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Chapter 1

Tendrils of mist slipped silently over the ancient stones that stood sentinel-like before her. As the blanket of stars that enveloped the world she knew showered down their crystal light tiny silicates glinted and glistened in the hard grey stone that had been formed so many millions of years before. No one knew how or why these massive obelisks had been brought from the place far across the sea. She knew of no one who had even travelled that piece of water that separated her world from the world of mystery and the people who had once come so long ago and then vanished. The old Druid who still had his refuge deep in the woods across the valley had once come and told stories in the village of how the old religion had been but the Romans had come and driven him away with threats of death and she had not seen him again and her Father had forbidden her even to mention him lest the Romans should hear of it and come for them all.

She hated the Romans with their strange ways. The way in which the centurions would come and take the youngest and prettiest of the village girls, offering promises of reward only to then disappoint them and leave them alone and often with child. She too had seen how the one centurion had looked at her and she knew that it would not be long before she too was considered as easy prey. For some years she had hidden her figure under tunics of rough cloth as she matured and her slow development had been of benefit to her much as it was a source of mirth to the boys of the village.

Since reaching her sixteenth birthday the ripe swelling of her breasts had become obvious even under the loosest of clothing and she knew also that the boys of the village would hide in the bushes that surrounded the women’s bathing place down by the river to watch and to see the thick bush of her own that had thatched between her legs. Thoughts of herself sent shivers through her body that had nothing to do with the cold wind that had sprung up as she stood here. The warm heat spread from within and emanated from her private place demanding of her the attention that she would give when she thought all the others were asleep in the dwelling that the family shared with their animals. But tonight was not the night for such actions and she quickly moved her hand back from touching herself and satisfying the itch that so craved her questing fingers.

This sacred circle of stones held secrets of their own and she wondered at the ceremonies that had lured other young girls on this night of all nights to come and to lay out here. This day had many names and to some it was All Hallows, to others an equinox and the end of the harvest to her it would always be Samhain. It was to this that she had come tonight to celebrate and to discover for herself if what she had been told those many years ago as a young girl by the Druid were true. She saw him now before her, old and withered as the Oak trees that gave him shelter.

“The Goddess has chosen you Sena, you know this as surely as you recognise the changing of the seasons”

The statement was bold and did not seem to invite the possibility of doubt.

“She will instruct you when it is time for you to make the transition to womanhood and no Roman blood shall sully your loins nor youth of the village impregnate you until she has decided your fate”

Her head had hung in shame at such talk but the Druid had seemed kind and not bothered by the delicate nature of such a subject. The village had shunned him but could not bring themselves to condemn him for the old religion lay still in their midst and the great standing stones were a constant reminder of those who had gone before them. That conversation had seemed like only yesterday but she had been no more than a child when he had spoken to her as she played in the dirt outside the family hut covered in its mud and straw walls atop stone foundations laid by her Father.

Sena moved now to the centre of the circle and lay herself down upon the cold wet grass that seemed never to grow, never grazed even by the village animals who shunned this place and kept clear at all times. The cold clammy dampness clawed its’ way into her bones, convulsing her muscles and sending her helpless into the grasp of a life force outside of her own. Nature was taking her place now as ruler of her actions and self will was futile as she slumped into the grasp of the icy cold chill that descended.

“You are waiting my child as I told you it would be?”

The warm husky voice came from outside the stone circle and her heart leapt as blood coursed once more through tired muscle and sinews to revive her limbs.

“Stand for me now for tonight She is coming for you”

The masculine voice cut through the cold of the night, his words at once soothing to her and warmth enveloped her, suffusing her body with otherworldly power.

The rough hewn material spilled from her slender shoulders and her breasts rose as though defying this stranger to look down upon them, her dark brown nipples standing proud upon them. She stood silently offering herself to his gaze.

His eyes travelled down to the soft bush of hair that showed darkly between her thighs, white as the chalk hills where the original inhabitants had once carved giant pictures of wild animals many thousands of years before on this hallowed isle. The wolf and the bear had retreated as he had into the forests and lurked unseen, only heard on nights such as these. The hair between her legs reminded him of the softness of wolf pelt as he acknowledged a hunger not felt for many years and he wondered how she would taste. He imagined the sweetness of her soft moist opening the feel of her delicate lips that showed as she now knelt before him and the bitter sweet juice that he knew would cascade from her loins as he ruptured that sacred covering of her innocence.

“Rise my child for your time has come”

His voice was both soothing and yet conveying of a message far deeper than mere words could tell.

Sena could not explain the emotions that were firing through her body as he spoke. The wizened old man of the woods had not moved within the stone circle, his ragged beard surrounding his face was wretched and tangled and yet she would gladly have given herself to him this very moment had he only commanded. The spell that held her in its’ grasp would make sure that she did what was commanded of her and never question the authority that made her supplicate and surrender to the demands made of her.

“She comes for you now my child I shall be here when you need me”

His presence was gone. Once more she stood alone in the circle of stone but now it glowed with an intensity that she could not begin to perceive of her worldly self. The all enveloping warmth took her and carried her down and once more she lay but this time the covering beneath her was soft and enshrouding, gentle fur that stimulated a new the feeling between her legs. Only the gentle gasp of breath on her neck caused her to move her face away from the fur and to gaze into limpid pools of the bluest azure.

“My child I have waited so many years for this moment and now you are here before me”

The voice was soft and feminine, carried gently on a whisper of mist yet warm and beguiling.

Sena turned her head once more and before her was a woman sylph-like and diaphanous yet physical and visceral at the same time.

Small breasts capped with soft pink nipples were suffused by almost white alabaster skin. She carried no hair beneath a stomach that rippled with muscle like a warrior and her musk smell both beguiled and intoxicated. Flaxen locks tumbled upon shoulders of the whitest of marble and yet no face could be seen or at least explained as soft light emanated from within her. Only lips of the bloodiest red offered features that worldly description could apply.

“I have watched these so many years as you blossomed and awaited my return”

Her hand slipped silently over Sena and as it moved so her skin seemed to bloom beneath leaving breasts burning with passion. Her teasing became unbearable as the hard nipple erupted and Sena feared for a minute that she might split open as the fingers twisted gently and teased before enveloping the breast and then exploring her fullness cupping and caressing, moving between her twin mounds.

“Who are you?”

As the words escaped Sena's lips she knew that she would receive no answer for the answer had lived within her this lifetime and others.

Once more the voice was above her and inside her, as fingers rushed downwards to open her like petals in the sunlight. Wetness streamed from between her thighs as a soft mouth replaced the touch of the others hand and warm breath explored this most sacred of places and offered succour to a craving that consumed her entire self.

“Fill me”

Sena cried out, the words springing unbidden from a mouth that no longer felt like her own.

The tongue that teased and then penetrated her lifted her up on a wave of emotion so intense that it threatened to tip her into unconsciousness. Hands held her soft buttocks and lifted her forcing her to offer herself as the tongue delved deeper into her touching her sides and drinking her juices. Sena thrust herself forward, grinding upon the face of her lover, the hair of her cunt matted and wet from saliva and her own secretions. Her insides craved a sensation that she could not describe as though she needed to be filled from within, a yearning of such intensity that she cried out.

She widened her thighs as her feet grazed upon the hard packed earth now and no longer on soft fur. She dug her heels in deep scouring the earth and feeling it move up and around her ankles as she lifted and begged for a penetration of her body, her mind reeling with desire and need. Suddenly the mouth feeding from her was withdrawn, a swift draft of cold air replacing the warmth of the tongue


The command was barked forth from above her and Sena twisted her head to see what could have delayed this passionate embrace from continuing to its inexorable conclusion.

The druid stood now before her, his body naked and brown as the tree trunks that towered over the circle of stone, reaching down as though in homage to the act that was taking pace beneath them. His hard erect cock sprang outwards like the branch of a tree and the light danced as his fat cock end dripped sticky sap like moisture from its tip.

“Fuck her, fill her and make her ours”

The feminine voice was no longer soft and beguiling but now seemed to carry with it an urgency of its own.

Senas hands clawed and gripped at the edges of the fur blanket beneath as once more she raised her her hips, giving herself willingly, needing the pain that would bring forth her fulfilment.

His grip was firm and painful as he grasped at her thighs, spreading them even further and causing her to cry out in pain. Fingers twisted in her curled pubic hair and pulled as though seeking to open the passage beneath. She felt her lips being pulled apart and a life force that she had little control over enter her, resting briefly at the entrance before slowly pushing onwards.

Sena bit hard on her cheek as the metallic taste of blood infused her mouth. She refused to cry out yet the tears that were springing forth at the corner of her eyes could not be held in check and now slithered down her face and glinted like diamonds in the moonlight. Tears of passion, of pain and joy were shared with her lover.

Her cunt stretched to encompass his hard girth as it pushed deeper into her, the thin wall of flesh no defence against this monster thrusting into and filling her with a yearning and hunger like no other she had ever felt. She pushed back and felt the burn begin to transfer into heat, a molten heat that suffused her loins and warmed into her belly as her ribs heaved to resist his weight as it bore down upon her.

Soft hands embraced Senas head and cradled her as convulsions rushed through her stomach. Seed spilled within her and softened tissue that so recently had been torn and ripped asunder now offered her a calmness that descended upon her and lay with her delicate as silk.

Whispered caresses spoke gently in her ear as she rested and cried silently into the fur of her covering. She did not know when he had left. The woman had remained and cradled her to her breast, supplicating and willing her to nuzzle and lick at her nipple as though feeding an infant. Darkness had once more descended and the night remained still and star lit as she looked out from within the circle, out upon a world familiar and somehow strangely new and undiscovered. Sleep stole silently over her and she rested in the warm embrace of her ethereal lover as the world turned inexorably towards her future destiny.

Authors Note

The characters and practices described in this book are entirely fictitious and in no way meant to represent factual elements of either Mithraism or what is commonly known today as Wiccan and no offense is meant or intended to those who choose to follow these pathways.

Mithraism was first written about in the Roman Empire by Plutarch who noted its’ appearance amongst the pirates of Cilicia in the first century A.D. Its practices and rites remained unknown but were thought to be undertaken in caves and underground temples and involved certain rites of initiation. The cult was adopted by certain sections of the military and represented by the Bull and Sol the sun and remained a male only sect within the Roman world.

It is generally the accepted view that the cult was originally established in Persia and that Mithras was a corruption of Mithra, an ancient Persian God.

Inscriptions and monuments related to the Mithraic Mysteries have been written about extensively in a two volume work by Maarten J. Vermaseren, entitled the Corpus Inscriptionum et Monumentorum Religionis Mithriacae .

The earliest monument showing Mithras slaying the bull is thought to be found in Rome and bears the inscription that it was dedicated by a certain Alcimus, steward of T. Claudius Livianus. It is thought that Livianus was commander of the Praetorian guard in 101 AD, which would give an date of 98-99 AD for an approximate date of practice.


The celebrations of Samhain, originally a Gaelic word, have been known across the Celtic world under a variety of different names and in the West Country of England as Kalan Gwav. The celebrations traditionally took place on or around the 1 st of November and have been popularly adopted into modern translation as Halloween (October 31 st ) since the early part of the 20 th Century.

Samhain was one of the four main festivals of the Gaelic calendar, the others being Beltane, Imbolc and Lughnasad and marked the last harvest gathered in and the beginning of winter.Cattle were traditionally brought down to the winter pastures after six months in the higher summer pastures. It was also the time to choose which animals would need to be slaughtered for the people to survive the winter and for these animals to then be salted, smoked and cured for winter storeage.

Some of the earliest mentions of Samhain come from Irish literature and mention a time when the “doors or portals” to the Otherworld are open and the dead are able to revisit the land of the living. Feasts and festival were held in their honour as well as people taking steps to protect them-selves from harmful spirits.

In the early Irish tales it was on Samhain that the Morrigan and The Dagda meet and have sex before the battle against the Fomorians . Through this act the Morrígan the comes to reperesent a figure of sovereignty and gives the victory to the Dagda's people, the Tuatha Dé Danann .

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Headline News Correspondent Laura Loghan Brutally Raped in Cairo Yeah Yeah Fantastic

       Headline: News Correspondent Laura Loghan Brutally Raped in Cairo (Yeah!! Yeah!! Fantastic!!)Page 1.        God I hated fucking Egypt.        I hated the noise and the dust and the crappy food.        I hated the overwhelming number of Egyptian sweaty bodies, screaming men, mostly in their early twenties, seemingly everywhere.        I was employed as a cameraman by NBS news and had the assignment to cover Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent and super mouthy bitch, Laura Loghan. Many...

4 years ago
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Curiosity Part V 5

My second after class extra credit session with Mr. Paterson was a bit more than I expected, but I enjoyed it even more than the first one. When we were finished, I left the classroom for the day and I went straight to the nearest boys restroom to clean myself up a bit. I then headed to the front entrance where I was told to wait for my momm to pick me up and I spent the time thinking about what had just happened...The next day when the bell rang and sixth period was over, I waited patiently in...

2 years ago
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A vignette Fucking at its rawest

Damn it was hard to wait! Just a few scant minutes ago he had blasted a big load of cum into the cunt that was being vigorously screwed right in front of him. Still, he was hard as could be. A big hard pecker was churning the fresh cum to a whitish froth, making his wife moan and thrash with pleasure. He knew her pussy talents could get any guy off in minutes so she was teasing him by prolonging the pleasure. Watching her husband struggling to keep from jacking off, she wrapped her legs...

1 year ago
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The Sisterhood

Chapter I (Martha) My intercom buzzed, it was my boss, the owner of the company, Lawrence Greenwood. I’m his executive secretary. “Martha, I hate to ask but could you stay a little late this evening, there are a few things I need to go over with you.” “Certainly, Mr. Greenwood, what time would you like to meet?” I inquired. “Let’s make it six, here in my office.” “Of course Mr. Greenwood,” I said. I’d been expecting this call for a week, I imagined it would be an evaluation of my performance,...

3 years ago
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Toy Time

TOY TIME This is an intense story, and may trigger people with PTSD. Please read with caution. I'm going to work, its another typical day, dealing with the ex, my gender issues, and .... other things. I look for something to listen to on the radio, just flipping through my pre-sets, when I hit the local sports station. They are talking about the night's football game, and I relax, letting my attention get back to my driving. Suddenly, I realize they have changed topics, and now...

3 years ago
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Yard Girl Candi Cuts My Grass

I had hurt my foot and needed some help with cutting the grass and some light house work. I found an ad in the local paper for a grass cutting service. I contacted the service and asked if they had any female employees, not wanting a strange man around the house while I was having a problem. They offered to send a girl over and if I was happy they would offer me a contract to take care of the yard on a monthly basis.Mostly it was cutting the grass, trimming around the edges, and cleaning the...

3 years ago
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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 17

As Bryant was racing down the streets in pursuit of Cassidy Bell, Jan Elliot was trying to track down an anomaly in her department. For months, there had been a line item in her budget for someone named Scott Lewis. She knew he worked somewhere for the city. She had received e-mails from him any number of times. But she had never met him and she couldn't seem to locate him. It took three wrong turns and twenty minutes of wandering through City Hall before Jan located a small office on the...

2 years ago
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WildOnCam Joanna Angel Sexy As Fuck Tattooed Hottie

Joanna Angel is one sexy little tease in her tight little denim shorts and short blue shirt that hides almost nothing! She loves to show off that ass of hers and really loves knowing how hard that cock of yours is for her. She is joined by her real life Husband Small Hands and these 2 lovebirds really show us how a couple can fuck with hot and rough passion! Joanna gets His large cock in her mouth and wants to feel every inch as she tries to deep throat him. Small Hands gets her on the couch...

2 years ago
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A Chance Encounter Part One Rewritten

A Chance Encounter Part One (Jeremy’s POV) I pulled my truck into a parking space outside of the coffee bistro I’d heard about from Peter, one of my childhood best friends. Looking at the building it didn’t look like much, so I just shook my head and hoped that he was right. “Doesn’t look like much.” My best friend and co-worker Theodore says, from the passenger seat. “Well, Peter did tell me it didn’t, but that the inside and the food makes up for it.” “That’s good ‘cause I’m...

4 years ago
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More than a LodgerPart 3

More than a Lodger…Part 3It was almost every day after our double fuck, that Laura, Jerry and I had found ourselves in numerous sexual positions. Sometimes it was just Laura and I, and sometimes it was I that had to miss out when I arrived home late because of work.It was on one of those work nights that I found myself entering the house at around seven in the evening. I was late home and I trundled indoors with a takeaway. I headed for the kitchen, dished it out and tucked into it.The house...

3 years ago
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Love Session With My SisterInLaw

Hi Readers, I am Navi back again with my 5th story which is again a real story of MY SISTER IN LAW and me. Well let me give you the details of my SIL- She has just cleared her graduation and ready bomb for anyone to tighten the dick. She has a good combination of height and structure. Right weight at right place yes but her breast is little heavy and the hands behind this is of her boyfriend which I was aware but was waiting for her to utter truth.So she is a young girl with height-5’5”,...

4 years ago
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Meena Aunty Sema Company Koduthaal

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en pakathu veetirku puthithaaga kudi vanthu irukum auntyai eppadi oothen enbathai ungal idam pagirugiren. En peyar Rakesh, vayathu 23 aagugirathu. Naan engineering padithu mudithu vitu ippozhuthu veetil velai ilamal than irukiren. En veetirku arugil maadiyil veetu vegu naatkalaaga katikondu irunthaargal, naanum ingu ethavathu pen vanthaal nandraaga thaan irukum endru ninaithu kondu irunthen. Antha veetu kati mudithathum oru thatha paati matum thaan antha...

2 years ago
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Boy Slut Confessions

I love older men. Always have, always will. Older men tend to love me as well if only because I look younger than I am. I helped matters along in that regard once my pubic hair grew by shaving it right off, as I didn't like the look of it. Luckily, the rest of my body hair was very fine, so I didn't have to worry about shaving my legs. I left my armpit hair for appearances sake.Keep in mind that I had begun shaving my cock and balls even before I lost my virginity. I already knew I was gay at...

3 years ago
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Fun with StephanieGurl at the Park

Fantasy Story: Fun with Stephanie-Gurl at the park.After weeks of chatting online I was able to convince Stephanie to meet me but she had one condition it has to be in public place. Now I am not one to hook up in public but I was dying to meet Stephanie and have a little fun. I knew of a park that was nearby that we could meet at late at night and she agreed to the location. That night I arrived at the parking lot of the park around 11 o’clock and waited in my car. Of course being the sexy...

4 years ago
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The Triad and the Virgins Passion Chapter 3 Octogirl Surprise

Chapter Three: Octogirl Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Seamus – The Lesh-Ke Mountains, The Kingdom of Haz When I scaled the cliff with Fiona, I expected to rescue our wife Aoifa from the leotaur that had kidnapped her. Thanks to Fiona's witchcraft, we had rushed up the cliff far faster than a pair of humans could, enhanced by spirits. But when we got to the top, we found Aoifa naked, recently fucked by the leotaur, and with a big grin on her face. Kelmam, the leotaur, held...

2 years ago
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Staying At My Sisters

"Hey Taylor." she said ecstatically giving her sister a heartfelt hug. "Hey Trina." Taylor replied not so enthusiastic. 'Whats wrong' her sister asked concerned. 'I just wanted to stay home! Why couldn't mom have let me stay by myself this time!?' she exclaimed. 'Maybe because last time you scared her half to death. You had her thinking you and your boyfriend were having sex or something.' Trina explained. 'What? No! First of all I'm a virgin and I intend on staying that way!...

3 years ago
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Falling for the Boss

I had worked at the same place for almost 6 months now. I had just turned 18 a few days ago and made sure my boss knew it. I had had a massive crush on him since I started there and I was almost positive the feeling was mutual. I had spent the drive on my first day wondering if my new boss would be young and sexy or old and fat. By the time I was pulling in I had decided with my luck, he would be old and fat. It didn't take me long to realize, old and fat truly would have been lucky because, I...

Straight Sex
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Cuckold son

(Mother Linda(42) and son Jan(24) living as a couple for 6 years)."Damn. I want to fuck your mom, dude.” Tom had a tendency to always say exactly what was on his mind. He was staring into the living room where my mom was talking with some of our other guests. I just smiled, shook my head and continued to deal another hand of euchre.Today was my 24th birth day, and to celebrate I invited over several of my closest friends, before taking the weekend at a swank hotel; just the two of us. I...

3 years ago
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The Troubled Celestial RiverChapter 4

The next uncomfortable meeting for Hiro was a remote conference with Fleet Admiral Tucker, the Chief of Naval Operations for CENTCOM. Commodore Howell begged off on participating claiming he was busy with other duties, much to Hiro’s astonishment. Hiro wouldn’t try to shirk this duty, as much as he might like to, as it would display a lack of courage and character. He would face this. Fear is only as deep as the mind allows. Admiral Tucker appeared on the display in his study looking much...

1 year ago
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I'm sometimes amazed at what people will tell you about in chat rooms. The cloak of anonymity helps of course. You know I like to retell and embellish these stories in first person. I guess I just like to imagine it was me. ;-) ********* This started a couple years ago. But as a prelude, there were troubling things happening inside me. I was 35. When we first met and in the early years of our marriage, my husband and I were like rabbits. Every opportunity, every place, every part of our bodies...

Cheating Wifes
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The Train Ride Ill Never Forget

It was a nice sunny Saturday afternoon . And yet I couldn't shake a sad feeling I had. Like a twinge of loneliness was setting in. I had come off a bad breakup and now she was trying to rub her new boyfriend in my face. And while I hadn't talked to her for a long while, I still kinda missed the warm and fuzzy feeling she gave me. Maybe it was blind love, I don't know. But anyway. I was on my way home to see my parents. Finally I got a decent amount of leave since going home on Christmas. I was...

Love Stories
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Chatting with Amy Brett

Chat Night Guest: Amy Brett On Monday September 27, 1999 6PM PST Edited by Anne-Mal You can e-mail Amy at: [email protected] (Morthien) Who is the guest tonight? (*Anne-Mal) Hi Morthien! Amy Brett. Julie get a copy of her chat log Bash? (Morthien) Lo Anne-Mal. Don't know her. I'd like to have a night but no one would show. (Bashful) Sure they would, when do you want to do one? (*Anne-Mal) I always show! (Except when I fall asleep!) (Morthien) It would just be...

3 years ago
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Graduation Ch 2

I partied well into the night, relishing the end of high school. All night I couldn’t get Will’s note out of my mind. I had put it in my purse, not wanting to lose it. I had decided to phone him when I got home. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but if it was anything that made me feel as good as his fingers on my nipples had earlier, I was game. There was a party at one of my classmate’s houses after prom, but I didn’t want to go, I had something waiting for me at home. my date went with me,...

4 years ago
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The feel of the cool cement floor against his face allowed John Anderson to be revived momentarily. Drool pooled beneath his cheek, seeping uncontrollably from the corner of his mouth. A single, uncovered red light bulb hung precariously from an extension cord that had been duct-taped to the ceiling in the middle of the basement, providing the only source of illumination in the make-shift dungeon that had been his coven for the past three days. He was still disoriented from the pain, pain that...

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Another GFs daughter

I met this American/Mexican woman Gina while I was knocking doors selling cable about 10 years ago. I remember it well, she kept talking to me even though I knew she wasn't going to buy it. She was in her mid thirties, and a stunner, if a bit of a weird one. She invited me in to sit at her kitchen table, and casually let her hand rest on my bare thigh, and my cock responded instantly. As I explained it further, she moved closer to me, now gently rubbing her hand on my thigh, and smiling at me...

2 years ago
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Laura moves with us

Some days after Ana’s girl’s night out with Stella and Laura, I came home from office and found my wife looked a little worried. I asked what was wrong and Ana told me she needed to ask me for a really big favor...I said yes, I could do it; but asked her about her worry.Then she told me that her girlfriend Laura was in trouble. Her husband had come early at home, catching her in bed, being fucked by a guy. Worst of all; when he came into the bedroom, Laura had her legs wrapped around the guy's...

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