Tanya and her hidden Desires
- 2 years ago
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????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Tanya Loves Brenda
So far college was a bore for Tanya.? Having gone to private school everything she heard in her classes was a rehash of her junior highschool year so she often cut class to cruise the Strip. The Strip was an area just outside campus that offered all sorts of diversions for students who had time to kill or were here on daddys' dime and just intended to party till they dropped.
Tanya was a smart young woman who had always been comfortable with the fact that she was a lesbian. She liked to think of herself a a glam-goth. She didn't know if there really was such a category, especially in this town, but that is how she felt and dressed to fit her mood.
She loved black and leather and short skirts. In contrast, she chose to color her lips and nails in vibrant colors ranging from bright red to neon blue. Heeled ankle boots and revealing braless tops were a must when she was not attending a class. She kept her hair rather long as it was dark and straight and gave her a 'Morticia' sort of look.
All eyes had turned to her as she entered the pub. Except for the barmaids, the place was filled with boys who immediately began to hit on her and offer her drinks. She dismissed them all and bought her own drink. Cherry cola and Jack was her sweet and nasty favorite.
There were three pool tables and she noted that some money had just changed hands as a preppy looking college boy had just sank the money ball right in the face of a biker looking dude that nobody in their right mind would want to mess with.
The other patrons watched the biker glower at the privileged little punk and wondered if a bloodbath would ensue. Instead, the big man peeled off some bills and threw them on the table.
"See you on the road bitch" he said as he turned and nearly broke the door with his exit. Within the pub only the jukebox made a sound until the roar of a Harley peeling away was heard outside. Preppy boy gathered his money but clearly wasn't confident about driving back to his dorm right away.
"Easy money", thought Tanya.
?Having received her drink she sauntered to the table where the preppy boy and his goofball friends were yucking it up.
She leaned over the table giving them an exaggerated view of her cleavage and spoke in her most sultry voice.
"Hey, stickman, that was pretty good; think you can beat me?"
She knew that a glimpse of titties made men agree to all sorts of crazy things so naturally 'preppy boy' said yes,
Tanya literally laid her ass on the line. She bet against everything taken from the biker plus all the money preppy and his pals had on them. When it was all laid out the boys had almost fifteen hundred on the table. Tanya had two hundred in cash and offered her bankcard and a recent statement that showed a balance of eight hundred.
"You've already lost, bitch, you can't just make a bet and not cover it", said preppy.
"Well," said Tanya, "I've saved the best for last. How about a four way? If I lose, I will screw all your balls off."? With that she began to dance with the music and did things with her hips reminiscent of the Shakira and Fergie videos they had all jerked off to.
"It's on," said the boys. Best of three!"
They flipped a coin for break and college boy won. He scattered the balls with no lucky sinks which was fine with Tanya. Within ten minutes she worked her way through the cluttered table and sank every shot.
While loserboy was racking the balls she returned to her drink and looked out the full window of the pub. That's when she saw her.
Brenda had missed the bus that was to take her back to the campus of St. Elizabeths School for Exceptional Girls. It had been a lovely fieldtrip to the Museum of Fine Arts and she had been so engrossed in the ancient pictures of naked women that she had not heard the call of her proctor to assemble. She eventually found herself quite alone wiithin the foreboding building and slowly realized she would have to make her own way out of the city. She had to trot along the dirty streets that led away from the museum in her five inch heels and short schoolgirl skirt in a desperate attempt to find a way home. There were scary people all around that whistled and said very naughty things about the way her unfettered titties bounced beneath her loose white school blouse. Some had suggested that the inadvertant swaying of her hips was 'bootyliscious'. One boy had even offered to let her sit on his face. She was getting tired and thought he was nice to offer but that it might reflect badly on the school if she were seen relaxing in such a manner on a busy street. There was a bus stop just ahead and she began to search the small pockets of her skirt for enough change to get a public bus back to school.
Tanya could barely believe her eyes. The saucy tart had strutted right up in front of the window and was twisting her ass from side to side in her short pleated skirt. She seemed to be rubbing her thighs but, with great effort, drew forth a few coins that she looked at with a disappointed stare.
The balls had been racked and Tanya was called back to the table. Reluctantly she turned away from the window and took her shot. She scattered the balls but the outcome did not look good. Preppy made four easy shots leaving her with no options that would not take time. Time was now foremost on her mind as she really wanted to get to that sweet piece of eye candy outside the window before a bus, or something worse, swept her out of her life forever. She had to get this overwith as soon a possible. She purposly sank the eight ball with a deft bankshot and turned again to the window.
"God", she thought, "That is one pretty girl." Without knowing her name she decided that if she could ever meet the girl she would always call her "Pretty".
The little darling was prancing in her heels as though she might have to pee.
Her blonde curls bounced in time with her unfettered tits and bubble butt as she became increasingly aware of her predicament. She finally settled on the bus stop bench and tightly crossed her legs.
The boys were were feeling good now and had some things to say.
"Rack the balls, bitch." "Your ass is ours." "Like to play with balls, huh?"
Tanya formed a tight rack on the table while exposing a good portion of her own. Just as 'Preppy' was about to shoot she gave a tug to her silky blouse and flashed a nipple. 'Preppys' shot went wide and peeled away only a few balls.
With a glance out the window, to assure that 'Pretty' was still there, Tanya went to work. She had learned a lot working in her daddys' bar and it had never mattered more than now. She sank five balls before 'Preppy' got a turn. He put away two but then it was over. Tanya finished the table within two minutes and waited, with hands on hips, to receive her payment.
The boys raised a protest and were refusing to pay until a large shadow fell across the table. Biker guy was back looming over the table and siipping a beer. "I saw the whole game, he said, the lady beat your wussy ass, so deal with it."
The boys paid up. Tanya grabbed her jacket and she and the biker exited out the back door. Tanya peeled off five hundred and handed it to biker guy.
"Thanks, Henry, you're a girls best friend."
He straddled his Harley and gently stroked her cheek. "Anytime babe, it's a pity you''re not straight."
"Well, she said, it's a pity you're not a girl. I'll call you later but. if my luck holds, I might have a hot date waiting out front."
"She's sweet, said Henry, if you don't take her I will." With that, he gunned the bike and sped from the parking lot.
Tanya made her way to the front just as a bus was pulling up. She saw Pretty step in and present her meager change but the driver just shook his head and left the girl sobbing in his wake. She walked right up and put an arm around the girls shoulder.
"What's the matter, Pretty, what's got you crying?"
"Mm, my, my, name's Brenda", sobbed the girl.
"Well, that's a nice name but you don't mind if I call you "Pretty" do you.?"
"No, but I've missed my school bus and don't have enough money to get back tp St. Elzabeths."
"I might be able to help, said Tanya, I have a car and it's right down the block."
"Would you like to go with me?"
"Ok, but I really have to pee, too, and I can't wait much longer."
"I know a place for that, and it's on our way, just follow me."
Tanya led Pretty/Brenda into an allyway and behind a large dumpster.
"I've only been in town for six months but I have pissed here plenty of times. Just drop your panties and squat," she said.
Pretty was too desperate to argue and held onto the dumpster as she tugged her panties over her spiky heels. She handed them to Tanya.
"Will you hold these for me?" "It would be naughty if I got them wet."
Tanya fondlled the silky white panties as Pretty squatted behind the dumpster.
She held them to her face and savored the fragance as she heard the splash of piss on concrete. A frothy torrent of girl pee flowed past her boot and continued for some time. The girls bladder must have contained a gallon. She waited patiently after the flow ended but when the girl did not stand she finally had to ask. "What are you doing back there?"
A meek voice responded. "Miss? What's your name?
"My name is Tanya. Now, what's the problem?"
"I'm still wet Miss and I need to be wiped."
"Well, use your hand, or skirt or whatever. Why is that a big deal?"
"I'm not supposed to touch myself, you know, down there. It's a school rule and I"m a good girl MissTanya. Don't you have some tissues or something?"
Tanya and Henry had played out their pool scenario several times since they had met and became friends. They had made some good bucks with their clever con and it had never failed. The rich college boys were always brimming with confidence after winning money from a guy who looked like Henry and were easy marks when Tanya strutted up and offered herself as a prize. Tanya now begin to wonder if it were she who was being conned. She was definately hot for the schoolgirl but wondered if she could possibly be for real.
Tanya found tissues in her jacket pocket that she had used to blot her lipstick. She walked behind the dumpster to find Pretty still squatting there holding her little skirt well above her hips. She instantly noted the girl was a natural blonde and that the golden curls around her pussy glistened with tiny droplets of her amber pee. She offered the tissues but the girl just stared back at her with wide green eyes and said, "I'm not supposed to touch and I'm a good girl." "Won't you help me?"
Even if she was somehow being played Tanya found the prospect of acess to that sweet pussy impossible to resist. She squatted beside Pretty and began a gentle wipe of the girls moist curls. She slipped a finger along the smooth lips of Prettys' vagina and felt them grow damp with sticky girl cream. She poised her hand at the entrance of the girls tight honey tunnel and slowly inserted a finger.
Pretty sighed and raised her mouth to be kissed. Tanya engulfed the offered lips with her own and thrust her tongue deep into the pliant mouth as she added another finger and fucked the girl until she could feel her hand being flooded with syrupy? cum.?
Pretty held the kiss as long as she could and used her tongue to lap up Tanyas' flowing spittle that filled her mouth but as she climaxed she could no longer squat and fell back on her butt. Drool dripped from her chin and even after the fingers were removed from her pussy she squirted a bit more and this time it had soiled her skirt. She would be in so much trouble at school. The sexy young woman in black extended a hand to help her up but she knew what she should do first. She took Tanyas' hand and kissed it. She sought out the fingers that had fucked her and began to lick them clean.
Tanyas' panties were very damp by now but she did not want to make real love in some sordid alleyway that she had formerlly used only to take a piss.
She helped Pretty to her feet, assisted her to put on her panties and led her to the car. Once they were seated Tanya lit a cigarette and looked at her passenger. Pretty kept her knees together with her hands in her lap but would cast flirting glances toward her. Tanya shiffted her position and slowly raised a leg to rest on the back of the passenger seat. This movement raised her skirt and revealed her brief wet thong as well as the dragonfly tatoo that hovered just above her pussy.
Pretty could no longer feign disinterest in her savior. She went to her knees and began to kiss the strong supple thighs,? Her mouth slowly made its' way upward and she was soon using long tongue strokes on Tanyas' moist silky thong.
The girls' tongue was amazing.
Tanya could feel her panty crotch being inserted within her with every lapping thrust. She pulled her panty aside and allowed Pretty free acess to the full flow of her passion. The kneeling girl licked her deeply and then found her clit. She brought it forth with gentle flicks of her tongue tip then held it between her lips and began to hum a little tune that resembled "The Sound of Music."
Tanya clenched her thighs tightly on the lovely face between her legs and gripped her lovers blonde curls to hold the skillfull mouth in place as she thrust her hips and? felt an intense orgasm claim her senses. Pretty did not abandon her but calmed and cleaned her simultaneously with a gently lapping tongue and soft sipping lips. Tanya had gushed profusely as she came and when she opened her eyes she was thrilled at the sight of the blonde beautys glistening face between her legs.
Tanya found more tissues within the confines of her cluttered car and began to wipe her copious spendings from her new lovers face.
"Oh, Pretty, that was special." "Where did you learn to do that?"
"I learned at school, said Pretty, but I liked it so much better with you Miss Tanya."
Tanya became vexed. "Get up and sit down and enough of that "Miss Tanya" crap, my name is just Tanya." "Got it?" "Now, where do you want to go, back to some stuffy old school or to my cozy little apartment?"
Pretty looked bewildered but cute as she bit her lower lip and gave Tanya a wide eyed helpless look. "Oh, I don't know, I'm in so much trouble if I go back now." "Maybe, in a day or two, I could call the school and tell them I was kidnapped or something."
Tanya laughed and started the car. "We'll work that out later,she said, but tonight you're staying with me." "I'm hungry, do you like Chinese?"
Tanya Loves
far college was a bore for Tanya.? Having
gone to private school everything she heard in her classes was a rehash of her
junior highschool year so she often cut class to cruise the Strip. The Strip
was an area just outside campus that offered all sorts of diversions for
students who had time to kill or were here on daddys' dime and just intended to
party till they dropped.
was a smart young woman who had always been comfortable with the fact that she
was a lesbian. She liked to think of herself a a glam-goth. She didn't know if
there really was such a category, especially in this town, but that is how she
felt and dressed to fit her mood.
loved black and leather and short skirts. In contrast, she chose to color her
lips and nails in vibrant colors ranging from bright red to neon blue. Heeled
ankle boots and revealing braless tops were a must when she was not attending a
class. She kept her hair rather long as it was dark and straight and gave her a
'Morticia' sort of look.
eyes had turned to her as she entered the pub. Except for the barmaids, the
place was filled with boys who immediately began to hit on her and offer her
drinks. She dismissed them all and bought her own drink. Cherry cola and Jack
was her sweet and nasty favorite.
were three pool tables and she noted that some money had just changed hands as
a preppy looking college boy had just sank the money ball right in the face of
a biker looking dude that nobody in their right mind would want to mess with.
other patrons watched the biker glower at the privileged little punk and
wondered if a bloodbath would ensue. Instead, the big man peeled off some bills
and threw them on the table.
you on the road bitch" he said as he turned and nearly broke the door with
his exit. Within the pub only the jukebox made a sound until the roar of a
Harley peeling away was heard outside. Preppy boy gathered his money but
clearly wasn't confident about driving back to his dorm right away.
money", thought Tanya.
?Having received her drink she sauntered to the
table where the preppy boy and his goofball friends were yucking it up.
leaned over the table giving them an exaggerated view of her cleavage and spoke
in her most sultry voice.
stickman, that was pretty good; think you can beat me?"
knew that a glimpse of titties made men agree to all sorts of crazy things so
naturally 'preppy boy' said yes,
literally laid her ass on the line. She bet against everything taken from the
biker plus all the money preppy and his pals had on them. When it was all laid
out the boys had almost fifteen hundred on the table. Tanya had two hundred in
cash and offered her bankcard and a recent statement that showed a balance of
eight hundred.
already lost, bitch, you can't just make a bet and not cover it", said
said Tanya, "I've saved the best for last. How about a four way? If I
lose, I will screw all your balls off."?
With that she began to dance with the music and did things with her hips
reminiscent of the Shakira and Fergie videos they had all jerked off to.
on," said the boys. Best of three!"
flipped a coin for break and college boy won. He scattered the balls with no
lucky sinks which was fine with Tanya. Within ten minutes she worked her way
through the cluttered table and sank every shot.
loserboy was racking the balls she returned to her drink and looked out the
full window of the pub. That's when she saw her.
had missed the bus that was to take her back to the campus of St. Elizabeths
School for Exceptional Girls. It had been a lovely fieldtrip to the Museum of
Fine Arts and she had been so engrossed in the ancient pictures of naked women
that she had not heard the call of her proctor to assemble. She eventually
found herself quite alone wiithin the foreboding building and slowly realized
she would have to make her own way out of the city. She had to trot along the
dirty streets that led away from the museum in her five inch heels and short
schoolgirl skirt in a desperate attempt to find a way home. There were scary
people all around that whistled and said very naughty things about the way her
unfettered titties bounced beneath her loose white school blouse. Some had
suggested that the inadvertant swaying of her hips was 'bootyliscious'. One boy
had even offered to let her sit on his face. She was getting tired and thought
he was nice to offer but that it might reflect badly on the school if she were
seen relaxing in such a manner on a busy street. There was a bus stop just
ahead and she began to search the small pockets of her skirt for enough change
to get a public bus back to school.
could barely believe her eyes. The saucy tart had strutted right up in front of
the window and was twisting her ass from side to side in her short pleated
skirt. She seemed to be rubbing her thighs but, with great effort, drew forth a
few coins that she looked at with a disappointed stare.
balls had been racked and Tanya was called back to the table. Reluctantly she
turned away from the window and took her shot. She scattered the balls but the
outcome did not look good. Preppy made four easy shots leaving her with no
options that would not take time. Time was now foremost on her mind as she
really wanted to get to that sweet piece of eye candy outside the window before
a bus, or something worse, swept her out of her life forever. She had to get
this overwith as soon a possible. She purposly sank the eight ball with a deft
bankshot and turned again to the window.
she thought, "That is one pretty girl." Without knowing her name she
decided that if she could ever meet the girl she would always call her
little darling was prancing in her heels as though she might have to pee.
blonde curls bounced in time with her unfettered tits and bubble butt as she
became increasingly aware of her predicament. She finally settled on the bus
stop bench and tightly crossed her legs.
boys were were feeling good now and had some things to say.
the balls, bitch." "Your ass is ours." "Like to play with
balls, huh?"
formed a tight rack on the table while exposing a good portion of her own. Just
as 'Preppy' was about to shoot she gave a tug to her silky blouse and flashed a
nipple. 'Preppys' shot went wide and peeled away only a few balls.
a glance out the window, to assure that 'Pretty' was still there, Tanya went to
work. She had learned a lot working in her daddys' bar and it had never
mattered more than now. She sank five balls before 'Preppy' got a turn. He put
away two but then it was over. Tanya finished the table within two minutes and
waited, with hands on hips, to receive her payment.
boys raised a protest and were refusing to pay until a large shadow fell across
the table. Biker guy was back looming over the table and siipping a beer.
"I saw the whole game, he said, the lady beat your wussy ass, so deal with
boys paid up. Tanya grabbed her jacket and she and the biker exited out the
back door. Tanya peeled off five hundred and handed it to biker guy.
Henry, you're a girls best friend."
straddled his Harley and gently stroked her cheek. "Anytime babe, it's a
pity you''re not straight."
she said, it's a pity you're not a girl. I'll call you later but. if my luck
holds, I might have a hot date waiting out front."
sweet, said Henry, if you don't take her I will." With that, he gunned the
bike and sped from the parking lot.
made her way to the front just as a bus was pulling up. She saw Pretty step in
and present her meager change but the driver just shook his head and left the
girl sobbing in his wake. She walked right up and put an arm around the girls
the matter, Pretty, what's got you crying?"
my, my, name's Brenda", sobbed the girl.
that's a nice name but you don't mind if I call you "Pretty" do
but I've missed my school bus and don't have enough money to get back tp St.
might be able to help, said Tanya, I have a car and it's right down the
you like to go with me?"
but I really have to pee, too, and I can't wait much longer."
know a place for that, and it's on our way, just follow me."
led Pretty/Brenda into an allyway and behind a large dumpster.
only been in town for six months but I have pissed here plenty of times. Just
drop your panties and squat," she said.
was too desperate to argue and held onto the dumpster as she tugged her panties
over her spiky heels. She handed them to Tanya.
you hold these for me?" "It would be naughty if I got them wet."
fondlled the silky white panties as Pretty squatted behind the dumpster.
held them to her face and savored the fragance as she heard the splash of piss
on concrete. A frothy torrent of girl pee flowed past her boot and continued
for some time. The girls bladder must have contained a gallon. She waited
patiently after the flow ended but when the girl did not stand she finally had
to ask. "What are you doing back there?"
meek voice responded. "Miss? What's your name?
name is Tanya. Now, what's the problem?"
still wet Miss and I need to be wiped."
use your hand, or skirt or whatever. Why is that a big deal?"
not supposed to touch myself, you know, down there. It's a school rule and
I"m a good girl MissTanya. Don't you have some tissues or something?"
and Henry had played out their pool scenario several times since they had met
and became friends. They had made some good bucks with their clever con and it
had never failed. The rich college boys were always brimming with confidence
after winning money from a guy who looked like Henry and were easy marks when
Tanya strutted up and offered herself as a prize. Tanya now begin to wonder if
it were she who was being conned. She was definately hot for the schoolgirl but
wondered if she could possibly be for real.
found tissues in her jacket pocket that she had used to blot her lipstick. She
walked behind the dumpster to find Pretty still squatting there holding her
little skirt well above her hips. She instantly noted the girl was a natural
blonde and that the golden curls around her pussy glistened with tiny droplets
of her amber pee. She offered the tissues but the girl just stared back at her
with wide green eyes and said, "I'm not supposed to touch and I'm a good
girl." "Won't you help me?"
if she was somehow being played Tanya found the prospect of acess to that sweet
pussy impossible to resist. She squatted beside Pretty and began a gentle wipe
of the girls moist curls. She slipped a finger along the smooth lips of
Prettys' vagina and felt them grow damp with sticky girl cream. She poised her
hand at the entrance of the girls tight honey tunnel and slowly inserted a
sighed and raised her mouth to be kissed. Tanya engulfed the offered lips with
her own and thrust her tongue deep into the pliant mouth as she added another
finger and fucked the girl until she could feel her hand being flooded with
syrupy? cum.?
held the kiss as long as she could and used her tongue to lap up Tanyas'
flowing spittle that filled her mouth but as she climaxed she could no longer
squat and fell back on her butt. Drool dripped from her chin and even after the
fingers were removed from her pussy she squirted a bit more and this time it
had soiled her skirt. She would be in so much trouble at school. The sexy young
woman in black extended a hand to help her up but she knew what she should do
first. She took Tanyas' hand and kissed it. She sought out the fingers that had
fucked her and began to lick them clean.
panties were very damp by now but she did not want to make real love in some
sordid alleyway that she had formerlly used only to take a piss.
helped Pretty to her feet, assisted her to put on her panties and led her to
the car. Once they were seated Tanya lit a cigarette and looked at her
passenger. Pretty kept her knees together with her hands in her lap but would
cast flirting glances toward her. Tanya shiffted her position and slowly raised
a leg to rest on the back of the passenger seat. This movement raised her skirt
and revealed her brief wet thong as well as the dragonfly tatoo that hovered
just above her pussy.
could no longer feign disinterest in her savior. She went to her knees and
began to kiss the strong supple thighs,?
Her mouth slowly made its' way upward and she was soon using long tongue
strokes on Tanyas' moist silky thong.
girls' tongue was amazing.
could feel her panty crotch being inserted within her with every lapping
thrust. She pulled her panty aside and allowed Pretty free acess to the full
flow of her passion. The kneeling girl licked her deeply and then found her
clit. She brought it forth with gentle flicks of her tongue tip then held it
between her lips and began to hum a little tune that resembled "The Sound
of Music."
clenched her thighs tightly on the lovely face between her legs and gripped her
lovers blonde curls to hold the skillfull mouth in place as she thrust her hips
and? felt an intense orgasm claim her
senses. Pretty did not abandon her but calmed and cleaned her simultaneously
with a gently lapping tongue and soft sipping lips. Tanya had gushed profusely
as she came and when she opened her eyes she was thrilled at the sight of the
blonde beautys glistening face between her legs.
found more tissues within the confines of her cluttered car and began to wipe
her copious spendings from her new lovers face.
Pretty, that was special." "Where did you learn to do that?"
learned at school, said Pretty, but I liked it so much better with you Miss Tanya."
became vexed. "Get up and sit down and enough of that "Miss
Tanya" crap, my name is just Tanya." "Got it?" "Now,
where do you want to go, back to some stuffy old school or to my cozy little
looked bewildered but cute as she bit her lower lip and gave Tanya a wide eyed
helpless look. "Oh, I don't know, I'm in so much trouble if I go back
now." "Maybe, in a day or two, I could call the school and tell them
I was kidnapped or something."
laughed and started the car. "We'll work that out later,she said, but
tonight you're staying with me." "I'm hungry, do you like
Tanya and I were strolling, hand in hand, down the supermarket aisle. With my free hand I pushed the trolley and with hers she occasionally dumped things into it as we passed the shelves. It was a blazing hot summer’s day and we were dressed to suit it. I had on only a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. Short shorts, because Tanya hated those long things that come to your knees or lower that are all the fashion now. She wouldn’t let me wear them. That was fine because I didn’t like them either....
EroticTanya had agreed to try it, to see if it was really as bad as people said it was, and as good. She knew she was placing herself in the hands of people she hardly knew, people who could, and would, take advantage of her, but it was all to be filmed, so she could see afterwards, what she had done, and what had been done to her. because apparently. People who had undergone this, had little or no memory, and she wanted to know what had taken place.The drug would be given without warning, as was...
Carlo almost flipped to Carol in that moment. Almost. "I can't have what I want Mrs... Tanya!" he/she stumbled. The words came out in a rush, a tumult. "How can I have what I want? I don't know what I want. I want to look like you, but I'm a boy, well, a man, I suppose.. I don't think I can NOT be what...... What do I want? How am I..............? What do you..........? Why did you kiss me like..........? I look good to you? Like this? I'm a pervert, aren't I? How can any.....? How...
Tanya was back home for the summer after completing her first year at university. She hadn't booked any holiday as she knew that her parents had planned their own where they were due to depart for theirs a few days after Tanya returned home. So Tanya knew she will have the house all to herself for the two weeks her parents will be away.She wasn't planning on having any wild parties. She wanted the house to herself as her kind of refuge away from the pressures of university she endured during...
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Tanya knelt in the middle of the room rocking back on her haunches slightly stunned, struggling for breath. Cum. Cum coated her face. Cum dribbled from her mouth. Cum dripped from her chin. Cum. Cum slid down her forehead. Cum streaked her hair. She tasted cum. Breathed cum. Cum pooled in the cups of her pretty pink bra. Cum soaked her pink slip making it translucent. Cum.Cum blinded her. Trying to get a cum free breath she wondered who might still be in the room. The last Tanya had seen of...
by bodaciousbob © In 'Tami and Bo', Tanya had watched as Tami got hers. Now she wanted some of the action. As soon as the bristles of the small camel hairbrush touched her nipple, her nipple became hard with the delightful sensation it sent through her skin. Bo ran the soft brush around the pebbly skin surrounding her hardening nipple causing Tanya to giggle. "You will have to do better than that if you intend to win," she said in a mocking tone. "Oh! I will," was his only...
A friend, our sometimes shy and always tiny Tanya, arrived at our post-Halloween brunch with her beau and two strangers, Chuck and Carol. After introductions, Mario asked how she met her new friends. The four of them burst out in giggles and blushing grins. “Oh, this should be interesting,” Mario smiled at his wife, Maria. Sue brought out a pitcher of frosty Marguerites and poured as Tanya hung a black trench coat and a black, long-feathered mask on a chair then began her embarrassing...
Hello Doston, Aap sabko Vicky ki tarf se Namaskar,yeh joh aaj aap kahani pad rahe ho yeh ekdam sach hai magar kahani ke patra badal diye gaye hain.Main apne baare mein bata doon ki main Ladies massage mein expert hoon aur jise bhi maine ek baar massage service de di phir woh kisi aur se yeh service nahi le sakti.Agar koi bhabhi/ladki interseted hain toh mail kijiye per Main ek khoobsurat jawan mard hoon 30 years, 5’10” average built aur mumbai ke ek upnagar mein rahta hoon, meri society ke...
100% fiction! Tanya would come to our house quite a few times and sit watching movies with my . She was lovely and slim with blonde hair and nice firm tits. I would take sneaky looks at her as she looked at the screen. I could not keep my eyes of the shape of her perfect round tits. Even when she wore a jumper I could still see her big tits through it and sometimes she would wear vest tops and I could see her cleavage. I fantasized about her all the time I would even sneak a look at her social...
VoyeurTANYA I checked in at the front desk of the Hilton hotel, with a very excited feeling, a whole week by myself alone. I filled out the paperwork and handed him my credit card and signed the form. I reached down and picked up my bag and started to my room, when I noticed the fishbowl with the little sign that said drop your business card and win a free nights stay. I thought what the hell and dropped my business card in the bowl and left. An attractive woman in her early forties was...
Hello, sex story readers, Tanya looked over at Ajay who was sitting with the rest of the gang. The Dussera trip to Goa had become like an annual pilgrimage for the group. Even though the vacation followed a well-worn pattern, everyone still looked forward to it and it had become a fixture on their calendar. The gang consisted of three families, with six kids and three bachelor boys. They had all been together for over a decade now and everyone was comfortable with everyone else. There were no...
"I got to know most of them when Neil and I started to come out. Once I got really into it, you know. Stephen, he'll be here. You'll like Stephen. He's the one married man whose wife really doesn't understand him. Lovely guy. A lot older than us, but, well, we'll see, I think you'll like him. You could meet as many as three Sarahs tonight, if they're all out, and of course they will be. You can make your own mind up, but there's one of them that you have to watch out for. I'll explain...
--So how are you feeling? -- +Nervous. I can hardly sleep at night+ --Have you got a dress yet? -- +Funny you should mention that. Picked it up this morning+ --Tell us! Tell us! What's it like? -- +Well it's white... + --Most wedding dresses are, silly. Go on what else -- +It's a bit more daring than your average dress and I've still to choose a veil and shoes+ --Have you tried it on yet? -- +Apart from the original trying on and fitting, no+ --I've got to...
I stood up in the bath, water dripping off my naked body. The spa jets still creating surging waters beneath me. That personalised ring tone Andrew had insisted on putting on my iPhone. Corny. Tacky. Horrible. But, still, I stood up, obediently, ready to answer it. But being well brought up, manners wise, I couldn’t bring myself to step out of the bath and run across the carpet to answer it. Not dripping wet. I remember thinking to myself, Damn! I forgot to call home earlier! I was too...
CheatingBrenda knew she was in trouble. As she walked to her car, her fingers trembled as she reached for her car keys. As she pressed the button to unlock the power locks to her car, she wondered how bad it would be. Brenda felt an uneasy feeling deep within her stomach. She had been a terribly naughty girl and knew she was going to have to pay a heavy price.As she put her car in reverse and backed out of the narrow parking spot, Brenda felt a small stream of cum trickle from her pussy. Not more than...
Mike and Jenny had left Tanya alone in the flat (apartment to you Americans!) and went down town, Jenny's phone went and she was called in to work. " Shit I'm sorry mike, I have to go in, sort Tanya out for me a fucking Dom has let me down, she was going to whip her for me today and as you know I'm not into giving it!"" OK" said Mike " Can I do what I want with her?" " Yes sweetheart, really fucking punish her then fuck the arse off her!!!" Jenny felt Mike's balls then went off. Mike went back...
Mature and Younger, Flashing and Flaunting, Impregnation, Kink and FetishBrenda panted rapid breaths, legs spread, feet in stirrups waiting to have her baby. She thought it would be much easier since Barry had really stretched her, inserting large toys, fist and sharing her with his friends. Having her legs up was a normal position since he got her pregnant. At 39, she hadn't been pregnant in 19 years and was certain back then, she wouldn't have another. It was the unexpected "Bomb Cyclone...
Johnny B. Brenda ----------------- Disclaimer: No one and nothing in this story is real. If you have any questions or like my story, tell me at [email protected], k? -------- Synopsis -------- Johnny hates his workmate Brenda. He's given the chance to do something about it when he's suddenly in her body. ----------- "She did it again! That bitch!" Johnny was fuming. He couldn't sit down any more and his buddy watched him pace around in their section of...
Author: male raised in a rural area with not much to do when growing up, luckily sex was a big part of life in those days. While of average height and looks I was pretty tanned and toned due to an active outdoors lifestyle. These stories are true and not embellished * but names have been changed as I still know some of the subjects 40 years later &hellip, *This story is mostly true &hellip, I have just taken things a bit further than what actually happened by adding a bit of fantasy to the...
Wednesday morning I awoke to Andrew’s touch coming from behind me as I lay on my side. Stroking my body. We had made a pact early on in our relationship to always sleep naked as we both believe it stimulates intimacy. His hand moved across my hip to my vagina and I raised my right leg slightly to grant him access. His fingers were strumming my sex and making me hum in my drowsy state. I slowly started to think about the night before and… Wait! This isn’t Andrew! This is Dale! Oh my God! I...
CheatingAs Carlo went home that evening to his empty flat, he reflected on the events of the previous few weeks. The new owner, Tanya, seemed to be very nice, and so attractive too, in a fairly stern sort of way. The fact that Mrs. Foster had decided to sell had not really been a surprise, but it had been unsettling nonetheless. Carlo had fallen into an easy, unchallenging routine since the death of his mother, and the work in the shop had not only provided sufficient income to pay his bills,...
Panic set in instantly. Carlo's (for he had returned immediately) fingers flew to his mouth in a shocked movement that was instinctively feminine - though he was in no state of mind to appreciate it - as his mind raced with a hundred panicky thoughts. "Er, ..... Mrs Ver..., Tanya...., what...?" His spluttering, hesitant reply was cut off abruptly. "Look, Carlo, I've come quite a distance in this awful weather, on Christmas Eve, to bring your Christmas present, I need you to let me...
Pam and Ethan's sexploits continue... Ch 22Ethan watched the customers walk away from the counter with their trays of food, and his mouth was watering. One more time, he scanned the menu board, trying to decide how to get the most out of the last four dollars and s*******n cents he had this month. This would be his last decent meal for the month before his Mom sent him another check for food and expenses.Out of the corner of his eye he noticed someone lining up behind him and turned to say hi....
Ethan watched the customers walk away from the counter with their trays of food, and his mouth was watering. One more time, he scanned the menu board, trying to decide how to get the most out of the last four dollars and seventeen cents he had this month. This would be his last decent meal for the month before his parents sent him another check for food and expenses. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed someone lining up behind him and turned to say hi. The person behind him was a young...
InterracialWake up....Wake up...Caleb If you don't wake up Brenda is going to school without you, I could vaguely hear older sister Jasmine scream in my half sleep state. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and I saw my sister standing over me, if you're not ready in fifteen minutes then we will be gone. Come on down for breakfast while you wait, I hear my mom call from downstairs. Well since Brenda, my sister's best friend, is my ride let me get out of this bed and as I walk to my bathroom shower let me tell...
Wake up....Wake up...Caleb If you don't wake up Brenda is going to school without you, I could vaguely hear older sister Jasmine scream in my half sleep state. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and I saw my sister standing over me, if you're not ready in fifteen minutes then we will be gone. Come on down for breakfast while you wait, I hear my mom call from downstairs. Well since Brenda, my sister's best friend, is my ride let me get out of this bed and as I walk to my bathroom shower let me tell...
I first met Brenda when she worked for one of my customers. She was an accountant and was often present when I visited with my contact in the purchasing department. In my first memory of her she was leaning against a filing cabinet listening in on a conversation I was having with one of the buyers. She was wearing pair of blue jeans tight enough to show her perfectly shaped hips. Her butt was pushed against the cabinet and I was impressed that it was nice and soft I wanted grab it. It was then...
Many years ago I was invited to participate in an Open Tournament in the USA. People from all over the world were invited, and I was really looking forward to it! Because this was a chance to see more of the country, I decided to arrive earlier and leave later.In those days, money was a real issue with me, and I had to look for a flight I could afford. By far the cheapest way was to fly there ten days before the start of the tournament and back a week after it. I called the head of the...
She felt odd. People were talking all around her, but she wasn't hearing what they were saying. A waiter came by and filled her glass again. Under the table she felt a hand stroking her leg. Something was wrong, but what? She closed her eyes and tried to think. There was someone she needed to see; someone she needed to talk to. The hand was stroking her thigh. She shook her head to try and clear it and the room seemed to revolve, to turn in slow motion. She tried to stand up and fell against...
I only had a few weeks of school left. My Mom worked two jobs. She worked long hours and the weekends. I was looking forward after graduation, to spending some alone time with nobody in the house but me. No rules and even better, no adult person around, to tell me what to do. That thought last about a week before my Mom sat me down and explained my Aunt was coming to stay with us for awhile. I tried to tune my Mom out but she kept talking. My Aunt Brenda was my Mom’s step sister. They...
The wind made a low moaning sound as it blew through the branches of the poplar trees that surrounded the park. The sky was overcast and grey and looked as dejected as I was feeling that day. It had been only a week earlier that I had been informed by my fiancée that she no longer wanted to marry me. A couple of months prior, she’d been offered a job in California and jumped at the opportunity without even discussing it with me. I didn’t really believe that she was serious about leaving and it...
Our neighborhood has always had it’s share of excitement, with our circle of sexually active couples that like to push the envelope when it comes to fooling around. Whether it be the naked pool parties, wife swapping, lesbian trysts, or sex toy parties, you can always count on our block to keep things interesting.Brenda is a divorced 45-year-old that has to be the leader when it comes to sexual partners. Although I don’t think she’s been with other women, it’s no secret that the attractive blue...
As a bachelor living alone in LA the idea of not having a weapon or two to protect myself and anyone with me in the case of emergency bothered me tremendously . I've never handled a loaded gun so I figured my best option was to get Items that could work as applicable melee weapons in the case of an emergency . On my quest to find protection I at one point end up in a Big 5 purchasing a beautiful Black and Silver Bat I affectionately have named Brenda .I do a few practice swings in the parking...
Enter Bad Brenda by PYT Kirk and Tommy ran full speed out into the parking lot behind shopping mall. Pausing behind a dumpster, the two boys caught their breath. Kirk pulled a box from his track and field jacket. "I think we lost the mall security guards," said Kirk. "Yeah," said the smaller boy. "But I don't think it was such a great idea to steal from a wizard." "Pfaw! He was a guy in a bathrobe in a mall. You are so dumb sometimes." "Oh yeah? Well how do you explain the...
As she leaned over her patient's bed, Brenda felt his hand slide up her waist. "Now Jim," she chided him in a teasing voice. "What did I tell you about keeping your hands to yourself?" She gave him a flirtatious wink, but didn't push his hand away. "I know honey," he laughed, "but you feel so good." "My name is Brenda, not honey," she scolded him, but her smile took the bite out of her words. She laughed at the twinkle in the older man's eyes. His handsome features had attracted...
Both her and I were shall we say, quite young for sex but that didn’t stop us. Her family had moved in next door a couple years before and being that me and her where the same age, and I also think because she was kind of a tom boy, me and her “got along like peas and carrots” as Forrest would say. Now both our families were pretty much, middle class, white folk, stuck in the middle of the desert and that is about it. no glamour here. Anyways, we would spend our days together in school on the...
Recollections JoSoon after going to my secondary school after dinner it was raining and so we were allowed to go to the room for our first after dinner lesson early. I was first into the room and sat down at the desk allocated to me. A few minutes later Jo came in. I instantly noticed that I could see the best part of 2 inches of bright white slip dropping down beneath her dark blue pleated school skirt at the back. The skirt finished about 2 inches above her knees. The girls wore white socks...
Chapter two: Paying Brenda 10 Paying Brenda The next time I went to Brenda's house I anonymously left Brenda the money for all three packages in change that I put into her piggy bank. Now I reckoned that fate would let me keep my new purchased panties and I left it at that. Result: fate would now judge. I finally dared open one of the packages when I got home. However for self-punishment as a bonus to help my karma score I did not wear them for a whole week. Every day I left the...
When I do take time to think about my old life before I met my Mistress, which is very rare nowadays, I am astounded how easily I fell under her spell. I chuckle to myself when I think how I used to believe she had either d**gged or hypnotised me to give myself so easily and readily to her.It started one day when I received a job to repair a couple of windows at her very palatial home for the little family company I worked for. We did mainly high class work for rich clients and prided ourselves...
PLEASE RATE if you aren't pleasuring yourself to much! ;) Tanya was one of the cutest chicks in your class. She had 32-B tits and a nicely shaped ass. But rumor was, she was a virgin. As in she still had an un-popped cherry. As in fucking her would be tight!!!! You ask Tanya out on a date, and to your pleasure she accepts. You arrange a date, time, and place. You arrive at her place to pick her up. She's wearing a knee-length (but still quite sexy) denim skirt, and a black spaghetti strap...
As the bath filled, Dale headed into the bathroom and I think he peed into the toilet (although I couldn’t hear over the spa water filling), then flushed and washed his hands. I was pleased he washed; men who fail to maintain this basic hygiene standard annoy the hell out of me. I was still standing where he left me, naked. I was even shivering a little as the heating wasn’t on and it was a cool evening. I was aware my nipples remained erect, either from excitement or the evening chill. Dale...
CheatingHello friends mera naam he Simrita aur me likhne ja rahi hu ek jawan ladki ki kahani. Hello guys, mera naam he Tanya ye baat ek mahine pehle ki hai jab mere boyfriend Ronak ne mujhe pehli baar choda tha aur meri virginity todi thi me 18 saal ki hu aur wo 21 saal ka he hum dono 2 saal se ek sath he aur ek dusre se bohot pyaar karte he. Mein uspe bohot bharosa karti hu aur wo bhi mere sath puri tarah se faithful he in do saalo me usne mujhe itna pyar diya he ke mene kabhi socha bhi nahi tha ki...
Ronak mujhe chonki ankho se dekhta raha jese uska dil aur dimag koi jung lad rahe ho. Fir achanak mano usne apne dil aur dimag ki bat sunni bandh kar di ho, wo meri taraf badha aur mere nazdik aa gaya. Meri aankhe bandh ho chuki thi. Usne mujhe apni baaho me jakad liya. Me uski saanse apne hotho pe mehsus kar sakti thi. Aur bohot hi dhire se usne apne lips mere lips pe touch kiye. Mere ronkte fir se khade ho chuke the. Par usne ek second me hi apne lips hata liye. Me wese hi ankhe bandh kare...
My older brothers daughter Tanya was coming to visit again, just like she had since she was a young. Now she had turned 18 and it was maybe the tenth time she came over during the last years. She had always been looking up to me alot not ever causing any trouble. If I said I used to listen to a certain band that would be the next thing she listened to when she came over next year etc.. Quite a lot had happened to her last year, now before me stood a cute blond and skinny teen with a more mature...
Before I begin my story, let me introduce myself. I am Tanya, a thirty-five year old mother of a three-year-old Nina and very happily married to Andrew, my husband and partner of nine years. I live in Sydney, Australia and am professionally employed as a Workplace Trainer for an Accounting software firm. This requires me to travel extensively and be away from home for days at a time, which I couldn’t do without Andrew’s wonderful support.I stand five feet eight tall, with long dark hair and...
CheatingHey guys this is shubham back with a story submitted by one of my followers. It might be a bit slow but i bet its worth it. Enjoy. All these years, my abode was my dad’s apartment. Being the only child, the apartment belonged to me by default. But life changed a lot in the last five years. I’m thirty five and still single. Since my mother died eight years ago, dad was a lonely ape needing a life partner who could stimulate him intellectually and physically. This restless ape’s mentee turned out...
The Master now devoted his attention to Tanya, she had pleased him tremendously, helping in the initiation of Bliss! Had he not given her a beautiful two-carat diamond pendant for on her clit ring? The Master spoke and told Tanya: ‘You have been a good slave and have pleased your Master, you will spend the night with your Master in his bed.’ With that, he helped Tanya to her feet. She had been in the position, thighs wide spread, head on her chest and hands behind her back! He led her into...
It was 6am when the alarm clock rang, jarring me awake. I opened my eyes and instinctively jumped out of bed and headed for the bathroom, another long day locked in a small office all alone. It was until I had washed my face and brushed my teeth that I realized how wet my pussy was and slowly the dream I was so shockingly awoke from slowly began to invade my consciousness, it was another in the long series of dreams id had for weeks now. I was having wild passionate sex in all sorts of...
brendacd....mmmmm, i wonder about your "cuckold" hot ideasamgrant1865Want to hear, then?brendacdyes, plezzzzzzzzzzzzsamgrant1865Okay, I think first he needs to be stripped naked, gagged, and tied into a chair, so he has a good view. And his hands must be tied so that no matter how hard he tries, he can't get to his cock.He can listen, when I tell you to strip. And then after you have taken off all your clothes, I will tell you to strip me, too.And when you take down my pants, he can see my cock...
Tanya was grateful to Nurse Eva for getting her labor started with a good, strong and effective medical orgasm. Just as promised, a few minutes after having the hardest, most shatteringly fantastic cum she could ever remember in her life, her labor pains started. It was excruciatingly painful, but at least her baby was being born. That's all that counted. She had been extremely embarrassed to receive this medical treatment from Eva, but it had done the job. It was a necessary and proper...
I repeat myself looking from Jewels to Sara. “You have made me the happiest I've ever been.” Jewels giggles and says. “Are you happy enough to cook dinner for us?" I give them a quick kiss and reply. “I am always happy enough to spoil my loves.” I smile brightly, walked to the bathroom and quickly wash my hands before going to the kitchen. Once inside the kitchen I remove five stakes from the freezer and place them on the counter to defrost. I start looking through the other...
Hi, I am Swetha from Kerala and settled in Bangalore. I am here sharing my sex story, profile, my complete history and what I want in future with an expectation that I may find my prince who really really loves me and accepts what I am. I tried to find suitable alliances from matrimony websites and nothing worked out, few meetings happened and after I explained a few bits they ran away. Honestly, I don’t want to cheat anyone that I am a virgin. Please read the complete summary until the end and...
She loves every bit of his cock. She loves it in her hands, her mouth, her pussy, and in her ass. Her favorite place is in her mouth. Sucking on it makes her hornier then anything else. Her hot tight pussy gets soaking wet while she sucks him. When he talks dirty to her she tends to suck faster and faster. She loves to suck his cock. He loves having his cock sucked by her. It drives him nuts. He loves to feel her soft lips on the shaft and her wet hot mouth wrapped around its hard mass. He...
She loves every bit of his cock. She loves it in her hands, her mouth, her pussy, and in her ass. Her favorite place is in her mouth. Sucking on it makes her hornier then anything else. Her hot tight pussy gets soaking wet while she sucks him. When he talks dirty to her she tends to suck faster and faster. She loves to suck his cock. He loves having his cock sucked by her. It drives him nuts. He loves to feel her soft lips on the shaft and her wet hot mouth wrapped around its hard mass. He...
Oral SexMy wife Marcia loves threesomes. Cock and more cock, the feel of male bodies and strong male hands all over her combined with deep insistent kisses are what make Marcia squirm. Since we’re swingers she’s been with a few women. Lots of women in couples are bi. Some so much we think that is all they are after in the Lifestyle. Not Marcia. She loves cock, plain and simple. Marcia is the best wife and lover a man could ask for so when Christmas rolled around I just had to come up with a...
I just got off the phone with one of my black boyfriends when I heard my husband’s car pull into the driveway. I was talking to James for the past hour and my pussy was still wet in anticipation of our date later this evening. James always makes my pussy wet when we talk on the phone. My husband sat down for dinner while I hurried in to take a shower. I stood under the hot water allowing the hot water stimulate my already aroused nipples. I’m fairly well endowed and the water was...