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Looking back on it, it would have been obvious to a blind man that Danni would show up too. I mean four of the five were already there. And under circumstances that suggested they might live there together for some time. And they had even told me there was "a plan". Of course I thought that plan was short termed, and ended when I joined the Marines.

I was wrong.

I found out about the plan not from Phee, who I was closer to than any of them. And who, let me just mention, was the actual author of the plan.

No, I found the plan out from Danni, who called one night to talk to all her friends. She knew they were all there, of course. They had kept her up to date on things. She talked to each of them, and then to Jake, and finally to me.

"I need to ask you a question," she said.


"Do you love me?"

I could hear a serious note in her voice. It bothered me, because Danni wasn't serious very often.

"Have you met a man?" I asked.

"Answer the question, Tut," she said.

"I don't want to make anything difficult for you," I said.

"Answer the fucking question, Tut!" she barked.

"Yes!" I shouted. I calmed down, almost instantly. "There. Are you happy now?"

"Not yet," she said. "But I hope to be."

"What's going on, Danni?" I asked.

"I'm the one who's supposed to marry you," she said.

I was shocked into silence.

"The plan was for me to marry you, and then share you with all the others."

"You're kidding," I said.

"Nope," she said.

"You're serious?"

"As a heart attack."

"Why are you telling me this now?" I asked.

"Because they keep fucking up the plan," she said. "I was supposed to have the first baby. Then the others could have theirs. But Frankie screwed the pooch on that one. And now I hear Phee's knocked up, and Denise won't answer me when I ask if she and Beth are still on the pill. They're not waiting for me, Tut. It isn't fair."

"This is a plan you made when you were thirteen," I reminded her.

"And a plan we have voted to continue on every year since then," she said.

"You have got to be kidding me," I groaned.

"No I don't."

"So you actually want to marry me?"

"I do, and I accept," she said into the phone.

"You accept?"

"Your proposal. I accept. Yes, I'll marry you."

I was silent for long enough that she said, "Hello?"

"Okay," I said. "When can you get here?"

"The polls close in three hours," she said. "I can leave any time after that."

"Aren't you going to hang around and see if your guy won?"

"I'm not marrying my guy," she said. "I'm marrying you."

"Then screw the polls," I said. "Leave now."

"Yes sir," she said. "And make sure there's no conniving, plan-breaking wench in my bed when I get there."

"You mean my bed," I said.

"That's what I said," she retorted. "Now, let me talk to Phee again."

"I'd be happy to tell her about the news," I said.

"No. I want to rub it in. When we were fifteen, she was all over the internet trying to find some country where a sister could marry her brother. She might still be at it."

I laughed.

And handed the phone to Phee.

There seemed to settle over the house an air of expectation as we awaited Danni's arrival. It was different than it had ever been before, and it struck me deep in the pit of my stomach. Intuitively, I knew this meant something I didn't yet understand, but which was very important.

I was used to the women being important in my life, obviously. Those circumstances had been in effect since I was seventeen, earlier if you include my most early fantasies about them.

But I'd always been an outsider in some way that I couldn't actually identify. Oh, I knew I was welcome as a lover. Each of them made that crystal clear. But there had always been something in the air that excluded me in some indefinable way when they were all together.

Now, as one of them passed me, and stopped to get a hug, and maybe a little smooch, there was an overall atmosphere almost of ... sadness!

Beth seemed especially affected. Her hugs were a little more clinging, and her kisses a little more drawn out and hungry. Their days of making up schedules seemed to have gone by the wayside. A woman came through my bedroom door every night, but I was never sure who it would be. When it was Beth, though, I knew I was in for a workout, and that it was likely our skin would touch from the moment she got into bed, to the moment she got out. I even asked her about it in a round-about way one night.

"You okay?"

"Mm hm," she murmured into my shoulder.

"You seem sad, somehow."

She pulled her face out of my neck and looked at me. "Sad that it took this long to be able to do this, maybe."

That made no sense. She'd been doing this for years. Maybe not with the frequency we had now, but it had been happening since she was sixteen.

It was that very night, in fact, that I found out what was, indeed wrong. I had been slowly riding her, going in deep and then rubbing my loins in circles as she moaned her way through orgasms, when she suddenly wrapped her arms and legs around me and growled, "Fuck me, Tut. Cum hard in me, baby. I need your cum tonight."

The passion in her voice was different, and it shocked me. I stopped, and pushed with my arms until she was actually hanging from my body. It was like a message from another dimension came through a wormhole and got to my brain.

"You went off the pill too ... didn't you."

Her eyes glittered. "Don't you dare tell Danni," she whispered."

I stared into her eyes a little longer.

"This isn't part of the plan," I said, figuring that out just like I had figured out she was trying to get pregnant.

"The plan fell apart when Frankie got pregnant first," she hissed. "The only part of the plan left is that all of us found a way to get here, and Danni gets to marry you."

It seems that, when Phee and Danni were twelve, at one of the sleepovers that would become a tradition, they had been asking each other which celebrity they wanted to marry and have children with. When it came to Danni, she calmly announced that she was going to marry me, and have my babies. I am told that was not well received, since at that point in time I was Phee's mean big brother, who made fun of them and called them names.

But she never wavered in her resolve, and somehow, that caught the imagination of the others. Pretty soon one of the other girls would challenge Danni's authority, and say she was the one who would date me, marry me, and have my children. A complicated dynamic evolved, in which everyone sided with Danni, except the one who was challenging her. Danni's point of view was simply: "I called him first."

All of this had happened right under my nose, and the grand plan slowly developed. Danni had to agree to share me. In exchange, she got to marry me, and have the first baby. After that, I was supposed to be available to whoever was ready to have a baby next. They would all live with me, somehow, and would stay together forever.

It was a silly, almost idiotically juvenile mass hallucination, but its roots ran deep in the group. Roberta came to that game late, and wasn't invested in me at all. As silly as it sounds, that may have been one of the reasons she was never fully accepted into the group.

And as silly as it sounds ... they had somehow found a way to make most of it actually come true. I don't know. Maybe it was fate, or kismet.

Or maybe the fact that I bought the ranch rejuvenated the whole plan. Except that Frankie was the only one who had the time to come inspect it, and she couldn't resist jumping the gun on the pregnancy part of things. That was the first time anybody rebelled against Danni's will. And that was why Danni got me first when they all came to visit, and Frankie had to wait until the end.

So they were still invested in this juvenile plan of theirs ... except they weren't juveniles any more. Frankie got away with breaking the rules ... so the others wanted to break them too. Nobody was willing to marry me, though, and destroy the whole agreement. They did save that part for Danni.

You might wonder why I played along with all this. Why I would submit to the wills of so many women, and let myself be manipulated to the point where I suddenly had what amounted to five wives, and a whole tribe of people living with me.

Well, that's simple. I loved them. I couldn't resist them. If one of them crooked her finger at me, I went running. To be honest, I would have married any of them. Had it been legal, I'd have married all of them.

But all of them had broken the rule about having sex with me while they were fertile, and all of them were afraid that would be the straw that might break the whole camel's back.

That's what the sadness was about. They were worried that the dream might still fall apart, but they couldn't resist doing things that ... might make the dream fall apart.

So I was a little worried too, that day, when Tucker set up a racket that told us somebody was coming up the road, even though we couldn't hear it yet. Apparently working on a political campaign is lucrative, because she was driving a brand new SUV. We were all waiting for her, and the worry had infected us enough that we were all quiet. When she got out, she ignored all of us and knelt to ruffle Tucker's ears, cooing at him while he wagged his tail almost off. Then she stood and looked at me. I went to her and put my hands on her waist, letting my loins bump hers.

"Are you really going to marry me?" she asked softly.

I nodded. "Yes," I said.

It was only then that I realized she was worried too, because I saw that worry melt away and she relaxed. Her face transformed and she had the most beautiful smile on her face.

"I love you so much," she whispered. "I always have. They never understood how much. Maybe Phee did, but not the rest."

I stopped her with a kiss, and she gripped me so hard I had to take a step to get my balance back.

I pulled my lips back from hers. "They knew," I said. "They just loved me too."

That seemed to make something wake up inside her. Her eyes got huge.

"The twins! Where are the twins?!"

She said that part loud, and everybody heard. Frankie stepped forward holding Bart (who was already marked with the name Bad Bart because he made the most horrible messes in his diapers) and Phee approached holding Johnnie Sue. I was forgotten, and pretty soon they were all clustered around the babies.

I heard the confessions take place. Jake was right there beside me. It was like watching one of those schools of fish in the ocean, turning and rolling, darting around trying to avoid the predators. I heard Phee say, "I'm sorry, Danni, my pills didn't work," and then Denise saying, "She's lying. I told her I quit taking mine and she quit taking hers." And then there were three of them talking at once and I heard Danni say, "You're pregnant?!" and a little later, "You're pregnant too?!" and then a sharp "You too? You bitches!" came rolling out of the crowd, and somebody said, "We saved him for you, Danni!" and it devolved into more incomprehensible hubbub.

But there was no anger. I knew that even though the words sounded mad, because neither of the babies started crying.

It took about five minutes, but finally the cluster of women relaxed, and I could actually see individual faces, and hear snippets of news being communicated. Johnnie Sue did start crying, but it was her "I'm hungry" cry so Frankie just pulled up her shirt and flipped the little door thing down on her nursing bra and let Johnnie Sue have what she wanted. Danni stared at the domestic scene for a moment, and then sighed. "I can't wait to do that."

Don't ask me how they arranged it, but every one of them turned and looked straight at me at that very moment.

Jake must have thought they were looking at us, because he said, "Sorry. Gotta go. There's things that need to be done."

Suddenly, they all had things to do.

"We'll bring your stuff in later," said Phee. "Right now, why don't you get freshened up and get some rest. You must be tired after the drive."

And then they drifted off, vanishing like smoke in the wind. Danni stood, looking at me.

"You look good," she said.

"I get lots of exercise," I replied.

She frowned. "I heard."

"I didn't know about the plan until just recently. If I'd known, I'd have beaten them all off with a stick."

She smiled sadly. "No you wouldn't. You don't even own a stick, and if you did, all you'd use it for was walking."

"Still, I wish there wasn't any sadness, and that the plan had worked out."

She looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"The plan was insane," she said. "You know that. They did too. Nobody in their right mind would try to keep a plan like that going for more than ten minutes."

"Who says any of you are in your right mind?" I asked. "After all ... you still want to marry me."

She came and hugged me again, with her hands on my waist and her loins bumping mine.

"That part of the plan wasn't so crazy," she said.

"Actually, if I have to be completely honest, I'm astonished that as much of the plan made it as did," I said. "If, before I left for the Corps, you'd have told me we'd all be living together some day, I'd have told you to get your head examined."

"Oh, I was pretty sure that would happen too," she said. "You might notice that we all chose majors that make us employable pretty much anywhere."

"So what part of it is so crazy then?" I asked.

"Oh," she said, rubbing her loins against the front of my pants. "Only an idiot would have believed they'd all wait to have your baby until after I did."

"Freshening up" involved me, cleaning her body in the shower. "Resting" was reduced to me making sure she couldn't get out of bed by lying on top of her with my spike buried deep in her while she had orgasms. She didn't have to tell me she'd stopped taking her pills too. My balls actually hurt from trying so hard to breed her that afternoon.

It was like some magical wand had been swept over Danni. The familiar sarcasm was gone, as if it had never existed. I think that had been the product of a nagging fear that I might resist her plans for me. Once they all started planning the wedding, she was relaxed, sweet, even tempered and laid back. I saw the undeniable similarities she had with Phee that now made them seem like sisters, rather than best friends.

And that continued after the wedding too. The only people who got invited to the wedding were my students, and Danni's family, and my parents. I knew her parents, of course, having met them before I joined the Corps. They were a little stunned by the suddenness their daughter exhibited when she chose a mate and decided to marry him. Then, when they saw the ranch, and learned that all of Danni's old friends were living there, I think a bubble of innocence was broken, and her parents were suddenly exposed to a truth they had never expected. Oh, I don't think they knew that I was sleeping with them all. They simply realized that her associations in school, including college, had been much closer than they had realized. Still, while their view of the world was tilted on its side, I don't think they were too upset about it. Dazed, but not too upset.

My own parents came to the same realizations, but by a different pathway. The study of archaeology necessarily involves a lot of research into social customs, and they suddenly saw things they hadn't payed any attention to before. Once they saw the clan in this social paradigm, they looked at it as a social paradigm, which they had never done before. But the only clue I had about this was when my mother put her arm through mine after the ceremony and said, "I hope you know what the hell you're doing, Thutmose."

I noticed the two sets of parents hung together quite a bit. I thought that was natural. They had known each other for years, and were probably more comfortable with each other than they were with the members of this odd group of people who appeared to still be acting like they were in high school ... sort of.

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Tumblr CousinChapter 7

We had breakfast, during which time I tried to explain how I felt about all this. It was like talking to a brick wall. Lori’s response was, “We’re just having a little fun, Bobby. Don’t take things so seriously.” I insisted on going out and drove them around town, showing them this and that. It was silly because I knew they weren’t interested in where the Sonic drive in was, or the ATM I used. For most of it they just nattered on like girls do. Cassie did tell me to stop at Walgreens, saying...

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Tumblr CousinChapter 8

The last line of the last chapter is what they call a cliffhanger. I used it just to get you to move to the next chapter but it isn’t really accurate. Not really. I didn’t really have a “world of trouble.” My parents brought Lori to Lawrence in late August, a week and a half before school started. They stayed long enough to help her take things in from the back of the car and take us both out to dinner at a Steakhouse in town students work at but don’t eat at because it’s pricey. Really...

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Tumblr MILFChapter 4

When you're a teenager, and a beautiful older woman says she's had some sexual fantasies about you, it's sort of a big deal. I realized I had stopped breathing when I kind of leaned, and almost fell off the couch. I was lightheaded, but I could focus enough to keep from falling on my face. Her hands were suddenly on my shoulders, stabilizing me. "I told you it was complicated," she said softly. "That's not complicated," I said. "That's just crazy." I was thinking about how...

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Tumblr MILFChapter 5

Ronnie had taught me how complicated life can be. That was good, because my life got more complicated. It wasn't that birthday kiss. Not really. At least I don't think it was the kiss. I had been looking forward to going off to college. I had an acceptance letter from K-State. I had been accepted into the engineering program. It was a five year program, so maybe that's part of what complicated things. And I had been looking forward to the girls at college. Except I was pretty sure that...

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Tumblr MILFChapter 6

"I'll get it," I said. "No!" she hissed. "Don't answer it. Maybe he'll go away." "Maybe you should take Timmy to your bedroom," I said. "I'll talk to Jack." "Nooo," she said again. The pounding came on the door again. "Open up, bitch!" yelled a male voice. "Move it!" I snapped. She grabbed Timmy's arm and headed for her bedroom. I went to answer the door. I opened it. There was a pretty boy standing there. In the Army, there is a type of civilian male that is...

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Tumblr CousinChapter 9

Not to put too fine a point on it, let’s say that when it came to having sex with Lori, we didn’t just jump right in. Things can be incomprehensible sometimes. Such as, say, when your sister confesses that, when she was fourteen, she had this fantasy about her big brother coming into her room in the middle of the night, and crawling into bed with her. I was naked in this fantasy, as was she, and I kept asking if she was awake. She was, but didn’t want to admit it for some reason. And when my...

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Tumblr CousinChapter 10

One reason I’ve told this story is because it’s instructive in articulating the point that we often make life harder than it needs to be. Case in point: When Cassie finally did confront her parents and confess that she’d fallen in love with her cousin, her mother’s response was, “Well, you always did have a terrible crush on him. I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised.” “I did not!” said Cassie, who made life harder on herself than it needed to be by saying what she thought she should...

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Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I wanted to be perfect, or as damn near as I could be, this was my fantasy after all. Black thigh high fishnet stockings, black mini PVC skirt and a matching black PVC corset, my tits where high and I had a cleavage that you could dive into. My long dark hair dropped to the tops of my tits and my shoes were shiny, black 6-inch stiletto heels.  I scanned the dimly lit room, no windows and one door. There was light shining through the gap at the bottom. My...

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Horny For Rams And HorsesChapter 2

Marion's crotch was awash. Cuntjuice had flooded from her, soaking her panties and jodhpurs, and seeping through onto the horse's back. The horse was blowing as if they had been at a full gallop. He walked forward again, his head swinging from side to side. His prick had retracted back into his loins a bit, but a lot of the massive shaft still stuck out, semi-hard. His big cock knob was half sheathed by the foreskin now and pointing at the ground like some fleshy divining rod swaying up...

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A Little Night MusicChapter 11

“I’ll drink the moonlight from your hands. I’ll swim an ocean filled with sorrow. No, lover, please don’t go. We can crucify tomorrow. Let the sunlight feed the air. Let it fill our lungs with lies. We’ll be memorialized by shadows, but our loneliness will survive.” -The Swans, “Will We Survive“ Generalissimo Hernando Ramirez listened to the distant chatter of the reporters gathered behind the press line in front of the hospital. All other movable patients at Byroni Medina...

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Carnal Campus Ch 01

Joe Murphy tossed and turned on the bumpy hotel bed as sleep eluded him. He groaned as he glanced across the room at the other bed where his wife, Carol, slept peacefully. She always had a knack for falling into a deep sleep wherever they stayed the instant her head hit the pillow. The rumpled mattress and lumpy pillow only augmented his restlessness. The real reason he was sleepless was a nagging bout of sexual frustration. He and Carol had been married for seven years. While they still made...

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Tales of the Cursed

The simple truth is, life isn't fair. People who treat others poorly can end up being rich, successful, even happy, all while hurting the good people (or at least the ones minding their own business) in their wake. Beautiful women seem to be especially good at this, as it's easier to forgive someone for their bad behavior when they have a smile that can melt hearts, or curves that can make any guy stare so long they forget why they were mad. It's enough to make anyone absolutely livid. But you...

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Goblin King

The raucous shouts of hundreds of orcs echoed through the rough-hewn cavern as the guards hauled Celebrain across the floor towards the throne. At the foot of the dais she tripped on shreds of green cloth that were the remnants of her dress. Cursing, one of the uruks grabbed a handful of her silver tresses, dragged her up the steps, and dropped her painfully to the ground. "Well, what have we here," growled a voice above her. Celebrian tried to muster up the strength to speak,...

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Different Love

Introduction: Bad things, good things and weird things. This is how she discovers who she really is. Wish you like reading it and comments are really welcome. (Special thanks to Arizona1664 for helping me with the english stuff =*) ———————————————————————————————— It wasnt the way I expected it to be, but I dont regret it. Sometimes things happen for a reason, good things and bad things. Sometimes they just have to happen, both of them, so you can discover who you really are. Getting older is...

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Jimmy the College BoyChapter 8

As I was enjoying the start of my third cock suck of the day the phone on the night stand rang. Kate answered the phone and handed it to me. "Hello?" I said as I lifted my ass off of the bed to push my prick deeper into Rita's willing mouth. "It's Mom. Can your Dad and I join you guys?" "Come on over if you are sure you want to share Dad with my girls." I responded simultaneously shooting my wad into Rita's sexy mouth. The three of us reclined on the bed. I hadn't told them what...

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Weekend Party

It was Saturday night and I was invited to a party in an upscale neighborhood. In order to get into the building I had to get past a security guard and voice admitted elevator. Once on the f******nth floor I was admitted to a very gracefully furnished apartment, anyone that was some one was their and mingling. Since I was trying to meet people and enhance my business, I mingled also. Soon I found myself talking to a very handsome young man in his mid twenties, I'm some what older...never mind...

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My cousin Chris Part 2

I grabbed the blonde guy by the back of his head and pulled his head up.The minute I saw him, there was a smile on my face.I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. "Rory! When did you get here?! I missed you so much!" I heard him give a small laugh. "Well.I heard Chris was here, and anywhere Chris goes, there's a chance you'd be there.Besides, I wanted to visit my favorite cousin.I see you've enjoyed having me arround, so far." We both laughed.I was still hugging...

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Caleb and Cheval JauneChapter 2 Born To Be Free

Helva entered the Atlantisat System singing all the parts and playing all the instruments envisioned by Beethoven in his chorale, Ode To Joy. Commander Rebecca Flowers, duty officer in Atlantisat System Control, listened with a smile. It was still early in Inkie’s role as news collector-dispenser and USO tour, so Helva’s signature arrival wasn’t yet universally known. However, recognizing that a Sa’arm incursion was unlikely to be heralded by music written by a long-dead deaf composer,...

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My Lovely JenniferChapter 5 Jennifers Final Payback

That December we received an invitation to Robert and Megan Stanwick's house for a Christmas party. This would be the second party at the Stanwick's since Robert became Jennifer's manager. Thursday evening, the night before the party Jennifer was trying to find something to wear and asked me, "What should I wear tomorrow night?" I said, "Something short and clingy, showing lots of cleavage. You need to look sexy tomorrow." Jennifer gave me a quizzical look and asked, "Why?" I...

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A Dragons Slave Ch 071 Truth

‘So…I just stand here?’ I ask, obliviously. My voice reverberates and echoes in the cavern I’ve been sequestered to within the catacombs of the dragon’s monstrously large cave system that acts as their home. ‘Yes, Peter. And you wait for him to finish observing your Spectrum. It probably won’t take too long, in fact, he probably already has the answer,’ Nightwing explains. ‘I hope so,’ I sigh. Nightwing smiles and places a reassuring hand on my shoulder. We share a moment of silence. ‘How’s...

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ForclosedChapter 6

We went to a party for some film people I knew. Kelly looked fabulous, and flirted with everyone as if we were the young successful couple we were pretending to be. It was creative people mostly, not anyone famous or crazy rich. But these were my people, exactly who I needed to network with to find good work. Kelly sat with several guys, flirting and laughing with them, showing a lot of leg and a fair bit of cleavage. I sat with Noriko in the next room. Ah, Noriko; stunning, talented,...

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BurningAngel Jessie Lee Wild Wedding Jessies First Anal

Beautiful brides Samantha Mack and Jessie Lee are on their way to their wedding ceremony. As they chat about how excited they are to be spending the rest of their lives with each other, Jessie laments that there is ONE thing she wishes she had done before she got married – gotten fucked in the ass by a man! Samantha wants Jessie to have everything she desires, so she immediately springs into action, calling their friend Isiah Maxwell and telling him that they have an emergency that they...

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Laura and the old Guy

"Now don't forget, Laura" Yelled Dad, "Your mother and me can only drop you at the ball, we are staying in Melbourne overnight after the races so you will have to get yourself home". No problems there, I thought, sure to be some country hick sober enough to get me close to home anyway. The Bullarto Ball is the big yearly event in our district and all the local yobbos and piss heads just don't miss it. At eighteen I was now old enough to enjoy myself especially without parental...

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Hard To Believe Well Maybe Not

I am still trying to figure out whether it was all a dream or reality.I remember thinking I was awake and being as hard as... and horny. I rolled over to spoon you and you moaned softly saying your tummy was rumbling and uncomfortable.Maybe you had too much to drink last night so I rolled away and left you alone. Rolling out of bed with a solid boner, I went to the shower and turned on the taps, as I gave my cock a wank. As the water temp was comfortable, I moved into the shower and rolled my...

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OHGIRL Crack House

The shooting pains in my knees brought my mind out of it's catatonic state. I had been smoking d**gs from the early morning until, apparently, I had arrived into the predicament that I was currently experiencing. I looked around to see that I was on my hands and knees in a narrow alley. There was a middle aged black man standing near my left shoulder and he was telling his friend to hurry up. His friend must have been the guy who's hands were gripping my hips and who's hard cock was banging me...

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The Woman at the Window

I staggered through the streets as I tried to keep an even pace. Another early evening run that was no easier than the first ten. No one paid attention to me, just another man trying to hold back the ravages of time with some exercise.I had pretty much decided that the effort was not worth the trouble until that fateful day I saw her at the window. A woman talking on the phone brought my already slow pace to standstill. I stared at her like a puppy in kennel looks at a boy.She turned and saw...

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Flambeaux Staug Ch 05

Nick and Matt quickly ran out of the police station and straight for the car. The rain was pouring harder than ever, and the sky had grown even darker. Nick made a Miami Vice-esque dive across the car’s hood and hurriedly got inside. Matt turned the keys and sped off. ‘You know how to get out of here?’ Nick asked frantically. ‘Of course,’ Matt assured him. ‘I didn’t just wake up here.’ Suddenly, another thing occurred to Nick. ‘Do you have a watch?’ Matt chuckled. ‘We’ve got something after...

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Tight choot mota lund

Hi i m sunny, 24 good looking guy, i read all stories iss. I would like to share my exp. With all desipapa viewer female kyu ki har hot female ko mere storie pasand aayegi or mere lund apni chut may lay nay ka intezar karegi. Yeh story padne ke baad ager kisi ko mere se chudwane ka mann kare toh firker mat kariyega bass ek no ghumaiyega mera cell no hai (zero-nine-nine-zero-six-two-one-zero-zero-six-zero).may ek high sexula urge and i mostly releive it by mastrubating let me come to my...

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The Ghost and Me part 6

It was the first time that I went to sleep with Sam and woke up next to her. It was something that I was looking forward to in the future. Sam was lying towards me, still sleeping. So, I grabbed a lock of her hair and tickled her nose. Sam's brushed her nose first, with the back of her hand, then she opened her eyes. She looked straight at me and started screaming. Her voice was so loud, that I jumped out of bed without thinking. The screaming stopped as fast as it started, and I was...

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College of Satin and Lace Conclusion

The College of Satin and Lace II By Missy Satinpanties Note: Sorry, for not doing any "recap" for this story. I've had a hard time writing it, and I think I'm just tired, So, I'm, just jumping into the second (and final) installment. Want to know what the heck is going on? Please read the first chapter. Thanks! As the morning sun filtered in through the lace curtains, I woke up with a fuzzy head, thinking that I had had a wild dream last night. It took only a moment to...

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The Twelve Lays of Christmas Ch 04

Day Five Irina couldn’t get her car started the following morning, so Thomas drove both the women home. Cherie and Irina had fallen asleep in the back seat of the car, which Thomas was kind-of glad about. He didn’t know if he’d know exactly what to say in the first place. Cherie had turned his world upside-down in such a very short time, but he decided to throw his typical British stuffiness out the window and go with the flow. She made him smile and over the Holiday season, he needed to...

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