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"I'll get it," I said.
"No!" she hissed. "Don't answer it. Maybe he'll go away."
"Maybe you should take Timmy to your bedroom," I said. "I'll talk to Jack."
"Nooo," she said again.
The pounding came on the door again. "Open up, bitch!" yelled a male voice.
"Move it!" I snapped.
She grabbed Timmy's arm and headed for her bedroom.
I went to answer the door. I opened it. There was a pretty boy standing there.
In the Army, there is a type of civilian male that is sometimes called a "pretty boy." Another name for them is "Jody." These are the guys who come on to the girlfriends and wives of guys in the military, and take advantage of their circumstances. Like being lonely, or afraid, or in need of money.
We don't think much of pretty boys. They, on the other hand, think their shit doesn't stink. A lot of them are bullies, and they like pushing people around.
"Who the fuck are you?" said this pretty boy.
"We gave at the office," I said, and slammed the door in his face.
He started beating on the door and cursing up a storm, so I opened it again.
"You need to leave," I said. "You're trespassing."
He saw my cane, then.
A man with a cane is assumed, by many people, to be harmless. He is infirm, for one thing ... or looks infirm. His range of motion is limited, which people think means he can't move quickly. All in all, people disregard someone with a cane as being no threat.
He pushed past me, roughly elbowing me to one side. I let him.
"Out of my way, shithead," he said. "I come for my kid. Where is he?"
"Your kid isn't here," I said. "Your kid, assuming you ever actually got any woman pregnant, was aborted as soon as that woman figured out it was your kid."
He turned on me, his face red.
"Nobody wants to have your baby," I said, as if I was explaining it to a five year old.
"I'm going to kick your ass, you fucking cripple," he bragged.
"I don't think so," I said. I smiled. "But I guess you can try."
He came at me and I whacked him upside the head with my cane. He fell hard, and shook his head.
"Sorry," I said. "That's how we cripples roll."
He got up, and as he did so, he reached into his boot and pulled a knife. It looked like it might be a double edged eight inch blade. He waved it low, weaving it back and forth, and I realized he might actually know something about fighting with a knife. I didn't smile, but I felt like it, because now I had at least a minor challenge.
"Stop!" That was Ronnie. Timmy was standing behind her. "Just leave, Jack. I'm not going to sign anything. You can't have my baby."
"I'll deal with you later, after I give this piece of shit a lesson in manners," he said. He looked at me. "What are you doing here anyway, cripple? You her boyfriend? Is some wimp-assed cripple the best she can do?" He grinned with what I'm sure he thought was an evil grin.
"Jack!" wailed Ronnie.
I looked at her. "Ronnie, I sure would like it a whole lot more if you took Timmy into the bedroom, so he doesn't have to see the blood that's about to be spilled."
"No way," crowed Jack. "Let him stay and watch a real man in action."
"Ronnie?" I said, softly. "Trust me, Ronnie."
She froze for a few seconds, and then turned, picked Timmy up and disappeared. I heard a door slam. I looked at Jack.
"Jack, I'm going to tell you a little secret. I'm not nearly as crippled as I look, and if you don't haul your ass back to Georgia right now, and leave Ronnie alone, you're going to find out coming here was a terrible mistake. You hear me, Jack? You've had fair warning."
"Like you're going to do anything to me," he laughed. "I'm gonna cut your fucking dick off, cripple."
"No ... you're not, Jack," I said, shifting my center of balance. I wasn't going to use the cane this time. "You're just going to make the biggest mistake of your life."
He rushed me then. I swiveled on my good leg, and grabbed his knife arm, pulling him through the thrust in a simple Judo move. Then, with my other hand, I crushed his windpipe.
He flopped on the ground, dying, as I took the knife out of his hand.
"Having a hard time breathing, Jack?" I asked, smiling. "Want me to help you?"
His eyes were wild. He knew he was dying, because he knew he couldn't get any air past his crushed larynx.
I got down over him and held him down. "I'm going to have to do a tracheotomy on you, Jack," I said. "If you lie very still, I'll save your life. If you move, you're going to die."
Then I used his own knife to open his windpipe, between his Adam's apple, which was misshapen and already bruising, and the inside ends of his collar bones. I'd never done it myself, but had watched it done in training. It went just like in the film. I didn't have anything to hold it open, so I used my fingers. His chest expanded and the incision whistled as he breathed through it.
"I'm going to go find something to hold that open, Jack," I said. His eyes panicked. "Just take it easy," I said. "I'll be back before you suffocate. Just don't move around and use up all the oxygen in your lungs."
Then I left him there. That slamming door I had heard had apparently been Ronnie closing Timmy up in a bedroom, because she was was standing in the hallway, looking properly horrified, her hand up to her mouth.
"Quick!" I whispered. "Something hollow, like a straw!"
She ran into the kitchen, and I followed her. "I don't know! I don't know!" she moaned, opening and closing drawers. "I don't have anything like that!" she wailed.
I saw a plastic thing used to make melon balls, and grabbed it. It had a handle on it that was half an inch wide and was tapered. I took it back to where Jack was floundering, his fingers pulling at his new wound. I had to hold him down again as I inserted the handle of the melon thing and twisted it sideways. That spread the slit and got him breathing again.
"Hold this just like it is," I said, bringing his fingers to the device. That, he did, and I watched his chest move up and down. His eyes were still rolling, but he could breathe.
I stood over him. Ronnie was standing to one side, her hand up to her mouth again. There wasn't all that much blood, really, but it was more than she was used to dealing with.
"Here's the deal, Jack," I said, looking down at him. "I just got out of the Army. Special Forces." I looked and his eyes met mine. He was listening. "I didn't kill you, Jack. I could have, and nobody would have cared, because you were using a knife to attack an unarmed disabled man. The cops wouldn't even have arrested me. I am, in fact, going to call the police as soon as we're finished with our little talk. Ronnie's going to make a complaint of a home invasion. I'm going to make a complaint of attempted murder. We're going to tell the police about you trying to sell a five year old little boy that was the product of a rape."
His eyes jittered back and forth.
"So I don't expect you to be able to cause Ronnie any more trouble for a good long while," I said. "But they might only put you away for four or five years, Jack. Hell, who knows? They might not even put you in prison at all. So here's what you need to understand about Ronnie, and Timmy, and this house, and me."
I made sure his eyes were on mine, and moved, to see if they followed. They did.
"I love Ronnie," I said. "I love Timmy too. And what you really need to listen to and understand is that if I ever see you again, I'm not just going to crush your windpipe. You won't survive that meeting, Jack, and that's a promise."
I heard Ronnie's gasp, but ignored it.
"Now I'm going to make one exception to what I just said," I told him. "I'm not going to kill you if I see you in court, when I testify against you. I'll only kill you if I think you're a threat to Ronnie or Timmy. So you need to be careful not to ever come back here. If you want to apologize to her, or something like that, then you need to send a video, or use the mail or whatever. But don't come here in person, because that would be fatal, okay?"
He stared at me.
"I need some feedback here, Jack, or I'm going to take that thing away from you, and let you die."
He nodded, frantically, which made him move his hand. His fingers were bloody and slippery, and the movement made him lose his grip. The slit closed on the implement as it twisted. He flopped. I held him down and got him breathing again. When he calmed, I picked up the knife he had attacked me with.
"I need to make dead sure you know I'm serious," I said, calmly. "Don't move, because I'm not fixing your breathing hole again. I'm not actually going to hurt you right now, unless you move. So don't move. And don't lose your grip on that thing that's letting you breathe, because, like I said, I'm not going to fix it again. If it slips again ... you die, Jack."
I cut through the cloth of his pants in a big circle around his zipper. It was difficult because the knife was almost criminally dull. Then I pulled his underwear away from his body and ripped through that too. That left his dick and balls hanging out. He was like a statue as I did this. I stood up.
"You said you were going to cut my dick off, Jack," I said, conversationally. I tested the edge of the blade against my finger. "It's dull, Jack! I can't cut your balls off with this. It would be more like tearing them off with a knife this dull, Jack. But tell you what. If you can convince me that you understand the seriousness of your mistake, today, I'll let you keep them. Can you do that, Jack?"
He tried to speak, but the air just whistled out of the cut in his throat. His eyes got wild again.
"Blink twice if you understand me, Jack," I said.
He blinked a dozen times. He was still blinking when I turned to find Ronnie looking at me like I was an alien from Mars.
"We need to call the police," I said. "I don't have a phone on me."
She got her cell, and extended it to me as if I had the plague, and she was afraid of catching it. I called 911 and told them there had been a home invasion, and that the intruder had been subdued, but needed an ambulance.
Within minutes there were sirens. My mother, of all people, burst through the door when the ambulance pulled up. She took in the scene and went to Jack. She got on a knee and examined him. She looked up at me.
"Who did this?"
"The tracheotomy?" I asked. "We saw a film in training."
Then the police were there, and they ran around like chickens with their heads cut off. This was big doings for Hanley. Nothing like this had happened in decades. I told them what had happened, and I assume Ronnie did too. My dad showed up to retrieve my mother. It turned out she was in Ronnie's bedroom, entertaining Timmy. Ronnie had asked her to look in on him. Mom and Dad took him to their house.
Then the State Troopers showed up. It turned out there were a dozen warrants out for Jack in Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee. Three of them were felony warrants. Suddenly, our version of events had a lot more credibility. Arrangements were made for formal statements to be made the next day, down at the courthouse. The state investigators put up yellow tape and said Ronnie would have to go somewhere else that night.
So I took her to our house.
I expected it to take an hour to satisfy my parents as to what had happened and all that. But all that happened was my dad asked, "Are you two okay?"
I told him we were, and he said mom was playing with Timmy, but would have questions in the morning.
"She can't stay at her house tonight," I said. "It's a crime scene."
"So your mother informed me," he said. "Of course she can stay here. If you'll help me get the things I've been storing in your room out and to the basement, you can use your room."
"I can sleep on the couch," I said. "She and Timmy can use my room."
He looked at me with that same look I remembered from when Ronnie had kissed me goodbye, when I was leaving for basic training.
"That's up to you," he said.
Only then did I have time to turn, and see if Ronnie still wanted to have anything at all to do with me.
She looked nervous, to be honest.
"You want to go check on Timmy?" I asked.
She looked towards where my dad had pointed, when he said Mom was with Timmy. Then she looked back at me.
"Just for a second," she said.
"I'll go help my dad," I said.
"Please wash your hands first," she said, looking down at them.
I held them up. They were covered with Jack's blood. I hadn't even noticed.
There was a bathroom right across the hall from my room, so I went there. My dad was carrying a box toward the stairs to the basement. When my hands were clean, I helped him take the rest out. There wasn't as much as his words had led me to believe. The adrenaline had leached out of my system, and as usual I was starving. I went to the kitchen and got an orange. Peeling it got my hands juicy, so I washed them again. As I was drying my hands, Ronnie came in. She looked a little better, but leaned up against the counter ... five feet from me. I looked at her, and leaned against the counter where I was.
"I told you to stay in the bedroom," I said.
"Did you know you were going to do that to him?" she asked. "Hit him there, I mean?"
I nodded. "It was the best way to subdue him without killing him, and make sure he was harmless."
"It looked like you just reached out and touched him," she sighed.
"He was threatening you," I said. "He was threatening me."
"I know," she said. "And I don't blame you. Not really. I know what he can be like. It's just that..."
"You're not used to me being this way," I said.
She took a step closer, and stopped.
"You even scared me, Bobby!" she said. "I mean I knew you meant it. I almost peed my pants!"
"I did mean it," I said. "And I needed him to believe it. Guys like that only understand one language. I had to convince him that I'm badder than he is, and that it isn't worth the risk of messing with me. Fear is the only thing they understand, because that's the only tool in their own tool box."
She was quiet for a while. "Did you mean... all of it?"
"What you said about how you felt about ... us."
"About loving you?" I said.
She nodded. She looked nervous again.
"I missed you," I said. "And I know we never talked about this. I didn't want to write about it. And I'm not good with words anyway. But yes. I've loved you for a long time ... longer than I've been gone. And I know I don't have any claim on you, and that I'm too young and all that. So don't worry. I'm not like him. I'm not going to try to force myself on you."
She took another step closer, just looking at me.
"You were too young," she said.
"I know," I admitted.
She took another step.
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When I got to Ronnie's house, I thought she wasn't there at first, because I knocked and nothing happened. I was about to leave when the curtains moved, so I waited. Finally she opened the door about a foot. She had on a thick robe, but it wasn't closed tightly, and there was a lot of cleavage. I knew it wouldn't be anywhere near acceptable to stare at that, as delicious as it looked, so I got my eyes off of that and put them on her face. She was just staringt at me and I thought she was...
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The girls had snuck into the bathroom and peeked, of course. I found out from Frankie, later. And that's because Frankie demanded that Phee invite her over for a "private sleepover" the next week. I had forgotten all about what Denise had said about how eager Frankie was. Frankie was so un-eager verbally, that that's all that had ever sunk in. To be honest, when Phee told me "Frankie wants to come over, so be ready," I still didn't believe we'd have sex. And I was sure I was right...
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I went back to school, and wrote a lot of emails. Phee called me fairly regularly, and the other girls called too. To be honest, they talked to Jake as much as they talked to me. That was a lot, in both cases, but it was fair to say he had actually entered their circle of friends. In an odd sort of way, he really was one of the girls. I was not to find out until years later that every time Frankie called him, the first thing she asked was, "How's your soft parts?" We worked on the house...
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That was the straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back. It convinced me to call a halt to things before something bad happened, and I flatly refused to do anything else while I was home on break. Unfortunately, as I was to discover in the not-so-distant future, it convinced both girls to take other actions they’d discussed. Lori begged for a while, to the point that I told Mom and Dad I needed to go back to school a couple of days early to “get ready for my next semester.” That was...
It was easy, as it turned out. Lori’s pubic hair was curly and fairly stiff. Once I’d lathered her up and tried an experimental swipe at the top of her nest, the skin was exposed cleanly. I had to rinse the razor out a lot, but I’d brought a bowl of warm water to do that in, so it was no big deal. She strained to lift her head in the beginning, to try to watch. Cassie eventually stuffed a pillow under her head, but after a while she closed her eyes. “That feels... interesting,” she...
We had breakfast, during which time I tried to explain how I felt about all this. It was like talking to a brick wall. Lori’s response was, “We’re just having a little fun, Bobby. Don’t take things so seriously.” I insisted on going out and drove them around town, showing them this and that. It was silly because I knew they weren’t interested in where the Sonic drive in was, or the ATM I used. For most of it they just nattered on like girls do. Cassie did tell me to stop at Walgreens, saying...
The last line of the last chapter is what they call a cliffhanger. I used it just to get you to move to the next chapter but it isn’t really accurate. Not really. I didn’t really have a “world of trouble.” My parents brought Lori to Lawrence in late August, a week and a half before school started. They stayed long enough to help her take things in from the back of the car and take us both out to dinner at a Steakhouse in town students work at but don’t eat at because it’s pricey. Really...
When you're a teenager, and a beautiful older woman says she's had some sexual fantasies about you, it's sort of a big deal. I realized I had stopped breathing when I kind of leaned, and almost fell off the couch. I was lightheaded, but I could focus enough to keep from falling on my face. Her hands were suddenly on my shoulders, stabilizing me. "I told you it was complicated," she said softly. "That's not complicated," I said. "That's just crazy." I was thinking about how...
Ronnie had taught me how complicated life can be. That was good, because my life got more complicated. It wasn't that birthday kiss. Not really. At least I don't think it was the kiss. I had been looking forward to going off to college. I had an acceptance letter from K-State. I had been accepted into the engineering program. It was a five year program, so maybe that's part of what complicated things. And I had been looking forward to the girls at college. Except I was pretty sure that...
Not to put too fine a point on it, let’s say that when it came to having sex with Lori, we didn’t just jump right in. Things can be incomprehensible sometimes. Such as, say, when your sister confesses that, when she was fourteen, she had this fantasy about her big brother coming into her room in the middle of the night, and crawling into bed with her. I was naked in this fantasy, as was she, and I kept asking if she was awake. She was, but didn’t want to admit it for some reason. And when my...
One reason I’ve told this story is because it’s instructive in articulating the point that we often make life harder than it needs to be. Case in point: When Cassie finally did confront her parents and confess that she’d fallen in love with her cousin, her mother’s response was, “Well, you always did have a terrible crush on him. I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised.” “I did not!” said Cassie, who made life harder on herself than it needed to be by saying what she thought she should...
Reddit Ohlympics, aka r/Ohlympics! Have you ever watched the Olympics and thought… damn, those pussies are nice! Well, of course, you are, because there are many gorgeous girls from the Olympics and this is a subreddit dedicated to them. I think the name kind of gives it away, so if you are interested in checking them out or posting your own favorites, you can check out r/Ohlympics/!Reddit.com is a free website with loads of naughty subreddits for you to explore! So, even if you might not...
Reddit NSFW ListJosh looked around the office. The meeting had finished and everyone was back at their desk dutifully beavering away. He was supposed to wrap up his reports before leaving for a business trip, but his head was dizzy and he was sweating profusely. Instead of turning left to his computer desk ,still logged in, paperwork s**ttered ready to compile, he turned right and walked briskly down the hallway. He couldn't be in that office when the I exited the toilet. He couldn't bare to see the reaction...
Three days later after business hours... “So, this is what you guys do after hours at the shop! Keeping this guy as your captive! Fascinating, really, but I can see why you left me out of the loop. You didn’t want me compromised, legally an accessory to the crime after the fact. Still, for my Jilly to do something like this, she had to have a good reason. Just as when she tried to pass off Josie as Clayton’s instead of mine. Unethical, sure, but very human,” Leroy announced himself as he...
It took about a month for my lawyer and the detective to uncover all the dirty secrets about Elizabeth and Alex's accident and the fallout there from. They found out about what the trucking company had pulled in order to avoid bad publicity. There were quite a few skeletons in their closet. 1- They knew that their driver had been on the road for 15 hours straight. 2- They conspired with the DA and the police department to burry the investigation. 3- They had an employee covertly pay the...
The Slave GirlChapter 2Her fall from the immaculate had been so great that she rejected middle class scruples about her body. If her breasts and vagina were weapons she would use them. After Achmed had loosed her from the bars, tended her needs and left her chained alone for the night, Miss Corey Gibson sat nakedly on her wooden bunk and ruefully reviewed her second ****. **** was not the right word. Butt all the other terms she could think of seemed equally inadequate."You like me fuck you...
Cynthia Palmer?s New Live Cynthia Palmer?s New LifeBy redlegtiger Note for Karen and Michelle Sad Story fans.? This story is set about ten years before the beginning of Karen?s story.? Marta has just inherited a fortune from her dead mother and has recently purchased a kennel and surrounding land that was for sell.? She became good friends with the previous owner who sponsored her into the Coch Slaver?s organization.? Marta is just beginning her odyssey as a dominatrix and mistress...
It was one hell of a lunch break, too, as I tried to eat my lunch, only to continue to have female attention, though so did Ryan and Jordan ... at least at first. However, when Ryan and Jordan got suspiciously cozy during their double handjob with Katrina Vandernoot, the head of the cheerleading squad, the gig was up, and someone from shop class let slip what took place between them and me. Katrina stunned us by not making a face, but pressing the guys together and having them make out. She...
A Friend In Need"So whatever happened with that girl you were seeing ... Dawn, wasn't that her name?" The question caught me a little off guard. For one thing, I hadn't really thought about Dawn for some time, and hearing Megan asked about her caused me to notice the fact. It was a bit hard to believe that she hadn't crossed my mind in a while, because after our break-up, it seemed there wasn't a moment that I wasn't obsessing over her. "Oh, yeah. That whole thing kind of ran its course," I...
3. George’s second tale The morning following that first little episode, when Miss Amelia caressed my thigh, she was due to come for her lesson alone. My emotions were hopelessly tangled, an admixture of dread that she should carry this behaviour forward, and a longing for her to do something more. Having spent so much time with her, and even more in thinking about her, she was coming to seem less like some creature from faerie, or a princess from an Arthurian romance, and more like a person...
Must be 18+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, I got my Exam results last week for my Biology class, I scored an A+ of course keeping my GPA at a steady 3.8. Laura will be back tomorrow so I can finally finish my business with her. From my last story, you've learned that I wasn't perfect. But guess what; no1's perfect. Not me, or you, or your role model who you look up to. We all are destined to make mistakes. That's how God made us. But it's...
I am not a new writer; however, I am a new writer on this website. This is the first story I am posting and I am hoping to post more sequels to this story. If you have any suggestions on writing tips so that my future stories can be even better than this, then please send me a PRIVATE message. I love getting feedback, good or bad. It's about 4,000 words, so I hope that's not too long. Anyway, let's begin with the story proper, shall we! Enjoy! ...
Note 1: I love this story as it flows onto my computer. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it. As always constructive criticism gratefully accepted and ways to improve this story are also accepted. I just figured out that I used the name Brenda for two different people, my future sister-in-law and my helicopter pilot. I am going to leave it for now and correct it on rewrite. I apologize for this error. I am still working with Markf52 as my editor. He has helped me tremendously in the...
Natasha James stepson is so excited to be at the tattoo parlor to get a new tattoo. He is not sure what he wants to get, so he flips through the design book with his stepmom to make a decision. Looks like nothing suits his fancy until he finally comes across a design that will properly express how much he loves and admires his MILF stepmom. But when he gets in the chair and has the needle buzzing against his skin, he just cannot take the pain. Luckily, Natasha knows just how to calm her stepson...
xmoviesforyouPart 5 It Finally Happens“Hi Master what would you like me to do for you?” My Mistress said standing in the door way wearing the maids’ outfit, so that’s the one she picked. Wait a second did she say ‘Master’?“What do you mean ‘Master’ I Thought I’m your slave and you my Mistress?” I said slightly confused.“Not tonight your not, you are the master and I am your maid come to pleasure and serve you” she replied.She walked towards me and then rubbed her hands down my bare chest to my growing cock,...
‘Can the young Lady assist me?’ You jumped and looked at me. Later you would tell me that my brown eyes had pierced you to your soul and that you felt your soul reach towards me. I felt your passion and desire even though all I saw a prim and proper woman with her friends. I had seen you before and had desired you. Flushing furiously you nodded and rose. ‘A big hand for the Lady everyone.’ Taking you by the hand I led you onto the sawdust floor and you giggled nervously as I stood you...
The drive home was quiet. Both David and Margaret were in their own thoughts. Both were thinking about how their actions had changed their lives and relationship. Margaret was now a cold-blooded killer with sixteen women’s deaths on her hands. David was looking forward to selling retail high-end services to women that would kill them, often in painful and spectacular ways. And they were still married. And they were on their way home to meet with a couple that they had known for years, and...
I can’t believe they are going to make me do this. I thought. I really honest to God don’t want to, but I know he’s going to force me. It’s hard living in my house. I’m Bradley Patrick, Brad for short. I am 15 years old. I have dark dirty blonde hair. I stand at an even 6 foot. I’m thin mostly because I run track and I am one of the fast if not the fastest kid on the team. I have 2 half-brothers Ron who is 25, and TJ who is 23 and a half-sister Tara who is 18. You would think my life would be...
John described the position of the smudge, which was now partly obscured by bad weather. “Can you see it?” “Damn! There is a storm cloud getting in the way. No, we’ll have to wait until that storm moves on. It may have just been the early part of that storm creeping over the mountains.” “Hmmm...” John was less certain about the cloud. “Isn’t the prevailing wind from the sea at this side and towards the mountains?” “Well of course, but ... oh, I see what you mean. The storm shouldn’t be...
Hi friends this is Pabby again with another story… I am a very friendly and loving man of 30+ now, married, living in Chandigarh. There are always two or three weak points for every woman. However distance may be your relationship with her, if you are alone with her and likely to be together for more time and when sure that there won’t be any external disturbance, sex comes to her mind more intensely than to a man. She would have schemed in her mind how to take advantage of the situation...
READ THESE DISCLAIMERS! This series is SUPPOSED to be DISGUSTING, which is what makes it so thrilling to write! You SHOULD get bad feelings reading it, which is why I consider it HORROR! I try to gross myself out as I write, getting into the mindset of a perverted VILLAIN. We're all acknowledging he is evil and wrong. Obviously nothing he does should ever be done in real life! I’m assuming we’re all mature adults that can separate fantasy from reality. This is more PORN than PLOT. All...
children. Im usually good at maintaining ny composure and handling the children, but this one kid just worked my nerves. Darren was the worst child I had ever taught even though I had only been teaching for 3 years, but he was the worst child I ever meet in my whole 25 years of living. He swore out loud, fought frequently with the other children, and when asked why he did such things he would simply and shamelessly reply, "fuck you, suck my dick!" Where did an 8 year learn to talk...
Gerry was indeed sad that Isobel had not wanted to come out to supper with him. It was not that he had upset her. She had seemed reluctant from the beginning. He wondered why. She had played hard to get on the hockey too but had given in and appeared to have enjoyed herself. Perhaps she was playing hard to get. That was not a bad thing in itself. He thought back. Apart from lunch together after their first meeting and the hockey today it had all been business and professional. True she had...
Response was so favorable to this when i posted on my blog that i thought perhaps it will stand well as a story--* * * Master was starting to get a little displeased because i had not returned the favor to the slut who licked my pussy to orgasm a couple of days ago. That has been rectified. Here's the complete dialogue:5:18 pm, May 20 masters-cumslutMaster says i need to return the favor from the other night. Not that i need to be ordered. i dying with curiousity to find out what another girl's...
Let me explain..... I was originally hired to be Miss Laura's house maid to make extra money for college. After I graduated, Miss Laura offered me the position of her personal maid. With this position came all of the normal duties associated with taking care of her personal care. Included in my tasks was to wipe her after she went to the bathroom, or as she prefers to call it.... Her Throne Room. I was to call her Ma'am or Ma'dam, not Miss Laura anymore. I also received a very nice...