Tumblr Sex
- 1 year ago
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Now, if you're a guy, then I don't have to explain what happens when a guy in high school meets a beautiful woman who is only four or five years older than him, which means he could think of her as a girl, instead of a woman. But I'm not sure women understand that. Actually, I have very plain evidence to suggest women don't understand it. That is, in fact, what this story is about.
It's a lot like fishing. I know that might seem odd, but again, if you're a fisherman, you probably already get where I'm heading.
A fisherman is among the most hopeful men in the world. He puts himself in lonely, sometimes uncomfortable, or even dangerous places, where he sits for hours and hours, maybe even days, all the time hoping for a bite. His anticipation can keep him on a razor's edge for hours at a time. He's patient, because he knows, deep in his heart, that there will, in fact, be a bite and that he will, in fact, make the catch.
And in all that time he sits there being hopeful, the fisherman doesn't think about the fact that a hundred other guys have tried to land this monster fish, and failed, and that it's quite possible he doesn't have what it takes to lure it from the depths so that he can make it his. He doesn't think about that because there is so much hope in him that there isn't any room for doubt.
So when a boy meets a girl like that, she's a little like that elusive monster fish out in the lake, and that boy's level of hope rises to the point where catching her is about all he can think about.
Except the age difference, and little things like maybe her having a child, are the kinds of things that strip him of his gear. He has no rod, and the only line he has is two pound test. There is no bait and no boat. He doesn't even have a hook, for that matter. To drive this rather bizarre analogy into the dirt ... er ... water ... the fact of the matter is he knows he can't possibly catch her. He can glimpse her gliding serenely along, just under the surface. He can see the swirls she causes in the water as he watches her tail flick carelessly. He yearns, with an impossible hope to feast on her flesh one day...
Okay. That got a little weird. Sorry. But you get my drift.
She lived right next door, rather than out in the middle of the lake, and I saw her all the time. And, being a woman, she had no idea what she was doing to me. She just saw me as that nice young man who mows her lawn, or carries the cans of paint from her car into the house, or who climbs the ladder to clean the gutters because his father sees her getting ready to do that and says, "We can't have that, now can we, Bobby?"
The cheery words, "Hi, Bobby!" rang out frequently, usually followed by "What y'all doin'?" and my body would react and I'd get embarrassed and have to figure out a way to adjust things before she saw what was happening. I got to be an expert at that, by the way.
It might not have been so bad, except my mother took her under her wing and they became friends.
And I'm not talking "wave-at-each-other-over-the-back-fence-and-exchange-a-recipe-or-two" kinds of friends. Oh no. That would be too easy on Bobby. No, they became the "I-have-something-you-just-have-to-see!--I'll-be-over-in-a- minute," kind of friends. My mother crocheted stuff for Timmy and Ronnie un-fucked years of unintentional abuse on our PC. Then she worked on the firewall and advised them on a virus protection program and installed a router, so suddenly there was wireless in the whole house. Stuff like that. She even gave me her old laptop, because she said it was a dinosaur and useless for what she did these days.
So she was over a lot, and I got sent to her house a lot. And the next thing I knew, she was treating me like her little brother and smiling at me, and I was in the kind of agony that leaves permanent mental and emotional scars for life.
I guess it wasn't that bad. Not really. It's just that I was pretty sure the lake was empty of fish at that time in my life. I wasn't buff, or popular. I didn't have any special skills or talents. I was just a regular kid in a small town who was insanely in love with an unattainable woman who was actually six years older than me and thought of me as a boy who was so harmless that, if I showed up on one of my mother's errands and she was breastfeeding Timmy ... didn't even stop.
Of course, now that I'm a little older, I can look back on all that with glasses that aren't fogged by Ronnie Prater. There were fish in that lake. Lots of them. There were dozens of them my own age. But they were as minnows compared to a twelve pound Big Boob ... er ... I mean Big Mouth Bass. She put every other woman to shame. And, of course, that wasn't true either. I did actually ask Cynthia Johnson to the Prom, and we had a good time, except she tripped over her dress, which was a little too long, and when she fell her glasses flew off and somebody stepped on them. So she was blind for most of the night and didn't want to go to the after party. So I took her home and I even got a kiss. Trouble is Cynthia's eyes are blue...
So you get my drift.
Ronnie was very good for my hormone levels, meaning she gave whatever makes hormones in teenage boys a pretty steady workout. And I bled those hormones off in the time-honored tradition of flogging my log practically every single night. I'd lie there and stroke slowly, thinking of the last time I'd seen Ronnie nursing Timmy. She had just pulled up her T shirt to get to the front of her bra, which had these little doors on it she could flip open, revealing a milk-packed nipple. Truth be told, you couldn't actually see anything if Timmy's cheeks were working. But then there was this little baby, sucking like crazy on a nipple you wished you were sucking on like crazy.
And then one night, I forgot to get the old torn underwear I used to catch my spunk with. I kept it on top of my dresser behind a trophy. So I got up in the dark to get it, and as I passed my window I glanced out and there, in the window across our yards, was Ronnie's silhouette through the shade she'd pulled down. She was in the bathroom, and she was facing the mirror, taking the pony tail she always wore out and combing her long hair.
It was just her shadow, but I knew she was naked.
And I stood there and masturbated, looking at her, until I spurted right on the wall.
I got so weak I had to put my left hand on the wall and lean there. And I felt awful. I was looking right at her! Peeking ... sort of! I felt like I was a pervert.
And that's why I sat down at my laptop and decided to go check out a list of tumblr sites I had made that I hoped would have the kind of pictures I liked.
It wasn't that I just wanted to see a bunch of naked women. I mean I did, of course. I was seventeen, after all. But the primary reason I wanted to look at all those naked women was that I wanted to try to get Ronnie out of my mind so I didn't feel like such a pervert while I beat off.
And it worked.
The "average" tumblr site is basically just a mosaic of thumbnail pictures that fill page after page. They are sorted by the month that they were posted, and each month might have thirty pages of thumbnails. If you click on one of those thumbnails, it takes you to a page with a full size picture and a list of other tumblr members who "follow" that poster, and may have left comments about the picture.
So if there are thousands of pictures posted, there may be thousands of comments, and each comment is a link that leads to another tumblr site, where there is another collection of photographs and sometimes videos.
In other words, once you find a tumblr site, you have unlimited access to free porn of every imaginable stripe. Not that I like them all. I saw one where this chick was riding this guy in a video, and took a shit, right there on film. And the camera zoomed in on that turd being expelled. And somebody thought that was sexy!
But you can generally tell right away what a tumblr site is into, so you can go on about your business if it isn't quite your thing.
It's endless porn. You could literally sit there for hours, days, weeks, months or even years just clicking on one more picture of somebody naked, doing something associated with having sex.
And the best part of it was that a lot of it was amateur stuff, sent in by the woman in the picture. And that meant she didn't mind me looking, right? I mean it was right there for everybody to see, so it was okay to look, right?
Some of those women were getting fucked too, which meant that if I wanted to pretend it was my penis that was doing the fucking, she wouldn't care either. She actually did that stuff! So it wasn't perverted for me to imagine doing it with her.
So that's what I did. I sat up in the dark, and looked at tumblr sites until I found the right picture. Then I wanked like crazy until I spurted. And then I could go to sleep with a clear conscience because I knew I had not soiled Ronnie's sweet nature by imagining it was her warm, luscious pussy I was fucking when I spurted.
As you can see, I was only partially successful in avoiding fantasizing about Ronnie. But Tumblr helped, so that's what I did.
Until, one night, as I clicked through pictures, one expanded and there she was ... right there on the screen.
I didn't believe it. I know I stared at that picture for at least five minutes, thinking, "It can't be her."
But it was. There was no doubt.
Her hair was down, and her eyes were closed. She was facing the camera, and sitting on a guy, whose cock was up inside her. Her left hand was holding another rigid penis, and her mouth was open as she leaned to her left. It was just as fucking obvious as possible that she was about to suck the cock in her left hand.
Whoever was fucking her had his hands on her breasts, but they weren't covering her nipples. Those nipples were not as dark as the one I had seen Timmy let go of, but I know it was still her. Something told me she was younger in this picture, but no matter how I tried to squint my eyes and make her look like somebody else, I knew it was Ronnie.
Of course she was gorgeous. Her breasts were big and round, but with that bastard's hands on them it was hard to see them properly. Her pussy, above where that prick entered her body, was bare. Her pussy lips looked purplish and thick, even though they were stretched pretty wide by that guy's penis.
I saved the picture.
I was stunned. I was also hard. And I felt confused. How could she do that? How could she put herself out there like that and let every-fucking-body see her like that?
I closed that picture, and stared at the page of thumbnails. Like a magnet, another picture nearby drew my eyes. I clicked it, and there she was again.
This time she was on her hands and knees, and the guy fucking her was gripping her hips. She was looking over her shoulder at him with this look like, "Don't you ever stop, you son of a bitch!" Her breasts were hanging down, and they just looked fucking perfect!
I saved that one too.
This time, when I minimized that frame, I looked for more.
I only found one more. It was of her, lying on a bed with rumpled sheets. She was on her back, and one leg was cocked, opening up her pussy for view. She looked like she was asleep. Her pussy was running with thick, white sperm ... just like I jerked out of my own penis on a nightly basis.
I felt hollow.
But I saved the picture.
I felt awful as I looked at all three pictures again.
I felt even worse when I beat off to them.
Maybe for some of you, this would have been no big deal. Maybe for a lot of you, it would even have been a dream come true! But not for me. This woman came over to our house for supper at least once a week. I saw her every day. She sat in our pew at church! But every time I saw her, now, all I could think about was her lying there on that bed, well fucked and sleeping.
It almost drove me crazy, because suddenly everything was very complicated.
Before this, she had been this really nice, really beautiful woman who had a cute baby, and who was good for a bang-up fantasy.
Now, she was a party girl, who did threesomes.
Now she was a ... MILF.
Except she didn't act like a party girl who did threesomes. She didn't even go out on dates! By the time I was halfway through my senior year, I would have bet a thousand dollars that she hadn't gone out with a single guy since she moved to Hanley.
My mom knew it too. She kept saying things like, "You need to get out more. You know I'd be more than happy to take care of Timmy while you go out and have some fun. There are dozens of men who'd love to take you out."
But she always said something like, "I'll think about it," or "You're so sweet, Nancy." And she never let mom set her up.
At one point I even wondered if maybe she might be a lesbian.
But all it took was going back to look at those three pictures again, and it was pretty obvious she was no lesbian.
The other reason it was confusing was because while I couldn't resist looking at those three pictures ... I stopped looking at tumblr sites. I think I was afraid I'd find more shots of her. And while I felt bad looking at her pictures, they were the only thing I beat off to any more. I even had them arranged in a special slide show that cycled through them so I could just double click an icon on my desktop and then I didn't need my hands for anything but coaxing the spooge out of my balls.
When I got to Ronnie's house, I thought she wasn't there at first, because I knocked and nothing happened. I was about to leave when the curtains moved, so I waited. Finally she opened the door about a foot. She had on a thick robe, but it wasn't closed tightly, and there was a lot of cleavage. I knew it wouldn't be anywhere near acceptable to stare at that, as delicious as it looked, so I got my eyes off of that and put them on her face. She was just staringt at me and I thought she was...
What do you do when you find out your daughter and the young man you think of as your son, are lovers? I'm really asking that question, because I had no idea what to do. It had been going on literally for years, and there was no way in the world I could pretend my kids weren't just as normal as pie in every other way a person could evaluate them on. Their grades were fine. Their social relationships were good, allowing for the fact that they had orgies in my daughter's bedroom. And let's...
The girls had snuck into the bathroom and peeked, of course. I found out from Frankie, later. And that's because Frankie demanded that Phee invite her over for a "private sleepover" the next week. I had forgotten all about what Denise had said about how eager Frankie was. Frankie was so un-eager verbally, that that's all that had ever sunk in. To be honest, when Phee told me "Frankie wants to come over, so be ready," I still didn't believe we'd have sex. And I was sure I was right...
Now I know the majority of readers would think that I’d hop right on that bandwagon and let a beautiful young woman ‘experiment’ with my raging boner, especially since such boners developed, occasionally, because of the girl in question. But let’s be reasonable, here. Thinking about committing even a minor form of incest is a big step and while my sister had had a month to get “normalized” to the idea of playing with her brother’s prick just to get a little experience, all I’d done was...
I saw my daughter lying there, freshly and well fucked. But there was something unreal about it too. "Wow," panted Amber, her eyes clear and untroubled by guilt. "I didn't believe her. I was wrong. She was right. You're incredible." "What the fuck?!" I gasped. "Don't be mad, Daddy," she said, panting between each word. "I couldn't help it." "What are you talking about?" I asked, also having trouble talking because I was so out of breath. She put a finger on my lips ......
All movement stopped again. Voices died down. Phoenix said, "Really?" sounding surprised, and a smidgeon happier, so I thought I had eked out at least a partial victory. "Absolutely," I said. "All your friends are ... um ... inspiring." Don't ask me why I chose that word. Then things got weird again. "But not me," said Phoenix. "What?" "I'm not ... inspiring," she said. Her voice was flat. In case any of you readers out there are males in your early teens ... this is the...
You couldn't lock the bathroom doors from the outside. I fully expected Danni to come storming in with murder in mind ... but she didn't. In fact, they left me alone the rest of the night. This is not to say I couldn't hear them, but it was strange, because they honestly didn't sound any different than they had on other nights. I mean I could hear voices, but not what was being said, and those voices kept speaking until I finally fell into an exhausted sleep. They obviously hadn't been...
It was spooky. When Beth asked what came next, all four of them turned to look at Phee. I was not to find out for another month why that was, but it was weird, that's for sure. She looked past them at me, and said "If you guys want to go on like planned, that's fine with me." The girls turned back to look at me. Danni said, "What do you want from us?" I blinked. "I thought it was the other way around. I thought you had questions, and I was supposed to try to answer them." "You...
Danni's eyes were red when they came out of the bathroom, but she was calm again. She didn't look at me. "I think that's probably enough for tonight," Phee said. "No fair!" chimed Beth. "I agree," said Denise. "Hasn't he caused enough trouble?" suggested Phee. "Only for you and Danni," said Frankie. "What's that supposed to mean?" asked Phee, darkly. "Nothing," said Frankie breezily. "But he's ready, and Denise and Beth want to try it." "Why are you so sunny...
I lay in bed. I had used my shorts to clean myself up a little. I could hear the shower running, so I knew Phee was in there. My mind was going a hundred miles an hour and I was actually a little scared about what would happen next. That's because I had no idea what would happen next, and the complete unknown is kind of scary. I kept lying there after the shower stopped, and I heard her moving around in her room. I tried to figure out what to say to her the next time I saw her. Then,...
You wouldn't think that a teenaged boy who was facing five naked teenaged girls would consider himself to have problems. But I did. In fact, I had several problems. First, I was having palpitations of the heart, which was pounding and dancing in my chest, making me worry that I might set some kind of record for being the youngest person in the world to have a heart attack. Second, they had stipulated that, if they were going to be naked, I had to be naked too. They had also demanded that I...
I waited for something to happen until I finally fell asleep, lying on my bed. I had even put on "the shorts" in anticipation. What woke me up was someone turning my reading light off. But my eyes had been closed, so when I opened them, they were adjusted to the dark, and I could see two forms hovering over me in the dark. They were female forms, because they both had long hair. "Shhhh," came off of Phee's tongue and lips. Hands found my shorts in the dark. I lifted my hips to...
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When you're a teenager, and a beautiful older woman says she's had some sexual fantasies about you, it's sort of a big deal. I realized I had stopped breathing when I kind of leaned, and almost fell off the couch. I was lightheaded, but I could focus enough to keep from falling on my face. Her hands were suddenly on my shoulders, stabilizing me. "I told you it was complicated," she said softly. "That's not complicated," I said. "That's just crazy." I was thinking about how...
Ronnie had taught me how complicated life can be. That was good, because my life got more complicated. It wasn't that birthday kiss. Not really. At least I don't think it was the kiss. I had been looking forward to going off to college. I had an acceptance letter from K-State. I had been accepted into the engineering program. It was a five year program, so maybe that's part of what complicated things. And I had been looking forward to the girls at college. Except I was pretty sure that...
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One reason I’ve told this story is because it’s instructive in articulating the point that we often make life harder than it needs to be. Case in point: When Cassie finally did confront her parents and confess that she’d fallen in love with her cousin, her mother’s response was, “Well, you always did have a terrible crush on him. I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised.” “I did not!” said Cassie, who made life harder on herself than it needed to be by saying what she thought she should...
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When Millie entered the room she shared with Tami she found her step sister laying in her bed, naked, with her right hand pinching one of her nipples and two fingers of her left hand exploring the depths of her pussy. Millie looked away and walked over to her own bed against the other wall. "Come here," Tami said holding out the hand that moments before had been pinching her nipple. Millie hesitated while she considered the possible consequences of Tami going to her mother and complaining...
It was only 7.30a.m. and she was still in bed. No doubt she would be late for work again, she always was these days. Maybe it was all the morning masturbation she kept on doing. Every morning without fail as soon as her eyes began to wake up her fingers would seek out her pussy and begin to play. Today was Wednesday though and she knew that she needed to be in work to clear all the paperwork from Monday. Her desk was as messy as her bed really. So she stopped from pleasuring herself and got up...
I'm waiting for you outside yoga. You left me asleep in your bed but I was only drifting.As I watched you wriggle into your yoga pants through lidded eyes, that beautiful ass dancing before me I knew I couldn't wait til when you got back. I'd tried stopping you going to yoga once before and that didn't end well. You were in a bit of a mood for the rest of the day even if I did make it up to you with my tongue.As you pecked me a kiss goodbye my cock stirred as I thought of the day ahead and...
Quickie SexI opened up the door and what I didn’t expect was to see Rob sitting on the toilet wanking his magnificent uncut cock. He stopped his hand motion, but I could see the precum collecting in the little pool formed on the top the his dick by his foreskin. We both were silent and still, neither of us knowing what to say. Then I saw his dick pulse a little and the precum overflowed and ran down the under side of his cock. Seeing that I couldn’t help myself. I turned the shower off and got down on...
It was a beautiful day outside and it had been a long hard week at work. I decided to pamper myself by taking a nice long bath and just soak my sore muscles. After my bath and weekly grooming I decide it was time to slip into something a bit more slutty to wear around the house (I don’t go out dressed up, not quite passable for that step). I walked into my room and looked in my closet, where I kept my sluttiest outfits. I picked out my bright pink and purple trimmed corset with matching...
This is an experience from my friend Karan. He had been on a road trip to Nepal for some soul-searching adventures. The below story is presented from his POV. Hi readers, this is Karan Mehta, a traveler, and explorer. I like to call myself a sexplorer. I visit different places and try to hook up with the local ladies. This gives me the local taste and also fulfills my burning desires. I am always traveling on a budget. So hooking up with the locals gives me a free space to stay with food and...
Beginning a new chapter in my life! I was holding Jay with a blanket around him as I knocked on the door. "Hi Jay! Come on in". Wesley said answering the door. "Hi Wes, how has everything been going." Cynthia, his wife came in to meet us as I shook their hands. "Sue, this is Cynthia and Wesley. This is Sue and Jay, my son." I said introducing them. "What a beautiful baby, come in the den where it is warm. We have a fire going." Cynthia said directing us to the den. I laid Jay on...
As a professional photographer, Abella often found herself around beautiful, confident, sensual women. She’d often wonder if it’s what drew her to her career choice in the first place- and whether these were women she wanted to be, or be with. Abella was a professional through and through, and had never even entertained the thought of crossing a line before…until Valentina. Something about her had always captivated Abella- the way she exudes confidence and power and moves through the...
xmoviesforyouI shouldn't have been surprised when she confessed having a sexual curiosity towards my large male German Shepherd, Lex. Lex was a pretty horny beast, always humping furniture and legs. Anna admitted it turned her on knowing the dog was horny and eager to fuck a bitch. We'd been together a few months and I'd entertained numerous Daddy fantasies and schoolgirl fantasies, not to mention a rape scene. But I'd never once considered involving my dog in our sex life... She wanted the dog in...
This is chapter 7 of Jayne the Virgin.She had a big smile on her face and told me to join her.I got between her legs and started lapping the cum flowing out of her. She tasted so good. I could detect the flavor of the other three guys. After orgasming multiple times she got up to take shower and asked me to join her.In the shower we made out. She bent over and told me to fuck her in the ass. I asked if she was sure. She hissed yes, grabbed my cock and backed tight ass onto me. I grabbed her...
Blind folded, Judith Thomas sat nervously in the straight back chair while hearing feet shuffling softly around her!!! The cool evening air had erected her naked nipples, and as always the anticipation of doing her masters bidding was flooding her vagina with Bartholins fluid!!! Sometimes he made her sit for hours before deigning her with his presence, but tonight she was pleasantly surprised when his voice rang out after only about a ten minute wait!!! Good evening Judith, he began gently, my,...
Sure enough, after her Birthday gangbang (all ten of the guys ended up fucking her pussy and depositing a load inside), she missed her period. We bought a pregnancy testing kit, and it was positive. I was a little shocked, but at the same time very excited, wondering which of those ten had fertilised her eggs. I wondered if it was one of the guys who had cum all over her dildo as she’d said at the time. Erika was overjoyed. She was adamant that it was the guy with the biggest cock. He’d been...
Special Note: This is a sequel to my story 'Magically Maid'. I highly recomend you read it first. Magically Requested By Garath Xion: "Dude, that is just lame," the man named Reeve said as he watched his roommate Ken carry in a small stuffed panda bear. Ken was a collector of stuffed panda bears. He just liked them that was all. Though to Reeve it was a sign of being a nerd and to him that was a lame way to be. Ken just sighed...
Whilemy husband was at work and I had my day off, I figured I’d have a romantic evening. I thought, to myself the possibilities, to make tonight romantic. I looked through my closet where I kept all my lingerie. I wanted something that said sexy, yet not slutty, sweet but not too innocent. I decided on my light blue silk lingerie with pink accent bows to make it sweet. I had matching garters and white thigh highs. I decided not to wear any panties to surprise him. I looked in the mirror...
SeductionWe have arranged our second encounter to be at a beach house in Duck, on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. You have made the arrangements and sent me the address, and I am to meet you there.I am filled with anticipation as I pack my bags. I include my makeup, wig, sexy teddy, stockings, and my latest purchase, a 38D silicone breastplate complete with realistic nipples. I also pack a one-piece bathing suit and several sundresses and sandals.I arrive at the address and am impressed by how...
CrossdressingI watched out the window as the car sped away and I new it was time to play. The best part of our drive way was you could here someone from a mile away and dust flying everywhere. As mom and dad left Friday to the lake and b*o long since moved out helllllo playtime. Panties I loved panties just saying the word made me fucking horny but wearing them was awesome too. I scrammbled down stairs and grabbed my hiiden stash to play the weekend away. I brought the bag up to my room and poured out...
Hello Luis. I much prefer to use that name. It conjures images of golden-brown skin and thick, silky hair. So much more appropriate than the other you use, I think. I don't believe I want to know what your real name is. In my fantasy it must be a Continental name, something French or Italian. As I sat at my desk today, I found my mind wondering to the erotic thoughts that pervaded me last night. Thoughts that my co-workers would have been shocked to hear. My gaze began to roam about the office,...
BDSMNamesake By QModo Note to readers. Don't read if you don't like poor grammar, this is rough. This is a work of adult fiction. No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected. Copyright... are you kidding? Edited by Amanda Lynn - 1 - I had a security company in Kaliningrad. Unlike other bosses, I was always with my men on the field. That had put me in a trusting and close relationship with my men. Though my name was Innokenty they called me Kiesha, that's a short form...
It was a strange situation in twenty-six-year-old Duncan Henderson's office because it was early evening and he was there with his sixty-year-old lover Carol Blunstone and fifty-year-old employee Brenda Mitchell. What was particularly strange was that both women were naked from the waist down and Duncan had his trousers and boxers at his ankles.Not very many minutes earlier, Duncan had been fucking Carol with her bent over his desk in what they both believed was an otherwise empty building but...
MatureAs the moon cycled through the winter season, especially on those days when snowstorms kept the villagers shivering inside their shelters and unable to venture out into the deadly cold, Ivory often returned to her memories of Glade. The shaman’s apprentice remembered her not only as a lover, but also as the woman revealed to her by the stories she’d told her of her life. What puzzled Ivory most was why Glade had chosen to abandon her husband and two children. Ivory couldn’t imagine that she...
He awoke in a daze. Slowly the mists in his mind parted and he started feeling the pain. Oh, god, the pain! The wonderful pain! He was hanging from his hands from the ceiling of a very luxurious room. He was starting to remember now. He was in the home of his Domme. She was so rich she had more than one sub, but he was her favorite. So she told him, over and over, as she whipped his back with the leather straps she loved to use. Last night he had been so overcome with the pain that he had shot...