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Tanya had agreed to try it, to see if it was really as bad as people said it was, and as good. She knew she was placing herself in the hands of people she hardly knew, people who could, and would, take advantage of her, but it was all to be filmed, so she could see afterwards, what she had done, and what had been done to her. because apparently. People who had undergone this, had little or no memory, and she wanted to know what had taken place.

The drug would be given without warning, as was normal, and when it took effect, she would know nothing about who had done it, or what they did to her, until she saw the film. She had given permission for them to do anything to her, including full sex, in writing to the man she had approached about it, though he did tell her that he would not be taking part. He was purely an organiser.

Handing the man the envelope with the cash in it, she noticed he didn’t bother counting it, but told her that at some stage in the next eight days, it would happen, without warning, and she would not know the person who administered it. As of that moment in time, there was no escape, the wheels were in motion, even if she backed out, it would still happen.

?What if I do chicken out? If I decide its too much??

?As of this moment, chickening out is not an option. You have signed the agreement, and have paid the money in full. What you have asked for is now out of your control. It will happen, at a time we decide, and you will not know the person. It may be a friend, and it may be a stranger. You will never know, and once it starts, only your recordings will tell you what has happened to you?

Even as Tanya thought about what he had said, the man had gone. Disappeared into the crowds of the shopping centre. She knew she would never see him again, and also knew he meant what he said. She was going to experience it, though would not know about it until afterwards.

Tanya had paid the man on Monday, and it was now Thursday, and, as yet, nothing had happened. To be honest, she had hardly been out, apart from work, and there was no-one there she could think of that could be dragged into this to give her the drug. She reasoned that if she stayed home most nights, it would make it harder to get at her.

Although she wanted to experience it, she was also extremely nervous about it. Once it started, she would have no idea what they did to her, and that both frightened and excited her. she had dampened a few pair of panties in the past three or four days, bit she knew that no matter what she did to avoid the eventual consequences, she would be caught out somewhere. And sometime soon.

She half wanted it, had paid a lot of money to get it, but feared it equally. Normally in full control of her life, she knew she would have none at all if they succeeded.  They would do whatever it was they did, and she knew she would be in no position to stop them. The drug would ensure that.

It was now Friday morning, and she made herself her usual cup of coffee, a little milk, and two sugars. As she did every morning.

It was only as she took her shower that she started to feel strange, as if she were dreaming. The wall seemed to be much closer than normal. The water hotter as it cascaded over her flesh.

She tried to lift her hand to adjust the heat, but it seemed to disobey her, hanging straight by her side, unable to lift it. Instinctively, she knew the cause, and tried to figure out how it had been done, but the need to sleep interrupted her, as she slowly sank to the base of the shower. Her ordeal was about to start.

Above and to the left of Tanya’s head, a ceiling tile moved, and two men, both dressed in black, dropped from the false ceiling. The drug had been hidden in the milk, and Tanya had actually administered it to herself unwittingly. At least she had collapsed in the safety of her own home, and after checking that she was breathing alright, one of the men made a phone call. The bogus ambulance would be there in less than five minutes.

No-one would be any the wiser, as Tanya would be taken out of the house in a wheel chair, looking to all as if she was actually asleep.

A few minutes later the man’s phone rang twice and stopped. The two men who had now wrapped Tanya ion a blanket, still naked, carried her to the front door, where a third man, with a wheel chair, now stood waiting.

The two men had dispensed with their black coveralls, and now sported green paramedic uniforms, so as not to attract the wrong attention.

Minutes later the ambulance was driving away from Tanya’s home, and taking her to a place she would endure much. The drug she had taken was not the one she had expected, this was simply a sleeping drug, and she would wake up in a few hours, totally aware of what was happening to her.

It was only a twenty minute drive to the warehouse the men had rented, using a legitimate company name, and paid in cash for a two month period. Tanya would not be the only one to experience what they had to offer.

Pulling into the warehouse the ambulance stopped, and one of the men wheeled Tanya over to one side, where another man was waiting.

?She looks okay? said the man, as he inspected the sleeping girl. ?Looks strong, she could do the heavy stuff I think. Talk to Davis and see what he thinks, don’t ant her wasted on the light shit if she can handle more?

The man wheeled Tanya over to a grey haired man in his late fifties, his steel blue eyes giving nothing away as he looked Tanya over, feeling her arms and legs, before grabbing each of her tits separately, and squeezing them.

?Yeah, maybe.? He said, as his fingers plunged into her pussy. ?She looks strong enough, has nice tits and her pussy isn’t too small. I reckon we can get away with it. You and Al go prep her. I want the leather harness on her, the one with hooks?

?Okay? the man responded, as he wheeled the girl over to a room to one side of the warehouse.

Neither he nor his friend Al cared what went on here. They were paid well enough to make sure that the girls actually arrived, and were prepared. After that, their job was done. Only once had a girl not been up to the job, and she was buried deep in some woods down in the London area. It had been a shame, as Steve could have fucked her himself had he been allowed before she died. But neither he nor Al ever got that pleasure, apart from once, when they picked up a housewife who only wanted kidnapping. Fucking in the back of a van, and being thrown out not knowing where she was, naked.

They had dropped her on the outskirts of Watford, a good fifty miles from home, naked, and blindfolded. They watched from a distance as the woman removed the blindfold, before driving off, leaving her to find her own way home.

No doubt she had managed to get a lift, but at what cost?

This one was not to be fucked, well, not just yet. She would be tortured first, of that Steve was sure, especially if she was going to be put into the harness.  Maybe later, she would be fucked, but it would not be himself or Al.

Steve and Al worked quickly to get Tanya into the harness. It was a series of straps pulled tightly around the body just under the shoulders, at the elbows, at the wrists, holding her arms at her sides. More straps were p[laced at her upper thighs, kneels. mid calves and her ankles, so she could not open her legs at all. Other straps ran vertical at the sides and both front and back, leading to straps that ran across the tops of her shoulders, into which were fastened two strong welded rings.

Placing the ropes through the rings, and attaching them to the winch, Tanya was lifted off the ground, helpless and immobile.

It was another hour before Tanya slowly began to waken up, her eyes not really registering where she was at first. she tried to move her hands to rub sleep from her eyes, but though her fingers could move, she was unable to raise her arms, or even move them.

As she began to focus she could see the warehouse surrounding her, and realised that her feet were not touching the ground, though she couldn’t quite make out why. Though she was waking, the sleeping drug was still fuzzing her head.

Without warning, there was a loud crack behind her, a seering pain on her arse, and her mouth opened to scream, but no sound came out, but her body bucked in pain, as the whip brought an angry red welt across her buttocks.

Even before the pain died down, a second crack, a second silent scream, and a second red welt. Tanya could not see who was causing her this pain, even her head refused to move from side to side, only the p[ain caused her body to buck with each vicious stroke of the whip cracking across her defenceless arse.

Someone moved around to the front of her, a man wearing a black body suit, and a leather hood, covering everything but his eyes. The whip in his hand looked menacing, but as he lashed it out, hitting her firmly across the tits, her mouth opened yet again to scream her silent scream, her tits glaring red where the whip had landed.

Tanya could not even move her fingers, though they were not restricted. No part of her body was her own, and yet, she could feel the pain deep with each new lash of the whip, across her tits, her stomach and her legs.

She tried in vain to evade the lashes, but nothing worked for her, and the shower of whip lashes continued, up and down her legs and body. She could feel something warm dribbling down one leg, and she knew instinctively that the whip had broken flesh somewhere, but she could not feel where. The whole of the front of her body was criss crossed with red welts, and angry pains.

Slowly moving around her, the man sent the whip out time after time, covering her with the red welts, across her torso, her legs her arms, her back, and everywhere he could. The only place untouched was her head and face.

Tanya could hear the man speaking, but the words meant nothing to her, it was almost as if this was a dream, a painful dream, but a dream nonetheless.

A few ninutes later and she could feel herself being lowered, though even when her feet touched the ground, she was unable to support her own weight, and two other men, also dressed in black from head to foot, began releasing her from the winch, and removing the leather harness.

Now naked, and with her head lolling, she was able to see some of the welts the whip had raised, but the pain from each had dissipated.

The two men grabbed an arm each and dragged her across the stone floor. Tanya could feel the uneven floor ripping at her flesh, but was totally unable to even struggle for freedom, as she was dragged to the other side of the warehouse.

There was a metal bed onto which she was placed, her arms stretched above her head, and out stretched, her ankles also pulled wide, before being secured, leaving Tanya spread eagled.

One of the men stood next to her face and unzipped a panel on his black suit, allowing his cock to spring free. Tanya could see it clearly, and even though she had limited experience of cocks, having only had sex three times in her life, she knew this was a large one, and, as yet, it wasn’t even hard.

The man began to stroke his cock, and Tanya watched as it seemed to grow, longer, and wider, as it also became hard.

Without a word the man climbed onto the metal bed, between her legs, and she could feel his weight on her as he lay down, covering her own body with his.

She tried to shake her head, to tell them to stop, but it refused to obey her, as she felt the tip of the man’s cock pressing at her pussy lips.

Seconds later, the head of his cock forced its way into her pussy, opening her up, forcing its way slowly deeper.

Tanya could feel it, but her screams of pain remained silent, as the cock pressed ever deeper into her, stretching her pussy wider.

Then, without a warning, the man slammed his cock deep, filling her, hitting her cervix as he started to move his hips, his cock sliding in and out of her. deeper and deeper. Fucking her like she had never been fucked before.

Even as the man fucked her, she could see a second man unfastening the flap on his suit, exposing his cock. Tanya knew that when the first guy finished, he would take his place. She was going to be fucked a second time, and she could do nothing to stop it.

The man in hr pussy was moving faster, and pressing deeper. His breathing was more laboured, and he was sweating, heavily. She knew he was about to cum, and could do nothing to top him cumming inside her, , as his cock drove ever deeper.

Suddenly, the man groaned, and stopped, his  cock buried deep inside Tanya’s pussy, and she knew he was sending his hot spunk deep into her pussy. But she could still do nothing to stop him, fearing a pregnancy, but unable to stop it.

Seconds later he pulled way from her, wiping his cock clean on the inside of her thighs. As she suspected, as soon as he moved away, the second man was between her legs, his cock ready and thrusting into her.

There was no gentleness, no prelude. It was a simple thrust, and he was in, fucking her madly and deeply.

Tanya opened her mouth to protest, but no sound came from her, as the man’s cock drove deeper and deeper into her.

Her whole body hurt from the previous whipping, as she lay there unable to stop what was happening to her. the man’s cock drove deeper than she had expected, and stopped. Tanya knew he was also cumming in her, filling her pussy with his spunk.

If she got pregnant from this, she would never know who the father was. This thought excited and frightened her.

Even as he pulled out of her, a third man moved between her legs, but not to fuck her, he brought a needle and thread, and began to sew Tanya’s pussy closed. Each time the needle penetrated her flesh, Tanya screamed her silent scream. It took a lot of effort to penetrate, but soon her pussy lips were sewn closed. Whatever was still in there would be trapped.

Tanya was then released from her bonds, but still unable to do anything for herself, s she was lifted from the table and placed on the floor.

Again, she could feel the hard surface against her back as she was dragged to another part of the warehouse.

She was placed on a saint Andrews cross and secured, then left alone, as she tried to remember what had happened so far to her. but the memories were vague and intermittent.

Even as she stood fastened to the cross, she was losing the memory of how she got there, and much of what had already happened to her.

There was a sudden cracking sound, and a line of fire erupted across her back, as the bull whip landed. She tried to scream in agony, but no sound passed her lips, as a second crack invaded the silence, and a second line of fire burned it’s way across the flesh of her arse.

Her body jerked uncontrollably, but her screams were as mute as the people whipping her. she could hear the cracks of the whip, feel the lines of fire building up across her back and buttocks,  as the whipping continued relentlessly.

How much could she take, how many times would that fire burn her back, before it all stopped? It seemed to go on endlessly, her whole back and buttocks burning with the sting of the whip, her body criss-crossed with angry red welts, and blow after blow was delivered.

When she passed out, she could not remember, nor could she remember being taken off the cross and laid on the bed on which she found herself.

She felt a needle in her arm, and heard distant voices telling her she was being given more drugs, better drugs, but she would not be able to prevent what was going to happen to her after it.

Tanya felt herself being rolled over onto her stomach, hr arms were pulled wide, and her legs spread. Her breathing was even, but her back burned as someone seemed to be climbing on the bed behind her, his cool flesh against her back almost refreshing.

Until she felt the cock, and realised what was about to happen. She tried to make her body answer her commands, but it ignored her, laying inert as the cock slowly pressed at her tight sphincter. Seconds later, she felt it open her wide, as the cock slowly sank into her arse.

She struggled to throw the man off, but her body refused to answer, as his cock sank deeper into her, filling her arse. She would have screamed at the pain, but her screams were silent, as if caught in her throat, as the man began to move, his cock sliding in and out of her, his whole weight pressing against her buttocks as he sank his cock as deep as he could into the helpless Tanya.

Maybe it was her tightness, or maybe the man was more than excited, and after what seemed to be a few minutes, she felt him slam hard and deep, felt his cock jerking inside her,  felt the small rivulet of spunk flooding out as he came deep in her arse.

Even as the man pulled out of her, his cock sliding from her arse, a second man was waiting to take his place. His cock slid easily into Tanya’s now lubricated passageway, filling her once again, as he immediately began to ram hard and deep into her. was it as long as the first man? Tanya couldn’t remember, but she did feel his cock jerk harshly inside her, as he emptied his sac into her.

Man after man took her, raping her arse, making it feel open and vulnerable as they did so.

She had lost count of the men, and could hardly remember her own name, as one man pulled out from her, but, no-one took his place. Her inner thighs were soaked with the juices of so many different men, the sticky warm juices flooding on the mattress between her legs.

Once again, she was turned over onto her back, laying in the , now cold, wetness that had been caused, feeling the mattress sticking to her back. She tried to sit up, but still her body refused to answer her will, staying where it was, spread eagled, and available.

Her eyes suddenly felt tired, her lids slowly closing, blocking out the light, as she passed easily into unconsciousness again.

Her ordeal itself, was almost over, but she would never actually remember what had happened to her. the cameras filming her were the only evidence to show her, and she would not see them for some time.

The journey home was as blank to Tanya as her journey to the warehouse had been. She would never know where she had been taken to, thought the film would eventually arrive to show her what had happened to her.

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I jolted awake as the bathroom door clicked shut. I waited until I heard the lock click before I breathed. I heard a zipper and the sound of fabric against skin. I peeked around the shower curtain and almost shouted with glee. It was Earin. I had deliberately waited until I knew my parents would be in bed. I jerked aside the shower curtain. "Surprise!" Earin jumped and hurriedly covered up her hairless vag. "Dray!" She gasped. "What are you doing?" I grinned. "Earin, I think...

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Where are you

I was really hoping that I could have you next to me doing as you command, granting your every wish right now, twisting your G-spot like hurricane katrina. Smacking my cock right at the tip of your of wet lips. You feel me? Mmm your moan feeds my hunger, my hunger grows with each waking breath, while your legs lay wrapped around my neck squeezing tighter, as pleasure has overwhelmed your body. Your lips touch mine, as my fingers run through your hair. Sweat covers the both of us as the heat...

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Retreat Robledo Mountain 3Chapter 18

Our final day in Santa Fe was hectic as Tom and I, with the ready assistance of the escort teams, gathered supplies for the trip home in the morning, and picked up the trunks, booze, and books that afternoon. With little fanfare, we departed Santa Fe the next morning after a good breakfast with the Judge, Hiram, Helen, and Steve. We assured all of them but most especially Helen that we’d be back the first week in November with the ladies and babies. Pushing the animals hard we travelled...

2 years ago
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Skin Deep II Chapter 15

Chapter 15 A Final Waltz One year later, July 18th 2103 AD Michelle stood on the balcony of the Sheraton Rio in the newborn Brazilian morning, now not two hours old, still another four hours from sunrise. She looked up at the vast hillsides covered with specks of light for as far as the eye could see. When Gary suggested they take a small vacation, it seemed to her to be an ill timed idea. She would have leapt at any chance to stay at home, to hide from the feelings that...

1 year ago
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Lady Janice of SterlingChapter 2 The Mind Control Session

"Janice?" I touched Janice lightly on the arm. It was Friday night and we were both sitting at the dinner table. I had mixed the drug into a small glass of ice tea which Janice had just drunk. "Yes, Paul?" she asked, sleepily. The drug was taking hold. Janice closed her eyes and leaned back against the dining room chair. It was time to execute Step One of the plan. Jack had explained everything in great detail the night before. "STEP ONE:" he had said. "Under the influence of the...

2 years ago
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My Ladies first Gangbang

It was just a normal Midsummer evening, the sun had just started to go down and Amy had decided that she wante to go with Dave to the pub for a few drinks. Amy was 20 5ft6 with curvey hips and a round bottom, she also had 36e boobs the kind that sagged sexilly under thier natural weight. She was wearing an airy summer dress that was soft and almost silky on her soft skin. She had decided that it had been to warm for her to wear and underwear. Dave was happy to take his sexy wife to the pub he...

4 years ago
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Clay takes me to the pond

Did I really want to hang out with my 18 year old cousin (hot and hung), his friend with benefits, Nate, and an unknown cruisy park where guys hang out and cruise and play? Fuck yeah, I said. But what about your Dad, I asked, and Clay said to leave him a note that I went to practice with him, to work out.He jumped on his phone, and we darted around the house packing water, towels, snacks, gear, lube, sunscreen, etc. to take. He tossed me a backpack and I shoved my University N2N brief, a...

3 years ago
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Under the Full Moon

A vampire can only reproduce on a Friday the 13th, under a full moon, and the female has to be a virgin. Passion, lust…love; it doesn’t matter the kind of fuck, as long as the female becomes impregnated. We’re prepared for it during our schooling, but it could happen at any age in our lives, provided we are sixteen or over, and that it’s the right date and moon cycle. Of course, we never get to choose who we fuck for the first time, it’s always the males who decide. My boyfriend planned to fuck...

2 years ago
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Encounter with an Enkantada Part 1

Juliana is a young Enkantada, born from a bud rose. She has long flowing hair, vibrant blue eyes, luscious lips, full breasts and skin white as snow. ---- I met her in a forest when I decided to hunt for a wild boar. I laid my eyes on her while she was taking a bath in a small pond. She was wearing a white camisole, with nothing underneath. It hugged her body perfectly, emphasizing her curves, full rounded breasts, a tiny waist, and wide hips. My manhood begun to harden as I watched splashes...

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Caught on Camera

Tracy forced on a wide, gleaming smile.  ?I'm here for the eleven o'clock appointment?  Tracy??The receptionist gave her a doubtful look, then began to leaf through a grimy stack of papers, his eyes occasionally darting back at her.  Tracy felt her smile begin to waver; she knew she should've worn something else.She'd spent all morning going through her closet, trying on several completely different outfits before ending up with this one.  She had no idea what would be considered appropriate,...

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A Loving Parent

Ruby Crocker was a single mother. Her husband had abandoned their family without warning. The excuse was 'I need to sow some wild oats'. The truth was Guy Crocker was a bum. He just didn't want to be responsible for being a husband and father anymore.Ruby had two c***dren to bring up by herself. She adored them so. It was the young parent's intentions to keep them safe and always loved. The mother wishes were that they remember only each other could be relied on. They were family and nothing...

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The Champions Companion 13

“Hey you're supposed to catch me.” He called “Hey come here!” Princess Ruegin ambled off with a leather portfolio and spectacles. She seemed to have aged twenty years over the trip with the glasses on and her hair pulled back. Her Hjordis followed quietly while stifling a yawn. “Marcos, my little angels and I have needs. We shall need the largest bed possible tonight.” Kaarthen said as they joined. “There is a common sleeping room. They use a barn and cover the floor with...

2 years ago
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I spent the night at her house. And we had fun...watching movies with her parents, eating popcorn. We slept together in her bed and after kissing and making out for awhile, we both slipped off to sleep.The foggy edges of the dream crept into my conciuos mind, soft and wet, sliding over me. I fought to hold onto the wamr feelings inside me even as mmy body was waking up. The sun was already shining in the room, and my eyes blinked open. It still took a few moments to realize Julie was the...

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The Rape of Maya Chapter Three

Introduction: Mistress Ms Slave Training, of Maya as a sex slave! The Rape of Maya Chapter Three Mistress Ms Slave Training, of Maya as a sex slave! All three of these women are now in separate chambers and hanging upside down by their ankles,.. This has left them totally naked and helplessly swinging slowly back and forth! The next part will be getting them trained and ready. This is done by first letting them know who their boss is and who is in charge! Mistress M just loves to hang new...

1 year ago
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Renaissance A note at the beginning. This is the start of a long piece. I plan to slowly develop the characters and take them through as realistic journey as possible. If you are from the Northeast and interested, Janskill is modeled mostly after Cold Springs, NY with a bit of Mt. Kisko, NY thrown in for good measure. Redemption Part 1. Introduction: I like Wittmer's Caf?. It can't make up its mind if it is a coffee shop or a restaurant and is conveniently situated in the s...

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September Gurl

September Gurl Belladonna [Author's Note: With Apologies to Big Star for the Title] Davis Perry rubbed his fingers across his forehead before he looked down at his son and said, "Are you sure you can handle it?" "Mom's asking me to watch Susanna for a few days, not go to the moon," Peter retorted, shaking his head. Susanna was four years younger than him and just entering high school. Peter had graduated the June before, but he had decided to take a year off before going to...

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Sex with couple

I would call myself rg and i am a male 34 living in india at present.i have submitted a few real life incidents in different sections. This one that i am going to type is a real start to an exciting relation. I used to live abroad in the gulf for many years and in between i even had to be in a country where everything was taboo. I had to find pleasure with the internet connection that came in big packets and took almost a day to load a page. Somehow along the course of my few months there i got...

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First Time For SisterChapter 11

Billie's mind had been tumbling head over heels with strange drunken thoughts and she didn't notice when the truck tilted up a steep pull-off and bounced to a stop against a half-buried boulder. Even after Hanson stopped the engine and got out his side, she imagined for a moment that they were already home and he was going around to open the door. Her door did open then, but instead of Hanson helping her up from the seat, she felt his hands toss her dress up and the roughness of his beard...

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Succubus Genie part 2 How to solve a problem like Erika

Of course in some ways my life had taken a massive upturn recently; Lilith, my genie, was still as eager to please as the day I got her and I fucked her most nights, the thought of a blowjob before starting on a mounting pile of homework had kept me going for the last hour and a half. When the school bus finally came to my stop I was glad to leave the chattering of year sevens behind even though it meant a ten minute trudge through the driving rain in nothing but a school uniform. Making...

4 years ago
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Pleasure and pain

Chapter 1: Introduction "But why is it so... pink""I think she's cute""I Think I'm going to throw up"It was pitch black except for a single flashlight shining when Cupid opened her eyes she tried to look around but instantly shut her eyes back as the light from the flashlight hit her eyes. As her eyes finally adjusted she tried to stand up, when she couldn't she looked down to see she was tied to a chair. She franticky started looking around. Behind the flashlight she could see two figures...

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Just a late night handjob

"Just tell me your name, babe…""Ana…" I blubbered."Well, Ana… you have no choice to make...” He said.I kept sobbing quietly, as he held his knife to my throat and held my arm trapped behind me in a hammer lock, almost hurting me."What do you want?" I sniffled.He had pulled me into that dark lonely alley from the street.I was jogging trying to reach a nearer park. My full boobs were covered by a tight sweater, my long shaped legs in black yoga tights. But then I realized I had missed the right...

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Hannah And Julias Big Mistake Part 2

Twenty-year-old Julia lay over her Master's lap. Her body glistened with a slight coating of sweat and her bottom was a light shade of pink. Her sister, eighteen-year-old Hannah, knelt on the floor just behind her. John held a relatively large plug in one hand and a lotion bottle in the other. He applied the ointment to the toy thoroughly before placing the bottle down behind him. He then looked to Hannah and said. "Hannah, spread your sister's cheeks for me, girl."Hannah tilted her head in...

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Me and my bestfriend Jake part 2

Sorry for the part 1 guys I accidentally press post and I din know how to edit but anyways here's the part two hope you like it. Jake said he was really sorry for what happen. I was a bit mad because of he said that. I thought he liked me so I ask him "Jake, do you really like me or you just made me feel better about what happened with nick? Jake drove and no words came out of his mouth not even a nodd. I was dissappointed I thought to myself I will never ever do this stupid things I did to...

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Shadow on the EdgeChapter 26

We didn't take leave two and a half weeks later. I had only been back ten days and there were things I needed to catch up on. Shadow Brigade was now three full Regiments. In fact we were a bit larger than that with a Training Battalion and the Battalion I had 'purchased'. These were not to be hired out. One stayed here while the other one guarded HellHole. We had decided that three Regiments was as large as we wanted to grow. We might grow larger in the size of our BattleMechs but the...

2 years ago
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Vacation TwoChapter 55

The few weeks before Christmas flew by. Tiny and I had to go to Montreal a couple of times, but it was just straight up and back home the same day, to check the build out progress. How do you shop for four women that are special to you? Kate wasn't a fixed ingredient yet, but Sue, Mercy, and now Juanita were family. Sue was still first in my heart, with Mercy following in a very close second. Juanita may have been third on my depth chart, but she had become ingrained into my heart the same...

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The FreshmanChapter 9

At 11:00 I helped Ronnie, my second-shift busboy, clear all the tables. Then while he vacuumed, I wiped the tables and put clean tablecloths on them, filled the salt and pepper shakers and put packets of sweetener in the dispensers. “Ray, you’re doing my job,” he told me when we were through. “Ronnie, you worked my section last night and tonight on the second shift and you kept my tables ready for new customers both nights. We racked up because the tables in our section were ready, no...

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A Filthy Erotic Night With My Maid

Hello everybody this is Vimal with an erotic incident. After my grandmas death it’s been quite a while since my family members has been gathered so my family members, my father, uncles, aunts, and cousins everybody planned for a get together for a month in this summer holidays in our grandparent’s home in Kerala it’s a quite big home, old fashioned with lot of rooms since the death of my grandma it’s been more than a year since anybody have lived there, as my semester exams are over my father...

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In the basement

I never told anyone , my mom still think i stayed to play the switch with thembut i was the one getting switchall 3 of them planed it for a week after the big bbq last weekendwhen i was the only one in a tight speedo in the poola bit older with horny black cocks half hard playing in the pool when our parents talked i bet they all jerkoff thinking of my white bubble but until next fridaymom dropping me at the house where i was invited to play nintendothey didnt loose any timei tried to ask them...

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Cyns Seduction Part Three

Dinner was quiet with Cyndi not really looking at us or participating in the conversation. Zach and I took pity on her and kept up lively stories of fun with the family in our youth. These she seemed to enjoy and I saw her finally start to relax toward the end. After cleaning up I saw her tense up again for the night was young and there was really nothing to do. She excused herself and went up stairs early. “She’s wound up tighter than a spring.” Zach noted and I grunted an agreement as...

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The simple truth miami 2012

Ok, so I'm in college. love to party, drink, and fuck, and occasionally study. However, i really like fucking. relationships are cool bu t i guess i haven't found the right girl yet because whenever I get into a relationship i always find myself fucking around with other gorgeous women. I don't mean for it to happen but it does. I mean what, i have high standard, and am attractive. Girls basically throw the ass at me. Like i said I haven't found the It girl yet or else i would be able to fight...

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Piper and the College Boys

Author's Note: As you can probably tell from the story codes, this is a happier story than others I've written. If you're a fan of gang rape and exploitation, I've laid the ground work for sequels that you might like better, but I'm not certain those'll ever get written. I'm fickle that way. Impatient readers be warned: There's a lot of build up and character development at the start of this one. If you need to cum before the end of a commercial break, look elsewhere fast. The dirty...

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