Brian And Nurse Brenda free porn video

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The wind made a low moaning sound as it blew through the branches of the poplar trees that surrounded the park. The sky was overcast and grey and looked as dejected as I was feeling that day. It had been only a week earlier that I had been informed by my fiancée that she no longer wanted to marry me. A couple of months prior, she’d been offered a job in California and jumped at the opportunity without even discussing it with me. I didn’t really believe that she was serious about leaving and it wasn’t until the day that she loaded all of her belongings into a rental van and departed that I realized she was actually leaving me, and my dreams of a life together, behind.

I subsequently made dozens of phone calls to her in California, begging her to reconsider her decision not to marry me. For the first few weeks she was understanding and sympathetic, but a week ago, when I suggested that I wanted to leave my job and move out west to join her, she finally decided to tell me the brutal truth.

I heard her taking a deep breath on the other end of the line. ‘Brian,’ she said in a very clear and determined voice. ‘I’m sorry, but I can’t continue with our relationship. I love California and I love the people here.’ Then after hesitating for a moment, she added, ‘I’ve met someone at my new job and he’s just wonderful. He’s asked me to be his girlfriend and we’re going to be moving into our own place together. Please don’t make this any harder than it is Brian. We can’t go back and I don’t want to try. It’s over and you have to get on with your life. You’re a great guy Brian and you won’t have any trouble finding another woman and falling in love. I think it’s best now if we just break off contact with one another. I loved the time we had together and wouldn’t trade it for anything, but it’s over and you have to accept that. Goodbye. I really hope you find all of the happiness you deserve.’

I stood there in shock for what seemed like hours before finally blurting out something that sounded like a goodbye. We’d been together since I was a senior in high school. I’d never had another girlfriend. She was the only girl I’d ever dated. She’d taken my heart, my virginity and now my future. I was sure I’d never be able to replace her. I’d been in love with her from the day we met. Who could ever take the place of a woman I loved so much?

The wind was blowing harder now and as I continued walking across the park, I felt a stabbing pain run up and down my left arm. I ignored it and continued on my way. Then, after walking another fifty steps or so, I felt another pain, this time a little sharper, shooting up and down the left side of my neck. Within a few minutes, the pain was simultaneously running up and down my left arm and neck. It came and went and didn’t seem to have any relationship to the speed at which I was walking. I decided I’d go into the emergency room of the local hospital and have it checked out just to be safe.

When I arrived home, I got into my car and drove to the hospital. I arrived at around four o’clock in the afternoon. It was a Sunday and I was shocked to find the emergency room near overflowing. Oddly enough, very few of the people there looked ill. Most of them just looked annoyed and impatient. I made my way to the registration line up and waited patiently for my turn. I stood there for at least half an hour and when I had almost made it to the front of the line, I realized that I was feeling a lot better. I decided that I’d go home and simply forget about the incident at the park.

I was just about to turn and leave when I heard a loud voice, ‘Next! Next Please!’

I walked up to the registration desk and stood there in front of the admissions nurse who was making notes on the person who had just left. She looked up at me and I could see right away that she would sooner have been at home having a barbeque with her family. ‘How can I help you sir?’ she asked automatonically.

I wasn’t sure exactly what to say, so I blurted out something that seemed appropriate in the circumstances. ‘I was walking through the park a while ago and I got this pain shooting up and down my arm and neck. I doubt if it’s anything serious, but I thought I’d come in and have it checked out just to be safe.’

She began to look a little more interested at this point. ‘Which arm did you feel the pain in sir?’ she asked.

‘My left arm,’ I replied and then added, ‘from there the pain spread up into my neck as well.’

She immediately made a note on a sheet in front of her and then asked, ‘What were you doing at the time that you experienced the pain?’

‘I was just walking through the park on my way home from a friend’s house,’ I replied.

‘Did you feel tired when the pain started?’ she asked with a slightly concerned look on her face. ‘Had you been running or exerting yourself just before the pain began?’

At that point I became a little concerned and replied, ‘No. I was just walking and I wasn’t tired. Well not really tired,’ I added, ‘I haven’t been sleeping very well lately, so I wasn’t completely rested but I don’t think I’d say I was tired.’ I realized that I must be sounding a little confused. It was a bad habit of mine to begin rambling whenever I became nervous. I decided I’d simply answer the rest of the nurse’s questions in a simple, straightforward manner.

She was now looking at me with a somewhat higher level of concern registered on her face. ‘Are you feeling any pain now?’ she asked.

I realized that a small amount of discomfort had returned to my arm and neck since she began questioning me. ‘Well, it’s not really hurting. I am having a little discomfort right now, but it’s not nearly so bad as it was.’ I replied. Then I realized that I had been holding my arm to emphasize what I was saying.

‘I think we should have one of the doctors take a look at you, just to be sure everything is okay sir.’ With that, she made a phone call and then stood up and motioned to me to follow her. As we walked along the hallway leading to the main floor of the hospital, she took my arm and quietly said, ‘If you feel any pain as we’re walking, please say so immediately and I’ll call an orderly with a wheel chair.’

‘Oh my God!’ I thought to myself, ‘Just how serious is this? Is this where it’s going to end? Is it my destiny to die alone in a hospital, unloved and with nobody there to mourn my passing? Will the last moments of my life be spent surrounded by strangers who would sooner be at home barbequing, rather than being here tending to the final needs of an unloved stranger?’

Moments later, the nurse steered me into a room with two or three clicking, whirring electronic devices set against the wall. There was a young man seated at the far end of the room and he immediately got up and came over to us. ‘Doctor, this is Brian, the young man I called you about,’ said the nurse in a very matter of fact tone, ‘He’s been experiencing some pain in his left arm and neck.’ .

‘Thank you nurse.’ replied the young doctor. Then, turning to me, he said ‘I’m Doctor Brown Brian. What seems to be your problem?’

I went through the same explanation of my incident in the park and the doctor listened carefully, making brief notes as I spoke. When I was finished, rather than asking any questions, he stood up and said, ‘Please take off your shirt, shoes and pants and lie on the examination table. You can leave your socks and underwear on. I’m going to do an electrocardiogram just to make sure you’re not experiencing an issue with your heart.’

My face turned ashen white with trepidation. ‘You mean I may have had a heart attack?’ I asked incredulously. ‘That’s what caused the pain I felt in my arm and neck?’

The doctor realized immediately that I was one of those people who react to the suggestion of a medical problem with a high level of anxiety mixed with a measure of drama. ‘I don’t think that’s the case, but we do have to be certain. In recent years, a
n increasing number of hospitals have been sued for negligence because they didn’t take all of the steps necessary to ensure that a patient is accurately diagnosed when he or she shows up in the emergency room. We’re just going to make sure that you don’t have a serious problem before we send you on your way.’

I quickly removed my shirt, pants and shoes and laid down on the examination table. The doctor then placed several electrodes in various locations on my body and turned on the electrocardiograph machine. It clicked away for a short while as the doctor stood there examining the printout with a look of concern on his face. ‘Have you ever been diagnosed with a heart problem Brian?’ he asked abruptly.

By now, the level of angst I was experiencing had skyrocketed. ‘A heart problem?’ I gasped. ‘I’ve never been aware of any heart problem. Does your machine indicate that I have something wrong with my heart?’

‘Well not that I can see right now.’ replied the young doctor, ‘but a veiled heart problem could be causing the pain you experienced and it’s not showing up on the electrocardiogram. I think we should run some detailed tests when the Cardio testing unit opens tomorrow morning. In the meantime, just to be on the safe side, I want you to stay here tonight for observation.’

And that’s how I ended up as a patient at the local hospital. I was formally admitted and placed in a bed on the third floor in the cardiac care ward. I was given hospital pyjamas and was hooked up to a heart monitor. I laid there for an hour, just trying to get used to the idea that I might live a much shorter life than I’d always envisioned. Time began to pass at a snail’s pace. Finally the sun set and my room became dark. There was nothing in the room that was of any interest to me, so I simply left the light off and lay there with my eyes closed. I wondered, as I lay there in the darkness, what the tests that Dr. Brown planned to run were going to show.

It must have been about midnight when I was awakened by softly spoken words, ‘Brian, please don’t be alarmed. I just want to ask you how you’re doing and let you know I’m here.’

I opened my eyes and, in the dim light, saw a woman in a nurses uniform. She was very pretty and was holding a clip chart in one hand and a glass of water in the other. ‘Would you like a drink of water?’ she asked.

‘No thanks,’ I replied, ‘I’m not thirsty right now.’

‘My name is Brenda,’ she whispered. ‘It’s just after midnight. I’ll be here with you all night. Dr. Brown thought you should have a nurse in your room overnight, just to make sure you didn’t experience any problems. Would you like me to turn on your light?’

‘I guess a little light wouldn’t hurt.’ I replied.

The nurse turned on the light and asked, ‘I want you to be comfortable Brian. Is there anything you need or anything that you’d like to talk about?’

‘Actually, I was wondering what sort of tests are planned for tomorrow,’ I replied. ‘Do you know what the doctors intend to do?’

‘I believe they’re going to give you a stress test. That’s normally the first test they give to someone who’s experiencing suspected angina.’

‘A stress test? What exactly is that?’ I asked.

‘Oh, that’s where you’re made run on a treadmill while your pulse and blood pressure are being monitored. Basically, the operator wants to see if the pain you experienced in your arm and neck returns during the course of the test.’

‘Well what if the pain does return during the test?’ I asked.

‘If the pain returns, then it’s likely that you’re experiencing angina which is the result of an insufficient flow of blood to your heart. If that’s the case, you’ll probably have to undergo more complex and definitive testing.’

‘So I should be hoping for zero pain during the test tomorrow?’ I asked.

‘That’s pretty much the case.’ she answered. ‘but I have a feeling that you don’t have to be very concerned about that Brian.

I looked closer at this nurse. She appeared to be about 20 to 25 years old. She was slim and had quite an attractive figure. ‘What’s your name?’ I asked.

She looked up from the chart on which she was making notes. ‘I’m Brenda!’ she replied with a smile. In the light, I could see that her hair was reddish blonde and her eyes were light blue. She had a smooth white complexion with just a few light freckles. Her teeth were straight and brightly polished. All things considered, she was quite beautiful. I was a little surprised with myself for noticing. Ever since my ex had moved to California, I’d lost interest completely in women. I’d immersed myself in my work and had no inclination to get involved in another relationship.

She leaned over the side of the bed and said, ‘Open wide please.’ Then she placed a thermometer in my mouth. She stood there looking at me as she waited for the thermometer to sound a beep, indicating that the reading was complete. At the beep she reached down for the thermometer and as she leaned forward, I caught a glimpse of her very generous cleavage. I couldn’t believe that I was checking out a woman’s boobs while I was on what could prove to be my death bed. I looked back up at her eyes and saw her smile knowingly. She’d caught me looking and rather than being offended, she was amused.

She recorded the temperature reading and then asked, ‘Is there anything else you’d like to talk about Brian?’

‘How long have you been a nurse Brenda?’ I figured that some fast arithmetic would give me a pretty good idea of just how old she was.

‘I have a feeling that I became a nurse just about the time your mother was giving birth to you.’ she said with a bright smile. ‘I graduated from nursing school in 1958.’

She could see the wheels turning in my head as I studied her face. ‘To save you the task of having to make the mathematical calculation in your head, I graduated from nursing school when I was 21 years old.’ Then she looked down at my chart and with a slightly surprised look on her face, remarked, ‘In fact, it looks like I graduated 2 years before you were born. I’m 44 years old Brian, so compared to me, you’re a relative baby at 21 years old.’

‘Yeah! Pretty young age to be having heart problems. I’ll probably never make it anywhere near your age.’

‘Oh, I’m sure that your heart is quite strong and healthy,’ she replied. ‘You don’t have the look of someone with heart disease. I’ve been nursing cardiac patients for more than 20 years and at your age, the biggest concerns you’re likely to have are your career and female companionship. What do you do for a living Brian?’

‘I just finished university six months ago.’ I replied. ‘I’ve been working for Validation Computer Management since then. They recruited me while I was in my last year of university.’

‘Wow!’ remarked Brenda, ‘You’re only 21 years old and you’ve already graduated from university. How did you manage that feat?’

‘Oh, I never really did most of the things that other kids do in school. I was never really very interested in sports and social affairs. But, I loved the academic side of school and always got good grades. As a result, I was placed into an accelerated program while I was still in elementary school. That’s the reason I started university when I was only 16 years old.’

Brenda was impressed. ‘Sounds like you’re on the fast track to success Brian. Does your wife or girlfriend know that you’re in here?’

‘I don’t have a wife or girlfriend,’ I replied with a touch of dejection, ‘I was engaged to my high school sweetheart up until a couple of months ago. She’s the only woman I’ve ever had a relationship with and I always assumed we’d eventually marry and live happily ever after. As it turned out, she was offered a job in California two months ago and she took it without even discussing it with me. She left to start her new job two months ago. I tried to talk her out of it, but she was totally committed to a fresh start in a new sta

‘That sounds like a horror show,’ replied Brenda. ‘I’m sorry that something so hurtful happened between you and someone you loved so much. Have you been in touch with her since you broke up?’

‘Yeah! I called her a while ago and she told me that she had met another guy. The two of them are an item and will be getting a place together. She told me she was in love with him and that there was no chance that we’d ever get back together. She asked me to stop calling her and to start looking for someone else.’

Brenda sat down on the side of the bed. ‘What do you intend to do now?’ she asked, a look of gentle compassion on her face.

‘There’s nothing that can be done. My experience with her is now officially over,’ I lamented. ‘I’m just going to have to start from zero. I’ve had one girlfriend in my entire life. She took my heart, my virginity, my hope, my future, then piled them up and set them ablaze. There’s nothing to do but salvage as much of my life as I can and just start over.’

Brenda had a quizzical look on her face. ‘When did things finally come to an end with your ex-fiancée?’ she asked.

‘Well, they probably came to an end long before I was aware of it. She decided to accept the job offer in California a couple of months ago, but it was only a week ago that she broke off our engagement and told me that there was another guy.’ Brenda was a good listener. I was beginning to feel a little buoyed just being able to talk about the situation with someone else.

She put her hand on my arm and, in a soft and understanding voice, said ‘You know Brian, young healthy people often begin to develop symptoms of serious disease when they’ve been through a mentally harrowing experience. I’ve seen it happen many times to young men and young women when they lose someone they love dearly. I’m quite sure that the horrible experience with your ex is somehow connected to the pain that you felt in your arm and neck. I think the tests you’re taking tomorrow will confirm that.’ With that she reached up and felt Brian’s forehead, then added, ‘But for now, I think you should get some sleep. You have nothing to worry about, I’ll be right here.’

She made some notes on my chart and then turned off the light. I watched her silhouette as she walked over to the chair along the wall and sat down. She was not very tall, perhaps five feet, four inches. Her figure was quite lovely, not at all what you’d expect the figure of a 44 year old woman to look like. Her face had an angelic look with pale alabaster skin and just a light scattering of freckles. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off.

I wasn’t sure how long I slept, but when I woke up, I felt like I might have to urinate. I turned on the light and realized that Brenda had left the room. ‘She’s probably having a coffee.’ I thought. I was glad that she wasn’t in the room as I didn’t want her to see the huge erection that I’d attained while I was asleep. I glanced at my watch. It was 1:45 am. I threw off the blankets, swung my legs off the bed and slid into the slippers beside my bed. As I started for the bathroom door on the other side of the room, I realized that my erection was sticking out the front of my hospital issued pyjamas. ‘Why can’t they give you pyjamas that have buttons up the front?’ I wondered. The erection was nothing unusual. I always had a rock hard erection when I awaken in the middle of the night. Normally, if I also had to urinate, I would just stand in front of the toilet until the erection softened enough to allow me to push it downwards and aim the stream of urine into the toilet. I walked over to the bathroom, turned on the light and stood in front of the toilet. My penis was still sticking rigidly out through the front of my pyjama bottoms.

I stood there with the bottoms lowered to my knees. I was prepared to wait the few minutes necessary to allow my hard on to diminish enough to allow me to relieve myself. At that very moment, I heard a voice behind me ask, ‘Are you alright Brian? The buzzer in the nurses’ office went off when you got out of bed. Do you need help with anything?’

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Brian and Joseph Monday

Thanks for the positive feedback on the first installment. For those who haven’t read it, check here ( For those who have and didn’t like it, please leave comments on what you don’t like. I’ll try to fix it. If you don’t like the overall idea, however, I’m not going to be changing that since it’s an experience I had that’s hot, and I also suspect a lot of people out there can relate. Brian was the first...

3 years ago
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Brian find a Mistress

Finding the Mistress of his dreams(All characters are fictional and any connection to anyone living is coincidental except for my slave Jasmine and myself)Part 1Brian Carter was a very successful businessman, having over the last ten years made several million dollars as a day trader.  He was 38, 5’10? 165lb and fit body and lived in a penthouse condo in Miami by himself, as he had not met the woman of his dreams.  His fantasies were of being owned by an extreme dominatrix who would control his...

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Brian ndash My First Boyfriend and Wet Humping

First MeetingI met Brian when I was at University. I had just turned 19. I was studying accountancy and he was studying arts. We had little in common apart from our social ineptitude which was what brought us together in the first place. He was incredibly good looking but had the most appalling social skills, even worse then mine. I had never been a social person and kept to myself at Uni. I had no friends there and had no time for social activities anyway. I was living in a flat on my own,...

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Brian and my mom

Brian was on his way to my house and he has stoped at the sex shop to get me a new toy and lube. He stopped in said Hi to the girl and got me a supersize dildo/butt plug and a jumbo size bottle of ultra slick lube. he was planning of taping him fucking me with this toy.When Brian got to my house, he knocked on the door and my mom answered. He asked if I was home and mom said no, but he could come in and wait if he wanted to. Brian couldn't help but watch mom in her silky gown, as she walked...

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Brian and Joseph pt 1 Beginning to Experiment

It was an ordinary summer night for Brian and Jospeh. Brian was spending the week at Joseph’s family’s vacation home just outside the city. It was an older house, from the ‘70s or ‘80s, and the basement where they stayed showed that: plush beige carpets and wood paneling were hallmarks. The boys were both thirteen, both going into eighth grade. Both were around 5’8” and slightly nerdy. Both were wirey and tall for their age groups, but Brian was brown-haired with large hazel eyes, bedroom...

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Brian by Baby Swallow Think of your average British male... no not British specifically, male would probably do it, testosterone has a way of distracting which is so all encompassing and i see no reason it wouldn't be universal across the entire genus, but Brian is a male at a very special moment of personal evolution, he has just worked it out. The way it Started Brian is working hard on his project, it's nice work and he does it well. He is moderately successful, his work...

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Brian Ch 06

Chapter 06: The Adventure Begins Brian sat on the couch being tossed around by the storm outside. All he could do was drift with the rolling waves and hope that they survived the night and would be rescued the next day. The waves hit the sides of the boat and caused the wet party to bounce around the insides like the victims of a vehicle rollover. ‘I think I am going to be sick,’ Roger exclaimed and headed for the tiny bathroom. He shut the door and the sounds of his retching and throwing up...

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King John was not a good man, he had his little ways, and sometimes no one spoke to him for days and days and days. A, A.Milne You’ll remember Brian of course, who can ever forget a good ‘Cause Célèbre’? And I always think of those lines by A.A. Milne whenever anyone mentions Brian, because Brian wasn’t a good man, though he wasn’t all bad, few people are, and he certainly had his little ways, no doubt about that! And being a bit of a loner, sometimes not even his wife spoke to him. The...

4 years ago
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Brian and Rachel

Hi again. I hope you like this story as much as you did "Terri". Like my other stories this one contains homosexual encounters. If that offends you then you shouldn't be here in the first place. With this story as the others I've tried to treat the sexual portions with romance and love. Hope it worked Kristina M. Ward [email protected] BRIAN AND RACHEL by Kristina Ward It wasn't the fact that he kept looking at me that bothered me so much but it was more the way...

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Brians house

My mom and daddy were fighting about her enjoying all the big black dicks she's been doing, so I grabbed some stuff and went to Brian's house to hang out. I told Scotty that I was leaving til shit calmed down. He laughed and said he was headed to work.Once I got to Brian's house, his mom let me in and told me that I could go up to Brian's room if I wanted. I put my stuff down on the counter and went in the refrig to get a glass of iced tea. I had put ice in my glass from the freezer door...

3 years ago
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Brians Story

Truth or dare Stephanie asked Allie. Dare Allie replied. Stephanie took another sip of Jack and said "I want you to take Brian's virginity and I get to watch." Allie swallowed her glass of whisky and grabbed both Brian and Steph by the hand and lead them to the bathroom. Brian was a big boy, sixteen years old and six foot six inches tall and about two hundred twenty five pounds and not very smart nor good looking. He was the center on the football team and nobody could get past him. But he was...

1 year ago
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Brian and clare

Clare was your normal teenage girl. She indulged in clothes and went crazy for all the pop stars and all. And because of this, nobody would have guessed or even believed what had happened to her a few months ago. Though she had a curvaceous body, nobody really fantasized about her as they saw her as prude and wouldn’t be into these things. It all started that Sunday evening. Clare had gone to a class gathering at a restaurant. The day was pretty hot and Clare decided to wear something light and...

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Brian gets home schooled

Rose was probably the best looking forty year old most guys had ever seen. Around 5’5”, slim with large natural boobs and long brunette hair. She kept her skin and nails immaculate and wore a sensible amount of make-up, unless going out, then full war paint. She was an office manager in charge of lots of men and women so did not lack in self-confidence. During the day she was dressed in perfectly co-ordinated business attire and at night in stunning short, low-cut dresses. But she could...

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Me My partner Brenda

As a bachelor living alone in LA the idea of not having a weapon or two to protect myself and anyone with me in the case of emergency bothered me tremendously . I've never handled a loaded gun so I figured my best option was to get Items that could work as applicable melee weapons in the case of an emergency . On my quest to find protection I at one point end up in a Big 5 purchasing a beautiful Black and Silver Bat I affectionately have named Brenda .I do a few practice swings in the parking...

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Enter Bad Brenda

Enter Bad Brenda by PYT Kirk and Tommy ran full speed out into the parking lot behind shopping mall. Pausing behind a dumpster, the two boys caught their breath. Kirk pulled a box from his track and field jacket. "I think we lost the mall security guards," said Kirk. "Yeah," said the smaller boy. "But I don't think it was such a great idea to steal from a wizard." "Pfaw! He was a guy in a bathrobe in a mall. You are so dumb sometimes." "Oh yeah? Well how do you explain the...

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Brians Dad

I was getting ready to close the sex shop for the night, when this guy came in. At first I didn't really pay attention on who it was, until he asked about the different kinds of lube. I looked up and seen that it was Brian's dad, Mr. Peters. I said hi and took him over to the large selection of lubes. He told me, that the local d**gstore, just doesn't have the right kind of lube.He asked which lube Brian and I use. I shown him the bottle that looked like a bullet. I poured a little on his...

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Brians new smart phone pays off by PO469

It felt wonderful and exciting as the pair of warm, moist, firm, mature lips slid up and down the length of Brian’s teenaged cock. This was Brian’s first real blowjob. One of the young girls his age that he had been lucky enough to be with had put a couple inches of him in her mouth but did not know what to do very well and soon gave up, disappointing him, but here was an experienced woman who was well versed in sucking cock as well as, if not better than any slut he had watched in any of the...

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Brian and Auntie Em Ch2

Brian and Aunt Em Ch.2 This is the continuation of “Brian and Auntie Em.” I promised this before I went off line and have been requested a few times since I have been back to write it. To bring everyone up to date with this tale of Brain and his Aunt Em. While he was in his final few months of school and after he had turned 18, Brian was visiting his Aunt Em on a regular basis. The reason for this will be divulged as the story proceeds. He walked into the bedroom one day while his Aunt was...

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Brian and Auntie Em Ch 3

Brian and Auntie Em Ch. 3 Brian eventually moved in with his Auntie Em. They were both fully satisfied with their lifestyle. After about 18 months Auntie Em made an announcement to the rest of the family that she was pregnant. Of course, none of them knew that it was cousin Brian’s baby. She just let them think it was a casual fling she had. The baby girl was born and she looked so much like Brian the secret came out, but only in the family, Brian was thrilled to bits with his little daughter...

4 years ago
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Brian and the Living Mannequin

Pleased with her achievement on Stephanie, the mischievous little lust fairy Arianna had her sights set on a department store manager at the name of Brian, who was in his mid-twenties and had lost hope finding love.  Arianna had stolen a pocket pussy from a local sex toy shop and brought it to life with her magic.  She sent it out in the middle of the night to sneak into the store.“Go my new pet.  Show Brain the time of his life.”  Arianna giggled as she flew off into the night.The pocket pussy...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Brian and the Living Mannequin

Pleased with her achievement on Stephanie, the mischievous little lust fairy Arianna had her sights set on a department store manager at the name of Brian, who was in his mid-twenties and had lost hope finding love.  Arianna had stolen a pocket pussy from a local sex toy shop and brought it to life with her magic.  She sent it out in the middle of the night to sneak into the store.“Go my new pet.  Show Brain the time of his life.”  Arianna giggled as she flew off into the night.The pocket pussy...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Brian and the Living Mannequin

Pleased with her achievement on Stephanie, the mischievous little lust fairy Arianna had her sights set on a department store manager at the name of Brian, who was in his mid-twenties and had lost hope finding love. Arianna had stolen a pocket pussy from a local sex toy shop and brought it to life with her magic. She sent it out in the middle of the night to sneak into the store.“Go my new pet. Show Brain the time of his life.” Arianna giggled as she flew off into the night.The pocket pussy...

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Recollections 1 Jo and Brenda

Recollections JoSoon after going to my secondary school after dinner it was raining and so we were allowed to go to the room for our first after dinner lesson early. I was first into the room and sat down at the desk allocated to me. A few minutes later Jo came in. I instantly noticed that I could see the best part of 2 inches of bright white slip dropping down beneath her dark blue pleated school skirt at the back. The skirt finished about 2 inches above her knees. The girls wore white socks...

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Brian and Auntie Em

Brian and Aunt Em Ch.2 This is the continuation of “Brian and Auntie Em.” I promised this before I went off line and have been requested a few times since I have been back to write it. To bring everyone up to date with this tale of Brain and his Aunt Em. While he was in his final few months of school and after he had turned 18, Brian was visiting his Aunt Em on a regular basis. The reason for this was that he loved to watch his young cousin Tommy being breastfed by his Mom. He walked into the...

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Chapter 2 Paying Brenda

Chapter two: Paying Brenda 10 Paying Brenda The next time I went to Brenda's house I anonymously left Brenda the money for all three packages in change that I put into her piggy bank. Now I reckoned that fate would let me keep my new purchased panties and I left it at that. Result: fate would now judge. I finally dared open one of the packages when I got home. However for self-punishment as a bonus to help my karma score I did not wear them for a whole week. Every day I left the...

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Tanya Loves Brenda

Tanya Loves Brenda ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Tanya Loves Brenda So far college was a bore for Tanya.? Having gone to private school everything she heard in her classes was a rehash of her junior highschool year so she often cut class to cruise the Strip. The Strip was an area just outside campus that offered all sorts of diversions for students who had time to kill or were here on daddys' dime and just intended to party till they dropped.  Tanya was a...

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Brian and Lois

One day Lois came home from the store,Peter was still at work,Chris and Meg were still at school and Stewie was fast asleep in his bedroom.She called out for Brian I got some of your favorite treats at the store Brian!Come sit on my lap Brian,she petted him and brushed his fur,say Brian how would you like to use that long K9 tongue on my hungry red bush?"Would I Lois",I thought you'd never ask!Lois slid her pants off and tossed her panties on the floor.Ooh I'm getting so wet thinking about your...

2 years ago
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Brian gets home schooled Pt2

It had been a pretty good week for the new Brian. And he was ready to take it to another level. So Saturday morning, he washed, cleaned and polished himself, slipped on some shorts and headed downstairs where he could hear his mom in the kitchen. She had been shopping before he got up and was putting away the groceries. “Morning sweetie.” She greeted him. “Hi mom. You look good.” She looked exactly the same as she always did when she went shopping. She was neatly dressed in tight...

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Brians bitch

I was still in high school having started a year late, so at eighteen I still lived at home with my parents. This was really limiting my lifestyle choices. I longed to be able to dress like the sissy baby I really am, but my very religious family would never allow it. Heck, when Mom caught me wearing one of her bras they sent me to straight-camp for a week to fix me. My friend Brian was lucky. He had graduated early and his parents were so anxious to get him out of the house...

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Brian and Tammy

Ever get so turned on – get so hard – that you felt like you could fuck for hours on end – cumming and cumming and cumming – with a dick that never went soft – and at the same time wanting to strangle the woman you were fucking? Been there and fortunately didn’t do that or I’d be in prison rather than planning a divorce. Story starts out like a million others. My wife Tammy and I had been married for a little over fourteen years. We were high school sweethearts and yes it is a cliché but I was...

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Brian and Janet Naked in SchoolChapter 4

[Monday] [Brian] School felt different, somehow. I'd tracked down Ella's family and had a long conversation with her mom. Ella had been their youngest and the last one at home, so when she'd been killed they wanted nothing more than to leave that place and never look back. They'd finally gotten over blaming me, so her mom and I cried a bit over the phone. We made the usual insincere noises about keeping in touch, but it felt as if I'd closed the book on a chapter of my life. Now I was...

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Brian and Janet Naked in SchoolChapter 3

[Friday] [Brian] Friday was, well, Friday. Dad told me over breakfast that he probably wouldn't be available for a while. It's not something that you ask about, either before or after; you just keep on with your life and hope he rejoins you. Lisa caught my eye in the hall between English and History and gave me a brilliant smile. Damn, this might be a complication. I had to piss and the boy's restroom really emphasized the differences with my old school. The mirror over the sinks was...

4 years ago
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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

4 years ago
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Nurse Anderson Dr McKenzie

As the head nurse at a prestigious private college I have the joy of being present during all sports physicals. My favourites are the young, virile male 18 year olds who come for their first full physical. The rumours that go round the school about what exactly the ‘full physical’ involves are a mixture of mystery and myth. Most of the young men who cross into the examination rooms are loathe to tell others of exactly what occurs in there. Many of them end up in tears and would hardly want...

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