Tumblr CousinChapter 4 free porn video

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Now I know the majority of readers would think that I’d hop right on that bandwagon and let a beautiful young woman ‘experiment’ with my raging boner, especially since such boners developed, occasionally, because of the girl in question.

But let’s be reasonable, here. Thinking about committing even a minor form of incest is a big step and while my sister had had a month to get “normalized” to the idea of playing with her brother’s prick just to get a little experience, all I’d done was stroke said prick while feeling mildly guilty about imagining Lori or Cassie doing the stroking.

Life is complicated, isn’t it?

So we didn’t whip it out in the car so she could jack me off while I followed our parents down the interstate. Nor did we make plans to sneak off somewhere so I could drop trou and let the purple-headed yogurt-slinger out and she could fall to her knees to do some exploring.

Instead, she asked some questions about erections, mostly about why guys got them and what happened to one if you did nothing about it. Then she started talking about the conversations she and Cassie’d had online. They never wrote about things sexual. Both knew that emails are forever. Instead they chatted “face to face” on Skype, usually after bedtime. On that platform they felt safe talking about intimate things.

Such as how Cassie had already decided I was the man she was going to sacrifice her virginity to. She had made that decision when she was fourteen, by the way, waaaay back when. Seeing what she had already decided would be the first to enter her snug, little pussy had only added rebar and cement to the previous idea.

Lori was openly puzzled about how she’d come to feel that being ‘sort of intimate’ with me seemed entirely normal. She was fully cognizant about the tabooness of anything more than a friendly hug or kiss on the cheek between siblings. At the same time, like many people (including at least one president of the United States) she thought of anything other than full vaginal intercourse as “not sex” in some sense. That falls under the “I believe this because I want to believe it, rather than because of any rational basis for doing so” rationale. And she knew that. But the fact that she wanted to believe learning about pricks by examining her brother’s wasn’t incest, had somehow made the thought of doing that... okay. As long as we didn’t “have sex” then she wasn’t doing anything wrong.

And if it happened, she got to not-do-anything-wrong with a man she could trust, under conditions that were safe, both physically and psychologically.

That’s how she thought of it.

As for me? Well, I’d already had those fantasies in which Lori wanted to ‘experiment’.

Except in my fantasies, she sat on my cock and rocked, having orgasms until I blasted her full of dangerous brother spunk.

And then had to deal with the guilt I felt about having those fantasies.

I’m sure you can understand my reluctance to let Lori do any experimenting. While she trusted me, I wasn’t so trusting of myself. Not that I was afraid I’d rape her. I’d never do anything like that. But I’ve been with more than one woman who, at the outset, didn’t plan on having sex with me and then, in the heat of the moment, changed her mind. That’s why, ladies, guys try so hard to get you going. About the only control I’d exerted in those cases was to get a condom on my cock once she changed her mind.

The ride home took four hours. Lori slept for some of it, and we listened to music when we could find a channel we both liked. The rest of the time was spent talking, much of it as described already. I won’t go into detail on the chats she had with Cassie. All that’s important for the telling of this story is that she made it clear that Cassie was smitten with me and, at least in her mind, sexually available to me, and that, somehow, that had affected my sister to the point that she felt something oddly similar. Maybe best friends get similar desires by osmosis.

Had I just stayed a day or two and then gone back to college, who knows what might have happened. Or, to be more nearly correct, not happened. But of course my parents wanted me to stay as long as possible. And I had nothing to do back at campus. The dorms were closed but I had my own place. Even so, it was between semesters and nobody would be around.

So I stayed, which meant I got to be in my old room and slept there every night for almost two weeks.

About three days after the reunion, hours after the parents had gone to bed, Lori came to my door. She didn’t tap on it, as would have been required in our younger days. Instead she just opened it and stepped inside. I was reading something for pleasure, for once. She had on a yellow T shirt that not only advertised her stiff nipples, but was thin enough I could see dark circles through it around those nipples.

“Cassie’s on Skype and she wants to talk to you,” she whispered. I looked at her empty hands. “In my room,” she added.

So I got up, wearing the running shorts I never ran in but now wore as pajamas at home (Mom bought them for me), and followed my sister to her room. That T shirt teased me, showing me the shape of her butt, but not much else. Once we were in her room she closed the door softly and pointed to her computer, which was on her pillow. I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, leaning over to where I thought the camera might be able to see me.

Cassie was sitting on her bed, based on the headboard visible behind her. She was sitting up, rather than leaning back, which suggested she was cross-legged with the computer in her lap. All that was decided on some subliminal level, though, because what my conscious mind was paying attention to was the teddy Cassie was wearing.

It was light blue, consisting of a jacket that might as well have not been there. The bra was a little darker than the jacket and fairly bulged with soft looking breasts. Her hair was down, lying on her shoulders, and it contrasted with the blue in a delightful way.

“Hi,” she said, as if she were completely clothed.

“Hi,” I said. “You look nice.”


“Really,” I said.

“You’re the first man to see me in this,” she said. “Except for Daddy.”

“I hope he has a strong heart,” I said.

She smiled.

“Lori tried to get me to take the bra off. I couldn’t do that. If I did that I’d be all but naked.”

I felt Lori hovering over me on my right side but didn’t look at her. I couldn’t take my eyes off of Cassie.

“You’d look good that way, too,” I said.

Her blush started between those breasts and flowed upwards like a stain on her white skin.

“I’ll wear this again if you Skype me from college,” she tempted.

“Suddenly I’m all afire to Skype you,” I admitted.

Her grin was both genuine and joyous. Then it faded.

“I know I’m just a kid,” she said.

“You don’t look like any kid I ever met,” I said.

I felt Lori’s hand on my shoulder. I didn’t realize it was her left hand or that she did that so she could brace herself as she leaned down so her right hand could get to the front of my shorts.

This time her hand didn’t just land there. It grabbed there, just long enough to locate and grasp the outline of my rock hard cock.

“He’s telling the truth,” she said. “He’s got a boner!”

Cassie’s face went through half a dozen changes.


“Honest,” said my sister. Then, to me, “Show it to her, Bobby.”

Finally I looked over at her.

“I’m not flashing Cassie on Skype,” I said.

“Oh, come on,” moaned Lori. “Okay. You don’t have to pull your shorts down, but at least stand up and let us see what the front of your shorts look like.”

“Give me a break,” I said, restraining a grin.

“No, you give us a break,” insisted my sister.

I looked at the screen.

“I’ll talk to you later, okay?”

She nodded, eagerly.

I got up and found Lori between me and the door. She was looking avidly at the front of my shorts.

“OMG. It’s sticking out a mile, Bobby! You have to let her see that.”

“Good night, Lori,” I said, with as much dignity as I could. “Good night Cassie,” I said over my shoulder.

“Night!” I heard Cassie’s voice issue from the computer.

Lori brushed by me and plopped on the bed. I turned to leave and, just as my hand contacted her doorknob, she called to me softly.


Like an idiot I turned and there she was, a grin on her face, holding the computer out so I could see the screen. Which meant the camera could see me.

So Cassie got to see that obscene tent in my shorts after all.

Lori didn’t come get me for two more nights. I’d have expected her to do this every night I was home, but somehow they managed to survive on an every-other-day basis. This time started out just as before. She came in wearing a T shirt, this time one with the logo of a band on it, and told me Cassie wanted to say hi on Skype.

When we got to her room, though, instead of waiting for me to go in, she went to the bed and climbed on it. The T shirt pulled up and there was my baby sister’s bare ass with a very cute pussy peeking out below it. That happened really fast, though, and if I hadn’t been watching she’d have gotten away with doing it without me seeing.

It got better... or worse, depending on how you look at it... when I sat down and found Cassie wearing a man’s long-sleeved shirt that was unbuttoned from top to bottom. About a foot of creamy unblemished skin was exposed, including maybe a third of the inside slopes of her breasts.

“Hi,” she said. Somehow she managed, in that outfit, to sound as shy as shy could be.

“You make a habit of looking nice, I see,” I said.

Her smile finished the job that the two of them had started and my prick stuck straight out from my groin. I felt and then saw Lori’s hand slide around my hip to locate and squeeze said prick.

“He’s hard again,” she said, crowding over so her face would be in front of the camera. “I think he really likes us.”

“Of course I really like you,” I growled. Her hand had stayed a little longer this time.

“Can we actually see it tonight?” asked Lori. “Pleease?”

“Why do you want to corrupt your poor, innocent cousin?” I asked.

“Actually,” said Cassie, “I’m the one who’s been badgering her to get you to do that.”

I could tell it had taken a lot of bravery for her to admit that. It had taken a lot of bravery for her to dress the way she’d been dressing for me, too.

“It’s really not that impressive,” I said.

“Liar,” said Lori. “We’ve seen it. We just didn’t get to see it very long.”

“Bobby?” Cassie’s voice sounded... odd. I just looked at her. “You were right. I was at the mall today with some of my friends and a guy named Jack who I know from school came up to us. He said he had something to show me so I went with him to his car. When we got there he turned around and his dick was hanging out of his zipper. It wasn’t hard, exactly, but it was kind of long. He said Tiffany had shown him the picture on Tumblr and that what he was showing me would make me squeal.”

“Did any of the other girls go with you?” I asked, tensing up.

“No. He said it was private.”

“What happened then?” I asked.

“I kicked him in the balls,” she said, a little defiantly.

“Good for you,” I said.

“He’ll probably print out the picture and show it all over the school,” she said, sounding sad.

“Remember what I told you. If you want to, you can threaten to sue Tiffany over breach of privacy since you didn’t give her permission to publish the photograph. You could probably also file a complaint and get the photo taken down from that one site, but if it’s been reblogged there’s no way to know how many other places it has ended up. But if you threaten her maybe she’ll bring pressure to bear on him.”

“I doubt it. Tiffany thinks she can do whatever she wants. That’s why nobody likes her anymore.”

“I’m sorry,” I said.

“My folks will probably find out and I’ll be grounded until I go to college,” she said. “If they let me go at all.”

“You were just goofing off and somebody took an unauthorized picture,” I said. “Just tell them the truth.”

“I guess. Bobby?”


“Do you ever look at that picture?”

I had to decide whether to lie or not. It was a pretty easy decision, based on what I now knew.

“Yeah, I do,” I said.

She sat there for a few seconds and then moved.

“Then I guess it won’t hurt to do this,” she said.

Her hands had gone to the edges of the shirt and, with one quick jerk, she pulled the edges apart, exposing beautiful breasts, capped with dark pink nipples. I just had time to see that those nipples were very hard before she lost her courage and covered them again. I knew she was vulnerable, so I did what I thought would ease her mind.

“Thank you,” I said. “You’re very beautiful.”

She covered her eyes with one hand, while holding the shirt together with the other.

“I’ll see you later,” I said, giving her a break.

I felt Lori move as she scrambled off the bed to get between me and the door again. I knew what she wanted, so I just stood up, letting her look at the tent in my shorts.

“That is so cool,” she sighed. Then, as if the decision was made in an instant that could never be recalled, she lifted the hem of her T shirt, exposing intentionally the fact that she had on no panties, and showing me her breasts. Her areolas were larger than Cassie’s, and dark brown. Her nipples were even darker but were just as erect as Cassie’s had been. While I knew Cassie was shaven clean down there, Lori’s pubic hair had been clipped to a filled-in V that, no doubt, matched her bikini. Her hair there was exactly the same shade of brown as her head hair. It was long enough that it hid what was below it, and between her legs.

She stood there, frozen, with a look on her face that suggested she was about to bolt, though where she might run to I had no idea. Then her hands dragged the shirt back down to cover everything.

“I can’t believe I did that,” she rasped.

“Did what?” came Cassie’s voice from the laptop, which was still sitting on Lori’s pillow.

“I showed him,” said Lori, now sounding puzzled.

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Tumblr MILFChapter 5

Ronnie had taught me how complicated life can be. That was good, because my life got more complicated. It wasn't that birthday kiss. Not really. At least I don't think it was the kiss. I had been looking forward to going off to college. I had an acceptance letter from K-State. I had been accepted into the engineering program. It was a five year program, so maybe that's part of what complicated things. And I had been looking forward to the girls at college. Except I was pretty sure that...

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Tumblr MILFChapter 6

"I'll get it," I said. "No!" she hissed. "Don't answer it. Maybe he'll go away." "Maybe you should take Timmy to your bedroom," I said. "I'll talk to Jack." "Nooo," she said again. The pounding came on the door again. "Open up, bitch!" yelled a male voice. "Move it!" I snapped. She grabbed Timmy's arm and headed for her bedroom. I went to answer the door. I opened it. There was a pretty boy standing there. In the Army, there is a type of civilian male that is...

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Tumblr CousinChapter 9

Not to put too fine a point on it, let’s say that when it came to having sex with Lori, we didn’t just jump right in. Things can be incomprehensible sometimes. Such as, say, when your sister confesses that, when she was fourteen, she had this fantasy about her big brother coming into her room in the middle of the night, and crawling into bed with her. I was naked in this fantasy, as was she, and I kept asking if she was awake. She was, but didn’t want to admit it for some reason. And when my...

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Tumblr CousinChapter 10

One reason I’ve told this story is because it’s instructive in articulating the point that we often make life harder than it needs to be. Case in point: When Cassie finally did confront her parents and confess that she’d fallen in love with her cousin, her mother’s response was, “Well, you always did have a terrible crush on him. I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised.” “I did not!” said Cassie, who made life harder on herself than it needed to be by saying what she thought she should...

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Actions Have Consequences Vol 5 Becoming the person the other see you as

Actions Have Consequences Vol 5: Becoming the person the other see you as It has been a busy week since Helen came crashing back to reality. Her and Doug started to pick up the pieces of their relationship, and also themselves. Helen is getting used to her loving husband not seeing the best in her all the time. Doug is opening up to her and not being on the defensive while she is around. They have both started to see therapist. It has been a hard week as they fought each day. Some of...

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Adam Comes to VisitChapter 9

Adam: Unbelievable. I had two of the most beautiful women in the world making love to me. I'd lusted over my Aunt Kristen ever since I first started getting erections. Now, her daughter has bloomed into a junior edition of her: hair, breasts, hips, legs and all. Kristen was sucking my whipped cream-coated dick and Amy was rubbing her breasts in my face while I rubbed her pussy between her wide-stanced legs. I hoped my here could hold up through all this. My two lovers switched places and...

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Educating Melissa

Dominic had always been a bit of a heart-throb; six foot four, good-looking, well-built and well-endowed; he had it all. And he was still only in his mid-twenties. Julie adored him. She was two years younger, and petite by comparison; they were well-matched. They had been together for five years and married for three. They had both been around a bit before they had met and neither had a problem with the other’s history. Julie had often joked that he was hornier than a goat, could get a...

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I inhale deeply, the air is crisp and clean. A cold snowy winter playground surrounds us, moonlight shining upon the otherwise dark forest. The nearby lake is frozen, jagged boulders slicing through the ice. We walk very aware we are alone in this winter wonderland. The silence is peaceful as I sit down and listen to nature. Always one to embrace opportunity, I push you into a snow bank and laugh that you can no longer stand up from the deep snow. I crawl across to you and pull off your hat, as...

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My Wifes Friends Stocking Feet

I work at home so I often, I get to meet my wife’s girlfriends. On a recent day, while my wife was out, one of her friends whom I had not met, called and asked if she could drop something off. I said, ‘Yes.’ She arrived about ten minuets later. The day was cold and kind of snowy. She rang the bell and I answered. She was very attractive in her blue jeans, turtle neck, boots and leather jacket. She handed me the item she needed to return to my wife and we stood chatting at the door for a few...

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escorting a special lady

This is for a certain lady , i escort a young lady to a local pub , her fantasy is to have strangers cover her in come . but she wants to feel safe im her minder should i say, we start off getting a drink, she is dressed in a short black dress ,she has lovely gorgeous legs, slim figure ,beautiful blonde hair, whenever she walks into a room everyone notices, the bar is full of older men , shes only 18, sweet looking but also slutty at the same time. we take a seat all the men are looking at...

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MAU Trekkies

Morphic Adaptation Unit - Trekkies A stereotypical nerd and big Star Trek fan is having major problems fitting in, let alone getting treated as a real person. Then, at an SF convention, he discovers an alien box, and it transforms his life, and the lives of many of his acquaintences. (NOTE: I know that the preferred term is Trekker. I am one. This title sounded better to me, okay? Another note: This started as a short little piece about one character. But sometimes, stories...

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Ek raat maa kay saath

Hi mera naam rajiv hai. Meri umar 27 hai.aur aaj main mere life ki real stories aapko batane ja raha hu. Hamare ghar main hum sirf 2 log rehte hain. Ek main aur meri maa. Waise to pitaji bhi rehate the lekin bussiness ki wajah se woh dubai rehate hain. Saal main sirf 2 baar aate the. Lekin ek din pitaji ne dubai main kisi dusri aaurat ke saath shaadi kar li tabse maa ko mere siwa koi aapna nahi tha. Meri maa ka naam sonali hain. Uski umar 37 saal hain. Phir bhi aaj woh kisi 19 saal ki ladki ki...

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The Wifes DareChapter 5

While I was thinking this was going unbelievable fast and actually proposing marriage, concerned with even considering it in the short amount of time we had been together (7 months), it was Alexis that proposed to me! I had been carrying the ring around with me constantly for a few weeks looking for inspiration on when to propose and where. It was late April and the first Alpine flowers had begun poking the heads above the thinning snow layer when Alexis and I had made a trip back to the...

2 years ago
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The Dog Licked Us

My wife and I love sex and anything sexual. We are in our mid 40's and are always doing it. Our religion does not permit sexual activity with other people, although we often share our fantasies with each other about which of our friends we would like to fuck, and who we would swap with if we could. You know - the normal hyper sexual stuff. Yesterday was Mother's Day. After our family had been to the in-laws house for lunch, our kids decided to stay for a movie with the grandparents. My...

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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 11 Hold the Line Part II

May 2019 The spring moved along, slowly at times, quick and harried at others. February saw Chris Balvin sending out advanced copies of his final draft for everybody involved to do a final edit. We were supposed to review it for any technical or factual errors; it was sent not just to Tolley and me, but also to Jose and Bob. The deal we all had was that any proceeds from the book would be split three ways. Chris was paid a flat $150k up front to write the book, and then he got a percentage...

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History By Karen Hansen Monica closed the door behind her, sat her bag of school books down near the door, turned to walk into the living room and then froze in her tracks. She just stood there in total and complete shock. Her green eyes wide and mouth gaping open. In the middle of the living room was her 45 year old father kneeling before a woman. Seeing him in a pose like this was a bit of a surprise. She had always considered him a bit of a ladies' man, with a touch of...

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Sister Priscilla Has a Birthday Diddle In The Hot

"It feels really good in here. Makes me kinda horny," Priscilla said, naked as a jay bird in the hot tub in back of the house our family rented for the week in Estes Park. Mom & Dad took our little brother and left us here while they went shopping, giving us a pass from the family outing because it was Priscilla's birthday and they were getting party stuff. We decided to get naked in the hot tub, cuz duh. Is there a better way to be in a private hot tub? The water was a little warm for me,...

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one apon the time a litli dogi want to talki it there dumpe.9 - -the dogi he callit RACTUMIO2.4 he saye -- oof oof l make it theer dump onit there sticki it on the brig. 5 ghhwwaaghh agaghah the liti dogi say - 'thatit comme out like th big kfucking loge. now l gotiit there sore bungpipes.BUT THENE 7 (A LITIL CUNIT)PARITS HLITON!!she sayu who didit thje r shiterei onn my ftuucing ruge cunti?? that makem me angri -- I GOING TO WACKE UP THE CUNITE WHO MALKE SHITER LOGE ON THERE RUGE!!!! ...

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Melanie und ihre geilen Schwestern

Sie war meine erste richtige Freundin. Melanie hatte sich mir an den Hals geworfen. Eigentlich war ich eher mit saufen und kiffen beschäftigt, aber die Vorstellung eine Freundin zu haben, die ich ficken konnte machte mich geil. Ich hing wie jeden Tag mit meinen Kumpels am Flussufer ab als irgendwann Nicole, ein Mädel aus unserer Clique, die Cousine von Melanie, mich fragte wie ich denn ihre kleine Cousine finden würde. Ich meinte nur naja geht so, wobei ihre Titten ja schon recht gross waren....

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My Chastity Story Part 2

The first four days with the tube surrounding my dick were weird.  I always had to sit when I went to the bathroom.  There were a few occasions when my mind drifted off to sex and I felt the blood move toward my groin.  But the sensation quickly passed. The oddest side effect of the “chastity experiment”, as I called it, was how productive I was.  I worked at a company with about forty employees where women outnumbered men three to one.  My boss was an attractive woman in her early fifties. ...

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Beautiful Butts of the Princesses of Layland

There were three things that set Bryan apart from other well-liked and decent young men who populated the two-year old Principality of Layland.  The most noticeable was his great wealth. He had become a billionaire a few times over and it happened nearly overnight. His good fortune emerged from a bad decision.  You see, a shyster real estate man knew Bryan had a little money and he lied about mineral and oil reserves under Layland Acres and he told Bryan if he purchased the property immediately...

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My Aunt is a Lesbian Part 1

My Aunt’s a lesbian – Part 1It all started when Mum called me on the phone at work."Can you get tomorrow off. Aunt Jenny has just rung to say the friend staying with her at her Lake District hotel has had to go home, so she wondered if you would like to take her place for Friday and Saturday nights. If you can get over to the hotel, then she will bring you back on Sunday afternoon. I'll meet you after work if you like, and we can look for some nice clothes for you to wear - it sounds a really...

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PornMegaLoad Lacy AssFucked By Her Daughters Fiancee

“I have three kids and two grandkids,” said Lacy Cummings, a 52-year-old divorcee with a tight, slim body and long, beautiful, blond hair. Lacy has kids, alright! For example, in this scene, she has a daughter. We don’t see the daughter, but we do see her daughter’s fiancee…Lacy’s future son-in-law. He’s sitting on the staircase in Lacy’s house, thinking he’s all alone. So he whips out his smartphone and starts watching a video. The video is...

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Meri Saali Garima Ki Palang Tod Chudai

Hi doston mera naam kabir hai aur main iss ka naya member hun aur apni pehli kahani lekar aya hun ummid karta hun aap sabko pasand aayegi aur khaas taur pe meri sexy female frnds ko jo ki apni bur mein finger kar rahi hain.Yakin maniye main apko nirash nahi karunga. Meri umar 26 saal hai aur meri body kafi athletic aur well built hai.Main college ke time se hi games khelta tha aur regular gym jata tha.Mera lund 7 inch lamba aur 2 inch mota hai jiske wajah se meri kafi ladkiyon se dosti thi aur...

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NubileFilms Maya Woulfe Sensual Experience

Nathan Bronson knows his girlfriend Maya Woulfe has something special planned for him, but he’s not certain what. He sits in his boxers waiting for her to join him. When Maya comes to the room in sexy lingerie and holding a blindfold, Nathan can’t help but smile. When Maya has tied the blindfold on, there’s nothing stopping her from exploring Nathan’s body. She runs her fingertips over Nathan’s pecs, then works her hand lower. Popping Nathan’s hardon from his...

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Threesome Sex Trap With Cousin Sister Ashu 8211 Pt 1

Hello everyone, this is Diganth and I am 24 years old. I am 5 feet 10 inches. I finished my engineering and currently working in one of the reputed companies. About my structure, I am a medium built guy with a 6″ size dick. This is a real story and it’s quite lengthy so, I have written them in parts. Readers who have missed my other stories please do read and enjoy. The person involved here is Ashu whom I have had sex with earlier in my previous story. I hope everyone is safe during this time...

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Elders dominance reigns

Rebellion against the SectShe is oriental in appearance, due to her Chinese Filipino heritage, living in the UK. From an early age her parents had insisted she attend the religious services of the sect they had become members of. She had been taught their ways and had a very strict upbringing, which translated simply meant she did as she was told and only mixed socially with sect members. Even now at 40 plus she was still very petite, under 5 foot tall , with a near perfect body, and if...

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Our first bi

Our first BiMy wife and I are blessed. We’re both in our late twenties. I graduated from school just as the internet social media was heating up. I’ve made bundles of money and don’t have to work much. We have an estate that is very private, guarded by lush landscaping.Jenni and I met in college our sophomore year. We were both on the tennis team and we still stay in great shape. I’m 6’4”, lean with detailed muscles.Jenni is 5’9”. Blond, smallish titties that are still firm. Small nipples that...

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