Mages Pratice
- 2 years ago
- 25
- 0
The next three months passed slowly by; the winter weather prevented much in the way of construction, except that we did have the airfield surveyed. Jo recuperated from her injuries more quickly than her doctors had predicted. By spring, she was able to walk without assistance, though she tired easily.
We had started flying again once she had graduated to smaller walking casts for her leg. We would take short trips when the weather permitted, flying off for a meal or to visit an event.
Once her casts were gone, Jo went back to flying her Extra. She started slowly, as the g forces from the more radical maneuvers were painful for her. She was dismayed at how much of her skill she’d lost, so she was determined to train herself back up to her former level.
On one of Jo’s practice days, and I was always at the airport when she was flying, serving as her crew chief and aircraft handler, a minivan pulled up and parked next to the van I’d bought for Jo. I stood up from my lawn chair and looked to see who it was.
I was surprised to see Kaitlin and her mother step out and approach me. “Hello, Janice,” I called out.
Kaitlin’s bandages were gone, but her lower face was a mass of reddish-white scars, and her left hand hung awkwardly at her side. She looked at me, her face inscrutable.
Janice nodded to me. “Hello. I wanted to see how Jo was recovering, and Norm, my husband, told me that she flies here.”
“Yes, she does.” I pointed skyward where the Extra was a dot as Jo practiced her maneuvers at a safe altitude. “She’s practicing some aerobatics now.” I patted the chair. “Please, take a seat. I’ll bring two more chairs for us. Would you like some water?”
They both nodded. “Yes, please,” Janice said.
I stepped into the office to retrieve two chairs and three bottles of water, and went back outside. I set up the chairs, handed out the water, and sat down. “How has your recovery been, Kaitlin?”
She shrugged. “It’s been okay.”
“It’s been hard,” Janice added with a sad smile. “She’s had four surgeries, two on her jaw, and two more on her wrist and hand. The last one was a month ago.”
“That is hard,” I agreed. “Other than the infection, Jo has had a good recovery.” Jo and I had received a substantial settlement from the accident, which paid for her medical care and our car. Our attorney had advised us that we could probably get more for damages if we sued, but neither Jo nor I were interested in dragging Kaitlin’s family into court.
“Will you be able to graduate this year?” I asked Kaitlin.
She shook her head. “No, I still have a year to go after this semester.”
“Maybe I should explain,” Janice said quickly. “She is a college junior, and she graduated from high school at age sixteen.”
“That’s really good, Kaitlin,” I said with a smile. “What are you studying?”
“I’m working on a civil engineering degree. I’m so far behind this semester, that I may have to retake the classes, though.”
“Don’t give up on your degree program, that’s a pretty good career to have. People will always need to build new buildings and such.” I looked up at the sound of the Extra in a dive. As I watched, Jo pulled up into a vertical climb, rolling the aircraft like a dervish as she soared upward.
“That looks like fun,” Kaitlin said as she shielded her eyes with her hand.
“You can find out.” I picked up the handheld radio I’d set at the base of my chair. “Extra two three juliette, Unicom.”
“Two three juliette, go,” Jo’s voice came back.
“We have visitors, and one of them wants a ride.”
“Copy that. Two three juliette will be entering the pattern from overhead, landing runway one six.”
We watched as Jo spiraled down to the traffic pattern altitude, crossed over the runway threshold, and bank sharply to the left. The sleek aircraft descended in a tight spiral, straightened out over the runway numbers, and lightly touched down. Jo let it roll up to the center turnoff, and taxied to the hangar in front of us. She shut the engine down, and popped the canopy open.
“Come on,” I said. “Let’s go get you that ride.” I led Kaitlin to the step behind the left wing.
“Hi, Kaitlin,” Jo said with a bright smile. “It’s a great day to go flying.”
“I’ve never been in a little airplane,” the teen said hesitantly.
“Come on, it will be fine. I won’t do anything scary, I promise.”
“Okay.” She looked at the empty seat. “What do I do?”
I coached her through the process of boarding the aircraft, and she settled into the rear seat. Five minutes later, she announced over the intercom that she was ready.
I stepped back, and Jo started the engine and taxied out to the active runway. The canopy closed, and then the engine roared, pulling the agile airplane into the sky.
“Is that safe?” Janice said from beside me. “It’s so little.”
“Sure. It’s even safer with Jo at the controls. She’s a champion pilot.” I gestured to the lawn chairs, and we both sat down.
We watched the Extra climb eastward, toward town. I assumed that Jo was giving Kaitlin an aerial tour of the area.
“Kaitlin has had a hard time since the accident,” Janice said at length. “She’s sorry that the two of you were hurt, and she’s having trouble dealing with her own injuries.”
“It’s not been easy for Jo, but she is recovering, and we expect her to regain her skill,” I replied. “It wasn’t premeditated on her part; we both know that, too. I – we are hoping that Kaitlin will be able to move on with her life.”
“Kaitlin was always concerned about her appearance,” Janice said with a sigh, “and so, she is not well equipped to handle the facial scarring and the loss of motion in her wrist.”
“I’d say that was pretty normal for a teen girl. Have you looked into cosmetic surgery?”
“Yes, but it’s very expensive. Our insurance is nearly at its limit for this accident, and we don’t have much money to cover it.”
I thought for a moment. “She’s studying civil engineering?”
“Yes.” Janice looked at me.
“We hired a firm to design our private airport that’s about ten miles north of here. They might have a position for Kaitlin. I can contact the owner to find out, if you’d like.”
“That would be good for her, I think. It would give her something to think about besides her injuries.”
“I can also ask around about how to get the surgery she needs. There are many foundations out there, and a good number of them deal with medical issues.” I shrugged. “I don’t know if they’d consider cosmetic surgery for Kaitlin, but I am willing to ask.”
“You seem to know a lot about these foundations,” Janice observed.
“I’ve had some experience through my business,” I said, choosing my words carefully. “We’ve participated in several events and fundraisers over the past year.”
“We would appreciate anything you do for us, for Kaitlin.”
“Of course.” I sipped my drink. “She is obviously a bright young woman with a promising future.”
We sat and chatted for the next half hour, until we heard Jo and Kaitlin returning over the airfield. The Extra turned into another overhead approach, and Jo brought it down to a smooth landing. They taxied in and shut down, opening the canopy as soon as the prop stopped.
Janice and I walked to meet them, and I noted the huge grin on Kaitlin’s face. “What did you think,” I asked as she lifted off her headset.
“That was awesome! Amazing! The best!” She lifted an unused airsick bag. “And I didn’t have to use this!”
“We went up and did a couple of loops and rolls,” Jo put in as she unbuckled her harness. “It’s a good thing the intercom has a decibel limiter.” She smiled as I helped her climb out of her seat. She was moving a lot better, so my presence was more to reassure her than an actual help.
This is the central hub for a collection of one-shots and branches set in a single fictional world, Autumn. These tales can be read in effectively any order, and require no introduction. If you want to leap right in, go ahead. Otherwise, a short primer is printed below. Table of Contents I - (Male God) walking out of the endless wilderness. I - A (very bottomheavy) adventuring party sets out to investigate. III - (Shy Stamen) takes command as an (Imperial) admiral! III - (Cute Male) superweapon...
FantasyThis story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.She watched him across the kitchen.He was naked and bent over the table, filling in the crossword in his newpaper.Keeping one eye on the pan, she sneaked over and smacked him with the hot, oily spatula.SLAP!"Ow! What was that for?" He rubbed his ass with one hand, whilst scratching his forehead with the pen in his other.She grinned."Just lubing you up for some playtime." She went back to the hob to...
FetishPassages By Autumn Writer © Copyright 2006 ‘I hope that you remember that this was not my idea at all, Jeff.’ ‘It will be okay, Barbara. Please, just let me keep my mind on the road.’ He could feel it building, the familiar tension, as the Explorer crept forward on the snow-covered road. Throughout their twenty-nine years of married life she had always lashed out at him whenever stress arose for any reason. After all their years together he could foresee the warning signs in the far-off...
Our tale continues. Walking to my cabin, and further delights with my Bitch, I noticed Jorge’s door ajar and peeked within. My eyes widened in surprise: the beautiful captive had overpowered my First officer, binding him in the hanging chains and gagging him as well! She was swinging on his back with a short whip, and appeared to be enjoying it: her nipples were hard and her nether lips swollen. She stopped for a moment, reaching around his hips to stroke his rampant cock. At once he...
Faithful reader, I was well and truly depleted at this point, my day had been long and arduous. I decided to spend some time with the girl in conversation. I used my sleeve to brush away her tears, and again carefully removed the pear from her mouth after warning her to keep a civil tongue in her head. ‘So, Fine Bitch, now you have experienced the loss of one of your virginities, and I will take your two others by morning. The most painful is done, the most pleasant will be last. Tell me,...
Once we had assured our course was correct, I instructed the Second Officer not to disturb me (with a wink) and received a grinning affirmation in return. ‘Aye, Cap’n, I’ll not bother ye for less than the likes of a great whale, or the Admiralty’s flagship. I trust ye’ll break the girl in well, sir, and quickly also. We’re all lookin’ for’ards to our turns, ye see.’ Viewing the bedraggled face of Edwards, my Second, and hearing his words, one would never think of him as the son of an Earl....
Good morrow, fine reader! I am to be your humble narrator and am also the unRedeemed Spirit of the Captain of the pirate slaver, ‘Saint Veronica’, forced to wander the world still and share my tales. For your mind’s-eye view, I was six feet tall, broad of shoulder and powerful. My black hair matched my dark Portuguese complexion, faulted only by the blue eyes my mother had gifted me with. ‘Saint Veronica’ was a fine craft, fast as any of the merchantmen ships used by those who fled us…. or...
No sooner had I released the poppet from her bonds then it became needful to refasten her. Alarms called from above warned of sail hailing into view on the horizon: perhaps a simple rumrunner, perhaps a ship of the line. ‘Fair Bitch, I must interrupt our pleasures. My duties call. I leave you here, safe in my cabin, bound for your own protection. Be assured that you enjoy the protection of my officers and crew, no matter the outcome, while still they breathe. ‘I am relaxing the arm bindings...
Gentle Reader: If you would kindly recall, I had just completed observing the event of the Chocolate Beauty’s defiling by my First Officer, Jorge. While at first he had allowed himself to be trapped by the dusky female, he had later conquered her and controlled his rage, pleasing me. Now moving towards my cabin once again, I vowed nothing would keep me from Fair Bitch, my goal. Although hearing my name called by another female voice, I did not let my path waver and soon quietly entered my...
(The intro and backstories are the only parts not in the first person) [Captains log (haha log) Stardate... whenever] These are the tales of the Starship Futchia and her crew. They have been together on more unfortunate adventures than most in the star sector. They have traveled across more space than many meteors and they have fucked/been fucked by more aliens races than many can count. They are simultaneously the best and worst the Milkyway has to offer the universe. They are the S.S...
Chapter the First Good morrow, fine reader! I am to be your humble narrator and am also theunredeemed Spirit of the Captain of the pirate slaver, "Saint Veronica",forced to wander the world still and share my tales. For your mind's-eye view, I was six feet tall, broad of shoulder and powerful.My black hair matched my dark Portuguese complexion; faulted only by the blueeyes my mother had gifted me with. "Saint Veronica" was a fine craft, fast as any of the merchantmenships used by those who fled...
Star Trek Voyager was a Sci-Fi TV show in the 90’s about a space ship trapped in unfamiliar part of space far from Earth and struggling to get home. Kes was an alien from a species called Ocampa. She had large pointy ears and a blonde pixie hair cut. She had very large breasts and a shy personality and a soft breathy voice. Nelix was an alien called a Talaxian. He had a catlike appearance with fur on part of his face and a high pitched voice. Tom Paris and Harry Kim were human crewmembers...
The night and the following morning went as I expected; the nurses woke me every two hours due to my concussion, and the doctor came to examine me after breakfast. She pronounced me well enough to be discharged, and she warned me against driving for at least another two days. I explained that I had a friend who could drive me; and a nurse took over to give me my discharge instructions. When she was done, Jo stepped into the doorway. “I’m ready whenever you are,” she told me with a smile. I...
It was late afternoon when Jo stopped the car in my driveway. When I moved back home, I simply took over one of my vacant, small rental houses as my own residence. I paid rent to my own company, and I was my own landlord. Being single, my needs were simple, and I let Jo into the house ahead of me. “Oh, my,” Jo said with a laugh as she took in my battered chair and its matching side table. “At least it’s clean,” she said as she took in my spartan living arrangements. “So I’m not an interior...
Once we were in the car, I looked at Jo. “Where do you want to go? We can get something to eat, or we can drive somewhere nice for a couple of days.” “Take me home,” Jo replied quietly. “Your place?” She shook her head. “I live where you live. You’re my husband.” A few minutes later, we turned into my driveway. Jo and I went into the house, and she headed straight into my, our, bedroom. “Give me a few minutes, okay?” She closed the door without awaiting my response, and I went to the...
Jo and I spent our first four days as a couple in our home, leaving only to buy groceries. We mated in every room of the house, since, when the mood struck us, we just couldn’t wait. On the fifth morning, I staggered into the kitchen to start breakfast. My leg muscles screamed at me, and I washed down some Tylenol with a slug of orange juice straight from the bottle. “Oh, that’s gross, Gil!” Jo stepped around the edge of the doorway. “I drink from that bottle, too!” She gingerly sat down on...
“Gil?” I awoke with a start and sat up in my chair. The steady beep of the heart monitor sounded as I looked at Jo’s bed. She had rolled her head toward me, and her eyes were open. “Jo?” I stood and moved close to her. “Jo?” She blinked. “Why am I in the hospital?” I scrubbed at my cheek with the back of my hand, wiping away some of the tears. “We were in a bad car wreck, baby. I’m okay, but you were really hurt.” I gently touched her cheek. “You’ve been out for a week.” “I’m really sore,...
Copyright© 2004 Hungry Guy Advantages Healthy: Using a toilet slave is no riskier than receiving oral sex from someone. If he's your permanent toilet slave, YOU are the ONLY one he has contact with. There is ZERO risk to you! You are safer than being in a relationship with someone who could cheat on you without you knowing. Clean: Your toilet slave is self-emptying and self-cleaning. Never again get on your hands and knees to clean that nasty toilet bowl. Convenient: Unlike...
Copyright© 2004 Hungry Guy Advantages No responsibility: Your have no responsibilities except to swallow whatever waste your mistress excretes into your mouth out of her clit or anus. Pussy galore: You get to lick at least one pussy several times a day. Your mistress' girlfriends will likely want to use you too. Income: This is the one form of sexual commerce that a man can charge a woman for, if you are so inclined. Weight loss: Surviving on nothing but a woman's shit and piss is...
The Kaiser’s war finally reached our remote village that night. They came from the west, and made real our worst fears. I refused to cry, even when yet another German soldier came into my room to have his turn with me. This one appeared much too young to be wearing a uniform. His frightened expression vivid beneath the mask of dirt and grime collected on the long march. I lay exposed to him. My legs splayed wide, the issue of the three soldiers that came before him still leaking from inside me...
F/f, F+/f, F+/f+, exhibition, incest, interracial, teen, D/s, slavery, bondage, slow, reluctant, consensual, forced, mc, nc, SeriousAmbushThe Rio Rojo belied its name. The broad, deep stream that flowed past the campsite was a muddy green ? verde. Lisa stood on its banks for a few minutes, her arms akimbo, as she watched some ducks swimming and diving on the far side of the river. She smiled at their antics, then went inside a blue dome tent to have a little privacy before the sun went...
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"I hope that you remember that this was not my idea at all, Jeff." "It will be okay, Barbara. Please, just let me keep my mind on the road." He could feel it building, the familiar tension, as the Explorer crept forward on the snow-covered road. Throughout their twenty-nine years of married life she had always lashed out at him whenever stress arose. After all their years together he could foresee the warning signs in the far-off distance. She sunk down in her seat, looking unsatisfied....
SIBERIA, 10,000 BC Time passed around her. Well, that was one way of putting it. More accurately, time slipped. Or more accurately still, time became a circle rather than a line, a thing without end or beginning. And while Sarah found this disorientating, she did not find it either unfamiliar or frightening. She had stepped through the fissure that Gary had opened for her, onto the spinning circle, with practised ease. Of course, she couldn't understand the how of it, or the when of it....
Toronto, Canada, October 2008 "Baby", Holak told Sarah. "You are some fuck." And Sarah glared at him. He confused her, because he looked like Gunther, who had just made love to her so consummately well whilst she was sharing the body of 1930s nightclub singer Lucy Bennett, but the serious demeanour had gone. Holak seemed altogether frivolous. And frivolous seemed entirely the wrong state of mind at present. The fact that he was naked didn't help either. "What the hell is going on?",...
The flat was in a posh building with lots of Rich people mostly having their own business or at big time position in mncs. I used to be hardly spending a few hours in the house as most of the time I was working. I used to leave early and return very late in nights due to the enormous pressure at work. As a result I had very little time to spend with neighbours. On Sundays I used to be out to do all my personal work. One night when I was returning home I saw an extremely pretty lady just at the...
In part 1 Sarah and Joan had tried to pull the wool over John’s eyes by playing strip poker with a marked deck. However they discovered to their horror that John was an expert at knowing when people were cheating. As a result they found themselves having to agree to a series of spankings, stark naked, rather than have their efforts exposed to the rest of their colleagues. The first session had been with John’s hand across his knee, with the number they received to be determined by the...
John started work in his new office on Monday morning. The job of introducing him to his new colleagues was entrusted to Sarah, a drop dead gorgeous looking red head. However, it quickly became clear to John that she was very conscious of her looks, and expected everyone to be in awe of her. She made it clear to John that she regarded her job of introducing him to his colleagues as something that was very clearly beneath her. She made every effort to put him down as she performed the...
Author’s Note: This is number five is a series. It makes more sense if you read one through four first, preferably in order. My dreams that first night were filled with visions of the girls and I having sex. They were intense dreams, lots of touching, licking, sucking and fucking. So intense, if fact, that when I woke the next morning I discovered that I had experienced my first “wet dream” since my teens. I was still a little groggy and trying to figure out what to do with a sheet full of cum...
SpankingIn part 1 Sarah and Joan had tried to pull the wool over John’s eyes by playing strip poker with a marked deck. However they discovered to their horror that John was an expert at knowing when people were cheating. As a result they found themselves having to agree to a series of spankings, stark naked, rather than have their efforts exposed to the rest of their colleagues. The first session had been with John’s hand across his knee, with the number they received to be determined by the...
SpankingJohn started work in his new office on Monday morning. The job of introducing him to his new colleagues was entrusted to Sarah, a drop dead gorgeous looking red head. However, it quickly became clear to John that she was very conscious of her looks, and expected everyone to be in awe of her. She made it clear to John that she regarded her job of introducing him to his colleagues as something that was very clearly beneath her. She made every effort to put him down as she...
SpankingChapter 1: In Jail I was pale and nearly sick to my stomach from horror as I watched the TV monitor. Male screams caused by unspeakable pain and suffering issued from the set. From the date/time stamp on the camera I knew this torture had gone on for weeks. Finally, when I could take no more "Please, turn it off." My female lawyer reached over and hit the stop button on the jail's conference recorder. She studied my face, probably made even paler by the bright orange of my prison...
An appeal to the readers: Please read this article thoroughly and send your honest comments, criticism, and appreciation in detail I shall describe some of the incidents which are unbelievable, but actually happened in my life. Life is more dramatic than drama. I read many mother-son incest stories on the net. Many people think that mother-son incest is a fantasy. But it happens. I went to my mom’s room but the door was locked from inside and it was now 10pm I called to mom darling please get...
IncestHi this is second part of my story, friends I want to share with you some things friends suppose you are living alone with your lover or to whom you want to make your life partner, lover, wife and sex partner to whom you want to fuck so what you will do. Exactly that thing happened with me and I took full advantage of that opportunity I know friends your getting bore but friends I promise you. Now my story start from here, you all know we shifted to new place where nobody know about us I use...
IncestOne day when i returned to my home i said to mom i am moving to Hyderabad for business tour and will come after ten to twelve days i was literally confused that how can i be far away from my mom because I’ve never stayed like that before. Mom said please don’t go infect she started crying like a small child, but i consoled her saying that it’s hardly ten day’s mom, then i definitely joining you back. So please don’t cry, then even i will start crying if u continue crying. Then finally the day...
IncestHi guys… Varun again here from Bangalore. Thanks for ur comments on my previous story study time to bed time. Getting 4.5 for 5 ratings for 1st story is so encouraging. It’s been long time since i posted that story. As i told u before i’m 25 years old. 5.10 With well built body. My skill in aptitude helped me to fuck Sindhu wch i explained u in previous story. Same skills worked for me in higher level this time with a beautiful girl Hrithika. After my B.E. i started training in various...
Turning on my small electric kettle, I let water heat for Assam tea. Then I turned on some soft music. It drowned out the sounds of the morning coming awake outside, and helped to add to the feeling of being back in India. That was the only thing about my shop I don't care for, the sounds of passing traffic. At times it is intrusive. Taking out two bowls from the heavily decorated cupboard, I looked at the brown paste under the plastic wrap. The work of a few hours it was a smooth...
The future in the mirror is closer than it appears. If, thanks to new technology, you had to become a girl for a year in the middle of high school, what would you do? Start a blog, of course. -- Kiai 28jun08 *Hi.* Seven whole years after the dot-bomb hit and it's still true. Most blogs are written by teenage girls displaying their awesome angst in badly spelled prose for the whole World Wide Web to read, just as if they were writing in one of those diaries with a...
Humor[Writer’s note: This story contains several Hebrew and Yiddish words that should be defined or explained: Mohel: Highly skilled Jew who performs circumcisions. Can be a rabbi or an M.D. Kabbalah: mystical writings, should only be read by men over 40 years of age. Brit milah: circumcision ceremony for eight-day old boy. Meshuga: Crazy. Aufruf: a Yiddish word meaning ‘calling up’ and refers to calling up the bridegroom and bride to the Torah before their wedding day, at a synagogue....
[Prologue: Sandra and Marshall first meet at a bookstore, where they had blind dates with other people. In the middle of a lightning storm, their dates, Randall and Jessica, sense each other, drifting among the aisles, dressed to impress. And impress they do – each other. The attraction is obvious, even as Sandra and Marshall struggle to keep their attention. Randall finally takes the initiative by strolling over to kiss Jessica. They soon leave. Sandra and Marshall, humiliated, storm out,...
Hello, I am a guy and 29 years old. I am narrating an incident that happened when I was 19 years old. I am 5 feet 11 inches, very fair and well built. It was during my college tour I was having my bath in our hotel room. After my bath I came out of the bathroom wearing a towel. Suddenly a group of my friends pulled out my towel and threw it out of the room and locked the door. I was shocked because I was standing fully naked in front of more than a dozen of my friends and almost half a dozen...
At some point in every marriage one or the other gets a thought that screams through the brain like the Harley you were stuck next to at the light the otherday on the way home from work.... you know the one, like there is somethingdiffernt about the way your wife has been carrying herself or the way her pussyfeels or smells, just a tiny bit differnt then the way it normaly does, you the times in the past when you used a condom for the lamest reasonsonly a new couple can come up...
Copyright© 2006 As I was having my morning coffee, a knock on my back door startled me. Being new to the neighborhood, I couldn't imagine who it could be at six in the morning. I felt a sense of relief when I recognized the woman who lived next door. "Hello neighbor," she said cordially as I opened the door. "I was beginning to think you didn't exist... I've been trying to catch you at home for a couple of days. Since you're new to the neighborhood I wanted to welcome you." I held...
The ages of consent for sexual activity vary by jurisdiction across North America. Overview ... The age of consent is the age at or above which a person is considered to have the legal capacity to consent to sexual activity. Both partners must be of legal age to give consent, although exceptions may exist when both partners are within a certain number of years in age. Persons below the age of consent may not, by law, give consent, and sexual relations involving such persons may be punished...
It was Sunday morning and I was working at home trying to finish a proposal for a client. I'd worked on it all weekend and I was finally finished. I just needed to print it, and then I could meet the guys at the gym for our squat workout. I hit print and got the dreaded "low on ink" message. Damn it, I thought. I hit 'Ok' and it printed but smeared ink across the 2nd of five pages. Fuck. This was for one of my best clients. She always insisted on a paper proposal and we sit down to go over it....
So I had cross dressed my entire life. One of my earliest memories was stealing my mom's nylons and pulling them on. I don't know why but I loved the way they felt. As I got older and moved out I was able to dress in the seclusion of my home. It was not a daily or even monthly thing but it was something I did. Don't get me wrong, I never wanted to become a woman. I just liked looking liked one, feeling the caress of the dress and hose, and yes I got sexual pleasure from it. I...
A warning to readers of DG Hears stories. Every now and then I get crazy and write a story with lots of sex. This is one of those stories. If you're not into a lot of sex, you might want to pass on this one. This is a story about the age differences in loving, or at least sexual, relationships. As always a big thank you goes out to my editor Techsan for making my story a much better read. This story could have been put in a number of different categories. "Harder, Ted, harder, faster,...
The link between Age and Beauty has been explored in pornography since the very invention of the stuff. Typically, we see ripe young babes presented as the pinnacle of female sexuality, which makes evolutionary sense: they’ve reached peak child-bearing maturity, and we’re hardwired with an instinct to breed with them. On their other hand, older women may not be as fertile but often have sexual tricks up their sleeves the younger babes still need to practice. Cougar fans know this all too well,...
Premium Granny Porn SitesWow, I wondered what the surprise could be. She told me she would do anything for me. I wondered what she had planned. I got off work at five on Valentine's Day, went home, and cleaned up. I packed an overnight case for the motel at which I had made arrangements. I stopped at the store and bought her a bouquet of flowers and a box of candy in a big heart. I arrived at The Hidden Hideaway a little early. I wanted a good table at the back of the room. There were a few couples there already...
Copyright© 2003 A certain young sheik of Algiers Said to his harem, "My dears, Though you may think it odd of me, I'm tired of just sodomy Let's try straight fucking." (loud cheers!) I do not remember where or when it started. At least, not to the exact day or even the week. Yet I do remember the specific day that it started for just my family and I. Some called it a biological terror, others called it a chemical attack - all would agree that it did more damage to the whole...
My boss came up to me and said, "I got a 16 year old girl for you." I didn't know how to respond to that statement. Of course, of the way she said it, it didn't sound dirty but in my mind I chuckled. "That's cool," I said, "I am only eight years older than her, I'm sure I can show her my rope, I-I uh, mean the ropes." She laughed at me and said, "just train her right this time, not like that other guy." So a week had passed and I asked my other boss, who is the...
Hi readers. This is your JJ & this time around it’s not the same boring lesbian stuff but a real hot straight sex story on a request from one of the readers of my lonely woman story submitted in the lesbian heading. Does sex have a limitation on age? It all depends how ever you perceive it. Here is a experience that I had with a woman who is fit enough to be my mother. Ragini was a widow 46 years old with a daughter aged 26 given into to marriage to a Gulf settled engineer. Ragini’s husband...
CHAPTER 1 Fired at the age of five-four as part of the vehicle assembly plant’s downsizing to ride out the economic downturn, Carson Kline was living alone because his wife had gone to live with her eighty-seven year old mom. Sara had found Carson’s increased demand for sex since being out of work intolerable, not that she’d been much interested way back when becoming pregnant for the third time. Anyway she was tired of him and called him ‘over-active’. Carson missed the sex and thought of...