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When you're a teenager, and a beautiful older woman says she's had some sexual fantasies about you, it's sort of a big deal.
I realized I had stopped breathing when I kind of leaned, and almost fell off the couch. I was lightheaded, but I could focus enough to keep from falling on my face. Her hands were suddenly on my shoulders, stabilizing me.
"I told you it was complicated," she said softly.
"That's not complicated," I said. "That's just crazy."
I was thinking about how women ... grown women ... don't have fantasies about boys. But that "fact" that my brain kept insisting on, was being jostled by the news stories I had seen about teachers having affairs with their students, and the word "cougar" was running around in my skull ... like the animal itself ... dashing here and there. Except she wasn't anywhere near being a cougar. That was just ridiculous.
In fact, I think "ridiculous" was the word of the day at that point.
She sat down next to me on the couch, and put her arm around me.
"You okay?" she asked.
"It's complicated," I said.
I swear it wasn't planned. It wasn't a play on her words. What was going on in my mind just really was complicated.
But she laughed, and it was a delightful laugh, the kind of laugh that in a dark and dismal environment, is like a burst of sunlight that banishes shadows and fears and stuff like that.
Except she kept laughing, harder and harder, until she fell off the couch and rolled around on the floor by my feet, gasping and laughing and shaking her hands like she was frantically trying to wave to every person in the parade.
She went through a series of calming down, and panting, "I'm sorry ... I'm sorry," but then she'd start laughing again. I just watched her. It was still complicated, but I couldn't help but smile as she laughed like that. Actually, it was one of those silly grins, but she was distracted by her own problem, which was getting enough air to stay conscious.
Finally she flopped onto her back, her arms outstretched. She just breathed for a while, gasping and drawing huge lungfuls of air into her body.
You can just imagine what that did to her breasts.
About five minutes later she held out her hand to me, and I pulled her to a sitting position. She sat there, kind of loose and slumped. It wasn't quite Indian style, because her lower legs weren't on top of each other. Her hair had come partly loose from her ponytail, and wisps of it were hanging in her face. Her hands came to pull the scrunchy out of her hair and it fell to her shoulders. Now I couldn't see her face at all. Then she looked up at me, and her hand automatically brushed her hair behind one ear and then the other.
"When you have a baby you didn't plan on, by a man you no longer want anything to do with, you fall into a very dark and unhappy world," she said.
All traces of levity were gone. The change was astonishing, and a full hundred and eighty degrees from what had been there only a few minutes before. Her head went back down and again her face was covered by her hair.
"You feel like a slut," she said. "And people help you do that by judging you. I told people what happened. I even told the police. But nothing happened. Some people even said I asked for it, because Jack had a reputation before I went out with him. And, of course, he denied the drugs. His friends did too. One of the detectives even told me that when you gamble with sex, sometimes you roll snake eyes! My parents didn't know who to believe. I think that's what hurt the most."
There was nothing I could say that would help. I knew that by instinct. So I just sat there.
"So I had the baby, and I tried to adjust. Timmy was actually good for me in one sense, and that's when I knew how complicated all this was going to be, because I love Timmy with all my heart and soul, and yet I can't abide the thought of his father. I hate the man, but love his son. And so finally I left, to try to start over somewhere where the surroundings wouldn't keep insisting that I was a slut, and got what I deserved."
She looked back up at me from down there on the floor ... where sluts are supposed to be. I couldn't stand it, because while there had been a time I thought that way, I was ashamed of that time, and I couldn't fit her in that category again. I reached for her hands and stood. It was awkward, pulling her up, because her feet weren't in the right position. But she didn't argue. She stood. I put my hands on her shoulders and sat her down on the edge of the couch again. Then, just to show her I wasn't like the others, I sat down next to her. I didn't think all this out or anything. It was just done on instinct. It was just the way I had been raised.
"And then I came here and met you," she said. "And you were a breath of fresh air. You were exactly what I needed. It was like I had come out of a dark, smelly cave, into a field of flowers in the sunshine."
I got embarrassed, primarily because, like she couldn't forget her belief that part of her had enjoyed that party ... I couldn't forget how many times I had jacked off staring at the pictures of it.
"I'm no white knight," I said.
"I know," she said. "But at that time, you were. I made you be that white knight. You were what I needed, because you made me believe I really could have a new life."
"Well, I'm glad about that, I guess," I said.
"But it was also complicated from the very beginning," she said.
"Why?" I asked.
"Do you remember that very first day, when you had finished mowing my yard and came looking for me?"
I did. "You were hiding out in the pantry, feeding Timmy."
"But you didn't know that then, did you."
"No," I said. "It was just the only place I hadn't looked, so I looked."
"And do you remember what you saw?"
The time for being embarrassed around this woman was gone. I hadn't had a conversation like this with an adult before, and it felt important.
"Yes," I said.
"Where I come from, a man would have stood there, looking at me, trying to see more. He might have said something like, "You got a little taste of that for me, sweet thang?" Her drawl was enhanced, and I suddenly realized she had worked hard to get rid of that accent since she'd come to Kansas.
"Well that's not right," I said.
"And that's my point." She leaned into me with her shoulder. "You didn't act like that. You didn't try to exploit the situation. You didn't try to exploit me. And that's attractive to a woman in my situation."
"That's what I don't get," I said. "You're grown up. You have a baby. You're beautiful. Women like that aren't interested in boys like me."
"First off, you're a young man, not a boy. Your eighteenth birthday is just a couple of months away ... right?" She didn't wait for me to confirm it. "Second, if I were to compare you to your father, who is also a gentleman, and one of the nicest men I know, I'm much closer to your age than his. But most importantly, Bobby, I can't just decide I don't like you because you're five or six years younger than me. That's not how it works. If it worked that way, you wouldn't have decided to masturbate while looking at pictures of me."
It sounded really different, right out there in the cold light of day. Alluding to what I had done had been bad enough. But when it was on the table, rearing its ugly head, right there in front of her. Well, I felt bad.
"I'm really sorry about that," I said.
She looked at me. "I need to tell you something else ... about the complicated part."
"Okay," I said.
"When you feel like a slut, and you meet the White Knight, it's nice that he treats you with respect. It's wonderful, in fact. But it also hurts, because you know he's the kind of man you really want and need, but you also know you can't have him, because he's too good for you."
I took a breath but she put her fingertips up and against my mouth.
"Especially when he's too young for you, too," she said. She took her fingers down, but went on before I could say anything. "And then the White Knight does something that tells you he isn't quite as pure as you thought. I knew it anyway, down deep. I knew I had put you on some kind of impossible pedestal. I knew that wasn't fair to you. But I needed you to be that man, at least long enough that I could catch my breath and build a foundation of hope to take me forward.
"And when I found those pictures running on your computer, once I got over the shock of even seeing them, I knew that you were just a normal guy, a guy who wanted the same things that every other guy wanted from me."
She put her hand on my knee, and those blue eyes on my face.
"The White Knight had fallen off his horse," she said.
Again I took a breath to say something. But then I couldn't think of anything to say.
"But he was still the White Knight," she whispered.
"When I had time to think about it, I realized that it's normal for men to think about those things. And you were still the nice guy I had always known. You hadn't put a move on me. You hadn't tried to get in my pants. It was obvious you'd like to, but I had never known that. Oh, I knew you looked at me, and all that. But that just made me feel pretty, because you weren't vulgar about it. And now I knew you weren't perfect."
"That's for sure," I breathed, finally able to contribute something to the conversation.
"Like I'm not perfect," she said.
She stopped then, just looking at me. Her hand was still on my knee. I was too young, at that specific point in time, to realize the implications of what she had just said ... about how I had gone from being the unattainable White Knight, to a flawed human being like herself. A flawed human being ... who she could now look at as being attainable.
I didn't understand that fully ... but I had a feeling she had just said something important.
"So what does that mean?" I asked.
She leaned closer to me, until her face was only inches from mine.
"It means I don't hate you, Bobby. It means that if it hadn't been those particular pictures, I wouldn't even have minded what you had been doing with them. It means things keep getting more and more complicated, Bobby, because you're still my best friend's son, and the boy next door, and I really shouldn't want to kiss you as much as I do."
Then she did just that. She leaned in and closed those blue eyes and pressed those warm, pink lips against mine.
I'm really glad she kissed me. I know that sounds like a stupid thing to say, considering all that has gone before. I mean, when the gorgeous woman you've fantasized about and jerked off to kisses you, it's obviously a good thing.
Except it's complicated, of course.
But we'll talk about that later. I was glad she kissed me because I had been about to open my mouth and spoil a really wonderful moment. The words "You can't kiss me" were on the lips she kissed, and she stopped me from saying them. I have relived that moment many times over the years, and I'm convinced that if I'd gotten those four little words out, she would have said, "I know," and gotten up and it would all have been over. She would have forgiven me for this and that, and I would have been smitten with her from afar, and life would have gone on.
But she kissed me. So I sat there, dumb and happy, and she pulled her lips away from mine and sighed and said, "See how complicated it is?"
I would, eventually, fully understand how complicated our relationship had become. But being older and wiser than me, she didn't push things. Instead she stood up and asked, "Do you still have those pictures on your laptop?"
I do not know why it is this way, but it’s pretty universal in America for people to look askance when an older man is with a younger woman. There are lots of terms for it. Cradle-robber. Chester the molester. Dirty old man. Sugar daddy. Those are for a heterosexual relationship where the man is older, but there are dozens of other names for other kinds of relationships. We won’t go into those. My point is that American society looks down on May-December relationships and I don’t know why. If...
When I got to Ronnie's house, I thought she wasn't there at first, because I knocked and nothing happened. I was about to leave when the curtains moved, so I waited. Finally she opened the door about a foot. She had on a thick robe, but it wasn't closed tightly, and there was a lot of cleavage. I knew it wouldn't be anywhere near acceptable to stare at that, as delicious as it looked, so I got my eyes off of that and put them on her face. She was just staringt at me and I thought she was...
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The girls had snuck into the bathroom and peeked, of course. I found out from Frankie, later. And that's because Frankie demanded that Phee invite her over for a "private sleepover" the next week. I had forgotten all about what Denise had said about how eager Frankie was. Frankie was so un-eager verbally, that that's all that had ever sunk in. To be honest, when Phee told me "Frankie wants to come over, so be ready," I still didn't believe we'd have sex. And I was sure I was right...
Now I know the majority of readers would think that I’d hop right on that bandwagon and let a beautiful young woman ‘experiment’ with my raging boner, especially since such boners developed, occasionally, because of the girl in question. But let’s be reasonable, here. Thinking about committing even a minor form of incest is a big step and while my sister had had a month to get “normalized” to the idea of playing with her brother’s prick just to get a little experience, all I’d done was...
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You couldn't lock the bathroom doors from the outside. I fully expected Danni to come storming in with murder in mind ... but she didn't. In fact, they left me alone the rest of the night. This is not to say I couldn't hear them, but it was strange, because they honestly didn't sound any different than they had on other nights. I mean I could hear voices, but not what was being said, and those voices kept speaking until I finally fell into an exhausted sleep. They obviously hadn't been...
It was spooky. When Beth asked what came next, all four of them turned to look at Phee. I was not to find out for another month why that was, but it was weird, that's for sure. She looked past them at me, and said "If you guys want to go on like planned, that's fine with me." The girls turned back to look at me. Danni said, "What do you want from us?" I blinked. "I thought it was the other way around. I thought you had questions, and I was supposed to try to answer them." "You...
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I’m expressing this story by changing names of characters. Will appreciate your feedback on How I’m passionate about sex n have crush on married women specially. I fucked different types and age females in my life till now because of strong skill n also my profession too help me in that. I’m 28 yrs old single guy based Mumbai with hard stamina n good tool. Now lets move on to my story. Hi Everyone This is Ronny from Mumbai. Me 28 ka hun abhi aur athletic body, aur 6.5″ k tool wala hun. Yeh...
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She was away on a course, on her own and feeling awkward as she stood in the bar pretending to read her text messages for the fifth time. She felt, rather than saw him enter the room. All of the hairs stood up on her arms, goosebumps appearing and her nipples tightened under her blouse. He stood next to her at the bar, too close considering that the place was almost empty. He ordered a drink and turned to stare at her,gazing insolently first at her face and then down to her nipples which were...
This is from an email I got from Mistress Suzy about her and her new fuck toy. This is the entire email - 100% from her. You can see why we get along! LOLOk so here's my story I've been waiting to tell you about this video camera scope thing-a-ma-bobber. It has a handheld monitor that is attached to a cable with a camera on the end of it. Well we started off by practicing with it by checking out inside our nose and ears. Just putting the camera end under our nostrils. Looked kinda cool. Then...
Previously in "Gluteus Maximus" - Chapter Six"Come on my little cockslut, show me how much you want my dick in thoselittle girl panties. Make me want to fuck that sweet ass of yours."That was all he really had to say...---------------------------------------------------"Gluteus Maximus" - Chapter Seven"Go in the other room and get ready and come out and surprise me", he saidseductively.To say I was turned on was an understatement. I was titillated beyondbelief, my cock hard as a rock. What did...
I've always thought that my dad has lustful intentions for me. Well, based on his stares and the way he brushes off his body against mine, how he became extra sweet and more protective of me gave me the idea. my mom is currently working in new york as a researcher for a stock market magazine, and it has been 6 months since she left. I also have sister and a brother, both are away for study. I know you’re thinking im the youngest, but actually, I’m the eldest of us 3, though im not that old,...
IncestIt had been another long boring day in the office. He had only worked late because it beat being stuck in the rush hour traffic. He had to look on the bright side. He’d got most of his back load of paper work dealt with. Mick turned the setting up on the windscreen wipers. The rain was starting to fall heavily. The road turning treacherous. At least the roads were quiet. As he slowly drove along the street a solitary figure loomed out of the gloom. Hunched over as it ran, it tried to dodge the...
Two years around this time, I was at a small party, roughly 30 people. I knew some of them, but most were strangers to me. It was carnival season and everybody was in high spirits. My boyfriend at that time wasn't with me as he was on a skiing trip for two weeks. I didn't join him as I don't like these cold sports. I had a lot of fun at the party. We joked and drank quite a bit, Tequila shots, Vodka with sherbet powder, ..., well, you know these kind of parties :).At one point, I started to...
The crawl to the feet s always the warm up. Sly, slouched and tiger-like, behind high in the air with a whim of readiness. If I am not wet now, I will me after I take my time and worship his feet, I think to myself. I love the crawl, head low, yet eyes focused purely in his. I love the way he looks down at me. With my mouth only I remove his shoes, socks…and the fun begins. I love the long strokes of my tongue against his feet, sliding all the way up to his toes. Sucking each one,...
[the last of the bi theme for awhile] _____________________________ Judge Ciro T. Nikolai was seated behind a huge desk as Avan Volka and his young nephew Caci entered the judge’s chamber. Nikolai was a gruff sort with hard eyes and a wrinkled and stern face. He motioned for Avan and the boy to be seated on the opposite side of his desk. “Volka,” he began, “I have here a Grant of Immigration and since their father can’t answer for himself, your signature will suffice.” The judge raised...
I wander up the stairs after a long day of work. Man, it would be good to get something to eat, vegetate in front of a movie or something, and enjoy the AC for a while. Toss a couple cold ones back while I’m at it. Just do nothing for a change. I unlock my door and shamble in, tossing my jacket on the couch. I plop down on the sofa, and pick my foot up to untie the laces on my shoes. I flip them off, and remove my tie, next I start to unbutton my shirt. I toss my shoes by the door, and walk...
Forgive me Father for I have sinned. We are all of us sinners my son. Even on a Monday morning. Thank you Father. So tell me my son. First confession of the week, so I do hope it’s a good one. It’s good and bad. Allow me to be the judge of that. Of course Father. Well it’s my sister-in-law. Your brother’s wife? My wife’s sister. What precisely is the problem? She is. Abi is the problem. How so? She’s so unbelievably fucking sexy. Sorry Father, language. You speak as you feel...
I Think every guy in his teen age years has a favorite aunt, I did and my feelings for her were of a sexual nature as well as just loving her for the way she is to me and I really just like being around her. Aunt Heather is moms brothers wife but he is no longer in the picture. Having smoked like a chimney since his teenage years he aquired a bit of lung cancer. I had always gotten along very nicely with Heather and remembered her birthday. She is in her early sixties; has long brownish grey...
The next several days went by in a haze. I was there, but can't tell you anything much that happened; other than that we buried Joyie and I didn't get much sleep because of the nightmares haunting me. I started seeing a counselor on the Monday Brad and I went back to school, and went to see her all that week, but by the end of the week, I decided I was tired of dealing with everything. I just wanted it to all go away and decided the best way to get it to go was to not talk about anything...
Good evening Frends. A true incident from the part of my bad character. My name is Deepak, At present my age is 26.I do job in LIC, an agent. I live with my mother/father/elder sister/younger brother. Father is a clerk at customs. Mom is a housewife. Elder sister completed Mba from Banglore & younger bro continuing his X11board.We are middle classed family living happily with each other. Father was trying a job for Deepti (Elder sister) as she hs completed her Mba in finance. Soon we were...
IncestReddit JiggleFuck, aka r/JiggleFuck! Jiggle-jiggle. Quite a sight to see when you are balls deep in a horny girl, right? Well, the ones who know, know what the fuck I am talking about, and I am here to discuss yet another great NSFW subreddits you might not have heard about. It is called r/JiggleFuck/, and I think it pretty much explains all that you need to know, right?Reddit.com is definitely one of my favorite sites for many obvious reasons, and I am pretty sure that you can agree with me on...
Reddit NSFW ListRachel told me, “Guy, I don’t need to spin, I know exactly what I want. After seeing you fuck Jessica from the rear, I need you to fuck me the same way. That was so hot, I could have gotten my come just by touching my pussy. Then, Mom and Alex were kissing and touching each all over and I came close to joining them.” Rachel was on her knees with her feet off the side of the bed. I was standing behind her, ready to ease my cock into her pussy when Alex stopped me. “Wait, Guy! I want to suck...
Contradictions! The air, the room and the people in its warmth were surrounded by them. The room was quiet, the stillness belying the chaos that had been wrought by its inhabitants during the night. The sun struggled to peek through the early morning fog, the chill wrapping around the figure that except for a slight tightening of her arms crossed over her chest stood still and silent by the window. ‘How am I supposed to deal with this? I can’t let this take me this way. How can something...