SAM Ch. 02 free porn video

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This story is a sequel to my story The Webber Family Secrets. Although the story is largely about Sam we will meet some other members of Sam’s family when she returns to the Shelley Beach Resort. The story SAM can be read as a stand-alone story but you will get more sense out of it if you have read The Webber Family Secrets. Enjoy!




FiFi was woken from a deep sex induced sleep at six in the morning. Come along my little flower it is time we shower and prepare for the new day. You are to spend the morning with your Mistress in the dungeon and then in the afternoon I will be taking you through the arrangements for the weekend. Now come on sleepy head get up and get showered and back to your training room and remember keep your hair dry, I will be most unhappy if you wash out my gift from last night.

After breakfast she waited in the Kneel position in the middle of the training room. ‘Good morning slut and why are you not in the Teach position?’

‘I forgot Mistress I am still very tired from last night.’

‘That’s no excuse slut. You will get little rest this weekend and yet you have to be on the peak of your efficiency at all times. I think another punishment is due. What is your punishment this time slut?’

‘Mistress your slut is to be spanked twenty times.’

‘Correct slut. Listen carefully. Over breakfast this morning your Master asked me to try to be a little more lenient with you. Accordingly, I am happy to pass over this punishment but we will need to have a very serious discussion. TEACH!’

FiFi immediately settled back on her heels, knees spread wide with upturned hands. ‘Slut I am confused. I agree with your Master that you are the most beautiful and sexy submissive we have employed for our little extravaganzas. You are incredibly intelligent, for example no one has completed the Lodge Computer Program with almost full marks in under two hours before and yet there are times when your slackness is incomprehensible. I want to help you but you are going to be open about what is going on in that pretty head.’

‘Oh Mistress your slut is very grateful. Your slut is having a hard time understanding that she is to submit to you and Master. You see your slut is very much in love with her husband and she is so lucky to have her two adorable twins. At times when your slut is relaxed she find herself thinking back to them and so it muddles her clear thinking. Just twenty-four hours ago your slut was a free woman using the name she was given at birth. Your slut was free to make her own decisions and lead her own life and now she has a Master and Mistress who own her and she expected to submit.’

‘Slut what are you doing here?’

‘Your slut was brought here to act as the main entertainment at this long weekends extravaganza. Your slut is here to be trained to perform her duties with total efficiency and to submit to anything expected of her.’

‘Okay, your Mistress is beginning to understand you better. Let me take you back to six yesterday morning. It was at that hour that your Master gave you two choices. Either remove your clothes leaving them folded on your bed and to come up here and submit to your owners. Alternatively, you could refuse to submit and so your Master and Mistress would have come down stripped you and after a lot of un-pleasantries you would have finally submitted. You were told to submit and you would be returned to town fully dressed and with all your possessions. Refuse and you would be returned to town naked and without anything to identify yourself.’

‘Slut you are free to change your mind if you wish.’

‘No Mistress your slut submitted of her own free will and will honor that submission.’

‘You say that you have submitted and yet your Mistress thinks that seeing you still think of your previous life you have not completely submitted. Now your Mistress has passed over your latest punishment but remember if you are to be punished at a later date you will be spanked twenty-five times. Your Mistress is going to leave the room for one hour. During this time, you are to think about what Total Submission means. I will the return with your Master and we expect to see you either sitting in the Kneel Position which would indicate that you have failed to understand Total Submission and accept the consequences or you will be kneeling with you head on the floor and your arms outstretched.’

When the door closed FiFi got up and slowly walked around the room. She thought about everything that had happened the previous day but as she thought she could see George and the twins. Sitting down at the table she cried but then as quickly as she began crying she stopped. Touching her collar and picking up her lead she thought again. Her hand wen to the dried cum in her hair and she remembered the night with her Master. She thought what life would be like if she were to be returned naked and with het tattoo and all other identification removed. Again her shoulders slumped when she thought how it would affect George and the twins. Sitting bolt upright she said to herself ‘Sam Webber you are doing this for your family. Until next Tuesday Sam Webber does not exist, your name is now FiFi and you are to be the entertainment at the long weekend extravaganza.’

She sat there thinking clearly and saw George and her twins slowly disappear into the mist. Okay submissive FiFi let’s get it over with.’

Standing up she went to the middle of the room and kneeled with her head down and arms outstretched in total submission.

When her Master and Mistress returned they walked slowly round her noticing the faint blush on her buttocks. ‘Stand up slut with your legs spread and hands clenched behind your neck.’

FiFi stood as her Master and Mistress inspected her. ‘So slut you Totally Submit to everything that is to happen from this time on?’

‘FiFi you will freely submit no matter how humiliating it may be.’

‘Yes Master and Mistress your slut submits to everything. No longer can your slut see her previous family. Your submissive slut is here for your or anyone else’s amusement.’

‘All right slut we have your enema to consider first. You know the drill so into the bathroom and on the chair.’

Twenty minutes later and FiFi was mopping up her liquid shit. She worked quickly because she was frightened that she would go over the time aloud. When the floor was clear and a deodorant had been poured over it FiFi dashed into the shower and cleaned off before her Mistress returned. Dropped in the Teach position she worked to block her mind from the disgusting act.

FiFi felt her lead being lifted. ‘Crawl at heel slut.’ FiFi allowed herself to be lead down to the dungeon.

‘Okay slut we have lost an hour so we are going to have to make that time up. Now listen carefully. You will have noticed on the Computer Lodge simulation that there is a dungeon but it is not as well stocked as what we have here. You can expect to be taken down to the dungeon over the long weekend. Yesterday and today you are being given the opportunity to experience what you may have to submit to during the weekend.’

‘Yesterday you were introduced to the Saint Andrews Cross, nipple clamps, hot wax and orgasm control. Today you are going to experience suspension, the flogger, butt plugs and strap-on dildo’s. Spreader bars, ball gags and another little delight.’

FiFi was led to a bar that had been lowered from the ceiling and her wrists were locked into the manacles. She heard a whirring sound and slowly her arms were stretched above her head. Finally, with her feet off the floor she swung free. Her Mistress then attached a bar to her ankles spreading her legs wide.

Her Mistress lowered FiFi’s feet to the floor and quickly fastened a ball gag in her mouth and a leather blindfold and then she was

Suspended with her feet off the floor. Now slut during the weekend your collar will still sho
w us where you are at all times. This means that we can observe what you are being made to perform. We only allow spanking with the hand and mild use of a flogger. If Security, feel that you are being taken to far they will come and release you. As she said this she clipped a weighted clamp to FiFi’s left labia and repeated with the right.

‘Slut this is a flogger it is only used on the back. On the weekend we will only permit people who we know are experienced floggers. The object of the flogger is to raise a submissives pain tolerance. Flogging should concentrate on just one area of the back and continuing on this area for ten or fifteen minutes before moving onto the next area. If done correctly a flogger will create a very special sensation for the submissive. I am now going to use the flogger on you.’

Holding the things of the flogger in her left hand Rebecca struck across the center of her sluts back and continued working this one area for about fifteen minutes. She then adjusted her position and directed the flogger at an area just above the area that had been flogged before. After another fifteen minutes she stopped and lowering FiFi to the floor began to release her from the bars.

Now slut I want you to go over to the vault and bend over it like you did yesterday. When FiFi was in position with her butt high on display Rebecca showed her a small beginners butt plug. ‘Slut this is a butt plug and it is used to prepare your ass for sex. I know that your Master is keen to take your ass before the weekend commences so today we are going to be preparing you for the experience.’

Rebecca lubricated a small butt plug and slowly inserted it into FiFi’s ass. When it was fully in FiFi felt uncomfortable and very full. Lying over the vault her Mistress came around to the front and showed her a large thick dildo attached to a harness.

‘This is a strap on cock. Over the weekend there will also be some women and they may want to use this on you. So I want you to experience it this morning. Remember climax control.’

FiFi watched her Mistress fit the strap on and lubricate it. Then she felt the long cock take her starting with a slow easy motion but getting more urgent and harder before dropping back the pace. Her Mistress continued to fuck her as she reached round and ran her finger across her clit. FiFi began to move with her Mistress feeling the cock driving in and out as her clit was massaged and her cunt began to tremble with an oncoming climax. She concentrated on what was happening willing her cunt to slow trying to control the natural reflexes to orgasm. As on the previous night she got very close and then her Mistress slowed allowing FiFi to calm. Finally, she felt the cock withdraw and hearing her Mistress tell her to cum she felt her insides churn as her climax erupted. Again she squirted her cum as her body tensed.

‘Well done slut it is time for lunch. You may freshen up in your bathroom and then take lunch. I will return to replace your butt plug before your master comes to collect you. Now heel.’

Having completed lunch FiFi assumed the Teach position and waited for her Mistress.

‘Well done slut now this is your new butt plug.’

FiFi was given a much longer and thicker butt plug and bending over the table felt her Mistress push it into her ass. ‘Stand up slut. How does it feel?’

‘Oh Mistress it is very painful and your slut has never been as full before.’

‘You will get used to it and anyway it is nothing compared to what I will fit later on this afternoon. Now relax in the Teach and wait for your Master. You are with me tonight so you can expect to be well entertained. Now it is almost lunch so clean up and try to be in the correct position for your Master this afternoon. I will not see you until I summon you to my apartment.’

After lunch FiFi sat in the Teach position waiting for her Master. Looking up at the clock she noticed that he was five minutes late. She sat there blocking her mind from thoughts of George and the twins. She now understood that this was why she was always failing to do the easiest of tasks. Finally, she looked up as she heard the door open. Seeing her Master enter she hurriedly lowered her eyes and sat back on her heels.

‘FiFi heel.’

FiFi crawled behind her Master to the computer room. ‘Now FiFi I realize that you completed the tests in record time but this afternoon I am going to introduce you to where you will be at any given time, as well as explain your duties to you. We are also going to measure you for your uniform. So the first thing I want you to do is stand and accept this stranger as she takes your measurements. I seriously suggest that you submit.’

FiFi stood with her arms behind her neck as a strange woman slid a tape measure taking a series of measurements before pressing the head of the tape measure onto her pussy and stimulating her clit. Suddenly she stiffened as she felt a finger slide onto her ‘G’ spot, she wanted to hang onto the table but knew that if she did her Mistress would be summoned. The buzzing vibrating head of the tape measure continued across her clit driving FiFi to a point of wild submission. Her pussy was dripping with the urgency to cum but again she knew that to do so would have consequences and then it stopped and the woman slapped her butt and telling her Master that she would have the dress in the morning, left.

‘Well done FiFi. As you have been told already you are to be the entertainment at our little extravaganza. Your duties are simple: submit to the guests every whim. Now your collar will still be tracking you so our security will be watching and if they see that you are being set tasks outside of the agreed activities they will come and collect you. You will have an apartment on the ground floor. Although it is not big it will have bedroom and separate bathroom. The guests are on the next three floors. How much they pay decides which floor they will occupy. The fourth floor only has three apartments and these are for special guests who will be paying fifteen hundred dollars for the privilege of occupying these penthouse suits. These suits are more like the lodge on a smaller scale, they have a large bedroom and bathroom including a sauna and these penthouse suites also include a fully stocked playroom.’

‘At dinner on the Saturday night your duties will be to entertain the diners with a series of sexual attitudes. You will be naked and will enter from a private room onto a raised platform. There are monitors on all walls so that no matter where a person is seated they can view your performance. Normally we teach our submissive a series of attitudes but your Mistress and I have decided that you are more than capable of providing a suitable entertainment.’

‘After dinner you will be lowered to the floor and the guests will have the opportunity to inspect you. After the inspection you will be auctioned and the highest bidder will win you for the night. The following lunch and you will be auctioned again and again after the evening meal. The Sunday will be the same. During the pre-dinner appetizers, you will be required to serve food and drinks as well as amuse the guest’s sexual whim. Other than the midday auction and the evening attitudes and auction you will wear your maids uniform. Have you any questions?’

‘Master your slut is confused about these attitudes. Can you provide more information? Your slut does not want to make a mistake.’

‘As I have said you will be naked for this event. The object of the attitudes is to stimulate the sexual desire of the guests: in short you are selling yourself. There will be soft music playing and you are required to take up a stance and hold it for about five minutes before moving onto the next one. At no time are you permitted to touch yourself. The lighting on your platform will be muted in order to create a greater sexual experience.’

‘Thank you Master. Can your slut ask another question?’

‘By all means.’

‘Master y
our slut would like to ask what happens to the money your slut raises.’

‘The reason of the extravaganza is to raise money for cancer research. This is why we always use only high class business woman as the entertainment. You will be entertaining some very wealthy business people. Sometimes a woman who has previously been the entertainment returns as a paying guest. I believe we have the entertainment from our last extravaganza as a guest at this one.’

‘Thank you Master.’

‘Now it is time to return to your training room. You are to shower and this time you will wash your hair. Tonight you will be entertaining your Mistress. Now heel.’

FiFi showered making sure her cunt and ass were clean. Washing her hair, she left the bathroom and returned to eat her evening meal. She then dropped into the Kneel and waited for her Mistress. Like the previous evening she was nervous about what her Mistress had planned. She was uneasy because she did not like sex with women. At that moment her Mistress entered and told her to come to heel behind her. This time she was led to a small lift and taken up to a large apartment on an upper floor. It was furnished much like her Masters with a bathroom and bedroom leading off the main lounge.

‘Slut have you ever had sex with a woman?’

‘Yes Mistress.’

‘Did you enjoy it.’

‘Not really Mistress it appeared to be somewhat artificial and anyway your slut prefers to sleep with men.’

‘After tonight you will be only too happy to spread your legs for any for any stray pussy on the street.’

Turning beet red FiFi looked onto the floor. ‘Oh God. Your slut is frightened Mistress.’

Taking FiFi’s lead she led her victim to the bedroom telling her to lie on her back in the center of the bed. Rebecca then began a slow and very erotic strip. Standing on a small dais with a low couch she sat down and spreading her legs began undoing the laces of her thigh high black leather boots and peeled them down throwing them into the corner. Next she stood and slowly unzipped each side of her black leather body suit. As FiFi lay with her head propped on pillows Rebecca slowly slid the suit over her shoulders and down to just above her nipples. Looking towards her slut she noticed that FiFi had turned her head away. ‘Fix your eyes between your Mistresses legs slut if I see you look away again I will take you down to the dungeon and flog you.’

Terrified FiFi fixed her gaze on the crease between her Mistresses legs and watched as she slowly dragged the body suit down off her breasts drawing them down to her hips. Standing she dragged them down her legs before sitting back and easing them over her feet. She then ran her finger over her leather thong sliding her finger provocatively along the slit between her legs.

FiFi had to fight not to masturbate knowing the consequences if she did. Watching breathlessly as her mistress lifted off the couch dragging her nickers along her spread thighs and throwing them towards her helpless victim. FiFi released a long drawn out hiss when she saw her Mistresses pussy for the first time. She noticed the dark lips with beads of moisture and the pink center as her Mistress exposed her pussy.

‘Do you like what you see slut?’

‘Yes Mistress you are so beautiful.’

‘Be patient and you will get to eat my pussy later tonight but first I am going to convert you into a confirmed pussy munching slut. From this day you will be looking for any stray lesbian to relieve the itch between your legs.’

Rebecca slowly climbed onto the bed and looking intently into her slut’s eyes leaned in and pressed her tongue into FiFi’s mouth. Sticking her tongue in and pulling it out she began a slow tongue fuck of FiFi’s helpless mouth. Hearing her victims begin a low moan she ran the feathery tips of her fingers down the side of her rib-cage across the top of her mound and up the other side.

Again FiFi drew a sharp breath as she felt her Mistresses finger slide across her swollen and so sensitive nipples. Involuntarily her legs drifted open as she felt the fluttering fingers slip softly across the top of her mound. This time Rebecca stopped.

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All Rachel Ann Cooper stories are copy righted and may not be re-posted without permission and may be archived for personal use only. Samantha by Rachel Ann Cooper 1998 This is a short love story with a twist. When I graduated high school, college was not an option. We just didn't have the money. But, the local community college did offer 2 year associate degrees and some professional degrees. I went in and got their brochure in March of my senior year. They offered a...

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Samantha By Cal Y. Phigia Samantha Johnson, the new hire, was exquisitely beautiful. James Mann thought her the most gorgeous woman he'd ever met. He'd love to ask her out, but her good looks were somehow intimidating. He feared she'd reject him. If she did, he'd feel mortified. It was better, he told himself, to fantasize about asking her. That way he'd control her answer, and her answer would always be yes. The day that Mr. Sloane hired Sam as his new secretary the...

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Samantha Chapter 1: Discovery So, this happened. I'm sitting in a quaint neighborhood bar with my friend Jamie, and this guy comes over. I'm expecting him to hit on Jamie because she's looking pretty adorable in her wrap dress and heeled sandals. I'm starring down at my rather nondescript ballet flats trying to avoid looking at him. "Samantha, meet Ben, an old school friend of mine," Jamie said as she poked me with her elbow. I tried to say 'hi', but I was too terrified....

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“Andrew!” a female voice called. “Andrew!” I turned and there was Samantha, running to catch up to me. “Hey, Samantha,” I greeted. “What are you up to?” “Not much. You?” “On my way home.” “Can I ask a favor?” “Sure.” “Finals are coming up and I was wondering if you’d help me study for my geometry final? It’ll be a miracle if I pass it.” “Miracles so happen, you know?” “I know, but can you help?” I smiled. “Sure. My house tonight?” “Sure. Thank you, Andrew.” So that night, Samantha and I sat on...

First Time
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Setting note: I was in the US Navy before DADT was implemented. Samuel and I weren’t paranoid, there was actual imprisonment on the table if one was caught being gay. I subscribe to the belief that it is no crime to break an unjust law, but the military doesn’t exactly share that view. I didn’t realize my sexuality until after I’d enlisted, and the choice I made was to stay for my enlistment rather than taking an Other Than Honorable discharge. Samuel was problematic for me. We were...

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The telephone startled me out of a deep sleep and I shot up in bed to grab it. This late it must be important, since everyone knows I get up very early to go to work. “Hello?” I rasped into the phone while glancing at the clock next to it to verify the time was indeed 1:30 AM.“Dad!” Sams voice, my 15 year old daughter Samantha said urgently, “you have to come get me right now!” “Get you from where hon? Are you in trouble? Where are you?” I asked trying to wake up and makes sense of the...

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I suppose the strangest thing about my current predicament was that I had always been something of a “good girl.” I knew from a fairly young age that with my long dark hair, bright hazel eyes, and clear complexion, I could have nearly any guy I wanted wrapped around my finger. I didn’t take advantage of this. Instead, I did everything I could to melt in, unnoticeable, with the rest of my classmates. I wore glasses instead of contacts, and a sharp, ballerina bun in my hair instead of letting it...

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I suppose the strangest thing about my current predicament was that I had always been something of a “good girl.” I knew from a fairly young age that with my long dark hair, bright hazel eyes, and clear complexion, I could have nearly any guy I wanted wrapped around my finger. I didn’t take advantage of this. Instead, I did everything I could to melt in, unnoticeable, with the rest of my classmates. I wore glasses instead of contacts, and a sharp, ballerina bun in my hair instead of letting it...

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Mary slipped her plain cotton panties off, folded them carefully, and added them to the neatly organized pile of the rest of her uniform. "You don't have to do this," James whispered. "It's not something I have to do, it's something I want to do." Mary leaned forward and kissed him. "Are you ready?" Mary followed James's gaze down to his midsection, where his raging erection, looking as hard and straight as a totem pole, left no doubt as to his readiness. She took one more deep...

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I was a graduate student at the state university and had finished my classes for the week even though it was just Thursday. Mom was a professor of literature at the university and was at the library helping with a ‘get kids to read’ program. I had been volunteered to read for them. There were eighty little third graders in the library. I somehow ended up surrounded by a bunch of boys reading from a book from Gerald Durrell. It had been my favorite book growing up so I was glad to revisit...

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I've always know Samantha, she lives next door and is three years younger than me. She always has been that scrawny brat that followed me about, getting in the way or the girl I would sit upon and tickle until she cried. The seasons changed and unknown to me she had grown up and now has gentle curves. You know how it is, you see someone every day, and you fail to notice the changes in them. This fishing hole was one of my best-kept secrets and I knew that we wouldn't be disturbed on this hot...

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My husband and I were thrilled when he finally got a job at a big Wall Street brokerage. It was something we had been working toward for years, and the money was really good. It was a welcome relief to both of us because his student years had been so tough. For his twenty-seventh birthday I decided to do something special for him, and reserved a room at a very nice hotel, and a table at one of New York's finest restaurants. To get him ready for it, I picked out a very revealing outfit from a...

4 years ago
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The last time I saw her was 4 years ago when we were both 20. It's funny how quickly things change when you're young. When last I saw her, she only wore baggy pants and hooded tops over a myriad of t-shirts. Now, standing in front of me was a lovely young woman dressed stylishly in khaki pants and a fitted light-blue shirt with a couple of buttons undone showing just a hint of cleavage. Her hair was layered and shoulder-length framing her face beautifully, so different from her short spiky...

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Young Rounded Fuck With SisterInLaw

Hi ISS readers.. hope everyone enjoying their sexual passions.. I have received fantastic response from readers and here is my other experience with my sister-in-law (cousin of my wife). We live in Bangalore and very good whether here.. I passionate about my sexual desires .. this was happened few days back when my wife’s cousin came for an interview in Bangalore from Hyderabad.. I did not had any intention towards her and it happened in a nice way.. she looks pretty cool and homely with good...

1 year ago
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Kate and Me Part 2

So I was at home watching my latest DVD purchase when I felt my mobile vibrate in my pocket. The caller ID read Kate. I eagerly answered the phone to find out what she wanted.Turns out she needed help with her new PC. I said I would be right over; I only lived up the road to her so I grabbed my wallet and ran there as quickly as I could. I knocked on the door expecting Scott to answer and let me in but to my delight it was Kate in a bathrobe. Her hair still wet she invites me in.“So you need...

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Wet Dream of Jeannie

Tony rolled over in bed, an erection keeping him awake. ?Oooooh, Master,? Jeannie squealed as she hopped up on the bed. Her top was pulled down so that her big boobs were exposed. ?Pleeeease let me handle that for you,? she begged. ?Sure, Jeannie,? Tony pulled his pajama bottoms down, exposing his erection. Jeannie grabbed it eagerly and flicked it against her tongue, teasing the tip before taking it into her mouth and pushing it down into her throat. She bobbed her head up and down, pleasuring...

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The Goode Lifebymrwizard67©PrologueI leaned back in my big comfortable easy chair, and looked down at the beautiful redhead who knelt between my legs. She gazed lovingly up at me with her big, emerald green eyes as her full ruby red lips encircled my throbbing erection. I sighed deeply as Missy took the entire length of my cock into her talented mouth."Oh god baby," I told the pretty eighteen-year-old, "you're a natural born cocksucker. I've known older women who can't suck cock half as well as...

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Sexy Maid Fucked In Bathroom

Hi friends, I am addy again. I am presently in Haryana. I am very happy to share my experiences with u. When I was studying in Delhi, I was residing away from home. I used to go to home in holidays. That time one housemaid was working in my home. She was married and very pretty women at the age of early thirties. I used to tease her at the same time I never missed a chance to praise her beauty. She also took it very casually. One year on sankranthi vacation I Went to my home place. At that time...

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Alexia the transsexual

Alexia is my trans friend real name, Billie is her nick name, I ask her if she wants to spend some with me at the cabin, I haven’t told her about the wolf yet, I don’t think she would understand the relationship I have with it, it’s different from our buddies on the farm, they know something different about me. We get to the cabin Billie’s already getting naked, we take our stuff to the cabin, I sense the wolf is close and his pack is too, Alexia goes to the truck and is...

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In Love With A 45 Year Old Milf

Hello everyone, so I am Mayank writing another story! Thanks, everyone for your comments and personal emails and chats on hangout! Well, you all know about me. I am a 26 years old married guy from Gurgaon. It has been 2 years of my marriage. Though I have been physically involved with many women, I never developed a single feeling for anyone. This story is about that one time when lust led to falling in love. I have been active on many social sites, and on one such site. I started chatting with...

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A very strange weekend

I had met a guy fro Africa on line that was in college, we had corresponded numerously times and went out to lunch a couple of times. Nimbeou had asked if I would come to meet his parents and spend the weekend as his guest, I made my way to Nimbeou's home. I was greeted at the door by his father and mother that expressed their gratitude of my staying with their son while they were gone, taken some what aback I just thought that they had misspoke. Nimbeou showed me to my room and helped me...

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Emend by EclipseChapter 58

April 1, 1980 Tim and Lily drove up the road. Tim knew that he had gone too far when he saw the steel bridge. There was almost no traffic on the road, so he did a U-turn right there on the highway. Coming back they found the dirt driveway to Benny’s property. Tim slowed down and turned onto it. There was a cattle guard across the drive so he didn’t have to deal with a gate. The cattle guard was new. The posts of the barbed wire fence were wood tree limbs cut to size. The barbed wire was...

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Breed Beach 5 All American1 3 videos

America hosts dozens of agents, who work secretly exclusively for me. Although all-American applicants think they are for porn.America's agencies are in all major cities, which house hot tasty teen or twen beautiful brides to be. We will mention all towns.Professor Poet-PETER erotic experiments interestingly include his agencies world wide. Together a dozen of dozens capitals.Professor Poet-PETER prayed his dear great granddaughter Princess Petra to go the other side of the 'big drink', to...

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wife fucked by her friendss

VISIT on to see more top rated stories like theseHI I am Mayank. I am great fan of human digest stories, for many a days I was thinking of sharing my real life experience but was bit hesitant. But today I just want to share my experience so that other readers can get the fun and enjoyment out of it which I got.The incident is about my wife Nyati, she is 24 age perfect figure and nice handful boobs,nice height and can drive any guy crazy by her looks. We are being married 2 yrs...

4 years ago
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Mother and Daughter part two

While of average height and looks I was pretty tanned and toned due to an active outdoors lifestyle. These stories are true and not embellished * but names have been changed as I still know some of the subjects 40 years later … *This story is only partly true … I have just taken things a lot further than what actually happened by adding a fair bit of fantasy. Mother and Daughter part two I awoke early next morning with all three of us in the same position, my partly hard cock was...

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Learning the ropes

Lilian let her son, me and my brother smoke, drink and play poker during the day when she was at work and during the summer we did just that all day and every night so by the time she came home we were 3 young, aggressively drunk teenage boys with hormones raging to be unleashed. Pat is my friend and his sisters name is Marnie. As I said she is a slut, about 4' 5” weighing about 95 lbs with strong short powerful legs and a PERFECT ass. She always wore a sun dress or shorts or bikini in the...

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In the pool

I called the comunity center near by and asked them about their pool hours. I thought swimming lengths would be a good work out. They said that just recently, there was night swimming for the outdoor pool that started at 8:00 and that the pool would be almost empty because not many people knew about the new schedual change yet. I desided to go. As I walked out of the changroom out to the pool, I looked around and I saw nobody, I slipped into the water and started swimming the lengths. I had...

First Time
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The HealerChapter 18

Negotiations were swift between Vangis and Hratt. The Trenoc Alliance were desperate enough to clutch at any straw. Hence the Empire swiftly mounted expeditions to pick up their surviving citizens and bring them home. Imperial technicians also ‘manned’ various sites in the Tafta system and brought them fully back to active service, including the gas mining rig orbiting the inner gas giant in the system to enable the Empire to refuel their ships and prepare for the inevitable conflict. Whilst...

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BiHooker Bye Crook Ch 04

After the initial shock of the statement, Helen had privately crowed at the thought of her homophobic husband getting it on with the beautiful example of masculinity standing before her. Oh she had no doubt, even before watching the film that this meant the end for George’s career, but the wonderful bonus meant that this was the gift she’d been waiting for to end this ridiculous sham of a marriage. He’d pay with his career for the man-whore’s silence. He’d pay her far more in the long run for...

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Tommy Robert and June part 4

Looking down and seeing the grinning face of Mr. McMasters, with residue of cum smeared on his lips, may have been the biggest shock of my life. How and where he came from I do not know. While June was kissing me, he had begun sucking my cock and caused me to have an enormous orgasm filling his mouth with cum. My mind was in a whirl when I heard someone say, “Good show, now eat my pussy.” The voice was not June and it was not a voice I recognized. A hairy pussy descended down over my face...

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Toxic Masculinity Has A Good Night

Back when I was in university, I optimistically looked upon any night out as a chance to meet girls.  I suppose this shouldn't be much of a revelation, since I was hardly alone in this objective.  Despite my best efforts though, results suggested flaws in my approach.  Then one night, I finally had a night that matched my wildest ambitions.The night started as usual with a few friends at the campus bar.  We were sharing a table with some others.  I knew most of the people at our table, but...

College Sex
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Moving brings Siblings Closer

Introduction: a sister and brother grow closer with games I couldnt believe it&hellip,we had to move? The news devastated me, ruining my everything, as much as my everything could be at 10 years old. Of course to me at that age, that was a lot. Having to leave all my friends, and not only that, we were moving across the country from one coast to the next. My sister seemed slightly upset, but not quite as much as myself. At that age I hated change, I was stubborn, and didnt like this idea one...

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