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The feel of the cool cement floor against his face allowed John Anderson to be revived momentarily. Drool pooled beneath his cheek, seeping uncontrollably from the corner of his mouth. A single, uncovered red light bulb hung precariously from an extension cord that had been duct-taped to the ceiling in the middle of the basement, providing the only source of illumination in the make-shift dungeon that had been his coven for the past three days. He was still disoriented from the pain, pain that permeated every cell, muscle, and sinew in his body. With his arms still securely tied behind his back, it was actually the pain of hunger that roused him from his unconscious state.

Tempted to call out, to ask for help, to request nourishment, John knew better than to do anything that might stir the wrath of his Mistress. His throat was sore, his voice weak from having his mouth savagely fucked by both dildos and cocks, all relentless in their efforts to leave his throat and jaw aching. Load after load of hot cum had been deposited inside him from both ends. Salvation came in the form of the click of his Mistress' heels against the exposed floor. John was too weak to lift his head to greet her properly. He was physically, mentally, and emotionally drained from his experience. Oddly enough, even after days of humiliation, perversion, and inexorable punishment masterminded by this brutal woman, he felt satisfied. He was content, blissful in fact that he had finally found the mentally sadistic Black bitch of his dreams, the one individual who divested him of his arrogance, his false sense of superiority, of his white male attitude.

A mere 72 hours previously, he could have said no such thing. Three days earlier, John was clueless as to the potential his long weekend would hold. He'd flown into New York City for business actually but he'd arranged to arrive a few days early for some hardcore playtime as well. He'd been corresponding with a certain Dominatrix who called herself Mother Africa. Everyone lies on the Internet and everyone exaggerates so he assumed her claims of psychological domination expertise and race play were blown out of proportion. He'd been sufficiently aroused by their initial interaction so he thought it would be interesting to say the least to see where it could lead.

Mother Africa was a soft-spoken, pleasant woman. They'd communicated on the phone several times as well as chatted online. Not once did she come off as irrational or overly demanding. In fact, her demeanor could have been described as sweet. She said she dabbled in BDSM when the notion hit her and she was extremely selective of the subs with whom she chose to play. She never brought up the subject of money and she wasn't even particularly interested in cam shows or making John perform tasks to show his sincerity or submissiveness. She did ask a lot of questions: blunt, straightforward, embarrassing questions. "Do you have a small cock? Have you ever eaten shit? How many times have you been fucked in the ass? Do you get off on being dressed like a sissy?" All those questions and more rolled off her tongue as easily as if she was casually asking about the weather. To make matters worse, she didn't allow any stalling or beating around the bush when it came to answering the questions. She demanded direct, explicit answers with exacting details and made it clear that her time was precious and she had no tolerance for coy or elusive answers. John was outrageously aroused by her demeanor, by the fact that she could be so open and unambiguous about what she wanted. It was that aloof sense of superiority that cemented the deal, that set the stage for their meeting. Thinking he was paying her a compliment, he mistakenly said, "Of all the profiles of Black Dommes I've read online, yours is the most amazing I've ever come across. You're different. Your analysis of race is humbling to say the least and you are obviously very intelligent. I can't believe you understand the mind of submissive white men so well."

She replied by saying, "Are you suggesting that most Black Dommes are stupid and that white men are so incredibly complex so as to render them indecipherable?"

John backtracked, apologizing and trying to clarify. "Ohhhh, noooo. I was just saying that it's clear that you are very well educated. I was ... I was paying you a compliment, believe me. It's rare to come across someone as articulate as you are."

"Well, let me see if I understand," she said. "Based on what you've repeatedly told me, you believe that women are superior to men. Additionally, you've said numerous times that you find Black women specifically to be the ultimate archetype, that we are, in fact, Goddesses, 'supreme beings' to you-- your words not mine. Yet it seems like you're saying that you're shocked that I'm not some illiterate welfare queen who can barely form a coherent sentence, that you can't believe that I'm as intelligent as say ... a white person. To my untrained ear, it sounds as if you're saying that understanding the mind of a submissive white man requires super human/magical powers because a normal Black woman simply isn't capable of understanding your uncomplicated albeit warped desires. Does that about summarize what you're trying to say? Because what I hear you saying is that you're practically dumbfounded that you found a Black Domme who is as intelligent as ... you are. I can assure you that I am outrageously offended by the notion that you would even consider yourself qualified to judge my intellect, let alone compliment me for it. Moreover, white men are transparent and simple in their desires and it hardly takes a superior intellect to dissect your rather uncomplicated motives. Additionally, the fact that you seem to espouse such love for Black women and then make underhanded, disparaging comments about us is quite troublesome. It leads me to believe that you don't actually think we're truly superior but nothing more than sexual fetishes for your depraved fantasies."

He couldn't even form words. He was speechless. His cock was rock hard and dripping precum and his mind was reeling from arousal. He mumbled another insufficient apology. "I'm so sorry Mother Africa. That's not at all what I meant. I'm just a stupid white boi. Please forgive me. Is there something I can do to make it up to you?" He almost couldn't hear her response he was jerking off so frantically just from her verbal reprimand. John loved being put in his place. He loved being knocked down from his self-defined pedestal of superiority. The sensation of being told off, of being made to feel stupid was almost like having electricity sent from his nipples, to his cock, all the way to his asshole.

They made arrangements to meet in October and his assignment over the course of the preceding month, his prerequisite for play as it were, was to read Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization by Anthony Browder and The Black Holocaust for Beginners by S.E. Anderson and write a literature review for each of them. Never in his life had John even heard of someone requiring homework for a domination session so he didn't take his task too seriously. He googled the books and found them on Amazon and printed out their reviews. They seemed like interesting reading from what he gathered but he didn't even bother to buy the books.

Twenty minutes late, he rushed into the lobby of the Hyatt authentically upset for being tardy; slipping the bellboy $50 to take the rest of his luggage to his room. He'd wanted to be there early to make a good first impression but midtown traffic wasn't so kind. As arrogant as he tended to be, he did understand the rules of D/s play and was fully aware that leaving a Domme waiting was a big no-no. She was already there, seated at the table of the restaurant, looking just as one would think a woman who called herself Mother Africa would look. She wore her hair in a big Afro like a character from a 70s Blaxplotation flick. Without any makeup at all, her brown complexion was glowing and radiant. She wore a t-shirt with some sort of graphic design of an African mask on it that accentuated her rather large breasts and a long denim skirt that reached the floor. Her Timberland boots were so small they looked like a child's size. She wore an arm-full of wooden bracelets on her right arm and an arm-full of copper bangles on her left arm that made noise every time she punctuated her sentences with arm movements. One thing for sure, she was far more attractive in person than she was in her photos and she didn't seem at all like John expected. She looked like she could have been a graduate student waiting to have lunch with her professor rather than a Dominatrix ready to use and abuse a white boi.

Mother Africa stood to greet him and turned her face to indicate that he should kiss her cheek as a sign of respect. She graciously accepted his apology for being late, seemingly very understanding of the unavoidable traffic from JFK. They sat and ordered lunch and had a very pleasant chat, not at all strained or awkward, without even the slightest hint of strain. Erotic tension was in the air. She teased and tormented him effortlessly and with skill and everything was going great, up until the moment she asked to see the summaries of the books he was assigned to read.

John got away with anything and everything in life with his good looks, money, and arrogance. In that moment, as he fumbled in his carry-on bag for the wrinkled papers, he felt ashamed he hadn't even attempted the assignment he'd been given. This was a real woman, a real-life flesh and blood woman whose dominance and superiority were evident in her very aura, not some picture on the Internet, and he was about to let her down. He realized he'd fucked up by not following her orders. He wasn't about to let it show on his face however, and he handed the papers over and began what he thought was a fairly decent but superficial discussion of what he'd read from the printouts.

"What is this?" Mother Africa didn't even bother to pick up the papers; she had a look of disgust on her face.

"It's the reviews you asked for," John said, trying to appear confident.

Crossing her arms in front of her, she didn't say a word, her face not showing any signs of emotion.

John's heart was pounding. This was the stuff of submissive dreams. He could either choose to be defiant and willful, arousing her ire and wrath and eliciting what would surely be a severe session in discipline or he could choose to be apologetic and remorseful, showing the respect that every true sub longs to display in the presence of one to whom he truly feels inferior. It wasn't a decision he had to contemplate for too long as his cell phone rang and he held his finger up to excuse himself and answered the call. For a good three minutes, he talked business, never taking his eyes off the lovely woman who sat inches from him, hoping the length of the phone call would distract her from his blunder.

Leaning in, Mother Africa whispered to him, "I see you are here to waste my fucking time." With that, she took his cell phone from him, summarily closed it, and dropped it in his water glass.

John stood up, knocking over his chair, causing quite a scene. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you crazy? First of all, that was an important call. Second, that phone was expensive. Every contact I have is in that phone. WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with you?"

Mother Africa stood and walked away, leaving John there trying to dry his cell phone with his linen napkin, looking like an idiot screaming and cursing in front of the other lunch patrons. John knew in that moment that he'd pushed too far. He didn't want her to leave. He didn't want things to end before they had even started and he ran after her. "Wait, I'm sorry," he said, grabbing her arm before she entered the revolving doors of the hotel.

She turned, looking at his white hand on the brown flesh of her arm and then looking directly in his eyes. Her eyes burned a hole in his soul. If looks could kill, John knew that he would die a slow, painful death. She didn't say a word. She communicated everything she wanted to say with her eyes. She didn't even have to move them; it was if she was telepathically giving him commands. There in the middle of the very public lobby of the Hyatt Regency in New York City, John Anderson, knelt on one knee and kissed the hand of Mother Africa and said, "I'm sorry, please forgive me." To the average person, it might have looked like he was popping the big question. He looked up for approval and it was apparent his actions weren't enough. His face was burning from embarrassment and he heart felt as if it might actually explode. His cock was straining against his pants and he felt like he might faint. Looking around quickly, he knew that if he were to truly seek the forgiveness of this divine woman, he would have to assume a truly inferior position. The shame of it all was intoxicating and she still hadn't said a word. On his hands and knees, he lowered his head to her foot and placed his lips on her boot and kissed it. "Please, forgive me Mistress. I beg you for the opportunity to make it up to you," he said, loud enough for anyone nosey enough to want to hear.

"Follow me," she commanded as she walked outside into the beautiful Fall afternoon. John panicked. He stood up and looked around at all the people who were trying to be discrete but staring at his blatant display of submissiveness. He ran back to the table, threw some money on the table for the food that they hadn't even eaten, grabbed his bag, and ran after her, praying that she would still be outside.

She wasn't.

The bell captain called out to him. "Sir ... the young lady ... the one who ... well sir, she told me to put you in a cab and have it take you to an address but I'm not supposed to tell you where." John looked around again, sure that everyone in the world could read his every deviant desire. He was humiliated but more aroused than he'd ever been. Slipping the bell captain a hundred dollar bill, he got in the cab and it set out for an unknown destination. What was less than a half hour ride seemed like it took an eternity. As the taxi weaved its way in and out of traffic to a quiet, tree-lined street in Queens, John was tempted to whip out his cock and masturbate right then and there.

They arrived at an unassuming looking house and he paid the cabbie, tipping him well also, and clutched his bag so hard his knuckles were white. He made his way to the front door and knocked, terrified that he was being set up but never more determined to experience additional discipline from this amazing woman.

Mother Africa opened the door. "Go around to the back," and she shut the door in his face.

Making his way to the backyard, John knocked again. This time, a Black man answered the door. Wearing a t-shirt, jeans, and Timberland boots, he clearly resembled Mother Africa in his attire but John had no idea what to say to him. He didn't have to say anything as the man said, "Get downstairs, boy," and moved aside. John's feet were frozen in place. He didn't even have a cell phone to call for a cab or call 911 if he wanted. Every bit of common sense told him to run and not look back. His knees shook as he descended the stairs to the basement that had clearly been altered to accommodate some serious kinky play. The walls were padded and there was a drainage hole in the middle of the floor. Restraints and BDSM equipment were everywhere. While John was trying to get his bearings, trying to figure out exactly what he'd gotten himself into, Mother Africa came downstairs wearing the same t-shirt but tight, black leather pants that hugged her every curve and black high heeled leather boots.

"Undress." Her command was simple and to the point. John wanted more. He wanted an explanation of what was going to happen. He wanted a detailed discussion of rules and limits and more head games. He was too terrified to ask any questions. Somehow, instinctively, he knew that he didn't have a choice that he was supposed to go along for the ride or forever regret this once in a lifetime opportunity to experience something he'd only ever dreamed of.

John slowly unbuttoned his shirt as the Black couple looked on, talking with each other in hushed tones he couldn't understand. The man sat casually in a chair, with one leg over the arm of it and his hand squeezing an impressive length of dick that snaked down the leg of his jeans. If he wasn't aroused by the white boi taking off his clothes in front of him he was certainly aroused by the sexy dance that Mother Africa was doing for him. John tried to concentrate on his surroundings should he decide to make a run for it but the scene of these two people in such an intimate display proved to be too distracting. They were kissing and caressing each other as they watched and laughed at John standing before them naked, his cock hard and completely out of his element, unsure of what to do next.

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trannyslut wird in Damenunterwsche auf dem Parkplatz vergewaltigt

Einmal hatte ich auf meinem Lieblingsparkplatz bei Köln unheimliches Glück. Ca. 15 Minuten, nachdem ich dort in rosa Unterrock und Strapsen gewartet hatte, kamen zwei Gays auf mich zu und zogen mich hinter die Büsche. Einer rammte mir sofort seinen Hammer in den Mund während der zweite von hinten in mich eindrang. Während wir noch fleissig dabei waren, kam plötzlich ein dritter Mann dazu, kniete sich seitlich vor mich und verwöhnte mich oral. Zuerst spritzte der Gay, der mich von hinten fickte,...

3 years ago
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Frankie and Cassie Naked In SchoolPart 2 Tuesday

I woke up Tuesday morning, and ate breakfast. I walk to school-it's close enough-and, since the middle school is right next door, Rosa walks with me. Cassie usually gets dropped off by her Mom. Since Tanya's there, too, Rosa has a standing invitation to go with them-I probably could, too, if I asked, but we only live a half mile from school, and I like the walk. In bad weather, Mom'll drive us-but, on a nice day, walking's cool. "Hey, Frankie, explain this program thing to me," Rosa...

1 year ago
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CuckoldSessions Marilyn Johnson 01162022

Elias thought he finally had made it in life. He had always been a bit of a loser, especially with the ladies, but he did have parents with money so when he met a hot blonde who he thought liked him he got his mother to open up his trust fund and buy him a house for him and his new bride. His wife Marilyn told him she would only marry him if he bought her a nice house and she could quit her job at the nail salon. So he did. Well marital life is not so blissful because as soon as she had married...

4 years ago
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Wersquore Not in High School Anymore Marsquoam

I was at my friend’s house when he told me that a guy from high school’s mom would be stopping by to pick up some weed from him. It’s always funny to find out that some of the parents we grew up around were heavy weed smokers. When she came over she was excited to see us both, especially me because it had been a few years since I was back around. She’s white, in her early 50’s I think, very short, maybe 5’2 with very curvy body, about c cup breasts in her tank top with wide hips and a plump ass...

2 years ago
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Maam Ke Saath Suhani Dopahar 8211 Part 1

Main Kabir, DU mein MA padh raha hu aur yahan ek flat mein kiraaye par rehta hu. Qissa pichhle saal ki New Years ki chhuttiyon ka hai. Maine chhuttiyan Delhi mein guzarne ka faisla kiya tha. Darasal apne khali waqt ka istemaal karne maine guitar classes join kiye the. Maam ka naam sanjana tha, aur classes unke ghar par hoti thi. Un dino unke ghar pe unki nanad ki shadi ki preparation chal rahi thi, isliye maam class ke liye mere flat mein aane ke liye raazi hui thi. Meri teacher, Sanjana, ki...

3 years ago
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Life Fantasy Part 8211 2

This feels heavenly for both of us. The closeness and the intimacy. We both let our guards down and feel so uninhibited around each other. I am washing you all over, but slowly, very carefully not to rush and always with tenderness. You accept my every gesture, anticipating the light and sometimes playful touches as I use my hands to wring out the wet washcloth over your shoulders and back, and even though I move my hands around to your breasts in order to continue to bathe you, I am not making...

1 year ago
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Charlotte Sometimes

‘This is officially the worst day of my life.’ Charlotte paused and lifted her pale blue eyes from her diary. She looked around her room, Robert Smith staring down at her from every wall. She smiled slightly as the opening bars of ‘Fascination Street’ began to reverberate around the room.Charlotte had not taken the news that her dad had got a new job well. She was pleased until she heard it involved uprooting her from her school, her friends and her life in Liverpool to go and live in some...

1 year ago
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Back To BristolChapter 7

When I took the boys back that Sunday it was Susan that opened the door. She looked pale and worried. She let the boys in and just nodded to me, without saying a word, ignoring my cheerful, "Hi, Susan." I was just getting into my car as Ralph came out. I stood and waited for him. He also looked worried, but he smiled at me, "Got time for a quick sherry?" I smiled, got out of my car door again and followed him, "Sure." Once we were ensconced in his shed, and we each had a plastic cup...

3 years ago
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Walk Like a ManChapter 4 A Date with a Beauty

“Hey, Mom. I’ve got a date with a girl from school to go to the Fall Festival Dance in town. Should I get her a flower for her dress?” I asked. “Oh! You have a date? That’s nice. Who is she?” I could tell I was going to have to work my way around to the real question. “Her name is Teresa Johnson and she’s a junior. Her brother is one of the handicapped kids on the bus and she told me she appreciated how I’d helped him and made friends with him.” “Well ... it just goes to show you that...

1 year ago
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She was running hard – her aertex shirt clinging to her wet flesh, rain and sweat mingling and pouring down her face, her chest, between her breasts and down her belly. The short gym skirt flapping as her thighs pounded against the slippery ground was leaving red marks on the vulnerable skin. Mud splashed on her calves, forming dark marks against the cold pink. She looked up as she ran down the hill and lost her rhythm as she saw him standing at the gate. Even from this distance she could make...

3 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 18 Chaoyue Zhihui Shenghuo

Zax swept his hand and the little blood from his last kill was erased. 'In the end I've gotten sloppy... ' His tone possessed a hint of criticism. His business here was over and he left back to his Master's place. Rarahel was safeguarding the cave's entrance the same way she did when he left for the Savage Caves. As she saw him her poised countenance turned to shocked. In a few months the atmosphere of the boy underwent multiply changes of growth. Rarahel was not oblivious to what was...

1 year ago
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A fun night with my X and her sister Pt 6

I came in behind Elen on the bed and I grabbed her lovely ass and pulled it apart revealing her little ass bud. I worked my thumb teasing her ass. I slowly pushed my thumb up her ass and Elen squirmed and wriggled as my thumb went into her ass. Jane came beside me to watch. I asked her, "Why don't you help me fuck this little bitch"."Ok, what do you want me to do". " Well you could lick her ass hole for me, I'm sure that would make it start to open for my cock".Jane looked at me a bit unsure,...

2 years ago
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Building A Romance

This is a work of fiction. As this is in the Romance category, it takes time to build the entire story, including the sex. Be patient and enjoy. Your feedback is always appreciated. MEETING DR. STEIN In my capacity as the Regional Manager for a large pharmaceutical company, I was given the charge of developing a partnership with the Cardiology department at one of the major New York City Hospitals. Dr. Stein was part of the faculty at the hospital. She was the physician I was told to contact...

1 year ago
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Our Agreement With The Master

My wife rang me from her mobile phone to say she had promised herself to a stranger. He came on the phone, told me to call him Master and instructed me to phone my wife back in 2 hours.I said “OK Master”.I sat at home thinking about what the Master was doing with my wife. When I phoned my wife said “You have to ask the Master whether or not you can join us”. The Master gave his permission.The Master greeted me with “Strip naked, get a beer for me, a wine for your wife and bring them on a silver...

1 year ago
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Dad takes me for the weekend

Note : This story is completely fictional! About a month after that night that my visited mom for a blowjob he called and asked me to come over and see his new place. I didn't know that he had moved out of the family house and put it up for sale. Mom said he will keep me for 2 nights. He picked me up on Fri. at 4:00 and we went out to eat.Then he drove to his place. It was nice and I was glad that his place was as small as ours.There was a bedroom and a large room that served as a L/R,D/R and...

2 years ago
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Getting up Early

Getting Up Early        Your whimpers wake me, early in the morning. Stretching, I enjoy the space in bed, the cool sheets on my skin. On a hot night like this, it can be good to sleep alone.                I wonder if you feel the same way. Switching the bedside light on, I sit up and look down at you. There you are, lying beside our bed, arms and legs bound together behind you, stretching you uncomfortably on the carpet. I admire my handiwork for a moment – the ropes binding your arms...

2 years ago
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Money part 3

--- Money, Part 3 (Mf, 1st, cons, inc, oral, impreg?) by Krosis of the Collective --- After Trissa left, Mike asked his stepdaughter. "Hey, did she say when her last period was?" "It's due in a few days; she's safe." "Phew!" Mike responded, relieved, as he headed to the living room. Janey watched him go. In truth, Trissa's period had actually started a couple of weeks ago, so she was right in the middle of the wrong time of the month to get spermed, but Janey didn't want to...

3 years ago
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The Tribulation of John Michael SteeleChapter 35

2017 My last meet up with my ex-wife was cordial. My woman, Flo, had been out at the time. But we were all here now, today, my daughter’s birthday. We were at the Grimes mansion, and it was, today, a festooned mansion. “Hi, daddy,” said Selena coming up to me. “I am so glad to see you. Mom said you’d promised to make it. The Cabots and the others are out back.” We trod our way to the back of the massive edifice, and the party was on. I need to note here the guest list. Apart from myself...

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Hot Sexy Amanda

It was almost time to clock out when Amanda approached my cubicle “hey there”, now this girl only says hi or waves or simply ignores me… but today she is at my desk saying hello… “Hi” I replied, “wanna get a drink after work today?” WWHHOOOOAAAAA!!! Did she just ask me out for a drink?? She is THEE FINEST chic in the office, almost 5’8, bubble butt and a nice pair of tits, she could give a lot of models a run for their money, and did I say even the front of her pants looks pretty PHAT!! “Uh......

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Navy Seal Love Story

Retired Navy Seal Ensign John hill and his beautiful wife Kathy are sitting and waiting in a hospital waiting room. After a very long and nerve racking waiting a gray haired doctor walked over to them and he said. "Mister and Mrs. Hill I am Doctor Gray will you please come with me please." John and Kathy followed Doctor gray down a very long hallway until they reached his office the he motioned for them to sit down. Then he spoke again "Kathy your test results have come back from the lab...

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Life model

Gaye told me one of her friends was going to do some nude posing for her evening art class. As a member of the art department I was in theory allowed to have a look-in if I wished. Besides, Gaye let me know that her friend Sue might be available....So I was feeling some excitement as the first Thursday evening arrived. Gaye introduced me to Sue. She is a very curly redhead. She was wrapped up in a long trench-coat: after all, it was a rainy day. So, I couldn't see what she was hiding...

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Dream StateChapter 3

It was a few months after my awakening that I was finally allowed to check out. First, I had been debriefed by the shrinks, who wanted to know what I had remembered. They had been prepared for some amnesia to be present, but unknown to them, my mind had been exercising quite a bit since I came to within my own head. I wondered quite a lot about my "out of body" experiences during the time that I was in the coma. I was hesitant to tell any of the shrinks about them, and Mary never said...

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Erin the pupil and Mike the Formmaster

Erin, a lovely young girl full of life and excitement, well over 18 and in her final year at school or college whatever you call it over there! Erin was due to see her Tutor, Mike, a bit older than Erin but in a way a little adventurous in his private life, slim, smart looking ...he liked a challenge! Anyway, Erin met Mike and informed him they could not meet that daytime to improve her spelling and syntax, she had NetBall to do! Mike asked her which days were free, and none were!Erin said, "...

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The CatalystChapter 40 The Show Part 1

[I was starting to get a little nervous.] Gracie was going to be standing next to Jim, dressed in her State Trooper uniform. Sherry was here, planning to sit next to the family. She and Jim had talked for a few minutes privately. Andie had flashed me, wanting to know what she should say. I told her to be as honest as she could, but stick to the Angels as the ones who healed her and Cathy. I told her if she was asked a question that I didn’t want her to answer I would tell her. She seemed...

2 years ago
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A Limo And A Rose

Buzz... It is early Saturday morning and I am still fuzzy with sleep as I walk to the door to see who is calling so early. I peak out through the window and see a local delivery service there. He is holding an envelope, a shirt box and a red rose. I look quickly down at what I am wearing and decide that I can open the door in this long white nightie that I have on. I use the door to block myself somewhat and smile at the deliveryman as he hands me the rose, the box and the envelope. There is...

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My Down Fall with Texting Part 8

My down fall with texting- Part 8... Monday, time for School, my first day as a school girl and the start of my studies towards Jessica's "A" Level exams and doing ballet. By Jessica Kingston I woke early from the nightmare hearing the traffic outside, sweat was on my forehead from the dream I just had, I could see the daylight was just showing through my flowery curtains, the traffic wasn't too noisy, it made me feel there were other people in the world and I wasn't alone, but...

1 year ago
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My Teen Cousin

100% fiction! I want to relate a story about my cousin and myself back when she was still a teenager. I was twenty eight at the time and married. My cousin, Lisa, was 18, and built like a model. She had bigger tits at fourteen than my wife did at twenty four, so by the time she turned eighteen she was a knockout . She bragged that when she was girl, the paper boy had come to collect his weekly payment and she wouldn’t let him out of the house until he fucked her. Her mother had put her on the...

3 years ago
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SMOMS the OriginChapter 5

The town of Danlick stayed out of reach for many days. The roads were too muddy, the weather too inclement. We huddled in the loft with Luke and kept to ourselves. Outside, downpours could not slow rumors of my miraculous recovery. Hory’s manhood found strength again. He used me gently, but spilled his seed outside of my puss. Milk returned to my breasts. He told me, it was all his sucking that made them spring back to life. Laughter came easily between us during those rains. We did not...

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