On one occasion, I was taking candids of the contestants and also scouting for possible models in private shoots off campus. A freshman from Korea, Mimi, was petite–about 5’1′, 95 lbs., with short, but slender legs. Her parents were well off, working for the local embassy. After the campus event ended, I caught Mimi as she was...
It was the fall of 1968, Mom asked me if I would like to go to Las Vegas with her and Patty, I was like 'Does a bear shit in the woods?' OF COURSE, I wanted to go. I had just turned 18 a couple months earlier, and was aware that I wouldn't be able to gamble, but it was, VEGAS, BABY. I asked when, and was told that we were going for a convention of dentists, that was to be in town on Friday through Tuesday. "DENTISTS?, Mom? You having tooth problems?" She laughed and said "No, that they are a...
I stir slightly, moving ever so slowly from sleep to wakefulness. The scent of roses fills my mind, & I smile. roses, I love that smell-there’s something so soft and sweet– & an underlying sensuality — nothing is sexier than the smell of roses.. Something tickles my nose and I stir further, the gentle touch brushing over my cheeks and lips.. I slip closer to consciousness. I peek through one sleepy eye to gaze at you, sitting on the edge of the bed, a mischievous glint in your eye. I smell...
Chapter 1: Getting to Know All About Us This is the true story of the best sex I ever had, more than four years ago, the hottest and sweetest love I ever had in my life….how we got to the most magical and wonderfully sexual day of my life – Nov. 10, 2008 –but it’s also the story of how almost a year after that, and after cementing our relationship in so many ways but most especially sexually, I totally messed it all up between us and we can never, will NEVER be in each other’s lives again. ...
MatureAfter seeing who it was I invited her in shushing her with my finger to be quite and motioning her to follow me into our bedroom! She gulped and was astonished to see my wife stark ass naked tied spread eagled to our bed as I stuck a big dildo up in her wide open pussy she groaned and then moaned as I continued to work her over offering it to my wife's girlfriend that was almost in shock! You guessed it shortly after this she hit on me! One of my female friends on a different site...
Part Eight I made my way to bed, already deciding that I would not mention the business of being carried to bed to Mike. I think I was asleep before I smelt the pillow and if Mike kissed me goodnight, I didnt feel it. I slept well. The next morning began quite normally with Mum shouting us all down to a full cooked breakfast with freshly squeezed orange juice and coffee. We all chomped quietly and Mum started to ask what our plans were for the day. Before we could answer, she announced that...
Since the night before when Henry and I were discussing having his female friend join us in some naughty fun, I couldn't stop thinking about it. The idea of finally living out one of my fantasies of having a threesome with two older people had me all excited. I was just hoping that he would get home from work with the good news that she would be coming over. It was early in the morning and I couldn't wait any more but I had to.Henry usually arrived home from work around 4pm every day so once...
The other side of the bed was empty when Bill awoke. The clock showed 7:30. He lay on his back and thought about how nice it had been to sleep with Faith — tangled up like puppies. But now came the morning after awkwardness. How a woman behaved the day after was always a mystery to him. Some were clingy, some cold, but the hardest to deal with were the gracious ones. After the divorce, Bill had used his share of women and regretted some of it now, realizing he was punishing them for his...
I want a basement just like Eddie’s — only maybe without the pictures from the space program and the Patton and 2001 posters. Eddie said he and his dad did it together as a way to get closer after his mom passed away. They paneled the walls with white pine and put in a drop ceiling. He’s got an old mahogany desk, a red, ‘50s-style couch with skinny wooden legs and a kidney-shaped coffee table in front of it, and a chocolate-colored rug. He can watch TV if he wants, even though it’s just an...
Hi everyone. This is KD from Chennai. This is my 2nd story in ISS… I got a huge response for my previous story, thank u every1 for the feedback. Sorry guys I wasn’t able to reply to many and for publishing the second part too late. Losing virginity to a milf was the first one. Since it’s the continuation straight away m going to the story.. women be ready to finger your pussies and boys to jerk off their cocks. After the first fucking session on sat morning, returning to my home I wasn’t able...
I had just put the phone down to my husband and was now covered in cum, it was all over my breasts and face, plus there was a large amount running out of my pussy.These two young studs had given me a much needed good fucking, and it was only day one of our 5 day weekend.I reached my hands down to their now rock hard shiny black cocks and said we better go and clean up. They just said the pool is right here.I said no we need a shower, so I grabbed their cocks and pulled them into the house....
Friday, December 1 to Sunday, December 31, 2006 (Continued) Early December, the jury finished their deliberations in our $242 trillion civil lawsuit. The trial itself had gone very much as expected. The DHS had picked me up without a warrant - end of story! That was a breach of my Fourth Amendment rights. The DHS's claim that they had acted under the Patriot Act and so didn't need a warrant was a dead duck of an excuse, and had been openly laughed at when their lawyer advanced it in...
You are hunting in the forest near your tribe's mountain when you come across a human wearing a strange uniform. It's a uniform you've never seen before and it makes you nervous.You keep a safe distance from the strange soldier and observe him. He seems to be lost in thought, looking down at the ground as he paces. If he notices you, he makes no indication of it. You decide to move closer to him."Hey," you say, as you approach him.The man jumps at your voice. He turns to face you, and his eyes...
Monster SexAfter Elle Alexandra complains to her dad that her workaholic stepmom Angela Sommers treats her coldly and makes her feel like a nuisance, he sends them both to talk out their issues with a great family therapist Allie Haze. When the girls meet for their therapy session, Elle says she feels neglected by her stepmom, and Angela responds that her career is stressful and she feels underappreciated by Elle. Allie identifies a lack of affection in the relationship, observing that while Angela...
xmoviesforyouKatya is sick of her scared little boyfriend not wanting to give her a nice hot creampie; he says its just not right. Katya is tired of his excuses and decides to take it into her own hands! She invites over her good friend Danny who is not afraid of emptying his load deep in her hot wet pussy! Katya grabs his cock giving him one great blowjob and soon they are fucking like wild until the time cums for him to cum in that beautiful pussy of hers and watch it ooze on out! Now that’s a...