- 1 year ago
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Tanya had agreed to try it, to see if it was really as bad as people said it was, and as good. She knew she was placing herself in the hands of people she hardly knew, people who could, and would, take advantage of her, but it was all to be filmed, so she could see afterwards, what she had done, and what had been done to her. because apparently. People who had undergone this, had little or no memory, and she wanted to know what had taken place.
The drug would be given without warning, as was normal, and when it took effect, she would know nothing about who had done it, or what they did to her, until she saw the film. She had given permission for them to do anything to her, including full sex, in writing to the man she had approached about it, though he did tell her that he would not be taking part. He was purely an organiser.
Handing the man the envelope with the cash in it, she noticed he didn’t bother counting it, but told her that at some stage in the next eight days, it would happen, without warning, and she would not know the person who administered it. As of that moment in time, there was no escape, the wheels were in motion, even if she backed out, it would still happen.
?What if I do chicken out? If I decide its too much??
?As of this moment, chickening out is not an option. You have signed the agreement, and have paid the money in full. What you have asked for is now out of your control. It will happen, at a time we decide, and you will not know the person. It may be a friend, and it may be a stranger. You will never know, and once it starts, only your recordings will tell you what has happened to you?
Even as Tanya thought about what he had said, the man had gone. Disappeared into the crowds of the shopping centre. She knew she would never see him again, and also knew he meant what he said. She was going to experience it, though would not know about it until afterwards.
Tanya had paid the man on Monday, and it was now Thursday, and, as yet, nothing had happened. To be honest, she had hardly been out, apart from work, and there was no-one there she could think of that could be dragged into this to give her the drug. She reasoned that if she stayed home most nights, it would make it harder to get at her.
Although she wanted to experience it, she was also extremely nervous about it. Once it started, she would have no idea what they did to her, and that both frightened and excited her. she had dampened a few pair of panties in the past three or four days, bit she knew that no matter what she did to avoid the eventual consequences, she would be caught out somewhere. And sometime soon.
She half wanted it, had paid a lot of money to get it, but feared it equally. Normally in full control of her life, she knew she would have none at all if they succeeded. They would do whatever it was they did, and she knew she would be in no position to stop them. The drug would ensure that.
It was now Friday morning, and she made herself her usual cup of coffee, a little milk, and two sugars. As she did every morning.
It was only as she took her shower that she started to feel strange, as if she were dreaming. The wall seemed to be much closer than normal. The water hotter as it cascaded over her flesh.
She tried to lift her hand to adjust the heat, but it seemed to disobey her, hanging straight by her side, unable to lift it. Instinctively, she knew the cause, and tried to figure out how it had been done, but the need to sleep interrupted her, as she slowly sank to the base of the shower. Her ordeal was about to start.
Above and to the left of Tanya’s head, a ceiling tile moved, and two men, both dressed in black, dropped from the false ceiling. The drug had been hidden in the milk, and Tanya had actually administered it to herself unwittingly. At least she had collapsed in the safety of her own home, and after checking that she was breathing alright, one of the men made a phone call. The bogus ambulance would be there in less than five minutes.
No-one would be any the wiser, as Tanya would be taken out of the house in a wheel chair, looking to all as if she was actually asleep.
A few minutes later the man’s phone rang twice and stopped. The two men who had now wrapped Tanya ion a blanket, still naked, carried her to the front door, where a third man, with a wheel chair, now stood waiting.
The two men had dispensed with their black coveralls, and now sported green paramedic uniforms, so as not to attract the wrong attention.
Minutes later the ambulance was driving away from Tanya’s home, and taking her to a place she would endure much. The drug she had taken was not the one she had expected, this was simply a sleeping drug, and she would wake up in a few hours, totally aware of what was happening to her.
It was only a twenty minute drive to the warehouse the men had rented, using a legitimate company name, and paid in cash for a two month period. Tanya would not be the only one to experience what they had to offer.
Pulling into the warehouse the ambulance stopped, and one of the men wheeled Tanya over to one side, where another man was waiting.
?She looks okay? said the man, as he inspected the sleeping girl. ?Looks strong, she could do the heavy stuff I think. Talk to Davis and see what he thinks, don’t ant her wasted on the light shit if she can handle more?
The man wheeled Tanya over to a grey haired man in his late fifties, his steel blue eyes giving nothing away as he looked Tanya over, feeling her arms and legs, before grabbing each of her tits separately, and squeezing them.
?Yeah, maybe.? He said, as his fingers plunged into her pussy. ?She looks strong enough, has nice tits and her pussy isn’t too small. I reckon we can get away with it. You and Al go prep her. I want the leather harness on her, the one with hooks?
?Okay? the man responded, as he wheeled the girl over to a room to one side of the warehouse.
Neither he nor his friend Al cared what went on here. They were paid well enough to make sure that the girls actually arrived, and were prepared. After that, their job was done. Only once had a girl not been up to the job, and she was buried deep in some woods down in the London area. It had been a shame, as Steve could have fucked her himself had he been allowed before she died. But neither he nor Al ever got that pleasure, apart from once, when they picked up a housewife who only wanted kidnapping. Fucking in the back of a van, and being thrown out not knowing where she was, naked.
They had dropped her on the outskirts of Watford, a good fifty miles from home, naked, and blindfolded. They watched from a distance as the woman removed the blindfold, before driving off, leaving her to find her own way home.
No doubt she had managed to get a lift, but at what cost?
This one was not to be fucked, well, not just yet. She would be tortured first, of that Steve was sure, especially if she was going to be put into the harness. Maybe later, she would be fucked, but it would not be himself or Al.
Steve and Al worked quickly to get Tanya into the harness. It was a series of straps pulled tightly around the body just under the shoulders, at the elbows, at the wrists, holding her arms at her sides. More straps were p[laced at her upper thighs, kneels. mid calves and her ankles, so she could not open her legs at all. Other straps ran vertical at the sides and both front and back, leading to straps that ran across the tops of her shoulders, into which were fastened two strong welded rings.
Placing the ropes through the rings, and attaching them to the winch, Tanya was lifted off the ground, helpless and immobile.
It was another hour before Tanya slowly began to waken up, her eyes not really registering where she was at first. she tried to move her hands to rub sleep from her eyes, but though her fingers could move, she was unable to raise her arms, or even move them.
As she began to focus she could see the warehouse surrounding her, and realised that her feet were not touching the ground, though she couldn’t quite make out why. Though she was waking, the sleeping drug was still fuzzing her head.
Without warning, there was a loud crack behind her, a seering pain on her arse, and her mouth opened to scream, but no sound came out, but her body bucked in pain, as the whip brought an angry red welt across her buttocks.
Even before the pain died down, a second crack, a second silent scream, and a second red welt. Tanya could not see who was causing her this pain, even her head refused to move from side to side, only the p[ain caused her body to buck with each vicious stroke of the whip cracking across her defenceless arse.
Someone moved around to the front of her, a man wearing a black body suit, and a leather hood, covering everything but his eyes. The whip in his hand looked menacing, but as he lashed it out, hitting her firmly across the tits, her mouth opened yet again to scream her silent scream, her tits glaring red where the whip had landed.
Tanya could not even move her fingers, though they were not restricted. No part of her body was her own, and yet, she could feel the pain deep with each new lash of the whip, across her tits, her stomach and her legs.
She tried in vain to evade the lashes, but nothing worked for her, and the shower of whip lashes continued, up and down her legs and body. She could feel something warm dribbling down one leg, and she knew instinctively that the whip had broken flesh somewhere, but she could not feel where. The whole of the front of her body was criss crossed with red welts, and angry pains.
Slowly moving around her, the man sent the whip out time after time, covering her with the red welts, across her torso, her legs her arms, her back, and everywhere he could. The only place untouched was her head and face.
Tanya could hear the man speaking, but the words meant nothing to her, it was almost as if this was a dream, a painful dream, but a dream nonetheless.
A few ninutes later and she could feel herself being lowered, though even when her feet touched the ground, she was unable to support her own weight, and two other men, also dressed in black from head to foot, began releasing her from the winch, and removing the leather harness.
Now naked, and with her head lolling, she was able to see some of the welts the whip had raised, but the pain from each had dissipated.
The two men grabbed an arm each and dragged her across the stone floor. Tanya could feel the uneven floor ripping at her flesh, but was totally unable to even struggle for freedom, as she was dragged to the other side of the warehouse.
There was a metal bed onto which she was placed, her arms stretched above her head, and out stretched, her ankles also pulled wide, before being secured, leaving Tanya spread eagled.
One of the men stood next to her face and unzipped a panel on his black suit, allowing his cock to spring free. Tanya could see it clearly, and even though she had limited experience of cocks, having only had sex three times in her life, she knew this was a large one, and, as yet, it wasn’t even hard.
The man began to stroke his cock, and Tanya watched as it seemed to grow, longer, and wider, as it also became hard.
Without a word the man climbed onto the metal bed, between her legs, and she could feel his weight on her as he lay down, covering her own body with his.
She tried to shake her head, to tell them to stop, but it refused to obey her, as she felt the tip of the man’s cock pressing at her pussy lips.
Seconds later, the head of his cock forced its way into her pussy, opening her up, forcing its way slowly deeper.
Tanya could feel it, but her screams of pain remained silent, as the cock pressed ever deeper into her, stretching her pussy wider.
Then, without a warning, the man slammed his cock deep, filling her, hitting her cervix as he started to move his hips, his cock sliding in and out of her. deeper and deeper. Fucking her like she had never been fucked before.
Even as the man fucked her, she could see a second man unfastening the flap on his suit, exposing his cock. Tanya knew that when the first guy finished, he would take his place. She was going to be fucked a second time, and she could do nothing to stop it.
The man in hr pussy was moving faster, and pressing deeper. His breathing was more laboured, and he was sweating, heavily. She knew he was about to cum, and could do nothing to top him cumming inside her, , as his cock drove ever deeper.
Suddenly, the man groaned, and stopped, his cock buried deep inside Tanya’s pussy, and she knew he was sending his hot spunk deep into her pussy. But she could still do nothing to stop him, fearing a pregnancy, but unable to stop it.
Seconds later he pulled way from her, wiping his cock clean on the inside of her thighs. As she suspected, as soon as he moved away, the second man was between her legs, his cock ready and thrusting into her.
There was no gentleness, no prelude. It was a simple thrust, and he was in, fucking her madly and deeply.
Tanya opened her mouth to protest, but no sound came from her, as the man’s cock drove deeper and deeper into her.
Her whole body hurt from the previous whipping, as she lay there unable to stop what was happening to her. the man’s cock drove deeper than she had expected, and stopped. Tanya knew he was also cumming in her, filling her pussy with his spunk.
If she got pregnant from this, she would never know who the father was. This thought excited and frightened her.
Even as he pulled out of her, a third man moved between her legs, but not to fuck her, he brought a needle and thread, and began to sew Tanya’s pussy closed. Each time the needle penetrated her flesh, Tanya screamed her silent scream. It took a lot of effort to penetrate, but soon her pussy lips were sewn closed. Whatever was still in there would be trapped.
Tanya was then released from her bonds, but still unable to do anything for herself, s she was lifted from the table and placed on the floor.
Again, she could feel the hard surface against her back as she was dragged to another part of the warehouse.
She was placed on a saint Andrews cross and secured, then left alone, as she tried to remember what had happened so far to her. but the memories were vague and intermittent.
Even as she stood fastened to the cross, she was losing the memory of how she got there, and much of what had already happened to her.
There was a sudden cracking sound, and a line of fire erupted across her back, as the bull whip landed. She tried to scream in agony, but no sound passed her lips, as a second crack invaded the silence, and a second line of fire burned it’s way across the flesh of her arse.
Her body jerked uncontrollably, but her screams were as mute as the people whipping her. she could hear the cracks of the whip, feel the lines of fire building up across her back and buttocks, as the whipping continued relentlessly.
How much could she take, how many times would that fire burn her back, before it all stopped? It seemed to go on endlessly, her whole back and buttocks burning with the sting of the whip, her body criss-crossed with angry red welts, and blow after blow was delivered.
When she passed out, she could not remember, nor could she remember being taken off the cross and laid on the bed on which she found herself.
She felt a needle in her arm, and heard distant voices telling her she was being given more drugs, better drugs, but she would not be able to prevent what was going to happen to her after it.
Tanya felt herself being rolled over onto her stomach, hr arms were pulled wide, and her legs spread. Her breathing was even, but her back burned as someone seemed to be climbing on the bed behind her, his cool flesh against her back almost refreshing.
Until she felt the cock, and realised what was about to happen. She tried to make her body answer her commands, but it ignored her, laying inert as the cock slowly pressed at her tight sphincter. Seconds later, she felt it open her wide, as the cock slowly sank into her arse.
She struggled to throw the man off, but her body refused to answer, as his cock sank deeper into her, filling her arse. She would have screamed at the pain, but her screams were silent, as if caught in her throat, as the man began to move, his cock sliding in and out of her, his whole weight pressing against her buttocks as he sank his cock as deep as he could into the helpless Tanya.
Maybe it was her tightness, or maybe the man was more than excited, and after what seemed to be a few minutes, she felt him slam hard and deep, felt his cock jerking inside her, felt the small rivulet of spunk flooding out as he came deep in her arse.
Even as the man pulled out of her, his cock sliding from her arse, a second man was waiting to take his place. His cock slid easily into Tanya’s now lubricated passageway, filling her once again, as he immediately began to ram hard and deep into her. was it as long as the first man? Tanya couldn’t remember, but she did feel his cock jerk harshly inside her, as he emptied his sac into her.
Man after man took her, raping her arse, making it feel open and vulnerable as they did so.
She had lost count of the men, and could hardly remember her own name, as one man pulled out from her, but, no-one took his place. Her inner thighs were soaked with the juices of so many different men, the sticky warm juices flooding on the mattress between her legs.
Once again, she was turned over onto her back, laying in the , now cold, wetness that had been caused, feeling the mattress sticking to her back. She tried to sit up, but still her body refused to answer her will, staying where it was, spread eagled, and available.
Her eyes suddenly felt tired, her lids slowly closing, blocking out the light, as she passed easily into unconsciousness again.
Her ordeal itself, was almost over, but she would never actually remember what had happened to her. the cameras filming her were the only evidence to show her, and she would not see them for some time.
The journey home was as blank to Tanya as her journey to the warehouse had been. She would never know where she had been taken to, thought the film would eventually arrive to show her what had happened to her.
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The alarm brought PHOEBE (Prototype Humanoid Operated Entirely By Electronics) out of sleep mode at 6:45 AM exactly. She disconnected the external peripherals from her audio inputs and placed them on the bedside table, then sat up carefully. Her owner lay in bed next to her, snoring gently. She checked the external chronometers. Fifteen minutes before she needed to wake him. She slipped out of the bedroom and headed for the kitchen. It was a Thursday according to her internal clock, and that...
"Nolan! Wait up!" Nolan turned around to see Elvia Jacobson trying to catch up. It was confusing. They ran in different circles. What could she possibly want? "It is Nolan, right?" Elvia asked when she caught up. "Not a new name yet? I mean- Let's start over. I heard you came out as transgendered. Is that right?" "Damn, news travels fast," Nolan remarked. "Yes, I came out. And it is still Nolan for now." "How are you holding up? "I am fine. My parents support me. As does the...
The storm lasted another 2 days and after waiting a day for the seas to subside, we made the trek to the main island. When we reached the RCMP building, I sensed that Jennifer was a bit apprehensive. “Jennifer, whatever happens, I’ll be here for you. Let’s go and see what Ron has for us.” Ron was waiting for us and took us into the same room as we’d met with him the last time. He told us that in the bunch of papers that I’d salvaged, he found the name of a lawyer that apparently had done...
It’s Christmas time and Jay Romero and his stepsister Alicia Williams are taking the time to flirt while they decorate the tree. They’re stopped by doing anything more when Alicia’s mom, Crimson Morning Star, walks in and breaks it up. She pulls Alicia aside and tells her to cut it out because Jay is special. After insisting that Alicia cut out the flirting, Crimson suggests that Jay and Alicia make some gingerbread houses. They’re just getting started when Crimson...
xmoviesforyouSpots of dappled sunlight streamed through the trees and danced and twirled on the pavement as I waited for her outside the building. She was always late, frantically trying to keep up with her life. Not that I would ever want her life, I snorted to myself. Immediately regretting the thought, I focussed on the distant rush of traffic echoing softly through what had to be the last quiet street in Brisbane's central business district. The occasional fragrance of Lebanese cooking swirled on the...
MILFChomsky - 3750 C.E. "Marriage," repeated Comrade Doctorow incredulously. "Are you telling me you've never heard of the institution of marriage?" "Well, yes," said Paul. "I've heard of it. There's no way I couldn't have heard of it after having studied so much about the third millennium. It's just not something practised on Godwin." "You know nothing about matrimony between two people who love one another?" wondered Comrade Leopold Doctorow. "You know nothing about husbands...
The life and Times of Phyliss I was six or seven when it all started I was telling my wife when she came home and found me in an evening dress with black seamed hose, black 4 in platform open toed heels. I had on my usual undies.My favorite black corset with 4 garters on each side. False 42 D breast forms and a new black gaff. I also had on my favorite slip in black of course. I had done my toe nails in a French manicure style. My legs were shaven as was all of my body hair. I...
Cara heads back to the Inn. She is tired and knows she has a long journey ahead of her. The kings words echo in her head. She will be leaving the Kingdoms soon heading into some very dangerous places, but first a good night’s sleep is in order she thinks as she walks back into the Inn.As she enters the Inn she sees Sean talking with the Innkeeper and she cant believe her eyes it is Tika. She looks around for Drake thinking they are never far apart but doesn’t see him. As she gets closer she...
LesbianI was let out of work early one day,things had been quiet and my boss was a tight wad who saw his chance to save a few quid. I was pissed off,I needed the money so me and my boyfriend could go on holiday. The bus journey home was long and tedious and seem to take forever,it was a lovely warm day and |I just wanted to strip down and sit in the garden. I let myself in my front door I was feeling more than a little angry with the world in general. I flung off my shoes and marched into the kitchen...
Hi friends, yeh kahani mere sath hui ek sachhi ghatna par hai. Yeh mere sath 5 mahine pehle hi hua tha. Mai ek aprtment mai rehta hoon aur mere sath wale flat mai ek aunty ai wo bout young thi karib 28-29 saal ki moti gaand, bade boobe aur sundar face tha use dekh kar kisi ka bhi khada ho jaye. To vo shehar mai nai thi aur ghar shift kia tha to meri mom ne unhe pehle greet kia to vo bhi mom se baat karne lagi maine bhi unhe hello kha. To vo boli bada achha bachha hai. Yeh sunkar to mai khush ho...
*This story is fictional; except for the fact, that maybe it has some and not all things that I feel. Trust me…I am not depressed and do not need a counselor lol and my father is not that bad. He does not hire hookers/prostitutes or drinks or anything bad though and he is alive so don’t get the wrong idea! I’m not depressed or abused! Lol so anyway, this was just set so that there is more emotion and feeling and development not only for this story and for the next few to come. Thank you and...
Lesbianstory:[mF, cheat, wife, inc, mother, son, BBr] Every teenage boy at some point thinks about fucking his mom. And for most, it’s just a phase. They find a girl. They move on. For Josh Stevens, fucking his mom was his obsession. Lisa Stevens entered the kitchen. Her husband sat at the table, drinking his coffee and scanning his tablet, reading the news. Their son had just left for school. “What’s up with that dog of yours? This is the third time this week he’s dragged one of my bras under...
Further to my story "My First Cock Fucking" I want to relate what happened when the woman in that story introduced me to one of her female friends. After one of our group sessions this woman, the wife of one of the male participants, spoke to me out of earshot of her husband. She asked me for my telephone number and made me promise that I would say nothing to her man as he did not want her having sexual contact with other men unless he was present.So I gave her my number in the UK at that...
This is the first of two emails between the friends. The second, ‘Email to Kay’ relates the experience of her friend with inquisitive boys and subsequently Val is taught the sexual words of adults by her uncle, and he gives her pleasure following her dunking in the lake ! “Email to Val” by Susan England A letter from a young English nurse to her friend Val, who lives in America . Val, your email about your ‘first time’ was just so delightful. You painted the picture so beautifully for me...
Craig's reflections... I think the first time it really hit me that I was now a married man was the night Julie and I returned from our Honeymoon. Slipping into bed that night, I had such a pleasant, contented feeling—as I felt Julie's warm naked body melting softly against my own in the comforting darkness. There are no words to describe how I felt—just knowing she was now mine—that she belonged to me. Julie was the Sweet Someone I had always yearned for—the sweet gentle girl of my...
Ravi, her husband was still sound asleep priya washed her body, meticulously cleaned out his spunk, she noticed the bite marks and other remains of their wild fuck last night…She decided to wear a jeans. She put in her black bra and wore a while tight fitting shirt to tease her son. At 9:30 AM, both the men of the house got ready, Ravi and Dev looked handsome in their business suits. “Did you enjoy the party?” Ravi asked. “I did enjoy Dad. Yesterday night was the best!” “Well what...
Incest(Copyright 2020 Kaizer Wolf) Submitted to Sexstories: March 21, 2022 Tags: harem, supernatural, shifter, big tits, redhead, blonde ***** - CHAPTER 3: Relationship - I woke up startled, my heart racing when I realized Serenity was awake in her room and getting ready to come downstairs. My eyes focused on Gabriella’s face just an inch away from mine, seeing her peaceful expression, her full lips slightly parted, prompting me to carefully separate myself from her. Kneeling on the floor next...
Chapter 9 Later that day, as promised, the Valiant took us in one of the their shuttles several thousand kilometers inward to the South American space needle, the incredible achievement of two centuries before. Needle was an apt description, a silver tube extending downwards to disappear in the vastness of the continent very far below. The concept of a space elevator had been known for well over a thousand years - and the proof was just a few kilometers away, a narrow structure...
The following story is COPYRIGHTED. The author, CRUDEDUDE, reserves all rightsto this work. It may be freely distributed online, posted and archivedelectronically, only in its entirety, including all header material. It may notbe changed or altered without the authors permission. It may not be sold inwhole or in any part, or as part of an electronic document, printed material,voice recording or any other manner without proper copyright clearances beingobtained from the author. This...
I haven't posted stories on xHamster before, but my memory of a very erotic relationship was jogged after reading Julie's hot description (http://xhamster.com/user/amateur_julie/posts/19285.html) of being hugely turned on in a public place, where you really shouldn't be, and then acting on your irresistable sexual impulse...My friend liked to wear stylish underwear and stockings. She also enjoyed telling me what she was wearing when we were in public, and the effect that doing so was sure to...
‘Fucking slut.’ I was in trouble. When He told me to think about what I had done all day and that He would talk to me when I got home, I knew my punishment would be bad. When I got home He met me at the door and instructed me to strip. ‘You were a bad girl. You will be punished. Repeat.’ He said. ‘I was a bad girl and I will be punished.’ I repeated quietly, looking down. He then led me to a chair and told me to bend over. When I did He bent out my elbow and said, ‘Don’t move, Slut.’
As she walked toward me I was lost, forever and ever. I would NEVER be able to look at another woman without comparing her to Ellen Caretaker. She wasn't what is sometimes referred to as a BBW, but she sure as hell wasn't skinny either. At 5' 8", she looked to be about 170 pounds but with her bone structure and bone density she was actually closer to 220 pounds, and those beautiful lavender eyes, just like Chris had. She almost seemed to bounce as she walked toward me. Then I remembered...
I'd walk up behind you, my hard cock pressed against your voluptuous ass. I reach around you and unbuckle your pants, I lick my fingers and reach my hand down your thong to that hot pussy, I slip a finger in and play with your clit with my thumb. With my other hand I reach under you baby tee and squeeze those big tits pinch your nipple between my thumb and forefinger... As your jeans feel to your knees, I would start to undress you. Undoing your bra and pulling your thong to the side, I then...
Four weeks in the hospital was a nightmare. But finally; finally, I got to leave. The first two weeks were so lonely, just me, me and a bunch of adults. The last two weeks, well, after Camryn decided to get a little carried away, I got in trouble. For the life of me, in a single hospital room that was cleaned daily, I could not find a good hiding spot for her panties. I spent nearly half an hour pleading with the nurse for top secrecy when she found them. She said she would keep...
The day after Ron and I swapped wives, we went out for a jog in the morning. When we came back, Nicole and Rhonda were chatting in the kitchen. Nicole was just wearing a long shirt and looked really sexy. I asked her if she wanted to join me in the shower, and she said she would in just a minute. Unfortunately, she never did, and we all spent the day hanging out and getting ready for the party Ron and Ronnie had planned. It was a great party, a lot of people a lot of alcohol and just a...
I'll start with My Dad, Bob, he's 39 years old and works a lot with the company he started back before I was born. He's an average sized man for his age, not really over weight, but a pretty big potbelly. I'm 5'11 now, I quite a bit bigger than my dad (in more ways than one), he's only 5'6. My cock is about 11.5 inches when it's hard and from what I've seen of my dad in the showers when I was a kid I would be surprised if my dad was even 5 inches when hard. He started smoking when he...
Hi, friends, this is Sandeep, this my first ever sex story on this website. I’m long time reader and I am a fan is ISS, this is how I landed up fucking a horny classmate of mine. She was named Vaishali and was of medium complexion and yet had greats assets. She had a great figure and boobs made to be pumped. Her ass was curvy enough to make a cock salute her. Let us come to the sex story. She was a kind girl who was very open and frank with everyone. In the 1st year of engineering itself, I...
A continuation of the journey described in part 2:We got to Tom’s car, and he opened the door for me, then walked around and got in himself. The drive was short and uneventful, and we parked behind the club. There were some people arriving at the same time we were, and I noticed several who looked like they could be CD’s. We approached the club’s entrance, and I began to feel more relaxed. It is always uncertainty that is anxiety- producing, and once we arrived, the uncertainty diminished...