Pages Of A Day Ch. 01 free porn video

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[Prologue: Sandra and Marshall first meet at a bookstore, where they had blind dates with other people. In the middle of a lightning storm, their dates, Randall and Jessica, sense each other, drifting among the aisles, dressed to impress. And impress they do – each other. The attraction is obvious, even as Sandra and Marshall struggle to keep their attention. Randall finally takes the initiative by strolling over to kiss Jessica. They soon leave. Sandra and Marshall, humiliated, storm out, upset that they don’t even get a chance with Randall and Jessica. As Jessica and Randall leave together, Sandra and Marshall commiserate outside, then come back in, dripping wet but gradually warming up and gaining their composure.]


Sandra’s snug dress fit even tighter after the rainfall. She felt itchy and exposed, her carefully shaped hair a mess. The horrible scene with Jessica and Randall left her shaking. Imagine, Randall just strolled over and kissed Jessica, on the lips! In the philosophy section! What was Sandra, day-old lunch rolls? Their flirting made her heart sink, and that kiss applied a sledgehammer to her heart. She looked at Marshall, pouring a third pack of Sweet n’ Low into his mega-tall latte.

“Strange turn of events, yes?” he said. His immense hands dwarfed the cup. “Jessica, she couldn’t get away from me fast enough. I guess I wasn’t uptown enough for her. We talked on the phone some, thought it’d be a good idea to meet. Guess not.”

“And what’s Randall’s story? He couldn’t keep his eyes off your date? What’s his problem with me? What’d I do wrong?” Her eyes teared. Rejection rarely fit into Sandra’s social expectations.

“Nothing’s wrong with you,” said Marshall, brushing a lock of wet hair from his forehead. “Nothing wrong with me. Women, who knows?”

“Yeah, men. Who knows?” said Jessica.

She nibbled a biscotti. The coffee and food tasted wonderful. She felt herself drying off and calming down.

“Mind if I take out my contacts? My eyes feel a little tired,” she asked, reaching into her purse for her glasses.

“They’re your eyes. Do what feels comfortable.”

Sandra stowed her contacts in their plastic case, then was putting her glasses on when she shrieked, “Damn it!”

“What, what’s wrong?” asked Marshall. His shaggy eyebrows scrunched in concern.

“The lens just popped out of my glasses. I’m blind as a bat! Where’d the lens go? Oh no, everything’s going wrong today.”

“OK, OK, sit tight. Here, I see the lens, it just felt on the floor. Don’t move your feet.”

Marshall reached down to pick up the lens, which fell next to Sandra’s chair. Bent over, he lingered. Sandra’s legs floated before him, her skirt hiked high so he could see her silk-clad thighs. As he groped for the lens he followed the gliding taper of leg down to her high heels, ankle bracelet, and red-painted toenails. The sharp tang of toe-nail polish drifted into his nose. “Pretty,” he thought. For an instant he fantasized about resting his cheek on her freshly shaved legs, or running a finger up the inside of her thigh to caress her cunt. He next imagined Sandra’s probable response, impaling his hand to the floor with her spike heel. Wait, he thought.

“OK, now, here we are, not cracked or chipped,” said Marshall. “Hand me the frames, please.”

“Sure, here,” said Sandra. A wave of tiredness rolled over her. Just one thing after another today, she thought.

“Ah, the problem emerges,” said Marshall, holding the chic metal frame before his eyes. “You’ve got a loose screw, the frame’s opening up. Good thing the screw’s still in, it’d be hard to find if it fell out here.”

“Let me put my contacts back in. I’ll get the glasses fixed tomorrow,” said Sandra. She reached in her purse for the contact case.

“Naah, wait a minute. Hang on,” said Marshall in a rumbling voice with an accent Jessica could not place.

Now it was Marshall’s turn to rummage, through his forest-green Lands’ End bag. “I know I’ve got it here somewhere. Bear with me. Found it.”

Squinting, Sandra saw Marshall open a kit, about the size of a paperback book, and extract the tiniest screwdriver she’d ever seen. He popped the lens in, held the frames shut, and with a few deft turns tightened the screw.

“Try,” he said, handing the glasses to Jessica.

She put them on. The store and Marshall snapped into focus.

“They fit perfectly! Thanks so much. Wow, you had just the right tool. Are you an optician or something?” asked Sandra.

Marshall looked genuinely puzzled. “Me, a guy that delivers babies? Hardly.”

Sandra stifled a laugh. He must think I asked if he’s an obstetrician, she thought. She was charmed. “But the tools . . .” she said.

“A guy’s got to be prepared. No, I fix things for a living.”

She looked at the kit on the table, the tools neatly stored in their own compartments, each where it belonged and shining under the store’s lights. Sandra’s thoughts flashed to her mother’s sewing kit with its thimbles, threads, needles, and buttons, a source of amazement when she was a girl. She felt, again, in the presence of practical artistry.

“Can I see it?” she asked, a shy tone in her voice.

Marshall pushed it toward her. “Sure. Nothing mysterious about them, the same things you’ll find in any hardware store, just smaller,” he said. “And what do you do, ahhh, Sonia?”

She looked up. “Almost right. Sandra.”

“Sandra it is. Imprinted on my brain. What do you do, Sandra?”

She held a wrench, about the length of her middle finger, in her hand. While small, it was surprisingly heavy, not toy-like she expected.

“What do I do? I ask myself that sometimes. What do you think I do?” she asked.

“You like trick questions, I see,” he said, smiling faintly. “There’s the obvious answer, the wild answer, and the real answer. If I saw you tomorrow, in your work clothes, I’d have a better guess. Right now, I don’t think you’re in your business clothes. How am I doing so far?”

“So far so good. I wouldn’t dress like this for work.”

“That narrows the range of options. I have to say, you look great, just for the record.”

She smiled at him. “Why thank you. I wanted to look special.”

“I imagine you look a little special even when you’re not trying.”

“It depends on the day.”

“OK, then. You don’t dress to the nines at your job. That means you’re not a model, a fashion industry executive or, probably, in advertising or publishing. Or high-end retail. That eliminates the obvious answer. Could I see a hand?”

Sonia held out her elegant hand, with the pearl-tipped nails. Marshall cupped it in his larger hand, eyeing it rather clinically, but, she noticed, in no hurry to let go.

“And I seriously doubt you do blue-collar work. Your hands are too nice to be around slicers or machine-shop gear. That’s the wild answer.”

She smiled again. Her hand felt good nestled in his callused palm. He made no attempt to hold her hand, simply letting it rest in his. She reluctantly moved it back.

“So,” said Marshall. “We’ve knocked out the high- and low-end occupations.” He drummed his fingers. “That helps narrow down the choices. Look me directly in the eyes.”

Sandra was startled. This man, this not-quite stranger, had already wandered under her chair (where she sensed his gaze on her thighs, oh she could tell), held her hand, and now practically challenged her to a stare-down.

“OK,” she said.

“Just be Sandra, not a woman on a date. Not anything. Just be yourself.”

She emptied her mind of thoughts, and gazed at him. She forgot the sm
eary make-up, the chatter and music in the café, the work day, and simply looked into Marshall’s deep-set brown eyes.

Lovely hazel eyes, Marshall thought. He thought of the tears in those eyes outside, after Randall rejected her for Jessica. Anger, combined with an undeniable sense of gratitude, flashed through him. Her emotions were close to the surface, yet he sensed a calmness, a strength in those eyes. A smile played on his lips, as she held his gaze far longer than most people could. This was a woman accustomed to observation and truth.

“Whewww!” said Marshall. “OK. We can breathe again.”

“And your findings Dr. Freud?” she asked, wondering what he’d come up with.

“You’re a cop, a scientist, or a social worker,” he said. “You’ve got those eyes.”

“Very good, Marshall. You’re got the reasoning powers of a rabbi,” she said. Sandra waited just a bit to let the anticipation build, like a magician about to pull a dove from her sleeve.

“Well?” said Marshall, a bit impatiently. “How’d I do?”

“Don’t laugh. I’m a senior fraud investigator for an automobile insurance company, one of the biggest. I track down the bad guys who make your insurance rates go up.”

“So I was very close,” he smiled. “You’ve got such honest eyes, and you’re sensitive to what’s going on around you. A worthy mix of traits.”

They sipped their drinks and stayed quiet for a moment. Sandra sat up with a start. “Oh, Marshall, how rude of me. I never asked what it is you fix for a living, you with your tools.”

Now the smile came to his broad face. “You said don’t laugh, so now I’ll tell you, don’t laugh.”


“Because I fix cars for a living.”

Now Sandra chuckled. This could be fun. “Well, I hope I’m not investigating any of your best customers. That would be a tough way to start a new friendship.”

“You’ve got nothing to worry about. My customers never use insurance. I don’t do collision work. Maybe ‘fix’ isn’t the right word. Restore, that’s a better way to say it. People bring me cars and I make them look good. I get junk heaps that have been sitting in barns for 50 years, and a year later I’ve got them running. Some even win ribbons at shows. My customers can write the checks. They never bounce.”

“The checks don’t bounce, or customers?” asked Sandra with a wicked gleam in her eyes.

“The checks. What the customers do in the back seat isn’t my concern unless they want me to remove some stains. Then, yeah, I’m concerned. Well, more amused. But, yeah, I suspect my customers do some bouncing in the back seat. Front seat, too. I’ve cleaned dried gunk off the roof, for goodness’ sake.”

“Somebody was having a very good time,” said Sandra. She couldn’t believe the turn of conversation.

“A good time and a bad aim. The two can go together.”

“My line of business is a lot less, shall we say, genteel. People run all kinds of scams to get insurance money. You wouldn’t believe how organized and sneaky they are. Criminal rings clip drivers, then get crooked doctors to pad medical insurance bills, chop shops to say the cars are more damaged than they really are. My job is to find them and stop them.”

“I know the types. I despise them. Dishonest jerks. Give everybody in the car industry a bad name. And you’re right, insurance rates are going through the roof.”

“I’d like to think of other things hitting the roof,” said Sandra. She blushed so deeply Marshall looked startled.

“You must not make many friends in your line of work, Sandra.”

“If I wanted to make friends through work, I’d do something else. I like being an investigator. I find things that are wrong and make them right. Like you, Marshall. You take things that are broken and make them beautiful. Or, at least usable.”

The conversation lulled. The lightning still flashed, but the drumming rain outside the bookstore ended, leaving the streetlights haloed in moist air.

Marshall sat with a thought, a phrase, threading through his mind. Finally, he decided. “So, Sandra, is this the start of a new friendship? A good start, even?”

“A very good start. But it’s getting late and I have an 8:30 a.m. meeting downtown. Could you walk me to my car? I just parked around the corner.”

“With pleasure. I always wondered what kind of car an insurance fraud investigator would drive.”

She laughed in a throaty way that lodged somewhere deep in Marshall’s mind, something he would remember that night. “Oh, I’m very boring. A Subaru wagon, very safe and practical. And what does a car guy drive? Not a Subaru wagon, I imagine.”

“Come on and I’ll show you.”

Marshall held the store’s door open, nodding slightly in a very old-world manner as she stepped by him. Something about him, old world, that part moved her closer to the man, thought Sandra, smiling.

For his part, Marshall inhaled slowly as she passed. Like a boat, Sandra threw off a wave of aroma that washed Marshall. He trembled, a man almost capsized in the wake of a woman’s corona of attraction, at the moment equal parts perfume, rainwater and, well, Marshall kept teasing apart the strands of her power.

They walked easily down the street. A thin stream of people drifted out of cafes and galleries now that the rain had ended. Puddles reflected grey clouds and violet patches of the late-summer sunset. Sandra felt relaxed in the setting. One than one storm had passed in the past hour.

Marshall steered them around a corner on to a quiet side street lined with thick-trunked trees. The street traffic died away. “Here we go,” he said. “My wheels.”

They stood beside a car that Sandra instantly recognized from her childhood. “I can’t believe it! Marshall, you drive this? It’s adorable. I haven’t seen one of these in 30 years. My Aunt Rochelle drove one in the 1960s, the first car I ever saw with power windows.”

“You know your cars, Sandra. Nobody’s going to beat you in an automotive trivia contest. Yep, 1965 Thunderbird, power windows, leather interior, a great car, just a few years before Ford made it big and dumb.”

The car was a sparkling dark blue, and, peering through the window, Sandra saw the deep leather seats and a walnut-rimmed steering wheel. “I overhauled the interior and made that steering wheel myself, one of my specialties. The one thing I didn’t do was the stereo system – I leave the electronics to other guys who really know that field.”

They heard a low whistle. Turning, a young man with lank, rain-flattened hair and a denim jacket emerged from somewhere, perhaps he’d been lurking behind a tree. “Man, that is one nice car,” he said. “Really a piece of work. Yours, man?” he asked, resting a hand on the hood.

“Yeah, it’s mine and I’d appreciate it if you kept your hands off the hood. Not good for the paint,” said Marshall. Sandra detected an edge in his voice. The man moved his hand. “Sure, man, not a problem. Lemme get a look at this baby. I love cars.”

He moved, in silent steps, around them but once out of their sight he lunged. With practiced quickness an arm swooped around Sandra’s neck and his other hand pulled a pistol out of his jacket pocket.

“So nice a car I’ve got to have it. Keys, man, now, and you’re done with me. Give me the keys, don’t look, and everything’s cool. Call your insurance company and you’ll get a nice penny for this. Hell, you could buy a Porsche if you’ve got it insured right. Keys, now.”

Marshall stepped ahead and turned around. Sandra’s eyes were wide with fear, the gun jammed into her ribs. Again, as in the bookstore, rage roiled his calm exterior at the thought of anybody threatening this woman. He reached into his pocket.

“You got the keys. Stay cool. It’s just a car. I can get another. No arguments from me,” said Marshall. Through his haze of anger did he really see Sandra winking at him? What’d that mean?

“Give me the keys and start down the block. Don’t look back if you know what’s good for you. I’ve got friends watching you right now and a wrong move is really gonna hurt. Trust me.”

“Oh, I do,” said Marshall. “Just leave the lady alone.”

“She’s mighty pretty. Maybe she’d like a ride. You want a ride, lady?” Again, the wink. “I can show you more fun than this moke ever can.”

“Take the keys, leave the girl, please,” said Marshall. “She has done nothing to you.” His voice was harder, the unplaceable accent tighter and more pronounced. Under stress, layers of Western civility sloughed off him like dead skin from a coiling snake.

“That’s right, she ain’t done nothing to me, yet,” he said, leering.

“Here. I’m giving you the key, nice and easy.”

“Unlock the door, first. I’m not gonna goof around with the locks.”

Marshall moved to the side of the door, key out. Sandra and the thief saw his hand shaking as he tried to get the key into the door. “Damnation!” he said as he dropped the key.

Sandra felt the man’s body shift as his eyes and attention followed the keys to the ground. The pressure against her ribs eased enough so she could tell the barrel’s side, rather than its point, rested against her.

She inhaled, blinked slowly. Now.

Marshall was picking up the keys when a flurry and movement caught his eyes. Where a fearful Sandra stood with a man’s arm around her neck, he now saw the man’s arm with the gun held in front of her while the rest of the man flew over her shoulder. Before Marshall could sort out the scene Sandra had flipped the man, wrenched the gun from his hand, and pinned him to the ground with his arm twisted behind his back.

“Big man, aren’t you, not so big when you’re on the ground, huh, Wayne?” said Sandra, panting. “You wanted to have fun with me? You like me knee on your neck? That what you had in mind, Wayne?”

“You know this punk?” said Marshall. The edge in his voice softened but was still noticeable.

“Wayne Gregory, 21, did a year in juvenile hall for car theft. Moving up to carjacking now, Wayne, you weren’t happy being a juvenile loser, now you’re gunning for adult time? Dumb, dumb, dumb,” said Sandra. She sounded energized and totally in her element.

“The gun’s not loaded, I wasn’t going to do nothing. Let me go. I’m sorry,” he whined, hair dragging in a mud puddle.

“Marshall, could you get the cell phone from my purse? Call 911.”

“No, please, I’m really sorry, lady, I don’t want to do adult time.” The man sounded younger and no longer so tough.

Marshall picked up the slim black-leather purse, which had fallen to the ground. Nice leather, he thought as he undid the clasp, good workmanship. Sandra clearly knew how to buy quality accessories, but he had noticed that from the first, the understated earrings and the simple gold ankle bracelet.

He opened the purse. That terra incognita for men, ever present, never quite understood, joked about and also feared. “Cell phone, cell phone, where art thou?” he asked quietly. Cosmetics, address book, brush, Certs, checkbook, pack of Kleenex, his fingers brushed against several tampons and he swooned. Hers. Such intimacy, even unintentional, stirred him. The slim packages next to his hand gave him a secret, guilty thrill. Hers, he thought again. Maybe Sandra didn’t find the topic sexy at all, but the sheer womanly mystery intrigued and at times aroused him. He could be detached about such matters – but not always. He glanced at Sandra, still sassing the totally deflated thief prostrate on the ground. She looked up, smiling at him. He smiled back and pulled the phone from the purse. Intimacy, yes, unintentional – perhaps not.

Two police cruisers rolled up, lights flashing but sirens off. In a half hour the officers had taken statements, snapped photos, cuffed Wayne, and shoved him into the back seat for a ride to central booking. Sandra and Marshall were left alone on an again quiet street, beside the deep blue Thunderbird.

“Will the surprises ever end this evening?” asked Sandra. “We’re dumped by our dates, get soaked, meet each other, almost get killed by a thief I recognize. What else could happen?”

Marshall looked thoughtful. They strolled down the street, swathed in the shadows of early evening. The rain storm left the air clear and crisp, so that evening sounds – the low murmur of traffic from the nearby avenue, music from the cafes, shy conversation of new lovers – carried through the air and mixed in a lulling evening melody.

“What else do we want to have happen? Certain events notwithstanding, we have some say in the course of our lives,” said Marshall.

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2 years ago
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38 yrs old radhika ki chudayi

Hi doston mera naam krish ha m a gr8 fan of iss or maine socha kyon na apna experience share kiya jaye i m frm delhi mujhe mobile chating ka bhut craze ha or ek din mujhe idea k voice chat par ek ladki mili jo phone sex ka bahut shouq rakhti thi or use bhut maza ata tha usne mujhe apna mob no. Diya or kaha raat ko baat karna. Raat ko kariban 11 baje uski miss cal ayi maine use call kiya to usne kaha mujhe maze karne hain abhi ma bhi masti ma tha or usko bola janeman shuru ho jao masti karna...

3 years ago
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Pages of a Day Ch 02

[Writer’s note: This story contains several Hebrew and Yiddish words that should be defined or explained: Mohel: Highly skilled Jew who performs circumcisions. Can be a rabbi or an M.D. Kabbalah: mystical writings, should only be read by men over 40 years of age. Brit milah: circumcision ceremony for eight-day old boy. Meshuga: Crazy. Aufruf: a Yiddish word meaning ‘calling up’ and refers to calling up the bridegroom and bride to the Torah before their wedding day, at a synagogue....

4 years ago
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Sweet Tuesdays

Every Tuesday morning at nine minutes past ten Kay says to her husband, ‘I’m off to town Tom.’ Tom always replies, ‘Have a nice time dear,’ then he laughs and says, ‘Give him my best wishes.’ Kay smiles and replies, ‘I will dear,’ and then leaving the house she makes her way to the bus stop and catches the nine fifteen bus into the CBD. Had Tom known it his joking remark about giving an make-believe lover his best wishes was closer to the truth than he knew, but to explain that and tell...

1 year ago
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Badi Maa Ki Pasine Bhari Chut Ki Chudayi

Mai shivam bhabua bihar ka rehane wala hu ye kahani meri aur meri badi maa ki h Aapka samai na jaya karte hue mai siddha kahani pea ta hu meri badi maa ek gadraye hue jawani ki aurat h unaka figure k bare me ako kya batau mast golgol chuche moti aur muscular gand jise dekhate he kisi ki bhi land khada ho jaye rang aisa k mano jaise koi pari….. Ek din mere ghar pr koi nahi tha sirf mai aur meri badi maa the wo dopahar me so gayi thi tabhi mai cricket khel k ghar aya to dekha unki sari uar tak...

2 years ago
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Divya Mami Ki Nabhi Ki Chudayi

Hello,sabhi aunty,didi,bhabhi aur girls ke liye h. Mai abhi yahaan naya aaya hu. To plz mera thoda khayam rakhna aap sabhi.Ok to ab mai apne bare me btata hu. Mai 33 yrs ka ek naujawan ladka hu aur abhi tak single hu.Mera naam raj h aur mai agra se hu. Meri height 5feet 8inch hai, mera rang gora h aur mera lund 7.5 inch lamba h aur 3.5inch mota h. Mai hamesha se hi nabhi ka deewana hu. Muje gehri aur lamhi nabhi bahut psand h. Nabhi itni bdi ho ki usme lemon pura aa jaye fir chahe wo nabhi...

3 years ago
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Mamta Ki Mast Chudayi

Hi friends ye meri first story hai mujhe story likhne ka experience nahi hai to ho sakta hai ki koi galti bhi ho jaye agar aapko ye kahaani pasand aaye to mail jarur karna mera mail id hai To ab main kahaani par aata hu mera naam Sanjay name changed hai or main delhi ka hi rahne wala hu main iss ka regular reader hu dekhne may ekdum taqatwar hu or height bhi meri 6’2″ hai or meri age 32 years hai. Ye ek dum sachi kahaani hai chahe koi maane ya na mane meri ek muhboli nani hai. mera unke yaha...

4 years ago
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Ek parivaar ki auratoon ki chudayi

Mera naam ramu hai. Meri umar 19 saal hai aur lambai 5 ft 4 inch hai. Mera lund kareeb 6 inch ka hai. Mein dekhna mein koi bahut handsome nahi hoon, lekin kisi ladki ko gf banane layak hoon. Mere frnd ka naam varun hai. Woh bahut smart aur handsome hai. Woh kareeb 5 ft 9 inch lamba hai. Uski umar 24 saal ki hai. Uski ek bahut khoobsurat patni hai. Sale ki ek girlfriend bhi hai. Gf dekhne main bahut mast maal lagti hai. Lekin patni jyada achi hai dekhne main. Sala woh bahut ladkiyon ko dhok...

4 years ago
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Friends 21st Bday

It was the summer of 08 and I had just finished the semester for the year. That year saw me break up with my first real g/f and i was single for the first time in 4 years. I wasnt looking for anyone in fact at this point the break up was 8 months in the past but it still weighted heavy on my mind. It was a nice summer day when I was to attend my friend katys 21st bday party which we were going to party and camp in her back yard. The event was small and mostly all of my old friends from town who...

3 years ago
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18th bday

it was my birthday, i just turn 18 and i told my lady friend to come over at night about 8pm.. my parents would be gone and no one would be there but me and the dog.she was about 19 and weight about 130lbs.. 32b and nice hourglass figure.. she knocked at the door and i lead her to the spare bedroom.. she know it was my birthday and told me she wanted to have sex with for my bday gift.. i told her that i would love to but its my first time.. she said it was ok and we didnt have to use a condom...

2 years ago
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For many years I have tried to come up with a technique to construct and experience erotic encounters and stories, using only the power of my mind while in a conscious state. This essay will introduce the concept of Erotic Daydreaming, describing what exactly it is, what its objectives are and how it compares to alternative methods of fantasy-immersion that are currently available. WHAT IS EROTIC DAYDREAMING Erotic dreaming is the act of putting yourself in a daydream-like state to create...

1 year ago
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Wild Wednesdays

A couple in the swinging lifestyle make their weekly pilgramage to a private club. Wednesdays have been punctuated by a young woman who puts on quite a show in one of the anything-goes areas. Caitlyn's husband is in the crowd of onlookers while she sits alone in the public area. She's not alone for long.Wild Wednesdays“Mind if I sit down?” asked the black man with the muscular build.“What, you’re not going to join the others?” she said. He looked toward the wide doorway that led into the back...

3 years ago
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Girl Fridays

Girl Friday By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - Casual day Lemon or baby blue? Perhaps pink? We all know what they say about girls who wear black panties, don't we? [Giggle] Fridays can be such a challenge. I mean, I had been wearing panties every day since my boss, Mr. Everhard's, "Girl Fridays" decree six weeks ago. But on Fridays, besides panties, I wore the miniskirt, stockings, garter belt and big heels to work too. On Monday through Thursday, when I'm wearing icky boys'...

1 year ago
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Pages from a pervert8217s diaryPart 1

Hello, I am a guy and 29 years old. I am narrating an incident that happened when I was 19 years old. I am 5 feet 11 inches, very fair and well built. It was during my college tour I was having my bath in our hotel room. After my bath I came out of the bathroom wearing a towel. Suddenly a group of my friends pulled out my towel and threw it out of the room and locked the door. I was shocked because I was standing fully naked in front of more than a dozen of my friends and almost half a dozen...

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Girl Fridays

Girl Fridays Belladonna The car came to a stop as Vern Lowry pressed down the brake and put the vehicle in park. He pulled off his black sandals and slipped his black, opaque tights covered feet into the pair of 3? inch high heeled pumps he had placed into his pocketbook that morning. Vern smiled at the shoes as he buckled their thin ankle straps. Once he finished buckling the shoes, Vern lifted his wife's black aviator sunglasses off his nose and checked his appearance one...

3 years ago
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Alexa Chapter 34 Mondays

Alexa Chapter 34: Mondays God, I hate Mondays! I always have. I think everyone does. Getting back into the grind of everyday life was never any fun, but today was even worse. The events of the previous night cast a pall over not only my feelings but most of the state. Sure, the Vikings lost yet another NFC Championship, we were used to it. But the way they lost was so unlike the way the team had played all season was confounding. Add to that the sheer joy that had been created...

2 years ago
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Ek Sham Uncle Ke Sath Chudayi

Mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu aur main call center me job karti hu. Main dikhne me bahut sexy hu aur log mujhe bahut line marte h aur meri colony ke sare uncles aur ladke mujhe line marte h. Main hamesha tight suit aur salwar pahanti hu aur apne honto par lipstick lagati hu aur jab bhi main market karne jati hu log mujhe line marte h aur meri figure bhi bahut acchi h main ek dum maal hu meri figure 36 30 38 aur mujhe chudwane me bahut maja aata h aur main bahut logo se...

2 years ago
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Meri Muh Boli Behen Ki Chudayi

Meri umar us waqt 25 thi or ashna ki 16 . Ashna us waqt 12th mai study krti thi. Ye to thi meri introduction . Ab jyada der na lgate hue mai apko story btata hu ……. Mai fb pe nya nya tha..Maine ek ldki ko friend request beji uska naam tha ashna . Luckily she accepts my request and hum roj chat krne lge. Kuch din aisa hi chlta gya and muje pta tha k vo mere se chhoti hai to mai use apni chhoti behn kehne lga.. And vo v bda bhai keh k bolti thi muje. Din gujrte gye and hmne apna mbile nmbr share...

4 years ago
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Bhai Ke Dever Se Chudayi

Hi maira name Rahil h meri 21 h ye meri real story hai maira rang gora h aur dekhne me bht khubsurat hun college ke bht se ladke mujhpe marte h par mai kisi ko bhav nhi deti hun mairi frnds mujhe apne sex ke bare me batati h to mujhe bhi sex kar ne ka man karta h par moqa nhi mila kabhi ab apni story pe aati hun Ye baat do saal pehle ki h jab mai b.Sc ki student thi Mairi do sis aur do bro h dono sis ki shadi ho chuki h mairi badi sister ka name nahid h aur chohti ka rehnuma baat tab ki h jab...

1 year ago
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Neelam Ki Chudayi

Hello friends , mera naam rashid hai aur main lucknow ka rehne wala hoon. Yeh meri pehli story hai , meri aap sabhi se request hai ki meri story ko padhkar mujhe “” per email ker k bataaiyen ki aap ko story kaisi lagi . Ab main seedhe story per aata hoon , main aur neelam dono ek sath padhte the . Neelam jo ki 20 saal ki thi ek dum model ki tarah lagti thi . Uski choochiyaan aur gaand aise the ki buddhon k lund bhi khade kerwa de. Use film line mien jaane ka bahut shauq tha iss liye woh filmon...

2 years ago
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Virgin Muskan Ki Chudayi

Hi this is Raj from Ggn sector-15. I’m a smart gay or esliye he koi b ladki meri taraf jaldi attract ho jati hai.. ye jab m 19 saal ka tha tab ki baat hai or abhi m 21 ka hu. Mere frnd ki gf thi or uski 1 frnd thi jab b wo mere frnd ki gf usse milne aati thi tab wo sath mai apni frnd muskan ko lati thi..or m mere dost k sath jata tha..wo dono sath baithte thai or uski frnd or m 1 sath ..Ek 1din mera dost apni gf ko room mai le gaya or hm dono bahar wait kr rahe thai.. Tab andar se aaaaa uuu plz...

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Ritu ki chudayi

Sabhi gandi gandi kahaniya padne wali sunder sexy ladkiyon or motai lund walon ko mere lund ka namaskaar,mein raman aaj apko apni dusri real story le kar hazir hun pehle ki tarah muje mail jarur karen,yeh kahani aaj se 3 saal pehle ki hai,to pais hai kahani. Muje kaam k silsile mein bombay ek kiraye k flat main rehta hoon. Mere samne ke flat main aik bohat hi khoobsoorat ladki rehti hai. Uski umer 20 saal thi. Us ka naam ritu tha. Meine jabh se usai dekha tha meri to nind hi udh gayi thi us ki...

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Shadi me chudayi

Aap sab ladke khub louda hila rahe ho our sab ladkiya bur me ungali dal rahi ho story pad ke.. To chalo mai bhi apni life ki ek real story batata hu.. Par karam hai tumhe tumhare choot ki.. Call ya mail jarur karna.. Mail Ye baat hai koi 3 saal purani.. Mai apne friend ke bhai ki barat me nagpur gaya tha.. Ab aap to jante hi hai shadi ki raat har ladka-ladki kya chahti hai.. Choot our lund.. Bus yahi mai bhi chahta tha.. Chuki mai ladke walo ki taraf se aaya tha to vaise bhi thodi chhoot thi....

3 years ago
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A Happy Holly Daye

To those who did not know him well, Brad Tyler might have come across as a bit of a Scrooge, a Grinch. Of course, those were people who did not know him well. Were the truth to be told, that was as far from an accurate description as saying Antarctica is a tropical climate. Brad was one of those rare individuals who got the true meaning of the holidays — giving of yourself. All of the employees at Tyler Chemical got a week off at Christmas time — with pay, something his father had started...

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I love Fridays

I love Fridays. Fridays I start drinking in the late afternoon. I’m not an alcoholic, it’s just that I need to unwind once a week after chasing my two kids and husband, and doing all the housework. We make a point to get the kids out of the house on Fridays. My husband usually drops my daughter at my parents’ and we give enough money to Jason, my son who is a high-schooler, for going to the movies or whatever.Then my husband comes home and we have drunk, wild sex.This Friday was different...

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Foot Fetish Fridays

I was so excited! Who would have ever thought that only one month after graduating from college, I would land such a great job? Even though my starting position was to be one of the receptionists at a growing internet fashion company, it was still such a lucky break for a twenty-two-year-old to get her foot in the door. After a week of training, I was ready to report and when I entered the large building, it was so modern and revolutionary. Huge flat screen computers filled the tables and very...

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Mistress on Tuesdays

mrs_rchl1::kissychickzdigmeyup:hi!mrs_rchl1:hey there!mrs_rchl1:im so glad i caught you againchickzdigmeyup:me toomrs_rchl1:ive been so busy with work its hard for me to find time to get on heremrs_rchl1:spread those legschickzdigmeyup:can you see me?mrs_rchl1:anyone in the room with you or are you alone?mrs_rchl1:yeschickzdigmeyup:i'm alonemrs_rchl1:cant hear you thoughmrs_rchl1:rub yourself through those jeansmrs_rchl1:get into itmrs_rchl1:moanmrs_rchl1:fuckmrs_rchl1:are you all alone in the...

3 years ago
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I checked the time on my phone. It read "3:56" just as my computer made that shutdown noise. Perfect. I'd worked through lunch just to achieve this. I pulled on my jacket, keeping the phone in one hand and texted while one of my fellow escapees pressed the down button. "You home?" I sent, my phone chirped as it sent the message and the elevator binged its arrival. I'd have to wait for the reply -- the elevator blocked my service. But I could wait, I was in an awesome mood, because it was...

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Skinnydipping Sundays

(A tryst of fate series: #2 brought to you by Dr. MaxMon) Skinny-dipping Sundays, by MaxMon The doorbell rang again and Peter answered it dressed in Hawaiian shorts with a beer in his hand. As he opened the door splashes were heard from the pool out back, along with faint yells and playful conversation from the small group of partygoers who had already arrived late in the morning. Greg and Brenda greeted Peter at the door with smiles and happy feelings since they had grown accustomed to each...

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Schooled in Sex Day1

It was an audacious plan even for me, and I wasn't sure that he would go for it. It would mean quite a commitment on his part, and he`d only just left off fucking Mary-Ann. Let me explain. I`m Caro (short for Caroline) and a nineteen, almost twenty-year-old virgin. I didn't plan it that way, but my libido didn`t get going until last year, and I`ve been getting really horny lately. So much so that I now carry a spare pair of panties in my bag in case of spontaneous emissions (Yes, it...

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My Daughter In Law Day3

I feel asleep planning what I wanted them to do in the morning. I could hear them chattering excitedly in the kitchen as I awoke. I headed directly to the shower as I wanted to let the games begin. Drying off, my cock was begging for attention , but I just slipped a robe on as I went in the kitchen for coffee. Becky and Monie smiled, asking when we could start. They were eyeing me because my robe had opened and they had got a glimpse of my semi hard dick. I told...

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My Daughter In Law day2

After spending the day visiting with friends and family, we are sitting around relaxing , enjoying a drink or three. Every once in a while Becky would give me a sly little wink and stick her finger in her mouth. Or she would teasingly play with her straw. I was very tired from the busy day, and couldn't wait to go to bed, so I could jerk off thinking of the great morning I had. And hoping the next morning would be equally as memorable. Little did I know what lay...

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Fucking my mom on hoilday

It all started when me and my mom who is 48years old brown long hair tall with big tits and perky nipples went on hoilday it just the too of us and at the hotel it was only 1 bed so we had to share a bed for the night later that day she caught me sniffing her panties and got caught jerking off and told me you know what son why don’t you come fuck mommy’s pussy if your that horny so i was like ok let’s do it so I started eating her wet pussy she came in my mouth a couple of times I gotta say her...

2 years ago
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My Daughter in Law day1

away I decided to drive there, I was pretty tired when I got to their house. We sat, had a couple of beers and visited for a while. We were catching up on what was going on in our lives. As always when around my daughter in law , I couldn't keep my eyes off her. Becky is barely five foot tall and might weigh one hundred pounds. Her boobs are large in proportion to the rest of her petite body. She has the perfect little round ass that makes my cock hard. Her long brown...

1 year ago
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Fucking my mom on hoilday

It all started when me and my mom who is 48years old brown long hair tall with big tits and perky nipples went on hoilday it just the too of us and at the hotel it was only 1 bed so we had to share a bed for the night later that day she caught me sniffing her panties and got caught jerking off and told me you know what son why don’t you come fuck mommy’s pussy if your that horny so i was like ok let’s do it so I started eating her wet pussy she came in my mouth a couple of times I gotta say her...

2 years ago
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freaky biday

I kissed him when I passed him on my way to the living room to wait for Trevor. Tony followed me. We say on the couch and started to roll up a blunt while we waited. By the time the blunt was rolled, there was a knock on the door. Tony got up to answer it, he opened the door and greeted our new friend. Tony stepped aside to let Trevor inside and they both sit on the couch. Trevor is an attractive man with a medium build, a little smaller than Tony but not by much. He was slimmer, not athletic...

4 years ago
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- Arena Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Leven Rambin as Glimmer The Hunger Games. A televised event that happens once a year where a girl and boy ages 12 to 18 from each of the twelve districts fight to the death in a large environmental arena until one is crowned winner. The Capitol established this event after the districts rebeled. There used to be 13 districts but 13 was blown off the map of Panem (what used to be the USA as our history teachers taught us). The Hunger Games is a...

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me and my step sisters day1

Come the following Wednesday Tim went to pick the girls up from the airport. They showed up at about one. When the door opened and I saw them for the first time my jaw dropped. They stood at about 5feet six inches. They had moderate boobs which in my opinion was perfect because they were perfectly proportioned to their asses. They had all the right curves and proportions. I quickly looked away and tried to hide my huge boner that had made a little tent in my pants. Tim then walked in...

3 years ago
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Brendas Birhtday

Brenda was 29 years old and in the garage rubbing sharpening stone with some oil on the sward clamped in the vice to sharpen it to it could be used to shave with She had spent much of the last four day doing this so it could be used on her on her 30th birthday She had already sharpened the axe and made the noose so any of these could be used to end her life so Henry who she still loved could have a younger woman. Brenda was hired on here as a nanny to take care of children of Crystal Henry’s...

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Home for school holidays

Six weeks later and it was half term from school normally I would stay at college. However my parents were out of town and didn’t trust Megan to stay on her own for the week. I jumped at the chance to stay and “babysit” my little sis. When I arrived my parents had already left and my sister was in the garden sunbathing. She was wearing some frilly French knickers and an unstrapped bra. I shouted over “Hi”, she quickly did up her bra and came running over to me, flung her arms around me and give...

3 years ago
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Chocolate Cake and Fuck Toy Firday

I picked up my phone as I drove and dialed the number. "Hello" he said. "I'm on my way" "Good" was his response. I turned onto his street and into his open garage. He shut the door behind me as I got out of my car. I walked to him and he reached out and patted my ass as we walked together into his house. "This snowy weather sure sucks, and just listen to that wind" I said to him. "Yes" he agreed "it's a good night to stay...

4 years ago
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best dayy

I hear my phone go off. Not really caring who it is i look at the phone and i see thats its my best friend Paige. I havent talked to her all day. She wants to make planes this weekend. Im cool with that. I text her sure and then i go back to laying on the bed. I wish alex would call me or text me. By the way, Alex is a kid that i like. I dont think hee likes me. Ive only been talking to him for a couple of days and i can us together for a long time. My phone gose off again. I...

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