The Wonderfully Naughty Wizard of Oz Ch5 P3
- 3 years ago
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"We may be able to find a portal to that position but I would not like to arrive under a hundred metres of water or even on the surface. I doubt we could get to land."
We tried to remember the shape and size in relation to Saranam. When the 'Lady' was found, if she could be found, we would have to make a trip to this location to see if the island was still there. Perhaps it still had some of the descendants of the mages there that had built this base.
It was getting dark by the time we finished our inspection. Sonya's light was not as strong and looking down the long tunnel we saw that light had fallen.
"I recall that my lady wanted to make love to me. Is she still of this mind?"
"It is about time. My back is sore from studying the globe. You are probably going to only add to my suffering."
"Perhaps not if my lady wishes to ride instead."
"That may be acceptable."
We set up our camp though there was no need for the tent. With a small spell I expanded a small strip of material to become a large and quite comfortable air mattress. We left to perform our ablutions outside. On the way back in I tried to be first but Sonya saw this as a challenge and we raced the last few hundred metres to reach the bed. We both threw ourselves on it and it slid across the floor to hit the globe we had been studying.
I wrestled with her until I was able to get my head between her thighs. She was very strong and fought dirty but I was stronger and knew her well. It was only when I was able suck her clit into my mouth did she finally admit defeat and pull less vigorously at my hair until she was pushing instead.
I claimed victory three times before Sonya managed to turn around and see what she could do to peek my interest. Her forth time and my first were at the same time though I liked to be a minute or so later.
With nothing to immediately distract us, we made very aggressive love interspersed with a kinder and gentler variety. Almost as learned reflex we charged our crystals and tried to feed the energy that would be wasted to this base but for some reason it would not accept it. When this happened we didn't worry and just forgot about our energy grid completely as I continued to make love to the woman I loved so much.
Sonya climbed on top many of the times and rode me the way she needed to have her orgasm without regard to me. This was the way I wanted it and came with her most of the time. There was something different. Our lovemaking was even more passionate and more stimulating. This made the bond we had that much stronger.
A very sated woman said to me after our last orgasm, "We better quit or we won't get any sleep."
"You tired me out." After a slight pause I held her to me even tighter and whispered with verbal words, "I love you Sonya."
She replied the same way. "I know you do and I love you just as much."
We woke up later than usual but that was ok. On the way out of the base we held hands as if we were newlyweds but we had done this a lot of times and it meant that we were extra happy. For breakfast we went hunting antelope. Since we knew where the animals were, we used rocks as weapons and took a fine young buck. We cooked what we wanted to eat then dried the rest as I did the slabs of lumber. The hide was good but not that useful to us. I was not wasteful though and preserved it with magic after scraping it clean.
Returning to the base again I found the tingle just a bit different than last time and for some reason it seemed to be just a bit brighter. Sonya said, "Perhaps it did take in our energy last night. I wasn't controlling it at all."
"You were a woman determined to get exactly what you wanted."
"I can do that again tonight if you are up to it."
"I may be able to stand up to your demands my lady."
"That sounds remarkably like a challenge."
"We lost sleep last night and we may have to turn in a lot sooner."
"You're on mister or more correctly I will be on you."
We tried the large arches on the periphery but they were as strong and as impervious as the wall itself. We knew they were portals but they would just not work for us.
I said, "This room reminds me of one of the stations we were going to make. You come in one portal and leave by one of the other three. I'm not sure about the globe but it could be a map that you would see in a bus station. This bus station though should have more than three destinations."
"Maybe you press a jewel and then we can go there."
We pressed a nearby jewel but saw or felt no change. The portals remained closed though we were only going to use the hide I just preserved. Instead of mechanical means we tried to press with PK or just choose a jewel with our mind. It was a fruitless search. We could not get the globe to interface with the portal or for the portal to work independently.
We made love that night and it was just as stimulating as the night before. I had to wonder if something nearby was causing this to happen. We weren't complaining though. It didn't hurt and made our relationship even closer.
The next day we took everything out of the one box and tried our way to open the one that Moldonia could not open. We were just as fortunate and the box remained closed. The characters on the wall and floor were our last avenue and we tried to make some sense out of them. There were spaces but usually then came after fifty three characters and up to ninety seven. We had to assume that the words were very long like some German words or a sentence had the words run into each other.
We counted a hundred and forty seven different characters and none looked like punctuation, though we had no idea what punctuation would look like. The paper with our transcribed information from the coins and box were compared and with only a slight variation they fit in with what were on the floor. The still unopened box was the same way though it had much more writing on it.
With nothing left to try we attempt to use the need. It had not worked on finding the ship or our family since Moldonia's base was destroyed. Soon we found that it didn't work in this case either.
Sonya and I were tired from ten days of research here with little to show for it. She finally said to me, "I wonder why those arches for the portals are so large?"
"A mage sometimes shows megalomania but I think it may be a very large being."
"The only thing that I think that is that large is a colcha."
"You may be right. Prostana would make it through but wouldn't have lots of room to spare."
"I thought Prostana was at least as intelligent as we are and he can read minds after he was taught. Do you think it was his people that used this place?"
I said, "They might but the globe and the writing are all so small. I can't see them building this place."
"A mage or a group of mages could have built this for the colcha. The globe and the writing look the right size for us."
"That is why I keep you around. You are a very smart woman. We just have to find Prostana now and see if he will cooperate."
"I think you want me around more for my body."
"That's nice too."
We took a long time to accurately lay out the coordinates of the centre of this newer room. They were only slightly different from the vestibule but if we were able to get a full grown colcha into the main room we would need to be exact.
The artifacts were left in the room we found and then we started the labourious task of putting some of the rock back into the tunnel to keep out intruders. Much of the rock had to be thrown out of the temple but for good measure we used some of the stones to block this entrance too.
Sonya and I made good time without the benefit of any modda. We had not found our own animals or the mabomas but didn't expect too after this much time had passed.
We avoided humanity for the most part except to stop a group from robbing an animal train. This happened off our path but the ambush was seen by our eye.
We hunted on the run and ate well. The strength built into our bodies was a match for what we were demanding of them and besides it felt good to just run. It was even better to be running with a full partner that I loved very much.
When we arrived at the torn up valley we found it deserted. We saw four large piles of shit and figured that Prostana had stayed just long enough to fully heal. During the trip here we had gone over everything that Prostana had said to us. He was not going back to his family because that would cause some problems.
The colcha lived in the mountains in some deep valleys with equally deep caves running into the heart of the mountain. The globe we had been studying so much was contoured so that we knew where the mountains were. None of them gave more detail than that.
At an area where Prostana had shed so much blood, we picked up some of the soil still containing some of his essence. We used the need this time and felt a pull much more to the east and south.
We plotted our course from the information we had. There was a river to the east and it went south and west but it was easy travelling until it reached a plain. Nearly eight hundred kilometres from there was another range of mountains and this we hoped would be where we would find Prostana.
Some of the valleys we ran through had sheer vertical walls. We could see one valley ahead most of the time and we could avoid the worst of the climbs. With the modda, we would have had a much more difficult time since they could not climb as well as we could.
The larger human settlements were far enough apart that we could rest for a partial day at each. Usually we did some good turns to some of the residents and plotted a location so we could drop in one day if we needed to.
When we hit the river we found that it was a rushing torrent. It had worn deeply into the rock. It would not only be difficult to get to the water and make a boat but if there was no place to beach the boat we would have troubles getting out. Travelling beside this river would be even more difficult and extremely slow.
We had to climb the ridges to follow the river for nearly two days before we found a place where we could get down but we were sure nobody else could.
A light but strong rope was made then a boat suitable for this type of water. We decided on a two man kayak. We lowered th boat down then Sonya climbed to the water's edge to steady the craft and wait for me. I came down quicker than I wanted to but was not hurt much. Since I was much larger, I got in first and used my PK to stay in place as Sonya settled into position.
The rope gave way far over head and fell into the water. I gathered this up for we may need it again to get out. It was a very wild ride. We tried to avoid magic for this was challenging without. In six hours we had shot two small rapids and covered a hundred and thirty kilometres. This was a fast river and we pushed the craft in the slower sections.
It was getting dark, especially how deep in the crust of the planet the water had worn. A small area no larger than we would need to pitch a tent came up and we aimed for it. We avoided three large rocks and an eddy before beaching the craft.
Sonya said, "That was fun."
"It was more fun being with you. Now catch me a fish and I'll cook it."
"Yes, Master."
There was some waterlogged wood caught in the rocks and a little on the section where we wanted to place our tent. There was no room for a fire, a tent, our boat and packs too. We had used little magic up to now and I sheared the rock of the wall in front of me. Sonya played out the rope and we climbed the rock wall. I moved our fuel and pushed the rock away so it would make a larger and higher place to camp.
Sonya and I climbed down on the freshly cut rock and didn't like the angle it was at. She got some rocks from the water and I had to pick the rock back up and she tucked them underneath one side. She then looked at the shiny rock wall. She told me what she wanted and we worked together to cut our own cave into the side. She did some tinkering and now we were out of the wind and had six square metres of room.
The rock we removed went to further adjust our stepping stone and then she wanted it grooved so it would not be slippery. After that she wanted a fire pit in it and a hole to drain rainwater if it collected. Since we were making a home I knew when to do what I was told and not to ask foolish questions.
Sonya caught the fish and I was able to cook it. My eye even found some large branches rushing by in the river. This came over too and when dried would make a nice to sit and hold each other.
That night I held Sonya close. It was quite cool for a change and the wind was strong outside our cosy home. I built a shield to protect us from most of the wind but not all of it. When it was time to turn in we made very tender love and thought of our own children and those others that I had fathered. They were all very important to me even when I had so many.
When we set out in the morning the back of our love nest had the outline of a heart and the words, 'Adam loves Sonya' engraved deeply into the rock. Sonya liked it too and used my mind to cut a similar heart that was interlocked with her own declaration of love.
We kept watch far ahead and occasionally to the heights above the river. I was steering and Sonya said, "A river is going to join ours. It is coming from the right and the water is turbulent." Sonya took over steering and I took a look and together we plotted the best course to take. This part was dangerous but I saw where the rocks were and we made it through on the strength of our little kayak and our arms.
We ate dried fish. We had soota or what looked like deer preserved since it lasted longer. Four hours later the river started to widen and come out of the mountains. The banks were now lower and more often than not they were covered with soil instead of bare rock.
Again when it was getting dark we looked for a place to camp for the night but when we got to it we found a much better place just a half hour further. It also had a lot of animals drinking from the river including some wild modda.
I said, "Do you want to ride or run? We can also do both if you want."
"I liked my modda. Let's get a few."
The animals were easy to capture for we used our PK to bring the boat close and we put a great many of them to sleep. We had to hurry to shore or some of the animals would drown. All the animals were compelled to not be frightened. Sonya picked through the group trying to find non-lactating females or young males. We were greedy and took six but if we travelled fast we would need all of them. They were all taken from the river so the rest would not see us.
There were a lot of tricks we had learned in domesticating these animals and we used all of them. We heard a loud thrashing from the river and used our eye to see what was happening. I was angry at myself. All the animals felt safe but a voso took the opportunity to have lunch.
The voso was similar to the Komodo dragon of Indonesia. This lizard could run faster than a man and was not a mere three metres but grew up to twelve or more in some areas. This one had taken one of the modda in its large jaws. The rest of the animals had fled by us and we had trouble with our own animals.
Looking into the water I saw that this must be a favourite hunting spot for them. The one to take the modda was only four metres long. I hurried to the shore and killed the animal with my mind then dragged the carcass to the land. It stunk too.
I butchered the carcass quickly and with my crystals converted the scaled hide into a type of leather that could be used for saddles. Sonya had to help me. We didn't want the flesh to linger here.
Sonya was artistic and made a saddle for her that reflected where the leather came from. I had to do another that fit me better and complimented hers. This was a good type of competition. We made three riding saddles this way but didn't need the other. Three more saddles were made but these would be used to carry cargo.
The remains of our pseudo Komodo dragon was thrown out into the river and in moments there was a lot of thrashing in that location as the rest of its kind finished off the tidbits. We had been careful and none of the saddlery had the scent of the lizard.
Our own animals were led down to drink and this time we were the ones that watched out for them. We left the kayak on a large stone that stood a few metres above the bank. It was nestled in but could be removed by anybody that wanted it. The moddas carried the saddles while we carried the packs much further from the river.
We set wards far out from out camp as we had learned long ago. The moddas were inspected already for diseases and parasites and taken care of. We now worked on conditioning them but we did it the most gentle way possible. In a few hours it was full dark and the animals thought we were part of the herd now.
We set up camp and hobbled the animals for the night. As usual predators came our way but the moddas were not bothered because the carnivores were shooed away before they got too close.
The next morning we continued with the saddles and put the buckles on from our limited supply of metal that we had. Tar could be used but metal felt right when working with this old medium of transportation.
Grass was changed into a pad for the animals because we wanted them as comfortable as possible. Sonya was the one that rode each of the horses first. She was not only kind but firm and the animals settled down much better with her weight. It was noon by the time the packs were placed on the animals and we rode them back to the river.
Mine was skittish. I was heavy but not beyond what the large animal could carry. The prairie reminded me of the wagon and the children but I tried to hide it. The animals were watered and the bags we made were filled with clean water. The spare moddas carried this commodity.
We took the sample of soil with Prostana's blood and expressed our need. This is the direction we were going to go. We started out slow but picked up speed as the animals learned how to react. In an hour we stopped and switched animals. This took time but it was better to have them all trained.
By the end of the day even the pack animals had been ridden but not as hard as the others. We passed some grasses that had partial seed heads. Our PK came into play and we harvested a lot of grain. The animals would need it when you considered how much work they were doing.
We ran into a very deep river and there was no way we could get down so we rode south for four days until it was passable. The moddas had to be sedated and put in a boat made of energy to get across the river. On the other side we had to pick them up and place them atop a ten metre cliff.
The prairie had some large predators besides the bomas. They kept us on our toes. Some would wait in hiding for us to pass and then attack. Sookra was a hostile place and the average earth human would usually die before they learned enough to survive.
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It was in my first semester at University when my world was set on its head.Hi, I'm Franky. You might think that small town colleges are for people who can't get into an Ivy League school, but it's a little tougher to get into my old school. Sure, you have to be accepted on academic merit but there are some other categories you have to be proficient in as well. Just because you get a letter that says that your in doesn't mean that you've got both feet on the ground there. I graduated from there...
College SexHelen Hotwat was in her second year at college and her 19th year of celibacy. When all your girlfriends are going on and on about the wonders of sex, being a virgin is Hell. It wasn't that Helen was homely or anti-social. Despite W.C. Field's famous definition of a virgin ( 13 year-old girl, verrrrry ugly ), Helen's cherry remained un-plucked and she remained unwanted all through high school and even in her first year at college where getting laid every Friday and Saturday night was a given....
I knocked on my friends nans front door, hoping he would let me in quickly as my cock was still hard and it was making a damp patch in my jeans where the pre-cum was leaking out.David opened the door and held his finger to his lips letting me know to be quiet. I held up the bottle of rum and walked past him squeezing his ass as I did so.I was so horny I needed his cock in my mouth right now, he whispered that his nan was sleeping so if we were quiet she should stay asleep all night.I just...
“Oh, you’re home,” she called as I closed the front door. “Sit down, let me get you a drink.”I sat in the recliner, as instructed. A smile played over my lips as her hand slid over my shoulder, up my neck to my cheek, and pushed my face around. As her fingers touched my lips, I kissed them while turning to see the sight before me.Her eyes, black holes, surrounded by swirling bright blue accretion disks, the twin stars that sucked me powerlessly to her. My smile broadened, I had fallen into them...
Straight SexOn Tuesday, my husband Jim went out of town for a few days, which is pretty typical, he would return on Friday. Tuesday evening the phone rang and I answered."Hello Melissa....this is are you?" Earl asked. "Earl, Hi....I recognized your voice.....Jim's out of town," I replied. "Yes, I know....that's why I am calling." Earl said. There was a long silence; I was somewhat shocked that Earl would call.... I could probably guess what he wanted but I did not respond."I just wanted to see...
Bang! Naruto's door shot open , kicked in by Naruto himself and luckily not blown off the hinges.He shut it quickly , directly after Sakura had entered and grabbed her , spinning her to his bed and dropping her onto it.He knelt over her and leaned down , kissing her softly and sliding his warm tongue inside her mouth , sucking greedily on her tongue.Her hand travelled the length of his body , to the hard erection still stuck inside his pants.She slid his pants down , still kissing him and...
Journeyman Mage Faoril – Esh-Esh, The Magery of Thosi I strolled through the docks of Esh-Esh, the cool breeze blowing in off Lake Esh. The blue waters sparkled as the wind rippled waves across the surface. The smaller boats of fisherman with their triangular, ribbed sails bobbed in the waves churned by the larger merchant boats that sailed up the Roytin River from the Free City of Raratha. Only one ship anchored at the docks was different. The Crystal Ship of the Magery Council. My eyes...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I'd popped uptoy room for a quick wank after walking in on my nan naked, she had the most perfect boobs I'd ever seen her nipples were huge and her pussy was totally bald she was in her late fourties and I was 19 year old virgin at the time so of course my hormonal cock was hard instantly so i turned around and ran to my bedroom. I thought that i would try what my nan does so i shaved of crotch bald and it looked magnificent, i layed on my bed after...
IncestAlice came in from work about a week later, still celebrating the start of a new year as well as the chillier weather despite being in the Sun Belt. She dropped the mail from the box on the counter and then scanned through it. There was a letter with a handwritten address on it to her. She opened the envelope and pulled out a check with a Post-It note attached. The note read: Congratulations. You are a big hit. This is for the last six weeks since the videos got posted. You’ve been...
0411It was a Sunday afternoon in early April and it was a sunny and hot. I went down to Gemma’s Mum’s to see what they were up to. I walked up the alleyway at the side of her house as I guessed they’d be in the garden sunbathing. I was right…..Gemma and her Mum were up the garden. I climbed the steep steps up to the top half of the garden where they were. Gemma and Deb were busy making steps using some old quarry stone and chippings and soil. They were about halfway down so I started helping...
Yes people, your evaluation sar ankhon pe.You can contact me at mai apne ghar me sabse chota hn 18 ka,aur mere pariwar me mom n dad ke alawa badi bahan divya 21 sal ki gori 5ft 5 ki aur 32 30 34 ke figure ki hai, aur ek bhai hai jo ki shadi ke bad alag rahta hai.Mai serious nature ka tha.Bachpan se hi mujhe khoob pareshan kiya jata tha.Mere dono bhai bahan mujhe daant khilate aur mera majak udate the.Ab college me ane ke bad bhi mujhe bhondu kaha jata aur meri bahan mujhe ghar me bahut...
The next three months passed slowly by; the winter weather prevented much in the way of construction, except that we did have the airfield surveyed. Jo recuperated from her injuries more quickly than her doctors had predicted. By spring, she was able to walk without assistance, though she tired easily. We had started flying again once she had graduated to smaller walking casts for her leg. We would take short trips when the weather permitted, flying off for a meal or to visit an event. Once...
Ellarukum vannakam. This is Mathan from chennai. I am a 23 year old virgin guy. I am a follower of ISS for the past 8 years. This is my first story in ISS so kindly tolerate me with any errors and if the story is too long. This is my fantasy story. Any girls from chennai who wants to check me out send a mail to Now coming into the story, this is between me and my two friends. Some of the conversation is in Tamil. We three study in a college in chennai. We got introduced and one fine day we...
I was happy to get back home because I had my new wife all to myself with no other men around. I still had to suck her off morning and night, but at least she would jerk me off a couple times a week. I liked my new job and my birthday was getting closer when she said my punishment would be over and promised to make love to me, so overall things were going well. One evening when I got home from work, I saw Kathy sipping wine and chatting with some guy in our living room. "Hi sweetie, this is...
For Jason, it was just like any other Thursday night. The twenty three year old loved to frequent a popular night club in the downtown business area after work. He was a good looking young man, who had a beautifully sculpted body. If Jason had any complaints from the women it would be the fact that his nine plus inch cock was way too big for them to handle. He just loved to use it on unsuspecting young women to the point that they would beg him to stop. Jason had a pretty good success rate at...
Hey this is Saurabh! I am writing on iss for the first time so apologies for the mistakes. I am 18 years old, height 5’8″, with fair complexion and well shaped as I gym regularly. my dick is around 6.5 inches and i think it is enough for my age an also to satisfy any girl. So coming to the characters of my story Twinkle: Age 19 yrs, wheatish complexion, cute, has figure of 32’28’32 (as per my guess) firm and big tits. She so good at seducing, her dressing sense is so damn hot that anybody would...
It was just a regular Wednesday night. Me and Sarah were round at her boyfriend Jake's flat watching a movie in his room as he lived with two other guys using the living room. We did this fairly often, all under the covers, Sarah in the middle curled up with Jake and me on the other side.The conversation had stopped about 10 minutes ago and we had settled into the movie. For the the life of me I can't remember what it was, we would choose something random from a huge library he had on his...
The Poker Game We guys get together on Friday nights during the winter months to play poker. It is strictly a friendly game for pennies and nickels with a ten-dollar maximum loss. We each bring four rolls of pennies and four rolls of nickels and when they are gone we are out of the game. When the game is at my house the wives and children come too. We have a big house out in the country and the kids can run and scream until they drop. The wives usually go into the big family room...
Sky headed north and west once more, after he could no longer see Mr. Cody on the trail. He rode through the low lying hills, and as he topped a hill, he would stop and wonder how the prairie looked when the great buffalo herds roamed this land. As he rode through the plains, his eyes never stopped searching the lands that seemed to unfold in front of him, as if a new book were opening pages. He saw the ears of his horse perk up, then his horse stopped. Sky heard the sound too. It was like...
Had some good feedback thankyou, but if your not into young sex dont read on this is my story im writeing it to get it off my chest so if you dont like it read something else. read part 1 so you know. Part 2, I learn how to please with my hands and mouth. I kissed granddad goodnight and went over to frank, come here my little trophy girl, with this he picked me up into his arms and I wrapped my legs around his body. He cupped one hand under my bum placing his middle finger along my wet slit...
Ms. Invincible By ZeDD Ms. Invincible stood alone atop the tallest building, the wind whipping her shoulder length blonde hair about furiously, her stance wide against the wind, her arms crossed under her large breasts. There was a thoughtful expression on her pretty face as she gazed out at her city. She wasn't cold. She never got cold or hot for that reason. She was invincible. Suddenly she laughed. How ridiculous she must look standing at the top of a building like this! How...
Once upon a time in a far away land, there was a beautiful kingdom surrounded by deserts. People rode around on camels across the desert. The women wore colourful desert dresses that wrapped around their bodies and over their heads so just their faces were visible. And the mens’ clothing were dark shirts and trousers and cloaks. Within the kingdom lived a king who had lost his queen while giving birth to their only child – the beautiful Princess Delina. The king cherished and treasured his...
Sabrina Hunt’s parents sat nervously in the principal’s opulent study at the Bradley Hardacre Community College near Stalybridge West Yorkshire. A College in a magnificent county mansion in the rolling Yorkshire countryside. “I am afraid this is the most serious case we have ever had at this College” Miss Price the senior Hospitality course tutor explained to the Hunt’s and the Principal. “Oh dear,” Mrs Hunt replied awkwardly, for this was the first time there had ever been any suggestion...
I am so far gone My terrifying respect for you deepens Keeping my eyes from meeting yours You are reclined like a lion Ready to devour your suicidal prey You are my divine dichotomy Two parts in a single soul a wretched beast a Dionysian lover You punish and adore me Drawing blood with your nails Forcing my mouth until tears run the look on your face as you savor them You insult me And in these moments I love you impossibly more I sit at your feet head resting on your lap ...
BDSMA Dream (Part 1)================I am walking into a big, naturally lit room, with a marbled tile floor. In that room are a big double bed, a large kitchen table; upon which are layed a number of items :- A silk scarfTwo pieces of ropeA riding cropA spreader barA glorious purple butt plug I am dressed in hold up stockings, with 4 inch high stiletto heels, a black thong, frmo the waist up I am naked, no jewellery adorns me. Looking around I see you, standing motionless, your chestnut hair...
“Master…Master please wake up.” I shook him gently and he begins to stir, asking “What girl…go to sleep, it’s four in the morning.” “Please Master, I have to pee. Please” I begged. He rolls over and undoes the chain to the collar and I rush outside, there is a slight but steady rain as I lift my leg to release my bladder next to the oak that is my designated bathroom. I finish and stand, wiping myself as best I can and turn towards the house, he is standing in the doorway yawning and snaps his...
BDSMYou spent most of your lives watching cartoons. To you they were better then any form of entertainment. People thought it was unhealthy to be watching cartoons at your age but you never really gave a crap what they thought. You even fantasize about the women. There was nude poster of Jessica rabbit on your wall. There was nude Judy Jetson pictures on your computer. One Day you were walking down a street when you heard a woman scream. People in the city were ignoring the scream like nothing was...
On Wednesday afternoon Matti spoke briefly with Dawn, and invited her to go out with him for dinner. It had been the longest period of time they had spent apart since they met, and Matti was anxious to have this streak of days end. While they had spoken frequently by phone, Matti needed to be with her, and if her words were to be accepted at face value, Dawn felt very much the same way. As it was, Matti met her in the parking lot when she returned home from the station. It seemed they were...
We have a historically black church down the street from us and last weekend they were selling homemade barbeque for a fund raiser. We stopped to buy some and the minister invited us to attend services. The next Sunday we did and invited the preacher to dinner at our house and he accepted.After he arrived, he and I went into the living room and made small talk while, Sue, my wife was preparing dinner. The minister made a comment about her being a very attractive lady, I thanked hi and told him...
When I was 22 my parents moved to Florida to retire about 2 years later I was in the local home depot when I ran into an old friend of my dad. I was in outdoor garden section when I heard a voice say Tim I turned around to see Jack a 58 year old friend of my dads for longtime. Him and my dad worked together about 15 years ago and he was always hanging out at the house or doing things with my dad. We talked a little then he said he had better get going and wrote his number down and said call me...
I pulled in the driveway, and saw that my wife was already home. My thought was that she’s home early. I unlocked the door and went in. A few feet inside the door was my work stool with a box on it with a note taped to the top. I opened it and started to read. Hun, I’ve decided that tonight is the night I want to collect on our bet. You are to follow the instructions that I am going to give you. I promise that this will be fun for you too. Go up the back stairs to the spare bathroom,...